54th Annual Convention
Prague, Czech Republic
We are all keen to meet again in person once travel bans
updates will be given on IPLOCA’s activities during Regular
have been lifted and the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us.
and Associate Member Meetings on Thursday afternoon.
At the beginning of April, we will be sending out a Doodle
Cultural Programme
Poll to all IPLOCA members to evaluate their willingness
In addition to the business meetings, networking
to attend the Convention in September. It is important that
opportunities and the many social events, we have an
every member responds to the questionnaire in order for us
extensive cultural programme lined up for delegates and
to define the best course of action.
spouses, which includes tours to Prague Castle, the iconic
Pipelines Powering a Sustainable Future
City Hall, a cruise through the waterways of old Prague,
As previously announced, the Prague Convention has been
Karlstejn Castle, built in 1348, and the Franz Kafka Museum,
given a theme: ‘Pipelines Powering a Sustainable Future’
to name but a few. And not forgetting our golf enthusiasts,
and presentations at the Open General Meetings will focus
the IPLOCA golf tournament is not to be missed!
on the many aspects of health, safety and the environment, as well as the rapidly evolving political response to climate change and its impact on the pipeline industry. IPLOCA members will also have the opportunity to host or attend Poster Sessions, participate in pre-arranged 10-minute Business to Business Meetings (B2B) with potential clients, suppliers, operators and contractors, and
Mark your calendars! IPLOCA’s 54th Annual Convention, 13 to 17 September, 2021 at the Hilton Prague hotel.
Charles Bridge, the astronomical clock in the Old Town