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January 2016

OCEAN’S ELEVEN How 11.11 became the deal of the year

A u s t r a l i a s p e c i a l : the barrier and beyond

T he s up e r y a c ht c o up l e s av i n g l ives at se a

The new season’s onboard style essentials p140



F R O M R U S S I A , W I T H L O V E : the spy ship that became a superyacht


A M A N D A WA K E L E Y : fashion legend takes the helm

Ocean Magazine, Ocean 65

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Ocean Magazine, Ocean 65

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Ocean Magazine, Ocean 65

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Aftermarket bench and bucket seat round up


Regal’s 27 FasDeck RX put through its paces


Precious metal Why Silver’s the new gold



CCN announces the sale of M/Y K40 Work is underway on this 40-meter expedition yacht DIEGO MICHELE DEPRATI CCN CEO

“This new challenge will allows us to prove once more our expertise in the construction of megayachts, as well as our shipyard’s flexibility and unmatched quality. This is indeed a fully-custom project implying painstaking studies and a high level of know-how.”



venza-based shipyard, CCN has announced the sale of its 40-meter expedition, code named K40. Pencilled by Studio Sculli with Vannini-Oleggini overseeing her naval architecture, she is being built for an American


Owner who intends to take her on long range cruises - from the warmth of the Med, to the icy waters of the North. Her steel hull is reinforced for the ‘Light Ice’ class, while the superstructure is in aluminium, giving her strength while coming in under 500GT.

Benetti’s Breeze sold Project FB802 to be delivered this summer

With 2015 being a great year for Benetti (ranked the world’s top superyacht builder for the 16th year) the Italian shipyard surges into 2016 with another sale. The 50-meter Breeze was recently sold through Fraser Yachts, with her new Owner impressed by her numerous living spaces and dedicated entertainment areas. The layout features four guest suites on the lower deck, with the Owner’s apartment on the upper.

TOP TRENDS FOR 2016 As the world of yachting advances once a gain, we take a look at the styles, innovations and designs that we expect to see developing over the coming 12 months.




It takes a special craft to turn people’s heads and the Monaco Yacht Show, but that’s exactly what the Piriou Yersin did at last year’s event. Make no mistake, the sight of her manoeuvring into her berth at Port Hercules was a sight to behold, as her aggressive lines, towering superstructure and majestic dark blue hull contrasted with the white superyachts surrounding her. At 76-meters, Yersin is very much a super explorer, not only in style, but in her performance, too. At a cruising speed of 12 knots, she can cover 12,000 nautical miles and can be at sea for more than two months without resupplying. THE SPECS



Car manufacturers have been collaborating with shipyards since the early days of pleasure boating. Legends, such as Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini, have all found themselves on the water at some stage. The emerging trend is all to do with major shipyards, such as the current Pininfarina/Fincantieri collaboration, and to

start the year off, we have Benetti joining with Fisker. Benetti’s engineering team created the project, inviting Fisker to create the interior and exterior designs. Looking at a yacht from an auto perspective opens up different avenues, with Fisker making use of carbon fibre, reclaimed wood and integrated solar panels.





Pagina Foglio

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На борту


Номер 66

Январь – Февраль 2016

Номер 66

На борту

Январь – Февраль 2016

Benetti 38m Iron Man


Не просто назвать яхту в честь любимого героя кино и комиксов, а сделать ее фантазией на тему «какой могла бы быть лодка моего персонажа». Это история нового проекта верфи Benetti – Iron Man. Текст – МАРИЯ МОШКИНА Фото – BENETTI


На борту

Benetti 38m Iron Man

Номер 66

ДАННЫЕ Длина — 38,1 м Ширина — 8,45 м Осадка — 2,08 м Водоизмещение — 200 т Крейсерская скорость — 17,5 узлов Максимальная скорость — 24 узла Запас топлива — 25 000 л

Линейка скоростных водоизмещающих яхт Benetti достойна отдельного рассказа. Хотя бы потому, что эти яхты совмещают в себе функции двух противоположностей: тяжелых водоизмещающих и спортивных глиссирующих. Iron Man стала первой «младшей» представительницей линейки Fast Displacement (в нее входят модели Vivace 125 и Veloce 140), переданной владельцу. Над внешним обликом яхт Vivace работал дизайнер концерна Azimut-Benetti Стефано Ригини. Этот человек, как мастер эпохи Возрождения, таинственен и постоянен в своей гениальности. С каждым новым его успехом кажется, что все – дальше идти уже некуда, но Ригини продолжает работать и выдает очередной ошеломляющий проект. При этом он не раздает интервью, почти никогда не присутствует на вручении премий, мало кто знает, как он выглядит. Как любой


Справа Среди монохромных серых интерьеров выгодно выделяется лестница, ведущая на верхнюю палубу. Внизу Столовая в главном салоне – территория серого гранита, зеркал, алюминия и полированной древесины. Стол из стекла и стали сделан по заказу владельца яхты.

Январь – Февраль 2016

Запас воды — 4 000 л Пассажиров — 10 чел. Команда — 8 чел. Двигатели — 2 х MTU 12V 2000 M94 (2 х 2636 л.с.) Тип корпуса — Displacement to Planing (D2P) Дизайн экстерьера — Stefano Righini Design Дизайн интерьера — Alfred Karram Jr. Верфь — Benetti (Италия)

Номер 66

Январь – Февраль 2016


Вверху Серо-черную гамму основного салона прекрасно разбавляет артобъект, размещенный над обеденным столом. Справа Мастер-каюта расположена в носовой части главной палубы.


На борту

Номер 66

Январь – Февраль 2016


Вверху Вся крытая часть верхней палубы отдана под тренажерный зал: владелец яхты поддерживает идеальную физическую форму, даже находясь в море. Внизу Пост управления обшит серой кожей, под стать всей лодке.


талантливый и увлеченный человек, он предпочитает заявлять миру о себе результатами, а не словами. И Vivace 125 очередное тому доказательство. Не зря ее назвали «полной жизни» (что значит в переводе с итальянского vivace). Но вернемся к универсальному корпусу Vivace 125. Яхта сконструирована из легкого стеклопластика нового поколения и карбона. Благодаря использованию этих материалов она на 40% легче, чем яхты аналогичной конфигурации. Конструкция носовой части была позаимствована у яхт-вэйвпирсеров: нос «прокалывает» волну, обеспечивая плавность хода и экономию топлива. На низких оборотах Vivace 125 ведет себя как классический тихоход, а стоит чуть прибавить скорости, и яхта задирает нос и выходит на глиссирование. Так что менять сценарий отдыха можно молниеносно. Особенно, если учесть, что скоростной предел впечатлил даже представителей верфи: на первых тестах Vivace 125 легко разогналась до 24 узлов, превзойдя первоначальные показатели на две единицы. Первый корпус Vivace 125 строился для молодого бизнесмена, вкладывающего средства в развитие новых технологий. Зная имя лодки – Iron Man, образ получаем вполне завершенный. Эта яхта могла бы принадлежать молодому, только начинающему свой путь в бизнесе и деле спасения человечества Тони Старку – «Железному человеку» из комиксов Marvel. Надо сказать, что интерьер получился под стать. Дизайнеру Альфреду Карраму-младшему, ранее замеченному в основном в проектировании интерьеров роскошных отелей, удалось передать, на наш взгляд, главную черту характера самого обаятельного супергероя: комфорт он ценит так же высоко, как и хай-тек. Остается только гадать, как удалось из холодных цветов и материалов создать уютный, располагающий к беззаботному отдыху интерьер? Может быть, всетаки не обошлось без волшебных трюков в стиле Тони Старка?

January 2016

OCEAN’S ELEVEN How 11.11 became the deal of the year

A u s t r a l i a s p e c i a l : the barrier and beyond

T he s up e r y a c ht c o up l e s av i n g l ives at se a

The new season’s onboard style essentials p140



F R O M R U S S I A , W I T H L O V E : the spy ship that became a superyacht


A M A N D A WA K E L E Y : fashion legend takes the helm


Named after the owner’s daughter’s birthday, the 63 metre 11.11 is a home on the water that has family at its heart – a monochrome masterpiece of poise and comfort Wo r d s – S t e w a r t C a m p b e l l

P h o t o g r a p h e r – J e f f B r o w n /B r e e d M e d i a

c o v e r

b o a t


1 1 . 1 1

“We had a head sea with two metre swells. She stayed nice and buoyant and just rode over the top, rather than falling in the holes”


iming is everything. When the original owner of Benetti hull FB265 walked away from the project 10 months before delivery, an opportunity was presented, of the kind the boat’s new owner has made a living out of exploiting. “Let’s just say there was a clear opportunity for a mutually beneficial deal to be done,” he says when we meet on board. The British businessman had been in talks with Benetti throughout the summer of 2014 about a new project, and when FB265 was left ownerless two-thirds of the way through construction, he made a list. Cons: layout was largely fixed and engineering installed to a different owner’s specification. Pros: he’d get a brand new boat in less than a third of the time it takes to design, commission and build a new one. He spent the rest of that summer weighing it up. “She’s only the second bluff-bowed boat Benetti has ever built, after 65 metre Nataly,” the owner says. “I was on a boat in Porto Cervo in 2014 and Nataly was there. I just kept looking at her and asked for the tender to take me around the boat. I grew to love the shape more and more. It was exactly what I wanted, so I was sold on the exterior design of FB265. The question was whether we could turn her interior into something which would suit our family, from a design, style and functionality point of view.” The fit-out was about 40 per cent complete when the commissioning owner walked away and some of his choices were a little eccentric.


11.11 is only the second boat Benetti has built with an upright bow, after 2011’s Nataly. Below: the owners like to end their days on board in this cosy lounge on the sundeck

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“There were no bars,” the owner says, “and it was designed for a Rolls-Royce Phantom to be kept in the tender garage! I didn’t need any of that. The sundeck was all wrong – everything was too small, the Jacuzzi, the seating. Inside it was like a Russian tsar’s palace. I’m not saying that’s bad but it’s not my family’s style. It was too heavy, too classical and it was quite dark. We needed to de-wood it, basically.” Delivery, too, was a consideration. If he bought it he wanted it for the tail-end of summer 2015, an aggressive schedule that had a few people at Benetti sweating. “I lost a bit of hair,” Benetti project manager Marco De Cosmo jokes. “But the owner is such a nice guy – it’s difficult to say no.” The deal was eventually signed in October 2014, spurred on by news that one or two other buyers were circling, and a delivery target was set: July 2015, giving the Livorno shipyard just 10 months to turn a palace into a home. “I had to make a quick decision – go for it or pull out. I was actually in Hong Kong airport on my way home from a business trip and I said ‘let’s do it’. The deal was closed at the airport,”

and feel. That’s when you have the best experience of your life”


“It’s all about your senses coming alive, in what you see, touch

If you really want to escape, there’s an intimate sunbathing area w allw the forward bow. The private owner’s area is behind, screened from the bridge w.way boa t i n t e ron n the a t i main o n a ldeck, . c o mjust | Jbehind a n u a the r y near-vertical 2016

w w w. b o a t i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c o m | J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6

the owner recalls. Delivery was nudged back throughout the transformation and FB265 emerged from the yard just weeks before the 2015 Monaco Yacht Show, where the yacht was introduced to the world as 11.11. “If you compare the finished boat with the initial renderings we did for the first client, you would not say they were the same boat,” De Cosmo says. It’s hard to imagine she was ever anything but the monochrome masterpiece she became. Where it was impossible to change styling left over from the first owner, such as the dark, patinated wall panelling throughout, it was made to look deliberate: the dark wood was offset with lighter colours to create a sort of deco-lite interior, for instance. “We wanted that kind of look anyway,” the owner, whose company also designed the interior, says. “Our home in Los Angeles is art deco, too.” Splashed throughout is artwork from the owner’s collection, including, much to his daughter’s delight, interactive butterfly displays by Dominic Harris in the main saloon that flutter at your touch. “We’ve had great feedback on those,” the owner says. “I had a guy building a 90 metre at Lürssen on board and he said: ‘I have to have that for my boat.’ Everyone’s stealing my ideas!” The art animates spaces that could otherwise get a bit two-tone and one piece stands out above all: a Tracey Emin neon perfectly located behind the bar in the upper saloon that says: “Move me”. A very close second, however, are works from Hans Kotter, Helmut Newton and photographer David Yarrow.


Right: the custom limo tender is the first built by Benetti and takes the place of a Rolls-Royce in the tender garage. The two spa pools on board are found on the aft of the sundeck, below, and forward of the owner’s suite, below right

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Defying the modern trend for hard, minimalist edges, the main living spaces of 11.11 offer softness and comfort. Part of this comes through the owner’s desire to create a home on the water, but also because it was built into the contract that the boat had to be childproof: curves are preferred to edges at toddler height and the two main seating areas in the lower and upper saloons cluster around coffee tables you can bounce off, or fall asleep against “while watching Peppa Pig”, the owner smiles. It’s the kind of attention to functionality that comes from having owned boats previously; 11.11 is the owner’s third superyacht, after a 45 metre Benetti and a 62 metre. “I’ve made mistakes in the past. I’ve designed stuff which looks great, but then you sit on it. My wife told me: ‘I’m not sitting on another sofa that’s uncomfortable,’ ” he says. “Functionality and comfort are the most important things.” The owner’s wife was heavily involved in the design throughout and it was a collaborative decision to take the major step of restructuring the sundeck, the biggest job on Benetti’s to-do list once


“I had a guy building a 90m on board who said: ‘I have to have that for my boat.’ Everyone’s stealing my ideas!”

Above right: a Tracey Emin neon behind the upper saloon bar and stunning Hans Kotter artwork light up the art deco interior. Top right: the sundeck massage room features first-class views over the water

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Top: U-shaped seating from Dudgeon Sofas on the main deck, with those interactive butterflies visible to the right of the image. Right: the main deck bar is the place for a cocktail before heading out

Defying the modern trend for hard, minimalist edges, the main living spaces offer softness and comfort w w w. b o a t i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c o m | J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6

terms were signed. With the transom garage housing a custom Benetti limo tender (the first one it’s ever built) and RIB instead of a beach club, 11.11’s top deck is the pre-eminent leisure area. “It was our first project when he bought the boat,” De Cosmo explains. The pool was initially placed where the seating is currently but the new owner wanted it all the way aft, surrounded by sunpads. “The deck was completely redesigned, destroyed and rebuilt,” the project manager adds. To avoid welding and other “hot activities” so close to delivery, the pool structure was built in fibreglass, and painted to make it blend in. Comfortable seating was added along with an Italian stone-clad bar and a gym was replaced by an intimate seating area and kitchenette – a favourite spot of the owner and his young family. “We tend to end the day up here, with afternoon tea,” he says. The mornings are spent around the second spa pool on board – forward of the superb panoramic owner’s suite on the upper deck. Despite being out the front and feeling a little exposed, it remains a private area and can’t be seen from the bridge above, making it an exclusive little enclave. It wasn’t always obvious that this would become the owner’s deck. It’s got the view but the VIP on the main deck has the beam – all 10.8 metres of it. “It came down to outside space in the end,” the owner says. “You have a boat because you’re going to spend a lot of time outside, and it’s great to see our little baby daughter running around the front, which is all enclosed.” Lucky guests, then, who get quartered in the VIP suite, with its vast acreage, private study, walk-in dressing room and six huge portrait windows. The rest of the guest accommodation is on the lower deck – two twins and two doubles feeding off a central lobby. Each is dressed in the same art deco style, with Italian marble in the bathrooms – personally selected by the owner’s team at the quarry – and Lalique taps. The design throughout offers a “polycentric experience”, the owner says. “It’s all about your senses coming alive, in what you see, hear, touch and feel. That’s when you’re going to have the best experience of your life, and hopefully we’ve managed to achieve that with this interior.” The exterior charges a few of those senses, too,

same platform as Nataly but the similarities are clear, although whereas Nataly’s design was from the boards of Redman Whiteley Dixon, 11.11’s exterior is identifiably Benetti’s work. The decks bubble up behind that long nose, which ends in a near-vertical blade. A significant spray rail runs aft, to keep water off the decks – a common problem on boats with such an upright stem. The hull’s efficiency gains are still to be properly recorded but the captain, Vaughan Hill, is happy so far, reporting engine loading of just 65 per cent at her cruising speed of 15 knots. “We got her up to 17.5 knots on the run to Monaco from Livorno,” he says. “We had a head sea, with two metre swells. She stayed nice and buoyant and rode over the top, rather than falling into the holes.” Not that he has to worry about anyone getting seasick – the owner’s wife was a sufferer but she was treated by famous British hypnotist Paul McKenna and hasn’t had a dose since. The benefit of that bow is more volume forward, and this has been well used in a big bosun’s locker and mooring area on the main deck, and generous crew quarters down below. The yacht runs with 16 crew currently and the happiest of all is surely the chef, whose main deck playground puts the galleys of much bigger boats to shame. It’s also a superbly finished space, with – to the chef ’s delight – big windows over the water and a central island. The owner didn’t spend a huge amount of time at the yard overseeing the finishing of this and other spaces, relying instead on his design team, but did make one very important visit towards the end of the build. “I flew from LA to London to Pisa for a single day, just to see the boat, and went back to LA the next day. I wanted to see it before my family got on board – I’m a perfectionist,” he says. As soon as it was handed over, he snuck in some holiday time before the Monaco Yacht Show, visiting Capri, where music mogul and friend Simon Cowell was a visitor. “We had a nice day with Simon in Positano, and then after headed up to Cannes, Monaco and St Tropez.” The owner’s winter cruising ambitions extend to the Caribbean – and might include the latest hot destination, Cuba. Plans could then include a tour of the Bahamas, Exumas (“so my daughter can swim with the pigs”), St Barths and Mustique before heading back across in 2016 for the start of the Med season. It’s a trip that wouldn’t have been possible this year had the owner not seized the opportunity of buying a part-built boat. The timing was auspicious, like the name of the yacht itself. The 11th of the 11th is the owner’s daughter’s birthday, but 11 is also considered a “master number”, emanating all sorts of

“I flew from LA to London to Pisa for a single day to see the boat before my family – I’m a perfectionist”

Views to die for in the upper deck master suite, top, through which you gain access to the private outside space forward and bathroom, right. The owner’s passion for custom-made chandeliers is evident here in the circular lighting sculpture above the bed, made with copper-plated feathers dipped in oxidised gun metal. Above: marble floor brightens the central lobby, while the stairs, with shargreen handrail, connect you with all decks

and will inspire comment wherever 11.11 sails. She’s not built on the

positive vibes. It’s definitely doing its job so far – doubly so.

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S P E C S 1 1.1 1



Main d eck

Upper deck

Lower deck

Wide boy: the VIP cabin fills the yacht’s entire beam

Deco details: guest quarters are equipped with Italian marble bathrooms with Lalique taps

Upper class: the owner’s suite has panoramic views and a pool forward

Steamy: a hamman on the sundeck sits opposite a massage room




Redesign: the pool was moved aft and a stoneclad bar was introduced

LOA 63m LWL 60.45m Beam 10.8m Draught (full load) 3.5m Gross tonnage 1,181GT

Love my tender: the garage packs in the first custom limo from Benetti

Chef’s special: the galley has space and views

Workspace: a cinema room was changed into an elegant study

Construction Steel hull; aluminium superstructure Engines 2 x Caterpillar 3512C, 2,790kW Speed max/cruise 17.5/15 knots

Safety first: soft furniture is built to bump in to in the saloon

Range at 15 knots 5,000nm Generators 3 x Caterpillar 155kW Fuel capacity 120,000 litres Freshwater capacity 25,000 litres

Tenders 1 x 9m Benetti custom limo tender; 1 x 6m Novurania

Naval architecture Benetti

Owners/guests 12

Interior design Owner’s personal design team

Crew 16 Classification LY2 & Lloyds 100 A1 SSC

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Exterior styling Benetti

Builder/year Benetti/2015 Viareggio, Italy t: +39 0584 380111 e: info@ w:

The full-beam VIP on the main deck trumps the master for space, but lacks its views. Still, six huge portrait windows let in a huge amount of light, and the cabin has its own study, left, and dressing room. The art deco interior was installed in just 10 months after the owner signed on the dotted line

See more of the most stunning Benetti yachts: boatinternational. com/best-benettiyachts




01-01-2016 . 1



Codice abbonamento:


GENNAIO//JANUARY 2016 - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (convertito in Legge 27/02/2004 n° 4 6) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI


Sanlorenzo 460 Explorer BARCHE//BOATS

• Sunseeker 57 Predator • Brenta 80 DC • Invictus 270FX • Zodiac Milpro 750 • Italiamarine Panarea 26


METS - 25th edition of the DAME


• Aston 66 by Enrico Gobbi • Master Yacht Design Venezia


Antonio Collarino and Magellano 53


Espen Øeino

ANNO//year 23 • N° 1 • UK £ 6,50 - CH CHF 11,90 - CH Ticino CHF 9 - D € 9 - F € 8,50 - E € 7 - A € 8,0 - GR € 7 - P Cont € 8,10 - B € 7,50

GENNAIO//January 2016 Euro 6 Italy only

News PATTUGLIATORE VELOCE u Il V40 S di Vector Performance Marine è uno scafo veloce studiato per navigare a oltre 100 miglia orarie. Il progetto è di Peter Dredge supportato dall’esperienza di molti campioni di offshore. Lunga fuori tutto 13,1

metri e larga 340 centimetri, ha una carena a V profonda con un angolo di 22 gradi. A FAST PATROL BOAT u The V40 S by Vector Performance Marine is a fast hull able to steer at more

than 100 miles per hour. The project is by Peter Dredge who has been supported by the expertise of many offshore champions. It is 13.10 meters long overall and 340 centimeters wide and has a deep V shape keel with a deadrise of 22 degrees. BEING ITALIAN u Azimut Yachts, per rafforzare il proprio ruolo di ambasciatore di italianità, ha affidato all’architetto Michele De Lucchi la progettazione dell’immagine dei suoi stand nei saloni internazionali.


u L’assemblea generale di Aspronadi ha confermato Giovanni Ceccarelli come suo presidente che ha dichiarato che lavorerà “per una nautica democratica nel rispetto dell’uomo e dell’ambiente promuovendone sviluppo e conoscenza.”

RIO COLORADO 56 u I cambiamenti principali riguardano la plancetta idraulica più ampia, la trasmissione in linea d’asse e una scelta dei colori più mediterranea basata sulla luce e i colori del mare, decisamente diversa dalla precedente versione. 28

u The Aspronay general assembly has confirmed as President Giovanni Ceccarelli who has said he will work for “a democratic yachting, respecting man and the environment, supporting development and knowledge”.

u To strengthen its ambassador role of Italianism, Azimut Yachts has entrusted architect Michele De Lucchi with the design of the image of its stands at the international boat shows.

FRAUSCHER E JAGUAR u Grazie al Cantiere Nautico Feltrinelli, Frauscher Italia, presente con il 858 Fantom e 747 Mirage Air, è stata ospite di Jaguar su alcuni dei circuiti più emozionanti d’Italia in occasione dei Trackdays Jaguar.

FRAUSCHER AND JAGUAR u During the Trackdays Jaguar, through the Cantiere Nautico Feltrinelli, Frauscher Italia with the 858 Fantom and 747 Mirage Air, was a guest of Jaguar in some of the most exciting circuits in Italy.

u The main changes concern the wider hydraulic platform, the shaft transmission and a more Mediterranean choice of color focusing on the light and the colors of the sea, undoubtedly different from the previous version.

BARCHE Gennaio 2016//January 2016

VENDUTO IL PRIMO MEDITERRANEO Benetti Yachts ha annunciato la vendita dello scafo numero 001 di Mediterraneo 116’ a un cliente americano. La consegna è prevista nel corso di quest’anno. Mediterraneo 116’ va a completare la gamma Class e allo stesso tempo ne introduce un rinnovamento e ringiovanimento delle linee di alcuni tra i più apprezzati modelli.

THE FIRST MEDITERRANEO HAS BEEN SOLD Benetti Yachts has announced the new sale of the hull n.001 of Mediterraneo 116’ to a client from America. The delivery is scheduled during this year. Mediterraneo 116’ completes the Class range while at the same time introduces the renewal and modernizing influences to the lines of a few of the most successful models.

FASSMER 80 M u Il cantiere tedesco Fassmer, specializzato nella costruzioni di navi militari, ha realizzato con la collaborazione di Beiderbeck Designs una nave da diporto sulla base della piattaforma del Fassmer OPV 80.

u The German yard Fassmer, specialized in military vessel buildings, has built a pleasure ship on the base of the Fassmer OPV 80 platform with the cooperation of Beiderbeck Designs.


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13-01-2016 25 1

Azimut Spa


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13-01-2016 5 1

Azimut Spa

Pagina Foglio

26-01-2016 7 1



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Pagina Foglio

06-01-2016 5 1



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Pagina Foglio

16-01-2016 5 1




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Pagina Foglio

27-01-2016 5 1



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26-01-2016 7 1

Benetti Spa

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07-01-2016 1+11 1Â /Â 2



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07-01-2016 1+11 2Â /Â 2



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Pagina Foglio

03-2016 18 1



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Pagina Foglio

03-2016 118/22 1 / 5



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03-2016 118/22 2 / 5



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03-2016 118/22 3 / 5



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03-2016 118/22 4 / 5



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Pagina Foglio

03-2016 118/22 5 / 5



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