DREAMS VS. GOALS Ciani Richardson
As a child, I was a dreamer At school, at home, before bed Every hour of the day I spent dreaming Dreaming and Imagining of My many future jobs Running on Neptune Eventually not being afraid to express myself Going to Japan Growing up being reticent Having myself being my only source of an outlet I stayed within my owns thoughts What else could I do at that age? But now that I have a small bit of wisdom At my current age of 17 years old I’ve stopped dreaming Instead of creating dreams, I create goals Realistic ones I was so naive and simple I believed I could do everything and now I know that’s not always true Don’t get me wrong, I’m not pessimistic But I try to stay grounded in reality Especially in the young years of my life where I’m still learning I believe that everyone should have a balanced mix of both I have a lot of respect for dreamers And I also have a lot of respect for people who set goals 329