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Monday 17th August 2015


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LATEST BROKERAGE HEADLINES 65m Lady Lau is sold by Worth Avenue and Merle Wood & Associates 46m Katya has a $2,000,000 price reduction at Florida Yachts International 39.62m Arioso is now listed for sale at Worth Avenue Yachts 26.12m sailing yacht Aspiration listed for sale at Northrop & Johnson

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Westport Arioso now with Worth Avenue Yachts

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17/08/15 09:24

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What to wear to the Monaco Yacht Show: Women's style guide

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The intelligently designed Vica

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Spotted: sports stars on yacht vacations

7 of the best restaurants in Monaco

17/08/15 09:24

Estreia mundial | Revista Náutica

30/07/15 12:07




















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Estreia mundial | Revista Náutica

30/07/15 12:07

A italiana Benetti – um dos grupos náuticos mais conhecidos no mundo – anunciou a estreia de seu megaiate de 63 metros, o FB265 M/Y 11/11, no Monaco Yacht Show, que acontecerá de 23 a 26 de setembro. Com design especial, o FB265 possui proa vertical, permitindo o aumento da tendência dinâmica, literalmente cortando a água. Seu layout une, ainda, espaço e conforto nas duas suítes do proprietário – uma no convés principal e a segunda no pavimento superior, com acesso privado à piscina e ao solário. As quatro suítes de hóspedes ficam no convés inferior. O modelo conta com 46 luzes colocadas abaixo da linha de água, o que oferece efeitos cênicos e iluminação noturna quando ancorado. A motorização fica por conta de dois motores CAT 3512C de 1350kW cada, que possibilitaram uma velocidade máxima de 17 nós durante os primeiros testes no mar.



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Regata News | Itália:Benetti no Monaco Yacht Show de 23 a 26 de setembro

30/07/15 11:58

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anha a maior marina do Brasil com 900 vagas para barcos<<<<>>>Lançamento: Fibrafort lança nesta q (

Itália:Benetti no Monaco Yacht Show de 23 a 26 de setembro

Matérias Itajaí ganha a maior marina do Brasil com Pagina 1 di 7

Regata News | Itália:Benetti no Monaco Yacht Show de 23 a 26 de setembro

Adilson Pacheco ( 25 de julho de 2015 ( Deixe um comentário (


30/07/15 11:58

900 vagas para barcos, ( br/itajai-ganha-a-maiormarina-do-brasil-com900-vagas-parabarcos/) Porto Alegre: Jangadeiros arrecada mantimentos em prol dos flagelados pelas enchentes ( br/porto-alegrejangadeiros-arrecadamantimentos-em-proldos-flagelados-pelasenchentes/) Itajaí – Azimut Yachts do Brasil apresenta na quinta-feira um dos maiores iates de luxo já construídos no Brasil ( br/itajai-azimut-yachtsdo-brasil-apresenta-naquinta-feira-um-dosmaiores-iates-de-luxoja-construidos-nobrasil/) Azimut do Brasil completa 5 anos e lança iate de luxo de mais de 25 metros ( br/azimut-do-brasilcompleta-5-anos-elanca-iate-de-luxo-demais-de-25-metros/)

( estreia

Espanha: Las clases Gaastra IRC 0 y Rías Baixas IRC 1 reunirán a los grandes ( br/espanha-las-clasesgaastra-irc-0-y-riasbaixas-irc-1-reuniran-alos-grandes/)

europeia e duas mundiais do estaleiro da Toscana, Itália.


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Regata News | Itália:Benetti no Monaco Yacht Show de 23 a 26 de setembro

– FB265 M/Y 11/11 – cabine dupla do proprietário com proa verticalizada que atravessa o mar – estreia mundial – FB255 M/Y Formosa, cinco pavimentos de 60 metros de alumínio e aço – estreia mundial – BF 203 M / YH, terceira unidade da série Veloce 140’ Fast Displacement – estreia europeia Edição – Adilson Pacheco Fonte- Larissa Andrade/Rota Comunicação Post – 24/07-22:44 Viareggio, Itália, – FB265 MY 11/11 – Um megaiate de 63 metros tem um design especial e fator estético que se percebe imediatamente: uma proa vertical, o que permite um aumento da tendência dinâmica, literalmente cortando a água. Seus interiores são originais. O layout favorece espaço e conforto das duas cabines do proprietário, uma no convés principal ocupando o feixe completo, e a segunda no pavimento superior, com acesso privado à piscina e ao solário. As quatro cabines de hóspedes estão no convés inferior, cada uma com seu banheiro privativo. Performance, com dois motores CAT 3512C de 1350kW cada, confere uma velocidade máxima de 17 nós durante os primeiros testes de mar. Efeitos cênicos e iluminação noturna são assegurados enquanto ancorado, com 46 luzes colocadas abaixo da linha de água do superiate. M / Y Formosa FB255 – O casco de aço e de alumínio do superiate Formosa FB255 – com estilo exterior e arquitetura naval feitos inteiramente por Benetti – tem cinco pavimentos, com 60 metros de comprimento, boca (largura) de 10,6 metros e um deslocamento de 1.060 GT. Layout e design da área de hóspedes foram criados por Sinot Design, em estreita colaboração com o proprietário. Conta com cinco suites para dez convidados, com um deck

30/07/15 11:58

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Regata News | Itália:Benetti no Monaco Yacht Show de 23 a 26 de setembro

completo e espaçoso no apartamento do proprietário. 14 membros da tripulação auxiliam o capitão no suporte ao proprietário e convidados. Formosa FB255, impulsionada por dois motores MTU 12V4000 M53 de 1,380kW a 1.800rpm tem uma velocidade máxima de 16 nós, com uma velocidade de cruzeiro de 15 nós. Em modo econômico de cruzeiro viajando a 12 nós a FB255 tem um alcance de 5.000 milhas náuticas. BF 203 M / YH é o terceiro iate da série Fast Displacement Veloce 140’ e é caracterizada por um novo desenho que faz o casco D2P (Displacement to Planing) ainda mais eficiente. The Wave Piercer viaja logo abaixo da superfície a uma velocidade baixa, mas uma vez que a embarcação atinge a velocidade adequada o “Wave Piercer” emerge e aumenta o comprimento da linha de água de forma eficaz, conferindo ao iate melhor desempenho e eficiência. Eficiência de combustível aumenta em cerca de 10% a uma determinada velocidade, enquanto que com a mesma potência há um aumento de cerca de 10%, permitindo assim velocidades mais elevadas. A BF 203 M / YH está equipada com cinco hélices duplas e central dupla de 2,580kW cada uma, com uma configuração de eixo da hélice em linha reta. Seu layout interno oferece quatro cabines de hóspedes – duas com camas de solteiro e duas queen size – no convés inferior, enquanto o apartamento do proprietário fica à frente no deck principal. No mesmo deck tem o salão principal com bar zone e ponte, todos com janelas panorâmicas laterais para proporcionar uma visão perfeita. A área de jantar, com uma grande mesa expansível, fica no andar superior juntamente com um segundo salão. Há duas áreas de banhos de sol: à frente do deck superior com jacuzzi, e no terraço com um bar da esquina.

30/07/15 11:58

Mercado ( br/category/mercado/) Mercado Náutico ( br/category/industrianautica/mercadonautico/) Navegando ( br/category/regatas/vol vo-race/navegando/) Outros ( br/category/regatas/out ros/) Paradas ( br/category/regatas/vol vo-race/paradas/) Portos e logística ( br/category/mercado/po rtos-e-logistica/) Regata em Itajaí ( br/category/regatas/reg ata-em-itajai/) Regata em Santa Catarina ( br/category/regatas/reg ata-em-santa-catarina/) Regata internacional ( br/category/regatas/reg ata-internacional/) Regata no Brasil ( br/category/regatas/reg ata-no-brasil/) Sem categoria ( br/category/semcategoria/) Turismo ( br/category/mercado/tu Pagina 4 di 7

Regata News | Itália:Benetti no Monaco Yacht Show de 23 a 26 de setembro

30/07/15 11:58

Sobre Benetti


Com a maior taxa de crescimento entre os fabricantes de

VIP ( br/category/mercado/vi p/)

super e mega iates do mundo, Benetti é um ícone de estilo atemporal e elegância italianos unidos com excelência de renome.

Volvo Ocean Race ( br/category/regatas/vol vo-race/)

– Fundada em 1873, Benetti é o mais antigo estaleiro de luxo italiano. – Cada barco é único, construído de acordo com o desejo de seus proprietários. – Benetti projeta, desenvolve e comercializa duas linhas de produtos: Class – Displacement e Fast Displacement de 93-145 pés, e Custom – em aço e alumínio com mais de 45 metros de comprimento. – Benetti tem instalações em Viareggio, Fano, Livorno, na Itália, e escritórios em Fort Lauderdale, Dubai e Hong Kong. – Benetti é parte do Gruppo Azimut | Benetti, o maior grupo de capital privado de iates de luxo do mundo.



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FB502 Panthera Benetti Yachts

尼蒂 FB502 系豪




FB502 Panthera Benetti Yachts

FB502 Panthera Benetti Yachts 布 点

:2015年08月21日 :26  |

27/08/15 16:00



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Benetti sold FB269 to Mr. John Staluppi

AUGUST 20, 2015

20/08/15 14:37









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Benetti sold FB269 to Mr. John Staluppi 12 August, 2015 / in Benetti (, Giorgio M. Cassetta (, Mulder Design (, Yachts under construction (

John Staluppi ( – that’s a name in the yachting industry. Not as a designer, not as a shipyard – as a very experienced yacht owner. Known for very fast and very luxurious displacement yachts as well and yachts named after James Bond movies.



I have never worked with him, but he is one of my favorite yacht owners, because he has interesting projects. Currently Mr. Staluppi has project Skyfall ( under construction in Turkey, owns a Trinity called Skyfall and refitted a Palmer Johnson called Skyfall II ( The Trinity is currently for sale. Also the project Skyfall in Turkey is for sale.

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Benetti sold FB269 to Mr. John Staluppi

20/08/15 14:37

For the new project FB269, John Staluppi returns to Benetti. He owned the “Diamonds are forever (” (FB253) some years ago. He comes along with Frank and Bas Mulder of Mulder Design ( for the naval architecture who are also responsible for the stunning The World is not enough ( and Octopussy ( Staluppi appointed Giorgio M. Cassetta ( for the exterior design. Benetti, Mulder and Staluppi sounds like a mission to built the ultimate one and I am currently like little child just right before handing out of presents at christmas. FB269 will have a length of 66m, a top speed of over 20 knots (with an eye on efficiency) and will be constructed with a steel hull and an aluminum superstructure. Vincenzo Poerio – Benetti CEO comments: (

“We are delighted of John coming back, especially with such a request, we can define as a very exciting “new challenge”. This relationship – with a so faithful client give us a responsibility even heavier than our usual. We are sure to meet once again with his desires. By the way is an unrivaled signal of Benetti’s great commercial success – based on customer listening in addition to our working teams unmatchable capabilities to realize any kind of


Owners’ request”. (

John and Jeanette Staluppi say: “We are very happy to be building our new yacht with the Benetti team as my wife, Jeanette and I were extremely


pleased with “Diamonds are Forever”. The new venture will be of a much higher standard with new modern day high tech systems, and once again working with Frank and Bas Mulder. With the combination of expertise between Benetti, Mulder and our design team, we believe this will be our greatest project.”


Hope there will come renderings soon. The teaser is not enough !





columbus-yachts-too-design/) ( (

 Benetti Yachts (, Giorgio M. Cassetta (, John Staluppi (, Motor Yacht (, mulder design


(, Yacht (



René is a Sailing Guy since a little child, Superyacht Enthusiast since 2002 (age of 17), Luxury Yacht Consultant at, Digital Native, has a education in Business Informatics, is a Online Media and Social Media Guy, Living in Oldenburg, northern Germany next to Lürssen and Abeking & Rasmussen.


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Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 : Le Benetti Vivace 125' arrive sur les flots ! | Luxe-Magazine

21/08/15 12:27

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Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 : Le Benetti Vivace 125' arrive sur les flots ! Partenaire du Cannes Yachting Festival 2015, Luxe Magazine vous dit TOUT sur les nouveautés à ne pas manquer. Aujourd'hui, focus sur le Vivace 125', second modèle de la série Fast Displacement de Benetti.

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Le petit frère du Veloce 140'

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On prend (presque) les mêmes et on recommence ! Après le succès du Veloce 140' de la gamme Class Fast Displacement de Benetti, le chantier italien lui donne un petit frère, le Vivace 125', un yacht long de 38,10 mètres et large de 8,30 mètres, s'inspirant du Veloce par sa technologie de construction, son allure et l'organisation de ses espaces. Pas moins de trois ponts et un sundeck confèrent au Vivace 125' un look élégant, sportif avec une belle utilisation des baies vitrées horizontales et une belle prouesse stylistique permettant de couvrir l'escalier d'accès au pont supérieur.

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Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 : Le Benetti Vivace 125' arrive sur les flots ! | Luxe-Magazine

21/08/15 12:27

2. Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 : Le Benetti Vivace 125' arrive sur les flots ! - Juillet 2015 3. Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 : Demandez le programme ! - Juillet 2015 A bord, ce petit bijou accueille jusqu'à 8 invités au sein de 4 suites, en plus de l'appartement propriétaire pleine largeur sur le pont principal. Côté équipage, sept personnes peuvent vivre à bord du navire afin d'assister le commandant et de se consacrer aux invités. Clou du spectacle : une série innovante de transmissions azipodales nommée pod carbon Azipull 65C, étudiée spécialement par, tenez-vous bien, Rolls-Royce !

4. « Washington National Golf Club », un très beau parcours près de Seattle. Juin 2015 5. En route pour Cascais ! - Juin 2015

La rédaction, Juillet 2015 Partager sur Facebook Tweeter l'article

Gagnez un dîner pour deux à la Maison Pourcel Shanghai ! Faena - Buenos Aires // Argentine

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Four Seasons Sharm El Sheikh Shanghai vous semble trop loin de la Méditerranée ? // Egypte Fort heureusement les Frères Pourcel sont là pour faire rayonner l'huile d'olive et les tomates confites sur les rivages de la rivière Huangpu. Pour gagner un dîner pour deux personnes à la Maison Pourcel de Shanghai, dites-nous en quelques mots ce qu'évoquent pour vous les saveurs méditerranéennes. Bonne chance et bon appétit ! Lire la suite » ...

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The 7 exclusive journal Benetti au Monaco Yacht Show 2015.

21/08/15 12:19

La beauté des choses n'est que le reflet du talent et des compétences de l'homme.

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The 7 exclusive journal Transport

Benetti au Monaco Yacht Show 2015. 3 août 2015 par James C / Rubrique : Transport

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The 7 exclusive journal Benetti au Monaco Yacht Show 2015.

21/08/15 12:19

Encore un fois, Benetti va afficher l’excellence de son savoir-faire au Monaco Yacht Show, en présentant deux première mondiale et une première Européenne. Le Benetti FB265 M/Y 11/11, un méga-yacht de 63 mètres en acier et aluminium fera ses débuts mondiaux. Particularité esthétique de ce yacht, sa proue droite qui donne à la carène cette impression de littéralement fendre la vague. A l’intérieur, l’aménagement choisi privilégie la présence de deux véritables cabines propriétaire. L’une sur le pont principal qui jouit de toute la largeur du navire et la seconde sur le pont supérieur, avec un accès privé au pont avec piscine et solarium. Les performances sont au rendez-vous ! Propulsé par deux CAT 3512C de 1350 kW chacun, le navire a atteint lors des premiers essais en mer, une vitesse de pointe d’environ 17 nœuds. Le Benetti FB255 M/Y Formosa est un méga-yacht de 60 mètres en acier et aluminium, développé sur 5 ponts et dont le style extérieur et l’architecture navale sont signés Benetti. La distribution des espaces intérieurs prévoit 5 suites pour 10 invités et consacre un pont entier à l’appartement de l’armateur. 14 membres d’équipage assisteront le commandant et prendront soin des invités.

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The 7 exclusive journal Benetti au Monaco Yacht Show 2015.

21/08/15 12:19

Le FB255 M/Y Formosa, motorisé par 2 MTU 12V4000 M53 de 1380 kW, peut atteindre une vitesse maximale de 16 nœuds. L’autonomie à la vitesse économique de 12 nœuds est de 5000 miles nautiques. Le Benetti BF203 M/Y H est la troisième coque de la série Fast Displacement Veloce 140. Cette coque est dotée d’un Wave Piercer (perce vague), qui entre en action quand le bateau atteint la vitesse de 17 à 18 nœuds, augmentant la longueur de flottaison et permettant ainsi de baisser la consommation d’environ 10 %. La propulsion est assurée par 2 hélices dotées de 5 pales et par 2 moteurs de 2580 kW. A l’intérieur, le BF203 M/Y H offre 4 cabines pour les invités, 2 matrimoniales et 2 doubles, situées sur le pont inférieur, alors que l’appartement du propriétaire est positionné à l’avant du pont principal. Sur ce pont, on trouve aussi le salon principal avec coin bar et la cabine de pilotage dotée de fenêtres panoramiques latérales pour une visibilité parfaite. La salle à manger, avec une grande table extensible, a été placée en revanche sur le pont supérieur avec une seconde zone salon. Crédits photos : Benetti.

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The 7 exclusive journal Benetti au Monaco Yacht Show 2015.

21/08/15 12:19

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Pagina 4 di 12

Benetti Vivace 125’ to debut at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 - Frames LifeFrames Life |

27/08/15 15:58








Benetti Vivace 125’ to debut at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 AUGUST 21, 2015 • LEISURE • COMMENTS (0) •  12


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The yacht is equipped with the D2P® hull with wave piercer, which allows it to reach higher speeds than the earlier model. Established in 1873, Benetti is Italy’s oldest luxury shipyard and it currently has the highest growth rate among the world’s super and mega yacht builders. At the Cannes Yachting

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Fast Displacement series, the Benetti Vivace 125’

• Limited Edition

The Fast Displacement series is the flagship class of the Italian shipbuilder. The new Vivace

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125’ is inspired from the former Veloce 140’ of the same line in terms of construction

• Resorts

technology, stylistic features, and spatial layout. Designed by Stefano Righini, the Vivace

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comprises three decks and a sun deck. The interiors of the yacht will feature four suites, which will be able to accommodate eight guests. The owner’s apartment will be situated on the main deck, at full beam. The Vivace

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yacht. A composite and carbon construction yacht, it measures 38.10 m by 8.30 m and it

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Festival, to be held from 8th to 13th September, Benetti will unveil its second model of the

125’ has a sporty exterior and horizontal windows that highlight the sleek lines of the

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How much for a glass of water?

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Benetti Vivace 125’ to debut at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 - Frames LifeFrames Life |

27/08/15 15:58

125’ will be able to fit a crew of 7 plus the captain.

UBirds’ Unique handmade smart wat

As per an exclusive agreement with Rolls-Royce an innovative series of azipod transmissions – carbon Azipull 65C pods – have been designed for Benetti. For this

2015: Our favourite trends in luxury design

propulsion pod, Benetti perfected the wave piercer by optimising all stern tunnel thrusters

A suite at $37,000 a night

and elements impacting hydrodynamic coefficients. Thus the D2P hull with wave piercer allows the latest Fast Displacement series to reach higher speeds than before without straining the engine, and to also cruise in displacement mode at an economical speed with a much greater range. Further details on the Vivace 125’ will be released by Benetti at the time of its world

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premiere at the Cannes Yachting Festival. You could also click here for more information and updates on this latest Fast Displacement model.

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Benetti al Monaco Yacht Show 2015 |

20/08/15 12:14

AGOSTO 20, 2015













Benetti al Monaco Yacht Show 2015 BY LA REDAZIONE DI BOATMAG

• AGOSTO 15, 2015

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Benetti al Monaco Yacht Show 2015 |

20/08/15 12:14

Due debutti mondiali e uno europeo per Benetti al Monaco Yacht Show 2015, in programma dal 23 al 26 settembre, oltre all’annuncio della vendita di un 57 metri dislocante della serie Custom. Periodo estivo intenso per Benetti che si appresta a trasferire sui pontili del Monaco Yacht Show 2015 ben tre maxiyacht – FB265 MY 11/11, FB255 M/Y Formosa e BF 203 M/Y H – e firma il contratto per la vendita di FB271, uno scafo dislocante di 57 metri della linea Custom.

FB265 MY 11/11 Questo megayacht Benetti di 63 metri di acciaio e alluminio (nella foto di apertura) si presenta con

LA REDAZIONE DI BOATMAG Claudio Russo e Alberto Mondinelli, i fondatori di BoatMag, due giornalisti con una lunga esperienza di lavoro nelle principali testate di nautica.

un’estetica singolare: la prua è dritta e gli interni sono altrettanto originali. Il layout ha privilegiato la presenza di due cabine armatoriali, una sul ponte principale che gode




di tutto il baglio della nave e la seconda sul ponte superiore, con accesso privato al ponte, piscina e solarium. Il ponte inferiore ospita invece le quattro cabine ospiti, ognuna con bagno. I due CAT 3512C di 1350 kW ciascuno hanno consentito di raggiungere una velocità massima di circa 17 nodi.

FB255 M/Y Formosa

Pagina 2 di 5

Benetti al Monaco Yacht Show 2015 |

20/08/15 12:14

Lo scafo di acciaio e alluminio del superyacht Formosa, il cui stile degli esterni e architettura navale sono stati progettati internamente da Benetti, si sviluppa su cinque ponti, è lungo 60 metri e largo 10,6 metri. La distribuzione degli spazi interni dell’area ospiti e il loro design sono stati progettati dallo studio Sinot Design in stretta collaborazione con l’armatore: il layout prevede cinque suite e dedica un intero ponte all’appartamento armatoriale; 14 le persone di equipaggio che affiancheranno il comandante. M/Y Formosa FB255, motorizzato con 2 MTU 12V4000 M53 1.380kW, può raggiungere una velocità massima di 16 nodi e una di crociera di 15 nodi; l’autonomia a velocità economica di 12 nodi è di 5 mila miglia nautiche.

BF 203 M/Y H Si tratta del terzo scafo della serie Fast Displacement Veloce 140’ di Benetti e si caratterizza per una novità progettuale che rende la carena D2P (Displacemet to planning) ancora più efficiente e performante. È infatti dotato di Wave Piercer, una sorta di bulbo sistemato sulla prora dello scafo che entra in azione quando la barca raggiunge velocità di 17-18 nodi ma, finché l’imbarcazione naviga a regime dislocante, il Wave Piercer rimane semisommerso; la propulsione è affidata a due motori da 2580 kW l’uno. Per quanto riguarda il layout interno, BF 203 M/Y H offre quattro cabine per gli ospiti sul ponte inferiore, mentre l’appartamento armatoriale è posizionato a prua del ponte principale; sempre su questo ponte si trova il salone principale con zona bar e la cabina di comando dotata di finestre panoramiche laterali.

Pagina 3 di 5

Benetti al Monaco Yacht Show 2015 |

20/08/15 12:14

Pronto nel 2018 Benetti annuncia anche la firma di un contratto di vendita per uno scafo dislocante di 57 metri della linea Custom FB271. Il nuovo contratto e le dettagliate specifiche sono state sviluppate con la collaborazione e il sostegno di Imperial che ha scelto Luca Dini per la progettazione degli interni per il loro cliente. La consegna dell’FB271 è prevista per il 2018.

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Benetti vende yacht di lusso di 57 metri della linea Custom-FB 271

30/07/15 11:49

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Benetti vende yacht di lusso di 57 metri della linea Custom-FB 271 Di Rosario Scelsi


giovedĂŹ 30 luglio 2015

La nautica italiana continua a incassare risultati positivi. Maggiori dettagli sul nuovo gioiello nautico firmato Benetti giungeranno nei prossimi mesi.


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Benetti annuncia la firma di un contratto di vendita per uno yacht di lusso dislocante di 57 metri della linea Custom-FB 271. Imperial ha agito come intermediario del compratore. Per la progettazione degli interni, in

In evidenza Bambini Digitali Com'è cambiato Pagina 1 di 4

Benetti vende yacht di lusso di 57 metri della linea Custom-FB 271

30/07/15 11:49

Com'è cambiato

del compratore. Per la progettazione degli interni, in

il mondo dei bambini con la

base alle specifiche del cliente, è stato scelto Luca Dini. La consegna del nuovo modello è prevista nel 2018. Ecco Continua... le parole di Fabio Ermetto, manager di Benetti:


"L'intensa collaborazione con Imperial Broker, assoluto


professionista del settore, ci ha portato alla vendita di un nuovo gioiello. Questa è la conferma che Benetti continua a ricevere costanti risultati commerciali e grande fiducia dai più esigenti armatori di superyacht di tutto il mondo".

ad alta efficienza

Julia Stewart (direttore di Imperial) conferma: "Imperial

Rendi la tua casa più efficiente. Scegli un climatizzatore di Enel Energia. Continua...

ha una vasta esperienza nella supervisione di nuove Notte prima costruzioni. Abbiamo lavorato a stretto contatto con i degli esami più noti cantieri del Nord Europa, olandesi e italiani. Non Il Vademecum per sopravvivere vediamo l'ora di operare allo stesso modo con Benetti su alla maturità, questo progetto. Imperial continuerà ad agire come ecco la guida e i consigli per rappresentante dell'armatore e supervisor in ogni parte vincere. Continua... della costruzione e negli allestimenti degli interni".

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Sea Ray al Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 con lo yacht L 650... Nuovi yacht di lusso Baglietto ai Saloni di Cannes e Monaco... Pagina 2 di 4

Benetti: debutto mondiale di Vivace 125’ al Cannes Yachting Festival …otizie su Montecarlo, Monaco, Mentone, Nizza, Antibes, Costa Azzurra

25/08/15 11:24

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Benetti: debutto mondiale di Vivace 125’ al Cannes Yachting Festival 2015





LA DOLCE VITA | martedì 18 agosto 2015, 16:34






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Vivace 125' si affianca all’ammiraglia della gamma Benetti Class Fast Displacement, Veloce 140’, e ad essa si ispira per tecnologia di costruzione, stilemi e organizzazione degli spazi

RUBRICHE Multimedia

Benetti ha il piacere di annunciare che Vivace 125’ - secondo modello della serie Fast Displacement – farà il suo debutto a livello mondiale al prossimo Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 (8-13 settembre). Vivace 125' si affianca all’ammiraglia della gamma Benetti Class Fast Displacement, Veloce 140’, e ad essa si ispira per tecnologia di costruzione, stilemi e organizzazione degli spazi. Lungo 38,10 metri e largo 8,30 metri, costruito in composito e carbonio nel cantiere di Viareggio, il Benetti Class – Vivace


giovedì 20 agosto 60 metri di orto nel cuore di Monaco: ecco l'iniziativa dello Stars ‘n’ Bars, in un dehors tutto natura (h. 08:18)…utto-mondiale-di-vivace-125-al-cannes-yachting-festival-2015.html

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Benetti: debutto mondiale di Vivace 125’ al Cannes Yachting Festival …otizie su Montecarlo, Monaco, Mentone, Nizza, Antibes, Costa Azzurra

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Pierre Casiraghi & B2 Monaco Racing Fleet vincono la Palermo Montecarlo

Altre notizie

Jérémy Barber, alias " Sharky", al Museo Oceanografico di Monaco il 26 incontrerà il pubblico

125’ è uno yacht semi-widebody a tre ponti più il sun deck. Come per la sorella maggiore anche per Vivace 125’ Stefano Righini ha disegnato una linea esterna sportiva con grande uso di finestrature orizzontali ad accentuare gli avviamenti filanti e caratterizzata da un grande elemento stilistico centrale sulle fiancate a coprire la scala d’accesso al ponte superiore. Il layout interno prevede 4 suite per 8 ospiti più l’appartamento armatoriale a tutta larghezza sul ponte principale. Sette sono le persone di equipaggio che affiancheranno il comandante e che si prenderanno cura degli ospiti. Grazie a un accordo esclusivo il Vivace 125’ è equipaggiato con un’innovativa serie di trasmissioni azipodali studiata Cagliari appositamente da Rolls-Royce per Benetti: i pod carbon Azipull 65C. La carena Milano D2P_Displacement to Planing® Solo andata dotata di wave piercer è stata perfezionata dai tecnici di Benetti per la € 73 propulsione pod della Rolls-Royce, attraverso un SCEGLI processo di ottimizzazione di tutti gli aspetti geometrici dell’avviamento dei tunnel poppieri e quelli inerenti ai coefficienti idrodinamici con il risultato di ottimizzare la già maggiore efficienza propulsiva dei pod drives. La carena D2P® con il wave piercer permette di raggiungere, senza una motorizzazione particolarmente spinta, velocità elevate oppure navigare in regime dislocante a velocità economica con autonomie molto elevate. Maggiori dettagli sullo yacht saranno distribuiti durante il Cannes Yachting Festival 2015.

25/08/15 11:24

martedì 18 agosto Allo scoperta dei mercati di Nizza, dove odori, colori e sapori diventano un tutt'uno (h. 10:30)

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Benetti announces new sale of FB271, a custom 57M full displacement yacht |

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27/08/15 15:50

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Benetti announces new sale of FB271, a custom 57M full displacement yacht

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di silviamondello ( | 26 agosto 2015 in News ( · 0 Commenti

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( ( has the pleasure to announce the new sale of a 57 meter full displacement yacht – FB271 – of Benetti Custom series. Condividi Imperial acted as the Buyer’s broker. This new contract and detailed quest’articolo specification were developed by the collaboration and support of Imperial. Imperial appointed Luca Dini to design interior for their client. FB271 delivery is Twitter ( scheduled for the 2018. text=Benetti+announces+new+sale+of+FB271%2C+a+custom+57M+full+displacement+yacht& Ermetto – Benetti CCO, refers: “The intense collaboration with Imperial yacht-with-imperial%2F) Broker, outstanding yacht professional, took once again Benetti to the sale of a new “jewel”. This as a confirmation that Benetti keeps receiving constant Digg ( commercial achievements and great confidence by the most demanding world phase=2&url= Owners”. new-sale-of-fb271-customyacht-withJulia Stewart – Director of Imperial, confirms: “Imperial has extensive imperial/&title=Benetti+announces+new+sale+of+FB271%2C+a+custom+57M+full+displacement+yacht) experience of supervising new build projects. We have been working closely with the most renowned North European, Dutch and Italian shipyards. We look Delicious ( ( forward to working closely with Benetti on this project. Imperial will continue to url= act as the Owner’s Representative and Construction Supervisor throughout new-sale-of-fb271-customyacht-withconstruction and interior fit out process”. imperial/&title=Benetti+announces+new+sale+of+FB271%2C+a+custom+57M+full+displacement+yacht)

More details about Benetti F271 yacht will be released during upcoming

months. Facebook ( u= yacht-withimperial/&t=Benetti+announces+new+sale+of+FB271%2C+a+custom+57M+full+displacement+yacht)

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Passion For Luxury : QM of London by Benetti: better than ever



27/08/15 16:04

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Monday, August 24, 2015

QM of London by Benetti: better than ever

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4745 1 37 Hotel Grande Bretagne Athens

Hotel de Paris - Monte Carlo

Considered to be the finest yacht in the Benetti “Golden Bay” series, QM of London is a 49.90 metre motor yacht built and launched by Benetti Shipyard in 1998. Back on the charter market following various refits over the years (2006, 2013, 2015), QM of London is looking better than ever. Unique, Private, Exhilarating

King George Hotel - Athens

Built to the highest standards by the Italian shipyard Benetti in 2006, the 49,9m luxury motor yacht QM of London represents a fantastic charter yacht belonging to the beautiful Benetti Golden Bay series. QM of London received various refits over the years (2006, 2013, 2015), keeping her in an immaculate shape, always offering only the best to her guests.

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Passion For Luxury : QM of London by Benetti: better than ever

27/08/15 16:04

Canaves Oia - Santorini


QM of London has a unique seven-cabin layout, rarely seen on charter yachts. The accommodation is divided into one deluxe full-beam owner’s suite, two gorgeous VIP suites and four elegant guest cabins (1 double, 2 twin) making the yacht highly versatile, for groups of friends, families or guests bringing additional staff.

Red Travel - Italia in Ferrari

The spectacular Owner’s suite runs the entire width of the top deck. It features large ensuite, walk-in wardrobe and two lounge areas and a 43 inch plasma TV. Extra privacy through full black-out screens or sliding opaque panels. The lower deck has 4 guest cabins, one single/standard double bed and three twins. On the main deck are 2 elegant VIP staterooms with queen size beds. Each cabin boasts an ensuite bath or shower-room.

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QM of London saw an extensive refit in winter 2014/15 including new bulbous bow for smoother cruising, upgraded IT/AV network, new joinery, soft furnishings and furniture, and a refit of the galley including allnew equipment. High speed internet and Bang and Olufsen AV systems were fitted throughout the yacht with exceptional sound clarity. Each cabin and exterior area has its own iPad and B&O remote for ease of control. Moreover, the interiors were fully refitted with bespoke Ben Whistler furniture, oak finishings (lined, pippy and burled) and Terry O’Neill prints. Versatile exterior deck spaces include dining options for 12, al fresco cinema, sundeck gym, Jacuzzi, bar with lounge area and vast sunpads. The outstanding QM of London crew includes a passionate chef, masseuse/beauty therapist and qualified yoga instructor for indulgence, as well as kitesurfing, hoverboard and Flyboard instructors for the sporty. The yacht is also an accredited RYA centre so guests can receive training on all watersports equipment onboard.

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Passion For Luxury : QM of London by Benetti: better than ever

27/08/15 16:04

To top it all off, QM of London comes with a brand new 10m Scorpion chase tender and an arsenal of water toys including a 5.7m waterslide, paddleboards, jetskis, jet board, Seabobs and a Flyboard.

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”The 2014/15 refit was born out of both the Owner’s and my wish to restore QM of London to an “as new” standard and cement her reputation as a premier charter yacht in the industry,” Says Captain Craig Martin. “We are extremely pleased with the results and will continue to do everything we can to ensure we exceed the expectations of our guests. Keep an eye out for QM of London over the summer and for more upgrades over the 2015/16 winter.”

The Lounge Channel - Monte Carlo

Available September 2015 in the East Mediterranean through the Yacht Company. Asking price : from 160 000 € per week.

The prestigious Star Diamond Award

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Passion For Luxury : QM of London by Benetti: better than ever

27/08/15 16:04

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Passion For Luxury : QM of London by Benetti: better than ever

27/08/15 16:04

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Benetti’s 63m superyacht 11/11 leaving Porto Cervo - Full News Archive -


27/08/15 15:11

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Benetti’s 63m superyacht 11/11 leaving Porto Cervo Thursday, 27 August 2015

By Charl van Rooy, photo by Antonio Apicella

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Mars ​

​ ​Superyacht 11/11 leaving Porto Cervo

Benetti’s latest addition to their custom line of superyachts, the 63m 11/11, was launched last month at the yard’s facilities in Livorno. Benetti themselves took on the design and naval architecture of the vessel, and styled 11/11 with a distinctive plumb bow, instantly setting her apart from her fellow Benetti sisters, while more importantly, increasing the yacht’s hydrodynamics and fuel efficiency. Another unique feature is the two owner cabins on board; one full beam cabin on main deck and another on the upper deck above. 11/11 will be on display at this year’s Monaco Yacht Show in September. She was seen leaving Porto Cervo yesterday.

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​One might not necessarily think of Brazil as a


Benetti SpA -

leading superyacht manufacturing country. Images


Monaco Yacht Show -

of white sandy beaches and typical palm tree-lined boulevards come to mind instead. Even though this

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might be true, MCP Yachts, with their 106LE 11/11

model, are making it increasingly more difficult to simply dismiss the region as a future yacht brand

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Benetti completes Crystal 140 superyacht Mr. D - Deliveries -


30/07/15 14:15

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Benetti completes Crystal 140 superyacht Mr. D Thursday, 30 July 2015

By Merijn de Waard, photo by Korkira The Italian shipyard Benetti Yachts has completed the fifth superyacht in the Cyrstal 140 series, named Mr. D. Since her delivery Mr. D has been in Venice, Italy and she is pictured here in Split, Croatia a couple of days ago and now she is heading to Dubrovnik after a stop in Hvar.

SuperYacht Of The Week


Benetti has not officially released any information on the 41.93 metre superyacht Mr. D, however the Crystal 140 series are designed by Stefano Righini, powered by twin Caterpillar C32 engines, have a maximum speed of 15 knots and a range of 4000 nautical miles. The first Crystal 140 superyacht, My Johanna, was delivered in 2011, she was followed by Luna in 2013, Soy Amor in 2014 and Lady M and Mr. D in 2015.

shipyard Mulder’s design and innovation history, this will be it; the unveiling of their flagship model of

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​If there has ever been a turning point in Dutch

the Voyager line, the beautiful Firefly. An all-star Benetti SpA -

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team was assembled to design a yacht that would offer exceptional space and comfort along with unparalleled cruising capabilities and safety in its

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Binnenkijken in het nieuwe Vica superjacht van Benetti (filmpje!) | Quote

20/08/15 12:23

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Binnenkijken in het nieuwe Vica superjacht van Benetti (filmpje!)

Stijn van Wonderen (/Redactie/Auteurs/Stijnvan-Wonderen)

29 JULI 2015 OM 11:54

Italiaanse jachtbouwer Benetti heeft onlangs weer een nieuw nautisch pareltje te water gelaten. De Vica is 50 meter lang en opgebouwd uit aluminium en glasvezel. NIEUWS (/NIEUWS) LIJSTJES (/LIJSTJES) DOSSIERS (/DOSSIERS) MILJONAIRS (/MILJONAIRS) (HTTP…  DELEN Enfin, de beelden spreken voor zich. 




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Binnenkijken in het nieuwe Vica superjacht van Benetti (filmpje!) | Quote



20/08/15 12:23

Het is het eerste superjacht van Benetti dat beide technieken combineert. ABONNEREN (HTTPS://KIOSK.HEARST.NL/QUOTE/) Het jacht is gebouwd om de mediterraanse zee te bevaren en is uitgerust met de nieuwste technologieën. Ook het interieur is imposant, dat werd ontworpen door Mariarosa Remedi in overeenstemming met de eigenaar.


Door zijn speciale glasvezel romp en aluminium geraamte, zou de Vica muisstil en zonder trillingen de wateren bevaren. Hoe dat eruit ziet, bekijkt u in de onderstaande video. Risparmio energia di Safari Fai clic per avviare il plugin Flash

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8. Boek fantastische hotels voor spotprijzen

Lees meer Hoe het Thuisbezorgd van Quote 500-man Jitse Groen review-ma...

ANDEREN BEKEKEN te koop, als Villa Bob Smalhout sloopproject

MEEST GEDEELD MEEST GEDEELD Chinees bedrijf maakt villa’s 11 bizarre ontgroeningsrituelen met 3d printer in minder dan d... bij studentencorpora!-159673

Pagina 2 di 5

Weekly News

04 august 2015 Issue nr. 04

1 di 3

Heesen delivers superyacht Azamanta

Benetti unveils 63m superyacht 11/11

Heesen Yachts have announced the delivery of their latest yacht, the 55m fast displacement superyacht, Azamanta, developed by Van Oossanen Naval Architects.... Read More

The 63 metre superyacht 11/11 is a step away from Benetti’s characteristic styling, with a distinctive plumb bow to increase hydrodynamics... Read More

Superyacht Ulysses arrived in Germany today

Sanlorenzo launches 460EXP superyacht

Following superyacht Ulysses’ departure from the Kleven shipyard in Norway yesterday, she arrived in Bremerhaven earlier today... Read More

Sanlorenzo has launched the first explorer superyacht of their range, the 460EXP, designed to offer ultimate comfort on board... Read More

Heesen superyacht Ann G spotted in Norway

Ferretti launches first Custom Line 108’

Heesen Yachts recently delivered the 50 metre full custom superyacht Ann G and we have just received

The Ferretti group has announced the launch of their latest addition to the Custom Line series, the very first

Alia Yachts launch the 41m superyacht Rüya Yesterday the Turkish shipyard Alia Yachts launched the 41.29 metre full-displacement motor yacht Rüya. The composite motor yacht is built to Lloyds Register and complies with the MCA LY2. Following a build period of just over two years, Rüya will now undergo extensive sea trials before delivery to her new owners in September 2015... Read More

05/08/15 09:50

Weekly News

photos of the yacht cruising in the Nærøyfjord... Read More

108, at the group’s facility in La Spezia... Read More

Lürssen’s 91m superyacht Lady Lara completes sea trials The 91m project Orchid has successfully completed her sea trials in the Baltic Sea, reports Lürssen. Launched by the German yard in April this year, Lady Lara is set to be delivered at the end of this year’s summer season... Read More

Sarp Yacht 46 nearing completion

45 metre superyacht under construction in Brazil

SYT recently visited the Turkish shipyard Sarp Yacht and witnessed their first project, the Sarp 46, in her final outfitting stage... Read More

Brazilian shipyard RioStar is currently underway with the construction of its largest yacht, a new 45.3 metre tri-deck superyacht... Read More

Video of the launch of superyacht Storm Explorer superyacht Storm was launched recently in Ancona by Cantiere delle Marche. In order to reach the water, the yard had to transport the 300 ton weighing steel and aluminium Storm over land, a precise operation, as shown in this video of the launch. The yacht will soon be delivered to her UK owner, who plans to spend around 4 months a year on board his yacht... Read More

Benetti completes Crystal 140 superyacht Mr. D

IAG Yachts launches superyacht King Baby

The Italian shipyard Benetti Yachts has completed the fifth superyacht in the Cyrstal 140 series, named Mr. D... Read More

Built for an experienced yachtsman, the 141ft King Baby has been launched by the chinese shipyard, IAG Yachts... Read More


2 di 3

Mondomarine M60

Gallant Lady

05/08/15 09:50

3 nowości stoczni Benetti na zbliżające się Monaco Yacht Show 2015 | Nowości | SuperJachty

21/08/15 11:49








3 nowości stoczni Benetti na zbliżające się Monaco Yacht Show 2015




dodano: 05.08.2015 | czytany: 51 razy tagi: monaco, benetti, 11/11, formosa, fb255, fb265, bf 203 ,


Trzy piękne premiery ze stoczni Benetti na zbliżające się Monaco Yacht Show 2015 Znana nam doskonale włoska stocznia Benetti, opisywana bardzo często na naszym portalu, na zbliżających się wielkimi krokami wrześniowych targach Monaco Yacht Show 2015 zaprezentuje trzy piękne nowe konstrukcje superjachtów: M/Y 11/11 (projekt FB265) - debiut światowy M/Y Formosa (projekt FB255) - debiut światowy


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M/Y H (projekt BF 203) - debiut europejski

Risparmio energia di Safari di Safari Fai clic per avviare il plugin Flash avviare il plugin Flash M/Y 11/11 (projekt FB265) Jacht motorowy M/Y 11/11 (nazwa projektowa FB265), to 63-metrowy luksusowy jacht o interesującym kształcie. Jego pionowy dziób oraz estetyczne, płynne linie boczne kadłuba i superstuktury z pewności uczynią go rozpoznawalnym we wszystkich marinach. Jacht sprawia wrażenie zarówno elegancji, jak i dużej dynamiki jakby ciął fale... Wnętrza jednostki są również bardzo oryginalne (na razie jeszcze nie uzyskaliśmy pozwolenia stoczni na publikację fotografii wnętrz jachtu). Układ wnętrz tworzą dwie przestronne kajuty armatorskie - jedna, rozplanowana na całej szerokości pokładu głównego, a druga na pokładzie górnym, z prywatnym dostępem do basenu i pokładu słonecznego. Cztery kabiny dla gości umieszczono na pokładzie dolnym, każda z własnym pełnym węzłem sanitarnym.

Pagina 1 di 5

3 nowości stoczni Benetti na zbliżające się Monaco Yacht Show 2015 | Nowości | SuperJachty

21/08/15 11:49

11/11 napędzany jest dwoma silnikami CAT 3512C, rozwijającymi moc 1350kW każdy, co pozwala osiągnąć jednostce prędkość maksymalną 17 węzłów (co sprawdzono podczas pierwszych testów morskich). Najciekawszym jednak elementem tego pięknego jachtu motorowego jest jego specjalny system nocnego oświetlenia, składający się z 46 źródeł światła umieszczonych poniżej linii wodnej. Efekt WOW!!! podczas cumowania jest zagwarantowany!

NEWSLETTER Aby otrzymywać od nas najświeższe informacje o jachtach motorowych (1x miesiąc), zapisz się na bezpłatny newsletter. Wpisz poniżej swoje dane: Imię adres e-mail Oświadczam, że zapisując się do newslettera w serwisie zapoznałem się z regulaminem serwisu.

M/Y Formosa (projekt FB255) Kolejnym jachtem motorowym Benetti, który będzie miał swój światowy debiut podczas MYS 2015, będzie M/Y Formosa (nazwa projektowa FB255). Kadłub tej jednostki ta został zbudowany ze stali i stopów aluminium. Zarówno projekt techniczny, jak i stylizacja zewnętrzna są w całości dziełem biur projektowych stoczni Benetti. Jednostka ma 5 pokładów, długość całkowitą 60 metrów, szerokość 10,6 metra, a jej wyporność wynosi 1.060 GT. Projekty wnętrz Formosy są dziełem biura projektowego Sinot Design, które blisko współpracowało z właścicielem jednostki. Jacht oferuje miejsce dla 10 gości w 5 kajutach. Jeden z pokładów został w całości przeznaczony na apartamenty właściciela. Załoga Formosy liczy 14 osób. Jacht jest napędzany dwoma silnikami MTU 12V4000 M53, które osiągają moc 1.380kW przy 1.800 obr/min. Prędkość maksymalna wynosi 16 węzłów, aprędkość podróżna 15 węzłów. Najbardziej ekonomiczna prędkość podróży Formosą wynosi 12 węzłów i wtedy zasięg dochodzi do 5.000 mil morskich (a więc mówimy już o zasięgu oceanicznym).

Pagina 2 di 5

3 nowości stoczni Benetti na zbliżające się Monaco Yacht Show 2015 | Nowości | SuperJachty

21/08/15 11:49

M/Y H (projekt BF 203) Trzecią premierą stoczni Benetti podczas MYS 2015 będzie M/Y H (projekt BF 203). Jest to już trzecia jednostka z całkowicie nowej serii Fast Displacement Veloce 140'. Jednostki z tej serii charakteryzują się całkowicie nową, bardzo efektywną konstrukcją kadłuba D2P (Displacement to Planing) - czytaj nasze artykuły na ten temat TUTAJ i TUTAJ. D2P ma tzw. "rozbijacz fal" (Wave Piercer), który montowany jest na dziobie jachtu i który pokazuje swoją moc, gdy jedostka rozpędza się do prędkości 17-18 węzłów. Podczas podróżowania z niskimi prękościami "rozbijacz fal" znajduje się pod linią wody. Z chwilą, kiedy jacht osiąga 17-18 węzłów, kadłub się podnosi i magiczny Wave Piercer wchodzi do gry. Dzięki niemu zwiększa się efektywna długość linii wodnej, co daje jednostce większą efektywność przemieszczania się oraz zwiększa parametry prędkościowe. BF 203 M/Y H został wyposażony w podwójny 5-płatowy napęd oraz dwa silniki rozwijające moc 2.580kW każdy. Jacht ten oferuje 4 kabiny dla gości (2 z podwójnymi łożkami i 2 z łożkami queen-size) na dolnym pokładzie. Apartamenty armatorskie zlokalizowane zostały w przedniej części pokładu głównego. Na pokładzie głównym znajduje się również duży salon, bar oraz mostek kapitański, przy czym wszystkie te pomieszczenia mają bardzo duże poziome przeszklenia, zapewniające wspaniałe widoki na otaczające jacht morze. Jadalnia, posiadajaca duży rozkładany stół, zlokalizowana została na pokładzie górnym. Obok niej umieszczono drugi salon. Na jachcie znaleźć można dwa pokłady słoneczne - na przodzie pokładu górnego (jest tu również jacuzzi) i specjalnym górnym pokładzie słonecznym (wraz z wydzielonym barem).


Cakewalk w Monaco Mamy ujęcie drugiego co do wielkości jachtu motorowego, który b... zobacz całość

World Superyacht Awards 2015 - finaliści CZĘŚĆ III Trzecia część final...

Nowości ze stoczni Benetti na koniec roku 2013 Pakiet najświeższych... zobacz całość

Targi w Monaco już na nami... ... pokazujemy Wam więc piękne pożegnalne... zobacz całość

zobacz całość

Pagina 3 di 5

BENETTI 57М. Новости на AllYachts.Ru

1 600 000 EUR не в РФ

21/08/15 11:29

950 000 EUR не в РФ

990 000 EUR не в РФ

1 250 000 EUR не в РФ

1 100 000 EUR не в РФ

1 500 000 EUR не в РФ

цена по запросу не в

● МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ ЯХТ В ЕВРОПЕ ● Финские катера и яхты GRANDEZZA ● Экология и технологии GREENLINE ● Надежные стальные яхты LINSSEN ● Датские траулеры SKAGEN

● Катера и круизеры FOUR WINNS

● Уникальный эксплорер OCEAN KING ● Моторные яхты PERSHING

● Моторные яхты ASTONDOA

● Круизные катера AZURE

● Моторные яхты AZIMUT







● Моторные яхты PRINCESS




Регистрация | Справка | Реклама


Главная / Новости о яхтах и катерах / Новые модели / BENETTI 57М

ПОДОБРАТЬ ЯХТУ Моделей в каталоге: 5568 верфей: 498; дилеров: 58

BENETTI 57М // 31.07.2015

Верфь Тип судна

Компания Imperial и верфь BENETTI объявляют о новом совместном проекте, спуск на воду которого запланирован на 2018 год.

Вид конструкции

Всемирно известный яхтенный брокер, компания Imperial, с гордостью сообщает о продаже новой водоизмещающей моторной яхты длиной 57м - BENETTI FB271.

Режим хода Материал корпуса

Компания Imperial выступает в качестве представителя Покупателя. Новый проект был детально разработан верфью в сотрудничестве и при поддержке Imperial. Дизайнером по интерьеру яхты стал Лука Дини. Спуск на воду и передача новой BENETTI Покупателю

Тип двигателя Длина габаритная, метров от




Число спальных мест от





Сравнение "одноклассников"

планируется в 2018 году. «У нас за плечами многолетний успешный опыт работы по сопровождению и организации строительства новых яхт. говорит Джулия Стюарт, директор компании Imperial. - Мы работаем в тесном сотрудничестве с самыми известными верфями Северной Европы, Голландии и Италии. Мы рады новому сотрудничеству и с нетерпением ожидаем совместной работы над этим проектом с верфью Benetti. Imperial и дальше будет выступать в качестве представителя Покупателя и руководить проектом FB271 на протяжения всего процесса строительства». Фабио Эрметто – Генеральный директор верфи Benetti подтверждает: «Тесное сотрудничество с компанией Imperial, исключительными профессионалами на мировом яхтенном рынке, вновь привело Benetti к созданию новой «жемчужины». Это является подтверждением того, что Benetti постоянно достигает коммерческого успеха и получает безграничное доверие самых взыскательных Владельцев супер яхт по всему миру».

Яхты и катера для продажи Princess 21M

21,56 м.

2 000 000 USD

Б/У, 2008

Fairline Squadron 68

20,9 м.

1 101 078 USD

Б/У, 2007

Greenline 48 Hybrid 488 812 USD

14,99 м. новая, 2014

Все предложения по продаже яхт (1670 шт.) Продать яхту


Более подробная информация о яхте BENETTI F271 будет опубликована в ближайшие месяцы. Для получения более детальной информации, пожалуйста, обращайтесь к Джулии Стюарт/ Директору компании Imperial. IMPERIAL T +377 97 98 38 80 E W На все вопросы по маркетингу и рекламе ответит Стив Бейлит/ Менеджер по маркетингу компании Imperial. T +377 97 98 38 80 E О КОМПАНИИ IMPERIAL Наслаждайтесь роскошным яхтингом, все остальное предоставьте нам. Imperial вдохновляет страсть к путешествиям на яхтах и стремление к совершенству. Наша компания предлагает полный комплекс услуг по управлению и организации строительства яхт, включая проектыпобедители престижных конкурсов по всему миру. Наша страсть к организации путешествий экстра-класса сочетается с высокими профессиональными качествами наших сотрудников. Наша международная команда организует все для Вашего незабываемого путешествия на самых роскошных яхтах. Мы предлагаем Вам колоссальный многолетний опыт во всех областях – Строительство новых яхт, Продажа, Брокераж, Чартер, Управление Чартером, Управление яхтами и Финансирование. Офисы компании Imperial находятся в Монако и Москве.

По материалам "Nordmarine"

Рекомендуем посетить Приглашем Вас на стенд Galeon на St. Petersburg International Boat Show // 14.08.2015




Спецакции Верфь Benetti

Чем выше градус – тем ниже

Pagina 1 di 3

Премьера яхты Benetti Vivace 125 на Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 :: Новости мира яхт и катеров

MCY 65 1 700 000 евро

Custom Line Navetta 33 3 200 000 евро Crescendo

Fairline Phantom 10 000 000 руб



Sky Boat 440RD++ 550 000 руб

Grizzly 580 HT 1 240 000 руб

Уралъ 600 Jet 1 599 000 руб

Cranchi Eco Trawler 40 360 000 евро

Buster M 1 755 000 руб

Beneteau Antares 9.80 4 200 000 руб


Я ищу:


Elling E3 Comfort line 389 000 евро

Каталог катеров и яхт

25/08/15 11:26


Моторные яхты

Fairline Squadron 60 963 700 фунт.

Продажа катеров и яхт


Oyster 125 Twilight 11 850 000 евро



до 12 м

StarFisher 840 75 000 евро



до 2005

Bayliner 305 3 500 000 руб

Аренда яхт


Премьера яхты Benetti Vivace 125 на Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 Главная / Новости мира яхт и катеров Fairline Squadron 42 356 700 фунт.



Вторая модель серии Fast Displacement от Benetti – Vivace 125 – будет впервые представлена на международной выставке яхт в Каннах 8-13 сентября. Vivace 125 – «младшая» модель по отношению к Veloce 140 – флагману линейки Fast Displacement от Benetti. Новинке присущи все фамильные черты, включая особенности постройки и характерную планировку.

Последние статьи и новости:

Второй этап перепрофилирования Сочи Имеретинский в яхтенную м

Италия выставила на аукцион пят туристических портов с местами д 2500 яхт

Российская команда уверенно стартовала в шестом этапе Extrem Sailing Series в Санкт-Петербурге

Пополнение семейства голландски Elling

Helsinki Boat Afloat Show - бот-шоу воде

Старт Extreme Sailing Series в Санк Петербурге уже в ближайшие час

Oceanco и Vitters Shipyard построи роскошную парусную мегаяхту

Дебют яхты Galeon 500 Fly в Канн

Range Marine примет участие в вы Uiva 2015 Flytande

Компания Smart Yachts представи несколько мировых новинок на вы в Каннах

Реклама: Risparmio energia di Safari Fai clic per avviare il plugin Flash Катера, Яхты, техника Yamaha

Судовое оборуд

Risparmio energia di Safari Fai clic per avviare il plugin Flash Моторные яхты Princess

Новая модель S 19

Pagina 1 di 3

Премьера яхты Benetti Vivace 125 на Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 :: Новости мира яхт и катеров

25/08/15 11:26 Princess


Vivace 125 построена из композитных материалов и карбона на верфи Benetti в Виареджо. Это 38-метровое судно с шириной корпуса 8,3 м, тремя палубами и сандеком. Дизайн экстерьера с большими горизонтальными окнами и плавными линиями разработал Стефано Ригини. Планировка включает четыре просторные каюты для восьми гостей и апартаменты владельца в носовой части главной палубы. В команде – капитан и семь членов экипажа. По эксклюзивному соглашению Vivace 125 укомплектована инновационной трансмиссией от Rolls-Royce и карбоновыми азиподами Azipull 65C. Корпус, произведенный по технологии D2P_Displacement Planing®, спроектирован так, чтобы достичь максимальной эффективности в паре с системой пропульсии Rolls-Royce.

Алюминиевые катера премиум класса

Новые катера и яхты

Полное описание яхты будет опубликовано в ходе боут-шоу Cannes Yachting Festival 2015.

Boulton Orange Crush 2013 год, По запросу +39 (0584) 3821 Узнавайте новости первыми! Дружите с нами в Facebook и VKontakte...

RusBoat-75 2015 год, 1 39 руб

Б/у катера и яхты

Смотрите также Дебют яхты Galeon 500 Fly в Каннах

Cannes International Boat & Yacht Show 2015 2015.09.08

Польская верфь Galeon завершила строительство модели Galeon 500 Fly. Яхта номинирована на престижную премию Yacht Trophy за самую инновационную концепцию, а также лучший дизайн лодки до 24 метров. Вручение премии состоится во время международной премьеры яхты на водном шоу в Каннах.

20 августа 2015 года Smart Yachts

Длина: 38.1 м Ширина: 8.45 м Осадка: 2.08 м Вес: 200000 кг

8 - 13 сентября компания Smart Yachts примет участие в выставке в Каннах, где представит сразу несколько мировых дебютантов.

19 августа 2015 года Smart Yachts

Аренда яхт и катеров

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Аренда моторной яхты Ferretti 530 в Ростовена-Дону

С 8-го по 13-ое сентября в Каннах будет проходить ежегодный Фестиваль Яхт. В этом году Van der Valk представит две наиболее интересные модели из всех, что были построены за более чем 40-летнюю историю голландской верфи Длина: 42 м Ширина: 8.5 м Осадка: 2.3 м Вес: 276000 кг

19 августа 2015 года ItalYachts

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Аренда роскош катамарана La 450 в Черного Хорватии

Новые моторные яхты

Van der Valk на ежегодной яхтенной выставке в Каннах

Benetti Veloce 140

Sea-Doo Utopia 2008 год, 1 70 руб

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Компания Smart Yachts представит несколько мировых новинок на выставке в Каннах Benetti Vivace 125

Etap-26 1983 год, 800 000 руб

Sunseeker Manh Delphia 1100s 2015 год, 116 500 евро

2015 год, 923 фунт.

Б/у моторные яхты

Европейский дебют Numarine 70 Flybridge на боут-шоу в Каннах Вслед за успешным спуском яхты 70 Hardtop ведущая турецкая верфь Numarine представляет самую новую модель – 70 Flybridge. Новинка получилась ровно такой, как ее задумывали разработчики: бескомпромиссной яхтой с чистым, современным дизайном с определенной долей футуризма и превосходными ходовыми качествами.

14 августа 2015 года

Princess 64 2012 год, 1 550 000 евро

Globe Trawle 2009 год, 490

Аренда яхт и катеров

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Катер Invictus Yachs 270FX будет представлен на боутшоу в Каннах Катер 270FX представляет линейку яхт с подвесным мотором от верфи Invictus Yachts. На него устанавливается или один мотор 300 л.с. или два по 150 л.с. Лодка выполнена в американском стиле, но поитальянски: ее дизайн - минималистичный, но элегантный.

13 августа 2015 года

Плавание к берегам Антарктиды

Аренда яхт в Хо

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JULY 30, 2015 / by ANDRE FROIS

Luxury Yacht Living, Closer to our Shores Rate This

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04/08/15 08:51

Luxury Yacht Living, Closer to our Shores | The Millenary

Ocean Pacific

“With the Euro in a trough, this is one of the best times to buy a boat,” comments Edward Tan. The Director of Hong Seh Marine’s sweeping statement has us listening.  Follow 2 di 11

04/08/15 08:51

Luxury Yacht Living, Closer to our Shores | The Millenary

Since majority of yacht builder shipyards are in Europe, particularly in Italy and the Netherlands, the plunging Euro might render a simple boathouse as affordable as the six or seven figure sum that a land vehicle commands.

The setup to your presentation is the most important opportunity you’ll have to win the room over to your way of thinking. You’ll know you’ve done it when people start nodding in agreement about a general concept or universal principle before you show them a thing.

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04/08/15 08:51

Luxury Yacht Living, Closer to our Shores | The Millenary

Ocean Pacific

It doesn’t matter what you’re presenting—designs, commercials, posters, online ads, pop-up concepts, websites, or pitches for movies—you need to convince people to buy into and agree with the key principle or insight underlying your idea before you try to sell a specific way of illustrating or executing it. You need to go from “I’m here with a bunch of ideas I thought of for you” to “We all agree, based on our common experience, that what we see, do, or notice is shared by a lot of people who are not in this room.” The sale is made when the salesperson has everyone agreeing to his appraisal of the problem at hand.

Ocean Pacific

“Singapore is surrounded by water and the ability to use yachts in South-East Asia has grown a lot in the past five years. 20 years ago, if you owned a yacht, you would be  Follow 4 di 11

04/08/15 08:51

Luxury Yacht Living, Closer to our Shores | The Millenary

sunk! However, immigration and security have improved recently, because people now see the recreational value of yachts, beyond that of commercial use.” Tan’s company Hong Seh Group’s first chance foray into the boating industry occurred when a few customers including Malaysian royalty asked for yachts in the late 1980s. Tan divulges that he came to enjoy the sea, which led to Hong Seh creating a “1800-” concierge service, which takes care of everything from cleaning the inside and outside of boats, to assisting with the planning of a holiday. Hong Seh currently works in partnership with the Ferretti Group’s various yacht brands like Riva, CRN and Pershing. “Destinations that yachts can sail to from Singapore include Phuket in Thailand, Batam and Bintan in Indonesia, as well as Rompin, Tioman and Rendang in Malaysia. Terengganu’s Monsoon Cup yacht race is now heavily promoted. The Southern Islands are short 20-minute jaunts from marinas like ONE°15, Keppel and Raffles,” he encourages.

SINGAPORE: Some families opt for yacht living in new lifestyle

“Similar to cars, a yacht’s rate of appreciation and depreciation is all about brand value,” observes Gianluca Poerio of Sand People Communication, which specialises in media relations for luxury yachting. Although the value of a yacht falls upon sale, certain brands of yachts sustain high values after purchase, and in uncommon cases such as celebrity ownership, provenance and rarity, command a higher resale value  Follow 5 di 11

04/08/15 08:51

Luxury Yacht Living, Closer to our Shores | The Millenary

than its original buying price. “If you have a very good internationally renowned brand like Benetti or Ferrari, a yacht or car will still be very valuable after years and years.” “The life cycle of a yacht depends on the material with which the yacht was built. If we talk about fibreglass or aluminium, we can assume a life cycle between 25 and 30 years, while steel yachts are the longest running and may have a centenary life cycle,” discloses Andrea Pezzini, CEO of Floating Life, a full-service international yacht charter, sales, concierge and management firm. He further elaborates, dispelling misconceptions that yachts have a limited number of serviceable years like cars. “Yachts are typically worth 20% to 25% of their original value in the first year, 10 to 15% in the second, 5 to 10% in the third, and 5% in following years,” reveals Fabiomassimo Discoli, Sales Manager of the Ferretti Group. “Annual maintenance costs for yachts below 30m include berthing, insurance, standard maintenance and paying crew, which is normally around 10% of the yacht’s purchase value. For yachts above 30m, maintenance can cost as little as 5%.” Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of investing in a yacht, industry veteran Pezzini weighs in that there are none, explaining, “because someone who owns a yacht does it for passion and not for a ‘safe haven’ asset or in order to get huge revenues. However, thanks to new forms of business in yachting, such as fractional ownership and chartering, one can recover the original investment by generating rental profit through the yacht.”

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04/08/15 08:51

Luxury Yacht Living, Closer to our Shores | The Millenary

Ocean Pacific

In the example of a €1.8m yacht: If its annual maintenance costs €200,000 and the profit of chartering it out for one week is €130,000, the owner would have paid €3.4m over the course of eight years, but would only have to charter his yacht out for 27 weeks within these eight years to cover costs. “Fractional ownership is new in Asia but not new in Europe,” remarks Tan. “People who are not ready to buy a boat can come together to pay a company to manage a boat. Splitting €20,000 to €200m four to eight ways greatly defrays the cost of enjoy the boating lifestyle.” “I find that yachting in general is great for quality family time, because we are forced to put our phones away and interact in communal spaces, rather than read Facebook posts over dinner. Privacy is also a key benefit of owning a yacht because only can fish can complain about any ruckus made,” he jocularly adds. “If you like yachts and live in Asia, you are right now in the money. Stay aboard and let the service team handle everything, to enjoy maritime life to its fullest. Asia is summer 365 days a year if you move strategically up and down, and boating is best served warm.”

SShhaarree tthhiiss::


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04/08/15 08:51

Yachts that You HAVE TO SEE at the Cannes Yacht Festival | Boatshop24



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The Cannes Yachting Festival is taking place at the French Rivera from 8th until 13th September 2015. 539 boats and 100 different models will be presented. If you plan to visit one of the global leading in-water boat shows, find out now which beautiful yachts you should not miss out.

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Yachts that You HAVE TO SEE at the Cannes Yacht Festival | Boatshop24

27/08/15 15:56

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Monte Carlo Yachts MCY105 Click here to get more information.

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Baglietto Yachts 46 M/Y Click here to get more information.

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Yachts that You HAVE TO SEE at the Cannes Yacht Festival | Boatshop24

27/08/15 15:56


Seawave - Southern Wind Shipyard Click here to get more information.

©Southern Wind Shipyard

Benetti Vivace 125 Click here to get more information.

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Sanlorenzo SPA SL86 Click here to get more information.

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Check Out The Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 Line-up Of World Premieres! - Marine News -




25/08/15 10:56




Check Out The Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 Lineup Of World Premieres!






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by CharterworldTeam CharterworldTeam, Charterworld August 21, 2015

Check out the luxurious list of the wonderful luxury yachts that are set to make their world premiere at the upcoming Cannes Yachting Festival 2015. The boat show will run at the fabulous French Riviera yacht holiday location – Cannes from September 8 to 13, 2015.


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Check Out The Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 Line-up Of World Premieres! - Marine News -


25/08/15 10:56






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BENETTI Superyacht FORMOSA underway in Italy — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

20/08/15 15:09

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BENETTI Superyacht FORMOSA underway in Italy August 19, 2015 BENETTI ( superyacht FORMOSA ( (FB255) was spotted from a great distance by Roberto Malfatti ( in Italy (’s Livorno yesterday, on August 18, 2015. Measuring impressive 60 meters in length, the 2014-launched motor yacht FORMOSA features both exterior design as well as naval architecture by the yard’s in-house team, with interior design by Sinot Exclusive Yacht Design (

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BENETTI Superyacht FORMOSA underway in Italy — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

20/08/15 15:09

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Spreading over five large decks, luxury yacht FORMOSA can easily accommodate 10 guests in 5 suites, with foreseen, with a complete deck given over to the owner’s apartment. There is also accommodation for a crew of 14 members.

( 60m Benetti superyacht Formosa (FB255) – Photo by Roberto Malfatti

New ‘Sunseeker 86 Yacht’ Motor Yacht CHERRY delivered ( sunseeker-86yacht-motor-yachtcherry-delivered) Impressive 96m Motor Yacht Hull 1006 by FEADSHIP ( 96m-motor-yachthull-1006-byfeadship) Balearic Yacht Destination – New Promotional Destination Project For MALLORCA & IBIZA to be presented at MYS ( yacht-destinationpromotionaldestination-projectmallorca-ibizapresented-mys) Cannes Yachting Festival – Europe’s leading in-water boat show to run from September 8 to 13, 2015 ( yachting-festivaleuropes-leadinginwater-boat-showrun-september-813-2015) First MCP 106 Limited Edition Luxury Yacht MARS ( 106-limited-editionluxury-yacht-mars)

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( Luxury motor yacht Formosa – Photo by Roberto Malfatti

BENETTI super yacht FORMOSA (FB255) is powered by twin in MTU 12V4000 M53 engines that develop 1,380kW at 1.800rpm. She has a maximum speed of 16 knots, with a cruising speed of 15 knots. While economy cruising at 12 knots, she has a range of 5,000 nautical miles.

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Fifth Crystal 140’ Motor Yacht MR. D by BENETTI — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

30/07/15 12:57

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Fifth Crystal 140’ Motor Yacht MR. D by BENETTI July 30, 2015 The brand new 2015-launched motor yacht MR. D has been successfully delivered by BENETTI ( Measuring 41,93m in length, the well sized superyacht MR. D represents the fifth Crystal 140’ series ( vessel, beautifully designed by Stefano Righini ( The official information about the latest Crystal 140’ vessel is still expected to be released by the shipyard.

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Fifth Crystal 140’ Motor Yacht MR. D by BENETTI — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

30/07/15 12:57

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( Benetti Crystal 140′ Yacht

Created by Francois Zuretti (, the superb and elegant interiors of super yacht MR. D can sleep up to 12 guests in utmost in luxury, providing them with 6 well appointed cabins. There is also accommodation for a crew of 7 members in 4 crew cabins. BENETTI Crystal 140’ luxury yacht MR. D is run by twin Caterpillar C32 diesel engines, reaching a top speed of 15 knots. She has a range of 4000 nautical miles.


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Outstanding 63m ISA Charter Yacht MARY-JEAN II refitted by Monaco Marine La Ciotat ( 63m-isa-charteryacht-mary-jean-iirefitted-by-monacomarine-la-ciotat) Fifth Crystal 140’ Motor Yacht MR. D by BENETTI ( crystal-140-motoryacht-mr-d-bybenetti) Nominations for Prestigious ShowBoats Design Awards 2016 Now OPEN ( prestigiousshowboats-designawards-2016-open) Majestic J Class Sailing Yacht VELSHEDA wins class in Royal Yacht Squadron’s Bicentenary International Regatta’s Race Around the Island ( class-sailing-yachtvelsheda-winsclass-royal-yachtsquadronsbicentenaryinternationalregattas-raceisland) Luxury yacht CNB 76 to be the largest sailing yacht on display at Southampton Boat Show 2015 ( yacht-cnb-76-to-bethe-largest-sailingyacht-on-display-atsouthampton-boatshow-2015)

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Selection of World Premieres on Display at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

24/08/15 10:21

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The striking 137m Luxury Mega Yacht BREEZE by Sinot Exclusive Yacht Design ( Yacht Charter Search Location

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Selection of World Premieres on Display at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 August 21, 2015 Take a glimpse at a wonderful selection below of luxury yachts set to make their world premiere at the upcoming Cannes Yachting Festival ( 2015. Europe (’s leading in-water boat show will run in the fabulous French Riviera yacht holiday ( location – Cannes ( from September 8 to 13, 2015.

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Selection of World Premieres on Display at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

24/08/15 10:21

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( Baglietto 43 superyacht Pachamama

BAGLIETTO 43 PACHAMAMA At 43,65m, Baglietto ( 43 superyacht Pachamama will be the largest motor yacht to have her world debut at the 2015 Cannes Yachting Festival. Boasting sleek and aggressive lines and spacious volumes, she is an all-aluminium vessel, with focus on conviviality: from the large skylights in the ceiling panel in the entrance on the main deck to the dining room. Thanks to a mobile partition, the gorgeous dining room can be connected to the galley and the dinette, creating one single open space, resulting in a great convivial atmosphere. All cabins aboard luxury yacht Pachamama are situated on the lower deck, including the aft full-beam master cabin with wide spaces and large glazing. Externally, Pachamama boasts a lavish outdoor area conceived as a living area, with a generous sunbathing area and a heated Jacuzzi. Moreover, she is fitted with the lastgeneration technologies and solutions in the wheelhouse as well as the engine room, and is run by twin powerful MTU 16V4000 M93L diesel engines, reaching a cruising speed of 28 knots.

( Benetti superyacht Vivace 125

BENETTI VIVACE 125 Built by the prestigious Italian shipyard Benetti (, luxury motor yacht Vivace 125 is a striking 38-metre composite and carbon construction vessel, boasting a sporty exterior, employing generous amounts of horizontal windows to accentuate the sleek lines of this stylish vessel. Spanning over three generous decks plus sun deck, Vivace 125 is a sister ship to luxury yacht Veloce 140 (, and takes inspiration from her forerunners’ construction technology, stylistic features, as well as spatial layout. She features innovative Rolls-Royce propulsion and a wave piercing hull.

Video of New 96m Superyacht Hull 1006 by FEADSHIP near Hook of Holland ( of-new-96msuperyacht-hull1006-by-feadshipnear-hook-ofholland) Bespoke 57m Motor Yacht HALO splashes at FEADSHIP ( 57m-motor-yachthalo-splashes-atfeadship) Take a glimpse at Damen Sea Axe Vessel ADVANTAGE to be converted into Superyacht Support Vessel by Oceania Marine ( a-glimpse-atdamen-sea-axevessel-advantageto-be-convertedinto-superyachtsupport-vessel-byoceania-marine) Marina Ibiza – One of The Most Exclusive Marinas For Private Yachts and Charter Yachts in the Med ( ibiza-exclusivemarinas-privateyachts-charteryachts-med) Sunseeker to celebrate delivery of 100 Superyachts over 100ft at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 ( to-celebratedelivery-of-100superyachts-over100ft-at-cannesyachting-festival2015)

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Selection of World Premieres on Display at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

( Princess 35M Yacht

PRINCESS 35M To be unveiled during the 2015 Cannes Yachting Festival as part of Princess Yachts (’ 50th anniversary celebrations, the new Princess 35m superyacht ( is a semi-custom vessel capable of cruising both at high and low speeds with an amazing long range and outstanding efficiency, while providing generous deck areas and comfortable as well as spacious accommodation. Her raised pilot-house design delivers a level of deck space and luxury unsurpassed by any yacht in this class. The flybridge is vast and the aft cockpit is broad and ideal for dining or simply spending time with friends. Moreover, there is a beautiful foredeck lounge at the bow, with crew quarters forward and a 5,5m tender and jetski garage aft.

24/08/15 10:21

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( MCY 105 superyacht by Monte Carlo Yachts

MONTE CARLO YACHTS MCY105 The 32m flagship of Monte Carlo Yachts (, superyacht MCY105 ( sub=yacht-charter&charter=motor-yacht-mcy-9567), represents the most tangible exemplification of the company’s vision and the best expression of Monte Carlo Yachts’ iconic, timeless style and the naval allure of its collection. She is the first yacht of this size with fiberglass components entirely made by infusion, offering virtually unlimited options to customise the layout and choose the materials. Her large Portuguese deck at the bow, as well as the flybridge with equipment and living space are unmatched in her class, while her ergonomic raised pilot-house gives maximum comfort to the full-beam master cabin, positioned on the main deck and boasting full-sized windows for fantastic views of the sea.

1. World Premiere of New BENETTI Motor Yacht VIVACE 125’ at Cannes Yachting Festival ( premiere-of-newbenetti-motoryacht-vivace-125at-cannes-yachtingfestival) 2. New Sanlorenzo Motor Yacht SL86 to make World Premiere at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 ( sanlorenzo-motoryacht-sl86-to-makeworld-premiere-atcannes-yachtingfestival-2015) 3. Eight Luxury Yachts by PRINCESS on display at forthcoming Cannes Yachting Festival ( luxury-yachts-byprincess-on-

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Selection of World Premieres on Display at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

( Southern Wind superyacht Seawave

SEAWAVE by SOUTHERN WIND SHIPYARD A sister ship to luxury yacht Farfalla (, the 32-metre sailing yacht Seawave ( by Southern Wind Shipyard ( is the fourth hull in the successful SW 102 mini-series and the second hull in a Raised Saloon configuration. Her interior layout features the owner’s cabin afore and crew area to the aft, and is fitted out in horizontal Closed Grain Teak, with ivory linen on the bulkheads to give all spaces a warm, classical feel. Moreover, there is a large studio amidships, separating the main saloon from the owner’s private quarters, as well as an airy, open-space saloon, boasting bright panoramic windows on the coach roof.

Superyacht News Related to "Selection of World Premieres on Display at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015" 1. World Premiere of New BENETTI Motor Yacht VIVACE 125’ at Cannes Yachting Festival ( 2. New Sanlorenzo Motor Yacht SL86 to make World Premiere at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 ( 3. Eight Luxury Yachts by PRINCESS on display at forthcoming Cannes Yachting Festival ( 4. Azimut Benetti Group to attend Cannes Yachting Festival with Four World Premieres and Fleet of 22 Yachts ( 5. Top 5 Largest Motor Yachts at upcoming Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 ( Baglietto (, Baglietto 43 (, Benetti (, Benetti S.p.a. (, Benetti Shipyard (, Benetti Yachts (, Cannes (, Cannes Yachting Festival (, Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 (, France (, French Riviera (, luxury yacht (, Luxury Yachts (, MCY105 (, Monte Carlo Yachts (, Monte Carlo Yachts MCY 105 (, motor yacht (, Motor Yachts (, Pachamama (, Princess 35M (, Princess Yachts

24/08/15 10:21

display-atforthcomingcannes-yachtingfestival) 4. Azimut Benetti Group to attend Cannes Yachting Festival with Four World Premieres and Fleet of 22 Yachts ( benetti-groupattend-cannesyachting-festivalworld-premieresfleet-22-yachts) 5. Top 5 Largest Motor Yachts at upcoming Cannes Yachting Festival 2015 (

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Benetti FB801 M/Y Vica Superyacht | LUXERVIND

20/08/15 10:53

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Benetti FB801 M/Y Vica Superyacht



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Benetti FB801 Vica is the first yacht built by Benetti using two different techniques, the fiberglass hull and superstructure in aluminum. This luxury yacht has a total length of 50 meters.

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This superyacht is suitable venture for the Mediterranean region. With large open spaces, astern open deck, and a large sun deck. Benetti Vica yachts are built with the concept of flexible molding highly can adapt to the needs of passengers. The exterior is characterized by fashionable high window that can fill the interior with natural light. Something unique about this yacht are three hatches in the hull, the first lateral placed towards the stern to launch and recover the tender, the second serves as a bathing platform, the third to provide air and light below deck lobby. Another distinctive feature of this yacht is automatic gangway down to sea level. Benetti Vica yacht has four decks are connected by a central staircase that starts from the lobby leading to the living room. Beside the four main deck, this yacht also has under lower deck consisting of the engine room, service areas, holds, and laundry. The interior of this yacht is a classic theme with four guest cabins, owner suite and additional cabin on the upper deck. The living room on the main deck presents a grand piano, karaoke, sofas and bar, lounge chairs, and a coffee table and extra wide screen plasma TV. Technically, Benetti FB801 M/Y Vica adopting the classic style with a fiberglass hull displacement driven by two CAT C32 Acert with a total power of 1940 kW. This yacht has a cruising range of 4000 nautical miles and a maximum cruise speed of 15 knots.

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Benetti FB801 M/Y Vica Superyacht | LUXERVIND

20/08/15 10:53


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Benetti FB801 M/Y Vica Superyacht | LUXERVIND

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Benetti FB801 M/Y Vica Superyacht | LUXERVIND

20/08/15 10:53

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Unique 50m Motor Yacht VICA by BENETTI | Latest Yachts

21/08/15 11:19


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« 141M Giga Yacht YAS underway in France

Unique 50m Motor Yacht VICA by BENETTI Measuring 50 meters in length, the well sized and unique motor yacht VICA represents the first BENETTI vessel built using two different techniques: the hull is in fiberglass, while the superstructure is in aluminum. Luxury yacht VICA thus offers complete comfort and flexibility, meeting the client’s different customizing needs, thanks to a concept of flexible moulding.

Super yacht VICA from above – Photo by Thierry Ameller

The perfect vessel for the Mediterranean, superyacht VICA provides generous open air spaces, including a large open deck astern, and forward with the upper deck and a huge sun deck. In addition, she offers the latest in on-board comfort and can comfortably sleep her guests in the lavish owner’s apartment on the main deck with a large study and a full beam cabin, as well as an exclusive private terrace, and four guest suites, all positioned on the lower deck.

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Unique 50m Motor Yacht VICA by BENETTI | Latest Yachts

21/08/15 11:19

Luxury yacht VICA – Cabin – Photo by Thierry Ameller

The highlights of the upper deck aboard VICA yacht are the open air spaces: while the stern deck is quite spacious, the foredeck is exceptionally spacious, with an enormous divan and two chaise lounges next to the Jacuzzi. The sun deck features a second Jacuzzi surrounded by a large sunbathing area, a luncheon table and a bar with barstools, and there is even another leisure area that can be easily transformed into a touch and go helipad pad. The striking VICA simply has it all! About these ads

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A 54m motor superyacht by AMY – by Italian companies Cantieri Navali and Mariotti In "Motor yacht"

Feadship launched Luxury Superyacht KISS on Valentine’s Day In "Motor yacht"

Astonishing 66m Mega Yacht ESTER III by LURSSEN In "Mega Yacht"

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Jetset Magazine presents Making Memories at Mauna Kea B...

Making Memories at Mauna Kea Beach Hotel

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Making Memories at Mauna Kea Beach Hotel Written by Karen Brost The big island's iconic hotel marks its 50th year of sharing the aloha spirit. It’s amazing what one man with a vision can do. Back in the ‘60s, renowned developer Laurance S. Rockefeller stood on the black lava fields of the Big Island’s Kohala Coast and imagined building a world-class resort. The fact that there were no roads, power or water available at the time in this corner of paradise didn’t stand in his way. He was inspired by the pristine beauty of Kauna‘oa Bay, and, being a conservationist ahead of his time, he was determined to build a resort that would blend into the natural environment. His goal was to offer guests a blissful escape from everyday distractions, and he succeeded brilliantly. Now, 50 years later, guests continue to experience the magic of the Mauna

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14/08/15 13:58

Jetset Magazine presents Making Memories at Mauna Kea B...

Kea Beach Hotel.

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The Latest | This Week at JetsetMag John Legend, Enrique Iglesias and Usher Among Superstars to Headline 6th Annual Curaçao North Sea Jazz Festival By Karen Brost The Dutch Caribbean island of Curaçao has announced the lineup for its sixth annual Curaçao North Sea Jazz Festival on September 3-5, and, as in the past, it’s packed with international superstars.

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The 25th Monaco Yacht Show September 23-26, 2015 The 2015 edition of the Monaco Yacht Show will underline the beginning of a new era, but above all, it will display a new look with extra berths and a reorganization of its exhibition area.

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Special Offers by Our Contributing Partners

Join Altitude - Solairus Aviation’s Airstream Jets’ Innovative Private Membership Charter Club Distance Card™ Is the New Way to Fly Private

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14/08/15 13:58

Jetset Magazine presents Making Memories at Mauna Kea B...

Altitude By Solairus is a private membership charter club offered to clients looking to strike the perfect balance between comfort and convenience. Enjoy all-inclusive pricing, streamlined booking, transparent account processing, and interchangeable charter hours with no long-term commitments required. Don’t get stuck on the ground! Contact Solairus today and start gaining ALTITUDE!

Airstream Jets' new Distance Card™ combines the convenience of Jet Cards and Fractional Ownership, with the value and flexibility found only in on-demand charter. The Distance Card™ features a totally new pricing model based on distance flown rather than hours. Each card is hand-crafted by master jewelers and forged from 1oz of pure investment-grade Gold for a 100K card, or Silver for a 25K card.

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California Aircraft Expo (KSQL) Today’s Most Advanced Aircraft at One Location

Signature Lodge and North Platte Outpost: Two of America’s Top Hunting Lodges

California’s leading aircraft manufacturers and dealers are working together to sponsor the California Aircraft Expo where the latest models of general aviation aircraft will be on display at the Hiller Air Museum in San Carlos on August 14-15. Prospective buyers can see the newest aircraft from Cessna, Cirrus, Piper, Beechcraft, ONE Aviation, Epic, Lancair, Quest, Mooney, Pilatus, TBM and more.

The world’s first upland & waterfowl lodges to receive the prestigious Beretta Trident, Cheyenne Ridge Signature Lodge & North Platte Outpost Lodge bring you the finest in wingshooting. Signature Lodge offers luxury pheasant hunting & North Platte Outpost is the ultimate waterfowl destination. Hallmarks of both lodges include single occupancy rooms, exquisite dining, and of course incredible hunting.

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14/08/15 13:58

The 25th Monaco Yacht Show


07.20.15 The 25th Monaco Yacht Show Written by Contributing Partner (/events/author/825-contributingpartner)

The 2015 edition of the Monaco Yacht Show will underline the beginning of a new era, but above all, it will display a new look with extra berths and a reorganization of its exhibition area. This annual, one-ofa-kind event is a hub of international superyacht business with billionaires and industry leaders from around the globe. Awards, business lunches, gala dinners and cocktail parties are some of the many events organized on board the yachts or in the Principality’s top hotels.

Additional Information Date(s) of Event:

September 23-26


Port Hercules - Principality of Monaco

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14/08/15 13:58 Tweet


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Featured Charter Yacht of The Week Benetti 58m Illusion V - The Definitive Yachting Lifestyle Source

27/08/15 15:39


Featured Charter Yacht of The Week Benetti 58m Illusion V

If you’ve been hovering over a choice or two for your next private luxury yacht charter, it’s time to land on a most exquisite new option: The

Palladium Superyacht By Blohm+Voss Pagina 1 di 7

Featured Charter Yacht of The Week Benetti 58m Illusion V - The Definitive Yachting Lifestyle Source

27/08/15 15:39

Benetti Illusion V. With every detail attended to in sumptuous sync, sporting a most graceful exterior line, an incredibly spacious interior and exterior layout, and exotic materials and fabrics throughout, Illusion V ensures your experience on board will be nothing short of perfection. Something, however, is missing. Noise. The entire yacht has been meticulously fitted with top tier noise reduction technology. The Benetti team worked with a Danish firm to ensure the hush is heard throughout, following with carpeted crew areas for extra measure.

Arkin Pruva Superyacht Tempus Fugit V4

Something else is also missing. That would be traffic. The yacht is designed to keep crew access separate, ensuring ultimate privacy while on board. Everything else expected in a superior luxury yacht of Benetti quality is on board in abundance, much of it subtly branded with a graceful rose motif. Employing the impeccable skills of Green & Mingarelli Design, the owners lavished Illusion V with clean-lined,

G650 On Full Aerial Display

contemporary furnishings, plush white textiles, natural skins, and textures, all outlined and underscored with high-gloss black walnut, travertine, mother of pearl, crystal, and onyx. A study in shades of white, dove, chocolate, and black, the color palate is one echoing the warmth of a comfortable, livable, spacious home.

Pagani Huayra The

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Featured Charter Yacht of The Week Benetti 58m Illusion V - The Definitive Yachting Lifestyle Source

Contemporary electronics and oversize plasma screens are tucked unobtrusively, easily viewed

27/08/15 15:39


when called to perform. Jacuzzi, gym, beach club with amenities, air conditioning, BBQ and outdoor bar are just a few of the additional perks. A waterslide, Seabobs, SeaDoos, wake board, water skis, paddleboard, snorkeling, scuba, and fishing equipment all await your pleasure.

royal scale onyx bath and carved marble sinks,

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entered through a formal lounge with sofa

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The owner’s suite is large and luxurious, with a

allowing gracious reception. Perfectly placed lighting hidden within the ceilings, along with abundant natural light from oversize windows,

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make the expanse airy and bright by day, romantic and restful by night. Large windows and glass walls on the main deck allow natural light to spill across the spaces, opening up to embrace the outdoors when weather and lifestyle dictate. A gorgeous formal dining area, leading to a broad salon dressed in white, glass, parchment, cocoa, and cream, outlined in dark, highly-polished woods, invites pleasant parties to linger as long as they like under ivory leather ceilings, further softening the sound as well as the look. The signature rose motif appears in relief along the stair in an effortless cascade, as well as on the bar front, in crystal, in metal, in embroidery, and in the stone of the pool, a casual reminder

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Featured Charter Yacht of The Week Benetti 58m Illusion V - The Definitive Yachting Lifestyle Source

27/08/15 15:39

of beauty and nature Illusion V delivers. Lush throws and luxurious pillows plump the sofas and chairs, while onyx, Lalique crystal, and well-chosen accessories provide the punctuation on this dramatic design statement. Illusion V most comfortably accommodates 12 guests in 6 cabins served by 13 crew. Her 58 m/190 ft hull powers across the ocean at 12 to 15 kts with a range of 5,000 nautical miles. The world debut was celebrated in Monaco last year, but you can arrange for Illusion V to debut for you with a single call. To book your private luxury yacht charter aboard the exceptional Illusion V, contact


Kathleen Turner ď‚ Twitter (

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Featured Charter Yacht of The Week Benetti 58m Illusion V - The Definitive Yachting Lifestyle Source

27/08/15 15:39

Writing engaging, intelligent, accurate copy for the luxury audience, KLTurner covers wine, sailing, travel, and a variety of luxury profile topics. A veteran of 20+ years in the Rocky Mountain West and the Sawtooths of Idaho, she recently traded her skis and parkas for sailing gear and a magnificent life on the Florida Gulf Coast.


 Featured Charter Yacht of The Week Benetti 58m Illusion V 08/24/2015


Benetti Fast Displace… Series Motor Yacht Veloce 08/11/2014


( veloce/) yachtingfestival/)

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News: Benetti Displaying Three Luxury Yachts At 2015 MYS | YachtForums: The World’s Largest Yachting Community

26/08/15 14:06

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Motor Yachts

Benetti Yacht


Discussion in 'Benetti Yacht' started by Yacht News, Yesterday at 1:10 PM. Thread Status: Not open for further replies.

Three Luxury Yachts On Display At 2015 Monaco Yacht Show (MYS) Italian manufacturer Benetti Yachts said they are displaying three luxury yachts at the 2015 Monaco Yacht Show (MYS) coming up in September. The three motoryachts are all brand new yachts too ranging from the largest at 63-meter custom down to a unit of the Veloce 14o series. Looking at the yachts closer, the 63-meter custom superyacht "11/11", 60-meter "Formosa" and the 42-meter "H" will be on display at this prestigious yachting event. H is having her European debut at the show while both 11/11 and Formosa are making their world debuts. The 63-meter mega yacht, built as FB265 has a special design and aesthetic factor that you notice immediately: her plumb bow, which allows for an increased dynamic tendency, literally cutting through the water. 11/11's interiors are just as original. Her designated layout favors two spacious and comfortable owner's cabins, one on the full beam main deck, the second on the upper deck with private access to the pool and solarium deck. The four guest cabins are on the lower deck, each with its own en-suite washroom. Performance, with two CAT 3512C engines developing 1350kW each, gave her a top speed of 17-knots during her first preliminary sea trails. Scenic effects and nighttime illumination are assured while at anchor with 46 lights placed below the waterline of the superyacht.

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News: Benetti Displaying Three Luxury Yachts At 2015 MYS | YachtForums: The World’s Largest Yachting Community

26/08/15 14:06

The steel and aluminum hull of the Formosa built as FB255 – whose exterior styling and naval architecture were done entirely by Benetti – has five decks, with 60-meters of length overall, a beam of 10.6-meters and a displacement of 1,060 GT. The guest area's layout and design were created by Sinot Design, in close collaboration with the owner. Five suites for ten guests are foreseen, with a complete deck given over to the owner's apartment. 14 crew members will assist the captain and look after the owner and guests. The Formosa , propelled by twin MTU 12V4000 M53 engines that develop 1,380kW at 1.800rpm has a top speed of 16-knots, with a cruising speed of 15-knots. While economy cruising at 12-knots the FB255 has a range of 5,000 nautical miles. The third yacht is of the Fast Displacement Veloce 140’ series with the name H and is characterized by a new hull design that makes the D2P (Displacement to Planing) hull even more efficient. The Wave Piercer is a bulb mounted on the bow that comes into play when the yacht reaches 17 or 18-knots. The Wave Piercer travels just below the surface at slow speed, but once the vessel reaches the proper speed the Wave Piercer emerges and increases the effective waterline length, giving the yacht better performance and efficiency. Fuel efficiency increases by about 10% at a given speed, while with the same power there is an increase of about 10%, therefore allowing higher speeds. For more information: Azimut | Benetti S.p.A. Via Michele Coppino, 104 55049 Viareggio Italy ***​

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