The ESPRESSO Fall Edition | Volume 33, Issue 2

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Starting my Key Club Journey online in 2020 was a struggle. Many of my friends in high school had emphasized the munity when encouraging me to join Key Club, and joining in this online environment, it didn’t feel like I was getting Experience. I didn’t know many kids at my school and overall it’s hard to communicate with others online. After about Key Club, my bulletin editor struck up a conversation about volleyball since I mentioned I was interested in joining. me to the community and was one of my first Key Club friends. Driven to get this Key Club experience, I started to reach realizing that it starts with one person reaching out to another. Through the Key Club group bonding activities I was people with similar interests. I learned more about the Kiwanis family and realized that this was a place for me to support nity through service with people who also believed in that value.

At a DCM online in the December of my first year, I learned about Divisions. Interested and excited to meet new people freshman, my LTG reached out to me to talk about running as LTG. There were no candidates interested in running a great chance to reach out and get to know other people in my community. I took this opportunity to join Key Club member but also as an LTG. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I am constantly learning more Serving my community and others has shaped me into who I am today.

My first in-person service event was volunteering at the Jingle Bell Run with Cleveland Key Club. Connecting voices online, to faces and learning more about the people that made up the Key Club community at Cleveland is one of Club memories. Others include volunteering at the farmers market to hand out coloring sheets to kids, serving chocolate chocolate run, and selling snacks at football games to fundraise for Key Clubs. I attended my first DCON this year and my best friends there. It’s an amazing experience for all Key Clubbers!

The core values that we learn through service guide us to become better people every day. I am so thankful to everyone the Key Club experience life changing and more meaningful with every step. Thank you to all of the Key Club Advisors, and Members for making Key Club a family!

- Corrina Lieutenant Governor

the feeling of com getting the Key Club about 3 meetings into joining. She connected reach out to others, was able to find my support my commu people as an eager running so it seemed like Club not only as a more about myself.

voices from chatting of my favorite Key chocolate at the hot and I made some of everyone that makes Advisors, Administrators,

Governor (26) TABLE OF CONTENTS D26 Mascot MY KEY CLUB STORY �������������������������������� 2 KEY CLUB DAYS RECAP ������������������������� 10 UPDATES ��������������������������������������������������� 4 COMMITTEE UPDATES ���������������������������� 13 ICON RECAP ������������������������������������������� 8 FALL SERVICE SPOTLIGHT ���������������������� 17


District Governor Kyle Hanson District Secretary Mia Shi

Hello, PNW Key Clubbers!

I hope fall has been treating you well, and you’ve enjoyed everything it has to offer. From the pumpkins patches to the warm apple cider, fall certainly holds a special place in my heart! I recall that it was around this time last year I first consid ered running for Lieutenant Governor or a District Officer posi tion, doubting that I would be able to do it. But now, just one year later, I’m serving as District Governor, where I’ve been able to grow as a leader, person, and Key Clubber.

First off, I want to thank all of you that attended our hybrid Key Club Days event this year! I’m proud to announce that we had over 500 combined attendees between both events, spanning from Alaska all the way through Canada, Washington, and Or egon. And, in addition to the learning we experienced and fun we had, we were able to contribute significantly to our District Project: Help End Hunger. Between our canned food drive and over $800 dollars in donations during our miracle minute, we were able to provide over 2,500 meals to families in need across the Pacific Northwest.

If you were unable to attend Key Club Days, I would encour age you to attend District Convention (DCON) 2023 in Seattle, WA, from Friday, March 31st, to Sunday, April 2nd. The regis tration packet is now released, and can be found on our web site ( Our 73rd annual DCON is the place to be if you want to meet other Key Clubbers, engage in work shops, and attend fun and spirit-filled activities, such as our tGovernor’s Ball. DCON is also where you will elect next year’s Executive Officers! If you are interested in running for District Editor, Treasurer, Secretary, or Governor, be on the lookout for information about our Running for Higher Office Webinar in mid-December.

Until then, please keep in touch with PNW Key Club by read ing our Biweekly Updates and following us on Instagram (@ pnwkeyclub). If you ever have any questions, ideas, or sugges tions, feel free to email me at


Pacific Northwest Key Clubbers!

I hope you are all engaging in meaningful service and selfcare as the school year continues. It’s always important to take a quick breather from work if you’re feeling stressed because of college applications, homework, etc.

I am incredibly proud of our district, which has collective ly volunteered over 29,000 hours for our communities and provided almost 60,000 meals to Help End Hunger! If you have not yet contributed to our District Project, Help End Hunger, I encourage you to check out the General Fundraising Guide that our District Project Committee has published. I also wanted to thank all of you who attended Key Club Days 2022 (either in-person or virtually) – it was amazing to see all the spirit! With fall, comes opportuni ties to host fundraisers and service projects. I am so excit ed to read about such fall-themed events in the monthly Secretary Reports.

As school gets increasingly busy, I highly encourage you all to take advantage of the resources our district pro vides. Read through the monthly correspondence mes sages sent through the Officer Google Groups, attend any informational webinars, and utilize the resources our committees release! Have an awesome rest of fall and keep on serving!



Hey PNW!!

I hope you’ve all been enjoying Fall and have had a won derful start to the school year. It was so great seeing so many Key Clubbers from across the District at Key Club Days in September! This year has gone by so quickly and we’re already more than halfway through the service year! Please always remember to take a step back from school and everything else going on in life and take some time for yourself. I’m so proud of all of the work you each have accomplished this year in continuing to serve your community.

Now that most of your clubs have started back up again for the new school year, it’s extremely important to stay involved and active! As Key Clubs across the PNW con tinue to rebuild to pre-pandemic engagement, there are so many resources available at to help you contribute to building a strong Key Club at your school.

Fall is the time to begin collecting information from club members at meetings to input into the Membership Update Center (MUC). Be sure to ask for each member’s name, personal email address, and graduation year. The Club Secretary should input each dues paid member into the Membership Roster and the Club Treasurer should work with the school bookkeeper to submit dues suc cessfully to Key Club International through the MUC.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at at any time. Have a wonderful Fall and keep on serving!

Hi PNW Key Clubbers!

I hope you all are having a great school year so far! It was so much fun seeing everyone at both virtual and in-per son Key Club Day North and South! Melvin Adams was a wonderful keynote speaker, and getting to experience Key Club experience in-person again was super awesome. As school gets busier, please make sure to always take the time to invest in your happiness. I am super excited to see all of your fall-themed service events that you post on your club Instagram page.

Since the last edition of the Espresso, every committees has been hard at work, and released many new resources. Previous recordings of webinars hosted by our commit tees can be found on our District YouTube page. Notably, the Call to Convention 2023 video was released on the YouTube channel after the Call to Convention Webinar, so be sure to check that out.It is be a great resource to promote at meetings and use to generate excitement for DCON 2023. Speaking of DCON 2023, the website has been updated to include the new DCON 2023 page! On there, you can access the DCON 2023 Registra tion and Election Packets, and much more useful informa tion.

As always, feel free to reach out to me about anything at all either at, or by DMing me through the District Instagram. Happy volunteering!

District Treasurer Jessica Xiong District Editor Jack Mou


Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! On behalf of the entire PNW Kiwanis Key Club Committee, we hope you are staying healthy and fall is off to a great for your Key Club. Our dedicated District Board is working hard to assist clubs with membership re cruitment and building on the accomplishments of last year which included providing more than 60,000 meals to vulnerable communities through the Help End Hunger initiative. To help the district rebound from the membership losses we suffered during the pandemic, the Membership Growth & Reactivation Committee has updated its fall toolkit to assist clubs with achieving their membership and service goals. Please contact your division’s lieutenant governor if you still do not have a copy of the toolkit.

I hope all of you are currently receiving our district’s bi-weekly emails and by now, all Key Club advisors should be aware of our new “Exec Chats” and advisor webinars. If you are not currently receiving the dis trict’s bi-weekly mailing, please contact governor@ Speaking of information included in bi-weekly emails, have you ever needed support or advice with enhancing the member experience in your club? Check out the new fall resources and meeting toolkits available at https://www.keyclub. org/key-club-fall-resources/. about your request.

As a reminder, all Kiwanis advisors to a Key Club are required to have a criminal background check con ducted and verified by Kiwanis International. This requirement is part of Kiwanis International’s com mitment to policies and procedures that create a safe experience for youth who perform service, build character and develop leadership.

Kiwanis advisors needing to request a criminal back ground check should email backgroundchecks@ki In addition, all Kiwanis clubs are required to conduct annual youth protection training re gardless of whether or not they sponsor a Key Club. Please checkout member-resources/training/risk-management/ youth-protection for more information.

I am pleased to announce that the Call to Conven tion was released in mid-October and registration packet can be found here: dcon-2023. We’ve been working closely with the Se attle Hyatt Regency and Seattle Convention Center to plan our best DCON yet and look forward to wel coming all of you back in-person for the first time since March 2019. So mark your calendars now for the 73rd Annual District Convention, March 31-April 2, 2023. You don’t want to miss it! Best wishes for a safe and memorable holiday season. If you have questions, please contact administrator@pnwkey



What’s Poppin’ Pacific Northwest?

I’m Shanelle Relucio and I am so incredibly honored to be serving as your trustee for the 2022-23 term. Since I’ve been in this organization since freshman year, it really does have a special place in my heart. Your district is part of a sistrict (2-3 districts annually paired with a trustee) called Neia Northwest because it is composed of the Nebraska-Iowa and Pacific Northwest Districts.

Some of my main duties as trustee are to commu nicate international updates to members like you! However, I also serve as International Editor, a mem ber of the Programs and Partners Committee and as International Convention (ICON) Co-Chair. I work to make monthly newsletters, blog posts, promotion al materials, and help in planning Key Club Interna tional’s largest event of the year: ICON!

A little bit about me is that I’m from the sunny Cen tral Valley of California aka the Cali-Nev-Ha District! While I do think I live in one of the more boring re gions of California, I love doing little things like go ing to service events and hanging out with friends after. My favorite activity of all time is making Spotify playlists and playing music in my friends’ cars. I’m su per into fashion, thrifting, photography, calligraphy, and watching movies.

Again, thank you for letting me serve you, and don’t ever be afraid to reach out to me for anything on In stagram @neianorthwest or via email shanelle.relu! (Drop by my office hours to come talk to me!)

Shanelle Relucio



International Convention 2022 in Washington D.C. was such an amazing and worthwhile experience. Not only were out our district, from areas such as Canada and Idaho, but we were also given the opportunity to meet both Key world. They came from places like Jamaica and the UK, and it was so interesting learning more about all of their at the Hilton Hotel with all the different districts set up the perfect, comfortable space for us PNW Key Clubbers Key Clubs.

Since ICON took place in Washington D.C. this year, we were able to do some amazing sight seeing and pass by the Smithsonian National Zoo, the African American history and Culture Museum, and a series of diverse restaurants. outbreak and the limits they brought, ICON was still just as amazing as everyone had described it to be, and the was at least a little bit of something that everyone could relate to or learn from. Tips on retaining members and packed with tons of fun. I believe that my absolute favorite part of the convention though, was collecting pins from to see the various designs and concepts each district had for their pins, and it was so interesting learning about Throughout the event, we were given the opportunity to meet with several key speakers, such as Sal Khan, a paralympian, to vote for and become friends with our incoming International Board members, was also both a key part of the more about just how much our international trustees, vice president, and president do for us, and what we can

But, of course, as Key Clubbers, we had to be sure to somehow help out our surrounding communities, so during basic necessity kits for those in need. The convention ended with several talent show acts and performances, such nia-Nevada-Hawaii District, and a dance for everybody at the end. The dance was so much fun and the ice cream it was exciting to tell my members everything I learned from this trip, I think we can all agree that it was so sad glad to say that we were able to make some life-long friends, memories, and lessons from this trip and I am so excited

WA D.C. Airport Smithsonian National Zoo The White House


were we able to meet members from through Key Clubbers and Kiwanians from around the their different cultures and backgrounds. Staying to interact and learn more about all the other

by places such as the White House, the Capitol, restaurants. Despite the effects of the COVID-19 the variety of workshops made sure that there inclusivity were showcased to karaoke rooms from everyone on the first night. It was so cool about how each district, division, and club runs. paralympian, and a former astronaut. The chance the event, and acted as an amazing way to learn do to become more involved.

during ICON we donated books and set up little such as a KPOP act from members of the Califor and popsicles served were so tasty. Although sad saying goodbye to everybody. However, I’m excited for ICON 2023 in Anaheim, California!

JULY 4-9

- Will be held in Anaheim, California - Trip to Disneyland included - Stay tuned for more info!

Southwest District KC


Key Club
D32 Mascot



This year the Dragons had such an amazing time at Key Club Day North 2022! The program began on the morning of Saturday, September 10th with the virtual portion of the event. Even though it was online, we all had a blast as we listened to keynote speaker, Melvin Adams, played Speed Mingling, and participated in a wide range of workshops! There was truly something for everyone in the workshops offered as options ranged from ones based on more serious topics such as college applications, to more fun and interactive ones such as “How to Get a Date”. Thank you to everyone for making it such a fun experience!

During the in-person portion that was held later in the afternoon, Key Clubbers traveled down to Federal Way and Wild Waves Theme Park. There was so much energy from everyone who attend ed as we participated in Key Club themed scavenger hunts and raised money through a Miracle Minute for Help End Hunger. But the best part of this was definitely watching the executives get pied. The Dragons had over 25 members in attendance and I am so proud of everyone for show ing their best dragon spirit. We spent the rest of the day riding the roller coasters, getting our brains shook on the Brain Shaker, and spending way too much money on Cherry Limeade slush ies. Division 32 had the best time and we are so excited for what will be next!

- Chloe Panh

Lieutenant Governor (32)


Wow, I can’t believe it has already been a month since Key Club Day South happened on Sept. 10th! It was an exciting event, and I even got to pie District Secretary Mia Shi in the face.

This year, the virtual session included a district project presentation, a keynote from former Har lem Globetrotter Melvin Adams, Key Club bonding activities, breakout sessions, and two panel discussion sessions. The breakout sessions consisted of the following options: College Admis sions 101, How to Prevent Burnout and Cope with Stress, The College Application Process, How to Get a Date, and Becoming Key Club Famous. The panel discussion sessions consisted of the following choices: Oldies but Goldies Alumni Panel and Popping Off Like a Past Officer Panel.

After attending the virtual session, Key Clubbers went to Oaks Park in Portland, OR. We then par ticipated in a scavenger hunt to learn more information about each of the district’s committees. Once this was completed, Key Clubbers participated in a telephone game as well as a miracle minute. The rest of the afternoon was park time, where Key Clubbers could ride the wild rides Oaks Park has to offer. Overall, Division 45 had a great time.

- Jace Lin

Lieutenant Governor (45)

D45 Mascot

10,415 MEMBERS


*As of September 27th, 2022


Early Bird Dues Deadline: November 1st, 2022 Regular Dues Deadline: December 1st, 2022

Dues are $12.50 and must be paid through the Membership Update Center (MUC) via credit card or check. Clubs who submit dues by the Earvly Bird deadline on November 1st will be entered into a raffle to win a pizza party and a Key Club spirit gear bundle! The MUC is now open for dues collection for the 2022-2023 school year.

District Treasurer Jessica Xiong


Hi PNW District Key Clubbers!

With Fall in full swing and the holiday season quickly approaching, now is a better time than ever to sup port the District Project: Help End Hunger. Over the past few months, the District Project Committee has focused on performing individual outreach to clubs and communities throughout the Pacific Northwest by highlighting their service through webinars, social media posts, and more.

At the end of August, we hosted our first webinar of the year: How to Help End Hunger. During this event, we heard food bank managers and Club Officers speak on how to host a successful District Project related service event, and what the initiative means to them. Whether you are a member, officer, advisor, or any one looking to get involved with the District Project, I can assure that you will highly benefit from watch ing the webinar recording, which can be found on the PNW Key Club YouTube channel.

Throughout this entire year, Key Clubbers have shown strong commitment to the District Project, and virtual and in-person Key Club Day attendees showed up in support of the initiative. During the District Project presentation, we had guest speakers from local community organizations such as the Beacon Food Forest in Seattle, Washington. We heard from co-founder, Glenn Herlihy, discuss ways we can sup port the District Project beyond food drives and fundraisers, inspiring Key Clubbers to think meaningfully and outside the box when it comes to planning service projects. Through your monetary and canned food contributions to miracle minutes and food drives at Key Club Day North and South, we were able to do nate hundreds of meals to hunger relief organizations in the Pacific Northwest, helping to better the lives of families in our region, and achieve our District goal.

With every service project you host, educational resource you share, and dollar you raise for the initia tive, you get us one step closer to reaching our District goal of donating 100,000 meals to those in need. Beyond that, another goal of the initiative is to provide equitable access to service opportunities for Key Clubbers of all financial and geographic backgrounds. Not sure where to get started with supporting the Help End Hunger initiative? A good first step is to connect with your local food bank. In fact, 51% of all hunger relief programs rely on volunteers like Key Clubbers to support their work in feeding communities. The District Project Committee has also created a number of resources such as a food bank tracker, food drive and fundraising guide, and more which can all be found in the District Project LinkTree to make these resources more accessible than ever.

Your contributions towards the District Project do not go unnoticed, and in fact, we would love to cele brate your clubs’ accomplishments throughout the year. Starting in October, be on the lookout for Help End Hunger Highlights on Instagram - your club has the chance of being spotlighted, so get excited to serve! As always, you are welcome to contact if you have any questions or ideas regarding the District Project. We are going to make great progress this season!



Hello PNW Key Clubbers!!

The Membership Growth and Reactivation Committee has been working hard to provide clubs resources, tools, and tips on how to grow overall membership within the PNW District. As the school year continues, we want more and more people to be involved within the Key Club community, so that we can teach the importance of serving our community and supporting the District project: Help End Hunger. Gather your friends and talk to your peers about how they can join Key Club! The early bird deadline (November 1st) to become an official Key Club member is quickly, so make sure to pay your club dues! The regular deadline is December 1st, so you and your peers still have time to become a part of Key Club. We encourage you to spread awareness and communicate with anyone who is interested in Key Club, so that we can continue to provide service to those in need.

The MGRC Committee recently held a “Keys to Growth” webinar, which consisted of information regarding the connection between Membership Growth and Kiwanis-family relations, proven methods for utilizing this connection, resources from the district committees responsible for Membership Growth and Kiwan is Family relations, and more. If you would like to view this webinar, a recording of it can be found here:

The MGRC Committee has also discussed resources that can help with chartering clubs, reactivating inactive/suspended clubs, and growing membership within the MGRC linktree, which can be found here: . We will update this linktree with new resources, so make sure to regularly check it! If you would like to get in touch with the MGRC Committee if you have any questions, concerns, or need any assistance, please contact



Greetings, PNW Key Clubbers!

It’s fall – Key Club’s busiest time of the year! The Kiwanis-family Relations Committee has been hard at work, providing Key Clubbers with all the Kiwanis-family resources they need for the year and to success fully collaborate with all branches of the Kiwanis family. We’ve been actively promoting and collaborating on several events including Kiwanis One Day, a day reserved for all of the Kiwanis Family to come together and do service! Even though Kiwanis One Day has passed, remember you can and are highly encouraged to host joint-service projects and events with your Kiwanis Family anytime throughout the year!

To get in touch with your corresponding Kiwanis clubs or to find more information on the Kiwanis fami ly, check out our new Kiwanis-Family Relations Linktree. Here, you’ll find any and all resources made and published by the Kiwanis-Family Committee for all to use including, the Kiwanis-family Resource Drive, Builders Club Curriculum, How to Charter a Kiwanis SLP Club, and much more! Also, check out the Divi sional Correspondences or the Joint K-FAM Directory to find the Kiwanis-family clubs near you.

Information will be constantly updated and uploaded so check back for updates and new content! I hope you’ve been enjoying the content that the Kiwanis-family Relations has been putting out and we hope we have been able to serve you well. As always, if you have any questions or need any help, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We look forward to talking to you again soon!


Hello PNW Key Clubbers,

DCON 2023 is rapidly approaching. In a mere four months, from March 31st-April 2nd, the Pacific Northwest District will host its 73rd annual Dis trict Convention at the Seattle Convention Center in Seattle, Washington. Be prepared for a whimsical and elegant weekend at our fairytale themed celebration of service. Meet new Key Clubbers, receive officer training, vote for your new District Executives, and dance the night away! This year, DCON will cost $320 per person for quad registration, $435 for double registration, and $665 for single registration. Registration will provide you with exclusive DCON 2023 merchandise such as a Once Upon a Service themed T-shirt, tote bag, lanyard, and pin, as well as access to all of the workshops, speakers, and activities that the convention has to offer.

The DCON 2023 Registration Packet is out now and is the perfect resource for obtaining more information about this year’s District Convention. Ad ditionally, if you are interested in running for higher office, the DCON 2023 Election Packet includes all of the important information, rules, required paperwork, and important dates that you’ll need to know to prepare for your election. Lastly, there are many opportunities to win awards at DCON 2023. You can find the list of awards below; the deadline for award appli cations is February 1st, 2023 at 11:59 PM, so make sure to get started on them now!

Finally, I wanted to remind you that the Call to Convention video has offi cially been released, so be sure to check it out! In addition, if you missed the Call to Convention webinar, check out the PNW Key Club YouTube recording to learn everything there is to know about DCON 2023 and be on the lookout for future webinars regarding registration! I cannot wait to celebrate and honor the myriad of achievements in service that PNW Key Clubbers have made this year. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email me at


DIVISION SPOTLIGHT ft. division 33

Hello! As the fall season starts off strong with pumpkin spice lattes and cornfields, Division 33 has also been strong with their service! I would like to highlight all seven schools in my division for their strength and creativity.

Each club has been finding new ways to volunteer and aid their communities. First off, I would like to personally highlight Decatur Key Club for reaching 175 hours of community service in just September. Decatur took part in assisting at football concession stands, timing for swim meets, helping at the Taste of Federal Way festivals, and writing kind notes to their local seniors. Todd Beamer Key Club has also created lots of evident impact. During the month of October, their Kiwanis Club held a Socktober Drive to collect warm winter items for the homeless community. Todd Beamer collected over 160 items within a week for this drive and helped their Kiwanis Club out greatly while building a stronger relationship with their Kiwanian counterparts. Moreover, Auburn Key Club has been filling their time by supporting the District Project: Help End Hunger. A key part of helping feed their com munity for Auburn has been regularly packing lunches at the Auburn Food Bank. Federal Way Key Club has been serving their community by doing shoutouts for students at their school while introducing the depths and layers of what Key Club is to their school. Similarly, Auburn Mountainview Key Club is revitalizing their club and activ ities after taking a hiatus over the past few years, but are coming back stronger than ever. Furthermore, I want to give a special shoutout to Thomas Jefferson Key Club, as their club Bulletin Editor, Crystel Fontanilla won the DCON Design Contest! I am extremely excited for Thomas Jefferson and am so proud of everything Crystel does (her designs are all so cute– proof through their club Instagram hehe)! On top of that their club has gotten over 70 hours in September for community clean ups and Kiwanian appreciation letters. Last but not least, Auburn Riverside Key Club has had lots of fun service events. Auburn Riverside has partnered closely with Elementary schools in the Trunk or Treat event where young students are able to safely experience a pumpkin walk, the Hal loween Fall Festival with Auburn Parks and Rec for children, Christmas event at the city hall, and their food drives for the Auburn Food Bank.

It has been invigorating seeing clubs take up new opportunities and the club officers stepping into their leader ship roles to make service fun and meaningful. It is just the beginning for many of them, so I am excited to see what else is to come when their fall participation has already been excellent. Big shoutout to my division and all of their exceptional service and care. Go Division 33!






Kyle Hanson

District Governor governor@pnwkeyclub�org

Jessica Xiong

District Treasurer treasurer@pnwkeyclub�org

Brian Egger


Mia Shi

District Secretary secretary@pnwkeyclub�org

Jack Mou District Editor editor@pnwkeyclub�org

District Administrator administrator@pnwkeyclub org

Mike Wallis

Finance Administrator

Lynnsay Pham

District Convention convention@pnwkeyclub�org

Hannah Kim

Membership Growth membership@pnwkeyclub org

Criena Sekhon

Assistant District Administrator asstadministrator@pnwkeyclub org


Pauline Adonis

District Project project@pnwkeyclub�org

Jessica Xiong PNWOF pnwof@pnwkeyclub org

Tina Nguyen

K-Family Relations kfam@pnwkeyclub�org

Angelina Chang Webmaster webmaster@pnwkeyclub org


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