Special Edition

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At the center of the world of Polish copper stands man. Amongst the elements of the earth with which we grapple and work, copper and silver are created – traditional resources of the modern age.

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SPECIAL EDITION Polish-Chinese economy


Olgierd Dziekoński, secretary of state at the Office of the President of Poland; Economic partner for China in Central Europe


Jerzy Pomianowski, under-secretary of state at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Regional dimension of Polish foreign policy in the context of the Regional Forum Poland-China


Tadeusz Chomicki, Ambassador of Poland to China; Polish-Chinese regional cooperation from the perspective of the Polish Embassy in Beijing


Dariusz Tokarczuk, Managing Partner Gide Loyrette Nouel; Poland – worth investing in


Marcin Popadiuk, Gdańsk Foundation for Management Development (GFKM); Country of great opportunities


Andrzej Szumowski, president of the Polish Vodka Association (PVA); Polish vodka – a Rolls-Royce among spirits


Jarosław Dąbrowski, the founder of and managing partner in Dąbrowski Finance; China – the promised land for Polish entrepreneurs?


Mr. Ambassador Xu Jian, Ambassador of China in Poland



Mieczysław Struk, Marshal of the Pomorskie Province; International dialogue creating a good atmosphere of cooperation


Opolskie – a region open to intercultural cooperation


Report from “The Assessment of the 1st Regional Forum Poland-China”


Prof. Marek Tukiendorf, Rector of Opole University of Technology; My adventure with China


Wojciech Krystyańczuk, President of MBL Poland; Passion, mission and challenges


Andrzej Kaczmarek and Romuald Członkowski, KPMG; 1st Regional Forum Poland-China – a step towards strategic partnership


Marcin Korolec, Minister of the Environment and Igor Mitroczuk, PhD, Head of the team for bilateral and regional cooperation; Cooperation with China


Bartosz Komasa; Practical aspect of an improvement in Polish-Chinese political relations

Polish market :: 201/2013

Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.)

PU B LISHED SIncE 199 6 No. 201 / 2013 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl

sPecial editioN

President: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła Adress: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl

inside polish - chinese relations trade and investment in china

Editor-in-Chief: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś 2  ::  polish market  ::  Special struk Edition  /2013 redakcja@polishmarket.com.pl mieczysław

marshal of Pomorskie VoiVodeshiP

Albert Borowiecki, Vice-president of the Discover China Foundation; Different point of view

Polish Market wishes to extend warm thanks to Jiang Huijuan Chinese Director of Confucius Institute in Opole (lorajiang@hotmail.com) and Zhou Hongling, Zhang Si, Che Chi chinese teachers of Confucius Institute in Opole for chinese translation.

Writers/Editors: Maciej Proliński, Jan Sosna, Sylwia WesołowskaBetkier, Grażyna Śleszyńska, Janusz Korzeń, Jerzy Bojanowicz, Janusz Turakiewicz

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Editorial Culture


he Go China programme is clearly gathering momentum. The June visit to China by the speaker of the Polish parliament lasted a week. On her visit she was accompanied by tens of parliamentarians and entrepreneurs. At the same time, Poland hosted a delegation of the Chinese Ministry of Trade and eight Chinese state-owned corporate groups operating in the basic materials, paper, pharmaceutical, high-tech, metal mining, agricultural machinery, chemical, foreign trade and logistics sectors. And at the Second Shanghai Investment Promotion Partnership Meeting in Shanghai the local branch of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ) was awarded the title of the Best Investment Promotion Agency by the Trade Commission of Shanghai, Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board and Shanghai Investment Promotion Partnership. These are just a few recent official events held in a single month and they prove that the Go China programme has moved beyond the planning stage. It is clear that for Poland’s economic relations with China to be stable and durable they have to be accompanied, apart from trade and technical aspects, by official and political ties. And this is exactly the case. Practical steps are also being taken. After the sale to Chinese investors of a part of the Huta Stalowa Wola company and the roller bearing factory in Kraśnik – the first large Chinese investments on the Polish market – there have been further concrete deals. At the end of May, the PAIiIZ finalized the sale of a light airplane plant in Mielec to a Chinese investors. The Chinese delegation also came to Warsaw with a list of the purchases they plan. It was the first delegation of Chinese companies interested in importing food, meat, dairy products and wood from Poland. During this year’s Polish-Chinese talks much time was devoted to preparing financial infrastructure for future cooperation, with a focus on investment opportunities in Poland and the development of the financial market, as a great interest has been noted on the part of Chinese partners in investing in Poland and in the Polish bond market. This should make tightening cooperation between the financial supervision authorities easier – the two sides declared their readiness to have an agreement signed as early as possible between the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and its Chinese counterpart. The agreement is necessary for Chinese companies to be present on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and Polish companies on the stock exchange in Shanghai. The decision has already been taken to hold the Capital and Investment Forum in Poland in 2014. It will be attended by representatives of the Polish, Chinese and Central European financial markets. Likewise, the decision to hold the Poland Day at the prestigious Gas Tech Summit in Tianjin is more than a symbolic event or a matter of prestige. It shows that there is interest in cooperating in the R&D sector and sharing each other’s experience associated with the development of the energy sector, including shale gas exploration and extraction. A visit to Poland by representatives of China’s largest oil company has already been announced while the China Gezhouba company, which has constructed the Three Gorges Dam power station on the Yangtze river, is going to open in Warsaw its only European office. And talks will continue about the construction of a Chinese technology park in Poland. A very promising thing is that Polish-Chinese cooperation has already gone down to the level of individual companies and regions. We have experienced this while preparing this issue of “Polish Market,” one devoted to the 1st Regional Forum in Gdańsk. The objective of the Forum is to tighten cooperation in the area of economy, tourism, science and culture. In this issue, you will read comments made by the organizers and participants of the Forum. Jerzy Pomianowski, undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign

Affairs, said that “there is a huge potential in regions and local government authorities (…) and it is the regions that will be playing an increasingly important role in the economic development of countries and its pace. Looking at business that is developing so well, we say in Poland: “Knock on wood.” ::

“显然, “走向中国”项目如今正蓄势待发。6月,波兰议会发言人到中国 进行了为期一周的访问,随行访问的人员还包括数十位议员和企业家。与此 同时,中国代表团也访问了波兰,其成员来自中国商贸部和8家涉及原料、造 纸、制药、高科技、金属矿业、农业机械、化工、外贸以及物流行业的中国国 有企业。而且,在第二届上海投资促进合作会议上,上海贸易委员会、上海 外国投资促进中心和上海投资促进合作伙伴授了予波兰信息与外国投资局 (PAIiIZ)上海分处“最佳投资促进机构”的荣誉称号。 这些仅仅是最近一个月的几次官方活动,表明“走向中国”项目的进程已走 过了规划阶段。很显然,波中关系的稳定和持续发展,除了需要贸易和技术 外,还需要有官方的和政治的纽带,事实说明了这一点。实质性的步骤还在 同时进行。在将部分HSW公司和在克拉希尼克(Kraśnik)的轴承厂 - 中 国在波兰市场上的首笔大投资 - 出售给中国投资者后,已有了进一步的 具体交易。5月底,波兰信息与外国投资局敲定了一笔将位于梅莱茨( Mielec)的轻型飞机厂卖给中国投资的买卖。中国代表团还带着采购清单来 到华沙,这是第一个对从波兰进口食品、肉制品、乳制品和木材表现出兴 趣的中国公司代表团。 在今年的波中双边会谈中,大量的时间被用来讨论为今后合作而准备的金 融基础设施,重点是讨论在波兰的投资机会和金融市场的发展,因为我们 发现有关方面的中国合作伙伴对投资波兰和投资波兰债券市场表现出了浓 厚的兴趣。这会促成双方金融监管机构之间的紧密合作 — 波兰金融监管 局和相应的中方单位均表示双方已做好了尽早签署协议的准备。这一协议 对在华沙证券交易所上市的中国公司和在上海证券交易所上市的波兰公司 是必不可少的。2014年在波兰举办资本与投资论坛的计划已经确定,来自 波兰、中国和中欧金融市场的代表将参加此次会议。 同样,在久负盛名的天津燃气技术峰会上举办“波兰日”的决定已远远不 止是象征性的活动或声望的问题。这表明,双方有兴趣在研究与开发领域 进行合作,并分享彼此能源部门的发展经验,包括页岩气的勘探和开采。来 自中国最大石油企业的代表们已经确定即将访问波兰。另外,已完成长江三 峡大坝电站建设的中国葛洲坝公司,也将在华沙开设其在欧洲唯一的办事 处。关于在波兰建设中国科技园区的会谈也在进行之中。 非常可喜的是波兰和中国的合作已经深入到了个别企业和地区。 我们在为 在格但斯克召开的第一届区域论坛编辑“波兰市场”杂志的特刊时,已经感 受到了这种合作。这一论坛的目的是加强经济、旅游、科学和文化方面的合 作,在这方面论坛组织者和参与者有所评述。外交部副部长叶治·波密安诺 斯基(Jerzy Pomianowski)说: “地区和地方政府机构的潜力是巨大的(。。 。),地区合作将在各国经济发展和发展速度方面发挥越来越重要的作用。” 商务发展的前景如此之好,我们可以用波兰的一句俗语来形容: “敲敲木 头,好事连连”(古代波兰人相信,敲木头能去掉坏运 - 译者)。 Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  3

Polish-Chinese economy

Economic partner for China in Central Europe 中国在中欧的经济合作伙伴 Olgierd Dziekoński, secretary of state at the Office of the President of Poland 奥尔吉耶德·吉科恩斯基(Olgierd Dziekoński),波兰总统办公室国务秘书


ver less than two years, activities at the highest level and bottom-up initiatives contributed to creating a solid institutional framework for the development of Polish-Chinese relations. An important development was the official visit paid by Polish President Bronisław Komorowski to the People’s Republic of China

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in December 2011. It provided a strong boost to the development of economic relations between Poland and China. This is when the bilateral relations were raised to the status of strategic partnership. And the entrepreneurs accompanying the president showed that Polish business in many sectors was eager and ready to invest in China and to attract Chinese partners to the Polish market. The visit

also proved that Polish business had the support of the Polish state in building relations with Chinese partners. Poland is now the largest economic partner for China in Central Europe. Cooperation between the two countries is on an upward trend but, unfortunately, it does not sufficiently promote balanced trade. Our activities should be aimed at strengthening our trade relations. We are hoping that the Chinese side will be active in this area and that we will be encouraging each other to invest in each other’s country. At present, the Chinese financial sector is showing big interest in Poland. The opening of their Polish branches by the Bank of China and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and plans by Exim Bank of China to set aside 35% of its regional investment fund for projects in Poland show that Chinese businesses want to be present in Poland. The most noteworthy example of their activity on the Polish market is the acquisition of the Huta Stalowa Wola and Fabryka Łożysk Tocznych companies. The Polish companies that are already successfully working with the Chinese and are present on the Chinese market, like for example Selena and KGHM, are a good reference point for the development of cooperation between the two countries. A significant undertaking is the launch of the first Polish freight train connection from the Polish city of Łódź to Chengdu in central China. Thanks to this connection, the time of goods transit

Polish-Chinese economy

from Europe to China has been reduced by 50% compared to the maritime connection. Additionally, the cost of this transport is lower by 20% than transport by air. And it is of big importance that the Port of Gdańsk is the only port on the Baltic coast with direct connections to China. Since December 2011 we have carried out a number of joint initiatives, including many economic meetings, investment and scientific forums, and an international conference of the Visegrad group of countries on intellectual property. Establishing the Inter-ministerial Team for the Coordination of Activities Aimed at Developing Strategic Partnership is a sign of commitment by government institutions. A Business Council is to be attached to the Team as a platform for dialogue between Polish and Chinese business. The visit paid to Warsaw by Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao in April 2012 and his participation in the summit of Central and Eastern European countries where Poland played the central role shows that the importance of Poland in China’s eyes has grown. We have also carried out a number of joint initiatives at European Union level. These include a conference on regional aspects of the Polish Go China strategy and the 1st Forum of Mayors EUChina. It is assumed that the initiatives will be continued in the future. It is also worth noting that the first joint seminary EU-China on regions was held at the time when Poland’s Danuta Hübner was EU commissioner for regional policy. The 1st Regional Forum Poland-China, whose honorary patron was President Bronisław Komorowski, was a sign of new approach to Polish-Chinese relations. It was held in Gdańsk in April 2013. The concept of the Forum - as a meeting between Polish and Chinese regional and municipal authorities and representatives designed to discuss issues concerning economy, education, culture and tourism – was in keeping with the strategic partnership guidelines under a joint declaration adopted on December 20, 2011. At the one-day Forum, the participants managed to discuss a wide range of topics – from economic cooperation to tourism, education and culture. Many constructive proposals were made and many agreements were signed. Cooperation at regional level is becoming increasingly important because more and more economic decisions in China are delegated to regional authorities. Poland, as an example of successful decentralization, may share with China many examples of good

practices. It is the regions that have a huge potential. They should be drivers of change and this is where new ideas should be germinating. The enhanced cooperation between Polish and Chinese cities and provinces, and the exchange of their experience under a growing number of agreements on partnership proves that contacts between the two countries’ local governments are tightening. A perfect example is the cooperation between Technopark Łódź and the Chengdu Economic Zone, which is of no small importance in the context of developing a knowledge-based economy. At present, our trade relations are focused on the most developed part of China - its eastern provinces, with Jiangsu being our number-one partner. This is where Western European and American investors have a dominant position. Meanwhile, the development of relations with Chinese provinces located in the central and western part of the country is a real opportunity for Poland. The existing good climate and institutional framework provide a basis for a future success of Poland’s exports to China and Polish investment in the country. The development of cooperation with China, and our inter-cultural and inter-regional dialogue is a challenge both for entrepreneurs and public institutions supporting development at central and local government level. Knowing our strengths but also the challenges and areas where further work is needed, we are on the right path towards future success in our relations with Chinese partners. :: 不到两年的时间,高层活动和自下而上的举措 为波中关系的发展创造了坚实的体制框架。其中一 个重要的发展就是2011年12月波兰总统布罗尼斯瓦 夫·科莫罗夫斯基(Bronisław Komorowski)对中 华人民共和国的正式访问。 这有力地促进了波中 经济关系的发展。此后,波中两国的双边关系升级 为战略合作伙伴关系。陪同波兰总统访华的企业家 们也表示,多个领域的波兰企业都渴望并准备好了 在中国投资并吸引中国合作伙伴进入波兰市场。此 次访问还表明,波兰企业在与中国合作伙伴建立关 系方面取得了波兰政府的支持。 目前,波兰是中国在中欧地区最大的经济合作 伙伴,两国之间的合作呈上升趋势。但不幸的是,这 并没有充分促进贸易平衡。双边活动应着眼于加强 两国贸易关系。我们希望,中国在这方面更加活跃, 波中两国应相互鼓励其在对方国家的投资。目前,中 国金融业对波兰市场颇有兴趣。中国银行和中国工 商银行在波兰开设分行,中国进出口银行也计划为 波兰的项目预留其区域投资基金的35%。这些都表 明中国企业想要进驻波兰,而最值得一提的例子是 其对波兰HSW建筑设备商和波兰克拉希尼克滚动轴 承股份有限公司(FLT)的收购。

现今,波兰公司已成功开展与中国公司的合作 并在中国市场崭露头角。比如赛磊那(Selena)公 司和波兰铜产商KGHM公司就是两国合作发展很好 的参照。目前一项正在实施的重要举措是第一条 波兰货运火车线将连接波兰的罗兹市与中国中部 的成都。幸有此线,与之前海运相比,从欧洲到中 国的货物运输时间缩短了50%。另外,运输成本也 比空运降低了20%。这非常重要,因为格但斯克港 口是直接连接波罗的海海岸与中国的唯一港口。 自2011年以来,我们已经实施了大量的联合举措, 包括许多经济会议、投资、科学论坛,以及维谢格 拉德(Visegrad)集团在一些国家相关知识产权的 国际会议。致力于发展战略合作伙伴关系的部际活 动协调团队的建立标志着政府的决心。团队附属的 商业理事会将作为波中业务对话的一个平台。2012 年4月,中国总理温家宝访问华沙,参加了中东欧国 家峰会。波兰在这次会议中的核心地位表明波兰对 于中国的重要性已经得到了提高。我们也在欧盟层 面上实施了大量的联合措施。其中包括波兰“走向 中国”战略以及首届欧盟--中国市长论坛。据估计, 这些措施将在未来继续加以实施。值得一提的是, 第一届欧盟--中国地方联合研讨会在波兰官员达 奴塔·希布内尔(Danuta Hübner)担任欧盟区域 政策专员时得以举办。 第一届波兰--中国地方合作论坛于2013年4月 在格但斯克举行,波兰总统布罗尼斯瓦夫·科莫 罗夫斯基(Bronisław Komorowski)是本届论 坛的名誉赞助人。此次论坛标志着波中两国的新 进展。它是一次波兰与中国地区、市政当局和代 表的会议,其议题顺应了2011年12月 20日通过的 一份联合声明中的战略合作伙伴关系,会议讨论了 经济、教育、文化和旅游方面的问题。在为期一天 的论坛上,与会者讨论了广泛的议题 -- 从经济 合作到旅游、教育和文化,提出了许多建设性的建 议,并签署了多项协议。 在地区层面上的合作正在变得越来越重要,因 为在中国越来越多的经济决策权被下放给了地方 当局。波兰--作为一个成功的权力下放例子--可 以与中国分享很多好的做法。这些地区存在着巨 大潜力,会成为变化的驱动力,是萌发新思想的地 方。波中两国城市和省份间合作的增进,以及越来 越多合作伙伴关系协议下经验的交流,证明了两国 地方政府之间的联系正在加强。一个很好的例子 是罗兹(Łódź)科技园和成都经济区之间的合 作,在发展知识型经济的背景下具有重要意义。目 前,我们的贸易关系主要集中在中国最发达的部 分——其东部省份,而江苏是我们的首要合作伙 伴。江苏是西欧和美国投资者占据主导地位的地 方。与此同时,与中国中部和西部的省份关系的发 展会带给波兰真正意义上的机会。现有的良好环 境和体制框架,为波兰未来成功向中国出口和波兰 在该国的投资提供了基础。发展与中国的合作,以 及跨文化和跨区域的对话,对企业家和支持在中央 和地方政府层面配套发展的公共机构是一个挑战。 了解我们的优势和面临的挑战,以及需要进一步努 力的地方,我们是走在了未来成功的与我们的中国 合作伙伴发展合作关系的正确的轨道上了。

Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  5

Polish-Chinese economy

Regional dimension of Polish foreign policy in the context of the Regional Forum Poland-China 从波中地方论坛看波兰地方外交政策 Jerzy Pomianowski, under-secretary of state at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 波兰外交部副秘书长——耶日·波免诺夫斯基(Jerzy Pomianowski)


he Regional Forum Poland-China held recently in Gdańsk has shown that Poland’s foreign policy pursued at local government level is no longer an empty slogan that needs to be filled in an artificial way. The meeting of Polish and Chinese local leaders turned out to be a big success, both in terms of its organization and substance. From the local-government perspective, it will probably give rise to close economic and cultural cooperation. And for the central government, it is a confirmation that projects undertaken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do not fall on barren ground and that Poland has managed to create a mechanism which effectively stimulates international activities at regional level. One can look for the key to the success of the Forum in Gdańsk in several places. Cooperation between Shanghai and Pomerania dates back to the 1980s when the first Polish-Chinese agreement on regional cooperation was signed. An important role is also played by the experience of other international forums - Poland-Russia and PolandUkraine – which have taken root in Polish economic and local-government life. And finally the last and the most important element, as it seems, is the support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2012 the Ministry,

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Polish-Chinese economy

appreciating the role and contribution made by local governments and local communities to public diplomacy, launched a regular instrument supporting local-government activity in the international arena. It not only helps Polish society to understand the priorities of foreign policy but also involves regional partners in public debate. Their voice and active work support the constitutional state authorities responsible for setting directions for Polish foreign policy. The intention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to fully release the existing reserves of social energy and stimulate the development of Polish regions while taking into account the priorities of Polish foreign policy. Support to the civil and local government dimension of Polish foreign policy serves this purpose. It forces changes in the Ministry itself and its partners. A significant change in the structure of the Ministry was the appointment of a team responsible for contacts with local governments and the coordination of cooperation with them. And at regional level, a network was established of Regional Centres for International Debate, which are a regular point of contact between the Ministry and regional governments in foreign affairs. The task of the new centres, established in place of former Regional Centres for European Information, is to conduct information and education activity for the regional population on matters concerning Poland’s European and foreign policy. The network is also responsible for initiating and stimulating at regional level meetings, debates and other events with the participation of key institutions, non-governmental organizations and research centres to discuss problems of Polish foreign policy in the regional context. The network will certainly help to work out a new model of cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and local governments. Meanwhile, having already gathered some experience associated with the mechanism to support the local government dimension of Polish foreign policy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans further initiatives and projects, including those with a broader - European and even global – range. Nothing stands in the way of the success of the Regional Forum Poland-China being followed by other regional forums, like for example Poland-Japan and Poland-Korea. ::

获,波兰已经成功地建立起了一套合作机制,能够 有效地促进地方层面的国际交流活动。 格但斯克论坛的成功举办是由多重因素促成 的。中国的上海和波兰波美拉尼亚省的合作可以 追溯到20世纪80年代,当时刚刚签署了波中地方 合作协议。波兰在其他国际论坛中的参与也尤为 重要,波兰--俄罗斯、波兰--乌克兰国际论坛为 波兰经济和地方政府的发展奠定了基础。最后也是 最重要的因素是外交部的大力支持。2012年,由于 意识到地方政府和组织在公共外交方面的地位和 贡献,外交部出台了支持地方政府进入国际舞台的 基本细则。这不仅有助于波兰社会人士了解外交政 策导向,同时也把地方合作伙伴纳入到公共辩论中 来。他们的声音和积极工作是对引导波兰外交政策 方向的制宪机构的有力支持。 外交部的目的是要最大化地利用现有的社会 资源储备来促进波兰地方发展,同时把握波兰外 交政策方向。支持地方政府层面的外交就是为这

一目的服务的,它促使外交部自身及其伙伴做出改 变。结构层面上,一项意义重大的改变就是外交 部任命了专门的团队负责地方政府的相互联系及 合作;地方层面上,国际辩论地区中心网已经建 立,它是外交部和地方政府间在外交事务上的固 定联系点。之前的欧洲信息地区中心已经被新的 中心所取代,其任务是执行与波兰的欧洲政策和 外交政策相关的信息和教育活动。该网络也致力 于创立和推进地方层面上的辩论和其它活动,重 要机构、非政府组织以及研究中心也参与进来,讨 论关于地方环境下波兰的外交政策。 该网络必将有助于在外交部和地方政府之间建 立一种新的合作模式。与此同时,在支持地方政府 的外交政策的体制方面,波兰外交部已经取得了一 定的经验,并进一步筹划着未来囊括欧洲乃至全球 的目标和计划。波兰--中国地方合作论坛大获全胜, 今后还将会有其它的地方论坛,如波兰--日本地方 合作论坛和波兰--韩国地方合作论坛。

近期在格但斯克举行的波兰--中国地方合作论 坛表明,波兰地方政府的外交政策已不再是空喊口 号了。波中地方政府领导会晤在组织上和实质内容 上都取得了很大的成功。从地方政府角度看,这很可 能进一步促进经济和文化合作;从中央政府角度看, 可以确信的是,外交部实行的各项计划没有徒劳无 Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  7

Polish-Chinese economy

Polish-Chinese regional cooperation from the perspective of the Polish Embassy in Beijing 从波兰驻华大使馆角度来看中波地区合作 Tadeusz Chomicki Ambassador of Poland to China 塔德乌什-霍米茨基 波兰共和国驻华大使


t was truly a pleasure for me to be a witness and participant in the 1st Regional Forum Poland-China, which was held in Gdańsk on April 22, 2013. The event, attended by around 600 participants from Poland and China, became an important dividing line –it summed up a certain period in the development of mutual relations at regional level on the one hand, and marked the beginning of a new period, a new dimension of this cooperation, on the other. Let me share with you some more personal thoughts about these two stages. When assuming the post of Polish ambassador to the People’s Republic of China in autumn 2009, I had to define priority areas in the activity of our diplomatic mission in Beijing. It was not an easy task. Since the

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inception of the People’s Republic of China, the two countries have had friendly relations with each other. One has to admit, however, that for the first 20 years after 1989 the development of these relations was not particularly dynamic. Of course, this was historically justified. In that period, Poland was preoccupied with its internal changes, shaping relations with its neighbours, entering NATO and the European Union and regaining its rightful position in Europe. There was little time, means and human resources for contacts with partners from outside the Euro-Atlantic area. Meanwhile, China was developing very fast its cooperation with the developed economies of Western Europe. These countries became the main source of technology and investment for China and a market for its products. As a result, at the end of the first decade of the 21st century the real state of Polish-Chinese relations did not measure up to the much higher potential of the two countries – an economy expanding the fastest and for the longest period compared to elsewhere in the world and a European economy experiencing the most stable growth. A question arose what we should do to exploit this untapped potential. Random surveys conducted in a group of Chinese business people showed that Poland did not bring up any associations to them. As a result, our main task was to show the Chinese as quickly as possible the real picture of today’s Poland as a country developing rapidly and at a stable rate for 20 years, an important member of the EU and NATO, and the strongest country in Central and Eastern Europe. The past three years saw a major improvement in this

respect. There were mainly three factors involved. The first one was the strengthening of Poland’s position in the world and in Europe, particularly in the period of the widespread economic crisis. The second one was the intensification of political dialogue at the highest level. A visit by Polish president to China in December 2011 coupled with raising the status of mutual relations to strategic partnership, a visit to Poland by the Chinese prime minister in April 2012, a summit attended by the prime ministers of 16 Central and Eastern European countries, a visit by the speaker of the Polish parliament to China in June 2013 and the new Chinese authorities’ confirming their intention to develop relations with Poland were the most important elements of the dialogue. The third factor was the consistent work to increase Poland’s presence in Chinese media. The result was that the number of publications about our country in the Chinese media grew six to eight times. Of course, it was not enough to merely show the Chinese public and Chinese authorities a positive image of Poland. We still had to choose priority areas of activity for Polish missions in China. With China’s rapidly expanding and huge economy and its population of over 1.3 billion, it is impossible to be equally active in all spheres of the country’s life. Consequently, it was necessary to identify cooperation spheres able to generate further projects and new areas for mutual contacts. In this context, making regional cooperation more dynamic was a natural choice because there are huge reserves of human and material resources at the level of provinces

Polish-Chinese economy

and cities. The reserves are not generally visible from the perspective of the central government and they cannot be directly activated through contacts between the countries’ highest authorities. In the course of the past 20 years, the role and importance of local government authorities grew enormously in Poland. They became real administrators of their rural districts, cities and provinces. They have their own budgets, development plans and economic initiatives, and have a vital influence on the life of the local people. Similar processes, though based on different resources, regulations and structures, were going on in China. The local authorities in this country have a growing role in deciding about the development of their areas, take significant economic and investment decisions, stimulate cultural life, environmental protection activities and so on. Considering China’s huge size, one of the most important tasks of the Polish embassy in Beijing was accessing provincial and municipal authorities with proposals for the development of relations with Poland and encouraging them to establish, develop and stimulate contacts with Polish partners. The first agreement on cooperation at local level was signed in 1985 by the Gdańsk province in Poland and Shanghai, which is a province-level municipality. Further agreements were signed in the following years but in many cases the contacts died out after the first visits and did not produce any concrete results or projects. When in 2011 the staff of the Polish embassy in Beijing started to create a database of local and regional contacts it turned out it was impossible to determine how many agreements on cooperation between provinces and cities had been signed because some of them were not implemented and were forgotten. What is more, the Polish and Chinese lists of such agreements differed in terms of their number and partners, which indirectly proves that some of these were dead letters. Of course, there were some provinces and cities – and they received awards at the Regional Forum in Gdańsk - which eagerly developed cooperation with their local partners: the Pomorskie (former Gdańsk) province and Shanghai, Śląskie province and Liaoning, Zachodniopomorskie province and Guangdong, and the cities of Poznań and Shenzhen. It is in these circumstances that the idea emerged to hold the first Polish-Chinese forum on regional cooperation. The main goal we wanted to achieve was to raise the awareness of the importance of regional cooperation and the role it could play in stimulating and expanding the

Polish-Chinese relations in areas much beyond the responsibility of the central authorities and diplomatic missions. Additionally, a regional forum provided an opportunity to show the best projects and the best examples of local cooperation so as to inspire and encourage those who were less active in this sphere or lacked ideas. The idea to stimulate regional cooperation and hold a Polish-Chinese forum met with a full understanding and support from the highest authorities of the two countries and became a topic of their talks during the visits of the Polish president to China and the Chinese prime minister to Poland. Several Polish provinces declared their readiness to host the forum. The Pomorskie province was chosen not only in recognition of its pioneering role in establishing Polish-Chinese regional cooperation but also because it offered very good logistical and organizational conditions. The organizing committee was set up, headed by the marshal of the Pomorskie province. The committee’s work was strongly supported by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese embassy in Warsaw. On the Chinese part, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) assumed the main responsibility for organizing the forum and coordinating preparations for the participation of Chinese entities. The CPAFFC is a national organization, has branches in all Chinese provinces and takes care of all cooperation agreements between Chinese local entities and their foreign partners. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also provided support to this initiative and the Polish consulates in Shanghai and Guangzhou took part in the preparations. The programme of the forum was decided through discussion. It focused on selected areas offering the best hope for concrete bilateral projects. A number of entities from both countries got involved in implementing the programme – local authorities, associations, institutions and businesses as well as state institutions such as ministries, agencies and governmental organizations. I would like to thank all those who contributed to the organization and success of the 1st Regional Forum Poland-China for their work, dedication and understanding of the importance that contacts and cooperation between local partners have for stimulating and expanding relations between both countries. We can say today that the 1st Regional Forum Poland-China in Gdańsk played a very positive role in the process of making the Polish and Chinese people at central and regional level aware of the importance of cooperation

between local partners. The Forum encouraged provincial and municipal authorities to stimulate activity under existing agreements and to sign new agreements. Data held by the Polish embassy in Beijing show that at the time of the Forum there were 11 agreements on cooperation between provinces and 19 between cities. But now, as many as 14 pairs of partners from Poland and China are conducting talks about signing such agreements and four letters of intent have already been signed. One can expect that this trend will continue. During her visit to China in June 2013, the speaker of the Polish parliament talked about the will to further develop regional cooperation not only with the highest state officials in Beijing but also with the local authorities of Tianjin, Guangdong and Zhuhai, which she visited. The Guangdong province declared its readiness to organize the second Regional Forum Poland-China in the city of Guangzhou. And two cities in this province – its capital Guangzhou and Zhuhai, the fastest developing special economic zone – were going to sign agreements respectively with the Polish cities of Łodź and Gdynia soon after the parliamentary speaker’s visit to China. I am convinced that contacts between Poland and China at local level will continue to develop, contributing to the steady strengthening of ties between both countries and producing notable benefits for the populations of many cities and provinces. The Polish embassy in Beijing and the Polish consulates in Shanghai and Guangzhou will always be supporting this cooperation in all possible dimensions. 尊敬的各位, 我很高兴地参与了2013年4月22日在格但斯克 举行的第一届中波地区合作论坛。此活动汇聚了来 自中国和波兰的600多位朋友。一方面首届中波地区 合作论坛总结了此前中波地区合作的经验,另一方 面开创了双边合作的新阶段。我想同各位分享我对 这两个阶段的个人看法。 2009年秋担任波兰驻华大使一职后,我面临 着制定波兰驻华使馆战略目标的问题。这是一个 艰巨的课题。建国以来中国和波兰一直有着友好 传统,但1989年以后的20年里,双边关系发展并不 活跃。这根一些历史事实有关。在过去20年间,波 兰积极地进行内部转型,改善同邻国的交往,争取 加入欧盟和北约以及争取恢复它在欧洲的地位。那 时候波兰对同欧洲以外的伙伴发展关系的兴趣并不 大。而在同一时期,中国积极地发展了其同西欧发 达国家的交往,并从这些国家吸取了高新技术、投 资,并且打开了它们的市场。因此21世纪的头10年末, 当时中波关系的情况不符合两国发展的巨大潜力 (中国是)全球最迅速和最持续增长的经济体, (而 Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  9

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波兰是)欧洲最稳定发展地经济体。我们面临如何 挖掘这些潜力的问题。那段时间我们对一些中国的 企业家进行的问询调查结果显示他们对波兰的了 解寥寥无几。因此增加中国人对波兰作为20年来 迅速和稳定发展,中东欧最强大的国家以及欧盟 和北约重要成员国的全面了解成为了基本的目标。 近三年来上述情况有了很大的进展。这些进展归 因于三方面的因素。首先是因为波兰在世界经济 危机期间在世界和欧洲地位的提高。其次是中波 高层政治对话的强化。在这一方面最重要的应该 说是2011年12月波兰总统对华访问以及两国提升 双边关系为战略伙伴水平;2012年4月中国国务院 总理温家宝对波兰进行的访问以及此时在华沙举 行的中东欧16国总理的峰会及2013年6月波兰众议 长对中国的访问。第三是为增强波兰在中国媒体上 的形象而做出的大量努力。这些努力的结果是在中 国每年关于波兰出版的刊物的数量提高了6-8倍。 当然增强波兰在中国人和中国领导人眼中的形 象远远不够。同时,制定波兰驻华机构的战略目标 还是极为重要的。考虑到中国经济规模之大,其发 展之快以及1,3亿人口之多,我们无法在各个领域 同它进行一样积极地合作。于是我们必须制定最重 要的,最有前景的合作领域。在这些领域促进两国 地区合作的发展是顺理成章的。在省份和城市层面 存在着庞大的人力和物资资源。从中央政府的角度, 上述的资源常常看不到并且用不了。 20年来,波兰的各级地方政府地位得到极大的 提高。地方政府已经成为他们所管辖的省,市,县的 真正主人。地方政府拥有自己的预算资金, 自己 制定经济发展规划,地方政府对当地发展以及当地 人民生活水平有着直接影响。同样在中国,根据不 同的规则和办法,地方政府影响了当地情况。目前

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中国的地方政府对规划和促进当地经济,文化,环 保发展有着绝对的权力。考虑到中国面积之大,鼓 励中国省市政府同波兰相关层面的伙伴推动和强 化合作关系成为波兰驻华使馆最重要的任务之一。 1985年,格但斯克省政府同上海市政府签署 了友好合作协议。随后两国地区政府间的合作协议 增多了。不过那时签署协议和进行初步互访之后交 往的衰退成为常见的现象。2011 年波兰驻华使馆 开始建设中波地方政府间合作的数据库。原来无 法完全清楚地说两国到底签署了多少个友好合作 协议,是因为一部分协议早就停止实施。此外,波 兰和中国关于协议数量的统计有很大的差别。统计 显示了一部分协议实际上从来没有开始实施。当然, 两国也有着积极开展双边合作的伙伴省市。这些伙 伴单位 (西滨海省-上海市;西里西亚省-辽宁省) 在格但斯克举行的第一届中波地区合作论坛上获 得了奖章。在这样的形势下,我们下决心举办第一 次中波地区合作论坛。 我们所争取的目标是增强地区合作重要性及其 对持续促进两国远超过中波外交机构扮演角色的 意识。举办地区合作论坛也是介绍两国地区合作最 佳案件的好机会,让更多的伙伴单位更积极地开展 合作。促进两国地区合作以及举办第一中波地区合 作论坛的设想得到了波兰和中国国家领导人的大力 支持,也加入了波兰总统在华及中国总理在波正式 会谈的议程。一些波兰省政府争相竞争地方合作论 坛的主办权。为了推广西滨海省作为中波地区合作 的先驱者,同时考虑到该省良好的技术基础,它被 选为第一届中波地区合作论坛的主办单位。首届中 波地区合作论坛的协调委员会成立,由西滨海省省 长牵头。协调委员会的工作得到了波兰外交部和波 兰驻华使馆的大力支持。中国人民对外友好协会为

此次论坛的举办投入了大量的努力。中国人民对外 友好协会是全国性的组织,在中国各地也有分支机 构。它主管和协调所有中国地方政府同外国伙伴的 协议。 为了举办好此次论坛,中国外交部也给予了 支持和推广;波兰驻沪和驻穗领事馆同样参与了准 备工作。在筹备论坛议程过程中,我们关注了两国 地区合作最有发展前景的一些领域。两国各层面的 单位-地区政府,地区组织,企业和中央组织(部委, 政府机构)都参与了此次论坛议程筹备工作。在此, 我要向所有为第一中波地区合作论坛成功作出贡 献的人士和单位表示由衷的感谢。今天我们可以 宣布,第一届中波地区合作论坛为提高广大中央 和地方机构对地区合作认识的重要性扮演了十分 重要的角色。此次论坛鼓励两国省市政府不仅进 一步促进已存在的合作,也搭建了的合作机制。根 据波兰驻华使馆的数据,第一届中波地区合作论 坛开幕时中波两国已达成19个省级和11个城市层 面的友好合作的协议。目前中波两国的14队伙伴省 市正在就签署友好合作协议进行磋商,双方已签署 了4个意向书。我们认为这一趋势将继续下去。2013 年6月,波兰众议长访华时同中国国家领导人以及她 访问过的天津市,广东省和珠海市的政府代表们就 地区合作的发展进行了交谈。广东省政府已表示有 意在广州举办第二届中波地区合作论坛。在波兰众 议长访华之后不久,广州市和广东省发展最迅速的 特区中心-珠海市开始准备同它们的波方伙伴-罗兹 市和格但斯克市签署合作协议。 我深信中波地区层面的交往与合作将继续发 展。它将强化两国关系,并使两国各地区的人民获 益。波兰驻华大使馆以及波兰驻沪和驻穗领事馆将 会支持两国在各领域的地区合作的发展。

Polish-Chinese economy

徐大使接受 Polish Market 杂志采 访答问参考 Mr. Ambassador Xu Jian, Ambassador of China in Poland for “Polish Market”


What change did you anticipate in Poland-China relations after PM Wen Jiabao’s visit last year?

您认为去年温家宝总理访波给中波关系带来 了哪些变化? Last April, the then Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited Poland and met with Polish President Bronisław Komorowski, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Sejm Speaker Ewa Kopacz and Senate Speaker Bogdan Borusewicz respectively. They exchanged ideas frankly and extensively on China-Poland and China- EU relationship as well as international issues of common interest and reached a lot of consensus. They agreed that the two countries will continue to respect and treat each other equally and support each other’s choice of development path; establish a regular meeting mechanism between the two countries’ prime ministers so as to facilitate high level interaction and enhance political mutual trust; create an inter-governmental commission and a steering committee for industrial cooperation to promote two-way investment and balanced increase in trade, try to double our bilateral trade volume within five years, and strengthen cooperation in such areas as infrastructure, new energy, high technology and so on; invite 50 Polish youth to visit China; facilitate personnel exchange and expand tourism cooperation with the direct flight between Beijing and Warsaw. Some of these measures are pioneering in central and eastern european countries, instilling new dynamic to China-Poland relationship. This visit is a big event in our relationship, as well as important embodiment of strengthening our high- level exchange. This fully shows Chinese leaders’ high regard for Poland and China-Poland, China-EU relationship, demonstrates both sides’ strong desire to enhance political mutual trust and mutual beneficial cooperation, and plays a very

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important role in deepening our strategic partnership and pragmatic cooperation in all fields. The eighteenth National Congress of Chinese Communist Party elected the new central leading body in China. I believe that the newly elected Chinese leaders will continue to emphasize relationship with Poland and push for the development of our strategic partnership. 去年四月,时任中国国务院总理温家宝访问波兰, 分别同波总统科莫罗夫斯基、众议长科帕奇、参议 长博鲁塞维奇和总理图斯克举行会谈、会见,就中 波、中欧关系和共同关心的国际问题坦诚、深入交 换看法,达成一系列重要共识。 双方领导人一致表示,坚持相互尊重、平等相 待,支持对方走自主选择的发展道路;同意建立中 波总理定期会晤机制,密切高层交往,增进政治互 信;成立中波政府间合作委员会和产业合作指导委 员会,推动双向投资和贸易平衡增长,争取5年内实 现双边贸易额翻一番,加强在基础设施建设、新能 源、高科技等领域的合作;中方邀请50名波兰青年 访问中国; 以北京-华沙开通直航为契机,密切人

员往来,拓展旅游合作。这些举措在中国与中东欧 国家关系中很多是开创性的,为中波关系发展注入 了新的强劲动力。 此次访问是中波关系中的重大事件,也是切实 加强两国高层交往的重要体现。这充分体现了中 国领导人对波兰及中波关系、中欧关系的高度重 视,表达了中波双方增进政治互信、加强互利合作 的强烈愿望,对全面深化两国战略伙伴关系、开拓 各领域务实合作起到了巨大的推动作用。中国共产 党第十八次全国代表大会选举产生了新的中央领 导集体,相信新一届中国领导人也将继续重视同 波兰关系,推动两国战略伙伴关系不断向前发展。 pm

How many Chinese companies are already investing in the Polish market?

有多少已在波兰投资的中国公司? According to Polish GUS’s statistical data, there are more than 300 Chinese companies doing business in Poland. As to our statistical data, only USD 270 million in FDI has come from China. Therefore, this number is

Polish-Chinese economy

comparatively small. As you know, Poland and China have promoted our relations to strategic partnership. In the wake of our former Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit last year, we noticed the momentum of positive investment to Poland and it is expected more and more Chinese entrepreneurs will come to Poland. 根据波兰中央统计局的数据,在波兰有300多家 中国企业开展经营。根据我们的数据,中国企业的 总投资只有2.7亿美元。正如您所知,中波已经提升 为战略伙伴关系,因此,上述投资数据太小,与两国 关系和合作潜力不相符。随着我国总理温家宝去年 访问波兰,我们注意到赴波投资呈现良好势头,我 相信会有越来越多的投资者来波兴业。 pm

How do you see the transformation in investment and trade relation with Poland?

您如何看待与波兰投资、贸易的变化? Surely the transformation, or development will be mutually beneficial to both countries. We are glad to see that during the last year, the bilateral trade turnover amounted to a new record of USD 14.3 billion. During the visit of Premier Wen Jiabao, he shared the same opinion with Prime Minister Tusk, that governments should promote bilateral trade and investment. The political leaders made the target to double the turnover of bilateral trade in 5 years and make effort toward trade balance. I appreciate Poland’s “Go China” project implemented by several Polish goverment institutions. I agree with the views of Polish side that the FDI from China could compensate for the current trade deficit. 这种转型或称发展,必将使两国互惠互利。我 欣然看到,2012年双边贸易额再创新高,达到143 亿美元。在温家宝总理访问波兰期间,他与图斯 克总理达成共识,要提升中波投资和贸易发展水 平。两国政治领导人为双边贸易设定的目标是5年 内翻一番,且向贸易平衡努力。我赞赏波方政府几 个部门联合推出的“走向中国”计划。我高度认同 波方观点:来自中国的外商直接投资将很好地弥 补波兰对华贸易赤字问题。 pm

What products China is buying from Poland?

中方主要从波兰采购何种商品? According to China’s customs statistics, the top ten products imported from Poland are as follows: copper products, electronic equipment and parts, mechanical equipment and parts, organic chemicals, motor vehicles and auto parts, furniture, rubber products, steel or iron products, ore, optical, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus.

Currently, Poland’s exports to China only account for 1% of Poland’s total exports. Much potential remains to be tapped. China welcomes Polish enterprises to actively explore the Chinese market. It is a great breakthrough that Poland’s pork products had been approved to be imported to China last year. We hope Poland’s high quality agriculture products will enter numerous homes in China. 根据中国海关统计,2012年,中国自波进口前 十大商品是铜及其制品、电子设备及零部件、机械 器具及零件、有机化学品、车辆及其零件附件、家 具、橡胶及其制品、钢铁制品、矿砂、光学、医疗及 外科仪器及设备。 目前,波对华出口额仅占波出口总额的1%,发 展潜力巨大。中国欢迎波兰企业积极开拓中国市 场。去年,波兰猪肉产品正式获准对华出口就是 一个较大的突破,希望波兰优质的农产品能进入 中国的千家万户。 pm

How does China view Poland’s economy?

中国如何看待波兰经济? I suggest you change the question into “How does the ambassador view Poland’s economy”. Then I will be more confident to answer it. Since the reform of the economy in the 1990s, Poland has maintained economic growth, including the very difficult period of 2008 and 2009. Within the past 3 years, Poland made good record in terms of GDP growth, explaining why Poland is called the “green island” in the context of Eurozone crisis. Poland has its advantages like a vast market, high quality human resources, lower cost

of labour force, big amout of European funding and so on. I also noticed that recently, Poland’s economy confronts with some challenges. Like China, exports impose profound influence to the macroeconomy. The Eurozone crisis decreased foreign demand, so the exports shrank. Besides, there are still high unemployment, subdued domestic comsumption and so on. I have noticed that Polish government’s policies to beat the economic downturn are effective, including a reduction of interest rates, adoption the Polish Investment Programme, introduction of Small and Medium companies’ promotion plan and so on. At the tough time for the world economy, I believe only cooperation could lead to better solutions. China is willing to conquer the crisis in team work with Poland. 我建议您修改问题为“中国大使如何看待波兰 经济”,这样我回答会更有信心。 波兰自上世纪90年代经济改革以来,一直保持 经济增长,特别是非常困难的2008、2009年。过去 三年来波兰维持较高GDP增速,所以波兰在欧债危 机背景下被称为“绿岛”。波兰有她的优势,比如: 广大的市场、高素质人才、较低的劳动力成本、大 量的欧盟援助基金等等。我也注意到,最近波兰 经济遇到一些挑战。与中国一样,出口对于波兰宏 观经济影响深远。欧债危机减少了外部需求,出口 下降。另外,波经济也有诸如失业率较高、国内消费 下降等问题。我完全赞同政府出台的应对经济下行 的措施,比如降低利率、推出“波兰投资”项目、引 入中小企业鼓励措施等。在世界经济的艰难时刻, 我相信只有合作才是解决之道。中方愿与波兰团 结协作,共克时艰。

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Polish-Chinese economy

International dialogue creating a good atmosphere of cooperation 国家间的对话创造出良好的合作氛围 Mieczysław Struk, Marshal of the Pomorskie Province, talks to “Polish Market.” 波美拉尼亚省省长米奇斯瓦夫·司旧克(Mieczyslaw Struk)接受《波兰市场》杂志采访


Did the 1st Regional Forum Poland-China contribute to the promotion of Poland and Polish business? Is such an event helpful in building business relations?

第一届波兰--中国地方合作论坛是否有利于波 兰国家和波兰商业的宣传?这在建立商业关系 上是否有帮助呢? It is worth remembering that Poland is a country which does not exist in the consciousness of most Chinese people. The 1st Regional Forum Poland-China held in Gdańsk enabled us to show our country, particularly the Pomorskie province (Pomerania) and the city of Gdańsk, not only to the nearly 200 Chinese participants but first of all to the Chinese people who had an opportunity to learn about Poland thanks to the Chinese journalists present at the Forum. Additionally, our guests received a friendly and warm reception while direct talks enabled us to get to know each other better, which is enormously important, especially given that our cultures differ so much. The governments of Poland and China are creating a generally good atmosphere of cooperation and interest through meetings at the highest level and international agreements. Meanwhile, the Forum provided an opportunity for many of those who implement the agreements at the level of cities and regions to meet each other. This is enormously important, especially for small and medium businesses, organizations and institutions operating in education, culture and tourism. 值得记住的是,大多数中国人不知道波兰这个 国家。在格但斯克举办的第一届波兰--中国地方 合作论坛使我们能够展示我们的国家,尤其是 滨 海省(波美拉尼亚)和格但斯克市。不仅展示给了 近200名的中国与会者,而且通过出席本届论坛的 中国记者展示给了有此机会了解波兰的中国人民。 此外,客人们受到了友好而热情的接待,面对面的 交谈也使我们能更好地了解彼此。这是极其重要的, 特别是在两国文化存在这么大的差异的情况下。通

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railway link between the cities of Łódź and Chengdu were presented as good examples. The two sides recognized that financial and non-financial support instruments were necessary for establishing and developing economic contacts. pm Please provide a summary of the event and Education – Higher education and scithe conclusions of the panel discussions. ence are two pillars of a knowledge-based economy. This is why cooperation, includ请您总结一下此届波兰--中国地区合作论坛, ing international one, is so needed. Partici并介绍一下小组讨论的结论。 pants in the workshop got familiar with the Almost 600 people took part in the Forum, Polish and Chinese systems of higher educawith representatives from across Poland and tion, their scholarship systems and current 28 Chinese cities and regions, including Beitrends in international contacts. Direct conjing, Shanghai and Yunnan. President of Potacts between universities are still a prioriland Bronisław Komorowski was an honorary ty task. They should not be centred only on patron of the event and it received support student mobility. It is worth trying to build not only from the Ministry of Foreign Afcommon education programmes, doctoral fairs but also the Ministries of Regional Destudies, or set up Polish-Chinese universivelopment, Environment, Sport and Tourism, ties and consortia of Polish universities and Science and Higher Education, and Economy, Chinese research units. In this respect, it is the Polish Tourist Organization (POT), Polish helpful to expand opportunities for learnInformation and Foreign Investment Agency ing each other’s language. An example is the (PAIiIZ) and the Polish Academic Cooperation planned opening of a sinology faculty at the and Exchange Foundation (PACE). Apart from University of Gdańsk this autumn and the speeches delivered by the highest Polish and opening of Polish studies faculties at several Chinese authorities in the opening part of the Chinese universities. The scientific research forum, four thematic workshops were held. project pursued by the Maritime University Economy – It was pointed out that Poland in Gdynia and the Shanghai Maritime Uniwas China’s largest trade partner in Central versity is an excellent example of more adand Eastern Europe and had coped very well vanced cooperation. at the time of crisis but that it was necessary Tourism – It is a very important part of to build a strong Brand Poland. the two countries’ economies but also an imThe need to apply a new model of economportant tool of bringing people closer to each ic development based on green economy and other, as Polish Ambassador to China Tademodern technologies was the main topic of usz Chomicki observed. Tourism unites and the panel discussion. The proposals of the Polstimulates the development of many spheres ish side and the experience of Chinese cities – from transport to agriculture, education and and regions in this sphere were presented. It culture. And since the Regional Forum unitwas pointed out that transport connections ed many communities, it may significantly were necessary for the development of ecocontribute to intensifying tourist traffic. Of nomic contacts. Sea connections launched by course, what is needed are activities promotDCT company between the Gdańsk harbour ing Poland among Chinese tourists. The POT and Asian ports, including Shanghai, and the campaign under the slogan “I Like Poland” is

过高层会议和国际协议,波中两国政府正在建立良 好的合作和兴趣氛围。同时,本届论坛也为那些城 市和地区的协议实施者提供了彼此见面的机会。这 是极其重要的,尤其是对教育、文化和旅游领域的 中小型企业、组织和机构而言。

Polish-Chinese economy

helpful in this respect as are workshops for Polish tour operators and study visits paid before the Forum and in its course. Pomerania had an additional opportunity to show the Forum participants its tourist assets. We also consider it very important that the air connection between Warsaw and Beijing has been launched again. Another workshop was devoted to culture. Its participants discussed the experience of their museums and their potential to cooperate, including the Museum of World War II now under construction in Gdańsk. Apart from war-time developments in Europe, it will also be showing Asian developments. The participants talked about modernizing libraries, including digitizing their collections and consequently ensuring broad access to them. And representatives of the Podlaskie and Yunnan provinces shared their experience in protecting and promoting local cultures and folk traditions. The workshop was also an excellent opportunity for culture institutions to establish direct relations. The opportunity, provided by the Forum, to present the best cooperation practices was its very important element. Several projects were presented and awards were granted for four partnerships. I have to admit it made me feel proud that we gained recognition for our contacts with Shanghai, which date back to 1985. A product of these contacts is the Shanghai Study, a book collections which has been growing thanks to generous donations made by the Shanghai mayor, China’s deputy transport minister and others. 近600人参加了本届论坛,其中包括波兰各地的 代表和来自北京、上海、云南等28个城市和地区的 中国代表。波兰总统布罗尼斯瓦夫·科莫罗夫斯基 (Bronislaw Komorowski) 是本届论坛的名誉赞助 人,同时我们也得到了外交部、区域发展部、环境部、 体育和旅游部、科学和高等教育部以及经济部、波 兰旅游协会(POT)、波兰信息与外商投资局(PAIiIZ)和波兰学术合作与交流基金会(PACE)的大力 支持。除了波兰和中国最高权威的发言外,本届论 坛的开幕式上组织了四个研讨会:经济--有人指 出,波兰是中国在中东欧的最大贸易 伙伴,并且很好的应对了金融危机。但是,仍有 必要建立强大的波兰品牌。 小组讨论的主要话题是对基于绿色经济和现代 技术的新型经济发展模式的需求。针对这点,波兰 方面提出了建议,中国方面提供了城市和地区的经 验。有人指出,交通运输对经济往来的发展而言是 有必要的。由DCT公司负责的海上运输连通了格但斯 克港口和包括上海在内的亚洲港口,也有铁路连接 了罗兹和成都两座城市,这些都是很好的例子。双方 一致认为,金融和非金融的支持工具对建立和发展 经济往来是必要的。 教育—高等教育与科学是知识经济的两大支柱, 这就解释了合作以及国际合作如此必要的原因。通 过此次研讨会,与会者对波中高等教育体系、奖学

金体系以及国际交往的当前趋势都有所了解。大学 值得记住的是,这并不是一个仅局限于经济问 之间的直接联系依然是首要任务。交流不应仅仅以 题的论坛,它是一个波兰和中国城市和地区的地方 学生流动为中心。构建共同的教育项目、博士学位 政府、组织、机构和商务代表之间的会晤。波兰和 的学习、建立波中大学以及波兰大学与中国科研单 中国主办方共同决定了论坛的主题与形式。我认为 位联盟同样值得尝试。在这一点上,增加学习彼此 以这种形式聚集与会者、介绍式演讲和研讨会都产 语言的机会是有帮助的。其中的一个例子是计划今 生了良好的效果,它促使了信息交换以及私人的和 年秋天在格但斯克大学开设汉学系,并在中国几所 企业间的直接会晤。 大学开设波兰研究学院。格丁尼亚海事大学与上 pm Do you see any potential to further im海海事大学共同的科研项目便是进一步深入合作 的一个很好的例子。 prove the event, both in terms of content 旅游—它是两国经济交流中非常重要的一个 and organization? 部分,也成为了拉近人际关系的一个重要工具,正 如波兰驻华大使塔多兹•卡维基乔姆斯基(Tade您认为这样的论坛在内容和组织上有哪些可 usz Chomicki)所预料的那样。旅游结合并刺激了 以改善的地方? 许多领域的发展--从交通到农业、教育和文化。由 The organization of such an event, by such 于地区论坛联合了许多社区,这对于加强旅游交通 culturally and geographically distant part将有极大的促进作用。当然,向中国游客宣传波兰 ners, is not easy. And this is why I would like 的活动是非常必要的。从这方面来讲,波兰旅游组 to give special thanks on behalf of the Polish 织活动旗号“我喜欢波兰”是非常有帮助的,同样有 organizers to our partner – the Chinese Peo帮助的还有波兰旅游经营者研讨会和在此次论坛 ple’s Association for Friendship with Foreign 之前所做的考察访问。波美拉尼亚获得了额外的机 Countries (CPAFFC) – and all those who sup会向论坛与会者展示其旅游资产。我们也认为,华 ported us. Perhaps the Forum should have 沙与北京直航的重新启动是非常重要的。 been longer because this would provide more 另外一场研讨会专题是文化。与会者讨论了他 opportunity for direct contacts. 们博物馆的经验以及合作的潜力,包括在建中的 Undoubtedly, it is necessary to meet and 位于格但斯克的二战博物馆。除了展示欧洲战争 talk and do as much as possible to get to know 时期的发展,博物馆也将展示亚洲的发展。与会 your partner well. It is for this reason that we 者讨论了现代化其图书馆,包括将他们的藏书数 have opened in Beijing the Pomeranian Office, 字化,从而扩大搜索途径。来自波德拉谢省和云 which supports business, tourist and cultur南省的代表们就如何保护和促进当地文化和民间 al contacts. This is why the Invest in Pomer传统分享了他们的经验。 ania organization has offered training on the 论坛所提供的这次展现最好的合作实践的机 Chinese market for businesses operating in 会是论坛很重要的一个因素,几个项目得以展示, the province. This is the reason why Pomer四个合作伙伴获得了颁发的奖项。我不得不承认, ania will take part in the conference entitled 让我倍感自豪的是我们早在1985年与上海的交流 “A Meeting of Regional Leaders of China and 获得认可,其交流的成果是《上海研究》。感谢上 Central and Eastern Europe” to be held in 海市长、中国交通部副部长及其他人的慷慨捐赠, Chongqing in July and is organizing a trade 这套系列书籍的发行量一直在不断增长。 mission to China scheduled for autumn this year. And this is why we undertook to organpm Did the format of the event – a forum – faize the 1st Regional Forum Poland-China and cilitate establishing direct business relaare waiting impatiently for the next Forum – hopefully, held in China this time. tions during the panel discussions, com这次论坛是由文化迥异并且距离遥远的合作伙 pany presentations and B2B meetings? 伴共同组织的,这并不是一件容易的事情。因此我 通过小组讨论、公司自我展示和B2B(企业间 想代表波兰组织者特别感谢我们的合作伙伴—中 的电子商务)会议的方式,这种论坛的形式是 国人民对外友好协会(CPAFFC)—感谢所有给予我 否会促进建立直接的商务联系? 们支持的单位和个人。或许这个论坛应该持续时 间更长一些,这样将会提供更多直接交流的机会。 It is worth remembering that it was not a forum devoted mainly to economic issues. It 毫无疑问,这对会见合作伙伴、并通过交流尽可 was a meeting between representatives of lo 能多地相互了解来说是非常必要的。正因为如 cal governments, organizations, institutions 此,我们已经在北京开设了波美拉尼亚办事处,为 and businesses from Polish and Chinese cit企业、旅游、文化交流提供支持与帮助。这也是波 ies and regions. The Polish and Chinese or美拉尼亚投资方组织为省内企业提供关于中国市 ganizers jointly decided about the topics of 场的培训的原因。这也正是波美拉尼亚将参加七 月份在重庆举办的名为“中国--中东欧国家地方领 the Forum and its format. I think that combining this sort of participants, the format of 导人会议”的原因,波美拉尼亚正在计划今年秋天 introductory speeches and workshops pro组织一个贸易代表团访问中国。这也是我们承办第 duced a good result. It enabled the exchange 一届波兰—中国地方合作论坛的原因,同样我们也 of information and direct meetings, including 在翘首企盼下一次论坛,希望能够在中国举办。 those held in private and between businesses.

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Polish-Chinese economy

Report from “The Assessment of the 1st Regional Forum Poland-China”

held in Gdańsk on April 22, 2013 Błażej Grabowski

Introduction We present a report from “The Assessment of the 1st Regional Forum Poland-China” held in Gdańsk on April 22, 2013. The survey was conducted in June 2013 among Polish participants in the Forum. They received a questionnaire designed to enable the assessment of the Forum. The report is based on their responses.

About the Forum The 1st Regional Forum Poland-China was held in Gdańsk on April 22, 2013. Among its participants were Mieczysław Struk, marshal of the Pomorskie Province (Pomerania), Li Jianping, a co-organizer of the Forum and vice-president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), Jerzy Pomianowski, Polish deputy minister of foreign affairs, Tadeusz Chomicki, Polish ambassador in Beijing, Ding Xuexiang, representing the Shanghai authorities, and Cheng Hong, deputy mayor of Beijing. The meeting was attended by representatives of over 30 Chinese regions and cities, and almost all Polish regions and provinces. All in all, 600 people arrived in Gdańsk to take part in the Forum, including almost 200 participants from China. The honorary patron of the event was Polish President Bronisław Komorowski. During his visit to China in 2011, President Komorowski and President of the People’s Republic of China Hu Jintao signed a joint declaration establishing strategic partnership between the two countries. The initiative to organize a large conference of regional and municipal authorities was supported in 2012 during a visit to Warsaw by Chinese

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Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. The Forum is one of the elements which give substance to the declaration. There are plans to organize the Forum every year in Poland and China alternately. Four workshops – on economy, education, tourism and culture - were held during this year’s Forum. There were also presentations of the most interesting examples of interregional cooperation between the two countries. So far, Polish and Chinese regions and cities have signed around 40 agreements on mutual cooperation. At the end of the Forum, awards were granted to the most active Polish and Chinese local governments – four partnerships between Shanghai and Pomorskie, Guangdong and Zachodniopomorskie, Liaoning and Śląskie, and Shenzen and Poznań.

Objective of the research The objective of the research was to find out about the opinions of the participants in the 1st Regional Forum Poland-China. On the basis of their responses, an analysis was prepared for the organizers of the Forum. The conclusions concern both organizational issues and the usefulness of the Forum for Polish entrepreneurs. The report is important for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because it may serve as assessment for this kind of initiatives. The researchers also collected the participants’ individual opinions, often very extensive ones. The findings will be useful in further initiatives devoted to Poland’s cooperation with other countries, especially China. The analysis of the research findings consists of: • presentation of the most frequently observed opinions (modal category, that is

one dominant in responses to a question asked in the questionnaire); • assessment of the predominance of typical attitudes (frequency of the modal category); • presentation of open-ended answers by the participants in the Forum; • assessment of the diversity of the respondents’ opinions (relative dispersion of the classification); • assessment of the significance of differences between selected opinions (Fp frequency comparison test).

Layout of the report The survey questions were divided into four groups: • opinions about the Forum; • assessment of the Forum in terms of its organization; • effectiveness of the Forum in fostering contacts with Chinese partners; • contacts with Chinese partners. The questionnaire consisted of closed-ended questions about individual elements of the Forum and open-ended questions encouraging the respondents to give the information they regarded as appropriate.

Findings Opinions about the Forum Generally, the participants had a very positive opinion about the initiative to organize the Forum. Almost 99% of responses were positive, which means that the predominance was very high and that opinions in this respect were highly uniform.

Polish-Chinese economy

Chart 1. Assessment of the initiative to organize the Forum

between positive and other responses to this question was small, which means that even slight changes in the assessment could produce a different picture. The respondents’ opinions were moderately diverse (dispersion [h] = 0.61]. It is also worth noting that 10% of those surveyed said the Forum would not contribute to a rise in Polish exports to China. Chart 2. Will the Forum contribute to making it easier for Polish entrepreneurs to export to China? Will it contribute to attracting Chinese investors?

In responses to the open-ended question concerning the assessment of the Forum, most opinions were positive. However, the responses indicated that there was room for organizational improvements. Below are typical examples of open-ended answers. “Very interesting initiative, responding to demand for strengthening Polish-Chinese relations.” “A very needed cooperation initiative.” Some responses indicated the need to place more emphasis on enabling B2B talks between the Polish and the Chinese, and their interaction during meetings. “The Forum was very successful. It would be worth putting more emphasis on making the meetings more like workshops, with the ability to ask questions and hold discussions.” “Perhaps it would be worth organizing B2B workshops with a meetings schedule adopted in advance.” The respondents complained that information about the Chinese participants had been in sufficient in some cases, which meant that Polish companies and organizations were not sure how to prepare for the Forum. “Undefined target. On the one hand, a regional forum and hence the presence of local governments. On the other hand, the absence of a bigger potential for business talks. Too many generalities, too little substance.” Opinions were much more varied in the case of the next question – the assessment of whether the Forum will help Polish businesses to export their products to China and whether it will contribute to attracting Chinese investors. Precisely 50% of those surveyed said the Forum’s impact had been positive in this sphere but as much as almost 40% had no opinion on the matter, which may indicate that they are not convinced that this kind of initiatives are useful. The difference

The last question in the part of the survey seeking opinions about the Forum was whether the respondents were ready to take part in its next edition if it were held in China. More than 60% of those surveyed were interested in participating in the Chinese edition of the Forum but the responses were quite diverse (dispersion [h] = 0.48). With a moderate predominance, it is quite a good result, indicating that the interest of Polish entrepreneurs and organizations in China is moderate.

Assessment of the Forum in terms of its organization The first question in this part of the survey was: “How do you assess the Forum in terms of its organization (the selection of Gdańsk as the host city, the Forum’s venue, the way of registration, transport connections)?” An overwhelming majority of the participants praised the choice of Gdańsk and the Baltic Concert Hall as the venue. “The Forum has been organized to very high standards. The venue (Concert Hall) was conducive to talks.” “Excellent place – Gdańsk generally, and the Baltic Concert Hall in particular. Good organization.” A part of those surveyed mentioned some problems with registration and inconvenient transport connections. “Super, everything worked OK. Slight problems with the distribution of ID badges.” “On-line registration and registration at the Forum could have been more efficient. Transport to the venue, impediments – as usual with this kind of events.” Then, there was a series of questions designed to acquire assessments of individual parts of the Forum, both its core (general part, workshops: on economy, tourism, education and culture) and sideline events (concert and preview of an art exhibition). The general part, composed mainly of official addresses by the organizers, participants and patrons of the Forum, got the highest score. There was 80% of positive responses, with a slight diversity of opinion, which meant that the general part of the Forum was assessed highly. Negative opinions accounted for a mere 3% while 15% of those surveyed had no opinion on the matter.

Chart 3. Would you take part in the next edition of the Forum if it were held in China?

Chart 4. How do you assess the general part of the Forum (selection of speakers, the extent to which topics were exhausted, ability to attract the interest of participants)?

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The charts below show how the surveyed participants assessed the workshops. The first one is a chart of positive responses for all of the four workshops.

Chart 7. How do you assess the sideline events (concert and art exhibition)?

Chart 5. Assessment of workshops – positive answers

Those surveyed were asked to say whether they had managed to hold direct talks with Chinese partners during the Forum. More than 33% of the respondents said they had held such talks, with almost 11% saying they held over five talks. 36% of those polled said they had not managed to talk to a Chinese partner while 29% said the question did not apply to them because they had not been interested in holding direct talks with the Chinese. Only 2% did not respond to the question. We observed an average diversification of responses (dispersion [h] = 0.56) – none of the opinions can be regarded as predominant. Chart 9.

The first one is a chart of positive responses for all of the four workshops. The economic workshop received much more positive responses than the remaining ones – 48.5%. The cultural workshop was also assessed highly, getting almost 39.39% of positive responses. The tourist and educational workshops got a smaller percentage of positive responses – 36.36% and 31.82% respectively. However, the applied frequency comparison test did not show a significant difference in the frequency of positive responses for individual workshops (Fp = 1.3697 p>0.05.) It is worth stressing that the assessment of none of the workshops was definitely negative. In each case, the share of negative responses did not exceed 5%. The economic and educational workshops got the biggest percentage of negative responses – 4.55% each.

Have you managed to hold direct talks with Chinese partners? If so, indicate how many.

Effectiveness of the Forum in fostering contacts with Chinese partners One of the main objectives of the Forum was to help Polish business, scientific and cultural communities to establish contacts with Chinese partners. The questionnaire sent to the participants contained a number of questions associated with this issue. The first question was about the usefulness of the Forum in developing cooperation with Chinese partners. Almost 80% of those surveyed gave a positive response, with 5% giving a negative response and 17% presenting no opinion. This means there was a significant predominance of positive responses.

Chart 6.

Chart 8.

Assessment of workshops – negative answers

How do you assess the Forum in terms of its usefulness in developing cooperation with Chinese partners?

We also looked at the expected long-term impact of the Forum. Asked whether the Forum inspired them to get more involved in cooperation with Chinese partners, almost 73% said yes, 9% said no and 18% had no opinion. Positive responses were clearly typical. Chart 10. Has the Forum inspired you to get more involved in cooperation with Chinese partners?

The opinion about the sideline events – the concert and the art exhibition – was very high, with 59% of those surveyed giving a positive response, none giving a negative response, 39% giving no opinion and 2% failing to respond. The diversity of opinions was relatively small (dispersion [h] = 0.28).

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Contacts with Chinese partners In this part of the questionnaire, the participants were asked to give their opinion on contacts with Chinese partners. First, they were asked about the main obstacles to this cooperation. In open-ended answers, the respondents indicated mainly the language barrier on the Chinese side. “The Chinese do not speak English, or their command of English is very poor.” “Lack of professional translations of information materials into Chinese.” Equally frequent were responses where those surveyed indicated as an obstacle the long distance between Poland and China and consequently high costs of direct meetings. “Financial barriers; insufficient external funding for cooperation between local governments.” “Geography and consequently costs of this cooperation.” A part of those surveyed emphasized cultural differences between the Polish and the Chinese and their different approach to doing business. “Cultural barriers, uncertainty as to the degree of commitment on the part of Chinese partners.” “Chinese partners are not interested in establishing cooperation after a first visit; they expect the exchange of many visits, which generates costs and is a hindrance.” Another open-ended question was about how to remove barriers to cooperation with Chinese partners. Most respondents said more frequent contacts with the Chinese were needed. “Frequent meetings and return visits, support at local government level, greater knowledge of Chinese business culture.” “More frequent meetings and talks.” “Meetings with experts at the same level.” Also stressed was the need of informing and building a reputation in China for Polish entrepreneurs and institutions, combined with direct support for Polish organizations. “More publicity for Poland and Polish firms as partners deserving trust in order to encourage direct cooperation.” “Funding from the national budget and/or EU sources for participation in trade missions, fairs and other forms of economic promotion in China.” “Support for entrepreneurs in the form of promotional materials, the opportunity to use professional films advertising Poland with translations into the Chinese language.” The last question in this category concerned the need of support in external contacts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or provincial authorities. Those surveyed

indicated both the need of financial support and the need to organize meetings and trade missions to China. “Limited means is the only obstacle to the development of cooperation. If a permanent system of support for Polish-Chinese activity were in place it would be OK.” “Organizing joint visits and trade missions in order to establish new contacts.” “Organizing joint trade missions to China, participating in fairs, inviting Chinese investors and entrepreneurs to Poland and its provinces.” Some of the respondents pointed to the need of support for their activities provided directly in China, and the need of a better access to information about Chinese partners and initiatives associated with contacts with Chinese partners. “Search for responsible partners and the provision of information.” “We expect assistance in talks with the Chinese authorities.” “The presence of ministry officials at official meetings with Chinese delegations.” “Invitations to conferences.”

Summary Those surveyed gave a generally positive assessment of the Forum. They were satisfied that the initiative to hold the Forum had been taken and voiced the opinion that more events of this kind were needed. However, in their responses they indicated areas requiring improvement, both as regards the organization of the Forum, the selection of Chinese participants and the need to organize direct meetings between Polish and Chinese entrepreneurs. The participants pointed to difficulties in their contacts with the Chinese caused by language and cultural barriers. Another problem was financial issues due especially to the long distance between Poland and China. In the respondents’ view, direct support from ministries and local government authorities would be valuable as would assistance in searching for Chinese partners, accessing information about them, and contacting them and the Chinese regional and central government authorities. To sum up, the respondents assessed the Forum as a valuable initiative and an event worth repeating, with a focus on constantly improving its quality. :: Consultations Elżbieta Grabowska, P.HD., Academy of Special Education in Warsaw, Manager of the Institute of Education, Methodological issues in the social sciences.

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Polish-Chinese economy

1st Regional Forum Poland-China – a step towards strategic partnership Andrzej Kaczmarek and Romuald Członkowski


ince the moment when Mao Zedong proclaimed the foundation of a new China from atop the Gate of Heavenly Peace in 1949 the economic relations between Poland and the People’s Republic of China have seen many twists and turns. The People’s Republic of Poland was one of the first countries to officially recognize the People’s Republic of China, something which the Chinese still speak warmly about and often emphasize at mutual economic talks. The first Chinese joint-venture company with a foreign partner (Poland), called Chipolbrok, was set up in 1951 and is still in operation. This favourable period in Polish-Chinese relations ended in the 1960s after a sharp cooling of the Chinese-Soviet relations. Then, except for a revival in the 1980s, relations with China stagnated and Poles, including Polish entrepreneurs, “forgot” China. It seems that the situation has changed much after Poland’s participation in Expo 2010 in Shanghai. The crowds visiting the Polish pavilion and its location among China’s most important trade partners spurred a rise in mutual interest. The Polish saw that the real China differs from its stereotyped views as a backward country only able to manufacture imitative and low quality products. Additionally, the development of political relations was very fast. In December 2011, President Bronisław Komorowski, accompanied by a large delegation of entrepreneurs, went to China to sign an agreement on raising bilateral relations to the status of strategic partnership. In the April of the following year, the then Chinese Prime Minister, Wen Jiabao, arrived in Poland with a strong group of Chinese entrepreneurs. Another important development was associated with building and strengthening relations at regional level. The 1st Regional Forum Poland-China, organized by the marshals of Polish provinces and the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was held in Gdańsk on April 22, 2013. The Forum was attended by officials representing Chinese cities and provinces of Beijing, Shanghai and Yunnan, and more than

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600 other participants from both countries: government officials, numerous entrepreneurs, experts and media people. The meetings held at the Forum were divided into four thematic sections – panel discussions about the economy, tourism, culture and education. Participants in the discussions talked about the challenges that Polish and Chinese entrepreneurs and institutions are now facing. They also pointed to good practices and areas of cooperation. The Forum provided an opportunity to present the Polish-Chinese regional ties that have already been established – like for example between Pomorskie province and Shanghai, Śląskie province and the province of Liaoning, and between Poznań and Shenzhen. During sideline events the participants had an opportunity to establish direct relations. The Forum made a significant contribution to efforts to intensify Polish-Chinese cooperation in various areas. The regional cooperation is definitely of great importance for the Chinese. It is perhaps more important for them than for the Polish side because it is the local governments that are largely responsible for establishing and developing international cooperation, and encouraging investment. This is a good model of fostering economic cooperation. The very fact that cities have established relations leading to their partnership may encourage local businesses to establish direct business contacts. A good example is the partnership between Rzeszów and Fangchenggang, or the mutual efforts now being made by the municipal authorities of Konin and Deyang to establish friendly relations. Instances of such relations being established are publicized by the local media. The result is that Chinese companies, like Dongfang Electric, which operates a plant in Deyang, are putting Polish cities on their radar. Also, Polish entrepreneurs can count in such cases on more friendliness on the part of the local Chinese authorities. We believe that the Regional Forum Poland-China is a very useful event, one which may produce notable benefits. The decision to hold the Forum was well justified and every

effort should be made to turn it into a cyclical event. What set the Forum apart in the jumble of conferences, meetings and seminars was its practical character and a large number of Chinese guests attending. However, its next edition should be promoted wider among Polish business communities to maximize its business effects. Economic relations between Poland and China have so far dragged far behind the countries’ political relations at the highest level. One exception is trade, with Poland being China’s most important trade partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, this is only due to products imported to Poland from China. According to the Polish statistical office GUS, Chinese investment as of the end of 2011 accounted for a mere 0.09% of the total value of foreign investment in Poland. This figure will certainly get higher if the purchase of the civilian part of the Huta Stalowa Wola company in 2012 and the ongoing process of taking over FLT Kraśnik are taken into account. Nevertheless, we are only at the start of the road to giving substance to the strategic partnership. The 1st Regional Forum PolandChina was a good and useful step in this direction. ::

Andrzej Kaczmarek

Romuald Członkowski

Director, head of the KPMG China Practice Group in Poland

Consultant, KPMG China Practice in Poland

Polish-Chinese economy

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Polish-Chinese economy

Cooperation with China


n the European Union forum, green economy is presented as an essential element of activities conducted in an increasing number of areas: from the strategy for coming out of the economic and financial crisis to pursuing the objectives of sustainable development and environmental protection to product policy and raising efficiency in the utilization of resources through the requirements which goods put on the market have to meet in keeping with sustainable production and consumption patterns. Green economy has already Marcin Korolec, been incorporated into the Europe 2020 Strategy as one of its seven flagship initiMinister of the Environment atives – Resource efficient Europe. Under this strategy, a number of activities aimed at making the use of resources more efficient are planned in the area of environmental, energy, transport, construction, agriculture and fishery policies and the future financial framework after 2013. International cooperation for green growth should be based on the principle of equality of opportunities by preserving competitiveness. It should prevent the widening of existing gaps due to different potentials of individual economies, including gaps in the development and transfer of modern technologies. Additionally, in spreading the principles of green growth a major role should be assigned to increasing public awareness in order to secure social acceptance for the identified goals and proposed solutions. A key issue on the path towards green economy is innovation, resulting in the restructuring of industry and introducing new business models. In every sector of economic activity there is untapped innovation potential, which makes it possible to manage aspects of sustainable development throughout the “life cycle”. Consequently, it may be helpful to stimulate bottomup initiatives in individual sectors, in particular those covering the


nvironmental technologies are among Poland’s potential smart specializations, of which there is so much talk now in the European Union at a time when development directions are being set by such documents as the Europe 2020 Strategy. China is a big chance and at the same time a big challenge to Polish businesses dealing with innovative green technologies. China’s needs in the area of environmental protection and the removal of pollution, which was accumulated at the time of reckless and unsustainable economic growth, though imIgor J. Mitroczuk, PhD, Head of the team pressive from the macroecofor bilateral and regional cooperation nomic perspective, are widely known. We could see the problem in television, which has shown us pictures of people struggling in winter through smog in Beijing where the snow resembled the grey blanket one could see in the Polish region of Silesia in the darkest days of communist Poland. But in China’s case, the challenges are huge in scale. One should remember that the problems of a single Chinese province can be compared to the problems

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whole supply chain. This is of special importance for the countries where a significant improvement is needed in terms of their level of economic and technological development. Eco-innovation will play a key role in Europe’s strategy for coming out of the crisis because it enables responding to both economic and environmental challenges. Thanks to innovation, Europe may improve the efficiency of its economy, build a competitive advantage on the global market and create new jobs for its population. European eco-innovation debunks the stereotype that the good of the environment is a cost for economies. Creating and applying environment-friendly innovations is in most cases profitable for businesses because after some time the resulting increase in production efficiency offsets the costs incurred. The biggest barrier to the spread of ecoinnovation is the low public awareness of its potential environmental and economic benefits. I know that one of the main economic directions in China’s development plan for 2011-2015 is environmental protection and progress in the area of green economy. Three central institutions – the ministries of environmental protection, of development and reform and of science and innovation – deal with the plan. The number of people living in Chinese metropolitan areas is growing very rapidly. It is expected that in 2020 Shanghai will have a population of 30 million. At present, its population is 23.5 million. Environmental protection is among the spheres where Poland and China may tighten their cooperation. At the Regional Forum Poland-China held in Gdańsk on April 22, Poland presented its two best practices in environmental protection: a system for mapping and counteracting flooding threats, and the GreenEvo project in the area of green technology (general session). A case study of several businesses taking part in the GreenEvo project was presented at the economic session. The businesses offered specific technological solutions. ::

of Poland as a whole. What is more, Chinese decision-makers need a complete solution: from analyzing the state of the environment to a catalogue of methods which may be applied to improve environmental quality with the use of innovative green technologies to the comprehensive and price-competitive implementation of the methods. At the same time, one should remember that what Poland has to offer in terms of green technologies is so dispersed that it does not meet the requirements of most global tenders and large research programmes, especially given the shortage of own capital on the part of Polish small and medium enterprises. Only through the development of thematic networks and consortia (less formal connections between business and science, including ad hoc initiatives and projects) and clusters can we achieve the potential which will make it possible to set up a technology platform or join public-private partnership projects in Poland and other countries, like China, where there is demand for such complete solutions. I hope we will be able to generate some positive solutions not only in the framework of the EU’s new budget for 2014-2020 but also in the framework of the strategic research programme “Natural Environment, Agriculture and Forestry,” which is now being prepared and will be funded by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR). ::


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Polish-Chinese economy

Practical aspect of an improvement in Polish-Chinese political relations Bartosz Komasa Bank of China Poland Branch


he year 2012 saw the normalization and stabilization of political relations between Poland and China. The numerous bilateral meetings at a high governmental level were crowned by a visit to China by President Bronisław Komorowski in December 2011 followed by Prime Minister Wen Jiabao’s visit to Poland in April 2012. The latter visit showed that the Chinese authorities perceive Poland as a strategic partner. The entry to Poland of the first Chinese bank, Bank of China (BOC), and the opening of the first Chinese law firm in Poland, Yingke Law Firm, was a practical confirmation of the improvement in mutual relations. As we had expected a few months ago, the fastest developing area in economic relations between Poland and China was the food sector. Over the recent months we opened more than 10 banking accounts for companies exporting meat and dairy products to China. Several trade agents and companies dealing

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with transport and logistics also started cooperation with our bank. By using services provided by BOC our clients can transfer cash to China within one or two days. What is more, the bank is able to check a Chinese customer who has an account in one of over 10,000 BOC branches in China. An additional advantage is the ability to carry out transactions in the Chinese currency (RMB) coupled with security resulting from the importer and exporter using the same bank. On the other hand, Chinese companies are looking for partners and acquisition opportunities in Poland. One example is Shuanghui Group’s plan to acquire the Animex company. Shuanghui is a strategic client of Bank of China and we will be providing financial support to the group for its operations on the European market. Shuanghui is now in the process of taking over the American owner of Animex. The power industry is another area which has been developing fast in mutual relations. This is what we also expected a few months ago. We have recently heard about an agreement signed between Rafako and the Chinese company NCPE for the implementation of an energy project for the Tauron company in Jaworzno. NCPE has also been BOC’s client in China for many years and has very high credit limits. We support this company on the European market. We are in talks with another three Chinese energy companies, which take part in tenders in Poland. One of them is Sinohydro, which plans numerous projects on the Polish market. Sinohydro Corporation Ltd., known for its participation in the construction of the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze river, carries out one of the projects for the Regional Water Management Board in Wrocław as part of the modernization of the Wrocław Floodway System. The contract is worth PLN306 million. Finally, I would like to mention the most interesting Chinese project of the recent weeks, which may turn out to be the flagship

project of the year 2013 – the acquisition of the Kraśnik bearing factory by the Tri-Ring company. Tri-Ring Group Corporation is a large state-owned company based in Hubei province. It is supervised by SASAC (Stateowned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission). The corporation operates in the automotive and machine-building sector. Its assets are worth RMB15 billion. Tri-Ring is a strategic client of BOC. The bank has worked with the company for many years in China. In Poland we plan to cooperate with Tri-Ring in the area of investment and financial services. The company plans to develop its operations in Poland and then expand onto the European market. The Industrial Development Agency (ARP), with which BOC signed an agreement on cooperation in 2012, has conducted talks with Tri-Ring for many months. Thanks to the Agency’s involvement in the project, Tri-Ring decided to enter the Polish market through the acquisition of the factory in Kraśnik. ARP has many attractive assets which are of interest to Chinese companies. BOC analyzes the most interesting projects in which Chinese companies could invest. The Polish branch of BOC is now conducting talks with several Chinese companies which want to invest in Poland and carry out projects with Polish partners as joint ventures. The Chinese companies are particularly interested in the energy, machine-building, automotive and mining sectors. In the coming months we will hear about several new investment projects by Chinese companies in Poland financed by BOC. Among the companies we are talking with are those operating in the tyre sector. The Polish branch of BOC is the first Chinese bank in Poland. In June it will be a year since the bank started operations in this country. Its mission is to provide funding to Chinese companies in Poland and Polish companies entering the Chinese market, and to cooperate with the largest Polish companies and SMEs in funding trade operations. ::

Polish-Chinese economy

Poland – worth investing in Dariusz Tokarczuk, Managing Partner Gide Loyrette Nouel


oland remains one of the most favourable countries in Europe for foreign direct investment, largely due to its economic stability and continuing economic growth. This attractiveness is boosted further by the fact that Poland has the highest amount of European Union structural funds in 2007-2013, has negotiated a positive outcome with respect to the new EU budget perspective until 2020, and has various local incentives in place. The Polish Government is promoting foreign investments as important contributors to the development of various economic sectors, in particular manufacturing, IT, telecommunications, transportation, banking, telecommunications and environmental protection. In recent years, many regional outsourcing and R&D centres have been established in Poland due to this friendly economic climate, as well as the availability of cheap and well-educated human resources. Foreign investors in Poland may obtain various investment incentives, including: government and national programmes designed to assist investment and employment, income tax exemptions in Special Economic Zones, real estate tax exemptions, preferential tax deductions for the purchase of new technologies, and technological parks offering infrastructure and R&D companies.

This is not to say that investors, including Chinese ones, do not encounter any barriers. Quite often we hear that certain aspects of our investment incentives system, the labour regulations and tax law are considered as obstacles. For instance, in terms of governmental grants, investors have criticised the restriction on combining a government grant with other instruments of support, the very strict criteria for potentially applying for government grants, as well as limited budgets and long procedures. Regarding the Special Economic Zones, most negative opinions concern the time restrictions in their operation, as well as the exclusion of activities classified as financial, the inability to off-set losses, as well as the restrictive criteria of including private land to economic zones. Investors have also underlined the low competitiveness of the Polish Labour Code compared to the rest of Europe, calling for the need to increase the flexibility of solutions in respect of adjusting working time and its organisation to the actual needs of employers like for example the application of longer settlement periods, or the introduction of individual working time accounts. Another barrier is the tax system in Poland, especially the multitude of amendments to acts and conflicting interpretations of the tax authorities issued in similar cases. For instance, investors have expressed doubts regarding taxation on employees’ travel to the employer’s facility, the tax on medical packages purchased by the employer for their employees, and on the possibility of establishing ‘VAT groups’. Having said that, we still believe that Poland is an attractive market for foreign investments, and given the economic uncertainties that still remain both in America and Europe, it is clear that China is becoming an even more attractive potential partner for Poland. For obvious reasons, there are many more Chinese investments in Poland than Polish investments in China, and this will continue. This is not only due to differences in terms of the potential between the two countries, but also, as far as Polish investments in China are concerned, due to the fact that China is a difficult market where it is not enough to know the local legal and tax

system to succeed. Polish investors struggle to establish personal contacts and overcome language and cultural differences. So far, the most significant Polish transaction in China was the conclusion of a contract for the delivery of copper between KGHM Polska Miedź and China Minmetals, a deal in which our firm was involved. There are also some minor examples of investments, made by Kopex, Bioton, Amber Foods Poland and Polfa Łódź mainly in the energy, pharmaceuticals and natural resources sectors. Other companies, such as Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Mlekovita, a Polish producer of milk and dairy products and Konspol, a Polish producer of poultry, have announced intentions to open factories in China.

As our firm has offices both in Poland (Warsaw) and in China (Beijing, Shanghai and Hong-Kong), we are closely following what is happening in terms of business relations between China and Poland. We believe that we are very well-placed to assist Polish companies interested in investing in China, as well as Chinese investors attracted by the Polish market. ::

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Country of great opportunities Marcin Popadiuk Project Manager Gdańsk Foundation for Management Development (GFKM)


he history of Polish-Chinese relations in the fields of economy, politics and culture dates several centuries back. However, the present time is commonly regarded as uniquely beneficial to initiating relationships with Chinese partners. The visit of President Hu Jintao to Poland was concluded with the signing of “Joint Statement between the Polish Republic and the People’s Republic of China” and the visit of President Bronisław Komorowski to China resulted in the signing of “Strategic Partnership Agreement”. These two visits have created a climate conducive to more intensive cooperation. The Pomorskie Province (Pomerania) is particularly active in supporting initiatives related to the Chinese market. An important event which increased the awareness of Poland and Pomerania Region among the Chinese was the EXPO 2010. The Polish pavilion was very popular with visitors. The Pomeranian delegation, consisting of representatives of the local government, business, education and tourism, had the opportunity to present what they had to offer at various meetings. Also for GFKM it was an interesting and important visit, which opened our relations with business schools and customers in China. GFKM was the only Polish training company presented at EXPO 2010. It is worth mentioning that delegation of the Pomerania Region was received with

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special honours, including the meeting with the mayor of Shanghai, which was noted as a remarkable event and an expression of the highest consideration. Pomerania is the only Polish province to have a representative office in Beijing, whose manager - Mr. Slawomir Berbec - actively promotes Polish companies in China. Also, the Polish Embassy in China supports Pomerania and companies from our region. Pursuing contacts with China and developing regional cooperation with a twin city Shanghai has led to choosing Pomerania and Gdańsk as the venue of the 1st Regional Forum Poland – China. Poland and Pomerania can find their niche in China at the level of regional cooperation. During the Forum the most promising areas of Polish-Chinese cooperation - business, culture, tourism and education - were discussed. Of the several million Chinese students studying at foreign universities only 0.1 % have chosen Polish universities. The fact that a few hundred of them study in Poland is often due to passionate people who have managed to overcome obstacles and attracted Chinese students to Poland. Gdańsk based universities are a good example. There is still not enough promotion of Polish universities, systemic solutions to facilitate the reception of students, or mechanisms to take care of them during their stay in Poland. Polish Academic Cooperation and Exchange Foundation (PACE),

also very active during the Forum, intends to fill this gap. We, on the other hand, see the opportunities in the field of managerial education and training. Therefore, GFKM has prepared programmes for Chinese managers interested in the Polish and European markets, as well as for Polish managers who intend to cooperate with partners from China. An example of programmes addressed to Polish companies is the course “Establishing and running a business in China,” which is currently open for enrolment. Gdańsk Foundation for Management Development at the Forum has been repeatedly cited as a leading training company in Poland with a wide international activity. Indeed, taking advantage of a strong position in Poland and increasing recognition in Europe, we are trying to enter also more exotic Asian markets. It turns out that as a Polish company we have a lot to offer both to customers from Western Europe, as well as those from Eastern Europe and Asia. The former seek inspiration from the dynamism and entrepreneurship of Polish managers, the latter learn from management practices successfully applied in the Polish economy. Direct international contacts often confirm a very good image which Poland has now. It is a very good time to seize this opportunity. ::

Polish-Chinese economy

Polish vodka – a Rolls-Royce among spirits Andrzej Szumowski, president of the Polish Vodka Association (PVA), talks to Maciej Proliński.

Polish vodka is a product which has been associated with Poland for years. But when we speak about Poland’s promotion through this product there appears a cynical smile on the lips of many Poles and some even feel ashamed. Isn’t it time to change our attitude? We have something which half of the world envies us but we are ashamed of that. Polish vodka is Poland’s only product with a global reputation and a very high one. It is an Olympus among national alcoholic drinks, a Rolls-Royce among spirits. Those Poles who treat this brand with a cynical smile are labouring under a misconception. Do the Japanese, French or Scots feel they have a reason to be ashamed of their alcoholic drinks? They are proud that their products are recognizable and immediately associated with their country. The products excellently promote the countries as a part of national culture, tradition and history. Cuisine and art are the cheapest, fastest and most effective ways to promote a country in the world. Don’t we know that? I think we are still the only country where promotion through alcoholic drinks is so undervalued. Of course, this is changing and will continue to change. The first turning point was in 2007 when the European Parliament undertook work on the definition of vodka. Suddenly, the Polish authorities and media woke up indignant that someone tells us how vodka should be produced. Another turning point was the adoption last year of a law defining Polish vodka. Polish vodka was given the status of national product and since that time has been closely connected with Poland. pm

Have you already noticed any coherent strategy to promote Polish exports, including products of the food industry? The problem is that promotional and image-building activities are not coordinated and that various institution which could pm

work in symbiosis are not linked with each other. For the time being, there is no coherent strategy to promote Polish food exports. There are tens of institutions in Poland dealing with such promotion now. The Ministry of Agriculture has for years tried to combine these forces and build a new uniform strategy. A big shortcoming of the Polish economy is that promotional activities in this segment are dispersed. It is impossible to promote everything, everywhere and at the same time. Is China a priority market for us today? To what extend have such events as Expo 2010 in Shanghai and meetings between the presidents of the two countries contributed to the promotion of Polish brands on the Chinese market? The world’s centre of gravity is moving towards China. This part of the world will certainly be deciding on many essential global issues. We have to be present there. Our products should be increasingly and better visible on Chinese shelves. How to do that? Systematic and organic work is what we need. It should be done well in advance and be well planned. It should not be done once in a blue moon or from trade mission to trade mission. Obviously, China is a big challenge for the Polish producer and exporter because knowledge of the country is still poor in many respects, like for example in terms of culture. Likewise, the Chinese know little about Poland. We have to change that. The Expo was a big chance to present Poland in China and to do so on an unprecedented scale. The numerous visits, including the one paid by the Polish president to Beijing, have served to build a good political climate, which is indispensable for Polish meat, alcohol and other products to be exported to that country. And we have a lot to offer to the Chinese. Asian societies, especially the Chinese, are rapidly becoming more and more affluent. As a result, we have a huge chance to export there pm

our high-end products. But let us remember that others are also eyeing China greedily and have more clout. The staff of our economic and diplomatic missions does not measure up to our expectations and needs, especially when it is compared with the number of workers employed by, say, Italian, Spanish and German missions. In order to win over partners, one has to get to know them and let them get to know ourselves. Shanghai and Beijing are gateways to China, but China is more that these cities. The Expo has to be followed by systematic and widespread activities. I hope there will be more and more opportunities to drink toasts with Polish vodka while establishing trade and investment relations between Poland and China. The Polish Vodka Association (PVA) is a relatively young organization but has a lot of achievements to its credit. What does work for the Association mean to you? I regard my work for the Association as a mission, a tribute paid to the generations of those who have developed this product in Poland for over 600 years. PVA was set up in 2006. Its task is to promote Polish vodka at home and abroad and to support Polish producers operating in this sector. Following the example of well-tried organizations, like the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA), we protect the interests of Polish vodka and popularize it, especially in the context of the law which provides the definition of Polish vodka. Our main objective is to provide support to members of the Association in their economic activity by offering advice and shaping a single stand on all matters concerning the industry. We also conduct information and education activity targeted at consumers, sellers and bartenders. By doing so we create masses of conscious and committed ambassadors for Polish vodka. :: pm

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Polish-Chinese economy

FASING Group – driven by the future


apital Group FASING Plc. with the seat in Katowice, Poland is the biggest in Central Europe and one of the biggest producers of chain assemblies in the world. Its products find the application mainly in coal extraction sector but also it produces chains for fishing, energy, cement, sugar and timber industries. The Group is dealing in strategic centers of each industry all over the world. Its products are applied by over 2000 users worldwide. With its 100 years of tradition of professional work, FASING draws on its experience from technology as well as the abilities and skills of its employees. FASING’s success combines professionalism of its employees with awareness of the need of continuous investments in machinery park as well as high quality staff. This process is a long-term and continuous policy of the Group. Nowadays the company develops rapidly. Over 30% increase of the production rate is noted every year. In the following years FASING wants not only to continue this strategy, but also strengthen it by: • further improvement of the Group’s companies; • implementing the best policies as well as implementing advanced methods of constant measurement of actions and reports, which should lead to cost reduction; • supplying environment friendly products which quality is a result of close partnership and wise contacts with clients and suppliers; • applying new generation machines and tools worth 12,5 million EUR capital spending;

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• implementing the Innovative Products Program Further grow of export sales to Commonwealth of Independent States, China, India and South America markets. FASING is the leading exporter of round link and flat link chains and scraper conveyors accessories. FASING presence on global markets has been built and supported by its representatives through their participation in international fairs and exhibitions on many continents and also thanks to product promotion and constant product range extension. Goods manufactured by FASING Capital Group are used in 33 countries around the world and the Company has 60 regular customers abroad. Worldwide success of FASING Capital Group is a result of high product quality proven by numerous certificates including renowned lifting chain manufacturer. It also gained certificates of approval for use its products on Czech, Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese market. FASING product share in market is continuously growing in such countries as : China, USA and Australia. In the Group’s strategy there is a place for new forms of cooperation with the strategic partners on the Asian markets. Advanced works are conducted as it comes to entering the Shanghai Stock Exchange by Shandong Liangda Fasing Round Link Chains Co., Ltd. There are chances to create the production venture in Vietnam and India as well. China is an especially important region as on the one hand is one of the biggest mining market for FASING, on the other hand it is as well a field of investments for the Group. FASING has been present on Chinese

market since 2006. It has a complex sales network, that is continuously developing. Every year sales on this market increase about 20%. In 2012 we have noticed 30% increase in comparison with the previous year. The examples of wider recognition of FASING brand on Chinese market are new business contacts and trade relations, especially with the company which is the part of one of the biggest mining equipment producers in the world– China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp. Since 2012 the company has noticed the bigger interest from the Chinese companies as well as European organizations that are dedicated to develop Polish-Chinese relations. It may be stated, that FASING is more recognized and its rank and position on the market is strong and stable. Very good recognition is also received by the joint project – special edition of “New Miner” newspaper, that is distributed by the company on the occasion of significant trade shows, special industrial events in China. FASING not only works of its trade position wise, but it is also engaged in promotion projects about Polish perspectives and abilities in global mining. As long-term targets, the Group intends even stronger engagement and continuation of developing Polish-Chinese investments on this market. ::



Polish-Chinese economy

China – the promised land for Polish entrepreneurs? Jarosław Dąbrowski, the founder of and managing partner in Dąbrowski Finance, talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś.

the scale of this imbalance proves that Poland missed the early years when it came to the construction of a stable trade position in China, and yet the Chinese made the best of their trade opportunities in Poland. Today, what is really important is reducing this discrepancy, and the substitution of low-process goods, such as copper, which amounts to nearly 40% of Polish exports to China, with highly-processed goods and products, such as machinery and equipment, and consumer goods. Food is also a very important element whose current overall significance is small, but we know that food is and will be Poland’s chief export product.

Chinese furniture is usually made of rattan, bamboo, or of a peculiar material manufactured in China. Such imports are obvious there is no paradox here. Poland’s most important task is to increase exports to China; however, this will be impossible to achieve without the State’s support. Polish companies will always appear weaker than western companies due to the requirements of the Chinese market. In China, competition is very strong, both between domestic and foreign businesses. If Poland fails to help its business grow on the Chinese market, it will not be able to achieve great success there. The priority areas of development in China are the IT sector and the space industry. Where does this space trend come from? I don’t see great opportunities in this field for Poland. We are fascinated by Polish technologies, but from the global-market point of view, and taking into account the technologies that are being developed by other developed economies, I don’t think we can conquer the Chinese market with this, unless we manage to fill some product and technology niche. Why aren’t Polish exports growing as quickly in terms of value? Because Poland manufactures niche goods! We lack companies in the main areas of processed products, which create the dynamics and volumes of exports to China, such as cars, aviation equipment, and medical technologies. There are no companies in Poland that could be global technology leaders, with enough resources to win over this vast market. The only company that can be seen as a “global champion” is KGHM. However, the products manufactured by this company are not highly processed. In the machine and high-tech industries there is not a single Polish company that would be a strong player with the capacity to invest substantial financial resources in trade and production in China for several years. Polish exports to China should be composed of niche, pm

I found one thing in the report that puzzled me. Namely, in the “Top 5 products” section, exports are a duplicate of imports. And these are machines and electrical devices, furniture, bedclothes, and mattresses. Yes, at the first glance this does look like a paradox. Usually, the machines and devices that we buy from China are less processed technologically than those which we send there. There are a number of technologically-advanced areas in Poland in certain market niches. These goods, machines, and devices are of high quality, and they could be exported to China. Today, their share in the total volume of trade with China is too small. We do not sell products manufactured in the aviation industry, medical equipment, or advanced IT solutions. Despite the fact that these areas are developing in Poland in a very interesting manner, they do not play a vital role in trade. We should set ambitious goals for the Polish economy, and, if we cannot achieve them, then we will sell low-processed goods, like copper. When it comes to furniture, Polish products are modern, interestingly-designed, presentable, and positioned in the segment of reasonably-priced products. We should put more effort into their promotion. pm

Exports from Poland to China are running at the level of 1%, and imports to Poland from China at 10%. Will this ever balance out? It is very likely that we will not balance out these values quickly. However, it is important whether the difference is 1 to 10 or 1 to 5. As a matter of fact, almost all countries in the world, excluding those dealing in raw materials, have a negative balance of trade with China. China in the contemporary globalised economy has build up a strong competitive advantage. This country is the “world’s factory.” It still pays off to manufacture in China, hence its competitive edge, which is reflected in its exports. Poland’s situation is not very different from the situation in other countries; however, this constitutes a serious imbalance from the point of view of Polish development ambitions and the possibilities of the development of the Polish economy. But let me repeat this, this imbalance is commonplace throughout the world. However, pm

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Polish-Chinese economy

specialist, often high-quality, but moderately-priced products. Polish products have to be price-competitive to conquer the market, which doesn’t mean they should be cheaper, otherwise the Chinese will not associate them with quality. What a paradox. In Poland, we do not associate Chinese products with top quality as well. This is how it is. The Chinese and the Poles kick-started their free-market economies more than 20 years ago. Others, on the other hand, have been continually developing for almost 200 years. This makes a difference, and somewhat bring Poland and China closer. pm

So how did this happen that they are the 2nd powerhouse in the world, and we are where we are? If we examine China in terms of GDP per capita, and average this out with the whole economic well-being, this is a moderatelywealthy country. China is not uniform. Its eastern coast is comparably wealthy with some EU countries; however, the centre and the west are poor lands. Despite this, China is a rapidly-developing State. There are three reasons for this. The first is economies of scale. This country is building an economy multiplied by 1.3 billion citizens. One cannot be indifferent to such a market. China currently prides itself on being the second largest economy in the world. What we will see in the future is the gradual increase in the wealth of the people of China. This is great news for Polish companies, especially those which offer interesting customer products – from LPP to Dr Irena Eris. This will be the direction for the future, because China will steadily shift from being “the world’s factory” to “the world’s consumer.” pm

And what about the other two reasons? The second element is saturation with technologies. This is already happening, but we cannot equivocally state that China has become a high-tech country. While it is true that technologies are being developed, only some of them are proprietary. The rest is transferred from abroad. We have to acknowledge this without any doubts. A similar situation has occurred in Taiwan and Japan. Each Asian economy started by copying western technologies, to which it added its own engineering ideas. The Chinese are doing this too. In 10-15 years China will become an independent engineering leader. The third reason involves geopolitics. The Chinese will build their status in Asia to become a hegemonist, the unquestionable pm

number 1. Using their economic, political, and military tools, they will keep this position and aspire to being a global superpower. And thus we have obvious competition with the USA, Japan, and the EU over the dominant position in the economy of the 21st Century. There is a lot at stake in this game, including the economy. Poland has to find a better spot for itself, and in doing so we cannot clash with China. On the contrary, we have to prepare ourselves for cooperation on partnership terms, both in trade and in investments. Are we ready for this? Or maybe the situation is we don’t fully understand Chinese culture. Are we well-suited to such an expansion? Undoubtedly, knowledge about China is limited in Poland. There are many stereotypes and wishful theories. We talk a lot about China, but there aren’t many people who understand this country. The Chinese are absolutely pragmatic. If you fail to recognise this you won’t do good business with the Chinese. An example of this can be the establishment of cooperation with Poland as a strategic partner. I believe this choice was based on the political and economic stability of this new Member State of the EU, and on its geographical location. This is the way Poland was chosen. No emotions, pure business. We should recognise all the positive activities which have occurred in recent years in Polish-Chinese relations. The Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIZ), the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), and the Chancellery of the President, have been very active in taking us closer to the Chinese market. The number of economic missions which have taken place since the Expo in Shanghai is impressive. This is very important, as the Chinese market will grow rapidly in the immediate future, and create a consumer society. Yet the knowledge we possess now is insufficient from the point of view of medium-sized Polish companies with export ambitions. We need more technical support; otherwise, we won’t succeed in conquering China. pm

It appears to me that this is the first time the activities of State institutions have been noticed and appreciated... We need to see some progress. I’ve been visiting China on a regular basis for three years. I have been there several times, and I can see the situation’s changing. After many years of stagnation in our relations, China has finally started to prioritise them. However, the diplomatic and promotional potential of Poland, which can help businesses pm

win over the Chinese market, seems insufficient compared with the potential of countries like Germany, Sweden, and Finland. The staggering success of Germany is facilitated by the work of several hundred experts and diplomats. And this is what Poland is lacking. If we were to achieve success, it would be only after creating a group of professionals aimed clearly at doubling or tripling exports to China in a couple of years. Perhaps it would be worth establishing an institution supporting exports, an institution that would purposefully and consequently support the promotion of exports from Poland. The third issue is finances. No Polish bank which is actually managed in Poland is present in China. As we speak, there are two branches of Chinese banks present in Poland – The Bank of China and ICBC. Therefore, I think that this challenge is still to be taken up by our banker colleagues. I find the question whether if this is the right moment, or we should wait, a bit more inappropriate. Should we experience full synergy between enterprises, public institutions, and banks, the effects will follow. To conclude, could you give some advice, based on your experience, to businesses interested in the Chinese direction? I look with optimism at the growth of the Chinese market in the near future, and at the consumer market that is emerging there. I think the strengths of the Polish economy, in both industry and consumption, and also the entrepreneurial spirit of Polish managers, can contribute to the growth in Polish exports to China. These exports will grow if Poland makes better use of financial and State institutions created to develop exports. In order to achieve sustained success in China, we need several things. Firstly, good reconnaissance. It is important to make use of the knowledge of external experts while relying on our own strengths. We need this potential to be objectively measured, and, should it be necessary, critically assess the potential and limitations of Polish companies on the Chinese market. What’s more, our activities need passion. Without it we won’t succeed on such a demanding market as the Chinese. When we meet restrictions, we need passion to overcome obstacles. Further, we need consequence and patience. MBL has been building its position in China for 12 years, and Selena for 6! Many Polish companies want to achieve spectacular success quickly. This is not possible. And, of course, money is the key. Without big money there is nothing to be found in China, unless you want to go sightseeing, which I recommend doing, as it is a beautiful country. :: pm

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Polish-Chinese economy

Different point of view

Albert Borowiecki Vice-president of the Discover China Foundation


ver a year ago, on April 26, 2012, Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech entitled “Let’s create a better future”at special China – Central and Eastern Europe Business Forum. I think that it is a good opportunity to make a quick summary of what the Polish goverment has done to fully take advantage of the famous 12 Points Plan presented at that time. Before doing this, I would like to emphasise two key points. First, most of proposals made by Premier Wen Jiabao cannot be effectively used without active participation of Polish goverment. Second, I do hope that some of my observations are wrong and I just do not have proper information about current activities. In this case please treat this as a kind of open letter with polite request for better and easily accessed information for Polish business people, NGOs and local authorities about PolishChinese cooperation. Now let’s look at some of those proposals and the current status of theirs implementation: Establishing a Cooperation Secretariat to coordinate cooperation and long-term planning

This is a crucial point in my opinion, because the Cooperation Secretariat is perceived by Chinese side as an offcial and only body to coordinate and channel all activities. The Chinese counterpart was established in 2012 and is actively working, meeting with all Chinese ministers and defining roles and responsibilities of each of them for implementation of specific points of Premier Wen Jiabao’s plan. Unfortunately, the Polish Cooperation Secretariat is still not working and as far as I know – there is no fixed date of establishing it. Opening a special credit line worth USD 10 billion with a certain proportion of preferential loans to be used to support bilateral cooperation in various fields The Cooperation Secretariat in China met in September 2012 with 5 Chinese banks

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selected for servicing those preferential loans and defined specific rules and procedures that will be applied to any party asking for such a loan – be it a join-venture or any other kind of partnership. There is no information from the Polish side the procedures for Polish business people willing to participate in such programmes together with potential Chinese partners. Establishing the China – Central and Eastern Europe Investment Fund with the first fund raising target of $ 500 million Do we have any agreement with this Fund, any plans how to apply for this funding? Is it restricted for govermental projects only, or also open for local and/or private activities? Creating an Advisory Committee on the transport network construction experts based on the voluntary principle to participate and be ready to discuss various forms of joint ventures and job contracting to participate in the demonstration network of highway and railway construction Has the Polish Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy made any efforts to create such an Advisory Committee? Is there any Eastern European cooperation it this area? Cooperating in the area of financial exchange, currency swap agreements, cross-border trade settlement currency and mutual establishment of bank branches Does the Polish goverment has any offcial position regarding a yuan swap agreement with China, like the ones many other countries, have already signed? China has proposed to organise a special Cultural Cooperation Forum, the promotion of university exchanges, promotion of electronic media to carry out the programme exchange joint film and personnel exchanges

Does such Forum exist? Who is in charge? What are plans for next 2-3 years? China offers 5000 scholarships for Eastern European countries and inivites 1000 students to Chinese training in China What are the specific rules to apply for such scholarships? Establishing the China- Central and Eastern Europe Relations Research Fund with China offering 2 million yuan per year for the activity of the Fund Does Poland participate in this funding? If yes, how to apply for a grant? What are main goals of this Fund? Better promotion of the tourist alliance, mutual promotion of tourist products, offering help in preparing special tourist product launches at China International Tourism Fair held in Shanghai Already in 2012 I had quite a few requests for this one, but I failed to precisely show who is in charge. This should probably be role of the not yet existing Cooperation Secretariat. As can be seen from the above list, over a year after the visit of Premier Wen Jiabao there are still more questions than perceptible activities in almost all areas. I would like to underline that these are not my complains. Taking advantage of generous proposal of “Polish Market” to share with their readers my view on this specific case, I am just passing questions that I repeatedly hear during my meetings with local authorities, business people, education and scientific societies and organisations that are actively seeking to develop contacts with China. Let’s hope that someone in the government will make an effort to enlighten us and will deliver – maybe in the next issue of “Polish Market” – at least some answers to those questions. ::

Polish-Chinese economy

Częstochowa in China Time for investment 琴斯托霍瓦市在中国 投资的时机到了


he first full-container deliveries of sweets produced near the southern Polish city of Częstochowa by the Delic-Pol company have arrived in Chinese hypermarkets. The contract with China Commerce Group for International Economic Cooperation is the first tangible result of the activity conducted by the Częstochowa authorities on the Chinese market. “We have established many promising contacts and expect that more contracts will be signed soon by the Częstochowa companies whose products will find recognition in Asia,” says Częstochowa Mayor Krzysztof Matyjaszczyk, who has been actively promoting Częstochowa on the world’s largest market for two years now. “We are looking for markets and partners for our local businesses. But first of all we hope to attract direct investments to Częstochowa and its surroundings,” he says to explain the reason behind the trade missions conducted by the city.

Then followed numerous trade missions, prepared by the Częstochowa authorities independently or in conjunction with the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ), and visits paid at the invitation of Chinese economic organizations and authorities. The reconnaissance was done in Beijing and the provinces of Heilongjiang, Chengdu and Jiangsu. Among the hosts receiving the delegations from Częstochowa were the highest authorities of individual provinces, and presidents of companies and economic organizations. “There is a good spirit in relations between Częstochowa and China,” says Mayor Matyjaszczyk. His opinion is confirmed by the numerous Chinese guests who have paid many return visits to the city. “We are impressed by Częstochowa,” said Chen Yu, president of China Commerce Group for International Economic Cooperation when signing the contract with Delic-Pol. And the opinions of Delta Science Technologies, World Export in Shanghai and other organizations are the same. “There was a time of sowing and we are now waiting for the harvest,” says Mayor Matyjaszczyk. ::

两年来一直积极地致力于向世界最大的市场--中国 推广琴斯托霍瓦。 “我们正在为本土的公司和企业 寻找市场和合作伙伴,但最重要的是,我们希望把直 接投资引进到琴斯托霍瓦以及周边地区”,他在解 释琴斯托霍瓦市的贸易目标时说道。 通过参加2011年在厦门举行的中国国际投资洽 谈会(CIFIT),琴斯托霍瓦市政府同中国建立了联 系。随后琴斯托霍瓦市政府独自或者联合波兰信息 与外国投资局(PAIiIZ)展开了一系列的贸易活动,同 时应中国经济组织和政府当局的邀请对中国进行 了一系列的访问。琴斯托霍瓦市代表团对北京、黑 龙江省、成都和江苏进行了考察,接待方都是各个 省市政府最高领导人以及公司总裁和经济组织。 “ 现在琴斯托霍瓦市和中国外交关系融洽”, Matyjaszczyk市长说道。许多中国客人对琴斯托霍瓦市 的回访就证明了这一点。 “我们对琴斯托霍瓦市印 象深刻”, 中商企业集团经济合作有限公司总经 理陈语在同Delic-Pol公司签订合的时候说道。在这 一点上,长三角科技公司、上海世博会以及其他组 织观点一致。 “以前我们一直在播种,现在收获的 季节快到了”,Matyjaszczyk市长说道。 Częstochowa City Hall ul. Śląska 11/13 42-217 Częstochowa Investors Assistance Centre

The municipal authorities initiated relations with China in 2011 by taking part in the international investment fair CIFIT in Xiamen.

第一批由靠近波兰南部城市琴斯托霍瓦(Czestochowa)的波兰Delic-Pol糖果公司生产的糖果 集装箱已经运达中国超市。和中商企业集团经济合 作有限公司签订的合同是琴斯托霍瓦市政府在中国 市场的活动取得的第一个显著成果。 “我们已经建 立了许多前景良好的联系,并期待不久琴斯托霍瓦 市的公司会签订更多的合同,并且他们的产品会在 亚洲得到认可”, 琴斯托霍瓦市市长克里斯托弗· 马特亚茨克(Krzysztof Matyjaszczyk)说道,他

tel. +48 34 370 72 12, +48 34 370 72 13 e-mail: rm@czestochowa.um.gov.pl 琴斯托霍瓦市政厅 ul.Śląska 11/13 42-217 Częstochowa 投资服务中心 电话:+48 34 370 72 12, +48 34 370 72 13 邮箱: rm@czestochowa.um.gov.pl

The project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesia Voivodeship for the years 2007-2013.

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Polish-Chinese economy

Opolskie – a region open to intercultural cooperation 奥波莱省——向跨文化合作开放的地区 In September last year, the government of Opolskie Province signed a letter of intent for interregional co-operation with the Chinese Region of Guangdong. However, the Opolskie - Chinese relations have been ongoing for years. Determined and consistent actions of regional authorities were gathering momentum and finally led to the interregional agreement. Mr Józef Sebesta, Marshal of the Opolskie Province, emphasizes that China plays an important role in the world, becoming an increasingly important and desirable partner for the further development of many countries. “These relationships continue to develop and intensify, having a worldwide impact. For better and more fruitful cooperation, we need to continuously broaden knowledge about ourselves and exchange experiences. Global development must be based on getting to know each other and mutual relationships born a strong need for common understanding” says Józef Sebesta. 去年九月,奥波莱省政府和中国广东省签订了合作意向书。多年来,奥波莱省与中国一直保持着联系。地区权力 机构果断而持续的行动呈现出活力和速度,最终促成了跨地域合作协议的签订。奥波莱省省长约瑟夫·塞贝斯塔 (Jozef Sebesta)先生强调了中国在当今世界的重要地位,他指出中国正逐渐成为许多国家越发重要而且梦寐 以求的合作伙伴。 “这些合作关系的发展和加强正影响着全世界。要获得更好和更有成果的合作,我们需要不断 增加对自身的了解和经验的交流。全球大发展必须以增进相互了解为基石,共通关系尤其需要相互理解”, Jozef Sebesta说道。


y recognizing the importance of intercultural cooperation, the provincial government, together with the Opole University of Technology have endeavoured to establish the Confucius Institute in Opole City. Finally inaugurated in 2008, it is currently one of the fastest growing institutes in Poland , very appreciated by the Chinese partners as well. The core activity of the Institute is the language and cultural education. However, its other activities such as enabling economic cooperation or pro-business actions are also important. The Opole Confucius Institute is a great partner for regional authorities in finding partners for business and culture. The Chinese appreciated the Opole Institute and

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the commitment of the Marshal during the conference of Confucius Institutes that was held in China. Marshal Józef Sebesta who has been a member of a programme board of the Institute and has been involved in the Institute’s activities since its establishment was one of the winners of the 2012 Individual Performance Excellence Award. “It’s a reward for all those who have supported the idea of ​​establishing a Confucius Institute in Opole City from the beginning. We can consider the Institute as a body for development of the regional growth . I’m sure that there would not have been a partnership between the Chinese province of Fujian and the Opolskie Province or a letter of intent on this issue, if we had not seen an intensive development of

Polish-Chinese economy

the Opole Confucius Institute,” says Marshal Sebesta, adding that winning the award is a great honour and a great value. The Opolskie authorities are hoping that interregional cooperation with Fujian will benefit both regions. “We will do our best to create a model for other Polish regions that will become a platform for successful projects in various areas of social and economic life” ensures Józef Sebesta. He points out that the next step in the development of the Opolskie-Chinese cooperation should involve business. It is expected that Opolskie will be visited soon by Chinese entrepreneurs. The regional government is hoping for new investment projects and trade, especially in the agri-food industry, but also the electrical engineering industry and construction. The future projects to be conducted jointly by the Opolskie Province and Chinese will relate both to the economy and cultural exchange and education. We need to be well prepared to obtain the expected cooperation results, particularly in the field of economy. A few months ago, a conference was held in Opole City, under the title of “China – export destinations - conditions, experiences, perspectives”. The event attracted a large number of entrepreneurs who considered the relations with China as a key factor for future business development. There is a common belief in the region that success in trade relations with China depends on understanding the unique customs and mentality of the Chinese society and its business culture. That is why Opolskie entrepreneurs discover fields of Chinese business interests, potential future cooperation areas and finally requirements of the Chinese market. Opolskie sees new prospects throught the development of human resources. There are now 150 students in the region who attend Chinese language courses and 20 of them go to China every year on scholarship. “I believe that successful inter- regional cooperation will contribute to the development of both our countries, Poland and China, and will generate sustainable relations, making borders and distance irrelevant as being only a geographic feature and not a barrier for in-depth cooperation and mutual understanding” says Marshal Józef Sebesta. :: 正是认识到跨文化合作的重要性,奥波莱省政 府和奥波莱工业大学已经努力在奥波莱市建立了孔 子学院。孔子学院于2008年正式成立,是现今波兰 发展最快的孔子学院之一,同时也深受中国合作伙 伴的好评。孔子学院的主要活动是语言和文化教育,

同时其他一些促进经济合作的活动或亲商项目也 相当重要。奥波莱孔子学院是地区权力机构寻找 商业和文化领域合作伙伴的重要桥梁。在中国举行 的全球孔子学院大会上,中方十分赞赏奥波莱孔子 学院以及奥波莱省省长的贡献。Jozef Sebesta省 长是孔子学院理事会成员,自孔子学院成立以来就 参与其活动,并被授予了2012年度孔子学院先进个 人奖。 “这个奖属于自开始就支持我们在奥波莱市 建立孔子学院的每一个人。我们可以把孔子学院看 作是促进地区发展的机构。我相信如果没有奥波莱 孔子学院的迅速发展,也不会有奥波莱省和中国福 建省的合作”, Sebesta省长说道。同时他补充说 获此先进个人奖非常荣幸而且很有价值。 奥波莱省政府希望同中国福建省的跨文化合 作能使双边受益。 “我们将尽全力为波兰其他地 区树立一个榜样,让他们也能成为波中双方在社 会和经济方面建立成功合作项目的平台”, Jozef Sebesta说道。省长指出奥波莱省和中国的下一步 合作将会包括一些商业代表,奥波莱省期待着不久 将迎来一批中国企业家的来访。奥波莱省政府期 望着新的投资和贸易项目,尤其是在农产品方面, 同时也在电力工程及其建设方面有所收获。奥波 莱和中国未来的合作项目将会把经济与文化教育 联系在一起。 我们需要做好充分准备以便在特别是经济合作 方面取得预期的成果。几个月前在奥波莱市举行了 一次名为: “中国--出口目的地--条件、经验、视角” 的会议。这次会议吸引了大批把与中国的关系视 为未来商业发展重要因素的企业家。在奥波莱地 区大家都相,信成功的贸易关系是以对中国独特 习俗以及中国社会和商业文化的思维方式的了解 为前提的。这就是奥波莱的企业家们发现感兴趣

的中国商业领域和潜在的未来合作领域以及最终 发现中国市场需求的秘诀。奥波莱省远见卓识地 看到了人力资源的发展,目前在奥波莱有150名学 生在学习汉语课程,其中每年有20名学生获得奖 学金去中国学习。 “我相信成功的跨地区合作将有助于波中两 国的发展,并且进一步促进双方的持续合作。边 界和距离只会是地理问题,而不会是双方深入合 作和相互理解的障碍”,Jozef Sebesta省长说道。

Office of the Marshal of Opolskie Province 奥波莱省长办公室 Ul. Piastowska 14 45-082 Opole www.opolskie.pl

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Polish-Chinese economy

My adventure with China 我的中国历险记 Prof. Marek Tukiendorf, Rector of Opole University of Technology


t is challenging to find a different title to describe why a nationally significant Centre of Chinese Language and Culture was established in Opole, a city with a population of only 130,000. Trying to find a right answer I am aware that I should not be indifferent to the important experiences that could serve as a good advice for cooperation with China. All stories have their beginning. This particular one started in 2006 when an academic delegation of the Opole University of Technology participated in a technological conference in Beijing. Along with numerous delegations from Europe, our delegates were making their very first steps in the capital of China. At the same time the world was opening successive technological lines: automotive, electronics, hi-tech industry. Highly developed countries were long way ahead of us, not only in terms of their technologies but also in dynamism of regaining lost positions in China. Those were the times, when old Polonez limousines, samples of the Polish aged car industry were about to end their days on the streets on China.

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On the other hand, more than one billion people were getting familiar with the sound of three great Polish names: Chopin, Copernicus, Curie-Skłodowska. This was a great asset. It was the very last moment to remind the Chinese Dragon of Bouland, the country that in Mandarin associated to the beautiful and breeze-smelling oversee paradise. However, the demanding partner was establishing collaboration only with large global markets, while the small city of Opole could have only been compared to a fragment of a regular district of Beijing. The fondness results often from the same experiences. Apart from many differentiating features, some memories where significantly similar. Recollections of difficult times, in this case food coupons, paradoxically brought together the rectors of Opole University of Technology and Beijing University of Technology. This narrow basis allowed the potential partners to wonder on the possibility of joint projects among which the idea of setting up the Confucius Institute happened to be the most important. Today, thanks to the establishment of the Confucius Institute more than 100 students study the Chinese language at Opole University of Technology per year. Engineers able to speak Chinese are undoubtedly a right investment for the future. Our Chinese friends from Beijing bring experiences and talents of Far Eastern culture and present a significant value in creating a global society based on cooperation and mutual understanding. The Confucius Institutes link the World’s biggest academic centres with the People’s Republic of China. Today CIs not only provide language and culture teaching. They are stepping stones for establishing political and economic contacts between regions and companies. It is an opportunity that may result in situation that Chinese will remain capable to pronounce the name of great Poles. It

is a mutual chance for both nations since we have had and will have a lot in common. :: 我很难找到一个理由解释为什么奥波莱,一个 人口超过13万的城市,成为了在波兰举足轻重的 汉语语言和中国文化中心。要找到一个正确的答 案,我想那就是我方在中国的诸多重要经历促成 了同中国的合作。 故事得从头说起。2006年奥波莱工业大学代表 团出席了在北京召开的技术大会。同众多欧洲代表 团一道,我方代表团迈出了在中国首都北京的第一 步。与此同时,世界各国相继在汽车、电子、高科技 领域开展了一系列的技术活动。 高度发达国家不仅在科技上遥遥领先于我们, 而且还更具赢回在中国市场地位的活力。我们可 以从波兰老牌汽车“波罗乃兹”在中国市场走向 末路的例子就不难看出这点。 但从另一个角度看,在中国,超过十亿人口熟 悉像肖邦、哥白尼、居里夫人这些波兰伟人的名字, 这是我们的一大财富。 这恰是让这条中国龙想起波兰这个中文寓意美 丽和芬香的天堂国度的时候了。 然而,这个要求很高的搭档之前只同大的国际 市场合作,而奥波莱这个小城市只能和北京普通 的一个区相提并论。 令人欣喜的是除了以上不同之处,奥波莱同北 京还是可以找到一些重要的相同点。回想起历史 上的艰难时期,有关粮票的记忆让奥波莱工业大 学和北京工业大学的校长谈到了一起。 就是这样一个小的契机让我们同北京工业大 学的合作成为可能,并逐渐发展到讨论合作建立 孔子学院这一重要议题。 今天,感谢孔子学院的建立,现在奥波莱工业 大学每年有100多名学生学习汉语,培养会说汉语 的工程师毫无疑问是正确的未来投资。我们北京 的中国朋友把遥远的东方文化经验和智慧带到了波 兰,展现了以合作和相互理解为基石的国际价值观。 孔子学院是一条纽带,连接着中国这个世界上 最大的学术中心。今天的孔子学院不仅提供汉语 课程和中国文化课程的教学,同时还是区域和企 业建立商业联系的垫基石。孔子学院的发展会让 中国人牢记波兰那些伟人的名字。这是波中两国 共同的良好契机,不仅在过去,在将来我们彼此也 将会有许多共通点。 ::

Confucius Institute in Opole Polish-Chinese friendship 姜慧娟:奥波莱孔子学院中方院长、北京工 业大学外语学院副教授 作为奥波莱孔子学院的创建人之一和第一任中方 院长,在阔别了波兰4年之后,我于2013年2月回到美丽 的奥波莱,担任孔子学院第四任中方院长。吸引我回来 的是这里友好而善良的人民,聪明、豁达、礼貌和漂亮 的学生们,还有非常重要的一点就是曾经给予我家人般 关怀和帮助的奥波莱工业大学校长Marek Tukiendorf, 和我的母校北京工业大学给予我的全力支持。 奥波莱孔子学院从成立之初就确定了增进中波了解和服务奥波莱地区的 发展方向。我们为当地的大、中、小学的学生开设了不同层次的汉语课、书法 课、太极课、文化体验课等,开设有“中欧跨文化管理”和“中欧教育中的多文 化性”两个硕士后课程,邀请了五个高水平的中国文艺团体来波兰演出,组织 各种形式灵活的文化交流活动,包括二十多次两国团队的互访,五十多人次的 波兰大学生赴华奖学金留学,等等。 事实证明,中波间的差异和交往带给双方人民许多美好的文化体验,同时 开阔了人们的心胸来接纳不同的文化。正是这些差异的存在才使得这个世界 多姿多彩,我愿同孔院的同仁一道,努力去做一个蜜蜂般的文化使者,在中波 这两朵奇葩间传授花粉、增进相互间的了解和友谊。

JIANG Huijuan

Chinese Director of Confucius Institute in Associate Professor of Beijing University of Technology


As one of the founders and the first Chinese Director of Confucius Institute in Opole, in February 2013, after a four-year absence, I returned to the beautiful Opole City to be the fourth Chinese Director

孙英男:奥波莱孔子学院国际合作主任、商务顾问 一个偶然的巧合使我成为了奥波莱工业大学孔子学院的创建者之一,而且 在成功申办后我有幸加入了学院的团队。 孔子学院是一个中外双方的合作机构,团队成员来自不同的文化,代表不同 的机构,使用多种语言交流,本身就不断面临着跨文化管理方面的挑战。我的 工作就是负责孔子学院的跨文化沟通和处理与中国有关的合作事务。 奥波莱孔子学院自成立以来,始终把促进中波两国的经贸关系纳入了工作 范围。为了为中波经贸合作培养后续人才,我们开设了波兰第一个有关中国商务 的学历后教育课程,在课上我会跟学员们分享我参加中外谈判的多年经验。我 认为中波两国经贸关系的长足发展是孔子学院在波兰持续发展的动力源泉。

SUN Yingnan

Chief Specialist of International Cooperation of Confucius Institute in Opole, Business Advisor In 2007 a coincidence made me become one of the founders of Confucius Institute in Opole and after the successful foundation of the Institute I fortunately became a member of it.

of the Institute. What have appealed to me here are the friendly and kind people, the intelligent, open-minded, polite and beautiful students, more importantly, the family-like care and help given by Prof. Marek Tukiendorf, Rector of Opole University of Technology, and the full support of my Chinese employer, Beijing University of Technology. Since its establishment, Confucius Institute in Opole has been giving high priority to enhance the mutual understandings between Polish and Chinese people and to serve the Opole’s regional development. For the local primary schools, middle schools and universities we offer Chinese language classes at different levels and various calligraphy, Tai-chi boxing and cultural experiencing courses. In addition, we have opened two post-graduate studies on “International Business Management: Europe—China” and “Multicultural Education: Europe--China”. We have brought 5 high-level art groups from China giving performances in Poland and organized various exchange activities. So far, more than 20 delegations of both sides visited each other’s country and more than 50 Polish university students and language course-takers received our scholarships for study in China. The facts show that the differences between Chinese and Polish culture and the exchange between both peoples have brought about them many wonderful cultural experiences and opened their minds to accept different cultures. It is these differences that make this world colorful and beautiful. I am willing to work hard with my colleagues in Confucius Institute to be an ambassador for culture, just like a bee pollinating between flowers, to enhance Polish-Chinese mutual understandings and friendship. ::

Each Confucius Institute is a bilateral cooperation organization where its team members represent different organizations, have different cultural backgrounds, and communicate with each other with various languages. We have to constantly confront with the cross-cultural challenges. In the Institute I am the one who takes care of the cross-cultural communication and coordinate China-related cooperation issues. Since its inception Confucius Institute in Opole has always been integrating the Polish-Chinese business promotion into the scope of its work. In order to educate a certain amount of qualified local personnel for the Polish-Chinese economic and business cooperation, we opened Poland’s first post-graduate study that specializes in Chinaoriented business management. I would very much like to share my experience gathered over many years from participating in the negotiations between Chinese and foreign companies with the course-takers under this project. I believe that the growth of bilateral economic and business relations between Poland and China is the key to the sustainable development of Confucius Institute in Poland. ::

Polish-Chinese economy

Passion, mission and challenges Wojciech Krystyańczuk, President of MBL Poland, talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś.

Let’s start with a few words about MBL Poland… MBL Poland is a component manufacturer and technological-solutions designer for the wheelchair sector. I can safely say that we are one of the world leaders in our field. We cooperate with all the major companies in the business, in Western Europe, the United States, Canada and the whole of Asia. We are one of the few Polish companies operating on a global scale. The company was established in Denmark in the 1980s, then in Poland in 1992 and in China in 1998. In 2011 the management of the company was completely relocated to Poland, but manufacturing continued in both Poland and China. Our company specialises in metal treatment, mostly steel, aluminium and titanium. The latter material is especially hard to treat; that’s why we’re even more proud of the fact that we’re one of the few European companies with the technology facilitating its application. The current market trends suit our company – even though mass production is still located in China, production requiring complex technologies and the highest quality stays in Europe. Moreover, we are clearly seeing a return of some of the production to Europe, due to the better possibilities of maintaining control over each stage of the technological process. pm

Does it mean that the employees in Piotrków Trybunalski don’t have to worry about lack of work? I won’t lie, currently we are recording the highest number of new projects in the history pm

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of the company. Initially, a project begins in the R&D department. Next we create prototypes, which then are carefully tested and put into production. Additionally, we try to take advantage of the trend involving the return of production to Europe – up till now we have optimised manufacturing through the highest possible automation and decreasing the involvement of the human factor. Currently, we also intend to develop those parts of production that require operating, such as assembly lines, which show a huge demand in Europe. Therefore, we are not afraid of losing orders. Speaking of production in China, it is hard to avoid the subject of copying. Are you afraid of your products being copied by manufacturers in China? Of course the copying of patterns is omnipresent. At each fair we find various products created following our project. However, our long history, supported by the application of advanced technologies and high quality, allows us to stay at the top, which means we don’t have to be afraid of copying. Especially because of the fact that a huge asset of our company is our comprehensive approach towards building a value chain. MBL isn’t concentrated on the production of one element, but it provides its customers with complete technological solutions composed of many perfectly fitting components. We provide ready-made wheels, brakes, frames – completely assembled and fitted together. A wide variety of assortments and the possibility of ordering a complete technological solution are very valued by our customers. Due to the fact that we produce individual components pm

ourselves, by using cutting-edge technologies we are in complete control over the whole technological process and we can guarantee the high quality of the final product. Besides, you don’t want to copy just anything, but only the best solutions. Copies are not a threat for us. Clients in our sector expect long-term cooperation. The manufacturers of copies usually create only the first series correctly, to lure the client in. Afterwards, the quality drops, which is not something the customers in the United States or Western Europe can allow. The contractors from the United States expect us to certify each component separately. We are audited at least twice a year, and to pass it we are required to maintain a very high quality and show a high level of control over the technological process. The certification process in practice eliminates random suppliers from the market. Additionally, the process of the co-creation of technological solutions along with the client, the assurance of supervision over the technological process and logistic cooperation mean the client receives the whole system, not only one of its elements. It only strengthens our bond with the customer, creating a unique system of cooperation. At the same time, our location in the centre of Europe is very advantageous for our clients. For those from Europe, the guarantee of quality and delivery time plays the most important role. The quality of our products makes the MBL package very competitive. The location in Poland additionally guarantees us a price advantage. It’s connected not pm

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only with labour costs, but also with the flexibility of the workforce, the possibility of acquiring new employees or the possibility of restructuring business centres. As a result, the final production cost remains considerably lower than in Western Europe. Currently, we are observing the development of personal marketing, that is, adapting products to the clients’ individual needs. Does MBL offer products prepared for a specific client? MBL’s policy has always been to assume an individual approach to a client. At first, we applied two methods for developing projects: the first method was to implement a ready solution proposed by the client; the second was to design from scratch and implement a technological solution according to the client’s concept. Currently, we are trying to cooperate with all our clients and take into account the expectations of the end user, not only concentrate on the technical aspect of the undertaking, as before. The synergy of the technological competence of MBL with the knowledge of the client about the end user and his needs allow us to create unique solutions. That method of implementing projects is what constitutes our advantage over the competition. pm

During the debate you pointed out the fact of the change of lifestyle in China. Yes, definitely. China is developing rapidly and becoming a highly-consuming country. Its residents more often expect high-quality products, guaranteed by a known brand. At the same time, the improving standards of living and openness towards cooperation with the West are changing the attitude of people towards the disabled as well as health and hygiene. Thanks to that our products more often reach the local Chinese market, newly-built luxury hotels and clinics, instead of being exported, as was the case previously. You need to pay attention to the fact that for many years movement-impaired people were not welcome on the streets. There was also no infrastructure which would allow them to function in the outside world. However, it doesn’t mean that there were no disabled people. Currently, the situation has started to change, due to which the demand for our products has increased. pm

Is lifestyle in Poland changing as well? Are the changes similar in both countries? It is difficult to compare Poland and China in that regard. In Poland, the economic changes started over 20 years ago, while partial access to good-quality products was pm

available even before. Today the brand pressure is not as strong as in China, where products are often bought to show off. Poles prefer investments in durable goods, household appliances or cars. When it comes to health, they don’t seek specialist advice for long and at the same time expect the State to provide free healthcare, especially in the case of serious disease or disability. In China MBL products are generally popular. Is that also the case in Poland? In Europe we are a provider of technological solutions for manufacturers of final wheelchair equipment. In Poland our products are available via our clients who export our rehabilitation equipment to Poland (mainly from Germany). Poland is one of the few countries where we haven’t established extensive cooperation with manufacturers. It is largely a result of the Polish healthcare and rehabilitation system - which is very unstable and unstructured, and the rehabilitation process is not considered a priority. Our solutions, while they are technologically perfect and increase the quality of the rehabilitation process, are considered to be too expensive to be refunded. pm

The West is highly developed, but development trends can be seen in other regions of the world. We are currently seeing positive changes on many non-European markets. A perfect example is the Middle East or the quickly developing Brazil. MBL increasingly often cooperates with global clients, which is rarely seen in Poland. We managed to completely utilise confidence from the owners. Sadly, there are very few people in Poland open to new challenges and prepared for that type of work, so it wasn’t easy.

They can be developed by creating a suitable environment. Creativity is one of the key elements lacking in Polish employees. It would also be best to work on developing international imagination. If we want to function on the global market, we cannot be limited by time differences, other cultures or religion. We are searching for flexible, mobile people who won’t have a problem easily operating in completely diverse cultures, from China to the United States. Additionally, Poland lacks well-educated middletier management staff, who could take the weight of supervising the processes occurring in the company, especially with regard to the management of human resources. For that you need coaching and motivation skills, not only technical knowledge. This is exactly what our managers lack. What decided then about relocating the management centre to Poland? I believe that Poland needs global companies in order for the country to develop. MBL tries to find the best staff, train them and create the best environment for work and the development of creativity. It’s the only direction which will provide a better chance for the future. pm


Does MBL make use of the achievements of Polish scientists as part of its scientific potential? We still have a bit to do in Poland when it comes to the field of innovation and creativity. Running a global company I have a lot to do with engineers from many countries. Our specialists are great, they can realise a given project and implement proposed solutions. On the other hand, the specialists from other countries can create a project from scratch or even completely modify it. They are creative and limitless and that’s what creates the best technological solutions. pm


Creativity and innovation are traits thatcannot be learned.

How would you encourage Polish companies to undertake global challenges? It is necessary to strongly promote Poland on the international arena, as is the case with other countries. Currently, the only promotion of our country is done by athletes. In international ad spots we are presented as a folksy country, we promote agriculture and our local groceries. However, the football fans who came for the European Championships were surprised by our country, the existing infrastructure and its modernity. We lack the presentation of Poland as a country of new technologies, IT and digitalisation. Extremely important for the development of Polish companies abroad is the help of State institutions and diplomatic posts. Which at this time is non-existent. pm

Does it mean that we can develop to be a leader in our region? I believe so. Poland has a huge potential for development. Unfortunately, we also have a tendency to waste our chances. With the size of our country, a consuming internal market and an economic situation better than that others, we have a huge chance to become a leader of the region. It’s high time we proved it. :: pm

Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  39

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