IRO Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue 2023

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The association IRO is an independent non-profit organisation that supports and promotes the interests of its 400 member companies. Acting as the gateway to Dutch suppliers in the offshore energy industry, the IRO mission is ultimately aimed at maintaining and strengthening the position of the Dutch Offshore Energy industry by creating a level playing field for its members.

The IRO members consist of a wide variety of both multinationals and SMEs. They represent the entire supply chain within the Oil, Gas, Offshore Renewable and Marine Energy industry, with activities covering: Engineering & Consultancy, Construction & Fabrication, Plant & Equipment Supply, Contracting & Installation, Exploration & Production and Personnel & HSE, both for offshore upstream oil & gas

and offshore renewables (wind, marine, tidal and floating solar energy). The range of services that IRO provides to its members varies from maintaining government & NGO relations and facilitating networking opportunities within the IRO community to participating in international trade missions and exhibitions as well as providing Business Intelligence and training courses.


Advertisers Index 2 Company Index 3 Preface 5 Offshore Energy Transition 6 Design, engineering, research & consultancy 46 Construction, fabrication, shipbuilding & repair 52 Contracting, installation & transport 60 Equipment & materials supply 66

Personnel, training & education 76 Products & Services 78

IRO Members & their Activities 84



Alleima 59

AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. Back Cover

Breman Machinery B.V. Inside Front Cover BRIDGES2000 B.V. 9 DEKC Maritime 51 EY 4

Fugro 15 IRM Europe BV Inside Back Cover M Restart BV 75 Offshore Energy 75 PAT-Kruger 51 Quercus Technical Services 75 Sif Netherlands B.V. 29

Siri Marine 51 Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 35 Yellow & Finch Publishers 50



Abuco B.V. 53

Allseas Engineering B.V. 61

AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. 67

Assai Software Services B.V. 47

Atlas Copco Rental Nederland 67

Bayards Helidecks B.V. 53

BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff 61

Blue Offshore 74

Bluewater Energy Services B.V. 47

Boskalis 62

Breman Machinery B.V. 58

Bridges2000 54

Broekman Logistics 65

Combifloat Systems BV 65

Combifloat Systems BV 68

Damen Shipyards Group 54


De Haan Special Equipment BV 69

DEME Offshore 65


Fluiconnecto B.V. 69

Fugro N.V. 48

Geomil Equipment B.V. 70

Glomar Offshore B.V. 58

Gouda Holland BV 70

GustoMSC 48

Helder Infra B.V. 77

HSM Offshore Energy BV 55

Huisman 56

Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V. 49 Jumbo Offshore 62

Konutherm BV 74

Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. 56

Mokveld Valves 71

Mooreast Europe BV 71

M Restart BV 77

Multraship Ocean Towage B.V. 65

N-Sea 65

Offshore Marine Contractors BV 63

Orga BV 74

Phoenix Mecano B.V. 72

RBES B.V. 65

Saltwater Engineering B.V. 50 SDC Verifier 49

Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. 74 Smitsvonk Holland B.V. 72


Smulders 57

Solidd Steel Structures B.V. 58 Taxand Netherlands 50

TrustLube B.V. 74

United Offshore Services C.V. 74

VandeGrijp IGS BV 58

Van Leusden B.V. 73

Van Meeuwen Lubrication 73

Van Oord Offshore B.V. 63

Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 64 Wagenborg Foxdrill 64


How EY’s Offshore Energy team can help you

Decarbonization, digitization, cost pressures and geopolitical uncertainty are just some of the forces transforming the energy and resources industry. Oil and gas companies face a challenge: how to marry short-term commercial pressures with the need to reshape their businesses for the future. Companies must reshape to thrive in this new energy world. But how do you balance the immediate cost and regulatory pressures of “now” with investment in what comes “next?” EY’s Offshore Energy team brings together the breadth of experience and talent needed to approach the entire transformation process. By considering four key pillars of change — structure and culture, customers, technology, and skills and capabilities — we can help you adapt for today and reap the opportunities of tomorrow. And together we can build a better working.

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Due to geopolitical developments the international goals for lowering hazardous emissions to slow down the climate change are under siege. As a result many countries face inflation and economic downturn partly due to high and volatile costs for energy.

The Offshore Energy Industry plays a crucial role in the energy transition process. It can support a controllable transition process: it provides security of supply of the required energy, builds wind energy farms and supports new innovative renewable energy sources.

The Offshore Energy Industry can help countries to be more self sufficient in oil and gas supplies in order to support smooth next steps in the energy transition process. Many countries are still depending on oil and gas for their energy supply.

Although we still rely on conventional energy sources we must realise that investors are stepping away from conventional energy faster and more massively under social pressure and responsibility to make their portfolio more sustainable. A difficult position since we still rely on conventional energy sources to offer security of energy supply worldwide. Nonetheless, our members have faced many challenging situations and always found a way to rise the challenge.

The Dutch offshore industry has been one of the top five in the world for more than fifty years. This position is due to a strong cluster of suppliers. Innovative companies are commissioned by the major energy companies to build, transport, maintain and clean up platforms, transformer stations and wind turbines after use. They play already an important role in the current energy transition, which is largely being realised at sea.

IRO believes that the Dutch offshore industry will remain a major player in the global offshore market, in particular through the use of smart techniques and solutions for the many issues concerning the offshore energy transition.

Great opportunities and challenges lie in making processes more sustainable. Ships can sail cleaner, on LNG and later perhaps also methanol or hydrogen. In addition, platforms and activities at sea can be made even more efficient and environmentally friendly.

How do we see our future? The IRO members are flexible and seize the opportunities that arise. It doesn’t matter what needs to be done at sea, the IRO members will get it done.

Therefore we are proud to present to you the Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue 2023, which gives a clear overview of the activities, products and services of our innovative Dutch offshore energy suppliers. Our members look forward to working with you!

IRO - The Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Offshore Energy Industry




The starting point is people, planet, profit (or, better still, prosperity). On many of the main climate conferences organised in the world, the often-heard catch phrase is: “If you want to go green, you have to go blue.” The marine environment isn’t just a source of energy, it also offers endless possibilities for transport, infrastructure, and food. The growth potential is enormous, and the Dutch offshore industry sits front row to help develop this next big frontier.

What is in your view the state of affairs of the offshore energy industry?

The offshore energy industry is a vibrant and innovative sector with a clear “we can do it” mentality. Operating strongly across borders, all sector players have to deal with international developments. We play a part in some of the major societal themes of our time, like energy security, development of renewable energy sources and climate change adaptation. The sector is well-equipped to drive positive change. Due to the awful war in Ukraine and geopolitical developments we face unprecedented impact on energy supply and security of energy supply. Both can’t be taken for granted anymore and will remain important themes in the upcoming years. The costs of energy will rise.

As a result, the world faces economic downturns, inflation and insecurity of energy supply. The IMF predicts that the global GDP will slow down from 6% to less than 3% in 2023. IMF also predicts that the inflation rate will be at least 9%, and in some countries (especially European countries) even more. Costs will rise and it will probably continue for some years. We have to deal with these challenges and speed up. Besides these global economic challenges there are challenges to reduce carbon emissions to stop climate change. The energy transition is one of the major initiatives to limit CO2 emissions.

The offshore energy industry is an important player in the energy transition. Offshore wind, hydrogen and tidal energy will be important renewable energy sources. Hydrogen and marine energy are in initial phases and not yet major energy suppliers as offshore wind farms already are. Wind at sea is the current star. The sector will grow from 2023 onwards with more than 20% per year! Hydrogen is currently a small market; globally 8-10 billion euro in investments. Experts expect that it will double in the upcoming years. So, the future is bright for the offshore energy industry. For sure when we consider that in 2050 more than 75% of the global renewable energy will be produced by renewable energy sources like wind at sea.

What are the challenges of the Offshore Energy Industry with regards to the energy transition? The energy transition has many challenges, offshore and onshore. For instance, the onshore energy grid needs to be expanded. Some 16,000 engineers are needed for that. Will we be able to attract and train enough qualified personnel? The Netherlands aims to generate 4.5 GW from offshore wind farms in 2023. In 2030 this should be expanded to 21 GW. Can we build these wind farms in fast-track mode? Yes, we can. But can the offshore wind energy be optimally used in the current grid on land? Not

Mark Heine, IRO Chairman & CEO Fugro. Image courtesy of Fugro.

all already,

clear net zero

just yet, it seems. Furthermore, the new wind farms need to be maintained. We need extra qualified personnel for that. And the Netherlands is not the only country working on energy transition. For direct and daily import and export of energy many countries are intertwined. So, the energy transition is not just a national issue. It can’t be solved locally. We must cooperate. On national level and regionally between countries, and certainly between companies too. As many companies in the offshore energy industry operate internationally, we are used to collaborating with all kinds of partners. We love to bring in our expertise, knowledge, and international network.

A nice example is the current cooperation between Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands to develop energy hubs to create a smart and efficient energy distribution system. Like many industries the offshore energy industry face a shortage of qualified technicians. By the way this counts for the whole maritime cluster. The offshore energy industry is changing rapidly. It is not only

oil and gas. It is much more. The offshore energy industry contains wind farms, hydrogen, solar energy, maritime energy but it also contains supply of critical raw materials for the purpose of the energy transition. Due to these developments the work in the offshore changes rapidly. To fulfil these great new challenges the sector needs qualified technicians. Newly educated technicians but also lateral inflow of technicians from other industries.

Another challenge is to expand and transform the fleet needed for the operations at sea. This transformation focuses on two main objectives: sustainability and cost efficiency. All our members are taking these two objectives constantly into account. My own company Fugro took uncrewed surface vessels in operation. These vessels don’t require personnel on board and can help to reduce carbon emissions by up to 95%. Another example: Van Oord ordered an offshore installation vessel that will be powered by methanol, so a lower CO2 footprint, and that, at the same time, can install huge 20 MW offshore wind turbines!

Wind farms placed further out to sea demand efficient transport of energy over longer distances. Image courtesy of IV-Groep.
“Most of the companies in the industry, if not
ambitions. I’m certain we are going to achieve our goals. We must.”

What are the main opportunities of the offshore energy transition?

The price of oil rose more than 40% (Brent-price) compared with last year and gas almost two-thirds. This means that investing in offshore rigs is interesting again. We still need oil and gas. However, their role in energy supply will decrease. Other forms of energy supply like wind energy and hydrogen will increase as said. I already mentioned that the growth of the global wind energy business will be at least more than 20% annually. In the meantime, other offshore energy solutions will become part of the energy mix, like hydrogen and maritime energy. Currently wind farms are being placed further and further out to sea. This demands efficient transport of energy over longer distances. This is why energy hubs in sea will become crucial. As mentioned, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands cooperate to develop such offshore energy hubs. Others are planning to follow. So not only building all necessary installations and infrastructure is good for the long-term perspective but also the rising demand for maintenance.

How would you describe the main characteristics of Dutch offshore energy industry?

I will use only four words to characterise the whole sector: sea, innovation, enterprising and cooperation. You will find these four characteristics in every company in the offshore energy industry. An ideal set of values to make things happen at sea. We’re entrepreneurial and continue

to join forces to innovate and tackle any challenge our clients have in marine environments. Many have forgotten that the IRO once started as the Industrial Council for Oceanology, an organisation that brought together in-depth knowledge of mining, coastal waters technology, fishery and oceanological technology. That knowledge still sits with our members and fits perfectly with the future.

How would you describe the ideal role of IRO in this current turbulent and complex environment? IRO has been there for more than 50 years. Over the decades it developed into a strong network organisation and an important export promoter for its members. I believe there’s an opportunity for the industry to increasingly become a conversation partner for the government, NGOs and other stakeholders. As the association of Dutch suppliers in the offshore energy industry IRO is the ideal interlocutor for the Dutch government and EU. IRO and all its members can be a source of knowledge and new ideas. Together, we can come up with good solutions for the energy transition, for infrastructure, for the protection of the natural environment and everything else for which we need the sea. The starting point is people, planet, profit (or, better still, prosperity). On many of the main climate conferences organised in the world, the often-heard catch phrase is: “If you want to go green, you have to go blue.” The marine environment isn’t just a source of energy, it also offers endless possibilities for transport, infrastructure, and food. The growth potential is enormous, and the Dutch offshore industry sits front row to help develop this next big frontier.

Sustainability is the future. What is in your view the future of the sector?

As I stated earlier the energy offshore industry is going through a transformation. All our members embrace sustainable development. They all work in their field of expertise and businesses to develop sustainable products and services. For instance, our sector is working together on sustainable propulsion systems for vessels, based for example on methanol. This will have a great impact on lowering carbon emissions. We will also further development of remote operations and more application of robotics. This will help to create faster and safer operations at sea, whilst at the same time reducing carbon emissions with lighter assets and less emission-heavy transport of people.

Most of the companies in the industry, if not all already, have clear net zero ambitions. I’m certain we are going to achieve our goals. We must. The future is bright.

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Europe, which can be regarded as the leader of the energy transition, will double down on renewables and energy efficiency to increase its energy independence, with the European gas consumption predicted to fall dramatically as a result of the war in Ukraine, DNV said in its latest energy transition outlook. Compared to last year’s forecast, DNV sees the continent consuming almost half the amount of natural gas in 2050. Gas will meet just 10% of Europe’s energy demand in 2050 compared with 25% today, according to the report. In contrast, lower-income countries, where cost is the main driver of energy policy, are predicted to see a different trend. High energy and food prices are reversing the coal-to-gas switch and putting a dampener on decarbonization investments, DNV finds. More broadly, inflationary pressures and supply chain disruption pose a short-term challenge to renewable growth, according to DNV.

Renewable energy production as driving force of energy transition

However, the impact of the current crisis on the overall energy transition is outweighed by the plunging costs of renewables and increased carbon costs in the longer term, DNV said. Growing and greening of electricity production remains the driving force of the transition, with renewables accounting for 83% of electricity production by 2050, DNV predicts. “The turbulence in the energy market does not

dramatically alter the decarbonization pathway towards midcentury,” said Remi Eriksen, president and CEO of DNV. “The strongest engine of the global energy transition is the rapidly reducing costs of solar and wind energy, which will outweigh the present short-term shocks to the energy system.”

Non-fossil energy to reach over 50% of the global energy mix

by 2050

For the first time, DNV’s forecast sees non-fossil energy nudge slightly above 50% of the global energy mix by 2050, mainly because of the growing and greening of electricity production.Electricity production will more than double and its share will grow from 19% to 36% of the global energy mix over the next 30 years. Solar PV and wind are already the cheapest form of electricity in most locations and by 2050 they will grow 20-fold and 10-fold respectively and will dominate electricity production with 38% and 31% shares, respectively, DNV predicts. Renewables expenditure is expected to double over the next 10 years to more than $1300 billion per year, and grid expenditure is likely to exceed $1000 billion per year in 2030.

Oil to start declining sharply from 2030 onwards Oil has been approaching a plateau for some years and it will start to decline sharply from 2030 onwards, according to DNV. As a consequence of the war in Ukraine, global gas consumption will also be lower than previously forecast. Before the war, DNV forecast natural gas would be the single largest energy source by the end of this decade, but this has been delayed to 2048. In addition, DNV has found that the short-term increase of coal consumption will not prevent it from rapidly exiting the energy mix with its peak back in 2014.

Maritime sector needs to reduce emissions by 95% by 2050

Alongside the ‘best estimate’ forecast for the energy transition the outlook this year also includes the Pathway to Net Zero, which is DNV’s most feasible route to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and limiting global warming

The heightened focus on energy security and the rising cost of energy is reinforcing the difference in decarbonization speed between Europe and the rest of the world, according to the sixth edition of DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook.
Three World’s non-fossil energy forecast by source Image courtesy of DNV.

to 1.5°C. According to the pathway, reaching net zero globally in 2050 will require certain regions and sectors to go to net zero much faster. OECD regions must be net zero by 2043 and net negative thereafter; with carbon capture and removal enabling negative emissions. China needs to reduce emissions to zero by 2050 rather than the current goal of 2060, according to DNV. Some sectors like electricity production will need to reach net zero before 2050, while other sectors like cement and aviation will still have remaining emissions.

Crucially, DNV’s net zero pathway states that the maritime sector needs to reduce emissions by 95% by 2050. Also, no new oil and gas will be needed after 2024 in high income countries and after 2028 in middle- and lowincome countries, according to DNV’s Pathway to Net Zero. Investments in renewables and grid need to scale much faster; renewables investment needs to triple and grid investment must grow by more than 50% over the

next 10 years, DNV states. In addition, DNV’s Pathway to Net Zero points out the need for much greater policy intervention than we see today as the planet still remains on course to warm by 2.2°C by 2100, noting that global CO2 emissions reduction of 8% every year is necessary to reach net zero by 2050. The full policy toolbox must be unpacked, including: higher carbon taxes and subsidies, stronger mandates, bans and financial incentives to encourage renewables to replace fossil fuels, and smarter regulation and standards.

“With COP-27 approaching, it is important that policymakers recognize the huge opportunities inherent in decarbonizing the energy mix in light of the mounting costs of climate change impact. The technology exists to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, but for this to happen we must utilize the scope of the policy toolkit,” Eriksen concluded.


8 DNV Energy Transition Outlook 2022 9 Highlights 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2036 Feedstock use of fossil fuel peaks 2033 Wind overtakes hydro 2040 Seaborne container trade exceeds crude oil trade 2044 Every third commercial vehicle on the road is electric 2034 Maritime energy demand peaks 2033 Half of all passenger vehicles sales electric 2014 Coal peaked 2025 Oil peaks Highlights of our forecast energy transition to 2050. The green slope represents the share of non-fossil energy sources in the energy mix. **Average primary energy used for production of H & derivatives. *Energy peaks not to scale relative to primary energy 2036 Natural gas peaks 2036 Primary energy supply peaks 2041 Final energy demand peaks 2.2ºC warming by 2100 2030 Transport energy demand peaks 2047 CCS captures 5% of global energy-related CO2 emissions 2038 Nuclear peaks 2020 COVID-19 drop-off, removing 6% of energy demand 2043 Half of world’s road vehicles electric 2044 Electricity use doubles relative to 2020 2050 Hydrogen 5% of energy demand 2041 Manufacturing energy demand peaks 2022 PV installations 1TW 2018 Energy demand for space heating peaked 2029 1.5 C carbon budget exceeded COP15 Paris Agreement 2056 2 C carbon budget exceeded Hydrogen Maritime non-fossil Maritime fossil Energy transitions sea Energy peaks Non-fossil share Energy milestones Energy transitions 20% of energy mix non-fossil 51% of energy mix non-fossil ENERGY TRANSITION TIMELINE -6% 2045 Solar PV 35% of power supply 2042 Wind 30% of power supply
“The strongest engine of the global energy transition is the rapidly reducing costs of solar and wind energy, which will outweigh the present short-term shocks to the energy system.”
DNV’s energy transition timeline. Image courtesy of DNV.


Nexstep, the National Platform for Re-use & Decommissioning presented its fifth Re-use and Decommissioning report with the title “The power of collaboration” in July 2022. A title that fits the Nexstep concept so well since collaboration became the guiding principle for our activities within Nexstep.

And Nexstep has shaped that collaboration with the heavy lift contractors that led to the offshore installation portal, in the joint pilots for Through Tubing Cementation, in the joint search for the hydrogen pilot, in the collaboration with the pipeline operators NOGAT and NGT for the development of the comparative assessment et cetera.

After years of preparation the joint campaign contract for decommissioning of Mud Line Suspension wells was awarded in January 2022. This ‘Road to joint execution’ is not only a major achievement for Nexstep but also a breakthrough being the first project worldwide in which so many operators will jointly decommission wells. A perfect example of Nexstep’s role in facilitating and stimulating effective and good value decommissioning. This joint

campaign will not only lead to optimal opportunity for learning and improvements as well as major cost savings along the way.

As Nexstep continues to provide transparency to the service industry and the public on the decommissioning of wells, installations and pipelines our factsheet states that of the 34 platforms which have been removed, 15 were re-used for hydrocarbon production. In addition to re-using oil and gas platforms on other locations for the same purpose, infrastructure may be repurposed. It is estimated that some 10% of the infrastructure may be re-used/ repurposed. Some current repurposing projects: - PosHYdon pilot: productions and transportation of green hydrogen on Neptune Energy’s Q13a-A platform

Image courtesy of Nexstep & Damen Shipyards Group.

- Storage of CO2: Porthos / Aramis

- GZI Next: NAM’s repurposing of onshore gas treatment installation to new energy hub in Emmen

Since the beginning of Nexstep we have organised shared learning sessions and the database now contains over 360 learnings. Shared learnings are valuable to the industry. Operators have embraced the shared learnings sessions during which the do’s and don’ts of executed projects are being discussed. In 2021, Nexstep launched a new initiative to promote collaboration for upcoming projects which resulted in the first Peer Assist that took place in

May 2021. Two Peer Assists have been held in 2022 on planned offshore projects and more will be scheduled.

The service industry is essential in developing new technology to improve the efficiency of decommissioning activities. Of special interest are innovative removal techniques for offshore installations, well decommissioning and pipeline cleaning and removal. As of 2020, IRO has been part of Nexstep’s Supervisory Board in the person of Sander Vergroesen as an observer.

More information at


Marine energy provides a vast potential for supply contractors, offshore energy companies, utility operators as well as remote applications. For the majority of applications, the energy generated from waves, tidal streams or different levels of either salinity or temperature is complementary to other offshore energy sources.

Moreover, additional benefits range from being predictable well in advance to being always available providing a constant power supply to offshore equipment offers collaboration opportunities with the oil & gas industries. The production of offshore hydrogen transforms renewable energy into a green energy carrier that can be used for chemical industry, as a fuel or stored and converted back into electricity. And finally, the co-location with offshore wind can not only increase the amount of energy harvested from marine space but also increase the capacity factor of cables and subsequently the base load of offshore renewable energy parks.

To realise solutions for all these applications, Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC) is accelerating marine energy development in Europe and beyond. Our activities are focussing on managing technical innovation challenges, maturing investment readiness, exploring new markets and securing policy support. To offer broad expertise, our team collaborates with a large network of research institutes, test sites and engineering consultancies. In addition, we assist corporates in understanding the strategic position marine energy can have in their


business, gain access to the key public and private actors in the sector and become a key player in the market. All these activities are bundled together in our Corporate Partnership Program.

Corporate Partnership Program

Within our Corporate Partnership Program, we enable companies to integrate marine energy in their business strategy by offering services including:

- Market entry to the sector, in which we provide the opportunity for you to: Engage with the Marine Energy Community; Work together with marine energy technology developers and corporations; Connect to offshore renewable testing facilities and public sector actors; Get invited to marine energy events throughout the year.

- Deepdive/feasibility study where we can use our extensive expertise in the sector to: Assess marine energy resources and identify locations for marine energy parks in a specific region; Analyse marine

energy electricity output, economics and spatial planning; Develop specialised market use case (oil & gas, aquaculture, islands); Identify top performing marine energy developers.

- Brand positioning, where we make our network available to you to: Communicate your company’s marine energy strategy; Release joint press statements and news posts; Communicate about your company’s involvement within the sector in our media outreach; Provide you with speaking opportunities at leading sector events.

Get in touch

For more information about the Corporate Partnership Program or to learn more about engagement opportunities with the marine energy sector please contact Yuki Esser, or Koen Donkers,

More information at



Despite the projections stating the global energy investments are to reach $2.4 trillion this year, much more is still needed to successfully tackle the issues of energy security and climate crises globally. On the other hand, the offshore industry – including energy and maritime sectors – is wasting no time waiting for favorable political action, but is increasingly entering into various collaborative projects to make the netzero ambition a reality for us all.

According to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA’s) report, the current levels of capital spending are still far from sufficient to tackle the energy and climate crises, which are currently permeating the world. Even though global energy investment is set to increase by 8% in 2022 to reach $2.4 trillion, with the anticipated rise focused mainly on clean energy, this is still expected to fall short of delivering solution to the multiple dimensions of today’s energy crisis. Fatih Birol, executive director of IEA, said: “We cannot afford to ignore either today’s global energy

crisis or the climate crisis, but the good news is that we do not need to choose between them – we can tackle both at the same time. A massive surge in investment to accelerate clean energy transitions is the only lasting solution.”

The same is true for Europe specifically, according to independent energy markets information provider S&P Global Platts, which forecasts the EU will need at least 150GW of renewable power to meet its green hydrogen goal, and to successfully phase out Russian fossil fuels and speed up the energy transition. Most of this additional renewable generation capacity will be wind and solar, S&P Global finds. Sector-specific associations have also warned that Europe needs to step up its efforts to increase its renewable energy-generating capacity, with the latest call coming from Ocean Energy Europe. Namely, the association deemed the implementation of EU’s Offshore Renewables Strategy as ‘sluggish’ to date, noting also that the secure, decarbonized and affordable energy is a top EU priority which should be reflected in the


timely enactment of the strategy. Ocean Energy Europe has therefore created an action plan for EU institutions, designed mainly to streamline the funding available for ocean energy, and to ensure the EU meets its 100MW ocean energy deployment target by 2025.

Offshore wind to boost decarbonization of shipping and aviation sectors

Offshore wind is expected to be one of the major contributors of renewable energy to diversified future power grids, with the sector expanding into other clean energy areas. Namely, a new 2GW floating wind farm is planned to be developed offshore Ireland, that would produce green fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia. The project is proposed by the Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation and Sinbad Marine Services, which have entered into collaboration with the Swedish floating wind developer and technology provider, Hexicon, to bring it to realization. The green fuels could be used to power the fishing fleet whilst also contributing to energy security for the port and local community, while the remaining energy produced by the floating wind farm would be connected to the national grid and contribute to Ireland’s target of 5GW from offshore energy by 2030.

Hydrogen-powered vessels will definitely play a major part of sustainable shipping industry of the future, but they will also be an important part of autonomous surveys and offshore monitoring operations. Just this week, the classification society Lloyd’s Register issued an approval in principle to clean maritime startup ACUA Ocean for what it’s said to be the world’s first zero-emission hydrogen-powered maritime autonomous surface ship. The vessel is powered by 6,000 liters of liquid hydrogen, which is expected to result in increased power, reliability and endurance and deliver on the UK Maritime Strategy climate change commitment to zero-emission propulsion by 2025. Sky is the limit for offshore wind, it appears, with the latest collaboration announced by Vattenfall and St1 who have joined forces to develop a fossil-free value chain for production of synthetic electro fuel from offshore wind. As part of the partnership, Vattenfall will develop an offshore wind power-based hydrogen supply infrastructure on the west coast of Sweden, while St1 plans to produce

one million cubic meters of electro fuels, primarily targeted for sustainable aviation fuel, using the green hydrogen. Such volumes equal, for example, the annual aviation fuel demand of Arlanda airport, Vattenfall said.

Carbon capture and storage as major part of energy transition puzzle

In pursuit of initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate the decarbonization, carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been identified as one of the ‘essential’ areas. The Netherlands is making great strides to exploit this space, as shown by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) which gave an approval to competitors Shell and TotalEnergies to collaborate on CO2 storage in empty natural-gas fields in the North Sea. Shell and TotalEnergies plan to store CO2 on a large scale as part of the Aramis project, and in collaboration with the government entities Gasunie and Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN), build a high-capacity trunkline that connects to empty gas fields, among other activities.

Aramis is one of two planned carbon capture projects in the Netherlands, with the second being Porthos – Port of Rotterdam CO2 Transport Hub and Offshore Storage. Other European countries are not falling behind either, as Belgian LNG terminal operator Fluxys and Norwegian energy giant Equinor agree to develop a major CCS infrastructure project connecting Belgium to Norway. Even though it is still in the feasibility phase, with an investment decision expected by 2025, the project will allow the transport of captured CO2 from emitters to safe storage sites in the North Sea.

Norway has also been the focus of larger energy cooperation agreements with the EU this week, with the signing of a new deal set to deepen the long-term energy partnership between the parties. Norway and the EU pointed out the importance of the European energy market as ‘the main export market’ for the Norwegian oil and gas sector, and future potential for cooperation on offshore renewable energy, hydrogen, and CCS, driven by ambitious EU objectives under REPowerEU Plan.


“We cannot afford to ignore either today’s global energy crisis or the climate crisis, but the good news is that we do not need to choose between them – we can tackle both at the same time”


In the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in the development of offshore floating solar power plants. The technology has a very large power generation potential, in particular in the areas used by offshore wind farms.

In some scenarios, 45GWp solar power in the Dutch part of the North Sea has been projected in2050. The Dutch Roadmap Solar on Water concludes that in ten to twelve years, large scale application of offshore solar on the North Sea could offer possibilities, but it also expresses major concerns about the technical and economic challenges of offshore floating solar systems.


Significant innovation in this field by commercial enterprises will only be undertaken if there is enough perspective for a profitable business case in a large market. This is only possible if are likely to be solved and costs can be decreased considerably. Nevertheless, several companies (especially in the Netherlands and in Norway) started investing in system developments that may lead to feasible and affordable solutions for offshore solar. Based on this, some smaller scale pilots have been established or are planned.

CO2 free

There are substantial technological challenges to build and operate floating solar systems in a harsh maritime environment, with wave heights up to 15m. At the same time, there are major challenges on system design, O&M schemes, grid connection and cost. The Dutch top sectors strengthen the economy through innovations that target to help solving important societal challenges such as the energy transition. In this approach the societal and economic goals go hand in hand. Recently, this has substantiated in so called missiondriven innovation. For the energy transition thirteen multiannual mission-oriented innovation programs (MMIP’s) have been formulated, and MMIP 1, titled ‘Renewable electricity at sea’, has the goal to contribute to the mission ‘A CO2 free electricity system in 2050’.

For the development of the MMIP 1 program, a further analysis of the challenges related to offshore floating solar

SolarDuck offshore solar truss concept. The platform is located on a certain height above the waterline. Waves can move underneath the truss structure. Image courtesy of SolarDuck.

was needed. For this, RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) commissioned a report, requested by TKI Offshore Wind, based on an analysis conducted by TNO. Recently, the results of this report, called ‘Challenges and Potential for Offshore Solar’, was presented during a webinar.

According to Wiep Folkerts, Program Manager Solar at TNO, the Dutch energy system would need an additional 1,000km2 of space to develop solar power plants. “On shore, the Netherlands lack sufficient space to realise the ambitious solar energy goals”, he says. “At sea however, there still is ample space available in the Dutch Economic Zone. Offshore solar and offshore wind offer important synergies, for example because of the infrastructure that could be shared, such as cables and substations. Therefore, offshore wind farms seem to be ideal location for solar power plants. Another benefit of developing solar power plants at sea is that, because of the higher radiation of the sun at sea, the output of offshore of solar panels may be slightly higher compared to that of onshore panels.”

Various concepts

He continues, “Currently, in Europe, such as in the Netherlands and in Norway, there are already various concepts under development. The first concept is the so-called elevated truss concept. A truss structure is equipped with floaters and some kind of mooring system. A platform with solar panels is placed on the truss structure, supported by floating elements. The platform is located on a certain height above the waterline. Waves can move underneath the truss structure. The concept avoids the direct contact between (slamming) waves and the solar panels. This way, the mechanical load on the solar panels caused by waves will be less, and the fouling of the solar panels due to sea water residues on the panel surfaces may be smaller.


like SolarDuck and Tractebel are working with this concept. The second concept is a pontoon where the solar system is much closer to the water level. The pontoons are substructures that are mechanically coupled into a massively modular structure. The complete floating structure

“Offshore solar and offshore wind offer important synergies, for example because of the infrastructure that could be shared, such as cables and substations.”
Oceans of Energy’s offshore solar energy pontoon installed at the North Sea. The pontoons are substructures that are mechanically coupled into a massively modular structure. Image courtesy of Oceans of Energy.

is moored. Solar panels are mounted on the pontoons, relatively close to the water level. The advantage is that the wind load on the panels and the structure is relatively low. Oceans of Energy, and Heliorec are some of the pioneers in developing this concept. Then you have the mattress-like soft and flex approach that fully moves with the waves. The basic idea of this concept is to let the floating structure move with the waves as much as possible. The transfer of mechanical energy from the waves to the structure will therefore be smaller, compared to for instance the pontoon concept, which results in reduced mooring forces. Because of this the structure needs less strength and may achieve lower costs. Solar panels are mounted on the floating body. During high waves, part of the structure may be overflown. Being near the water surface, it is less sensitive to wind loads. Bluewater/ Genap have embraced this concept. The final concept is based on the well-known technology of fish farms. Especially in Norway, with companies such as OceanSun and Inseanergy, there is expertise on this approach. A membrane is stabilised with a moored ring and on top of the membrane a solar power installation is installed.”


The TNO report registered four main challenges for the development of offshore solar power plants. “When looking at constructing offshore solar power plants,” Mr Folkerts states, “the first challenge is how to design and construct a system that will survive the circumstances at sea, and also how to prove this survival. Relevant subjects in this are the connectors between the subsystems, the choice of materials used, the structural integrity and mooring, the dynamic power cable connection, and the calculation methodologies for prediction of hydrodynamic response. In fact, it is a matter of interaction between development of calculational methodologies and making the designs, do scale model testing for those designs, build pilots, see and measure how these models behave, give feedback to the methodologies, and thereby building up the knowledge on how to construct such floating structures in a cost- effective way.”

Operations & maintenance has its challenges too, and therefore there is work to be done and more knowledge to be built up over the coming years for this as well. Think for example of offshore resistant PV modules and electrical components. Not only is it important to find out for them how to survive at sea, but also how to make an effective maintenance schedule, for example for fouling prevention and fouling removal. For optimising O&M one could also look at digital twinning approaches.” The third

challenge lies in the power production and LCOE, and according to Mr Folkerts this actually is the key challenge. “All offshore solar projects are aimed at producing substantial volumes of power. It is important, for example for judging investment proposals, to make validated power yield models and reliable models for cost calculations and to show, how scale effects and other effects such as the combination of offshore wind and solar will affect the LCOE.” Societal acceptance is the fourth challenge described in the report. Relevant aspects in this are recycling and other elements of circularity, the ecological effects of offshore solar power plants, and the interaction with other uses of the sea. “All societal acceptance elements come together in permitting and permitting frames”, Mr Folkerts explains.

Solid solution

“Offshore solar is promising, so much is true”, Mr Folkerts concludes. “It can be the solution for the large-scale solar Ocean Sun Floater. The fish farm concept is based on the well-known technology of fish farms. Especially in Norway, there is expertise on this approach. A membrane is stabilised with a moored ring and on top of the membrane a solar power installation is installed. power production that we need. Still, it is a challenging development that needs innovation investments from the sector, which should work together with governments and knowledge institutes. There are different concepts in development and all those concepts have their specific advantages, values, and promises. Several pilots and demonstrators for accelerating the learning curve are underway, however more of them are needed towards scaling up and for winning the confidence of all stakeholders that offshore solar indeed is a solid solution.”

Bluewater/Genap have embraced the soft and flex approach. Image courtesy of TNO.

Technically, larger turbines have no restrictions. Image courtesy of GE Renewable Energy.


The world’s first offshore wind farm was commissioned in 1991. This Vindeby Offshore project, created by a group of Danish developers, consisted of eleven turbines that together generated 5MW. More than three decades later, a lot has changed.

The first offshore wind farms were constructed using technology with only slight adaptations compared to onshore wind turbines. In time, the turbines were designed, specifically for the harsh circumstances at sea. Also, at sea with no noise restrictions and plenty of room, operators started to look for larger turbines to reduce the cost of offshore power generation. At the beginning of the new century, the first 2MW offshore wind turbines were installed and increasingly more countries started to develop plans for the construction of offshore wind farms in order to reach their sustainability goals. Together with these plans, the industry continuously invested in further improving the efficiency and effectivity of the offshore turbines, resulting in turbines growing both in size as in power generation.

A handful

In Europe, currently the largest market except for China, the market for offshore turbines only knows a handful of companies that develop and produce offshore wind turbine generators. In the last few years, they together succeeded in further improving the power generation of offshore wind turbines. In February 2018, GE Renewable Energy announced their Haliade-X platform nameplated 12MW, and Vestas introduced the V164 10MW turbine. Soon after that, GE Renewable Energy and Siemens Gamesa launched their 14MW turbines, where the Siemens 14MW, making use of the Power Boost option, can even produce 15MW. Last year, Vestas introduced its 15MW prototype and the question arises where this race for power will end.



According to Morten Rasmussen, Offshore CTO at Siemens Gamesa, this company has been operating in the offshore wind market since the very beginning. “For us, like many other companies in the offshore wind industry, it all started onshore with the supply of turbines for onshore wind farms, but as the supplier for the Vindeby project, we established ourselves as the offshore wind pioneer. Today, we estimate that over 50% of all turbines installed offshore, excluding China, are made by us.” He continues, “One of the most important differences between onshore and offshore wind is that installation onshore is much easier and therefore less expensive, for example because you only need a relatively simple concrete foundation, and no long-distance cabling is necessary to connect the onshore turbines to the grid, as onshore wind farms are usually close to the existing grid. On the other hand, the size of onshore turbines can be limited due to infrastructure and logistics, whereas offshore turbines have more freedom to increase in size.”

These two aforementioned differences also play a role in the upscaling of offshore wind farms and turbines. “Constructing the offshore wind power plants of today,” Mr Rasmussen says, “is expensive as they are huge projects, providing electricity to hundreds of thousands of households. They provide industrial power generation at price levels that are fully competitive with fossil fuel-based power plants. The most obvious solution to reduce the cost of electricity provided from offshore wind farms is to build farms with large and more powerful turbines. We are driven to develop more and more powerful turbines both by demand from the market demanding larger turbines and by our goal to remain ahead of competition.”

No technical limitations

The question arises where this upscaling of turbines will end. There are currently installation vessels under construction that will be ready for the installation of 20MW turbines, so contractors apparently expect larger turbines to be developed soon. According to Mr Rasmussen, the upscaling will not be hindered by technical limitations. “No one really knows where things will end as technically, there are no restrictions”, he says. “However, I think that it is important to listen to the market instead

of just looking at what is technically feasible. What do operators need? Look for example at the aircraft industry and the long-term lack of commercial success of the Airbus A-380. Technically it is an absolute masterpiece, though in the end it was a commercial disappointment, as the market was not ready for such a large aircraft.”

“This is one of the reasons why, in the development for more power and larger turbines, Siemens Gamesa has chosen a sound, stepwise approach to growth by taking just small steps at a time”, Apart from creating larger power generation, the industry has also been seeking other improvements. “While sizes and capacity are exponentially larger, the core concept “of the offshore wind turbine today is the same as it was for the Vindeby turbine”, Mr Rasmussen explains. “Naturally, we have always been looking for improvements, for example in the field of aerodynamics to improve the efficiency of the rotor blades. And today, our turbines use our patented Direct Drive technology instead of geared solutions, which

“The most obvious solution to reduce the cost of electricity provided from offshore wind farms is to build farms with large and more powerful turbines.”
Morten Rasmussen, Offshore CTO at Siemens Gamesa. Image courtesy of Siemens Gamesa.

requires fewer components, and this saves money on construction and maintenance.”


GE Renewable Energy entered the onshore wind business in 2002 and with the acquisition of the power and grid business of Alstom in 2015, the company also became involved in offshore wind. With this acquisition, the company immediately gained a position in a highly competitive market. However, according to Vincent Schellings, Chief Technology Officer of GE’s offshore wind business, more was needed to keep a strong position amongst the market leaders.

“When we took over the Alstom power business, their largest offshore wind turbine generated 6MW and although the acquisition catapulted us into the market, we were convinced that we had to come up with something unique to help our customers drive down the cost of electricity. The first question our engineers were asked was to develop a rotor with a diameter of at least 220m, which was at that time a world-leading size. As bigger blades only make sense with bigger power generators, their next challenge was to develop a bigger power generator, which resulted in the 12MW Haliade-X. With the bigger turbines, we could meet demand from the operators that were looking for ways to reduce the cost of

electricity generated offshore. With bigger turbines, fewer turbines need to be installed per wind farm area, and fewer turbines also mean fewer subsea cables and less maintenance.” Rising costs Today, the Haliade-X turbine has been expanded to 14MW.

“Step by step,” Mr Schellings elaborates, “we increased the capacity of the Haliade-X prototype. It was certified in 2020 by DNV at 12MW and today it is also certified for up to 13.6MW, with the current prototype” running at 14MW and on its way to certification. The Haliade-X is therefore ready for the market, and we already have 7.4GW of customer commitments for this turbine. The first 14MW orders are noted, and production will start in 2023 for the Dogger Bank C offshore wind farm.” Mr Schellings admits that at some point the increase of power and turbine size might reach its limits. “Technically, larger turbines have no restrictions, and a decade ago I would not have thought that today’s offshore turbines would be possible. The aim of upscaling turbines is to reduce the cost of electricity.

However, without innovation at some point, the incremental cost of a larger turbine will exceed the incremental energy production, and hence drive the cost of electricity in the wrong direction. The cost here includes the turbine and the construction, as bigger turbines not only require more steel for the foundations and towers, but also bigger vessels for transport, larger cranes for installing, as well as larger marshalling yards. Logistical costs will increase, too. For this reason, GE Renewable Energy already has factories supporting its offshore business in port areas.”

Although upscaling might come to a halt someday, companies will keep on innovating to reduce costs. Mr Schellings explains, “One of the recent developments we think is worthwhile is 3D printing. Not necessary to produce components, but for example for the moulds needed to construct castings for turbine parts. The moulds presently require a lot of expensive manual labour, and a lot can be gained by 3D printing. Another aspect to mention in this matter is our Stay Ashore project with the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult in the UK. This R&D project aims to find ways to reduce the time offshore for planned and unplanned maintenance. With this project, we focus on reliability of design, on how to make operations at sea more remote, and how to use robots in turbine maintenance.”

Vincent Schelling is Chief Technology Officer of GE’s offshore wind business. Image courtesy of GE Renewable Energy.

“Without innovation at some point, the incremental cost of a larger turbine will exceed the incremental energy production, and hence drive the cost of electricity in the wrong direction.”

Continue to improve

In its Global Offshore Wind Report 2021, the Global Wind Energy Council predicts a total added capacity of offshore wind between 2021 and 2030 of 102.6GW. This figure shows the potential of this renewable source of energy for the industry.

Throughout these years, companies will continue to improve the entire supply chain in order to make the construction, installation, operations, and maintenance more efficient and cost effective. With this in mind, for the time being, the upscaling of turbines will have no technical limitations, but from a financial point of view, it is good to face reality. And we should not forget that apart from upscaling, there are more options for optimising the revenues from offshore wind.

Source: Yellow & Finch Publishers

Three decades later, a lot has changed. Image courtesy of

GE Renewable Energy’s Haliade-X prototype has a capacity of 14MW and is ready for commercialisation. Image courtesy of GE Renewable Energy.

Old wind turbine blades. Image courtesy of Ørsted.



Wind energy is gaining momentum. In Europe alone, there’ll be offshore wind turbines producing around 135 gigawatts of power by 2030. The downside is that blades are going to end up on the scrap heap at the end of their 25-year service life. In Europe, this results in some 4 million tonnes of waste every year. TNO has now taken a promising solution to an advanced stage.

‘It’s also badly needed,’ says Harald van der Mijle Meijer, Senior Consultant for Wind Energy Technology at TNO. ‘Not only do we need to get rid of the huge pile of turbine blades that are now being buried or incinerated, but governments are imposing increasingly stringent requirements on wind farm builders and owners. Companies bidding for tenders to build offshore wind farms in many countries must be able to demonstrate that the wind turbines are largely recyclable. Most components, such as the foundation and the tower, can already be recycled, but there’s no commercially attractive solution yet for the blades. That’s what we’re working on at TNO in collaboration with Brightlands Materials Center, an initiative of TNO and the Province of Limburg, which specialises in developing sustainable materials.’

Unique method

It involves a unique method for extracting the fibres from the turbine blade and reusing them in new products. Current blades are more than 50% glass and carbon fibre, which are in principle suitable for reuse. There are several sustainable options for the blades at the end of their service life. Mechanical or chemical recycling has drawbacks as regards quality and scaling up. The experts at TNO and Brightlands Materials Center have therefore focused on a thermochemical process involving pyrolysis, in which the material is heated to almost 500 oC without oxygen, releasing the fibres. They can then be processed into thermoplastic composite to be used in recyclable products. This method provides the best outcomes for reusing the recycled material again and again.

Two solutions for the price of one TNO Business Development Manager Richard Janssen works at Brightlands Materials Center: ‘We work here with a group of researchers on the development and innovation of polymeric materials, in this case thermoplastic composites. These consist of plastic and fibres, which makes them extra strong. You therefore see them in ever more products, from car parts to sporting goods. Wind turbine blades also consist


of composites, but a different type: thermoset composites. They also contain fibres, but a different type of plastic that hardens during production and is very difficult to recycle. Pyrolysis is a solution to this problem, allowing the fibres to be recovered. We then use these fibres in the easier-torecycle thermoplastic composites, making it simpler to take them apart after use. Composite is as strong as metal but much lighter in weight. We develop technologies here not only to make thermoplastic composites, but also to recycle them. You want them to be circular and to be used in a variety of products for as long as possible. It provides two solutions for the price of one, as you solve a waste problem and also offer recycled material to manufacturers in a variety of sectors. They then don’t have to use raw materials for their products.’

Scaling up

Mariusz Cieplik, Senior Scientist Materials at TNO, specialising in pyrolysis: ‘This is an extension of a technology we developed previously to produce biochar, a soil improver that we make from biomass by means of pyrolysis. We’re now making that process suitable for recycling wind turbine blades. There are strong similarities between the two processes. In both cases, the aim is to separate fully what is released during pyrolysis from the solids that remain. The technology has since outgrown the lab. We now have a pilot plant that can make biochar on a scale of a few tonnes. And we’ve successfully replicated that process for turbine blade recycling. With TNO, we now have a perfect platform to build on. If we can scale this up to industrial level over the next few years, we’ll have a unique recycling process that will save a lot of waste and reduce the use of raw materials, because the material we recover will be given a new life in another, high-quality product.’

Bringing two worlds together Harald: ‘We make this attractive to all the parties in the supply chain. Manufacturers in various sectors, for example the automotive industry, are increasingly under legal obligations to use recycled materials in their products. And the wind energy industry has a waste problem. We bring those two worlds together. Our innovative process enables us to add value on two sides. The material we extract

the blades can be used in many high-value products, such as car parts, furniture, packaging, smartphones – too many to mention.’ Richard: ‘It could be a solution for both the material transition and the energy transition. During the production of wind turbine blades, manufacturers never properly considered the end of their service life. The blades had to make money, be strong and safe, and withstand extreme weather conditions. Recycling was never really on the agenda. Now we’re investigating how to keep the fibres from blades in use for as long as possible. If these fibres are no longer usable in one application, such as turbine blades, you process them again in the next application. That way, you delay incineration for as long as possible.’

Organising supply chains

In a few years’ time, blade recycling should be carried out at a number of locations around the country, preferably near major ports where the blades are brought in from sea or land. Hubs will then be set up there to turn the discarded blades into high-quality semi-finished or finished products. TNO is discussing this at European level with industry, governments, and knowledge partners, with the aim of organising it on a large scale.

“Our innovative process enables us to add value on two sides. The material we extract from the blades can be used in many high-value products, such as car parts, furniture, packaging, smartphones – too many to mention.”
Cutting wind turbine blade in half provides two solutions for the price of one, as you solve a waste problem and also offer recycled material to manufacturers in a variety of sectors. Image courtesy of TNO.


Monopiles and jackets are used for the foundation of bottom fixed offshore wind turbines. The steel welded TKY joints used for the assembly of jackets form a weak spot in the strength and durability of this type of construction. Start-up company Tree Composites has developed a joint made of composites that eliminates this weakness.

Maxim Segeren is Managing Director and Co-founder of the young company, and we talk with him about their innovative solution. He became involved in the offshore industry during his study at Delft University of Technology (TUD), where he earned his MSc degree in offshore engineering with a focus on offshore wind jackets, and a PhD degree in civil engineering with the slip joint connection for offshore wind turbines. After his PhD, he remained involved with the TUD. “After promoting,” he explains, “I stayed at the university where I became involved in forming consortia between the industry and science aiming at the development of innovations within offshore wind. One of those innovations was a wrapped composite joint that today is referred to as the TC Joint.”

TC Joints versus steel welded joints

According to Mr Segeren, a jacket has an excellent weight/ rigidity ratio and this is why they are technically the best foundation for offshore wind turbines. “Despite jackets being the better solution, monopiles are dominating the market, even when they are much heavier than jackets”, he states. “One of the reasons for this is the higher price of jackets and the longer production time caused by the complex welding of the multi-membered joints. The weld also causes local stress concentrations that can reduce the fatigue resistance by 10 to 100 times. To guarantee a lifespan of these complex welds of 25 “years or longer, the thickness of steel is increased locally in the order of 300%, which means extra use of steel.” Mr Segeren continues, “The improvement of our composite joint compared to welding steel joints is that the load is transferred through the surface of a dedicated composite wrap, and not through the smaller surface of the welds which is limited to the wall thickness.

The composite also protects the steel against corrosion. Our wrapped composite joint is made by the lamination of glass fibres on the individual steel tubes. The brace members (diagonals) are bonded to the chord members (legs) through a coupling formed by composite wrapping. This provides outstanding bonding strength and flawless quality. The composite wrap is tailored in length and thickness to deal with static and dynamic loads transferred by the joint. The optimised, nature-like shape of the composite wrap with increasing thickness towards the root of the joint reduces the stress concentration in the composite material and bonded interface, thereby solving issues in fatigue prone/driven design. As the lifespan of a jacket highly depends on that of the joints, the TC Joint makes the entire construction of the jacket longer lasting. Wrapped composite joints can also acquire higher dimensional tolerances than welds due to omission of distortions by welding heat input. Another advantage of the TC Joint is that it reduces the amount of steel used by 30% to 60% as a result of the increased fatigue resistance. The composite joint itself is lighter than

Maxim Segeren, Managing Director of Tree Composites. Image courtesy of Tree Composites.

According to Mr Segeren, despite jackets being the better solution, monopiles are dominating the market, even when they are much heavier than jackets. Image courtesy of Ørsted.

steel ones and as no welding is needed, there is no need for thick local cans and overdesigned global thicknesses of the tubes. This steel reduction also helps to reduce CO2 emissions. Finally, the acceleration of jackets production by prefabrication of the joints is feasible by factor two to three, as the joint omits””complex welding activities onsite and does not require the application of an additional coating to protect the steel against corrosion.”

Old tree

With the first prototype built in 2017 at Versteden, a close collaboration with them followed with over 100 tests executed at TU Delft to perfect the technique. “When I heard about the composite joint, I was sceptical about the concept of a structural joint made by wrapping material around individual tubes, as I had tried to wrap a broken pencil myself in my younger years,” Mr Segeren admits, “however, seeing is believing. The successful laboratory tests created enthusiasm and a drive to further develop this innovative concept and its many advantages compared with steel joints

into a commercial product. Parties that could incorporate this innovation in their core business were non-existing, as this unique disruptive technique combines the two separate worlds of composites and steel structures. In other products such as aircraft wings and turbine blades, a combination of composite and steel is not uncommon, however the specific application and creation of a load transfer in a structural joint of offshore jackets by replacing traditional complex welds is a completely new concept.” In 2020, a dedicated company focussing on design and manufacturing of composite joints called Tree Composites was founded to develop the technique further. “We named the company Tree Composites after the inspiration by nature”, Mr Segeren elaborates. The inventor of the concept, Assistant Professor at TU Delft Marko Pavlovic, became inspired by an old tree in his hometown near Belgrade. The local community placed steel rods on branches of the tree to extend its lifetime. A tree reacts to the loads it is subjected to, and this tree can grow additional fibres at locations where they are needed. Mr Pavlovic noticed that the tree grew over and around the steel tubulars,

“Next to this R&D project, we are preparing pilot projects and we hope that this will result in a full-scale offshore project soon.”

creating a structural connection. Based on this observation, he came up with the idea of the wrapped composite joint. At the end of 2020, just a few months after founding the company, DNV provided the statement of feasibility for the composite joints, marking an important milestone.”


In May 2021, the project WrapNode-I started with TU Delft as research partner and large parties joined the consortium such as HSM Offshore, Smulders, Siemens Gamesa, Shell, AOC, BuFA, Salzgitter Renewables, and Enersea. “The WrapNode-I project is part of GROW”, Mr Segeren voices. “GROW stands for Growth through Research, development & demonstration in Offshore Wind. It is a joint research programme in offshore wind that initiates research and accelerates innovations. The Netherland Enterprise Agency (RVO) financially backs the project through a subsidy. Aim of WrapNode-I is to test the effects of scale and other influences such as the offshore environment. So far with success, as in the combination of

steel and composite it is always the steel that shows failure or behaviour outside design limits. Next to this R&D project, we are preparing pilot projects and we hope that this will result in a full-scale offshore project soon. WrapNode-I will run until 2023 and will be followed by the next phase, WrapNode-II, in which a full-scale onshore demonstration jacket will be realised. After this, we aim to have a full-scale jacket offshore in 2025 as the first pilot project for offshore wind. The major challenge we face with the composite joint is not developing the technique, but introducing this gamechanger in the conservative offshore wind industry.”


“Today, the construction of jackets without using our TC Joints is still more expensive compared to that of steel monopiles,” Mr Segeren explains, “however, the construction of jackets using TC Joints will go much faster, and with the Dutch 2030 goals in mind for the realisation of offshore windfarms we need to speed things up. Time and production capacity will become an important item in realising these goals. What drives us is that we strongly believe we contribute to the acceleration of the energy transition with our joints. Our aim is to accelerate the production of the jacket by the introduction of the TC Joint from 1 to 2/3 jackets a week.

Achieving this will make it feasible to reach the renewable energy goals. In the Dutch wind industry, there are initiatives that are in favour of a restriction in size of the turbines and with a focus on standardisation and industrialisation. If that happens, an interesting idea arises to extend permits to 60 years and having a jacket foundation of a lifetime of 60 years that is feasible when using TC joints for a similar price. With lifetimes of current wind turbines of 25 to 30 years, a new turbine could replace the first after its lifetime without having to install a new foundation.” For Mr Segeren, the Tree Composites story has only just begun. According to him, once the concept has reached full adoption in the market, it can expand globally in dedicated production yards for jackets assembled with TCJs produced on the spot or prefabricated ones. “This sounds ambitious indeed and it will be challenging, but we believe in our solution. We are a motivated, passionate, and thorough team. We are eager to listen, learn, and improve, and hope to attract potential partners with our enthusiasm about the many pros of our solution”, Mr Segeren concludes.

In the combination of steel and composite, it is always the steel that shows failure or behaviour outside design limits during testing. Image courtesy of Tree Composites.

The foundation of offshore wind energy

Sif is leading in offshore foundations and delivers quality on time, safely and within the agreed budget. We make good on this promise because of our critical approach to the preliminary stage. Our dedicated specialists optimize each project on design, feasibility, coating and logistics. We want to ensure our production and the installation processes are efficient and cost optimal by working closely with our clients.

We also think beyond today’s projects. By considering tomorrow and keeping a close eye on market developments, we adapt to the changing needs of market participants. We use our knowledge, experience, and inventiveness for product development and innovation. This is how we actively help shaping the future of offshore wind energy.

Experience more on

MARIN built scale models of all three solutions and ran tests in its Offshore Basin on 17 and 18 March to see if the barriers could deflect a scale model comparable to the Julietta D in storm conditions. All images courtesy of MARIN.


Dutch maritime research institute MARIN has tested three innovative barriers aimed at averting collisions between ships and wind turbines. The research was prompted by the incident involving the Julietta D on 31 January this year.

This drifting bulk carrier initially collided with a tanker before hitting a transformer platform and a turbine foundation for the Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm currently under construction. A collision with an installed wind turbine carries a real risk of the turbine toppling onto the vessel, seriously endangering crew, passengers, the ship itself, and the environment.


Research by the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) for the Dutch government shows that some 2,500 wind turbines are set to be installed in the North Sea in the period to 2030, bringing the risk of a turbine being hit by a ship to around 1.5 to 2.5 times a year. To give an idea: vessels going adrift on the North Sea amount to around 80 each year. Accidents can be avoided in various ways. For example, drifting vessels can put down

their anchors but this requires active intervention by the ship’s crew in often difficult circumstances. Alternatively, emergency towing vessels (ETVs) can be deployed to tow the drifting ship to safety, while shipping supervision can be upgraded to include some form of vessel traffic management. “The accident involving the Julietta D shows the real angers posed by vessels adrift”, says MARIN’s Traffic & Safety Team Leader Yvonne Koldenhof. “Even with current resources such as ETVs, it’s difficult to avoid these kinds of incidents.”

Freeways of the sea

A group of 20 experts from MARIN and the wider maritime sector developed a trio of innovative concepts for maritime crash barriers between shipping routes and windfarms during a workshop held on 23 February. “Our mission statement includes both marine safety and sustainable sea


use”, explains MARIN’s General Director Bas Buchner. “That means more than simply drawing attention to the dangers. It means going in search of solutions to prevent accidents. We were keen to do this in tandem with experts from the offshore sector and that’s why we opted for an open innovation project. We gave it the working title ‘Crash barriers at sea’ because many wind farms are planned near traffic separation schemes: the freeways of the sea.”

Promising results

The first concept involves a string of surface buoys secured by drag anchors. The second concept comprises a smart suspension net between fixed poles and the third is an anchored underwater hook line designed to catch the anchor of the drifting vessel. MARIN built scale models of all three solutions and ran tests in its Offshore Basin on 17 and 18 March to see if the barriers could deflect a scale model comparable to the Julietta D in storm conditions. The first results are promising.

“We’ve established that all three concepts are able to intercept the vessel”, says William Otto, MARIN’s Offshore Project Manager. “The drag anchors of the buoy string dissipate the drift energy evenly, so that the vessel stays afloat across the waves. The anchored underwater hook heads the vessel into the waves, so reducing roll. That means the vessel remains in place while being exposed to relatively low forces. The smart suspension net initially showed too much droop, but with a bit of fine-tuning we were able to get this functioning too. Over the coming months we will go on to assess the various pros and cons of these systems.”

Open innovation project

The various concepts and all test results are being shared as an open innovation project to enable further development of the most promising concepts. The initiative has also sparked widespread international interest. Representatives of the following Dutch maritime and offshore organisations were involved in this project: Bluewater Energy Services, Boskalis, GustoMSC, Heerema Marine Contractors, Huisman Equipment KRVE (Rotterdam Boatmen), Mooreast, Orca Offshore, Pinkster Marine Hydrodynamics, SBM Offshore, and Vuyk Engineering.

Source: Yellow & Finch Publishers

The first concept involves a string of surface buoys secured by drag anchors.

The second concept comprises a smart suspension net between fixed poles.

The third concept is an anchored underwater hook line designed to catch the anchor of the drifting vessel.

“Our mission statement includes both marine safety and sustainable sea use.”

“Floating an offshore converter station weighing roughly 20,000t with minimal motions is a complex challenge.”


Looking at the developments in offshore wind, floating turbines are the solution for locations further away at sea and on locations were piledriving is not an option. In the background of this development, floating transformer platforms must also be developed. This is far more complex than a floating turbine or even a bottom fixed platform because of vulnerable equipment and array expand cable movements.

Engineering company Iv-Groep has a track record in developing offshore constructions for the O & G industry and is also a frontrunner in the offshore renewables market. The company, for example, designed the world’s first HVDC (high voltage direct current) substation which was installed at the German BorWin 1 offshore wind farm in 2010. Together with naval architect Nevesbu, a 50/50 joint venture they have with Damen Shipyards,

the company designed one of the first floating offshore substation concepts.

Numerous designs

Fedor van Veen is COO of Iv-Groep and Managing Director of the Offshore & Energy division. Iv-Groep is a multi-discipline engineering company, operating in various markets. Offshore Industry talks with him to learn more

Dolwin HVDC substation. All images courtesy of IV-Groep.

about the company and their floating concept. “We act as designer and consulting firm for all kinds of steel structures in the offshore industry”, Mr Van Veen says. “In the past decades, many offshore windfarms have been constructed for which we made numerous designs. A substation for an offshore windfarm has technical similarities with oil & gas platforms that we have designed before, meaning we could use this experience for the renewables market. For offshore wind, we already designed our first substation in 2003 and since this first one, we have built up a nice track record.”

Next to the Infrastructure division, Offshore & Energy is Iv-Groep’s most important business unit. The revenues for Offshore & Energy are to a large extent realised with detailed engineering for large EPC projects for offshore development and procurement services, including the supply of topside equipment.


Mr Van Veen continues, “For the upcoming years, we expect the market for floating offshore windfarms to take off. This gives us an opportunity to further combine the knowledge we have built up in offshore wind with the floating experience of our naval architect Nevesbu. One of the results of this is the study we executed for floating offshore substations. Nevesbu are experts in the design of floating structures and for the O & G industry, for example, we have jointly executed several projects with them, such as the design of floating platforms and jack-up rigs, as well as FPSO conversions. Together, we took on the challenge of designing a HVAC and HVDC floating substation for the offshore wind industry. A floating substation has the same functionality as a bottom fixed version, however the movements require various additional technical solutions. Floating solutions focus on, amongst other things, the lifespan of the dynamic power cables and the allowable motions of the transformers, rectifiers, and other associated systems.”


“When looking at the lifespan of the cables”, Mr Van Veen elaborates, “for a bottom fixed platform only the current and associated scour are relevant as cause for movement of the cables, which can lead to wear. For a floating substation, alongside the current, waves and wind also play a role, causing the platform to make horizontal and vertical

movements that create accelerations on the equipment, and tension on cables. Therefore, it is important to predict the effect on cables, anchorage, and the platform’s movements. Failure of a transformer at sea should of course be avoided at all times. Operators typically require over 98% availability. This means that a platform can only be out of order for a few days per year. To achieve this for a floating platform, the design margins are very narrow.

To guarantee that motions can be kept to a minimum, we carried out motion analyses to calculate how different models behave at sea in strong winds with high waves. Our floating substation concept is designed in such a way that it can be applied in water depths in excess of 150m and with minimal motions in various sea conditions. When the platform is installed at sea, it will be held in position with the help of so-called ‘tendons’ that are vertically anchored to the seabed. Minimum vertical motions can then be realised, and it also reduces the loads on the cables suspended below the platform.”

“Designing a floating substation is a complicated job and the challenge lies in the fact that until now, no full scale model is actual in operation.”
Fedor van Veen, Managing Director of the Offshore & Energy division, and COO of Iv-Groep.

Initial investments

“Designing a floating substation is a complicated job and the challenge lies in the fact that until now, no project is actual in operation. Also, there is no design code yet available for this kind of structure”, Mr Van Veen explains. “DNV is currently working on such a code, and we are working with them on a Join Industry

Project, which should result in a design framework for future floating substations.” Obviously, the first offshore floating substation requires initial investments and the question arises of who will be willing to take the first step in this. “To be honest”, Mr Van Veen voices, “although we have already performed these studies, we do not yet know when the market will ask for it. Whenever there is a possibility at the location of the windfarm to place a bottom fixed platform, this will remain the proven solution. Floating an offshore converter station weighing roughly 20,000t with minimal motions is a complex challenge, but our studies have shown that it is possible. Still, we expect that it will take at least five years before the first floating substation station will be constructed.”

Despite this cautious prediction, the market for floating substation looks promising. Research from the market has identified projects representing approximately 25GW of floating wind scheduled for commissioning worldwide up to 2035. This figure indicates the high potential of floating wind and the opportunities it offers for the innovative floating substation concept.

When the platform is installed at sea, it will be held in position with the help of so-called ‘tendons’ that are vertically anchored to the seabed.

Source: Yellow & Finch Publishers

Engineering company Iv-Groep is a frontrunner in the offshore renewables market.



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Port of Rotterdam. Image courtesy of Shell.


The offshore energy industry made it clear long ago that hydrogen will play an important role in the efforts to reach net-zero and achieve decarbonization targets. Many steps have been taken in this direction so far, but this week hydrogen made a grand entrance with the announcement that the world will be getting its first offshore green hydrogen cluster.

Vattenfall revealed in the middle of the week that it had submitted a bid in the Hollandse Kust West offshore wind tender in the Netherlands which proposes the development of the world’s first offshore green hydrogen cluster.

At the Hollandse Kust West (HKW) VII site, the Swedenheadquartered company wants to integrate a 45 MW hydrogen cluster into an offshore wind farm, with three turbines equipped with electrolysers.

The hydrogen produced by the cluster would be transported via a pipeline to the Port of Rotterdam and fed into the hydrogen network there. It will then be transported to users via a network of pipes – in the same way as with natural gas. Just a day later it was reported that Shell subsidiaries had taken the final investment decision (FID) to build Holland Hydrogen I, set to become Europe’s largest renewable hydrogen plant once operational in 2025. The aim of the project is to produce hydrogen using electricity

that has been generated by the Hollandse Kust Noord (HKN) offshore wind farm.The 200 MW electrolyser will be constructed on the Tweede Maasvlakte in the Port of Rotterdam and will produce up to 60,000 kilograms of renewable hydrogen per day, which will supply the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam via the HyTransPort pipeline, where it will replace some of the grey hydrogen usage in the refinery.

A number of hydrogen initiatives are coming from the shipping sector which aims to keep vessel pollution at a minimum and seeks ways to make shipping greener. A consortium of Norway’s TECO 2030, Umoe Mandal and BLOM Maritime revealed that it is developing a hydrogenpowered high-speed vessel with zero emissions, which will combine fuel cell systems from TECO 2030 and an energyefficient catamaran design with Surface Effect Ship (SES) technology from Umoe Mandal.


Going more south, Améthyste, ArianeGroup, Cetim, HDF Energy, Rubis Terminal and Sofresid Engineering teamed up to develop a multi-service power barge ELEMANTA H2, designed to supply green electricity and hydrogen to large ships. The barge is expected to also enable hydrogen bunkering to meet the refueling needs of future hydrogen ships. Furthermore, Vestas and Windcat Workboats are launching a pilot programme to explore how a hydrogenpowered crew transfer vessel (CTV) can help reduce carbon emissions from offshore service operations. Worth mentioning, the UK had a milestone moment this week with the award of Contracts for Difference (CfDs) to renewable energy projects totalling almost 11 GW

in capacity, representing the biggest ever round of the auction scheme so far. This fourth CfD round had budget funding of £295 million per year and saw £210 million allocated to the pot supporting offshore wind projects, with £10 million for established technologies and £75 million for less-established technologies, including ringfenced funding of £24 million for floating offshore wind projects and £20 million for tidal stream projects. The greatest capacity, almost 7 GW, has been awarded to five offshore wind projects, while the CfD scheme also saw the selection of first-ever tidal stream auction winners.



It is currently all hands on deck to achieve the climate targets. The energy transition really needs a big boost. Hydrogen can make an important contribution to this. Collaboration is essential in order to be able to use hydrogen successfully, for example, to contribute to CO2 reduction in industry, e-fuels for aircraft and use in the built environment. But investments are needed and there are questions.

What are the risks, what are the consequences for the citizen? What does green hydrogen mean? Lennart van der Burg, expert and business developer for Hydrogen at TNO, answers 15 pressing questions about hydrogen.

1. What is hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the most common element in our universe. Under normal circumstances it is gaseous and we speak of hydrogen gas (H2). Hydrogen is also the lightest gas we know, but under high pressure it does have a high energy density of 120 megajoules (MJ) per kg. That is almost three times as much as natural gas (45 MJ per kg). Pressurising (compressing) hydrogen gas, however, also requires the necessary energy (about 10%).

2. What is grey and blue hydrogen?

Almost all of the hydrogen currently produced worldwide is so-called ‘grey hydrogen’. Production currently takes place via Steam Methane Reforming (SMR). Here high pressure steam (H2O) reacts with natural gas (CH4) resulting in hydrogen (H2) and the greenhouse gas CO2. In the

Netherlands, approximately 0.8 million tonnes of H2 are produced in this way, using four billion cubic metres of natural gas and generating CO2 emissions of 12.5 million tonnes. The term ‘blue hydrogen’ or ‘low carbon hydrogen’ is used when the CO2 released in the process of grey hydrogen production is largely (80-90%) captured and stored. This is also called CCS: Carbon Capture & Storage. This could happen in empty gas fields under the North Sea. Nowhere else in the world is blue hydrogen produced on a large scale.

3. What is green hydrogen? Green hydrogen, also known as ‘renewable hydrogen’, is hydrogen that is produced with sustainable energy. The best known is electrolysis, in which water (H2O) is split into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) via green electricity. A large number of parties in the Netherlands are experimenting with these megawatt-scale electrolysers. Hydrogen is also released during high-temperature gasification of biomass.

4. What is turquoise hydrogen?

Hydrogen produced from natural gas using the so-called molten metal pyrolysis technology is called ‘turquoise hydrogen’ or ‘low carbon hydrogen’. Natural gas is passed through a molten metal that releases hydrogen gas as well as solid carbon. The latter can find a useful application in, for example, car tyres. This technology is still in the laboratory phase and it will take at least ten years for the first pilot plant to be realised.


5. What are the further fundamental differences between blue and green?

In addition to the method of production, there are a number of other key differences:

- Only green hydrogen produced via electrolysis ensures that large quantities of sustainable electricity produced at sea and on land can be properly integrated into our energy system. Only electrolysis can convert electricity to hydrogen flexibly (on demand) and then store it.

- In addition, the development of large-scale electrolysis will help cater to the rising demand for electricity and thus stimulate the growth of sustainable energy.

- There is also a difference in quality. Green hydrogen has a higher degree of purity and can be used immediately, for example in the fuel cell of a vehicle. Blue hydrogen has a lower purity level, sufficient for industrial application.

- The production of blue hydrogen is a way to ‘decarbonise’ industry, i.e. reduce CO2, on a large scale and at relatively low cost.

great potential for wind energy in the North Sea and the energy-intensive industry that needs to make a strong commitment to sustainability.

8. What are we going to use hydrogen for? Hydrogen is particularly important for the process industry. It is now mainly used for the production of fertiliser but in the future it can also be used for high-temperature processes such as steel production for which natural gas or coal is now used. In addition, hydrogen will play a role in mobility, for example for intercity buses that have to cover longer distances and where electric driving is not a solution.

9. What does hydrogen mean for the citizen? In the short term not much will be evident. The use of hydrogen in homes, for example, will be long overdue if this happens at all. For the majority of homes, a collective heat grid or an electric heat pump offers a better solution. In traffic, the number of hydrogen cars (currently less than a hundred) and the number of hydrogen filling stations (in 2018: 3) will slowly increase.


What role does hydrogen play in the energy transition?

In our current energy mix, approximately 20% is supplied in the form of electricity and 80% in the form of natural gas or liquid fossil fuel (petrol, diesel). Our climate targets are going to change this situation considerably in the near future. The share of electricity generated by wind and solar power will increase sharply. For a number of applications such as heavy transport, high-temperature processes in industry and aviation, a good electrical solution is still lacking and there is still a need for a sustainable gas. Hydrogen can play a useful role here. In addition, hydrogen is important in the form of large-scale storage for those moments when it is windless and cloudy.

7. Which countries are also working on hydrogen?

Countries such as Norway, Australia, Morocco, Chile, Saudi Arabia, China and Japan are very active with green hydrogen, mainly because there is considerable (potential) availability of cheap renewable energy from wind, solar or hydropower to produce green hydrogen. An exception to this though is Japan, which is largely dependent on imports for its energy supply and has developed a strategy to import (green) hydrogen on a large scale. Its key role lies in technology development. The Netherlands is in a good position thanks in part to our knowledge of gas and electrolysis technology, the

10. What are the risks?

Hydrogen is a very light gas, highly flammable and is used in mobility under pressures up to 700 bar. Just like any other gas, it is important to handle it with care during production, transport and use, and to leave it exclusively to professional companies. If hydrogen is to be used in existing gas pipelines, it is important to further investigate how hydrogen actually ‘behaves’ in practice. Hydrogen is lighter than natural gas and can escape more easily from valves and seals.

11. What is TNO doing in terms of hydrogen research?

TNO is an independent organisation that conducts cuttingedge applied research. Its research on hydrogen focuses on production, infrastructure and applications (conversion and end-use). In 2020,TNO undertook more than 50 projects relating to these themes. TNO’s hydrogen-related activities are intended to:

- Contribute to the technical, social and policy innovations required to accelerate the development of hydrogen as a fuel as part of the transition to a climate-neutral energy economy.

- Promote the emergence of public-private ecosystems around specific hydrogen themes, for mexample manufacturing (Electrolyser Makers Platform), industrial electrification (Voltachem programme) and


offshore system integration using hydrogen (North Sea Energy programme).

- Boost the Netherlands’ competitiveness in the international arena.

TNO has developed adsorption-based technologies to capture CO2 (SEWGS) and convert CO2 into useful products, chemicals and fuels, such as dimethyl ether (SEDMES) for the production of green hydrogen.

12. How far along is the development of green hydrogen?

Some 230 electrolysis projects entered operation between 2000 and 2018 with a total capacity of about 100 MW (source: IEA 2019, The Future of Hydrogen). In 2020, global installed capacity was 200 MW. These figures show that we are only getting started and that we need to develop an entirely new supply chain. We need new companies, new suppliers and new manufacturers to develop materials and components for larger and nextgeneration electrolysis systems. This is a golden opportunity for the Dutch high-tech industry. The European Union’s aim is to install 40 GW of electrolysis capacity in the Union by 2030 and another 40 GW in North Africa. Attaining this aim will require us to accelerate the pace of both technological innovation and the actual projects.

13. What are the biggest technical challenges posed by electrolysis?

In terms of water electrolysis, there are currently four technologies available (AEM, SOE, PEM and Alkaline), each with its specific advantages, disadvantages and level of maturity. Have a look at our video about the production of hydrogen using electrolysis. For all four technologies, the three main research challenges are:

- To reduce the capital expenditure associated with the system.

- To improve system efficiency.

- To overcome barriers to large-scale production so that a worldwide output of 10 GW can be achieved by 2030.

14. What is The Netherlands’ position?

Water electrolysis is a key technology in our future energy system. Green hydrogen production will be crucial for three major reasons. First of all, it will allow us to capitalise on the potential for offshore wind energy in the North Sea. The limited capacity of the electricity grid means that any cost-effective integration of 70 GW of potential wind energy is not yet feasible. One option would be to convert that electricity to hydrogen and use the high-pressure gas

distribution network to transport the renewable molecules through our energy system. Second, we need hydrogen to decarbonise sectors where direct electrification is not an option. Those sectors include the steel industry, the airline industry (by using synthetic kerosene aviation fuel), and long-haul transport (by operating on fuels made from hydrogen, methanol or ammonia). Third, we need hydrogen for seasonal storage and for stability in periods of low wind and cloud cover in Northwest Europe. Hydrogen can be stored under pressure in existing salt caverns and empty gas fields. Dutch strengths: The North Sea offers us a tremendous opportunity to generate renewable energy that we can then harness using electrolysis technology. Our geographical location and our outstanding ports mean that we can serve as a hub for the rest of Europe when it comes to hydrogen import. The Netherlands’ robust manufacturing industry may be able to play a role in producing components for electrolysers.

15. Want more information?

Source: TNO

PosHYdon installation on Neptune Energy’s Q13a oil and gas platform, integrates three offshore systems: offshore wind, offshore gas, and offshore hydrogen. Image courtesy of TNO.

Heerema’s Sleipnir will participate in technology trials



A cross-boundary project involving science and industry experts has landed €3.4 million ($3.7 million) from an EU climate action fund to accelerate the uptake of ship-based carbon capture (SBCC) by international shipping companies.

The EverLoNG project led by TNO will demonstrate the feasibility of CO2 capture on board two LNG-fuelled ships, owned and operated by project partners TotalEnergies and Heerema Marine Contractors, with results aimed at moving the technology closer to market readiness. As well as the SBCC trials, the 16 project partners from five countries – Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK, and the USA – will conduct studies to support the development of full-chain carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) networks, connecting SBCC with CO2 transport links, geological CO2 storage and markets for CO2 use.

These studies will identify and help solve any technical barriers to the implementation of SBCC as well as lower the costs associated with the technology. The project consortium includes ship classification societies – Lloyd’s

Register, Bureau Veritas and DNV – that will evaluate how SBCC fits within existing regulatory frameworks for shipping. Combined activities by EverLoNG partners will support the ambitious target of advancing SBCC as a cost-competitive decarbonization option on the market by 2025, with a marginal abatement cost – the cost of reducing environmental impact – of between €75 and €100 per tonne of CO2 equivalent and a CO2 capture rate of up to 90%.“Funding from the ACT3 program will enable us to conduct studies aimed at making commercial ship-based carbon capture a reality. Our demonstration campaigns will optimize SBCC technology and we will also consider how best to integrate it into existing ship and port infrastructure,” Marco Linders, EverLoNG project coordinator, commented. “We … have committed to reducing our footprint by up to 80% by the end of 2026.

with EverLoNG. Image courtesy of Heerema.

Taking part in the EverLoNG Project and testing the use of a carbon capture and storage system onboard our vessel Sleipnir is an important step towards reaching our goals,” Cees Dijkhuizen, Heerema’s Sustainability Project Manager, said. “As part of our climate ambition to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, together with society, the decarbonization of our maritime activity is an important challenge. Ship-based carbon capture is a promising short-term solution as it could be installed on the current fleet of ships,” Philip Llewellyn, Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Program Manager, TotalEnergies, noted.“In addition, the potential application of such a technology onboard future CO2 carriers, as in the Northern Lights project, in which TotalEnergies is a partner, could bring high-potential synergies.” Following a rigorous two-stage evaluation process, EverLoNG was selected along with 12 other R&D projects by the ACT3 funders in 2021 in order to address key research and innovation targets in the CCUS field.

Onboard carbon capture

The maritime sector aims to reduce CO2 emissions from international shipping by at least 50% by 2050. SBCC is one option being considered as a low-cost, shortterm approach to decarbonizing the sector, compared to zero-emission fuels, such as ammonia and hydrogen. Last year, South Korean shipbuilding major Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) developed a technology that can collect and store carbon dioxide generated during ship operations. Its compatriot shipbuilding company Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI)

also gained AIP for its newly developed onboard carbon capture and storage (CCS) applicable to LNG-fueled vessels in January this year.

In Japan, shipping company Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) said in October 2021 it successfully separated and captured CO2 from the exhaust gas emitted from a coal carrier Corona Utility. In Europe, Finland-based green tech company Langh Tech started in December 2021 researching the possibility of carbon capture onboard vessels. The first tests have been successfully performed on board one of the vessels operated by Langh Ship, Lang Tech’s sister company, utilizing the existing Langh Tech hybrid scrubber. Moreover, Dutch maritime technology company Value Maritime also developed an onboard CO2 capture and storage solution for the maritime industry that was installed onboard an operational vessel. A capture module captures CO2 from the vessel’s exhaust and uses the CO2 to charge a CO2 battery — a CO2 storage facility on which CO2 can be charged and discharged.

Finally, Monaco-based tanker operator Scorpio Tankers entered into a memorandum of understanding with Californian company Carbon Ridge to collaborate on the development of onboard carbon capture for maritime vessels. The agreement addresses the collaboration for detailed front-end engineering, design, and validation process with a small-scale test unit onboard one of Scorpio Tankers’ 124 product tankers.


Ships with SBCC technology Captured CO2 To a geological storage site CO2 logistics at port CO2 utilisation CO2
“We’ll also carry out detailed life cycle assessments and techno-economic analysis, which will be essential information for maritime sector companies.”



Produced via electrolysis using electricity from the sun and wind, green hydrogen has a crucial role to play in the energy transition. Iridium is a scarce material that is presently essential to electrolysers working with the commonly used Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology.

Researchers at TNO have been the first to develop a method that will require 200 times less iridium where a performance of 25% - 46% of the current generation of electrolysers can already be achieved. A patent application has been made for this method.

“The expected growth of green hydrogen from 300 megawatts in 2020 to tens of gigawatts in 2030 has a flipside”, explains TNO expert, Lennart van der Burg. “It implies a proportionately growing demand for the scarce iridium for the electrolysers that will need to be built. Earlier TNO research revealed that the scaling up of electrolysis could be hampered by the extremely limited availability of scarce resources, especially iridium and platinum. In ten years’ time, the demand for iridium will vastly exceed its availability. Moreover, we rely on a small group of countries for its delivery, with all the risks that implies.”

Technological breakthrough

TNO researchers of the Faraday Lab in Petten, specialised in electrolysis, collaborated with colleagues from the Holst Centre in Eindhoven. TNO previously developed the spatial Atomic Layer Deposition (sALD) technology here, a method to apply extremely thin layers of functional materials to large surface areas. This technology was intended to birth the next generation of television, tablet, and smartphone displays. The research team has now also made the technology applicable to electrolysers.

TNO has spent the last two years experimenting with the sALD technology. Researchers applied an ultrathin layer of iridium as a catalyst material on a porous transport layer of titanium, instead of on a membrane, as is presently customary. The functioning and stability of the new method has been proven after different lab tests. Little to no degradation occurred after initial stress testing. On top of this, the electrolyser’s membrane remains iridium-free, making it easier to recycle and reuse.

Scaling up necessary

Together with a group of leading industrial partners and within the Voltachem program, TNO is working on moving this promising technology from the lab to practice. For this, the method needs to be scaled up to pilot scale to demonstrate its functioning under real-life conditions. “We’re not there yet”, warns van der Burg. “We’ve shown that the technology works in the lab, but we need to continue developing it to improve its lifespan, efficiency, and our capacity to produce it at scale. Previously, TNO and several other European knowledge institutes, already requested setting demands on the use of scarce materials when carrying out large pilot projects. It should be possible to apply the technology at a large scale in 2030. In this year the European target of installed electrolysis capacity is set at 40 GW, which is by than hopefully using much smaller amounts of scarce materials.”

Source: TNO

“The fact that we are reducing the required iridium by a factor of 200, while already achieving an average of one third of the performance of current electrolysers, is a technological breakthrough.”
The electrolyser’s membrane remains iridium-free, making it easier to recycle and reuse. Image courtesy of TNO.



For decades, mainly natural gas was and still is used for heating in the built environment, agriculture and industry as well as for power generation and as industrial feedstock.

While society is demanding a transition to renewable sources, we now see that the security of energy supply, as we have known it for a long time, is no longer a given. We see challenges arising with the availability and the affordability of energy, but also our pace towards a clean energy system in 2050 needs to be increased.

Energy Reinvented Community (ERC) wants to address these challenges in 2023. The annual theme will be SECURING

GREEN ENERGY SUPPLY. Steering board member Rene Peters (TNO) says: “Deepening our understanding what the stakes are, how this affects industry and what role partnerships can play in developing the solutions society so desperately needs, will be at the center.”

Aiming to expand the circle and bring in new ideas, ERC will also give the stage to start-ups active in sustainable energy solutions. Steering board member Jan Prins (Siemens Energy ) explains: “Newcomers bring in the new ideas and innovation we need, where we all can benefit from, Industry, society and the planet not in the least. At ERC we want to give start and scale-ups the stage to share.”

March: Heat

With the phasing out of natural gas and the goals deriving from the Dutch climate agreement, the heat transition is gathering momentum. Municipalities play an important role: via the Regional Energy Strategy (RES) and via the Vision on Heat Transition. Industry needs to deliver as well, with sustainable solutions for the heat transition, from electric heat pumps, biogas, and thermal storage to residual heat from industry and geothermal and aqua thermal energy. And investing in a knowledge infrastructure and human capital.

June: System integration

As we move towards a decarbonised world, energy supply will be primarily sourced from renewable power sources such as Offshore wind, floating solar, hydro, Wave thermal, creating an unprecedented need for huge energy modular

base load power generation is required different including and storage capacity solution are required A variety of new technologies to store energy are developing at a fast pace and are increasingly becoming more market competitive.

November: Energy Hub Europe

Europe wants to be climate neutral in 2050. Together countries in northwest Europe have the assets, knowledge, and people to change the system. We will look at a wide variety of collaborations that can bring numerous synergy benefits. E.g. the role of ports as energy hubs, the realisation of an international hydrogen backbone, ensuring green hydrogen will make its way into Europe, and the role of the North Sea.

With 1,400+ members the Energy Reinvented Community is designed to connect a wide range of stakeholders related to the energy industry. Its aim is to provide a platform for discussions, foster partnerships, spark ideas, generate innovation and enable cross sector and cross border activities, all related to the energy transition. Energy Reinvented Community was founded TNO, Siemens Energy and Shell in 2013. EBN joined the partners in 2018 and TenneT in 2021.

Interested to join an event? Take a look at

“Deepening our understanding what the stakes are, how this affects industry and what role partnerships can play in developing the solutions society so desperately needs, will be at the center.”


The Hydrocat 48, presented by Windcat Workboats and CMB.TECH, is a ground-breaking development for both the marine and offshore wind industries as it is the first CTV that uses clean fuels to reduce up to 80% of its traditional fuel usage and associated emissions. The Hydrocat 48 is a further green development, introducing clean fuel technology on the already very fuel efficient and high performing Windcat MK 3.5 design.

Proven technology

Dual fuel technology has been integrated into the MK3.5 series without compromising on performance and retaining the reliability of a traditionally fuelled vessel. It is the first vessel to truly offer a sustainable alternative to diesel fuel. CMB.TECH was the first to build a hydrogenpowered passenger shuttle in 2017. Based on this proven technology, Windcat’s Hydrocat 48 is now designed and built. The engine is manufactured by MAN Engines for dual fuel use and retrofitted by CMB.TECH with a hydrogen injection system.

No fundamental changes

Willem van der Wel, Managing Director of Windcat Workboats, states, “This vessel offers the industry a cost- effective solution to significantly reduce emissions

CMB.TECH has designed a 40ft 500bar trailer for remote refuelling of all the various systems applying the technology currently in use. All images courtesy of CMB.TECH. The engine is manufactured by MAN Engines for dual fuel use and retrofitted by CMB.TECH with a hydrogen injection system.

from service vessels, which can be applied to any wind farm today. This solution can be seen as a steppingstone to fully hydrogen powered CTVs. By starting with dual fuel combustion engines, we can make hydrogen technology operational in the industry and kick-start further development of the technology, regulation, supply chain, et cetera.”

Roy Campe, CTO of CMB.TECH adds, “The suitability for a CTV of this technology is mainly because existing diesel engines can be used. No fundamental changes to the main engine are required, which not only means that maintenance and repair remain simple, but also that the engine can easily be switched back to diesel fuel without any modifications. Even if hydrogen is not “available, the vessel can continue to run on traditional fuel, making it a very robust and reliable solution for the offshore wind industry.”

Considerably less CO2

The operating behaviour, fuel consumption and all other characteristics correspond exactly to the MAN D2862 LE428 with the same performance. In a form of pretreatment, a precisely measured quantity of hydrogen is added to the charge air. This mixture of hydrogen and air is then ignited with the injected diesel fuel in the combustion chamber of the cylinders. Depending on the engine’s operating point, only a very small amount of diesel fuel is needed. The diesel injection parameters are optimised in dual fuel mode to achieve the lowest emissions and the best consumption values. Therefore, in dual fuel mode, considerably less CO2 is released in the exhaust gases in circumstances where operating behaviour and full load characteristics remain unchanged. In the event of problems in the hydrogen circuit or a depleted hydrogen supply, a switch back to diesel can be made at any time. This guarantees uninterrupted operation with normal reliability.

Mono-fuel option

CMB.TECH and Windcat Workboats are now working on the further optimisation of engine capacities and the increased use of the hydrogen percentage. The longterm plan is to develop the technology and infrastructure to be able to eventually use a mono-fuel option via an internal combustion engine (ICE). The hydrogen supply

chain still needs to grow to become readily accessible in more locations. There is a significant shift towards hydrogen applications, and it is expected that the hydrogen supply chain will develop in the coming years. CMB. TECH and Windcat have also developed solutions for the supply of hydrogen to the vessel in this early phase of hydrogen development. CMB.TECH has designed a 40ft 500bar trailer for remote refuelling of all the various systems applying the technology currently in use. Multiple applications and customers can be served by this one system, which can also support the Hydrocat. Windcat, together with its joint venture partners TSM and FRS, has three more vessels under construction that can be delivered with the hydrogen technology on board. More CTV designs using this technology are being developed.

“CMB.TECH and Windcat Workboats are now working on the further optimisation of engine capacities and the increased use of the hydrogen percentage.”
The Hydrocat 48, presented by Windcat Workboats and CMB.TECH, is a ground-breaking development for both the marine and offshore wind industries.

Assai Software Services B.V.

Parallelweg Oost 13A 4103 NC Culemborg, The Netherlands +31 (0)85 1120227

Assai is the document control and document management system that puts users in control of their assets, projects, and documents. With over 30 years of experience, their integrated system allows users to focus on their core business while Assai stores and secures their documents.

Assai’s eDMS supports all complex engineering industries, including Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, Construction & Engineering, Nuclear, Transport, Utilities, and Mining. They offer intelligent numbering structures with automatic number generation, ensuring that all information added is checked against predefined reference data. This helps users deliver on time and meet the quality requirements of their clients.

Assai’s Enterprise Content Management system offers many search and drill down options, ensuring that the latest revisions are always on hand. Bulk uploading and downloading are integrated within the transmittal-based distribution, and users can define distribution matrices for automatic forwarding of documents and drawings. External parties can even directly upload, download, and comment on documents thanks to Assai Portal.

Assai is available in the cloud or on-premises if in-house data storage is preferred. Using Assai offers users the certainty and security of a high-quality, high-performance Common Data Environment. Don’t waste any more time on tedious document control and management processes – let Assai take care of it for you.

Contact: Pallavi Kanhere, CCO Sales department:

Bluewater Energy Services B.V. Taurusavenue 46 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands +31 (0)23 7115500

Since its foundation in 1978, Bluewater has built a technological lead specialising in design, development, lease and operation of Floating Production and Energy Systems, and has become a leading provider of innovative Single Point Mooring Systems.

The company has designed, manufactured, supplied and installed many innovative Floating Production and Energy Systems for the energy industry worldwide through turnkey supply and time charter contracts. The company also provides operational and logistic management and support for Production and Energy Systems.


For offshore renewable energy production, Bluewater has developed a Floating Wind TLP, a Tidal Energy Converter Platform, Solar Matrasses and the Electricity Buoy.

FPSO fleet

Bluewater Energy Services has designed, owned and operated ten FPSOs, of which three have been retired and two have been sold back to the energy companies. Presently Bluewater owns and operates its FPSOs for its clients through a leasing construction. The vessels are designed to high specification and to operate in the harshest environmental conditions, under the most stringent regulatory regimes.

SPM systems

Bluewater has developed some of the most innovative Single Point Mooring (SPM) systems in service from Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) Buoys, to Turret Mooring and Tower Systems featuring multiple risers. Each system has its own characteristics and fields of application.

Contact: Michel Bonte, Vice President Business Development


Fugro N.V.

Veurse Achterweg 10

2260 AA Leidschendam, The Netherlands +31 (0)70 3111422


P.O. Box 687

3100 AR Schiedam, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 2883000

Fugro, the world’s leading Geo-data specialist, wants to help create a safe and liveable world. We do this by supporting our clients in designing, building and operating assets safely, reliably and sustainably. As pioneers in understanding Earth, we contribute to the global energy transition, safe infrastructure, urban and coastal resilience, and protecting the natural environment.

Geo-data lies at the heart of our work: information related to the earth’s surface, subsurface, and everything people build on it. With our technology, and our people and their expertise, we acquire Geo-data, analyse it, and use it to advise our clients.

In the coming decades, population growth, urbanisation and climate change will increase the need for energy, water, food, roads, railways, buildings, airports and flood defences. With significant global and environmental challenges on the horizon, we are helping our clients to act now by developing and operating assets in the most safe, sustainable and efficient way possible.

We support clients in dealing with present and future challenges by providing high-quality, trustworthy information throughout project life cycles. From the outset, our detailed site characterisations facilitate the design and construction of buildings and infrastructure, helping to ensure that projects progress according to plan and within budget.

Fugro also provides information on the precise location and condition of assets as they are built and operated - a great opportunity for us to help optimise their reliability, use and longevity.

We use our specialised assets and digital integrated solutions to support a wide range of clients in the energy, infrastructure and water markets. With close to ten thousand highly talented employees operating in 59 countries, we have a global reach combined with a local presence.

GustoMSC is recognized for providing advanced design & engineering consultancy for mobile offshore units and reliable equipment. In close cooperation with our clients, we translate experience, science and technical knowledge into realistic & innovative ideas. In this way, GustoMSC enables and supports safe and efficient operations at sea, contributing to a sustainable future.

ESG, a natural course for offshore pioneers Projects at sea in offshore oil & gas and offshore wind are our most important markets. We believe we can help our clients move forward as the global energy transition accelerates. Energy efficiency and sustainability are an essential consideration in all GustoMSC design and equipment solution processes.

Advanced solutions

The global demand for offshore wind capacity and technological developments resulting in increasingly larger wind turbines calls for large installation vessels. As a result, Cadeler has ordered its second GustoMSC F-class vessel - a unique hybrid design allowing the vessel to convert from being a foundation installation unit to a wind turbine generator installation vessel within a short period of time. With expanded carrying capacity installation speed will be accelerated, thereby improving economics while reducing the total carbon footprint of the installation process. In addition, Sjøhest, our alternative wind blade installation methodology ensures major installation time savings as all three blades per turbine can be installed in one day. Also in the oil & gas industry our proven technology represents opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce the industry’s environmental footprint. In 2022 Velesto Energy Berhad installed the Chela Twins cranes on its NAGA-6, a GustoMSC CJ46 drilling jack-up design. With fewer rig days per well, these cranes directly reduce total time spent on wells, addressing the call for cost reduction from operators.

Making a real difference

The GustoMSC DNA, our 1.5 century experience in the offshore maritime sectors, combined with new initiatives and products, propone our company to be a leading partner for future challenges and opportunities for our clients. At GustoMSC we are effective at solving complex problems, utilizing this power to make a real difference is what motivates us as offshore pioneers.

Contact: Rutger Baan, Commercial Director


Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V.

Noordhoek 37

3351 LD Papendrecht, The Netherlands +31 (0)88 9433300

Combining past & present worlds

While the majority of our work today is in offshore renewables, our roots are in the Oil & Gas Industry. Our rich project portfolio of O&G platforms designs is a testament to this. This experience gave us a solid fundament for the development of electrical offshore substations, a lot of additional knowledge and skills have been developed to adopt to the challenges of these new projects.

With the advent of the hydrogen market, the past & the present meet, combining our expertise in both O&G and offshore wind. Hydrogen requires knowledge of both offshore wind (like wind farm interfacing, HV electrical systems & modern operator requirements), and O&G (like in-depth process design, complex piping and mechanical handling and (petro)chemical safety), all of which are deeply embedded in the Iv - Offshore & Energy organisation.

That is why Iv-Offshore & Energy is on the forefront of the offshore wind and hydrogen developments, providing our share in the energy transition against the world threatening global warming.

Our Company

Iv-Offshore & Energy is a division of the multidisciplinary engineering company, Iv-Groep. The service range of Iv-Offshore & Energy encompasses projects in the offshore Wind Energy Industry as well O&G (onshore and offshore). Our capabilities range from feasibility studies to turnkey contracts, including Project Management, Design and Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning activities for all leading operators within these industries.

Why work with us?

Our pragmatic approach, combined with a proven track record, has established us as a leading provider to the Offshore Wind Energy and O&G industry. By implementing explicit engineering knowledge and technology know-how, Iv-Offshore & Energy translates the most complex challenges into feasible, cost-efficient solutions.

Contact Iv-Offshore & Energy:

Mr. Fedor van Veen, Managing Director

Mr. Theo Driever, Engineering Manager

Mr. Anne Bok, Manager of Projects

Mr. Wilfred van Bergen, BD Manager

SDC Verifier

Zijlvest 25 2011 VB Haarlem, The Netherlands +31 (0)15 3010310

SDC Verifier is an engineering company that specializes in mechanical and structural design. It provides engineering consultancy services with expertise in Finite Element Analysis in the Marine and Offshore, Oil and Gas, Renewables, Heavy Lifting, and Consumer Products industries.

Among our areas of expertise are the following:

- Choosing the most competitive design to fulfill the needs in strength/complexity/economy sectors.

- Preparing the complete package of structural calculation documents required to participate in tenders and submit the most competitive offers.

- Performing structural calculations using FEA methodology of any kind: from linear static to advance non-linear dynamic analyses.

- Preparing precise and detailed calculation models of your structures to simulate the realistic behavior for further analysis.

- Visiting the site to measure the dimensions, speeds, frequencies, and accelerations and highlight the possible problem locations.

- Predicting the residual lifetime, buckling check, welds capacity calculation, joints, and connections checks according to the most recent and up-to-date standards.

The SDC Verifier software is a powerful code-checking tool that works within different FEA solutions, such as ANSYS, Femap, and Simcenter 3D.

The robust modules of SDC Verifier automatically verify your FEA results according to multiple industry standards such as Eurocode, FEM, AISC, Norsok, ISO, DNV, ABS, FKM, DVS, ASME, AIJ, AS, and others without the need for creating any additional models or spreadsheets and generate all the required documentation in extensive calculation reports.

Contact: Oleg Ishchuk, COO +31 15 455 05 65


Saltwater Engineering B.V.

Buitendijks 33 3356 LX Papendrecht, The Netherlands +31(0)78 2051500

Saltwater provides tailor-made solutions for the naval and offshore industry. Our highly skilled and experienced team of engineers offers a broad range of services involving vessel design, mobilization engineering, on-site services, and much more. A proven track record shows that we are competent and can handle any navel engineering request. Together we will find the best solution for your challenge.

Contact: Sander Broekmeulen, CEO, +31(0)78 2051501

Taxand Netherlands

Jachthavenweg 124 1081 KJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands +31 (0)20 4356400

Taxand Netherlands is an independent tax advisory firm offering a full range of (international) tax services, including corporate tax, transfer pricing, energy tax, VAT, personal income tax, payroll tax and social security. We have a strong focus on the oil, gas, renewable and maritime industry and bring 20+ years of experience in this field. We work in small efficient teams, delivering pragmatic and practical advice suited for your specific needs. Taxand Netherlands is a member of Taxand Global with over 2,000 advisors in 50 countries.

Contact: Jimmie van der Zwaan, Tax Partner, +31 (0)6 12744243

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We offer onshore and offshore safety and control solutions around the globe. By applying sensors combined with heavy duty controllers and in-house developed software, we create sustainable systems with low maintenance. SYSTEM INTEGRATion GLOBAL FIELD SERVICE IN-HOUSE DEVELOPMENT INTERESTED?
DEKC Maritime offers concept design, basic design and detail engineering for new build vessels as well as support during the lifetime of a vessel such as support with modifications, mobilizations and project specific engineering. Our specialists in naval architecture, structural design, mechanical engineering and detail engineering are able to help with every idea or challange. Deck Maritime OE Magazine editie 3-2022.indd 1

Abuco B.V.

Havenkade 26 1775 BA Middenmeer, The Netherlands +31 (0)227 501328

ABUCO is a fabrication and repair company specialized in the welding and processing of high strength steel (Ste690, S960, S355 etc.) and non-ferrous metals such as stainless steel and aluminium. The work undertaken by the company primarily involves carrying out repair, fabrication and modification work on lifting and hoisting equipment and fabrication and repair work for crane and equipment builders employed in the oil and gas industry. ABUCO also manufactures large volumes of pipework, special parts for workboats operating in the dredging and offshore sectors and swellcompensated platforms with telescoping gangways.

Specialist repair and construction work is undertaken in the company’s well-equipped workshops in Middenmeer and on location, both onshore and offshore.

For large amounts of items Abuco can also use its welding robot. The welding robot has a range of 14x4 meters. For programming the welds we use the 3D SolidWorks software

Abuco works according established guidelines. ABUCO is VCA**, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 3834-2:2005 and NEN-EN 1090-2 EXC 4. The inspection marks including DNV-GL, TÜV, ABS, AWS, Lloyd’s and Euronorm are also complied with.

A number of ABUCO employees are certified as visual welding inspectors, welding coordinators and welding technicians. Abuco also employs practical welding engineers. The people undertaking work offshore are certified for these activities. In carrying out its projects, Abuco can provide all the necessary disciplines, either in combination with regular partners or from its own workforce.

Services: Repair, modification, engineering, material supply and processing, preservation, transport by road and water and onshore/offshore assembly.

Contact: Jack Wagenaar, Ronald Lassche,

Bayards Helidecks B.V.

Veerweg 2 2957 CP Nieuw-Lekkerland, The Netherlands +31 (0)184 683000

Bayards Helidecks designs, engineers, manufactures and installs turn-key helidecks. With over 650 helidecks installed worldwide, Bayards brings the knowledge and experience required to successfully manage, co-design and co-engineer even the most challenging projects. Our product range includes support structures, safety netting, access systems, firefighting systems & equipment, lighting systems and heat tracing.

Our solutions in aluminium are tailored to our client’s specifications. In addition, our structures are engineered and built to the highest quality standards and the latest international safety regulations. Together with the material’s natural advantages, this makes Bayards the perfect partner for advanced and sustainable solutions in aluminium. Reducing maintenance and weight without losing strength is why aluminium is a valuable construction material in the Offshore Industry. We comply with all international standards like ISO and product regulations such as CAP437, NORSOK, NORMAM, AVV, ICAO, USCG and GACAR to ensure premium quality.

Drawing on Bayards Helidecks’ vast experience, Bayards UP is the perfect partner to carry out helideck inspections, maintenance & retrofitting. Whether it is a new or existing aluminium or steel helideck, Bayards UP ensures it is ready for use 24/7, 365 days a year.

Bayards Helidecks and UP are part of the Bayards Group: one of the world’s leading aluminium construction companies, active in numerous industries, such as maritime, oil & gas, wind energy, superyacht building, defence, civil constructions and healthcare. Founded in 1963, the company employs more than 250 people worldwide and has offices in the Americas, Europe and Asia. The Bayards Group supplies a wide range of lightweight, costeffective and durable aluminium offshore structures. Our portfolio is continuously evolving and includes stair towers, flexbarriers, living quarters, swing load protection barriers, handrailings, antenna towers, wind and heat shields, telescopic gangways, safety gates and helicopter hangars.

For more detailed information, please visit our websites: Bayards Helidecks: Bayards UP:

Contact: Marco Tanis, Managing Director Bayards Helidecks +31 (0)6 52314629



Landverhuizersplein 65 3072 MH Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 8201770 &

Damen Shipyards Group

Avelingen-West 20 4200 AA Gorinchem, The Netherlands +31 (0)183 63 99 11

BRIDGES2000 builds and rents bridges and gangways that provide safe accessibility solutions. We are a leading ESG (Environmental, Sustainability, Governance) company in the world and have been operating as a New Circular Economy Company (ensuring productive use of materials, in high value, for a long time) for over 20 years. We are also investors and sponsors of the most sustainable project in the world: ‘Seventh’ (www.

Our product portfolio includes various types of gangways, bridges, fenders and pontoons. For over 24 years, BRIDGES2000 has been serving the maritime, civil, event and increasingly the offshore sector. With our in-house production unit, modular off-the-shelf applications and innovative mindset, we can customize almost every demand.

We Deliver: Fast, Always On Time, Safe & Fit for Purpose. Anchoring your projects requires special equipment which we deliver, including bridges, gangways, fender, pontoons and multicats. Since these are light, fast and easy to maneuver, this saves significant time which leads to much lower costs for companies. In the current offshore access industry, many suppliers of active heave compensated have systems that work from ship-to-island, ship-to-platform or ship-to-jack up. But not the other way around. BRIDGES2000 will soon present the CGS 2 SYSTEM, which differentiates us from competitors by adding value to safe offshore operations, by aligning access equipment to any size ship.

Middle East- Seventh Bridges Services LLC

Since the beginning of 2021, we have founded Seventh Bridges Services LLC in Dubai (UAE) to serve GCC’s maritime and offshore markets; the civil and event sectors’ products and services will follow. Together with local partners, we will rent and deliver the same safe and real-time service in line with our reputation. Seventh Bridges Services LLC and BRIDGES2000 are also delivering project management and services for platforms, habitats and floating harbors.

Contact: Hendrik van der Ham, Founder & Head of Operations

Rotterdam (The Netherlands): +31 (0)10 8201770,

Dubai (UAE): +971 (0)50 3635097,

Damen Shipyards Group has been building and repairing ships for all sectors of the maritime industry for nearly a century. We support the offshore sector in all its forms with a range of products designed in response to client and market feedback. Today, our offshore portfolio covers the entire range of small to medium sized vessels for the full spectrum of offshore activities, including renewables, oil & gas, deep sea mining and exploration.

With first-class, strategically located facilities, including the Damen yards in Mangalia and Galati in Romania, partner yards in the Far East or building locally to Damen design and under Damen supervision, Damen delivers vessels both from its proven, standardised series, tailored to individual client requirements via modular options, and fully customised, engineered-to-order projects, including complex, specialised vessels and offshore construction and fabrication works.

Damen’s stated aim of being the world’s most sustainable shipbuilder means it is committed to ever-increasing levels of sustainability in its products and operations. Its investment in diverse R&D programmes, often working in collaboration with other industry partners, has led to the development of numerous innovations that improve efficiency and lower fuel consumption and emissions during both the construction and operation of our products, thus minimising their environmental impact.

Damen Shiprepair & Conversion (DSC), part of the Damen Shipyards Group, has an extensive track record in repairing, refitting and converting very large vessels and structures, while at all times maintaining the highest standards of safety, including FPSOs and rigs. Its many facilities are strategically located around the world, with drydocks up to 420m long and 90m across. DSC’s Harbour & Voyage division ensures minimal or even zero downtime by bringing the maintenance and repair crew direct to the vessel or installation.

Contact: Jelle Brantsma, Director Offshore & Specialized Vessels

Bas Loohuis, Commercial Director Offshore & Conversion Wouter Henstra, Commercial Manager Offshore Construction



Leo Bosschartlaan 1 2660 Hoboken, Belgium +32 (0)3 7404400

EQUANS is fully committed to the carbon neutral transition. Decarbonisation, digitalisation, decentralisation and the need to decrease demand are redefining the world of energy. Driven by global challenges of climate change, renewable energy has become indispensable on the energy market.

Structured to meet the challenges of tomorrow, Equans Offshore Division is a leading player in the market of offshore wind energy.

Equans Offshore Division is an integrated solutions provider offering value added solutions in the area of engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning of offshore high voltage substations (OHVS) and their foundations. Our services also include full monitoring and maintenance of complete offshore wind farms with the focus on the OHVS and Balance of Plant Scopes.

By combining the competences of our people, we are able to offer world class technical expertise that cover the entire lifecycle of our customers’ offshore wind projects.

Equans Offshore Division has delivered 30 High voltage substations to various European wind farms in the past 10 years with 4 stations under construction and 1 in backlog. Resulting in a market share of over 45% and has a strong offshore service experience, making us a reliable partner for all your projects.

Equans Offshore Division is a leading Belgian company, operating under the Bouygues Group, specialized in the design, implementation and maintenance of multi-technical installations and services.

Contact: Samuel Worthy, Equans Fabricom Offshore Joost van den Driest, Equans Fabricom Offshore Services

HSM Offshore Energy BV

Westfrankelandsedijk 9 (Harbour 528) 3115 HG Schiedam, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 4279200

“Serving the Energy Transition”

During more than 60 years HSM Offshore Energy has successfully completed well over 150 turnkey projects such as platforms, modules and jackets for the offshore upstream energy sector.

HSM Offshore Energy is an integrated solution provider of Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation and Commissioning of Offshore High Voltage Substations, hydrogen production platforms, multi-disciplinary oil & gas production/ processing platforms and modules and steel jacket foundations.

We seek to work closely with highly qualified partners to service the industry and boost the energy transition for our future generations. By combining the competences of our people, we are able to offer first class technical expertise to our customers every day.

The Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2015. The health and safety management system is SSC** 2017/6.0 certified. Our ISO 14001:2015 certification is testament to our environmental commitment, as is our CO2 awareness level 3 certificate.

The covered production facilities in Schiedam allow full indoor completion with optimum control of quality and planning. The yard - 75,000 square metres – features deep water open North Sea access, heavy duty load-out quay, a 270 metres jetty and own blasting and painting facilities.

Offshore Portfolio

- Offshore High Voltage Substations & jackets for Offshore Wind Farm developments

- Offshore hydrogen production platforms & jackets

- Platforms, modules and subsea structures for offshore oil & gas developments

Achilles FPAL id. 10041107

Achilles Oil and Gas Europe id. 37781

Achilles Utilities NCE id. 112507


J.N. (Jaco) Lemmerzaal, Managing Director

H.C. (Hans) Leerdam, Commercial Director

J.P. (Jaco) Fleumer, Business Development Manager



Admiraal Trompstraat 2 3115 HH Schiedam, The Netherlands +31 (0)88 0702222

We are Huisman. We design and manufacture heavy construction equipment for the world’s leading companies in the renewable energy, oil and gas, civil, naval and entertainment markets. The history of Huisman is one of setting new industry standards. Of making impact, since 1929. With step changing technical solutions that vary from stand-alone components to highly engineered integrated systems. From concept to installation and lifetime support.

Offshore Wind

Building on the successful operation of existing Huisman products for the installation of offshore wind turbines and foundations, Huisman developed a dedicated range of cranes and installation tools for the offshore wind industry. We deliver cranes for both jack-up vessels and floating vessels and developed sophisticated monopile gripper systems and motion compensation systems for floating installation and maintenance works on the future’s wind turbines. The Huisman operations are divided between the facilities in China, Czech Republic and the Netherlands, and sales and service offices in Brazil, Norway, Singapore and the USA.


Huisman’s in-house developed and manufactured cranes have become a standard in the design and construction of heavy lift cranes. We develop and build a wide range of both on- and offshore cranes, varying in size and type. Besides a range of standardised cranes, we have extensive experience in providing tailor made cranes. In either case, our solutions have proven to be cost-effective in total cost of ownership.


We deliver integrated systems such as Flex-lay, S-lay, J-lay, and Reellay systems, as well as combinations of these lay methods. In addition, we provide a full packages of related stand-alone equipment.


Huisman offers complete drilling packages and is dedicated to explore and realise new solutions to improve drilling operations. Our projects are typically complex and innovative, requiring solution-aimed thinking, technical excellence and partnerships with our clients. This has resulted in a number of new value-adding solutions and delivery of innovative and technically challenging drilling equipment sets.

Contact |

Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. Alfred Marshallstraat 13 7559 SE Hengelo, The Netherlands +31 (0)74 2427575

Manufacturer for high-quality products for the (petro) chemical, hydraulic and filter industries and the energy-boiler and pressure vessel related sector.

Advanced: Machinefabriek Heerbaart has grown into a highly advanced company using the latest conventional and computeroperated equipment, such as lathes, processing centres and turning machines.

Shell: Shell has placed us on its list of approved suppliers for the manufacture of fittings, branch fittings, flanges, orifice flanges, spectacle blinds/spades/spacers and special machined pressure parts in various carbon steels, stainless steels, various duplex materials and low/high alloy materials.

Bar stock/forgings: Carbon steels, stainless steels, duplex, 22Cr25Cr duplex and all kinds of low/high alloy

Flanges: ANSI, DIN, JIS, MSS-API and other standards. We specialise in customer-specific products with a choice of many types of materials. Our maximum turning capacity is ø 1800 mm.

Orifice flanges/orifice plates: Orifice flanges from stock (ASME/ ANSI B 16.36).

Fittings: ANSI B 16.9 - ANSI B 16.11, 3000-6000-9000 lbs, DIN and BS.

Spectacle blinds, spades, spacers: API 590, SHELL, ANSI, DIN, RF, RTJ.

O-lets: Weldolets©, nipolets©, sockolets©, latrolets©, threadolets© and elbolets©

Custom design Machinefabriek Heerbaart partner for custom designed pressure parts. From idea and drawing to your specific required product in various materials and approved certificates.

Quality: ISO 9001:2015, PED 2014/68/EU, Lloyd’s Stoomwezen stamp authorisation, API Q1:3634.

Contact: F. van Goethem, Managing Director J.P. Sterckel, Commercial Director



De Steven 51-53

9206 AX Drachten, The Netherlands +31 (0)512 591000

SMST is an internationally operating company that designs and builds offshore equipment. Its product range covers a broad spectrum for the supply chain for the offshore industry. SMST offers systems for lifting, transfer of personnel and cargo, drilling, pipelay and special equipment. A selected part of the offshore equipment is also available for rent.

By the unique combination of its in-house design and engineering expertise, production facilities, testing capacity, worldwide installation and service & aftersales, SMST delivers complete systems that match customer’s specifications and expectations. Modularity of the products enlarges operational possibilities and offers flexibility to the offshore industry. All systems are designed and built in accordance with the international standards and are certified by recognized authorities.

With over 25 years of experience, SMST has also developed a complete system package for the offshore wind industry. Its offshore wind portfolio includes a range of gangways adjustable for various heights, modular offshore cranes which can be equipped with various knuckle booms and active heave- and (3D) motion compensation, and special handling equipment. SMST integrates its proven knowledge of motion compensation successfully in their products to reduce costs while increasing workability.

SMST’s general product range:

- Access systems: Gangways, various lengths from 4 up to 58 meter, Mobile and fixed solutions, Height adjustable systems, Access & Cargo Towers, Cargo Transporters

- Lifting equipment: AHC Knuckle and Telescopic boom cranes, Mobile cranes, (3D) Motion compensated cranes, Rail mounted cranes, Pipe handling manipulators, A-frames, Winches (AHC, Spooling winch containers

- Drilling/pipelay equipment: Mobile drilling systems, Pipe handling cranes, Riser handling cranes, BOP handling cranes, Catwalk machines, Pipe grippers, Pipe loaders, PLET handling systems, (Fall) Pipe handling systems, Pipe spooling systems, Tensioners, Workstations & equipment, Skidding systems

- Navy: Hangar and stern doors

Contact: Visit to find out more about SMST or contact us at: For information on job opportunities you can contact:


Hoge Mauw 200 2370 Arendonk, Belgium +32 (0)14 672281

Smulders is an international steel construction company with more than 1,000 employees working across offices in Belgium, Poland and the United Kingdom. Smulders has a proven track record in the engineering, construction, supply and assembly of heavy, technical complex steel constructions.

With over 50 years of experience in its field, Smulders was the logical choice for offshore wind structures back in the pioneering days of wind energy more than 20 years ago. Smulders offers a full range of services from engineering and fabrication to the complete turnkey solutions (EPCI) of substations and foundations (transition pieces, jackets, floating foundations).

Production facilities

All aspects of the production process are managed in-house and divided amongst different production facilities. Smulders operates from facilities located in Belgium (Arendonk, Balen & Hoboken), Poland (Zary, Niemodlin & Łęknica), the United Kingdom (Newcastle upon Tyne) and France (Fos-sur-Mer).


To date, we have delivered over 2,300 transition pieces, 160 jackets and 37 substations. Our most recent projects are:

- Hollandse Kust (noord), (west Alpha) & (west Bèta): 3 substations

- Saint-Brieuc: substation

- Dogger Bank A, B & C: 277 transition pieces

- Moray West: 2 Offshore Transformer Modules

- Provence Grand Large: 3 floating foundations

Visit our website for a complete overview of our facilities and references.


VandeGrijp IGS BV

Rietgorsweg 11 3356 LJ Papendrecht, The Netherlands +31 (0)78 6446464

VandeGrijp is an independent company specialized in production of steel tubes, piles and tubular constructions made to customer’s specifications. VandeGrijp excels in production of heavy steel constructions.

Our expertise ranges from fabrication of tubes, tube sections, cylinders, cones and half scales to complete winch drums, transitions and spreader bars. With more than 8,000 square meters of fabrication halls, our own harbor with roll-on roll-off quay at our property of more than 8 hectares, we can help you fabricate virtually anything. From unique special items to larger series, in high tensile or normal steel, we deliver quality on time.

Quality assurance

The company operates according to ISO 9001 and ISO 3834-2 specifications and is EN-1090 EXC4 qualified.

Production facilities

- Pipe mill with a six-meter plate rolling machine for pipe diameters up to 1200 mm and 25 mm wall thickness.

- Two construction halls with three 3-meter plate rolling machines, for plate thicknesses from 10 mm up to 150 mm and diameters up to 10,000 mm and assembly lengths up to 150 meters.

- Harbor with RoRo loading quay for large and heavy constructions in close proximity to Rotterdam.


P. Nederlof, Sales Director

Breman Machinery B.V. Sasdijk 20 8281 BM Genemuiden, The Netherlands +31 (0)88 2736200

Great challenges need sophisticated solutions. This is the work of specialists. Machines that produce components with exceptional proportions and extreme accuracy. Welcome to Breman Machinery B.V. Situated in Genemuiden, beside open water, having a directconnection to all international ports, including Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Antwerp. For over 150 years, they have offered customized solutions for relations all around the world. Building components which weigh tens or even hundreds of tonnes, yet are withina tolerance of a few hundredth of a millimeter. The extreme precision you are looking for.

Glomar Offshore B.V. Het Nieuwe Diep 34 A3 1781 AD Den Helder, The Netherlands +31 (0)223 525030

Glomar Offshore operates a diverse fleet of purpose built offshore support vessels, all of which are certified to the highest standard of health and safety.

Our dedicated team of talented ship management professionals use a range of applicable quality management tools, guidelines and procedures, safeguarding operations both at sea and onshore. We are extremely proud of our ’in house’ rebuilds and constructions performed at our Globaltic Marine Shipyard in Poland.

Solidd Steel Structures B.V. Solcamastraat 22 9262 ND Sumar, The Netherlands +31 (0)511 462525

At Solidd Steel Structures we are specialized in mechanical turnkey projects. We employ a wide range of specialists for the design, engineering, execution and management of turnkey projects, such as lifting appliances, installation tools, platforms and any other off-shore construction. We unburden our clients. Having all steel construction facilities under our roof we create maximum flexibility and added value for our clients. With years of experience in cutting, welding up to specialised machining we have plenty of inhouse knowledge to support your project. Onsite our service team is ready to perform all types of support including onsite machining.


Alleima a stainless steel producer Our origins date back to 1862 in Sandviken, Sweden

Everything is new, nothing has changed. Since 1862, we have advanced industries and societies through materials technology. Together with our customers we continue to innovate new advanced stainless steels and special alloys in tube, pipe and more. From melt to final product, our integrated manufacturing process ensures full traceability and industry-leading technology and quality. It’s what we’ve done for 160 years. Advancing industries with materials technology.

E-Mail: Tel: +31 |
| 10-3110140
Alleima EMEA AB Beursplein 37
AA Rotterdam



Allseas Engineering B.V.

Poortweg 12 2612 PA Delft, The Netherlands +31 (0)15 2681800

Allseas is a world-leading contractor in the offshore energy market, with dynamism, rapid progress and pioneering spirit at its core. To stay ahead of the industry, they develop tomorrow’s technology today, transforming bold ideas into state-of-the-art solutions to meet the market’s ever changing needs.

Their contracting expertise traditionally lies in ultra-deepwater and large diameter pipelay and subsea installation. With the introduction of Pioneering Spirit, they added transportation, installation and decommissioning of offshore facilities to their core business.

More recently, they developed a full-scale collection system to recover polymetallic nodules responsibly 4.5 kilometres beneath the ocean surface. These nodules contain high grades of manganese, cobalt and nickel – metals required to manufacture batteries for storing renewable energy and powering electric vehicles.

Specialised fleet

Designed and optimised in-house, Allseas’ fleet of record-breaking construction and support vessels are fitted with the most advanced equipment and systems. When it comes to speed, reliability, efficiency and capability, their dynamically positioned pipelay vessels have shaped the offshore pipelay industry into what it is today, setting new standards for heavy, deep-water pipelines.

Allseas’ heavy lift and pipelay vessel Pioneering Spirit is a gamechanger. Built to install and remove entire offshore platforms in a single lift, and lay pipelines in unlimited water depths, the world’s largest construction vessel boasts versatility and capability unrivalled anywhere in the offshore industry.

Dare to pioneer

As new markets emerge, so do opportunities to apply their engineering expertise to develop new technology that will play a key role in the energy transition, and optimise existing solutions to drive efficiency and minimise the potential environmental impact.

Allseas supports clients already in the conceptual design stage and offer services for project management, engineering, fabrication, installation, removal and commissioning. Based in Delft, Allseas Engineering has more than 900 employees, and provides project management and engineering services to the Allseas Group.

BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff

Radarweg 36 1042 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands +31 (0)20 4488300 | |


of Spliethoff Group

BigLift Shipping and sister company Spliethoff, both members of the Amsterdam-based Spliethoff Group, together operate a modern fleet of some 66 vessels. Both companies strive for operational excellence and reliability, adhering to the highest Safety, Health, Environment and Quality standards and operating to strict time schedules

BigLift Shipping is one of the world’s leading heavy lift shipping companies, specialised in the worldwide ocean transportation of heavy lift and project cargoes, operating a modern fleet of 4 heavy transport vessels and 21 heavy lift vessels. Given its 50 years in the heavy lift sector, the company has many long-standing clients.

All heavy lift vessels have their own lifting gear with lifting capacities up to 2,200 mt and some have a ro-ro capability for loads as high as 2,500 mt. The heavy transport vessels can load ro-ro cargoes up to about 16,000 mt a piece.

Spliethoff is a specialist in, among other things, the transportation of line pipe and plant equipment for the oil and gas industry and large cable equipment for the telecom industry. The company operates a fleet of modern, ice-classed, multipurpose vessels, ranging from 11,000 to 23,000 DWT.

The newbuild B-Type vessels combine the intake of a multi-purpose vessel with a DP2, station-keeping ability of up to Bft 6, making them ideal for supplying large volumes and heavy cargoes directly offshore. To obtain the fast, safe and efficient loading and discharge of pipes, both on and offshore, the vessels have a removable, automated, pipe-handling gantry crane installed.

A team of dedicated, highly skilled professionals, with years of experience and the mindset to think creatively, enables us to offer innovative and safe solutions for clients’ technically and logistically complex requirements.

Contact: Johan Boer, General Manager Commercial Department, BigLift Shipping Hans-Wouter Valk, Projects Manager, Spliethoff



Rosmolenweg 20

3356 LK Papendrecht, The Netherlands

+31 (0)78 6969000

Creating New Horizons

To help meet future demand for energy Boskalis offers a wide range of specialist services combined into integrated solutions. With dedicated professionals and versatile fleet, Boskalis creates New Horizons for its clients. Every project brings new challenges; it’s how they deal with them that makes the difference. With an impressive track record of multidisciplinary projects Boskalis knows how to manage interfaces, mitigate risks and simplify execution.

With safety as the core value, Boskalis offers a unique range of offshore services to the international energy sector - oil, gas and renewables. Realizing projects in remote locations with a heightened environmental focus, is one of Boskalis’ areas of expertise.

Boskalis services in the offshore energy project lifecycle

- Marine Survey

Site specific geophysical, geotechnical, environmental and UXO survey.

- Subsea Services

IRM & light construction with air and saturation diving and ROV services.

- Marine Transport & Services

Dry transport of heavy structures, wet tow of floating structures, offshore services with AHTs, CSVs & barges, transport of floating & fixed offshore wind foundation and substations.

- Seabed Intervention

Seabed preparation, subsea rock installation, landfall construction and pipe pulls.

- Heavy Lifting

Installation and removal of floating & fixed structures such as platforms, foundations and substations.

- Subsea Cables

Installation of export and array cables and cables for electrification projects and cable repair.

How can we help you achieve your business goals?

Whatever you are looking for - standard, complex or full life cycle services - Boskalis can provide an innovative and cost-effective solution to suit your needs. Let’s talk!

Jumbo Offshore

Havenstraat 23

3115 HC Schiedam, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 7900300

Jumbo Offshore is a privately owned company, part of the Jumbo Group, with a state-of-the-art and versatile fleet of specialised offshore installation and transportation crane vessels operated worldwide in both the Renewables and Subsea & Offshore industries. Jumbo Offshore is a flexible and client focused installation contractor, providing clients with robust, efficient and thoroughly engineered transport and installation solutions in the Renewables, Subsea and Offshore industries.

From quayside to seabed

With our track record and technical expertise we have built a solid reputation as a reliable contractor with cost-effective ‘fromquayside-to-seabed’ transport and installation solutions. In addition, Jumbo offers flawless and unequalled engineered logistic support through its transport division. Our unique methods reduce project risk, save cost and enable our clients to build scale for their offshore energy developments.

Subsea & Offshore: Heavy Lift and Subsea Lifting Operations

In relative shallow water environments, Jumbo are experts in the installation of FLNG and FSRU mooring systems. In more challenging deep water and ultra-deep water, Jumbo excels in subsea lifting of large and complex structures and foundations. This also includes the provision of complete FPSO mooring system installations.

Renewables: WTG Foundation Installations

Our current track record includes hundreds of WTG foundation installations; In relative shallow waters, we are experts in the foundation installation of transition pieces and/or installation of secondary steel onto monopiles. As offshore wind further develops into deeper water, Jumbo draws on its extensive subsea and mooring installation experience, to create unique T&I mooring and hook-up solutions for floating wind farm structures anchored to the seabed

Interested to find out more about our installation solutions for renewables and subsea & offshore? Please contact us via


Offshore Marine Contractors BV

Verlaat 6

8331 VA Steenwijk, The Netherlands +31 (0)528 230445 (24/7)

Offshore Marine Contractors (OMC) has nearly 40 years of Hands-On experience and offers a variety of Marine Services worldwide to the offshore and maritime industries. We serve the offshore industry with our expertise during approximately 150 rigmoves every year, making OMC the leading client on the North Sea tugs spot-market.

OMC was founded in 1985. The company’s senior partners had successfully served the offshore industry since 1976 and through a number of merges, they are able to consolidate their considerable resources and experience, which today allows the company to confidently provide a comprehensive package of services including:

- Offshore Vessel Brokerage

- Jack up and Semi-sub Rigmoves

- Towmaster / Mooring Master / Rigmover Services

- FPSO installations

- Jacket Launch and Installation

- Top-side floatovers

- Marine consultancy

- Surface and sub-sea positioning services

- Marine Procedures

- Vessel Audits (E)-CMID / OVID

- Onhire / Offhire surveys

- Offshore transportation

- Mooring system design / installation

- Marine Warranty Survey services

- Windfarm installations

- Supply of all marine related equipment (Anchor & Towing equipment, positioning survey, satcomms)

OMC’s strength lies within its in-house team of Master Mariners who are fully conversant with the technical and operational skills required in today’s offshore environment. The qualifications and experience of their mariners coupled with the complimentary services of their associate positioning survey company, Marine Offshore Designers (MOD), enables OMC to offer a wide range of marine services with the emphasis on safety, quality and economy. They look forward to the opportunity of offering clients the benefit of hundreds of years of combined practical offshore experience.


Contact: N.J. Broertjes, Managing Director

Van Oord Offshore B.V.

Jan Blankenweg 2 4207 HN Gorinchem, The Netherlands +31 (0)88 8265200

Van Oord operates around the world as a leading contractor for dredging, marine engineering and offshore energy projects, offering innovative solutions to marine challenges. The growth of the global economy and the expanding world population are generating an increasing demand for energy worldwide. To meet this global demand for energy Van Oord delivers offshore installation projects. We provide integrated, innovative and sustainable solutions with a focus on the installation, stabilisation and protection for the offshore energy infrastructure.

Coastal Energy infrastructure: Van Oord provides integrated solutions for coastal energy infrastructure projects. Deploying our in-house specialists and installation assets, including linear winches, multi-purpose construction vessels, a shallow water pipe lay barge and dredging equipment, allows us to execute Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts in the field of landfall construction, trenching and backfilling, shallow water pipeline and cable installation and Single Point Mooring (SPM) installation.

Offshore Wind: Van Oord is leading the way in the energy transition towards renewable energy by constructing offshore wind projects. We furnish all-round solutions, often as turnkey projects including engineering, procurement, and construction in order to assume full responsibility for entire projects for our clients. We focus on Balance of Plant contracts (BoP, all supporting components and auxiliary systems other than the wind turbines) and on transport and installation (T&I) projects.

Subsea Rock Installation: Van Oord is market leader in the seabed intervention technique Subsea Rock Installation (SRI). Our fleet of flexible fallpipe vessels enable us to stabilise and protect offshore pipelines, cables, wind turbine foundations and other installations. Working with high accuracy and efficiency in water depths from five to 1,500 metres with materials from sand to 600-kilogram rock.

Ocean Health: In 2021, Van Oord launched its Ocean Health programme. The programme underlines the role of the ocean in slowing down climate change. We aim to contribute to a healthy ocean by reintroducing balance in this complex system. Our focus is on stimulating biodiversity and creating healthier oceans through the preservation, restoration and creation of ecosystems. Activities include coral reef rehabilitation, the conservation and restoration of mangroves and seaweed farming.


Vroon Offshore Services B.V.

Het Nieuwe Werk 88

1781 AK Den Helder, The Netherlands +31 (0)223 673800

VROON OFFSHORE SERVICES (VOS) excels in the provision of diverse services and solutions for key offshore-support needs, including platform supply, emergency response and rescue, anchor handling tug supply, walk to work and subsea support. In addition, VOS offers a wide range of complementary offshore and third-party ship-management services.

A highly qualified and professional team of on-board crews and shore-based colleagues handles the full management scope of our own modern and versatile fleet. Our portfolio also includes the provision of value-adding services to other ship owners, with expertise covering commercial, ship-management and operational matters.

VOS is an international operator, with a strong geographical presence in Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Indian Ocean and Asian regions. VOS supports both renewable and oil & gas clients and has been active in offshore markets since 1964.

We look forward to working with you!

For more information visit and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.


Wagenborg Foxdrill Kampenstraat 14

7575 EK Oldenzaal, The Netherlands +31 (0)541 580500

Wagenborg Foxdrill is an all-round service provider to the oil, gas, and renewables industries. As part of the Wagenborg group, we can provide complete marine, lifting, rigging, and logistical experts to provide a complete service range. Our goal is to keep your assets running and to minimize your costs.

Rig Surveys: independent rig surveys on all onshore and offshore assets including: (intrusive) Condition Surveys, Site/Factory Acceptance Tests, Compliance surveys, Rig Acceptance Surveys, and EX surveys.

Maintenance: WF services electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, and High Pressure equipment. WF is also experienced in inspecting and maintaining EX equipment. WF can also provide in-house developed Maintenance Management software to ensure maximum uptime.

Inspections: WF has experienced and proactive inspection teams available to conduct API 4G inspections of your derrick, including NDT of critical areas. Dropped Object surveys are also offered to assist in reducing this hazard on your asset.

Repair: Repairs such exchange/alignment of guide tracks, (crown) sheave replacement, AHC cylinder replacement, cleaning/touch up of (non)coated surfaces and modifications of vent lines can all be carried out by WF. Complete derrick overhauls & refurbishments are part of the in-house experience available.

Conductor Installation & Supply: We provide turnkey conductor installation packages, including: driveability studies, supply of conductors, and the actual installation. We install conductors both on- and offshore. WF has an extensive international installation track record, covering both Oil & gas and Geothermal wells.

Derrick Assembly: Complete assembly of land rigs or offshore derricks. WF has years of experience with a variety of rig/derrick types: Cluster slider rigs, dessert rigs, single and dual derricks.

Rig Moves & Consultancy: WF has carried out hundreds of rig moves all over the world. We increase safety and significantly reduce rig move times. Door-to-door rig moves overseas are possible.

For more information please contact us or visit


Broekman Logistics

Waalhaven Z.z. 21 21, Port nr. 2335 3089 JH Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 4873911

Since the start in 1960, Broekman Logistics has grown into one of the leading full-service supply chain companies in the Benelux.

With offices located worldwide, Broekman Logistics provides its clients a global reach with a personal touch, together with its long term Network Partners: from forwarding, shipping, and distribution services to the specialised breakbulk terminals and combined hazardous and non-hazardous class warehouse locations.

Global reach with a personal touch

DEME Offshore

Minervum 7442 4817 ZG Breda, The Netherlands +31 (0)76 5204140

DEME Offshore, part of the DEME Group, is the leading global solutions provider in the offshore energy industry. We are the offshore energy pioneer, with a successful track record spanning more than three decades. Our activities started with landfall construction and rock placement. Today, we are the number one offshore wind contractor in the world, capable of installing the latest generation XL foundations and 15 MW+ wind turbines, as well as offshore substations, inter-array and HVDC export cables. We also have vast expertise in heavy lift, umbilicals, interconnectors, geoscience and decommissioning services.

Combifloat Systems BV

Rivium Quadrant 75, 8th floor 2909 LC Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 4370811

We Elevate Your Business Operating on all continents, Combifloat owns an extensive portfolio of fully modular floating and self-elevating marine equipment. At present Combifloat operates three fabrication sites in Europe and the Middle East. Stock of our Combifloat C-5, C-7 and C-9.5 series is kept in strategic locations to quickly serve clients and guarantee short delivery times. Recent projects have been completed in Asia, Europe, the Arctic region as well as South America. Founded in 1957 in Rotterdam, Combifloat’s head office is located in Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands. A branch office is located in Dubai, U.A.E. In addition a network of agents is maintained worldwide.

Multraship Ocean Towage B.V. Schuttershofweg 1 4538 AA Terneuzen, The Netherlands +31 (0)115 645000

Multraship is a division of the Muller Maritime Group, jointly owned by the Muller family and Fairplay Towage. The company’s core activities include harbour towage, salvage & wreck removal, ocean towage and support to the offshore energy, renewables and dredging industries. Multraship operates a large, modern fleet of tugs, self propelled floating sheerlegs, support vessels and other units, in Europe and beyond. For the offshore energy industry the company’s tugs and multipurpose craft are deployed as heavy lift, support, standby, supply and crew tender vessels.

Contact: Christian Pey, Senior Commercial Manager


Wilgenbos 2 (4th floor) 3311 JX Dordrecht, The Netherlands +31 (0)111 456000

N-Sea is an integrated subsea solutions provider in Survey, IRM & Light Construction, Subsea Cables, UXOcontrol and Data Management. We deliver effective and cost-efficient solutions for subsea infrastructures and assets that meet the needs of the international oil, gas- and renewable industry.

Delivering subsea: from inspections and pre-installation surveys through to construction support and maintenance management to decommissioning, working in challenging conditions without compromising on safety.


Hofplein 20, 14th Floor 3032 AC Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 2689890

Red Box Energy Services (RBES) is a leading provider of module transportation services for a wide range of energy infrastructure projects.

The AUDAX and PUGNAX have firmly established their credentials as safe and reliable vessels able to serve the needs of our clients in the most challenging marine environments, capable of transporting some of the most valuable cargoes for the world’s largest energy infrastructure projects.


AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V.

Damweg 12

4905 BS Oosterhout, The Netherlands +31 (0)162 491500

Over 100,000 tons of quality heavy steel plates in stock: AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. (AWS) is a stockholding wholesaler and steel service center, specializing in the supply of hot-rolled heavy carbon steel (quarto) plates, and profiled parts for more than 40 years now. Over the years, AWS has developed into a business that sets the standard for its industry.

Customer base: With its 100 man workforce, the services AWS provides for all kinds of custom products together with the expert advice is what makes them a valued partner for customers in offshore fabrication and marine industry, steel and crane construction, pressure vessel equipment industry, heavy machinery, yellow goods.

Plates from stock or profiled parts: The choice is yours! It is the combination of comprehensive stocks of over 100,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant that gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.

Delivery program: AWS stocks an extensive range of 3.2 Lloyd’s Register/LRQA/DNV certified plates:

- Shipbuilding grades LR-A, LR-DH36, LR-EH36 (+Z35), VL-D36, VL-E36 (+Z35), VL-E36TM, VL-F36TM

- Construction plates in S235JR/S355J2+N/S355K2+N acc. to EN 10025-2

- Fine grained construction plates S355NL acc. to EN 10025-3

- Offshore grades S355G10+M/S355MLO/S355G10+N/ S355NLO/S420G2+M / S420MLO/S460G2+M/S460MLO acc. to EN 10225, S355ML/S460ML acc. to EN 10025-4, S460NL (Z35-US) acc. to EN 10025-3

- High strength fine grained plates - Dillimax 690-1100 (+Z35)

- Wear-resistant plates - Dillidur 400/450/500/550

- Dicrest®5 (HIC resistant) acc. to ASME SA 516 Gr. 60/65/70

- Pressure vessel grades P265GH/P295GH/355GH acc. to EN 10028-2 P355NH/ P355NL2, P460NH/NL2 acc. to EN 10028-3

Certification and full material traceability: Since 1991, AWS has operated an ISO 9001:2015 quality management system certificated in accordance with TÜV.

Company of Dillinger: AWS is a company of Dillinger, Dillingen/ Saar, Germany, Europe’s leading producer of quarto plates, with a hot rolling capacity of 2.0 million tons per year.

Contact: Joost van Dijk, Managing Director

Atlas Copco Rental Nederland

Merwedeweg 7

3336 LG Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 2310110

Atlas Copco Rental is your trusted partner for short- or long term rental of Air, Power, Steam and Nitrogen Solutions. From the Oil and Gas upstream all the way to the renewable energy sector, Atlas Copco Rental has references around the globe.

Offshore dedicated rental fleet

Reliable, rigsafe 100% oil-free and oil injected air compressors, compact and lightweight power generators from 30 to 1450 kVA, robust steam boilers and versatile nitrogen units support every application on and around your platform.

All our equipment is built for heavy duty in hazardous conditions and available with DNV 2.7-1 certified lifting frames. Atlas Copco Rental’s equipment is designed to be seaborne and comes certified according to specific Offshore and Renewable energy industry norms and standards. The same goes for our dedicated offshore service technicians.

Our offshore equipment is ideal for applications such as: pipeline testing: commissioning and decommissioning, well testing, subsea well removal, seismic exploration, explosive removal: marine growth removal and subsea demolition, lifting and moving, wet buckle contingency, platform instrument air, platform/TP back-up power.

Offshore renewable energy Whatever stage your renewable energy project is in, Atlas Copco Rental has equipment that’s up for the task. Atlas Copco Rental is especially proud of its ISO 8573-1 Class Zero certified 100% oilfree compressors, which are ideal for critical applications, such as noise reducing systems (NMS) as bubble curtains.

Our project engineers make sure you get a tailor-made solution and our service engineers can join on the journey to keep your installation in perfect working order.

Contact Frank van den Heiligenberg, Sales Engineer Offshore, Marine, Oil & Gas Upstream,


Combifloat Systems BV

Rivium Quadrant 75, 8th floor

2909 LC Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 4370811 /


Lelystraat 53

3364 AH Sliedrecht, The Netherlands +31 (0)184 613200

We Elevate Your Business

Operating on all continents, Combifloat owns an extensive portfolio of fully modular floating and self-elevating marine equipment particularly suitable for inland, port and nearshore operations. At present Combifloat operates fabrication sites in Europe and the Middle East. Stock of our Combifloat C-5, C-7 and C-9.5 series is kept in strategic locations to quickly serve clients and guarantee short delivery times. Recent projects have been completed in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Arctic region as well as South America.

Founded in 1957 in Rotterdam, Combifloat’s head office is located in Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands with a branch office located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In addition a network of agents is maintained worldwide.

A range of modular Jack Ups

Next to operating the world’s biggest modular jack ups capable of lifting over a 1000mt payload, Combifloat has completed its design of a semi-modular monohull capable of operating in over 60 meter waterdepth with 2000mt payload.


Combifloat’s modularity allows our platforms to support contractors in numerous markets in different applications such as:

- Port, jetties and terminals

- Renewables

- Dredging

- Geotechnical

- Bridges and tunnels

- Landfall and marine outfall

- Oil and Gas

- Temporary infrastructure

Maximizing workability

With highly qualified and specialized in-house engineers, Combifloat offers various engineering services to guide and support clients on operational and environmental matters when using the platform. Combifloat engineers are available in all stages of your project, from tendering, project preparation and throughout the entire execution phase.


The Netherlands: Jan-Eege Klop & Willem Bernard Dubai: Diego Naessens

DBR BV is a brand independent global OEM manufacturer of Energy Solutions in the Offshore, Marine & Dredging Industry for up to 4000 kVA. DBR supplies a standard range and designs custom solutions for open and containerized applications, including DNVGL2.7-1/2/3 packages, according to the high quality codes & standards and classification rules.


- More than 50 years’ of experience and reliability in the Offshore, Marine & Dredging Industry

- Proven track record of IACS classified generator sets Flexible privately owned company Professional group of clients

- Brand independent - OEM partner for most well-known engine and generator brands

- Engineering, procurement and contracting

- Efficient production and monitoring systems

- Offshore certified people - Worldwide service - Customized solutions

Used brands are often the engine brands MAN, Volvo, MTU, Mitsubishi, Cummins, Waukesha or Caterpillar with Nidec/Leroy Somer or Stamford generators.

3D modelling

Especially for turnkey projects as well for containerized power solutions DBR uses 3D modelling which provides exceptional benefits to our customers.

Full service provider for reliable power solutions

DBR assures the reliability by carrying out all the necessary activities from start engineering until maintenance and delivery of spare parts. Training and commissioning on site assists operational people in effective use of the sophisticated equipment.

DBR has developed itself as reliable partner in which quality and safety plays an important role. Rely on DBR as your ISO 9001, SCC and offshore GWO/HUET certified company.



De Haan Special Equipment BV

Transistorweg 3 9503 GT Stadskanaal, The Netherlands +31 (0)599 613300

Manufacturer De Haan SE makes the talent of its employees part of its business concept

Located in the north part of the Netherlands, De Haan Special Equipment designs, manufactures, tests and delivers lifting blocks and steel-wire rope sockets for many worldwide manufacturers.

The company’s ties to the Netherlands dates back to 1898, when De Haan SE started as a natural rope manufacturer and then developed into one of the world’s top three suppliers of special equipment.

Working fields and market needs

Nowadays, De Haan’s products are predominantly used in the offshore industry and in large building projects, such as the construction of windmills. The company’s target group for lifting blocks includes manufacturers of ports, ships, factories and mobile cranes. Quality management is an obvious part of its operating process and so is Quick Response Manufacturing.

De Haan SE relies on many factors to accomplish optimal quality of process and product. For example, the company is completely ISO 9001-2015 certified. It has load testing certification, factory certification of DNV and ABS, type approvals, which can be provided within deliveries if necessary. This proves that the company is a guaranteed professional partner that focuses on quality and safety. De Haan SE works with Quick Response Manufacturing. This innovative strategy improves the response time by reducing the time to market in the complete delivery chain. This upgrade in logistics means proven added value to the process of our clients.

Qualities consolidated in a Dutch company

All of De Haan’s research and development takes place in the Netherlands, its home turf. The company’s personnel are trained on-site because of the specialised material. De Haan SE is proud of the heritage and the quality of the employees. For that reason the business concept reflects all their talents, such as a constant focus on a high service level in the customer service centre and the distribution of product information in a digital product platform on which the customers submit a quotation request anytime, anyplace.

Fluiconnecto B.V. Van der Giessenweg 9 2921 LP Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands +31 (0)180 511411

Fluiconnecto is a leading and fast-growing international service organization, focused on hydraulics like high pressure hoses and fluid connectors, providing products and application knowledge, as well as maintenance services, to all market segments through a global network, tailored to local conditions.

Global Network

Fluiconnecto is present in 5 continents and our services are made available at the customer’s doorstep through an ever-growing network of Hydroshops, on-site Workshops and Service on-site Vans. In addition, we supply our customers through our Online Store. We are the one-stop-shop for high-pressure hydraulics and a wide variety of fluid conveying products.

Offshore Specialists

With a proven track record of successful achievements in hydraulics, we supply the top offshore contractors in the world with high quality products and services. Our products are the result of years of research and development by Manuli Hydraulics. Our hose assemblies have the approval of all relevant industry-recognized classification societies and have been thoroughly tested in the field to provide maximum safety and performance. We are well known for our capacity to flush and clean small and large bore hoses to prevent contamination of your system.

Offshore Product range

Full range of high pressure hydraulic hoses for all hydraulic applications including rotary hoses, choke and kill, blow out preventer hoses, cementing hoses, wireline grease hoses and motion compensator hoses. We also supply a wide range of hydraulic connections, quick couplings and other accessories.

Offshore Services

We are available for 24/7 on site maintenance, hydraulic services, repairs and overhauls for on-, near- and offshore. For full project service on your location - from measurement till mounting. We can also support you with our other services as Risk Based Inspection, Preventive Maintenance and the Fluiconnecto Hose Management Program.


Ronald van Ooijen, Manager Service & Projects,


Geomil Equipment B.V.

Westbaan 240

2841 MC Moordrecht, The Netherlands +31 (0)172 427800

World’s first manufacturer of CPT equipment

Geomil is the originator of the Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) technique. For over 85 years, Geomil has been developing and manufacturing CPT technology, devices and related equipment enabling high-quality and effective geotechnical site investigations. Today, CPT is one of the established testing methods for collecting high-quality subsoil data efficiently. CPT data is fundamental for reliable soil profiling as it sets the basis for resourceful project planning and realization. Geotechnical engineers use the data for a wide range of applications, such as ground improvement studies, planning for reclamation, foundation design and geohazard related studies.

Our product range includes:

- Offshore cone driving equipment

- Onshore cone driving equipment

- CPT cones and specialized sensor probes

- Data acquisition and process hard and software

- CPT site investigation related accessories

- Service and reliable full-scale support for clients

Offshore Products

Geomil manufactures and supplies a range of game-changing offshore systems. The most commended Geomil systems are the Manta-100, Manta-200, Marlin-120 seabed clamp and the Orca90/125. Geomil Manta’s are cutting edge CPT systems for the seabed and can operate at shallow to ultra-deep waters and have the unique design of the Continuous Drive System (CDS). Control and data acquisition are based on real-time communication.The Orca is a down-hole CPT and soil sampling system compatible with several types of drilling methods and used in rig-move campaigns and helicopter moves. The Orca allows for real-time data and has proven to ensure high efficiency and repeatable quality of test results. The Orca systems can be supported by a Marlin seabed system. Uniquely, all systems are modular and integrate with one another.

Every corner of the world Geomil has a global network of subsidiaries and skilled agents to provide the services needed. The company’s highly motivated and experienced team aim for the highest standards in quality and always ensure focus is geared to supporting clients to achieve success.

Contact Ludovic Vinkesteijn, Managing Director, Ed Smit, Head of Sales,

Gouda Holland BV

Grote Esch 80

2841 MJ Moordrecht, The Netherlands +31 (0)182 506200

Gouda Holland is a Dutch manufacturer of cable management systems founded in 1929 in The Netherlands. Since 2013 Gouda Holland is a member of the Niedax group, a global player in the market of cable support systems. Years of experience and effective reactions to the ever changing demands of this industry have led to a wide range of readily available industrial cable management systems each suitable for its own specific area of application. The systems of Gouda Holland are applied in the widest variety of industries, such as the Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy & Infra, Marine & Offshore, Petro,- & Chemical industry, Data & Telecom and Dairy & Food industry.

Gouda Holland is able to provide solutions for specific requirements, especially because the company produces its own standard range of cable ducts in hot dip galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminum and glass reinforced polyester. The Crafty, Crafty MF and Lock systems are particularly popular due to their high span capacity. Other systems also regularly used in the industries are Tray, Resist, Unic, Streamline, Marine Ladder, Conduit and Poly. Gouda Holland is VCA-P and ISO:9001 certified, Gouda Holland is also listed by Achilles JQS.

“Made in Holland by Gouda Holland“

Product range:

- Cable tray (DNV GL certified)

- Cable ladder (DNV GL certified)

- Marine ladder (DNV GL certified)

- Wire mesh tray

- Conduit

- Strut & strut fittings

Material types:

- Mill Galvanized steel EN 10142

- Mill Galvanised steel EN 10142, coated

- Hot Dip Galvanized steel NEN-EN-ISO 146

- Stainless steel AISI 304 BS 304 / WL Standard 1.4301

- Stainless steel AISI 316 BS 316 / WL Standard 1.4404

- Aluminium

- Glass Reinforced Polyester

Contact: Wim van Wijk, Director


Mokveld Valves

P.O. Box 227

2800 AE Gouda, The Netherlands +31 (0)182 597500

Mooreast Europe BV

P.O. Box 81

2900 AB Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands +31 (0)6 26443148

The vision of Mokveld Valves in The Netherlands is that the world’s energy, water and material demand can be met in a sustainable way, with a responsible and environmentally safe use of our planet’s resources.

High availability

Mokveld contributes to this by developing and manufacturing stateof-the-art equipment and services, based on innovative technology and best available techniques (BAT). The full scope of Mokveld valves is H2 ready.

High integrity valve systems and associated services enabling enhanced production, improved safety, reduced (GHG) emissions and noise levels, power savings and minimised footprint, all this at high availability and lower operational and life-cycle costs. These are benefits that serve the environment and society as well as the economy, enabling our customers to meet and exceed their business targets.

A true zero emission valve

Moreover, Mokveld’s latest valve is a unique and environmentally sound innovation: a true zero emission valve! Integration of the actuator inside the valve removes the need for a dynamic stem seal thus eliminating the main potential leak path of common valve designs with external actuators.

On top of the zero external leakage throughout the lifetime of the valve, this valve offers very low electric power requirements, extreme accuracy and our well-known axial design with the inherent streamlined flow path, high capacity and low weight. All benefits have a positive effect on the opex and GHG emission reduction scopes allowing energy companies to achieve their net-zero goals.

Mooreast is a designer, manufacturer and supplier of mooring systems worldwide and has a leading role in the renewable energy market, providing services to T&I contractors and FOW designers.

With two production locations (Netherlands and Singapore) the new Singapore Mooreast Offshore Base has a 200 mtr ISPS certified quayside.

Anchors: MA5, MA7 and MA9 Mooreast design drag embedment anchors, TORPEDO anchors, piles and suction piles are part of the scope.

Mooring systems: Mooreast has developed its own Chain Stoppers, In Line Tensioner /Chain Adjuster systems to be provided with the necessary chain, connectors and polyester ropes and associated equipment to fit the project layout.

Mooring design: Mooreast provides in house Geotechnical Analysis, mooring design, mooring analysis and mooring system engineering by experienced personal with track record in the industry.

Rental/lease: Rental and or lease-purchase of mooring systems can be provided to create an optimized project CAPEX.

Engineering/production: Steel structures for various applications for offshore use as well as onshore. Using own production, steel cutting and welding equipment and personal.

Rigging: Providing lifting and towing equipment from stock and with a testing and recertification test bench upto 600 mT.

Certificates: Mooreast works according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO/TS 29001, is registered at Achilles member of different organizations and holds different equipment approvals by classification authority.

Contact: Roderick Ruinen, Director, Norbert van Vliet, Business Development,

Mooreast; the independent mooring system provider!


Phoenix Mecano B.V.

P.O. Box 297

7000 AG Doetinchem, The Netherlands +31 (0)314 368368

Phoenix Mecano B.V. is a sales organisation for industrial enclosures used for electrical engineering and electronics. Phoenix Mecano B.V. is able to supply both standard and tailor-made products rapidly from its local warehouse and service centre. Phoenix Mecano B.V. is a subsidiary of Phoenix Mecano AG, a company listed on the Swiss stock exchange and comprising a number of production companies and sales organisations.


Phoenix Mecano B.V. supplies high-quality ROSE and BOPLA enclosures for industrial applications. The ROSE assortment covers a wide range of junction-boxes and equipment cabinets for heavy industry, as well as plastic handheld enclosures which can, for example, be used for data acquisition and communication applications. The BOPLA assortment consists of a wide range of branching boxes and equipment cabinets for industrial applications, as well as plastic electronics enclosures which can be used for, among other things, measuring and control engineering purposes.

ROSE Ex portfolio

ROSE Ex-junction boxes, Ex d enclosures and Ex-cabinets are used worldwide in the most extreme weather conditions and harsh manufacturing environments. They are available in stainless steel, polyester, aluminium and polyamide and can be used in areas with extreme climatic conditions ranging from -60°C to +90°C.

Membrane keypads

Phoenix Mecano B.V. supplies Kundisch membrane keypads as excellent additions to the enclosure package. Thanks to the patented Profi line technique, the high-quality membrane keypads combine easyto-feel keys with minor switching pressure and excellent tactile qualities.

Solutions centre

Phoenix Mecano B.V. has a modern solutions centre, which is certified by Bureau Veritas to process and assemble junction-boxes and controlstations for hazardous areas in accordance with your specifications and wishes. The possibilities cover mechanical processing, assembling, surface treatment, laser engraving and printing.


Corné Dirven, Account manager Offshore

Auke Besselink, Specialist Ex-equipment Leo van den Steen, Directeur BU behuizingen

Smitsvonk Holland B.V. Goudstraat 6 2718 RC Zoetermeer, The Netherlands +31 (0)79 3613533

Smitsvonk has been established for more than 75 years and is a company that specializes in gas and electric ignition systems. The ignition systems engineered by Smitsvonk are based on high energy capacitor discharge. This very reliable principle allows continuous operation under the worst possible conditions, year after year.

Contamination from moisture, dirt, water and oil do not adversely affect the operation of the ignition systems. Smitsvonk ignition systems are used for a host of industrial combustion processes, ranging from small-scale applications such as the ignition of small industrial oven’s to the ignition of burners in coal-fired power stations.

The main market focus is the petrochemical industry, on and off shore, for flares, burners and incineration systems. Smitsvonk has its own design, manufacture and test facilities, in which all products are made and functionally tested.

Smitsvonk is part of the Durag Group, a worldwide supplier and developer of measurement, control and combustion technology. A more comprehensive introduction to the Durag Group can be found at

Product overview

- Ignition burners from 10 to 1500 kW

- Pilot burners from 5 to 50 kW for all kinds of gasses and pressures

- Pilot burner design acc. to API 537 / ISO 25457

- Ignition units:

- Electronic

- Explosion proof executions

- Flame front panels

- Mobile/portable

- Sparkplugs and lances:

- For burner ignition

- For direct flare ignition

- For gas turbines

- Control systems for automatic ignition

- Start up, service and commissioning

ISO 9001, VCA*, ATEX 2014/34/EU and IECEx certified

Contact: Hans Gon, Managing Director Alwin Vermoolen, Sales and Project Manager


Van Leusden B.V.

Parelhoenweg 2 4791 PA Klundert, The Netherlands +31 (0)168 385225

Van Leusden B.V. is ISO9001 certified specialised manufacturer with more than 50 years of experience in the design, engineering and manufacturing of high quality custom specific hoisting solutions for maritime, offshore and chemical applications. Our product range consists of manually, electrically and pneumatically driven hoisting solutions with a capacity range up till 100t.

Van Leusden provides added value by offering engineered and custom-made lifting solutions for onshore and offshore applications which meet the requested standards and customer requirements.

Van Leusden B.V. sets high standards for safety, durability and traceability. We are used to work with all well-known certification institutes like ABS, DNV-GL, BV, Lloyds and RMRS.

Our hoisting solutions are used in international projects all over the world at every well-known oil and gas company. For Energy and Offshore applications we have developed a wide range of manual explosion protected products in compliance with last ATEX regulations and ISO Standard. The combination of the explosion protection system with our unique non corrosive treatment makes Van Leusden equipment suitable for maritime and offshore environments.

Van Leusden hoisting solutions:

- Rack and pinion driven cranes and trolleys, suitable to work under trim and heel angles

- Extreme compact solutions

- Equipment for curved monorails

- Equipment for high humidity and aggressive atmosphere

- Manual explosion protected (ATEX) equipment

- Custom-made engineered cranes, trolley and hoists

- Documentation, certification, material traceability

When you need customized hoisting equipment, high quality, durability and performance counts KITO Van Leusden can be your partner in projects.

Contact: Maarten van Egmond, Sales Manager

Van Meeuwen Lubrication

Leeuwenveldseweg 5A 1382 LV Weesp, The Netherlands +31 (0)294 494494

Van Meeuwen Lubrication - Make the difference with high performance (biodegradable) lubricants

- Optimal wear and corrosion protection - For all conditions and applications

- Exceptionally high lubricating film strength - With higher reliability and lower TCO - Outstanding adhesion and high water resistance - Biodegradable

In the maritime and offshore industry Van Meeuwen specializes in challenges from a lubrication perspective. For maximum safety, durability and reliability. For maximum performance with less lubricants. With a proven track record in every branch of industry, Van Meeuwen has provided lubrication solutions and customised lubrication maintenance for over 85 years.

Your challenges:

- Performance: Rotating equipment operating under extreme conditions - License to operate: Increasingly strict environmental requirements

- Financial: Cost/performance in balance

Your benefits:

- More uptime

- Less spare parts - Less maintenance - Less costs

Example of applications and lubrication challenges:

- All: Minimizing types and volumes of lubricants

- Hydraulics: Change to biodegradable oil without issues on seals and coatings

- Jacking systems: Minimizing volume while maximizing performance for Rack and Pinion

- Wire ropes: Extending life time of the rope and minimizing lubrication frequency

- Stern tubes and thrusters: Switching to biodegradable lubricants while increasing life time of the products

Contact: Patrick Kostelijk, Sales Engineer Marine & Offshore, +31 (0) 6 52341717

Taco Mets, Technical Director, +31 (0)6 22528952


Blue Offshore

Bordewijklaan 38 2591 XR The Hague, The Netherlands +31 (0)70 7113774

Blue Offshore supports its customers with worldwide installation, transport and storage of subsea high voltage cables, array cables, flexible pipes and umbilicals. These solutions include the rental of innovative modular offshore deck and mission equipment, vessel’s deck and equipment engineering, Finite Element Method analyses, sea fastening analyses, stability analyses, project management and project engineering. We also provide offshore crew to operate the equipment during operations and to support mobilisation, hook-up, commissioning, maintenance and demobilisation.

Konutherm BV Baarnsche Dijk 6A8 3741 LR Baarn, The Netherlands +31 (0)35 3034910

Konutherm designs HTF - Heat Transfer Fluid Systems for the Marine & Offshore, Inland Tankers and Petro-Chemical Industry: Thermal Oil Systems - up to 400°C, Hot water/glycol boilers , Exhaust Gas Heat Recovery. Konutherm specializes in the design of heavy duty marine heat transfer systems with heat recovery economizers for vessel fuel optimisation. Our heating systems are designed for minimum downtime and tailor made according the specific heat demands and requirements of shipowners and classification bodies. Konutherm heat transfer systems are also frequently used in chemical and oil & gas processes, bitumen & asphalt plants, paint & textile & printing industry, food & beverage, production platforms, soil conditioning, etc

Orga BV

Strickledeweg 13 3125 AT Schiedam, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 2085555

Orga: The Way Ahead Since 1973, Orga has been delivering high quality and efficient solutions for marking assets and landing areas to ensure safe operations. Orga develops and manufactures smart offshore and onshore obstruction marking, aids to navigation, CAP 437 helideck lighting and remote power supply systems. The company has a deep understanding of local and international regulatory code requirements and is conscientious and committed to delivering customers’ goals and exceeding expectations. Orga’s reliable and robust systems can be found onshore and offshore within the oil and gas, wind energy, telecommunications and utilities industry.

Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. Aambeeld 19 1671 NT Medemblik, The Netherlands +31 (0)227 549100

Sinus Jevi Electric Heating, part of the NIBE group, operates as the Electrical Heating specialist and supplier throughout the world. We serve several industries such as the Petrochemical On- and Offshore industry, the Chemical and Process industry, Food, Building and other industries with electrical heating products and associated controls equipment. As one of the pioneers in the field of Explosion proof Heating equipment we today still operate at the forefront. We run IEC-Ex as well as ATEX and TR-CU Ex- certified product lines.

Contact: Ton van Liempt, Sales Manager

TrustLube B.V.

Watermolen 10 4751 VK Oud Gastel, The Netherlands +31 (0)88 8787700

TrustLube engineers, produces, installs and commissions custommade high-end automatic lubrication systems for the maritime, wind and oil & gas industry that guarantee the exact dosage, at the right time, the correct place, using the best suitable product. Correct greasing can provide uptime, safety and reduce the use of lubricant.

TrustLube’s rage of Xtreme Lubricants contain the latest developments in greases and are all sustainable products. The lubricants are available from 120 cc single point lubricators until 900 liter grease bags.

TrustLube keeps your world in motion.non-stop.

United Offshore Services C.V. Appelweg 16 4782 PX Moerdijk, The Netherlands +31 (0)168 415140

United Offshore Services is a Dutch based company which, together with carefully selected partners, is a European technology leader in the design, production and supply of large diameter, high performance steel-wire and synthetic ropes, hoisting equipment and associated products intended for the Marine, Industrial and Offshore markets. The company meets the ever increasing demands dictated by customers with a strong reputation for dedication, quality, expertise and supporting services.

Contact: Jan-Willem Visscher, Managing Director Edwin Jefferies, Commerial Manager


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From phasing out fossil fuels to investing in greener innovations within the maritime and o shore industry, the energy transition is relevant for all of us. The developments in these industries are driven by the changing landscape in the energy sector and the necessity to have all industries working together for the same goal: a more sustainable future.

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Helder Infra B.V.

Ligusterbaan 16

2908 LW Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 7603000

M Restart BV

Van Vollenhovenstraat 29 3016 BG Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 (0)10 7141800

Helder Infra is a modern full service recruitment agency based in Rotterdam. Since 2006, we provide qualified and flexibel personnel for all levels in the Wind Energy, Maritime, Petrochemical and Heavy Lifting industry on- and offshore worldwide.


Positions from crane operators and bulldozer operators to riggers and diesel mechanics. Our employees are working on the following projects:

- Locks and weirs

- Immersed tunnels

- Bored tunnels

- Quay walls and ports

Thanks to our many years of experience and cooperation with the largest infrastructure and maritime companies in the Netherlands and Belgium, we are specialized in finding the right employees for on- and offshore projects all over the world.

Safety at work

Due to the extensive training programs of Helder Infra, all our employees are in possession of the necessary certificates, registrations and diplomas. And through regular refresher courses, you are assured of employees who deliver the desired quality and work safely.


We stand for quality and strive for a warm relationship with our customers and our employees. Helder Infra provides appropriate solutions at the right time, with the aim of satisfying customers and employees. We bring clients into contact with professionals and vice versa. We do this locally, nationally and internationally.

Certified partner

Helder Infra is certified by Lloyd’s Register according to MLC 2006, NEN 4400-1 and VCU.

Interested in our services?

Helder Infra supports your organization. Interested in our services and what we can do for you? Please contact us.

Contact: Raymond Otten, Commercial Director Mandy Sjerp, Consultant

In business for more than 20 years

M Restart is specialized in recruitment and project support for the oil & gas, (offshore) renewable energy and maritime industry. By taking a different approach, we help you navigate to find the experts you need. M is for making a difference. The Rotterdam way.

Best performance

In your industry you must push boundaries, exceed expectations and uphold your reputation. That is why you need the best performing people. Pioneers with perfect skills. In the process of recruitment, selection and project support you need a pro-active partner that knows the ropes and provides excellent service.

Beyond borders

Dynamic and complex projects in overseas countries and territories are challenging. From international rules and regulations to laws and tax systems. Based on our competence and experience, we give insight and guide you through the process of staffing your worldwide projects.


We are experts for experts in the dynamic world of oil & gas, (offshore) renewable energy and the maritime industry. If you are looking for recruitment experts with know-how of your business for your staffing and project challenges, contact us. We know the drill and work full force to make the perfect match.

What we can do for you

- Recruitment permanent staff positions

- Project support in teams or individually

- Secondment up to 4 years flexible solutions

- Intermediary self-employed according to latest legislation


Monique van der Palm, Managing Director

Frank de Winter, Commercial Manager

Claudia van Andel, Marketing Consultant


3D laser scanning

Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V. 49

Access bridges

Bridges2000 9, 54 SMST 57


Phoenix Mecano B.V. 72

Administrative services M Restart BV 75, 77


Mooreast Europe BV 71 Offshore Marine Contractors BV 63

Asset integrity services

SIRI Marine 51 Van Meeuwen Lubrication 73 Wagenborg Foxdrill 64


PAT-Kruger 51 Phoenix Mecano B.V. 72 Quercus Technical Services 75 Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. 74 Smitsvonk Holland B.V. 72


Assai Software Services B.V. 47 EY 4 Wagenborg Foxdrill 64


SDC Verifier 49


Combifloat Systems BV 65, 68 Helder Infra B.V. 77 VandeGrijp IGS BV 58

Basket carousels Blue Offshore 74


Breman Machinery B.V. 58, IFC

Blasting equipment and services

Atlas Copco Rental Nederland 67


AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. 67, BC Konutherm BV 74

Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. 74

Bridges - machining

Solidd Steel Structures B.V. 58


Offshore Marine Contractors BV 63

Cable ducts

Gouda Holland BV 70

Cable laying Blue Offshore 74 Boskalis 62 DEME Offshore 65 Neptune Marine 51 Van Oord Offshore B.V. 63

Cables - accessories

Atlas Copco Rental Nederland 67 De Haan Special Equipment BV 69

Cables - ladder and tray Gouda Holland BV 70

Cables - mooring and towing Mooreast Europe BV 71

Cables - slings and grommets

Blue Offshore 74 United Offshore Services C.V. 74


PAT-Kruger 51

Cameras PAT-Kruger 51


Blue Offshore 74 Neptune Marine 51 Certification SDC Verifier 49 Chains Mooreast Europe BV 71

Chemicals Van Meeuwen Lubrication 73

Civil construction Bayards Helidecks B.V. 53 SDC Verifier 49


Atlas Copco Rental Nederland 67

Conductor pipes Wagenborg Foxdrill 64

Connectors - hydraulic Fluiconnecto B.V. 69

Containerized modular systems

Combifloat Systems BV 65, 68 DBR BV 68

Control valves

Mokveld Valves 71


Konutherm BV 74

Corrosion protection Van Leusden B.V. 73 Van Meeuwen Lubrication 73

CPT equipment

Geomil Equipment B.V. 70

Crane load testing

SDC Verifier 49

Crane maintenance Abuco B.V. 53

Fluiconnecto B.V. 69 SDC Verifier 49 Van Leusden B.V. 73


AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. 67, BC De Haan Special Equipment BV 69 Huisman 56 SDC Verifier 49 SMST 57 Solidd Steel Structures B.V. 58 Van Leusden B.V. 73

Crane services Van Leusden B.V. 73

Crane vessels

BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff 61 Gouda Holland BV 70

GustoMSC 48

Helder Infra B.V. 77 Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 35, 64

Crewing & manpower

Helder Infra B.V. 77 M Restart BV 75, 77

Crew Management

M Restart BV 75, 77

Cutting services and tools

Abuco B.V. 53

Data processing

Assai Software Services B.V. 47 SIRI Marine 51




Decommissioning equipment & services

DEME Offshore 65

Deep sea mining Bluewater Energy Services B.V. 47

Deepwater technique Allseas Engineering B.V. 61

Diesel engines


Diving support vessels N-Sea 65

Document Management and Control Assai Software Services B.V. 47 N-Sea 65

Dredging equipment and services

DEME Offshore 65


Neptune Marine 51 TrustLube B.V. 74 VandeGrijp IGS BV 58 Van Oord Offshore B.V. 63

Drilling equipment

Huisman 56 Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. 56 SMST 57

Drilling rigs GustoMSC 48

Drilling vessels GustoMSC 48

Electrical equipment

Atlas Copco Rental Nederland 67

Phoenix Mecano B.V. 72 Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. 74

Electrical installations


Gouda Holland BV 70

Quercus Technical Services 75

Emergency equipment

Atlas Copco Rental Nederland 67


Phoenix Mecano B.V. 72

Engineering services

Allseas Engineering B.V. 61 Assai Software Services B.V. 47 DEKC Maritime 51 Fugro 15, 48 GustoMSC 48 Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V. 49 M Restart BV 75, 77

Phoenix Mecano B.V. 72 Quercus Technical Services 75 Saltwater Engineering B.V. 50

Environmental services Van Meeuwen Lubrication 73

EPC contractor Assai Software Services B.V. 47 Bluewater Energy Services B.V. 47 DEME Offshore 65 EQUANS 55

HSM Offshore Energy BV 55 Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V. 49 Solidd Steel Structures B.V. 58

Explosionproof equipment

Phoenix Mecano B.V. 72 Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. 74 TrustLube B.V. 74

Feasibility studies

Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V. 49 Saltwater Engineering B.V. 50


Taxand Netherlands 50

Fire fighting equipment Bayards Helidecks B.V. 53


IRM Europe BV IBC Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. 56


Fluiconnecto B.V. 69 Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. 56 VandeGrijp IGS BV 58

Flare systems

Smitsvonk Holland B.V. 72

Foundation construction & engineering Saltwater Engineering B.V. 50 Sif Netherlands B.V. 29 Smulders 57


Bluewater Energy Services B.V. 47 Gouda Holland BV 70 HSM Offshore Energy BV 55


DEME Offshore 65

Geotechnical equipment

Geomil Equipment B.V. 70

Handling equipment

De Haan Special Equipment BV 69 Huisman 56 Solidd Steel Structures B.V. 58

Heat exchangers

AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. 67, BC Konutherm BV 74 Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. 56 Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. 74

Heating systems

Bayards Helidecks B.V. 53 Konutherm BV 74

Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. 74

Heave compensation systems


Heavy lift slings

United Offshore Services C.V. 74

Heavy lift transportation

BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff 61 Boskalis 62 De Haan Special Equipment BV 69 Jumbo Offshore 62 RBES B.V. 65


Bayards Helidecks B.V. 53 Orga BV 74

High pressure systems & parts

Fluiconnecto B.V. 69

High strength steel welding

Abuco B.V. 53 AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. 67, BC

Hoisting equipment

IRM Europe BV IBC United Offshore Services C.V. 74

Hoses and fittings

Fluiconnecto B.V. 69


Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V. 49 Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. 74

Hydraulic piling hammers Wagenborg Foxdrill 64


Hydraulic systems

TrustLube B.V. 74 Van Meeuwen Lubrication 73

Ignition systems

Smitsvonk Holland B.V. 72

Inspection services

Bayards Helidecks B.V. 53 Fluiconnecto B.V. 69 Fugro 15, 48 Quercus Technical Services 75 United Offshore Services C.V. 74

Installation offshore structures

Allseas Engineering B.V. 61 BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff 61 Blue Offshore 74

HSM Offshore Energy BV 55 Jumbo Offshore 62 Offshore Marine Contractors BV 63 Van Oord Offshore B.V. 63

Installation of underwater structures

Jumbo Offshore 62 N-Sea 65


Quercus Technical Services 75


HSM Offshore Energy BV 55 Sif Netherlands B.V. 29 Smulders 57 VandeGrijp IGS BV 58

Jack-up management services

Combifloat Systems BV 65, 68

Jack-up systems

Combifloat Systems BV 65, 68 GustoMSC 48 Neptune Marine 51

Junction boxes

Phoenix Mecano B.V. 72 Laboratory Fugro 15, 48

Landfalls and shore approaches

Boskalis 62 DEME Offshore 65 Van Oord Offshore B.V. 63


Taxand Netherlands 50

Lifting equipment

BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff 61 De Haan Special Equipment BV 69 SMST 57

Solidd Steel Structures B.V. 58

United Offshore Services C.V. 74 Van Leusden B.V. 73


Bayards Helidecks B.V. 53 Orga BV 74

Load cells PAT-Kruger 51

Load-out services Sif Netherlands B.V. 29

Logistics & management

RBES B.V. 65


TrustLube B.V. 74 Van Meeuwen Lubrication 73

Lubrication systems TrustLube B.V. 74 Van Meeuwen Lubrication 73

Marine engineers

Offshore Marine Contractors BV 63 SIRI Marine 51


Fugro 15, 48

Modular offshore deck equipment SMST 57


EQUANS 55 HSM Offshore Energy BV 55 Smulders 57



SIRI Marine 51 TrustLube B.V. 74

Monitoring systems

PAT-Kruger 51 SIRI Marine 51 TrustLube B.V. 74 Van Meeuwen Lubrication 73

Mooring systems

Jumbo Offshore 62 Mooreast Europe BV 71 Offshore Marine Contractors BV 63

Naval architecture

Saltwater Engineering B.V. 50

Navigational aids

Orga BV 74

Offshore access systems

Bayards Helidecks B.V. 53 Bridges2000 9, 54 SMST 57 Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 35, 64

Offshore and subsea structures removal Allseas Engineering B.V. 61 Jumbo Offshore 62

Offshore deck equipment

Atlas Copco Rental Nederland 67 Blue Offshore 74 De Haan Special Equipment BV 69

Geomil Equipment B.V. 70 IRM Europe BV IBC

Solidd Steel Structures B.V. 58 Van Leusden B.V. 73

Offshore service vessels

Glomar Offshore B.V. 58 Multraship Ocean Towage B.V. 65 Neptune Marine 51 Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 35, 64

Offshore transport and installation

Allseas Engineering B.V. 61 BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff 61 Boskalis 62 Jumbo Offshore 62 Multraship Ocean Towage B.V. 65 RBES B.V. 65 Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 35, 64

Offshore wind engineering

DEME Offshore 65 EQUANS 55 GustoMSC 48

Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V. 49 Saltwater Engineering B.V. 50 SDC Verifier 49

Offshore wind operations & maintenance

Bluewater Energy Services B.V. 47


Helder Infra B.V. 77 N-Sea 65 Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 35, 64


Offshore wind transportation & installation

Boskalis 62 GustoMSC 48 Huisman 56 Jumbo Offshore 62 Multraship Ocean Towage B.V. 65

RBES B.V. 65

Van Oord Offshore B.V. 63

OWF transformer platforms


Gouda Holland BV 70 HSM Offshore Energy BV 55 Smulders 57

Personnel services

Helder Infra B.V. 77 M Restart BV 75, 77

Pile handling equipment

BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff 61

Pilot burners

Smitsvonk Holland B.V. 72

Pipelay equipment

Blue Offshore 74 De Haan Special Equipment BV 69 Huisman 56 IRM Europe BV IBC

Pipe laying

Allseas Engineering B.V. 61 Blue Offshore 74 Van Oord Offshore B.V. 63

Pipeline engineering

Allseas Engineering B.V. 61

Pipeline equipment

Atlas Copco Rental Nederland 67

VandeGrijp IGS BV 58

Pipeline protection

Van Oord Offshore B.V. 63

Pipeline survey and repairs

Fugro 15, 48


Fluiconnecto B.V. 69

VandeGrijp IGS BV 58


Abuco B.V. 53 VandeGrijp IGS BV 58

Plate bending

Breman Machinery B.V. 58, IFC VandeGrijp IGS BV 58


Atlas Copco Rental Nederland 67 DBR BV 68


AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. 67, BC Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V. 49

Project management

Bluewater Energy Services B.V. 47 M Restart BV 75, 77

RBES B.V. 65 Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 35, 64


DBR BV 68 TrustLube B.V. 74

QA/HSE services

M Restart BV 75, 77 Recruitment

M Restart BV 75, 77


Fugro 15, 48


Helder Infra B.V. 77 United Offshore Services C.V. 74 Wagenborg Foxdrill 64


Offshore Marine Contractors BV 63 Wagenborg Foxdrill 64

Risk analysis

SIRI Marine 51 Risk management SIRI Marine 51 Rock dumping Boskalis 62 DEME Offshore 65

Rope access Wagenborg Foxdrill 64

Rope - natural or synthetic fibre Mooreast Europe BV 71

Rope - wire Mooreast Europe BV 71 United Offshore Services C.V. 74

ROV services

N-Sea 65

Safety awareness

Quercus Technical Services 75

Safety training Quercus Technical Services 75


Multraship Ocean Towage B.V. 65

Sampling systems Geomil Equipment B.V. 70

Seabed survey

Fugro 15, 48 N-Sea 65


PAT-Kruger 51

Separation equipment Mokveld Valves 71

Ship building

AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. 67, BC

Damen Shipyards Group 54 Neptune Marine 51

Ship conversions

Bluewater Energy Services B.V. 47

Damen Shipyards Group 54 DEKC Maritime 51 Glomar Offshore B.V. 58 Neptune Marine 51 Saltwater Engineering B.V. 50

Ship design

Damen Shipyards Group 54 DEKC Maritime 51 GustoMSC 48 Saltwater Engineering B.V. 50 SDC Verifier 49

Ship maintenance & repair

Damen Shipyards Group 54

Glomar Offshore B.V. 58 Neptune Marine 51

Ship management

Glomar Offshore B.V. 58

RBES B.V. 65 Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 35, 64


BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff 61

Glomar Offshore B.V. 58 Multraship Ocean Towage B.V. 65 RBES B.V. 65


Software solutions

Assai Software Services B.V. 47 PAT-Kruger 51

Soil sampling

Fugro 15, 48

Special Alloys

Alleima 59 Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. 56

Steel structures

Abuco B.V. 53 AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. 67, BC Breman Machinery B.V. 58, IFC

HSM Offshore Energy BV 55 Smulders 57 Solidd Steel Structures B.V. 58

Subsea construction vessels

Allseas Engineering B.V. 61 Jumbo Offshore 62

Subsea services

Boskalis 62 N-Sea 65

Subsea systems

Bluewater Energy Services B.V. 47 HSM Offshore Energy BV 55 Mokveld Valves 71 N-Sea 65

Supply vessels

Vroon Offshore Services B.V. 35, 64

System integration DBR BV 68

Tax advice EY 4 Taxand Netherlands 50

Tensioning equipment

Mooreast Europe BV 71

Test and control equipment

SIRI Marine 51

Testing services

United Offshore Services C.V. 74

Tidal Energy

Bluewater Energy Services B.V. 47

Towage & tugs

Boskalis 62 Helder Infra B.V. 77 Multraship Ocean Towage B.V. 65 Offshore Marine Contractors BV 63

Training services

Quercus Technical Services 75


BigLift Shipping / Spliethoff 61 Broekman Logistics 65 Multraship Ocean Towage B.V. 65 Offshore Marine Contractors BV 63 RBES B.V. 65


Van Oord Offshore B.V. 63

Valve actuators Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. 56


Fluiconnecto B.V. 69 Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. 56 Mokveld Valves 71


Abuco B.V. 53 Bayards Helidecks B.V. 53

Warehousing AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. 67, BC

Water treatment & services Mokveld Valves 71

Weighting systems PAT-Kruger 51

Welding Abuco B.V. 53 Breman Machinery B.V. 58, IFC Solidd Steel Structures B.V. 58

Welding equipment and services Abuco B.V. 53

Wellhead equipment and services Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. 56

Well Intervention Equipment Huisman 56


Geomil Equipment B.V. 70 Huisman 56

Wireline equipment

De Haan Special Equipment BV 69 Yard

Damen Shipyards Group 54 EQUANS 55 Glomar Offshore B.V. 58


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Abuco • • 53

Havenkade 26, 1775 BA Middenmeer, The Netherlands, T +31 227 501328, Acta Marine • • •

Riverside Offices I, Schaardijk 372, 2909 LA Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0320900, Allard-Europe •

Veedijk 51, B 2300 Turnhout, Belgium, T +32 14 421111,

Alleima • • • • 59

Beursplein 37, H5-19, 3011 AA Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2080221,

Allseas Engineering • • 61 Poortweg 12, 2612 PA Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2681800,


• • • IJsselburcht 3, 6825BS Arnhem, The Netherlands, T +31 267911033, Ampelmann Operations • Oostsingel 209, 2612 HL Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 20 2400121, Anamet Europe • Galwin 5, 1046 AW Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 5863586, AncoferWaldram Steelplates

• 67

Damweg 12, 4905 BS Oosterhout, The Netherlands, T +31 162 491500, Assai Software Services • 47

Parallelweg Oost 13a, 4103 NC Culemborg, The Netherlands, T +31 345 516663,

Atlas Copco Rental Nederland • 67 Merwedeweg 7, 3336 LG Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2310110,

Atlas Professionals

Wijkermeerstraat 32-34, 2130 AK Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, T +31 23 5560430,

AVT HydrauliQ

Steenovenstraat 1, 4706 RA Roosendaal, The Netherlands, T +31 165 852020,

Baker Hughes a GE Company

Boezemschop 8, 1724 BJ Oudkarspel, The Netherlands, T +31 226 332222,

• • •

• •

Bakker Sliedrecht • •

Leeghwaterstraat 55-59, 3360 AA Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 181 4436666,


Barge Master

Marconistraat 16, 3029 AK Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4090060, Bayards Helidecks

Veerweg 2, 2957 CP Nieuw-Lekkerland, The Netherlands, T +31 184 683000,

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

• • •

• • • 53

Belfor Technology • •

Daltonstraat 40, 3316 GD Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6511622,

Bezemer Group

Bunsenstraat 49, 3316 GC Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 618 1000,

BigLift Shipping • 61

Radarweg 36, 1042 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 4488400,

Blue Offshore

Bordewijklaan 38, 2591 XR Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 7113774,

• • • 74

• Steenoven 11-13, 5626 DK Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 182 565395, Bluebird Consultant • •

BlueAlp Production

Ringvaartweg 230, 3065 AH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 6 50749735,

Bluestream Offshore • • •

Koperslagersweg 2, 1786 RA Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 637784,

Bluewater Energy Services • 47

Taurusavenue 46, 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, T +31 23 7115500,

BMT Europe • •

WTC Utrecht, Stadsplateau 2, 3521 AZ Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 6 134 85 886,

BOIS Equipment Rentals

Galileistraat 55, 1700 AE Heerhugowaard, The Netherlands, T +31 72 5762560,

Bolidt Synthetic Products and Systems

• • • •

Nijverheidsweg 37, 3341 JL Hendrik Ido Ambacht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6845444, Boskalis • • • 62

Rosmolenweg 20, 3356 LK Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6969000, Bredenoord •

Zutphensestraat 319, 7325 WT Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, T +31 55 3018501,


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Breedveld Staal • •

Parallelweg 4, 2921 LE Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 180512933, Breman Bending • Neckerstraat 2A, 1456 BD Wijdewormer, The Netherlands, T +31 299 422853,

Breman Machinery • 58 Sasdijk 20, 8281 BM Genemuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 88 2736200, Breman Offshore

• •

Leonarduskade 21, 1976 DH IJmuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 88 2736266,

BRIDGES2000 • • • 9 & 54

Landverhuizersplein 65, 3072 MH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 8201770,

Broekman Logistics

Waalhaven Zuidzijde 21, 3089 JH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4873911,

• 65

Brooks Instrument • Einsteinstraat 57, 3902 HN Veenendaal, The Netherlands, T + 31 318 549300, Brunel (Renewables) - Industry Global Focal Point • Joh. M. Keynesplein 33, 1006 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 3125000,

Brunel Energy Europe

• • • Molengraaffsingel 8, 2629 JD DELFT, The Netherlands, T +31 20 3125000, C-Job Naval Architects • • • Regulusplein 1, 2132 JN Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0243700, C-trade •

Soesterveste 6, 3432 RK Nieuwegein, The Netherlands, T +31 614246082, C-Ventus

Strandweg 2, 1976 BS IJmuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 255 820 020,

CAPE Holland •

Romhof 5, 9411 SB Beilen, The Netherlands, T +31 593540470,

Centre of Expertise Water & Energy • • Nicolaas Beetsstraat 216-222, 3511 HG Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 85 1302723, CMS •

Newtonlaan 203, 3584 BH Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2121282,


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Combifloat • • • 65 & 68

Rivium Quadrant 75, 8th floor, 2909 LC Capelle and den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4370811, Compressor Systems Holland •

Tuinschouw 4, 4131 MD Vianen, The Netherlands, T +31 347 324610, Conbit • • •

Steenoven 5, 5626 DK Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 40 7114505,

Conway & Partners •

Otto Reuchlinweg 1132, 3072 MD Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2042200,

Copier Bevelmachines •

Bedrijvenstraat 13, 4283 JJ Giessen, The Netherlands, T +31 183 441313,

Coronam • Reaal 1, 1507 DV Zaandam, The Netherlands, T +31 75 6167745,

COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Transport (Europe) • Otto Reuchlinweg 1142, 3072 MD Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2404777,

Critical Minds • • Burgemeester Breenplantsoen 1, 3471 CK Kamerik, The Netherlands, T +31 647152378,

Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam • Admiraal de Ruyterstraat 24, Port nr. 550, 3115 HB Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2041222,

Damen Shipyards Group • 54 Avelingen West 20, 4200 AA Gorinchem, The Netherlands, T +31 183 639 911,

Damen Verolme Rotterdam • Prof. Gerbrandyweg 25, 3197 KK Rotterdam - Botlek, The Netherlands, T +31 181 234300,

DBR • • • 68

Lelystraat 53, 3364 AH Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 613200,

DCN Diving • • •

Van Konijnburgweg 151, 4612 PL Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands, T +31 164 214343,

De Graaf Aandrijvingen • Dalkruidbaan 149, 3009 CD Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2922333,

De Haan Special Equipment • • • 69 Transistorweg 3, 9503 GT Stadskanaal, The Netherlands, T +31 599 613300,


De Nooij Stainless

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

• •

Voltastraat 7, 6716 AJ Ede, The Netherlands, T +31 318 493210, De Ruiter Staalkabel • • •

Kerkeplaat 10, 3313 LC Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 8200600,

De Ruyter Training & Consultancy BV (DRTC) • • Oosterhavenweg 22, 4382 NL Vlissingen, The Netherlands, T +31 118 463382, Deep BV, Hydrography & Geophysics • •

Johan van Hasseltweg 39D, 1021 KN Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 6343676,

DEKC Maritime • 51 Osloweg 110, Groningen 9723BX, The Netherlands, T +31 50 5753950,

Delta Safety Training • •

Geyssendorfferweg 47, 3088 GJ Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2042255,

DEME Offshore • • • 65 Minervum 7442, 4817 ZG Breda, The Netherlands, T +31 76 5204140,

Deno Compressors •

Van der Giessenweg 49, 2921 LP Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 180 442288,

DeRegt Cables •

De Zaag 2-4, 2931 LD Krimpen aan de Lek, The Netherlands, T +31 180 668800,


Zeilmakersweg 10, 1786 PE Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 625070,

Dieseko Group •

Lelystraat 49, 3364 AH Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 410333,

DISA International •

Ketelaarstraat 5c, 2340 Beerse, Belgium, T +32 14 62 04 11,

DNV • • • •

Zwolseweg 1, 2994 LB Barendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2922600,

DOB - Academy •

Raam 180, 2611 WP Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2400555,

Doedijns • • •

Bleiswijkseweg 51, 2712 PB Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0912600,


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Dredging & Contracting Rotterdam, member of Jan De Nul Group • • •

Zuid-Oostsingel 24H, 4611 BB Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands, T +31 164 266144, DroneQ Robotics •

Hofplein 20, 3032 AC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 611199955, DSM Dyneema • Urmonderbaan 22, 6167 RD Geleen, The Netherlands, T +31 46 7506555, DTN Europe • • •

Orteliuslaan 1000, 3528 BD Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 3177 28 400, • • • Savannahweg 69, 3542 AW Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2408060, EBN •

Daalsesingel 1, 3511 SV Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2339001, EEW-CTS • •

Zuid-Hollandlaan 7, 2596 AL Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 76 5335415, ELA Container Offshore • • Rouaanstraat 39, 9723 CC Groningen, The Netherlands, T +49 5932 7323500,

Elcee Holland • • •

Kamerlingh Onnesweg 28, 3316 GL Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6544777, ELMA • •

Centurionbaan 150, 3769 AV Soesterberg, The Netherlands, T +31 346 356060,

EMAR Offshore Services • •

Wilhelminalaan 8, 4941 GK Raamsdonksveer, The Netherlands, T +31 162 727098,

EMCÉ Winches •

‘s Gravendamseweg 53B, 2215 TC Voorhout, The Netherlands, T +31 252 214080,

EMHA • • •

Noordeinde 13, 3341 LW Hendrik Ido Ambacht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 3345500,

Endures •

Bevesierweg 1 DC002, 1781 AT Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 747001,

Enduro Softslings •

Schrepel 1, 1648 GC De Goorn, The Netherlands, T +31 2292 20014,


Energy Maintenance International

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

• • •

P.O. Box 48, 1723 ZG Noord-Scharwoude, The Netherlands, T +31 226 313054, Enersea • •

Jan Evertsenweg 12, 3115 JA Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 3132100, EQUANS Offshore Services • • • 55

Koperslagersweg 23, 1786 RA Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 670100,

Escher Process Modules • • •

Noordhoek 37, 3351 LD Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9433600,

Etteplan Netherlands • • •

Boompjes 40, 3011 XB Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7986983,

EY • • 4

Boompjes 258, 3011 XZ Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 4071000, FibreMax •

Bokkewiel 6, 8502 TX Joure, The Netherlands, T +31 513 681 008, Fluiconnecto • • 69

Van der Giessenweg 9, 2921 LP Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 180 511411,

FMJ Rolloos • •

Buitendijks 29, 3356 LX Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4515655,


Sloterweg 527, 1171 VG Badhoevedorp, the Netherlands, T +31 85 1307461, Formaco Forgings & Castings • •

Cuijkseweg 4, 5443 PA Haps, The Netherlands, T +31 88 7001200,

FourICT • • •

Janssoniuslaan 80, 3528 AJ Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 79 7630480,

Foxdrill • • • 64

Kampenstraat 14, 7570 EK Oldenzaal, The Netherlands, T +31 541 580500,

Frames • • •

Eikenlaan 237, 2404 BP Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, T +31 172 461600,

Fugro • 15 & 48

Veurse Achterweg 10, 2264 SG Leidschendam, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3111422,


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

G4S Training & Safety Solutions

Galvanistraat 89, 6716 AE Ede, The Netherlands, T +31 318 640310,

GEA Nederland (GEA Westfalia Separator) •

Hoogveld 16, 5431 NW Cuijk, The Netherlands, T +31 485 319300,

Geomil Equipment

Westbaan 240, 2841 MC Moordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 172 427800, Georg Fischer

Lange Veenteweg 19, 8161 PA Epe, The Netherlands, T +31 578 678222,

Gielissen | Interiors | Exhibitions | Events • Freddy van Riemsdijkweg 21, 5657 EE Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 40 2353637,

• 70

GLOBE Airmotors •

Boerhaaveweg 9-11, 2408 AD Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, T +31 172 426608, Glomar Offshore

• 58 Het Nieuwe Diep 34-A3, 1781 AD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 525030, Gouda Holland • 70

Grote Esch 80, 2841 MJ Moordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 182 506200,

GranEnergia • •

Weena Zuid 116, 3012 NC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 3070550, GustoMSC • 48

Karel Doormanweg 35, 3115 JD Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2883000,

H2M • •

Willeskop 94, 3417 ME Montfoort, The Netherlands, T +31 348 763728,

Hatenboer-Water • •

Mercuriusweg 8, 3113 AR Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4091200,

Heerema Fabrication Group

Belgiëweg-Oost 1, 4455 TT Nieuwdorp, The Netherlands, T +31 113 618000,

Heerema International Group Services • • •

Vondellaan 47, 2332 AA Leiden, The Netherlands, T +31 70 5351730,

Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland •

Vondellaan 47, 2332 AA Leiden, The Netherlands, T +31 71 5799000,

• •

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Helder Infra • 77

Ligusterbaan 16, 2908 LW Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7603000, Hendrik Veder Group • • Eemhavenweg 131, 3089 KE Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2992344, Hetraco •

Hoornaar 11, 7317 BR Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, T +31 55 3032180, HGG Profiling Contractors

Zuidrak 2, 1771 SW Wieringerwerf, The Netherlands, T +31 227 504030,

• • •

Holland Legacy Pump Group •

Tuinschouw 4, 4131 MD Vianen, The Netherlands, T +31 347 765765, Honeywell • Stationsplein Zuid-West 961, 1117 CE Schiphol-Oost, The Netherlands, T +31 20 5656576, Honor Safety & Consultancy •

Palmpolstraat 88, 1327 CJ Almere, The Netherlands, T +31 36 5219600, Houwsteel •

Kubus 141, 3364 DG Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 413 333,

HSM Offshore Energy • 55

Westfrankelandsedijk 9, 3115 HG Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4279200, Hudig & Veder Forwarding •

Debussystraat 2, 3161 WD Rhoon, The Netherlands, T +31 10 5066600, Huisman • • 56

Admiraal Trompstraat 2, 3115 HH Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0702222,

Hycom •

Antillen 43, 7333 PE Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0597200, Hydac •

Vossenbeemd 109, 5705 CL Helmond, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0597001, Hydrasun • •

Nikkelstraat 17a, 2984 AM Ridderkerk, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4049044, Ingenieursburo Gommer • Parkweg 11, 2271 AD Voorburg, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3868286,


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

InterDam • •

Benedenrijweg 186, 2987 VB Ridderkerk, The Netherlands, T +31 180 470030, International SOS • •

John M. Keynesplein 3, 1066 EP Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 8200888, Intramar Insurances • • •

Het Nieuwe Diep 34 A8, 1781 AD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 612222, IOT-DOSCO • •

Boekel 36, 1921 CE Akersloot, The Netherlands, T +31 72 5333222,

iPS - Powerful People •

Rivium Boulevard 101, 2909 LK Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 88 4479494,

IQIP • • •

Molendijk 94, 3361 EP Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 015 50 00,

IRM Europe • • IBC Concordiastraat 84, 1951 AS Velsen-Noord, The Netherlands, T +31 62 689 3082, Iv-Consult •

Noordhoek 37, 3351 LD Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9433100, Iv-Offshore & Energy • • 49

Noordhoek 37, 3351 LD Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9433300, IVM (Instituut voor Veiligheid & Milieu) • • Monierweg 4, 7740 AE Coevorden, The Netherlands, T +31 88 1663000,

Jack-Up Barge • • •

Krausstraat 14-16, 3364 AD Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 420091,

JB Systems Industrial Automation • •

Westlandseweg 190, 3131 HX Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4608060,

Jumbo Offshore • • 62

Havenstraat 23, 3115 HC Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7900270,

Kalkman Handelsonderneming • • •

Parallelweg 11, 2921 LE Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 180 517755,

KCI the engineers • •

De Brauwweg 62, 3125 AE Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4270399,


KENC Engineering

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

• •

Zutphenstraat 39, 7575 EJ Oldenzaal, The Netherlands, T +31 541 533193, Kenz Figee Group • •

Zuiddijk 400, 1505 HE Zaandam, The Netherlands, T +31 75 6810410, KOKS Group •

Diamantweg 1, 1812 RC Alkmaar, The Netherlands, T +31 72 5406699, Konnektus • •

De schans 2, 5301 DL Zaltbommel, The Netherlands, T +31 418 510016, Konutherm • 74

Baarnsche Dijk 6A8, 3741 LR Baarn, The Netherlands, T +31 35 3034910,

Lankhorst Engineered Products • • Prinsengracht 2, 8607 AD Sneek, The Netherlands, T +31 515 487641,

Liquid Transfer Technology

Dintelweg 89, 3198 LB Europoort Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 181 261407, LUC Group • • Boschstraat 31, 6442 PB Brunssum, The Netherlands, T +31 45 5270300,

LV Shipping & Logistics •

Koggehaven 24, 3133 LA Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4455000, M Restart • • 75&77

Van Vollenhovenstraat 29, 3016 BG Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7141800, Machinefabriek Heerbaart • • • 56

Alfred Marshallstraat 13, 7559 SE Hengelo, The Netherlands, T +31 74 2427575,

Mammoet Europe • •

Karel Doormanweg 47, 3115 JD Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2042424,

MarFlex • •

Louis Pasteurstraat 8, 3261 LZ Oud-Beijerland, The Netherlands, T +31 186 890200, Marin •

Haagsteeg 2, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands, T +31 317 493911, Maris •

Gildeweg 7 A, 2632 BD Nootdorp, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2029210,


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Maritime Construction Services

Parnassusweg 805B, 1082 LZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 6 11772553, Marsh •

Conradstraat 18, 3013 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4060600 McDermott • • •

Prinses Beatrixlaan 35, 2595 AK Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3732010, MechDes Engineering •

Fahrenheitstraat 47, 3846 CC Harderwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 341 277070, Medir International • • •

Tinstraat 85-87, 2984 AN Ridderkerk, The Netherlands, T +31 180 464482, MediWerk • Luchthavenweg 6F, 1786 PP Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0117500, MO4 •

Teleportboulevard 110, 1043 EJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 8203399, Mocean Offshore •

Teleportboulevard 110, Unit 6.24, 1043 EJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 8203399, Mokveld Valves • 71

Nijverheidsstraat 67, 2802 AJ Gouda, The Netherlands, T +31 182 597500, Montipower • •

Tjariet 3, 9909 BZ Spijk, The Netherlands, T +31 651380431, Mooreast Europe

PO Box 81, 2900 AB Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 6 26443148,

• • • 71

Mourik Industry • •

Nieuwesluisweg 110, 3197 KV Rotterdam - Botlek, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2965400,

MP Holland - International Freight Forwarders

• Shannonweg 37, 1118 LA Schiphol, The Netherlands, T +31 20 6541500,

• • •

MPC Marine & Port Consultancy

Franse Akker 8, 4824 AK Breda, The Netherlands, T +31 850182818,

Muller Dordrecht

• Merwekade 82, 3311 TH Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6392000,

• • •

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Multimetaal Constructie • • •

Scheepmakersweg 23, 1786 PD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 611120, Multiplan International • c/o The Crescent Mechelen - Motstraat 30, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium, T +32 89 717702, Multraship Ocean Towage • 65 Schuttershofweg 1, 4538 AA Terneuzen, The Netherlands, T +31 115 645000, N-Sea • • 65 Wilgenbos 2, 3311 JX Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 111 456000, Navingo •

Jan van Galenstraat 56, 3115 JG Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4360112, Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij • • • • • Schepersmaat 2, 9400 HH Assen, The Netherlands, T +31 592 369111,

Neptune Marine • • • Rivierdijk 586, 3371 ED Hardinxveld-Giessendam, The Netherlands, T +31 184 621423, Nevesbu •

Kelvinring 48, 2952 BG Alblasserdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9433400,

NHL Stenden Hogeschool • • Dellewal 8, 8881 EG Terschelling, The Netherlands, T +31 562 446603, Nidec Netherlands • •

Kubus 155, 3364 DG Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 420555, Niron Staal Amsterdam • •

Vasumweg 125, 1033 SG Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 6333031, Nord-Lock Benelux • • • Postbus 606, 9700 AP Groningen, Nederland, T +31 50 5275656,

Nsecure • •

Lübeck 1, 2993 LK Barendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 88 1239000, Oceanteam • •

Westerdoksdijk 473, 1013 BX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 5357570,

ODS Metering Systems • • •

Donk 6, 2991 LE Barendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 180 640879,


Offshore Independents

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Noordsingel 117, 3035 EM Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7370938, Offshore Industry •

Boulevard Bankert 290, 4382 AC Vlissingen, The Netherlands, T +31 118 473398, Offshore Marine Contractors • • • 63

Verlaat 6, 8331 VA Steenwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 528 230445, OOS International • •

Oostkapelseweg 4, 4353 EH Serooskerke, The Netherlands, T +31 118 726200, Orga • 74 Strickledeweg 13, 3125 AT Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2085555,

Paradigm Group • • Ambachtsweg 7, 2964 LG Groot-Ammers, The Netherlands, T +31 184 609419, Parker Hannifin • • • Nijverheidsweg 3, 3341 LJ Hendrik Ido Ambacht, The Netherlands, T +31 541 585000, PAT-Krüger • 51

Mangaan 6, 5234 GD Den Bosch, The Netherlands, T +31 73 6443366,

PECO Douwes Group •

Ambachtsweg 12A, 2641 KS Pijnacker, The Netherlands, T +31 15 3615200, Pedemex •

Westblaak 47, 3012 KD Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4124329, Petrofac Training Services • • •

Pompoenweg 3, 2321 DK Leiden, The Netherlands, T +31 71 7601660,

Pliant Offshore • • •

Heusing 11, 4817 ZB Breda, The Netherlands, T +31 76 5816588,

Port of Amsterdam • • •

De Ruijterkade 7, 1013 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 5234500,

Port of Den Helder •

Het Nieuwe Diep 33, 1781 AD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 618481,

Port of Rotterdam • •

Wilhelminakade 909, 3072 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2521010,


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

PwC • •

Fascinatio Boulevard 350, 3065 WB Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 8879 20010, Quercus Technical Services • • • 75

Baileystraat 3, 8013 RV Zwolle, The Netherlands, T +31 38 4529991, Rae Benelux •

Hoofdweg 34C, 2908 LC Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4426149,

RBES • 65

Hofplein 20, 14th Floor, 3032 AC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2680200, RedWave •

Handelskade 6, 1948 NA Beverwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 251 262400,

Redwise Maritime Services • • Amersfoortseweg 12E, 3751 LK Bunschoten Spakenburg, The Netherlands, T +31 33 4217860, RelyOn Nutec • Beerweg 71, 3199 LM Rotterdam - Maasvlakte, The Netherlands, T +31 181 376600, Resato International •

Duitslandlaan 1, 9403 DL Assen, The Netherlands, T +31 50 5016877, Ridderflex & Plastics • • •

Touwslagerstraat 5, 2984 AW Ridderkerk, The Netherlands, T +31 180 463471, ROC Kop van Noord-Holland • Sperwerstraat 4, 1781 XC Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 611200,; Roodhart Marine Services • • • Waalhaven Zuidzijde 52-66, 3088 HJ Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4286122,

Rotterdam Offshore Group • Drutenstraat 7, 3087 CC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4737400,

Rotterdam Partners •

Korte Hoogstraat 31, 3011 GK Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7900140,

Royal IHC • • •

Smitweg 6, 2961 AW Kinderdijk, The Netherlands, T,

Saltwater Engineering • 50

Buitendijks 33, 3356 LX Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 2051500,



1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s


Karel Doormanweg 66, 3115 JD Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2320 000, SDC Verifier • • • 49

Zijlvest 25, 2011 VB Haarlem, The Netherlands, T +31 15 3010310, Sea Rescue Gear •

Gerleeweg 10, 2201 DD Noordwijk ZH, The Netherlands, T +31 71 5611365,

Seacontractors • • •

Visserijkade 95, 4382 ZA Vlissingen, The Netherlands, T +31 118 410520, Seafox • •

Westerduinweg 3, 1976 BV Ijmuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 23 5541313,

SeaMar Services • • Het Nieuwe Werk 49, 1780 AN Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 683050, Seatools • •

Edisonstraat 67, 3280 AE Numansdorp, The Netherlands, T +31 186 680000, Seaway 7 •

Louis Pasteurlaan 5, 2719 EE Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 79 3637700, Selmers • •

Biesland 3, 1948 RJ Beverwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 251 211999, Siemens Nederland • • • • • •

Stadhouderslaan 900, 2382 BL Zoeterwoude, The Netherlands, T +31 71 5792444, Siemens PLM Software •

Het Zuiderkruis 63, 5215 MV Den Bosch, The Netherlands, T +31 73 6802500,

Sif Netherlands • • • 29

Mijnheerkensweg 33, 6041 TA Roermond, The Netherlands, T +31 475 385777,

Sinus Jevi Electric Heating • 74

Aambeeld 19, 1671 NT Medemblik, The Netherlands, T +31 227 549100,


Gebr. Wrightlaan 2D, 9615 TN KOLHAM, The Netherlands, T +31 596 620997, Smitsvonk Holland • 72

Goudstraat 6, 2718 RC Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 79 3613533,

• • •
• • • 51

SMST Designers & Constructors

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

• • • 57

De Steven 51-53, Harbour no. 713, 9206 AX Drachten, The Netherlands, T +31 512 591000, Smulders • 57

Hoge Mauw 200, 2370 Arendonk, Belgium, T +32 14 672281, SolarDuck • • •

Paijensweg, 6523 MC Nijmegen, The Netherlands, T,

Solidd Steel Structures • • 58

Solcamastraat 22, 9262 ND Sumar, The Netherlands, T +31 511 462525, SoluForce • Flevolaan 7, 1601 MA Enkhuizen, The Netherlands, T +31 228 355555,

SOMA Bedrijfsopleidingen • Ceintuurbaan 2, 3840 AH Harderwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 341 499450,

Spliethoff • 61 Radarweg 36, 1000 AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 4488400, SPM Marine & Offshore •

Thomas Edisonweg 10, 5151 DJ Drunen, The Netherlands, T +31 416 747001, SRC Netherlands • • •

Heijplaatweg 4, 3089 JC Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 3225057, STC-KNRM •

Quarantaineweg 98, Harbour nr. 2620, 3089 KP Rotterdam - Heijplaat, The Netherlands, T +31 800 3800030, Stephenson Academy • • • Rivium Boulevard 34, 2909 LK Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 7997300,

Strohm • • •

Monnickendamkade 1, 1976 EC IJmuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 25 5763500, Supermaritime Nederland • Oostenrijkweg 15, 4455 RZ Nieuwdorp, The Netherlands, T +31 118 460020, Svasek Hydraulics • •

Kratonkade 23, 3024 ES Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4671361, Task Environmental Services Worldwide • • Magelhaenstraat 16, 7825 VK Emmen, The Netherlands, T +31 591 210220,


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Taxand Netherlands • 50

Jachthavenweg 124, 1081 KJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 20 4356400, Technip Energies •

Fascinatio Boulevard 522, 2909 VA Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2207070, TechnipFMC - Surface Technologies • • •

Trekkenweg 5/5A, 7844 NZ Nieuw-Amsterdam/Veenoord, The Netherlands, T +31 591 267000

Teijin Aramid •

Velperweg 76, 6824 BM Arnhem, The Netherlands, T +31 88 2689121,

Temporary Works Design • • Marconistraat 16, 3029 AK Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2940374, The Hague Business Agency • • Prinses Margrietplantsoen 35, 2595 AM Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3115555, The Offshore Partners • • • Waalhaven Z.Z. 21 (Port City 1), 3089 JH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4914131, Thermo Electric Instrumentation • • Coenecoop 71-73, 2741 PH Waddinxveen, The Netherlands, T +31 85 7607300,

Titan Projects

De Marne 53, 8701 PV Bolsward, The Netherlands, T +31 5155 48200, TKF • • •

Spinnerstraat 15, 7480 AA Haaksbergen, The Netherlands, T +31 53 5732255, TNO Bouw en Ondergrond Utrecht • Princetonlaan 6, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2564600,

TNO Industrie en Techniek Delft • Leeghwaterstraat 44, 2628 CA Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 88 866 22 00,

TOS People & Ship Delivery • • •

Waalhaven Oostzijde 77, Harbour nr. 2203a, 3087 BM Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4366293,

Tradinco Instruments • • •

Radonstraat 250, 2718 TB Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 10 5112911, TrustLube • • •

Neon 7, 4751 XA Oud Gastel, The Netherlands, T +31 88 8787700,

• • •

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

TU Delft - Department of Ship and Offshore Structures •

Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2789250, Ulstein Design & Solutions • •

Rotterdam Airportplein 32, 3045 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4750011, United Offshore Services • 74

Appelweg 16, 4782 PX Moerdijk, The Netherlands, T +31 168 415140, Valvetight • • •

Zandhaarweg 5, 7595 KM Weerselo, The Netherlands, T +31 85 3012888,

Van Aalst Group • • •

Baanhoekweg 16, 3313 LA Dordrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6221304,

Van Beest •

Industrieweg 6, 3361 HJ Sliedrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 184 413300, Van Ee Staalspecialisten • • Deventerweg, 3771 NP Barneveld, The Netherlands, T +31 342 493555, Van Halteren Metaal • • De Kronkels 27, 3752 LM Bunschoten, The Netherlands, T +31 33 2992300,

Van Halteren Technologies • •

Van Salmstraat 70, 5281 RS Boxtel, The Netherlands, T +31 88 4110500,

Van Heck • • • Ambachtsstraat 2, 8391 VK Noordwolde, The Netherlands, T +31 561 431739,

Van Leusden • 73

Parelhoenweg 2, 4791 PA Klundert, The Netherlands, T +31 168 385225, Van Meeuwen Lubrication • 73 Leeuwenveldseweg 5A, 1382 LV Weesp, The Netherlands, T +31 294 494494,

Van Oord • •

Schaardijk 211, 3063 NH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 8260000,

Van Oord Offshore • • • 63

Jan Blankenweg 2, 4207 HN Gorinchem, The Netherlands, T +31 88 8265200,

Van Thiel United •

Bosscheweg 38, 5741 SX Beek en Donk, The Netherlands, T +31 492 469060,


Van Veelen Industriële Verpakkingen

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Van Veenendaalweg 17, 3088 HG Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4290180, VandeGrijp IGS • 58 Rietgorsweg 11, 3356 LJ Papendrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 78 6446464,

VBR Turbine Partners • • Industrieweg Oost 6, 6662 NE Elst, The Netherlands, T +31 88 0109000,

VDL Klima •

Meerenakkerweg 30, 5652 AV Eindhoven, The Netherlands, T +31 40 2981818, Veiligheidstechniek Nederland • IJzerweg 67, 5342 LX Oss, The Netherlands, T +31 412 695555,

Vermeulen Europoort • •

Moezelweg 110 - Havennr. 5596, 3198 LS Rotterdam - Europoort, The Netherlands, T +31 181 250 050, VIRO •

Burgemeester van Lierplein 73, 3134 ZB Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4092600, Vlentec International • • •

Roald Amundsenstraat 31, 7825AP Emmen, The Netherlands, T +31 59 1394720, Vos Prodect Innovations (VPI) • • •

Heemst 1, 7892 AL Klazienaveen, The Netherlands, T +31 591 315600, VoTech Filter •

Kerktiend 14, 6065 BN Montfort, The Netherlands, T +31 475 712953, Vroon Offshore Services • • • 35 & 64

Het Nieuwe Werk 88, 1781 AK Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 673800,

Vryhof • •

Karel Doormanweg 7, 3115 JD Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2668900,

Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam • • •

Lichtenauerlaan 2, 3062 ME Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 312 6400,

Vydraulics Group • • •

Industrielaan 6, 8890 Moorslede, Belgium, T +32 56 501116, W1CON • • • • •

Uranusstraat 11, 8521 LZ Sint Nicolaasga, The Netherlands, T +31 6 15841940,


Wagenborg Offshore Holding

1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

• 64

Marktstraat 10, 9930 AA Delfzijl, The Netherlands, T +31 596 636911, Wärtsilä Netherlands • •

Havenstraat 21, 3115 HC Schiedam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 9802000, Weatherford Elastomers • •

George Stephensonweg 13, 3130 AA Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, T +31 10 4451155, Weatherford Netherlands • •

Schrijnwerkersweg 6, 1786 PC Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 767300,


Group • •

Oosteinde 1, 9431 AT Westerbork, The Netherlands, T +31 85 2734600,

West Coast International 2 Supply • • Noorderkade 36A, 1948 NR Beverwijk, The Netherlands, T +31 251 229090, WIND Cable Services • • • Oudegracht 164-168, 1811 CP Alkmaar, The Netherlands, T +31 72 5193250, Windcat Workboats •

Trawlerkade 106, 1976 CC IJmuiden, The Netherlands, T +31 255 520336,

Work Wise •

Hoogeveenenweg 100, 2913 LV Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, T +31 10 2840567,

WTS Energy • • •

Koninginnegracht 23, 2514 AB Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 2400470,



1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports •

De Ruyterkade 7, 1013 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 610357549, Central Dredging Association (CEDA) • • • Rotterdamseweg 183C, 2274 HV Delft, The Netherlands, T +31 15 2858728,

Dutcham - Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce • Rua Marques de Itu 503, CJ. 62, 01223-001 Sao Paolo, Brazil, T +55 11 32219242,


Unit 4, Ground Floor Wellington Park, NR31 7BB Great Yarmouth, United Kingdom, T +44 1493 412199, evofenedex • Signaalrood 60, 2718 SG Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, T +31 79 3467346,

Haven en Scheepvaart Vereniging (HSV) Den Helder • IJzergietersweg 1, 1786 RD Den Helder, The Netherlands, T +31 223 616739,

Holland House Mexico Energy & Maritime • Av. Paseo De La Reforma 180, Juárez, 06600 Mexico City, Mexico, T +52 55 50258685, International Association of 2 Contractors •

Frans Halsstraat 42, 6501 BK Nijmegen, The Netherlands, T +31 24 6752252, ModuResources Group • • •

Poelendaelesingel 12, 4335 JA Middelburg, The Netherlands, T +31 628273269, Nederlandse WindEnergie Associatie, NWEA • Arthur van Schendelstraat 550, 3511 MH Utrecht, The Netherlands, T +31 30 2316977, Netherlands Maritime Technology • Maaskade 119, 3007 DB Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 88 4451000, Netherlands-African Business Council • Prinses Beatrixlaan 582 (WTC), 2595 BM Den Haag, The Netherlands, T +31 70 3043618,

NOF Energy

Thames House, Mandale Business Park, 1st floor, DH1 1TH Durham, United Kingdom, T +44 191 3846464,

North Sea Port • • Schelpenpad 2, 4531 PD Terneuzen, The Netherlands, T +31 115 647400,

Rotterdam Port Promotion Council •

Waalhaven Zuidzijde 19, 3089 JH Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T +31 10 3033260,


1. Seismic & hydrographic surveys 2. Drilling 3. Design, engineering, research, consultancy 4. Materials and equipment suppliers/manufacturers 5. Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding, repair 6. Civil construction and dredging 7. Inspection, M&R, pipeline, offshore installation 8. Transport, logistics 9. Health, safety, environment and QA/QC 10. Personnel, training & education 11. Trade associations, GO’s, NGO’s

World Class Maintenance

Boschstraat 35, 4811 GB Breda, The Netherlands, T +31 76 7631553,

WTC Twente Energy Group • • • • • Industrieplein 2, 7553 LL Hengelo, The Netherlands, T +31 74 2915604,


Danish Marine & Offshore Group • Norremansvej 27, 9270 Kla rup, Denmark, T +45 98317711,

Decom North Sea • Riverside House, AB11 7LH Aberdeen, United Kingdom, T +44 1224 224129,

Energy Industries Council • 89 Albert Embankment, SE1 7TP London, United Kingdom, T +44 207 091 8600,

Energy Technology Club • Reyerslaan 80, B 1030 Brussels, Belgium, T +32 27 068147, Evolen •

45, Rue Louis Blanc, F-92038 Paris, France, T +33 14 7176737, Industry Technology Facilitator ITF • Expl House, Science and Energy Park Br of Don, AB23 8GX Aberdeen, United Kingdom, T +44 122 4222410,

Norsk Industri •

Næringslivets hus Middelthuns gate 27, Oslo, N-0306 Oslo, Norway, T +47 230 88800,


Boompjes 40 3011 XB Rotterdam The Netherlands +31 79 3411981


The Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue provides information about oil, gas and environment related companies in the Netherlands, with their addresses, capabilities, number of employees and contact details. This publication has been produced with the greatest possible care and to the best of the authors’ knowledge. However, neither the publisher nor IRO accept any responsibility or liability for the content of this publication and no rights can be derived from it.

Images courtesy of: Allseas, Boskalis, Fugro, Damen, iStock, SolarDuck


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission from the publisher.

© 2023 ISSN 1573-3033

Publisher Pedemex Text IRO Printing Veenman+
JACKET LEVELLING GRIPPERS GROUT SEALS PNEUMATIC FENDERS FOR SALE AND RENTAL DIAPHRAGM CLOSURES Total Solutions for Safe Installation & Protection of Offshore Jackets & Marine Structures. OFFSHORE JACKET INSTALLATION PRODUCTS Pile Grippers Grout Seals / Packers Leg Mating Units Deck Supporting Units Surge & Sway Fenders Diaphragm Closures All types of Solid Fenders Harbour accessories Floating Fenders Boat Fenders IRM Europe BV Concordiastraat 84, 1951 AS Velsen-Noord, The Netherlands. E:, | M: +31 626893082 | T: +31 854 875 982 Web:, MARINE ENGINEERING PRODUCTS
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