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Номер 59

Ноябрь – Декабрь 2014

БОТ-ШОУ В КАННАХ Выставка в Каннах в свое время перехватила у бот-шоу в Генуе звание самого большого яхтенного события Европы и не сдает позиций. Текст – ГРИГОРИЙ ШИРВАНЯНЦ


Номер 59


Ноябрь – Декабрь 2014

Ожидания от обновленной выставки были весьма высокими, и организаторы свои обещания выполнили полностью. Под жарким солнцем Канн (погода тоже не подвела) в этом году нежились 550 лодок размером от пяти до 55 метров, и количество посетителей зашкалило за 50 тысяч человек. Посмотреть было на что: только количество официальных мировых премьер на выставке приблизилось к сотне. Самой большой яхтой в Каннах стала 55-метровая Ocean Paradise от Benetti. Полностью соответствовать роскошному названию ей помогает великолепный интерьер, созданный собственными специалистами итальянской верфи– как водится, при самом активном участии заказчика. Гигантская каюта владельца на яхте имеет собственный фиксированный балкон, наслаждаться которым можно и на ходу. Итальянский долгожитель – верфь Baglietto – в этом году отметила 160-ю (!) годовщину. В роли

праздничного торта в Каннах выступала мировая премьера – 46-метровая водоизмещающая яхта, за внешний и внутренний дизайн которой отвечал человек-легенда Франческо Пачковски. Отрадно видеть, что дела у Baglietto, пережившей не самые лучшие времена, теперь идут весьма неплохо: новая яхта – лишь один из пяти новых проектов, над которыми сейчас работает верфь. С нетерпением ждем дальнейших новостей. Британцы Princess Yachts, как и обещали, выступили широким фронтом: на выставку они привезли добрый десяток яхт, среди которых были и европейские премьеры (Princess S72 и 88MY), и обновленные версии мировых хитов, например, Princess 43. Надо сказать, «спортбридж» S72 поразил элегантностью линий – казалось бы, добавление верхнего мостика должно было визуально сильно утяжелить корпус, но лодка все равно выглядит легкой и изящной, а такой площади

Внизу Панорама Cannes Yachting Festival 2014. В этом году на бот-шоу привезли 550 лодок.



Номер 59

Вверху Стенд британской верфи Princess Yachts порадовал разнообразием представленных моделей и новинками. Слева На нем также красовался датский мотоцикл Lauge Jensen, выполненный в стилистике Princess Yachts. Внизу Статус самой важной европейской выставки яхт у Cannes Yachting Festival не отвоевать.


Ноябрь – Декабрь 2014

остекления мы раньше просто не видели на лодке длиной 27,5 метра. Гигантский стенд компании, помимо самих яхт, украшали собой еще и... мотоциклы! Великолепный датский «кастом» Lauge Jensen с вышитой на седле фирменной короной Princess наверняка заставил многих любопытствующих возвращаться к стенду не один раз. Две яхты привезла в Канны итальянская верфь Cantiere delle Marche – небольшое «бутиковое» семейное предприятие, твердо намеренное строить не более трех лодок в год. Зато каких! Крепко сбитый и ладно скроенный стальной «экспедиционник» Percheron, сданный владельцу два года назад, служил в Каннах живой иллюстрацией качества CdM. После двух лет путешествий (например, из Анконы во Флориду и обратно, с заходом на Галапагосы и попаданием в ряд штормов, включая ураган «Сэнди») лодка выглядит, как новая! Краска на корпусе блестит, леера


Вверху Baglietto 46 выпустили в честь 160-летия верфи. В центре Ocean Paradise – самая большая яхта из показанных в Каннах. Справа Еще одна премьера – Princess S72.


Номер 59

Ноябрь – Декабрь 2014

и дельные вещи на палубе сияют нержавеющей сталью, и даже мебель внутри прекрасно выглядит после длительных походов с четырьмя (!) детьми на борту. Вторая яхта – Yolo, новейшее творение верфи, менее семейной и более «плейбойской» ориентации, тоже произвела прекрасное впечатление. Впрочем, о ней мы более подробно расскажем в следующих номерах. Пожалуй, самым скоростным экспонатом выставки стала 50-футовая G-Force 9 норвежской верфи Goldfish – брутальное карбоновое чудовище, непринужденно летавшее вокруг порта на скоростях за 70 узлов. Помимо скорости (и способности держать ее при хорошей волне), эта помесь большого тендера и оффшорного гоночного катера запомнилась стильным дизайном и… углепластиковыми занавесками вокруг туалета в каюте. На застежках-«молниях».


Номер 59

Ноябрь – Декабрь 2014

БОТ-ШОУ В ФОРТЛОДЕРДЕЙЛЕ Бот-шоу в Форт-Лодердейле – главное яхтенное событие Америки и самая крупная выставка на воде в мире – в этом году проходило уже в 55-й раз. Текст – ГРИГОРИЙ ШИРВАНЯНЦ


Номер 59


Ноябрь – Декабрь 2014

СМИ по всему миру уже не раз с восторгом оглашали цифру в четыре миллиарда долларов – примерно такова была общая стоимость всех экспонатов, представленных на огромной территории выставочного комплекса Bahia Mar. Как заявил на завтраке для журналистов глава компании-организатора главного американского бот-шоу Show Management Ефрем Цимбалист III: «Мы в этом году сделали все, чтобы FLIBS по-прежнему оставалась эпицентром яхтенного мира». По его же словам, самой большой яхтой выставки в

этом году стала 60-метровая Benetti по имени Swan, а самой маленькой – нечто резиновое длиной 2,6 фута (80 см). «Нечто резиновое», впрочем, увидеть своими глазами нам не удалось, потому что сразу за господином Цимбалистом выступал мэр Форт-Лодердейла Джек Сейлер, поспешивший заявить, что уникальный экспонат он уже «застолбил» за собой, ибо накануне имел неосторожность пообещать жене купить лодку. Ядром выставки стали лодки длиной до 60 футов – по словам организаторов, 90% посетителей

Внизу Первая представительница линейки Benetti Class Fast Displacement – Veloce 140.



имели вполне практический интерес именно к этому сегменту, и рынок яхт именно такой длины сейчас переживает прямо-таки бум. Многоэтажные надстройки «спортфишеров», стройными рядами уходящие к горизонту – одна из наиболее запомнившихся картинок с выставки. Интересные премьеры были, конечно, и в сегменте мегаяхт. Benetti привезла только что сданную Veloce 140, первый корпус в серии Benetti Class Fast Displacement. Элегантная лодка дизайна великого Стефано Ригини демонстрировала высоты кастомизации – место мастер-каюты в ней занимает… огромный спортзал с четырьмя беговыми дорожками! А спит владелец в небольшой гостевой каюте


Номер 59

Ноябрь – Декабрь 2014


Номер 59


Ноябрь – Декабрь 2014

Слева Интерьер и экстерьер новейшей 45-метровой яхты Sunrise Atomic.

на нижней палубе. Вопрос приоритетов, однако… Верфь Sunrise привезла во Флориду красно-белую Atomic (45 м), которую заказчик получил только в середине октября, то есть буквально накануне открытия бот-шоу в ФортЛодердейле. Стильная яхта с интересной планировкой произвела хорошее впечатление не только на нас – по сообщению представителей верфи предварительный контракт на строительство второго такого корпуса был подписан прямо во время выставки. А еще в ФортЛодердейле состоялись

американские премьеры яхт MCY 86, грандиозной Riva 122 Mythos, нового катамарана верфи NISI… Увы, всех страниц нашего журнала не хватит, чтобы даже вкратце остановиться на всех примечательных лодках, продемонстрированных на выставке в Форт-Лодердейле. Скажем лишь, что выставка прошла на эмоциональном подъеме и не оставила никаких сомнений, что, вопреки прогнозам пессимистов, следующий год будет хорош для всех секторов яхтенного рынка – как до, так и после шестидесяти футов. 75

Nº y fecha de publicación: 141130 - 30/11/2014 Difusión: 105470 Página: 19 Periodicidad: Mensual Tamaño: 60 % VPB: 12134 € 628 cm2 Web Site:



LA RAZÓN • Domingo. 30 de noviembre de 2014

DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER SE ALQUILA Diamonds are Forever es propiedad del multimillonario John Staluppi pero, por suerte para algunos (los que puedan darse el capricho), es generoso y lo comparte. En verano se le puede ver por las costas francesas e italianas. En invierno, por las caribeñas. En cualquier caso, el precio de alquiler de este barco de 61 metros de lujo exacerbado ronda los 400.000 dólares a la semana.

Diamantes para la eternidad. No se trata de la célebre película de 007 pero éste, uno de los más espectaculares yates de Benetti, se basa en ella. Así lo quiso su dueño, el magnate del motor John Staluppi, acérrimo seguidor de la saga del agente secreto más famoso del celuloide. La casa italiana más antigua y prestigiosa en lo que a embarcaciones de lujo se refiere siguió al dedillo las instrucciones del estadounidense, que quiso aunar la tecnología más puntera con el diseño más elegante, dotando al barco de todas las comodidades imaginables y ofreciendo las mejores prestaciones a sus inquilinos. Los suntuosos interiores se confiaron al aclamado Evan K.

Marshall, uno de los hombres más buscados del mundo para dar vida a estas impresionantes casas flotantes. Incluyen dos suites panorámicas y cuatro habitaciones para el resto de invitados, todas con áreas privadas al aire libre; hasta 12 personas pueden viajar en el «Diamonds are Forever» junto a casi otra decena de tripulantes que harán de la estancia un auténtico sueño de lujo, exclusividad y atenciones por doquier. Maderas nobles, mármoles, ónix y cristales de Marieux bañan cada esquina de los sublimes espacios, y su gimnasio, jacuzzi, solárium y hasta helipuerto invitan a vivir por siempre surcando los mares sin otra preocupación que la de contemplar el horizonte desde este palacio sobre las aguas.

ZAPATOS CON ALMA El alma de Berluti. Es, con toda probabilidad, el calzado para caballero más exclusivo del mundo. La «maison» asegura que emplea en cada par alrededor de 250 horas y su precio no baja de los 1.500 euros. Sus acabados, su brillo y sus colores son tan significativos y tan característicos que todos saben quiÉn firma estos tesoros para los pies. Celebridades históricas de medio mundo los han solicitado y, como si de una sastrería se tratase, la casa se los ha diseñado (aún lo hace) de manera totalmente personal. Un capricho, sin duda, distintivo.



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19/11/14 13:23

||| Noticias | News

Varador 2000

Varador 2000

Ports de la Generalitat ha adjudicado a Varador 2000 la gestión de la dársena para grandes esloras del puerto de Mataró. La actuación da valor añadido al sector náutico, reactiva la economía, genera empleo y proyecta el Maresme (Barcelona) en el mundo. El secretario de Infraestructuras y Movilidad y presidente de Puertos de la Generalitat, Ricard Font, y el director general de la empresa Varador 2000, Xiqui Mas, firmaron el acuerdo para impulsar la gestión de la dársena del puerto de Mataró destinada a grandes esloras. El proceso de adjudicación de la dársena situada en el interior del muelle de poniente del puerto de Mataró se ha llevado a cabo por concurso público. Ahora, la empresa debe desarrollar un proyecto para crear la dársena de grandes esloras del futuro.

Ports de la Generalitat have awarded Varador 2000 the contract for the quay for superyachts in the port of Mataró. The overall objective is to increase the significance of the nautical sector, reactivate the economy, generate employment and promote the Maresme region throughout the world. The secretary for Infrastructure and Transport and chairman of Ports de la Generalitat, Ricard Font, and the managing director of Varador 2000, Xiqui Mas, signed the agreement to take over the management of the quay in port Mataró intended for superyachts. The process of awarding the quay, on the inside of the west quay in Port Mataró, has been carried out by competitive tendering, leaving the company to develop a project to create the quay of the future for superyachts. www.

Ferretti Group

Ferretti Group

Riva has announced the birth of a new steel class, starting off with a 50 metre project with a 68 metre project to follow, with plans to develop a wide range of megayachts up to 100 metres over the next few years.

Riva ha anunciado la creación de una nueva gama en acero que, partiendo de un primer proyecto de 50 metros de eslora, y seguido de un segundo yate de 68 metros, se desarrollará en los próximos años para incluir una amplia gama de megayates hasta los 100 metros.

Marina Estrella Benetti 140

Marina Estrella Benetti 140

Benetti Yachts, cuyo distribuidor en España es Marina Estrella, acaba de presentar en el Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show el Veloce 140’, la nueva joya de la corona de la gama de desplazamiento rápido de Benetti, se trata de un yate con una gran personalidad, que se deriva tanto de las innovaciones tecnológicas de los sistemas de casco y propulsión, del nuevo diseño distintivo de interiores y mobiliario. La característica más distintiva es el nuevo casco diseñado por Pierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio y el departamento de Azimut-Benetti.

Marina Estrella, official distributor for Benetti Yachts in Spain, has just unveiled the Veloce 140’ at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show. The new jewel in the crown in Benetti’s rapid displacement range, the 140 displays unique attributes from technologically advanced hull and propulsion systems, to the original interior design and furniture. The most distinctive feature is the new hull designed by Pierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio and the in-house design team at Azimut-Benetti.

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18/11/14 11:26

Llegó el día y Cannes no falló. El salón náutico más internacional sirvió de escaparate para que los astilleros presentaran las novedades en Premier Mundial. El pasado mes de septiembre, una amplia delegación de nuestra redacción estuvo presente en el Cannes Yachting Festival, con un despliegue acorde a la gran cantidad de novedades que atender, cuyo cambio de nombre no hace más que renovar un estilo, para ser el salón número uno de presentaciones mundiales. Se trata de un evento que no para de crecer desde el día que se inauguró; así lo saben los astilleros de todo el mundo, que presentan sus novedades en el salón de todos. That time again and Cannes never fails. The biggest international boat show, a stage for shipbuilders to launch the World Premieres of their latest models. Represented by a fair few members of our editorial team, we recently attended the Cannes Yachting Festival in September. The show’s change of name does no more than revive a style and with a showcase to match the great number of debutantes, Cannes outshines the rest for world premieres. Texto y fotos: Redacción

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18/11/14 11:23


n las siguientes páginas detallamos las novedades de algunas de las marcas que estuvieron presentes. Si bien había muchas más, por cuestiones de espacio nos dedicaremos sólo a lo más destacado del momento. 7Jeanneau: Uno de los astilleros franceses de mayor renombre presentó el Sun Odyssey, con quilla movible, y el Jeanneau 64, ideal para los armadores más exigentes. En cuanto a Prestige, se pudieron ver a flote la 420 y la 420S, que pese a ser de eslora reducida cuentan con los acabados de la gama Prestige, para armadores exclusivos. 7Beneteau: En el año que celebran su 130 aniversario, el astillero especializado en cruceros a vela presentó el nuevo Oceanis 60, en el que destaca su original plano de cubierta, así como un diseño interior con materiales nobles y acabados elegantes. 7Lagoon-CNB: El área de la vela de este destacado astillero dedicado a los catamaranes tenía cinco modelos a flote, entre los que destacaba el 52 y los más grandes de su catálogo: el nuevo 560S2 (con cinco camarotes y una cocina central) y el increíble 620. Pero la noticia más importante fue el estreno mundial del esperado 630MY, que empieza una nueva era a motor para el astillero. 7Fountain Pajot: La gran novedad fue la presentación del SABA 50, un catamarán en el que se han trabajado mucho las zonas comunes; sobre todo la bañera, un verdadero beach club.

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7Catana: Se hizo la world premiere del nuevo Bali 4.5, el primer modelo de una nueva gama que dará mucho de hablar, con certificado CE de categoría A, con capacidad para 12 personas a bordo, sus características lo incluyen dentro de los catamaranes de largo alcance, para hacer travesías en todo tipo de condiciones. 7Dufour: Hasta seis modelos había de los veleros de gama alta de este fabricante, destacando entre ellos el flamantes 560 Grand Large, cuyo casco es todo un alegato al gusto, líneas muy finas, superestructura baja y cubierta enrasada. 7Trimarans Neel: El nuevo Neel 45 fue una de las grandes sensaciones del salón, con tres cascos. Este velero dispone de siete camarotes y un gran espacio de zonas comunes. Con más de 13 metros de eslora, y una manga de más de 8 metros, este tipo de embarcaciones empiezan a asentarse en el mercado.

España Entre las empresas españolas que estuvieron presentes en el salón internacional nos gustaría destacar a las siguientes, si bien hubieron más. 7Astondoa: Mostró el sorprendente Top Deck 63, una embarcación que no deja a nadie indiferente, con múltiples soluciones tecnológicas que permiten convertirlo en una playa en el mar.

Cannes Yachting Festival. 2015 models unveiled Featured in the following pages are the latest launches from some of the shipbuilders at the show. There may be many more but for lack of space we are limited to report on only the most impressive of the season. Jeanneau: one of the most renowned French builders, presented the Sun Odyssey, with lifting keel and the Jeanneau 64, perfection for the most exacting owners. Prestige had both the 420 and the 420S on show afloat which, despite the decrease in length, retain the select finishes unique to the Prestige range, for privileged owners. Beneteau: celebrating its 130th anniversary this year, specialising in sailing cruisers Beneteau introduced the new Oceanis 60, featuring an original deck layout and interior design with fine materials and elegant finishes. Lagoon-CNB: specialising in catamarans, this shipbuilder presented five models afloat in the sailing section, of which the most impressive proved to be the 52 and largest of the fleet, the new 560S2 (with five cabins and central galley) and the incredible 620. The biggest show stopper however was the debut of the much awaited 630MY, the start of a new era in the motor yacht sector. Fountain Pajot: the biggest news was the presentation of the new SABA 50. A great deal of work has gone into the communal areas, above all the cockpit, a veritable beach club. Catana: unveiled the new Bali 4.5 catamaran, the first of a new range destined to get us all talking. CE category A certified, onboard accommodation for 12 and features equivalent to long-range catamarans, suitable for sea crossings in all conditions. Dufour: with as many as six top of the range sailing models on show, the most impressive being the spectacular 560 Grand Large, every inch of the hull in aid of comfort, sleek lines, low superstructure and a flush deck Trimarans Neel: the new Neel 45, a triple-hulled sailing catamaran, proved to be one of the greatest show-stoppers. Over 13 metres with an 8 metre beam, seven cabins and loads of communal space, trimarans are beginning to secure a place on the market.

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Spain Of the Spanish companies present at the international yachting show, we’d like to draw attention to the following, although there were more. Astondoa: presented the amazing Top Deck 63. With a multitude of technological solutions to transform this yacht into a floating beach club, no one could fail to be astounded.


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7Rodman: El astillero español

está haciendo un tour para mostrar su nueva perla, el magnífico Muse 44, que viene a completar una gama ideada para el cliente más exclusivo. 7Marina Business: La empresa náutica para equipar el barco estuvo presente con un gran stand en el que se podían comprar sus productos de menaje e interiorismo. 7Flash Catamaranes: Aprovecharon el gran momento del evento para mostrar el FlashCat 47 a un precio muy reducido. Se trata de una unidad que ha superado ampliamente todas las pruebas de mar que se le han hecho. 7Belliure: Con su nuevo 52 Fly -del que destacan sus amplías zonas al aire libre-, Belliure no quiso faltar a la cita más importante de los salones internacionales. 7Sasga Yachts: El siempre actual Sasga Minorchino 54 FB permite realizar largas travesías en una navegación confortable. La presencia de los principales distribuidores e importadores españoles de las marcas y astilleros internacionales también estuvo patente para atender a la llegada de un gran número de visitantes españoles.

the Spanish shipbuilder is on a tour to unveil its latest flagship, the mag·nifiRodman: cent Muse 44, the final addition to a range aimed at the most exclusive clientele. ·Marina Business: this nautical equipment supplier attended the show with a large stand where interior décor products and home accessories for yachts were available to purchase. Flash Catamarans: made the most of this spectacular event to market the FlashCat 47 at a significantly reduced price. The catamaran passed all her sea trials with flying colours. Belliure: with this new stunning 52 Fly and its spacious open air decks, Belliure had no intention of missing the most important of all the international boat shows.

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7Sanlorenzo: Los sastres de los superyates, como ellos mismos se definen, expusieron dos grandes novedades, SL118, que hizo el debut oficial, con 37 m de eslora y casco de planeo; y el SD112, con 33,6 m y casco de semidesplazamiento. 7Azimut-Benetti: El mayor barco de todo el salón fue el “Ocean Paradise” de Benetti, un megayate de 55 metros de eslora construido con aluminio y acero y que responde a la excelencia que el astillero nos tiene acostumbrados. 7Ferretti Group: En una flota de más de veinte modelos se hallaban tres grandes novedades: el Ferretti 650, el Custom Line Navetta 28 y el Pershing 70. 7Filippetti: Se pudo observar la nueva Navetta 30, totalmente personalizada, con una distribución que es resultado de la voluntad del armador. Su casco está diseñado para navegar largas travesías por todo tipo de aguas.

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7Overmarine: Las veloces Mangusta suscitaron gran atención entre los presentes. Dos modelos se hallaban en el puerto, la 94 y la 110, esta última hacía su presentación oficial en Europa, después de recibir grandes y positivas críticas en el salón de Miami. 7Amer Yachts: Los superyates del grupo Permare estuvieron presentes en el apartado de las grandes esloras. Líneas suaves para barcos familiares que no renuncian a la deportividad.

Reino unido

7Sunseeker: El astillero británico aprovechó la ocasión para presentar al mundo sus dos grandes novedades, el 101 Sport Yacht y el 86 Yacht. El primero de los dos muestra unas líneas agresivas, aunque elegantes, con acabados en carbono de forma opcional. También se pudo ver el 75, presentado recientemente en Inglaterra. 7Williams: Especializado en neumáticas, sus tenders se hallan en la mayoría de megayates. El constructor inglés dio la oportunidad de conocer los secretos de la nueva gama Sportjet, con su primer modelo ya a flote, la Sportjet 460. 7Princess: Una impresionante flota de nueve modelos, de los 33 a los 88 pies, estuvieron a flote. Entre ellos, cabe destacar el nuevo S72, con un diseño exterior elegante y agresivo, y el nuevo V39 con un nuevo solárium en popa.

Resto del mundo:

7Sunreef: A parte de los modelos expuestos –con sus nuevos 60 y 70 a motor-, el astillero polaco presentó un sistema único y revolucionario para los catamaranes Open, se trata del Hydrofoil System del que esperamos hablar en breve en esta revista. 7Otam: Desde Egipto llegó esta excepcional embarcación, un regalo para los amantes de la velocidad y los caprichos. Diseño elegante, prestaciones de ensueño e interiores personalizados.

Sasga Yachts: as advanced as ever, the Sasga Minorchino 54 FB has what it takes to ·handle lengthy crossings in comfort. Also evident was the presence of Spain’s leading distributors and importers for international shipbuilders and brands, awaiting the arrival of numerous Spanish visitors.


Self-proclaimed tailors of made-to-measure superyachts, with two great ·newSanlorenzo: models on show, the official debut of the 34 metre SL118 with a planing hull, and the 33.6 metre SD112 with a semi-displacement hull. Azimut-Benetti: The biggest boat at the show was Benetti’s “Ocean Paradise”, a 55 metre megayacht, constructed in steel and aluminium with the recognised standards of excellence associated with this shipbuilder. Ferretti Group: a fleet of more than twenty yachts on show included three fantastic new models: the Ferretti 650, the Custom Line Navetta 28 and the Pershing 70. Filippetti: A chance to see new Navetta 30, fully customised with the layout entirely of the owner’s choosing. The hull is designed to handle lengthy crossings in all sea conditions. Overmarine: Speedy Mangusta yachts stole the limelight with two models on show, the 94 and the 110, the latter making its first official appearance in Europe, after receiving excellent reviews at the Miami boat show. Amer Yachts: Permare group’s superyachts on show in the area set aside for yachts of this size. These family cruisers with sleek lines sacrifice nothing in terms of performance.

· · · · ·

United Kingdom

Sunseeker: The British shipbuilder made the most of the occasion for the global ·presentation of two great new models, the 101 Sport Yacht and the 86 Yacht. The first of the two displays aggressive yet elegant lines with the option of carbon features. Also on show was the 75, recently launched in England. Williams: Manufacturer of inflatable tenders found in the majority of megayachts. The English builder gave visitors the chance to discover the secrets of the new Sportjet range, with the first model already on the water, the Sportjet 460. Princess: An impressive fleet of nine yachts on the water, ranging in size from 33 to

· ·

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88 feet. Particularly eye-catching, the new S72, with sleek and aggressive exterior lines and the new V39, with an innovative sunpad on the aft deck.

Rest of the world:

Sunreef: Apart from the models on show, the new 60 Power and 70 Power, the Polish ·shipbuilder also presented the Hydrofoil System, a unique and revolutionary system for Open catamarans. We’re hoping to have more to say about the system in our magazine before long. Otam: This magnificent yacht came all the way from Egypt, a gift for those enchanted with speed and whims. An elegant design, incredible performance and customised interiors. Sirena Marine: Built in Turkey, both the Euphoria 54, designed by German Frers and the Azuree 46 by Humphreys Yacht Design, created a stir amongst the visitors: the first of which is the new model of the year. Luxury accommodation, without any detriment whatsoever to the level of performance. Dehler: Cannes became the international platform for the presentation of the new 46. Built in record time, of particular note is the hull, the yachts fine, elegant lines and low roof for improved aerodynamics, and twin wheels at the helm station. Hanse: star of the show from the German shipbuilder was the 675. Right from the launch this yacht will be marking a before and after in terms of both deck layout and performance. Selden: this manufacturer of rigging for regatta boats just had to be there with some of the latest products on show, such as the innovative new Gx and Cx furling systems to make light work of manoeuvres. !

· · · · · 7Sirena Marine: Construidos en Turquía, tanto el Euphoria 54 de diseño de German Frers y el Azuree 46 de Humphreys Yacht Design causaron gran efecto entre los visitantes; siendo el primero la gran novedad de este año. Con una gran habitabilidad se ha buscado no perder, en ningún caso, el alto nivel de prestaciones. 7Delher: Cannes sirvió de platafforma internacional para presentar el nuevo 46. Construido en tiempo récord, destaca su casco, de líneas finas y elegantes, con un roof bajo para una mayor aerodinámica y un par de ruedas para su gobierno. 7Hanse: el principal protagonista del astillero alemán fue el 675. Que marcará un antes y un después partir de su botadura. Tanto por la distribución de la cubierta como por las prestaciones que ofrece. 7Selden: El fabricante para de aparejos para embarcaciones de regata no se perdió la cita y presentó algunos de sus productos más novedosos, como los nuevos enrolladores Gx y Cx, con un sistema innovador para facilitar las maniobras a bordo. !

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The first in Benetti’s new line is proving the perfect choice for her owner-captain Paul Ashton

My Paradis





hat is my favourite place on board,” says the owner of the Benetti Tradition Supreme 108 My Paradis, pointing straight through the upper deck lounge and up the stairs to the wheelhouse to the impressive central helm seat. This owner is, you see, that rarest of beasts aboard a 30-metre-plus yacht: an owner-captain. He has a lengthy portfolio of previous yachts, increasing in size with every purchase, the twist being that he didn’t want to give up the precious independence and control that you get with being the captain of your own ship. “My previous yacht was around 30 metres but I didn’t commission it from new. It didn’t feel like mine,” he says. But the owner-driver model was something he wanted to continue with. “For a long time my family have loved the sea. We love being on the water and we love using the boat ourselves. This has always been the goal for us,” he says. My Paradis is the first hull in a new composite displacement line from Benetti, building on the success of the original Tradition range, and adding a full third deck instead of a half deck. The early indications are that it will be just as popular with owners – the second hull has already been launched and is successfully cruising, while the third and fourth hulls are in build. The exterior styling has been given a more contemporary twist by Stefano Righini, with some harder angles and edges mixing delightfully with curves. The huge main-deck windows catch the eye, in the main salon area and further forward.


Above: Dining on the sundeck is around the table for ten guests. This is a flexible space with a host of guest options. Below: Aft, recliners are a good place to head after a spell in the hot-tub.


“We are a big FAMILY and I want there to be a family AMBIENCE on board”


Left: With the doors wide open, the upper deck has a true indoor-outdoor feel. Above: The huge sunbathing area forward of the wheelhouse. Below: A corner sofa and occasional tables make the upper salon a cosy place to gather. Below left: The skylight in the steam room means there is no feeling of claustrophobia in this space. Bottom left: Sofas at the aft end of the upper deck can be moved as required.

Commissioning a new yacht gave the owner an opportunity to use all his years of experience in creating the perfect environment for family cruising, and for this owner that My Paradis had to have one outstanding attribute – “this yacht had to be practical as this was to be a yacht that is used”. The layout was one area in which his ideas about practicality could be implemented. “I didn’t want a big table in the main salon – this is such a waste of space,” says the owner. Instead, the main dining area is outside on the upper deck. It’s nicely shaded by the sundeck overhang and, should a discomforting evening breeze kick up, the sides of the deck can be filled with screens. A further big table on the sundeck is available for the full alfresco experience, though even here the hardtop above the roll-bar provides some respite from the heat of the day. “Getting rid of the dining table makes the salon a more sociable place,” says the owner. Big sofas line both sides of the after part of the salon, and where you might expect to find a table there is a console hiding the TV. After a few months of cruising it is already proving to be a place where the family like to gather. The spaces beyond the main deck salon – a galley to port, and a foyer leading to the owner’s cabin – is at first glance a typical solution, but forward of the galley is a well-appointed crew mess. It’s unusual to find such an area on the main deck, and at first seems to conflict with the owner’s stated aim to hardly use professional crew – “one or two crew max,” is how he puts it. “This is still a big boat and we do need some help at times, but as a family, with my two sons, we can do most of the tasks on board. The whole family is involved with working the boat. Everyone is helping. This is what we like to do,” he says. “But when there are crew on


board I don’t want to the crew to feel as if there is a big separation. We are a big family and I want there to be a family ambience on board.” When the yacht, which will only cruise privately, is left for any time, there is a skeleton crew to look after it. A specific request from the owner was to install hybrid power. “For me, it is essential. I don’t want to always take from the ocean,” he says. For normal cruising, the yacht’s range is 2,100 nautical miles, with a ten-knot cruise using the twin MANs. But Benetti developed a hybrid system using two 35kW motors, connected to the engines, but also capable of being powered by the yacht’s two generators. They system will be used for night passages at speeds close to seven knots. “I wanted to keep noise and vibration at a minimum while everyone is asleep,” says the owner. It’s certainly a solution that has merits on this score – under way with hybrid drives at almost six knots, there was an eerie silence in the owner’s suite, with the water slipping by outside with barely a whisper as the hull cut through the gentle waves. Benetti’s Centro Stile is responsible for the interior, with much owner input. A constant theme inside is a shadow play of light and dark. Big windows mean that there is plenty of natural light flooding in – those in the main deck owner’s suite, running almost from the ceiling to the floor, are particularly striking. Once inside, the light is made to keep working, with the limed oak joinery used throughout the accommodation areas. This hadn’t been the original choice of the main wood, and it was to have been used just as an occasional accent, but the owner’s family saw it and fell for it. The solution for the walls is particularly interesting, as the limed oak has been set in floor to ceiling strips at


Right: With no dining table in the main salon, the space has room to breathe. Below: Big windows let a lot of light in, while the light and dark woodwork, and clever use of lighting, ensures an intriguing contrast of light and shadow. Below right: The coffee table to port, making good use of the almost full-height window. Below, far right: Dining on the main deck aft, sheltered by the deck overhang.

“Getting rid of the dining table makes the salon a more SOCIABLE place”


NATURAL light is a key factor in the yacht’s ENGAGING interior


Left: Limed oak panelling contrasts with darker materials in the owner’s suite. The huge windows make for an amazing view after you pull up the curtains in the morning. Bottom, far left: The owner’s galley-style bathroom. Bottom, middle: A fabulous mosaic in the shower continues the yacht’s ‘light play’ theme. Below left: The starboard guest cabin, with twin beds and a pullman. Below right: The spacious lower-deck VIP. Above: My Paradis’s tender and PWC deploy on tracks.

different levels, with the uneven surface catching the light in different ways. There possibly is a pattern to the uneven levels but they appear to be set a random, and it gives the walls a slightly undulating, three-dimensional texture, playing with the shadows as it goes. Compared to the previous generation of Traditions, there is no panoramic window forward in the owner’s cabin, but there is a decent trade with those almost full-height windows. Perhaps, though, it is the family spaces that most catch the eye. The main salon – dining-table-less – has sofas either side, with a wonderful spot to port that has a coffee table and two chairs, making full use of the full-height windows. For a yacht this size, it certainly feels roomy in the main salon. The bridge deck lounge is a cosier affair, with two four-person tables on one side and a sofa on the other. A surprising treat up here is the steam bath on the starboard side. A skylight and a window mean that it doesn’t feel enclosed. While natural light is a key factor in My Paradis’s engaging interior, there is more going on. In the upper lounge this means some parallel LED strips on the ceiling – a solution repeated across all the suites. There is discreet lighting throughout the yacht. Since launch in June the yacht has had a busy first season – a public debut at the Cannes Yachting Festival in September, and another show appearance at Fort Lauderdale planned for October, as well as a very busy season of cruising. “The yacht was created by my family, for my family,” says the owner. This quirky and characterful yacht is fulfilling its brief perfectly, with her owner-captain still, as he has been since the project was first conceived, in

SUPERYACHT REPORT CARBON FIBRE: Used for the roll-bar and hardtop to save weight.

THE SPECS My Paradis Length overall 32.98m (108ft 2in) Beam 7.40m (24ft 3in) Draught 2.00m (6ft 7in) Engines Twin 735kW (986hp) MAN V8 1000 Berths Owner: 2. Guests: 10. Crew: 6. Gross tonnage 210 gross tons Hull/superstructure Composite Naval architecture Benetti Technical Department

SUNDECK: The hot-tub benefits from shade from the hardtop.

UPPER DECK: The two tables can be placed together and extended.

MAIN SALON: A TV is located in the central island unit.

Exterior Stefano Righini Interior Ufficio Stile Benetti Classification C+ Hull Mach, Y, LY2 PERFORMANCE NOTES Top speed 15 knots Cruising speed 13.5 knots Range @ 10 knots 2,300 nautical miles

BUILDER Builder Benetti Yachts, Via M. Coppino, 104 SUNDECK SHOWER: A great solution after a hot afternoon on the sunpads.

55049 Viareggio (Lucca) – Italy. Tel: +39 039 915 316. Email: Website:

UPPER DECK: A true indoor-outdoor feel when the aft doors are open to the salon. SUNDECK: There’s storage in the seating alongside the upper helm.

TECHNOLOGY: The yacht has hybrid drives, dynamic positioning and fin stabilising.

WHEELHOUSE: Observation area – a great spot under way.

CREW MESS: A deck up from the crew cabins and close to the galley.

WHEELHOUSE: Vertical windows make create a seamanlike feel.

ENGINEROOM: The yacht’s twin MANs deliver a 15-knot top speed.

CREW AREAS: Three cabins for when crew are needed on board.

A great place for the owner-driver when cruising with the family.

EXTERIOR STYLING: Big windows have been incorporated throughout.

UPPER DECK: A small bar-cum-service-area to starboard..


Screen and heard P&O ferry hosts trials of prototype safety systems 24-25

Welfare spotlight Lord Prescott gives keynote speech at MN welfare event 23-24

NL nieuws Drie pagina’s met nieuws uit Nederland 32-34

Volume 47 | Number 12 | December 2014 | £3.50 €3.70

Owners must embrace CSR, ex-IMO chief says

Cruise call: the 168,666gt Quantum of the Seas makes a maiden visit to the port of Southampton last month Picture: Gary Davies/Maritime Photographic

It’s time for shipping companies to take corporate social responsibility seriously, the former head of the International Maritime Organisation warned last month. The industry increasingly needs to be able to demonstrate that it has adopted measures ensuring ‘a reliable and well-trained labour force’ and good environmental and health and safety policies, Efthimios Mitropoulos told the Capital Link Shipping & Offshore CSR Forum. ‘Shipowners need to be aware that, even if they themselves can manage to operate away from the glare of publicity and the pressure of consumer concerns, these are now becoming key issues for many of their customers,’ he said. ‘As a result, those customers will, increasingly, be looking to manage their exposure in this regard by selecting business partners that have clear and verifiable CSR policies.’ Mr Mitropoulos called on companies to demonstrate balanced

Sewol sentences are condemned Ferry disaster case has taken criminalisation of seafarers to a worrying new level, Union warns Nautilus International has voiced alarm at the lengthy sentences given to the master, three senior officers and 11 other seafarers from the South Korean ferry Sewol, which sank in April with the loss of more than 300 lives. Prosecutors had called for the death penalty to be imposed on the master, Captain Lee Joon-seok, who was charged with homicide. He was alleged to have caused the disaster as he was in charge of the ferry, and had also been accused of failing to organise evacuation efforts and violating maritime law by leaving the ship before passengers. Although he was acquitted of murder at the end of a five-month trial, Capt Lee was found guilty of violating ‘seamen’s law’ and abandonment causing death and injury, and was sentenced to 36 years in prison. Park Gi-ho, the ferry’s chief engineer, was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 30 years. The remaining 13 crew members —including the chief officer and second mate — were sentenced to between five and 20 years.

A total of 304 passengers and crew died when the ferry capsized during a routine voyage between Incheon and Juju. A Korean Coast Guard investigation said the ship had lost stability after an ‘unreasonably sudden turn’ to starboard caused a cargo shift. The vessel was also found to be carrying more than three times the amount of cargo than permitted. Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson said he was appalled at the severity of the sentences. ‘From the outset, there has been a concerted drive to criminalise the captain and crew in this incident,’ he said, ‘and these extreme penalties take the practice of scapegoating seafarers to an unprecedented level. ‘We have consistently raised concern about whether the crew would be given a fair trial,’ he added. ‘They weren’t, and we can’t expect a fair outcome. This isn’t justice — it’s an act of shifting responsibility from a government agency and the operating company for failings and outright illegality. Thus the sentences meted out are

about assuaging understandable public anger, and seem grossly unfair given the other known mitigating factors that have been highlighted in this case. ‘Issues including training, experience, safety management, ship design and construction, and the effectiveness of the regulatory regime are all critical factors in this disaster,’ Mr Dickinson pointed out. ‘It is alltoo easy for the South Korean authorities to pin the blame on the captain and crew, while ignoring deep-rooted underlying problems, and the rush to this kind of kneejerk justice does no one any favours.’ The sentences also sparked a protest from the International Federation of Ship Masters’ Associations. General secretary Captain Hans Sande condemned the sentence of Captain Lee as ‘a travesty of justice’. IFSMA said the treatment of the crew would not address the evidence of problems affecting South Korea’s domestic shipping industry, and the captain and crew had been used as ‘pawns in a political game to divert attention from the industry’.

Capt Sande added: ‘The only good to come from this sentencing is the fact that the death sentence sought by the prosecutor was not upheld.’ IFSMA said Capt Lee had been ‘overwhelmed’ by what was taking place on his vessel as it capsized. ‘He did not react well, but should that be the reason for such a sentence? We are not born to be heroes, circumstances dictate those that do,’ Capt Sande stated. The US-based International Organisation of Masters, Mates, & Pilots (MM&P) also expressed concern at crew members being singled out for punishment while ‘systemic shortcomings’ in maritime regulations and enforcement were ignored. ‘Ferry disasters continue to occur with regularity around the world,’ said MM&P president Capt Don Marcus. ‘The concept that executing or imprisoning some seafarers will in some way act to improve the national and international maritime standards that govern passenger vessel safety is as absurd as it is barbaric.’

decisions based on the integration of social, economic and environmental considerations. ‘Business is not, and cannot be, divorced from the rest of society,’ he stressed. ‘If we are to build a better future, concepts such as CSR and diversity in employment must become more than simply the latest business trends or fads. ‘Those companies that are proactive in developing and adopting CSR are likely to find that regulatory compliance fits comfortably and easily within such an ethos, at the same time being able to serve as a platform on which a CSR policy can be built,’ he pointed out. The former IMO secretary-general said that no formally established international principles for CSR in shipping had existed until a few years ago, and this had led to the concept not being as widely accepted as it had been in other industries. Full conference report, see pages 20-21.

Inside Skills drive Shipping minister launches campaign to promote UK maritime training and education — page 3 Medical record MCA’s former chief medical adviser reflects on a life devoted to workers’ health — page 19

Island fling Members celebrate 25th anniversary of Royal Mail Ship St Helena — page 18

08 | telegraph | | December 2014


E-learners launch security package Concept vessel for Fincantieri A

The Dutch superyacht designer Cor D Rover has produced a new concept vessel for Fincantieri. The 80.4m Skyback, above, was unveiled at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show. Skyback features a long foredeck with a relatively straight bow, but her aft main deck is longer to accommodate a large, undercover pool that can be used in any weather conditions. The pool can be fully enclosed by a cleverly designed glass structure which folds away

into the yacht’s superstructure when not in use. The yacht is designed with a sixdeck accommodation plan for just 10 guests in four large suites, along with a private deck for the owner on the upper deck and space for up to 27 crew. Twin engines would deliver some 2,465kW propulsion power, through two controllable pitch propellers. Skyback is designed to have a cruising speed of 18 knots and a range of 6,000nm at 12 knots.

Union welcomes specialist ISPS and STCW training for superyacht crews


Nautilus International has welcomed the launch of a new security training programme aimed at superyacht crews. The Union has long campaigned against piracy and armed attacks on merchant shipping, and has expressed concern at a number of incidents involving violent raids on superyachts and their crews. Maritime e-learning company Videotel International aims to help superyacht crews to meet the standards required by the International Ship and Port facility Security Code (ISPS) and the

STCW Convention — all part of its new Maritime Security Awareness training course, launched at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show last month. The package covers a wide range of security issues that superyachts may encounter when alongside a dock or other vessel, at anchor, and at sea. Subject matter includes key threats, plans of action, and the importance of communication during a security threat. The course is presented as one overview programme, and it enables superyacht crew of all levels to meet the minimum standard

of competence in security awareness according to the STCW Code updates that came into effect earlier this year. It forms part of Videotel’s Safety on Superyachts series, which tackles subjects such as crew familiarisation and safety awareness, the safety procedures and yacht layout information that new crew must have within 48 hours of arriving onboard, fire and emergency drills including man overboard, muster stations, and lifeboat drills, safe working practices and how best to brief guests about the safety procedures of the vessel.

‘Superyachts require fully certified crews for maritime operation and all those serving onboard must comply with regulations and be aware of their responsibilities,’ said Videotel CEO Nigel Cleave. ‘Our Maritime Security Awareness programme provides a basic understanding of maritime security for seafarers of all ranks to increase their awareness of potential security threats.’ The Videotel training courses are available in many formats and platforms, including video, computer-based training, and interactive e-learning programmes.

Ex-MN officer defies the years by Michael Howorth

became the first sailor to singleH handedly circumnavigate the globe, Almost half a century after he

FLIBS debut for Benetti D2P market in mind, the Benetti A Veloce 140’ Cheers 46, above, Built especially with the US

Benetti shipyard — two MTU 12V 4000 M93Ls. Offering an energysaving 12-knots cruising speed and a maximum speed of more than 21 knots, Cheers 46 can accommodate up to 12 guests and eight crew with a range of 1,250 miles at 12 knots. Cheers 46 is the first hull to be launched in the 140’ range, with four more commissioned since.

made her world debut at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show last month. The semi-custom yacht, with a D2P (Displacement to Planing) hull, boasts the largest engines ever mounted at the Viareggio

Yacht crew join now! email or call +44 (0)151 639 8454

former Merchant Navy officer Sir Robin Knox Johnson has become the oldest competitor in a solo transatlantic sailing race. Sir Robin, who spent a decade in the MN serving with the British India Steam Navigation Company and gaining his Master’s certificate in 1965, is one of the 91 participants in the Route du Rhum race from Saint Malo to Guadeloupe. The 3,542-mile challenge is testing sailors to the limits of their mental and physical endurance. At the age of 75, the former deck officer is by far the oldest person taking part.

Sir Robin Knox Johnson onboard his yacht Grey Power

Sir Robin, a grandfather of five, is sailing the aptly-named 60ft yacht Grey Power and said he was

Dutch ferry firm takes stake in Royal Huisman investment to become a key shareholder in F the Vollenhove-based superyacht builder Royal A Dutch ferry firm has made a substantial

As part of our growing support for seafarers serving in the large yacht sector, all members are entitled to a free copy of the Nautilus service record book, which has been produced to assist in the recording and calculation of qualifying sea service for the purpose of certification. Nautilus International works closely with the MCA and regulatory authorities in Europe and around the world, and this SRB is one of only two that the MCA recognises worldwide as evidence of acceptable service. p Once your yacht service is verified O in our office in Antibes, then the MCA accepts the Nautilus SRB as M ssufficient proof of onboard and sea sservice and no further supporting ddocumentation is required. z Contact the membership ddepartment either via email or telephone to receive your free SRB. te

taking part in the race because he is ‘not ready for the slippers, pipe and television’.

‘There are bound to be questions about my age,’ he admitted. ‘They ask what I think of doing this at 75 and I say I am still 45 — that is how I feel. I think I am 45 and that is where I stay. I feel no different from when I last raced. I am pretty fit. I lead an active life. I think of myself as young and that is it. ‘The sea is where I feel most at home,’ he added. ‘I am just not ready to stop racing yet, and why should I? An estimated quarter of a million people lined the shore at Saint Malo to watch the start of the race, which got off to a rough start, in winds averaging 20 to 25 knots, and gusts of 35 knots. In the first three days of the race, 17 of the 91 racers were forced to withdraw due to a variety of disasters and mishaps.

Huisman. Doeksen Shipyard Holding, led by Royal Doeksen, which operates a fleet of four passenger/ car ferries and two fast ferries on three routes across the Wadden Sea, has taken a significant stake in Royal Huisman, which was founded in 1884.

Doeksen managing director Jan Willem Doeksen will join the board at Royal Huisman, and there will be complete continuity of the current management and operational teams. In addition to their royal warrants, both companies are Dutch family-owned businesses with a long and successful track record in the marine industry. ‘Given the increasing level of investment necessary to maintain a leading custom yard such

as Royal Huisman, we recognised that we had arrived at the right time to seek a suitable partner,’ said CEO Alice Huisman. ‘There will be some exciting developments showcasing our expansion plans, not least our goal to establish a deep water facility in a Dutch coastal location,’ she added. ‘These plans will enable us to achieve further successful growth of our already healthy orderbook for both newbuild and refit projects.’


FOR YACHT CREW Nautilus has established a dedicated phoneline in Antibes to offer advice and assistance:

+33 (0)9 62 61 61 40 Nautilus International, in strategic partnership with D&B Services, 3 Bd. D’Aguillon, 06600 Antibes, France.




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