Key Club is a student-led non-profit organiza tion dedicated to making the world a better place through acts of service to communi ties around the globe that seek support. Key Club is a chain of what we call the Kiwan is-Family which includes six different clubs whose shared goal is to use caring, leader ship, character building and inclusiveness to work together and make a true impact in our society. Key Club comprises five different groups that form the general club structure and organization we all know and ltove: the member, club, division, district and interna tional level. As a member of this international service-based organization, clubs identify is sues within their communities which they can Members participate in volunteer work, devel op valuable leadership skills, collaborate with different branches of the Kiwanis-Family to effectively reach the needs of their communi ties, connect with new groups of people and partnerships and much more. Although Key Club’s sole purpose is to demonstrate com passion through serving its communities, it also allows students to branch out of their comfort zones which leads to many external opportu nities and life-long memories that membvers can take with them forever. As a Key Clubber, you get the opportunity to attend purpose-filled events that will further your understanding of teamwork, collaboration, communication, leadership and most importantly, deepen your passion for service. No matter what your aspi rations are, as a member of Key Club, you will be part of a family where your ideas will be heard and you will feel supported in being your most authentic self. You will be provided with friendships that will leave you with a better un - Nola

3 CONTENTS Executive06Updates Key Club Days 10 DCON 12 My DCON Story 13 18 Club Service Spotlight Member Spotlight 19 02 What is Key Club? My Key Club Story 04 District14Project Event Recap 16 Member20Resources District Treasurer Message 22 Alumni Network 23 24 Partners and Charities Contact Us 25

In middle school, I was in a gifted program that was located in a middle school on the other side of the district from my home middle school. There fore, when I entered high school, I barely knew my classmates besides a few elementary school friends that I had not seen for four years. Howev er, I heard about Key Club from a few of my upperclassmen friends, and I decided to attend the first meeting of the year just to see what the club was like. Immediately, I felt the welcoming, friendly atmosphere fill the Commons. The upperclassmen were so kind, and there was a “Bee Bud dy” system, where a few upperclassmen led an activity with their group of underclassmen; this was the perfect opportunity to comfortably meet other Key Clubbers, especially the “intimidating” upperclassmen. This ex perience was one of my most memorable moments of Key Club because it truly reflected the club’s core values of service and character building. Not only did the club serve as a social opportunity, but it opened so many service opportunities. When election time rolled around, I decided to take a shot and run for the position of Kamiak Key Club’s vice presi dent; I figured that since I had such a great experience as an incoming freshman, I wanted to contribute to the welcoming environment of the club. While serving as the vice president and attending the many events that Key Club has to offer, it brought me joy knowing that I was contribut ing to my community no matter how small that impact may have been. When I saw that it was time to elect a new lieutenant governor, it hit me that in order to fulfill my goal of expanding my reach and creating a larg er positive impact, running for this position would be the perfect oppor tunity to do so. The LTG at the time, Thien Nguyen, was extremely helpful and most importantly, made me feel confident in my position despite any struggles and doubts I may have faced. His help gave me a sense of relief that I had the support I needed to succeed as the vice president for my club. I wished to provide the same caring environment for the next group of board members as Thien did for me, so I ran as D21’s LTG! Since then, my love for Key Club has only grown. Meeting other LTGs at board meetings and feeling everyone’s positive energy has been such a great experience, and I can’t wait for the rest of my term!
- Chloe LieutenantLeeGovernor (21)

5 D21 Mascot

Summer break has finally arrived! Let’s start by giving ourselves a pat on the back – we’ve made it through an entire school year while balanc ing our workloads with impactful service. Read ing through all the monthly secretary reports has been a wonderful experience; it is amazing to learn about how each club has contributed to our District Project Help End Hunger and wrapped up their meetings for the summer. Based on the amount of dedication I have seen throughout the entire PNW District, I am so excited to see how you will continue to serve or fundraise for your community during the next few months. Remem ber to take breaks when necessary to avoid po tential burnout, but also use your time wisely to propose any club goals or target any areas that your club may need help with. As your summer break continues, be sure to keep yourself in the loop with any Key Club publications or resourc es, namely the first publication of the 2022-2023 District Directory and resources provided through the Officer Google Groups. The summer is also a great time to bond with your club members –plan some summer bonding events or help out with your sponsoring Kiwanis club. Whatever it is that you choose to spend your time on, I hope you have an amazing rest of your summer and keep on volunteering!
Hello, PNW Key Clubbers, I hope your summer has gotten off to a good start! I encourage you to take advantage of the warm weather while it lasts, whether that be by going on a hike, volunteering outside, or simply working in an outdoor setting. Remember that while it is important to give yourself a break, it is equally critical to prepare for the upcoming school year. For club club officers, this means setting club goals and creating a plan for the fall. For club members, this means continuing to volunteer and create personal goals for the rest of this term. I’ve learned that you get the most out of your time in Key Club by constantly set ting goals and evaluating your progress. Even the Executive Committee works hard to follow that principle as we plan events and juggle re sponsibilities throughout our term. Because of your feedback and our adjustments, I am more excited than ever for you to see our upcoming events. Whether it is our Exec Chat Webinars, Key Club Days events, or the 2023 District Convention in Seattle, Washington, I promise you won’t want to miss out. Please continue to engage with the District and stay updated through our Instagram, Biweekly Email Updates, and publications! You can always connect with me via email at gover nor@pnwkeyclub.org with any ideas, questions, comments, or concerns you have.
Ahoy Pacific Northwest Key Clubbers!
District Governor Kyle Hanson District Secretary Mia

Hi PNW Key Clubbers, We finally made it summer! Congratulations a wonderful school year of service. Looking through all of the divisional newsletters has shown me all the amazing work various Key Clubs have done and the tenacity that dedicated Key Club mem bers have shown. Although summer is the time re lax and enjoy the weather, it is still a great time to go out and continue serving your community. For many communities, summer is a time when Key Club’s service is needed even more. The PNW District has many resources available for you, so I would recommend using them to your advan tage as we prepare for the school year. The PNW Key Club website has tons of useful resources. Ad ditionally, our District Instagram @pnwkeyclub is constantly being updated so make sure to follow it. and Finally, our YouTube Channel has many new uploads and old uploads of useful videos so take advantage of that as well. If you ever want to contact me, you can always email me at edi tor@pnwkeyclub.org. I hope you enjoy this edition of the Espresso and have an awesome summer! Hey PNW Key Club! I hope your summers have all been going well and congrats on making it through the school year! Throughout the summer be sure to remain connected with your club. It’s also the perfect time to begin fundraising – there are so many great fundraising options for clubs to try or plan for over the summer. There are also a multitude of unique service opportunities to participate in over the summer to stay actively involved in your communities. Officers should also take time to plan and organize for the upcoming school year – I’m looking forward to working with each of your club treasurers to ensure a smooth dues submission process! As we prepare for the up coming service year, remember to keep serving and making a positive impact in your commu nities. Hope to see you all at Key Club Days this September! District Treasurer Jessica Xiong District Editor Jack Mou

Brian Egger
Summer is also when the PNW District starts preparing for Key Club Days! This year the dis trict will be hosting two Key Club Days: Key Club Day North on September 10th and Key Club Day South on Saturday, September 17th. Reg istration will be available through the PNW Key Club Shop on the district’s website. The virtual only option will include a motivational speaker, educational workshops, and an opportunity to connect with Key Clubbers across your region. The virtual and in-person option will also include all-day park-admission and an optional lunch. I wish everyone a safe, happy, and productive summer. If you have any questions or would like to chat more, please contact me at administra tor@pnwkeyclub.org.
Summer is also a great time to partner with your local Boys & Girls Club by volunteering at sum mer events. Speaking of volunteering, please also visit your sponsoring Kiwanis Club to report on how your club plans to start the new school year and identify any upcoming service projects that need your support.
Summer is finally here, and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I am so excited we have turned the corner and in-person activi ties have resumed across the district. I want to personally congratulate all the Key Club seniors who graduated last month. Your time, energy, and commitment are what makes Key Club the world’s best high school service organization, especially during the pandemic when many stu dent organizations ceased to operate. I encour age all Key Club seniors to stay connected with the Kiwanis-family through the PNW Key Club Alumni Association, or by becoming a member of CKI, the world’s largest collegiate service Summerorganization.affords Key Club officers and advisors a unique opportunity to prepare for the fall and another year of service to our homes, schools, and communities. Unlike the 2021-2022 school year, school districts are required to offer in-per son learning which will help make planning ser vice projects and fundraisers a bit easier. Sum mer is also a great time for Key Club presidents to work with their faculty and/or Kiwanis advisors to develop a plan for the upcoming year. This plan should include making committee assign ments, developing strategies for member recruit ment, and creating a budget that can be pre sented to your sponsoring Kiwanis club board of directors. Your budget should include how much fundraising the club will need for its expenses such as sending members to Key Club Days in September and DCON in March in addition to any requested contributions from your sponsor ing Kiwanis Club. Remember, most Kiwanis Clubs finalize their budgets before September 1st so do not delay in contacting your Kiwanis advisor about your request. In addition to developing a plan for the up coming school year, please consider using the resources included in our bi-weekly emails and attending our webinars. In addition, if you are not currently attending your division’s PCMs or DCMs hosted by your lieutenant governor, please visit www.pnwkeyclub.org to obtain their contact information. Summer is a great time for clubs to support the District Project, Help End Hunger by volunteering at your local foodbank.

Sincerely (one last time :)) your TRUSTY TRUSTEE, Emily Leonard
PNW KEY CLUBBERS! Where do I even begin?? Just a short 12 months ago, I was assigned your phenomenal District as International Trustee. Throughout my memorable term, I hosted sistrict webinars, attended com mittee and board meetings, chatted with many of you via email and Instagram, connected with your governors, planned with advisors, delivered speeches, crafted monthly newsletters, shared resources, ran our sistrict wide instagram ac count, and my personal favorite: interacted with so many of you at your district convention! Being an International trustee gave me the unique opportunity to connect with an Inter national Council, International board, and my allocated District boards. Although at the begin ning of my term, I was nervous as I transitioned from my home base District board, you all have made me feel so welcome and as if I was an other member of your spirited and dedicated board. Just as I thought my love for Key Club could not expand any further, this past service year has defined pure adoration. Key Club for me started out as a method to make new friends while completing my High School service hours, but somehow transformed into a way of life full of opportunity and a conta gious love for servant leadership. Although I will begin the next chapter of my life in the coming months, you all are just beginning an amazing journey. I encourage you to dive into Key Club, making meaningful connections, finding your self, challenging your limits, taking healthy risks, and to enjoy it all in the moment. You will never have another opportunity quite like this one. Key Club helped me grasp and craft myself into the person I am proud to be today. Through enabling me to discover my leadership style through trial and error, provid ing unique opportunities to lead, and giving me some of the best friends I have ever had, this club is truly unforgettable. To this day, my entire High School knows me as “the Key Club girl,” and I truly could not have wished for a more honorable title. To conclude, thank you PHENOMENAL PNW dis trict of Key Club International. Serving alongside such an inclusive, spirited, diverse, and hilarious board is something that I will forever find grati tude in. You guys are the best! Sending so much love all the way from the Rocky Mountains, and do not hesitate to reach out!


I hope you’ve been enjoying this issue of The Espresso! Speaking of enjoyment, has your summer been restful? This year, we have endured a lot of changes, struggles, and chal lenges. Finding time to relax, like doing something recreational, can help improve your mood and your overall health. Imagine that it is September, at the start of the school year. Fall has just begun, and you’re at an amusement or water park. The executive team and lieutenant governors are wel coming everyone. Then, Key Clubbers from neighboring divisions are squealing with delight, participating in spirit battles, fun get-to-know-you activities, and educational activities. One division is screaming so loudly, that they can be heard all the way from Vancouver BC! In addition, lieutenant governors are also participating, encouraging the spirit battles, and interacting with other Key Clubbers. At some point, the event transitions to a guest speaker who talks about how clubs can be strengthened. Wait, what? Aren’t they supposed to be in school right now? Oh, it is a Saturday! They have the day off. That’s right, it’s happening again, Key Clubbers! Key Club Days is an awesome way to have fun, show your spirit, strengthen your club, and connect with other Key Clubbers, Lieutenant Governors, and your executive officers. Key Club Days is split into two events, Key Club Day North, occurring at Wild Waves, and Key Club Day South, occurring at Oaks Park. Key Club Day North is occurring on September 10th, and Key Club Day South is oc curring on September 17th. Mark your calendars, for both of these dates are Saturdays! We look forward to seeing you there! Jace LieutenantLinGovernor

#DCON22 Service in Secret
My DCON story began during my sophomore year the day my club president asked me if I would like to attend virtual DCON 2021 and I said “sure.” not knowing what to expect. DCON arrived and the chat began booming with Key Clubbers typing at rapid speeds, greeting everyone, and representing their divisions. As the convention continued, I was able to hear various speakers, as well as attend workshops where I was able to interact with other Key Clubbers and make connections that have lasted to this day. As the convention came to a close, the energy from everyone was never ending including mem bers spamming the chat to show the district their division had the most spirit. Then came my second DCON which happened to be in person this year, the moment Key Clubbers started chanting their divisional chants, I knew that the energy from my previous DCON had not wilted. I needed to make this DCON one to remember! My outgoing lieutenant governor and I filled the halls with our divisional chant and held spirit battles with different clubs from across the PNW district even though it was just the two of us. Through various workshops, speakers, and the much anticipated gover nors ball, DCON 2022 is a memory I will never forget. Seeing clubs from across the district be celebrated for their efforts definitely made DCON 2022 memorable, and I hope everyone gets the chance to be able to experience it for themselves as well! - Leejan Repayo Lieutenant Governor (20m)

DCON 2023: Once Upon a Service! Seattle, WA UPDATEDCON13
Hey PNW! We are pleased to announce that this year’s District Convention will be held in Seattle, Washington from March 30th to April 2nd, 2023. Our goal is to make this year’s DCON accessible to all members, with an increase of in-person attendees, engaging workshops, and lots of opportunities to get to know each other. District Convention is an event that should be magical, so we wanted to bring the stories of our youth alive for you, our members, our knights who serve to help others. There will be en chanting decorations, a myriad of interesting work shops, and, of course, what’s a fairytale without a ball? That’s right everyone, the DCON 2023 theme is going to be… Once Upon a Service! If you would like the opportunity to help make this year’s DCON the best that it can be, then you’re in luck! Please consider taking part in the Logo Design Contest. Showcase your creativity by submitting a design that relates to our theme, which will be dis played on the merchandise worn by all attendees. The contest is only open until August 1st, so don’t miss out and start designing. In addition, make sure to check out the PNW Key Club Instagram for future announcements and watch out for fall webinars which will have information on DCON registration, speakers, and more. We cannot wait until our week end of wonder, service, and new friendships. See you at Convention!
- Lynnsay Pham Lieutenant Governor (44)

- Pauline Adonis District Project Chair
How will you Help End Hunger?
a role in working to support those in need. No matter your financial status or geographic location, the District Project offers ways for Key Clubbers to elevate the cause in a multitude of ways. We encourage you to get involved through three components - service, fund raising, and education - to support the District Project. When we Help End Hunger, we are also working to help end a number of social inequalities, adverse health effects, and the damage done to children’s abilities to learn and grow. In the same way that hunger affects numerous aspects of life, we can work to Help End Hunger in a multitude of ways. As we work together this year, the District Project Committee hopes to serve as a valuable resource in helping you think creatively and critically about how to support the initiative. With this we ask:
Hello, Pacific Northwest District Key Clubbers! We are excited to announce that this year’s Dis trict Project will be a continuation of the Help End Hunger initiative. Despite the difficult circumstanc es we have been presented with these past few years, you all rose to the challenge and helped to feed thousands of families throughout the Pacific Northwest. We were beyond impressed with all of your contributions to the District Project last year. Thanks to your dedication, we were able to donate over 65,000 meals as a District, surpassing our goal by over 5,000 meals. With proper nutrition being essential to the wellbeing of those in our communities, it is vital that we continue to take steps to Help End Hunger.Throughout the Pacific Northwest, hunger is a prevalent issue among many communities. Sim ilar to other problems, food insecurity has only been exacerbated as a result of the pandemic. Even as local restrictions have begun to loosen, the need for food assistance has continued to rise and is higher than ever before. According to a study conducted by the University of Washington and Wash ington State University, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, 29% of study participants reported relying on food assistance. During the pandemic, this statistic grew significantly to nearly 42%. On a greater scale, this data illustrates that to mitigate food insecurity is to improve the lives of millions of people in the Pacific Northwest alone. As we emphasize the need to fight hunger in our region, we encourage you to reflect on the communities you belong to. With one aim of this initiative being to provide social equity to marginalized communities, now is a perfect time more than ever to get involved. As a district, we have put in thousands of hours last year towards participating in food drives, volunteering at food banks, and utilizing our strengths to support the initiative. We have faith that your diligence to uplift those in need will continue to grow exponentially throughout this service year. Con sequently, we have raised our goal significantly from the previous year and hope to donate at least 100,000 meals to those affected by hunger throughout the Pacific Northwest. As we begin to recover from the pandemic, more opportunities will arise to assist local food banks, distribution centers, and large-scale service
district project:

15 END HUNGER 100,000mealsdonated=125,000lbsor$33,00065,000meals100,000meals district goal 2021-2022 Final 2022-2023 Goal

Division 66 OTC Division 66 held its officer training conference (OTC) on June 5th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Midland Library in Portland. About thirty-five D66 officers attended in-person, with a couple more joining us online. OTCs are designed to train incoming Key Club officers on their roles and responsibilities within the division. We also hosted some D62 officers at our OTC because their LTG was vacant. Our district governor, Kyle, and our Kiwanis advisors were also present. During the OTC, we had icebreakers and a logo design competition to help forge new bonds between officers. Congrats to Gladstone on creating the winning logo! We had Kyle introduce information about Key Club and explain the district project. To train the officers, Centenni al’s immediate past president, Kylie Kue, and myself went over the curriculum while leading structured discussions on the responsibilities of each officer. I’m proud to say the OTC was very successful, and we engaged a majority of the offices in team-bonding activities / group dis cussions. I’m excited to see the work that my division’s officers will accomplish next year. Mascot
- Matthew Vu Lieutenant Governor (66)

Joint Mental Health DCM
D13/15/17 Mascot- Jenny Jia Lieutenant Governor (13/15/17)
On June 4th, Key Clubbers from Division 13/15/17 and 18 gathered in White Rock, British Columbia for a mental health-centered DCM in recognition of Mental Health Awareness month. Originally scheduled for the week prior due to the rainy Vancouver weather, the sunny day by the beach was the perfect escape from the hectic AP season. Members were first split into small groups, discussing anything from our favourite artists to the colour of each school sub ject. Math is definitely red. Next, everyone pulled out their mats as LTG Jenny Jia led a yoga session in the grass, with the scenic Semiahmoo Bay as a back drop. After avv relaxing session, attendees went on a beach walk along to get some ice cream to enjoy by the water. Everyone reconvened by the pier to head back to the park to begin a painting activity: each member at each table was given 3 minutes to paint on a canvas before passing it on to the next member to continue, until all have had their turn. There were some rather inter esting paintings, from a happy-go-lucky muscular Kirby to a bleak rendition of Bikini Bottom. Finally, the DCM concluded with a prize draw, featuring a squish mallow, a Starbucks gift card, and a snack bag. Shoutout to Mary Chiang, Judy Lee, and Harjas Gill for winning :)

Marlene Wilson D64 Mascot - Marlene Wilson + - Tali Greenfield Lieutenant Governor (64)
Marlene Wilson is an exceptional member of Division 64 and also a graduating senior. She has shown clear passion for service and her club, and has gone above and beyond while serving as President this past year. Additionally, she has dutifully led officer and club meetings and forged lasting connections with her sponsoring Kiwanis. Marlene truly represents our division and we could not be more proud of her! When asked to reflect about her past 4 years in Key Club, Marlene responded that: “My journey with Key Club through high school posed many challenges but was also incredibly rewarding! Being a member as a Freshman and Sophomore, I decided to become an officer my Junior year. As the Secretary, my ambitious goals were damp ened by the quickly developing pandemic. Our club meetings over Zoom would have an average of 5 members attending, and volunteer opportunities were sparse. When online school ended and we were back to in person meetings, I was President. I in troduced raffles to help bring in and keep members, I began a monthly trash pickup to help keep our brand new campus clean, and our officers this past year have been working harder than ever to get us back on track after the pandemic. I feel as though our club has recovered so much, and it makes me happy to see people mentioning Key Club as a notable volunteering force at our school. I want to let other Presidents and officers know that there is always room to improve, and it is always possible to im prove. 2023 is going to be a great year for Key Club, and a great year for Division 64!”

Ingraham Key Club has put on two food drives to collect food and hygiene items for the Ballard Food Bank. In total, we have collected over 708 pounds of items that we donated to our local community. We collected items such as soups and chili, peanut butter, mac and cheese, canned tuna, top ramen and oatmeal. We stood outside a neighborhood grocery store asking patrons to purchase these items and donate them for our distinct project, Help End Hunger. All the items went towards the Food for Kids Program, that provides food for elementary and middle schoolers whose families are experienc ing food insecurity. It was a great experience and we collected enough food each time to fill two cars, which was awesome. It felt really good to be able to give back to the community, and support fellow students in Seattle!
Ingraham Key Club - Keya Gilenwater Outgoing Ingraham Key Club President

The Kiwanis Family is a big one, Key Club being one of the pillars of it. The Kiwanis Family is made up of six branches: K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K, Aktion Club, and Kiwanis, all connected by their persistent love of service and their community. It is important for Key Clubbers to maintain an everlasting relationship with their other Kiwanis Family clubs and the Kiwanis-Family Relations Committee is fortu nate enough to aid you in that journey! Through the pletho ra of resources we create, all Kiwanis family clubs are invited to use them, as to not only better their correspondence with one another, but as a way that Key Club betters their rela tionship with others by creating club specific resources and to provide any extra aid. The Kiwanis-Family Relations Committee has and is a useful resource, especially in these upcoming months as school gets back in session. Provided is a list of resources school clubs and other KFAM branches can use for this upcoming school year, including a Joint KFAM Directory where con tact information for each KFAM club can be found, a Build ers Club Curriculum, how to charter new clubs, guides on how to get in contact with your Kiwanis Family clubs, graph ics, and more!
-Tina Nguyen, K-Family Chair
Kiwanis Family Tina Nguyen Membership Growth
Builders Club Curriculum: https://tinyurl.com/2p84ex89 Kiwanis Family Branches: https://tinyurl.com/48pubx9m Email: kfam@pnwkeyclub.org
The Membership Growth and Reactivation Committee has been working hard to prepare and organize a variety of re sources to help serve each and every Key Club in the PNW District. We want to provide useful and beneficial tools so that you are able to effectively engage, communicate, and interact with your club members and officers. We are more than happy to serve and support you, and are excited to dive into this year with you! We have tons of past resources that you should utilize during your 2022-2023 term, especially during the summer!
Hello Pacific Northwest District!!
This summer is a great time to reach out to other clubs, espe cially your local Kiwanis Club to start off strong and create a solid stream of communication and to also connect and think about upcoming service projects and events that can be done together in your community! I hope these resources provide you with ample information about the Kiwanis Fami ly and will greatly benefit you and your club. If you have any other questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me at kfam@pnwkeyclub.org, we are here to help!
The resources include the Membership Growth and Reten tion Toolkit, which includes a handful of helpful pre-made posters, flyers, tips and tricks to help your clubs grow and keep members informed about what Key Club is and how it is valuable to them. These resources also include the 8th Grade Recruitment Kit, in which you can promote the Key Club community to underclassmen and provide them with greater insight when they grow into high school. There are other useful resources that will help grow and develop your clubs, such as energizers, icebreaker ideas, and other re sources that will help guide your members and officers. We encourage you to utilize these resources to the best of your advantage, and to pass them on and share them to your club members and officers via social media or any other Weplatform!want you all to stay engaged, active, and involved with in your communities to ensure that your service NEVER stops. We are working hard to create new resources, including: (1) Summer Retention Guide (2) Step-by-step guide on how to charter a Key Club with a non-Kiwanis and with a Kiwanis sponsor (3) Guide on how to reactivate clubs that are sus pended and inactive (4) Create more ideas on how to have members stay in club meetings. Keep a lookout for what the MGRC Committee produces in the future and don’t hesi tate to contact me if you have any questions, feedback, and/or need any support: membership@pnwkeyclub.org - Hannah Kim, MGRC Committee Chair
8th Grade Recruitment Toolki: https://tinyurl.com/xr4pfk7p Email: membership@pnwkeyclub.org

The Pacific Northwest Opportunities Fund, also known as the PNWOF, is an amazing grant provided by the District to assist with funding a Key Club’s service proj ect or fundraiser that aims to benefit our District Proj ect, the Help End Hunger Initiative, or the applicant’s community at large. This grant is open to all dues paid clubs – if your club could benefit from financial support to administer a service project or fundraiser, I highly encourage you to apply! Summer is a great time to begin brain storming ideas or planning such events with the rest of your officer board. The PNWOF application opens on Thursday, September 1st, 2022 and closes Monday, October 31st, 2022. Grant recipients will be notified in November 2022 and the winners will be announced at DCON 2023! If you or your club is interested, the PNWOF Committee is hosting an informational webi nar on Thursday, August 28th at 7 PM (mark your cal endars!) Please also refer to the Key Club website at pnwkeyclub.org/pnwof for more information or con tact me at pnwof@pnwkeyclub.org with any ques tions!-Jessica Xiong, PNWOF Chair
What’s Poppin PNW! My name is Angelina Chang and I am serving as your 2022-2023 Webmaster and Divi sion 33 Lieutenant Governor. My goal this term as your Webmaster is to consistently update the resources, promote exciting events, and celebrate the success es of the PNW District. Additionally, I plan to increase the effectiveness of the website in order to increase accessibility and the frequency of visits for resources. I intend the website to be an organized place that members, officers, LTGs, and all can turn to for assis tance in growing their own passions. Whether it be membership growth, promotion guides, or even fun summer activities to participate in, I hope you chose our website to access those resources. Lastly, I will en sure that it is a place where we promote our own dis trict. In the spirit of the summer, this means spotlighting individual divisions who are out there showing their love for the Key Club family! As a final note, please fol low the PNW Instagram and sign up for the Bi-Weekly update if you have not already. Stay safe and wear lots of sunscreen this summer, have fun!
Website: https://pnwkeyclub.org Email: pnwof@pnwkeyclub.org
-Angelina Chang, Webmaster
PNWOF Jessica Xiong Webmaster Angelina Chang RESOURCES Email: pnwof@pnwkeyclub.org

The Pacific Northwest District of Key Club is the largest district geographically in all of Key Club International! Clubs from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, the panhandle of Ida ho, and northern California are all a part of the PNW District. As of June 1st, 2022, we have 10,356 dues paid members across 277 different clubs! As a reminder, the early bird dues dead line is November 1st and the regular dues deadline will be December 1st, 2022. Dues will be $12.50 and the Membership Update Center (MUC) opens for dues collection on October 1st, 2022. Summer is the perfect time to begin fundraising: some great ideas include car washes, virtual bingo challenges through social media, creating and selling school Key Club merchan dise, or partnering with local stores or restaurants. Any funds raised can be used for events such as Key Club Days, DCON, ICON, a donation to our District Project, Help End Hunger, or to fund a service project!

For many of us, Key Club is more than just a high school extracurricular. We found our friends, learned new skills, and grew as leaders, all while serving our homes, schools, and communities.
Just because you have graduated or are graduating soon, does not mean that your time be ing involved with Key Club must come to an end.
Six years ago, PNW Key Club launched the Alumni Network as a resource to past Key Clubbers in the PNW District. This network was created to cultivate a community of like-minded indi viduals who want to remain engaged with Key Club and the positive experiences they have had. Many alumni have joined the Key Club adult team, became a Kiwanis or faculty advisor, or even volunteered their time with their past club. There are so many unique and rewarding ways to support and work with students! By being a part of this network, you will have access to email updates, exclusive events, as well as the opportunity to attend the annual PNW Key Club Alumni Reception during District Convention! As the network continues to grow, we hope to launch a mentorship program and other ways to help support the students within the organization. To join the network, simply fill out the brief Google Form below and you will receive all the ben efits and perks of the Alumni Network! Click to JoinKey Club Alumni Liason Tyler Bosser


25 CONTACT US EXECUTIVE TEAM DISTRICTCOMMITTEEADMINISTRATORSCHAIRS Kyle Hanson District governor@pnwkeyclub.orgGovernor Brian Egger District administrator@pnwkeyclub.orgAdministrator Lynnsay Pham District convention@pnwkeyclub.orgConvention Pauline Adonis District project@pnwkeyclub.orgProject Tina Nguyen K-Family kfam@pnwkeyclub.orgRelations Angelina Chang webmaster@pnwkeyclub.orgWebmaster Hannah Kim Membership membership@pnwkeyclub.orgGrowth Jessica Xiong pnwof@pnwkeyclub.orgPNWOF Mike Wallis Finance finance@pnwkeyclub.orgAdministrator Criena Sekhon Assistant District asstadministrator@pnwkeyclub.orgAdministrator Mia Shi District secretary@pnwkeyclub.orgSecretary Jessica Xiong District Treasurer treasurer@pnwkeyclub.org Jack Mou District Editor editor@pnwkeyclub.org