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Uno yacht di 67 metri realizzato nella darsena pisana

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E' in fase di costruzione da parte dell’azienda Mec-Carpensalda. Incontro in Comune della quarta commissione con la Rsu dei Cantieri Navali (gruppo Baglietto) e la Cgil di Francesco Loi CANTIERI NAVALI

DARSENA 14 aprile 2015


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Azimut Spa

Offro - Auto Renault Clio Renault Clio 1. 5 dCi 85CV 5 porte Le Iene Usato anno 2007 Berlina 153000 km Climatizzatore Vendesi Clio Le Iene perfettamente tenuta. Carrozzeria senza un

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PISA. “Questa mattina stiamo varando un 67 metri Azimut Benetti realizzato in Darsena Pisana dall’azienda Mec-Carpensalda”. L’annuncio è di Giovandomenico Caridi, amministratore unico della Navicelli Spa, la società che gestisce l’omonimo canale e l’area della darsena. Questo varo segue di pochi giorni l’uscita di un 42 metri (valore 25 milioni di euro) in costruzione nei Cantieri Overmarine-Mangusta.


Lo scafo dello yacht da 67 metri nella darsena pisana


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graffio. Si regalano gomme da inverno. . ....

In quel caso, terminati scafo e sovrastruttura nel cantiere dedicato ai lavori di saldatura e sabbiatura, le due strutture sono state trasferite in un altro cantiere a poca distanza, sempre nella darsena pisana, dove le due strutture verranno tra loro unite e dove sono iniziati i lavori di allestimento. «Siamo contenti per l'intero settore della nautica e della cantieristica – ha detto Caridi - ricordando il momento è difficile a causa della crisi economica, ma questo ci spinge sempre più a combattere». La riprova è proprio il 67 metri del cantiere MecCarpensalda. Intanto una nuova riunione si è svolta in Comune, nella mattina di martedì 14, sulla vicenda dei Cantieri Navali dove 37 lavoratori sono in cassa integrazione da 5 anni a seguito della crisi del gruppo Baglietto. Questa volta i membri della quarta commissione del consiglio comunale (attività produttive) si sono incontrati con Gianfranco Francese, segretario provinciale della Cgil, e Umberto Nannola, della Rsu degli stessi Cantieri Navali.




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Appartamenti Livorno via giordano bruno 10 73000 €

Tribunale di Livorno Tribunale di Grosseto Tribunale di Lucca Tribunale di Pisa Tribunale di Grosseto - vendite mobiliari Visita gli immobili di Pisa


L'incontro sui Cantieri Navali nella quarta commissione consiliare

“Il prossimo 21 aprile - ha dichiarato al termine dell’incontro il segretario della Cgil, Francese - scade il nuovo bando di gara che prevede un’offerta non inferiore ai 3 milioni e duecentomila euro. Speriamo non sia ancora persa l’occasione per restituire i Cantieri Navali ai lavoratori”.



Gammanossi Mario Livorno, 14 aprile 2015

14 aprile 2015

Colaprisco Isabella Pisa, 14 aprile 2015

Manforti Gilda Livorno, 14 aprile 2015

Santerini Brandina Livorno, 14 aprile 2015

Azimut Spa



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Cantiere, i nuovi capannoni cambiano il panorama In costruzione da Benetti le enormi infrastrutture che serviranno ad allestire gli yacht di oltre 100 metri. Ma da Borgo non si vedrà più il Fanale e cambierà lo skyline della Bellana CANTIERE

YACHT 21 aprile 2015

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Uno dei capannoni in costruzione nel cantioere Azimut Benetti (Marzi/Pentafoto)

Livorno. Sono arrivate delle importanti commesse, e per dei giga-yacht, e così il Cantiere Benetti si attrezza: le tre navi (difficile chiamarle “barche” visto che si parla di vascelli lunghi 75, 100 e 107 metri) sono state ordinate da amatori inglesi e statunitensi. E per costruirle, al Cantiere si stanno attrezzando: sono partiti i lavori per costruire uno dei due due enormi capannoni destinati all’allestimento dei giga yachts, un’operazione che però, oltre a permettere di realizzare importanti commesse e di conseguenza portare e mantenere posti di lavoro (attualmente al cantiere, tra occupazione diretta e indotto esterno, lavorano circa 800 persone), avrà sicuramente conseguenze sulla skyline della zona di viale Italia - piazza



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Mazzini- Borgo. Benetti, dunque, sta costruendo i nuovi capannoni davvero imponenti l’infrastruttura di uno è già ben visibile - visto che saranno lunghi 140 metri e alti ben 35. I due capannoni, che prevedono 15 milioni d'investimenti saranno realizzati dove ora sorgono alcune delle officine del vecchio cantiere Orlando che si affacciano su largo Bellavista. I lavori, come detto, sono già iniziati, e oltre a due grosse gru edili, dal lungomare si notano già i piloni dei nuovi capannoni, che sono decisamente alti. È fin troppo ovvio che quando i nuovi edifici saranno completati, con le loro classiche pareti blu che da sempre caratterizzano le strutture produttive targate Azimut Benetti, cambieranno e non poco il panorama della zona, ma soprattutto cambieranno radicalmente quello che si potrà vedere dalle abitazioni della zona o da chi passeggia sul lungomare. Lo dimostrano le foto che pubblichiamo a questo proposito: una è stata scattata da un edificio in Borgo San Jacopo, oltretutto situato anche ad un piano abbastanza alto: come si vede chiaramente, i piloni del nuovo capannone sono esattamente davanti al fanale, e sono davvero molto alti e quindi, quando il capannone sarà completato, di quella pittoresca parte di mare e porto, con il bellissimo fanale di Livorno, si vedrà ben poco. A destra, invece, la foto mostra la vista dal viale Italia- piazza Luigi Orlan do. Lo ripetiamo, questi capannoni sono necessari per permettere al Cantiere Benetti di continuare a competere nell’eccellenza dello yachting mondiale, i cui standard si stanno spostando verso questa forma di “gigantismo”, e, oltretutto, non ci scordiamo che non è affatto semplice, in questa situazione conomica, trovare un’azienda che continui ad investire, e cifre di questo genere, in una sua unità produttiva. Allo stesso tempo è abbastanza facile immaginare che qualcuno, che dovrà scambiare la vista degli spettacolari tramonti sul mare con quella dei capannoni, non ne sarà esattamente felice. E come succede spesso in questi casi, fioriranno le polemiche. ©RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA

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Offro - Auto Daihatsu Terios 1. 5 4WD B You O / F Green Powered Usato anno 2010 Fuoristrada / SUV 77000 km Terios 4wd in ottime condizioni. Impianto gpl con bombola esterna come da primo equipaggiamento 77000 km originali. ....




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Appartamenti Gavorrano Fraz. Bagno - 114300 €

21 aprile 2015 GUARDA ANCHE


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Tgcom24 > Economia > Speciale Storie d'impresa, un futuro possibile > Vitelli: "Entusiasmo e passione per diventare i primi al mondo"






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Vitelli: "Entusiasmo e passione per diventare i primi al mondo"


Il fondatore e presidente di Azimut Benetti si racconta: "Da bambino mi innamorai della nautica, da universitario diventò il mio lavoro"

Catena Auchan annuncia mobilità



08:35 - "Tutto cominciò da una mia passione per la nautica evidente già da quando avevo cinque anni. A 21, ancora universitario, decisi di trasformare questa passione in un lavoro. Iniziò così questo percorso meraviglioso, qualche volta affannoso, ma sempre appassionato, che ci ha portato a diventare i primi al mondo". Sergio Vitelli è il fondatore e presidente di Azimut Benetti, azienda produttrice di barche a motore. Ci riceve negli stabilimenti di Avigliana, alle porte di Torino. E dalle sue parole traspare tutto l'orgoglio per ciò che è riuscito a costruire.


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30 aprile 2015



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Paolo Vitelli - Azimut Benetti

"Passione ed entusiasmo per diventare primi al mondo"

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"Sono molto orgoglioso della mia azienda. E' l'azienda che si è sviluppata di più negli ultimi anni ed è una delle pochissime controllate da una sola famiglia, senza bisogno di azionisti finanziari esterni".




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Quando inizia la vostra storia? "Fondai questa azienda quando ero universitario. Nel 1969 iniziammo con il commercio di barche, poi, dopo qualche anno, passammo alla produzione. A un certo punto siamo diventati i primi al mondo". Come ci siete riusciti? "Essere i primi al mondo è difficilissimo. Noi lo siamo da 20 anni e qualche volta invidio chi fa l'inseguitore invece della lepre. Credo che richieda di mettersi sempre in condizione di sfida con se stessi e mai rilassarsi. Se tutta la squadra aziendale, dico squadra pensando non solo al management ma anche alla forza lavoratrice, si mette continuamente in discussione, si può rimanere al vertice". Quanto conta l'estero? "Siamo una delle aziende più internazionalizzate d'Italia. Esportiamo il 99% delle nostre imbarcazioni fuori dai confini nazionali, anche perché la crisi ha ridotto moltissimo il mercato interno. Ma è interessante anche sottllineare che esportiamo l'80% fuori dai confini europei. Pur essendo ancora strutturati come una media azienda abbiamo la sfida di vendere in 70 paesi in giro per il mondo".

Azimut Benetti, l'eccellenza italiana in 70 Paesi nel mondo

Polli, una storia di famiglia Da negozio a grande industria



Giulio Ferrari l'ha inventato, i Lunelli l'hanno fatto grande

Grecia, Ue: "Il problema è Varoufakis: è un dilettante"



Quanto c'è di italiano in Azimut Benetti? "Siamo profondamente italiani. Appena è arrivata la crisi abbiamo riportato tutta la produzione in Italia, orgogliosi che il prodotto nascesse proprio qui. Così come una Ferrari può nascere solo in Italia io credo che una barca Azimut Benetti possa nascere solo in Italia. E in questo Paese noi troviamo tutti gli elementi di creatività necessari per una barca: lo stile degli esterni, il gusto degli interni, i materiali, i tessuti, i mobili e la tecnologia". Come veniamo accolti all'estero? "Essere italiani oggi è un grande orgoglio. L'Italia ha delle debolezze ma ha anche delle grandi peculiarità che nessun altro ha. La nostra storia, il nostro territorio, il nostro gusto del bello, la nostra arte... In qualità di ambasciatori di questa forza immensa veniamo non solo accettati ma visti con grande favore da parte di potenziali clienti. E più abbiniamo la nostra cultura al nostro prodotto più siamo vincenti". Parteciperete a Expo2015? "Saremo presenti presso lo stand di Intesa Sanpaolo e dedicheremo un'intera giornata a presentare i nostri prodotti di maggiore tecnologia creando questo interessante connubio fra il Made in Italy, lo stile del cibo e della way of life italiana con l'alta tecnologia dei nostri prodotti". Si può produrre barche a motore e rispettare l'ambiente? "La nostra azienda è da sempre attenta all'ambiente. Nei nostri stabilimenti non c'è un filo di pulviscolo, non c'è un filo di odore. Siamo stati i primi al mondo a inventare un sistema per rendere la laminazione della vetroresina totalmente neutra e inoffensiva per i lavoratori. Oggi abbiamo le certificazioni più difficili da ottenere. Siamo anche attenti alla sicurezza: io sono l'unico che mi permetto di entrare in azienda con le mie scarpe. Nessuno qui entra, neppure ospiti e visitatori, senza le calzature anti-infortunistica".

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Benetti @ Singapore Yatch Show 2015 | Sunshine Kelly

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I could not make it to Singapore Yatch Show 2015 and Benetti launch because I have important work to clear in Kuala Lumpur this week. Benetti, the world's leading builder of super-yachts over 24m in length for fifteen consecutive years has increased their presence in Asia and APAC. | Lifestyle . Beauty . Fashion . Fitness . Health . Food . Entertainment. Travel . Love For Review, Preview, Event, Collaboration, Advertorial, Advertisement - Contact me at: kelly2988[at]gmail[dot]com

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29/04/15 12:46

Benetti @ Singapore Yatch Show 2015 | Sunshine Kelly

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Benetti's primary office is in Asia in Hong Kong and the new Singapore office is at Gold Coast Marina since April 2015. According to the latest statistics from Cap Gemini and RNC Wealth Management, published in Superyachttimes's Annual Superyacht Industry Report, the Asian Pacific continues to be the driving force behind the growth of the High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) in 2013. Asia is becoming more important in the superyacht market.

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One of the vessels currently spearheading Benetti construction is the FB276, specifically designed for the Asian market. At 63m the on spec build will be launched in June 2017. Many design solutions are found aboard, adapting the yacht to the tastes of Oriental Owners, not exactly fans of sunbathing and an outdoor activities. The extended upper deck lounge area, with its own bar, sofas and relax area with Jacuzzi, is partially covered as is the beach area astern while keeping everything available for having fun on the water. All the yacht's ambients always keep their visual contact with the sea and the external environment. For more information about the Benetti, please visit

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29/04/15 12:46

Benetti plans new owner support service :: IBI Plus Internatio...

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Benetti plans new owner support service By David Robinson 4 hours ago

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The Italian shipyard's new Dedicato service will provide owners with a full


support package option during the first five years of ownership A new service operating under a brand name of Dedicato is being launched by Benetti to provide its new owners with a full support package option during their first five years of ownership.

RELATED COMPANIES Azimut-Benetti Benetti

Speaking at the Singapore Yacht Show, Benetti’s chief commercial officer Fabio Ermetto said: “The new service is not a management service but it will provide owners with a full support service for the first five years. The owners will have to sign-up for the

Singapore Yacht Show

new service before they take delivery and they will pay a fixed fee. They have to agree to a five-year period and cannot take less. We have not yet decided if we will extend it beyond the five years.” Newly appointed Asian general manager Luigi Adamo told IBI: “This is a global service which provides owners with a full service package for the owner. It will help them with all areas like technical issues such as repairs and maintenance, registration and class. We will even hire the crew working in association with the owner.” At the Singapore show Benetti is strongly emphasising its involvement in the Asian market, which it has operated in since 2011. “It is certainly a very important market for Benetti,” a statement said, “especially with the economy in APAC. We see a high potential out of this. Currently it accounts for 10% of Benetti’s global revenue. It is for that we are trying to invest more to develop the market.” Following its participation at SYS, Benetti Asia is planning to exhibit at the SO! Dalian event in June, the Yachting Gala in Italy in late June, and at one of the two boat shows in Sanya in late November/early December. In addition it is proposing to hold the first Asian Yacht Master event at a date and location to be finalised. RELATED ARTICLES Campion announces 14 new dealers 24 Apr 15 - International Boat Industry Cobalt taps Evinrude to supply outboards for pontoon series 23 Apr 15 - International Boat Industry Campion announces 14 new dealers 23 Apr 15 - International Boat Industry Maryland fast-tracks legislation to woo megayachts 22 Apr 15 - International Boat Industry HeySea Yachts plans new facility for sailing yachts 22 Apr 15 - International Boat Industry © 2015 All Rights Reserved.

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24/04/15 18:56

Benetti Reveals Asia Strategies at 2015.. |

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Benetti Reveals Asia Strategies at 2015...

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Benetti Reveals Asia Strategies at 2015 Singapore Yacht Show

SUPERYACHT NEWS FOCUS ZONE Benetti Reveals Asia Strategies at 2015 Singapore Yacht Show


Italian shipyard Benetti has used the 2015 Singapore Yacht Show to announce its strategic plans for growth in Asia. The world-renowned yacht builder has confirmed it will be increasing its Asian presence with two offices in Hong Kong and a solid management team.

By: Paul Joseph Published: 23rd Apr 2015

Furthermore, a new sales challenge will be presented by the construction of the new 63-metre FB276, specifically designed for the Asian market, which is set to launch in June 2017.

Industry News

Asia is becoming ever more important strategically in the superyacht market, with recent statistics claiming the region is second only behind North America in terms of numbers of high net worth individuals (HNWI). The combined worth of HNWI's in the Asian Pacific in 2013 was the

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equivalent of $14.2 billion, according to the statistics.

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Luigi Adamo, General Manager at Benetti Asia, said: “As soon as I


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was nominated Asian General Manager, the first actions I wanted to undertake were directed towards increased attention to our brokers regional network. “It is fundamental to keep them up to date on our products, improving the definition of the brand. Further important steps were to nominate a new head of Service for the Hong Kong office, and the new opening of the Service Office in the Gold Coast Marina. This way, with our strong local presence, we will be able to serve our clients throughout 360°.” Over the past five years, Benetti has sold a total of eight yachts to the Asian market.

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23/04/15 18:23

Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015...



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Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 Friday, 24 April 2015

By Gemma Fottles Benetti has revealed their Asia strategies at the Singapore Yacht Show 2015, stating that they have increased their presence in the area with two offices in Hong Kong. In addition, the brand have confirmed their sales successes over the past five years.

SuperYacht Of The Week


According to the latest statistics from Cap Gemini and RNC Wealth Management, published in our SuperYacht Times Annual Superyacht Industry Report, the Asian Pacific region continues to be the driving force behind the growth of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) in 2013. At 17.3% Asia has the highest regional growth, for a total of 4.32 million, and reduces their gap to the leading region, North America, to just ten thousand individuals - a gap that many predict will be closed completely in the near future.

The latest 40M superyacht to leave the facilities of the British shipyard Princess Yachts was delivered to her owners last month. Named X5, she is the fourth vessel to be completed in the series, and has a beam of 8.02 metres and a draft of 2.29 metres. Constructed out of GRP, she has a gross tonnage of 395 tons. Read More

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24/04/15 19:18

Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015...

Based on these important trends and the commercial success over the last five years, Benetti has increased their presence in the Far east and APAC to take advantage of the area's enormous potential. Benetti's primary office in the region is in Hong Kong. Leading the Benetti team is Luigi Adamo, General Manager, with Alberto Giannerini as Service Manager and Natalie Ye as Marketing Manager. Since April 2015 the Benetti Service offices are located in the Gold Coast Marina. Reinforcing the decision for Benetti to develop it’s Asian clientele and business are the facts and figures; in only five years Benetti has sold a total of 390 metres of superyachts, including two Delfino 93’ at 28 metres, one Classic 121’ 37 metres, one Classic Supreme 132’ 40,2 metres, three Custom of 55 metres and one Custom of 60 metres. Contracts for a Classic 121’ 37 metres, Custom 60 metres and a Custom 72 metres are presently at an advanced stage and the brand report that they will probably be closed before the end of the year. Among the more recent vessels sold and delivered by Benetti include the 55 metre Ocean Paradise built in 2013 for a young Singaporean Owner; Lady Candy, measuring 56 metres and built in 2014, another custom project for a Chinese Owner; and Mingfa the 40 metre superyacht built 2014 and the fifth model of the 132' Classic Supreme line. Luigi Adamo, General Manager Benetti Asia, comments, “As soon as I was nominated Asian General Manager, the first actions I wanted to undertake were directed towards increased attention to our brokers regional network. It is fundamental to keep them up to date on our products, improving the definition of the brand. Further important steps were to nominate a new head of Service for the Hong Kong office, and the new opening of the Service Office in the Gold Coast Marina. This way, with our strong local presence, we will be able to serve our clients throughout 360°.” Benetti are currently at the Singapore Yacht Show, which is being held at the One 15 Marina Club in Sentosa Cove until the 26th April. at the Singapore Yacht Show Meet at the Singapore Yacht Show. Both our editorial and sales team will be present in Singapore throughout the event. Pick up a free copy of the brand new edition of our quarterly newspaper, distributed at several spots around the show, meet us for a chat about advertising or media solutions, or simply join us for a drink at the bar. We look forward to meeting you in Singapore.

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24/04/15 19:18

Bilan 2014 du marché des yachts de luxe -

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SUPERYACHTS Le super-yacht Vica en fibre de verre et aluminium, mis à l'eau au mois de mars par le chantier italien Benetti. Sa taille de 50m est dans la moyenne mondiale des nouveaux projets commandés ou entrés en production. (© Benetti 2015)

Bilan 2014 du marché des yachts de luxe LONDRES, 10 AVRIL 2015, LXRV – Les livraisons de yachts de luxe ont légèrement diminué de -2 % l’an dernier mais le secteur a enregistré une hausse significative du nombre des nouveaux projets, indiquent les statistiques définitivement arrêtées pour l’année 2014 et publiées par SuperYacht Company pendant la première édition du London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show. Nos confrères spécialisés, éditeurs du site Superyacht Times, ont comptabilisé 17 voiliers et 139 yachts moteur, soit un total de 156 unités supérieures à 30 m livrées dans le monde en 2014 (159 en 2013) par 76 chantiers de 20 pays différents pour une longueur combinée de 6.769 m et un montant cumulé d’environ 3,8 milliards d’euros, soit une moyenne de 24,4 millions d’euros par bateau : 13 M€ pour les voiliers qui représentent 11% des livraisons, 25,8 M€ pour les yachts moteur.

La taille moyenne des grands voiliers, qui avait déjà augmenté de 2,50 m en 2013, a encore progressé de 2,1 m à 43,62 m. Celle des superyachts moteur est restée stable à 43,36 m. Le plus grand était le 140 m Ocean Victory construit par Fincantieri en Italie, pays leader du secteur avec une part de marché de 39 % des livraisons devant les Pays-Bas (12 %), le Royaume-Uni à égalité avec les États-Unis (8 %) et la Turquie (6 %). Le chantier italien Benetti est toujours le leader mondial avec 13 superyachts moteur livrés représentant une longueur cumulée de 567 m, devant Sunseeker (420 m) et SanLorenzo (394 m), Lürssen Yachts (265 m) et Heesen Yachts (230 m). L’Allemagne occupe toujours une place à part, spécialisée dans la livraison de méga-yachts d’une taille moyenne supérieure à 85,64 m en 2014 et annoncée au-delà des 100 m pour 2015. Ce pays affiche la plus forte valeur moyenne par unité facturée, estimée à 144 M€, loin devant les Pays-Bas (41,4 M€). Superyacht Company confirme la nouvelle dynamique du secteur qui a enregistré en 2014 une augmentation de +13,8 % du nombre de nouveaux projets commandés ou entrés en chantier, soit 181 unités pour une longueur cumulée en progression de +21,2 % à 8.685 m. La taille moyenne d’un superyacht moteur est désormais indiquée à 48,62 m, cinq mètres de plus qu’en 2014. Luxe Revue 1

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10/04/15 13:00

Blood, Sweat & Thunder |






T H E W AT C H C O L L E C T O R ' S G U I D E T O G O O D L I V I N G

Andre Frois / March 30, 2015 / Lifestyle, Style & Accessories

Blood, Sweat & Thunder

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13/04/15 10:00

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Rate This On-board helipads, infinity pools, amphibious vehicles and hovercrafts, to name a few, are pleasures now easily customised for the average yacht. Ask not what your yacht can do for you, but what you can do with your yacht. By Andre Frois “Yachting is freedom.” Fabiomassimo Discoli is certain why an escalating number of affluent individuals are diving into bespoke yachts and taking to the open seas. The sales manager is a tireless worker who has seen Ferretti Group’s yacht brands grow from strength to strength.  Follow 2 di 12

13/04/15 10:00

Blood, Sweat & Thunder |

“To me, yachting is possibility,” he describes one of the fastest expanding luxury !

commodities in the world. “When tailoring yourself a yacht, you have no limits. Your only limits are your imagination.” Which the forthcoming Italian reasons is the perfect fit for the well-heeled. “Our clients, they have everything. No, they don’t have crazy expectations, but they have a good eye for quality materials.” “They are used to buying very expensive cars, expensive planes,” he enlightens. “And just like watches and clothes, every yacht is representative of a client’s personality.” Discoli helms brands like sleek, storied Riva and sporty Pershing. He proudly divulges CRM’s recent sale of an over 700ft-long yacht, the biggest yacht ever sold to China, as well as his reception of an order for a €50 million boat. Both indicate the superb health of the burgeoning boat building market. “The luxury consumer looks for quality, for after-sales services, and cares for reliability and performance,” he remarks in confident comprehension of his clients’ mindsets. “Most customers want a technically advanced yacht that is safe, crafted from very luxurious materials and built by a stylish yacht brand. If you want their loyalty, your products will have to show signs of continual improvement.”

Managing Director of Y.CO Tony Hambrook is all too familiar with building dreams. “Yacht orders are often extravagant, but not extravagant for the sake of spending money,” he echoes of Discoli’s observation. “All buyers want boats that are comfortable, pleasant and serene, and work without fault or failure, and of course expect more sophisticated communication and entertainment electronics,” he remarks. “Sophisticated technology also means more consumers now want to be able to land a helicopter on both their motorboats and  Follow 3 di 12

13/04/15 10:00

Blood, Sweat & Thunder |

their sailboats.” ! Space on the open sea is very popular among big spenders. Not only is Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said of Oman’s Al Said mega-yacht able to accommodate a helicopter, but also has a concert hall capacious enough for a 50-piece orchestra. The gargantuan 155m sea monster houses a swimming pool too, can house 65 VIPs in its six opulent decks and is incidentally escorted by a 136m amphibious transport ship with a hanger, a helipad and 240 soldiers on hand. Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jaber Al Thani of Qatar’s 133m Al Mirqab too takes a shining to swimming pools. Besides housing an indoor one, a cinema and a few bars, the Al Mirqab also previously clinched Motor Yacht of the Year. All these Middle-Eastern rulers were beat out by Russian mogul Roman Abramovich, whose $1.5 billion sea abode is a comfortable 170m in length. However, when UK lawmakers lobbied last year to build Queen Elizabeth II a 157m royal yacht, public outcry shot down the idea immediately.

One of Hambrook’s favourite creations is the majestic Vertigo, a recent sailboat has specially engineered holes through its sails to allow easier access to the water. The client who ordered this boat chocked it with bicycles for beach explorations, snorkelling equipment and an armada of water sport toys, including a sizeable water  Follow 4 di 12

13/04/15 10:00

Blood, Sweat & Thunder |

limousine, “whose hydraulics thoroughly exercised Y.CO’s engineering capabilities.” ! Maintained by a 12-man full-time crew, the Vertigo is a prime example of the earlier discussed modern expectations. Operated by touchscreens and Apple computers, the Vertigo’s cockpit is trimmed with premium leather and plied with satellite internet around the globe. Simple pleasures aboard this handsome craft include a stateof-the-art Miele kitchen, a compact but comprehensive Technogym, a regally upholstered fly bridge and capacious lounge area, as well as top-ofthe-range mahogany, oak and fabric panels embellishing its entire interior.

Nonetheless, one can build a swift, modest-sized yacht with a bevy of playthings – one just needs to find an innovative naval architect. Oceanco, for one, managed to satisfy its fitness buff client by fitting his 88.5m yacht with a compact, utilitarian gym as well as a 7.5m counterflow swimming pool that facilitates the feel of swimming in a full-length pool. “Spas, jacuzzis and pools aboard ships were an uncommon luxury in the past. Now, almost all yacht owners want them,” Hambrook enlightens regarding growing trends. CRN’s Chopi Chopi, for example, manifests its owner’s penchant for Turkish baths and massage parlours, while the top-to-toe Japanese-themed Musashi by Feadship sports a Japanese-style spa and health club amid its traditional art, silk rugs and shoji Japanese lighting.  Follow 5 di 12

13/04/15 10:00

Blood, Sweat & Thunder |


“Everybody’s different,” Y.CO founding partner Charlie Birkett chimes in. “Some yacht owners want water sports solutions aboard. Kite surfing is just about the number one request among sports equipment nowadays,” elaborates the Y.CO CEO, who has built large swimming pools whose bottoms rise to become dance floors. He emphasises the need for yacht designers to be cognizant of the evolution of client demographics and needs with time. “Following the era of the Russian oligarchs, their children have graduated from university. Their children are now yacht enthusiasts, but behave differently from their parents. They want to have fun in sustainable ways. They aren’t spoilt playboys, but still want to have fun.” “The Chinese customer likes boats totally different from the Brazilian customer,” adds Fabrizio Iarrera. The managing director of Monte Carlo Yachts is confident that his production process allows his staff to meet the “extreme requirements” of his clients. He discloses that these capabilities of Monte Carlo Yachts have delivered yachts with lavish karaoke lounges, luxurious saloons and meeting rooms, and even sizeable children’s playgrounds to his high-net-worth private clients. “Some of them come to us with renderings of their new villas, and request for their yachts to complement the design of their home,” comments the producer of the MCY 76, the most awarded yacht ever. “They don’t want standardised products. This long process starts with understanding the customer, before we can offer them a lifestyle, instead of a product.”  Follow 6 di 12

13/04/15 10:00

Blood, Sweat & Thunder |

Hambrook had chosen to collaborate with eminent independent naval architect and !

yacht designer Philippe Briand to realise 2010’s Vertigo. “Let’s say that all projects start with an interesting idea,” opines the veteran craftsman of 36 years. “Our patrons are smart people who are successful in life. They come to us with a dream and sometimes helping them realise this dream can be challenging.” “Nowadays, we receive requests from experienced sailors who want cruising yachts that can raise sails at the speed of racing boats of the America’s Cup, which is 60 to 200ft a minute. Sometimes they want it to reflect and match the design of their villa,” he continues, resonating Iarrera’s notes. “Modern luxury consumers have demands in different aspects, but have common goals. They want uniqueness and they want the best of the best. The next boat we are building, for example, will be ready by 2017, so we want it to be representative of the best of the best of 2017 – the best design and the best technology of that year. What yachters really like to build is a statement.” Briand notes having incorporated “toys” like amphibian cars, hovercrafts and limousines of up to8.5m into recent yachts at the whim of their intrepid owners. He is particularly proud of his recent brainchild, the Mari Cha, a carbon-fibre beauty that was built for the enjoyment of sailing but also boasts the fastest monohull. “It clocked the best time across the Atlantic, from New York to the southern end of the UK,” he reminds.

As lofty as one extreme of yacht owners’ expectations is, contemporaries like Y.CO’s director of yacht sales and charter Neil Cheston simultaneously desire to make yachting more accessible to everyone.  Follow 7 di 12

13/04/15 10:00

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“Yachting is not exclusive to the very rich or the very capricious,” he informs. “The !

entry price point for the charter of a small yacht is the same as the price of a stay in a villa in Tuscany, a ski chalet or any luxury resort.” “A 30m yacht that can accommodate 10 people, for example, only costs about €50,000 to charter,” cites the ardent, Monaco-based proponent of inclusion, who constantly lobbies governments to lower taxes on recreational yachts and differentiate them from the hefty levies set for commercial ships. “And Asia is growing, because it is a relatively new area for cruising and has accumulated a number of experienced captains now.”

“Countries like Singapore are advancing and becoming international travel hubs. Most places are either only a business or a holiday destination, but Singapore combines both and has numerous cruising destinations within a few hours of sailing,” he declares of his ardent inclination. “My job is to familiarise people worldwide with all of yachting’s possibilities and ask the question, ‘are you aware?’” “Yachting is very much about the human endeavour. It’s about them taking away experiences and memories,” summarises Birkett, a man who can give one a thousand reasons to acquire or at least borrow a yacht.  Follow 8 di 12

13/04/15 10:00

Blood, Sweat & Thunder |

“Many yacht aficionados these days want yachts with amenities that can entertain !

clients, like karaoke rooms and spacious saloons. So many deals are nowadays sealed and signed on yachts rather than in conventional corporate settings,” shares Discoli. Brands like Gucci, Corum, Hermès and Hugo Boss too have customised yachts of their own, in a bid to remind the world of their dominance across the seven seas, as well as that their prowess with design knows no boundaries. “Yachts today have become a vehicle for business,” Discoli notes, which is a great excuse for one to procure this gratifying luxury right now.

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13/04/15 10:00

Cantieri: Asia sempre più strategica per Benetti - Italiavela

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Cantieri: Asia sempre più strategica per Benetti

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L’Asia sta diventando una Regione del mondo sempre più strategica per il mercato dei superyacht. Sempre più ricca, nella sua crescita complessiva aumenta anche il numero di coloro che possiedono un alto patrimonio netto (HNWI, High Net Worth Individual) e che amano investire il loro tempo e i loro soldi nell’acquisto di beni di lusso come ad esempio uno yacht. Secondo le ultime statistiche provenienti da Cap Gemini e RBC Wealth Management, riportate dal Rapporto annuale sull’Industria dei Superyacht di Superyachttimes, l’Asia-Pacifico ha continuato a essere il motore della crescita di High Net Worth Individual nel 2013, registrando il maggior incremento tra le regioni, del 17,3%, per raggiungere i 4,32 milioni e ridurre il divario di appena 10 mila persone con la regione leader, l’America del Nord, quest’ultima destinata a essere superata in un prossimo futuro. La ricchezza combinata di individui con un alto patrimonio netto nell’Asia-Pacifico nel 2013 era pari a US $ 14,2 miliardi (+18,2%). Nuovi uffici e nuovo team per Benetti Asia Basandosi su questi importanti trend e sui successi commerciali degli ultimi 5 anni, Benetti, primo costruttore al mondo di superyacht sopra i 24 metri per 15 anni consecutivi, ha incrementato la sua presenza nel Far East e APAC, conscia delle enormi potenzialità dell’area. Benetti è presente in Asia con un ufficio di riferimento a Hong Kong. La struttura del team asiatico Benetti vede al suo vertice Luigi Adamo, General Manager, che dirige Alberto Giannerini (Service Manager) e Natalie Ye (Marketing Manager). L’ufficio Service è presente – da questo aprile 2015 – all’interno del lussuoso Gold Coast Marina. Benetti potrà quindi contare su di un team preparato e competente nella Regione che gli consentirà di sviluppare la sua presenza sul mercato impegnandosi nel rafforzare i rapporti con armatori e propri rappresentanti. I risultati nei passati 5 anni e nuovi obiettivi di vendita In soli cinque anni Benetti può vantare di aver venduto in Asia ben “390 metri di superyacht”: 2 Delfino 93’ (28 m), 1 Classic 121’ (37 m), 1 Classic Supreme 132’ (40,2 m), 3 Custom di 55 metri e uno di 60 metri. In corso, ad oggi, alcune trattative in stato avanzato – che potrebbero chiudersi con esito positivo entro l’anno – per un Classic 121’ di 37 metri e due Custom di 60 e 72 metri. Tra le punte di diamante delle imbarcazioni attualmente in costruzione – e pensate appositamente per il mercato asiatico – c’è sicuramente il 63 metri FB276 – in produzione on spec, ovvero senza avere un ordine da parte del cliente – che sarà varata a giugno 2017. A bordo, infatti, si ritrovano molte soluzioni che assecondano i gusti degli armatori orientali che non amano particolarmente il sole e la “vita di mare”, ma che non vogliono rinunciare al lusso, al comfort e alla tecnologia. Ad esempio, l’estesa lounge area dell’upper deck – con bar, divani e area relax con piscina Jacuzzi – è parzialmente coperta, così come la beach area a poppa, sebbene provvista di tutte le necessità, le attrezzature e i giochi per il divertimento in

Markagain al Singapore Yacht Show Novità in casa Furuno Roma: da giovedì il Nordic Film Fest Les Voiles de St. Barth: Bigger and Better is Best Spindrift racing wins the Spi Ouest-France! Barcelona World race: moments of truth Princess Sophia, Nacra 17: Franck Cammas sur le podium Martine Grael: “El 49er FX is a very hard class but very enjoyable” Statement from Artemis Racing, BAR, Team France, ORACLE TEAM USA

23/04/15 18:27

Cantieri: Asia sempre più strategica per Benetti - Italiavela

acqua. In tutti gli ambienti dell’imbarcazione non manca mai però il contatto visivo con l’acqua e con l’ambiente esterno, grazie alle estese superfici vetrate che ne delineano nettamente anche il profilo esterno. Le particolarità degli interni sono rivolte soprattutto all’appartamento dell’Armatore, sul ponte superiore, con studio, dressing e due balconi laterali privati e alla cabina VIP, a pruavia del ponte principale, a tutta larghezza, che si aggiunge alle altre 4 cabine ospiti, tutte con letto matrimoniale. Molta cura è stata data alle zone conviviali, pensando anche a un utilizzo per feste private o a un happening di lavoro, a partire dall’enorme salone principale e a un secondo salone sul ponte superiore con un grande bancone bar. Luigi Adamo - General Manager Benetti Asia commenta: “ Subito dopo essere stato nominato General Manager Asia, le prime azioni che ho voluto fare si sono rivolte alla cura della nostra rete di brokers nell’area. È fondamentale, infatti, impegnarsi per renderli sempre più informati sui nostri prodotti aiutando così a definire meglio il marchio. Altri importanti passi sono stati la nomina del nuovo responsabile Service, con sede a Hong Kong, e la nuova apertura dell’Ufficio Service al Gold Coast Marina. In questo modo, con una forte presenza sul territorio, ci aspettiamo di essere in grado di servire i clienti a 360 gradi. Vari e consegne eccellenti Tra le ultime unità vendute e consegnate negli ultimi anni ricordiamo tre importanti “milestones” come Ocean Paradise (55m, 2013) custom di forte impatto minimal-chic per gli interni per un giovane Armatore di Singapore, Lady Candy (56m, 2014) altro custom dedicato ad un Armatore Cinese e Mingfa (40m, 2014) quinto scafo del modello Classic Supreme 132’ lanciato solo 3 anni fa. In particolare Mingfa, con i suoi 40,24 metri in lunghezza per 8,28 metri di baglio massimo, si caratterizza esternamente per le ampie finestrature a tutta altezza nel main e nell’upper-deck che danno maggiore luminosità ai ponti interni e una linea decisamente più filante al profilo dello yacht. Altre caratteristiche che hanno reso la Classic Supreme 132’ molto competitiva in fatto di innovazione si ritrovano su questa imbarcazione e sono il suggestivo terrazzino che si apre sulla fiancata della cabina armatore, una doppia Jacuzzi – a prua sull’upper-deck oltre che sul sun-deck - e le scale aeree esterne. 23/04/2015 17.38.00

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23/04/15 18:27


力艇M/Y Surpina 百分百意大利定制 - 游艇网

14/04/15 11:29


M/Y Surpina 2015-03-26 11:35:17









不像大多 大面








的主甲板与上 甲板的尾部不是 放的。与此相反,此些区域由

的舷窗包裹,主甲板的客 区域就 藏其


上 甲板的健身房被安置于主人套房旁。

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力艇M/Y Surpina 百分百意大利定制 - 游艇网

14/04/15 11:29

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力艇M/Y Surpina 百分百意大利定制 - 游艇网

14/04/15 11:29

典意大利 情的。艇上

有七 客房,加一

主 。整个空



人倍感舒适。在所有 些材料之中,最常用的





板以及用檀木装 史的化身,是


游艇上一大亮点便是由船 的礼

台1340千瓦的MTU 12V 4000M53保

数 木根与

要求的名 的古董家具


航速下 航能力可




分内容的准 承担全部






信息(包括但不限于文字、数据及 表)全部或者部

性、原 性等。相 信息并未


者 作参考,并




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力艇M/Y Surpina 百分百意大利定制 - 游艇网

14/04/15 11:29

My Paradis Ocean Paradise 40




Perini Navi 60


Rossinavi 2 Ladies

条推荐 洲超



零距离 布

10 ...

水 55米概念帆船Salt

游艇The Next Episode 豪

不失温馨 26


Lujac Desautel




游艇 The Next Episode...






Ancòra Bagliett...





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混合 力游艇M/Y VICA - 游艇网

14/04/15 11:29




2015-03-26 11:41:38

FB801 M Y VICA – 50



FB801 M/Y VICA – 50米 – 混合 将近50米艇 身加


艇,因其上 VICA保 了 的一个特殊

力艇VICA是Benetti 。


与 制船体

尼蒂有史以来打造的第一 混合 力游艇。

材本身的可塑性 了船



VICA Benetti

充分的定制空 。

,同 延伸到船 船尾的巨大上






来自地中海的游 光甲板区域。

船身的一切舒适性能(几乎无振,非常安静)。 一切都得感 在引擎与支 性


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混合 力游艇M/Y VICA - 游艇网





艇;第二 可以打

14/04/15 11:29



板。第一 甲板上以



通大 ,但 通常是一个封


常的是,在 尺寸的游艇上一般是很


接小 ,如今

做到 有可以下到水里的可收


Pagina 2 di 8


混合 力游艇M/Y VICA - 游艇网

内部 甲板。12名船 造成一 灯光的 白点

14/04/15 11:29


甲板的四 客







,船 的主 。除了前

置于主甲板前部。 有一个 室位于上 的蔚 壮

桃木以光面与 面相




合的方式配以檀木雕 的

被打 。

是有 多LED灯与一个内部亮灯的条 大理石 柱的使用,都以


Pagina 3 di 8



混合 力游艇M/Y VICA - 游艇网


,玻璃 与

制船体将于3月中旬起 离

14/04/15 11:29



FB801 M/Y VICA 游艇尺寸以及主要参数 船厂:阿兹慕-

尼蒂集 -



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混合 力游艇M/Y VICA - 游艇网


14/04/15 11:29


(LOA): 49.80米(164.00英尺)

:9.26米(30.38 英尺)

最大吃水:2.70米(8.85英尺)@ 艇中部到艇底部 油箱容量:64.000 升 淡水容量:11.500 升 反渗透淡水生成机:Idromar 2 x 7500升/天 主引擎:CAT C32 ACERT 970千瓦 @ 1800 每秒 速箱:ZF mod 3351 机:1 x Kohler 150EFOZD x 150 螺旋




最高航速:15.5 力



航速下 最



:ABS + A1 (E)商用游艇服 客与主人


航能力:4000 海里






子千瓦 / 1 x Kohler 125EFOZD x 125

, + AMS

室数:5 + 1


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混合 力游艇M/Y VICA - 游艇网


14/04/15 11:29


人 室:1







尼蒂 客区域)/

尼蒂(船 区域)

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尚中国 2015-04-01 08:47:11 我要


分享到: : 将近50米艇 的游艇,因其上 包括位于低



















中国海事服 加

#Analyst’s Time#【航 】在已



网CNSS 北京 朝 区




公司(Precious Shipping )的

Hashim 表示,干散

将近50米艇 船身加


艇,因其上 VICA保



。 敞外部空

材本身的可塑性 ,同




尼蒂有史以来打造的第一 了船



混合 毫无疑





| 】更多高清大



力游艇。 是一


#Ocean Cinema#【冲浪:涌者无



船身的一切舒适性能(几乎无振,非常安静)。 性




在2009-2012年 ,每年的船舶数量同比增

FB801 M/Y VICA – 50米 – 混合

的市 洞察


来自地中海的游 光甲板区域。


今天 16:30

(1) |






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力游艇M/Y VICA - 最新游艇 - 中国海事服


14/04/15 11:32

1 无力回天,庄吉船


2 津冀港口:良性

展 打造一流港口群

3 中国



三日持平 大型船舶


5 三大船舶股, 6 中



9 巴媒称瓜











10 武船正式



7 油价下降 海工船市 8 也

生凶案 中国船

用 由中国企




外部空 艇;第二 以打

























了 些政 放了 些权?









P3&2M: 盟与



尼加拉瓜 河操 手王靖身 家估 500 超 云

2014年全球航 最具影响 力十大人物榜



:VICA 游艇

尼蒂 混合


止与中国 】

曝中国南海大 言

模填海 美将



延伸 太

子公司 尼斯游艇借道上市

概念双体船Manifesto:大型双体 青




定游艇【高清】 【高清】 部大面

(2015-04-13) (2015-04-13) (2015-04-13) (2015-04-13)

Appartamento a Milano

Appartamento a Napoli

Casa indipendente a Brescia 200m² • 4 loc

100m² • 3 loc

85m² • 3 loc

€ 249,000.00

€ 330,000.00

€ 320,000.00




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Drei Stapelläufe bei Benetti - Aktuell |


30/04/15 12:52

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Drei Stapelläufe bei Benetti 27.04.2015 Martin Hager - Benetti macht einige Hallen leer. Die italienische Großyachtwerft mit

BOOTE EXCLUSIV-Ausgabe #2/15 jetzt im Handel

Fertigung in Viareggio, Fano und Livorno ließ drei Neubauten zu Wasser.

©. Benetti "Chocolat". Die 63,50 Meter lange und elf Meter breite "Chocolat" (Baunummer FB 264) legte kürzlich in Livorno ab. Der Stahl-Alu-Verdränger entstand nach Zeichnungen der werfteigenen Designabteilung und nach Interior-Plänen von FM Interior Design. Mit der 56-Meter-"Surpina"

Themen dieser Ausgabe » Heft kaufen » Digital lesen Pagina 1 di 4

Drei Stapelläufe bei Benetti - Aktuell |

(FB 267) und der 50 Meter langen Hybridyacht "Vica" (FB 801) gingen zwei weitere Neubauten auf Reisen.

30/04/15 12:52

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Lesen Sie jetzt BOOTE EXCLUSIV für 6

©. „Vica".

Ausgaben! Ihre Vorteile: Jedes Heft im Abo nur € 8,00* statt € 9,90 19 % Ersparnis jährlich Keine Ausgabe mehr verpassen Portofreie Lieferung im Onlineshop (* Urlaubsunterbrechung bzw. –versand jederzeit möglich (*gilt nur bei Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands) Jetzt bestellen! Wir wollen wissen:

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[El año 2014 cerró con 156 superyates construidos] | Panorama Náutico

13/04/15 12:41

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( ENVIAR Publicado en Barcos (/noticias/barcos), 9 Abril, 2015

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El año 2014 cerró con 156 superyates construidos Un total de 76 astilleros de 20 países construyeron los 156 superyates entregados en el año 2014, un 2% menos que en 2013 aunque parece que este mercado es bastante ajeno a la crisis general del resto de la industria.

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En el marco del London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show que actualmente se celebra en la capital londinense hasta el 10 de abril, se ha hecho público el informe estadístico del mercado de superyates 2014. Un estudio que registra un total de 156 superyates de más de 30 m entregados el pasado año y que en comparación con las 159 entregas de 2013 supone una disminución del 2%. Esta caída es consecuencia directa del hecho de que casi todos los yates entregados en 2014 se vendieron durante la crisis financiera. El yate más grande entregado en 2014 fue el 140 m Ocean Victory construido por Fincantieri (Italia).

( Los 156 megayates fueron construidos por 76 astilleros de 20 países diferentes, siendo líder indiscutible del mercado Benetti con 13 entregas; seguido por Sunseeker y Sanlorenzo yachts, ambos 11 superyates cada uno. Por países Italia es el mayor constructor de superyates, con una cuota de mercado del 40%, seguido de los Países Bajos, con el 10%.ño-2014-cerró-con-156-superyates-construidos

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[El año 2014 cerró con 156 superyates construidos] | Panorama Náutico

13/04/15 12:41

El valor total de todos los yates construidos, a motor y vela, de más de 30 metros completados en 2014, fue de aproximadamente 3,8 billones de euros, con un valor medio de 24,4 millones de euros por superyate. El valor promedio de los yates a motor de más de 30 metros fue considerablemente mayor que los de vela, aproximadamente 25,8 millones de euros de los primeros frente a 13 M € para los yates de vela.

( Aunque el número de superyates entregados fue ligeramente inferior que en 2013, se ha producido un incremento del 21,2% en lo que se refiere a nuevos proyectos. Entre enero y diciembre de 2014 se encargaron 181 nuevos proyectos de más de 30 metros; lo que representa un incremento del 13,8% en comparación con 159 de 2013. La eslora total de los nuevos proyectos es de 8.685 metros - 3.700 metros más que 2010 y 1519 metros más que en 2013. El tamaño promedio por nuevo proyecto fue de 48 metros que, en comparación con 2013 (45,1 metros), es un aumento de casi 3 metros. El mayor proyecto anunciado al público el superyate de expedición de 116 metros bajo construcción en Kleven, Noruega, sin embargo parece que ya hay en marcha un proyecto de más de 140m, todavía totalmente confidencial.


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[Benetti 50 VICA híbrido listo para zarpar] | Panorama Náutico

15/04/15 12:03

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Publicado en Barcos (/noticias/barcos), 1 Abril, 2015

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Benetti 50 VICA yate híbrido El astillero italiano Benetti ha anunciado que el el yate Vica de 50m está listo para zarpar. Se trata del primer Benetti con casco de fibra de vidrio y superestructura de aluminio, una tecnología híbrida de gran rendimiento.

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La combinación de la fibra de vidrio y el aluminio en este caso permite a Benetti tomar ventaja con respecto a las cualidades flexibles del aluminio para cumplir con los criterios de personalización de los clientes. El Vica proporciona un rendimiento confortable, prácticamente libre de vibraciones y silencioso, gracias a una conexión elástica especial entre los motores y eje de la hélice. De estilo mediterráneo, el Benetti Vica presenta amplios espacios exteriores, con grandes cubiertas tanto en proa como en popa de la cubierta superior, y solario. Los exteriores cuentan con grandes ventanas de altura completa y también tres paneles desmontables. El primer panel está en popa y en un lado, para transportar y lanzar la tender. La segunda está en la plataforma de baño, y la tercera en la cubierta inferior, lo que permite la apertura de una entrada. Otra característica que es inusual para un barco de este tamaño es la escalera retráctil de acceso al agua, que ha sido diseñada exclusivamente para el uso personal del armador del barco. El diseño interior incluye cuatro cabinas de invitados bajo cubierta, la suite de propietario se ubica en la proa en la cubierta principal, y una cabina adicional se distribuye en la cubierta superior. La tripulación de 12 miembros comparte seis cabinas en la cubierta inferior. La madera de cerezo se utiliza tanto en acabados brillantes como satinados para las cabinas con exquisitos acabados.


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[Benetti 50 VICA híbrido listo para zarpar] | Panorama Náutico

15/04/15 12:03

Benetti 50 VICA híbrido listo para zarpar (/tags/benetti-50-vica-h%C3%ADbrido-listo-parazarpar), yate con casco de fibra de vidrio y superestructura de aluminio (/tags/yate-con-cascode-fibra-de-vidrio-y-superestructura-de-aluminio), superyacht (/tags/superyacht), Vica 50 (/tags/vica-50), Benetti yachts (/tags/benetti-yachts),

Otras noticias relacionadas Publicado en Barcos (/noticias/barcos) por 13 Abril, 2015 | 0 comentarios

Publicado en Barcos (/noticias/barcos) por 12 Abril, 2015 | 0 comentarios



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Luxe Revue - LXRV

14/04/15 11:31

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Bilan 2014 du marché des yachts de luxeRolls-Royce tout-terrain Cullinan : premières photos L’île de Blackadore Caye revient dans l’actualité de l’immobilierPerseus 3, future sta CULTURE, MONTRES BLOC-NOTES MONTRES MONTRES

150 ans de montres Zénith ou les tribulations d’une étoile horlogèreLe temps compté des îles et des océans Une smartwatch Tag Heuer Google IntelRolex renouvelle sa montre des

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Luxe Revue - LXRV

14/04/15 11:31

SUPERYACHTS Le super-yacht Vica en fibre de verre et aluminium, mis à l'eau au mois de mars par le chantier italien Benetti. Sa taille de 50m est dans la moyenne mondiale des nouveaux projets commandés ou entrés en production. (© Benetti 2015)

Bilan 2014 du marché des yachts de luxe LONDRES, 10 AVRIL 2015, LXRV – Les livraisons de yachts de luxe ont légèrement diminué de -2 % l’an dernier mais le secteur a enregistré une hausse significative du nombre des nouveaux projets, indiquent les statistiques définitivement arrêtées pour l’année 2014 et publiées par SuperYacht Company pendant la première édition du London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show. Nos confrères spécialisés, éditeurs du site Superyacht Times, ont comptabilisé 17 voiliers et 139 yachts moteur, soit un total de 156 unités supérieures à 30 m livrées dans le monde en 2014 (159 en 2013) par 76 chantiers de 20 pays différents pour une longueur combinée de 6.769 m et un montant cumulé d’environ 3,8 milliards d’euros, soit une moyenne de 24,4 millions d’euros par bateau : 13 M€ pour les voiliers qui représentent 11% des livraisons, 25,8 M€ pour les yachts moteur.

La taille moyenne des grands voiliers, qui avait déjà augmenté de 2,50 m en 2013, a encore progressé de 2,1 m à 43,62 m. Celle des superyachts moteur est restée stable à 43,36 m. Le plus grand était le 140 m Ocean Victory construit par Fincantieri en Italie, pays leader du secteur avec une part de marché de 39 % des livraisons devant les Pays-Bas (12 %), le Royaume-Uni à égalité avec les États-Unis (8 %) et la Turquie (6 %). Le chantier italien Benetti est toujours le leader mondial avec 13 superyachts moteur livrés représentant une longueur cumulée de 567 m, devant Sunseeker (420 m) et SanLorenzo (394 m), Lürssen Yachts (265 m) et Heesen Yachts (230 m). L’Allemagne occupe toujours une place à part, spécialisée dans la livraison de méga-yachts d’une taille moyenne supérieure à 85,64 m en 2014 et annoncée au-delà des 100 m pour 2015. Ce pays affiche la plus forte valeur moyenne par unité facturée, estimée à 144 M€, loin devant les Pays-Bas (41,4 M€). Superyacht Company confirme la nouvelle dynamique du secteur qui a enregistré en 2014 une augmentation de +13,8 % du nombre de nouveaux projets commandés ou entrés en chantier, soit 181 unités pour une longueur cumulée en progression de +21,2 % à 8.685 m. La taille moyenne d’un superyacht moteur est désormais indiquée à 48,62 m, cinq mètres de plus qu’en 2014. Luxe Revue 3

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Quel bilan pour le marché des superyachts en 2014 ?

13/04/15 12:46

Mag-Actu des LuxuryYachts et du LifeStyle

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Quel bilan pour le marché des superyachts en 2014 ?

En amont du London Yacht, Jet and Prestige Car Show, qui s'est déroulé du 7 au 10 avril dernier, SuperYacht Company a publié des statistiques sur le marché des nouvelles constructions de superyachts en 2014. Voici les tendances. Le 11-04-2015 par Chloé Lottret

Ocean Victory - 140 m

Total d'unités de plus de 30 mètres construites En 2014, les chantiers navals du monde entier ont livré 156 superyachts de plus de 30 m, pour une longueur totale de 6 769 m, soit l'équivalent de 60 terrains de football. Le marché enregistre une baisse de 3 % par rapport à l'année 2013, où il s'était vendu 159 unités. Ce résultat est lié au fait que tous les yachts livrés en 2014 ont été vendus pendant la crise financière. Le plus grand yacht livré en 2014, Ocean Victory, a été construit dans les chantiers italiens de Fincantieri et mesure 140 mètres.

Leaders mondiaux du marché Au total, 76 chantiers, répartis dans 20 pays, ont construit ces 156 superyachts. Le leader du marché est Benetti avec 13 livraisons, suivi par Sunseeker et Sanlorenzo, qui ont tous deux livré 11 unités. L'Italie est le plus grand constructeur de superyachts avec une part de marché de 40 %. Suivent les Pays-Bas qui détiennent 10 % du marché.

Benetti Yachts

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Quel bilan pour le marché des superyachts en 2014 ?

13/04/15 12:46



Budget total La valeur totale de tous les yachts, à voile et à moteur, de plus de 30 mètres, construits en 2014 est de 3,8 milliards d'euros avec un prix moyen de 24,4 millions d'euros par bateau. La valeur moyenne des yachts à moteur de plus de 30 mètres est considérablement plus élevée que celle des voiliers de plus de 30 mètres, avec un prix de vente moyen de 25,8 millions € pour les premiers contre 13 millions de € pour les seconds.

Nouveau projet Malgré une baisse de livraison des superyachts, les nouveaux projets ont augmenté de 21,2 %. Entre janvier et décembre 2014, 181 nouveaux projets de yachts de plus de 30 mètres ont été enregistrés. Cela représente une augmentation de 13,8 % par rapport aux 159 nouveaux projets de 2013.

Taille des unités La longueur totale de tous ces nouveaux projets est de 8 685 mètres, soit 3 700 m de plus qu'en 2010 et 1 519 mètres de plus qu’en 2013. La taille moyenne par projet est de 48 m, soit 3 % de plus qu'en 2013, avec une longueur moyenne de 45,1 m. Le plus grand projet annoncé au public est le superyacht d'expédition de 116 m, actuellement en construction au chantier Kleven, en Norvège. Un nouveau projet confidentiel de 140 m de long sera annoncé prochainement.

Superyacht d'expedition de 116 mètres en construction au chantier Kleven - 2016

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Benetti Yachts Highlights Strong Participation In 2015 Singapore Yacht Show Apr 23-26 - News - Asia-Pacific Boating





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28/04/15 11:52


Next: Princess Yachts Presents Strong Line Up At Singapore Show

Benetti Yachts Highlights Strong Participation In 2015 Singapore Yacht Show Apr 23-26 Published: Friday, 24 April 2015

Benetti Yachts announces its strong participation in the 2015 Singapore Yacht Show being held this weekend, Apr 23-26. Asia is becoming ever more important strategically in the superyacht market. As it's wealth increases, the area's overall growth influences the number of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) who prefer to invest their time and money purchasing luxury items such as yachts.

Most Popular Features Blohm and Voss - Palladium Hanseatic Marine - Silver Zwei Benetti Delfino 93 ISA - Mary-Jean II Royal Huisman - Twizzle

In 2013, at 17.3% Asia had the highest regional growth in the world, reducing their gap to the leading region, North America, to just ten thousand individuals. This gap should be closed completely in the near future. The combined worth of HNWI's in the Asian Pacific region in 2013 was the equivalent of US$14.2 billion. Based on these important trends and the commercial success over the last five years, Benetti, the world's leading builder of superyachts over 24 metres in length for fifteen consecutive years, has increased its presence in the Asia-Pacific region to take advantage of the area's enormous potential. Benetti's primary office in the Far East is in Hong Kong. Leading the Benetti team is Luigi Adamo, General Manager, with Alberto Giannerini as Service Manager and Natalie Ye as Marketing Manager.‌ights-strong-participation-in-2015-singapore-yacht-show-apr-23-26

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Benetti Yachts Highlights Strong Participation In 2015 Singapore Yacht Show Apr 23-26 - News - Asia-Pacific Boating

28/04/15 11:52

Since April 2015 the Benetti Service offices are located in the Gold Coast Marina. Benetti can count on a wellprepared and competent team that will permit the company to develop its presence in the regional market. In five years Benetti has sold 390 metres of superyachts: two Delfino 93’ (28m), one Classic 121’ (37m), one Classic Supreme 132’ (40.2m), three Custom 55m and one Custom 60m. Contracts for a Classic 121’ (37m), Custom 60m and a Custom 72m are presently at an advanced stage and will probably be closed within the year 2015. One of the vessels currently spearheading Benetti construction is the FB276, specifically designed for the Asian market. At 63m the on spec build will be launched in June 2017. The yacht has been adapted the to the tastes of Asian owners, who are not fond sunbathing or the outdoor life, but who nevertheless appreciate high standards of luxury, comfort and technology.

The extended upper deck lounge area, with its own bar, sofas and hot tub, is partially covered, as is the beach area astern, while keeping everything available for having fun on the water. A lot of thought has gone into the living areas, considering the possible uses for private parties or work functions, specifically the enormous main saloon with a secondary saloon on the upper deck complete with a long bar counter. “As soon as I was nominated Asian General Manager, the first actions I wanted to undertake were directed towards increased attention to our brokers regional network,” says Luigi Adamo, General Manager for Benetti Asia. “It is fundamental to keep them up to date on our products, improving the definition of the brand. Further important steps were to nominate a new Head of Service for the Hong Kong office, and the new opening of the…ights-strong-participation-in-2015-singapore-yacht-show-apr-23-26

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Benetti Yachts Highlights Strong Participation In 2015 Singapore Yacht Show Apr 23-26 - News - Asia-Pacific Boating

28/04/15 11:52

Service Office in the Gold Coast Marina. This way, with our strong local presence, we will be able to serve our clients throughout 360 degrees.�

Among the more recent vessels sold and delivered Benetti highlights three milestones: Ocean Paradise (55m, 2013), a custom build with high impact minimal-chic interior styling for a young Singapore owner; Lady Candy (56m, 2014), another custom build for a Chinese owner; Mingfa (40m, 2014), the fifth model of the 132' Classic Supreme line. Mingfa, with her over length of 40.24 metres is recognisable for her full height windows along the main and upper decks, providing excellent illumination for the interior decks and a more racy profile. There are further features that have made the Classic Supreme 132' very competitive: the balcony for the owners cabin, a twin hot tub (one forward on the upper deck, the other on the sun deck), as well as open air external stairs.



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Momentum Builds For 2015 Singapore Yacht Show

Spirit 65 To Make Asian Debut At Singapore Yacht Show‌ights-strong-participation-in-2015-singapore-yacht-show-apr-23-26

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Headline News Marquis Yachts sues Dutch builder Marquis Yachts has filed a lawsuit against VanDutch Marine in the US District Court in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The US builder said that VanDutch has allegedly failed to honour the terms of a contract that was signed with Marquis. The contract specified ... read >>

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Featured companies hiring today on IBI Jobs include: Fairline Boats has a vacancy for a Marine Technician (GRP Repairs) at Ipswich Haven Marina in the UK, while 2MPro is looking for an Area Sales Manager to plan and carry out all sales activities on ... read >>

Despite slide in stock price, MarineMax execs bullish on 2015 outlook After reporting its fiscal second-quarter sales yesterday, MarineMax’s stock took a nosedive, at one point down 11%, finally finishing down 8% for the day. The boat retailer had missed “Street” forecasts for both revenues and profits. But MarineMax ... read >>

Market Data Marine business latest stock price review - Grand Banks Yachts has announced that its order book stands at S$31.6m MarineMax has reported that sales for its second fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2015, is up a 26% over the same period a year ago All shares are correct as of Friday, April 24 ... read >>

FLIR reports higher income for Q1 FLIR, the parent of Raymarine, today reported sales of US$344.5m for its quarter ended March 31, 2015, down 2% compared to the same quarter a year ago. Its net income rose to US$47.9m compared to US$29.9m a year ago. The company said that currency ... read >>

Investment Lux Media acquires Yachtstyle magazine Asian publications group Lux Inc Media has expanded its portfolio and entered the leisure marine market by acquiring Hong Kong-based Yachtstyle magazine. Founded in

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24/04/15 18:57

2007, Yachtstyle is published and distributed on a quarterly basis in Hong Kong and ... read >>

Partnerships Campion announces 14 new dealers Kelowna, Canada-based Campion Marine has announced 14 new dealers to its global distribution network – 11 in Canada and three in the US. New dealers in Canada include Adventure Motors, New Glasgow NS; Baysville Marina, Baysville, ON; Boatland RV ... read >>

Events Benetti plans new owner support service A new service operating under a brand name of Dedicato is being launched by Benetti to provide its new owners with a full support package option during their first five years of ownership. Speaking at the Singapore Yacht Show, Benetti’s chief ... read >>

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Contact details: Editor: Ed Slack International Boat Industry 8th Floor Marine Division Time Inc. (UK) Ltd Blue Fin Building 110 Southwark Street London SE1 0SU UK

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24/04/15 18:57

Singapore Yacht Show 2015: Benetti sarà uno dei protagonisti

28/04/15 12:10

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Singapore Yacht Show 2015: Benetti sarà uno dei protagonisti By atTRAZIONE MOTORI on 24/04/2015 18:45 on atNEWS, Nautica, Saloni

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Singapore Yacht Show 2015: Benetti sarà uno dei protagonisti

28/04/15 12:10

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Singapore Yacht Show 2015: Benetti sarà uno dei protagonisti

Singapore Yacht Show 2015: Benetti Asia incrementa la sua presenza nella Regione con 2 uffici a Hong Kong e un solido team di lavoro, si confermano anche i successi di vendita degli ultimi 5 anni e si prospettano nuove sfide commerciali con l’FB276, 63 metri on spec, nata per il mercato asiatico. Benetti ha annunciato la sua partecipazione al Singapore Yacht Show 2015, la manifestazione nautica di maggior successo in Far East. L’Asia sta diventando una Regione del mondo sempre più strategica per il mercato dei superyacht. Sempre più ricca, nella sua crescita complessiva aumenta anche il numero di coloro che possiedono un alto patrimonio HNWI (High Net Worth Individual) e che amano investire il loro tempo e i loro soldi nell’acquisto di beni di lusso come ad esempio uno yacht. Secondo le ultime statistiche provenienti da Cap Gemini e RBC Wealth Management, riportate dal Rapporto annuale sull’Industria dei Superyacht di Superyachttimes, l’Asia-Pacifico ha continuato a essere il motore della crescita di High Net Worth Individual nel 2013, registrando il maggior incremento tra le regioni, del 17,3 per cento, per raggiungere i 4,32 milioni e ridurre il divario di appena 10 mila persone con la regione leader, l’America del Nord, quest’ultima, destinata a essere superata in un prossimo futuro. La ricchezza combinata di individui con un alto patrimonio netto nell’Asia-Pacifico nel 2013 era pari a US $ 14,2 miliardi (+18,2 per cento). Basandosi su questi importanti trend e sui successi commerciali degli ultimi 5 anni, Benetti coglie l’occasione dell’imminente vetrina internazionale, il Singapore Yacht Show che si svolgerà dal 23 al 26 Aprile, per

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Singapore Yacht Show 2015: Benetti sarà uno dei protagonisti

28/04/15 12:10

rafforzare la sua posizione di primo costruttore al mondo di superyacht sopra i 24 metri per 15 anni consecutivi, ed ha incrementato la sua presenza nel Far East e APAC, conscia delle enormi potenzialità dell’area. Benetti è presente in Asia con un ufficio di riferimento a Hong Kong. La struttura del team asiatico Benetti vede al suo vertice Luigi Adamo, General Manager, che dirige Alberto Giannerini (Service Manager) e Natalie Ye (Marketing Manager). L’ufficio Service è presente (da questo aprile 2015) all’interno del lussuoso Gold Coast Marina. Benetti potrà quindi contare su di un team preparato e competente nella Regione che gli consentirà di sviluppare la sua presenza sul mercato impegnandosi nel rafforzare i rapporti con armatori e propri rappresentanti già dal Singapore Yacht Show 2015.

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Pagina 3 di 17

Benetti al Singapore Yacht Show 2015 | Boatmag

28/04/15 11:49

APRILE 28, 2015













Benetti al Singapore Yacht Show 2015 BY LA REDAZIONE DI BOATMAG

• APRILE 27, 2015

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Benetti al Singapore Yacht Show 2015 | Boatmag

28/04/15 11:49

Benetti Asia incrementa la sua presenza nell’area con due uffici a Hong Kong e un professionale team che negli ultimi cinque anni ha conseguito importanti successi commerciali.

LA REDAZIONE DI BOATMAG Claudio Russo e Alberto Mondinelli, i fondatori di BoatMag, due giornalisti con una lunga esperienza di lavoro nelle principali testate di nautica.






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Benetti al Singapore Yacht Show 2015 | Boatmag

28/04/15 11:49

Benetti è tra i protagonisti del Singapore Yacht Show 2015, la manifestazione nautica di maggior successo del Far East. Come è noto, l’Asia sta diventando un’area sempre più strategica per il mercato dei superyacht, perché con la sua crescita aumenta anche il numero di coloro che possiedono un alto patrimonio e che amano investire nell’acquisto di beni di lusso come appunto uno yacht. Secondo le ultime, l’Asia-Pacifico ha continuato a essere il motore della crescita di High Net Worth Individual (termine comunemente utilizzato per indicare le persone che dispongono di un elevato patrimonio) nel 2013, registrando il maggior incremento con un significativo 17,3% e raggiungere i 4,32 milioni, riducendo così il divario ad appena 10 mila persone con la regione leader, l’America del Nord. La ricchezza combinata di individui con un alto patrimonio netto nell’Asia-Pacifico nel 2013 era pari a USD 14,2 miliardi (+18,2%).

Pagina 3 di 5

Benetti al Singapore Yacht Show 2015 | Boatmag

28/04/15 11:49

Analizzando questi importanti trend e con all’attivo i successi commerciali degli ultimi cinque anni, Benetti ha incrementato la sua presenza nel Far East, conscia delle enormi potenzialità dell’area. Il cantiere italiano, che è il primo costruttore al mondo di superyacht sopra i 24 metri da 15 anni consecutivi, è presente in Asia con un ufficio a Hong Kong diretto dal General manager Luigi Adamo e composta da Alberto Giannerini (Service manager) e Natalie Ye (Marketing manager). L’ufficio si trova all’interno del lussuoso Gold Coast Marina dove Benetti può contare su di un team preparato e competente che gli consentirà di sviluppare la sua presenza sul mercato, impegnandosi nel rafforzare i rapporti con armatori e propri rappresentanti. Infatti, in soli cinque anni Benetti può vantare di aver venduto in Asia ben “390 metri di superyacht”: due Delfino 93’ (28 m), un Classic 121’ (37 m), un Classic Supreme 132’ (40,2 m), tre Custom di 55 metri e uno di 60 metri. Inoltre sono corso alcune trattative in stato avanzato (che potrebbero chiudersi entro l’anno) per un Classic 121’ di 37 metri e due Custom di 60 e 72 metri. Visita il sito Benetti Yachts

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Benetti potenzia ancora in Asia con nuovi uffici e managers

29/04/15 12:01

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Benetti potenzia ancora in Asia con nuovi uffici e managers 29 aprile 2015 | Un importante gruppo di lavoro a Hong Kong con risultati al top – Le prospettive di un mercato che è tra i più promettenti al mondo

Nella foto: (da sinistra) Fabio Ermetto, Luigi Adamo e Natalie Ye. SINGAPORE – L’Asia sta diventando una regione del mondo sempre più strategica per il mercato dei superyacht: e la conferma è venuta dal Singapore Yacht Show, la più importante manifestazione nautica in quella parte della terra. Sempre più ricca, nella sua crescita complessiva l’Asia aumenta anche il numero di coloro che possiedono un alto patrimonio netto (HNWI, High Net Worth Individual) e che amano investire il loro tempo e i loro soldi nell’acquisto di beni di lusso come ad esempio uno yacht. Secondo le ultime statistiche provenienti da Cap Gemini e RBC Wealth Management, riportate dal rapporto annuale sull’Industria dei Superyacht di Superyachttimes, l’Asia-Pacifico ha continuato a essere il motore della crescita di High Net Worth Individual nel 2013, registrando il maggior incremento tra le regioni, del 17,3%, per raggiungere i 4,32 milioni e ridurre il divario di appena 10 mila persone con la regione leader, l’America del Nord, quest’ultima destinata a essere

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Benetti potenzia ancora in Asia con nuovi uffici e managers

29/04/15 12:01

superata in un prossimo futuro. La ricchezza combinata di individui con un alto patrimonio netto nell’AsiaPacifico nel 2013 era pari a US $ 14,2 miliardi (+18,2%). Per leggere l'articolo effettua il Login o procedi alla Register gratuita. Invia l'articolo in formato PDF

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Pubblicato in Cantieri Navali | Tag: Alberto Giannerini, Benetti, Fabio Ermetto, Far East e APAC, High Net Worth Individual, HNWI, Luigi Adamo, mercato dei superyacht, Natalie Ye, Singapore Yacht Show Articoli Correlati: Classic Supreme settimo esemplare venduto da Ocean Luigi Adamo a Benetti Asia Benetti fa il pieno si lavora su 15 yacht Varato il Benetti “Ocean Paradise” Benetti F-125, il velocissimo

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Benetti svela le strategie per l’Asia al Singapore Yacht Show 2015

28/04/15 12:18


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23 apr 2015 14:30:00

Benetti svela le strategie per l’Asia al Singapore Yacht Show 2015

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- Benetti Asia incrementa la sua presenza nella Regione con 2 uffici a Hong Kong e un solido team di lavoro - Si confermano i successi di vendita degli ultimi 5 anni - Nuove sfide commerciali con l’FB276, 63 metri on spec, nata per il mercato asiatico

Benetti è lieta di annunciare la sua partecipazione al Singapore Yacht Show 2015, la manifestazione nautica di maggior successo in Far East. L’Asia sta diventando una Regione del mondo sempre più strategica per il mercato dei superyacht. Sempre più ricca, nella sua crescita complessiva aumenta anche il numero di coloro che possiedono un alto patrimonio netto (HNWI, High Net Worth Individual) e che amano investire il loro tempo e i loro soldi nell’acquisto di beni di lusso come ad esempio uno yacht. Secondo le ultime statistiche provenienti da Cap Gemini e RBC Wealth Management, riportate dal Rapporto annuale sull’Industria dei Superyacht di Superyachttimes, l’Asia-Pacifico ha continuato a essere il motore della crescita di High

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Benetti svela le strategie per l’Asia al Singapore Yacht Show 2015

28/04/15 12:18

Net Worth Individual nel 2013, registrando il maggior incremento tra le regioni, del 17,3%, per raggiungere i 4,32 milioni e ridurre il divario di appena 10 mila persone con la regione leader, l’America del Nord, quest’ultima destinata a essere superata in un prossimo futuro. La ricchezza combinata di individui con un alto patrimonio netto nell’Asia-Pacifico nel 2013 era pari a US $ 14,2 miliardi (+18,2%).

In primo piano

Nuovi uffici e nuovo team per Benetti Asia

BASE NAUTICA FLAVIO GIOIA 200 posti barca a Gaeta

Basandosi su questi importanti trend e sui successi commerciali degli ultimi 5 anni, Benetti, primo costruttore al mondo di superyacht sopra i 24 metri per 15 anni consecutivi, ha incrementato la sua presenza nel Far East e APAC, conscia delle enormi potenzialità dell’area. Benetti è presente in Asia con un ufficio di riferimento a Hong Kong. La struttura del team asiatico Benetti vede al suo vertice Luigi Adamo, General Manager, che dirige Alberto Giannerini (Service Manager) e Natalie Ye (Marketing Manager). L’ufficio Service è presente – da questo aprile 2015 – all’interno del lussuoso Gold Coast Marina. Benetti potrà quindi contare su di un team preparato e competente nella Regione che gli consentirà di sviluppare la sua presenza sul mercato impegnandosi nel rafforzare i rapporti con armatori e propri rappresentanti.

ARCONA YACHTS Costruzione cruiser racers

COMUNE DI POSADA Sito istituzionale del Comune di Posada SEAFORTUNE Barche nuove e usate Luhrs, Galeon, Mainship, Rodman, Sonic FILAVIA SAIL Charter catamarani a vela per le Eolie, Egadi e Caraibi Altri inserzionisti...

I risultati nei passati 5 anni e nuovi obiettivi di vendita In soli cinque anni Benetti può vantare di aver venduto in Asia ben “390 metri di superyacht”: 2 Delfino 93’ (28 m), 1 Classic 121’ (37 m), 1 Classic Supreme 132’ (40,2 m), 3 Custom di 55 metri e uno di 60 metri. In corso, ad oggi, alcune trattative in stato avanzato – che potrebbero chiudersi con esito positivo entro l’anno – per un Classic 121’ di 37 metri e due Custom di 60 e 72 metri. Tra le punte di diamante delle imbarcazioni attualmente in costruzione – e pensate appositamente per il mercato asiatico – c’è sicuramente il 63 metri FB276 – in produzione on spec, ovvero senza avere un ordine da parte del cliente – che sarà varata a giugno 2017. A bordo, infatti, si ritrovano molte soluzioni che assecondano i gusti degli armatori orientali che non amano particolarmente il sole e la “vita di mare”, ma che non vogliono rinunciare al lusso, al comfort e alla tecnologia. Ad esempio, l’estesa lounge area dell’upper deck – con bar, divani e area relax con piscina Jacuzzi – è parzialmente coperta, così come la beach area a poppa, sebbene provvista di tutte le necessità, le attrezzature e i giochi per il divertimento in acqua. In tutti gli ambienti dell’imbarcazione non manca mai però il contatto visivo con l’acqua e con l’ambiente esterno, grazie alle estese superfici vetrate che ne delineano nettamente anche il profilo esterno. Le particolarità degli interni sono rivolte soprattutto all’appartamento dell’Armatore, sul ponte superiore, con studio, dressing e due balconi laterali privati e alla cabina VIP, a pruavia del ponte principale, a tutta larghezza, che si aggiunge alle altre 4 cabine ospiti, tutte con letto matrimoniale. Molta cura è stata data alle zone conviviali, pensando anche a un utilizzo per feste private o a un happening di lavoro, a partire dall’enorme salone principale e a un secondo salone sul ponte superiore con un grande bancone bar. Luigi Adamo - General Manager Benetti Asia commenta: “ Subito dopo essere stato nominato General Manager Asia, le prime azioni che ho voluto fare si sono rivolte alla cura della nostra rete di brokers nell’area. È fondamentale, infatti, impegnarsi per renderli sempre più informati sui nostri prodotti aiutando così a definire meglio il marchio. Altri importanti passi sono stati la nomina del nuovo responsabile Service, con sede a Hong Kong, e la nuova apertura dell’Ufficio Service al Gold Coast Marina. In questo modo, con una forte presenza sul territorio, ci aspettiamo di essere in grado di servire i clienti a 360 gradi. Vari e consegne eccellenti Tra le ultime unità vendute e consegnate negli ultimi anni ricordiamo tre importanti “milestones” come Ocean Paradise (55m, 2013) custom di forte impatto minimal-chic per gli interni per un giovane Armatore di Singapore, Lady Candy (56m, 2014) altro custom dedicato ad un Armatore Cinese e Mingfa (40m, 2014) quinto scafo del modello Classic Supreme 132’ lanciato solo 3 anni fa. In particolare Mingfa, con i suoi 40,24 metri in lunghezza per 8,28 metri di baglio massimo, si caratterizza esternamente per le ampie finestrature a tutta altezza nel main e nell’upper-deck che danno maggiore luminosità ai ponti interni e una linea decisamente più filante al profilo dello yacht. Altre caratteristiche che hanno reso la Classic Supreme 132’ molto competitiva in fatto di innovazione si ritrovano su questa imbarcazione e sono il suggestivo terrazzino che si apre sulla fiancata della cabina armatore, una doppia Jacuzzi – a prua sull’upperdeck oltre che sul sun-deck - e le scale aeree esterne.



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ELENCO 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Gen 110 123 154 137 138

Feb 142 157 177 184 159

Mar 212 176 191 238 272

Apr 233 289 248 325 341

Mag 248 404 352 431

Giu 273 323 326 416

Lug 239 358 334 346

Ago 31 132 174 141

Set 227 312 262 413

Ott 207 207 365 262

Nov 118 135 148 200

Dic 141 74 101 184

2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

148 198 182 176 89 53

208 219 192 188 111 95

376 287 278 250 214 117

362 316 348 298 178 148

492 397 437 341 353 263

449 540 435 401 372 244

398 389 358 378 382 208

240 125 123 67 94 41

414 405 514 377 292 254

255 325 207 276 166 121

215 249 163 239 129 129

125 116 111 130 103 65

Pagina 2 di 3

Azimut Yachts selezionato dalla rivista cinese Gafencu Men tra i migliori marchi del lusso

13/04/15 12:01

Home Saloni Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2014 Cannes Yachting Festival 2014 Monaco Yacht Show 2014 Salone Nautico Internazionale di Genova 2014 Genova 2013 Monaco 2013 Cannes 2013 Categorie Vela Motore Accessori VIDEO NEWSLETTER cerca cerca

Hai Selezionato: Home / Azimut Yachts selezionato dalla rivista... TORNA INDIETRO

Azimut Yachts selezionato dalla rivista cinese Gafencu Men tra i migliori marchi del lusso #corporate #superyacht #premio #excellence #cina #azimutbenettigroup Azimut Yachts, brand del Gruppo Azimut|Benetti è stato selezionato dalla rivista cinese Gafencu Men tra i più prestigiosi marchi del lusso nell’esclusiva edizione “2015 Best of the Best”. La cerimonia di premiazione, in cui è stato assegnato il riconoscimento alle aziende vincitrici, si è svolta lo scorso 26 Marzo a Shanghai nelle sale del Grand Hotel Kempinski. Il “Best of the Best Award”, oggi alla sua sesta edizione, si è affermato come riconoscimento autorevole nel panorama del lusso nell’area cinese. Vi sono segnalati i più prestigiosi marchi internazionali e la classifica annovera aziende appartenenti a diversi settori tra cui: moda, automotive, orologi, accessori, ristoranti e hotel, yacht, vini e alcolici, proprietà di lusso, real estate. Più di 300 ospiti hanno partecipato all’evento, in rappresentanza di quello che si può definire un vero e proprio ‘who’s who’ del settore lusso in Cina. I vincitori dell’edizione 2015 sono stati scelti dai giornalisti di Gafencu Men. Fondata nel 2007, la rivista si è via via affermata come un punto di riferimento per un pubblico di lettori revalentemente maschile attento alla classe e allo stile. L’elenco dei marchi selezionati è disponibile anche sul sito RIDUCI LOGIN per scaricare Pubblicato: 09.04.2015 e n c

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Singapore Yacht Show 2015, terra di strategie per Benetti - Sailbiz







28/04/15 11:49





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ON 23 APRILE 2015.

Benetti è lieta di annunciare la sua partecipazione al Singapore Yacht Show 2015, la manifestazione nautica di maggior successo in Far East. L’Asia sta diventando una Regione del mondo sempre più strategica per il mercato

GUARDA GLI ULTIMI VIDEO SUL CANALE SAILBIZ DI YOUTUBE Risparmio energia di Safari Fai clic per avviare il plugin Flash

dei superyacht. Sempre più ricca, nella sua crescita complessiva aumenta anche il numero di coloro che possiedono un alto patrimonio netto (HNWI, High Net Worth Individual) e che amano investire il loro tempo e i loro soldi nell’acquisto di beni di lusso come ad esempio uno yacht. Secondo le ultime statistiche provenienti da Cap Gemini e RBC Wealth annuale

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Superyachttimes, l’Asia-Pacifico ha continuato a essere il motore della crescita di High Net Worth Individual nel 2013, registrando il maggior incremento tra le regioni, del 17,3%, per raggiungere i 4,32


milioni e ridurre il divario di appena 10 mila persone con la regione leader, l’America del Nord,


quest’ultima destinata a essere superata in un prossimo futuro. La ricchezza combinata di individui con un alto patrimonio netto nell’Asia-Pacifico nel 2013 era pari a US $ 14,2 miliardi (+18,2%) (+18,2%). Nuovi uffici e nuovo team per Benetti Asia. Basandosi su questi importanti trend e sui successi commerciali degli ultimi 5 anni, Benetti, primo costruttore al mondo di superyacht sopra i 24 metri per 15 anni consecutivi, ha incrementato la sua presenza nel Far East e APAC, conscia delle enormi potenzialità dell’area. Benetti è presente in Asia con un ufficio di riferimento a Hong Kong. La struttura del team asiatico Benetti vede al suo vertice Luigi Adamo, General Manager, che dirige Alberto Giannerini (Service Manager) e Natalie Ye (Marketing Manager). L’ufficio Service è presente – da questo aprile 2015 – all’interno del lussuoso Gold Coast Marina. Benetti potrà quindi contare su di un team preparato e competente nella Regione che gli consentirà di sviluppare la sua presenza sul mercato impegnandosi nel rafforzare i rapporti con armatori e propri rappresentanti. I risultati nei passati 5 anni e nuovi obiettivi di vendita. In soli cinque anni Benetti può vantare di aver venduto in Asia ben “390 metri di superyacht”: 2 Delfino 93’ (28 m), 1 Classic 121’ (37 m), 1 Classic Supreme 132’ (40,2 m), 3 Custom di 55 metri e uno di 60 metri. In corso, ad oggi, alcune trattative in stato avanzato – che potrebbero chiudersi con esito positivo entro l’anno – per un Classic 121’ di 37 metri e due Custom di 60 e 72 metri. Tra le punte di diamante delle imbarcazioni attualmente in costruzione – e pensate appositamente per il mercato asiatico – c’è sicuramente il 63 metri FB276 – in produzione on spec, ovvero senza avere un ordine da parte del cliente – che sarà varata a giugno 2017. A bordo, infatti, si ritrovano molte soluzioni che assecondano i gusti degli armatori orientali che non amano particolarmente il sole e la “vita di mare”, ma che non vogliono rinunciare al lusso, al comfort e alla tecnologia. Ad esempio, l’estesa lounge area dell’upper deck – con bar, divani e area relax con piscina Jacuzzi – è parzialmente coperta, così come la beach area a poppa, sebbene provvista di tutte le necessità, le attrezzature e i giochi per il divertimento in acqua. In tutti gli ambienti dell’imbarcazione non manca mai però il contatto visivo con l’acqua e con l’ambiente esterno, grazie alle estese superfici vetrate che ne delineano nettamente anche il profilo esterno. Le particolarità degli interni sono rivolte soprattutto all’appartamento dell’Armatore, sul ponte superiore, con studio, dressing e due balconi laterali privati e alla cabina VIP, a pruavia del ponte principale, a tutta larghezza, che si aggiunge alle altre 4 cabine ospiti, tutte con letto matrimoniale. Molta cura è stata data alle zone conviviali, pensando anche a un utilizzo per feste private o a un happening di lavoro, a partire dall’enorme salone principale e a un secondo salone sul ponte superiore con un grande bancone bar.

Nelle settimane scorse, prima della polemica sull’abbandono di Luna Rossa alla Coppa America, Team New Zealand ha elegantemente scaricato Dean Barker dopo l’amara sconfitta di San Francisco. Oggi arriva l'annuncio a che anche il Giappone è pronto a sfidare ancora una volta il detentore della Coppa. Il team giapponese sarà guidato da uno skipper giapponese e probabilmente dall'ex skipper di Classe EsteZealand. 24 Coastal Race 2015 Team New Barker è stato polemicamente Una cartolina dal scaricato Mar Tirreno dopo l’assunzione nel team neozelandese #vela #regate #ISAF dell’australiano Glenn Ashby e del talento kiwi Peter Burling. Ma l'esperienza di Barker in Coppa è ventennale e questo porterebbe • reply • retweet essere 34m un’ottima spinta per qualsiasi nuovo sindacato. Il team sarà sponsorizzato daRace Softbank Classe Este 24 Coastal 2015 per il Kansai Yacht Club e si A postcard from #Tirreno Sea prevede che, come la squadra francese, otterrà un significativo #sailing sostegno da parte #race #regatta #dhl del detentore Oracle, che rappresenta il Golden Gate Yacht Club. Si prevede che il capo di Oracle Larry Ellison e il suo 39m • reply • retweet capo equipaggio Sir Russell Coutts sarà presente alla cerimonia della firma con Masoyashi San. All'inizio di questa settimana Coutts, capo Cup Event Authority America, ha suggerito l'attuale line-up di cinque



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Singapore Yacht Show 2015, terra di strategie per Benetti - Sailbiz

28/04/15 11:49

Luigi Adamo - General Manager Benetti Asia commenta: “ Subito dopo essere stato nominato General Manager Asia, le prime azioni che ho voluto fare si sono rivolte alla cura della nostra rete di brokers nell’area. È fondamentale, infatti, impegnarsi per renderli sempre più informati sui nostri prodotti aiutando così a definire meglio il marchio. Altri importanti passi sono stati la nomina del nuovo responsabile Service, con sede a Hong Kong, e la nuova apertura dell’Ufficio Service al Gold Coast Marina. In questo modo, con una forte presenza sul territorio, ci aspettiamo di essere in grado di servire i clienti a 360 gradi ." Vignette by DB


Vari e consegne eccellenti Tra le ultime unità vendute e consegnate negli ultimi anni ricordiamo tre importanti “milestones” come Ocean Paradise (55m, 2013) custom di forte impatto minimal-chic per gli interni per un giovane Armatore di Singapore, Lady Candy (56m, 2014) altro custom dedicato ad un Armatore Cinese e Mingfa (40m, 2014) quinto scafo del modello Classic Supreme 132’ lanciato solo 3 anni fa. In particolare Mingfa, con i suoi 40,24 metri in lunghezza per 8,28 metri di baglio massimo, si caratterizza esternamente per le ampie finestrature a tutta altezza nel main e nell’upper-deck che danno maggiore luminosità ai ponti interni e una linea decisamente più filante al profilo dello yacht. Altre caratteristiche che hanno reso la Classic Supreme 132’ molto competitiva in fatto di innovazione si ritrovano su questa imbarcazione e sono il suggestivo terrazzino che si apre sulla fiancata della cabina armatore, una doppia Jacuzzi – a prua sull’upper-deck oltre che sul sundeck - e le scale aeree esterne.

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Singapore Yacht Show 2015, terra di strategie per Benetti - Sailbiz



28/04/15 11:49






















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Benetti reveals their stretegies for the Far east and APAC market at 2015 Singapore Yacht Show - superyachtdigest

29/04/15 11:30

Benetti reveals their stretegies for the Far east and APAC market at 2015 Singapore Yacht Show  23 April 2015


 Boat Shows

nnouncing their participation in the 2015 Singapore Yacht Show, the most successful boat show in the Far East, Benetti revealed their stretegies for the Far east and APAC market.

Asia is becoming ever more important strategically in the superyacht market. As it’s wealth increases, the area’s overall growth influences the number of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) who prefer to invest their time and money purchasing luxury items such as yachts. According to the latest statistics from Cap Gemini and RNC Wealth Management, published in Superyachttimes’s Annual Superyacht Industry Report, the Asian Pacific continues to be the driving force behind the growth of HNWI’s in 2013. At 17.3% Asia has the highest regional growth, for a total of 4.32 million, and reduces their gap to the leading region, North America, to just ten thousand individuals. This gap should be closed completely in the near future. The combined worth of HNWI’s in the Asian Pacific in 2013 was the equivalent of 14.2 billion USD (+18.2%).

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Benetti reveals their stretegies for the Far east and APAC market at 2015 Singapore Yacht Show - superyachtdigest

29/04/15 11:30

NEW OFFICES AND A NEW TEAM FOR BENETTI ASIA Based on these important trends and the commercial success over the last five years, Benetti, the world’s leading builder of superyachts over 24m in length for fifteen consecutive years, has increased their presence in the Far east and APAC to take advantage of the area’s enormous potential. Benetti’s primary office in the Far East is in Hong Kong. Leading the Benetti team is Luigi Adamo, General Manager, with Alberto Giannerini as Service Manager and Natalie Ye as Marketing Manager. Since April 2015 the Benetti Service offices are located in the luxurious Gold Coast Marina. Benetti is therefore able to count on a well prepared and competent team that will permit Benetti to develop their presence in the Regional market, reinforcing their relationships with Owners and their representatives.

LAST FIVE YEARS REVIEW AND NEW SALES OBJECTIVES In only five years Benetti sold in Asia “390 meters of superyachts”: two Delfino 93’ (28m), one Classic 121’ (37m), one Classic Supreme 132’ (40,2m), three Custom of 55m and one Custom of 60m. Contracts for a Classic 121’ (37m), Custom 60m and a Custom 72m are presently at an advanced stage and will probably be closed within the year 2015.

THE 63M FB 276 One of the vessels currently spearheading Benetti construction is surely the FB276, specifically designed for the Asian market. At 63m the on spec build will be launched in June 2017. Many design solutions are found aboard, adapting the yacht to the tastes of Oriental Owners, not exactly fans of sunbathing and an outdoor life, but who nevertheless appreciate high standards of luxury, comfort and technology. The extended upper deck lounge area, with its own bar, sofas and relax area with Jacuzzi, is partially covered, as is the beach area astern, while keeping everything available for having fun on the water.

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Benetti reveals their stretegies for the Far east and APAC market at 2015 Singapore Yacht Show - superyachtdigest

29/04/15 11:30

But all the yacht’s ambients always keep their visual contact with the sea and the external environment, thanks to the vast windows that outline the exterior profile of the yacht. The special interior features are found in the Owner’s apartments on the upper deck, with a studio, dressing room and two private lateral balconies, and in the full beam VIP cabin, at the forward end of the main deck, in add ition to the other four guest cabins, all with double beds. A lot of care has also gone into the living areas, considering the possible uses for private parties or worktime happenings, specifically the enormous main salon with a secondary salon on the upper deck complete with a long bar counter.

Luigi Adamo – General Manager Benetti Asia, comments: “As soon as I was nominated Asian General Manager, the first actions I wanted to undertake were directed towards increased attention to our brokers regional network. It is fundamental to keep them up to date on our products, improving the definition of the brand. Further important steps were to nominate a new head of Service for the Hong Kong office, and the new opening of the Service Office in the Gold Coast Marina. This way, with our strong local presence, we will be able to serve our clients throughout 360°.”

PREVIOUS SUPERB VESSEL DELIVERIES Among the more recent vessels sold and delivered we would like to note three important milestones: the Ocean Paradise (55m, 2013), a custom with high impact minimal-chic interior styling for a young Singapore Owner; Lady Candy (56m, 2014), another custom for a Chinese Owner; Mingfa (40m, 2014), fifth model of the 132′ Classic Supreme line. Mingfa, with her over length of 40.24 meters, and maximum beam of 8.28 meters, is recognizable for her full height windows along the main and upper decks, providing excellent illumination for the interior decks and a more racy profile seen from without. There are further features that have made the Classic Supreme 132′ very competitive and innovative: the

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Benetti reveals their stretegies for the Far east and APAC market at 2015 Singapore Yacht Show - superyachtdigest

29/04/15 11:30

charming balcony for the Owners cabin, a twin Jacuzzi (one forward on the upper deck, the other on the sun deck), and the open air external stairs. |

Pagina 4 di 4

Benetti ed il mercato del lusso in Asia | Toscana News 24

29/04/15 11:56

Corrado Tedeschi Editore

Benetti ed il mercato del lusso in Asia Alessandro Marinai 27 aprile 2015 Società

Firenze. Benetti è lieta di annunciare la sua partecipazione al Singapore Yacht Show 2015, la manifestazione nautica di maggior successo in Estremo Oriente. L’Asia sta diventando una Regione del mondo sempre più strategica per il mercato dei superyacht; sempre più ricca, nella sua crescita complessiva aumenta anche il numero di coloro che possiedono un alto patrimonio netto (Hnwi, High Net Worth Individual) e che amano investire il loro tempo ed i loro soldi nell’acquisto di beni di lusso come ad esempio uno yacht. Secondo le ultime statistiche provenienti da Cap Gemini e Rbc Wealth Management, riportate dal Rapporto annuale sull’Industria dei Superyacht di Superyachttimes, l’Asia-Pacifico ha continuato ad essere il motore della crescita di High Net Worth Individual nel 2013, registrando il maggior incremento tra le regioni, del 17,3%, per raggiungere i 4,32 milioni e ridurre il divario di appena 10 mila persone con la regione leader, l’America del Nord, quest’ultima destinata ad essere superata in un prossimo futuro. La ricchezza combinata di individui con un alto patrimonio netto nell’Asia-Pacifico nel 2013 era pari a US $ 14,2 miliardi (+18,2%). Basandosi su questi importanti trend e sui successi commerciali degli ultimi 5 anni, Benetti, primo costruttore al mondo di superyacht sopra i 24 metri per 15 anni consecutivi, ha incrementato la sua presenza nel Far East e Apac, conscia delle enormi potenzialità dell’area. Benetti è presente in Asia con un ufficio di riferimento ad Hong Kong. La struttura del team asiatico Benetti vede al suo vertice Luigi Adamo, General Manager, che dirige Alberto Giannerini (Service Manager) e Natalie Ye (Marketing Manager). L’ufficio Service è presente – da questo aprile 2015 – all’interno del lussuoso Gold Coast Marina. Benetti potrà quindi contare su di un team preparato e competente nella Regione che gli consentirà di sviluppare la sua presenza sul mercato impegnandosi nel rafforzare i rapporti con armatori e propri rappresentanti. In soli cinque anni Benetti può vantare di aver venduto in Asia ben “390 metri di superyacht”: 2 Delfino 93’ (28 m), 1 Classic 121’ (37 m), 1 Classic Supreme 132’ (40,2 m), 3 Custom di 55 metri e uno di 60 metri. In corso, ad oggi, alcune trattative in stato avanzato – che potrebbero chiudersi con esito positivo entro l’anno – per un Classic 121’ di 37 metri e due Custom di 60 e 72 metri. Tra le punte di

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Benetti ed il mercato del lusso in Asia | Toscana News 24

29/04/15 11:56

diamante delle imbarcazioni attualmente in costruzione – e pensate appositamente per il mercato asiatico – c’è sicuramente il 63 metri FB276 – in produzione on spec, ovvero senza avere un ordine da parte del cliente – che sarà varata a giugno 2017.

A bordo, infatti, si ritrovano molte soluzioni che assecondano i gusti degli armatori orientali che non amano particolarmente il sole e la “vita di mare”, ma che non vogliono rinunciare al lusso, al comfort e alla tecnologia. Ad esempio, l’estesa lounge area dell’upper deck – con bar, divani e area relax con piscina Jacuzzi – è parzialmente coperta, così come la beach area a poppa, sebbene provvista di tutte le necessità, le attrezzature e i giochi per il divertimento in acqua. In tutti gli ambienti dell’imbarcazione non manca mai però il contatto visivo con l’acqua e con l’ambiente esterno, grazie alle estese superfici vetrate che ne delineano nettamente anche il profilo esterno. Le particolarità degli interni sono rivolte soprattutto all’appartamento dell’Armatore, sul ponte superiore, con studio, dressing e due balconi laterali privati e alla cabina Vip, a pruavia del ponte principale, a tutta larghezza, che si aggiunge alle altre 4 cabine ospiti, tutte con letto matrimoniale. Molta cura è stata data alle zone conviviali, pensando anche ad un utilizzo per feste private o ad un happening di lavoro, a partire dall’enorme salone principale e ad un secondo salone sul ponte superiore con un grande bancone bar.

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Benetti ed il mercato del lusso in Asia | Toscana News 24

29/04/15 11:56

Luigi Adamo – General Manager Benetti Asia commenta: “subito dopo essere stato nominato General Manager Asia, le prime azioni che ho voluto fare si sono rivolte alla cura della nostra rete di brokers nell’area. È fondamentale, infatti, impegnarsi per renderli sempre più informati sui nostri prodotti aiutando così a definire meglio il marchio. Altri importanti passi sono stati la nomina del nuovo responsabile Service, con sede ad Hong Kong, e la nuova apertura dell’ufficio Service al Gold Coast Marina. In questo modo, con una forte presenza sul territorio, ci aspettiamo di essere in grado di servire i clienti a 360 gradi. Tra le ultime unità vendute e consegnate negli ultimi anni ricordiamo tre importanti “milestones” come Ocean Paradise (55m, 2013) custom di forte impatto minimal-chic per gli interni per un giovane Armatore di Singapore, Lady Candy (56m, 2014) altro custom dedicato ad un Armatore Cinese e Mingfa (40m, 2014) quinto scafo del modello Classic Supreme 132’ lanciato solo 3 anni fa. In particolare Mingfa, con i suoi 40,24 metri in lunghezza per 8,28 metri di baglio massimo, si caratterizza esternamente per le ampie finestrature a tutta altezza nel main e nell’upper-deck che danno maggiore luminosità ai ponti interni e una linea decisamente più filante al profilo dello yacht. Altre caratteristiche che hanno reso la Classic Supreme 132’ molto competitiva in fatto di innovazione si ritrovano su questa imbarcazione e sono il suggestivo terrazzino che si apre sulla fiancata della cabina armatore, una doppia Jacuzzi – a prua sull’upper-deck oltre che sul sun-deck – e le scale aeree esterne. (di Alessandro Marinai)

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It's Showtime | Prestige Singapore








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It's Showtime THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015

With the SINGAPORE YACHT SHOW sailing back to shore this month, Dazzlyn Koh finds out what to expect Back for its fifth edition, the highly anticipated Singapore Yacht Show (SYS) is arguably one of the region’s most successful boating events. Every year since its inception in 2011, attendance has grown steadily, attracting numerous boat lovers, sailing enthusiasts and those generally fond of the sun and sea. Attracting upwards of 11,000 visitors in 2013, SYS was attended by more than 14,000 last year, with over 16,000 people now expected to throng this year’s four-day extravaganza that takes place on April 23-26 at Sentosa Cove’s ONE°15 Marina Club. “The SYS is a platform for our visitors to learn about yachting and the truly luxurious lifestyle that comes along with it. We aim to build on last year’s success and be bigger and better than ever before,” says Andy Treadwell, managing director of SYS. Capitalising on the show’s repute, this edition will feature 150 exhibitors and some 120 yachts and boats — its largest line-up to date. For the first time, stunning superyachts Anastasia (presented by Edmiston) and Saluzi (presented by Yachtzoo) will berth here, as will other ocean beauties by Silver Yachts, Benetti, Mondo Marine, Van Diemen and Alibi Catamarans to name a few. These debutantes join a roll call of past show favourites including Grand Banks Yachts, Heesen Yachts, Lürssen and Westport Yachts. As with 2014, there will also be brokerage and services companies exhibiting, including Aquacraft Asia, Lodestone Yachts and Marvellous Luxury (with co-exhibitor Ocean Independence). Private jets will also star in the show, with Luxaviation returning once again to convey special guests and VIPs to Singapore, while Dassault Falcon Jet Corp comes on as an exhibitor. Entertainment-wise, attendees can expect to revel in fashion shows and spectate as supercar convoys make their annual flashy display.

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13/04/15 15:56

It's Showtime | Prestige Singapore

The SYS black-tie Gala Dinner will also return by popular demand. Held at the W Singapore — Sentosa Cove, it will see 300 guests gather for an indulgent evening of fine wine and cuisine while raising awareness and funds for art therapy initiative, The Red Pencil (Singapore). But to keep things both fresh for returning attendees and extra exciting for first-timers, the SYS is also introducing a plethora of new initiatives “that will help provide a fun and immersive experience for visitors,” says Treadwell. For instance, it has unveiled a mobile app specifically designed to give exhibitors greater visibility and maximise visitors’ access to key information before, during and after the show. Available for both Android and Apple operating systems, the app offers yacht listings, maps, useful visitor information, show schedules, a registration portal and the ability to request appointments with exhibitors. There will also be the show’s snazzy new Champagne Lounge, designed and conceived to be the ideal venue for visitors to relax and discuss all the highlights of the day (not to mention, whether to buy a new yacht or two) with bubbly in hand. A plethora of private parties held aboard superyachts will also showcase the best of Southeast Asian sailing itineraries. Finally, in partnership with boutique auction house Lucanna, the show is set to launch its first live auction of art, antique jewellery and watches. Highlights include works by established Singaporean artist, Chuan Siang Boon, whose ceramics are frequently presented as state gifts to dignitaries; paintings by Henri Chen KeZhan, a local artist renowned for his abstract ink-and-wash style; pieces by Dutch painter Guus van Eck, who is known for his richly exuberant scenes; and the works of Italian artist Sebastiano Navarra, whose oeuvre examines the Great Masters of the Renaissance in a playful manner. Several Cartier timepieces from a private collection in Geneva and one-ofa-kind jewellery pieces from Italian designer Margherita Burgener will also go under the hammer. Experts will be on hand to answer buyers’ questions on April 24 and 25, with the auction taking place on the latter date. With so many activities taking place, Treadwell advises visitors to maximise their time by downloading the SYS app to find out which yachts, boats and companies are on display, as well as to receive event alerts. As for those interested to purchase a yacht or a boat, he recommends contacting the brokers, builders and dealers beforehand to schedule appointments. And of course, wear comfortable shoes. “Walking along the pontoons and in the pavilions all day can be tiring. Wear footwear that can easily be removed if you plan on going on-board any yachts and boats, as you may be asked to take your shoes off to protect the teak decking,” he says.

Category: Travel & Leisure Tags: Singapore Yacht Show Sentosa Cove W Singapore ONE°15 Marina Club Marina Yacht Boats Lucanna Cartier Margherita Burgener


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P Puub bb blliiccaattaa ddaallllaa rriivviissttaa FFoorrb beess llaa rriicceerrccaa aan nn nuuaallee ssuull lluussssoo


oovvvviiaam meen nttee


n neeii

p paarraam meettrrii


rriiffeerriim meen nttoo iill sseettttoorree ddeelllloo yyaacchhttiin ngg ddii lluussssoo.. M Mooddeerraattoo ee ssttaab biillee iill m meerrccaattoo m moon nddiiaallee ddeeii yyaacchhtt ddii lluussssoo n neell 220 01144 –– ee p pootteen nzziiaallm meen nttee aan ncchhee oollttrree –– ccoon n uun n aaddaattttaam meen nttoo aadd uun naa m miin noorree,, m maa p piiùù ssoosstteen niib biillee,, ccrreesscciittaa n neell lluun nggoo tteerrm miin nee.. Una domanda stabile da parte dei consumatori cinesi e un rinnovato interesse per il lusso da parte dei consumatori dei mercati maturi (Stati Uniti








controbilanciare la crisi della Crimea e le proteste ad Hong Kong. Nel settore del mercato superyacht si sta delineando però una richiesta maggiore di prodotto in termini di lunghezza, i dati anche dell’order book di superyacht indicano che la fascia di mercato superiore in netta crescita è quella oltre i 60 metri. L’impressione quindi che il fondo si è toccato e non ci si è messi a scavare. M Maa ssii ssttaa rriissaalleen nddoo ccoon n ii ggiiggaa yyaacchhtt ee cchhee iill ccoom mp paarrttoo ddeeggllii H HN NW WII ((H Hiigghh N Neett W Woorrtthh IIn nddiivviidduuaallss,, cciiooèè llaa ccllaassssee ddeeii m meeddii rriicccchhii)) n noon n rriissuullttaa eesssseerree ccoollp piittoo ddaallllaa ccrriissii ddeeii m meerrccaattii iin ntteerrn naazziioon naallii.. EEllaab boorraazziioon nee ddeeii ddaattii aa ccuurraa ddii D Daam miiaan noo

CCoorrii p peerr SSaaiillB Biizz. La domanda nautica da diporto, sia a livello nazionale italiano, che a livello globale, si può descrivere attraverso la definizione di tre profili della segmentazione del consumatore diportista nautico. I tre profili, identificati attraverso la ricchezza individuale sono (figura 1): 1.Upper Affluent

2.High Net Worth Individuals 3.Ultra High Net Worth Individuals

Questi tre profili, derivano da un’analisi economica - finanziaria effettuata da Cap Gemini & Merrill Lynch, “World Wealth Report” sui patrimoni finanziari. Gli Upper Affluent sono individui che hanno un patrimonio netto inferiore ai 0,75$ mln di dollari; gli High net worth individuals hanno una ricchezza tra i 0,75$ mln e 10$ mln di dollari e infine gli Ultra high net worth individuals che possono vantare una ricchezza pari a oltre i 10$ mln. Nel mercato della nautica da diporto, le tre categorie di ricchezza possono essere orientate e associate a tre generali tipologie di prodotto cantieristico differenti (figura 2).

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13/04/15 14:28

Nel lusso guidano i cinesi. Riparte il settore dei GigaYacht - S... SAILBIZ YOUTUBE


In occasione dell’uscita della classifica Forbes sui più ricchi del mondo 2015, Sailbiz come ogni anno affronta la domanda del mercato potenziale dei luxury yachts. Per valutare e stimare le potenzialità di mercato della nautica di lusso, è importante analizzare l’evoluzione, in termini di numero e di ricchezza complessiva, degli High net worth individuals. Più specificatamente la commercializzazione dei luxury yachts, di questi giocattoli di lusso, all’interno di una specifica area geografica dipende essenzialmente da una serie di fattori riassumibili in numero e ricchezza di milionari. Viene da sé che quanto più alto sia il numero e/o quanto più alta sia la ricchezza media di questa classe elitaria, tanto maggiori saranno le potenzialità, in termini di domanda di mercato,

Vai al Canale SailBiz su YouTube

di un determinato Paese. La domanda di mercato, infatti, si sta orientando verso le imbarcazioni più grandi, e fattori come eleganza, design e moda


stanno assumendo un’importanza maggiore, dopo un anno difficile come il 2013, il charter dei luxury yachts sta risalendo.


Il design europeo, e quello italiano in particolare, sono sempre più apprezzati. La domanda di motoscafi/yacht e di velieri di medie e piccole dimensioni è in netto calo. Invece è in crescita la domanda per i Super Yachts, cioè imbarcazioni oltre i 24 metri, richiesti dagli “Ultra High net worth individuals”. Gli Ultra High net worth individuals rappresentano la fascia più alta della nautica di lusso, essi sono individui con un patrimonio finanziario (asset finanziari) superiore ai trenta milioni di dollari. L’analisi delle caratteristiche strutturali e delle dinamiche di crescita della domanda (HNWIs ed affluents) definisce alcuni key drivers che potrebbero guidare la crescita complessiva del mercato del luxury yacht: • La crescita costante degli HNWIs traina lo sviluppo del mercato del luxury yacht, che evolve verso la produzione di imbarcazioni di dimensioni medie sempre più elevate. • La crescita sarà più aggressiva in alcune macroregioni quali l’Europa dell’Est, l’Asia, l’Oceania, l’Africa, l’America Latina, in cui i tassi di accumulo della ricchezza e la numerosità degli HNWIs cresce più rapidamente, dando al mercato del luxury yacht una dimensione geografica sempre più globale. • Le potenzialità dei principali Paesi emergenti potrebbero essere vincolate dallo sviluppo degli indispensabili


investimenti infrastrutturali in porti e bacini nautici in grado di assorbire l’evoluzione del parco nautico mondiale. • Il mercato del luxury yacht, e soprattutto i segmenti identificati da imbarcazioni di dimensioni maggiori, è destinato ad avere crescite acicliche in linea con le disponibilità finanziarie, ben diversificate, del mercato potenziale. • L’incremento costante della numerosità dei clienti potenziali ha avvicinato un numero sempre maggiore di inesperti al mondo della nautica. Ciò ha fatto emergere l’importanza di alcuni fattori chiave della catena del valore quali, ad esempio, le attività di supporto ed after sales, oltre che a una crescente semplificazione della tecnologia impiegata.

#analisi #studio #billionaires. Nel #lusso guidano i cinesi. Riparte il settore dei #GigaYacht Apr 11 • reply • retweet

l'Itajaí Race Village da il benvenuto alla flotta della #VOR con un'atmosfera pazzesca!!!!!! The Itajaí Race... /dydlgMJILy Apr 09 • reply • retweet


Vignette by DB


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13/04/15 14:28

Nel lusso guidano i cinesi. Riparte il settore dei GigaYacht - S...

Il trend che si delinea dal 2006 al 2015 ci aiuta a capire quanto lo sviluppo del Bric (Brasile, Russia, India, Cina) e del Smi (Sud Korea, Mexico, Indonesia) è reale e questi paesi trainano i propri continenti nella crescita, ma rispetto all’ultimo triennio alcuni di questi stanno lentamente calando. Come sta accadendo anche quest’anno per la Turchia che non c’è più dalla sigla SMI“T”, anche il Brasile rispetto solo al 2014 è in calo del 13,8% in termini di presenze nella classifica forbes. Nonostante il calo dei prezzi del petrolio e un euro indebolito, le fila dei più ricchi si sono nuovamente ampliate. Un nuovo record di miliardari, ben 1.826, con un patrimonio netto complessivo di 7.050 miliardi dollari, in crescita dai 6.400 miliardi dollari di un anno fa. Il totale comprende 290 nuovi arrivati, 71 dei quali provengono dalla Cina. I giovani sono in aumento: un record di 46 tra le fila sono sotto i 40 anni. Il valore netto medio dei membri della lista è stato pari a 3,86 miliardi dollari, in calo di 60 milioni di dollari rispetto al 2014. Bill Gates è ancora una volta la persona più ricca del pianeta, un titolo che ha tenuto per 16 volte negli ultimi 21 anni. La sua fortuna è cresciuto 3,2 miliardi dollari dallo scorso anno a 79,2 miliardi dollari, nonostante un dono di 1,5 miliardi di dollari di azioni Microsoft alla Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, nel novembre 2014. Carlos Slim Helu del Messico arriva di nuovo al numero 2 mentre il venerato investitore americano Warren Buffett ha preso di nuovo il terzo posto dallo spagnolo Amancio Ortega (ora n° 4). Zuckerberg è anche il leader di una rivoluzione di giovani che ha raggiunto i 46 miliardari sotto l'età di 40. Il più giovane miliardario del pianeta è Evan Spiegel, 24 anni, co-fondatore di Snapchat. La California, guidata dalla Silicon Valley tech, ha generato 23 nuovi miliardari, tra cui i co-fondatori di Uber, di Travis Kalanick e Garrett Camp, e il loro primo dipendente Ryan Graves. Elizabeth Holmes, che gestisce un'impresa di analisi del sangue Theranos, debutta nella lista globale come la più giovane donna self-made a 31 anni. Lo Stato ha ora 131 persone a 10 cifre, più di qualsiasi altro paese, oltre la Cina e gli Stati Uniti. Il grande perdente dell'anno in termini di dollari è Aliko Dangote della Nigeria, la cui fortuna è scesa a 14,7 miliardi dollari da $ 25 miliardi dell'anno scorso, spinto verso il basso da una moneta nigeriana più debole e da una contrazione della domanda di cemento, la sua più grande risorsa. Si conserva ancora il titolo di uomo più ricco dell'Africa. Il paese che ha perso più terreno di gran lunga è stata la Russia, che ora ha 88 miliardari rispetto ai 111 del 2014, a meno di non solo gli Stati Uniti e la Cina, ma ora anche la Germania e India. I risultati permettono di rilevare un mercato potenziale della nautica di lusso di dimensioni sempre più considerevoli; ciò nondimeno, è opportuno specificare che il passaggio dalla dimensione potenziale alla dimensione effettiva del mercato non è automatico, poiché i contesti competitivi allargati non sono statici. Tabella 1. La TOP Down dei 10 dei Paesi più in calo rispetto al 2014 nella classifica Forbes

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13/04/15 14:28

Nel lusso guidano i cinesi. Riparte il settore dei GigaYacht - S...

Fonte: Elaborazione di Damiano Cori per Il mercato dei yachts torna a crescere a un passo lento. La Cina risulta il mercato con il più alto potenziale ma a causa di una penetrazione molto limitata, l’approccio è molto polarizzato verso pochi consumatori di marchi di superyacht, sfruttando tutti i punti di contatto e offrendo un'esperienza superiore ad altri marchi ancora piuttosto poco customeroriented. Il trend positivo delle vendite dei mercati emergenti come Brasile e Hong Kong è in crescita costante, Cina e Russia hanno il ruolo ancora limitato a causa di rigide regole burocratiche.

Gli squilibri macroeconomici tra economie mature e economie in via di sviluppo sono aumentati dopo la crisi finanziaria, come dimostra la superiore crescita media in Asia-Pacifico dei Billionaires, e proprie in queste economie ed altre emergenti rimangono gli obiettivi per gli investitori globali che cercano un elevato livello di crescita di rendimenti. Eppure il segmento di mercato del luxury yacht è ancora poco addentrato per non dire latitante in queste nuove realtà economiche, anche se a livello mondiale il mercato del charter di lusso, a differenza del mercato delle nuove costruzioni, ha rivelato un trend più dinamico e crescente.

Tabella 3. La TOP 10 dei Paesi più in crescita nella classifica Forbes dal 2006 a oggi

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13/04/15 14:28

Nel lusso guidano i cinesi. Riparte il settore dei GigaYacht - S...

Fonte: Elaborazione di Damiano Cori per In altri termini, la crescita del business della nautica di lusso non necessita semplicemente di una dimensione di mercato potenziale (rappresentata dal numero e dalla ricchezza pro capite dei super milionari presenti all'interno di un determinato Paese), ma richiede anche la presenza di imprese sempre pi첫 orientate al cliente finale (market oriented), capaci non solo di accrescere l'appeal del prodotto "luxury yacht" all'interno del contesto di mercato dei prodotti di alta-gamma, ma anche di sensibilizzare il cliente finale con opportune azioni di marketing professionale, come testimoniano i crescenti e nuovi eventi fieristici ormai nel calendario internazionale dei Boat Show di alto livello: in Cina, Singapore,Tailandia, Taiwan, Dubai etc. Tabella 4. La crescita rispetto al 2014 della presenza a livello di continente nella classifica Forbes

Fonte: Elaborazione di Damiano Cori per

Tabella 5. La crescita dal 2006 della presenza a livello di continente nella classifica Forbes

5 di 7

13/04/15 14:28

Nel lusso guidano i cinesi. Riparte il settore dei GigaYacht - S...

Fonte: Elaborazione di Damiano Cori per

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13/04/15 14:28



international WEB MAGAZINE



April 2015

COVER Christian Balzano, Lolli e Mammoli

Ferretti Group 4 NAVETTA 37 Custom Line MILANO Superyacht Mondomarine 9 The new SF60 M40 Explorer Launches 13 Frank Muller Yachts Dragonfly Cyclone Pam

Cerri 7 The “re-birth” PHILEAS Tefaf 2015

11 Works of art in shipbuilding London 2015

19 Exhibitors and expectations

Design V+A

21 A new 74-meter project Supercars 25 The new Porsche Rolls Royce Serenity WIne Vinitaly 2015 28 Brunello di Montalcino The Biondi Santi Family

Charter 22 MYBA 2015 Burgess Happy 40 Aviation

27 EBACE 2015

SUPERYACHT !"# WORKS OF ART The editor’s point of view

Luxury is excess. It is abundance of perfection and search of absolute goods. It is the charming feeling of exclusivity, together with a sort of innate sense of power and desire for magnificence. Were it not for the skillful fine handcraftsmanship, which is behind every luxury product -whether a super boat, a limited edition watch or the ultimate supercar- and which is able of creating real works of art, thanks to a dedicated research, passion for innovation and details, but also intuitions and new visions, I couldn’t bear all this apparent waste.

Suite Dream

29 The Bentley Suite




The London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show, the newborn mustevent in the Yachting & Luxury Industry. Participating in the event in London were the most famous international brands, not only shipyards, but also private jets and prestigious automobiles.

The event took place last week in the world’s richest city. According to a survey by The Sunday Times, London is home to more than twice the number of millionaires and billionaires than any other city on earth. The UK capital is one of the most important global hubs for the luxury goods market, attracting wealthy individuals from around the world. The event, in perfect timing for the summer season, ahead of planned yacht charters and purchases, welcomed enthusiasts gathered to view over 120 world leading luxury exhibitors and all visitors to this exclusive event - buyers, owners and tourists - were treated to displays of ultimate luxury assets from the world’s leading companies.

READ MORE >>> THE SUPERYACHT WORLD HAS COME TO LONDON! For the first time in many years, the world’s leading superyacht and luxury yacht builders & brokers arrived in London to participate at The London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show, many of them for the first time.

READ MORE >>> | April 2015


Petrus II in Sint Maarten - Full News Archive -


13/04/15 13:16

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Petrus II in Sint Maarten Friday, 10 April 2015


Gemma Fottles, photo by Charl van Rooy /

SuperYacht Of The Week

Ferretti Custom Line Navetta 28

Superyacht Petrus II in Sint Maarten Pictured here illuminating the waters of Sint Maarten is the 40.20 metre superyacht Petrus II, built by the Italian shipyard Benetti in 2012. She features naval architecture by the Benetti team, whilst Stefano Righini Design undertook her exteriors. Zuretti Interior Design were responsible for her luxurious interiors. Built in GRP, she has a gross tonnage of 346. On board she accommodates up to 10 guests in simple but sophisticated luxury, with the main deck master suite boasting 56 metres of space. Powered by twin MTU 12V 2000 M72 engines, she has a maximum speed of 15.5 knots and a cruising speed of 14.5 knots

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Benetti SpA -


Stefano Righini Design


Zuretti Interior Design -

Related Yachts Yacht

The Navetta 28 is from the Ferretti Group’s Custom Line’s semi-displacement series, and is the outcome of the cooperation between the Group’s Research and Development AYT&D department

Petrus II

and the in-house Centro Stile team, together with Studio Zuccon International Project. She takes

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Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 - Companies Attending -



28/04/15 11:44

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Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 Risparmio energia di Safari Fai clic per avviare il plugin Flash

Friday, 24 April 2015


Gemma Fottles

Benetti has revealed their Asia strategies at the Singapore Yacht Show 2015, stating that they have increased their presence in the area with two offices in Hong Kong. In addition, the brand have confirmed their sales successes over the past five years.

SuperYacht Of The Week

Saluzi ​

According to the latest statistics from Cap Gemini and RNC Wealth Management, published in our SuperYacht Times Annual Superyacht Industry Report, the Asian Pacific region continues to be the driving force behind the growth of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) in 2013. At 17.3% Asia has the highest regional growth, for a total of 4.32 million, and reduces their gap to the leading region, North America, to just ten thousand individuals - a gap that many predict will be closed completely in the near future.

Built by the Australian shipyard Austal in 2003, the 69 metre motor yacht Saluzi has seen somewhat of a transformation since her original build, with an extensive refit completed in 2013 by Horizon

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Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 - Companies Attending -

28/04/15 11:44

Yachts. She features naval architecture and exterior design by the in-house team at the shipyard. Read More

Based on these important trends and the commercial success over the last five years, Benetti has increased their presence in the Far east and APAC to take advantage of the area's enormous potential. Benetti's primary office in the region is in Hong Kong. Leading the Benetti team is Luigi Adamo, General Manager, with Alberto Giannerini as Service Manager and Natalie Ye as Marketing Manager. Since April 2015 the Benetti Service offices are located in the Gold Coast Marina. ​Reinforcing the decision for Benetti to develop it’s Asian clientele and business are the facts and figures; in only five years Benetti has sold a total of 390 metres of superyachts, including two Delfino 93’ at 28 metres, one Classic 121’ 37 metres, one Classic Supreme 132’ 40,2 metres, three Custom of 55 metres and one Custom of 60 metres. Contracts for a Classic 121’ 37 metres, Custom 60 metres and a Custom 72 metres are presently at an advanced stage and the brand report that they will probably be closed before the end of the year. Among the more recent vessels sold and delivered by Benetti include the 55 metre Ocean Paradise built in 2013 for a young Singaporean Owner; Lady Candy, measuring 56 metres and built in 2014, another custom project for a Chinese Owner; and Mingfa the 40 metre superyacht built 2014 and the fifth model of the 132' Classic Supreme line. Luigi Adamo, General Manager Benetti Asia, comments, “As soon as I was nominated Asian General Manager, the first actions I wanted to undertake were directed towards increased attention to our brokers regional network. It is fundamental to keep them up to date on our products, improving the definition of the brand. Further important steps were to nominate a new head of Service for the Hong Kong office, and the new opening of the Service Office in the Gold Coast Marina. This way, with our strong local presence, we will be able to serve our clients throughout 360°.” Benetti are currently at the Singapore Yacht Show, which is being held at the One 15 Marina Club in Sentosa Cove until the 26th April. at the Singapore Yacht Show Meet at the Singapore Yacht Show. Both our editorial and sales team will be present in Singapore throughout the event. Pick up a free copy of the brand new edition of our quarterly newspaper, distributed at several spots around the show, meet us for a chat about advertising or media solutions, or simply join us for a drink at the bar. We look forward to meeting you in Singapore.

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Benetti SpA -

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Lady Candy

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Video of Benetti superyacht Surpina on sea trials - New-Build -


14/04/15 11:24

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Video of Benetti superyacht Surpina on sea trials

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Friday, 10 April 2015

By Gemma Fottles The new superyacht Surpina has recently undertaken seatrials along the Tuscan coast of Italy, as seen in the following video. Built by Benetti, she measures 56 metres in length and accommodates her guests over eight luxurious cabins, including a large owner’s suite.

SuperYacht Of The Week

Ferretti Custom Line Navetta 28

She has a classic Italian styled interior, with elm root panelling with mahogany, walnut and rosewood detailing which contrast well with her white carpets and use of marble. Unlike most Benetti yachts of this size, the stern areas of the main and upper deck areas are not open, but are instead glazed with large windows that hide the main deck living area and the upper deck gym. She is powered by two MTU 12V 4000M53 1340 kW engines, providing a range of 5,000 nautical miles at a speed of 12 knots.

Contacts Company

Benetti SpA -

Related Yachts Yacht

The Navetta 28 is from the Ferretti Group’s Custom Line’s semi-displacement series, and is the


outcome of the cooperation between the Group’s Research and Development AYT&D department and the in-house Centro Stile team, together with Studio Zuccon International Project. She takes

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Ocean Paradise – Benetti’s Zen-inspired 55m superyacht | Boa...

Boat International April 2015, Issue 004 Subscribe


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Home > Yachts > Yacht Reports > Ocean Paradise – Benetti’s Zen-inspired 55m superyacht

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01/05/15 17:29

Ocean Paradise – Benetti’s Zen-inspired 55m superyacht | Boa...


The design of Benetti’s 55m Ocean Paradise reveals the spirit that drove the project, especially in terms of interior design, and displays the owner’s personality, which is present in every area. Benetti’s in-house interior designer, Mauro Izzo, developed the modern, Asian-influenced décor and sourced nearly all of the materials in Italy at the owner’s direction. ‘The collaboration with the owner was very close and he visited the project frequently,’ says Izzo.

RELATED ARTICLES 78.4m superyacht Madsummer sold today at Moran Yacht & Ship Brokerage news Iconic superyachts for sale Editorial Features Price cut to superyacht Blue Titan at Northrop and Johnson Spain Brokerage news

‘This allowed the boat to acquire a touch of originality that sets it apart and gives it a soul.’ What the designer and Benetti achiveved


was a yacht that is all at once personal and has the owners wishes indelibly stamped on the interior, but also perfectly friendly


for charter for which she is planned. Izzo describes the owners brief as, ‘to be cool, contemporary, fresh and above all original. He specifically asked us to arrive at solutions that represent something different from what you usually see in ports or in magazines.

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01/05/15 17:29

Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 | Yachting Pleasure

28/04/15 11:46

Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 Posted on April 23, 2015 | Leave a comment

Benetti Asia

increases their presence in the area with two offices in Hong Kong and a solid management team –


success in sales over the past five years –

Benetti Asia

New sales

challenge with the FB276, 63 meters on spec, created for the Asian

market Benetti is pleased to announce their participation in the 2015 Singapore Yacht Show, the most successful boat show in the Far East. Asia is becoming ever more important strategically in the superyacht market. As it’s wealth increases, the area’s overall growth influences the number of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) who prefer to invest their time and money purchasing luxury items such as yachts. According to the latest statistics from Cap Gemini and RNC Wealth Management, published in Superyachttimes’s Annual Super-yacht Industry Report, the Asian Pacific continues to be the driving force behind the growth of HNWI’s in 2013. At 17.3% Asia has the highest regional growth, for a total of 4.32 million, and reduces their gap to the leading region, North America, to just ten thousand individuals. This gap should be closed completely in the near future. The combined worth of HNWI’s in the Asian Pacific in 2013 was the equivalent of 14.2 billion USD (+18.2%). New offices and a new team for Benetti Asia Based on these important trends and the commercial success over the last five years, Benetti, the world’s leading builder of super-yachts over 24m in length for fifteen consecutive years, has increased their presence in the Far east and APAC to take advantage of the area’s enormous potential. Benetti’s primary office in the Far East is in

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Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 | Yachting Pleasure

28/04/15 11:46

Hong Kong. Leading the Benetti team is Luigi Adamo, General Manager, with Alberto Giannerini as Service Manager and Natalie Ye as Marketing Manager. Since April 2015 the Benetti Service offices are located in the luxurious Gold Coast Marina. Benetti is therefore able to count on a well prepared and competent team that will permit Benetti to develop their presence in the Regional market, reinforcing their relationships with Owners and their representatives. Last five years review and new sales objectives In only five years Benetti sold in Asia “390 meters of super-yachts”: two Delfino 93’ (28m), one Classic 121’ (37m), one Classic Supreme 132’ (40,2m), three Custom of 55m and one Custom of 60m. Contracts for a Classic 121’ (37m), Custom 60m and a Custom 72m are presently at an advanced stage and will probably be closed within the year 2015. The 63M FB276 One of the vessels currently spearheading Benetti construction is surely the FB276, specifically designed for the Asian market. At 63m the on spec build will be launched in June 2017. Many design solutions are found aboard, adapting the yacht to the tastes of Oriental Owners, not exactly fans of sunbathing and an outdoor life, but who nevertheless appreciate high standards of luxury, comfort and technology. The extended upper deck lounge area, with its own bar, sofas and relax area with Jacuzzi, is partially covered, as is the beach area astern, while keeping everything available for having fun on the water. But all the yacht’s ambients always keep their visual contact with the sea and the external environment, thanks to the vast windows that outline the exterior profile of the yacht. The special interior features are found in the Owner’s apartments on the upper deck, with a studio, dressing room and two private lateral balconies, and in the full beam VIP cabin, at the forward end of the main deck, in addition to the other four guest cabins, all with double beds. A lot of care has also gone into the living areas, considering the possible uses for private parties or work-time happenings, specifically the enormous main salon with a secondary salon on the upper deck complete with a long bar counter. Luigi Adamo – General Manager Benetti Asia, comments: “ As soon as I was nominated Asian General Manager, the first actions I wanted to undertake were directed towards increased attention to our brokers regional network. It is fundamental to keep them up to date on our products, improving the definition of the brand. Further important steps were to nominate a new head of Service for the Hong Kong office, and the new opening of the Service Office in the Gold Coast Marina. This way, with our strong local presence, we will be able to serve our clients throughout 360°.” Previous superb vessel deliveries Among the more recent vessels sold and delivered we would like to note three important milestones: the Ocean Paradise (55m, 2013), a custom with high impact minimal-chic interior styling for a young Singapore

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Benetti reveals Asia strategies at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 | Yachting Pleasure

28/04/15 11:46

Owner; Lady Candy (56m, 2014), another custom for a Chinese Owner; Mingfa (40m, 2014), fifth model of the 132′ Classic Supreme line. Mingfa, with her over length of 40.24 meters, and maximum beam of 8.28 meters, is recognizable for her full height windows along the main and upper decks, providing excellent illumination for the interior decks and a more racy profile seen from without. There are further features that have made the Classic Supreme 132′ very competitive and innovative: the charming balcony for the Owners cabin, a twin Jacuzzi (one forward on the upper deck, the other on the sun deck), and the open air external stairs. This entry was posted in Nautical Industry, NEWS and tagged Benetti, Singapore Yacht Show. Bookmark the permalink.

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Обзор глобального рынка строительства суперяхт за 2014 год

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10/04/15 16:00

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Обзор глобального рынка строительства суперяхт за 2014 год


Новости мира катеров и лодок

Проекты катеров и лодок

Накануне открытия London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show (которое проходит с 8 по 10 апреля) компания SuperYacht Company из Амстердама, являющаяся одним из самых надежных экспертов яхтенной индустрии, представила на уважаемом информационном ресурсе статистику рынка суперяхтенного строительства за 2014 год.

Статьи и обзоры

Поставки суперяхт в 2014 году


В 2014 году верфи всего мира поставили 156 суперяхт, длиной более 30 метров, общая длина всех яхт составила 6769 метров. По сравнению с поставками 2013 года, которые составили 159 суперяхт, в прошлом году зафиксировано снижение поставок на 2%. Если сравнить этот показатель с поставками 2012 года, 179 яхт, то падение более существенное, 12%. Это падение является прямым результатом того, что практически все яхты, поставленные в 2014 году, были проданы еще во время финансового кризиса и спада производства, и в анализируемый период достраивались.


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Среди 76 верфей из 20 стран мира, которые построили 156 суперяхт, Benetti SpA. была бесспорным лидером. У итальянской верфи на счету 13 поставок, за ней следуют Sunseeker и Sanlorenzo, поставившие владельцам по 11 суперяхт.

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Топ-10 мировых поставщиков суперяхт в 2014 году Общая стоимость всех моторных и парусных яхт, длиной свыше 30 метров, запущенных в 2014 году, составила примерно €3,8 млрд., при средней стоимости суперяхты €24,4 млн. Средняя стоимость моторных яхт, длиной свыше 30 метров, была значительно выше, чем парусных яхт в том же диапазоне, и составляла примерно €25,8 млн., в то время как средняя цена парусных яхт, длиной свыше 30 метров, была €13млн. В общем объеме поставок моторные яхты составили 139 единиц (89%), в то время как парусные всего 17 яхт (11%). Средняя длина парусной яхты, 2014 года поставки, увеличилась на 2,1 метра и стала 43,62 метра, в то время, как средняя длина моторной яхты осталась прежней, 43,36 метра. В 2013 году средняя длина парусной яхты превысила показатель 2012 года (39,04 метра) на 2,5 метра, достигнув 41,54 метра. Учитывая то, что в стадии строительства на верфи Oceanco (Нидерланды) сейчас находятся 106-метровая мегаяхта Solar и 147-метровая мегаяхта White Pearl на Nobiskrug (Германия), увеличение средней длины парусной яхты уже становится тенденцией. Самой большой яхтой, поставленной в 2014 году, была роскошная 140-метровая моторная мегаяхта Ocean Victory от Fincantieri (Италия). Крупнейшей парусной яхтой, поставки 2014 года, была 65-метровая суперяхта Lamima, построенная в Тайланде на Italthai Marine.

Топ-10 стран-поставщиков суперяхт в 2014 году Новые проекты 2014 года в стадии строительства И хотя поставки яхт продемонстрировали количественное снижение, новые проекты в стадии реализации продемонстрировали рост на 21,2%. За календарный 2014 год количество новых проектов яхт, длиной свыше 30 метров било рекорды и составило 181 яхту, увеличив показатель 2013 года (159 проектов) на 13,8%. В 2014 году в стадии строительства находились 164 моторных яхты (90,6%) и 14 парусных яхт (9,4%). Общая длина яхт во всех новых проектах составляет 8685 метров, что на 3700 метров больше, чем в 2010 году и на 1519 метров больше, чем в 2013 году. Средний размер яхты нового проекта составлял 48 метров, увеличившись по сравнению с 2013 (45,1 м), почти на 3 метра. Крупнейшим проектом в стадии строительства объявлена 116-метровая экспедиционная суперяхта от верфи Kleven (Норвегия), однако известно, что в стадии строительства находится также 140-метровая яхта, в отношении которой владелец и судостроители соблюдают строгую

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Обзор глобального рынка строительства суперяхт за 2014 год

10/04/15 16:00

известно, что в стадии строительства находится также 140-метровая яхта, в отношении которой владелец и судостроители соблюдают строгую конфиденциальность. Количество новых проектов в год, которые включает в себя как яхты под заказ, так и те, которые строятся для продажи на рынке, является одним из наиболее значительных показателей для яхтенной индустрии. Новые проекты имеют не только жизненно важное значение для верфей, но и для бесчисленных предприятий, связанных с этой отраслью: для дизайнеров, инженеров, поставщиков различных комплектующих и систем, субподрядчиков и даже для информационной сферы. За 2014 год количество верфей, занимающихся строительством суперяхт, сократилось на 6,2%, но в тоже время дворы возросли на 8,6%. В 2013 году верфей было 79, а в 2012 - 98. За два года количество верфей снизилось на 22,4%.

Топ-5 стран-производителей суперяхт в 2014 году Крупнейшим строителем суперяхт в прошлом году была итальянская Benetti. Из 181 новых проектов, реализуемых на 76 верфях в 16 странах, на 28 дворах Benetti SpA. строилось 79 новых яхт. Распределение рынка поставщиков яхт по показателям за 2014 год Все 156 суперяхт, поставленных своим владельцам в 2014 году, были построены на верфях в 20 странах мира. Бесспорным лидером поставок является Италия, охватывающая 40% суперяхтенного рынка. Ее объем поставок был самым крупным и равным 63 суперяхтам. Нидерланды занимают второе место, с долей рынка в 10% (16 новых суперяхт), а Великобритания, поставившая яхты, общей длиной 572 метра, занимает третье место.

Распределение рынка поставщиков яхт 2014 года Распределение рынка строительства новых суперяхт по показателям за 2014 год По соображениям конфиденциальности SuperYacht Company не разглашает подробности в отношении портфеля новых проектов на верфях, но предоставила анализ новых проектов по странах. На 76 верфях в 16 разных странах в стадии строительства находился 181 новый проект. Италия оказалась лидером рынка с 79 новыми проектами, которые реализовывались на 28 верфях. Общая длина новых яхт составила 3417 метров. В Голландии, которой досталось второе место, на 11 верфях в стадии реализации в 2014 году находилось 27 новых проектов, общей длиной яхт 1646 метров. При средней длине яхты около 61 метра, голландские проекты значительно больше, чем итальянские. Однако, самые крупные суперяхты строились и строятся в Германии: средняя длина суперяхты составляет более 100 метров.

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Вновь в числе лучших - Новости - Статьи -

13/04/15 11:57

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Magazine О журнале Выставки Брокераж Регаты Яхт-клубы Рестораны


Вновь в числе лучших 07.04.2015 --Материал корпуса---Конструкция---Режим хода---Двигатель(и)---Верфь---Тип судна--

Китайский мужской журнал Gafencu Men включил Azimut Yachts в число лучших luxury-брендов. Верфь, входящая в состав группы компаний Azimut Benetti Group, попала в рейтинг Best of the Best 2015, который был подготовлен редакцией китайского журнала о стиле жизни для мужчин. Список финалистов был оглашён 26 марта на торжественном вечере в отеле Grand Kempinski в Шанхае, где присутствовало более 300 почётных гостей.

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Журнал, выходящий с 2007 года, вручает премию Best of the Best Awards уже в шестой раз. В число номинантов ежегодно попадают всемирно известные компании из сегмента luxury. Премия присуждается в номинациях «Мода», «Автомобили», «Часы», «Гаджеты», «Рестораны», «Отели», «Роскошные яхты», «Алкоголь», «Гольф», «Недвижимость» и «Частные самолёты».

Azimut Benetti. Семейный бизнес

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Каталог фирм • Moonen

Голландская верфь основана более четверти века назад для строительства круизных яхт.

• Codecasa

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Benetti раскрыла карты - Новости - Статьи -

28/04/15 12:41

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Magazine О журнале Выставки Брокераж Регаты Яхт-клубы Рестораны


Benetti раскрыла карты 23.04.2015 --Материал корпуса---Конструкция---Режим хода---Двигатель(и)---Верфь--

Итальянская верфь Benetti, которая принимает участие в международной яхтенной выставке Singapore Yacht Show 2015,

--Тип судна--

раскрыла детали своей новой стратегии развития на азиатском рынке. Компания планирует расширить зону своего влияния и укрепить позиции в регионе за счёт открытия двух крупных офисов в Гонконге. Ещё одним важным событием для верфи, которая на протяжении последних пяти лет отмечает значительный рост продаж в Азии, стало строительство 63-метровой

Сейчас в продаже:

яхты FB276, спроектированной специально для азиатского рынка и построенной без предварительного запроса или договора о продаже. Одна из крупнейших на Дальнем Востоке яхтенных выставок открылась в этот четверг, 23 апреля. Мероприятие будет проходить на территории роскошного яхт-клуба ONE 15 Marina в заливе Сентоза до 26 апреля. Для компании Benetti участие в выставке является частью стратегической программы развития в этом перспективном для яхтенной индустрии регионе. Представители верфи сообщают, что отмечается устойчивый рост общего благосостояния страны, а также намечается значительное увеличение числа владельцев крупного частного капитала, которые предпочитают инвестировать своё время и средства в сегмент роскоши, в частности в элитные суперъяхты. Согласно статистике, подготовленной организациями Cap Gemini и RNC Wealth Management, число таких обеспеченных потенциальных клиентов в этом регионе в ближайшее время сравняется с показателями североамериканского рынка. Общий объём этого частного капитала на 2013 год здесь составлял около 14,2 миллиарда долларов. Учитывая перспективы развития в Азии, подразделение компании Benetti Asia приняло решение об открытии двух дополнительных представительств верфи и о масштабном обновлении местной команды. Головной офис представительства будет находиться в Гонконге, а с апреля этого годы сервисные центры верфи будут расположены в марине Gold Coast Marina. За последние пять лет компания продала на этом рынке суперъяхты общей длиной больше 390 метров, в их число входят две 28-метровые Delfino, 37-метровая Classic 121, 40,2-метровая Classic Supreme 132, а также три 55-метровые и одна 60метровая модель из серии Custom. Помимо этого, на финальном этапе находятся сделки на продажу 37-метровой Classic 121, 60-метровой и 72-метровой яхт серии Custom. Учитывая эти результаты, верфь решила пойти на риск и специально для местного рынка построить до предварительного заключения договора на продажу новую яхту – 63-метровую FB276. Спуск пока ещё не нашедшей своего владельца новинки намечен на июнь текущего года.

Azimut Benetti. Семейный бизнес

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Benetti | Asia | Singapore yacht show 2015 | Luigi Adamo | bu...

28 Apr 2015

Making the buyer 'confident' in Benetti is key, says Luigi Adamo By Maxine Cheyney Maarten Janssen spoke to Luigi Adamo, general manager of Benetti, at the Singapore Yacht Show 2015, who attributed Benetti's success in the region to its establishment in the Asian market. Adamo explained, "we started to sell and deliver boats in the region more than 15 years ago and one of the largest superyachts in Asia is a 65m, which we delivered in 2001." It is from this point that Adamo believes the brand began to build its reputation in Asia. He added that "In order to keep the leadership position and to improve the number of our fleet, it is important to work hard on the assistance, make the potential buyer confident that Benetti is able to assist them anywhere and any time."

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In tandem with this, Benetti announced their expansion plans earlier in the week, which will see it open an office in Hong Kong.

They say you want a revolution More

Adamo also commented on the market in Asia, "we have a different market for each country in Asia," he said, explaining that different yachts are preferred for different regions, for example, Indonesia where many are interested in fast boats and moving quickly from one location to another.

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However, he said, "they are starting to understand the yacht lifestyle, so we are able to educate them to enjoy the boat and not just move from one place to another." in terms of Hong Kong, Adamo said the market is already there, and believes that the semi-custom line will "achieve a very good result" in the region.

Click here to view the full interview. Singapore Yacht Show News brought to you by, and YachtsXL.

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29/04/15 13:02

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Vibrant Curiosity Returns Home To The Oceanco Shipyard

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23/04/15 18:24

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23/04/15 18:24

Benetti 56m superyacht Surpina undergoes sea trials | Boat International

30/04/15 12:18

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Benetti 56m superyacht Surpina undergoes sea trials 13 April 2015 by Zoe Dickens

Benetti’s new 56 metre superyacht Surpina has undergone her first sea trial along the Tuscan coast of Italy. Surpina was launched in March 2015 at Livorno by the Italian yacht builder and has been designed in close conjunction with the owner. His requirements included enclosed stern areas on the main and upper decks, giving the boat a striking profile and setting it apart from other Benetti yachts. Surpina is powered by twin MTU 12V 4,000 M53 1340 kW engines that provide a range of 5,000 nautical miles at 12 knots. She can be seen during her recent sea trials in the video below:

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Benetti 56m superyacht Surpina undergoes sea trials | Boat International

30/04/15 12:18

Surpina’s design affords accommodation for 14 guests across seven staterooms, plus an impressive owner’s suit. The interior is described by the yard as ‘classic Italian’, complete with antique period furnishings, elm and mahogany wood panelling, white carpets and marble detailing as per the owner’s brief. The superyacht also includes an upper deck gym adjacent to the owner’s cabin and large windows which extend the main deck living area all the way aft. On successful completion of her sea trials, Surpina is expected to be delivered later this month. She was the third custom superyacht to be launched by Benetti in 2015, along with 50m Vicaand 63.5m FB264.

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Azimut Yachts selected by chinese magazine Gafencu Men as one of C…s foremost luxury brands — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

13/04/15 11:56

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Azimut Yachts selected by chinese magazine Gafencu Men as one of China’s foremost luxury brands April 03, 2015 Azimut Yachts, part of the Azimut|Benetti Group, is thrilled to announce that it has been recently selected by the magazine Gafencu Men as one of China’s foremost luxury brands in its exclusive 2015 Best of the Best edition. The awards presentation, honouring Azimut Yachts 2015 achievement, took place on March 26 at the Grand Kempinski Hotel in Shanghai.

Luxury charter yacht GRANDE built by Azimut Yachts The Best of the Best Awards is now in its sixth year becoming an authoritative acknowledgment for the luxury sector. They list features the world’s most aspirational brands and recognizes winners from a host of sectors – categories includes fashion, automotive, watches, Gadgets, restaurants, hotels, luxury yachts, wines and spirit, Golf, Property, Home and private jets – In total, more than 300 guests presented at the event with a veritable who’s who of luxury brands in attendance.

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Azimut Yachts selected by chinese magazine Gafencu Men as one of C…s foremost luxury brands — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

13/04/15 11:56

The 2015 winners were chosen by the editors of Gafencu Men magazine. Founded in 2007, Gafencu Men has now become firmly established as the style-bible for affluent, aspirational males across China.

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Azimut-Benetti Yachts’ success in China Azimut Benetti Group to be present at China Rendez-Vous 2014 with 6 yachts on display Simpson Marine – New exclusive dealer for Azimut Yachts in Beijing and Tianjin, China Video of luxury yacht Azimut 80 by Azimut Yachts China Awards for Azimut Benetti Group in the “Value Creators” category

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Azimut-Benetti Yachts’ success in China Azimut Benetti Group to be present at China Rendez-Vous 2014 with 6 yachts on display Simpson Marine – New exclusive dealer for Azimut Yachts in Beijing and Tianjin, China Video of luxury yacht Azimut 80 by Azimut Yachts China Awards for Azimut Benetti Group in the “Value Creators” category

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Video of 56m Benetti motor yacht SURPINA (FB267) — Luxury...

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Tidetech Tidal stream data for Round the Island Race Yacht Charter Search Location

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Video of 56m Benetti motor yacht SURPINA (FB267) April 07, 2015 Boasting an instantly striking profile, the all-new motor yacht SURPINA (FB267) is a beautiful 56-metre vessel, built by the leading Italian shipyard Benetti. Superyacht SUPRINA provides deluxe accommodation in 8 magnificent cabins, including owner’s suite and seven guest cabins. Below is a video showing this beauty, while cruising the waters of the lovely Tuscany yacht holiday destination, nestled in Italy. The video was made by Roberto Malfatti.

Superyacht News Related to "Video of 56m Benetti motor yacht SURPINA (FB267)" 1. Launch of new 56m motor yacht SURPINA (FB267) by Benetti 2. Video from launch of first Veloce 140′ motor yacht by Benetti 3. Video of the 54m Benetti motor yacht Lady Michelle 4. Video: Benetti Tradition Supreme 108 motor yacht MY PARADIS 5. Video of Benetti Tradition Supreme 108 motor yacht MY PARADIS underway Benetti, Benetti FB267, Benetti S.p.a., Benetti Shipyard, Benetti Yachts, FB267, Italy, Roberto Malfatti, Surpina, Tuscany

Benetti Benetti Yachts designs and builds large luxury motor yachts and superyachts from composite material from 25m – 50m (82 to 160 feet) in length. Their ...

Motor Yacht LAIKA

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10/04/15 15:16

Exciting Asia strategies unveiled by Benetti at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

28/04/15 11:50

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Tidetech Tidal stream data for Round the Island Race Yacht Charter Search Location

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Exciting Asia strategies unveiled by Benetti at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 April 23, 2015 Benetti, the world’s leading manufacturer of superyachts over 24m in length for 15 consecutive years, is proud to announce their presence at the currently running 2015 Singapore Yacht Show. Set to run until Sunday, April 26, the event represents the most successful boat show in the Far East.

Benetti’s Stand at the 2015 Singapore Yacht Show Asia is becoming ever more important strategically in the superyacht market. Benetti has increased their presence in the Far East and APAC to take advantage of the area’s huge potential. The company’s primary office in the Far East is in Hong Kong. Leading the Benetti team is Luigi Adamo, General Manager, with Alberto Giannerini as Service Manager and Natalie Ye as Marketing Manager. Since April 2015, the Benetti Service offices are situated in the five-star Gold Coast Marina.

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Exciting Asia strategies unveiled by Benetti at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

28/04/15 11:50

The last five years saw Benetti sell ‘390 meters of superyachts’ in Asia. These include two Delfino 93’ (28m), one Classic 121’ (37m), one Classic Supreme 132’ (40,2m), three Custom of 55m and one Custom of 60m. Contracts for a Classic 121’ (37m), Custom 60m and a Custom 72m are currently at an advanced stage and will probably be closed within this year.

Benetti at the 2015 Singapore Yacht Show Specifically designed for the Asian market is the 63-metre superyacht FB276. The on spec build is scheduled for launch in June 2017. Many design solutions aboard this striking vessel have been adapted to the tastes of Oriental Owners, such as the partially covered extended upper deck lounge area, with its own bar, sofas and relax area with Jacuzzi. Accommodation is provided in the Owner’s apartments on the upper deck, with a studio, dressing room and two private lateral balconies, as well as in the full-beam VIP cabin, at the forward end of the main deck, in addition to four guest cabins, all with double beds. The living areas of Benetti motor yacht FB276, considering the possible uses for private parties or work-time happenings, specifically feature the huge main salon with a secondary salon on the upper deck, complete with a long bar counter.

Fabio Ermetto, Luigi Adamo and Natalie Ye at the 2015 Singapore Yacht Show Luigi Adamo – General Manager Benetti Asia, comments: “As soon as I was nominated Asian General Manager, the first actions I wanted to undertake were directed towards increased attention to our brokers regional network. It is fundamental to keep them up to date on our products,

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Exciting Asia strategies unveiled by Benetti at Singapore Yacht Show 2015 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

28/04/15 11:50

improving the definition of the brand. Further important steps were to nominate a new head of Service for the Hong Kong office, and the new opening of the Service Office in the Gold Coast Marina. This way, with our strong local presence, we will be able to serve our clients throughout 360°.” Among the more recent vessels sold and handed over by Benetti belongs the 2013 55m superyacht Ocean Paradise, a custom build with high impact minimal-chic interior styling for a young Singapore Owner; the 2014 56m motor yacht Lady Candy, a custom build destined for a Chinese Owner, as well as the 2014 40m luxury yacht Mingfa, fifth model of the 132! Classic Supreme line. Luxury motor yacht Mingfa boasts many fine and innovative features, including full height windows along the main and upper decks, providing plenty of natural light inside and giving the vessel a more racy profile; in addition to the charming balcony for the Owners cabin, a twin Jacuzzi – one forward on the upper deck and the other on the sun deck, as well as the open air external stairs. Below is a choice of the luxurious charter yachts by Benetti.

Benetti Charter Yacht Images

Yacht STARFIRE - Main

Yacht STARFIRE - Main Salon

Yacht STARFIRE - Cinema on Sundeck

Yacht STARFIRE - Bridge Deck Exterior ...

Yacht STARFIRE - Formal Dining

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Benetti FB264 is a 63m luxury yacht : Gentleman's Style

29/04/15 12:00




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( FB264 is a 63.5 metre long and 11 metre wide, steel and aluminium luxury yacht. It is 100% custom and exclusively for private use. The vessel is designed as an honest to goodness “home on the sea” starting with the internal layout. Apart from the saloon on the main deck there are no large common spaces but rather small, intimate ones. Only the finest materials are used to build this luxury yacht, such as a Galuchat headboard. The simplicity of the intimate spaces is offset by the extreme complexity of the workmanship. There are many metal inlays,

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Benetti FB264 is a 63m luxury yacht : Gentleman's Style

29/04/15 12:00

transparent glass drawers, and other elements that required highly sophisticated woodworking skills, a complex undertaking even for the expert craftsman at the shipyard.


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Benetti Reveal New 63 Metre Superyacht In Singapore » Jack Tar Super Yacht Charter

28/04/15 12:25

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Benetti Reveal New 63 Metre Superyacht In Singapore Âť Jack Tar Super Yacht Charter

28/04/15 12:25

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Benetti Reveal New 63 Metre Superyacht In Singapore

The Italian superyacht builder Benetti has revealed a new superyacht project at the Singapore Yacht Show, purposely, as the 63 metres FB276 luxury yacht has been specifically designed for the Asian client and charter market. Benetti have decided that the tastes of Oriental owners and charterers are less focused on sunbathing and the outdoor aspects of the superyacht lifestyle, though who nevertheless appreciate high standards of luxury, comfort and of course technology. The main sunbathing deck is the upper deck lounge area, with its own bar, sofas and relax area with

Jacuzzi, other decks are as is the beach area astern.

partially or nearly totally covered,

Living areas are focused on providing large spaces for entertaning The owner’s apartments on the upper deck, features a studio, dressing room and two private lateral balconies. There is a full beam VIP cabin located forward on the main deck plus 4 additional spacious double guest cabins on board.

Jack Tar Superyacht Charter have motor and sail yachts for charter in SE Asia. Use the link to view which yachts are available in the regions areas. Details on the Singapore Yacht Show.

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Benetti takes on Asia | office expansion | Hong Kong | Luigi Adamo | Alberto Giannerini | Natalia Ye | business News on

28/04/15 11:53

23 Apr 2015

Benetti takes on Asia By Maxine Cheyney The first day of the Singapore Yacht Show has revealed Benetti’s plans for expansion into the Asian market, with the opening of two offices in Hong Kong and its FB276 63m on spec, spearheading construction that is tailored for the Asian market. Luigi Adamo has been made the general manager of Benetti Asia, heading up the management team based in Hong Kong, with Alberto Giannerini as service manager and Natalie Ye as marketing manager. Adamo told that there will be further growth in Indonesia and Japan in the future. He added, “Indonesia is the perfect destination for the yachting business since there are lots of beautiful islands for cruising. Japan is a country with a large number of well established UHNWIs, which is crucial for yachting business.”

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Luigi Adamo, general manager

Natalie Ye, marketing manager

Adamo disclosed that they are currently in negotiations for a 37m and 72m yacht for Asian owners. In addition to the FB276, Adamo explained, “There is potential in the Asian market for even larger yachts, although at the moment it’s not the main region for that size. However, we trust the market is moving in that direction.” In terms of adapting to the preferences of Asian owners, Adamo added, "It is important we pay special attention to the interior space because the Asian clients prefer to spend more time indoors at the moment, and would like to include the high-tech solutions to reduce the noise and vibration.” In a statement to the media, Adam said: “As soon as I was nominated Asian general manager, the first actions I wanted to undertake were directed towards increased attention to our brokers' regional network. It is fundamental to keep them up to date on our products, improving the definition of the brand. Further important steps were to nominate a new head of service for the Hong Kong office and the new opening of the service office in the Gold Coast Marina. This way, with our strong local presence, we will be able to serve our clients throughout.” Recent deliveries from the yard for Asian owners consolidates its move to expand into China, with the delivery of 55m M/Y Ocean Paradise for a young Singapore owner; 56m M/Y Lady Candy - a custom yacht for a Chinese owner - as well as 40m M/Y Mingfa.

M/Y Mingfa The move has been based on the yard's commercial success in the region, claiming to have sold a total LOA of 390m in the region over the last five years, with contracts for a Classic 121’ (37m), Custom 60m and a Custom 72m at an advanced stage with potential completion within the year. Further to this, an emerging pocket of wealth and UHNWIs has encouraged

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Benetti takes on Asia | office expansion | Hong Kong | Luigi Adamo | Alberto Giannerini | Natalia Ye | business News on

28/04/15 11:53

Benetti’s investment in the region, with Credit Suisse’s Ultra-Rich table showing China alone coming second to the USA in number of UHNWIs.

Profile links Benetti Yachts

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Recruitment is the leading online portal provider of career and recruitment resources for professionals in the superyacht industry. This includes yachts as well as shore-based companies. Take control of your recruitment and advertise your jobs direct to 30,000+ registered crew, 23,000+ unique monthly visitors and 10,000+ social media followers.

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Benetti | Asia | Singapore yacht show 2015 | Luigi Adamo | business News on

29/04/15 11:57

28 Apr 2015

Making the buyer 'confident' in Benetti is key, says Luigi Adamo By Maxine Cheyney Maarten Janssen spoke to Luigi Adamo, general manager of Benetti, at the Singapore Yacht Show 2015, who attributed Benetti's success in the region to its establishment in the Asian market. Adamo explained, "we started to sell and deliver boats in the region more than 15 years ago and one of the largest superyachts in Asia is a 65m, which we delivered in 2001."

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It is from this point that Adamo believes the brand began to build its reputation in Asia. He added that "In order to keep the leadership position and to improve the number of our fleet, it is important to work hard on the assistance, make the potential buyer confident that Benetti is able to assist them anywhere and any time."

'Singapore, it's the Monaco of Asia', says Henry Goulding More

In tandem with this, Benetti announced their expansion plans earlier in the week, which will see it open an office in Hong Kong.

They say you want a revolution More

Adamo also commented on the market in Asia, "we have a different market for each country in Asia," he said, explaining that different yachts are preferred for different regions, for example, Indonesia where many are interested in fast boats and moving quickly from one location to another.

Asia is a 'region to be watched', says Darrell Hall More

However, he said, "they are starting to understand the yacht lifestyle, so we are able to educate them to enjoy the boat and not just move from one place to another." in terms of Hong Kong, Adamo said the market is already there, and believes that the semi-custom line will "achieve a very good result" in the region.

Click here to view the full interview. Singapore Yacht Show News brought to you by, and YachtsXL.

Profile links Benetti Yachts

Comments Featured Listings Recruitment is the leading online portal provider of career and recruitment resources for professionals in the superyacht industry. This includes yachts as well as shore-based companies. Take control of your recruitment and advertise your jobs direct to 30,000+ registered crew, 23,000+ unique monthly visitors and 10,000+ social media followers.

Marinas & Ports Ocean World Marinas Ocean World Marina is the only full-service marina located between the heavily traveled Florida/Bahamas area and the Puerto Rico/Eastern Caribbean region.

Navigation Raytheon Anschuetz Professional Integrated Navigation Systems based on cuttingedge technology and decades of experience. Ultimate knowledge and flexibility in system integration. Dedicated customer care throughout the whole project and beyond.

Interior Fittings, Water Treatment & Watermakers Evac Oy Evac designs, manufactures and markets environmentally friendly vacuum toilet and wastewater treatment systems for the yacht and shipbuilding industry. With the latest advanced technical innovations we provide quality, reliability and design.

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PowerYacht Mag - Est 2007: New Model: Benetti 50m FB801

29/04/15 11:48

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APRIL 19, 2015

New Model: Benetti 50m FB801 Find us on Facebook

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Almost 50 metres long, FB801 is the first Benetti yacht built with hybrid technology: a fiberglass hull with

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an aluminium superstructure. The sculptural and flexible qualities of aluminium lend themselves to client customization. FB801 is is a decidedly Mediterranean vessel featuring spacious exteriors, large decks both to the bow and stern of the upper deck, as well as an enormous sun deck. FB801 ensures comfortable hull performance, practically vibration free and silent thanks to a special elastic connection between the

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engines and prop shaft. The exteriors have large full-height windows and also three removable panels a unique feature of Benetti FB801. The first panel is astern and on the side for hauling in and launching the tender; the second is at the swimming platform; and the third is at the lower deck, enabling the lobby usually a closed space to be opened up. In addition unusual for a boat of this size; the retractable stair that


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leads down to the water, exclusively for the boat owner’s personal use. The interior layout includes four guest cabins on the lower deck, the boat owner suite towards the bow on the main deck, and an additional cabin on the upper deck. The 12-member crew shares 6 cabins on the lower deck. The interiors were


designed for a home-like feel, except for the foyer with its impressive wrought iron stair. Cherry is used


throughout in both glossy and satin finishes (for the cabins) with rosewood detailing. The lighting design is quite evocative, featuring LEDs and an alabaster column lit from the inside using white point dynamic brightness controls.

Boat Repair and Refits Spray Painting, Grp Repair Antifoul Bowthrusters,Fibreglass,Teak decks


Technical Data:

Americas Cup (21)

LOA - 49.8 m (163ft)

blogger (67)

Hull Length - 41.2 m

Boat Review (35)

Beam - 9.62 m

Boat Show (78)

Draft - 2.7 m


Displacement - 498 t

Class 1 (96)

Fuel Capacity - 70000 l

Classics (1)

Water Capacity - 12000 l

Engine (52)

Engines - 2 x Cat C32 Acert 1450hp

Exclusive (355)

Propulsion - line shaft

Explorer Cruiser (65)

Speed - 15 knots max, 14 knots cruise

Explorer Yacht (112)

Accommodation - 12 guest berths in 6 cabins, 12 crew in 6 cabins

Improve-it (175)

Construction - fiberglass, aluminium super structure Hull Type - Displacement

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Certification - ABS

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