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Неожиданная премьера: Самая большая яхта Benetti | Вода-Берег

03/02/16 08:56

Неожиданная премьера: Самая большая яхта Benetti

Приверженность строго определенным люксовым брендам – удел людей не только состоятельных, но и состоявшихся. Когда нашел лучшее, не имеет смысла искать что-то еще. Так решил и заказчик Lionheart. Это уже вторая мега яхта, которую для него построили именно на верфи Benetti. В 2006 году этот же клиент Benetti уже получил 63-метровую Lioness V. Самую большую в истории яхту итальянской верфи засняли во время спуска на воду в районе Ливорно, крупнейшего порта Тосканы. Скоро, после нескольких месяцев доработок уже на воде и ходовых испытаний, Lionheart будет передана владельцу. Подробностей о ней известно немного. Технологии строительства столь больших судов на верфи Benetti свидетельствуют о том, что яхта имеет стальной корпус и алюминиевую надстройку.

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Неожиданная премьера: Самая большая яхта Benetti | Вода-Берег

03/02/16 08:56

В глаза бросаются волнообразные линии остекления и надстройки. В результате визуально четыре палубы судна как будто перетекают друг в друга. Такое эффектное решение – плод сотрудничества дизайнерского подразделения Benetti со Стефано Натуччи. С Benetti Натуччи работает еще с 80-х и спроектировал для этой верфи 42 судна (для сравнения всего в портфолио дизайнера 46 осуществленных проектов). Сколь бы «закрученным» ни был экстерьер Lionheart, Натуччи нашел в нем место для выразительных балконов на главной палубе. Видимо, ими снабжены апартаменты владельца. Об интерьерах авторства Green & Mingarelli Design по понятным причинам ничего не известно. Однако, зная, что этот же заказчик владеет яхтой Lioness V, можно предположить, что его вкусы за 10 лет не претерпели значительных изменений. Между тем, Lioness V доступна для чартера, а значит есть возможность взглянуть на ее интерьеры.

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Неожиданная премьера: Самая большая яхта Benetti | Вода-Берег

03/02/16 08:56

И здесь – чистой воды эклектика, замешенная на использовании характерных элементов классицизма и интерпретациях греческой архитектуры. Несмотря на то, что первое плавание у Lionheart еще впереди, расчетные ходовые характеристики уже обнародованы: круизная скорость 15 узлов и 15,5 – максимальная. Став самой большой яхтой Benetti, Lionheart побила многолетний рекорд яхты Kingdom 5KR длиной 86 метров, построенной в далеком 1980 году. Но рекорд Lionheart не продержится столь долго. На данный момент в листе ожидания верфи – больше 30 проектов, включая 107-метровую яхту FB277, спуск на воду которой ожидается в 2019 году.

Benetti продали 9 суперяхт за 5 месяцев Верфь Benetti представила новую суперяхту: Повторение - мать учения Cannes Yachting Festival 2015. Фоторепортаж

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По следам Miami International Boat Show 2016 | Вода-Берег

16/02/16 11:01

По следам Miami International Boat Show 2016

В рамках выставки были представлены 1200 новых яхт и катеров, причем 400 из них выставлялись на воде. Пока рано говорить о финальном трафике, но организаторы ожидали, что боут-шоу посетят не менее 100 тысяч человек. MIBS не настолько престижная выставка, как Boot Dusseldorf или (если говорить о США) боут-шоу в Форт-Лодердейле. Но все же и на нее крупнейшие производители супер-яхт привезли свои самые последние проекты. Вот лишь самые большие яхты, которые были представлены в Майями. 11/11

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По следам Miami International Boat Show 2016 | Вода-Берег

16/02/16 11:01

Верфь Benetti привезла в Майями один из своих последних проектов – суперяхту 11/11. Это судно длиной 206,69 фута было построено на главном заводе верфи в Ливорно. Примечательно, что заказчик самостоятельно подобрал команду, которая занималась проектированием интерьеров лодки. Корпус судна выполнен из стали, надстройка – из алюминия. На борту могут разместиться до 12 гостей в 6 каютах. Оснащение яхты достаточно стандартное для судов таких размеров: тренажерный зал, джакузи на верхней палубе, гараж для тендеров, платформа для плавания, бассейн и подводное освещение. В движение 11/11 приводится двумя двигателями Caterpillar мощностью по 1810 л.с. каждый. Максимальная скорость составляет 17,5 узлов, круизная – 15 узлов. На круизной скорости запас хода яхты составляет 5000 морских миль. Silver Fast

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5 НОВОСТЕЙ СО ВСЕХ ВЕРФЕЙ « WaterWorld || Водный мир – интернет журнал

16/02/16 10:54


Benetti спустила на воду свою самую большую яхту Benetti спустила на воду 90-метровую Lionheart. Это самая большая яхта, когда-либо построенная итальянской верфью. Ранее этот титул принадлежал 86-метровой Kingdom 5KR 1980 года. Заказчик судна уже владеет 63-метровой Benetti 2006 года постройки. Предшественница Lionheart изначально шла под таким же названием, но была переименована в Lioness V.

О новой яхте известно пока немногое. Над экстерьером трудился Стефано Натуччи (Stefano Natucci) в колаборации с командой дизайнеров Benetti. Интерьеры разрабатывала компания Green & Mingarelli Design. Lionheart — водоизмещающее судно со стальным корпусом и алюминиевой

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5 НОВОСТЕЙ СО ВСЕХ ВЕРФЕЙ « WaterWorld || Водный мир – интернет журнал

16/02/16 10:54

надстройкой. У него спортивный внешний вид, узнаваемый благодаря волнистым линиям надстройки, соединяющим его четыре палубы. Круизная скорость Lionheart — 15 узлов, максимальная -15,5 узлов. .

Ferretti Custom Line 108: новое в новом

Знаменитый тандем собственной инжениринговой студии верфи Ferretti и дизайнеров из Zuccon International Project произвел на свет очередной впечатляюще динамичный проект — суперсовременную макси-яхту Custom Line 108 Vardar Superyacht. Примечательно, что концепция новинки – и сама новинка. Подчеркнуто броский экстерьер и роскошные интерьеры, предлагающие множество вариантов кастомизации — эта яхта не только стильная, но и функциональная. И не стоит забывать о ходовых характеристиках, ведь яхта с такой мощной и решительной внешностью непременно должна быть быстрой. Custom Line 108 оснащается парой двигателей MTU 16V 2000 M94, и выдает максимальную скорость в 26 узлов и крейсерские 23 узла.

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08/02/16 10:29

US DEBUT AT MIAMI BEACH SHOW 2016 « Spanish shipyard BD Yachts presents the BD56 HANSE 315 EUROPEAN YACHT OF THE YEAR 2016 » By WOY / 4 February 2016

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The fifth (BY005) Benetti Crystal 140 M/Y MR D – to date built in seven units – and part of Class full displace – ment range of Benetti current production will make her U.S. debut at next 2016 Yachts Miami Beach Show. Light, transparency, and enhancement of spaces characterise the essence of the Crystal 140’, the new boat in the Benetti Class range, born from the hands of Stefano Righini for the exterior layout and Ezequiel Farca for the interiors and decoration design. The Crystal 140’ is suited to the type of boat owner who turns toward the sea with great respect and who knows how to derive pleasure from a slow pace. Her name is Crystal. For the Greeks, this meant ice. Later it became the name for a solid mineral form synonymous with light and transparency. The modern sea requires light, needs concrete vistas of the corners of paradise that only modern “navetta” have the ability to provide. To reach enchanted places, all the security of a displacement hull with its gifts of intrinsic environmental compatibility through reduced consumption, gentle navigation that creates few waves. To experience the sea with large space above and below decks, with achievement of light and new functions. The interiors reveal the basic reasons for its name: a redistribution of spaces that exploits the entire volume of hull, along with special attention to light, thanks to new windows that literally eclipse the competition and the past. Four decks that are fully liveable, with large areas for socialising that are protected with maximum privacy. Of the main innovations, the stern area offers a distinctive reorganisation: the customary garage for tender, jet skis,

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08/02/16 10:29

and other equipment has been moved forward toward the bow with an opening on the side, allowing the entire stern area to be dedicated to a beach area that is free of all mechanical equipment and is outfitted with a shower, bathroom, fridge, galley, armchairs. A repartitioning of the lower deck made it possible, thanks also to an extremely functional engine room that offers more space for guest cabins, four in all, two with double beds and two with twin beds, and for the crew area, featuring unheard-of volumes for the comfort of the staff on board. The main deck is the true beating heart of the boat: with a large living area with a central sofa and comfortable armchairs and a bar area, it is the ideal place for relaxing. The main saloon is capped by the dining area, where you’ll find an elegant table with seating for eight in classic style.Amidships, the foyer with stairs leading to the other levels. Continuing along toward the bow takes you to the owner’s cabin, set off by full-height windows that offer stunning views of the sea, whether underway or at anchor: the place where everyone wants to be. The upper deck is dedicated to the living area: at the stern, two game tables are surrounded by openable glass doors that close to form a semicircle with a striking view of the horizon. Closing the glass doors it is possible isolate this zone from the exterior and provide climate control. The bow contains a control room and the commander’s cabin, while outside we find a large area with open-air sofas. On the sun deck, we find a spacious surface for relaxing and sunbathing. You’ll also find a reference to days gone by, a reassuring symbol of sea and navigation: the smoke stack. In order to show that on this new and modern boat, everything still tastes of sea and salt. The smoke stack has a function different than the ones we used to know, being repurposed for hiding mechanicals and providing stowage space. The hard top with sliding cover ensures adequate shelter from the sun while at the table or in the dining area, while at the same time enabling guests to continue enjoying the breeze and the sun in the relaxation area toward the stern. Interior styling is at the complete discretion of the boat owner, who can customise the environments according to his or her tastes and desires, and for this first yacht, strong Caribbean influences have been proposed, from finely treated mahogany for wood surfaces to gold-plated finishes. The Crystal measures 42 metres in length and 9 metres in width at full beam. Its displacement is 375 tonnes. The engines are twin Cat C32 Acer delivering 1081 kW. And with a fuel reserve of 64,550 litres, the Crystal has a conventional oceanic range of 4,000 miles, which places it among authentic “navetta” that are capable of travelling around the world and exploring locales where autonomy and spending long periods without refuelling becomes essential. Maximum speed at half load is 15 knots, with 14 knots possible at 85% power. Lateral stability is assured by a fairly broad hull and by the fins in the Naiad Stabilization @ Anchor system, which is also capable of functioning when the yacht is at anchor. On-board systems are equipped with state-of-the-art Benetti technology, which allows centralised control, including remotely, of all on-board electrical and electronic equipment, as well as all boat systems, by monitoring operating status and reporting any anomalies. The touch-screen interfaces are extremely user friendly and intuitive. Particular attention was paid to the design of the wheelhouse based on innovative integrated architecture that, thanks to LCD monitors with latest generation of touch-screen functionality and ergonomic controllers, has made it possible to reinstate all functions in a single control panel, resulting in an efficient console with an avant-garde look and functionality. Share Print Email 0



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Samira Oussi M-A-G-N-I-F-I-Q-U-E un véritable talent. Like · Reply ·

6 · Dec 9, 2013 7:55am

Selvan Selva very nice wonderfull Like · Reply ·

4 · Jan 29, 2014 9:29am

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Самая большая яхта Benetti (Top Yachts Division Group)





22/02/16 15:28




Самая большая яхта Benetti

Самая большая яхта Benetti В 2016 году ожидается поставка самой большой в линейке итальянского судостроителя Benetti яхты Lionheart («Львиное серце») длиной 295,28 футов. Lionheart строится на верфи Benetti в Ливорно. Над дизайном судна работает команда ведущих итальянских дизайнеров компании Green & Mingarelli Design. Моторная суперяхта Lionhear имеет большой внутренний объем и представляет широкий спектр удобств для гостей начиная от выразительных линий экстерьера, заканчивая просторной зоной для принятия солнечных ванн, а также большим баром. Lionheart - роскошная суперяхта со стальным корпусом и надстройкой из алюминия. Яхта строится в соответствии с высокими требованиями Регистра


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Самая большая яхта Benetti (Top Yachts Division Group)

22/02/16 15:28

Ллойда. Яхта оснащена стабилизаторами качки, что обеспечивает стабильность судна на стоянке и повышенный комфорт на борту, что особенно важно при неспокойной погоде и бурных водах. Также не стоит оставлять без внимания количество опций, что предусмотрены на яхте: вертолетная площадка, зал для тренировок, spa, джакузи на флайбридже, лифт, бассейн, пляжный клуб, салон красоты, барбекю, автоматический гараж для тендера, широкая платформа для купания, кондиционер во всех каютах и салоне, подводное освещение, бар и многое другое. Если вас интересует покупка яхты Benetti, новой или бу, обращайтесь по телефону: +38 (067) 546 35 60. Брокеры компании TOP YACHTS DIVISION GROUP подберут для вас лучшее предложение на рынке.

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The latest super yacht from Benetti — Baroque Lifestyle - Travel, Luxury Hotels, Dining, Trends





15/03/16 10:55




The latest super yacht from Benetti June 22, 2015 Can't find you favorite article?

Custom super yachts from Italian shipyard Azimut-Benetti are renowned for their innovative yachts. The latest, the Vica, is no exception. Baroque Yachts has all the details



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For an unforgettable beach holiday,Kenya's coastline is where you should be heading!#Mombasa

Benetti designers have used new technologies in the latest custom super yacht to be designed by Italian manufacturer, the Vica, namely fiberglass on the yacht’s hull and aluminum on the super 2 days ago

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The latest super yacht from Benetti — Baroque Lifestyle - Travel, Luxury Hotels, Dining, Trends

structure. The Vica is the first Benetti yacht to use this technology – but that’s not all that sets this magnificent 64-foot super yacht apart.

15/03/16 10:55

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The Vica, which can accommodate up to 12 guests and 12 crew members, also features open-air styling as well as three balconies, all of which are open to the sea. Each of the balconies is located on a separate deck; the main deck is a sun deck, and there’s another in the open deck astern, and a third on the upper deck. The main sun deck features one of the two Jacuzzis that are found on the yacht. It includes a large area for sunbathing, a table where guests can enjoy lunch and a fully serviced bar. The design includes the possibility of transforming the sundeck If necessary, into a helipad for a small helicopter to land and take guests on sightseeing trips in the vicinity. However, the Vica does not include this option.

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The latest super yacht from Benetti — Baroque Lifestyle - Travel, Luxury Hotels, Dining, Trends

15/03/16 10:55

The design of both the exterior and interior of this luxury super yacht was created by Benetti. In addition, the design of the interior was the brainchild of architect Mariarosa Remedi in collaboration with the yacht owners’ personal interior designer. The yacht has three separate hatches. The first hatch is located in the stern of the yacht, while the second one opens to the bathing platform and the third opens onto the lobby on the lower deck. Vica boasts four decks in all; each of which is connected to a central stairway that offers access to the yacht’s living areas. In addition, the yacht has a fifth lower under deck where the engines, laundry and other facilities are located.

The super yacht offers four sumptuous guest cabins, two with queen-size beds and two offering twin beds. All are located on the lower deck, while the owner’s suite is situated on the main deck and comprises a stunning study, spacious cabin, luxurious bathroom with shower and bath, walk-in closet and private

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The latest super yacht from Benetti — Baroque Lifestyle - Travel, Luxury Hotels, Dining, Trends

15/03/16 10:55

terrace with its own gangway that leads to the sea.

Entertainment of every kind has been catered for on this luxury super yacht. In the yacht’s main salon, there’s a grand piano, karaoke equipment and an American-style corner bar. The area has been decorated with both cherry and rose woods, and includes LED lighting. Yacht aficionados will be interested to know that the yacht has two CAT C32 engines that are capable of propelling Vica to a cruising speed of 12 knots.

If you’d like to find out more about this stunning super yacht as well as others from the Benetti stable that are available for private charter, contact Baroque Yachts right away, and we will assist you.

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 Yachts, Benetti, Yacht Charter, Baroque Yachts

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Yachtspotter's guide: where to find the coolest superyachts | Boat International

10/02/16 13:53

Boat International January 2016 Subscribe eStore

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Yachtspotter's guide: where to find the coolest superyachts | Boat International


10/02/16 13:53

11.11 Island Gardens Deep Harbour Marina, Miami

Delivered last year, superyacht 11.11 has been spotted in the newly opened Island Gardens Deep Harbour Marina in Miami . The 63 metre Benetti with family at its heart is expected to be on show at the Superyacht Miami Show (February 11-15) — which will for the first time take place in part at Island Gardens Deep Harbour Marina. Only the second bluff-bowed boat Benetti has ever built, the monochrome yacht has been generating quite a bit of attention since arriving at the new


marina. 11.11 is expected to be joined shortly by 77 metre Silver Fast, which is currently for sale .

Spotted: 10 superyachts in Porto Cervo this weekend

Picture courtesy of Alkan Altuner/ Island Gardens Deep Harbour Marina 1





6 of the best superyachts spotted in St Barts this holiday season



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Seventh Benetti Classic Supreme 132 Chrimi III launched | Boat International

12/02/16 10:52

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Seventh Benetti Classic Supreme 132 Chrimi III launched Charter News

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11 February 2016 by Simon Hardie

Benetti has launched the 40.2 metre superyacht Chrimi III , the seventh hull in its popular Classic Supreme 132 series. Chrimi III was ordered by the owner as a successor to the 36.8 metre Heesen Chrimi II, which is now for sale. The fully composite Classic Supreme 132 is one of Benetti’s Displacement Class series, which range from the 28.5 metre Delfino 93 to the 43.6 metre Vision 145.

RELATED ARTICLES Benetti launches first motor yacht of the Classic Supreme 132 series is the seventh Classic Supreme 132 to be launched. Pictures of launch courtesy of Davide

Just as with the other yachts in Benetti’s semi-custom range, the owner was able to work closely with interior designer Pulina DNA to personalise the interior.

Photos of 107m Benetti FB 277 under construction 6 of our favourite Benetti superyachts

The Classic Supreme 132 has a full beam owner’s suite on the main deck with a sliding balcony that extends out from the port side at the push of a button. It also has an office, walk in wardrobe and his and hers bathrooms. Two en-suite VIP guests cabins and two en-suite twin cabins can be found on the lower deck, arranged around a central foyer and providing total accommodation for 10 guests.

YACHTS FOR SALE SARP 46M Sarp Yachts €22,500,000 46.0 m 12 guests Pagina 1 di 4

Seventh Benetti Classic Supreme 132 Chrimi III launched | Boat International

12/02/16 10:52

46.0 m 12 guests SPIRIT

Benetti Classic Supreme 132

Nautor's Swan $1,550,000 26.59 m 10 guests SILVER LINING Phithak $3,700,000 31.4 m 8 guests


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Chrimi III, like the previous models, has two hot tubs, one on the foredeck and another on the sun deck. There are also two al fresco dining areas, one on the sun deck and one on the upper deck aft. The folding transom comes with umbrellas and sunloungers for relaxing in the shade after a swim in the sea. It also reveals the tender garage that has space for a Williams Diesel-jet tender and two jet ski’s. Exterior designer Stefano Righini added in large full height windows that bring light into the interior and complement the look of the exterior.

Chrimi III has been launched by Benetti and features interior design by Pulina DNA

The Classic Supreme yachts are fitted with Benetti Exclusive Sea Technology (BEST), which combines the on-board electronics and entertainment into one integrated system. Twin MTU 2000 M72 main engines give Chrimi III a top speed of 15 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots. The first Classic Supreme 132, Petrus II, was launched in 2012 and Italian builder Benetti has continued to deliver the semi-custom yachts at an impressive rate. As can be seen from the 2016 Global Order Book, the next three Classic Supreme 132’s are already in build: BS008, BS009 and BS010.

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Wednesday 3rd Feburary 2016

Yachts For Sale Charter Destinations Yacht life Events Market Intelligence

LATEST BROKERAGE HEADLINES Sensation Noble House sold with IYC and Nautilus Yachts Westport Plan A sold at Reel Deal Yachts Ferretti Monticello II sold by Yachting Partners International and Altinel Shipyards Further $500,000 price cut on Horizon Lady Leila at RJC Yachts Benetti Edesia now for sale with Ocean Independence

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Sensation Noble House has been sold

Sale announced of Westport Plan A

Ferretti Monticello II has been sold

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Further $500,000 price cut on Horizon Lady Leila

Benetti Edesia now for sale with Ocean Independence

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03/02/16 09:48

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SOVEREIGN Newcastle Marine | 2011 $39,950,000 | 54.91m

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MARTINIQUE Moonen | 2017 POA | 36.3m

ANDREAS L Benetti | 2008 €29,000,000 | 60m

03/02/16 09:48

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Monday 29th February 2016

Yachts For Sale Charter Destinations Yacht life Events Market Intelligence

LATEST BROKERAGE HEADLINES New build Tansu explorer Cutlass sold at Fraser Yachts Falcon Synergy sold at My Sea and G-Yachts Ocean Alexander 90 sold with Alexander Marine Perini Navi Elettra for sale at Camper & Nicholsons €600,000 price drop on Leopard Skiant at IYC Further price cut on Sunseeker Sandy at Camper & Nicholsons and ABYS

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New build Tansu explorer Cutlass sold

Falcon 30.7 metre Synergy sold

27.5 metre Ocean Alexander 90 sold

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Perini Navi Elettra back on the market

€600,000 price drop on Leopard Skiant

Further price cut on Sunseeker Sandy

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Boats washed ashore in Fiji by devastating Cyclone Winston

Benetti sells new 70m superyacht Project 169

29/02/16 10:58

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7 of the best luxury yachts newly available for charter in 2016

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Spotted: 38 celebrities on superyachts

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7 of the coolest photos from the US Navy's Sea Call

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Superyacht owners expand refugee saving mission to South East Asia

The top 5 yachts to see at the Dubai International Boat Show

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New photo: Abeking & Rasmussen launch 72.5m explorer yacht Cloudbreak

See all the latest news from the ACWS in Oman

29/02/16 10:58

Benetti sells new 70m superyacht Project 169 | Boat International

29/02/16 10:45

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Home > Yachts > Yacht News > Benetti sells new 70m superyacht Project 169

Benetti sells new 70m superyacht Project 169 26 February 2016 by Simon Hardie

Benetti has announced the sale of a new custom 70 metre displacement superyacht, currently known as Project 169 (hull FB270). The yacht is still in the design phase, but more details are expected to emerge in the coming months. The design for Project 169 is being refined by Benetti’s in-house designers, along with considerable input from the experienced owner and his personal design team.


ect 169 has been sold to an experienced owner, but is still in the design phase

Benetti sell new 66 metre FB273 superyacht

Benetti's CCO Fabio Ermetto commented that this sale confirmed Benetti's position as a leading builder for experienced owners. "These owners turn to us with very special requests for specific designs based on long standing yachting experience, while never compromising the highest levels of operation and performance," Ermetto added. "This is — in addition — the result of our consolidated financial strength, developed through the years by earning the trust of clients around the globe.” Project 169 is the seventh yacht over 50 metres to be sold in the last 12 months by the Italian yard. Other sales include the 66 metre Project FB273, which was signed for another experienced owner in September 2015, and the 66 metre Project FB269. Project FB269 was sold to a long-standing Benetti customer, John

John Staluppi signs order for 66m Benetti luxury yacht FB269 Photos of 107m Benetti FB 277 under construction

YACHTS FOR SALE GLORIA MARIS Nordhavn $6,500,000 26.39 m 8 guests Pagina 1 di 3

Benetti sells new 70m superyacht Project 169 | Boat International

29/02/16 10:45

Project FB269 was sold to a long-standing Benetti customer, John

26.39 m 8 guests

Staluppi, in July last year. Staluppi previously ordered yachts such as the 61


metre Diamonds are Forever and the 52 metre Quantam of Solace (now

Feadship $7,400,000 41.8 m 10 guests

Elysium). Speaking at the time Staluppi said his “new venture will be of a much higher standard with new modern day high-tech systems”.


Benetti is also building its largest ever yacht, the 107 metre FB277. The

Mondomarine €24,000,000 49.2 m 10 guests

three hull sections arrived at the yard in December last year.


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The best superyachts newly available for charter in 2016 | Boat International

29/02/16 10:44

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Home > For Charter > Charter News > 7 of the best luxury yachts newly available for charter in 2016




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LIONESS V Benetti, 64m

The 63.5 metre motor yacht Lioness V (ex Lionheart) is newly available for charter in the East and West Mediterranean during summer 2016. Built by Italian yard Benetti and delivered in 2006, she is reputed to be one of the most highly speciďŹ ed yachts built by the yard. Luxurious accommodation is for 12 guests in six cabins consisting of a main deck full beam master suite, three doubles and two twins, all with en suite bathroom facilities.‌luxury-yachts-newly-available-for-charter-in-2016--29045/frame-4

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The best superyachts newly available for charter in 2016 | Boat International

29/02/16 10:44

The saloon is massive, with a lounge area fitted with comfortable furniture, an entertainment centre and bar, while forward is a separate dining area with seating for 12 guests. Further forward still is a cinema and the master bedroom suite. Outdoor spaces are plentiful and include a large aft deck for al fresco dining leading down to the beach club and swimming platform offering a fully equipped gymnasium and hammam along with a tender garage. A special feature is the swimming pool on the upper deck, surrounded by sun pads and concealed speakers to set the mood for relaxation. The aft bridge deck has another full bar plus dining facilities for up to 14 guests while the bridge deck saloon has a cosy lounging area, a media room and yet another bar. A professional crew of 18 led by the experienced Captain Jon Armstrong are on hand to ensure a memorable holiday.

RELATED ARTICLES 10 of the most expensive luxury yachts for charter

Water toys include two tenders, two jet skis, two SeaBobs, an inflatable water slide and a wide range of towable toys. Lioness V is available for charter at rates starting from €425,000 per week

15 of the best charter party yachts

through Camper & Nicholsons . 1







YACHTS FOR CHARTER SHE'S A 10 Oceanfast $150,000 50.0 m OASIS Westport $49,500 34.14 m


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Tuesday 2nd Feburary 2016

Yachts For Sale Charter Destinations Yacht life Events Market Intelligence

LATEST BROKERAGE HEADLINES Westport Antares sold at Worth Avenue Yachts and RJC Pershing La Grinta for sale by Moncada di Paterno Price drop on Palmer Johnson Vitamin by Verpeka Dolling and SuperYachtsMonaco Further price cut on Lazzara Bella Contessa at Lenton Yachts

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Sale announced of Westport Antares

Pershing La Grinta listed for sale

Price drop on Palmer Johnson Vitamin

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Further price cut on Lazzara Bella Contessa

The 200 largest yachts in the world

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Benetti launches its largest ever yacht — 90m Lionheart

Agonising turn of events as hull of missing catamaran is lost again

02/02/16 09:15

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Watch the America’s Cup World Series in Portsmouth from your yacht

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10 amethyst jewels for February birthdays

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CHRIMI II Heesen Yachts | 2006 €6,000,000 | 37.30m

ANDREAS L Benetti | 2008 €29,000,000 | 60m

SOVEREIGN Newcastle Marine | 2011 $39,950,000 | 54.91m

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02/02/16 09:15

90m Lionheart is Benetti's largest ever launch | Boat International

02/02/16 10:43

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Home > Yachts > Yacht News > Benetti launches its largest ever yacht — 90m Lionheart

Benetti launches its largest ever yacht — 90m Lionheart 1 February 2016 by Simon Hardie

Benetti has launched its largest yacht to date, the 90 metre Lionheart. Built as hull FB262, Lionheart is the third yacht to be ordered from Benetti by the same owner. Lionheart was spotted in Livorno being removed from a barge. With the yacht in the water, final outfitting will take now place ready for delivery to its owners later this year.

RELATED ARTICLES 6 of our favourite Benetti superyachts

Photos of 107m Benetti FB 277 under construction Illusion V: a relaxed and stylish family home at sea


Lionheart, seen moored up in front of the lighthouse in Livorno, Italy. Pictures courtesy of / Livorno Daily Photo

Cantieri di Pisa €14,000 26.0 m

Lionheart has a displacement steel hull and an aluminium superstructure,


but the yacht and its build have been shrouded in secrecy from the outset.

Azimut €27,000 22.89 m

However, it is known that Stefano Natucci collaborated with Benetti on the exterior design and Green & Mingarelli Design is responsible for the interior design.


Lionheart has a sporty look, with a curved superstructure that ties the four

Brooke Marine €30,000 29.0 m

decks together. It would appear from the photos that the garage is up forward, with side-opening doors for easy launching of the tenders. The private balconies on the main deck are a notable addition and will offer great views from the accommodation, while more shell doors around the transom suggest a large beach club that can be opened on both sides.


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90m Lionheart is Benetti's largest ever launch | Boat International

02/02/16 10:43


heart is the largest ever yacht to be launched by Benetti

Lionheart is the third Benetti to be ordered by the same owners, and replaces the 63.50 metre Lionheart (now Lioness V), which was launched in 2006. Lioness V is one of the best luxury yachts newly available for charter in 2016. Lionheart is the biggest launch ever from the Italian yard. It overtakes the 85.9 metre Kingdom 5KR, which was launched in 1980 and is one of our favourite Benetti superyachts. Benetti has over 30 yachts on its order books, including an even bigger project, the 107 metre FB277. Construction is well underway, with the three hull sections transported to the yard in December 2015, and delivery is expected in 2019. RELATED ARTICLES

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Tuesday 23rd February 2016

Yachts For Sale Charter Destinations Yacht life Events Market Intelligence

LATEST BROKERAGE HEADLINES New build MondoMarine M60 Seafalcon for sale by Northrop & Johnson New build Metalships Project Y102 for sale at Peter Insull’s Yacht Marketing Award-winning Admiral Nono for sale by the Lucid Yacht Group Azimut Antares for sale at Camper and Nicholsons Benetti Soy Amor gets $1.5M price cut with Moran Yacht & Ship and Fraser Yachts €700,000 price drop on Benetti Saladus at Arcon Yachts

— Brokerage News —

— Brokerage News —

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New build MondoMarine M60 Seafalcon for sale

New build Metalships Project Y102 for sale

Award-winning 37 metre Admiral Nono for sale

— Brokerage News —

— Brokerage News —

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Azimut 24 metre Antares for sale

Benetti Soy Amor gets $1.5M price cut

€700,000 price drop on Benetti Saladus

— Yacht News —

Andrew Trujillo Design unveils new super-fast 42 metre concept Continuum

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23/02/16 09:02

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Top 10 design features of the world's largest yachts

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Build starts on custom 36m Mulder yacht

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11.11: the 63m Benetti with family at its heart

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16 ShowBoats Design Awards 2016 winners

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Force of nature: In conversation with artist Marc Quinn

5 tips on how to tackle ice with an explorer yacht

23/02/16 09:02

The best luxury yachts available to charter for the Cannes Film Festival and Monaco Grand Prix | Boat International

01/02/16 12:05

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Home > For Charter > Charter Advice > 16 of the best superyachts to charter for Cannes Film Festival or Monaco GP




Striking black and cream coloured Ulysses has a regal feeling that will fit in with the glamorous atmosphere of either the Monaco Grand Prix or the Cannes Film Festival. The 56 metre Benetti’s striking interior is filled with marble artwork, chandeliers and rare pictures. Her impressive saloon is great for entertaining as it features a cocktail bar and lounging area along with an antique grand piano by Steinway & Sons.…or-the-cannes-film-festival-and-monaco-grand-prix--29231/frame-8

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The best luxury yachts available to charter for the Cannes Film Festival and Monaco Grand Prix | Boat International

01/02/16 12:05

Depending on the weather her sun deck is also an exciting entertaining space with a wet bar, pizza oven, outdoor cinema, spa pool and large sun pads. Ulysses has accommodation for 12 guests including a spacious master suite on the main deck that has a hairdressing salon to ensure you look your best. Ulysses is managed for charter by Fraser Yachts and has a high season weekly charter rate of €280,000. 1







RELATED ARTICLES 15 of the best charter party yachts

10 of the most expensive luxury yachts for charter

YACHTS FOR CHARTER IRIS Azimut €27,000 22.89 m ONYX Brooke Marine €30,000 29.0 m


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Tuesday 9th February 2016

Yachts For Sale Charter Destinations Yacht life Events Market Intelligence

LATEST BROKERAGE HEADLINES Sunseeker Lilly II sold at Camper & Nicholsons and Sunseeker Poole Broward Never Enough sold at Reel Deal Yachts Azimut Circus for sale at The WOY $8M price cut on Oceanco Natita at Worth Avenue Yachts $1M price cut on Intermarine Balaju at IYC Price drop on Nordlund Altisa at IYC

1 di 3

— Brokerage News —

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Sunseeker Lilly II has been sold

Broward Never Enough has been sold

Azimut Circus listed for sale

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$8M price reductio on Oceanco Natita

$1M price cut on Intermarine Balaju

Price reduction on Nordlund Altisa

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9 of the world's fastest superyacht tenders

Alia Yachts reveals details of 60m Project Samurai

09/02/16 10:36

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7 days discovering the Seychelles

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09/02/16 10:36

Market report: 2015 was a strong year, US leads the charge | Boat International

23/02/16 10:18

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Home > Market Intelligence > Industry Data > Superyacht Market Reports > Market report: 2015 was a strong year, with US leading the charge

Market report: 2015 was a strong year, with US leading the charge 19 February 2016 by Caroline White

If the US presidential primaries are testing your patience, you can enjoy some instant gratification from the superyacht market – the big picture of 2015 has emerged (with very little heckling). The number of superyachts sold in 2015 on the brokerage market was down slightly on 2014 – at 392 compared with 412 – but it still stands as a solid figure in a landscape reshaped by the Global Financial Crisis. It is, for example, more than double the 194 sold in 2009 – and with the exception of 2014 it trumps every year since. Cromwell Littlejohn, a sales broker at Northrop & Johnson, suggests a possible explanation for 2014's particular high – one that does not reflect badly on 2015. "There was a lot of inventory at that point, which had been sitting on the market for years," he says, because people had been buying far fewer boats in the preceding years. "Owners were just ready to dump (at very low prices) and in 2014, as the world started feeling a little bit better, buyers were coming back and taking advantage of some of those great deals."

largest yacht sold in 2015 was Project Redwood. The 139m Lürssen was sold by Moran Yacht &

Last year was a more even year than any recent ones – without the monthto-month highs and lows that drive up brokers’ blood pressure: in 2014 the…report-2015-was-a-strong-year-with-us-leading-the-charge--29501

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Market report: 2015 was a strong year, US leads the charge | Boat International

23/02/16 10:18

to-month highs and lows that drive up brokers’ blood pressure: in 2014 the lowest month’s tally was 18, the highest 51; in 2015, the lowest month was 26, highest 43. As Jonathan Beckett, chief executive of Burgess puts it: “We had a very, very steady year from start to finish. And that seems to be continuing.” The general impression of 2015 is a picture of stability, maintaining a comfortable position established in 2014 and further refining its regularity. The nationality of buyers on the brokerage market, as well as across new builds and charter, reflected the political and economic headlines of 2015. "Russian business is down across sales and charter," says Beckett, "I'm sitting here in Moscow and I've been dealing with people who are very serious charterers and very serious buyers – but they're prevented by the exchange rate and the economic and political situation. It's a difficult time here at the moment. And I haven't experienced that before." The opposite, he says, is true in the US. "The American market is very buoyant [across sales and charter]. We did more American business last year than we've probably ever done before. And it is very much helped by the exchange rate." Roberto Giorgi, chairman of Fraser Yachts had a similar experience. “The American market has been a great success for us and I think also for other brokers,” he says. “A major part of our business revenue – multiple sales and charter – came from the American market. China, in contrast, is very keeping a low profile on the yacht side due to a lot of austerity campaigning.”

er Yachts sold a new build Amels 242 in 2015 - the second largest sale of the year

Florida-based Littlejohn had similarly positive meetings with his fellow countrymen in 2015. "On the American side, the buyers starting to talk to us again," he says. "For the several years, at boat shows, they were walking by us and – kind of hiding from us. At the end of 2014, they came out and started talking to us again and that continued through 2015. Our economy was growing, people were feeling more comfortable and our jobs market was much stronger. So I think that for high-level executives in public companies, it was okay again for them to go yachting. And there was some nice inventory on the market for them to purchase. So I think they did just that."…report-2015-was-a-strong-year-with-us-leading-the-charge--29501

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Market report: 2015 was a strong year, US leads the charge | Boat International

23/02/16 10:18

When it comes to US new builds, 2015 has been mixed, with Trinity going up for sale and Christensen bought by its co-owner after multiple lawsuits eroded its financial stability. “The downturn several years ago squeezed everybody,” says Daryl Wakefield, president of Westport. “And also a lot of yachts were put on the market, so you were up against yourself – used boats (that you had built). You might have been working for years to put together a deal and all of a sudden the clients bought a used boat, because it was such great value.”

arula Sun was one of the last sales recorded in 2015. This Westport luxury motor yacht was sold Galati Yacht Sales and Gilman Yachts

But for Westport itself, 2015 was a good year. "In past years customers were ducking for cover because it looked bad if, for example, they'd made cutbacks," he says. “Then last year they felt they had stayed on the sidelines long enough. They were ready to step in the game – they were tired of waiting. They wanted to do something." Westport is bolstered by a solid quota of repeat (mostly American) clients. For them, the next challenge is not so much coaxing owners across the line as keeping up with their clients’ ambitions. “We're starting to lose market share a bit because a number of customers – many of them multiple buyers – are outgrowing us. We have great relationships and in several cases, they're begging us to build a boat for them. It's just a matter of taking on pretty significant infrastructure upgrading. And we'll do it.” Across the pond in Italy, Benetti has also seen clients thinking bit. “We signed six yachts of 50 metres or larger,” says Fabio Ermetto, chief commercial officer of Benetti, “So we are very happy about it, especially with two or three yachts of more than 60 metres. And we delivered 19 yachts, seven of them 50 metres or larger.” Ermetto also notes that success

Yachts For Sale Destinations Yacht Life seems to breed success Charter in the superyacht building game, where it is soEvents

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important that a client has faith that a yard is stable enough to finish their boat. “Last year the people who visited us could really see the new sheds and the 90m almost completed. So people approached us with even more confidence than before.”


Record number of…report-2015-was-a-strong-year-with-us-leading-the-charge--29501

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Market report: 2015 was a strong year, US leads the charge | Boat International

23/02/16 10:18

Record number of superyachts being built since the financial crisis Market reports June 2015 superyacht Market Report Market reports May 2015 superyacht Market Report Market reports

was the largest Benetti superyacht sold in 2015 – measuring 62 metres. Worth Avenue hts and Macgregor Yachts were both involved int he sale.


At Amels it was a bumper year too, and size remained a major story: “We


have seen yachts ordered between 55 and 74 metres,” says Rob Luijendijk,

Perini Navi €1,500,000 24.22 m 6 guests

managing director of Amels, “[as well as] the 69 metre Fast Yacht Support Vessel.”

DESTINY Fifth Ocean Yachts €3,300,000 23.9 m 8 guests

Size was also impressive in terms of brokerage, with 10 sales in the 70 metre-plus bracket, the same figure as 2014 and significantly more of these monsters than were sold in preceding years. The 40 to 50 metre bracket was also strong, with the highest tally since before the Global Financial

LIONESSA Nautor's Swan €1,950,000 20.12 m 8 guests

Crisis. What does all this positivity mean for buyers and charterers in 2016? The message seems to that commitment-phobes will lose out. “In charter, 2015 was the first year when we went back to the old market where in peak


season all the good boats were booked,” says Beckett. “Going through the last five-year period there were always boats available in July and August or

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Christmas to New Year. Last year, people who booked late couldn't find something good.” Giorgi concurs: “There were certain moments during the summer that we


had a shortage of available yachts for charter and the Europeans who are normally booking at the last moment had difficulty finding a yacht,” he says. RELATED ARTICLES…report-2015-was-a-strong-year-with-us-leading-the-charge--29501

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Distinctive Benetti superyacht 11∙11 designed for family c... | Boats and Outboards

03/02/16 10:58


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Distinctive Benetti superyacht 11·11 designed for family comfort

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Benetti has announced the delivery of superyacht 11·11, which measures 63m and has been designed for luxurious family living afloat. This full displacement superyacht has four decks contained in a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, and can accommodate up to 12 guests as well as 16 crew. Measuring 63 metres, the impressive motor yacht has elegant lines and distinctive vertical axe bow, the second ever plumb-bow yacht designed by Benetti’s naval architects. A wide hull allows increased living and storage space aboard, and there’s plenty of evidence of Benetti’s commitment to modern luxury superyacht design, with the interiors offering comfort, opulence, functionality and innovation.

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Distinctive Benetti superyacht 11∙11 designed for family c... | Boats and Outboards

03/02/16 10:58

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48 76 441

The superyacht 11·11 has been designed for the owner’s family, so child safety features have been incorporated throughout, including rounded edges and fabric-wrapped walls and furniture. There’s also a child’s cabin adjacent to the Master Suite. Needless to say this superyacht is as luxurious and comfortable as any residential home. All furniture, joinery and soft furnishings are bespoke with fine craftsmanship in evidence throughout the spacious crew quarters and superbly-appointed galley.

Family comfort is of primary importance in the design and layout of this Benetti gem. The Main Salon is an impressive entertaining space with its custom-made U-shape sofa, 12-seater formal dining table and calming grey colour palette, while the Sky Lounge on the Upper Deck offers a relaxed lounge environment complete with bespoke cocktail bar and generous seating.…eryacht-11-11-designed-for-family-com/429#OarCPSo1d471YOuK.97

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Distinctive Benetti superyacht 11∙11 designed for family c... | Boats and Outboards

03/02/16 10:58

We love the dedicated Spa area. Here the Steam Room is made entirely from pearlescent mosaic tiles with smoky quartz stones. For those all important massages while on a trip, the white marble Treatment Room features an adjustable massage bed and heated towel cabinet.

On the lower deck, four spacious guest suites boast two double cabins and two twin cabins. All suites benefit from a beautifully designed en-suite bathroom with Italian marble hand-selected from the quarry and bespoke Lalique crystal taps to complement the generous basin areas.‌eryacht-11-11-designed-for-family-com/429#OarCPSo1d471YOuK.97

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Distinctive Benetti superyacht 11∙11 designed for family c... | Boats and Outboards

03/02/16 10:58

As the yacht is designed for the owner’s family, child safety features highly in her design including rounded edges and fabric-wrapped walls and furniture, while a child’s cabin is adjacent to the Master Suite.

Article: Alison Clements Photos: Benetti


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Seventh Classic Supreme 132 M/Y CHRIMI III splashes at Benetti — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

12/02/16 10:53

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Seventh Classic Supreme 132 M/Y CHRIMI III splashes at Benetti February 12, 2016 The seventh Classic Supreme 132 ( M/Y CHRIMI III (hull BS007) has recently splashed at the leading Italian shipyard, Benetti ( The exterior design of this exciting new 40metre superyacht comes from the drawing board of Stefano Righini ( sub=yacht-results&builder=stefano+righini-138), while Alessandro Pulina of Pulina DNA ( and the yard’s design office were responsible for the interiors.

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Seventh Classic Supreme 132 M/Y CHRIMI III splashes at Benetti — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

( Benetti Classic Supreme 132 – Photo by Thierry Ameller

The Classic Supreme 132 provides deluxe accommodation for up to 10 guests in a full-beam owner’s suite on the main deck, fitted with an office, walk in wardrobe and his and hers bathrooms. There are also two en-suite VIP guest cabins and two en-suite twin cabins, all positioned on the lower deck.


Motor Yacht JO - Main deck aft


TUG VERVECE - Deck Seating


Benetti Yacht FAVORITA - Twin Cabin


Superyacht GALAXY - Formal Dining


Motor yacht QM OF LONDON - sundeck ...


Yacht ALEXANDRA - Main View More charter yachts built by Benetti (

Superyacht News Related to "Seventh Classic Supreme 132 M/Y CHRIMI III splashes at Benetti" 1. Seventh Benetti Classic Supreme 132’ motor yacht Hull BS007 sold ( 2. Benetti launches third Classic Supreme 132 motor yacht BS003 ( 3. The first Benetti Classic Supreme 132′ Yacht launched ( 4. Sale of 4th Benetti Classic Supreme 132′ Yacht (

12/02/16 10:53

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Unique Future Concept CF8 unveiled by Sea Level ( future-concept-cf8unveiled-sea-level) NEW Superyacht AB 100 under construction at AB Yachts – FIPA Group ( superyacht-ab-100under-constructionat-ab-yachts-fipagroup) Feadship launch NEW 34m Superyacht Hull 692 with record amount of glass ( launch-new-34msuperyacht-hull692-with-recordamount-of-glass) Seventh Classic Supreme 132 M/Y CHRIMI III splashes at Benetti ( classic-supreme132-my-chrimi-iiisplashes-at-benetti) Vilanova Crew Ski Weekend 2016 attended by 25 crew from Superyachts moored in Barcelona area ( crew-ski-weekend2016-attended-25crew-superyachtsmoored-barcelonaarea)

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Benetti Sells 70M Mega Yacht Project 169 – Hull FB270 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

29/02/16 10:42

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Benetti Sells 70M Mega Yacht Project 169 – Hull FB270 February 26, 2016 The Italian yacht builder, Benetti ( has announced the sale of its new custom build: the 70-metre displacement mega yacht FB270, Project 169. The new projects represents the 7th contract signed un the past year for vessels over 50 metres.

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Benetti Sells 70M Mega Yacht Project 169 – Hull FB270 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

29/02/16 10:42

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At the moment there is no other information available about the Project 169, other than the fact that she has been designed by Benetti’s in-house designers in collaboration with the yacht’s owner and his personal design team.

Superyacht News Related to "Benetti Sells 70M Mega Yacht Project 169 – Hull FB270" 1. Benetti Sells 49m Hull FB702 Project ZAFIRO Yacht ( 2. Eye-catching 63m Mega Yacht 11/11 by BENETTI ( 3. Beautiful 60m Mega Yacht FORMOSA by BENETTI ( 4. NEW 107m Mega Yacht FB 277 – Benetti’s Largest Ever Build ( 5. All-new 63m Benetti Motor Yacht Hull FB264 spotted in Livorno, Italy ( Azimut-Benetti Group (, Benetti (, Benetti FB270 (, Benetti Project 169 (, Benetti Yachts (, Italy (, luxury yacht (, Luxury Yachts (, Mega Yacht (, mega yachts (, motor yacht (, Motor Yachts (, Superyacht (, Superyachts ( Please contact ( CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Benetti Sells 70M Mega Yacht Project 169 - Hull FB270".

Photos of 72,5m Expedition Yacht CLOUDBREAK at launch ( 725m-expeditionyacht-cloudbreaklaunch) OTAM Starts Construction of OTAM 80 Yacht On Spec ( starts-constructionotam-80-yachtspec) Beautiful 33m S/Y MARAE for Luxury Yacht Charters in the Caribbean ( 33m-sy-maraeluxury-yachtcharters-caribbean) Benetti Sells 70M Mega Yacht Project 169 – Hull FB270 ( sells-70m-megayacht-project-fb270) 7 Yachts Under Construction and 2 New Projects by Zuccon International Project (

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Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

01/02/16 12:02

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Impressive 145m motor yacht X-FORCE concept unveiled by Admiral Yachts ( Yacht Charter Search Location

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Launch of 90M LIONHEART – The Largest Superyacht ever built by BENETTI ( February 01, 2016 Over the weekend, the prestigious Livorno-based Italian shipyard, Benetti (, launched their largest superyacht to date – the exciting new 90-metre LIONHEART (, previously known as FB 262. This striking displacement vessel bears both naval architecture as well as exterior design by the yard’s in-house team.

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01/02/16 12:02

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( 90m LIONHEART by Benetti on the water – Image credit to Livorno Daily Photo

Featuring a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, the 90m (295’) LIONHEART was designed and built to comfortably reach a top speed of 15,5 knots, and a cruising speed of 15 knots. More details about this breath-taking vessel to follow soon.


Yacht LALIBELA - Double Cabin


Motor yacht QM OF LONDON - sundeck bar


Nanou Master Cabin


Wild Thyme - VIP Cabin


Motor yacht IF - Aft Deck Dining

Launch of 90M LIONHEART – The Largest Superyacht ever built by BENETTI ( of-90m-lionheartthe-largestsuperyacht-everbuilt-by-benetti) Excellent performance of Claasen Superyachts at New Zealand Millennium Cup 2016 ( performance-ofclaasensuperyachts-atnew-zealandmillennium-cup2016) Veloce 140’ Superyacht H – Italian excellence by BENETTI ( 140-superyacht-hitalian-excellenceby-benetti) Additional images and video of newly launched 66m Mega Yacht VANISH by FEADSHIP ( images-and-videoof-newly-launched66m-mega-yachtvanish-by-feadship) Motor Yacht WHITE ROSE OF DRACHS arrives to Palumbo Marseille Facilities ( yacht-white-rosedrachs-arrivespalumbo-marseillefacilities) 46m Tripp Design Yacht Hits Water at Holland Jachtbouw ( tripp-design-yachthits-water-hollandjachtbouw) Hulhumalé Yacht Marina in Maldives to Service 300 Yachts (

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01/02/16 12:02


Sailing yacht KEALOHA - Layout More charter yachts built by Claasen Jachtbouw (

Veloce 140’ Superyacht H – Italian excellence by BENETTI ( February 01, 2016 Take a look at the Veloce 140’ superyacht H (, representing the Italian excellence launched by BENETTI ( in 2015. Beautifully penned by Stefano Righini (, she boasts a revolutionary new hull, ensuring the perfect combination of comfort and speed.

Benetti Veloce 140 - BF203 M/Y H

Designed with timeless elegance, the exteriors and interiors feature clean lines, sharp angles and a clear contemporary feeling. The accommodation layout consists of five lavishly appointed cabins, comfortably sleeping up to 10 guests. Externally, there are two amazing sunbathing areas: forward of the upper deck with Jacuzzi, and for the complete length of the sun deck with a corner bar.


Charter Yacht ST DAVID - Sundeck ...


Diane - Aft


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Photos from Yachts Miami Beach 2016 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

18/02/16 18:01

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Three Neptune Trophies for Feadship at World Superyacht Awards 2014 ( Yacht Charter Search Location

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Photos from Yachts Miami Beach 2016 February 18, 2016 Show Management, organizers of the Yachts Miami Beach (, have shared the photos from this year’s 28th edition of the prestigious event. This annually welcomes thousands of people from all over the world and hosts an amazing display of boats, luxury yachts and marine products, including more than 500 new and brokerage vessels and a wide array of the latest marine technology and accessories, valued at more than $1 billion.

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Photos from Yachts Miami Beach 2016 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

18/02/16 18:01

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( Yachts Miami Beach 2016

( Silver Fast on display in Miami

Prestige London and The London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show 2016 to feature globe’s most exclusive luxury items ( london-londonyacht-jet-prestigecar-show-2016feature-globesexclusive-luxuryitems) NEW Sunreef Supreme Range of Yachts and Superyachts ( sunreef-supremerange-of-yachtsand-superyachts) Sailing Yacht LA FORZA DEL DESTINO Offers 10% Off of Remaining Winter Charters ( yacht-la-forza-deldestino-offers-10remaining-wintercharters) Photos from Yachts Miami Beach 2016 ( yachts-miamibeach-2016) VANISH by Feadship – A Striking Superyacht on her way from Royal van Lent to Rotterdam ( by-feadship-astriking-superyachton-her-way-fromroyal-van-lent-torotterdam)

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Photos from Yachts Miami Beach 2016 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

18/02/16 18:01

hotspots in the Mediterranean ( sub=mediterranean-yachtcharter) and Caribbean ( sub=caribbean-yachtcharter) as well as worldwide locations ( sub=yacht-charterworldwide). The superyacht & charter news ( sub=superyacht-news) is provided as a resource for our happy clients ( sub=charter-testimonials). Yacht owners can contact us here ( sub=contact) for our outstanding yacht marketing ( sub=charter-marketing) service.

Related Yacht News

( 92ft Lazzara Flybridge ALGORYTHM on display at Yachts Miami Beach 2016

1. Yachts Miami Beach 2016 from above ( miami-beach-2016) 2. US premiere for NEW Sanlorenzo SL 86 Yacht at Yachts Miami Beach 2016 ( 3. US debut for Crystal 140 M/Y MR D by Benetti at Yachts Miami Beach 2016 ( 4. Line Up of Luxury Yachts to be displayed by Hargrave at 2016 Yachts Miami Beach ( up-of-luxury-yachtsto-be-displayed-byhargrave-at-2016yachts-miamibeach) 5. Sale of FOUR Ocean Alexander 70E Yachts before world premiere at 2016 Yachts Miami Beach

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Photos from Yachts Miami Beach 2016 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

18/02/16 18:01

( of-four-oceanalexander-70eyachts-beforeworld-premiere-at2016-yachts-miamibeach)

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Photos from Yachts Miami Beach 2016 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

18/02/16 18:01

( Mr D by Benetti at Yachts Miami Beach 2016

( Azimut Yachts at Yachts Miami Beach 2016

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Photos from Yachts Miami Beach 2016 — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

18/02/16 18:01

( Hatteras at Yachts Miami Beach 2016

( 28th Yachts Miami Beach

Superyacht News Related to "Photos from Yachts Miami Beach 2016" 1. Yachts Miami Beach 2016 from above ( 2. US premiere for NEW Sanlorenzo SL 86 Yacht at Yachts Miami Beach 2016 ( 3. US debut for Crystal 140 M/Y MR D by Benetti at Yachts Miami Beach 2016 ( 4. Line Up of Luxury Yachts to be displayed by Hargrave at 2016 Yachts Miami Beach ( 5. Sale of FOUR Ocean Alexander 70E Yachts before world premiere at 2016 Yachts Miami Beach (

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Fifth Crystal 140’ Motor Yacht MR. D by BENETTI — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

04/02/16 13:49

Fifth Crystal 140’ Motor Yacht MR. D by BENETTI The brand new 2015-launched motor yacht MR. D has been successfully delivered by BENETTI. Measuring 41,93m in length, the well sized superyacht MR. D represents the fifth Crystal 140’ series vessel, beautifully designed by Stefano Righini. The official information about the latest Crystal 140’ vessel is still expected to be released by the shipyard.

Benetti Crystal 140′ Yacht Created by Francois Zuretti, the superb and elegant interiors of super yacht MR. D can sleep up to 12 guests in utmost in luxury, providing them with 6 well appointed cabins. There is also accommodation for a crew of 7 members in 4 crew cabins. BENETTI Crystal 140’ luxury yacht MR. D is run by twin Caterpillar C32 diesel engines, reaching a top speed of 15 knots. She has a range of 4000 nautical miles. View more charter yachts built by Benetti here.

Superyacht News Related to "Fifth Crystal 140’ Motor Yacht MR. D by BENETTI" 1. Benetti delivers Crystal 140 motor yacht LUNA 2. Second Crystal 140′ motor yacht LUNA launched by Benetti

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2016 ShowBoats Design Awards Winners Announced — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

24/02/16 10:57

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New 70m motor yacht S701 design unveiled by Tankoa Yachts at MYS 2014 ( Yacht Charter Search Location

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2016 ShowBoats Design Awards Winners Announced February 23, 2016 Yesterday, the 22nd of February, saw the winners of the prestigious 2016 ShowBoats Design Awards ( announced at the K3 KitzKongress in Kitzbuhel, Austria. Double Olympic gold medalist, Shirley Robertson OBE presented the winners with the coveted Golden Neptune awards at the presence of the sell-out audience of superyacht owners, designers and icons of the superyacht industry from around the world.

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( ShowBoats Design Awards 2016

Baltic Yachts’s sailing yacht NIKATA took home four Neptunes, whole Feadship’s motor yacht SAVANNAH received equally impressive three awards. Below is the full list of the winning superyachts:

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Tender Design Award Winner: Hodgdon Yachts’ ( 11,4-metre Limo Tender for M/Y INFINITY (,

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2016 ShowBoats Design Awards Winners Announced — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

with naval architecture by Michael Peters, exterior styling and interior design by Michael Peters ( and Hodgdon Yachts.

( Hodgdon Yachts – Limo Tender for Motor Yacht INFINITY

Exterior Design & Styling Award – Motor Yacht Below 500GT Winner: 49,9-metre motor yacht SIBELLE ( with exterior styling by AB Studio ( – Omega Architects, ( constructed by Heesen Yachts (

24/02/16 10:57

Latest Yacht Charter & Superyacht News:

Refit Project of American Tug ST80 by FJM Powerdesign ( project-americantug-st80-fjmpowerdesign) 72.5m Abeking & Rasmussen Motor Yacht CLOUDBREAK to launch soon ( abeking-rasmussenmotor-yachtcloudbreak-launch) New Identity for 2016 Monaco Yacht Show ( 2016-monacoyacht-show) Sailing Yacht DIONE STAR Special Rate in the Caribbean ( yacht-dione-starspecial-ratecaribbean) 2016 ShowBoats Design Awards Winners Announced ( showboats-designawards-winnersannounced)

About CharterWorld ( Superyacht Sibelle by Heesen Yachts – Photo by Richards Vision and Heesen Yachts

Exterior Design & Styling – Motor Yacht Above 500GT Winner: Superyacht SAVANNAH ( with exterior styling by CG Design ( and built by Feadship (, De Vries shipyard.

CharterWorld is the leading luxury yacht charter ( specialist. We have crewed charter boats ( sub=directory) in the favourite yachting hotspots in the Mediterranean ( sub=mediterranean-yachtcharter) and Caribbean ( sub=caribbean-yachtcharter) as well as worldwide locations ( sub=yacht-charterworldwide). The superyacht & charter news

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2016 ShowBoats Design Awards Winners Announced — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

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( sub=superyacht-news) is provided as a resource for our happy clients ( sub=charter-testimonials). Yacht owners can contact us here ( sub=contact) for our outstanding yacht marketing ( sub=charter-marketing) service.

( SAVANNAH by Feadship

Exterior Design & Styling – Styling Award Winner: NIKATA ( with exterior styling by Nauta Design ( and built by Baltic Yachts ( Naval architects Judel/Vrolijk (

( Baltic 115 NIKATA under sail – Photo by Guido Cantini

Interior Layout & Design Award – Motor Yacht Below 500 GT Winner: RUYA with interior by Sorgiovanni Designs and constructed by Alia Yachts.

Related Yacht News

1. Italian superyacht builder BENETTI nominated for 2016 ShowBoats Design Awards in no less than 4 categories ( superyacht-builderbenetti-nominatedfor-2016showboats-designawards-in-no-lessthan-4-categories) 2. A remarkable list of ShowBoats Design Awards 2016 Finalists ( list-showboatsdesign-awards2016-finalists) 3. NEW 34m Superyacht SOLIS by Mulder Shipyard among ShowBoats Design Awards 2016 Finalists ( superyacht-solismulder-shipyardshowboats-designawards-2016finalists) 4. Two Superyachts by Gulf Craft among ShowBoats Design Awards 2016 Finalists ( superyachts-bygulf-craft-amongshowboats-designawards-2016finalists) 5. Take a look at 2nd Monaco Yacht Show 2015 Awards Winners ( monaco-yachtshow-2015-awardswinners)

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2016 ShowBoats Design Awards Winners Announced — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

24/02/16 10:57

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( 47m Heesen RUYA

Interior Layout & Design Award – Motor Yacht Above 500 GT Winner: SAVANNAH, boasting exterior styling by SG Design and constructed by Feadship. Interior Layout & Design Award Winner: NIKATA with exterior styling by Nauta Design, built by Baltic Yachts Naval Architecture Award – Displacement Motor Yacht Below 500GT Winner: RUYA with interior by Sorgiovanni Design and constructed by Alia Yachts. Naval Architecture Award – Displacement Motor Yacht Above 500GT Winner: MADAME KATE ( constructed by Amels ( with naval architecture by Amels and Damen Group (


Naval Architecture Award – Semi-displacement Motor Yacht Winner: IRON MAN ( with naval architecture by Azimut Benetti Spa and constructed by Benetti ( sub=benetti) Shipyard

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2016 ShowBoats Design Awards Winners Announced — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

24/02/16 10:57

( Fast Displacement IRON MAN – Photo credit Quin BISSET

Naval Architecture Award – Sailing Yacht joint Winner: NIKATA with exterior styling by Nauta Design and built by Baltic Yachts Naval Architecture Award – Sailing Yacht joint Winner: TOPAZ ( with naval architecture by Andre Hoek ( to original lines by Frank Paine (, constructed by Holland Jachtbouw (

( 147m Topaz by Lurssen

Holistic Design Award – Motor Yacht Winner: SAVANNAH with exterior styling by SG Design built by Feadship Holistic Design Award – Sailing Yacht Winner: NIKATA with exterior styling by Nauta Design and built by Baltic Yachts Young Designer of the Year Award Winner: Cercio by – a student from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. 45-metre motor yacht, designed to entertain the guests of a female Italian fashion designer.

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Benetti Crystal 140 M/Y MR D Will Make Her U.S. Debut | Arch / Interior | DesignTrends

Benetti Crystal 140 to Debut At 2016 Yachts Miami Beach Show Arch / Interior (





The Benetti Crystal 140 is a new boat in the Benetti Class Range. Such boats are best suited for those individuals who know the art of deriving pleasure from a slow


The boats are characterized by the presence of light, transparent, enhancement of spaces. esigntrendscom)

The boat has the security of displacement hull that has a number of interesting features. The gentle navigation of the full creates few waves.

19/02/16 15:15

Roger Persson Creates Furniture for Swedese (http://www.designt interior/seating( will be persson-forsystem-by-rogerReplaced by Haworth swedese.html) persson-forTompkins to Rebuild swedese.html) Brighton Seafront (http://www.designt ( interior/gehry-willDisc-shaped diffuser be-replaced-bybe-replaced-byin Front’s Plane Lam haworthhaworthfor Zero tompkins.html) tompkins.html) (http://www.designt interior/fronts-plane ( interior/frontsHistoric Montreal plane-lamp-forHome Renovated by zero.html) Architecture Open Form (http://www.designt ( House montreal-home.htm montrealTransformed into Eye home.html) Catching Building (http://www.designt interior/architecture (“Shotgun Chamelon” into-eye-catchinghouseby Houston Architec transformed-into- building.html) (http://www.designt eye-catchinginterior/shotgunbuilding.html) style-house.html) (

Designs Rejected for being too Contemporary! (http://www.designt interior/architecture ( Memorial emin-residence.html plans-for-traceyIn Bologna Square by eminSET Architects residence.html) (http://www.designt interior/holocaust( memorial.html) Parisian Printing memorial.html) Place Transformed into a Cycling Studio (http://www.designt interior/das-studio( transforms-parisianThe Port Center by printing-place.html) transformsC.F Moller Architect parisian-printing(http://www.designt place.html) interior/architecture port-center-by-c-f( house in port-center-by-c-f- architect.html) Turkey Saves More mollerthan 90% in Energy architect.html) Use (http://www.designt ( 1 di 2

Benetti Crystal 140 M/Y MR D Will Make Her U.S. Debut | Arch / Interior | DesignTrends

19/02/16 15:15

The interiors of the boat have a number of fascinating features: redistribution of space that exploits the hull volume; four decks in the interior which are fully liveable; spaces for socializing and zones with maximum privacy.

Out of the numerous innovations, the stern area is totally dedicated to a beach area devoid of any mechanical equipment. It is fitted with a bathroom, shower, gallery, fridge and armchairs.


By Design Trends (


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Benetti announces sale of 70-metre Project 169

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Benetti announces sale of 70-metre Project 169 FEBRUARY 26, 2016


The sale of Project 169 follows a strong 2015 for the yard.

Italian yard Benetti has announced the sale of a 70-metre superyacht, yard number FB270, known as Project 169. The design is a result of the in-house team at Benetti along with considerable input from the owner and his personal design team. “Benetti has consolidated its reputation as a reference point for all those owners with vast experience in the yachting market – as with the Owner of Project 169 – that turn to us with very special requests for specific designs based on his long standing yachting experience, never compromising the highest levels of operation and performance,” says Fabio Ermetto, CCO of Benetti. “This is – in addition – the result of our consolidated financial strength developed through the years by earning the trust of clients around the globe.” Project FB270 is the seventh contract for a superyacht over 50-metre signed in the last 12 months at the Italian yard. The post Benetti announces sale of 70-metre Project 169 ( appeared first on SuperYacht World (



CCN announces sale of 50-metr…

The announcement comes only a month after …

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