Polish market No.8 / 227/2015

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Polish Market :: 8 (227) /2015

PU B LISHED SIncE 199 6 No. 8 (227) /2015 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl


The Medical Center "Skałka" in Bukowno The Medical Center "Skałka" ooers residence for geriatric patients. The Medical and Nursery Centre, the Senior Home, as well the Ambulatory Care Specialist Centre are staaed by doctors from Silesia's and Małopolska's renowned clinics in the following areas of specialisation:

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The Medical Center "Skałka" ul. Kolejowa 28, 32-332 Bukowno phone: 32 611 56 38


M U  W   .   .   .  /  


Prof. Jerzy Buzek, President of the Council of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology; Innovation is in all of us. It is in all of those who feel the responsibility for that change for the better.


Prof. Ryszard Pregiel, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (PIG ZT); Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology Special place among NGOs


Piotr Grzegorz Woźniak, Vice-Chair of the Administrative Board of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER); There are no renewable Energy sources available yet which would allow to generate unsubsidised energy

15 16 18

Maciej Bando, President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE); More attractive offers for customers

Prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Social Council for National Emissions Reduction Programme; We need a fundamental change


Michał Ajchel, Board Member, Chamber of Industrial Energetics and Energy Customers, Vice President and Board Member of IFIEC Europe; We must make our voice heard by international institutions

24 26

Strategies for Central European chemical sector are shaped in Poland

Science and business lead to new technologies Management Engineers 60 years of Polish nuclear science 40-year-old Maria reactor gaining in attractiveness Business Innovation Awards handed out! Prof. Piotr Wolański, Chairman of the Committee on Space Research; Priority: develop domestic industries to make them more competitive


Artur Czeszejko-Sochacki, President of RoboKopter Technologies Sp. z o.o.; Quadcopters & Octocopters


Zygmunt Grajkowski, Managing Partner in Giza Polish Ventures and Maciej Sadowski, CEO in Startup Hub Poland; Fashion for start ups!

Aleksander Sobolewski, Director of the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal; The company comes first Maciej Proliński; How to manage innovation? Maciej Proliński; Paths towards innovation

44 46 48

The Prix Galien “…not even knowing what you have yourself”

52 54 56 58 59

Prof. Janusz Dyduch, President of the Polish Association of Transport Engineers and Technicians (SITK); The projects undertaken should be comprehensive in nature

International relations





34 35 36 37 38 39

NEUF 2015 A time for Energy transformation

Małgorzata Skucha, President of the Management Board of The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management; Energy efficiency and renewables in NFEPWM strategy

Chemical Industry


Maciej H. Grabowski, Minister of the Environment; From Warsaw to Paris and how Warsaw COP shaped climate negotiations

Innovation in medicine


Our Guest


The Polpharma Scientific Foundation has again awarded the best researchers Prof. Marek Krawczyk, Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw (WUM); Innovation is part of the medical profession’s ethos

10 years of Polish Association of Building Managers ERBUD 25 years in the construction business Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik, Deputy Minister of the Economy; We are constantly looking FOR attractive markets The Chinese tour of Europe begins in Poland

26th edition of European Medals Maciej Proliński; Quality the foundation of the Polish economy More than 500 summ er camps for children from orphanages Derby Gala at Służewiec racetrack in Warsaw Tomasz Półgrabski, President of PL.2012+; A showpiece of modern Poland US companies awarded! Cultural Monitor Maciej Proliński; Kings of flesh and blood Maciej Proliński; Casanova in beautiful period decorations Promoting genuine talents Economic Monitor

Photos on issue: www.shutterstock.com



Events Culture

60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 81

DTP: Godai Studio www.godai.pl

President: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

Writers/Editors: Maciej Proliński, Jan Sosna, Sylwia Wesołowska- Betkier, Grażyna Śleszyńska, Janusz Korzeń, Jerzy Bojanowicz, Janusz Turakiewicz,

Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła

Contributors: Agnieszka Turakiewicz

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In search of energy balance


n its June report, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) lowered its 2016 global economic growth forecast from 3.9% to 3.8%, while raising the forecast regarding Poland from 3.5% to 3.7%. The government assumptions for the 2016 state budget provide for the growth rate of 3.8%, but the Polish Ministry of the Economy announced the rate will already be attained in 2015. This optimism is confirmed by GUS (with GDP at 3.6% in Q2 2015), as well as the European Commission’s decision releasing Poland from the excessive debt procedure. Standard & Poor’s has confirmed Poland’s high credit rating, increasing the country’s rating outlook from stable to positive, which means that the likelihood of Poland’s rating going up within the next two years is 1:3. In its commentary for the frontal Polish economic newspaper “Puls Biznesu,” S&P emphasises that standards developed by the Polish economy ensure its stability and predictability, even in the election year. What secures the prospect of continued growth is the strong diversification of the economy - the fact that it is based on many sectors. This path needs to be pursued, without risky experiments and structural changes being needed. This enthusiastic assessment of Poland’s economic condition finds understanding and approval neither in public debate amid election campaigns - regional, presidential and the ongoing parliamentary - nor in public opinion polls. This is an obvious sign that the coming years will not be a simple continuation of the existing trends in the Polish economy and state intervention will increase. There is a long list of challenges to be confronted by successive Polish governments. The question comes first of how to replace low labour costs as a competitiveness factor of Polish production, Polish exports and Polish investment location. This is of course mainly a matter of domestic politics and of little interest to our foreign partners and observers. But the future is also about the revision of our policies that are of vital interest to our European partners. A flagship example of these is the energy, climate and sustainable development policy. The European Union has for many years ambitiously aspired to global leadership in this field, and it turned out that it has been fighting for its own security, and not least regarding energy. “Greening the economy” became one of Poland’s priorities shortly after the market transformation started in 1990. Over the next two decades, Poland deserved the world championship in terms of the commitments made in Kyoto - we managed to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 1/3, while some of our European mentors did actually let it run up. We reduced dust emissions and water pollution; we are implementing a policy of protection and improvement of forest resources covering 1/3 of the country’s territory; we have established 994 protected areas “Natura 2000” occupying 20% of ​​ the country. All the EU environmental standards have been incorporated to Polish law. In the 2007-2013 financial period, Almost EUR 38 billion has been invested under the Regional Programme Infrastructure and Environment, including for the construction of water and sewer networks and wastewater treatment plants. The EU is the only region in the world that has adopted a mandatory system of CO2 emissions trading (ETS) in the quest to force European manufacturers to abandon carbon-intensive technologies. The Polish energy sector, which is 95% based on coal and lignite combustion, fell victim to this mechanism. According to Switzerland’s UBS Investment Research, the EU ETS has cost USD 287 billion so far, and had an “almost zero impact” on the volume of overall emissions in the European Union. It is like throwing rubbish on your neighbour’s property. In addition, EU ETS has proved to be criminogenic, giving rise to at least EUR 7 billion worth of fraud in the years 2008-2010 alone. Another problem is the huge political and social costs of restructuring the Polish energy sector that the country was (and still is) not prepared to incur and compensate in crisis times. There is also the issue of security. Despite having no alternative energy sources, Poland would resist dependence on Russian gas imports, complied with by many of its European partners. Recent political developments - the annexation of the Crimea and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine - proved us right. Europe’s energy security turned out to be the crucial problem, shedding new light on the EU climate policy. Will these experiences pave the way for a reset in Polish-EU economic relations as far as this sensitive issue is concerned? Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President of Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

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Prime Minister

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6/2015  polish market


From Warsaw to Paris and how Warsaw COP shaped climate negotiations Maciej H. Grabowski, Minister of the Environment

Our Guest


n November 2013 Poland hosted annual climate negotiations summit otherwise called as COP. The meeting exceeded most expectations. Not only in Poland but globally. We can proudly say that Polish hospitality delivered a true miracle where countries from around the globe agreed fundaments of a new global climate agreement. A miracle that the international community have been using in the run-up to the most crucial point in the history of climate policy – the Paris COP, where the global deal should finally be concluded.

Unexpected twist in Warsaw At the COP in Warsaw we laid a solid foundation for the global climate agreement. Despite difficult negotiations and the deficit of trust in the process before Warsaw, as the Polish Presidency we managed to achieve three key political goals we set for ourselves. First, we agreed the roadmap to Paris, including a timetable for next steps needed to reach the agreement in 2015 and this roadmap proved to be fit for purpose. Second, we managed to restore trust in the global process. Even today we still receive much praise from a number of parties for transparency and openness. The way we conducted the process brought new quality to these negotiations and certainly contributed to pushing them forward. Third, we adopted 38 decisions in Warsaw, significantly advancing many important cases. These points are clear indicators of success, however one detailed outcome of Warsaw deserves more explanation. In Warsaw, all Parties agreed to initiate or intensify domestic preparations for their “nationally determined contributions”, a phrase carefully coined to replace the word “commitment” as a common denominator for the developing and the developed countries. It was a difficult compromise set in order to keep all Parties at the table. It was also a clever move to ensure the global deal will apply to all with everyone determining their own “contribution” to the global struggle for better climate. In Warsaw the traditionally top-down approach with targets set for some countries and fixed in the legal text was revolutionised in a true Copernican style. From this meeting onwards, global climate negotiations under the UN umbrella are understood as a bounded bottom-up process with a key feature of self-differentiation an amazing and unexpected result for a supposedly low-profile COP in Warsaw. Another important point of Warsaw meeting was the decision to work on the information that countries should provide together with their “contributions”. It is invaluable because to know our progress in fighting climate change we need to know what we deliver together as the world community. For that we should have knowledge how to understand each other’s contributions and be able to add them up. Agreeing this process in detail later in Lima was an important step.

Scheduled rehearsal in Lima Before “the national contributions” started to appear from the first quarter of 2015, we had an important meeting on the road to Paris. The COP in Lima held in December 2014 was a difficult and gruesome affair with many parties already positioning themselves before the end game. The major achievement was agreeing on all possible elements of the negotiation text. Today, on the basis of that, we have a rich paper of 86 pages necessary to start off the last stretch of talks. In the run-up to Paris the negotiators will try to streamline options and to put everything in a shorter and more digestible form but the challenge was shaped for us then and there. Arriving at the deal in Paris will not be easy. It will not happen before Paris. And the final hours of negotiations may not be pretty. There is one and clear reason for all of that. For everyone it is simply too much at stake.

Not the last tango in Paris The final negotiating session in Paris will take place in December. So we have less than six months before the new global deal is hammered out. Some countries already showed their hand ahead of Paris agreeing internally and publishing their intended “contributions”. Among them was the EU as a whole promising a 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions towards 2030 against 1990 year baseline. Other important players stating their intentions were the US, Canada, Russia and Mexico. Still before Paris, China, Japan and South Korea should also declare their intended share of burden. However, we already know that some parties will only present their contributions during the Paris summit itself adding complexity to the talks. The time is of the essence but such important agreement like this one cannot be rushed at the expense of quality. We do realise this and more and more parties realise this. Therefore a possible outcome of Paris is a deal to jointly fight climate change aiming for limiting the global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius. And then, because this new global deal will only enter into force in 2020, we will have time to fill its framework out with some meaty details over the next years. Paris is not the end of the road but certainly the beginning of its end. I’m really glad that we prepared very good plans for this road in Warsaw and I hope the Polish role in facilitating the first truly global climate agreement will be remembered. •

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Our Guest


is in all of us. It is in all of those who feel the responsibility for that change for the better. Prof. Jerzy Buzek, President of the Council of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology


oday, we are the people most responsible for what Poland will become in 15 years. We entered NATO and the EU respectively 10 and 15 years after we had decided to do so. So now, let us define a plan, a much more difficult plan, for the next 15 years. Since 2014, I have been Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and the Conference of Committee Chairs at the European Parliament, and I think it is in this committee that issues crucial for all Europeans will be decided: energy, digitisation, industrial modernisation and research, and so I feel a kind of naturally responsible for defining our strategic objectives for the coming years. What are these goals? In 15 years’ time, the entire EU, and Poland in particular, just have to land on another planet, which will represent a completely different economic level. Innovation is such a shabby term, that it is hard to use it here today. Let us all look for some other, better term. I am calling this ‘landing on another planet’. This process is about making sure that what scientists do will be taken over by the Polish industry, for example small and medium-sized enterprises, and that we turn it into modern technological solutions. Otherwise, we risk being caught in a middle-income trap. We who have gathered in this room have the responsibility to convince those who govern to get out of this trap! This is also a completely different way of thinking, also on a daily basis. A huge modernisation effort lies ahead. Two countries, symbolic for us, failed to get out of this trap. I mean Spain and Portugal. Five years ago, as President of the European

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Parliament, I witnessed their great joy. They celebrated for a few days. They celebrated their 25 years in the EU. Two years later, youth unemployment reached 60% in Spain... So quickly did the bubble burst of unsuccessful and extremely costly investments paid for with EU money. Spanish highways end somewhere in the middle of the Pyrenees, because the French, on the other side, never had the intention to build highways. Then, the airports. Spain has more airports than Germany... I like to repeat that investments are not just concrete, asphalt, but skills, creating better conditions on the job market. In this matter, it is worth learning from the experience of other countries, namely Finland and Ireland, which overcame the middle-income trap. What matters is, first and foremost, education. New, restarted, including education for innovation starting as early as the first year of primary school. We must learn to think together, also when it comes to spending EU money, with a greater emphasis on our minds than on infrastructure. Yet another thing is civil society. You cannot do it the way President Medvedev told me a few years ago: “We will organise a new Russia. In the 10 hubs where we will develop innovation.” “It means that you have no idea about innovation,” I answered him. Yes. Because innovation is in all of us. In all our municipalities and counties. It is in all of those who feel the responsibility for that change for the better. If only we have one goal – ‘landing on another planet’!” • Excerpt from the speech delivered at the General Meeting of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (PIGZT), 22 June 2015.

Our Guest

Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology

Special place among NGOs Prof. Ryszard Pregiel, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (PIGZT)


he Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology occupies a special place among NGOs. It is the country’s only chamber of commerce that brings together stakeholders from all the areas the cooperation between which determines the real progress of modern

industry: high-tech companies, universities and research institutes, banks and capital funds. While creating significant opportunities, this also means shared responsibility for effective cooperation between science and business. The importance of the Chamber is reflected in the fact that the Minister of Infrastructure and Development appointed its representative to the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Programme Smart Growth for 2014-2020. Established in 2008 by 114 founders, the Chamber’s main statutory objective is the stimulation of knowledge-based entrepreneurship and comprehensive assistance to its members in achieving commercial success of their innovative projects in the field of advanced technologies. Over these 7 years, we have taken a lot of activities. We have systematically participated in the work of parliamentary committees, advisory teams working with ministries of the economy, infrastructure and development, and science and higher education, as well as task forces operating under the European Commission. In the course of this work we presented a lot of opinions and tabled a number of proposals for and comments on the draft legislation making part of the package of laws preparing the ground for the reform of Polish science, as well as on the Act on Certain Forms of Support for Innovative Activity. A number of our proposals have been adopted and entered into laws. An important element of our business has always been advisory. For the past seven

years, we have provided public assistance and commercial services for a total value of nearly PLN 30 million. We helped set up 67 startups for 504 high-tech companies. By creating important cluster initiatives, namely two technology platforms - photonics and microelectronics - and two scientific-industrial clusters: Silesian Cluster of Nanotechnology and Cluster of New Manufacturing Technologies, we embarked on a real, material mission of connecting the worlds of Polish science and Polish business. Our most important tasks for the future include: First, extending cooperation between entrepreneurs and scientific units. A great assignment, indeed! Second, streamlining deployments and transfers; here we are very hopeful to cooperate with the Agency for Industrial Development. Third, research into promising technologies, international cooperation, outreach and training. Finally, something invaluable, though ignored by many in Poland, namely personal contacts. There is no good business without personal contacts, for example, between rectors of universities and entrepreneurs. As my term of office is coming to an end, I would like to thank Prof. Jerzy Buzek, members of the Chamber’s Board and Council, and finally all members of the Chamber for fruitful cooperation. For persevering, consistent work for the benefit of the Polish innovative economy. • Excerpt from the speech delivered at the General Meeting of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (PIGZT), 22 June 2015.

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There are no renewable energy sources available yet which would allow to generate unsubsidised energy Piotr Grzegorz Woźniak, Vice-Chair of the Administrative Board of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), talks to Marcin Haber about the ACER’s mission, the situation of the Polish energy sector and the future of shale gas. 12  polish market


You are a board member of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). What does ACER do, what is its mission? ACER is a cooperation platform bringing together EU energy regulators. Its most important task, in addition to the implementation of the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT), is codification of the regulations of the Third Energy Package. As you know, the Third Energy Package provides the legal framework for the EU internal energy market. Therefore, all stakeholders, not only national regulators, consider ACER as the central institution responsible for the implementation of the natural gas and electricity wholesale markets in Europe. Its mandate was established by the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2009. ACER enjoys legal personality and has been in existence for six years now. It must be emphasised that ACER does not deal with greenhouse gas emissions or any other climate legislation. It is not an “EU regulator” because national regulators, such as URE in Poland, preserve their national character. However, some ACER’s decisions and opinions are binding for national regulators. The ambitious deadline for the implementation of the Third Energy Package, set for the end of 2014, was met by ACER. All tasks have been completed on the part of ACER and individual regulations will take effect according to deadlines agreed upon with all market participants. Sixteen network codes have been enacted for electricity and natural gas, unifying and harmonising energy regulations so that the EU single internal energy market can further develop. The last two codes that are still waiting for final approval from the European Commission are the Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures for Gas and the Network Code on Emergency and Restoration. It can therefore be concluded that the legal framework governing operations on the electricity and natural gas wholesale markets is almost ready. The internal, single and harmonised energy market in Europe is a fact. We will be able to assess its efficiency only in one-two years’ time, but I am sure that energy consumers will observe tangible benefits. However, the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) - providing for permanent monitoring, detection and elimination of abuse in the wholesale of electricity and natural gas - is still under implementation. It is scheduled to pm

be fully implemented by April 2016. REMIT is extremely important to guarantee confidence in all energy transactions executed on regulated markets: power exchanges and electricity and natural gas trading platforms. The risk of manipulation, particularly in prices, is high due to large volumes of contracts. It is estimated that ACER will monitor every day, in real time, about 500,000 transactions in electricity, natural gas and derivatives. The IT infrastructure covering all regulated markets has been put in place and checked. The online operating system has successfully passed the tests. Once the implementation of the transaction monitoring is accomplished, we will be certain that the EU internal energy market operates on solid foundations. ACER is a body national regulators from all EU countries are obliged to cooperate with. Any code, before coming into force, is designed in cooperation with all, with no exception, national energy regulators, operators and producers. The process begins with the framework guidelines proposed by ACER, and is followed by a string of tedious and painstaking multilateral arrangements, backed up with written analyses and simulations. The procedure takes from 2 to 7 months. In the end, each code is submitted to the European Commission for approval. If not adopted in the first reading, it is re-directed to ACER and amended in the course of successive approximations. If adopted, then, after approval in the process of “comitology”, it is published in the EU Official Journal and comes into force. That was the case of the fourteen codes I mentioned above. The two remaining codes are still being amended. This involves a huge amount of work. Multinational working groups have had meetings almost daily for 5 years. This type of work can be compared to attempts to codify and standardise not only traffic rules for pedestrians and all kinds of vehicles, but also travel costs and prices around the world. It is a difficult job to do in a short time. Just compare it with the pace of codification of the construction law or the tax law in Poland! What is your idea to solve the problem Poland is faced with –increasing the share of renewable energy sources, while sticking to coal? Optimistically, I can say that the problem will be solved, because it has to be. Life without electricity will never be possible because its use has become a civilisational must. Another question, at issue for a mere pm

two decades, is the choice of energy sources. The concept of “clean coal” is extremely misleading. In the process of burning, hard coal, brown coal or peat, will always be highly emissive sources, and therefore will leave the ecological footprint. Moreover, the opponents extend the anathema to all fossil fuels, demanding their absolute and immediate elimination. I do not believe in a swift transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources. In my opinion, in Europe we came under the illusion that such a deep transformation can be made within one generation. This is not a rational perspective. Of course highly developed economies can afford costly experimenting with transforming conventional energy generation into one based on renewables. But even such a schematic image has its nuances. In Germany, which is the avant-garde of the shift towards the green economy, over 2,300 MW of coalfired generation capacity have been put into service and connected to the national power grid in the last three years; further units are under construction. Personally, I think that coal and renewable energy sources are not always in direct competition. However, it is difficult to assess it objectively because, outside biomass co-firing, there are no renewable energy sources available yet which would allow to generate unsubsidised energy. And what about shale gas? Not so long ago, it was said to be the future of the Polish power industry. Please note that not only Poland is concerned. In 2011, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released a special report which predicted that natural gas, mainly due to unconventional (including shale) deposits, will provide fuel supplies for the coming decades and that it will serve as a bridge between fossil fuels to renewables. Gas is indeed low-emissive (CO2 emissions are twice less than with coal), it is usually not sulphated and does not release heavy metals or dust. Thus, it is more easily acceptable for climate protection supporters. So far, the IEA forecast has proved accurate only in North America: in the US, Canada and soon in Mexico. For the past 8 years, Americans have been impressively efficient in improving methods for extracting shale gas. In the US and Canada oil and gas extraction volumes are benchmarked by the so-called “rig count” - an index of the total number of oil and gas drillings. The rig count is an important signal for investors. In a nutshell, if the number of rigs increases, it means that pm

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Our Guest

the sector is growing and worth investing in. If, on the other hand, it drops, it means that the output decreases and the sector is not attractive to invest. Since recently, quite an unprecedented phenomenon has been observed. This year (up to June), the number of rigs in North America has fallen by 53% compared to last year. Yet, despite the number of drillings having dropped by more than half, the oil and gas production from unconventional sources is on the increase. This is thanks to an improved exploration and production technology. Previously, usually one vertical and one or two horizontal wells were drilled to allow hydraulic fracturing and retrieve gas. Since last year the practice of drilling multiple horizontal wells from one vertical well has been commonplace. This saves time and reduces costs. Gas production increases despite a radical decrease in the amount of vertical drillings. As a result, output from one rig is greater than it was from several rigs before. Therefore, the rig count can be shelved, as it ceased to be a good investing benchmark. What is the situation in Poland? Almost all foreign investors pulled out. Domestic companies - PGNiG SA, Orlen Upstream Sp. z o.o. and Lotos SA - keep prospecting, but even they slowed down. This year, no more than a few drillings are to be expected for the purpose of prospecting and exploration of shale gas and tight gas. Over the period of eight years, a mere 70 drillings have been made. It is less than in the US and Canada per day. Certainly, we have in Europe much higher, even prohibitive, environmental standards and a bit more challenging geological and mining conditions than in America. It should be noted, however, that due to an extremely sudden and profound drop in the price of oil and gas, investment is cut everywhere in the world, except for North America, in prospecting for both unconventional and conventional deposits. We have in Poland Europe’s largest and most promising shale resources and we just have to wait out the economic downturn till the mining industry gets adapted to new market conditions. In my opinion, the adaptation period will last no longer than 4-5 years. pm

So we will give up on shale? If the question concerns the government’s policy, please refer to somewhere else, because I ceased to understand it some time ago. On the other hand, I believe that regardless of pm

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We have in Poland Europe’s largest and most promising shale resources and we just have to wait out the economic downturn till the mining industry gets adapted to new market conditions. the bureaucratic whims, it is necessary, and even for a high price, to maintain investments in the hydrocarbon sector. As you know, following the example of Norway, the Netherlands and Denmark, I strived to establish in Poland the national operator of fossil fuels. These three countries are Europe’s only net exporters of natural gas produced from their own deposits. State shareholders which are partners for the private sector in each oil and gas bed have been successfully operating in these countries for more than 50 years. Likewise, the state operator in Poland was supposed to be a company empowered to invest state capital, on the same market conditions as private ventures, in hydrocarbon concessions. It would divide profits as much as it

would bear inherent risks and costs, both in times of prosperity and recession. It was a proposal suitable for each global economic situation. In Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway, the mining of hydrocarbons has not decreased in the last two years, despite the extremely low prices of oil and gas. All these three countries have maintained their investment levels mostly thanks to their state operators having stakes in mining concessions. Therefore, the decision abandoning the establishment of the national operator in Poland, which coincided with the downturn in the global oil and gas sector, prevented foreign investors from continuing work in Poland. They moved into the regions where regulatory regimes provide for the state shareholder to incur greater cost of investment risk. They chose countries where the state is an actual and not seeming administrator of its deposits and, if necessary, can (though does not have to) increase its stake in the concessions threatened by collapse. It must be remembered that all hydrocarbon deposits in Europe are the property of the state where they were discovered and are nowhere privately owned. It is also worth recalling that the exploration and production of hydrocarbons is an industry governed under an extraordinary regime in the European Union. On the basis of the Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, public aid for this sector is practically unlimited, something Denmark, the Netherlands and – outside the EU – Norway take advantage of. This is in stark contrast with other industries in Europe, especially clearly with the coal mining industry. According to the project which I proposed, but which was rejected, the state operator would always hold a 5% stake. It was furthermore supposed to invest 5% of costs and then draw 5% of profits, but if necessary and with the consent of the partners to the concession, it would be able to increase the stake as needed. Under the present-time conditions, state aid would maintain participation by investors without recourse to extraordinary solutions. The institution clearly lacked of such a national operator, which was intended to be a tool stabilising the position of Polish investors engaged in hydrocarbon concessions. I am an optimist by nature, so I hope that we will see regulations matching European models. •


Observations on the energy market, possible challenges and expectations ahead of it, seen from the perspective of the national regulator.

Maciej Bando, President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE)


RE’s President consistently pursues a mission to ensure the balance of interests of the energy market participants, a mission that obeys to such basic principles as energy security, highly competitive economy and sustainable development. Hence an increase in market liquidity is an important trend from the point of view of the national regulator. Until the obligation of public trade of electricity was imposed on generators, it was traded mostly within the capital groups of generators, which was the main cause of the restricted competition. Starting from 2010, the wholesale electricity market has seen a dynamic growth in trading on the power exchange. Changing the structure of the electricity trading from bilateral transactions to transactions made on a transparent and liquid power exchange testifies to the fact that the electricity market is becoming more mature and competitive. Changes on the wholesale market and on the retail market have influenced trade dynamics. A clear upward trend in the number of alternative sellers can be observed in the trading segment – they were about 100 in 2014, i.e. about 20 more than a year earlier. The increase in the number of active sellers does not only boost competition, but above all encourages sellers to develop new products and more and more attractive offers for customers. Unfortunately, a large number of competing sellers carries with

More at t r a c t i v e offers for c u s to m e r s

it certain risks connected with the temptation to take shortcuts to win customers. URE is already receiving complaints about unfair commercial practices used by some sellers. In such cases, URE takes steps in close cooperation with the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK). Market development and some moves of the sellers demonstrate the need to step up efforts to raise customer awareness and improve access to information on how to switch sellers. In recent years, the Polish electricity market is increasingly considered in the international, especial EU context. Integration of the EU electricity markets is becoming a fact; the construction of new cross-border interconnections, as well as development and implementation of network codes fulfill the idea of ​​the common market. For several years, a tendency has also been apparent to ensure transparency in the wholesale electricity market. The Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT), which entered into force in 2011, imposes on the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) many obligations in terms of monitoring of the wholesale markets, detecting and counteracting manipulation and manipulation attempts on these markets, and preventing the use of inside information.

To make this possible, REMIT obliges the wholesale market participants, including transmission system operators, to provide ACER with records of their wholesale market transactions and imposes a number of reporting obligations on them. TSOs will be required to disclose inside information, i.e. information relevant to the capacity and use of facilities for production, storage, consumption or transmission of electricity or natural gas or related to the capacity and use of LNG facilities, including planned or unplanned unavailability of these facilities. Inside information should be published in a timely and efficient manner, which means it should be complete and reach the widest possible audience. In view of the changes taking place in the electricity sector and around it, URE is working on laying down new rules to regulate the energy distribution sector for the next several years, starting from 2016. The main objective of the qualitative regulation of distributors is to increase the quality of services by reducing power outages, faster connecting new customers and more efficient service switching. The changes in the regulations for grid companies, in addition to improving the quality and reliability for customers, should result in innovative solutions aimed at optimising investments, i.e. minimising costs while achieving the desired quality of energy supply. •

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NEUF 2015

A time for energy transformation On 26 June 2015, the Ministry of the Economy hosted the 11th International Conference NEUF 2015 titled “Transformation of the Polish economy through the energy and industry sectors - efficiency, productivity and social dialogue.” The participants of the discussions talked about the results of the development policies in the energy and industrial sectors as they have been to date, about the necessary investments and ways to initiate, support and implement them, and last but not least, about the technologies driving development and innovation.

Witold Jerzy Pietrewicz, Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Economy, opened the conference


itold Jerzy Pietrewicz, Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Economy, opened the conference with a remark that could well be a summary of all the exchanges that followed - during panels debates and in the sidelines: “As citizens, we expect cheap energy and better living standards. As entrepreneurs, we expect access to resources at competitive prices, we expect an efficient and well-tuned economy.” Continuing, he added: “Here we are, after 25 years of building a market economy - a period we called a transformation. After these 25 years, the conference title beginning with the words ‘transformation of the Polish energy sector’ is somewhat provocative, because

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making such a fundamental point may suggest that while the economic transformation was seen through to completion, this is not necessarily true of the energy transformation.” The first panel debate, which was supposed to highlight issues such as market liberalisation, cross-border energy links and competitiveness, outlined the general direction essentially followed by the whole conference. Prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Secretary General of the Public Board for Sustainable Energy Development under the auspices of the Minister of Economy, said: “Deep down, we all feel that we are on the eve of changes. We are changing two building blocks of the economic development, which are well known to all of us, as they are the building blocks of the past 25 years. The first one, making for our competitive advantage, is the paradigm of cheap labour. We did it cheaper because manpower costs were less. The second one is about large amounts of cheap energy. It remains to be discussed with environmentalists whether this paradigm of cheapness was objective.” Małgorzata Mika-Brylska, Deputy Director of the Energy Department in the Ministry of the Economy, approached the issue from the point of view of administration: “I think that the direction we should follow was clearly stated when we signed the EU Accession Treaty in 2004. We will pursue the economic and social policies that will allow to build an open and competitive economy and raise social prosperity. This direction still holds; we need to catch up with the EU average.” Thus, the Ministry of the Economy conveys a clear message: an adequate development of the energy sector will go hand in hand with the sustainable development of other sectors.

The subsequent discussions addressed the ideas for encouraging innovation and improving safety in the energy industry. Ways were discussed on how to operate a smooth transition from coal-based energy to renewable energy. The aim of this year’s NEUF conference was to reflect on the changes to be made to the Polish economy, which will result in a significant increase in energy efficiency. Panelists also discussed the prospects for boosting production, transmission and distribution capacities, for increasing security of supply and thereby the country’s energy security and the energy comfort of customers. Through its political, economic and business aspects, the transformation is expected to support the creation of strong companies that will make for the sustainable economic development of the country and enhance competitiveness on the EU common market. If left unresponded, these challenges may, among other things, undermine the security of supply and inhibit investment capacity. The conference participants agreed that the experiences of the European countries that have already embarked on a radical reform of their energy and industrial sectors (including the United Kingdom, Germany and Norway) show that the most effective way to improve efficiency is boosting competition and innovation. Transformation of the economy is a difficult job, whose success depends on many factors. It should be economically justified and socially acceptable. Moreover, it should be carried out with a special consideration of the interests of citizens, while complying with the requirements arising from the EU regulations. •


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We need a fundamental


Prof. Krzysztof Żmijewski, Social Council for National Emissions Reduction Programme talks to Marcin Haber.

Speaking at NEUF 2015, you said that we are on the eve of a great transformation of the energy sector. What did you mean? Poland’s economic development over the past 25 years – something one can hardly deny - was based on two main pillars: cheap labour force and cheap energy. This allowed us to compete on world markets, expand exports, compete with imported products. It was quite effective in terms of GDP growth. However, as one of the pillars I mentioned was cheap labour, the GDP growth did not translate into social acceptance. It is hardly imaginable for ordinary people to accept development which de facto passes by without benefiting them directly. Although the economy as such was growing, private budgets remained unchanged. The paradigm of cheap energy ceased to hold true 4 years ago, as disparity widened between the price of coal and the cost of its production. Such data features in the Restructuring Programme of Hard Coal Mining, so it has been approved by the government. We have come up to the point where it is no longer possible to follow the existing schemes. Coal prices are below mining costs but above the cost of European ARA index. This is evidenced especially when the coal price is calculated in PLN per gigajoule and not in PLN per tonne. pm

What can we do about this? You say that we need some change... It is not some change that we need. We need a fundamental or even drastic change. This is not to warn that we are about to step into a breach, this is to inform that we have just done so. Now you have to do whatever pm

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possible to get out of it. I am an optimist and I believe that if we get down to work, we will manage. However, there is one condition: this has to be done in the sweat of our brows and not in the sweat of our muscles, using our brains and not physical force. And speaking a more modern language, the focus in on choosing quality rather than cheapness. Quality means new technologies, so deployments and not ideas being deployed, operational innovation and not patents. But quality is also about design and work organisation. Retrospectively, it would be a revolution like the one Japan went through in the mid-1950s. Before the revolution, Japanese products were synonymous with rubbish, whereas today they are considered to be the world’s premiere league in terms of reliability and technological advancement. You are saying that we need a drastic change, but do our political leaders share this belief ? This belief is not commonplace - some have it, some do not. Witold Jerzy Pietrewicz, Deputy Minister of the Economy, said much the same thing, in slightly different words, in his opening speech at NEUF 2015, so the Ministry of the Economy recognises the problem. Another positive example is a draft law on innovation submitted by the outgoing President. This bill has one big advantage, as it put the matter on the table. Unfortunately not approved by the Government, it showed a number of possibilities and mechanisms that had a positive bearing on the development of innovation in Poland, including the basic rule that the money spent on pm

research does not have to make a profit. Under the existing regulations, unless the money spent on research does generate ROI, the amount is subject to taxation. Is our economy ready to carry out such drastic changes in the energy sector? Is coal not going to hamper development? If the coal industry remains intact, generating an average output of 650 tonnes per mine as opposed to up to 3 times as much - nearly 2,000 tonnes per miner in private mines, then the basic theorem of the systems analysis will apply: “If you do not change anything, nothing will change.” If we keep going this way, there will be no changes. If the existing policy it maintained, coal mining will be expensive and thus energy prices will be high. This can be changed, but it is easier to see it through technologically and organisationally than socially and politically, because achieving the efficiency levels of private mines would involve slashing employment by almost half. Obviously, the rest of the staff would be then better paid and work itself would be a bit different thanks to modern technologies, but from the social point of view the idea is controversial. There is untapped potential in low-carbon technologies, but it is only under research, with some pilot projects being implemented on a very modest scale. I mean for example gasification - in the bed and on the surface - or polygeneration. These procedures may not pay off yet, but few things pay off at the beginning. To earn, • you must first invest! pm

Energy, any power, any place, any time S









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Energy efficiency and renewables in NFEPWM strategy

Małgorzata Skucha, President of the Management Board of The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

The strategy of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEPWM) for 2013-2016 with a prospect until 2020 in the area of energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources.


he National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, the largest source of environmental protection funding in Poland, provides financial support mainly for projects which help Poland meet its environmental obligations resulting from the country’s membership of the European Union. The National Fund also supports measures taken by the Minister of the Environment in fulfilling Poland’s obligations under the convention on climate change and other agreements. Under the EU’s climate and energy package, adopted in 2009, EU member states are obliged by 2020 to cut greenhouse gas emissions to 20% below the 1990 level, raise the share of renewable energy in the energy mix to 20% and increase energy efficiency by 20% relative to projections for 2020. The implementation of the EU’s resource-efficient Europe initiative and Poland’s strategy for energy efficiency and the environment enable meeting the challenges of climate and air protection. The development of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency are among high priorities of the National Fund’s tasks. What is more, compensatory payments and fines resulting from the law on energy efficiency constitute now the significant source of revenue for NFEPWM (they accounted for 24% of the Fund’s total receipts in 2014). Consequently, NFEPWM spends the largest part of its budget on initiatives and projects associated with energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The purpose of these activities is to reduce energy consumption and increase the output of renewable thermal and electric energy at the lowest possible unit cost. Programmes for the construction of new energy-efficient buildings, energy management in public buildings, energy-efficient street lighting, the construction, extension and modernization of power networks to enable connecting renewable energy

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sources, and the construction of renewable energy sources are examples of the support provided by the National Fund. In providing financial support, NFEPWM uses a range of financial instruments – like subsidies, loans and capital contributions – to maximize financial leverage by using other sources of investment funding, in particular private ones. To this end, NFEPWM focuses on increasing the share of refundable financial instruments, especially loans, in what it offers. NFEPWM caters for a wide range of beneficiaries: businesses, private individuals, public benefit organizations and local governments. There is great interest in NFEPWM’s support for Polish families. In the renewables segment, the programme of subsidies on loans for the purchase of solar collectors was a great success, as more than 67,000 households benefited from the programme. In 2011, NFEPWM received the Best Practice Certificate European Public Sector Award (EPSA) for this programme. And in June 2015, the European Commission shortlisted NFEPWM in recognition of its implementing the programme for the prestigious Sustainable Energy Europe Awards Competition. The National Fund was selected from 373 entries to become one of the three nominees in the renewable energy category. Due to the great success of the programme of loan subsidies for solar collectors, NFEPWM has launched a new programme in cooperation with banks. Called Prosument, it has a budget of PLN 800 million and is designed to support in 2014-2020 the construction of small systems for the production of renewable energy to meet the user’s own needs. In 2015-2023, NFEPWM is going to spend over PLN 5 billion to finance air protection projects (the sum covers energy efficiency and renewable projects as well for air protection ones). At the same time, in the EU’s 2014-2020 financial period NFEPWM is responsible for

the implementation of most measures in the priority axis 1 (Reduction of Emission in Economy) of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and the Environment. Support will be given to measures designed to increase efficiency in using primary energy, improve the energy efficiency of the public and residential sector, reduce the energy intensity of businesses and increase the output of renewable energy. Additionally, in order to improve efficiency in using primary energy, NFEPWM will be supporting the development of highly efficient cogeneration. The measures mentioned above are expected to ensure a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by around 2,354,000 Mg a year. Broad consultations conducted by NFEPWM are also worth noting. They include those conducted as part of the “Energy – Effect – Environment” Forum. They spur the preparation of new programme proposals and provide a platform for the exchange of experience and information about innovative technologies used on the market. In the 2012 competition of the Ministry of Regional Development, NFEPWM received an award for good practices in strategic development management in Poland. In its statutory activity, which is to finance environmental protection and water management, and in accompanying activities and work organization, NFEPWM, as a holder of the Green Office certificate, applies corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, with a special focus on social dialogue and reducing negative environmental impact. The Polish system for financing environmental protection, with good recommendations from many international institutions – OECD, World Bank and the European Commission – has become an example and inspiration for building similar economic mechanisms in other countries. •


We must make our voice heard by international institutions Michał Ajchel, Board Member, Chamber of Industrial Energetics and Energy Customers, Vice President and Board Member of IFIEC Europe What is the Chamber of Industrial Energetics and Energy Customers and what is its mission? The Chamber of Industrial Energetics and Energy Customers brings together entities dealing with generation, transmission, trade and distribution of electricity and heat. The Chamber’s tasks involve in particular representing and protecting the interests of its members. In an effort to achieve its objectives, the Chamber develops projects in support of various types of business initiatives and issues opinions on draft legislation. What represents another important aspect of its activity is improving energy efficiency and environmental protection, including through the promotion of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly equipment and technologies. The Chamber is the organiser of many meetings, consultations and fairs. Let me mention here the annual Energy Fair in Jachranka near Warsaw, whose aim is to spread knowledge about the energy market and new technologies. pm

What actions do you take to achieve these goals? What type of initiatives are you supporting? To achieve the desired goals we do our best to actively participate in many meetings, conferences, discussions and public consultations. To be effective, we engage in dialogue with opinion leaders, public administration, social and economic organisations. We try to contribute to the law-making process with respect to regulations relevant to our members. One example of such an activity can be our efforts towards ensuring the equal treatment of all producers, distributors and consumers of electricity and heat. We want to pm

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co-create the common energy market and be its active stakeholder. It is important to emphasise the need for transparent regulations, which will give a clear picture of rights and obligations. The absence of such a transparency leads to uncertainty, inhibits investment and limits the development of many sectors. The extremely stringent targets of CO2 emissions reduction have the same effect, all the more that they include process emissions. Unfortunately, attempts failed at excluding these emissions from the emissions trading scheme, even though they account for a small percentage of the total emissions covered by ETS. This is difficult to accept, because CO2 emissions are an integral part of many production processes. We certainly do understand and support the intentions of the European Commission as regards the climate policy and driving innovation. Unfortunately, reducing industrial emissions often involves the use of completely new technologies that require huge financial outlays and time. And there we are going back to the aforementioned clear picture of tomorrow. Your activity is not limited to your assignments in the Chamber. You are also Vice President and Board Member of IFIEC Europe. What is IFIEC Europe and how would you describe its work? Bearing in mind that our country is a member state of the European Union, I realise that many decisions are made outside Poland. Therefore, we must make our voice heard with international institutions, especially those that directly influence the EU climate and energy policy. Hence my presence, for example, in IFIEC Europe, which represents pm

the industry and related trade organisations at the European level. To put it briefly, I would say that the mission of IFIEC Europe is to ensure that the European industry is competitive. In order to achieve this goal, we need to have a free and transparent market for electricity and gas. Safe and cheap energy for energy-intensive industries is a prerequisite for its competitiveness and, in consequence, perhaps even its further existence in Europe. There are three working parties (WP) under IFIEC Europe: WP Electricity, WP Gas and WP Climate & Efficiency. I sit on the energy-related one. We try to stay abreast of the developments on the energy market, we follow the regulatory and legislative work. We discuss possible consequences and give our suggestions or comments. Our representatives participate in meetings and consultations organised by DG Energy, ACER, ENTSO-E. The greatest reward for us is when we see that our work is appreciated by various legislative bodies, as is sometimes reflected in their decisions. IFIEC Europe seeks to promote its views in different ways. One of them is its Manifesto, published last year and calling the governments of the EU member states to make responsible and sustainable decisions with respect to the climate policy, energy market and industry: “Only balance and consistency will allow a stable development of the industry, and thus will contribute to the economic growth and job creation in Europe.” The Manifesto was signed by 175 CEOs and industry representatives from 23 countries, employing over 1.2 million workers and generating • revenues of EUR 430 billion.

Chemical Industry

Strategies for Central European chemical sector are shaped in Poland The Second Congress of the Polish Chemical Sector organized by the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry (PIPC) was held in the eastern city of Puławy on June 11 and 12, 2015. “Your country is becoming a place where strategies are shaped for the Central European chemical industry,” said foreign guests taking part in the congress. Paweł Kwiecień


fficials of the largest European companies and organizations operating in the chemical sector were present in Puławy to talk about prospects, strategies and challenges for the Polish and European chemical industry. Among the participants were Ron Gale, from the United States, president of International Process Plants, Paul Booth, president of SABIC UK Petrochemicals Ltd., Haakan Jonsson, vice-president of Bayer MaterialScience Customer Services GmbH, Steve Elliott, chief executive at the Chemical Industries Association (UK), Christoph Sikora of DOW Austria GES.M.B.H, Rune Mejer Rasmussen of IBM Global Business Services, Dirk Elverman of BASF Polska and René van Sloten of the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). Such a strong presence of foreign managerial staff was a sign of the growing importance of the Polish chemical industry in Europe. “We have influence on the shape of the sector not only in our region, but also the whole continent,” Tomasz Zieliński, president of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, said at the congress. “We do not have to follow European trends, we take part in setting them.”

Stable growth of the chemical sector Foreign participants in the congress were agreed about prospects facing the chemical market in Poland. They already see the condition of the sector as promising for investment.

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Paul Booth, president of SABIC UK, said Poland had suitable conditions to build a very strong chemical industry. The views expressed by the participants in the congress are confirmed by economic indicators. Over the past years output and employment in the Polish chemical sector have been on the rise. “The Polish industry is growing rapidly and pursuing ambitious investment plans,” said Tomasz Zieliński, president of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry. “However, we still operate in a very difficult regulatory environment.” There are many signs indicating that the situation in the Polish chemical sector may continue to be relatively favourable in coming years. The Polish economy has turned out to be immune to many unfavourable factors associated with demand on the international and internal market, regulatory issues, and the general state of the Polish and EU economy. One of the advantages of the Polish chemical sector is that around 70% of its output is intended for end-consumers. Experts say this is impressive. Additionally, the sales channels of Polish chemical companies rarely fail. The customers’ trust, built over many years, is an asset the industry knows how to exploit. Another asset of the Polish companies is their well-qualified workforce. Despite the praise from the executives of foreign corporations, one should point to the challenges that the Polish chemical industry faces. The most important one is costs associated with the need to implement EU

regulations, like for example those concerning the climate policy and trade agreements. “It is important that EU officials secure the interests of producers, for example in the context of goods imports from China and North America,” said Tomasz Zieliński.

Polish chemical companies ARE able to cooperate on the most important issues The favourable condition of the Polish chemical sector is due to a large extent to its good organization. Our chemical companies are able to cooperate with each other on the most important issues, like for example regulations on carbon dioxide emissions and energy. The industry has its effective agent, the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, which is considered to be one of the leading organizations of this kind in Europe. “We represent the sector before the national and EU public administration bodies, trying to protect their interests,” Tomasz Zieliński said. “By doing so, we work for the Polish economy, which is based on the chemical industry. Organizations of companies operating in the chemical sector in other Central and Eastern European countries often join in our initiatives. Together with the organizations from Visegrad Group countries we have recently provoked a discussion in the European Parliament about regulations concerning the import and export of chemicals. •

Chemical Industry

The company comes


Aleksander Sobolewski, Director of the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś.

A key point of the strategy of the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal is the development of low-carbon heat and electricity generation technologies, including clean coal technologies and renewable sources. Is it possible to obtain clean energy from coal? Unfortunately, every technology in its practical application can be either “clean” or “dirty”. Obviously, technologies, otherwise widely considered to be low-carbon ones, will not be clean when used in countries that do not care about the environment but strive to maximise profit (and thus lower costs). The Institute deals with low-carbon heat and electricity generation technologies. Can any human activity be fully free of emissions? Doubtful. pm

What does it really mean for a technology to be clean? Please note that over the last 40 years standards have tightened up. A technology that would have been considered as an example to follow in environmental terms 30 years ago, is unacceptable today. And a technology that is impossible to achieve today, will be standard in a few years. pm

But it is people who define standards... Of course, but in doing so, they are guided by the recent technological developments. As engineers, we must strive to ensure that every technology is as environmentally friendly as possible, but at a reasonable cost. That is what we call “sustainable development”. pm

What companies does the Institute cooperate with? With all that work with clean energy in mind, including renewable energy sources and clean coal technologies. CHP producers are the first, the next are mining companies, because miners are increasingly aware of the fact that coal can be sold only when it is clean in public perception. We also work with the coke industry, as Poland is the EU’s largest coke producer, pm

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as well as with the manufacturers of small coal boilers used across the country. Our business partners are also chemical companies. For the chemical industry, coal gasification is very interesting because it allows to replace natural gas, which needs to be imported, with that obtained as a result of coal gasification. Such gas can be used for the production of methanol and fertilisers. If you look at the figures, it turns out that the largest consumer of natural gas in Poland is Grupa Azoty. In May, you received a Japanese delegation. What issues were discussed and what was the purpose of the visit? We get visits from members of business and science communities from different countries. One of the most interesting initiatives is our cooperation with the JCOAL, a Japanese governmental agency responsible for the promotion of clean coal technologies in Japan. Please note that Japan, although it no longer produces coal, has not abandoned coal-based energy. It is worth noting that we were commissioned by the Japanese to provide them with the first commercial survey concerning coal gasification. We are also piloting the first project, cofinanced by the NCBR and involving PGE, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, and the Japanese. Thus, the abovementioned visits to Poland are not a mere courtesy, but for a specific project. Of course, the Japanese do promote their coal gasification technology, because we are now at the stage of testing what technology will be best for Polish coal. I would say that cooperation with Japan is exemplary. pm

In building a leadership position on the market, it is important to have well-qualified staff... It is not important, it is the most important! Our laboratories and our unique installations at the Clean Coal Tehnologies Centre are important, but the most important is the staff of pm

the Institute. We have a very young team, the average age being 44, which is quite unusual for a research institute. The average age of managers is 43. Another important element is that our people stay with us for many years, even until retirement. This allows us to build a certain technological competence, something crucial, given that we need very specific knowledge in the Institute. People who work with us acquire very unique - even at a European level skills. As a result, we can boast a perfect continuity in terms of staff. This year the Institute celebrates its 60th anniversary, and I am only its fourth director. Each director holds his position for approx. 20 years. I would like to mention here my predecessor - Prof. Marek Ściążko. After serving as a director for 22 years, he is currently a scientific secretary of the Institute. The third component of the Institute’s success is an almost ideal proportion between men and women - 48% to 52%. What are the challenges ahead for the Institute in the years to come? We are currently facing two major challenges. One of them is, say, social and the other - technological. The first challenge is to make politicians want not only to talk to us, but also to listen to us. Perhaps the problem is that we as the scientific community - fail to reach out to them. So we need to learn to influence the public opinion through politicians, better exchange information, improve collaboration with the public. Politicians, in turn, need to learn to use our knowledge. The second challenge is a sort of a technological dream. I would like Poland’s first coal gasification plant to be in place in 10 years’ time. I would like the coal gasification technology to be used, as in several leading countries, to produce methanol or ammonia. In fact, polygeneration is currently the most cost-effective method of econom• ic use of coal. pm


How to manage innovation? On 27 May the conference “Business Innovation Management” was held in Warsaw’s Engineer’s House (Dom Technika). It was organised by “Polish Market” in cooperation with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (NOT). Speakers addressed the following questions: Can the innovation process be managed at all? How can a company support and guide innovation processes? Is there one best method for stimulating business innovation? Maciej Proliński reports.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for having accepted our invitation. The word ‘innovation’ has been brought up in almost every economic debate for a long time. Yet not all of us know what it really means. Let me therefore recall that innovation is not a scientific invention, a novel idea, but the implementation and commercialisation of this idea. Once my friend, a professor of the Wroclaw University of Technology, told me a story. The year was 1821. One of the envoys of King George IV of England decided to pay a home

Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President and Editor in Chief of “Polish Market”

visit to one of great physicists, Michael Faraday. ‘What are you working on?’ - he asked. The scientist showed him a bowl filled with mercury. There were also magnesium and wire inside. The wire connected to the voltaic pile made magnesium swim around the wire. ‘How will His Majesty’s subjects get out of this phenomenon?’ - the royal envoy asked sceptically. ‘Well, you will be able to tax it before long!’ - Faraday answered. And soon, indeed, the phenomenon of electromagnetic

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induction began to be used in production of electric motors. I recalled this story to show that while innovations are created in companies, the first link in the innovative process chain is university labs. It is therefore important to properly manage the innovation process. Today, we are not going to prove that innovations are needed for the economy, because it is obvious. We will try to ponder on how to manage this process so that our companies be modern, competitive and prosperous,” said Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President and Editor in Chief of “Polish Market”, in her welcome speech. How is the cooperation between Polish science and Polish business? How should state institutions support the business community in the important process of building innovation? There is now a debate over which instruments will be implemented under individual operational programmes and measures in the new EU financial period. Agents such as PARP are challenged to formulate mechanisms that will meet the expectations of businesses. Finally, how does the innovation management system look like in companies? - asked the speakers Błażej Grabowski, Vice-President of “Polish Market”. “Let us remember that the implementation of innovations always involves a great deal of risk. The state and its institutions have an important role to play here to ensure that businesses have interest in implementing these innovations and that science finds it worthwhile to respond to demand from businesses. An organisation such as NOT is committed to the goal of supporting science, technology and economy, as well as personal development of its members, engineers and technicians. There is a permanent voice in the Polish innovation debate, arguing that we will not continue to develop if we use the easiest resources, that is cheap labour and imitated technologies, even the best ones. Moreover, it is not enough

Błażej Grabowski, VicePresident of “Polish Market”. to simply increase R&D expenditure because this type of activity alone will not generate market products and services. NOT, already in 2001, decided to incorporate into its mission a statement that support for innovation is its strategic goal, along with stimulating creativity of young people. Polish engineers and technology developers did contribute and do contribute to Poland’s and the world’s material and cultural achievements. They have repeatedly proved that they can afford their own ideas, their own solutions and implementations. When presenting their development ideas, they pointed to the barriers and limitations but also suggested ways of overcoming these. We can boast having put out many winners of prestigious national and international inventors’ competitions and exhibitions. We are aware of our duty to become a mediator between science and business, something that appears to be a major problem today, though. We also know that money alone will not suffice. The financial structure matters, too.

Innovation The main activity of NOT’s Innovation Centre is the implementation of the FSNT-NOT targeted programme for SMEs, which provides for the Ministry of Science to subsidise industrial research and development aimed at launching new products or implementing new technologies. Our Innovation Centre cofinances, monitors and evaluates the implementation of projects, and clears accounts of the completed projects.

than PLN 35 billion. In 2007-2013, PARP handled over 16.5 thousand contracts for the support of enterprises, which contributed to the

Cezary Dołęga, Vice-President of Neurosoft Michał Bańka, PhD, Director of PARP’s Department of Business Environment Institutions Support

Ewa Mańkiewicz- Cudny, President of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (NOT) We are summing up the 10 years of this programme. What are its advantages? Firstly, the time between the announcement of the competition and signing the contract is very short compared to other organisations engaged in similar projects. Another thing is that we have access to the best specialists from all sectors. We have teams that proceed to work quickly and evaluate projects. Thirdly, there is a clear procedure related to contract signing and finding a partner. Over 10 years, 1,500 applications were examined, nearly 900 contracts were entered into, and entrepreneurs of the SME sector were awarded funding totalling PLN 204 milion,” stressed Ewa MańkiewiczCudny, President of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (NOT). Michał Bańka, PhD, Director of PARP’s Department of Business Environment Institutions Support, was talking about the activity of PARP as a chance for small businesses, both start-ups and those existing on the market for a long time. “PARP has supported Polish innovation since 2000. Many of these projects are very important solutions that have been successful on foreign markets. PARP has been Poland’s largest entrepreneurship public investor in recent years. In the past 8 years, we supported the development of Polish business with more

Polish GDP growth of about 0.2%. One of the areas where we still see a possibility of improvement is cooperation of large companies with start-ups. We plan to allocate about PLN 18 billion for entrepreneurship support by 2020. The money will go, among others, to companies operating in the field of modern technologies or companies that try their hand on foreign markets. Most of it, namely EUR 1.87 billion out of the amount at PARP’s disposal, will come from the Operational Programme Smart Growth. Funds available under this programme are to support, among others, businesses in the area of modern technologies and stimulate the development of innovative Polish companies, especially SMEs. The call for proposals starts July 2015.” The speakers who followed spoke about the importance of intellectual capital for economic development. “Neurosoft was founded over 20 years ago, in 1992, by graduates and lecturers of the Wrocław University of Technology. The company’s trademark is artificial neural networks, and its mission is to use artificial intelligence technologies in practice. In my opinion, companies that, as ours, are university spin-offs have better relationships with the academic community, which in Poland traditionally keeps its distance from business. What becomes a new role of science today is also translating its own intellectual potential into a language of business and that expressing the challenges of the contemporary world. In Poland, we are still learning the rules of the free

market. Venture capital-like funds are only in their infancy, and many scientists do not realise the great commercial potential of their knowledge. It cannot be changed otherwise than through our collective hard work. We are an example of that it can be done,” emphasised Cezary Dołęga, Vice-President of Neurosoft. Romuald Zadrożny, Director of the Technology Transfer Centre at the Military University of Technology (WAT), stated:

Romuald Zadrożny, Director of the Technology Transfer Centre at the Military University of Technology (WAT)

“In my opinion, the gap of mutual distrust between both communities – science and business – is closing. Universities are increasingly open to cooperation with business. Arguably, the science and higher education reform helped reverse this negative trend and make a more effective use of the enormous potential of Polish science. What I mean is primarily 8/2015  polish market


Innovation decentralisation of the research funding procedure. I really like the shortest definition of innovation. Günter Verheugen, former EU Commissioner in charge of industry and innovation, was once asked to give his idea of innovation. He answered in one sentence: ‘Innovation is the ability to convert knowledge into money’. Indeed. To be innovative, you need first to have knowledge, and then be able to sell it, turn it into an attractive market product, complying with the economic conditions of the moment. WAT is approached by entrepreneurs, not only from Poland but from around the world, asking if we are competent to carry out research in a particular field and then commercialise its results as long as the research is promising. WAT and our Technology Transfer Centre have posted on its websites more than 201 technologies that can come under commercialisation by those who want to cooperate with us. It is a good direction for both parties to reinvigorate their track record of cooperation.”

The company’s business philosophy is closely related to teaching as far as it involves comprehensive education and training activities, equipping labs and training methodology consultancy. In 2012, we opened the Application Centre located on our premises in Janki near Warsaw. It is one of Festo’s first research and training centres in Central and Eastern Europe. The Centre allows to explore the latest technology in the field of automation, robotics and control on the example of real industrial applications, as well as to conduct trainings and internships, while fulfilling the company’s educational mission at the same time. Educational activities of the Centre are addressed to both business customers and university students. Talking about the phenomenon called the ‘innovation culture’, you need to name three important components of it: expertise, practice, and attitude and motivation of the team. The generation of Festo’s founding fathers is a generation of enthusiasts. And how to motivate the next generations? Success, the sense of accomplishment are the best motivators. When your implementation is already bringing a visible, tangible effect, then you will succeed. That is what we do.” Paweł Koczorowski, PhD, expert from the Patent Research Department at the Polish Patent Office, drew attention to innovation ecosystems, an issue that arouses more and more interest, especially in the US.

in the US. It is not the mere elements, not even the networks of these elements. Competitive advantage is built today through innovation ecosystems, which means that new solutions are implemented in collaboration with other innovative stakeholders in the right time and market context. In our innovation system, we take into account that anyone may lose even the whole network of elements. And reserves can be found, for example in undiscovered areas - patent or licence trading. This market practically does not exist in Poland! So it is worth stimulating somehow. Another issue is the fear of discussing ideas. In Poland, the remark is commonplace: ‘I am afraid to talk about my idea, because someone will steal it’. Scientists and entrepreneurs doing research should draw from the experience of inventions made so far - in the country and abroad. This knowledge is essential for proper targeting of research leading to the development of new solutions. Using the knowledge of registered and protected inventions, as well as utility models and industrial designs allows not only to avoid duplication, but also to achieve better results. The Polish Patent Office conducts broad outreach to Polish researchers, entrepreneurs and all professional groups informing them about the principles of industrial property protection. Thanks to this, research processes can be managed in such a way to ensure their results’ protection.” Prof. Edward Kołodziński, Vice-President of Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (IZTECH), added:

Andrzej Soldaty, President of Festo Polska

Andrzej Soldaty, President of Festo Polska, said: “We are part of a global corporation a leader in industrial automation. Prior to establishing, 20 years ago, of a parent company in Poland, Festo was already doing business here through the Trade Information Office. So the brand has been present on the Polish market for over 40 years. Our company is firmly focused on innovation and technologies of the future, and therefore strongly linked with the sphere of science and knowledge transfer. As a leader of innovative solutions in the field of industrial automation and process automation, Festo launches nearly 100 new products a year and has 2,900 patents worldwide.

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Paweł Koczorowski, PhD, expert from the Patent Research Department at the Polish Patent Office

“We are talking about innovation and, perhaps for the first time so strongly, about the ideas that are to be implemented. It is very encouraging. What is missing then? A systemic approach to what we are doing today, I guess. Innovation ecosystems are a subject that arouses more and more interest, especially

Prof. Edward Kołodziński, Vice-President of Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (IZTECH)

“Polish universities still have a strange approach to patenting. Scientists find it more profitable to stop at patents, because it earns them special points at universities. And


Panelist during the discussion

Bartłomiej Pawlak, President of BOŚ Eko Profit, a BOŚ Bank Group company

nothing else is done in this matter. Our master’s and PhD students represent a huge potential, which is, however, still untapped, mainly by small and medium-sized enterprises. Our goal is to stimulate the development of knowledge-based entrepreneurship and to eliminate legal, financial and environmental barriers in this respect, and our basic task is to provide comprehensive assistance to members of IZTECH in achieving commercial success in the field of advanced technologies. IZTECH brings together entrepreneurs, universities and research institutes. Since 2008, our important tool is our website on which we publish and comment on draft legislation and high-tech entrepreneurship development programmes, and promote our members’ achievements. Our website also offers an extensive database of research centres to allow SMEs to liaise with them and solve problems together.”

Lights and shadows of the financing of innovative projects were discussed by Bartłomiej Pawlak, President of BOŚ Eko Profit, a BOŚ Bank Group company. “We finance projects, not ideas. A project is specific in that it is always described and suitable for deployment. And of course, those who have a track record of achievements, who show us their new project as a consequence of the way they have gone, and who have credibility and experience behind them stand a better chance of getting funding. People often associate innovation with obtaining a grant. Working with BOŚ Eko Profit, a company of the BOŚ Bank Group, which co-invests and advises on renewable energy projects, I have noticed that it is often not innovation, but a grant that serves as a magnet... And we are not a venture

capital that is ready to put money on, with a little prospect for return. The financial institution like ours is always somewhere in the background, because the concept is in the foreground of the one who “seeks innovation.” It is important that financial support be combined with support for implementation. A good example of this is Gekon – Generator of Ecological Concepts – Poland’s first sectoral environmental programme, prepared and implemented jointly by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW). The programme supports the private sector projects aimed at conducting R&D and implementing its results in the form of innovative environmental tech• nologies.”

From left: Romuald Zadrożny, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Edward Kołodziński, Henryk Oleniak

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Paths towards innovation The Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (PIGZT) is the only Polish chamber of commerce that brings together stakeholders from all the areas whose cooperation determines the real progress of modern industry: high-tech companies, universities and research institutes, banks and capital funds. While creating significant opportunities, this also means shared responsibility for effective cooperation between science and business. On 22 June 2015, a General Meeting of the Chamber was held in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development. “Polish Market’s” Maciej Proliński was there to cover this event devoted to the development of innovative Polish industry, especially in terms of building and strengthening of links between the research sector and businesses in the EU’s new financial period 2014-2020.


From left: Grażyna Henclewska, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of the Economy, Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski, Head of Telecommunications and Teleinformatics Department , Wroclaw University of Technology, Prof. Jerzy Buzek, President of the Chamber’s Council, Prof. Ryszard Pregiel, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology, Iwona Wendel, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, and Andrzej Smirnow, MP.

asks of the economy, infrastructure and science, allocation of EU funds for smart growth and links between science and industry - such were the issues discussed by Iwona Wendel, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Grażyna Henclewska, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of the Economy, Prof. Krzysztof Kurzydłowski, Director of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), Prof. Ryszard Pregiel, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (PIGZT) and Prof. Jerzy Buzek, President of the Chamber’s Council. Among the participants of the panel discussions were: Alicja Adamczak, President of the Polish Patent Office, Ewa Mańkiewicz-Cudny, President of Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (NOT), Prof. Zbigniew Śmieszek, Director of the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Marek Szczepanik, Vice-President of the Polish

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Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and Patrycja Zielińska, Vice-President of the Industrial Development Agency (ARP). “This year, we will launch most of the competitions in the framework of the Operational Programme Smart Growth scheduled to be implemented in 2014-2020. PLN 6.4 billion will be spent on competitions launched in 2015. Three calls for proposals have been announced so far worth PLN 2.5 billion. Until 31 December 2015 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises can apply for support amounting to PLN 1.6 billion for industrial research and experimental development. In the first stage of the competition nearly 180 applications were submitted for a total amount close to PLN 1.2 billion. Until 17 July companies or consortia of companies can apply for aviation-related R&D grants from a funding pool of PLN 400 million under the programme INNOLOT. 22 June is the closing date for admission of applications from companies that want

to test products, services and technologies, developed as a result of R&D, before they are rolled out into the market. The budget earmarked for these applications is PLN 500 million. Another three calls for proposals, worth over PLN 1 billion, will be opened in August and September and will pertain to support for R&D infrastructure investments in companies (PLN 460 million), implementation of R&D results by companies,” stated Iwona Wendel. She added that innovation funds are also available under Regional Operational Programmes, totalling approx. EUR 6 billion euros. “We have a strategy and know exactly in which direction we want to go. We want to focus only on those areas that are important for the development of the country,” declared Grażyna Henclewska. She also recalled the National Reform Programme, a document drafted by the Ministry of the Economy, specifying how Poland will implement the objectives of the

Innovation We have a strategy and know exactly in which direction we want to go. We want to focus only on those areas that are important for the development of the country. Grażyna Henclewska

Participants of the conference

strategy “Europe 2020” in 2015-2016, in areas such as employment, R&D expenditure, energy and climate, and education. “It is in the framework of this project that the Ministry of the Economy will coordinate, in 2015-2016, activities aimed to further clustering, bolster the system of services provided by innovation hubs and support projects within fields and technologies with the greatest development potential. Further initiatives planned in this edition of the National Reform Programme involve enhancement of the business environment, building a competitive energy market, improvements to energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources,” she said. Poland received nearly EUR 11 billion for research and innovation under the 2014-2020 financial framework. These funds are intended to encourage innovative development of the economy and science, and especially to tighten cooperation between universities and companies. The main government agency, overseen by the Ministry of Science, responsible for the distribution of these funds is the National Centre for Research and Development. “What will give a specific dimension to our activities will be strategic programmes, aimed both to increase innovation of Polish businesses through implementation of R&D and to strengthen cooperation between universities and businesses. We will also collaborate with NCBiR, which will continue STRATEGMED and BIOSTRATEG, two strategic programmes already in progress (research in the area of prevention ​​ and treatment of diseases of affluence, environment, agriculture and forestry), CuBR, a programme implemented in cooperation with KGHM Polska Miedź (support for research and development in non-ferrous metals industry), LEADER, a programme facilitating career start for young Polish scientists, and GoGlobal.pl, whose purpose is to promote innovative Polish micro, small and

medium-sized enterprises on world markets,” emphasised Prof. Krzysztof Kurzydłowski, Director of NCBiR. As opposed to talking money, Prof. Jerzy Buzek spoke about the vision of what should Polish innovation become. “In no other room that accommodates more than a hundred people do I have as many friends and acquaintances. Today, we are the people most responsible for what Poland will become in 15 years. We entered NATO 10 years after we decided to do so, and the EU - 15 years. So now, let us define the plan, a much more difficult plan, for the next 15 years. In 15 years’ time, the entire EU, and Poland in particular, we just have to land on another planet, which will represent a completely different economic level. Innovation is such a shabby term, that it is hard to use it here today. Let us all look for some other, better term. I am calling this ‘landing on another planet’. This process is about making sure that what scientists do be taken over by the Polish industry, that is small and medium-sized enterprises, and that we turn it into modern technological solutions. Otherwise, we risk being caught in a middle-income trap. We who have gathered in this room have the responsibility to convince the rulers to get out of this trap!,” he argued metaphorically. Prof. Ryszard Pregiel, President of PIGZT, outlined the Chamber’s main, future-oriented, axes of activity. “Established in 2008 by 114 founders, the Chamber’s main statutory objective is the stimulation of knowledge-based entrepreneurship and comprehensive assistance to its members in achieving commercial success of their innovative projects in the field of advanced technologies. Over these 7 years, we have taken a lot of activities. We have systematically participated in the work of parliamentary committees, advisory teams working with ministries

of the economy, infrastructure and development, and science and higher education, as well as task forces operating under the European Commission. A number of our proposals have been adopted and entered into laws. Our most important tasks for the future include: First, extending cooperation between entrepreneurs and scientific units. A great assignment, indeed! Second, streamlining deployments and transfers; we are very hopeful to cooperate with the Agency for Industrial Development. Third, research into promising technologies, international cooperation, outreach and training. Finally, something invaluable,

Błażej Grabowski and Krystyna Woźniak- Trzosek, Polish Market

many seem to ignore in Poland, namely personal contacts. There is no good business without personal contacts, for example, between rectors of universities and entrepreneurs,” he • stressed.

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science and business lead to new technologies


he Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres (IBWCh) in Łódź is a leader in integration of efforts, as it combines the potentials of science and business to drive the country’s economic development in terms of increasing competitiveness and innovation, following a single cooperation concept, modernising processes, and improving mutual support. The mutual cooperation between science and business is expected to lead to intensification and coordination of efforts aimed to develop and commercialise new technologies, initiate joint innovation activities, at conceptual and development stages, which will form the basis of modern technological solutions and will contribute to the development of the Polish economy by encouraging business R&D through the implementation of projects under the Horizon 2020 Programme. The IBWCh Institute seeks to strengthen its competitiveness at home and abroad through the transfer of innovative technologies and products, as well as by providing high-quality research and analytical services in view of development of regional and sub-regional specialisations. The concepts and projects implemented by the Institute are the result of many years of scientific research. In pursuing its R&D and deployment policy the Institute relies on membership in a number of national and international organisations, e.g. it is a founding member of the Paris-based European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE), an association whose mission involves developing the polysaccharide network of excellence with a view to increasing and disseminating knowledge on polysaccharides, conducting multidisciplinary research into polysaccharides, their manufacture, processing and use,

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training young scientists, organising fellowships, popularising knowledge and research results, cooperating with the European industry and holding meetings, seminars and conferences. By working closely with the EPNOE Association, European companies have the opportunity to develop and produce new functional products which are a viable alternative to products produced from nonrenewable resources. The EPNOE Association has built a solid bridge between its scientific partners and industrial companies producing polysaccharides in the form of the Business Industry Club (BIC). In 2014, the EPNOE Association signed a declaration of cooperation with the Supraregional Scientific and Industrial Centre POLINTEGRA (www.polintegra.lodz.pl), which is overseen by the IBWCh Institute. POLINTEGRA’s key assignments cover developing its partners’ skills, supporting and coordinating their activities, carrying out joint research projects Horizon 2020 in the new financial period, facilitating technology transfer and effective commercialisation. The Centre brings together 37 scientific institutions and 31 companies. The EPNOE Association and the POLINTEGRA Centre plan to establish close cooperation with the BioEconomy Cluster (Germany) and Céréales Vallée (France) in 2015. On 19-22 October 2015, IBWCh, the EPNOE Association, the American Chemical Society (ACS), Supraregional Scientific and Industrial Centre POLINTEGRA and PwC will organise the 4th International Conference “Polysaccharides and Polysaccharide - based advanced materials: From Science to Industry.” EPNOE’s conferences have their permanent place in the calendar of international

scientific events. They have been organised annually, since 2009, in different countries: Finland, the Netherlands and France. This year’s conference, which is a continuation of previous meetings, is addressed to scientists, students, industrials and professionals dealing with polysaccharides, biopolymers, bioplastics, biomaterials, their physico-chemical characteristics, functionalisation and modification, production, processing and application in various economic sectors. The conference will feature plenary sessions addressed to scientific and research milieus, with the participation of renowned domestic and foreign scholars. Guest lectures are planned, delivered by key corporate executives in charge of development and strategy, as well as business and scientific panel discussions. One of the substantial goals the organisers have set themselves is the interaction between researchers, industrials and business people in panel discussions that were divided into two blocks: • Panel 1: “From Science to Industry” under the auspices of the POLINTEGRA Centre, involving scientific and industrial milieus. • Panel 2: “Innovation: Science and Business - a Key to Success” with the participation of speakers coming from business, science, chambers of commerce, and technology parks. This joint initiative of science and business is expected to receive great interest and to constitute a valuable contribution to fur• ther discussion.

Please visit www.epnoe2015.ibwch.lodz.pl for registration and watch us on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vC--UxUJSc





n 1955, the Poznań School of Engineering was renamed into the Poznań University of Technology, which also absorbed the Evening Engineering School of Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (NOT). Thus, the Poznań University of Technology acquired its current academic status as a technology university. One of the departments created at that time was the Department of Economics and Industrial Enterprises Planning, initiated by Prof. Teobald Olejnik, who also headed the Institute of Organisation and Management, established in 1970. The activities of the Institute included the humanisation of work, and especially ergonomics. A very active group of researchers was formed focusing on production management and designing organisational structures. In 1992, the unit was given the name of the Institute of Engineering Management to highlight the engineering nature of the management studies conducted there. In 2010, the Department of Engineering Management was established. It was awarded the Education Quality Certificate TÜV in 2011. In addition to engineering expertise, each graduate leaving the Poznań University of Technology also had skills in the field of industrial economics, work organisation, ergonomics and labour law. Perhaps that is the reason why there was such a large population of engineers holding management positions in the second half of the 20th century. Our research has always focused on the problems of production management and logistics, ergonomics and quality engineering, marketing and economic steering, designing management systems and supporting them with IT, entrepreneurship, business communication, as well as the latest trends in business and economy. More recently, a number of international and regional projects have been completed, including especially: “Time for professionals vs. Wielkopolska vocational training”, “Foresight – Wielkopolska economic networks. Knowledge transformation scenarios supporting the innovative economy”, “Knowledge for the Economy” or “Partnership of Science and Progress”. Extending the scope of research resulted in the enrichment of our educational programme.

Students majoring in organisation and management in the last decades of the 20th century were taught according to the curriculum standards developed jointly with technology universities in Warsaw, Wrocław, Kraków and the Central Institute for Labour Protection. Following the guidelines of the Ministry of Higher Education, the Organisation and Management major was renamed to “Management and Marketing” in the 1990s. After Poland’s accession to the European Union and the adoption of the 3-cycle study structure, the former specialties of the “Management and Marketing” course were transformed into three courses: Engineering Management, Logistics and Safety Engineering. The Faculty of Engineering Management also conduct the Engineering Management programme in English and is the most active faculty of the Poznań University of Technology in terms of Erasmus participation. The Faculty offers postgraduate studies (some are organised already as the 42nd edition) aimed at effective enterprise management and improving management skills. Those interested can choose from among15 topics related to engineering management, public procurement, training the teaching staff and managers. We take pride in the activity of our students in scientific clubs, whose traditions date back to the environment of young managers of the 1970s. Today’s students work within 10 scientific clubs. Eighteen editions of the Job Fair at the Poznań University of Technology, Young Logistics Professionals’ Forum, Logistics Gala, TIMES (Tournament in Management and Engineering Skills) organised annually by ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management), to which the scientific club CPI (Engineers’ Promotion Centre) belongs, are just a few examples of our students’ activities. A 60-year presence of management sciences at the Poznań University of Technology is an inspiration for innovation understood as the creation of new technical ideas and their application in practice. The latest (since 2012) achievement of the Faculty of Management Engineering, both for industrial practice and teaching, is the Laboratory of Simulation and Optimisation of Logistics Processes. It uses the

Microsoft Dynamics AX and FlexSim software, which allows virtual modelling of production • processes and supports their design. www.fem.put.poznan.pl

Prof. Teobald Stanisław Olejnik (1906-1990), specialist in organization and management, and production quality control, honorary doctor of the Poznań University of Technology. He lived a busy life as a talented mechanics engineer, indefatigable industrial manager and social activist. He was particularly involved in the development of organization and management in the engineering aspect. In particular, he created the basis of quality management in Polish industry. He intensively developed the system for educating and training Polish industrial managers. He was pro-rector for teaching at the Poznań University of Technology for three terms: from 1963 to 1972.

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60 years of Polish nuclear science

Henryk Wujec, Advisor to the President of Poland, awards Prof. Grzegorz Wrochna the Officer’s Cross of the Polonia Restituta Order for his outstanding research and teaching achievements in the field of nuclear physics and technology.


resident Bronisław Komorowski awarded state distinctions - the Officer’s Cross of the Polonia Restituta Order, the Knight’s Cross of the Polonia Restituta Order and the Orders of Merit - to the eminent figures in chemistry and nuclear physics research as well as democratic opposition activists originating from the Institute for Nuclear Research (IBJ), and distinguished staff members of the National Nuclear Research Centre (NCBJ) and the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (ICiTJ). The Officer’s Cross was awarded, among others, to Prof. Andrzej Strupczewski, who has for many years been promoting nuclear energy by explaining its nuances and debunking harmful myths that accrued around it in public opinion. Prof. Strupczewski is the author of many scientific publications, which are considered, as a valuable source of knowledge. Prof. Grzegorz Wrochna, Director of the National Centre for Nuclear Research, was decorated with the Knight’s Cross of the Polonia Restituta Order and Prof. Ewa Rondio, Deputy Director of NCBJ, was conferred the Gold Cross of Merit. On behalf of President Komorowski, Henryk Wujec also handed

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in 11 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals to distinguished staff members of the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) and the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (ICiTJ). The history of Polish nuclear science dates back to 4 June 1955, the date when the Institute of Nuclear Research (IBJ) was called into existence. It was possible as the US, UK and the Soviet Union declassified information on nuclear physics and made nuclear technologies available to other countries. Prof. Andrzej Sołtan became the first IBJ Director. Having acquired know-how while developing several smaller reactors, Polish scientists and engineers built in 1974 “Maria”, an entirely Polish reactor. It is primarily used as an intense source of neutrons used both in scientific research and to manufacture radioactive isotopes/radiation sources for medicine, industry, and environment protection. Irradiation of uranium targets to produce molybdenum-99 radioisotope decaying to technetium-99m is one of its most prominent applications in medicine. 99mTc is a very popular radioisotope used in nuclear medicine all over the world – more than 80% nuclear medicine patients are treated

Photo: Marcin Jakubowski NCBJ

On 11 June, creators of the Institute for Nuclear Research (IBJ) met at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Set up 60 years ago in Świerk near Warsaw, IBJ was the first such research centre in Poland. The most distinguished scientists and opposition activists coming from IBJ were conferred state distinctions by Henryk Wujec representing the Office of the President of Poland.

with 99mTc. 18% of the 2013 world demand was met with NCBJ supplies. “Maria” has been also producing a whole bunch of other radioisotopes exported under the POLATOM brand name to 80 countries all over the world. The licence to operate the reactor has just been renewed till 2025 and there is no indication that renewal for another 20 years might be an issue. The Institute for Nuclear Research greatly supported works to develop the Żarnowiec nuclear power plant (abandoned in 1990), participated in research on power reactors conducted in New Voronezh (former Soviet Union) and Kozloduj (Bulgaria), and cooperated in manufacturing equipment for the Pacs (Hungary) nuclear power plant. The research portfolio of IBJ covers highand low-energy nuclear physics, nuclear chemistry, reactor physics and technology. The Institute for Nuclear Research maintains scientific cooperation with JINR Dubna (Russia), CERN (Switzerland) and numerous European Institutes. Many topics from the IBJ pure research programme are still continued • in NCBJ.


40 -year-old Maria reactor gaining in attractiveness

The National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) in Świerk, outside Warsaw, is home to Maria, Poland’s only nuclear reactor. Regularly modernized, it is conquering the global market for the production of radiopharmaceuticals and takes part in the most ambitious European research projects.


he celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Institute for Nuclear Research, NCBJ’s predecessor, in Świerk began in December 2014 with the ceremony marking 40 years since the construction of the nuclear research reactor called Maria. At present, it is Poland’s sole nuclear reactor, but the sixth one in the history of the Świerk centre. The first reactor was Ewa. Designed in Russia, it stopped operation in 1995. Four less powerful reactors Anna, Maryla, Agata and Wanda – operated in Świerk from the 1960s to 1980s. Although the Maria reactor does not generate electricity, it is used to carry out a number of projects of strategic importance for the economy and medicine. This is where isotopes needed to save human lives are irradiated, new materials for industry are produced, physics research is conducted and training is provided to educate specialists needed by the nuclear and radiological protection sectors. “Our reactor is an excellent example showing that nuclear energetics spurs not only the development of this sector of industry, but also contributes to the development of the whole economy in its different spheres,” says Prof. Grzegorz Wrochna, director of NCBJ. “For example, thanks to irradiating uranium targets, we have become one of the world’s biggest producers of radioisotopes for medicine. Just one week of the Maria reactor’s work means help for 100,000 patients.” The reactor was designed on the basis of Soviet solutions, but built by Polish specialists and technicians. Its construction began in 1970. The reactor went critical for the first time on December 17, 1974. Today, it is used mainly as a source of high-intensity neutron beams. The properties of these particles, strongly bound within atomic nuclei, are very valuable for physicists. Having a zero electric charge, neutrons are subject to four known fundamental

interactions: strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational. Additionally, they do not have to overcome the Coulomb barrier in interactions with matter. Neutrons are used to irradiate target materials for the production of radioactive isotopes and radiation sources used in industry, environmental protection and healthcare. An example of how important the work of the reactor is for nuclear medicine is the irradiation of the uranium targets which produce molybdenum-99 and, as a result of its decay, technetium99m. This isotope is the basic element of all nuclear medicine procedures, accounting for over 80% of them. Recently, its production at NCBJ has reached 18% of the world’s total deliveries. The reactor also generates a whole range of other radioisotopes, which constitute the basis for preparations exported under Polatom brand to 80 countries around the world. Additionally, the reactor is used for materials research, the neutron doping of semiconductor materials and the modification of materials, research into medical applications based on the use of neutron beams (boron neutron capture therapy, BNCT) and advanced training of specialists for the energy sector, nuclear safety and radiological protection. Thanks to cooperation with the U.S. government, the reactor has fuel deliveries secured until 2017, which enables its operation until the end of 2020. The National Centre for Nuclear Research has recently received a new permit for the operation of the research reactor

for another 10 years. The document, issued by the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA), is proof that the Polish reactor operates in compliance with the highest standards and is fully safe. Scientists expect no problems with extending the permit for its operation for successive decades because the reactor is regularly modernized. •

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Business Innovation Awards handed out!


he 6th Innovation Forum in Rzeszów was held on 17-19 June under the theme “Plastics in harmony with nature.” As part of it, the Forum of Space and Satellite Technologies was organised on the last day. The Forum is three days full of interesting speeches and dialogue between three platforms: science, business and nature. “Plastics in harmony with nature” means, in other words, the environment and technology. These are two seemingly totally separate elements that intersect one another every day. Lectures, panel discussion and conversations in the sidelines were extremely important for the plastics industry. There was also talk of this market’s future and development directions. As rightly pointed out by Krzysztof Łokaj, Senior Manager at the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry and Vice President of ForumCO2, the chemical industry provides employment to nearly 250 thousand people, not to mention hundreds of thousands of jobs in related sectors. The plastics industry is invariably related not only to human capital, but also technologically innovative thought. Misunderstandings between business and science stem from different economic approaches to new initiatives and market conditions. Reconciliation can come true with the appropriate use of the new EU funding that will support emerging projects and innovative applications for business development. During the first day’s evening gala the Business Innovation Awards were presented in two categories:

Category: •

Laureats of the Business Innovation Awards Photos: PHOTO Fundacja INNOPOLIS

Space and Satellite Industry: Category: •

Chemical Industry:

Synthos SA – for the implementation of the Integrated Management System, resulting in a significant increase in ecological safety and for the continuous monitoring of the impact of chemical production on the environment. Anwil SA – for numerous environmental initiatives involving not only the company’s staff, but also the local community.

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Astri Polska – for the implementation of space and satellite projects, especially for products and services related to satellite imaging, which are the source of geographic data and allow to monitor incidents and threats. Institute of Nuclear Physics – for its research into the structure of matter and properties of the fundamental interactions from space to elementary particles. Prof. Piotr Wolański – for his contribution to space and satellite research issues related to combustion, engine explosions, space drive, astrophysics and diagnostics of combustion processes. Hertz Systems Ltd Sp. z o.o. for the implementation of advanced and innovative products in the satellite industry, especially for ICT infrastructure and navigational receivers.

Business Innovation Awards have been handed out since 2010 by “Polish Market” and

the Innovation Forum Council. Every year, they jointly select companies, institutions and individuals whose achievements in the preceding year allow to call them “Polish ambassadors of innovation.” When making the selection, the Jury tries to follow the theme of the ongoing edition of the Innovation Forum and choose the most interesting, already implemented projects that testify to innovation in their fields. This year’s Innovation Forum was the venue for the inaugural Forum of Space and Satellite Technologies. Speeches by members from prominent research, academic and business units, debates, the POSITION project workshops showed that technological innovations in the field of astronautics are a close reality. Not so long ago, a cooperation agreement between the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and the Polish Space Agency was signed concerning the development of the space sector in Poland. This is a big step forward. The 1st Forum of Space and Satellite Technologies comes as a continuation of the discourse started in Rzeszów, almost two years ago, during the 4th Innovation Forum devoted to the aviation and space industry. •


Photo: Rafał Nowak

Priority: develop domestic industries to make them more competitive Prof. Piotr Wolański, Chairman of the Committee on Space Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), talks to “Polish Market”. What is the Polish Space Agency and why was it created? The Polish Space Agency – like all space agencies – will be responsible for the coordination of space exploration, definition of the space programme, including relevant technologies, and - most of all - for the development of the Polish space industry, which is in its beginnings. There were no conditions for the space industry to develop until we joined the European Space Agency (ESA) and established the Polish Space Agency (POLSA). pm

But we are already present in the space sector, aren’t we? In the space sector, we have been present for a long time. Polish first experiments, overseen by Prof. Jan Mergentaler from the Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, date back to the early 1970s. The products of these were sent into space on board of the rocket “Vertical.” I am talking about the instruments designed to observe the X-ray radiation from the Sun. Since then, many devices built in Poland have flown into the space to carry out research. The first such high-class devices, which examined space surroundings of Earth, were built at the Institute of Aviation and were sent into space on board of Interkosmos-Kopernik 500, a Soviet satellite launched On the 500th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus. Of course, the Space Research Centre ran many other space research projects. There are over 70 devices in space that originated in Poland. These include, for example, devices that touched down on Saturn’s moon, Titan, which is the farthest celestial body in pm

our solar system to ever be reached by an apparatus sent from Earth. They were used to measure the thermal parametres of Titan’s atmosphere and its surface. In addition, devices were sent to the orbits of Mars - Mars Express, and Venus - Venus Express, as well as a number of instruments to Earth’s orbit. My students built the first Polish PW-Sat satellite, and are now building another one. In the meantime, two Polish scientific satellites built in the Space Research Centre were launched Lem and Heweliusz, used to study the brightness of variable stars, as part of the project realised jointly with Austria and Canada. Five such satellites are already in the orbit - two Polish, two Austrian and one Canadian. You are talking about the scientific solutions developed by research institutes. What about the Polish space companies? What is their impact? It is hardly likely that there will already be any significant results two and a half years after joining the ESA and roughly half a year after the creation of POLSA, especially considering that countries such as France or Germany invest billions of euros in their space sectors. Poland’s contribution to ESA is currently to the tune of EUR 30 million, and ESA operates on the basis of geographical return principle, that is 80-90% of the money invested by each member state returns to it in the form of industrial contracts for space programmes. In contrast, geographical return does not apply for the contribution paid to the EU and spent on Galileo and Copernicus. These programmes follow the principle of competition. Poland, pm

Prof. Piotr Wolański receives Business Innovation Award from Krystyna Woźniak- Trzosek.

too, pays for these programmes about PLN 80 million per year, with only a small percentage of the amount being retrieved. One of the tasks of POLSA is to develop domestic industries to make them more competitive, to be able to recover more of the money spent, and ultimately gain on it, like France or Germany. We will not be able to make it unless we have suitable skills. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the Polish Space Agency is to develop these skills. There is, of course, a lot of industries, which are similar to the space sector in terms of technological requirements. Companies from the aerospace and defence industries can easily incorporate space activities. A number of new companies are being formed and the existing ones come together under the banner the Space Sector Employers’ Association. These are both companies and research institutes, and more than 200 Polish companies are already looking into what can be implemented with ESA. It is not only about devices sent into space, but also ground infrastructure, which is essential if you want to send objects into orbit and maintain communication with them. Poles are known for being fantastic programmers. Are software solutions for the space sector something we should focus on? We are already on the job. We have participated in the international missions in ESA and NASA. In terms of software and data analysis, we have long been involved in these missions. Still, I am convinced that we have an enormous potential for development here. • pm

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Octocopters Artur Czeszejko-Sochacki, President of RoboKopter Technologies Sp. z o.o.


he company, established in 2011, employs designers and engineers, specialists in electronics, robotics, IT, mechatronics, spatial information systems and imagery analysis. We focus on bringing innovative solutions and technologies for unmanned aerial systems (UAS), popularly called drones. Since August 2012 RoboKopter Technologies Sp. z o.o. has designed and built RoboKopters, dealing with engineering, construction, electronics and software for specialised missions (e.g. crisis management) and for recording and analysis of imagery acquired by multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). We have our own technical facilities: a design workshop, electronic lab, machinery, composites lab and mechanical workshop. We cooperate with Polish scientific institutions, such as the Military University of Technology, Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements, Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Aviation, Institute of Electrical Engineering, School of Fire Service or Polish Air Force Academy. In 2012-2013, we were carrying out “Research on innovative unmanned aircraft for specific functionalities,” a project co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development in the amount of PLN 1.19 mln, as a result of winning the first INNOTECH competition. In August 2013, we launched “Research on unmanned flying platforms dedicated to various industries,” a project worth

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PLN 2.9 million of which PLN 1.97 million was allocated under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy. Each model built undergoes testing: design specifications are verified, functionalities are checked in terms of intended uses. Tests mostly involve participation of potential users: large companies, state institutions or scientific bodies. Parametres are adjusted by iteration and a prototype is built. However, we are aware that there is a long way to go from prototype to implementation. Serial production is only started after a long process of check-ups. For this, we use our devices when providing services, which allows us to gain experience, while information flowing from the market allows to further improve the devices before starting serial production. We are about to finish a project dedicated to platforms for applications in strategic areas of the economy. The scope of work has included designing and construction of seven UAVs, including their electronics and software. At the same time, we are starting building integrated systems, whose elements are drones with a set of sensors and specialised software for data processing. RoboKopters were used in the construction of power grids (our method of stretching preliminary ropes was awarded at Energetab in 2014) and for the inspection of power grids. We also manufacture flying film cameras, transmitting the image in full-HD in real time at distances of up to 600 metres. By using the best components and our own solutions,

both mechanical and electronic, we managed to eliminate vibrations of the image. No wonder that RoboKopters worked perfectly on the set of “The Battle for a House” (TVN), Polish Rally (TVP Sport) and Race United Warsaw (TVP Sport). Unfortunately, there are only slightly more than 70 sunny days, optimal for flying in Poland. We want our RoboKopters to be able to fly 270 days. Therefore, their structures have to be resistant to the so-called environmental conditions, including weather. And they actually are, thanks to which they outperform other solutions. The live broadcast of “The Battle for a House” was not interrupted by heavy rain. Also, when we attended the international Trade Fair for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management INTERGEO 2014 in Berlin, which was possible owing to financial support obtained under the “Passport to Export” programme (“Export Development Plan for RoboKopter Technologies Sp. z o.o.”), and it started to rain during the flight show in Sommergarten, the exhibitors hastily finished their presentations, something that made us realise our advantage. We offer 4-rotor Quadcopters and 8-rotor Octocopters, which we mostly use providing services. Octocopters ensure better stability and safety during flight. In addition to resistance to weather conditions, Robokopters are distinguished by flight time and load weight matched to tasks. •


B lu e a n k e r

All for one, one for all


lueanker was designed to protect its users and whatever is most precious for them. The application, which uses the Bluetooth Smart technology, has bridged the gap between traditional security methods and the expensive GPS-based transmitters. The team tasked with the Blueanker project focused on all the security aspects that depend on transmitters, user’s applications and software for base transceiver stations. The basic principle is very simple. An object fitted with a suitable transmitter generates a signal which serves as an invisible shield. The system protects vehicles not only against thieves, but also damage attempts. The device informs the user about any anomalies such as coming out of range or unwanted movements. There are no technologies without people. Therefore, the Blueanker community consists not only of its users, but also their friends and acquaintances across the most popular social networks like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and featuring in contact lists. When a danger occurs and the object disappears from the designated area, Blueanker will alert its

owner, relevant services and selected contacts. Each user of our application, which is free of charge, will receive a message saying that there is a stolen vehicle in a nearby area. Devices designed by our team allow an effective and discreet protection of users and their property. The combination of base transceiver stations and Blueanker will enable the creation of reliable safety zones - mobile and fixed transmitter docking points. Data transfer via a telemetry SIM card makes it possible for mobile devices to communicate in real time. Blueanker is a flexible product that will fit your needs. It protects your property and serves as a professional locator using three systems: Bluetooth, GPRS, GPS. This gives the user a guarantee of reliability. Transmitters can be fixed anywhere, which allows to control not only the vehicle itself, but also the fuel cap, goods or even people. Blueanker allows an accurate management of personnel or fleet of vehicles. It will lead you to key destinations such as a hospital, your business partner’s premises or whatever place you might wish to navigate to.

Blueanker enables two-way communication between a staff member and the manager. It allows location and navigation to the selected zone. In case of emergency, the alert will go off, showing the device’s location on the map. Blueanker marks progress in the development of car equipment by refining it with the Smart Bluetooth module. It combines a series of functionalities: car alarm, mobile safe zone, mobile micropayments, video-recorder, navigation based on Google maps, motion sensor, fleet management, contact with other users and scanner of stolen vehicles. It is an all-in-one device. The device’s target users are not only car owners. A multifunctional application, it allows you to move the transmitter to any place to protecting e.g. the garage door, windows or a specific single object. It is anticipated that the Internet of Things will have covered 26 billion devices by 2019. We have created and unleashed the potential of the entirely new application. We are committed to conquering the largest possible share of this newborn market. •

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Fashion for

startups! Zygmunt Grajkowski, Managing Partner in Giza Polish Ventures, and Maciej Sadowski, President of Startup Hub Poland, talk to “Polish Market”. Last year GPV together with the National Centrer for Research and Development (NCBiR) successfully implemented two earlystage tech-incubators: StartVenture@Poland and Polish Institute for Research and Development. These instruments, worth around EUR 4 million, carry out investments into selected innovative startups including new spin-off companies that prove global expansion potential. GPV offers proof of principal supervision monitoring due-diligence processes and provides financing during the 2nd round of investment in the selected companies. The cooperation between the GPV team and the Incubators consist also in common structuring and editing of entries in the Investment Agreements, project co-management before and after the spin-off incorporation, knowledge transferring in the field of surveillance technology and capital-value management. A “start-up” has become a popular word in Poland these days. Does it mean Poland has not been an entrepreneurial country before the start-up fashion came? Zygmunt Grajkowski (ZG): Indeed, in Poland and other Central European countries we have experienced in recent years a growing interest in the field of innovative enterprises. High-profiled specialist are now more interested in planning and developing their own business rather than work for a corporation, which was the predominant model in the late 1990s. There is a lot of energy among the new generation and thanks to VC funds, supporting agencies and NGOs operating in Poland now this energy could be better unleashed. pm

This start-up fashion also encourages young Poles to go to larger technology hubs, like Berlin, London or Silicon Valley. Polish VCs compete for the best domestic projects, but the emigration takes a lot of steam away. Maciej Sadowski (MS): Every entrepreneurial country tries to win attention of the innovative class. Poland has not been active enough during the last years in this competition. That is the reason Startup Hub Poland for over 3 years has been inculcating consciousness of this issue among start-up community leaders, both municipal and central administration and pm

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investors. There are a lot of innovators carrying a Polish passport in Great Britain, Ireland and the United States, who have learned western standards, possess a widespread network, hold PhD degrees of Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford and MIT. Poland welcomes their come-backs with new opportunities, like world-class scientific infrastructure, viable business costs and substantial EU grants. Last year, together with Giza Polish Ventures and the National Centre for Research SHP within the Bridge Alfa pilot programme raised an incubation fund StartVenture@Poland dedicated to finance returning expats’ disruptive projects. What can they expect? MS:There are plenty of incubation programmes. From a variety of handy tools we picked those, which give the most valuable asset in terms of further market expansion of a startup. Carefully performed proof of principle helps in identifying the main risks of the project to address and manage them at the earliest possible stage. Then, SV@P covers further expenses - even up to Euro 80k – to make full proof of concept which consist of technology-, patent-, legal- and business-due diligence. GPV is active during both stages of the survey to choose the best ones and supply them with seed money and, eventually, next rounds of investments. pm

You cannot expect to supplement all talents who live in Poland every year in this way, very selective one. ZG: This is why SHP is also active on our east frontier. Scientist and entrepreneurs i.e. from Ukraine or Belarus eager to start up in the EU enjoy now easier access to the Polish seed capital market after the latest amendment to the emigration bill. Experts and mentors of the Foundation are constantly present at local universities start-up conferences. MS: In the past 6 months we have gathered over 250 applications to our incubation programme from Ukraine alone. Industries, like new materials, removable energy sources, bioengineering and Internet of Things, are predominantly well represented. First Eastern European companies are expected to emerge by the end of this year. The NCBiR’s Bridge Alfa programme seems to be particularly interesting for them since it combines public subsidies, smart private funding and exclusive support of international analysts and mentors. From the Ukrainian perspective, Poland has a well recognized and respected economy, from where the best startups can trampoline to the global ecosystem of innovation. • pm


The Łódź Solar Team on its way to success!


he Łódź Solar Team is a team of students from the science clubs of the Łódź University of Technology and the University of Łódź. The cooperation between the students’ science clubs: Automotive Lovers, Young Microelectronics and MarkeTEAM resulted in a combination of modern design and construction with the effective project management and promotion. After many months of hard work, the bolid has seen the light of day. The key features of the solar “teardrop”, as students fondly call it, are: area of solar panels – 6 m2 average racing speed – 70 km/h weight – 300 kg 2 seats

2 electric motors of 4 kW each maximum speed – 100 km/h driving range – 1,500 km The bolid had its premiere on 3 July. The team’s next goal is to win the World Solar Challenge 2015! The World Solar Challenge has been organised since 1987. It is the world’s most prestigious competition for solar-powered vehicles. It is divided into four classes: Challenger - a sports, single-driver vehicle; Cruiser - the most similar to traditional cars; Adventure - a three-wheel vehicle, adequate to Challenger; Evolution - unusual technologies The Polish team will compete in the Cruiser Class.

The team will travel 3,000 km from Darwin to Adelaide, an equivalent of almost 50 hours behind the wheel, braving the heat of an Australian desert. The energy is generated from solar cells, only once can the batteries be recharged from another source, the car can cover a distance of 1,500 km on one charge. Bolids competing in the World Solar Challenge are probably the most efficient electric vehicles in the world. The entire 3,000 km route runs through public roads. The team will be travelling between checkpoints, where it will stop to make camp, service the bolid and check parametres. The world’s largest corporations and local companies offering unique services or products are partners of the race. We keep our fingers crossed for our team in the autumn challenge! • ADVERTISEMENT


8/2015  polish market




Innovation in Medicine

The Prix Galien

“…not even knowing what you have yourself”

Innovations in medicine, especially those labelled “groundbreaking”, are usually associated with global pharmaceutical corporations. Launching a new drug involves first years of painstaking lab research, then years of clinical trials on animals and humans, finally a long process of patenting and registration in different countries. At each of these stages something may happen that will stop the project, resulting in the loss of work already done and money invested. Even a brilliant innovator cannot count on a “home-made” success. So do countries like Poland, which are not financial champions, have to give up aspirations in this field? Andrzej Jodłowski


rom time to time, Polish public opinion hears about sensational ideas and - less frequently - about them being deployed. The belief is firmly instilled that there is a thorny way to go from idea to production, and therefore a general conviction is that little of value is happening in our country. Therefore, joining the Prix Galien, a renowned international medical innovation competition, is of great importance for Poland. A Polish proverb says: “You tend to praise things other people have, not even knowing what you have yourself” and how it compares to achievements of others. The award, whose history dates back to 1970, will be sought after by Polish competitors for the third time. In four categories: innovative medicinal product, innovative scientific discovery, innovative medical product and innovative IT solution in medicine. Every two years, winners of the Prix Galien from different countries compete in the International Prix Galien, which rewards the most important innovations on a global scale. In 2014, the international award for an innovative IT solution in medicine went to the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing headed by Prof. Henryk Skarżyński. Both in 2012 and in 2014, this category was made up exclusively of Polish subsidiaries of foreign companies. However, Polish participation in other categories looks much better. As many as five those nominated for the Prix Galien Poland 2012 competed for the title of an innovative discovery that may have a crucial

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impact on diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease in humans. There was the flagship project of Adamed Group - ONCO 3-CLA, a biotech drug that selectively recognises and destroys tumor cells in pancreas, lungs, liver, uterus and colon, and leaves healthy cells unaffected. There was also a genetically modified melanoma vaccine, now in the last phase of clinical trials, developed by Prof. Andrzej Mackiewicz from the University of Medical Sciences and denying the opinion that there is no therapy that would extend the life of patients with metastatic melanoma (130 patients of Prof. Mackiewicz are still alive, in whom the therapy has been continued from 7 to 15 years). Prof. Henryk Skarżyński and Dr. Tomasz Zwolak from the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing offer breakthrough diagnostics using fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) for 35 million people in Europe suffering from a hearing disorder caused by excessive noise and for 30% of young people - victims of “headphone” music. The Wrocław University’s Genetic Biochemistry Department achieved practical results in the form of Innovative Polish Flax. Research, cofinanced by NCBiR, led to the deployment of new products in cooperation with the Linum Foundation, the companies LenPharma and Madez and the Wrocław Research Centre EIT+. These include new-generation dressings accelerating wound healing, implants for veterinary medicine and biopolymers used as drug carriers. These are undoubtedly great and revealing achievements, but the Jury, composed

of prominent Polish professors of medical sciences, decided to award the Prix Galien to the artificial respiratory-circulatory patient, an original product of the Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). This simulator has a wide range of applications - from education of future doctors, to designing therapies and testing respirators, artificial ventricles and other devices. It is already used in several renowned medical centres. The second Polish edition of the Prix Galien was a bit more modest. Polish applications included: the innovative treatment of obesity using an intra-gastric balloon (by NZOZ Pulsmed), the Regional Programme for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death (by the Kardiorytm Foundation), the world’s first facial allograft for life indications (by the Centre of Oncology) and Poland’s first implantation of life-saving subcutaneous cardioverter-defibrillator (by the Medical University of Łódź). In addition, IBSS Biomed entered a pro-biotic preparation for newborns FFbaby (in the category of innovative medical product), NZOZ Pulsmed – a technique using stem cells in the treatment of osteo-articular diseases (in the category of innovative therapy), and CGM Polska - the Świętokrzyska Regional Platform for Sharing Electronic Medical Information (in the category of innovative IT solution). Unfortunately, none of these innovations was considered breakthrough enough to win the Prix Ga lien. •

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Pancreatic cancer Mean value

Innovation in Medicine

The Polpharma Scientific Foundation for awards the best researchers

Prof. Marek Krawczyk, Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw, handed in the Titus Chałubiński Medal, the highest award of the Medical University of Warsaw, to Jerzy Starak.


he winners of the competitions of the Polpharma Scientific Foundation were presented with grants, doctoral scholarships and awards during the Gala in the Shakespeare Theatre in Gdańsk on 19 June. The Gala was attended by of Polpharma authorities, including Jerzy Starak, President of the Supervisory

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Board, and Elżbieta Dzikowska, Secretary of the Supervisory Board. Among the guests were Sławomir Neumann, Deputy Minister of Health, Henryka Bochniarz, President of the Confederation Lewiatan and Prof. Jerzy Buzek. During the ceremony, Prof. Marek Krawczyk, Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw, handed in the Titus Chałubiński Medal, the highest award of the Medical University of Warsaw, to Jerzy Starak. In his speech, he stressed the important role of the Polpharma Scientific Foundation in supporting the scientific research community. The Foundation was established by Polpharma in 2001. Its mission is supporting the development of pharmaceutical and medical sciences by financing scientific research in those fields. It is expressed by the slogan – “We Help People of Science”. The major programme conducted by the Polpharma Scientific Foundation is an annual competition for the best research projects in the field of pharmaceutical and medical sciences. The 13th edition of the competition was devoted to innovative research projects. Out of 22 applications received, 15 were referred for assessment. “The Scientific Council of the Foundation, upon reading the assessments of the research projects and based on its own assessment taking into account the author’s achievements to date, originality and innovation of the project, drafted the ranking of the applications and submitted it for approval to the Management Board of the Foundation, which decided that in the 13th edition of the competition it will finance three projects named by the Scientific Council,” Prof. Piotr Kuna, President of the Foundation’s Scientific Council said during the Gala.

Innovation in Medicine

The value of grants is almost PLN 1 million. The winners are: •

Paulina Kober, PhD, from the Oncology Centre of the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Institute in Warsaw, for the project titled “Identification of DNA methylation abnormalities in patients with functionally inactive pituitary adenomas and evaluation of their prognostic value.”

Adam Szpechciński, PhD, from the Department of Genetics and Clinical Immunology, Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Warsaw, for the project titled: “Profiling of microRNA expression as potential markers of sensitivity/resistance of nonsmall lung cancer cells in vitro into reversible and irreversible inhibitors of tyrosine kinase EGFR with next-generation sequencing.”

Katarzyna Gach, PhD, from the Interdepartmental Chair of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, Medical University of Łódź, for the project titled “Research into pharmacological properties of opioid peptide analogues as potential new analgesic and anti-diarrheal drugs.”

During the Gala, the winners were also announced of a nationwide competition organised by the Polish Pharmaceutical Society for more than 40 years. The competition is regarded among students as very prestigious and becoming its finalist is a great honour. The Polpharma Scientific Foundation, in accordance with its mission, supports the development of pharmaceutical sciences in may ways, one of which is rewarding the authors of the best master’s theses defended in pharmaceutical departments of medical universities. It is already for the tenth time that the Foundation has funded the prizes. Ten finalists, pharmacy graduates from all over Poland, competed over the best master’s thesis. Three of them received the awards. During the ceremony, scholarships were awarded to the best 10 PhD students. The winners are selected in a competition organised by the Foundation every two years. The scholarship programme was launched in 2006 in order to promote and reward the most talented PhD students with scholarships in the amount of PLN 10,000. In the five editions held so far, 37 scholarships have been granted, with a total value of PLN 370,000. Since 2012, the Foundation has supported research projects selected in competitions organised by scientific medical societies. The aim is to support research conducted by young researchers, members of scientific societies. So far, grants have been awarded to scientists from the Polish Society of Cardiology and the Polish Society of Ophthalmology. The ceremony was an opportunity to present a manual for physicians and medical students titled “Non-compliance with treatment recommendations. From causes to practical solutions”, which was released on the initiative of the Foundation and with the financial support of Polpharma.

The closing part of the official ceremony was a speech by Prof. Jerzy Buzek, MEP, Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and of the Conference of Committee Chairs of the European Parliament, who delivered a lecture titled “Healing Europe – innovation, sci• entific cooperation, common market.”

From left: Jerzy Starak, President of the Supervisory Board of Polpharma, Henryka Bochniarz, President of the Confederation Lewiatan and Prof. Jerzy Buzek, MEP, Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and of the Conference of Committee Chairs of the European Parliament

8/2015  polish market


Innovation in Medicine

Innovation is part of the medical profession’s ethos Prof. Marek Krawczyk, Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw (WUM), talks to Maciej Proliński. In Polish public debate we increasingly emphasize the need to build an innovative economy based on knowledge and professional management. Prof. Jerzy Buzek said in one of debates that in 15 years’ time we – the European Union as a whole and Poland in particular – simply had to “land on another planet,” one with a modern economy of a completely different level. What role does the world of Polish science, including modern medicine, have to play in this “landing on another planet?” I think that most people still understand innovation as discovering something new. Meanwhile, we have to do with innovation when a new, improved solution is already being put into practice. A simplified definition of pm

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innovation says that innovation is a process of turning an existing potential into new ideas and applying them in practice. The development of professional skills and correctly-understood innovation are part of the medical profession’s ethos. One should look at the healthcare system from a social and medical perspective, but also in the context of economic needs and challenges. A proper investment in health is an indispensable element of economic success. Medicine is changing every day and overcoming many seemingly unsurmountable barriers. Biomedical sciences are facing new challenges resulting from population aging and a rise in the incidence of diseases of civilization caused by changes to the human environment. Early disease detection and the right choice of

treatment is as important as removing the most frequent health problems. This is why a further development of medicine is necessary. This requires the use of even better imaging methods, as medical diagnostics plays an enormous role in monitoring the treatment process and the course of disease, and in evaluating the risk of specific diseases in a population. We also need new biomedical materials and a broader use of nanotechnology. Scientific research is a source of innovation and is its driver in any country’s economy. In brief, innovation is key to the development of the whole nation. Scientific research findings get through to the economy in the process called technology transfer. Scientists strive to ensure that research findings are applied in the

Innovation in Medicine

economy and that the research results which have a market potential are turned into innovation. However, it is still often the case that the only result of research work is the publication of its findings in a scientific journal, which is of little benefit for the economy and the public. Polish businesses also have to undertake today more intensive activity for the development of innovation in medicine so that new drugs and new technologies developed on the basis of Polish inventions broaden the availability of therapies for patients, help save human life and generate income for the Polish economy. If we want to live long and in good health we need to have access to innovative medicines able to meet constantly emerging new challenges of our civilization. At a university like ours, the development of science is to lead to progress in medicine in its practical aspect. What we do at our basic units, be it research in the area of anatomy or biochemistry, should have – and indeed often does now – the dimension of transfer to clinical medicine. However, it should be stressed that it is not always possible for the transfer to go according to a specific plan because scientific discoveries are often accidental. Let us look at the development of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, which are powerful diagnostic tools today. Initially, these solutions were not intended for medicine. But today, we are in the process of improving the work of these devices in medical applications. In our debates devoted to innovation we so often and in such a natural way return to the issue of knowledge transfer – from science to the economy. What is this link between science and the economy like in the case of WUM? Bringing research findings to the marketplace is simply a requirement of the European Union. We, in Poland, are still learning how to do that, but it is worth noting that we have made substantial progress. The Centre for Preclinical Research (CBP), the university’s largest investment project, partially financed from the European Union’s structural funds, is a tool designed to serve the development of science. The modern laboratory building is already open and has expanded the scope of WUM’s activity. The project was carried out as part of the largest biomedical and biotechnological undertaking in Poland – the Centre for Preclinical Research and Technology (CePT). Teams working at CBP are to turn it into a leading centre for the development of basic research and technology. The scientists look into the causes and mechanisms pm

of the diseases which pose the biggest challenge to contemporary medicine: neurodegenerative and circulatory diseases, and cancer. They also examine the properties of drugs, and develop new prevention and therapeutic methods. We have already seen the first cases of results of R&D work conducted at WUM being brought to the marketplace. The articles of incorporation for Amerlab, a limited liability company based in Warsaw, were signed in April 2015. Amerlab is a spinout firm founded by Agnieszka Pawełczyk, MD, of WUM’s Department for the Immunopathology of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and Synergia-WUM Sp. z o.o., WUM’s special-purpose company set up to bring the results of R&D work conducted at the university to the marketplace. Amerlab will deal with the complex diagnostics of human and animal material in a single place - without the need for the samples to be separated and sent to different institutions (medical labs and veterinary labs). The latest molecular biology techniques will be used in this diagnostics. Despite being highly sensitive, the techniques, are not standard because of high costs and, which is the most import, a shortage of qualified personnel. In May 2015, the articles of incorporation were signed for HemoTx, another limited liability company based in Warsaw. The company will be mainly dealing with the development of the Alex System through the first, second and third-phase clinical trials and by launching on the market independent filters for blood detoxification. The company’s shareholders are WUM research workers: Prof. Piotr Małkowski, head of the Surgical and Transplant Nursing Department Faculty of Health Sciences, Jacek Rózga, PhD, of the Surgical and Transplant Nursing Department, and Synergia-WUM Sp. z o.o., which made a contribution to the company in the form of an R&D work result – a prototype of the Alex system for extracorporeal blood detoxification to be used in the treatment of liver failure and some acute and chronic forms of kidney failure – as well as associated knowhow with a patent under a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application. A modern university means investment in human capital, but also infrastructure. In WUM’s case, this is really well-visible. A great undertaking in this respect is certainly our new Paediatric Hospital, a medical facility for the youngest patients with over 500 beds. It will house a paediatric emergency department. There is a helipad for the Air Ambulance Service on the roof of the building and pm

operating theatres are located one floor below. The hospital cost over PLN0.5 billion to build. The modern facility is much needed by our university, Warsaw and Poland as a whole. New solutions will be used here, like for example a maternity ward and a neonatal one combined with an intensive care unit for newborns. Prematurely born babies requiring surgical procedures will no longer have to be transported. The hospital building has already been constructed. We are now in a quite difficult phase of tenders for the delivery of equipment. If the tenders do not take longer than planned I hope we will open at least one ward of this hospital in September 2015. We have put into use a modern Library and Information Centre and our Sports and Rehabilitation Centre is under construction. We are improving the work conditions for forensic medicine specialists. The modernization of the building of WUM’s Forensic Medicine Department, constructed in 1924-1927 on Oczki Street in Warsaw, is scheduled for completion in August 2015. Do you think the recent appointment of Prof. Marian Zembala - considered to be the most influential person in the Polish health service sector, an outstanding cardiac surgeon and a long-time associate of Prof. Zbigniew Religa - to the post of health minister offers a chance that the general image of the Polish healthcare system will change for the better? In his capacity as head of the Scientific Council attached to the previous health minister, Prof. Marian Zembala promised to spare no effort to ensure that the importance of university hospitals is appreciated, as their role differs from that of provincial and municipal hospitals. Firstly, university hospitals, apart from providing treatment to patients, also teach and develop medicine, something we have already talked about. Secondly, there has been talk in the medical community for a long time now about the need to increase the number of medicine students. But is the idea to open faculties of medicine at non-public schools or public universities other than medical ones the right solution to the problem? Prof. Zembala has already given a clear answer to this question: “No”. Other systemic challenges are associated, for example, with the need to get students ready for further reforms resulting from the abolition of the post-graduation internship. But the new health minister has not expressed his opinion on this issue yet. • pm

8/2015  polish market




one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical companies in Poland


EKAM Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. is expanding both on the Polish pharmaceutical market and on international markets. LEKAM combines a homogeneous product portfolio, efficient leadership and highly skilled employees, that has allowed the company to quickly gain recognition in the pharmaceutical industry. Presently LEKAM is one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical companies in Poland. A rapid rate of growth in terms of sales and revenues, combined with the top quality of products offered, has turned LEKAM into a phenomenon on the market. After 13 years of existence we became one of the top 10 companies on the Polish pharmaceutical market (based on IMS Data). LEKAM’s products have been honored with prestigious awards granted by both consumers and the medical community. Our product portfolio is made up of a carefully selected Over The Counter (OTC) and Prescription Medicines (Rx) as well as Food Supplements (FS), Medical Devices (MD) and Cosmetics (COS). Our products have been on the Polish market from 2000 and have been exported since 2007. LEKAM has currently a very strong position in many therapeutic fields and sees a rapid growth of production and sales. We have introduced onto the market and have been developing further the following therapeutic areas: • • • • • • •

Psychiatry Cardiology Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Urology Gastroenterology Allergology Surgery

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• • • •

Vascular Surgery Oncology/Hematology CNS / Neurology Endocrinology/Metabolism

The essential feature of LEKAM’s products is their high world-class quality. All of the products meet strict quality requirements set by the European Union. Our production methods hold a GMP certificate (Good Manufacturing Practice), whereas the ingredients for our clinical trials all abide by GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) guidelines and Quality Management Systems ISO 9001:2008 and some products meet all the legal requirements for the CE marking. What is more, the dossier of our all medicinal products has been prepared in CTD format (Common Technical Documentation). All of the above has only one goal – to meet the constantly rising demand for LEKAM products. What is more important, each increase in our production capacity goes hand in hand with the introduction of the most upto-date technologies. LEKAM’s production facilities are located in Zakroczym, near Warsaw, the capital of Poland. The production plant together with the commercial office located in Warsaw make up LEKAM. The plant contains the production lines and laboratories to which the company owes its world-class generic medication. All our medicinal products have been developed by our in-house R&D department. Our success is people – their knowledge, experience, talent, creativity and commitment to the company. All of our promotional and informational activities are conducted by a team highly qualified specialists. Presently, LEK-AM employs around 500 people. The company’s employees have always abided by a number of values among which honesty,

credibility, trust, quality and ethical behavior are at the forefront. In the near future we are planning to combine our R&D activities with in-licensing opportunities. This will allow us to deliver many world-class medicines in a short period of time. In-licensing opportunities will enable us to present patients and the medical community, with a wide selection of new products while still developing them in our own dossier. All of LEKAM’s efforts have only one aim – to supply our clients with the best possible products. We are aware that LEKAM would not have been one of the leaders of the Polish pharmaceutical market if it had not been for the top quality medicines offered at very affordable prices. Dynamic development on the Polish pharmaceutical market and a significant increase in the range of products offered, sparked our interest in foreign markets. LEKAM is actively developing the markets in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas and Australia. We have Representative Offices and cooperate with many business partners around the world. The Department of International Markets would like to double our turnover • in next years.

For more information please contact: Leszek Rymsza Director of International Markets email: leszekrymsza@lekam.pl tel. +48 22 635 80 41 ext. 506 mobile: +48 503 059 414 www.lekam.pl

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The projects undertaken should be comprehensive in nature Prof. Janusz Dyduch, President of the Polish Association of Transport Engineers and Technicians (SITK)

The Office of Rail Transport (UTK), when controlling railways, often reports irregularities in supervision and safety of traffic. In your opinion, are rail traffic management and rail safety improving, or can there be talk of a growing number of risks, especially that the average speed and traffic frequency will continue to increase? The question involves a hidden aspect regarding the role of UTK in improving rail safety. With more than 10 years spent with UTK, I am well placed to express a certain reflection, especially that I was UTK’s first president and I put in place the European supervisory structure in the Polish railways, something that was one of the most important conditions of Poland’s accession to the EU. UTK was built upon the European experience, especially Germany’s EBA. EU financial support under the PHARE programme in the amount of about EUR 1.5 million made it possible to carry out five studies on how to prepare the Polish railways to comply with EU directives, both in general and legal terms. At the time, we were considered the second railway regulator after Germany’s EBA. Given its complexity, I think a separate jubilee conference should be devoted to that issue. We managed to accomplish most of the necessary changes that increased railway security in Poland, except for one very important thing, namely the supervision of railway investment by an independent body as UTK is. Here is the source of all major investment problems facing the Polish railways. And it is not about finances, but general guidance, quality standards and forecasting. The ongoing investments in railway infrastructure and rolling stock make for improvements in rail safety. A certain problem pm

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continues to be posed by level railway crossings, but you can see investment dynamics here, too. Additionally, high-speed railways (up from 160 km/h) force the construction of two-level crossings. We are extremely active in solving these problems. Is it going to be necessary to increase funding for research and innovation projects in transport in the coming years? Two years ago, acting in my capacity as Chairman of the Transport Committee under the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), I addressed, on behalf of the entire transport industry, especially its rail branch, Barbara Kudrycka, the then Minister of Science and Higher Education, asking her to support us in our dealings with The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) so that it looks favourably on our R&D applications. While previously, a mere one in ten applications had been approved, last year the situation clearly improved. I must say that the next application made by my research team from the Department of Transport and Electrical Engineering, University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, was - upon additional examination (with about half-a-year delay) - approved for implementation. I mention this because it is closely related to railway safety, dealing with analysis and evaluation of operational safety of rail traffic control systems. Basically, following the example of other industries, we need to launch a sectoral project called INNOKOL that will guarantee several years of stable funding for rail infrastructure research projects, which has a directly impact on rail safety. The projects undertaken should be comprehensive in nature. pm

For this, cooperation - in their selection, examination and evaluation - with PAN’s Transport Committee and the Polish Association of Transport Engineers and Technicians can be useful. This is all about making them - NCBiR, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - realise that we offer them a valuable advisory base. How do you assess tenders for transport projects so far? Are railways doing better in this respect than the road sector? The Polish Association of Transport Engineers and Technicians is of the opinion that tenders for transport projects are not structured properly, as 95% of them are open tenders, and price remains the basic criterion of choice, because additional criteria, such as the shortening of the time of execution (the deadline specified in the tender’s terms of reference is often already unrealistic) or providing for a warranty period, represent a mere substitute of extra-price criteria with no effect on the assessment of the project. Moreover, the terms of reference are formulate too vaguely, as evidenced by the very large number of questions from bidders, which in turn results in frequent changes being made to them, with the same tender opening date. At the same time, there are too many design-tenders, which we believe should not be used for linear infrastructure projects. Over the last few years, price-based tendering has led to bankruptcies of many contractors, and orderers being entangled in a number of legal disputes and lawsuits. It will leave a lasting and costly mark on the investment projects quality and sustainability, in the form of increasing maintenance costs. • pm

BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd


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Testing of:

• silników • pojazdów • emisji spalin • materiałów • części i zespołów samochodowych • wymienników ciepła • elektrotechniczne i elektroniczne • pomiary metrologiczne

• engines • vehicles • exhaust emissions • materials • automotive components and assemblies • heat exchangers • electrotechnical and electronic systems • metrological measurements



• obliczenia, konstrukcje i analizy matematyczne • konstrukcyjna obsługa produkcji

• mathematical calculations, constructions and analyses • engineering production support

Wykonawstwo: • przyrządów kontrolno-pomiarowych • szablonów /2D i 3D/ • wyposażenia technologicznego linii produkcyjnych

Manufacture of: • control and measurement devices • templates (2D and 3D) • technological equipment of processing lines



• homologacje typu pojazdów oraz ich przedmiotów wyposażenia lub części/ dopuszczenia jednostkowe i indywidualne WE pojazdu • identyfikacja obowiązujących wymagań i badania na zgodność z tymi wymaganiami dla pojazdów oraz ich części/zespołów przed wprowadzeniem do obrotu

• type approvals of vehicles and vehicle equipment or components; EC unit and individual vehicle permits • identification of binding requirements and testing vehicles and their components/ 8/2015 with polishsuch market 53 assemblies for compliance requirements, before marketing them



years of Polish Association of Building Managers Janusz Zaleski, Vice-President of PSMB

Józef Zubelewicz member of the Management Board of ErBud Group awards state distinctionsThe Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta from Secretary of State in the President’s Chancellery Minister Olgierd Dziekoński


he Polish Association of Building Managers (PSMB), was brought to life on 8 March 2005, in cooperation with the Department of Civil Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology as well as with international organisations: the Association of European Building Surveyors and Construction Experts (AEEBC) and the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), in order to educate and certificate managerial building personnel. Today, after 10 years in business, we look back wondering if we made good use of the past time and if what we are doing meets our statutory objectives that we had adopted and are bound by. We started as a team of nineteen founding fathers, three of whom are gone now. Prof. Kazimierz Jaworski, Prof. Kazimierz Cieszyński and Eng. Stanisław Srokowski, people

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of great merit, will always be remembered with utmost esteem. Presently, PSMB brings together a number of highly-skilled managers and companies-contributing members whose support is extremely valuable. Our membership in AEEBC and CIOB paves the way for our members to join these bodies, too, and to be certified as EurBEs (European Building Expert). So far, this certificate has been received by six members of PSMB. The recognition of the results of two international research projects, implemented in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci projects, which were coordinated by the Institute of Building Production Engineering and Management of the Warsaw University of Technology was decisive in laying down and implementing statutory objectives of PSMB. These projects were aimed at defining the structure of indispensable managerial knowledge and the scope of complementary studies for civil engineers in order to bring the level of managerial skills to European standards and certification criteria. Aided by EU funds, we were able to lay substantive grounds for PSMB’s business. Involved it successive Leonardo da Vinci programmes, we co-created Poland’s unique “Construction Manager Library”, with 19 books already published and another 6 in the making. The knowledge contained in these books is indispensable for engineers-construction managers running projects in the modern market economy. These books have been highly evaluated by EU experts and approved by AEEBC, and allow identify managerial skills. They are also a source of knowledge for postgraduate studies in the filed of construction management conducted by the Department of Civil Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology, whose curriculum is accredited by PSMB. In 2014 the ninth edition of these postgraduate studies came to an end, putting out 30 graduates. In total, these studies were completed by 270 engineers who earned degrees of the Warsaw University of Technology and certificates of PSMB. We are currently working on the project Leonardo da Vinci “MBAC in Construction - postgraduate studies


Laureats awarded with state distinctions

in management of construction projects in the European Union.” This project responds to the need and provides the necessary framework to develop European postgraduate studies for construction managers in the field of construction management. The Polish Association of Building Managers is specifically committed to improving safety on construction sites. In all our projects, we pay special attention to the problems of occupational health and safety (OHS). As part of the project LdV SHANIME, a series of 100 animated films was made, showing the causes of work accidents on construction sites. We are part of the team of the Leonardo da Vinci project “ARCW – Health and safety procedures for curtain walls with the use of Augmented Reality Technology”, along with the Department of Civil Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology, Technische Universität Darmstadt - Germany, Universitat de Valencia - Spain, Fundacion Laboral de la Construccion - Spain and EljakoAl, a company that is an on-site contractor committed to OHS. It has become PSMB’s tradition to organise an annual conference in Mikołajki in November. It covers current economic issues relevant for the managerial community. The conference is also an opportunity for our members and supporters to exchange views, discuss and meet. So far, 15 editions have been held attended by over 800 people, who were satisfied both with the subjects and logistics. A valuable source of knowledge is meetings with government officials, such as Chief Inspector of Construction Supervision Robert Dziwiński, or Prof. Krzysztof Motzko from the University of Darmstadt, the author of several books labelled “Construction Manager Library.” Another way of strengthening PSMB’s reputation is participation in international conferences, during which we present our achievements. One of our successes is signing an agreement with the Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski COP (Central Industrial District) Cluster.

Looking back at the past 10 years, we can face our members in full confidence and tell them that time has not been wasted. Judge it by yourself.

The Gala in the Primate’s Palace

The sum-up of the 10 years of existence of the Polish Association of Building Managers was made in the Primate’s Palace in Warsaw. The ceremony was attended by Secretary of State in the President’s Chancellery Minister Olgierd Dziekoński, PSMB’s members and partners, invited guests, participants and speakers of the annual conference in Mikołajki. A solemn moment of the ceremony was awarding state distinctions to: Józef Zubelewicz - The Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta Marek Garliński and Zbigniew Gontarz - The Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta Mariusz Białek, Jacek Kołodziejski, Robert Micał, Paweł Nowak, Igor Pawłowski - The Golden Cross of Merit

The President’s decision to grant state distinctions will be announced in “Monitor Polski”, the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland. In his speech, Minister Olgierd Dziekoński appreciated the activities of the Polish Association of Building Managers, finding that various forms of its managerial education – postgraduate studies, conferences, “Construction Manager Library”, meetings and discussions – thoroughly fullfil PSMB’s statutory objectives. In the second part of the ceremony, artists from the European Foundation for the Promotion of Vocal Arts performed popular songs. •

8/2015  polish market



ERBUD 25 years

in the construction business ROYAL WILANÓW Office and Service Building, Warsaw; General Contractor: Erbud SA (Aug. 2013 - Sept. 2015)

Foreign beginnings On 17 August 2015, Erbud celebrated its 25th anniversary. The founder and first president of Erbud, Eryk Grzeszczak, worked in the construction sector since the mid-1950s in Poland and in Germany. His son, Dariusz Grzeszczak, a graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology, lived and worked in Krefeld, Germany, since 1988. The economic transformation in Poland enabled them to fulfill their dreams of a family-owned construction company. The first construction project - an office building in Regensburg - earned them a revenue of 28,000 German marks and paved the way for further implementations on the demanding market of western Germany. The following years were a time of prosperity in Europe, especially in Germany, which saw the construction boom in the second half of the 1990s. In 1995 alone, Erbud was running 12 projects with a total value of approx. DEM 9,000,000, including two large office buildings in Berlin (Friedrichstadt - for Klammt and Kontorhaus - for Heitkamp), the Mögeldorf shopping mall in Nuremberg, residential buildings in Erlenbach and in Regensburg, the fire brigade building in Meinaschaff, the healthcare fund’s building in Dresden. In 1996, the company’s headcount rose from 325 to 500 people, and the number of construction sites - to 20.

Time for Poland In December 1999, Józef Zubelewicz joined the group of Erbud’s shareholders. The German market was still of crucial importance for Erbud, which required Dariusz Grzeszczak to reside in Germany in permanence. Józef Zubelewicz was put in charge of setting up teams to work as general contractors Poland-wide. The first large-scale projects with Erbud as a general contractor were completed in Toruń and in

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its surroundings. The company’s successful debut in Warsaw was the construction of the Castorama hypermarket in the Targówek district (1998-1999; PLN 2.4 million); concurrently, a shopping mall King Cross (Geant) was commissioned in Toruń (PLN 1.3 million) for the same investor. Another important project was a bakery building (shell) for Hiestand in Grodzisk Mazowiecki (1999-2001; PLN 4.5 million). But a breakthrough contract - in terms of size, complexity and value (nearly PLN 13.6 million) - was the premises of Polsat at Ostrobramska Street in Warsaw (2000-2001).

Strategic partnership The year 2003 brought a much-awaited upturn in the construction industry in Poland. What inspired hope for better time was the prospect of the upcoming entry into the European Union, the economic recovery expected to follow, the need to make up for civilisational underdevelopments in the construction sector, such as the shortage of housing and utilities, and to invest in energy and other infrastructure. This was a perfect time to look for a strategic investor. The negotiations with two potential investors took one year, culminating in signing of the contract with Wolff & Müller on 18 December 2003. Wolff & Müller, which is one of the largest and oldest construction companies in Germany, proved to be an ideal investor: on the one hand, the German partner had full confidence in the Polish management, without interfering in the company’s day-to-day operations; on the other hand, it provided Erbud with new opportunities by contributing - outside capital - valuable experience and references, which raised Erbud’s prestige and facilitated the procurement of large construction contracts in Poland, Germany and other European countries.

Infrastructure The year 2006 brought another eight-figure contracts in the country, including the construction of the residential complex Olympia 2 in Warsaw (PLN 47.9 million), the design and construction of the RYWAL RHC logistics and warehousing centre in Toruń (PLN 12.6 million). At that time, the construction was also under way of the Polish Post’s Distribution and Dispatch Centre in Bydgoszcz (PLN 57 million), of the Przy Promenadzie residential and service centre (1st stage) in Warsaw (PLN 51 million), the Znaki Czasu Contemporary Art Centre in Toruń (PLN 35 million) and production plant for ETO Magnetic in Wrocław (PLN 32.8 million). In September 2006 another record was beaten - Erbud began the construction of the Angel City residential premises in Kraków, a contract worth EUR 21 million (PLN 79 million). But it was again beaten as soon as two months later - in November 2006 the construction started of the Galeria Pestka shopping mall in Poznań (PLN 170.4 million).

Erbud on the Warsaw Stock Exchange Erbud’s managers were well aware that maintaining a dynamic growth and pursuing the company’s strategic plans require an additional capital injection. An IPO seemed to perfectly fit with the plans. Erbud’s prospectus was approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority on 14 December 2006. In the public offering investors could purchase 2.5 million ordinary shares and 900 thousand shares sold by the original owners. The issue price was set at PLN 50. Erbud’s offer aroused such great interest among investors that the reduction rate in the individual tranche was up to 98.3%. The company’s debut on the Warsaw Stock took place 11 May 2007, a few weeks after the decision to award Poland and Ukraine the Euro 2012. The first listing of Erbud opened with PLN 74 per share, but the investors drove the price up to level PLN 91,5 by the end of the trading day. The stock market flotation earned Erbud PLN 125 million, and the total offering amounted to PLN 170 million. The company’s strategic plans provided for a minimum allocation of PLN 75 million for acquisitions, and for the rest (up to PLN 30 million) to be spent on increasing the working capital. The year 2007 sealed Erbud’s leading position among the Polish construction companies. Further investments worth over PLN 50 million drove the company’s development: Galeria Park housing complex in Warsaw (PLN 90.1 million), Forum Koszalin shopping mall (PLN 186 million), the Skoroszewska housing estate in Warsaw (PLN 52.6 million), Tesco shopping mall in Opole (PLN 62.1 million), Przy Promenadzie - 2nd stage (PLN 118.8 million). The IPO proved, as intended, to be a springboard to the most prestigious contracts, which put Erbud, already in 2008, among the WSElisted companies generating an annual revenue of more than PLN 1 billion. This result was achieved thanks to several large contracts. The most important implementations were: Forum Koszalin trade and service centre (PLN 177.6 million), Pestka shopping mall in Poznań (PLN 152.1 million), Galeria Piastów shopping mall in Legnica (PLN 78 million), Galeria Twierdza shopping mall (1st stage) in Kłodzko (PLN 66 million), extending of the Bosch plant in Mirków (PLN 33.6 million). The year 2009 saw new records. Erbud strengthened its position as one of the leaders in the segment of shopping malls with the launch of the construction of two large shopping malls in southern Poland - Victoria in Wałbrzych (80 000 m2 of usable space, a contract worth PLN 243.7 million) and Agora Bytom in Bytom (56 000 m2; PLN 186.5 million).

Time to go in for acquisitions For the first several years of existence, Erbud was growing organically, building skills and gaining foothold abroad (through its subsidiaries: GWI and Erbud International), and since 2000 also in Poland by expanding its branch network. In 2007, aided by the funds obtained

WILHELMSHAVEN coal power plant (Germany) General Contractor: Erbud International (Apr. 2009 - Nov. 2010) from the IPO, the company could start implementing a strategy based on selective and prudent acquisitions of companies with business profiles complementary to that of Erbud. The first to join the Erbud’s capital group was Budlex (2007), a housing market tycoon in Bydgoszcz and Toruń. It was followed by Rembet Plus (2007) and PRD (2008). In December 2010, the two companies merged into one called the Road and Engineering Construction Company (PBDI). Erbud’s expansion in the energy sector started with the acquisition in 2009 of Katowice’s JF Inwestycje, which was formed the basis of Erbud Energy, one of the seeds of today’s Erbud Industry Group. The dynamic development of services for industry was prompted by the acquisition in 2012 of Łódź’s Engorem (as of 2014: Erbud Industry Centrum), providing service support for Dalkia’s power plant in Łódź. The company’s service team extended, in February 2014, to include a new branch in Poznań, where Dalkia is serviced by a 100-strong team. In 2014, Erbud Industry incorporated another two companies: Gdańsk’s NGK Ojrzyński and EnergoServ Pomorze.

25 years of the Erbud Group Today, the Erbud Group is one of the leading construction companies in Poland, with 25 years of experience. It provides general contracting services in building construction, as well as energy and road construction in Poland and in other Western European countries. It gives employment, professional development opportunities and satisfaction for almost 2 thousand people. Every year, the Group pursues dozens of construction projects in major Polish cities. The Group’s implementations are setting the highest quality standards in the construction industry and serve the public. Taking care of the highest standards of performance and safety culture, the Group applies an integrated quality management system based on ISO standards. The Group’s high professionalism has been recognised by investors and customers who consistently entrust it prestigious investment projects. The year 2014 ended with another record revenue: PLN 1.7 billion. Moreover, strategic decisions brought fruit to further increase both geographical and portfolio diversification. Carefully companies with the unique experience and expertise in the most promising construction and manufacturing sectors are invited to join the Erbud Group. Reliance on several business pillars makes the Group more resistant to economic fluctuations, while also releasing additional development potential. •

8/2015  polish market



We are constantly looking FOR attractive markets Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik, Deputy Minister of the Economy


oland is a country with a stable economy, appreciated by foreign investors. According to data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS), the GDP growth rate in 2014 was 3.4% , while in the first quater of 2015 it is estimated to have reached 3.5% year-on-year. Such a result has a positive effect on the expectations of domestic entrepreneurs and helps plan exporting activity. Supporting Polish entrepreneurs and strengthening the reputation of the Polish economy is one of the priorities of the Ministry of the Economy. That is why we are constantly looking for attractive markets for Polish products and supporting Polish entrepreneurs seeking expansion to foreign markets. We also keep encouraging foreign companies to develop their business in Poland. China is one of the most promising economic partners for Poland. According to preliminary data for 2014, Polish exports to China increased by 6% and reached EUR 1.684 billion, compared to EUR 17.402 billion worth of imports from China (up by 19%). Polish exports to China in the period from 2008 to 2014 nearly doubled, while imports rose 1.5 fold. According to preliminary data, in the first quater of this year Polish exports to China amounted to EUR 447 million (an increase by 6% relative to the same period of 2014), and imports from China totalled EUR 4,845.6 million (an increase by 22% compared to the same period of 2014).

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In its trade policy towards China, Poland strives to balance sales by means of faster growth in exports and supporting Polish companies on the Chinese market. We also want to take and encourage promotional measures that will contribute to establishing bilateral contacts and deepening those already existing. In 2012, the Ministry of the Economy initiated the programme “Go China” and launched www.gochina.gov.pl, a website addressed to Polish companies interested in economic cooperation with China. The programme revealed a great interest from domestic businesses in entering the Chinese market. Its implementation has become an impulse for the Ministry of the Economy to pursue policies supporting the development of economic relations with other countries. In November 2013, another dedicated website, www.gopoland.gov.pl, was put online, directed at the Chinese companies interested in investing in Poland. The agri-food production is an increasingly important part of Polish exports. It accounts for almost 12% of all Polish exports to Japan and more than 5% to the Republic of Korea, while with respect to China the share was below 2% until 2011. In 2012, as Polish pork was allowed to the Chinese market, the agri-food exports to China jumped to nearly 5% of total exports, and to close to 9% in 2013. China’s promises to increase agri-food imports from the CEE countries augur well, but its suspension of Polish pork imports since February

2014 poses a serious threat to the successful development of exports in this sector. For Poland, the priority areas of cooperation with China are all forms of economic cooperation associated with modern technologies. Among the prospective areas are metallurgy, engineering, automotive, agrifood and chemical industries. Cooperation is also possible in such sectors as energy including renewables, mining, construction, specialised aircraft and environmental protection. China’s investment in Poland is mainly in electronics (TV sets), machinery (Huta Stalowa Wola, Rolling Bearings Factory in Kraśnik), distribution (GD Poland in Wólka Kosowska) and IT (ZTE, Huawei). Also, two Chinese banks: the Bank of China and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China opened their Polish branches in 2012. Polish companies are interested in investment cooperation in the mining, pharmaceutical and chemical sectors. According to data from the China Investment Promotion, there were 242 companies with Polish capital in China in 2011. The dynamic development of bilateral economic and trade relations leaves room for closer cooperation. Poland is today an attractive economic partner not only in Europe, but also globally. The Chinese economy is one of the fastest growing and most innovative economies in the world. We hope that our cooperation will continue to blossom to • the benefit of both parties.

International Relations

The Chinese tour of Europe begins in Poland


he Łódzkie Province became the heart of the Polish-Chinese cooperation in late June. The famous Andel’s Hotel in Łódź, the capital of the province, hosted the 3rd Regional Forum Poland-China. The conference, panel discussions and business meetings, were attended by over 500 guests, including 200 Chinese businessmen and local government officials. They were discussing, together with their Polish peers, what else can be done so that the Polish-Chinese cooperation lives up to the needs and ambitions of the economies of both countries. The event, graced by Poland’s Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna, was opened by its main organisers: Marshal of the Łódź Province Witold Stępień and Mayor of the City of Łódź Hanna Zdanowska. Minister Schetyna stressed the importance of regions in building good economic relations with China. “This Forum, which takes place for the third time, has become a tradition. That is because local cooperation drives state cooperation between the two countries,” he said. Minister Schetyna recalled the turning point in relations between the two countries, the year 2011, when the two countries signed an agreement on strategic partnership and defined the scope of bilateral cooperation, pointing to its regional dimension as one of its cornerstones. He added that a rail connection had existed between Łódź and Chengdu, the capital of the Chinese province of Sichuan since 2013. In his opinion, it is “a symbol of the connection not only of two cities, but also two countries, two cultures and two worlds.” Our relationships are true, natural, and bound to develop. However, while we tend do believe that, once made, contacts will always be there, it does not work this way. We have to constantly work on it, make efforts. Therefore

- he said - the Foreign Ministry will encourage contacts at local government level. Minister Schetyna added that Poland is among the founding members of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a new international financial institution championed by China. He pointed out that the Finance Minister Mateusz Szczurek signed AIIB’s founding act in China. The Foreign Minister also said that Poland and what it had achieved in the last 25 years were appreciated and respected in China. He also expressed hope that Poland would become a starting point for Chinese tourists who embark on a tour of Europe. Many speakers referred to Łódź as a Chinese gateway to Europe. “We want Łódź to be such a spot on the map that will make the Chinese think of cooperation with Europe,” said Witold Stępień. Marshal Witold Stępień met with Olgierd Dziekoński, Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the President of Poland, Polish Ambassador to China Tadeusz Chomicki, China’s Ambassador to Poland Xu Jian, and Dominika Kulczyk, President of the Polish-Chinese Business Council. Panel discussions attracted representatives of the companies involved in trade with the Middle Kingdom. Some of them were chaired by guests from China. Differences were also discussed between modi operandi of local authorities in Poland and China, the role of the regions in creating the New Silk Road, as well as urban management and tourism. Sławomir Żałobka, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Development, spoke on the cooperation between the Polish and Chinese regions, as well as the “One Belt, One Road” project. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Development is open to an exchange of views with Chinese partners at the local

level. Minister Maria Wasiak met with Guo Gengmao, a party secretary from the province of Henan. Also, on 16 June, a cooperation agreement was signed between PKP Cargo and Zhengzhou International Hub for the development of the trans-shipment terminal in Małaszewicze. “The regional cooperation between Poland and China is an important element of the Polish-Chinese efforts to develop transport links between Asia and Europe,” stressed Sławomir Żałobka. He added that the actions taken by Poland fit in excellently with the Chinese concept of “One Belt, One Road.” Moreover, due to its geographical location, Poland can serve as a revitalised “Silk Road” to the European Union. “Thanks to infrastructure investment projects, both already implemented and still planned, Poland is dynamically developing its potential in transport infrastructure,” said Sławomir Żałobka. One of the four rail links with China runs through Łódź. Tomasz Grzelak, CEO of Hatrans Logistics, its operator, said that the cargo handled is gradually increasing. Now there is one train a week from Chengdu to Łódź, but already in July the second train will be put on tracks. Five cooperation agreements were entered into during the Forum. The curious thing about the agreement between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the province of Henan is that it is the first agreement to be signed by a Polish ministry and a province of China. Other agreements were concluded by Łódź and Chengdu; Koluszki and Dujiangyan; Częstochowa University of Technology and Shenyang Jianzhu University; Centre for Poland-Asia Studies and Shanghai University of Foreign Trade and Economics. •

8/2014  polish market




edition of European Medals

Krystyna Woźniak- Trzosek is collecting the European Medal. Photo: BCC


European Medals were distributed for the 26th time this year at a ceremony held in the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw. Honorary European Medals and Sharp Pen awards were also granted. Among the European Medal winners was the editorial board of “Polish Market.”


total of 177 European Medals were granted for products and services in the 26th edition of the competition. Honorary European Medals went to Jadwiga Sztabińska, editor-in-chief of the “Gazeta Prawna” daily, Pierre Buhler, French ambassador to Poland, Bogusław Chrabota, editor-in-chief of the “Rzeczpospolita” daily, Robert Feluś, editorin-chief of “Fakt” and Sławomir Jastrzębowski, editor-in-chief of “Super Express.” Sharp Pens were awarded to Krzysztof Kowalczyk, head of the economic section of “Rzeczpospolita,” and Bartosz Marczuk, deputy editor-in-chief of the “Wprost” weekly. Among the European Medal winners was the editorial board of “Polish Market.” The award was collected by President and Editor-in-Chief Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek. Marek Goliszewski, president of Business Centre Club (BCC), the awards organizer, congratulated the laureates. He cited Einstein’s words: “The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going” and added: “Today, we are among such people, among those who want to be Polish and European”. He also cited the words of film director Andrzej Wajda that enterprising Poles are those who want to work hard, win on European markets, and who provide an example for others, people who have dared to play in attack because you do not kick goals in defence. In his book “The Next 100 Years,” George Friedman predicts that Poland will be one of

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the world’s five biggest economies alongside France. Expressing his thanks for the Honorary European Medal, French Ambassador Pierre Buhler said: “Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to tell you how much this unusual distinction granted to me by Business Centre Club, one of the largest employers’ organizations in Poland, and the European Economic and Social Committee means to me. I feel particularly honoured by the recognition that the two important organizations, Polish and European, have shown me. Especially, as you have awarded me the European Medal for promoting European ideas and for my contribution to the strengthening of relations between France and Poland. Just one of these arguments would be enough to make me satisfied. Their combination reflects the strong relationship between the idea of European integration, which is so dear to France and me personally, and Polish-French relations, which are also close to my heart. Both this idea and these relations are, as I think, a manifestation of the same need, namely the need of further integration on our continent. Bringing Poland closer to France means serving this European cause, and patiently and persistently building our common fate. Jean Monnet and Robert Schumann showed us the way when they supported a specific course of action, creating first real solidarity. This approach has proven its worth for six decades. The noblest political structure in the history of

mankind has been built in the form of a sphere of peace and prosperity in a continent tried so sorely by history. The potential resulting from this approach has not been exhausted with time, it is still huge.” Business Centre Club is the organizer of the nationwide European Medals undertaking. Its honorary patron is the Brussels-based European Economic and Social Committee. The aim of the undertaking is to grant awards and promote products and services offered by businesses operating in Poland, and stimulate interest in European standards, EU regulations and the multi-million EU market among Polish entrepreneurs and interest in European Medal winners on the part of EU consumers and businesses. The award is granted for products and services which meet European standards and hold licences and patents required by law. The jury also takes into account the pace of the company’s expansion and the awards and certificates it has received. The Sharp Pen is a distinction granted by Business Centre Club to journalists employed in national and regional media who promote enterprise, economic education and free market ideas. The award is also a sign of recognition for the whole team of journalists working with the laureate. The laureate receives a certificate of distinction and a fountain pen from the Aurora Ipsilon special edition. •



the foundation of the Polish economy The 25th gala of the Teraz Polska Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation was held in the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera building in Warsaw on June 8, 2015. The Foundation distributed its awards to honour the best Polish products and services, municipalities and innovative projects. Teraz Polska is a symbol and catchphrase well known in Poland and beyond. It is considered to be one of the most prestigious competitions focused on quality. Maciej Proliński

I am glad that the Teraz Polska emblem, which is a guarantee of quality, strengthens both your image and Poland. I believe it is an encouragement and an obligation for the future. You have contributed to building a modern economy and to the ongoing process of Poland’s modernization, of which we are very proud. Thank you for changing the country for the better,” Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz wrote in a letter to participants in the gala. “We, Polish people and Poland, are still gathering momentum. We are the sixth largest European Union economy today and will be the fifth largest tomorrow,” said deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy Janusz Piechociński. “At the end of last year, exports accounted for 42% of our GDP, but in five years’ time their contribution will exceed 60%.” Michał Kleiber, head of the competition jury, said the Foundation had distributed more than 600 Teraz Polska awards over the past 25 years and an overwhelming majority of the award-winning firms managed to exploit the awards in their further activity. He stressed that all entries in this year’s competition had received very high marks, which indicates that the firms correctly assess their position. In this year’s competition, 97% of the products and

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100% of the services submitted for the competition were assessed positively. Over 40% of the businesses scored more than 900 points out of the 1,000 points available. This shows that the competition was exceptionally fierce. The competition committee picked 25 laureates out of the over 100 entries. “This group proves the top quality of Polish products, services, innovative undertakings and municipalities,” said Krzysztof Przybył, president of the Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation. “And it is all about quality. For nearly 25 years we have been proving that it is the foundation of the Polish economy.” This year, the award committee awarded the Teraz Polska emblem to 15 products, six services, two innovative projects and two municipalities. The award in the innovative projects category went to the Department of Multimedia Systems Gdańsk University of Technology for CyberOko (CyberEye), a system assisting the evaluation of the state of consciousness in patients in a coma, and the UIBS Teamworks company for the IPOsystem for production management. Mielec and Świdnica are the two award-winning municipalities. There is still a great need for promoting the activity of the outstanding personalities who contribute through their successes and commitment to strengthening a positive image

of Poland and Polish people in the world, being ambassadors for brand Poland. The Foundation awarded the title of Outstanding Pole for the sixth time. The award went to Jan Kulczyk, the only Polish entrepreneur operating globally in the energy, mineral raw materials and infrastructure sectors, Zygmunt Solorz-Żak, one of the biggest Polish private entrepreneurs active in various sectors of the economy and Waldemar Dąbrowski, director of Wielki Theatre – Polish National Opera. Honorary mentions for exceptional initiatives and events promoting Poland at home and abroad went to Polish Radio for its enormous contribution to promoting Polish and world culture and science, the Coalition for Healthy Aging for creating an atmosphere conducive to improving the situation of the elderly in Poland and abroad, and the organizer of Poznań international fairs for Cavaliada Tour, one of the most important equestrian events in Europe. An attraction of the gala evening was a concert entitled “Włodek Pawlik and Friends.” Włodek Pawlik, an outstanding Polish jazz pianist and winner of the prestigious Grammy award in 2014, appeared on stage in the company of accordionist Marcin Wyrostek and singers Lora Szafran and Marek Bałata with an interesting programme creatively combining Polish poetry and jazz. •


Commitment to continue hard work


n ELTAR, we consider the award received in the 25th edition of “Teraz Polska” to be a confirmation of our professionalism and high-quality services we have been providing for 20 years now, promoting Polish companies and their products abroad. ELTAR is committed to continue expanding its business not only in terms of services provided, but also geographical presence. This is confirmed by the increasing number of markets covered by ELTAR’s operations, which are global in nature. Through its activities, ELTAR contributes to strengthening the positive image of Poland abroad and to the position of Polish entrepreneurs who see a chance for development in exports. As part of our long-term business, we organise national stands of Polish companies and individual exhibitions at the largest and most prestigious fairs in Europe (ANUGA, PLMA, SIAL, ISM, Alimentaria, BAU, Batimat, Fensterbau Frontale, Madeexpo) and in the world (PLMA Chicago, Alimentaria Mexico, SIAL China, Sweets and Snacks Chicago, PLMA Chicago, Big Show Oman). Many reputable fairs have entrusted ELTAR with their exclusive trade representation in Poland, GULFOOD, GULFOOD MANUFACTURING, SPECIALITY FOOD FESTIVAL and SEAFEX in Dubai, the Food and hotel fairs organised by ALLWORLD EXHIBITIONS in the Far East and Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Myanmar) and fairs: AFRICA’S BIG SEVEN in Johannesburg and PROJECT QATAR in Qatar. Thus, ELTAR together with exporters, is gaining new markets for Polish products. As a leader of the Consortium POLSKIE OKNA I DRZWI, ELTAR has implemented the 3-year programme aimed at the promotion of the Polish joinery industry - as part of the project of the Ministry of the Economy “Promotion of the Polish economy on international markets” co-financed by European Regional Development Fund, sub-action 6.5.1 of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy” - by organising trade seminars, exhibition stands, B2B meetings and economic missions on the occasion of important events on the French, Czech, German, Italian and Swedish markets. We find it prestigious that we were ranked among the elite of 25 winners of the 2015 edition of “Teraz Polska”, the best among the best, in this very special year that marks ELTAR’s 20th anniversary. While giving us a sense of success, it represents a commitment to continue hard work at the same time. This is furthermore an impetus to explore new export markets for Polish products and their effective

Elżbieta Tęsna, President of Eltar with „Teraz Polska” award.

promotion. The fact of ELTAR being awarded was welcomed by our customers, which helps strengthen the company’s market position, its good image and successful business relations with our partners. In times of ubiquitous competition, “Teraz Polska” is a distinction that forms a basis to increase customer confidence in ELTAR’s services. We invite you to cooperate and to become our customer. •

Laureats of „Teraz Polska” award.

8/2015  polish market




More than summer camps for children from orphanages

More than 700 participants, 960 km and as many as 524 summer camps for children – such is the outcome of the POLRUN, an exceptional relay race organised to mark the 80th anniversary of Polpharma. For 23 days, Polpharma employees were running around Poland to promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. But they did it primarily for charity, as kilometres covered were converted into summer camps for children from children’s homes.

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Events From the south to north of Poland in 23 days

The 23 day-long POLRUN relay race finished at the Kazimierz Deyna Municipal Stadium in Starogard Gdański on 20 June. The Runners could choose the distance - 5 km, 10 km, 15 km, 20 km and even 40 km. A total of 733 employees and friends of Polpharma ran along the POLRUN route. The run was joined by city mayors and sportsmen of various disciplines. Participants were trained by the titled Polish athletes - Marek Plawgo, Grzegorz Sudoł and Robert Korzeniowski. The POLRUN runners all together covered a distance of 960 km, linking all locations of the Polpharma Group in Poland (Nowa Dęba, Sieradz, Ożarów Mazowiecki, Warsaw, Starogard Gdański). In five cities on the route (Nowa Dęba, Sieradz, Łódź, Płock, Toruń) there were free medical checking zones and a sports zone for local communities. In all these cities, a total of more than 2,000 dermatological, ophthalmology and cardiology exams were done. The live streaming of the relay race was available on POLRUN TV, a special YouTube channel, as well as via the website www.polrun.pl which, in addition to coverage of individual sections, featured professional runners advising how to prepare oneself for running. The unique purpose of the run

The last 1.5 km section of the POLRUN, from the Pharmaceutical Plant on Pelplińska Street to the Municipal Stadium in Starogard, was attended by several hundred runners, including Jerzy Starak, President of the Supervisory Board of Polpharma, Janusz Stankowiak, Mayor of Starogard Gdański, excellent rally driver Rafał Sonik, the titled athletes Marek Plawgo and Grzegorz Sudoł, as well as a large group of employees’ families, and children and young people from Starogard’s schools. “In preparation for the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Polpharma, we focused on promoting healthy lifestyles and mobilising the company’s employees around a noble purpose. We wanted it to be different than the solemn gala. Thus, the idea was born of a race in which our employees would cover the distance from our youngest plant to our oldest plant, from the south to north of Poland. Huge attendance, considerable physical effort and very positive emotions were there on each of the sections of the POLRUN. Thanks to the commitment of its over 700 employees, Polpharma will finance summer camps for a half thousand children from orphanages in the four provinces where we have our plants,” says Magdalena Rzeszotalska, Director of Corporate Communication and CSR at • Polpharma.

About Polpharma:

The company’s history began in 1935, when a citizen of the Free City of Danzig, Kurt Boskamp, founded the Polish Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant “Polpharma” on the premises of the former Horstman Factory of Agricultural Machinery in Starogard Gdański. The plant, which in 1935 employed about 20 employees, manufactured products under license from Bayer, including its famous Aspirin. Over decades, the plant has changed significantly. During World War II, it was an official branch of Bayer. Heavily damaged during the fights for Pomerania, it was nationalised in 1945. In 1951, the plant’s name was changed into Starogard Pharmaceutical Plant, and eight years later the company was incorporated into the Pharmaceutical Industry Union “Polfa”. As a result, the company again changed its name to Starogard Pharmaceutical Plant “Polfa”. After the transformation of the economic system in Poland, in December 1995, the company started business operation as a sole-shareholder company owned by the State Treasury, and reverted to the historical name “Polpharma”. A new chapter in Polpharma history opened on 20 July 2000. The company went private, with all its shares held by Polish investors. The Spectra Management and Prokom Investments Consortium became the majority shareholder of the company. This was the beginning of the restructuring, profound changes and significant investment in the development of the company. Polpharma ranks among the top 20 generic drug manufacturers in the world. The Group has five production plants in Poland (Starogard Gdański, Nowa Dęba, Sieradz, Duchnice, Warsaw), two abroad and six R&D centres. Employing 7,500 people, of which 4,300 domestically, it offers approx. 600 products – prescription, nonprescription and in-patient drugs. Polpharma is one of the innovation leaders in Poland, as confirmed by the awards of the President of Poland and the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). The motto of the company is “People Help People”. Guided by the principles of corporate social responsibility, Polpharma organises educational programmes, promotes healthy lifestyles and preventive health care. For the last 15 years, 1.5 million Poles benefited from its free screening tests. Through its Foundation, Polpharma supports the implementation of scientific projects in the field of pharmacy and medicine and finances scholarships for young PhD students.

8/2015  polish market



Derby Gala at Służewiec racetrack in Warsaw

Va Bank - This year’s Derby winner.


erby for the President of the Republic of Poland Cup is the most prestigious, alongside the Great Warsaw Race, event of the horse racing season in Poland. It was first held in 1896, which makes it one of the oldest horse races in Poland. The Warsaw Derby Gala attracted crowds of visitors to Służewiec Racecource on 5 July. “We want the Służewiec Racecourse to regain its status of a popular location on the map of Warsaw and to become a permanent element of weekend plans for citizens of Warsaw,” stresses Wojciech Szpil, President of the lottery company Totalizator Sportowy.

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The Blue Ribbon Race, a race for 3-year old English fullbloods with the distance of 2400 m, draws the attention and presence of many citizens of Warsaw each year. This year, 15 horses were registered for the race (12 stallions and 3 mares), including one foreign horse – Sanok, trained in a Czech stable by a Pole, Mr Grzegorz Wróblewski. In addition to home jockeys, the competition between whom can be watched at Służewiec Racecourse every week, jockeys from the Czech Republic, Ireland, France and Italy took part in the race. The total prize pool this year was PLN 175,000 (including PLN 100,000 for the first place). Horses trained by Andrzej Walicki won the race in the last two seasons: in 2013 – Patronus under Piotr Piątkowski; in 2014 – Greek Sphere under a Czech jockey, Tomáš Lukášek. Coach Walicki is an

Events absolute record-breaker in this regard. He triumphed 13 times during his rich, 46-year long career (12 wins scored at Służewiec and one in Vienna, in 1985). This year’s Derby winner was the audience favourite - Va Bank. The second went its stable mate - Sorento, followed by Masterpower and Hospitalité. The triumph of the favourite undefeated in the five previous starts was enthusiastically received by the audience. Maciej Janikowski, Va Bank’s trainer, Janusz Piotr Zienkiewicz, its co-owner, and PerAnders Graberg, a Swedish jockey champion who visited Służewiec seven years ago were fervently applauded during the round of honour. On behalf of the President of Poland, the Derby’s patron, Dariusz Młotkiewicz, Deputy Head of the President’s Office, decorated the winning horse and presented the trophies. For Maciej Janikowski, it was the fourth victory in Derby and the first double in his 46-year career. Previously he won with: Czerkies (1974), Chryston (1983) and Montbard (in 2004, after Królowa Śniegu was moved from the first to the third place for crossing). Va Bank, despite health vicissitudes, rose to the occasion, while the second place of Sorento, ridden by the jockey from the Czerkies stable, Marek Brezina, came as a surprise. Once the results were approved by the Technical Commission, Maciej Janikowski, Va Bank’s trainer, said: “We agreed on a strategy that Sorento would run in front, and Va Bank, which did not compete for the Ruler Prize, would be conducted quietly in the middle of the pack. This tactic was successfully accomplished. Monte Christo, which was leading for most of the distance, did not dictate an extremely fast pace, so I already knew that both our horses having high acceleration would count in the end. Va Bank, once free space opened before it on the straight, was easily moving away from the pack, and Sorento managed to defend the second place, which I consider to be a big success of Marek Brezina. To be honest, I even expected that Sorento might win because Va Bank went lame before the race for the Iwno Prize and was not tested in distance,” he stressed. A total of 9 races took place during the Derby Gala. In addition to the Derby race itself, two races are worth mentioning: the race for the Prize of the President of Totalizator Sportowy for the best 4-years old and older fullbloods, as well as the Fryderyk Jurjewicz Memorial. Phenomenal Espadon triumphed for the fourth time in a row. This time, under Martin Srnec, it won the prestigious Prize of the President of Totalizator Sportowy (formerly: the Prize of the Prime Minister). It is a great streak for the 5-year-old horse trained by Wojciech Olkowski and owned by his wife, Beata. Sensationally, Zielona Herbatka, last year’s Oaks winner, took the second place under the Slovakian jockey Michał Abik, defeating on the finish line much-favoured Temperament. Last year’s winner of Derby and Wielka, Greek Sphere, came fourth. The winner was decorated and trophies were presented by Wojciech Szpil, President of the Board of Totalizator Sportowy, accompanied by Włodziemierz Bąkowski, Director of the Służewiec Racecourse. Kokshe won a sensational victory in the Fryderyk Jurjewicz Memorial (1600 m).Happiness never left trainer Janikowski in this prestigious race, too. 3-year-old Kokshe he trains threw off Wiaczesław Szymczuk in gallopade and

Dariusz Młotkiewicz, Deputy Head of the President’s Office, decorates the winning horse.

The winner of the Prize of the President of Totalizator Sportowy

capered about a few minutes on the track. Had it not been caught in time and brought to the starting line, it would have been released upon starter’s disposal. But it did not happen and, warmed up by prior riderless galloping, Kokshe won as an eagle, half the field. Equally unexpected was the second place of Singapur and the third place of Modraszek running after more than a one-year break. Another bank Emperor Ajeez came only fourth. It lost several lengths from the start and was no longer able to compete on the straight. On that day, so much sports-related excitement was accompanied by many other attractions, including a contest for the most beautiful hat for the ladies. The Jury had to choose the winner from among the several dozens of ladies in flamboyant hats and caps. A special zone was prepared for the youngest ones, where children could take a ride on a merry-go-round, test their skills in horseshoe throwing, jump on a mini-bungee or • ride ponies. 8/2015  polish market



A showpiece of

modern Poland Tomasz Półgrabski, President of PL.2012+, the company which manages the National Stadium in Warsaw, talks to Maciej Proliński. The test of time is perhaps the best measure for everything, including the place and role of the National Stadium. Now, three years after it was put into use, less and less Poles call it a “beautiful, costly, but useless stadium.” Every day we have been proving through our hard work that those who said that the stadium would stand empty were wrong. Around 500 events of various kind were organized here in 2014 alone. The National Stadium is a multifunctional arena – it is more than merely a football stadium. Today, this beautiful building not only does not stand empty, but has become a self-financing enterprise. It is not subsidised from the national budget, which means that tax-payers do not contribute a single zloty to enable our operation. I remember well the discussions we had in 2007 when I was undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism and then Minister of Sport Mirosław Drzewiecki had to decide the future of this place. As it turned out, his decisions were firm, but very well thoughtout. The discussions and disputes included the question of whether the new stadium should replace the old Dziesięciolecia Stadium, which then stood here, or whether it should be constructed on a greenfield site nearby. Also discussed was the choice of the company to design the new stadium, the tender to select the company to build the stadium and its rules, and finally the time when the construction works should begin. The stadium is now a place open to the public – not only for sports, but also economic, business and cultural events. Surveys indicate that it has already become one of the best known places in Warsaw. It has a huge potential – of the place, people and really great opportunities. Last year, 1.8 million people visited the stadium. We are effective, hard-working, innovative and well-organized. It is worth visiting us. People managing other stadiums come to us and say: “Great respect.” We are already among the top five best managed stadiums in Europe. Wembley is also in this group. During the UEFA Europa League final at our stadium in May, where Sevilla FC defeated Dnipro pm

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Dnipropetrovsk 3:2, Platini approached me and said: “I have never been to such a well-organized event.” The list of those nominated for the Polish Promotional Emblem in this year’s Teraz Polska competition was announced at the National Stadium on April 27. The laureates were announced at a gala concert in the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera building on June 8. Its director, Waldemar Dąbrowski, aptly commented this year that time had come for “promoting Poland in Poland on a wider scale.” We, Poles, lack confidence. How are others expected to believe in the prestige of brand Poland if we ourselves question its credibility? Today, the slogan “Teraz Polska” (Now Poland) certainly means that time has come for a new kind of Poland, one at “a higher level,” for example as the economic leader in Central and Eastern Europe. The stadium is surely a showpiece of modern Poland. And Polish people in general attach more and more importance to active leisure opportunities, as healthy living is in vogue now. Our sports and recreation infrastructure has changed markedly in recent years. We have 2,600 sports fields constructed in recent years under a programme pursued by the central government in conjunction with local governments, excellent sports halls and great stadiums. At the time I started my work at the ministry, we had only four 50-metre-long swimming pools in Poland. Today, we have 14 such pools. Since 2007 the Polish state has pumped PLN3 billion in sports infrastructure. Let us remember about it. pm

And what is the budget of the National Stadium? How much does its maintenance cost? The year 2014 was the best one ever for us. In 2014, our operating budget exceeded PLN40 million. Our revenue increased by 175%. Let me stress again: the tax-payer does not contribute a single zloty to our budget. The year 2015 is the first one when we want to generate an operating profit, which is a sensation by European pm

standards. Wembley needed seven years to do so. As regards the cost of maintaining our infrastructure, it is around PLN11-12 million. If we add to this all the costs involved in organizing events the annual spending will go up to PLN40 million. Let us remember that the more events we organize, the more money we earn, but this is coupled with a rise in costs. Since the moment when the stadium was put into use we have managed to reduce many of these costs. In 2014, we spent PLN13 million less than in 2013. The National Stadium will soon have a naming rights sponsor. Thanks to all these measures, we will have a stable situation. The National Stadium is associated mainly with sports events, in particular with football matches. Your advertising brochures read: “a place where sports and entertainment meet business.” Let us talk about this broader format of the place. The National Stadium was the biggest Polish stadium used during the UEFA Euro football championship held in Poland and Ukraine. Its stands can accommodate 58,000 people and include 4,600 premium seats and 888 seats in VIP boxes. But the National Stadium is composed not only of the stands. It houses the largest conference centre in Warsaw for around 2,000 people, provides 10,000 sq m of office and retail space, and also offers four restaurants and a smaller conference centre for 300 people. These facilities have a combined income-generating space of 44,000 sq m. Up to four business events are held at the National Stadium every day. Last year, we organized as many as 369 events in this segment. One can also hold here large congresses. One example is the UN Climate Change Conference COP 19 that we hosted in November 2013. Another one is the annual general meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in May 2014. The National Stadium does not aspire to be called a business venue because we have already become such a place. Let me add that in July next year the stadium will probably host a NATO summit. NATO officials have already pm

Events seen the facility and were very satisfied with the conditions it offers. The greenfield areas close to the National Stadium will also change their appearance in the near future. In conjunction with the Ministry of Treasury, the Ministry of Sport and the Warsaw authorities, we are in the process of establishing a joint group to deal with developing the areas. A modern congress and entertainment building is to be constructed close to the stadium. There is also space here for an Olympic-sized swimming pool. The project is to be carried out as a public-private partnership. Several years ago, the Polish Tourist Organization (POT) conducted a large-scale campaign promoting Poland’s tourist assets and tourism in the country under the slogan “Earn Money from Tourism.” It is a reminder, still important for all Poles, as it seems, that tourism, including convention tourism, is simply a good business. Indeed, we are still not widely aware that Poland generates quite a lot of income from tourism. There is big money in the tourist sector. We are all decision-makers and investors here. One of the tasks in the development of Warsaw is building a well-recognized image of Poland’s capital - a strong brand Warsaw. It cannot exist in isolation from the places, buildings and events associated with our city. pm

To what events to be held at the National Stadium can we invite “Polish Market” readers this year? The legendary rock band AC/DC will play a concert at the National Stadium on July 25 and in August a concert will be given by 17-year-old Martina Stoessel, a star of the Disney Channel series “Violetta”. The series, dubbed into 15 languages, is hugely popular on each market where it has appeared. It is called sometimes the first “soap opera” for kids. Verva Street Racing 2015, the largest motor show in Central and Eastern Europe will come back to us on October 24. Earlier, we will host the Lotto Kamila Skolimowska Warsaw Memorial Competition for the second time in succession. The organizer of the competition is the Kamila Skolimowska Foundation. Its mission is to commemorate Poland’s youngest Olympic champion, who died on February 18, 2009. In late 2015 and early 2016 our wintertime attraction project, with three skating rinks, a slide and a Christmas fair, promises to be a great success again. The whole of Europe is looking at us with envy. I may disclose that Wembley is among those who envy us. Let me remind you that 0.5 million people visited our skating rinks over 100 days. And let us remember that the Polish national football team will play two matches at the stadium this year. • Come and see. pm

The National Stadium will soon have a naming rights sponsor. Thanks to all these measures, we will have a stable situation.

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awards for US companies


n 29 June, 16 member companies of the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland (AmCham) were awarded Honorary Medals of Merit for Economic Development of the Republic of Poland. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Janusz Piechociński, granted state decorations for outstanding achievements in the field of innovation, industry promotion, research, development and introduction of effective methods of management. Among the award-winning companies were global corporations such as 3M, P&G, McDonald’s, CH2M, Coca-Cola, Enterprise Investors, GE, General Motors, Google, IBM, International Paper, Lynka, Marriott, Mars, Motorola Solutions and UPC Poland. These 16 companies have had a major impact on Polish economic transformation, invested over PLN 26 billion and employ more than 48 thousand people. As “Polish Market”, we find it gratifying that among the winners of this important state decoration are companies ranked in our annual

Tony Housh, Chairman of American Chamber of Commerce in Poland

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ranking “Pearls of the Polish Economy” such as 3M Sp. z o.o. and International Paper-Kwidzyn Sp. z o.o. Granting the Medals of Merit for Economic Development by the Minister of Economy emphasizes the large impact of American investors on Polish development. Investors from the other side of the Atlantic were among the first to transform the Polish market after 1989. “Most of the honoured companies have been operating and developing on the Polish market for over 25 years. During this time, they have invested billions of dollars in the Polish economy,” said Tony Housh, Chairman of American Chamber of Commerce in Poland. “The awardwinning companies are members of AmCham. We are proud that our investors recognise the potential of the Polish market and are continually expanding their operations by opening research and development centers, new factories and shared services centers,” he added. During the event, in addition to the 16 representatives of AmCham member companies, also present were US Ambassador to Poland Stephen D. Mull; Chairman of AmCham Tony Housh, and representatives of government and numerous guests. They emphasized the importance of Polish – American relations and partnership in the field of economy and investment. Americans are one of the most dynamic groups of foreign investors in Poland. They brought to Poland not only capital, but also knowledge which enables the development of commerce in the country. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy Janusz Piechocinski stressed that Poland was grateful to those who participated in the economic transformation. “The presence of American investors in Poland contributed to the economic development of our country and contributes to stability and economic security,” he added.

Janusz Piechociński, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy

Stephen D. Mull, US Ambassador to Poland

The Medals have been awarded since December 2014. They honour individuals, companies and institutions active in the field of economy, making significant contributions to its development. •

Food Industry

7/2015  polish market


Cultural Monitor

The Cultural Monitor for the summer is full of intriguing music premieres and really good concerts in Poland’s capital. Maciej Proliński recommends.

“Moniuszko. Litanies of Ostra Brama” (Moniuszko. Litanie Ostrobramskie) – Polish Radio – CD


tanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872) is known as a composer of operas and songs. He is the father of Polish national opera, with “The Haunted Manor” and “Halka” being his most famous works, and his songs have gained great popularity. However, real gems of his composing talent can be found among other music genres as well. He displayed his skills in sacred compositions. The four cantatas called by Moniuszko “Litanies of Ostra Brama” are among his best religious compositions. Written in Vilnius in 1843-1855, the cantatas are associated with poet Tomasz Zan who asked Moniuszko to compose music for “the litanies to Virgin Many which the Vilnius people say and sing during May and October masses in Ostra Brama.” The album features the latest recording of the “Litanies.” Outstanding Polish solo singers, the Polish Radio Choir and Wrocław Baroque Orchestra took part in recording the composition. The conductor was Jacek Kaspszyk. It is worth remembering that the compositions are not merely vocal and instrumental pieces, which still enchant the listener with their artistic skill and the fullness of sound. They are also personal prayers of the composer himself as he was strongly attached to the Ostra Brama shrine. And the album excellently renders this, too.

John Dowland – “The Second Book of Songs or Ayres” (1600) – DUX – CD


ohn Dowland was a lutenist and composer of deeply moving melancholic songs, court servant in London and Copenhagen, and a musician with a truly “Renaissance” biography, in which art is intermingled with political intrigue. Both the biography and oeuvre of this fascinating person, Shakespeare’s contemporary, is an expression of the spirit of Elizabethan England at a time full of political tensions and religious conflicts. Lutenist Frank Pschichholz and singer Maria Skiba introduce the listener into this fascinating world through “The Second Book of Songs or Ayres” published by Dowland in 1600. Each sound they produce is infallible, like a rock created by nature. This interpretative skill is combined with endearing simplicity. The point is to ensure that such journeys in time draw inspiration from each other. And we can really experience this by listening to this album. To sum up, the duo, who understand each other well, proposes an absolutely pure approach to Dowland and offer those who love this kind of music an hour of wise, timeless and calm joy. It is worth returning to it.

Stanisława Celińska – “Atramentowa” – Polish Radio – CD


tanisława Celińska, an excellent Polish theatre and film actress, appears here in a different role – that of a singer who knows what she sings about and knows how to attract the listener by exploiting a full range of colours and emotions. Called sometimes a Polish Cesaria Evora, she knows how to enchant the audience with her charismatic voice and loves life, despite its many adversities and difficulties. This unique album contains compositions written and prepared by reputable artists especially for Stanisława Celińska. Unique, wise lyrics to Maciej Muraszko’s ballad compositions were written by Wojciech Młynarski. Celińska appears in the album with outstanding Polish musicians of the young generation and Ukrainian artists. It gives me pleasure to note that in the first week after its release, the album topped the OLIS list of music bestsellers on the Polish market.

Adam Strug – “Mysz” (Mouse) – Universal – CD


dam Strug is another outstanding artists, one of the most important among those who have appeared on our stage over the past decade. He makes music for demanding people who are interesting in music as a source of poetry and deeper emotions. Love and death have probably always been a number-one topic for him. But he sings about them differently from others – there is truth in his voice. Each song in this album appeals to our imagination just like the Golden Lane in Prague. There is naturalness, melodiousness and restraint in this music from the first to the very last sound. Both Strug and Wojciech Waglewski, the music producer of the album, have the gift of creatively communicating with tradition and the present time. The influence of folklore on Strug’s new music is still great and is one of the main factors shaping his style. Waglewski elegantly throws in some guitar phrases to each song - his articulation is immediately recognizable. Music lovers will appreciate the perfect balance between the concept, just one or two lines of a brilliant poem, its performance and musical setting.

Jafia – “ka Ra Va Na” – Warner – CD


he Jafia band, until recently appearing on stage as Jafia Namuel, has made a new studio album. The songs it is composed of are a mixture of reggae and American black music. They reveal inspiration with soul, funk, R&B, jazz and gospel music, which had a great impact on masters of reggae from Jamaica. It all sounds like the best Jamaican roots reggae. Why? Such a journey was only possible thanks to the real love of reggae of Dawid Portasz, the band’s charismatic frontman and vocalist who has surprised Polish audiences with his “un-Polish” sound for years. This love is evident in the concept of the album and in Portasz’s singing. Let us add that outstanding musician Marcin Pospieszalski was responsible for the production of the album. Among its strong points are also rich arrangements and a wide range of instruments, with string and wind sections and electronic loops.

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Cultural Monitor – July 2015

Cultural Monitor


he 21st International Open Air Festival Jazz in the Old Town begins in Warsaw on July 4. It will be star-studded, and full of surprises and premieres. Jazz in the Old Town is one of the most popular and largest, in terms of audience numbers, jazz festivals in Poland. The concerts, organized by the Jazz Art Foundation, are played on Saturdays and admission is free. This year, the festival will be inaugurated by Wojciech Mazolewski Quintet, the band of a leading Polish bassist and composer who has redefined the jazz form and opened it to the audience. July 11 will see a concert by a double bass virtuoso - Christian McBride Trio. And on July 18, jazz giants Charnett Moffett, Stanley Jordan, Cyrus Chestnut and Jeff “Tain” Watts will appear with their project Charnett Moffett’s Nettwork feat for the first time in Poland. The concert Terje Rypdal & Palle Mikkelborg Project on August 22 may also turn out to be a sensation of this year’s festival. The artists have been associated with the prestigious record company ECM for many years. Rypdal, a famous Norwegian guitarist, has influenced the way we think about guitar improvisation. Mikkelborg is a Danish trumpet virtuoso, composer, arranger and record producer. The album “Aura” he made with Miles Davis earned him international renown and a Grammy Award.


he 24th Warsaw Summer Jazz Days, another reputable festival in Warsaw, will be held from July 9 to 12. All concerts will be played in Soho Factory. The first day will be very attractive. The first to appear will be the trio of Italian pianist Giovanni Guidi, a young favourite of ECM. The record company has already produced his two albums and Manfred Eicher, the founder of ECM, is likely to come to Warsaw for the concert. Then, a concert will be given by Ambrose Akinmusire, an excellent American jazz trumpeter, with his quartet. He already played at the festival three years ago. And finally, the highlight of the programme will be a concert of one of the most outstanding contemporary jazz pianists Vijay Iyer and his trio. The second day will start with a concert by a Marsalis brother, Jason, and his quartet. It will end with a concert by the legendary Brad Mehldau Trio. July 11 will be a “Polish” day, with young Polish bands, like for example Apprentice, and Krzysztof Kobyliński’s music played by Joey Calderazzo. And the last day will be a day of crosses. Two reggae artists, Sly & Robbie, will meet the band of Nils Petter Molvaer. The festival will end with concerts by Bill Laswell Material and The Master Musicians of Jajouka. “The international position of the Warsaw festival is indisputable today,” says Mariusz Adamiak, the originator and organizer of the festival. “Warsaw is seen as a bold market for contemporary jazz. Many musicians from across the world know what Warsaw Summer Jazz Days are and that you can present here bold music which defies established trends. The objectives of our festival have remained unchanged: to promote contemporary jazz, irrespective of what country it comes from, and show what is the most creative in contemporary jazz. To sum up, we present new and modern jazz, even if that means lower audience numbers.”


he Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra invites music lovers for the fifth time to chamber concerts given in its concert room at 272 Grochowska St. in Warsaw in summer. The concerts will be played every Saturday and Sunday until September 6. Admission to all the concerts is free. The Summer Concerts on Grochowska Street feature mainly outstanding musicians of the young generation. Among the artists this year will be Maciej Kułakowski and Zuzanna Sosnowska, the joint winners of the First Prize at the 10th Witold Lutosławski International Cello Competition in Warsaw, and Bartosz Kołsut (accordion) and Natalia Karaszewska (flute), holders of scholarships from the Sinfonia Varsovia Foundation. Piano recitals by participants in the 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition – Tymoteusz Bies, Łukasz Byrdy, Katarzyna Gołofit, Łukasz Krupiński, Krzysztof Książek, Paweł Motyczyński, Piotr Nowak, Piotr Pawlak, Zuzanna Pietrzak, Michał Szymanowski and Andrzej Wierciński will occupy a special place in the programme of the Summer Concerts this year. Apart from young musicians at the start of their career, concerts will also be given on Grochowska by well-established artists, including members of the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra.

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Kings of flesh and blood An exhibition entitled “A New Gallery of Portraits of Polish Rulers. Świerzy Versus Matejko” is on at Warsaw’s Royal Castle until July 19, 2015. It is the first public presentation of the 49 portraits of Polish rulers painted by Waldemar Świerzy, one of the best Polish poster and graphic artists. His works are contrasted with reproductions of the famous set of 42 pencil portraits made in the 19th century by Jan Matejko. Admission to the exhibition is free. Maciej Proliński


he project to paint a new gallery of portraits of Polish rulers was initiated in 2003 by Andrzej Pągowski, another outstanding Polish poster artist. Waldemar Świerzy painted the 49 portraits on the basis of up-to-date historical knowledge. The gallery created by Jan Matejko (1838-1893) had been the canon of Polish rulers’ images for over 100 years. The master made the portraits in pencil, without colour. The portraits were adjusted to the printing techniques of his time. Later, they were coloured and used by other artists as a basis for painting their versions of Polish rulers’ images. Matejko’s gallery has been published for years in schoolbooks, and popularized by a series of postage stamps, a vast number of postcards and other publications. “It was by chance that I hit upon the idea of having a new gallery of Polish rulers painted,” says Andrzej Pągowski. “It was 2004 and Poland was entering the European Union. I heard a young boy say in a TV programme: ‘When Matejko painted the kings’ portrait gallery.’ I thought: ‘Painted? How is that?’ Matejko made a series of small-size pencil drawings and they were black and white. He did not paint them at all. I started to question my acquaintances. An overwhelming majority were convinced that Matejko had painted coloured portraits. Some knew about the existence of black-and-white drawings, but thought these

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had been just sketches on the basis of which the master made colourful paintings. The people I asked did not regard the drawings as the final work. On the Internet, one can also find coloured portraits attributed to Matejko. Indeed, Matejko dreamt of painting the set in oil, but he did not succeed in carrying out this plan. In later years, other artists painted coloured portraits on the basis of his drawings. And then came the idea that Polish people deserved to have a full gallery of their rulers’ portraits in colour, that they deserved a gallery painted at the present time and more modern in form. For me, there was only one name to be considered for this project, that of Waldemar Świerzy, my professor and friend.” In 2006, Waldemar Świerzy painted two portraits: of King Jan III Sobieski and King August II Mocny. As the reviews were favourable, work on the full set began at the start of 2007. The portraits were based on source materials and up-to-date historical knowledge, but the most important task for the artist was to render the character of the depicted persons and their emotions. It took Świerzy seven years, marked by personal tragedies and disease, to make this unique collection of portraits. Matejko depicted the rulers showing almost the whole figures, which emphasizes their majesty. In contrast, Świerzy focused on the faces. The result is a very successful set of kings’ and princes’ images. The

artist completed the last portrait, that of King Stanisław August Poniatowski, one day before his death. Waldemar Świerzy was a poster and graphic artist, book illustrator, and a poster design professor at the Poznań and Warsaw fine arts universities. He was born in Katowice in 1931 and died in Warsaw in 2013. One of Europe’s top poster artists, Świerzy was among the founders of the “Polish poster school” of the 1960s and 1970s. He made over 1,000 posters, most of them about culture. However, his oeuvre also includes many posters concerning social issues and sports. He also designed album covers, calendars and postage stamps. Posters featuring portraits of musicians earned him international renown. Portrait was a source of unlimited potential for the artist. He used to capture just a few distinctive features of the model and describe his or her occupation by means of metaphor. When making the images of Polish rulers, the artist said the portraits would not be idealized, as is the case with the portraits made by his predecessor, but would be a sort of psychological studies showing the rulers as people of flesh and blood, wealthy and cruel in many cases. “Matejko’s gallery has become so popular that we are unable now to imagine a different one,” the artist said. “But I have decided to imagine it. I wanted to have real people • in my pictures.”

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Casanova in beautiful period decorations Culture

The ballet “Casanova in Warsaw” premiered in the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw on May 28, 2015. The choreographer is Krzysztof Pastor. Made on the initiative of the Polish National Ballet and commissioned by the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, “Casanova in Warsaw” is sure to attract the lovers of story ballets with truly enchanting stage decorations. Maciej Proliński


iacomo Casanova spent a few months in Warsaw in late 1765 and early 1766. He rubbed shoulders with people in King Stanisław August Poniatowski’s court and his theatre. He particularly enjoyed spending time with members of the royal ballet company. He was witness to the events of the first season of the Polish public theatre. He adored in Warsaw three rival Italian prima ballerinas - Anna Binetti, Caterina Gattai and Teresa Casacci - and applauded legendary dancer Charles Le Picq, called the Apollo of Dance. Finally, he entered into conflict with Count Franciszek Ksawery Branicki, the king’s favourite, and fought a duel with him. He described all this vividly in his colourful memoirs. The ballet “Casanova in Warsaw” is based on these events. It creates a picturesque stage vision of that era, its theatre and ballet and the people we know well from Polish history books. Paweł Chynowski, the author of the libretto, and Krzysztof Pastor were inspired by the story of Casanova’s stay in Warsaw 250 years ago in the first months after the opening of the public theatre of King Stanisław August Poniatowski. As the music for the ballet

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they chose less known vocal and orchestral compositions of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the timeless genius whose music dominated that period. Jakub Chrenowicz compiled the score for the ballet and was the music director of the premiere production. The set and costumes were designed by Gianni Quaranta, an outstanding Italian artist known for his work for the world’s leading theatres and famous film productions, like for example Gérard Corbiau’s “Farinelli,” a winner of an Oscar, César and many other prestigious awards. Krzysztof Pastor, the director of the Polish National Ballet, is the Polish ballet artist best known in the world. Among his own productions that he has shown in Warsaw’s opera house so far is “Kurt Weill” (2009) inspired by Weill’s jazz and cabaret work and “In Light and Shadow” (2010) to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. He also choreographed in 2011 an innovative ballet entitled “And the Rain Will Pass…” to the music of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, one of the greatest contemporary composers. This time, Pastor made a conventional ballet, very attractive but in fact quite trivial. It seems it was intended for wide audiences. It is not about the power of “pure dance” any

more and, in my view, there is even “too little ballet in this ballet.” It is obscured by beautiful stage decorations, costumes and at times even by the refined and timeless music of Mozart. Vladimir Yaroshenko shines on the stage in the title role, accompanied by Aleksandra Liashenko, Yuka Ebihara and other excellent dancers. And outstanding Polish opera singer Joanna Woś complements the dancers by singing arias marking Casanova’s successive romantic relationships. I think, however, that the concept of this ballet was too difficult for its authors to stage. To make it clear, I think this is a natural thing: making mistakes, setting oneself tasks which surpass one’s abilities is one of the more important characteristics of the artist’s condition in any period. The last scene of “Casanova in Warsaw” features the famous slow part of the piano concerto in C major, KV 467. I am not going to describe this scene because I want the audiences to have a nice surprise and because the scene is very ambiguous and has a mysterious artistic causative power – it actually puts this “cloak-and-dagger ballet” in question marks. I think the final scene is very successful. However, one would expect more from Casanova and Pastor. •


Promoting genuine talents


he Ciechocinek Festival is the largest event of its kind in Europe. For years, it has aroused great interest among young artists, while also being an attraction for health resort visitors, tourists and locals. It has its faithful audience, which enthusiastically cheers on the young singers. Among the participants are disabled, yet extremely talented young people from whom it demands enormous sacrifices to achieve what they achieve, persistently seeking to upgrade their skills. The Festival is an annual event. Children and young people are welcome to join it in two age categories: up to 16 and up to 23 years old (the year of birth prevails), which means that eligible are those who were born not

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Photo: Maciej Szczurek

Ciechocinek, one of the most famous Polish health resorts, annually hosts an extraordinary summer contest – the Disabled Youth Song Festival “Artistic Impressions”, organised by the Pro Omnibus Foundation. Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President and Editor-in-Chief of “Polish Market”, chairs the contest’s jury. Its 19th edition will take place from 8 to 27 July, consisting of 13-day music workshops and a series of five final performances.

earlier than 1 January 1999 (under the age of 16), and not earlier than 1 January 1992 (under the age of 23). Participants can apply individually or through cultural, educational or child care institutions. The deadline for applications was 31 March 2015. “Our mission is to promote genuine talents. And of course it is a festival, a song contest, and the assumption is to prove that disability is something relative,” says Mirosław Satora, president of the Pro Omnibus Foundation (winner of “Polish Market’s” Honorary Pearl award 2007 for promoting social values ). Awards won at the Festival become an inspiration for these young people to develop their talents and “to lose themselves in

music.” Notably, the Festival winners have repeatedly performed at the Gala of the Pearls of the Polish Economy, crowning “Polish Market’s” prestigious ranking, in such exceptional Warsaw venues as the Royal Castle and the Grand Theatre - National Opera. A young artist who have many times graced our Gala is 20-year-old now Angela Wawrzyk from Czeladź, the winner of the Grand Prix of “Artistic Impressions” 2010, and the finalist (along with 10-year-old Anna Dąbrowska from Wesoła) of this year’s 11th edition of the Magical Song Festival, another prestigious contest, organised by the Foundation of Anna Dymna “Mimo Wszystko” (Despite Everyth • ing).

Food Industry

The formula geared to market needs Poznań is a city associated not only with mechanical goats appearing daily on the city hall tower, but also with ... food. This is of course owing to St. Martin’s bagels and the traditional cuisine of the region, but not exclusively. In September, Poznań will be the host city of the Polagra Food International Trade Fair and the Tastes of the Regions – traditional, regional and certified food fairs. Maciej Bartoń


his year’s Polagra Food promises to be impressive. There are still three months left, and it is already known that exhibitors will take up at least three pavilions. Dairy and meat will again be the two dominating sectors. As a result of export restrictions on certain markets, the abolition of milk quotas across the EU and changes in consumption patterns, both dairy and meat producers have been challenged to search for new markets and innovative solutions that would best suit the needs of end customers. It is therefore expected that producers from both these sectors will showcase a lot of new products and will hold intensive talks with foreign food distributors that this year’s Polagra Food will certainly not be short of. “The wide-ranging information campaign as well as the Hosted Buyers programme are already bearing fruit in the form of numerous enquiries and declarations of participation from food distributors from Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Hungary and from Africa,” says Miłosz Jankowiak, Director of Polagra Food. Apart from dairy and meat producers, Polagra Food will also be attended by producers and suppliers of sweets and confectionery, processed fruit and vegetables, alcohols,

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spices and organic products. This latter group will share one stand under the banner of the Polish Ecology Association, which will advertise its programme “Polish Fruits and Vegetables for Everyone”. The programme aims to promote the assets of domestic producers of fruits and vegetables and thus to intensify their cooperation with customers, not only from Poland. There will also be foreign representatives of the food industry during this year’s Polagra Food, including producers and distributors from Italy, Turkey and South Africa. Polagra Food will be held from 21-24 September, in parallel to Polagra Tech International Trade Fair of Food Processing Technologies, Pakfood Food Industry Packaging Fair, as well as Polagra Gastro International Gastronomy Fair. These events will be preceded by the Tastes of the Regions – a festival of regional, traditional and certified foods, which will begin two days before Polagra. The Tastes of the Regions is a culinary journey through almost all regions of our country. Every year, producers of traditional delicacies present Polish regional cuisines. Visitors can taste and buy crusty bread, flavourful meats, fine cheeses, stove fried jam or honey from an apiary. In addition to traditional and local products, you can also find there

organic products. “The Tastes of the Regions are supposed to be not least a festival of traditional food, but also organic food. For several years, we have seen a growing interest in organic products and we want the fair to be a venue to present them and promote the diet based on them,” explains Miłosz Jankowiak. The first two days of the fair will be traditionally dedicated to a wide audience, open to new tastes from different parts of Poland. Visitors are mainly the residents of Poznań and the surrounding areas, so it is an excellent opportunity for the owners of local shops to meet face to face with individual customers, and advertise their products. The next two days of the fair offer business networking opportunities with potential institutional customers - wholesalers, retailers, supermarket chains and restaurateurs looking for culinary inspirations. Polagra Food and the Tastes of the Regions are a great celebration of the Polish food industry. Not only do they represent a solid foundation for building business relationships with new customers, but also a place where to discuss the situation of the agri-food sector and look for ways to allow it to be a strong asset of the Polish economy. •

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