One of the most pivotal points in my high school career was joining Key Club. I didn't anticipate how closely I'd work with others, and how many new friendships would bloom out of nowhere.
Freshman year I was elected webmaster. I thought to myself, this Instagram page has to be easy to manage, I doubted it was heavy. Yet, as I came to struggle with the workload at times, I knew I had the power, motivation, and enthusiasm to do more. January 21st, 2023, I ran for LTG. I was nervous, anxious, pacing around my room writing my speech the night before, scared of what would happen. I ended up being the only candidate, but it didn't stop my anxiety. What if I wasn't as good as the other incoming LTGs?WhatifIpoorlyrepresentedmydivision?WhatifIcouldn'tbeagoodLTG?
My first impression of the district was terrifying. So many people representing their divisions, so much potential, so much to look forward to. The training for LTG was grueling, but it brought us together knowing we would be working side by side. It was inspiring seeing everyone develop their ideas, concepts, and ambitions for their division. It made me want to work harder. I had gone home wanting to put my motivation to use. I began slowly working on my LTG duties early, excited to see what the term would developinto.
I missed DCON 2023. I was devastated, I missed the quintessential innie experience, but maybe it was for the best that I didn't embarrass myself in spirit gear. Yet, speaking with the outgoing LTGs in the group, I was assured that no matter what, the bonds the board forged will always remain strong.
Spring Board came along, we danced, played games, shared stories by the fire pit, just having fun. My relationships with my fellow LTG’s became closer than ever, to the point where I would talk to them daily outside of Key Club, talking about our lives. It made me look forward to the next board meeting. Coming from division 20m, I had not anticipated growing so close to someone from division 44, but we brought back our grandoutties’ duo, so ‘Go Butterflies’!
Summer board came along following my trip in Vietnam. I had only arrived back home 3 days prior, but I didn't care, I got to see my friends from across the district again. We swam in the river, creating memories I will never forget, moments I could never recreate even if I tried. Even after coming back from swimming, our mutually experienced hunger was something I'll never forget.
Fall board was finally somewhere in my area, I didn't have to endure another 6 hour car ride. We were in Lynnwood and had the freedom to walk in the area for the first time with only our board. I'll never forget when everyone made fun of me saying I'll be freezing cold when we walked to Dave and Buster's, yet when walking back I was the only one not complaining at all. We all had a laugh during the White Elephant gift exchange when Ethan Saephan received a bracelet making kit for an 8 year old. Despite the fun, we were also devastated that it was coming to an end. With no potential candidates for my division, I had to decide if I should serve a second term. It wasn’t an easy decision. I loved the job, the memories made, seeing people smile, all of my hard work, but I was also scared. What if the next term was drastically different? Would I be burdened with expectations as a returning LTG? On Saturday, January 19th, 2024, I decided to do it one more time. Winter board 2024 came around and I was nervous to meet all of the innies. What if they were scared of me? Well, funnily some were, but when I made the effort to interact with everyone, I learned they were the most down to earth people I could've met. I have no regrets running for LTG again. The unexpected friendships I have made allowed me to see that in life there are challenges to accept in order to gain the best results.
Well, an easy Google search can identify Key Club as an international service organization for high school students that promotes and fosters leadership by serving others. And indeed, this is a fact; a member of this organizationcouldtellyoumore.Amemberlikeme.
I remember when I first learned about Key Club. I had just moved to the United States, unsure of what was to come. I began to question my family worriedly about what I should do to achieve a peaceful high school experience. Amongst all the advice offered, one thing that stuck in my head was Key Club.
Key Club? I asked myself as it spoke unfamiliarity into my head. They certainly downgrade its meaning by mentioning that it’s an “Asian” club and that it’ll help me make new friends. It perplexed me even more as they attempted to explain it in multiple ways. Still, I put a pin on it in my head and decided to join.
Going into the club, I had no expectations. I was hoping to just get it over with for the year, to include it in my college application. But as weeks and months went by, my perspective altered. I gained and formed new connections with others as we performed countless community services together. Being a part of the club allowed me to converse with numerous individuals with different backgrounds and experiences, which boosted my confidence and knowledge in numerous aspects. Key Club also gave me the opportunity to be a server at a large fundraiser called “Wine Fest” which allowed me to fully grasp the breadth of the work that was done by this organization.
And so, yes, Key Club is indeed a club that promotes leadership through community service, but it’s also a club that fosters growth, inclusivity, and compassion, which are mirrored by the countless student leaders and members all over the world, all whom make it possible for Key Club to exist. Key Club provides a voice and community for people who feel underrepresented in a place filled with often negative judgment. Lastly, Key Club provides the ability to make the world a better place by focusing on the youth, the future of our nation.
This year, as a collective for Division 13/15/17, we had a small but passionate group voyage to Portland to attend the District Convention. Many of us, including myself, had our first DCON experience this year. We found it very fascinating for a few reasons.
Drum roll please…THE BEST DAY EVER: Drum roll please…THE BEST DAY EVER: Drum roll please…THE BEST DAY EVER:
DCON 2024! DCON 2024!
Firstly, the event was so well organized for hosting such a large community. We found that the venues were very organized, the workshops scheduled very well, and their respective topics worked very well together. For me and many of my club’s members, one of the most memorable workshops has to be the one hosted by our very own international president Kyle Hanson. Kyle gave us some tips about how to be Key Club famous that not only pertains to our work in the community, but also to any parts of our extended life. The hotel experience was also very wonderful, the service was very good and all accommodations were perfect. We also found it very fun. The spirit events, although putting us into situations where we had to engage in a battle with other divisions, was very special. Something that I think is really memorable and so unique about DCON are the group assembly events inside the main presentation hall. Not only could we enjoy entertaining events like the great magic performance, but we also recognized people who have contributed within our community. In that sense, I truly believe that Key Club is something that not only enriches students' personal life but also fosters a sense of community and leadership that is unseen in other organizations. These skills are not only developed but also recognized.
Lastly, as a Canadian division, my other fellow Canadians and I definitely all felt like going to such an experience with Key Clubbers from all over the district was a really great part of making us feel integrated in the community. Due to distance issues, sometimes maintaining a strong connection or feeling that unique bond is difficult, but through DCON we truly felt like we were super involved, created meaningful relationships and witnessed the whole district come together. The morale was incredible and Key Club’s “aura” was really shown through DCON; it is not easy to find another organization with the ability to mobilize such a big student group with so much morale and passion. This was a once in a lifetime experience and for those who are passionate about service, but also want to be part of fun events that cannot be seen elsewhere, Key Club is your home!
ability levels. There are six branches of the Kiwanis Family: K-Kids at the elementary school level, Builders Club at the middle school level, Key Club at the high school level, Circle K at the college level, Aktion Club specifically for adults with disabilities, and Kiwanis for adults. It is incredibly important for Key Clubbers to know the different branches so that they can interact with them in their regions and work to charter new clubs. Working with your Kiwanis Family and strengthening your relationships with them will help to create new service opportunities and support your wider community.
Important Resource Alert!
A very important resource that can help members learn more about the Kiwanis Family in their area is the Kiwanis Family Directory, which contains the information for every K-Fam branch in the PNW District. The Kiwanis Family Chartering Guide is an amazing resource for Key Clubs to learn the process of creating other clubs within their community. The K-Fam Joint Project Service Guide is a resource that can help Key Clubs to plan out events in collaboration with other branches of the Kiwanis Family. All three of these resources can be located on the PNW Key Club website and in the K-Fam Linktree (
GRADUATING?! Check this out!
One branch that all Key Clubbers, and especially ones that are graduating soon or have graduated, should be considering is Circle K. Key Club members being in high school means that for many, college is their next phase in life. Finding out whether the college you are attending has a Circle K is a great first step in continuing your membership within the Kiwanis organization. Joining Circle K is one of the best ways to continue to support your community, to continue to participate in volunteer opportunities, and to continue your membership within the Kiwanis Family. If you are not planning to go to college, or your college does not have a Circle K, joining your local Kiwanis group is also an excellent way to continue to volunteer within your community, especially because former Key Clubbers get two years of dues payments free when they join. You can find more information about how to remain involved in Key Club after graduation in the Key Club International Alumni Network (
Thinking about summer…
The summer is a great time to plan out events and goals for the new school year, but without Key Club meetings, some may feel less involved in their community. One way to continue your involvement is to keep in contact with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club. Key Club only meets during the school year, and although it is encouragedforclubstodoactivitiesinthesummer,thatdoesnotalwayshappen,ornotasconsistentlyasone would hope. Kiwanis Clubs meet all year round and do many activities in the summer. It will always be encouraged to reach out to your local Kiwanis, attend meetings, and volunteer in their service projects. Just Club, is essential for cultivating a vibrant and supportive community. This mission was brought to life during a joint Divisional Council Meeting (DCM) hosted by Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor Keera Michie of Division 58. By uniting middle school-level Builders Club and high schoollevel Key Club members, the event exemplified the significance of fostering relationships across different stages ofacademicandleadershipdevelopment.
The DCM, designed as a potluck-style gathering, offered more than just delicious treats like candy and hot chocolate. It provided a platform for members to connect over shared experiences while fostering camaraderie and collaboration. Activities such as bracelet making and card crafting for local shelters not only strengthened bonds within the K-Fam family but also allowed members to make tangible contributions to their communities. Theseeventsnotonlypromoteunitybutalsoinstillasenseofresponsibilityandempathyamongmembers,laying a solid foundation for the K-Fam community and nurturing a spirit of service that extends far beyond club meetings.
Pedro Lopez Pedro Lopez Pedro Lopez
LieutenantGovernor(58) LieutenantGovernor(58) LieutenantGovernor(58)
Isabella Baldisseri Isabella Baldisseri Isabella Baldisseri
District Governor District Governor District Governor
I hope you are well. I am pleased to share that over the course of the last few months the 2024-2025 District Board and Executives have made impactful service a priority across the district. Whether it be purposeful committee work, hosting Officer Training Conferences, or successfully carrying out the responsibilities of a Lieutenant Governor, I am proud to note that your PNW Key Club District Board does it all with spirit and efficiency. Additionally, I appreciate those of you who are continuing to engage in community service near the end of the school year. I know itcanbehardtomaintainmotivationwhenyou’resoclose to the finish line, but your efforts to serve your communities donotgounnoticed.
Additionally, I encourage you all tousethesummertimetoreflect, relax, and rejuvenate. As Governor, I understand how hard it can be to take breaks. However, I’ve also come to understand that giving yourself the space and time to fully relax will enable you to evaluate how far you’ve come as a valued member of Key Club, and how faryouwanttogo.
Utilize the support systems around you, whether that's your family or friends. Please remember, I am here to support each and every one of you. With that, please continue to engage with the district through our Instagram, Biweekly Updates, and publications! Feel free to reach outtomeatanytimeviaemailat
Mae Ramac Mae Ramac Mae Ramac
District Secretary District Secretary District Secretary
We’ve made it to summer! Take a deep breath and celebrate—you’ve all done an incredible job balancing your academic studies while creating an impactful service year. Reading your secretary reports has been refreshing and inspiring, showcasing the amazing service projects, creativefundraisers,andcontributionstotheDistrictProject fromeachofyourclubs.
As you enjoy your summer, remember to take care of yourselves and hopefully find some time to plan exciting new events for the upcoming year. This is also a great time tohostbondingeventstogettoknoweachotherandnew membersbeforethenewschoolyear.Stayconnectedover the summer, as we’ll be releasing lots of new publications andhostinghelpfulwebinarsforallofyou!I’msoimpressed with each and every one of you, and I look forward to meetingyouallatKeyClubDaysinAugustandSeptember!
Jeffrey Basilio Jeffrey Basilio Jeffrey Basilio District Treasurer District Treasurer District Treasurer
SlayfulSummerishere!It’sfinallythattimeoftheyearwhere you can lay down, relax, and enjoy the time off! You all deserve this leisure time after a year of balancing academics with impactful service! Although, even if it is the summer,it’stheperfecttimetothinkaboutwhatfundraisers and service projects your club may want to pursue! Or maybe it’s time to start thinking about College applications and your endeavors after high school. Whatever you have planned, I hope you take the time to really relax this summer!Youdeserveit!
Over the summer, during your leisure time, I encourage you to stay involved with your community! Whether that be through attending community based events or signing up for more service activities, I'm sure you will spend your summer wisely in a way that benefits you. Personally, I’m goingtospendmysummergoingtosummercampssuchas Washington Business Week and the Accounting Career AwarenessProgramattheUniversityofWashington!
As my update comes to an end I would like to remind you that If you have any questions regarding; Dues, Fundraising Ideas or tips, the Pacific Northwest Opportunities Fund (PNWOF), or any duties in regards to club treasurers, please all at a Key Club day event very soon! I look forward to hearingwhatyouallhaveplannedforthefutureofyourKey Clubs.
Tessa Hill Tessa Hill Tessa Hill District Editor District Editor District Editor
I hope you’re all excited for summer! I am still in school but getoutSOSOON,andIcanbasicallyfeeltheoceanbreeze in my hair. I love the ocean, and I hope you all enjoy that being the theme of this ESPRESSO. I live near the Oregon Coastandsoofcourse,Iwasinspired.Iencourageyouallto make sure you are able to get out in the sun and go swimming this summer, one of my personal favorite summer activities! I have enjoyed reading through all the Divisional Newsletters and seeing what everyone is up to. It is very inspiringandIlookforwardeverymonthtohearingaboutall the fantastic volunteering and fundraising that has been happening! As we near summer, be on the look out for summervolunteeropportunitiesaswellasstayingconnected to your Key Club and officers. If you’re stumped on ways to stay connected, I urge you to subscribe to the PNW BiWeekly emails as well as follow the District Instagram, (@pnwkeyclub) and read the ESPRESSO! (Which hopefully you are doing right now) These are all well updated resourcesthatcanhelpkeepyouuptodateaswellasgive you a peek into what has been going on recently, and provideyouwithresources.Ontopofthat,thePNWwebsite may be your best resource, as it has all of those I just mentioned,butallinoneplace!Haveagreatsummer,and happyvolunteering!
Greetings, Key Club members, Greetings, Key Club members,
I am Kyle Hanson, from the Pacific Northwest District, and I have been beyond honored to serve as your 2023-2024 Key Club International President. It feels surreal to say that my term is already coming to an end, and that my time as International President will soon be over. Just 10 short months ago, I wrote a welcome letter to Key Club International - romanticizing my position, dreaming up a plan, and trying to envision the future of this organization
After already having served as a Club President and District Governor, I thought I knew a lot about Key Club, leadership, and community service. I had learned how to delegate work better, speak to crowds, and bring people together to make decisions as a Club President. Even after dealing with unresponsive officers or failed service projects, I persevered and grew.
As District Governor, I learned how service looks different for every club as I got to travel throughout the PNW supporting our clubs. I had been met with challenges returning to in-person events from the pandemic, but was able to work with my peers to foster the energy and participation we had lost. Through this I had grown not only in my leadership skills, but in my social and academic ways as well. I felt prepared and ready for this year given my skills.
But this year pushed me to new heights, forcing me to grow in ways I couldn’t imagine. I had the distinct opportunity of getting to work with and learn from all Key Club members through surveys, town halls, and listening sessions. From this, I have been beyond impressed by the dedication and wisdom of our members. From record level club chartering and a 13% membership increase to over $150,000 donated to UNICEF’s Start Strong: Zambia project, we have you to thank for your impact and dedication this year.
As we close this service year, I would like to follow-up on some promises made at the beginning of my term, which all come back to enabling you, our members, our core, to thrive. Through Club Voice, Outreach, Resources, and Education, I’m confident we elevated club experience on the International level. With initiatives from a student-led I-Board Instagram account (@keyclub.iboard) to member representatives on our task forces, we increased the connection between the club and international level. By adding new spotlights through the Key Club International Instagram and promoting existing ICON rewards, we highlighted the stars that make Key Club shine. Through launching a Membership Growth & Development Committee and connecting struggling Divisions to International Trustees with a mentorship program,weimprovednotonlyourqualityofourmembershipbutthequalityofourservice.
Again, all of this comes back to you - our members. We aimed to uplift and support each of you this year, and you all ran with the opportunities. On behalf of the International Board, thank you for your engagement and commitment. We could not haveaccomplishedourgoalswithoutyou.
As I reflect on my Key Club journey, I will remember not only the lessons learned but the people I built relationships with. It is with confidence I can say that Key Club has changed my life in ways I never imagined. It is thanks to Beaverton High School, Pacific Northwest Key Club, and of course Key Club International that I got to where I am today. I feel privileged and honored to have worked with such an important organization.
Finally, although I am soon retiring, I am always happy to take questions, feedback, and ideas by reaching out to me at the email below. If there’s one thing I want you to never forget, it’s that you can accomplish much more than you can imagine. Dream big and aim for the stars! You never knowwhereyouwillland.
I look forward to the rest of the service year with you, and hope to see you at InternationalConvention2024inAtlanta,Georgia!Untilthen,
DCON 2024: DCON 2024:
District Convention is Pacific Northwest Key Club’s largest and most important annual event! Every Year over 1,000 Key Clubbers representing more than 150 clubs from across the Pacific Northwest District come together to elect new District Executives, gain new leadership skills, and celebrate the Service Year. Your club’s attendance at DCON is incredibly important because members can learn more about the structure of Key Club and what our organization does on the District and International levels. Members can also gain new skills and knowledge through seminars and workshops, and make friends while showing divisional spirit!
2024 saw the 74th Annual District Convention, which had the theme “Service with a Splash” and took place at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon, from March 8-10. This past DCON was a splashing success, with many fun guest speakers and workshops covering topics from “how to grow your club’s membership” to “how to get a date”. Our keynote speaker, Carlos Andrés Gómez, delivered powerful poetry on his experience with race and ethnicity in the United States, and Magician and former America’s Got Talent contestant Trigg Watson dazzled Key Clubbers with his high-tech tricks. Our Mega Forum speaker, Andy Stoll, spoke on the importance of outside-the-box thinking and shared how he gained valuable life experience traveling to over 40 countries after graduating from college. Overall, Key Clubbers had so much fun at DCON in the Rose City!
DCON 2025 is moving to Seattle, Washington, the theme for the 75th Annual District Convention will be “Symphony of Service No. 75” and we would love for you all to be there to help make this DCON sing!
The Convention will take place at the Seattle Convention Center, with all lodging being available at the Sheraton Grand Seattle Hotel. This venue is located in the heart of downtown Seattle, surrounded by many attractions, shops, and restaurants like Westlake Center mall, located just a 4 minute walk away. The hotel is also just a 10-15 minute walk from Pike Place Market, The Seattle Aquarium, and The Seattle Great Wheel. You can’t talk about Seattle without mentioning the Space Needle, it along with Seattle Center’s other attractions like the Museum of Pop Culture or Chihuly Gardens and Glass are all a 25 minute walk or 15 minute light rail ride from the hotel. As you can tell, there are a lot of fun things to do in the Emerald City! Watch out for registration later this year, we hope to see you in Seattle for DCON 75!
As District Convention Committee Chair, I work with my committee members, the Executive Board, and our District Administrators in planning and executing DCON. The DCON committee is responsible for selecting the theme, guest speakers, awards, and much more; We also hold two webinars in the Fall to promote convention and discuss the registration process. If you have any questions or concerns regarding DCON, please contact me at
Thomas Wakefield Thomas Wakefield Thomas Wakefield LieutenantGovernor(42v) LieutenantGovernor(42v) LieutenantGovernor(42v)
Have you heard about the fun of Key Club Days, but cannot attend
Have you heard about the fun of Key Club Days, but cannot attend
Have you heard about the fun of Key Club Days, but cannot attend due to geographical distance? Don’t worry, because off-site KCD due to geographical distance? Don’t worry, because off-site KCD due to geographical distance? Don’t worry, because off-site KCD allows members of rural divisions to participate in the same allows members of rural divisions to participate in the same allows members of rural divisions to participate in the same excitement. excitement. excitement.
Key Club Days, to allow their members the opportunity to join in on the spirit. Members made various care packages for homeless women while also experiencing multiple workshops such as Speed Mingling, AP Rizz, and being able to pie their LTGs! In addition, there was a special guest appearance by Key Club InternationalPresident,KyleHanson,whoheldaconfidenceworkshop.
Though an off-site event may not be as wide scaledasanon-siteevent,thatdoesnotmeanit is any less impactful. You have access to the same experiences such as meeting people who share the same passion for service and learning more about the community. This was an awesome experience and I’m excited to help bring the same joy and amusement to more members!
Update Update Update DistrictAdministrator Update
Summer is finally here, and I hope everyone is excited to be outside in the beautiful PNW. I want to personally congratulate all the Key Club seniors who graduated last month. Your time, energy, and commitment are what makes Key Club the world’s best high school service organization, especially during a time of uncertainty for many Americans. I encourage all Key Club seniors to stay connected with the Kiwanis-family through the PNW Key Club Alumni Association, or by becoming a member of CKI, the world’s largest collegiate service organization.
Summer affords Key Club officers and advisors a unique opportunity to prepare for the fall and another year of service to our homes, schools, and communities. This includes planning service projects and fundraisers that will help boost member engagement in the fall when school resumes. Summer is also a great time for Key Club presidents to work with their faculty and/or Kiwanis advisors to develop a plan for the upcoming year. This plan should include making committee assignments, developing strategies for member recruitment, and creating a budget that can be presented to your sponsoring Kiwanis club board of directors. Your budget should include how much fundraising the club will need for its expenses such as sending members to Key Club Days in August/September and DCON in March in addition to any requested contributions from your sponsoring Kiwanis Club. Remember, most Kiwanis Clubs finalize their budgets before September 1st so do not delay in contacting your Kiwanis advisor about your request.
In addition to developing a plan for the upcoming school year, please consider using the resources included in our bi-weekly emails and attending our webinars. In addition, if you are not currently attending your division’s PCMs and/or DCMs hosted by your lieutenant governor, please visit to obtain their contact information. Summer is a great time for clubs to support the District Project, The SEAD: End Youth Houselessness Initiative by volunteering at your food bank or shelter. Summer is also a great time to partner with your local Boys & Girls Club by volunteering at summer events. Speaking of volunteering, please also visit your sponsoring Kiwanis Club to report on how your club plans to start the new school year and identify any upcoming service projects that need your support.
Summer is also when the PNW District starts preparing for Key Club Days! This year the district will be hosting two Key Club Days: Key Club Day South on Saturday, August 24th and Key Club Day North on Saturday, September 7th. Registration will be available through the PNW Key Club Shop on the district’s website. Registration includes all-day park-admission, lunch, and virtual access to a motivational speaker and workshops the evening before which will help you connect with Key Clubbers from across your region. I wish everyone a safe, happy, and productive summer. If you have any questions or would like to chat more, please contact me at
Brian Egger Brian Egger Brian Egger District Administrator District Administrator District AdministratorUpdate Update
What’sgood,PNWKeyClub? What’sgood,PNWKeyClub?
My name is Alyssa Kline, and I’m from Los Angeles, California in the CNH district. I proudly serve you as your 2023-2024 International Trustee, along with the Georgia and Illinois-Eastern Iowa districts. It’s crazy to think just how much time has flown by! With only a couple of months left in my term, I would like to reflect on a year of accomplishments across Key Club International, as well as the valuablelessonsI’velearnedalongtheway.
This service year, Key Club International has surpassed $150,000 raised for Start Strong: Zambia, one of UNICEF USA’s major fundraising campaigns. This is greatly in part due to our annual Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF campaign in October and our all-new Spring Forward Into Start Strong: Zambia spring campaign. A huge shoutout also to our very first cohort of UNICEF Champions who spearheaded fundraising inall33districts!
With our partner Schoolhouse, we have launched a new online ‘subworld’ for Key Club members to engage in free tutoring and learning. With the Thirst Project, we’ve hosted another successful year of Key Club Walks, raising over $75,000 to help fight the water crisis. With Erika’s Lighthouse, we launched social media campaigns for Suicide Prevention Week and Mental Health Awareness Month. The Key Club International Board has established a new Membership Development committee dedicated to researching and implementing new growth strategies. We have hosted several Town Halls to educate our members on the new dues amendment. Finally, through the Youth Opportunities Fund, we have given awayover$110,000ingrantstofundclubserviceprojects.And,allofthisisthankstoYOU!
Because of your hard work, I’ve learned so much this year. I’m endlessly grateful for the experiences Key Clubhasgivenme.Mostimportantly,I’llneverforgettheamazingpeopleI’vemetalongtheway(ashoutout to current International President Kyle Hanson, IP Governor Nola Stenstrom, and all the other PNWers I’ve bonded with)! Four years ago when I was a freshman, I would have never imagined myself as an International Trustee. Saying it STILL sounds crazy! Now, I could never imagine my Key Club journey without it. I’m here to encourage you to chase after that club, division, district, or even international position! Key Club is a window of opportunity that I hope you take full advantage of. I’m so proud of all that we’ve accomplishedthisyear,andIhopetoseeyouatInternational
We asked our PNW seniors where they are headed
We asked our PNW seniors where they are headed
We asked our PNW seniors where they are headed after High School…this is where they told us! after High School…this is where they told us! after High School…this is where they told us!
We are beyond proud of our seniors, and know they
We are beyond proud of our seniors, and know they
We are beyond proud of our seniors, and know they will do amazing things. Congratulations Class of 2024! will do amazing things. Congratulations Class of 2024! will do amazing things. Congratulations Class of 2024!
Key Club International Key Club International Key Club International MEMBER BENEFIT PARTNERS MEMBER BENEFIT PARTNERS
Schoolhouse is a nonprofit that connects students around the world for free peer-to-peertutoring over Zoom. Started by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, Schoolhouse offers both instant homework help and longer-term, small group session in math and SAT prep. If you’re looking for a virtual volunteer opportunity, you can also become a tutor and share your knowledge with the world.
Member benefit: a bit different from preferred charities, these programs enrich Key Club experience through events/resources (not fundraising focused)
The mission of Erika’s Lighthouse is to make sure no young person feels alone in their depression. This non-profit organization encourages good mental health and strives to break down the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Erika’s Lighthouse is dedicated to creating a community of empathy and education and has resources and programs for students and educators grades 4-12.
The Thirst Project is a non-profit organization that works to bring safe drinking water to countries where it is unavailable. Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference, and encourage others to join in the effort to end the global water crisis.
UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations UNICEF helps to provide for children’s needs in more than 150 developing countries through community-based services in primary health care, basic educations and safe water and sanitation.
Children: Their future, our focus. Children: Their future, our focus.
Major Emphasis Major Emphasis Major Emphasis
The Major Emphasis Award is given to the Key Club that has produced the best Major Emphasis project of the year, completed on the local scale according to the theme of “Children: Their Future, Our Focus”.
The report will be typed up, turned in, and judged, before awards are given to the first, second, and third place Major Emphasis reports at the International Convention.
Isabella Baldisseri Isabella Baldisseri Isabella Baldisseri
DistrictGovernor DistrictGovernor DistrictGovernor
Jeffrey Basilio Jeffrey Basilio Jeffrey Basilio
DistrictTreasurer DistrictTreasurer DistrictTreasurer
DistrictSecretary DistrictSecretary DistrictSecretary
Tessa Hill Tessa Hill Tessa Hill
DistrictEditor DistrictEditor DistrictEditor
Brian Egger Brian Egger Brian Egger DistrictAdministrator DistrictAdministrator DistrictAdministrator
Criena Sekhon Criena Sekhon Criena Sekhon
AssistantDistrictAdministrator AssistantDistrictAdministrator AssistantDistrictAdministrator
Mike Wallis Mike Wallis Mike Wallis
FinanceAdministrator FinanceAdministrator FinanceAdministrator
Jeffrey Basilio Jeffrey Basilio
Jeffrey Basilio
DistrictProject DistrictProject DistrictProject
PNWOF PNWOF PNWOF Noah Deligeannis Noah Deligeannis Noah Deligeannis
Addison Wooster Addison Wooster Addison Wooster
KiwanisFamilyRelations KiwanisFamilyRelations KiwanisFamilyRelations
DistrictConvention DistrictConvention DistrictConvention
Thomas Wakefield Thomas Wakefield Thomas Wakefield
Diego Luis Contreras Diego Luis Contreras Diego Luis Contreras