The ESPRESSO Summer Edition | Volume 34, Issue 1

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Just like a key in a lock, Key Club – a student-led service organization – serves as the perfect tool to unlock opportunities for service, leadership, self-growth, and character-building while unifying members of all backgrounds in the process.

Key Club is a part of the “Kiwanis-family”. Within this family are 6 groups, extending the chance to serve to all ages and abilities to maximize our impact on the world. Key Club, the high school branch, has infrastructure consisting of 5 levels: members which make up clubs, clubs which make up divisions, divisions which make up districts, and districts which form Key Club International.

Through a multitude of activities, Key Club combines the power of socializing and service as we strive to better our society. Whether we’re fundraising to support those experiencing homelessness, cooking meals at a food bank, or holding socials to forge connections with like-minded leaders, we build our own community while creating a change in others’.

Key Club is a community where every member uplifts the people around them. Key Club is the open, welcoming safe haven where diversity is embraced, lifelong bonds are created, and every individual is empowered to grow. Key Club is more than just membership; it’s an opportunity to unlock the best versions of ourselves and find where we all fit in.



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, my freshman year of high school was entirely online, so making many connections with my school or the communities within was challenging. When I returned to school in person at the beginning of my sophomore year, I felt quite detached. I first heard about Key Club through a poster at my school, wherein it said that Key Club "Doesn't make keys, but helps you open doors!". This statement intrigued me, and upon asking my peers, I found out it was a service organization. I had always loved to participate in helping my community whenever possible, but the opportunities to do so were relatively limited, so I quickly decided to attend the first meeting of the school year. Through this meeting, I truly saw what the Sumner High School Key Club had to offer. The club was relatively small, with only roughly twenty members attending the first meeting, but the effervescent atmosphere was evident; every individual I met was incredibly kind and had a true passion for service. With each successive meeting, I connected with more people, and through our meetings, led by a thoughtful and diligent group of officers, I learned about the many service projects there. My first service project, which remains my favorite to this day, was our monthly volunteering at our local food bank. As the months progressed, I was exposed to more avenues of service, and by the time elections rolled around, my passion for service and the motivation of my peers led me to run for the position of treasurer.

Throughout my position as treasurer, I had two primary goals: to explore the world of Key Club further and to foster the same enthusiastic spirit for others that motivated me to connect with my community. Since our outgoing board was all seniors, our officer board was all new to our respective positions. Still, we quickly bonded to overcome these challenges and create a more pleasurable Key Club experience for all. I attended DCON shortly after, and although I could not attend in person, I was amazed to see how large the PNW Key Club was, and the information I learned through workshops and from other officers was invaluable. One of the highlights of my term as treasurer was working with the officer board directly to brainstorm new service projects and how to enliven meetings. During one of these meetings, our previous Lieutenant Governor, Natasha Trivitt, visited our club and shared inspiring information about the division and our district with us. Although I loved my position as treasurer, I wanted to further my journey to fulfill the objectives I initially set out to do. This desire was only heightened as I attended numerous DCMs, and shortly thereafter, I ran for the position of Lieutenant Governor of Division 30.

Since my election, I have seen Key Club in a light I never have before. I have attended many board meetings where I have learned about others' Key Club journeys, and I also had the privilege of attending DCON 2023! I have also visited all six clubs in my division and seen hundreds of incredible members and officers demonstrate their desire to help their community. Through DCMs and PCMs, I have also been able to disseminate information about Key Club and service to inspire others to do the same. I would not be where I am today if it were not for all the individuals who supported me on my journey. I would specifically like to thank my officer board, advisor, immediate-past Lieutenant Governor, and area administrator for facilitating my journey. Though I do not know what the future holds, I know it will be filled with service and community, and I cannot wait to experience the rest of my term with everyone!


District Governor Nola Stenstrom

I hope that you are all enjoying your summer break and have been continuing to maintain active participation in your clubs Now is the perfect time to get involved by volunteering at your local food bank or homeless shelter, doing a park clean-up, helping out at a Kiwanis festival stand, etc While you should strive to continue to be proactive within your communities, now is also a great time to reflect, relax and rejuvenate before the school year begins I know that as high school students it's easy to get overwhelmed with a variety of different commitments and we often do not get enough time to take a step back and have some downtime For this reason, over the summer months, do not feel obligated to push yourself to the limit. There’s no need to feel guilty for taking time for yourself.

In addition to self-care, now is an opportune time to do some goal-setting and quarterly planning for the upcoming service year. While you take this yearly break from school, even just brainstorming some main goals you want to accomplish this next year can prove to be extremely useful. If you're a club member, that could be fulfilling five hours of community service per month, and if you're a club officer, that could be planning to hold consistent club officer meetings throughout the entirety of the school year Goal-setting and reflection is how we as an Executive Committee continue to improve our annual PNW Key Club events such as Key Club Days, committee webinars and of course, District Convention With that, please continue to engage with the District and stay updated through our Instagram, Biweekly Email Updates, and publications! You can always connect with me via email at governor@pnwkeyclub org with any ideas, questions, comments, or concerns you have

District Secretary Tin Vo

Summer is finally here! I hope you are using your extra time to relax after an entire year of balancing academics with impactful service. Reading through all the monthly secretary reports is an amazing experience and it is great to see the accomplishments every single club has made Based on the amount of dedication and spirit I have seen throughout the entire PNW District, I am excited to see how you will continue to serve or fundraise for your community during the next few months. Use this time wisely to propose any club goals and plan for the upcoming year! Be sure to consider holding summer bonding events and helping out with your sponsoring Kiwanis club! Be sure to stay KEY-nnected with the PNW District resources and have an amazing rest of your summer!


District Treasurer Eric Li

I hope you all are having a great summer break so far! The summer season is a great time to start working and planning your club's upcoming fundraisers and service projects Think about opportunities on a local community or a Divisional level They can prove to be a great way to get your club actively involved in your communities. Club officers should take time to organize and plan ideas over the summer for implementing in the fall. I look forward to working with the District’s club treasurers this year, to ensure a smooth and efficient dues collection process. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at I hope to see you all at a Key Club event soon, and look forward to hearing what you all have envisioned for the future of your clubs!

District Editor Luke Wentzien

Summer is finally here, and congratulations on a fantastic school year of impactful service! Throughout my time reading your divisional and club newsletters, remarkable accomplishments of various Key Clubs and the unyielding dedication of Key Club members have truly shone every month. While summer is the perfect time to unwind and bask in the sunny weather, it's also a perfect time to continue serving those in need.

It’s important to know your resources so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, and the PNW District is loaded with resources that you can harness to your advantage as you gear up for the upcoming school year. Visit our website, Instagram (@pnwkeyclub), or subscribe to our district newsletters to get the latest updates about us and our progress. These locations also house our club resources as well Be sure to take advantage of them!

Should you ever wish to get in touch, feel free to drop me an email at editor@pnwkeyclub org I hope you enjoy this copy of the Espresso!


Summer is finally here, and I hope everyone is enjoying the full return of in-person summer activities. I want to personally congratulate all the Key Club seniors who graduated in June. Your time, energy, and commitment are what makes Key Club the world’s best high school service organization. I encourage all Key Club seniors to stay connected with the Kiwanis-family through the Key Club Alumni Association (, or by becoming a member of CKI, the world’s largest collegiate service organization.

Summer affords Key Club officers and advisors a unique opportunity to prepare for the fall and another year of service to our homes, schools, and communities. For example, Key Club presidents can work with sponsoring Kiwanis Club to develop a plan for the upcoming school year. This plan should include making committee assignments, developing strategies for member recruitment, and creating a budget that can be presented to your sponsoring Kiwanis club board of directors. Your budget should include how much fundraising the club will need for its expenses such as sending members to DCON March 8-10, 2024 in Portland, OR. Remember, most Kiwanis Clubs finalize their budgets before September 1st so do not delay in contacting your Kiwanis advisor about your funding requests.

In addition to developing a plan for the upcoming school year, please consider using the resources included in our bi-weekly emails and attending our webinars. In addition, if you are not currently attending your division’s PCMs or DCMs hosted by your lieutenant governor, please visit to obtain their contact information. Summer is also when the PNW District starts preparing for Key Club Days! This year the district will be hosting two Key Club Days: Key Club Day South on Saturday, Aug. 26th and Key Club Day North on Saturday, September 9th Registration will close soon in the PNW Key Club Shop New for 2023, all attendees will be able to access the motivational speaker and educational workshops for no charge at the virtual kick-off events. In response to your feedback, The in-person program at the theme parks has also been modified to include more time for the attractions and to bond with other Key Clubbers. I wish everyone a safe, happy, and productive summer. If you have any questions or would like to chat more, contact me at


Key Club Days are the ideal moment for seasoned and brand new Key Club members to dive headfirst into the heart of Key Club!

Brace yourselves for all the excitement: First up is Key Club Day South at Oaks Park (Portland, OR) on Saturday August 26th from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Key Club Day North, an adventure amidst the heart-racing rides of Wild Waves (Federal Way, WA), set for Saturday, September 9th from 12:00-2:00 p.m. So get ready to make memories, build connections, and unleash your passion for service and fun!

Key Club Days are here to give you an experience that's both enriching and exhilarating so mark your calendars for August or September and get ready to ignite that Key Club spirit like never before! Register below! Register here!


beginning of 2022, as a newly e what I was getting into. After , I was shocked as I entered division, and heard the the hundreds of spirited key le of the room.

“WE GOT MORE, WE GOT MORE, WE GOT MORE, WE GOT MORE!” Every Key Clubber had complete devotion to their division and wouldn’t dare lose the battle despite the mandatory masks blocking their ability to take a full breath. I was inspired and in awe at the spirit filling the hotel all throughout the convention. Opening and closing sessions were unbelievable as I was able to learn from amazing speakers, hear from our district executives in person, and even dance around the ballroom in a huge conga line!

Being able to be at a convention of this size and meet people passionate about service and Key Club was certainly memorable , especially after a worldwide pandemic. In my past two DCONs, I have made new friends from every corner of PNW Key Club through pin trading, speed mingling, and busting out moves at the amazing Governor’s Ball.

The best moments of DCON were the most bittersweet, as we said goodbye to past officers and welcome in the new. However these moments always leave me more inspired to create a bigger impact, spread more kindness, and lead with service.

DCON 2023 ended with a bang as ABBA’s Dancing Queen (one of my all time favorite songs) blasted through the speakers at the Governor’s Ball. Before that moment I had thought the general sessions were as energetic as th had no c knew them

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Hey PNW!


We are thrilled to invite you to the 74th annual District Convention hosted by the Pacific Northwest District. Mark your calendars for March 8th-10th 2024 and prepare to indulge in an action-filled weekend in Portland, Oregon. The tides have turned and this year's convention theme is “Service with a Splash!” This theme was chosen to highlight the spirit of how all Key Clubbers’ give countless hours, selflessly giving back to our communities, leaving no shore untouched by our kindness. As Key Clubbers, we dedicate countless hours towards our communities without expecting anything in return, with every ripple of service, we’ve inspired people all around with unwavering commitment and passion you exude towards making a lasting impact in our communities is truly incredible.

The District Convention Committee has been hard at work to honor and celebrate all of the service you have provided throughout this year.From your amazing contributions to the District Project, the Youth Houselessness Initiative, to the hours you have given back to your communities, your hard work will be recognized. We recognize that you not only give your time and dedication but your passion and love with every project you take on. District Convention is mo th l b ti f service, it is an opportunity to meet new people, make lasting con e an exhilarating event with people who share a common passio on will open soon and can be found at

SEAD: Ending You SEAD: Ending You

Hello PNW Key Clubbers! The District Project Committee is thrilled to announce the new District Project for the 2023-2024 service year: The SEAD Initiative With its pillars in education, service, and fundraising, the SEAD Initiative aims to support, empower, act, and destigmatize youth houselessness across the PNW.

First, let's define what youth houselessness means. Youth who are houseless lack a fixed or adequate nighttime shelter. We use terms like unhoused, houseless, and youth experiencing houselessness to acknowledge that even though some youth may lack a permanent place to live, they are not without a family or community which is what the word home implies.

When we support houseless youth across the PNW, we are also supporting marginalized communities. For example, LGBTQIA+ youth experience a 120% higher risk of becoming houseless after coming out According to Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, BIPOC Youth have an 83% increased risk of becoming houseless compared to their white peers. But what are the main factors that can lead to youth experiencing houselessness? Due to the Covid- 19 Pandemic; family instability, unemployment, low wages, lack of adult support, and systematic inequalities all heightened, creating circumstances out of many youth’s control. As a result, youth who lack quality food, security, and necessities have less time to focus on their development and school. Furthermore, without a secure place to sleep every night, they may experience increased levels of anxiety, depression, and emotional and behavioral problems. Chronic health conditions like asthma, tuberculosis, diabetes, hepatitis, and HIV/AIDS are also prevalent among houseless youth. But as a united front, PNW Key Club can create real change toward uplifting and serving our communities

Regardless of your financial status or geographic location, the SEAD Initiative offers a broad range of volunteering opportunities, so all Key Clubbers can contribute in meaningful ways. An easy way to begin volunteering is to host a food or collection drive to donate to local shelters and food pantries. Creating bags of necessities like towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, menstrual hygiene products, thick socks, and gift cards is another way to aid the DP. Or if you want to focus on education, your club could spearhead a campaign on youth houselessness that involves local guest speakers. Are you still stuck? Look to the right for some organizations we recommend donating or partnering with.

We look forward to seeing what you all do to SEAD success! uth Houselessness uth Houselessness Canada: Washington: Oregon: Tent City 3, or a location near you Click on a logo to be brought to the respective website

Motivational Cards

Over this past service year, many clubs within Division 27 have created motivational cards for different groups and communities around them. This project requires minimal materials and spending, and can be done by either an individual or a group of people! Most people would appreciate cards, so look around at the organizations around you and consider which ones to write for. Some examples are a nearby hospital, retirement home, food bank center, or pet shelter. When writing cards, an optimistic and motivational blurb is best! Make sure not to include too much personal information such as address, school you attend, etc.



Back to School Care Packages

Towards the end of summer comes the back-to-school season. This is a time for students to buy new materials for the school year, stationary, bags, etc. However, for many, these products are not easily accessible or affordable Many organizations take care packages filled with school materials like notebooks, pens/pencils made by volunteers and distribute it to schoolchildren around the world who experience difficulty purchasing them. Some organizations that take part in this initiative are the Kids in Need Foundation, Comfort Cases, United Way, and Operation Backpack. Some of these also take monetary donations to cover the cost of these school materials. Alternatively, supply drives can also be hosted for these materials! Consider setting up boxes or small booths at the entrance of office supply, craft, or grocery stores for donations (With permission from the store manager). Whichever route you decide to take, any contribution will help dozens of students have proper materials for education.

Harvesting SEAD DCM!

On June 30th, Division 18 hosted the harvesting SEAD! DCM at Mill Lake Park in Abbotsford, British Columbia with the goal of promoting the new District Project SEAD: Helping to End Youth Houselessness. Members were asked to bring an item of food to donate to two local food banks in the Division. We started off with a potluck as members mingled amongst themselves and celebrated the start of summer vacation.

With the sun brigh of the trees within the park as they played a game of word pairs in which members tried to match their word with another person’s word to make one big word. Members then listened to an interactive presentation hosted by LTG Charles Macsabejon about the new District Project. Specifically, members learned about what SEAD is and what it meant, the state of youth homelessness in Canada and in the province, the importance of inclusive language when addressing the issue of youth homelessness, and the various resources available to members to educate themselves in the issue.

After a fun game of charades, members were then split into groups to create an event plan using the knowledge that they learned from the presentation. The winning group presented a sock & glove drive that would take place during the winter months which would involve collaboration with local Builders Clubs. As Canadian winters can be extremely life-threatening to those who do not have proper attire, these types of garments are highly requested by shelters and organizations that work with unhoused youth. Members left the DCM roaring with ideas for SEAD and knowledge on youth houselessness.

June Joint DCM!

On June 24, Key Clubbers from divisions 30, 33, 34, and 35, thirsting for victory, put their Crocs in sports mode and gathered at the beautifully decorated venue in Steel Lake Park, Federal Way Washington, for the BEST EVENT of June. The event, which promised a guest speaker, rock painting, and the battle of the ages, did not disappoint. After an insightful speech from D38 LTG Izayah Qiu on the SEAD Initiative, Key Clubbers from the four divisions showed their caring nature by raising $38.50 for the district project. However, that was when chivalry ended. With pizza on the way, Key Clubbers began to flaunt their athleticism on the playground- swinging to the tops of the swings, falling-off roundabouts, and engaging in a competitive game of tag. It was a clear strategy to gauge the competition.However, alliances formed on the bark were no guarantee, as the birthday shaker left two teams in its aftermath. Those who had their birthday this year joined D30 LTG Kobe and D33 LTG Leah on the Blue Team, while those who had not joined D34 LTG Izabelle and D35 LTG Carole on the Pink Team.

Enthusiasm did not fall short for either party. As Key Clubbers dressed in their smocks and gloves for operation rock painting, they also smeared pink and blue face paint across their faces. It was clear that both teams wanted the game.

The Beach Balling Relay kicked off the competition. Led by D34 LTG Izabelle, both teams raced to the LTG marked line, pushing a ball with water from a pump blaster. After Pink Team's stumble with the terrain, Blue Team took the win. Blue Team continued to dominate the first half of the competition, winning D30 LTG Kobe's game, the Human Knot, as well. However, spirits remained high for both teams. Pink Team knew that if they wanted to be in the running for DCM Champions, they would need to win the next game. And win D35 LTG Carole's Bucket Race they did, as they successfully dumped all the water out of the bin into the lake faster than Blue Team (with no penalties given for the busted bin). Finally, Pink Team and Blue Team were neck and neck, 4 to 5, with the last tween them and th one's call on which team Blue Team had a M VICTORY!

With the Pin ith delicious popsicles an e during the DCM remain ce (even the adult supervisors- AA Sue, AA Tyler, Kobe s Mom). All the LTGs involved learned so much in the process of planning for this DCM, so I'm beyond grateful to have been one of the divisions in participation. Needless to say our DCM was a success!


K- Fam Kaitlin Medina

The Kiwanis-family is a big one, and Key Club is right in the middle of it. The Kiwanis-family is made up of six branches: KKids for elementary school, Builders Club for middle school, Key Club for high school, Circle K for college, Aktion Club for adults with disabilities, and Kiwanis. All of these branches arel connected by their persistent love of service and their community. It is important for Key Clubbers to maintain an everlasting relationship with their other Kiwanis-family clubs and the Kiwanis-family Relations Committee is able to aid you in that journey! Through the plethora of resources we create, all Kiwanis-family clubs are invited to use these, so we not only improve our communication with one another, but strengthen all relationships so we can work together on the service we perform

The Kiwanis-family Relations Committee has and is a useful resource, especially in these upcoming months as school gets back in session To make it easier for you, we have compiled the best of our resources into our Linktree, including a Joint Kiwanis-family Directory where contact information for each Kiwanis-family club can be found, a Kiwanis Family Chartering Guide, a resource drive with past webinars, graphics and more! You can access these resources at

This summer is a great time to reach out to other clubs, especially your local Kiwanis Club. It is also time to start off strong and think about upcoming service projects and events that can be done together in your community! I hope these resources provide you with ample information about the Kiwanis-family and will greatly benefit you and your club. If you have any other questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us at kfam@pnwkeyclub org, we are here to help!


The Pacific Northwest Opportunities Fund (PNWOF), is a grant provided to help clubs within the District fund service projects that aim to benefit the District Project, SEAD: Ending Youth Houselessness, or the applicant’s home, school or local community.

This grant is open to all dues-paid clubs within the PNW District. Summer is a great time to get your officer board together and brainstorm possible projects that could benefit from the PNWOF grant Grants range from $100-$1,000 and cover up to two-third of the project’s estimated cost The application opens on Friday, September 1, 2023, and ends on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 Grant recipients will be notified in mid-November and will be spotlighted at DCON 2024

If you or your club is interested in the PNWOF grant, the PNWOF Committee is hosting an informative webinar on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at 7 PM PST (mark the date on your calendar!) The registration sheet can be found here and on the PNW Key Club website. For more information please refer to the PNW website, at or email


Membership Growth

Keera Michie

The Membership Growth and Reactivation Committee (MGRC) has been working hard to prepare and organize a variety of resources to help serve each and every Key Club in the PNW District. We want to provide useful and beneficial tools so that you are able to effectively engage, communicate, and interact with your club members and officers We are more than happy to serve and support you, and are excited to help you with all your membership growth needs!

We have tons of past resources that you should utilize during your 2023-2024 term, especially during the summer! The resources include the Membership Growth and Retention Toolkit, which includes a handful of helpful pre-made posters, flyers, tips and tricks to help your clubs grow and keep members informed about what Key Club is and how it is valuable to them. These resources also include the 8th Grade Recruitment Kit, in which you can promote the Key Club community to underclassmen and provide them with greater insight when they grow into high school. There are other useful resources that will help grow and develop your clubs, such as energizers, icebreaker ideas, and other resources that will help guide your members and officers. All of these useful resources can be found in the all inclusive MGRC Linktree! We encourage you to utilize these resources to the best of your advantage, to pass them on, and share them to your club members and officers via social media or any other platform!

We want you all to stay engaged, active, and involved within your communities to ensure that your service NEVER stops We are working hard to create new resources, including guides for “in meeting” service projects and finding non-Kiwanis sponsors We have many more resources and plans for the rest of the service year so keep a lookout for what the MGRC Committee produces in the future Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, feedback, and/or need any support:

Webmaster Evelyn Chen

I hope you're enjoying the first few weeks of summer! Take advantage of the warmer weather to go outdoors and take time for yourself. As you look towards the start of a new school year and begin planning your first few meetings, I encourage you to look through the resources present on the PNW Key Club website In particular, the "Resources" tab contains an officer toolkit, recruitment posters, and other resources to help you start the year strong Your first few meetings are crucial to retaining active members that will maximize your club's growth and reach during the year

Along with regularly updating the PNW Key Club website with recent news and upcoming events throughout the year, I will work with committees to promote existing resources. I hope to reorganize the website and make announcements and other information as accessible as possible. Furthermore, I will continue spotlighting clubs and members showing exceptional service and passion for Key Club.

If you have suggestions for the website, email me at or use the contact form in the "Contact" tab on PNW Key Club's website. Please also follow the district's Instagram @pnwkeyclub and subscribe to bi-weekly email updates so you don't miss out on district updates Enjoy your summer, and stay hydrated!




11,464 Members

Across 280 Clubs Across 280 Clubs

In the Pacific Northwest

Membership is a critical part of the Key Club organization. The PNW District is the largest District geographically in Key Club International, with a diverse array of clubs and divisions from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, the panhandle of Idaho, to northern California.

As of July 1st, our District consists of 11,464 members and 280 active clubs, a nearly 1000 member increase since last summer. A friendly reminder for your club on paying dues for the 2023-2024 year. The early bird payment deadline is November 1st, and the regular deadline is December 1st. Be watching for more to come as dues season gets ready to kick-off!


The summer break has always been a great time for clubs to start planning for the upcoming school year. Clubs can conduct fundraisers in their local communities to raise money for the new PNW District Project, SEAD: Ending Youth Houselessness, or to support another community project. Try developing unique fundraisers and projects that incorporate the skills and interests your club members have. You may even gain some new club members along the way!

Key Club InternationalYouth Opportunities Fund:

The KCI Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an internationally endowed fund that provides grants to dues-paid clubs for scholarships or service opportunities. The grants can provide between $250 and $2,000. KCI’s fall application cycle closes October 15th, 2023 and the spring cycle closes on March 1st, 2024. Applications for the fall cycle will be reviewed by the International board and recipients will be notified in early 2024. For more information, visit the KCI webpage here!



Executive Team

Nola Stenstrom District Governor

Tin Vo District Secretary

Eric Li District Treasurer treasurer@pnwkeyclub org

Luke Wentzien District Editor

District Administrators

Brian Egger District Administrator

Mike Wallis Finance Administrator

Sweta Puru

District Convention

Keera Michie Membership Growth

Criena Sekhon Assistant District Administrator

Committee Chairs

Tali Greenfield District Project


Kaitlin Medina K-Fam Relations

Evelyn Chen Webmaster

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