Polish Market No.12 (266)/2017

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P U B L I S H E D S I n c E 1 9 9 6 No. 12 (266) /2017 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl

“lorem and respect for a different

culture pays off in business relationships�

Pearls of the Polish eConomy ..........................................

Global Control 5 winners of the Progress 2017 Pearl of innovation

We wish all our Clients and Business Partners a Merry Christmas full of energy and joy, and much success in the coming year.


6. From The President’s Press Office 7. From The Government Information Centre 8. Mateusz Morawiecki’s government wins vote of confidence in Parlament


10. MAREK KUCHCIŃSKI, Speaker of Parliament of the Republic of Poland 11. STANISŁAW KARCZEWSKI, Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland 12. JAROSŁAW GOWIN, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education 13. ELŻBIETA RAFALSKA, Minister of the Family, Labour and Social Policy 14. 15th Pearls of the Polish Economy Gala 20. The Winners of the Ranking 26. Honorary Pearls 44. LESZEK FALTYNIAK President of the Management Board, Trasko-Inwest: STRONG


46. PIOTR HENICZ, Vice-President, Itaka Travel Agency: ONE IN THREE POLISH TOURISTS






62. PROF. ELŻBIETA MĄCZYŃSKA, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, President



64. EY: POLISH COMPANIES THEN AND NOW 68. PROF. PIOTR WOLAŃSKI, head of the Committee of Space and Satellite Research

of the Polish Academy of Sciences: INSTITUTE OF AVIATION SPACE HIT

70. ANNA JANKOWIAK – owner of GrywIT, Vice-President of Innokrea & founder





73. MOKATE IN SUPPORT OF WOMEN 74. ANNA KOLISZ, Vice-President, Managing Director of Ankol:





CULTURE 88. Cultural Monitor 90. PROF. RYSZARD KARCZYKOWSKI, one of the most eminent Polish opera singers who has made it big on world stages, and a winner of the "Polish Market" Honorary Pearl award: CAPABILITIES AND HARD WORK


95. MAREK BICZAK, designer of the Pearl of the Polish Economy statuette and owner of the Bimart company: ARTISTIC VALUES

96. NATALIA GOLD uniqueness, reliability, triumph!



P U B L I S H E D S I n c E 1 9 9 6 No. 12 (266) /2017 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl

“lorem and respect for a different

culture pays off in business relationships”

Pea r l s of the Polish eConomy ..........................................

Global Control 5 winners of the Progress 2017 Pearl of innovation

12/2017 Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.) President: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła Address: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl

Writers/Editors: Maciej Proliński, Jan Sosna, Janusz Korzeń, Jerzy Bojanowicz, Andrzej Kazimierski, Janusz Turakiewicz Translation: Sylwia Wesołowska-Betkier, Agit, Rafał Kiepuszewski Contributors: Agnieszka Turakiewicz Graphic design: Godai Studio Agnieszka Charuba, Joanna Wiktoria Grabowska

Editor-in-Chief: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

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Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President of Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

ECONOMY FIRST EACH YEAR-END IS AN EXTREMELY BUSY PERIOD. IT'S TIME FOR ALL TYPES OF EVALUATIONS, ANALYSES, SYNTHESES AND RATINGS. THE GOAL IS TO LIVE THIS MAGIC MOMENT JUST BEFORE THE FOLLOWING YEAR AND SAY THAT NEXT YEAR IT CAN BE BETTER. CAN IT GET EVEN BETTER? In our traditional editorial issue all this is behind us. For the fifteenth time, at the "Polish Market" Pearls of the Polish Economy Gala we met several hundred prominent people from the worlds of business, politics, culture and science to honour their achievements. Our major focus was on business attainments and the economic condition of Polish enterprises. Contrary to the complaints that “today's economy is so complicated that even economists fail to understand it”, for fifteen years we have demonstrated that its condition can be quite precisely calculated, and comparisons can be made. The results turn out to be surprising, though. C'est la vie. This saying is readily used by global analytics companies when assessing the economic and business condition of national economies. In these evaluations Poland ranks quite high, and the analysts are confidently making favourable revisions to their previous projections. The newest Fitch rating includes a revision of the projected Polish GDP growth from 4% to 4.4%, and of the public finance deficit decreasing from 2.6% to 1.8%. However, this is not enough to improve the overall Polish credit rating, which remained at the good A- level, with a stable outlook. As the basis for such a positive assessment the Agency quoted “strong macroeconomic foundations supported by a solid monetary policy framework and a robust banking sector”. Still, the analysts took into account the threat of workforce shortages, which accelerate cost increases and growing inflation, and, in a further perspective, the risk of a reduction in EU funds, which are an investment driver. Other rating agencies also assess Poland’s outlook as stable. S&P’s general rating is “BBB+”, and Moody's gives Poland an A2 rating. All the agencies claim that currently the obstacle to an increase in Poland's rating is the weak GDP index in comparison with countries with a similar rating and a high net external debt. This is a slightly different perspective from our own. We have good reasons to be satisfied with the GDP growth’s reaching almost 5%, and rising investments (3.3%). This is reflected in the increasingly optimistic business sentiments – the PMI again exceeded 54%. However, comparisons with our European neighbours moderate this enthusiasm. The PMI in Germany is 62.5%, in the Netherlands – 62.4%, France – 57.7%, Italy – 58.3%, Spain – 56.1% and the Czech Republic – 58.5%. The EU’s economic situation is unprecedentedly sound, and the crisis-related frustrations are long gone. What does it mean for us? The quoted indices involve half the recipients of our exports. Thus, the European market is creating perfect conditions for the expansion of Polish industry. Will we be able to benefit from them? In the end-of-year period, exports have again become a driving force of our GDP, but… the new-orders increase is decelerating, and so is the rise in the number of new jobs, while the costs of purchasing raw materials and consumables are rising. On the other hand, positive signs can be observed, such as the order structure for Polish products, dominated by the machinery and chemical industries, and in geographical terms the positives include an improving trade figures with the USA. Therefore, the internal conditions for a further acceleration of the economy are favourable, but this will not happen on its own. We had our lesson in October, when the domestic consumer goods and services price index rose by 2.5% year-on-year, and... the entire real growth was eaten away. Yet, the most important point is that after 6 quarters we finally saw a growth in the gross fixed capital formation. Although it almost entirely resulted from investments financed by public funds, primarily EU funds, this breaks this definitely unfavourable tendency. Before the start of the coming New Year in Poland a change in the Government has been made. Mateusz Morawiecki, previously the Minister of Economic Development and Finance, has become the new Prime Minister. It is hard to interpret the change in any other way than a shift in Poland’s priorities. Economy first? We still have chances for a better New Year. Even better than this year?

Editorial board of the „Polish Market” would like to wish you Happy Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year.

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VIETNAM WELCOMES POLISH GOODS AND INVESTMENTS "The Vietnamese market and authorities are open to Polish goods and investments", Polish President Andrzej Duda announced after a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart Tran Dai Quang in Hanoi on November 28. The Polish president made the statement during a press conference with Polish and Vietnamese journalists. "President Tran Dai Quang assured me that both the Vietnamese authorities and the country's market are open to Polish goods and invest-

ments", President Duda said. Earlier, in the presence of the heads of state, the two sides signed several intergovernmental agreements, including a deal on higher education between the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training. Upon another agreement, Poland will grant a EUR 250 million loan to Vietnam for the purchase of goods from Polish manufacturers. Two memoranda were signed by the Agriculture and Environment Ministries of the two countries as well as the Polish Ministries of Economic Development and Finance and the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade. A USD 50 million accord was signed by Poland's Adamed Holding pharmaceutical producer and the Vietnamese Dat Vi Phu Pharmaceutical JSC. Under the deal Adamed bought a majority stake in the Binh Duong-based company. This is Poland's biggest direct investment in Vietnam.


INNOVATION ACT As of next year, entrepreneurs will be able to deduct 100% of research and development spending from their tax base. A solution to this effect is contained in a piece of legislation known as the second Innovation Act, signed on November 24 by Polish President Andrzej Duda. The signing of the bill marks another era in the construction of an innovative Republic of Poland, the President said, following the signing of a bill amending legislation to improve the legal environment of activities meant to boost innovation. He was speaking at the Warsaw University of Technology CEZAMAT Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies. "I trust that the second Innovation Act will contribute to the construction of a research and development zone in Poland, and as a result, to the development of an innovative and modern economy, which we are all dreaming about," Andrzej Duda added. He emphasised that solutions contained in this piece of legislation will contribute to the promotion of Polish know-how and to the development of Polish research.

PRESIDENT ANDRZEJ DUDA: EUROPE MEANS CITIZENS, NOT INSTITUTIONS "Europe means citizens, not institutions, while the voice of the people is too often rejected on the pretext of preventing populism", Polish President Andrzej Duda said in Athens on November 20. "I believe that it is at least worth discussing how to increase the involvement of national parliaments in the debate as they constitute a political representation of society and have a strong mandate due to the multi-party pluralism that has emerged from the election process", the Polish president said in his address to the diplomatic corps, top Greek politicians and intellectuals. Andrzej Duda addressed the gathered during the launch ceremony of an exhibition devoted to Jerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz, a Polish-Greek hero of World War II. In his speech, Andrzej Duda stressed that Poland, being a free and democratic state, wanted to build a world where the freedom of nations and equality of states would be observed. "I have no doubts that working together in solidarity as well as respecting and enforcing international law give the community of free nations effective force to counter a policy of aggression that undermines international order and security", President Duda said, adding that "first of all, Europe means citizens, not institutions, it means ordinary citizens". The president also assured the audience that Poland was consistent in defending all EU member states' right to being equally treated in the process of determining Europe's future. "Agreement to divisions within the EU will ultimately lead to its weakening. What's more, contrary to what this doctrine's supporters maintain, such divisions will not resolve any (of the EU's) problems", added President Duda, observing that the split among the EU members was driven by "national egoism in lieu of community-minded solidarity". As an example, the Polish head of state cited projects which threatened the energy security of some of the EU members. "United Europe will be strong only if it manages to retain unity in four spheres: European institutions, community laws, the European market and the common budget", Andrzej Duda said.

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Prime Minister

PRIME MINISTER BEATA SZYDŁO AT THE SUMMIT OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES AND CHINA “It was a crucial meeting for our country and for the entire region. Our intention is to develop and open up economically to other markets,” said Prime Minister Beata Szydło in Budapest on November 27 at the Meeting of the Heads of Government of Central and Eastern European Countries and China (16+1).

STRATEGIC COOPERATION AGREEMENTS WITH CHINA “China is a demanding and large partner, but it is a partner who wishes to promote economic cooperation in our region,” said Prime Minister Beata Szydło, stressing the importance of strengthening Polish and Chinese economic relations. As she added, a number of declarations have been put into practice, and the performance of various economic cooperation agreements is becoming reality. The Head of the Government stated that during the 16+1 Summit a strategic cooperation agreement was signed between the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and the authorities of the Chinese Province of Hunan. “It is a comprehensive agreement, the aim of which is to strengthen cooperation between entrepreneurs,” said the Prime Minister.

BILATERAL TALKS During her visit to Budapest, Prime Minister Beata Szydło attended meetings with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić. The talks involved bilateral cooperation between Poland and the People's Republic of China, and between Poland and Serbia.

THE 16+1 SUMMIT The summit is the most important part of the political consultations within the CEEC and the China Cooperation Platform, the so called 16+1. The main objective of the summit is to promote economic and financial cooperation, increase trade, and foster mutual development. The summit was attended by observers representing Austria, Belarus, Greece, Switzerland, the European Union and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The main focus of the summit was financial corporation, and the main accompanying event was the 16+1 Business Forum. This year's host of the 16+1 Summit was the Government of Hungary. Within the 16+1 initiative inaugurated in Poland, three offices coordinating regional cooperation with China operate in Warsaw: The Contact Mechanism for the Investment Promotion Agencies of China and CEE Countries (16+1), the China-CEEC Business Council, and, since February 2017, the China-CEEC Secretariat for Maritime Issues.


THE FUTURE OF THE EU AND BILATERAL COOPERATION AFTER BREXIT During the meeting with the President of France, the Head of the Polish Government discussed the issues on the European agenda - EU reform and the future of the EU after Brexit, climate policy, and cooperation in the fields of security, energy and social issues. “We both presented arguments, visions and suggestions which might be common to Poland and France in the field of cooperation for the development of the EU,” said Prime Minister Szydło after the meeting with

President Macron. As she asserted, it was a vital and successful meeting. Prime Minister Szydło assured that Poland was prepared to enter a constructive dialogue on the European Union and to reach a compromise. The meeting held at the Élysée Palace was also an opportunity to discuss bilateral issues concerning the development of political and economic cooperation between Poland and France, and the Eastern Partnership summit in Brussels scheduled for November 24. The Head of the Polish Government also expressed hope for close cooperation between Poland and France in the context of Poland's non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council.

THE EU'S COMMON VALUES “Poland and France are countries which value democracy, freedom, justice, solidarity and independence,” said Prime Minister Beata Szydło. She added that both countries paid a lot of attention to complying with all the principles, values and legal regulations, also European ones, and none of the events taking place in Poland fall beyond the processes. “Poland has never refused dialogue with the European Commission, and we are open to discussion,” asserted the Prime Minister. “Poland has its own vision of transformations and reforms in the EU, which from our point of view are essential for all Europeans to feel that the European Union is their common home which guarantees security and decent living conditions,” said the Head of the Government. In her view, France shares this vision.

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Photos: premier.gov.pl

cron in Paris on November 23.

“For EU reforms to be effective and meet the requirements of the Community’s residents, they should be the outcomes of deep thought on the part of all the Member States, not only the largest ones. No EU reform will end in success without cooperation between Poland and France,” said Prime Minister Beata Szydło after a meeting with President of France Emmanuel Ma-


Our Guest


This government will be very ambitious in changing Poland for the better, the new Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, declared in his policy statement in Parliament on December 12. An improvement of the situation in health care, boosting Poland’s role in the world economy, construction of affordable housing, higher wages, support for entrepreneurs, development of infrastructure and better protection of the environment, are some of the goals listed by Morawiecki. The Prime Minister also called for an end to divisions within Polish society and for concerted effort to build a better Poland.


At the outset, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki expressed his gratitude to the outgoing Beata Szydło for their joint two years of hard work. He described her as a symbol of a revolution launched in the spirit of Solidarity which restored dignified living conditions to millions of Polish families. "It’s a government of continuity which will implement the policy of support for Polish families," Mateusz Morawiecki said. He added that development and social issues are one and the same thing. In his view, a thriving economy is a pre-condition for generous welfare policies. ‘It is my wish for the government of the United Right to become a government of a united Poland. The government and the Prime Minister are meant to serve the whole country and each citizen of the Republic of Poland. There is room for everyone. Poland is one. It is the common good of all the citizens,’ he emphasised.



In the Prime Minister’s opinion, Polish citizens have a responsibility to strengthen the national identity – it is something they owe those who for centuries built the Polish Commonwealth and then the Republic of Poland by shedding blood and by their hard work. It is also an obligation toward future generations. According to the Prime Minister, Poles must not give up their national identity, while the world should find out more about Polish people’s contribution to the struggle for freedom and justice and the supreme values of western civilisation. "Polish history is one of the most inspiring tales in the world," he said. He emphasised that the new stage of the technological revolution should take place with the participation of Poland, which can play a major role to become a leader in some fields. "Today’s economic policies will decide whether in ten years’ time Poland becomes a producer of high tech or remains merely a market for foreign companies," he noted.


Mateusz Morawiecki declared that his government will be ambitious in changing Poland for the better. To this end, it is necessary to set up the Centre for Strategic Analysis. "We must learn how to draft a coherent set of laws and to take decisions in line with long-term strategic objectives. We must find a golden mean in between a state which restricts its role to a minimum and a sluggish bureaucratic state," he said.


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"Poles are one of Europe’s hardest working people. We work about two thousand hours a year. We do not want Polish people to work the longest hours. We want them to work efficiently for a fair wage. We want them to have more leisure time to spend with their families," Mateusz Morawiecki underscored. In his view, the course of Polish capitalism should be re-directed to bring the country in line with western standards, which is the goal of his government’s development strategy. Mateusz Morawiecki said he believed that younger generations of Poles are a guarantee of development. He described the capabilities of young Poles as the driving force behind innovation and modernity. "Their enthusiasm, curiosity and the ability to compete with the best hold a key to success. All our work is pointless unless it meets the needs of young people,’ Mateusz Morawiecki observed.

Prime Minister HEALTH CARE

The Prime Minister described health care as a top priority in Poland’s development plans for the near future. According to him, it is impossible to lead a dignified life without an efficient health care system. "We will radically increase health care spending up to the level of 6% of GDP in the next few years," he declared. This was in response to demands raised by patients, medical doctors and nurses. An additional PLN 4 billion has been earmarked to shorten waiting lists and purchase new equipment this year.

POLAND AS ONE OF THE WORLD CHAMPIONS Prime Minister Morawiecki said that in the past twenty five years, Poland has become dependent on foreign capital which has colonised the country. In his opinion, this is the result of an erroneous model adopted in that period. "We are and we will remain part of the West, but this does not mean that we must agree to this model. We do not want to be a peripheral object of the world economy. We want to be one of its subjects," he said emphatically. In his view, Poland needs to move on from the stage of credit-driven consumption introduced by western institutions in Poland in the early 1990s, to a stage of capitalism of higher savings and investment. "It is a struggle for Polish ownership and Polish capital," he remarked. In the Prime Minister’s opinion, Poland is facing a major challenge. "I am asking the whole nation for help. Let’s rebuild Poland," he said. Morawiecki said that by the end of the third quarter of 2017, Polish GDP growth had nearly reached a 5% mark, without any increase in public debt. "This may be the first year in 28 years with practically zero public debt growth. On the 150th birth anniversary of [Polish national independence leader Marshal Józef Piłsuski, Ed.] we have achieved the success guided by his formula: romantic goals combined with pragmatic means," the Prime Minister said.


Prime Minister Morawiecki announced the launching of several grand projects. One is the construction of the Central Transport Hub to be called Solidarity Port, the key element of Poland’s transport development strategy. It will open fresh opportunities not only for the aviation sector but it also provides for the development of the rail network. This is the first step toward developing Europe’s most modern transport system in Poland, which will be open to innovative solutions like autonomous, unmanned vehicles and ultra speed rail links using vacuum tubes. "The Central Transport Hub will become another Gdynia [a new Baltic port city built after WWI Ed.] in the heart of Poland," Morawiecki said.

CYBERSECURITY AND MODERN EDUCATION According to the Prime Minister, a contemporary state’s battlefields lie in cyberspace, hence the state must bet on cybersecurity. Technology and IT tools should reduce the time needed to handle administrative matters, as well as tightening the tax collection system. In education, the government intends to place particular emphasis on vocational training to meet the needs of the labour market. "65% of primarily school pupils will be doing jobs which have not emerged yet," he noted.


Prime Minister Morawiecki said that NATO will remain the foundation of Poland’s security. He described the United States as the country’s main ally.

He declared that Poland will use the potential of its armed forces to develop its defence industry. The Prime Minister called for a consolidation of the Central European region as part of the Visegrad Group, the Three Seas Initiative and a genuine strategic partnership in the East. "We are planning to deepen our relations with Ukraine, Lithuania and Georgia and to give them a new quality, though it takes two to tango," he remarked. Poland will continue to develop co-operation, also in the economic field, with countries in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Besides, the government intends to offer support to the Polish diaspora in various parts of the world. This will involve measures to protect the interests of Polish citizens and Poland’s good name abroad. These activities will be conducted together with expatriate Polish communities. In the Prime Minister’s view, Poland should adopt ambitious goals such as membership of the G20 group, becoming one of the main architects of the European Union, one of the pillars of NATO and the leader of the Three Seas Initiative.


In the Prime Minister’s assessment, Europe is still emerging from its crisis. It is looking for fresh avenues and ideas. "We do not want a twospeed Europe. We do not agree to Europe being divided into better ones and worse ones," Mateusz Morawiecki pointed out. "We are at a turning point of the European project and of the entire global economy. A strong, competitive Europe full of solidarity is part of the idea of a modern Poland," he said. According to Mateusz Morawiecki, within the EU those who are stronger are increasingly given precedence over those who are weaker. "It is not right. Dear Europe, the Polish piece does fit into the European puzzle, but it must not be put in the wrong way or by force. This will wreck both the Polish piece of the puzzle and the whole picture," he observed. The Prime Minister also touched on the issue of migration. He said that the EU immigrant relocation scheme has failed. "Other solutions are needed and we want to be part of this debate," he declared.


The Prime Minister said that it was vital to lower the temperature of political disputes at home, especially in view of ceremonies marking the centenary of Poland’s independence which falls in 2018. "Our programme is based on the will to build a Poland proud of

its strong economy, where Polish families enjoy financial security, a country which is admired by others, a happy Poland which distributes the fruit of its development in a just way," Mateusz Morawiecki said. In his view, the Polish nation will be able to meet global challenges if it becomes a community.

He recalled that Poles were once divided into whites and reds. "We, Poles are not white or red, we never were. It is time to reject destructive divisions. All of us, Poles, are a white-and-red team," Prime Minister Morawiecki underscored. He called on Poland to unite, which he described as a great task and an obligation for all Poles. "Poland is our common good, irrespective of our political colour or outlook. December 2017 is the eve of the centenary of Polish independence. Let’s venture into the anniversary year with a hope for understanding and solidarity, not forgetting that without joint work we would not live in a free Poland today. I trust that we are capable of reaching an understanding and compromise," the Prime Minister said. The Polish government won a vote of confidence in Parliament with an absolute majority of votes.

Excerpts from Mateusz Morawiecki’s address in Parliament on December 12, 2017 taken from the premier.gov.pl site.

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Pearls of the Polish Economy

Speaker of Parliament Of the Republic of Poland

Warsaw, 20 November, 2017

Ms Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Polish Market Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Dear Ms Woźniak-Trzosek, Please accept my gratitude for your invitation to the 15th Pearls of the Polish Economy gala ceremony. Since I am unable to attend the event personally, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my greetings to all those gathered at the Royal Castle Ballroom. As a fervent supporter of initiatives geared toward the promotion of the spirit of enterprise and the modernisation of the Polish economy, I fully appreciate the activities of those who popularise the achievements of companies and institutions merited in this field. That is why I am happy that the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking now occupies a lasting place in our public life. I also fully appreciate the work of the laureates of Honorary Pearls whose posture and attainments contribute to the economic and social development of Poland by blazing a trail both in the business world and in other spheres of life. It is hard to overstate the role of prominent personalities and institutions who have a major share in strengthening the potential of our homeland. It is thus with great satisfaction that I wish to congratulate all this year’s laureates. I wish you every success in your continued efforts which are so vital and so valuable for Poland and the Polish economy. Please accept my heartiest wishes once again. I hope all those gathered for tonight’s ceremony will have a wonderful time. Your respectfully, Marek Kuchciński

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Pearls of the Polish Economy

SPEAKER OF THE SENATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND Warsaw, 24 November, 2017 Ms Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President, POLISH MARKET Dear Ms President, It is with great pleasure that I wish to convey my sincere congratulations to the winners of this year’s jubilee 15th edition of the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking and to the laureates of the 12th edition of the Honorary Pearls awards, organised by POLISH MARKET. I am very happy that we can celebrate the jubilee of the ranking in which prizes are awarded to the most dynamic firms operating in the Polish market. For twelve years now, the ranking has been accompanied by the Honorary Pearls awards granted in the following categories: the economy, science, culture, sports, the promotion of patriotic and social values. These prizes are awarded to prominent personalities and institutions whose professional attainments, experience, prestige and integrity make them genuine ambassadors of supreme Polish values. It is particularly noteworthy that, besides granting the Pearls of the Polish Economy awards, POLISH MARKET has also decided to honour non-material values. I would like to wish all the laureates further successes in the future. Your achievements are directly translated into better performance of the Polish economy. They build brand Poland in foreign countries and convince others that ‘Made in Poland’ stands for quality. A thriving economy can only be built in a favourable environment by citizens who are aware that the basic tenets of the state are economic patriotism and social solidarity, and that the state promotes honesty in public life and in business. May I extend my congratulations to you once again. Many thanks to the award winners for implementing these principles so well in their dayto-day activities. I wish many unforgettable experiences to all those attending the gala event at the Royal Castle tonight. My heartiest greetings also go to Stan Borys who will grace this gala with his performance. Yours faithfully, 12/2017  polish market 11 Stanisław Karczewski

Pearls of the Polish Economy

DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION Jarosław Gowin Warsaw, 20 November 2017 Ms Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief of Polish Market monthly.

Dear Ms Woźniak-Trzosek, I would like to thank you for inviting me to this year’s Gala of the Pearls of the Polish Economy, a celebration of Polish entrepreneurship, which is an event integrating business circles, and an opportunity to appreciate the work of their most outstanding representatives. We are coming to the end of a year filled with intensive work supporting Polish economic initiatives. The first Innovation Act, pursuant to which enterprises intending to conduct research and development activities are entitled to tax reliefs, has been in force since the end of 2016. The Act was ranked the highest in the field of tax law in a report prepared by the Employers’ Centre for the Monitoring of Polish Legislation. The report summarises the outcomes of the Government’s deregulatory activities. At the beginning of October, the Government adopted the second bill, which stipulates, among other things, an increase in taxrelief for research and development activities to up to 100%. The reality we live in resembles a journey along a motorway with no speed limits. If we do not want to stay far behind, it is necessary to find the best way to travel along the motorway. Without doubt, one of the ways is cooperation between science and the economy, which can foster rapid economic growth and the introduction of innovation. For this reason, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education is promoting practical education in the form of dual-study programmes, implemented in cooperation with industry, and implementation-doctorate programmes which are being initiated this academic year. Doctoral students taking part in the programme will pursue their professional careers and write their doctoral dissertations at the same time. Both the employer and the university supervise the process, and the young scientists are entitled to receive a double salary. The students can become ambassadors of entrepreneurship at their universities and ambassadors of science in their workplace. This synergy is vital for Polish science and the economy, as the prosperity of our country can only be built by acting “side by side”, complementing and supporting each other. Polish entrepreneurship is in an excellent condition, which is apparent in, i.a., the keenness of Polish entrepreneurs on R&D activities, and the will to develop their companies. It is a characteristic feature of developed economies. We need to continue and enhance this positive trend, at the same time increasing the rate of economic development. I firmly believe that acting together with the leaders of entrepreneurship gathered today at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, and a multitude of smaller and larger enterprises, we will succeed in building the economic success of Poland and the prosperity of its residents. I wish you great strength and enthusiasm, further success, and bold plans for the future. Yours sincerely, Jarosław Gowin

Pearls of the Polish Economy

MINISTER OF THE FAMILY, LABOUR AND SOCIAL POLICY Elżbieta Rafalska Warsaw, 24 November 2017 Ms Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek President of the Management Board Editor-in-Chief of "Polish Market" monthly. Dear Ms Woźniak-Trzosek, Dear Laureates, A pearl is a symbol of something unique and extraordinary. This surely applies to the prize-winners in the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking. Therefore, the title is not only a source of pride and satisfaction, but also a commitment to continue showing the qualities attributable to the “pearl” as a symbol of the prize. The prize gives credit to the efficiency and dynamics of an enterprise’s development, at the same time honouring its entrepreneurial stance, which is characterised by responsibility and culture. Unfortunately, due to my obligations as Minister and Member of Parliament, I am not able to accept the invitation to the official Gala, during which the best enterprises listed in the ranking will receive this prestigious prize. I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate all the prize winners. I would also like to express my appreciation for your professional approach to fulfilling your tasks, your care for high standards, reliability, and actions following ethical standards and values which, although not measurable, play a substantial part in business. I firmly believe that your work in all the areas of social and economic life will continue to be professional and full of enthusiasm. I wish you further success, dynamic development, and satisfaction from fulfilling your professional and personal goals. Yours sincerely, Elżbieta Rafalska 12/2017  polish market


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THE POLISH ECONOMY GALA 14  polish market

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he jubilee 15th Pearls of the Polish Economy gala took place at the Royal Castle in Warsaw on November 24. It was organised by the Polish Market English-language economic magazine. Patronage over the event was assumed by the Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Higher Education and the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. This year’s gala ceremony was traditionally opened by Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of "Polish Market", the gala organiser. In her address she said: I have the great honour to welcome you to the 15th jubilee gala of the Pearls of the Polish Economy. As usual, at this time of the year, we traditionally meet in these fine interiors of the magnificent Royal Castle to share with you the good news about the Polish economy, science and culture. That is why the ‘Let’s Move Forward with Hope’ motto of this year’s Papal Days could also serve as the motto of this ceremony. But when I think of hope, a quote from Vaclav Havel comes to mind. ‘Hope doesn’t mean that something must end well. Hope means that we believe that what we do makes sense, no matter what the final result is.’ This faith and hope led me and the rest of the Polish Market team to undertake a mission 21 years ago to build Poland’s positive image in the world by promoting the Polish economy, science and culture. The fact that we believe in what we do, has led us to organise the Pearls of the Polish Economy gala ceremony for 15 years now. During this gala event we honour outstanding personalities: artists, scientists and entrepreneurs. We honour the successes of Polish companies, merited institutions and people who promote patriotic and social values - those who build Poland’s image abroad and make our national brand famous. For the first time, we announced the winners of the Pearls of the Polish Economy awards at the Economic Forum in Krynica. It was then that we started our partnership with a team of economists from the Polish Academy of Sciences. Now we have teamed up with experts from the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Let me emphasise that compared to other rankings, this ranking occupies a very special position. It does not just list firms based on simple criteria such as the size of revenue, but above all, it takes into account factors that decide about how dynamically and effectively a company develops. That is why all the companies included on the list can be proudly described as the Pearls of the Polish Economy. May I extend my congratulations to all the winners of this year’s ranking and to all those who received the awards in previous years. I would also like to congratulate those awarded with the Honorary Pearls, Pearls of Innovation and all those who received distinctions for their activities in the field of ecology. My special thanks go to Professor Tomasz Szapiro, who is in charge of the team of economists from the SGH Warsaw School of Economics which has compiled the ranking, as well as to Professor Leszek Rafalski, head of the Main Council of Research Institutes for his co-operation in selecting the winners of Pearls of Innovation awards. I would also like to thank Speaker of the Senate Stanisław Karczewski and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin who have assumed honorary patronage over this event. Professor Zbigniew Hockuba, the originator of the idea, is among us today. Please accept my thanks, Professor. Last but not least, many thanks to our sponsors who have made it possible for this gala event to take place. Artists who appear tonight are very special indeed. They received our Honorary Pearls in the past. Tonight they are performing

Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President and Editor-in-Chief of “Polish Market” under the Pearls for Pearls slogan. The star attractions are Stan Borys, Piotr Salaber, Marcin Bronikowski and Włodek Pawlik. I started out with hope, so in my final remarks let me quote our great Pole, the late John Paul II. He said ‘we Christians believe that the sun always shines on the horizon of our lives, that the best is still ahead of us and that we are people of the spring rather than of the autumn.’ That is my personal belief. I hope you will be in truly springlike spirits on this beautiful autumn evening. I also hope that all of us gathered here will be able to say, like the Bible says, ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.’ Then a message from Prime Minister Beata Szydło was read by Mazowsze Province Governor Zdzisław Sipiera, who represented her at the ceremony. The Prime Minister conveyed her congratulations to the winners. She also had words of thanks for the organisers of the event: For fifteen years now Polish Market, in partnership with scientists from the Warsaw School of Economics, has honoured Polish business leaders with the Pearls of the Polish Economy award. It is a true 12/2017  polish market


Pearls of the Polish Economy

honour to join the select group of companies which record the best business results and whose activities are geared toward supporting home-grown economic potential and toward boosting the country’s prestige in international markets. May I ask all those assembled for the 15th Pearls of the Polish Economy Gala Ceremony, and especially those awarded during the event, to accept my words of respect and sincere congratulations. I would like to thank entrepreneurs gathered at the Royal Castle for their share in our country’s economic success. The sum of energy you have put into its building is impressive. Without your creativity, determination and dynamism, the Polish economy would not develop just as rapidly and effectively. Without your involvement, its success would not translate into better living conditions for Polish people. The activities of the award winners are not limited to the sphere of the economy. Getting involved in corporate social responsibility in the sphere of science, culture and the national heritage, you have embarked on a mission of ambassadors of supreme Polish values. May I extend to you my words of thanks for these activities. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are all working for a common cause. We want Poland to be an economically strong, innovative country which successfully competes on world markets. I hope that we will head in this direction together. Without your support, without the participation of Polish entrepreneurs which is key in this process, this goal cannot be achieved. Let me convey my appreciation to the initiators of the award, the team of the Polish Market monthly. May I congratulate you on your longstanding endeavour in promoting Polish companies, products and services which raises our country’s prestige in the world.

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Zdzisław Sipiera, Mazowsze Province Governor reading the message from Prime Minister Beata Szydło I would like to ask the Laureates of the Pearls of the Polish Economy awards to accept my compliments. I wish to extend my greetings to all those gathered at the Royal Castle. I trust that our joint effort will strengthen the lasting and dynamic development of our country

Pearls of the Polish Economy and that pride and satisfaction with the successes of our Homeland will be shared by all Poles. Written messages to those gathered at the Royal Castle were read out, addressed by patrons of the gala: Speaker of the Senate Stanisław Karczewski, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin, Speaker of Parliament Marek Kuchciński, Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policies Elżbieta Rafalska and others. You will find the addresses in translation in the first few pages of this edition. On behalf of President Andrzej Duda, the laureates and assembled guests were greeted by Prof. Konrad Raczkowski of the National Development Council. Another speaker was Andżelika Możdżanowska, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Development: The Polish government offers solutions which are meant to make entrepreneurs feel proud and secure, as well as allowing them to implement their strategies geared toward development. The Strategy for Sustainable Development drafted by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Development Mateusz Morawiecki, in conjunction with the entire government, provides the foundation necessary for Polish enterprise to thrive. It will enable the Polish economy to grow even further. It will help entrepreneurs to build their companies at home, to expand beyond Poland’s borders and to significantly boost exports. May I express my gratitude to the Polish Market President and Editor-in-Chief. This ceremony, this venue and those gathered here are truly special. Polish Market is special, too, because it helps to build Polish enterprise in a social and economic environment. Please accept my gratitude. The backing you provide is crucial. Each pearl

Andżelika Możdżanowska, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development is special and unique. These qualities are shaped by our entrepreneurs. We, the business environment, will do our best to help Polish enterprise flourish.

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Pearls of the Polish Economy

PEARLS FOR PEARLS One more notable event took place at this year’s Pearls of the Polish Economy gala ceremony. Artists whose appearances graced the event were Honorary Pearls winners in the past. The concert was held under the motto ‘Pearls for Pearls’ and featured Włodek Pawlik, Stan Borys, Marcin Bronikowski and Piotr Salaber. In this way Polish Market wished to honour this year’s winners, as well as showcasing the distinguished laureates of past editions.

PIOTR SALABER is one of the most captivating Polish composers of incidental music for theatre and cinema productions. He is also a pianist. He works all over the globe: in Russian theatre companies, in Hungary, Canada, Taiwan, and of course, in his native Poland. He is a regular contributor of music scores for the Polish Radio Theatre. His works have been featured in more than 100 theatre productions. Salaber studied under Karlheinz Stockhausen at Kuerten near Cologne (1998-2002), and under Elżbieta Sikora and Alain Savouret at the International Composers Course in Gdańsk in 2000. Since 2006 he has conducted film music workshops at the Institute of the Audio-Visual Arts of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Since 2010 he has been a lecturer at the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz. He is also a visiting lecturer at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

WŁODEK PAWLIK is one of Poland’s most eminent jazz pianists and composers, the winner of the 2014 Grammy Award for his album ‘Night In Calisia’. This has been the one and only Grammy award for a Polish jazz artist to date. Pawlik is a graduate of Professor Barbara Hesse-Bukowska’s piano class at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. He is also a graduate of the jazz faculty at the Hochschule für Musik in Hamburg in Germany. In 2007 he obtained a doctoral degree at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw where he now lectures in improvisation. He has recorded more than 30 albums. He has also written a number of pieces for cinema and theatre productions, orchestral pieces, ballet scores, an opera, a cantata, piano concertos and vocal pieces. 18  polish market

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Chopin Polish Baltic Philharmonic in Gdańsk. She is regularly invited to perform as a soloist with symphonic orchestras in Poland and abroad. Her craft is appreciated by some of the best known directors like Jerzy Maksymiuk and Sir Neville Marriner. Film music is also one of Natalia Walewska’s interests. In 2014 she was invited to record a piece of music by Piotr Salaber for Witold Orzechowski’s movie ‘Women without Shame’.

STAN BORYS is a well-known singer, composer, actor and poet. He started out in theatre companies in the city of Rzeszów in 1958. In 1965 he was the co-founder of the legendary R&B band Blackout. Since 1968 he performed with the Bizony rock band. His solo career started in 1969 when his first album was released. Between 1975 and 2004 he lived in Chicago, Toronto and Las Vegas. In 2006 he started performing with the Wrocław band Imię Jego 44. NATALIA WALEWSKA is a violinist who studied under the legendary virtuoso Leonid Kogan. She is the winner of prestigious international competitions, including the Karol Szymanowski International Competition. Since 1999 she has been the concertmaster of the Fryderyk

BARITONE MARCIN BRONIKOWSKI is a world-class opera singer. He is a graduate of the Sofia Conservatoire in Bulgaria, where he studied under Professor Rusko Ruskova and of the Accademia Rossiniana in Pésaro in Italy in Alberto Zedda’s class. He also studied under Carlo Bergonzi at Milan’s La Scala. In 2000 he was the first Polish baritone to make a debut at the Royal Opera House in London’s Covent Garden, where he performed the part of Dandini in Rossini’s La Cenerentola. Bronikowski was the only Polish opera singer invited by Jose Carreras to appear in his charity concert marking the 50th anniversary of UNICEF in 1996. He has appeared in some of the world’s most prestigious opera houses: in Milan’s La Scala w Mediolanie, at the Teatro Monumental in Madrid, the Royal Opera House in London and at the New Zealand Opera in Auckland. 12/2017  polish market


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uring the gala ceremony, statuettes were presented to Poland’s most dynamic firms, winners of a ranking compiled by a team of scientists at the Department of Decision Analysis and Support Systems of the Institute of Econometrics at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. The Pearls of the Polish Economy title was awarded in two categories: Large Pearls and Grand Pearls. The team analysed the performance of more than 2,000 firms whose revenue over the previous year amounted to: at least PLN 100 million – Large Pearls, over PLN 1 billion – Grand Pearls. Significantly, a company’s position in the ranking is not determined solely by the size of its income, but is based on its efficiency and growth.


Aida Bella, Totalizator Sportowy Sp. z o. o.

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From left: Andżelika Możdżanowska (Ministry of Economic Development), Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek (Polish Market), Prof. Tomasz Szapiro (SGH Warsaw School of Economics), Piotr Henicz (Nowa ITAKA), Aida Bella (Totalizator Sportowy)

Pearls of the Polish Economy


Leszek Faltyniak, Trasko-Inwest Sp. z o.o.

Katarzyna Rutkowska, AC S.A.

Dariusz Bobko, Grupa Kapitałowa Petrax Sp. z o.o.

From left: Andżelika Możdżanowska (Ministry of Economic Development), Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek (Polish Market), Prof. Tomasz Szapiro (SGH Warsaw School of Economics), Leszek Faltyniak (Trasko-Inwest), Katarzyna Rutkowska (AC S.A.), Dariusz Bobko (Grupa Kapitałowa Petrax Sp. z o.o.)

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Przemysław Kończal, Santander Consumer Bank S.A.

Arkadiusz Wiktor Przybył, Bank Zachodni WBK

Piotr Jabłoński, Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A.

Michał Herbich, Aviva Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A.

From left: Andżelika Możdżanowska (Ministry of Economic Development), Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek (Polish Market), Prof. Tomasz Szapiro (SGH Warsaw School of Economics), Przemysław Kończal (Santander Consumer Bank S.A.), Piotr Jabłoński (Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A.), Michał Herbich (Aviva Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A.)

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uring this year’s gala ceremony, the Progress 2017 Pearl of Innovation award was also granted. A jury including "Polish Market" Editor-inChief Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek and Chairman of the Main Council of Research Institutes Prof. Leszek Rafalski, picked firms which are innovation leaders in terms of the large number of innovative solutions they keep introducing. In the innovative firms category, the winners were Grupa Azoty S.A. and Global Control 5 Sp. z o.o. In the R&D unit category the award went to the Military Institute of Medicine.




Adam Półgrabia, Global Control 5 Sp. z o.o.

Grzegorz Kądzielawski, Grupa Azoty SA

Prof. Grzegorz Gielerak, Military Institute of Medicine

From left: Adam Półgrabia (Global Control 5 Sp. z o.o.), Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek (Polish Market), Błażej Grabowski (Polish Market), Grażyna Jaskuła (Polish Market), Prof. Leszek Rafalski (Main Council of Research Institutes), Grzegorz Kądzielawski (Grupa Azoty SA), Prof. Grzegorz Gielerak (Military Institute of Medicine)

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Pearls of the Polish Economy



n partnership with the Polish Ecology National Association of Organic Producers and Processors, "Polish Market" once again awarded prizes for the promotion of ecology. Our aim is to honour those who may not hit the headlines but who are deeply committed to the promotion of eco-friendly postures and environmental protection. This year’s distinctions went to Bohdan Juchniewicz, Bożena Wróblewska, Filip Bittner, Jolanta Lyska and Maciej Rudziks.

Filip Bittner, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie sp. z o.o.

Jolanta Lyska, Polish Ecology National Association of Organic Producers and Processors

Maciej Rudziks, Polish Ecology National Association of Organic Producers and Processors

Bożena Wróblewska, Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG) Promotion Centre

Bohdan Juchniewicz, Polish Promotion Advertising Agency

From left: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek (Polish Market), Paweł Krajmas (Polish Ecology National Association of Organic Producers and Processors), Filip Bittner (Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie sp. z o.o.), Bohdan Juchniewicz (Polish Promotion Advertising Agency), Bożena Wróblewska (Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG) Promotion Centre), Maciej Rudziks (Polish Ecology National Association of Organic Producers and Processors), Jolanta Lyska (Polish Ecology National Association of Organic Producers and Processors)

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Pearls of the Polish Economy

thank You The editors of “Polish Market” would like to thank all the Patrons and Media Partners for their help in organising the Gala of the Pearls of the Polish Economy. of the Pearls of the Polish Economy 2017 We wish you every success in theLaureates coming year and we hope

to be able to continue cooperation in 2018. The editors of "Polish Market" would like to thank all the Patrons and Media Partners for their help in organising the Gala of the Pearls of the Polish Economy. We wish you every success in the coming year and we hope to be able to continue cooperation in 2018. Strategic PatronS:


tecHnical PartnerS:

Honorary PatronS: Senate Speaker; deputy prime miniSter, miniSter of Science and HigHer education

media PartnerS:

organizer: editorial Board of „poliSH market” ranking comPlited by: deSicion Support and analySiS unit, inStitute of econometricS, WarSaW ScHool of economicS

Pearls of the Polish Economy



For the twelfth time, Honorary Pearl awards were presented to prominent personalities and institutions whose professional achievements, experience, prestige and integrity make them true ambassadors of supreme Polish values.

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Pearls of the Polish Economy

Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska, President, Polish Economic Society Professor of economic sciences, president of the Polish Economic Society, member of the National Development Council attached to the Polish President, member of the Poland 2000 Plus Forecast Committee and of the Economic Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is one of the most recognisable and soughtafter economists in Poland. She is an author, co-author and editor of about 200 publications dealing with economic analysis, finances, valuation of companies, economic systems and socio-economic development strategies.

It’s a great honour to receive such a wonderful award. But awards always make me anxious. I felt particularly anxious when I saw the list of previous Honorary Pearl winners. Bearing this in mind, I am all the more grateful. I feel honoured and I wonder if I’m up to the challenge. An award like this is a major obligation. I feel that I must share it with the team I work with. What we do on a daily basis is making sure that economics is not all about chrematistics, that is the art of getting rich. Economics is about people and their use of resources. If you take away the human factor, economics loses its soul. We try to ensure that it doesn’t. Thanks for noticing that.”

Prof. Tomasz Ciach, Head of the Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Division, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology Polish chemist, nanotechnologist and biologist. He works on innovative technologies which support medicine such as synthetic blood, artificial bones, streamlining of cancer X-ray diagnosis and nanoparticles meant to transport drugs directly into cancer cells. Prof. Ciach shows other academics and businessmen the way to successfully combine science with business as the founder of the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory and thriving companies NanoVelos, NanoThea oraz NanoSanguis.

I studied chemical engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology and biology at the University of Warsaw. I think I’m an unfulfilled medical doctor. For years I have been transferring scientific findings into industrial applications, which is sometimes very tough, and a bit of an uphill battle. It is not always appreciated by my fellow academics, and is not always understood by my business colleagues. But gradually the climate in Poland is changing. It is now accepted that transferring scientific findings into the economy is very important for both sides. Two products based on my research have already been commercialised: shields for catheters and stents. Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to be used in cancer diagnosis and therapy and synthetic blood are about to hit the market. The Honorary Pearl award in the science category is a source of great joy for me. I think of it as a string of pearls because I have received it thanks to the work of my students, doctoral students and co-workers. The scenery of tonight’s ceremony is impressive and I am very happy to find myself in such good company.” 12/2017  polish market


Pearls of the Polish Economy

CULTURE Prof. Ryszard Karczykowski Polish tenor described as the master of Bel Canto. He started his career in Germany in 1969. In the 1970s he developed his vocal career in Germany, Austria and the UK. He has made numerous recordings for radio and TV stations. A number of his CDs were released where he was accompanied by leading orchestras under famous conductors. Prof. Karczykowski teaches master classes in a number of European countries and Japan and sits on the jury of prestigious international competitions. For several years he has also worked as a director at musical theatres. He served as artistic director of Kraków Opera and of the Teatr Wielki -Polish National Opera in Warsaw. Prof. Karczykowski is also involved in the Cochlear Rhythms International Festival of Children, Young People and Adults with Hearing Problems.

Thank you for this Pearl award. It motivates me to consistently carry on my work of promoting talented young Polish singers who will represent Poland all over the world. Even at the toughest of times when Poland was not a free country, culture, and especially music, was this country’s trademark. Polish culture has always been present the world over. The economy and culture should not exist so far apart from each other because the latter needs constant attention and support from the former, while the former could well do with inspiration coming from the latter. Thus I would love to encourage representatives of Polish business to become more involved in culture, to appreciate it more, to appreciate music, singing and artists. Let’s reverse the current trend, whereby Polish artists are only recognised at home having already broken ground abroad. Sadly, in Poland, little attention is paid to before they do. Let us thus pay more attention to them here, at the start of their careers. That’s exactly what I do, for instance at the Jan Kiepura Festival, the biggest and most important cultural event held in Krynica Zdrój each year for more than 50 years. For this festival I organise a special concert to spot talented young singers and to help them launch their careers.”

Zbigniew Namysłowski

Saxophonist, multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer who has worked, among others, with such acclaimed Polish musicians as Krzysztof Komeda, Czesław Niemen and Michał Urbaniak. He was the first Polish jazzman to release an album abroad. He does not just come up with new jazz styles but also promotes musicians who gain valuable experience performing in his bands. Although Namysłowski’s jazz constantly evolves, his characteristic Slav sound and his perfect performance skills best define him as a unique artist. More than thirty albums of his music have been released. Last year his latest record came out under the Polskie Nagrania label. It has won rave reviews.

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Piotr Salaber Composer, pianist and conductor. Professor of the Music Academy in Bydgoszcz where he teaches a class in incidental music. He also lectures on film music at the Audio-Visual Arts Institute at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He is also a visiting lecturer at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Piotr Salaber has written music for more than 100 theatre productions, songs, radio and TV shows, scores for feature films and TV series. He writes music for Russia’s leading theatre companies, the Bolshoi Drama Theatre in St.Petersburg and the Sovremennik Theatre in Moscow, as well as for theatre companies in Paris, Vancouver and the National Theatre in Taichung in Taiwan. His music for an operetta produced at the National Teatre in Budapest won the grand prix at the International Witold Gombrowicz Festival in 2014.

This Honorary Pearl award is very special to me. When I first saw the list of your previous laureates, starting with Wojciech Kilar (who I had the pleasure of knowing – he was a true master), never in my wildest dreams did I expect that I would find myself in the same category as him. I have been watching this award ceremony for more than ten years. Apart from my great admiration for the "Polish Market" team, notably for Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, I believe that this is a truly unique undertaking on the Polish scale,and that its impact extends beyond Polish borders.”

Pearls of the Polish Economy

PROMOTION OF PATRIOTIC VALUES Krzysztof Szwagrzyk, Ph.D., Deputy Head, Institute of National Remembrance, acting director of the Office of Search and Identification Polish historian and Vice-President of the Institute of National Remembrance, head of its Office of Search and Investigation. Professor Szwagrzyk is in charge of a team which looks for mass graves of victims of Stalinist era massacres at the Powązki Military Cemetery, the Służewiec cemetery and the Bródno cemetery in Warsaw. A team headed by Professor Szwagrzyk also conducted exploratory work at the Osobowice cemetery in Wrocław, Dworzyska in Nysa district, Białystok, Rzeszów, the Garrison Cemetery in Gdańsk and in many other places.

When I receive awards, I feel embarrassed, because it seems to me that they come too soon. Together with my team I am involved in work of a special kind, whose results take a lot of time to bring results. We look for places where the remains of our heroes executed between 1917 and 1990 rest, having been concealed not just by the country’s erstwhile communist rulers. One place that comes to mind is what is known as ‘The Meadow’, a lawn adjoining the wall of the Powązki Military Cemetery in Warsaw. There are dozens of other such locations throughout Poland. Our intention is to keep memory alive in modern Polish society. Those who buried the bodies in unmarked mass graves intended to erase the memory of the victims. We want to find the remains and to bury our heroes. We are now at the starting point, and all forms of recognition seem to come too early. But nevertheless, I am accepting this award with satisfaction.”

Reduta Dobrego Imienia Foundation – Polish Anti-Defamation League Mira Wszelaka, President Founded to initiate and support undertakings aimed at straightening false information about Polish history, especially concerning the course of the second world war, the organisation’s goal is also to promote knowledge about Polish history and culture and present-day Poland. The foundation also conducts campaigns directed against racism and xenophobia aimed against Polish citizens irrespective of their origins.

I would like to express my gratitude for this award. It is an award for Maciej Świrski, the founder and president of the Foundation of many years; for a small, but very committed team; and above all, for thousands of our volunteers and sympathisers who support us in our campaigns. For instance during online campaigns directed against those who make defamatory remarks on the web. We mainly rely on donations, so I would like to thank all our donors. Thank you all once again.”

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Beata Drzazga, President, BetaMed President and founder of BetaMed. The company was set up 16 years ago. Since then it has primarily provided services in long-term home care. BetaMed now has 84 branches in 11 provinces. Its team is over 3,000-strong, including medical doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and auxiliary personnel. Four years ago Beata Drzazga opened the Medical Active Care clinic with a Focus on an active lifestyle. The clinic offers services of general practitioners, consultants, physiotherapists for all age groups, day care and round-the-clock care for senior citizens, mechanical ventilation for patients with chronic diseases, both children and adults.

I am honoured to be part of such a distinguished group. I would like to share this Pearl with my physicians, nurses and the entire team. Every day we help people who are very ill and who suffer. We work for the benefit of society. I am also very proud of my role as a business ambassador of the state of Nevada. This allows me to promote all things Polish there. I am happy that the governor of Nevada trusts Poland and its entrepreneurs. I am also pleased that when it comes to picking European partners, there are those in the United States who prefer to do business with Polish partners. My company takes part in a number of charities, but we prefer to keep a low profile. I believe that if you want to help those in need, you do not need publicity.”

Bogdan Czapczuk and Andrzej Czapczuk, D.Eng., F.B.I. Tasbud SA F.B.I. Tasbud SA – a construction company which has operated on the Polish market since 1985. Their Pearl award was granted in honour of their CSR activities, notably a series of charity campaigns. Collections of gifts for children staying at orphanages and single mothers’ homes are conducted all year round. The Tasbud SA board also makes donations to schools and is involved in various forms of material assistance to those in need. The company is a sponsor of the Akogo foundation. It is involved in the development of the Wake Up Clinic for children in a coma and in construction work for children’s homes.

Thank you "Polish Market" and its Publisher Krystyna WoźniakTrzosek for this prestigious Honorary Pearl. Ladies and Gentlemen, in the ‘Vision – Plan – People’ process, people matter the most."

Bogdan S. Czapczuk – President, F.B.I. TASBUD SA

I’m here with my father. We are emissaries of our team which brings together some truly great people who are friends and who complement each other. Saint Augustine of Hippo once said that as long as you fight, you are a winner. Let me just add that fighting alone is - depending on the kind of fight - either masochistic or suicidal. Working in a good team is a pleasure. It also allows you to help others in the spirit of corporate social responsibility. On a personal note, values are inculcated at home." Andrzej M. Czapczuk, Eng. D. – Vice-President, F.B.I. TASBUD S.A.

Pearls of the Polish Economy



BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego

“ Konrad Pokutycki, President

I had the pleasure to receive a Pearl of the Polish Economy award during the first edition of the ranking 15 years ago. At the time it was awarded in the small business category. We saw this award as an obligation. We knew that we wanted to develop, to improve the quality of life of Polish people – our customers. We have managed to make a leap forward since then. We are now Poland’s household appliance market leader. Our Bosch and Siemens brands are very well known. We have excellent laboratories in which we work on future solutions. This company currently has a turnover of PLN 5.5 billion. 15 years ago it was several dozen million. It is a major obligation for us because we are determined to keep improving the quality of life of Polish families. Next year, work will be completed on the construction of our modern R&D centre where future solutions will be developed. Thank you once again. Along with this award, we are also accepting an important challenge. May I congratulate "Polish Market" and Ms Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek on your anniversary and on your unflagging commitment to the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking." Konrad Pokutycki

Cyfrowy Polsat SA

We cherish this award. It comes at a special time for the Polsat Group. This year we are celebrating our 25th anniversary. The Polsat Group is the brain child of Zygmunt Solorz, an exceptional man who has built Poland’s largest private corporate group from scratch. I am very happy that I can receive this magnificent award on his behalf. Thanks again." Tomasz Gillner-Gorywoda Tomasz Gillner-Gorywoda, Board Member

Lotos Group

I would like to convey our gratitude on behalf of the entire Lotos Group and all its employees in Poland and abroad. I would also like to thank all our partners. When I examined the list of Pearls of the Polish Economy award winners, I was very happy to notice that many of the firms on the list are companies we co-operate with on a daily basis. It is also thanks to them that we are able to develop. This award is an enormous source of motivation for us. It will make us work even harder. " Mateusz Bonca Mateusz Bonca, Vice-President

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Budimex SA

I would like to ask all the laureates to accept my congratulations. I would also like to thank for this magnificent award on behalf of our staff and of the company President. We are very happy that construction companies are so strongly represented in this year’s Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking. There is still a lot to be done to improve the work ethic in the construction sector. My sincere congratulations for the idea of the ranking "Polish Market" came up with. Fingers crossed for the future. You can count on us." Krzysztof Kozioł

Krzysztof Kozioł, Head of Communications Department

KGHM Polska Miedź SA Mondi Świecie SA

Thank you so much for this prestigious award. It is a great honour for us that our passion for efficiency and our efforts have been appreciated by the jury. We are very satisfied to be able to receive this award in what for us is a very special year. This year we are celebrating our 50th anniversary. The Honorary Pearl is the highlight of this jubilee year." Marlena Molus, Plenipotentiary for the Board

Marlena Molus

Jarosław Twardowski, Director, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

Stan Borys performing at the 15’th Gala of the Polish Economy

Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President and Editor-in-Chief of "Polish Market" and Błażej Grabowski, Vice-president of "Polish Market"

From left: Prof. Konrad Raczkowski, Zdzisław Sipiera, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Edward Trzosek

◄ Andżelika Możdżanowska, Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic Development

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Prof. Michał Kleiber, Vice-President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

Zdzisław Sipiera, Mazowieckie Province Governor, reading the letter from Prime Minister Beata Szydło

Romuald Łanczykowski, representative of the Speaker of Polish Senat

Prof. Konrad Raczkowski, National Development Council, representative of the President Andrzej Duda

Prof. Leszek Rafalski, Main Council of Research Institutes and Prof. Tomasz Szapiro, Warsaw School of Economics SGH

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From left: Tadeusz Deszkiewicz, advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland, President of Polish Radio dla Ciebie (RDC SA), Marcin Bronikowski, Prof. Ryszard Karczykowski, Mariusz Stachura

Natalia Walewska and Piotr Salaber

Włodek Pawlik

◄ Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska, President of the Polish Economic Society, with her son

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Pearls of the Polish Economy

Konrad Pokutycki, President of BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego

Marcin Bronikowski

Zbigniew Namysłowski and Stan Borys

Grzegorz Kądzielawski, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty SA

From left: Marcin Płoski, Tomasz Bal, Adam Półgrabia, Bartosz Bal, Global Control 5

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Anna Maleady, Edward Trzosek, Stan Borys

Piotr Salaber with his parents

Prof. Marek Krawczyk with his wife, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Edward Trzosek

◄ Prof. Michał Kleiber

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Pearls of the Polish Economy

Tadeusz Deszkiewicz with his wife

Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek and Piotr Salaber

Krzysztof Kozioł, Head of Communications Department of Budimex and Prof. Leszek Rafalski

Beata Drzazga, President of Betamed and Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

From left: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Edward Trzosek, Grażyna Jaskuła, Andrzej Kazimierski

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Zbigniew Namysłowski with his wife, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Stan Borys

Prof. Ryszard Karczykowski with his wife

Przemysław Federowicz, Agnieszka Charuba, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Joanna Grabowska, Ewa Federowicz

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Paweł Krajmas, President of Polish Ecology National Association of Organic Producers and Processors and Bożena Wróblewska, Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG) Promotion Centre

Pearls of the Polish Economy

Andrzej and Bogdan Czapczuk with their wifes and Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

Stan Borys

Stan Borys, Anna Andrzejczak, Stanisław Andrzejczak

Natalia Walewska and Piotr Salaber

Lidia Rogalińska, Renata Bielecka, Jerzy Małek, Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, Aleksandra Wolniewicz

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Bogdan Czapczuk, Andrzej Czapczuk, Stan Borys, Anna Maleady

Konrad Pokutycki with his daughter Natalia

Guests of the gala, in the foreground Urszula Ciołeszyńska, President of the Federation of Associations of the "International Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors ", Ambassador of World Women’s Entrepreneurship Day in Poland.

Edward Trzosek with his granddaughter Aleksandra Wolniewicz

Siemens’s stand at the Arkady Kubickiego


Pearls of the Polish Economy


Thanks to a partnership it has initiated with a team of research workers who are experts in economics, "Polish Market" is able to honour the best companies in particular sectors. The prestigious Pearls of the Polish Economy awards boost the image of companies, raising their competitive value both on the domestic and foreign markets. For Budimex, the Honorary Pearl of the Polish Economy is a sign of recognition of the part we play in the development of the Polish economy. Over the fifty years of our activities, we have implemented thousands of modern investment projects in the fields of infrastructure, construction, power engineering and industry, thanks to which we keep improving the quality of life of millions of Polish citizens. The culture of innovation, self-improvement and sustainable development has enabled us to become the leader of the Polish construction market. We owe it to our responsible approach to management and our consistent focus on creating a genuine, lasting value which we build together with our partners and the business environment. The Budimex group currently employs more than 6,300 specialists. Each year it works together with 12,000 contractors. For years we have placed particular emphasis on work safety in order to prevent accidents. We are constantly raising health and safety standards. We are among the founders of the ‘Safety in Construction Pact.’ Our responsible approach is noticed by the market. Since 2011 Budsimex has uninterruptedly been part of the RESPECT Index. This confirms the company’s commitment to CSR and sustainable development. We have been included in the prestigious FTSE4Good Emerging Index. We have also received the titles of an Ethical Firm and of the Most Desired Employer. For a number of years we have pursued two programmes: ICE Intercom. Budimex for Children and Parent Zone. Besides, we join numerous undertakings and projects through donations and sponsorship of cultural and sports events. A key measure of our corporate responsibility is our emphasis on preventing unethical behaviour and on diligence. In their work, our employees are guided by the Budimex Code of Ethics. For years Budimex has received awards from various institutions and organisations, both for its business and CSR activities. Our company is appreciated for its diligent and responsible approach, as well as for good quality. The fact that we have been included in the Pearls of the Polish Economy Ranking for 15 years without interruption is enough proof of this.


On behalf of senior management and all the employees of Mondi Świecie S.A., I would like to thank you very much for naming us a Honorary Pearl. We feel honoured that our efforts and successful development over the years have been recognised by your experts in this way. On several occasions we have been rewarded with high placings in the Pearls of Polish Economy Ranking, which now dates back 15 years. During this period we have grown prodigiously and emerged as the largest containerboard mill in Europe with an outstanding reputation for its broad product range, excellent quality, and European and international customer portfolio. Various factors have contributed to the growth and success of Mondi Świecie S.A., which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. We are proud to be part of Mondi Group and operating within an international, financially sound business with a sharp focus on performance. When it invested in the Polish mill in 1997, Mondi had a clear development plan that has been implemented consistently ever since. Investment decisions have always been taken at the right time with a very good sense of the market outlook and changing business environment. From a product perspective, the ECO7 paper machine investment was a very important step for the mill as it allowed Mondi Świecie to meet the growing customer demand for lightweight recycled containerboard. Alongside, the EUR 260 million investment project Green Świecie I & II marked a milestone in the mills history, ensuring the low carbon future of the mill. Sustainability is part of Mondi's DNA and the investment into the mills energy efficiency has made it a leading example for green mill management. Mondi’s choice of Poland as a dependable place to develop its strategy has also been instrumental in our success. The country has access to fast-growing markets in this part of Europe, raw materials and skilled human resources. Alongside the accelerating local market and cost benefits, the mill’s highly efficient production processes have likewise proven critical. Our success is further based on close cooperation with customers and suppliers, and long-term fruitful partnerships – in short, on winwin relationships. In this context, our customers appreciate the unique technical support and service that we offer. Ultimately, however, our excellence is largely attributable to our talented employees in Świecie, who are constantly developing innovative solutions and providing a widely acknowledged technical sales service that enables customers to stay ahead of the competition. My thanks are therefore due primarily to our employees. In view of their attitude, I firmly believe in the motto adopted for our 50th anniversary: “The best to come”. Our employees’ professionalism and commitment will make certain that the future is even brighter.

To a large extent, the award of the Honorary Pearl rests on the efforts and achievements of three generations of Mondi Świecie employees. Thank you very much, and congratulations to all of them.

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Pearls of the Polish Economy


SOLID S TRUC TURE LESZEK FALTYNIAK President of the Management Board, Trasko-Inwest


o describe this company as merely a construction firm would do it injustice. To say that it implements various contracts would be an understatement. To point out that it cares for its customers would again miss a number of vital points. For 18 years now Trasko-Inwest has very successfully played the role of a general contractor on civil engineering, commercial and industrial construction projects. Its scope of activities is very comprehensive. It encompasses all kinds of services during the construction of industrial buildings and warehouses, as well as comprehensive servicing once the facility has been completed. Company managers stress that the longstanding experience of their crews and the stable economic situation of the firm significantly boost the credibility of TraskoInwest, enabling it to successfully compete with other firms present in the construction market.


The company is based in Ostrzeszów in the Wielkopolska Province. It has been going from strength to strength since its foundation in 1999. The firm builds steel structures, warehouses, production halls, shopping centres and logistical facilities. It has developed steadily, which has enabled it to open branches in Russia and Belarus. Besides, contractors’ needs have prompted it to set up a new aluminium fixtures

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department. Among TRASKO-INWEST satisfied customers are the BMW car showroom in Długołęka, the Harley Davidson showroom in Poznań, the High Storage Warehouse in Zelów, the Cargo Terminal at Rzeszów airport in Jasionka, the Waimea Logistic Park 2 Ltd., 7R Logistic S.A. office building and warehouse, TZMO SA office building in Toruń, Black Red White, Audi and DHL. As a general contractor, the company undertakes all investment operations from conceptual work to the design stage to implementation and commissioning. Complex steel structures and other sophisticated designs pose no problems for our crews who treat them as a challenge and a source of motivation in their search for new solutions with the use of new technologies. The company’s main aim is to make customers happy with its professional, good workmanship. Clients appreciate the fact that Trasko-Inwest crews always work according to schedule and make sure that the result is of the highest quality. The company’s employees realise that it is their responsibility.


The range of services that the comopany offers is very broad. The firm makes use of the latest technologies, which helps it compete with international construction companies. The Trasko-Inwest management team has introduced innovative ways of project implementation,

Pearls of the Polish Economy e.g. through service quality analysis at every step of the investment project. To this end, milestone acceptance protocols have been introduced. Other monitoring measures include quality control and operational use assessments. The company has its own R&D department featuring advanced Bocad 3D software. Thanks to this, the design process has been streamlined. Modifications can now be introduced even during project implementation. The construction of new industrial facilities and warehouses is not the only field of activity. The team also includes location scouts, risk limitation marketing researchers and analysts who study locations in terms of their future use. The company has created an up-to-date data base of land ripe for investment which it can recommend to future investors. TraskoInwest also offers free-of-charge service inspections. Support services do not end with the expiry of warranty. Trasko-Inwest makes things easy for the investor because as a contractor it bears the cost of construction, so there is no need to involve the ordering party’s own capital, and then offers the facility for hire, lease or rent. Work methods are based on the use of modern logistical technologies and reliable materials. The company only deals with selected sub-contractors and suppliers whose market record is unblemished.

ROBERT WOLTER, Vice-President of the Board,

CONSULTING AND SERVICING Wizja Multimedia, talks to "Polish Market." ARE PRIORITIES

These methods of operation and the very broad scope of options available for every project have meaningfully contributed to the attainment of many successes. One of the most important ones is the growing number of satisfied customers who present the company with tough challenges in terms of quality and short deadlines. Trasko-Inwest employees take over responsibilities connected with the investment process, while at the same time offering constructive and troublefree co-operation. The constant raising of professional qualifications, efficient use of assets and meeting deadlines are the reason why the company has won the reputation of being a reliable and efficient business partner. The firm’s success also stems from the smooth co-operation among all Trasko-Inwest departments. Weekly meetings and efficient internal communication enhance the decision-making process. The chain of command is clear-cut. Everyone knows what their responsibilities are and who they answer to. A system of incentives coming from company profits is applied depending on financial results. One of the company’s strengths is the fact that it employs specialised personnel with broad engineering experience and a keen interest in new technologies. An important role is played by managers who are constantly in touch with clients throughout the investment period. They offer advice and share their experience during project preparation, the documentation stage, valuation, actual construction and takeover of premises.

CONFIDENCE MEANS INVESTING IN THE FUTURE Client satisfaction is one of the foundations of the company’s successful operation. The aim of Trasko-Inwest policies is to offer customers top-quality services which go beyond narrowly perceived due diligence. Extra care taken during each project and responding to the ordering party’s every requirement has brought tangible results. This approach has contributed to the company’s solid position on the construction market. Trasko-Inwest is perceived as a trusted partner that reliably carries out its responsibilities and meets tough deadlines.


The company’s solid work translates into appreciation expressed by experts representing various institutions and organisations. Not surprisingly, the list of awards and certificates received by Trasko-Inwest is a very long one. Among these, mention must be made of the Growth Leader 2016 award, Polish Construction Quality Diamond 2016, Wiktoria quality prize and Platinum Hit 2016. The list of prestigious certificates includes Polish Exclusive 2016, Trusted Firm 2016, Honest Entrepreneur 2016, Creditreform Credibility certificate 2017 and Pearl • of the Polish Economy 2017.

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Pearls of the Polish Economy



PIOTR HENICZ, Vice-President, Itaka Travel Agency, talks to "Polish Market".

Itaka is going from strength to strength. This has been reflected in this year’s Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking. You took the No.2 spot in the Grand Pearls ranking which lists companies whose revenue exceeds PLN 1 billion. What has contributed to your success and how do you feel about the award? The Grand Pearl of the Polish Economy is an honour for us. It is also a source of prestige, all the more so that Itaka was the only Polish tour operator to be honoured in this way. This title confirms that Itaka belongs to an elite group of Polish companies. Taking into account the fact that we achieved revenue in excess of PLN 1 billion in 2011, the 2017 season revenue of PLN 2.19 billion is a telling sign of how rapidly our company develops. We owe this success solely to our hard work, which we do with passion and which gives us plenty of satisfaction. PM

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Itaka’s number one strength are its employees. Right from the start we have been very lucky in this respect. We have always attracted creative people who are curious about the outside world, who are committed, infected with the travel bug and able to combine their interests in their work. The Itaka Board has remained unchanged for a number of years. Its members are Mariusz Jańczuk, Leszek Szagdaj, Piotr Henicz and Michał Wróbel. We know which destinations to offer and how to shape our pricing strategy. Our development strategy consists in investing in particular destinations and building a sales network. We place particular emphasis on the quality of services offered to holidaymakers at our destinations. To ensure clients the best services, our DMCs (Destination Management Companies) operate in key destinations: Fuerte Itaka encompassing mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands,

New FIT Canary Islands in the Canaries, FIT Caribe Travel Service in the Dominican Republic and Adalar in Turkey. Itaka’s services are the most comprehensive and diversified in the Polish market. Thanks to product diversification, we are able to react not just to changing customer expectations but also to predict them, which is crucial while planning future seasons. That’s one of the foundations of the company’s policies. We have been present on the market for 28 years now. It’s great capital. We are a well-known, credible brand which plays a major role in the tourist industry. This enables us to offer good deals for our clients. What’s the present situation in the Polish tourist industry? How large a share of the cake is yours? The Polish tourist industry is developing very dynamically, in fact it outpaces most other PM

Pearls of the Polish Economy

European markets. Spending holiday abroad is no longer a luxury. It has become much more affordable than just a few years ago. Thanks to our varied range of tourist services, clients can pick a holiday not only in line with their interests but also in line with their budgets. The market has been divided up among top players who determine its shape. The market is stable. There are no spectacular bankruptcies. The industry enjoys the confidence of Polish clients. The summer of 2017 was definitely one of the best seasons for the industry. Record sales were achieved, which confirmed the fact that the number of customers who seek tour operators’ help in organising their holidays is growing. They realise it’s worth it. Itaka’s share in the Polish tourist market amounts to 34%. This means that one in three clients of Polish travel agencies pick Itaka. The company’s development means new holiday destinations. What’s new in what you offer this year? We were the first in Poland to introduce several dozen new destinations served by charter flights. They are still in demand. On the one hand, our customers like trendy destinations, but those who go on holiday more than once a year look for new products and fresh experiences. A new product may come in the shape of a new destination, yet due to the present geopolitical situation, the geographical scope of the existing offering and infrastructure requirements, the number of new destinations is limited. Hence our latest product: the Canary Odyssey, part of the Itaka cruise offering. It’s a unique product on the Polish market. For the first time in history, a Polish tour operator charters an entire cruise ship. The cruise season lasts from November 7, 2017 to April 3, 2018. The Canary Odyssey encompasses eight different cruises taking in six Canary Islands. The Canary Odyssey, aboard the Ocean Majesty, encompasses eight different cruises visiting six Canary Islands. The itinerary of three cruises includes also Madera or Agadir. Each of the cruises comes with a range of optional tours starting in each port of call. The demand for the cruises is high. The reviews are very positive, so we’re now working on cruises for the 2018 summer season. For Itaka’s 29th summer season we have prepared more than 1,300 offers. There are seven new destinations, including five islands. The existing twelve Greek destinations, including ten islands, are joined by Chios, Limnos and Karpathos in the Aegean. Other new destinations are the Italian islands PM

of Ischia and Pantelleria. Macedonia and Montenegro are also new in the Itaka offer, marking the further development of Balkan destinations. Those travelling to Albania with Itaka can pick an exciting new destination, Ksamil beach with a truly Caribbean feel. More than 260 package tours have been prepared for the summer. For the sixth time families with children are invited to Friends of Itaka Clubs. They can also pick organised educational and entertainment tours. For the most discerning clients we have a selection of hotels from the Itaka&Gala project Travel like a star. For the third time we offering hotels for adults travelling without children. We are also expanding the Holiday without Barriers offer featuring hotels with facilities for the disabled. This year promises to be a major challenge for us. Between November 1, 2017 and October 30, 2018 we are planning to cater for the needs of one million clients. Current sales levels suggest that this target gets more and more realistic with each passing day. Since the company keeps growing, there are more and more of us. When we moved to our new headquarter five years ago, I was convinced that we would have enough room there for another decade. But the faster growth has prompted us to buy a new 400 square metre office in the centre of Opole which will provide enough room for 500 people. Next year we are planning to complete its refurbishment. Companies attach more and more attention to Corporate Social Responsibility. What’s your view on CSR? We operate in practically all areas of broadly defined CSR. Right from the start of its activities, Itaka has been involved in charities. It works in partnership with UNICEF, the Mam Marzenie (I Have a Dream) Foundation, the Omenaa Mensah Foundation and the Rafika Foundation. In our destinations we are introducing local tours during which visits to local communities are included. They are frequently combined with purchases of handicrafts and sampling of local cuisine. We have visibly reduced the sizes of printed catalogues, which only contain brief descriptions of hotels and tours. The full versions are available on the www.itaka.pl site. We work together with higher learning institutions in Opole to provide training schemes and to allow students to combine part-time work with their studies. We are an arts sponsor. We have a permanent relationship with the Modern Art Gallery in Opole. With the help of our teams, we promote healthy lifestyles through sponsoring

sports events all over Poland. We have created motivational programmes to offer incentives for worker commitment and good sales results. We subsidize subscription for Multisport cards and additional insurance for our employees. We organise study tours whose aim is not only to promote our services but also to showcase the scale of our operations, the specific features of our destinations, as well as allowing our teams to get integrated and to simply have fun. In 2017 there have been a dozen such incentive tours or more. The topic of holiday travel for people with limited mobility increasingly attracts the attention of tour operators. We have checked whether hotels we work with provide access for holidaymakers in wheelchairs. Those that do have been marked ‘hotels without barriers.’ The list of available facilities is included in hotel descriptions. Details concerning disabled access at Polish airports are available on the www.itaka.pl/wakacje-bez-przeszkód site.


The dynamic development of technologies which make it very easy to organise one’s own trips abroad are forcing tour operators to seek innovative solutions. What innovations are you applying? Itaka is the owner of Axabee tech company, which develops innovative IT solutions, such as e-commerce platform using its own machine learning to personalize and automate direct marketing, booking systems or mobile applications. We have built a set of tools for support and automatization of processes on the whole customer’s journey: from finding an offering, through booking, getting information before departure, purchasing additional services, to sharing opinion with us and other customers after returning. The entire customer journey is omnichannel and supported equally in the mobile application, which is the most popular travel agency app in Polish App Store and Google Play and successfully competes with mobile applications of global booking platforms. Right now, one of the hottest topics in tourism is digital transformation around PM

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which support digitalization and for the use of new features every step of the way in the customer journey map, Itaka has been honored with the prestigious Digital Excellence Leader Award. In recent years the complicated international situation and heightened security risks in a number of popular destinations have been making life tough for tour operators. How are you coping? It’s a major problem of the 21st century, also when it comes to the tourist industry, which is greatly affected by the geopolitical situation. People want to travel and their curiosity of other countries and their cultures outweighs their anxieties over possible threats. The world is beginning to accept those tragic events as part of 21st century realities. In our case, of fundamental importance is the diversification of what we offer and smooth co-operation with our partners in foreign countries. We don’t focus on a handful of destinations. We have the broadest range of destinations in Poland. That’s our market strength. Whatever happens, we are able to offer an alternative. We have procedures worked out with our business partners which are proving their worth in the current geopolitical situa• tion. PM

“Tour and Activities”, where we achieved first success – this year we launched a booking platform that allows our partners to promote and sell their local tours and activities online, through web and mobile channels. Those innovations allow us to better serve the needs of our regular package client and to make our main product more attractive. However, if the customer expects a tailor-made service, Itaka’s booking platforms enables him to book

any tourist service completely independently, i.e., a regular airline or low cost airline ticket, a hotel accommodation from a base of several hundred thousand worldwide, car rental or local tours and activities. In addition to online solutions, we pay a lot of attention to development of tool supporting our sales offices and agents, in this way creating seamless customer experience, which is our greatest advantage. For the implementation of solutions


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Pearls of the Polish Economy



n 2016, developers delivered a record amount of office space in Poland — more than 896,000 sq.m., 60% more than the annual average for the period 2011–2015. The total value of transactions in the investment market in 2016 amounted to EUR 4.6 billion. 43% of the capital was invested in the retail space market, and 40% in the office space market. The remaining 17% of transactions related to warehouse and industrial space. Almost half of the new supply was completed in Warsaw (407,000 sq.m.), while when it comes to regional cities — the largest amount of space was delivered in Cracow (149,000 sq.m.), Wroclaw (139,000 sq.m.), and Tricity (57,000 sq.m.). The availability of high quality office space in Warsaw and regional cities attracts new lessees to the market, which is evidenced by a high share of new transactions in the lease volume.1 According to the latest data from Jones Lang LaSalle, the current supply of modern office space in Tricity totals 681,500 sq.m., of which as much as 5% is attributed to the recently delivered Argon building (36,000 sq.m.), erected as part of the 3rd stage of Alchemia – 1 Market Insights, Annual Report 2017, Poland, Colliers International

a multi-purpose business complex located in Gdańsk, developed by Torus. The 1st stage of the investment (delivered in December 2013) brought 16,700 sq.m. of office space to the market, while the 2nd stage (delivered in October 2015) — almost 22,000 sq.m.. In December 2015, the building was recognized as New Office Building of the Year at the most prestigious real estate competition in Poland, Eurobuild Awards 2015. "The office space market in Tricity, as in other large cities in Poland, is dynamically growing. I am glad that, as a local commercial developer, I have had a large contribution to this growth from the very beginning. Including the Argon building, we have delivered more than 120,000 sq.m. of office space to the market, which accounts for more than 20% of the office space market in Gdańsk," says Sławomir Gajewski, CEO at Torus, developer of Alchemia. Argon, delivered at the end of August this year, is currently recognized as an office showpiece of Gdańsk. It is the most prestigiously located building of the complex — at the crossing of Grunwaldzka Avenue (the main artery of Tricity) and Kołobrzeska Street. It has 14 above-ground storeys with a total area of 38,000 sq.m., of which 36,000 sq.m. is intended for offices. Argon received the highest LEED Platinum Certificate. It is the third “platinum” certificate for the Alchemia complex. In the final evaluation, the building scored 88, which makes it the 5th in the country and equal to a few other projects. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a strict American system of evaluating high-efficiency buildings. Argon, just as the previous stages, was designed with the certification in mind. This guarantees the highest level of technological and functional solutions of the building, setting the office development standards not only in Tricity, but also across the whole country.


All the materials used inside the Argon building have a VOC content (volatile organic compounds) that meets the LEED standard. Additionally, with the higher efficiency of mechanical ventilation and special filters, the air quality in the building is much higher than it is required by the Polish law. In more crowded rooms, CO2 sensors (iSMA-B-LP-C) were installed. An employee can control the

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Pearls of the Polish Economy – 320 iSMA-B-MIX and iSMA-B-MINI distributed I/O modules for monitoring the HVAC, electrical, and lighting systems. Argon contains 50,000 automation points, visualised and managed as a homogeneous system. The entire facility is managed by the Niagara 4 BMS software and 20 network controllers working in the Niagara 4 environment. "We create our solutions based on the global Niagara standard, which is a fully scalable system for projects of any size. It has been used in more than 400,000 facilities all over the world — from student campuses, hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings, to such large investment projects as the Changi airport in Singapore and the new third terminal of the airport in Dubai," says Marcin Płoski, Vice President, Business Development.


"What makes us stand out against competition and what our partners emphasise is: universality, convenience, and easy operation. These three features mean that implementing iSMA solutions in a building is easier, faster, and cheaper. For example, using iSMA-B-FCU fan coil units configured with DIP switches in the Argon building has reduced the time of engineering works by 70%," emphasises Tomasz Bal, Vice President, Product Design. "We hope that collaboration with such partners as Torus will still grow. A factor that may attract new investors is the BTL Certificate achieved for our MINI and MIX I/O modules. We are the first Polish producer to meet strict and high quality BACnet standards. It means that Global Control 5 offers one of the most open and flexible solutions available in the market because our I/O modules can communicate with other products. Thus, a client is not limited to one type of product only. This creates an enormous value for us as a producer as well as for our clients," adds Adam • Półgrabia, President of the Board, Global Control 5.


temperature in their surroundings and they can open a window as well. Systems implemented in the building allow a 45% reduction in non-drinking water use. Water-efficient toilet and urinal equipment also contributes to the reduced use of non-drinking-water by at least 50%. The building’s facade provides high-level protection against heat energy loss thanks to materials with high thermal properties and specially designed structure of aluminium profiles and accessories. Numerous energy efficient solutions were implemented: energy efficient light fittings, presence sensors, efficient building equipment and systems, as well as an HVAC system. With the BMS system and meters and submeters, it is possible to monitor the current utility consumption and capture the “sources” of higher consumption of electricity, water or heat. As the building was under construction, the developers implemented an erosion and sedimentation plan to prevent the spread of pollution to the neighbouring land plots and an air quality management plan during construction works. Construction waste segregation allowed reusing more than 75% of waste. The designer of the entire Alchemia complex is APA Wojciechowski Architekci from Warsaw. The LEED consultant is VvS | Architects & Consultants. The complex Building Management System (BMS) was developed primarily on the basis of iSMA solutions proposed by Global Control 5 – a Polish producer of building automation equipment. The Argon building was equipped with: – 1200 iSMA-B-FCU-HL controllers for all the FCUs in the building, which are intended for maintaining room comfort, – 660 fully personalised iSMA-B-LP wall panels for local operation of FCUs, – 2200 iSMA-TE-DP temperature sensors for ongoing monitoring of room temperature, – 60 iSMA-B-AAC20 freely programmable DDC controllers for controlling various building systems,

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Pearls of the Polish Economy



n NATO countries, the leading military hospital plays an important role in the whole country’s security system. This is where top officials and other VIP patients are treated, along with servicemen and functionaries wounded or injured on duty. Such a place is usually an important training centre for medical professionals and a major R&D centre, like the legendary Walter Reed National Medical Center in the US. Similar centres exist in most NATO countries. In Poland this role is performed by the Military Institute of Medicine – the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defence in Warsaw, popularly known as the Szaserów Street hospital. The hospital is one of the largest multi-ward health care establishments in Poland where consultants are available to deal with some of the most difficult cases referred from other hospitals. It is a very large facility. The total volume of buildings is almost 445,000 cubic metres, while the total area is 120,000 square metres. The annual water, electricity and heat consumption equals to that of 2,500-3,000 average households. More than 3,000 medical professionals in some thirty clinics and ten diagnostic and therapeutic units provide medical care for some 65,000 patients each year. The Szaserów Street military hospital develops dynamically. It modernises its clinics and expands its medical R&D potential, which is already among Poland’s most advanced. Servicemen and civilians who work for the Military Institute of Medicine served in missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots. They have decided to transfer the priceless knowledge they gained in combat situations to Poland. According to analysts, you can streamline a hospital’s operations by introducing solutions developed in battlefield medicine where there is a chronic shortage of specialists, too little time and where there are too many patients with serious and very serious wounds and injuries. Each year 3,000,000 Poles are injured in accidents. 300,000 of them need to be hospitalised. Injuries are one of the three most common causes of sudden deaths in Poland. To improve these tragic statistics, thirteen Trauma Centres have been set up in this country. The largest one of them operates at the Military Institute • of Medicine.

Poland’s unique "hybrid operating theatre" where cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, neurosurgeons and orthopaedists can perform operations at the same time. The facility is part of one of Poland’s most advanced centres of invasive diagnostics and treatment of heart diseases.

The scale of the Military Institute of Medicine

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IMPROVING THE PRESENT BUILDING THE FUTURE CNH Industrial is a global leader in the capital goods sector that, through its various businesses, designs, produces and sells agricultural and construction equipment, trucks, commercial vehicles, buses and specialty vehicles in addition to a broad portfolio of powertrain applications. Present in all major markets worldwide, CNH Industrial is focused on expanding its presence in high-growth markets, including through joint ventures. Sustainability is an integral part of CNH Industrial’s DNA. It characterizes the company at every level, from the products it designs and produces, to the suppliers and components it uses, the facilities and local communities in which it operates and its 62,800 employees. Sustainable business is the key to building the future and as the Industry Leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the last seven years, CNH Industrial is playing its small part. www.cnhindustrial.com

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Pearls of the Polish Economy

WE WORK IN TUNE WITH OUR CLIENTS’NEEDS RAFAŁ PIETRASINA, President, Anwim S.A., talks with "Polish Market". You have found yourselves among the best companies included in the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking. What has contributed to your dynamic growth and excellent results in recent years? If you’ve been watching our company’s position in the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking in the past few years, you can notice that each year we move up higher and higher in the ranking. It means that the company’s development strategy we adopted several years ago is a correct one. It is not possible to define priorities unless you have a good grasp of the market and of the mechanisms that govern it. Anwim S.A. celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. Over this period of time we have managed to find out all there is to know about the Polish fuel sector, to identify likely pitfalls and to gauge market needs. But translating this knowledge into a plan of action is merely half the success. Such dynamic development and good results would not have been possible without hard work and commitment on the part of our workers. PM

One of the most recognisable features of the company is the MOYA brand, a network of filling stations scattered all over the country. Are you planning to expand it? And what are your plans for the nearest future in general? Of course, we are planning to consistently and dynamically develop the MOYA filling stations chain. You could call it our priority PM

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project. When we drafted a five-year network expansion plan three years ago, we adopted a target of 250 stations by end-2019, 50 of which are to be our own stations. 2017 turned out to be a record year in terms of chain development dynamics. By mid-2017 we had crossed the 150 station mark in Poland. Before the end of the year, 170 in total will be in operation. By end-November we had opened more than 30 stations, 13 of which are our own stations. Two of these are automatic and one is Poland’s first hybrid MOYA station, which offers both complete services for retail clients and the possibility of fast, automatic refuelling for fleet operators. We have two years to go to achieve our target of 250 stations. This means that we need to speed up work on expanding the chain. The filling station market is dominated by big brands. To be competitive you need a very clear strategy. In what way do you attract customers to your stations and how do you compete for your market position? It’s true that the Polish filling station market is very competitive, not just because of the strong position of the biggest players but also in terms of fast-changing expectations of our clients. We constantly study the needs of customers and listen to what they have to say, to be able to adjust the range of services available at our stations. On the other hand, we watch and analyse the competition’s every move. Based on these analyses, we decide which solutions are worth testing in our chain. We are determined PM

to follow the latest trends to keep up our image of a dynamic, modern and rapidly growing fuel chain. We realise that even successful strategies cannot work forever. They must evolve as the chain develops. They must constantly be revised and updated, and not just once a year or so. New ideas keep coming up and must be put to the test. Our own stations are a perfect testing ground for new ideas because they allow us to find out what customers expect of us in different locations and in terms of different options. But MOYA stations are only part of your activities. What else is Anwim involved in? Are you planning to venture into fresh fields? The company’s equally important field of activity is wholesale distribution and sales of fuels in Poland. We have our own fleet of tanker trucks. We offer comprehensive logistical and transport services for wholesalers and filling stations. Besides, we offer distribution tanks for transport companies and we also operate tyre sales and service points. Naturally, all the time we develop our range of services for filling stations. Our longstanding co-operation with leading producers of filling station infrastructure allows us to provide stations with everything they need. In this area we also follow our clients’ expectations. We discuss those needs which are not yet catered for in order to possibly expand our range of services in the future. We do not exclude any scenarios. • PM

Pearls of the Polish Economy

THE COMPANY’S SUCCESS: STEADY AND STABLE DEVELOPMENT Polisa-Życie TU S.A. Vienna Insurance Group is a brand with a longstanding tradition. It has been present in Poland since 1995. Over the years the company has built a strong sales network which offers clients professional, comprehensive services. It is a firm which listens to its clients and thus enjoys their confidence.


olisa- Życie offers a range of innovative insurance products in response to the needs of the insurance market. Its line of products is based on traditional life insurance. It specialises in products addressed to medium-sized enterprises. It also has a wide range of products for individual clients. At any time, the offer can be adjusted to the needs and financial capabilities of clients and the changing economic circumstances. According to President Wiesław Szermach, the company’s strategy, which has been consistently implemented for years now, consists in steady and stable development. Year by year, the company achieves better and better financial results, which serves as proof of the success of the adopted strategy. "It gives me a lot of satisfaction that yet another time we have received the title of the Pearl of the Polish Economy in the ranking of Polish companies for the consistent implementation of our policies and strategy, and that we are one of the leaders among the most dynamic and efficient companies in Poland," Wiesław Szermach says. "Success is down to a number of things, but people are the most important, a professional, committed team is the foundation. Polisa- Życie builds new insurance portfolios, making sure that they are quality and competitive products our clients are satisfied with." The portfolio includes a number of group insurance programmes. Among these is Super Gwarancja, a product addressed to firms of different size and structure, operating in all market sectors (commerce, manufacturing and services) in the small and medium-sized enterprise sector. The programme offers insurance cover not just to employees but also their family members in case of emergency or unforeseen circumstances. It enables the policy holder to increase cover through purchasing additional options in case of accident and illness, hospital stay, disability or serious illness of the insured and family members. The programme offers an option to continue insurance cover in case of contract termination. It is one of the most popular insurance programmes in the SME sector. The product was nominated for an award in the Teraz Polska (Poland Now) competition organised by the Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation. Another innovative product is the Grupa+ insurance policy. It is very flexible, offering

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twenty options which vary in terms of payment size depending on the type of risk, and premium size. The innovative formula enables the insurer to adjust the cover to the client’s family, health and financial circumstances. "When it comes to the creation of new products, our strength lies in the ability to rapidly adjust what we offer to changing economic circumstances, President Szermach explains. "Clients have constant and full access to information and are able to monitor the state of their finances. We are a strong brand with many years of tradition. Polisa - Życie TU SA VIG has built a strong national sales network, which offers clients professional and comprehesive services through 16 regional sales offices, 32 branches and a network of over 2,000 insurance agents, whose number is steadily growing. More than 240,000 clients have placed their trust in us, which we regard as an obligation". •

The flexible and advanced product range and personal approach to clients have won the company numerous awards, including: • Super Wictoria 2015 Company of the 25th Anniversary of Polish Transformation – Entrepreneurs Quality Mark; • Large Pearl of the Polish Economy prize awarded by "Polish Market" and the SGH Warsaw School of Economics; • Nomination of the Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation Teraz Polska in the Financial Services category for Super Gwarancja Group Life Insurance with Investment Fund Option; • Quality Certificate 2017; • VIP Company statuette awarded to the best financial companies on the Polish market; • Rynki Inwestycyjne Gold Medal statuette for professional services of a company enjoying public trust. We are united by a sense of security.

Anna Arwaniti

The companyʼs activities are based around imports, exports and wholesale

distribution of fuel products and their derivatives. Our offer includes traditional fuels, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and biofuels.

Our longstanding experience in international trade in petrochemicals and their logistics, both in terms of overland and sea transport, allows us to offer instant

solutions to problems that may arise. This gives us a definite competitive edge. We are able to ensure continuity, timely deliveries and competitive prices.

OUR VALUES: team of experienced employees timely deliveries safety competitive wholesale prices loyalty toward business partners


PETRAX TRADE S.A. ul. R. Tagore 3/9 02-647 Warszawa SHARE CAPITAL: 2 000.000 pln petraxtradesa@petrax.com.pl tel. +48 22 648 95 98


HIGH TRAVEL COMFORT MAREK CHRANIUK, President, PKP Intercity, talks to "Polish Market". In 2016, PKP Intercity had a 13% market share measured in terms of the number of passengers. It was the country’s fourth largest train operator. Does this result reflect the position of PKP Intercity or is it the starting point for further development? 2016 was a record year for PKP Intercity. We achieved the highest rail transport revenue in the company’s history amounting to PLN 1.77 billion, 24% up on the previous year. Moreover, for the first time in many years, a surplus was achieved. In 2015 our deficit was in the range of PLN 56.8 million, while in 2016 the surplus amounted to PLN 48.4 million. Year on year this meant a revenue increase of PLN 105.2 million. The results in terms of the number of passengers were also very good. In 2016 passenger levels were expected to reach the figure of 37 million. But the actual number of passengers was 38.5 PM

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million, 7.3 million more than the year before. In 2017 a further growth in the number of passengers has been recorded. In the 10 months to the end of October the number was 36 million, over 12% up on the corresponding period of 2016. According to the latest UTK (Rail Transport Office) report, PKP Intercity currently occupies the third spot in terms of passenger numbers. The summer months saw record numbers of passengers travelling by Intercity trains. More than 12.4 million passengers used our services between June and August. The 2017 forecast is 39.2 million passengers, but we are hoping for even more. These figures demonstrate that passengers are again deciding to pick train travel and that PKP Intercity has achieved a stable financial position. In recent years the company has worked hard to regain its clients by convincing them that train travel can be comfortable, fast, safe and attractively priced.

We have also focused on optimising costs and management to produce the best financial results possible. We have managed to achieve this goal, too. Now fresh challenges are ahead of us. We need to maintain the upward trend, to develop our services and to keep the company growing. What’s the recipe for success on the difficult rail transport market? We managed to regain the passengers we once lost by investing in comfortable train travel, professional customer services and a well-developed network of rail links. We are now able to offer passengers convenient rail connections both within Poland and to neighbouring countries. Of late, the offer of direct links to destinations in Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania was expanded. We are also trying to increase the number of connections through the efficient use of rolling PM


stock and keeping it in motion at all times. Besides, trains running between the biggest cities are the most modern with all the amenities, including comfortable seats, electric sockets, catering, baby changing and disabled facilities. Modern trains suffer fewer breakdowns, which means that they run on time and it makes it easier to optimise their use. Moreover, we focus on providing professional services every step of the way, from booking tickets to actual travel to handling unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather. We do our best to get ready for particularly busy periods such as holidays, long week-ends, winter and summer breaks. Several months ahead of peak travel periods we analyse possible risks and take steps to minimise them. During periods when we expect very large passenger flows, we mobilise all our resources. We introduce mobile attendants to offer information to passengers at railway stations. We increase the numbers of conductors on trains. We lay on extra cars at key stations to be used in case of breakdowns, we add extra trains and we step up customer support services. It is a very complex logistical operation which requires plenty of co-ordination and commitment on the part of our staff. But we can observe that it all does bring good results. A lot has changed since PKP Intercity was set up in 2001. What are your next challenges in the coming years and what major investments are you planning? Ahead of us are major challenges: to maintain demand to ensure conditions for the company’s further development. To develop our network of connections and to carry even more passengers we must acquire even more modern rolling stock. That is why in the next few years we are planning to invest several billion zlotys in upgrading our rolling stock. We want to modernise several hundred cars, dozens of locomotives and buy modern electric multiple units. Our intention is to ensure high travel comfort and shorter travel times on a vast proportion of PKP Intercity trains in a few years’ time. PM

In a passenger survey, the quality of PKP Intercity services was given an average 5.8 mark on a 7 degree scale. What do passengers pay attention to and what is most important for them? The highest marks were given to Express InterCity Premium trains. Some 85% of passengers were happy with the friendly and helpful service provided by teams of conductors. Eight out of ten travellers had words of praise for Quiet Zones on Pendolino trains. Some 80% of those surveyed were satisfied with the level of on-board safety and 75% were PM

happy with the ticket booking process. The level of passenger satisfaction was influenced to the greatest extent by travel comfort, travel time, punctuality, cleanliness and available information. Factors contributing to travel comfort included booking of seats, the number of passengers in a compartment, comfortable seats, availability of power sockets and the possibility to set temperature levels. Passenger satisfaction surveys are periodically conducted by the PKP Group and are an important source of information for us. On the one hand, we receive a clear signal what travellers expect and what we can improve. On the other, the results provide motivation to our crews. Teams of conductors are genuinely pleased that passengers appreciate their commitment. Quiet Zones have been recently introduced in your trains. Where did the idea come from and what’s the passengers’ reaction to them? Quiet Zones have been around in west European countries for a number of years now. They are available on Czech, German and Austrian trains. Suggestions to introduce this solution on PKP Intercity trains came from passengers themselves. Passenger surveys confirmed that more than half of travellers thought it was a good idea. So we decided to meet their expectations. In April 2016 we introduced the Quiet Zone on Express InterCity Premium trains. It is worth adding that we are the first Polish carrier to launch this kind of service. We have observed that passengers are happy to travel in a Quiet Zone. Positive opinions on this solution were also expressed by travellers who took part in last year’s PKP Group survey. Eight in 10 said they were satisfied with the fact that Quiet Zones were available on Pendolino trains. This goes to show that it’s worth listening to what travellers have to say. PM

According to the latest news about PKP Intercity services, new online booking services are being introduced. What does it mean for travellers? Online tickets are very popular among travellers. This year, by the end of October 2017, over 40% of passengers bought their ticket online using the intercity.pl site or the mobile app. For this reason, we keep developing the online booking system. This year we have introduced tickets with different discounts as part of a single transaction. For a month now it has also been possible to book transfer tickets. Additionally, passengers can use out website to check seat availability. It is displayed next to each connection by means of clearly described icons. The latest additions significantly improve the comfort of travel planning. • PM

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WE ALSO HAVE A MISSION TO FULFIL WŁODZIMIERZ STASIAK, Vice-President of the Management Board, BGK Nieruchomości, talks with "Polish Market".

What role do you as BGK Nieruchomości, play in the Mieszkanie dla Rozwoju housing programme? In addition to its commercial activities, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego BGK, as a state development bank, has a mission to fulfil. BGK supports investment funds, while BGK Nieruchomości is an asset manager for those funds which are invested in housing projects. We are currently managing two funds of this type. One is a rental housing fund, which was established with a view to creating an institutional market for renting flats in Poland. The other fund is currently in the process of changing its strategy and name. Its new name will be Fundusz Sektora Mieszkań dla Rozwoju. It will focus on the commercial aspect of the Mieszkanie Plus (Home Plus) governmental programme. The residential rental needs of the Polish population are largely unmet. It remains a market with a high percentage of owner-occupiers, and institutional rental housing only accounts for about 5% of all homes in Poland. About 10% more, representing public housing developments that are owned by local government units, should be added to this category. Still, the total for Poland is less than 15%, while the European average is about 25%. In such countries as Germany, Switzerland and Austria, this accounts for over a half of the residential market. There are certain cultural determinants which make Poles want to have their own homes. Today, looking at highlydeveloped countries and taking into account the economic and social conditions, this model of meeting housing needs might be suboptimal to many people. Purchasing your own home often restricts your professional mobility, and people are often unable to move to a different place for a new job. The burden of mortgage loan instalments might also pose a serious problem. PM

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Senior housing, which is especially adapted to the needs of older people, is almost non-existent in Poland, but this issue is being increasingly discussed. Today, older people usually suffer for two reasons. Firstly, they often own large flats which are a huge financial burden. This might be connected with energy poverty, which means that such people are often unable to cover the costs of heating their large homes. Furthermore, it is often the case that older people live alone in public housing flats which are too large for their needs, making these flats unavailable to young families who have much bigger needs. It would be optimal if elderly people occupied much smaller flats located in specially-designed buildings. This would reduce their costs of living and facilitate the effective provision of social services to them. This problem also stems from our cultural determinants and attachment to flats. Older people often have difficulty maintaining their flats, while young people lack a good place to live. This sounds very optimistic. We believe that we can trigger a remarkable synergy. Young people would find support in their older neighbours, who would help them, for example, in taking care of their children, and elderly people would be able to count on the assistance of young people. Of course, specific architectural and urban planning solutions supporting the formation of such micro-communities must be introduced for this to work. PM

What is the current housing situation in Poland? It is disastrous. There is an oft-quoted statistic that Poland has 365 homes per every 1,000 residents. In the European Union, the corresponding figure is 440/1000. I prefer to use a different statistic, which is the average floor area per capita. This is 26-27 square metres per person, but this statistic is very misleading. It PM

is overstated by the inclusion of single-family houses in villages and small towns. Indeed, residents of big cities find this figure surprising. We are well aware that, nowadays, young families can barely afford to buy a 30-40 square metre flat, yet, according to European standards, 2030 metres should be the floor area available per one person. If we consider the standard minimum family model which ensures the succession of generations, which is 2+2, these numbers are highly inadequate. What is the role of the Mieszkanie Plus programme? The strategy is a large document, nearly half of which is composed of statistical data and their review, and the other half constitutes 9 groups of measures to amend this disturbing situation. Out of the said 9 groups, 3 groups were separated to form the Mieszkanie Plus programme. PM

What is the current stage of implementation of Mieszkanie Plus? What have you achieved already? As BGK Nieruchomości, we have started implementing the pilot programme to build the first 1200 flats. This has been in progress for over a year now. The construction cycle in Poland is about 1.5 years, so these flats will soon be ready. Actually, we are developing solutions to shorten the construction cycle and make it more effective. First tenants will be moving in in the first quarter of 2018. We have already issued our first decisions granting 258 flats in Jarocin to a lot of families. Similar decisions are soon to be issued for our project in Biała Podlaska. Our business model is very flexible, as we are committed to the idea of building as many flats of this type as we can. For this reason, we take various forms of implementation into account. We cooperate with other entities, including local government bodies, as in the case of • Biała Podlaska. PM

Food Industry

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Pearls of the Polish Economy



(This paper contains references to E. Mączyńska, Funkcje państwa w kształtowaniu ładu społeczno-gospodarczego [State functions in shaping the socio-economic order] (in:) W. Jarmołowicz, D. Piątek (eds.), Państwo wobec wolności gospodarczej. Teoria i praktyka transformacji [The State in the face of economic freedom. The theory and practice of transformation], Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, Poznań 2015; and, Państwo w warunkach rewolucji informacyjnej [The State during the information revolution], Biuletyn PTE 2016, no. 3.)

PROF. ELŻBIETA MĄCZYŃSKA, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, President of the Polish Economic Society


ne of the most controversial issues in contemporary economy is the role of the State, including the relationship between the State and the market. Since the 1970s, the majority of Western economies have conformed to neoliberalism, which has reduced the role of the State in the economy to the minimum. In the times of Reaganomics and Thatcherism, this doctrine was strongly advocated 1. However, the financial crisis which hit the USA in 2007-2008, and whose consequences have continued to affect the global economy to this day, has challenged the validity of this doctrine. And this, in turn, has raised questions about the agenda behind the efforts to advocate it. This paper argues that, while in such cases there are many agendas in play, including in particular the ploys of big corporations, a significant role has been played by the distortion of the ideas associated with classical Smithian liberalism, and some oversimplified assumptions made in the neoclassical economy, e.g. in relation to the roles of the State and the market. This has led to the extensive degeneration of the 1 Ronald Reagan, inaugural speech, "Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem" http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/125769-ronald-reaganprzemowienie-inauguracyjne-rzad-nie-jest-lekarstwemz-tej-prostej-przyczyny-ze-to-on-stanowi-problem.

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global economy, including the extremely uneven distribution of wealth, and growing social inequality. As a result, the dramatic and rapid material progress in the contemporary world, which has been manifested in the ever-growing range of available goods and services, has failed to translate into a sufficient improvement in our quality of life. In fact, in some areas this quality has actually been deteriorating. Even affluent countries and societies have been experiencing negative social phenomena, such as worsening social relationships, a rise in various harmful addictions and their associated diseases, which are taking their toll on social health and functioning, a growing sense of loneliness and insecurity, terrorism, a rise in suicide rates, the erosion of democracy, etc. This is being compounded by various environmental threats associated with a negligent approach to the protection of the natural environment. Paradoxically, these negative phenomena are not being successfully contained, despite the advancement of science and modern technologies. On the contrary, these problems seem to be getting worse. They were identified already back in the 1960s by Erich Fromm, American psychologist and philosopher, who argued that “20th-century man is an aberration”2. Fromm asked “What has made everything evidently start to fall apart?” He 2 E. Fromm, O byciu człowiekiem [On being human], Vis-a-Vis Etiuda, Kraków, 2013

argued that “People have become gatherers and users. ‘Having’ and ‘using’ have become more central to life that ‘being’. This way, means, or material goods, (...) have become an end. Before, people used to go after means to a better life that supported human dignity”. In other words, “People are dead, long live things”. These unfavourable trends can also be accurately described by the words of Albert Einstein, who said back in 1946: “I believe that the abominable deterioration of ethical standards stems primarily from the mechanization and depersonalization of our lives — a disastrous byproduct of science and technology. Nostra Culpa!” The contemporary world, with its many dysfunctions and global imbalances, seems to support those claims. Therefore, it seems reasonable to ask who, and to what degree, is to blame for that Nostra Culpa (our fault); and, to what degree, if any, such problems and barriers to socio-economic growth can be counteracted in the foreseeable future; and, last but not least, what the role of the State is in this process. These questions are addressed in recent publications by the Polish Economic Society (http://www.ksiazkiekonomiczne.pl/), and the efforts associated with preparations for the 10th Congress of Polish Economists to be held in 2019. •


EY: POLISH COMPANIES THEN AND NOW Private firms are of fundamental importance for the Polish economy. They generate about three fourths of the Gross Domestic Product. However, Poland is a country with a relatively modest number of companies, while a major share of them operate on a tiny scale. It would be very beneficial for the Polish economy if the average size of companies were to match that of the rest of the EU, namely if some micro firms were to become small businesses. This change would allow Poland’s GDP to increase by 2.7%, according to an EY report entitled "Polish companies then and now. The sources of success and fresh challenges." Polish companies play a growing role in world markets. Their role in global value chains is also changing. What entrepreneurs increasingly regard as the key obstacle in their development is a shortage of qualified workers.


nalysing available data and information, and drawing on the experience of winners of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year programme, consulting firm EY has drawn up a report entitled "Polish companies then and now. The sources of success and fresh challenges." The report describes conditions in which companies have operated in recent years, crucial trends which have shaped this sector and factors that determine the competitiveness of Polish firms.

PRIVATE FIRMS – THE FOUNDATION OF THE POLISH ECONOMY "The success of the Polish economy in the past couple of decades is primarily owed to dynamic private enterprises. Since the beginning of the market transformation process, they have constituted the foundation of the private sector, whose significance for the Polish economy has been growing steadily over that period," says Jacek Kędzior, EY Managing Partner. Private companies play a key role in the economy. They produce and supply most of the goods and services used by consumers. They employ a vast proportion of the working population. According to estimates, Poland has some 4.8 million active private firms which generate almost three fourths of the GDP.

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Since the start of market transformations in 1989, the role of the private sector in creating added value in the Polish economy has been growing significantly – up from 60.3% in 1995 to 80.2% in 2015. A key role in this process has been played by companies with a dominant participation of foreign capital. They have accounted for most of the growth generated by the private sector in this respect.


Poland is characterised by a very high proportion of micro firms in the overall number of enterprises. "The vast majority of Polish businesses are micro firms, which could serve as proof of the enterprising spirit of Polish people. However, when it comes to their productivity compared to larger firms in Poland, it is the lowest in the EU," says Marek Rozkrut, EY Partner and Chief economist. Micro firms outside the financial sector, which employ fewer than nine workers, account for a very large proportion of Poland’s working population. Conversely, small businesses, which employ between 10 and 49 workers, account for the lowest proportion of those gainfully employed compared to the EU average. "If the structure of the Polish micro and small business sector were to become similar to the EU average, namely if some micro firms were to become small businesses, based on a simplified simulation, Poland’s GDP could increase by as much as 2.7%," Marek Rozkrut adds.


FOREIGN DEMAND GENERATES MOST OF GDP GROWTH Internationalisation has been one of the most important trends in the activities of Polish firms in recent years. Since 1995, the openness of the Polish economy, measured in terms of the export value to GDP ratio, has grown by leaps and bounds – up from under 29% to over 52%. The vast majority of exports is generated by companies with a dominant share of foreign capital, even though in the 2011-2016 period Polish private companies increased their exports at a rate slightly higher than that of foreign companies. "Polish companies play a more and more significant role in world markets. More and more of them no longer operate as subcontractors for multinationals. The share of final products in exports is growing, which means that Polish companies increasingly manufacture end-products. The share of services in Polish exports is also growing considerably, which points to the growing share of highly qualified workers," Jacek Kędzior says. Poland’s integration into international value chains has been very dynamic in the past two decades. The share of exported added value in total added value generated in Poland increased from 16% in 1995 to as much as 34% in 2014. This means that Poland is among countries which are the most strongly integrated in global production chains, and that foreign demand has accounted for most of Poland’s GDP growth this century.

FROM LOW LABOUR COSTS TO INNOVATION While before the global financial crisis, most entrepreneurs said in a survey that pricing was the most important factor of their competitive edge, by 2014 the share of those who still thought so had shrunk to a mere 15%. In recent years the percentage of entrepreneurs who thought slashing prices was the best way to beat competition has declined steadily. "Poland is among countries which are in a transition phase between investment-driven growth and innovation-driven growth. That is why it will be crucial for companies to create unique value for their clients based on innovation,"Jacek Kędzior says. Regrettably, just a small proportion of Polish firms is involved in innovation. At 0.5%, Polish companies’ R&D spending in relation to GDP in 2015 was much lower than the EU average of 1.3%. The percentage of Polish enterprises which consistently pursued R&D activities was also far lower than the EU average.

LABOUR SHORTAGES HINDER DEVELOPMENT OF FIRMS "The results of numerous surveys conducted among entrepreneurs demonstrate mounting problems caused by a shortage of especially qualified workers. Even though entrepreneurs do not yet regard it as a key obstacle, a number of phenomena discussed in the EY report ‘Polish companies then and now. The sources of success and fresh challenges’ point to a structural change which will pose more and more of a problem for companies in the future," Marek Rozkrut says. Challenges posed by the labour market will be compounded by negative demographic trends. In 2015 the ratio of people in gainful employment to over-65s was 4.2. According to demographic projections, by 2060 the situation in this respect is expected to deteriorate in all EU

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Polish enterprises yesterday and today in numbers Number of business entities (excluding individual farms)

Openness of the Polish economy (exports-to-GDP ratio)






2.06 million


4.10 million Employed persons in the private sector

1995 r. 8.4


2016 r.

12.4 million

Industries with the largest share of employed persons in the private sector (2016)





trade and repair of motor vehicles


agriculture, forestry and fishing

of value added in Poland in 2015 was generated by private enterprises, including:

domestic enterprises


foreign enterprises


2.7% by this amount Poland’s GDP would have been higher if the employment structure was such as the average in the EU (i.e. if more people in Poland were working in small enterprises instead of working in microenterprises).

countries, but in Poland this trend is expected to be one of the most alarming. The ratio of those aged 20-64 to those over 65 is to be just 1.5. Tax regulations are also frequently quoted as major obstacles hampering the development of companies. Entrepreneurs most frequently give poor or very poor marks to tax law regulations and procedures (60% of companies), followed by the way legal institutions handle business cases (43%) and public administration’s supervision of business activities (38%.) "To successfully compete both at home and on world markets, both Polish entrepreneurs and agencies and organisations that support them, should seek structural solutions to the following issues: how to increase investment outlays; how to back the expansion of Polish firms in global markets; how to move up the value chain based on qualitative factors; how to increase the economic activity of Polish people; and how to develop a system of solutions to boost the growth potential of micro firms," Jacek Kędzior says in conclusion. "Not forgetting the need to take steps to streamline tax regulations and related administrative burdens, which should contribute to removing obstacles which stand in the way of development." •


INSTITUTE OF AVIATION SPACE HIT The ILR-33 Bursztyn (Amber) rocket, developed by the Institute of Aviation, and using innovative eco-propulsion, underwent a test flight on the Drawsko Pomorskie military range in October. The test proved a success. PROF. PIOTR WOLAŃSKI, head of the Committee of Space and Satellite Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, tells Marcin Haber about the details of the project. First of all, please accept my congratulations. This successful test is important primarily because of the propulsion system used in the rocket. Could you elaborate on this solution? Various propulsion systems are used in rockets. Some use liquid oxygen and kerosene, others liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. There are also eco-propulsion systems, but they are used in much larger rockets. At the Institute of Aviation we are working on the construction of engines which can propel small rockets and satellites. Until now, systems based on hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide have been in use. However, they tend to be corrosive and highly toxic. The European Union has come up with an initiative to replace these toxic propellants with other substances. The problem with known fuels such as liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen is that they cannot be stored for a longer period of time because they evaporate. That is why hydrazine and its derivatives are used as fuel and nitrogen tetroxide as an oxidant which can be stored for years. However, one of the crews of a US spacecraft returning from the Moon suffered a mild poisoning when a fuel tank developed a leak. Ground crews working with this fuel must wear special protective suits. The use of these fuels is thus expensive and dangerous. It seems that the best substitute is hydrogen peroxide. It has been used for some time now but its concentration was low, around PM

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80%, and it contained plenty of contaminants. Consequently, this compound tended to spontaneously decompose, causing explosions. At the Institute of Aviation doctor Rarata and doctor Surmacz developed a technology of purifying hydrogen peroxide to obtain a very highly concentrated product, up to 99.9%. And this means it is much safer to use as fuel… Precisely. The less contamination, the less of a chance of spontaneous decomposition. The risk of explosion is minimised. Such highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide has never been used in rocket engines before. To achieve this, we had to develop special catalysts which promote decomposition. PM

Could you shed some light on how propulsion is obtained in a rocket engine using hydrogen peroxide? Hydrogen peroxide can serve as an oxidant. In the presence of a catalyst it decomposes to form oxygen and water vapour. It is a strongly exothermic reaction. During decomposition, temperatures of 960 Centigrade are reached. Not only do we obtain eco-friendly decomposition products but vast amounts of energy are produced as well. Hydrogen peroxide can be the sole fuel known as a monopropellant. At the Institute of Aviation and the Warsaw University of Technology we have built engines with such a propulsion system which can be used in small research satellites. PM

So in a nutshell, what’s so special about the Bursztyn rocket? Hydrogen peroxide can primarily be used as an oxidant because its decomposition produces plenty of pure oxygen. In the Bursztyn rocket, the main engine is a hybrid one in which highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide (98%) serves as an oxidant while polyethylene is the fuel. We have also developed a whole range of rocket engines using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant both in hybrid engines and in those using liquid fuel. Their sizes vary from very small to large like the one applied in the Bursztyn rocket with a thrust of some 400 kilograms. PM

How did the idea to build the ILR-33 Bursztyn rocket come about? We decided to build a rocket capable of reaching the altitude of 100 kilometres, which is conventionally used as the start of outer space, bearing a load of five kilograms. Such a rocket can serve in future as a probe to study conditions prevailing at this altitude. It is important because this altitude is too low to use for a satellite orbit and too high for a stratospheric balloon to reach. Moreover, during free flight at the altitude of 100 kilometres you achieve the state of microgravity (weightlessness). The Bursztyn rocket can thus be used for tests of new technologies such as crystallisation of some materials which in zero gravity promise to have a much better structure than during crystallisation on the Earth surface. • PM

Higher Education

11/2017 polish market





amification is regarded as one of the leading trends in marketing in the second decade of the 21st century. It appeals not only to millennials, a generation brought up in a world where the Internet and computer games were almost always present, but also to previous generations who understand the mechanisms of game engagement thanks to board games. The usage of mechanisms known from games – like, for example, plot of the game, points, leaderboards, badges and prizes– gives a motivation to work. Gamification relies on the pleasure that game user gets from challenges, even in the case of routine tasks. This takes place not only through competition, but to a large extent through cooperation with other players. Gamification has its supporters and promoters on the Polish market as well. One of the key companies in Poland is GrywIT. Its founder, Anna Jankowiak, who has dealt with gamification for eight years now, says: “Gamification works in each area of a company’s activity where results are influenced by human behaviour. Each game we design is customized and tailored to the goal our client wants to achieve, the company’s business area and its organizational culture.”

Gamification projects may give you*: 10% more satisfied clients 22% higher profits 21% higher productivity 37% fewer days of absence from work 41% fewer work accidents 41% fewer errors * Source: Gallup Institute

Answer a few questions if you want to know if gamification can be useful in your company: •

Do you want to increase goal achievement and see a rise in your employees’ productivity?

Do you want to boost effectiveness in recruitment, onboarding, the retention of the best employees (talent management), trainings, development programs, communication, knowledge sharing and cooperation?

Do you want to find the key to deal with the challenges that your company faces and to support your strategy, for example in the pro-health and work-life balance initiatives?

Would you like to integrate your team and help its members develop in a better way?

Are you interested in our trainings, mentoring, coaching and development programs?

If your answer is “yes” to at least one of these questions, there is potential for your cooperation with GrywIT! JOIN THE GAME! PLAY AND WIN!

GrywIT designs games which influence employees’ development on many areas. Flexibility is another advantage of the solutions offered by the company. “The games are placed on a modern and easy-to-use platform accessible from all mobile devices. The only requirement is Internet connection. The important thing is that the tasks are performed by the employees in a real work environment, which helps them learn the right habits and attitudes through practice” says Anna Jankowiak.

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Contact us: info@grywit.pl; +48602775961; www.grywit.pl; www.grywit.com.

ANNA JANKOWIAK – owner of GrywIT, Vice President of Innokrea & founder of Academy of Future Leaders. Singer, also on charity events, one of the best gamification experts in Poland. She founded GrywIT after 12 years of working as General Electric managing director. As a manager, she had to meet the management board's expectations, as well as having to face challenges with low employees' commitment. Traditional motivation methods failed, so in 2010 she introduced gamification to GE’s Polish branch. This helped to boost the effectiveness of individual teams by up to 300%, and generated plenty of savings. GrywIT is a proud winner of a number of awards and nominations (among others in the "Start-up of the Year" category in the "Businesswomen of the Year 2017" competition). As a recognised experts in gamification, we often give presentations at national and international conferences.



FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD ARE EMPOWERING OTHERS IN POLAND For the first time in history, enterprising and successful Polish women came to Poland from more than 20 countries worldwide to celebrate the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, and to empower others to start their own businesses.


he Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is a social movement started up in 2014 by Wendy Diamond, the originator and World Ambassador of Women’s Entrepreneurship from New York. The initiative set up by Ms Diamond is not just one day in a year, which is celebrated every year on the 19th of November, but a global social movement which promotes female entrepreneurship and supports and empowers enterprising women. This year, two Ambassadors of Women’s Entrepreneurship, Urszula Ciołeszyńska, President of the International Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors (Poland) and Kinga Langley, President of the PREMIER International Business Club (UK/USA), joined forces to launch a unique book project “Business Inspirations of Polish Women in the World”, and organised a series of events in Poland to emphasise the importance of women in business. One of the events was the Women’s Economic Forum hosted by the Ministry of Economic Development in Warsaw, where 20 successful Polish women came from various faraway locations, such as India, China, Japan, Peru, Zambia, USA, Sweden, Denmark and the UK, to share their experiences and empower others to become involved in business. Polish women who run their businesses abroad have co-authored “Business Inspirations of Polish Women in the World”, which was launched during the Woman’s Entrepreneurship Day in Warsaw and in New York. Twenty enterprising women took the challenge to share their previously unpublishied experiences, advice and tips which allowed them to live the dream, and be on the top of the world. Despite many adversities they did not give up, and proved that even in extremely difficult conditions, in a foreign country, often without money, they could make their dreams come true. Ms Angelika Możdżanowska, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and

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Government Commissioner for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, was clearly proud to say: “Your amazing energy and the stories you described can provide inspiration for many women. The achievements of Polish women in Poland and worldwide, and the way they share their experience and knowledge, can change the mindsets of other women, the men who support them, and the whole generation. This book is a true entrepreneurship bible, which should be a compulsory read across all management programmes at universities.” In her opening speech, Deputy Minister Możdżanowska also spoke about the Business Constitution, which includes legal regulations which support small companies in their business operations. Forum participants emphasised many times that their successes were the result of gritty determination to achieve their goals. They have faced many obstacles and failures on their way to the top, but, as noted by Sylwia Mokrysz from Mokate, these could always be turned into success. “For many years, my personal experiences have shown me that women could be doing much more in business than they are now. This sense of untapped potential is a strong motivator for me to support others. I believe that we should be taking every opportunity to change this situation in order to unlock the huge potential women have,” Ms Mokrysz added. The Woman’s Entrepreneurship Day is also a great opportunity to appreciate successful businesswomen who have provided inspiration to others. The organisers prepared a grand gala at the Sofitel Victoria Hotel, which was attended by more than 500 guests from the worlds of business, media, diplomacy and science. During the event 40 Polish businesswomen received 2017 Woman’s Enterpreneurship Ambassador statuettes, prestigious awards for remarkable Polish women who have achieved business success in Poland or abroad, and provided support • and encouragement to others.

During the gala, a statuette of the Women's Entrepreneurship Ambassador 2017 was also received by Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President and Editorin-Chief of "Polish Market". "Appreciating personal successes both in professional work and in public activities, we would like to offer our congratulations and present you with this statuette. You are a model and inspiration for others. You perfectly fit in with our motto 'You can achieve successes - be a model for others,' said Urszula Ciołeszyńska, President of the Federation of Associations of the "International Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, Ambassador of the World Women’s Entrepreneurship Day in Poland.

Powerful Businesswoman


Mokate has supported women for many years, both as an employer and as a patron of various initiatives taken by women on the local and international scales. On 17 November Ms Sylwia Mokrysz, Mokate's Commercial Representative, took part in the Polish celebration of the International Women's Entrepreneurship Day as a Women's Entrepreneurship Ambassador and co-author of “Business Inspirations of Polish Women in the World.”


omen’s Entrepreneurship Day (WED) is an event summarising the all-year women’s support campaign. The WED initiative is a social movement aimed at empowering businesswomen in the world. Women account for over 50% of the global population, and their entrepreneurial potential is hugely untapped. In Poland the WED initiative is officially represented by the Federation of Associations of the International Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, which on 17 November organised the Polish celebration of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day. The Women’s Economic Forum, which took place at the HQ of the Ministry of Economic Development, Warsaw, was the first event of WED. Along with an interesting digital networking, communication and mediation programme, 20 Polish women who are currently living in different countries, and who jointly authored a book entitled “Business Inspirations of Polish Women in the World” (published in both Polish and English), appeared on stage to talk about their success stories. One of the authors is Sylwia Mokrysz, Board Member of the Mokate Group, who said: “Based on my experience from a number of years, I’ve come to firmly believe that women in business could do much more than they actually do. The hugely untapped opportunities, which I’m sure are out there, give me a lot of motivation to act. I believe we should jump on every opportunity to change the current state of affairs and to release the extraordinary potential of women. For me, working on 'Business Inspirations of Polish Women in the World' was one of such opportunities. It gave me the chance to share my experience with all those who seek support for their entrepreneurial efforts. Perhaps it could also give courage to those women who are on the verge of dedicating themselves to a new business. These were sufficient reasons for me to accept the kind invitation to co-edit this useful book.” “Business Inspirations of Polish Women in the World” is a unique collection of extraordinary and inspiring business lessons which have not been published elsewhere. It features women from such countries as Japan, India, Peru, Zambia, the UAE, the UK and the United States. The idea to publish the book came from Urszula Ciołeszyńska, President of the International Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors (Poland) and Kinga Langley, President of the PREMIER International Business Club (the UK/the US). The organisers held an evening gala at the Sofitel Victoria Hotel, attended by over 500 guests from the business, media, diplomatic and scientific circles. Agata Kornhauser-Duda, the wife of the Polish President, was the honorary patron of the Women's Entrepreneurship Gala.

During the event, 40 Polish businesswomen were honoured with a prestigious statuette of the Women's Entrepreneurship Ambassador 2017. The awardees have had their successes both as professionals and social activists, providing inspirations and setting examples to follow. “I am planning to continue to fulfil my role of a Women's Entrepreneurship Ambassador in various forums in Poland and internationally. I will also seek to use media to bring down the barriers encountered by women dedicating themselves to business. I am obviously aware that entrepreneurship is one of the many ways of empowering women, but I am also mindful that for many of them, this way is the most important and efficient,” said Ms Sylwia Mokrysz, one of the awardees. • 12/2017  polish market


Powerful Businesswoman


A GLOBAL BUSINESS LEADER Ankol is effectively combatting the stereotype of a family-run company. The company’s activities go beyond the local or domestic markets. You cooperate with multinational consortiums. On how many markets do you operate? Ankol has been operating since 1991 as a trading company in the aviation industry. It deals with domestic and foreign trade of goods and services of strategic significance to military and civil aviation. I manage the company together with my husband, my son and his wife. We specialise in the supply of spare parts, repair services, technologies and consumables. We supply, among other things, assemblies, including aircraft engines; rescue and airdrop equipment; ground handling equipment, specialist bearings, navigation and radio equipment for civil and military aircraft for domestic and foreign customers. We act as a supplier to Ministry of Defence departments around the world. Ankol operates in countries ranging from South America to the Far East. We treat our business with great responsibility, we are constantly taking up new challenges to secure the future of our company, and provide our employees with reliable and stable employment. PM

Are you planning further expansion? If so, in which direction? Which of your products enjoy the greatest global interest? We are constantly striving to ensure the company’s progress. We are strengthening our position and the trust of our contracting parties. Ankol’s operations in special trade for military and civil aviation are determined by the governmental authorisations which we hold. We perform contracts for governmental units and aircraft production and repair facilities. Our knowledge and experience on international markets has made it possible for us to create a bridge of sorts between the East and West in the exchange of new aviation PM

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ANNA KOLISZ, Vice-President, Managing Director of Ankol, talks to "Polish Market".


Powerful Businesswoman technologies. In the face of rapid political and economic changes on the global market, we are constantly adjusting Ankol’s package to the resulting needs and market opportunities. Our strategy still includes market expansion and accelerating development. We are searching for new partners, while, at the same time, working on extending our range. Furthermore, we participate in major aviation industry events worldwide. Aviation exhibitions and airshows create excellent conditions for exchanging experience and establishing new contacts. Further expansion is still a strategic objective of the company. Which products offered by Ankol are best received? How do you increase the company’s competitiveness? C. Kolisz - Ankol responds to the needs of civil and military aviation through tendering procedures. In order to be more competitive on this demanding market, we must guarantee the best quality of all the supplied products and services. The strong position of Ankol has also enabled us to obtain the representation of an American manufacturer of maintenance-free, lubrication-free bearings. These products are supplied for all aircraft types. Their uniqueness lies in the elimination of any human interference in the entire process of their use. These are technologically advanced products coated with KAron. Under an exclusive deal, we provide American bearings to Eastern Europe for the production of state-of-the-art civil aircraft. With market competitiveness in mind we are constantly improving the quality of our products and services. This is facilitated by the quality management systems we have implemented for products, services and supplies. The management systems implemented in accordance with national and international standards required of suppliers for (especially military) aviation, are audited by national and foreign certification bodies. Managing multiple projects is streamlined by modern technologies and communication and ICT systems. They not only make it easier to perform complex contracts, but also to quickly and effectively create quotations and orders. What I mean here is, among other things, the unique product database created exclusively for our purposes. The database includes around 400,000 items, and is maintained in 4 languages. It includes detailed information on aviation products for many types of aircraft. In addition, we are convinced that the due performance of our obligations strengthens trust in our business and the positive brand image. Moreover, our professional staff, who are well aware of our common objectives, constitute an extremely important link in the company’s successes. PM

Such a manner of action is appreciated by a number of organisations. Vice-President Anna Kolisz has recently been Business Personality. The company is also the 2017 Ambassador of the Polish Economy. How important are such distinctions for the company? The trophies and laurels are the result of our long-standing involvement in the development and building of a high organisational culture in the company, quality improvement and consistent achievement of the objectives we have set. The honourable awards received in Poland and abroad in the field of export, quality strategy, innovation and excellent leadership promote Poland at the international level and strengthen the brand image. Currently, Ankol is regarded as a modern, dynamic and reliable company. We have gained recognition on international markets, which is proven by distinctions from foreign expert bodies. This is also corroborated by the many prizes granted to us in the global business arena. For example, in Frankfurt Ankol received the ultimate International Arch of Europe 2017 prize during the Business Initiative Directions competition. Also in 2017, at the BIZZ AMEA 2017 in Dubai, our Company was granted the Triumph award, an Inspirational Company medal and the World Business Leader title. When building our own brand from scratch, we have created its identity and image, to make it coherent with our personalities, ideals and ambitions. Therefore, we highly value the awards granted individually, which reflect our qualities which make any business achievement possible. On 27 October, the VIP Magazine awarded us with individual VIP prizes in the 2017 Business Personality category. I would also like to add that I have received many individual distinctions recognised internationally. The most precious to me was the one awarded by the Oxford-based Europe Business Assembly. It is the magnificent Queen Victoria Commemorative Medal for courage and honouring values in business activities. So far, no other Polish woman has been awarded this medal. Striving for excellence and the set goals, I identify with the motto inscribed on the Medal – “Victory is Ours”, which not only inspires, but also motivates me to be constantly active. Another great honour for me was the invitation to become one of the Judges on the European Business Awards Jury in London, under the auspices of HSBC. We treat all the awards and distinctions as an excellent recommendation of our brand. PM

Recently, you have received the 2017 Women Entrepreneurship Ambassador Statuette. Yes. During the celebration of the World Entrepreneurs’ Day in Poland, on 17 November 2017, at a magnificent gala held in Sofitel PM

Dubai, Burj al Arab Hotel. 15 November 2017

Queen Victoria Commemorative Medal for courage and honouring values in business activities

Warsaw Victoria Hotel, I received the 2017 Women Entrepreneurship Ambassador Statuette. This distinction was granted for my involvement in the many projects initiated by the International Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors foundation. Under this international network, I have also founded the Mielec Entrepreneurship Embassy Association. The association is focused on the local promotion of the positive image of business and entrepreneurship especially, but not exclusively, among women. The objective of this social initiative is also to share knowledge of and experience in running a business. Through my involvement and activities in many fields I wish to encourage ambitious women to build their own careers and develop themselves, so they can become successful in what they do. This is a good time • for women in business. 12/2017  polish market



ONLY SERIOUS INVOLVEMENT IN NEW TECHNOLOGIES CAN PROTECT US AGAINST THE ONSET OF A MAJOR CRISIS ANNA HEJKA, Founder & Managing Partner, HCM Group, talks to “Polish Market”. You can often hear that Polish people are capable, enterprising and hard-working. So why don’t more Polish firms and ideas break ground in foreign countries? What seems to be missing? We have great scientists with amazing inventions. What is deficient is implementation i.e. innovation. Following decades of the Soviet rule, Polish firms lack: (i) confidence not only in their certainty of achieving ambitious goals, but also skills in promoting themselves, building the company’s image, effective marketing and PR; (ii) an ability to leverage cooperation due to the very low level of social capital and (iii) an understanding of a cash conversion cycle, especially among the beginning entrepreneurs. PM

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Economy At the same time, decision-makers in Poland should support the Venture Capital and Growth funds’ ecosystem in order to prevent fast-growing companies from being trapped in the Valley of Death i.e. lack of financing at the time of, often quickly growing, negative cash flows, when revenues are negligent, while operational costs are already high. We all also have to understand the difference between ‘money’ and ‘smart money’ offered by the competent management teams with global contacts. Everybody keeps saying how important innovation is and how much we need to support it. And yet Poland’s position in international rankings is very low when it comes to the registration of fresh patents and the implementation of groundbreaking new technologies. In what way can this situation be improved? Jobs, higher wages, progress of civilization and a country’s position in the world are all dependent on start-ups. These, in turn, can be founded and succeed only in a well prepared ecosystem. Delays in payments from government agencies, inflexible labor markets, high fixed costs, dire legal consequences of bankruptcy and high taxation create hurdles preventing rapid growth of investment in start-ups. The present economic boom is the second longest in contemporary history. How long before it comes to an end? Start-ups lessen the effects of recessions. Statistically, micro businesses create jobs at a rate of 20% per annum, while existing firms mostly eliminate jobs. Blockchain, profoundly changing economic and social paradigms, already transforms business models potentially leading to a disappearance of nearly 50% of traditional jobs. Only true, in-depth involvement in new technologies can protect us against the onset of a major crisis. According to Say’s law, that supply creates demand, politicians should provide (i) a consistent, transparent, rational and effective legal system; (ii) an infrastructure with universally accessible Internet, implementation of Blockchain and platforms supporting sharing and crowd-sourcing; (iii) a practical education not limited to following technological trends, but also in terms of ambitions and understanding capital markets (iv) leverage for private capital (in the next EU budget Poland will receive much lower funding, which means that we should, as quickly as possible, allow pension funds to invest in Venture Capital funds following the lead of the EU and the US where pension money amounts to almost half of capital invested in start-ups); (v) tax breaks for those investing in start-ups and creation of tax capital groups like in many countries from the UK to New PM

Zealand (vi) regulations facilitating creation of new firms, also for immigrants (special visas) (nearly 40% of tech company founders in the US and 52% in Silicon Valley are immigrants (Google, Ebay or Intel); (vii) removing obstacles – studies prove beyond any doubt that companies which receive limited funding are not successful. Pay Pal needed to raise $180 million to succeed. And it was founded and supported by the original investors in Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube and partners of one of the largest VC funds, Sequoia! The shortcut to progress is en effective use of mega trends such as, currently, Blockchain. The future has come. Poland has all the necessary attributes to emulate its online banking success from the beginning of this century. However, instead of a powerful constructive impulse, it is the voice of sceptics that resonates the strongest in public debate. Meanwhile, Japan has recognised Bitcoin and the US Ether as a legal tender. Singapore and Switzerland have created conditions for the development of other cryptocurrencies, for the benefit of, among many others, Poland’s Golem. Estonia and Dubai have decided to base their public administration on blockchain achieving billion dollar savings. HCM Group invests in new companies and innovation. What are your experiences in this respect in the Polish and world market? In what way does HCM Group support the development of innovative firms? Heyka Capital Markets Group has a unique team of experienced professionals from Poland and Silicon Valley plus advisors in the US, Israel, Europe and Asia, who have decades of experience in creating, building, managing and selling companies. We are serial entrepreneurs, specialists in the IT sector and/ or marketing, Managing Partners of Venture Capital and Private Equity funds, investment and corporate bankers, executive and supervisory board members of companies all over the world from San Francisco to Warsaw to Hong Kong. We are unique also because we finance companies from Central Europe for as long as it takes for them to become independent. We don’t leave them to their own devices once a certain limit of funding has been exhausted. Our team is deeply involved in building value of companies in our portfolio. We become an integral part of their teams, introducing corporate order and good practices, supporting growth and operational discipline. Moreover, we “open doors” for our companies to a network of corporate and institutional partners. We also offer them HR contacts on an international scale to strengthen existing teams and put them in touch with the best legal counsel facilitating expansion into any market they choose. PM

Could you point to successful investment in innovation in Poland which has already become a success or stands a good chance of succeeding? Poland Growth Fund III supports Cityglobe, a company ready to follow in footsteps of LinkedIn purchased by Microsoft for $26.2 billion. New York recognised Cityglobe as one of its best start-ups selected to represent the city at Smart City Expo in Barcelona in 2016 and 2017. Cityglobe is the world’s first and largest digital platform linking companies and cities in near-real time (it is updated every fortnight.) Among its users are New York, London and Paris. Cities account for some 85% of the world GDP and the wellbeing of national economies depends largely on the potential of their metropolitan areas, which in turn hinges on their ranking in the network of global business links. Cityglobe enables cities to strengthen their position on the global map allowing them to attract investors who create jobs, develop infrastructure and innovation centres in selected verticals. Simultaneously, Cityglobe democratizes access to practically unlimited amounts of information about cities (700 data points) available through a web browser to large and small companies. The platform enhances and speeds up the decision-making process regarding new locations by providing economic, geolocation and demographic data of cities. It facilitates contact with city authorities and start of cooperation. Have you ever heard of Johor Bahru? It’s a low-cost base for an expansion into an attractive market of Singapore, which is just one hour away from the city. PM

Integrity, creativity, team work, and above all, taking care of clients’ interests, are all part of HCM Group corporate culture. How is it all translated into day-to-day work? I have utmost respect for people, clients and companies, which translates into good teamwork that boosts creativity in achieving goals. Dishonesty is a dead-end street. As Warren Buffet said, you can’t do a good business with a bad person. I know it from experience. I want to inspire Central Europeans to believe in themselves and give them tools to conquer the world (cash, operational and HR support, global contacts, Silicon Valley and New York offices, potential entry into global distribution networks necessary for dynamic growth of their value and brand). Many times I was able to achieve goals everybody else considered impossible. I gladly participate in Supervisory and Advisory boards and give motivational speeches. During my lectures, I teach how to increase value of companies, but also how to lower cortisol, a stress hormone which impedes achieving success, and grow testosterone level to in• crease confidence. PM

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FOREIGN EXPANSION OF POLISH COMPANIES The foreign expansion of Polish companies as part of the Strategy for Responsible Development was the topic of the 16th Congress of Polish Exporters which took place in Warsaw on November 23. Debates on the directions of foreign expansion of companies and the development of exports on priority markets were held at the Ministry of Economic Development. During the Congress, awards granted by the Minister of Economic Development to the winners of the Outstanding Exporter of the Year 2017 competition and numerous other awards and distinctions for companies and people contributing to the internationalisation of the Polish economy were also presented. Maciej Proliński


y 2020, the value of Polish exports is expected to reach EUR 230-240 billion. Within this figure, food exports are to amount to EUR 32-35 billion, according to projections by the Polish Exporters Association. This organisation, which brings together over 300 companies involved in export activities and which works in partnership with over 5,000 companies representing various industries, has developed a Strategy for the export-oriented development of the economy. The Association intends to step up its support of the foreign expansion of Polish companies within the framework of the Strategy for Responsible Development. It is meant to help companies focus on markets considered as priorities and those that are the most lucrative. It is important to increase the effectiveness of both economic diplomacy and the promotion of those industries which demonstrate the highest export growth potential. Promotional activities are to focus on both EU and non-European markets. In the latter, the chances of increasing Polish exports may be higher than in the EU.

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"The Polish Exporters Association aims to increase exports through cooperation with enterprises, banks, financial institutions, government and local government bodies," the association’s Strategy reads. The idea is to allow better use of companies’ manufacturing potential, to strengthen their cooperation with research and development centres, and to streamline promotional activities in order to increase export expansion. One of the speakers at the Congress was deputy Minister of Economic Development Andżelika Możdżanowska. She congratulated the winners and spoke about the prospects for the foreign expansion of Polish companies within the framework of the Strategy for Responsible Development. She noted that the increase in the internationalisation of the Polish economy is one of the main objectives of the adopted strategy. "This success would not be achieved if it weren’t for you, your spirit of enterprise, the initiatives undertaken at home and the impulse to venture into European and world markets. Please accept my sincere congratulations for that," she said. "The Strategy for Responsible


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Mieczysław Twaróg and Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek with the Journalist of the Year 2017 medal

Development, drafted by Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, is the answer to your many suggestions, because only in this way can we build Poland’s economic growth. The improvement of external and internal business environment in 2017 allows for an optimistic forecast of this year’s export levels. This year is exceptional. The Ministry of Economic Development estimates that in 2017, Polish exports will increase by 8.7%, and that in absolute terms, they will exceed EUR 200 billion. The highest trade surplus in the 10 months to the end of October was recorded in furniture exports - approximately 6.6 billion,

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followed by vehicles and automotive parts - 4 billion, meat and offal products - nearly 2 billion, and wood and wood products - 2 billion." "But this year is unique thanks to the implementation of the Strategy for Responsible Development adopted at the beginning of the year. One of its strategic projects is a reform of the system of economic promotion. Without good promotion, there is no chance that a window of opportunity will open for us. This reform is thus very necessary and very important. Despite the significant increase in the volume of foreign trade over the last dozen years or so, more than two thirds of Polish companies do not conduct export activities and have no foreign partners. As part of foreign economic relations, most exports are bound for EU markets, while third country markets remain fairly unpopular. Therefore, it is necessary to create an instrument to allow the SME sector in particular, to break down barriers which prevent companies from expanding to foreign markets and to facilitate access to professional knowledge about these markets. Breaking down image barriers that limit the competitiveness of Polish companies abroad is a long-term process and requires the involvement of various groups of entities active in Poland's economic cooperation in the international arena - both public institutions and entrepreneurs themselves. Therefore, we must provide entrepreneurs with appropriate support instruments in the planning and implementation of medium and long-term export strategies. We must offer them support and commercial security in transactions in difficult markets," the deputy minister said. She also noted that the Ministry of Economic Development is drafting a policy of foreign expansion of Polish companies until 2020 (with an outlook toward 2030.) In the document, measures are to be proposed to create a coherent support system in this area and to increase its effectiveness. During the Congress, prizes of the Minister of Economic Development were awarded to the winners of the Outstanding Exporter of the Year 2017 competition. The contest is intended to promote companies conducting export activities and to strengthen the recognition of their brands in Poland and abroad. On behalf of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development Mateusz Morawiecki the awards were presented by Deputy Minister Andżelika Możdżanowska. The awards went to: Kasol – J.A. Kazberuk Forein Trade Enterprise in Białystok for the dynamic development of exports of wild berries and mushrooms to very demanding European and world markets, Furniture Concept Ltd. in Bartoszyce for the dynamic development of furniture exports to very difficult foreign markets which require many promotional activities to boost the buyers' interest in the company's products, Dąbrowska Fabryka Maszyn Elektrycznych Damel S.A. in Dąbrowa Górnicza for its dynamic development of exports of electric motors to very competitive European markets. A number of honorary medals for those merited for exports, congratulatory letters and Outstanding Exporter of the Year 2017 Cups, as well as congratulatory letters and Journalist the Year 2017 medals, were also presented. Among the award-winners in the latter category was "Polish Market" Editor-in-Chief • Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek.



IS A RECOGNIZABLE BRAND MICHAŁ SCHUBERT, Chairman of the Board, Furniture Concept, talks to “Polish Market.” Furniture Concept-the name itself makes us think of quite a modern approach to, as it might seem, a conservative industry. Is that your intention? Our main idea is to continuously develop and search for new solutions. I always say that it is necessary to develop in both private and professional life. If you stay in one place, others will soon overtake you, and it is not easy to return to the right track in such situations. In Furniture Concept, we have made a huge step forward, which was recognised by the Ministry of Economic Development during the 16th Polish Exporters’ Congress, which was held at the Ministry in Warsaw. We received an award for our contribution to Polish exports. I received the statuette from Andżelika Możdżanowska, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development. I realise that there is still a lot to be done, but I am certain that we will be able to accomplish all our goals by cooperating with the right people. The furniture market itself is not so conservative. The furniture industry has been experiencing rapid growth for many years. Polish furniture manufacturers are investing in innovative solutions, and in expanding their machinery stock, which is aimed at increasing production capacity, but most of all it is an opportunity to introduce high-quality products to the market. EU Funds, which we have also benefitted from, are of great assistance here. We obtained 65% co-financing for the most recent projects implemented by Furniture Concept. PM

You have been present on the market since 2007, a year which marks a special period, as you have been operating in Poland as an EU Member State since the very beginning. How does it influence your trade relations with foreign clients and your development opportunities? I must admit that, due to my age, I have been working in the European Union reality since I started my professional career. It is a natural environment for me, and I treat any limitations I encounter as something unusual. Our trade relations with UK clients are currently being brought into question. Nobody knows how the situation in that country will look after leaving the EU, and how it will influence the exchange rate. We know that Europe is expected to undergo numerous transformations, and it is crucial for us to prepare well for the changes. PM

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What is the position of Polish furniture companies on the European market? Are we a brand of our own? We are certainly a recognised brand as a whole furniture industry. We have everything it takes to create brands recognisable worldwide: access to high-quality materials, and most of all highly-qualified staff, from carpenters to management staff. For that reason, Poland is ranked first in Europe and third in the world as far as the quantity of manufactured furniture is concerned. In respect of the sales value, only Germany and Italy are ahead of us in Europe. I believe that in the next 3 to 5 years we will be able PM

Export to become the absolute number one in Europe. To achieve this, we need a good materials and tax policy. You have been involved in all the stages of arranging a home- from design to finishing works and furniture. What has changed since that time? Yes, this is how we started, and we adopted this model from the very beginning. Our structures have evolved since that time, and the business model has undergone a gradual transformation. In 2012, we started exporting furniture in quantities exceeding individual orders. We currently run our own production and the value of exported furniture is growing year by year. We analysed the process and the business model thoroughly. We stopped fulfilling individual orders and focused on manufacturing large bulk lots. The decision was greatly influenced by the fact that Radosław Płoskoński, who is responsible for the entire production process, joined the Furniture Concept team. It can be said that together we form a kind of a “Dream Team.” We have been working on developing products which reflect a compromise between design, functionality and price. PM

For most thriving Polish businesses, the Polish market is becoming “too small” over time, and entering international markets is a natural consequence. What is it like in your case, and what are your plans for the future? It looked similar for our company. We decided to enter other markets fairly quickly. We thought (quite rightly) that it would allow us to considerably accelerate our development. Of course we started with Germany, the most receptive European market. We send most of our products there even today. We are aware that we cannot limit ourselves to countries which are convenient to us in terms of PM

logistics. We have been carrying out market research for various locations for two years now to prepare for further development. All eyes are turned towards the Middle East, but we are looking a bit further. I mean Japan and Korea. As far as the opposite direction is concerned, we are thinking of the United States and Canada. In the 5-year perspective, our objective is to build the Furniture Concept brand, furniture from Poland, from the Warmia and Mazury region. We are planning to invest further in machinery and to focus on research into innovative solutions. The President of one of our competing companies, manufacturing furniture in Warmia and Mazury, when receiving the Design of the Year award, said that his dream was that every Chinese person would sleep in a Polish bed. I liked that very much and I believe that the entire furniture industry in Poland would wish the same. •

12/2017  polish market






he Polagra Food fair heralds new consumer trends in the food industry. It also provides a comprehensive display of what producers have to offer and promotes the food industry and its openness to consumers’ needs. It is a venue for presenting innovative solutions and high-quality products. But first of all, it opens new directions for the development of business. In September, more than 200 businesses supplying the market with meat and dairy products, fruit and vegetable preserves, sweets, snacks, teas, and non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages showed their products at the Polagra Food fair in the mid-western city of Poznań. Products made in a traditional way, containing no preservatives, phosphates or sodium glutamate competed for the attention of visitors as did those with a low calorie content, high vitamin content and convenience packaging. There was also an abundance of healthy snacks, even as untypical as bacon-flavoured seaweed, ready-to-eat dishes and more sophisticated tastes offered by Italian cheeses, Spanish cold cuts, Ceylon teas, Hungarian tomato preserves and fish from Lithuanian waters. This year’s Polagra Food turned out to be a real festival of tastes and food made for consumer groups with different preferences: people with active lifestyles, lactose-intolerant persons, gourmets appreciating traditional tastes and so on. This is the sort of event that managers of retail outlets and the managerial staff of B2B food distributing companies responsible for acquiring products attractive for the contemporary consumer wait for every year. The fair is a time of tasting and talking about cooperation. And what does the fair offer to the exhibitors? Polagra Food has for years had a strong business format and it is its main advantage. The exhibitors’ stands are visited mainly by managers of shopping chains, small groceries, food wholesalers and food distributors. With this carefully selected group of visitors, Polagra Food is a unique opportunity to present products where taste is the main assessment criterion and to draw purchasing managers to them. “For years we have attached great importance to attracting to Polagra Food people responsible for stocking up shop shelves. One of the priorities in our marketing activity is for the fair to become every year a special space where one lays foundations for large contracts, where doors are opened to new consumer groups and where ideas for new products are created. Our efforts in this area have been appreciated by large food producers and start-ups entering the market with innovative foodstuffs,” says Polagra Food Project Director Edyta Bonin-Kanikowska. It is worth stressing that the Polagra Food organizers concentrate their promotional activity not only on the Polish market but also beyond Poland. This is possible thanks to modern promotional channels and the Hosted Buyers programme, under which the managerial staff of large wholesale and supermarket chains, and food importers

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and distributors from around the world have visited the fair for several years now. “The Hosted Buyers programme is a very well-thoughtout concept combining the exporting needs of Polish producers with the needs of foreign markets. Concrete meetings held during the fair are preceded by a several-month-long promotional campaign targeted at buyers from across the world,” says Polagra Food Project Director Edyta Bonin-Kanikowska. The next Polagra Food fair is to be held on May 8-10, 2018. The new date and format of the event is to benefit food producers and food distributors, respond to the needs of the two groups and ultimately re• sult in their cooperation.

For more information visit www.polagra-food.pl.

Food Industry

11/2017  polish market



THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF POLISH PATIENTS IS OUR PARAMOUNT GOAL JAN KRUK, President, CF Cefarm SA, talks to "Polish Market". Cefarm has operated on the Polish market for over seventy years. You are now scoring very good results, but there must have been more difficult moments. How did you arrive at the present results? CF Cefarm is one of the most experienced pharmaceutical distribution companies. The history of this state-owned firm dates back to 1945. Over the years, a brand has been built which everyone in the sector knows well. For over 70 years CF Cefarm has developed strong relations with suppliers, primarily of medicinal products, dietary supplements, medical products and foodstuffs for special uses and cosmetics. Relations have also been forged with clients over the many years of steady co-operation. Our business activities today involve working with some 450 Polish and foreign suppliers and over 3,800 clients. We operate three distribution channels, each of which has its specific features, requirements and modes of operation. The pharmaceuticals market accounts for the biggest share of CF PM

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Cefarm SA sales, followed by pre-wholesaling services, that is sales to wholesalers. Of late we have also significantly increased our participation in the hospital market. In the first half of 2017, CF Cefarm sales accounted for 2.2% of the pharmacy market worth PLN 16 billion, up from 1.8% in 2016. This growth was owed to the acquisition of new clients among pharmacies never before served by the company. These included both independent pharmacies and chains which are now the strongest players in the market. 2017 has been a very good year for us, which is all the more noteworthy since 2016 was a fairly difficult time for the company in terms of finances. This year’s success is down to a very simple operation: we started counting money not just globally as a firm but in each of the distribution channels, where we examined each channel’s profitability. Dedicating the sales of particular products to the appropriate channels allowed us to generate higher profit margins.

We started out with a radical overhaul at the very start of the process, namely purchases. We re-examined the terms offered by suppliers, which enabled us to pull out of unprofitable contracts. Wherever possible, we sought more preferential terms to carry on working with our suppliers. You operate on a very specialised market, which means that you need to obtain a lot of permits and certificates. How does it affect your growth rate? Can you see any factors that hamper your development in particular, or do you reckon that the firm is still able to grow freely? Being present on the pharmaceutical market does place a lot of restrictions on distributors, both in terms of formal and legal requirements and quality. The market has evolved considerably in recent years. Only a company which obtains a wide range of permits and certificates is treated as a credible one. Because the market we decided to work PM


in is so specialised, we are subjected to constant control. We are monitored by pharmaceutical institutions. Meeting these requirements is a time-consuming process, which is bound to slow down our growth rate. But thanks to our longstanding experience, CF Cefarm is prepared to cope with these challenges. Our paramount goal has always been to ensure the health and life of Polish patients. We are always guided by this rule. To be able to develop in the long term, it is necessary to adjust to legal regulations and market requirements. In spite of these factors, as a company CF Cefarm creates room for its own growth by taking optimum business decisions. In all sectors there is now talk of the need for innovative solutions. What’s your approach to innovation? The pharmaceutical sector develops in line with a trend whereby better ways of gauging the market are sought. Without access to the latest market data and information about how the company is positioned against its competitors, it is very difficult to take the right decisions to achieve dynamic growth in expected channels. Our strategy for the near future provides for strong growth in the pharmacy channel and investment in independent pharmacies. Combining the two criteria, CF Cefarm seeks innovation in IT development, especially in relations with the supplier, client and institutions that monitor pharmaceutical market growth and trends. Implementing data in the company’s IT systems and data exchange with external systems ensures legal security and pays off in terms of much higher business confidence both on the part of the supplier and client. In turn, it makes it possible to expand the scope of co-operation and take advantage of fresh business opportunities. PM

What are your goals for the future? In what directions are you planning to develop? CF Cefarm is planning to continue to capitalise on the growth trend in the pharmacy market observed in 2017. After all, the pharmacy market is the largest in the sector. We are planning to increase revenue in this segment. Each of the three distribution channels we serve is a strategic one for us. We have no plan to give up any of them. However, one should bear it in mind that for the supplier and producer pharmacies are the key point at the end of this chain. The pharmacy segment is the segment which is the most intensively monitored by producers, who measure their market share and the amount of work they have put in in terms of how highly their products are valued by pharmacies. Developing it from the perspective of the distributor of pharmaceuticals offers innovative opportunities for working with the supplier in this increasingly difficult market, making it possible to explore fresh business areas. We hope this trend will be maintained in the next few years. To this end, we need a new warehouse with a modern structure which will enable us to achieve our planned target. This is something we want to devote the most attention to in the nearest future. • PM

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Cultural Monitor



On his first solo album in over 25 years recorded for Deutsche Grammophon, one of the greatest pianists of our time, Krystian Zimerman performs piano sonatas by Schubert (1797-1828.) The album contains the composer’s two last piano sonatas in A major No. 20 D 959 and B major No. 21 D 960, which were completed several months before his premature death. Zimerman has performed the two pieces during his recitals for a number of years now. This has enabled him to get a real feel for Schubert’s music. You can hear it throughout the recording. His phrase-building is subtle and powerful. This album is sheer perfection and poetry. And death? There is no death. Listening to these Schubert masterpieces I recall Zimerman’s words addressed to young artists in Warsaw two years ago when he was receiving the honorary doctorate of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music. He said that their path will lead them from being an instrumentalist to becoming a musician, then an artist and finally… a human being.


‘Unloved’ is one of the most exciting jazz albums of 2017. It is Polish alto saxophonist Maciej Obara’s debut release under the prestigious Munich-based ECM Records label. From the start of his career, Obara has been consistently developing his music idiom. He has worked with a number of artists from Japan, the US and Europe, but for years his number one project has been a quartet whose line-up includes pianist Dominik Wania, double bass player Ole Morten Vagan and drummer Gard Nilssen. The formation brings together European musicians who consciously and uncompromisingly avoid the obvious in music, while creating their own inimitable style. The whole has an ECM feel. It is nostalgic, subdued and resonant but also with a bit of a kick here and there. Obara and Wania have been playing together for a decade and you can hear that they are perfectly in tune with each other. Both have worked with Tomasz Stańko, whose poetic touch and free expression comes across in this album very well.


‘I have a cunning plan to become a total musician and to develop in all directions’ pianist and composer Leszek Możdżer – now one of the hottest names in Polish jazz – used to say at the outset of his career. His latest album released in late 2017 amply proves that his intentions have been fulfilled. Leszek Możdżer and Holland Baroque (an ensemble which owes its world renown to its exceptional, fresh approach to classical music and its exquisite sound) build bridges between different periods and music styles. The bridges are built on solid foundations of classical music but they also feature child-like joy of communal music-making. Możdżer’s ten pieces written by the artist himself are a masterly blend of jazz alternating with chords that take you back to baroque masters. To write music in the spirit of an epoch and to sound original at the same time, you really need to be familiar with history, as well as being open to new possibilities and being a consummate performer. The beauty of this album does not just lie in the clash of the two worlds of music but above all in the fact that, while baroque music and jazz may seem like chalk and cheese, they sound in unison creating an appealing whole. It is subtle and touching music with an elusive quality just like the wind, about which Tosia Możdżer hums in the final piece.

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It is the first solo album by the sought-after young Polish singer and composer Kuba Badach. The title of the release refers not to old-fashioned content, but to a fresh way of writing music inspired by the output of such artists as Donald Fagen and Poland’s Andrzej Zaucha. It works. The album builds a bridge connecting two musical worlds, where the classic sound permeates the modern pop shell, completing it and giving it a traditional feel. The lyrics (written mostly by Janusz Onufrowicz) are about happy love and everyday life. The album is very coherent and its content is intelligent pop with convincing, good vocals. Badach may not discover a completely new world of sounds, but he very successfully breathes new life into his appealing songs. The sound of this album is inspired by some of Poland’s and the world’s greatest performers of the past, but you can also distinctly hear Badach’s own voice.


This CD, in turn, is a personal, moving tribute to the work of the great Nat King Cole, who awakened Gregory Porter’s love for music. Porter is now one of the world's leading jazz singers. ‘Nat King Cole & Me’ is also the artist's first album recorded with an orchestra conducted by Vince Mendoza. The album was recorded in London's AIR Studios and contains twelve of Porter's favorite pieces, including ‘Smile’ and ‘Nature Boy’. The album also features Porter’s own piece inspired by Cole's work, entitled ‘When Love Was King’. The jazz is stylish and atmospheric. Everything here is refined and in good taste. The masterful balance of ballad, swing and jazz elements with Cole and Porter’s distinctive features gives the music a unique glow. Every time I listen to this CD, I am captivated by the attention paid to the form of the songs and their sound. The unique, festive atmosphere of these songs is combined with a high level of performance, which gives the album a truly special feel. The set is definitely a mature collection. It puts one’s thought about music in order, and this includes the joy of capturing something that appeals to you personally. My personal favourite right from the start has been the modest but touching number ‘I Wonder Who My Daddy Is.’


‘Męskie Granie’ or ‘Manly Music’ is an original product which does not mimic the biggest pop festivals in Poland, which mainly feature foreign stars. It has made a name for itself right from the very beginning in 2010 as a powerful and unpretentious event. The double album ‘Męskie Granie 2017’ is the eighth album dedicated to this cult summer tour, which is held in major Polish cities every weekend. The album includes selected songs from this year's concerts. It is the essence of the tour, compressed into less than three hours. Above all, it is a great tribute to Polish rock music - bands such as Voo Voo, Dżem, Republika, Maanam, Hey, and Kazik Na Żywo - paid mainly by the Męskie Granie Orchestra. The artists who perform with the band are Brodka, Tomek Organek and Piotr Rogucki. As usual, all the threads have been artfully woven into a living whole. It is a mighty river of rock, unrestrained by calculations of omnipotent record companies and band managers. Everything in this collection is very personal. Nothing is fake. Nobody pretends to be someone they are not. The artists are true professionals. They never fall into a rut. The tour ridicules poseurs (both among leading artists and those who are only at the starting point of their careers) and gives music an edge to make it cheeky and rebellious. The album ‘Męskie Granie 2016’ was the best-selling compilation on the Polish music market. It became a platinum disc. It looks like this year’s album is going to do just as well.

THEATRE A timeless masterpiece, ‘Uncle Vanya’ by Anton Chekhov, opens at the Teatr Polski in Warsaw on December 9. It is directed by Ivan Vyrypayev, one of the most intriguing artists of the contemporary theatre a Russian director, screenwriter, playwright and actor. His plays are performed in almost all European countries. His works are unique because of their blend of profound spiritual themes with a graceful narration accessible to a wider audience. "I would like to produce a beautiful, modern costume performance in which the viewer gets to know the original work by the author, which is rare in today's theatre reality: a colourful and emotionally charged performance, during which audiences will be able to admire the classic play, which is a real work of art. It has the making of a story about truth, love and spirituality in the modern world. I have the impression that following tradition is now the most ground-breaking approach," the director said intriguingly and very wisely. The cast features: Magdalena Różczka / Karolina Gruszka, Andrzej Seweryn, Maciej Stuhr, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska, Dariusz Chojnacki, Marta Kurzak, Anna Nehrebecka, Szymon Kuśmider, and Marcin Jędrzejewski.

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PROF. RYSZARD KARCZYKOWSKI, one of the most eminent Polish opera singers who has made it big on world stages, and a winner of the "Polish Market" Honorary Pearl award, talks to Maciej Proliński. For the fifth time the "Polish Market's" Honorary Pearl in the Culture category has been awarded to an opera singer. What does this distinction mean to you and in what way do you promote Poland through singing? I’m delighted to receive the "Polish Market's" Honorary Pearl. I believe that Polish culture is blessed with a large number of artists of great calibre. This cultural elite is Poland’s best trademark. I have been performing abroad very frequently for several decades, in fact more often than in Poland, and during this time I have always tried to promote Poland and its music. But I’m sure than many other colleagues also deserve this prize because they very professionally and creatively promote Poland from Japan to New Zealand to the whole of Europe, the US and Africa. PM

Your path to a professional international singing career has not been a straightfoward one. Let’s talk about the very beginnings. I was born in the small town of Tczew in the Pomorskie Province. Since childhood I was fascinated by the career of Tczew-born physician and outstanding tenor of the Baltic Opera, Stefan Cejrowski. I decided to follow in his footsteps. In primary school I sang in a choir, which performed in Oliwa Cathedral. Having completed my secondary education, I began medical studies in Gdańsk, but I decided to give it up after a year. I wasn’t ready for all the challenges medicine posed. I took private music lessons under the great soprano Halina Mickiewiczówna who had just ended her stage career. I was one of her first students. She persuaded me to join the Baltic Opera choir where I initially sang as a second tenor not to ruin my voice which was being trained. I learned a lot at the opera. But then it proved difficult for me to find PM

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a job at a music theatre in Poland. Finally, I was hired by Edmund Wayda, the then director of the State Operetta in Szczecin. The beginnings weren’t so easy. Looking back on the decades of communist rule, it is amazing how many great artists emerged in the second half of the past century. It seems ironic that - except for literature which functioned the most freely among expatriate Polish artists - communism didn’t do too much harm to Polish culture. You made a name for yourself as an opera singer in the West already in the late 1960s. So did the communist state make life difficult for artists after all? And about present-day realities, you often hear that it is too expensive to spend public money on culture. But can you afford not to? Well, in every profession, what really matters is your capabilities and hard work – in every generation and under any political system. It’s true that under the former system, the state did care for culture more. The communists seemed to realise how much culture mattered. They were guided by a mission to save Polish high culture. For many people nowadays culture means mindless entertainment. PM

So what’s the role of the National Philharmonic and the National Opera at a time when everybody thinks they can sing and dance and show it off on YouTube? Everybody seems to be both an artist and a juror. What’s the role of traditional cultural institutions in shaping the nation’s backbone and restoring the right proportions? Regrettably, television has taken centre stage. Of course, the impact of the philharmonic and the opera is far smaller than that of television. You need to make an effort before PM

you attend a concert of symphonic music, you need to get ready by asking yourself what it’s about, who wrote it, how and why. And making an effort doesn’t really mean getting dressed for the occasion. The philharmonic and the opera are not elitist. Anyone can sit in the audience. You have performed operatic parts, you have recorded classics, religious music, arias from operettas. Why the diversity? Singing is my whole life... No matter what job I’d decide to do, I reckon I’d try to do my best. That’s my philosophy. In music, the style and genre don’t really matter. What matters is quality. I believe that we now need to work in a broader spectrum, to broaden the music offer. This helps us to develop. PM

Music critics used to write about the tears and emotions brought by your performances, about how your singing was admired by concert-goers. Critic and head of Warsaw’s cultural radio station RDC Tadeusz Deszkiewicz spoke fondly about it at our gala ceremony. Music bringing tears to people’s eyes is a very touching way to describe audience reaction to what I do. For me, the human voice is the most magnificent instrument which can express more than even the grandest symphony orchestra. My motto is to speak from the heart and to touch other people’s hearts. To speak a language everyone can understand. Music is a language with no barriers. PM

So music is all about emotions? That’s right. The whole baggage of theory and history of music is secondary, it’s at the back of your mind. The acclaimed Polish composer Wojciech Kilar once said that too much music nowadays is contrived and little comes straight from the heart. I fully agree with that. PM


And what about ideas? To me, music is increasingly about ideas. By all means. It’s the fundamental and ultimate sense. The epoch is very important, so is the history and life of each composer. When you set down to work on a piece of music, you must analyse not just music, you must dig into a lot of other matters besides music. We’re surrounded by a world of sounds. You can’t live without music. To me, music and sound are a form of therapy. Being an opera singer is an important experience and a source of profound emotions. It’s like that throughout your career. You constantly learn about great classical music, new works, new artists, new performers. It’s so fascinating. First, you need to grasp what the piece of music is all about. Then you need to find out about its background, also outside the world of music. Another stage of the creative process is confronting all that with your own experience and views, internalising the music and lyrics, all the subtleties of the work. PM

What seems annoying in contemporary opera is the fact that things are being turned around. It’s ‘in’ to contemporise the setting and plot. In the 1970s you studied directing at Berlin Conservatoire under Walter Felsenstein. At the time you did a lot to promote the work of Polish national opera composer Stanisław Moniuszko in Germany. But you did it in a way which was so different from what is now happening in opera houses right now. Thanks for bringing it up. I had perfected my German, which enabled me to undertake a new translation of the libretto to Moniuszko’s "Haunted Manor". Before the opera had its premiere, I had toured a lot across what was then East Germany, giving talks and lectures about Moniuszko and his work. I visited work establishments, health resorts and community centres. During the meetings I performed excerpts from operas and songs by the great Polish composer. I sang the part of Stefan in the "Haunted Manor" production at the Landestheater in Dessau, of which I was a co-director. Now opera productions are directed by people who have little to do with the opera. They may have done some theatre productions, but they don’t have a heart for music. What they do is creating images to go with an opera work. Many of those images are quite impenetrable, so nobody has a clue what it all means. In my opinion, you need to make sure that in the operatic art, music itself serves as an inspiration for the production. The point is not to have a theatre production set to music, or a music concert with a theatre production thrown in. It should be a creative blend which needs to appeal to the audience. The orchestra, choir, soloists, ballet, conductor, stage designer, director and all the others who are involved in the opera production, must all work in tune, and it all must work together. PM

For several decades you have also taught at the Voice and Drama Faculty of the Academy of Music in Kraków and at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. You also conduct master classes in several European countries and Japan. You help young artists by opening doors for them. All my life I’ve been studying, learning from the best – in London, Berlin, Vienna, Paris, Moscow, Lisbon, Milan, Rome, New York and Washington. I now try to convey it all to young opera singers. But here in Poland, we should pay more attention to our talented artists. In business, it’s easy to say what is of value, success is easily measured. I’d love to encourage Poland’s business community to become PM

FOR ME, THE HUMAN VOICE IS THE MOST MAGNIFICENT INSTRUMENT WHICH CAN EXPRESS MORE THAN EVEN THE GRANDEST SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. MY MOTTO IS TO SPEAK FROM THE HEART AND TO TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE’S HEARTS. more involved in culture, to appreciate it more, to appreciate music, singing and artists. Let’s reverse the current trend, whereby Polish artists are only recognised at home having already broken ground abroad. Sadly, in Poland, little attention is paid to them before they do. Let’s thus pay more attention to them here, at the start of their careers. That’s exactly what I do, for instance at the Jan Kiepura Festival, the biggest and most important cultural event which has been held in Krynica Zdrój each year for more than 50 years. During this festival I organise a special concert to showcase talented young singers and to launch them on their careers. You’re also a juror of the Cochlear Rhythms International Music Festival for Children, Young People and Adults with Hearing Problems. How important is art in the lives of the disabled and what’s their contribution to it? I met the acclaimed Professor Henryk Skarżyński, a pioneer of cochlear implants in Poland, at the Vocal Faculty of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. What he does impressed me very much. Two years ago I was invited to join the jury of the festival. Its aim is to promote music talents which have been saved thanks to progress achieved in science and medicine. The festival showcases people who are blessed with a musical talent but who were deprived of their chance to practise music because of their hearing problems. I was really touched by this idea, just like any idea that serves to promote art. One of the festival entrants has already appeared at the Jan Kiepura festival in Krynica. I believe I’ve helped to promote her singing. You need to let the world know about young talent. • PM

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Polish Jazz - YES! Polish jazz has always thrived. Paradoxically, it developed after World War II, despite its having been banned by the communist authorities. Music does not surrender to political changes, as there are no lyrics. Jazz is (to a certain degree...) abstract, and perhaps this is the reason why it has been, and still is, in the best situation, independent of politics. The winner of this year’s "Polish Market's" Honorary Pearl in the field of culture is one of the most acclaimed representatives of Polish jazz Zbigniew Namysłowski. Maciej Proliński


bigniew Namysłowski is an artist whose role in Polish jazz has become symbolic. This distinguished alto saxophonist, composer and arranger has been creating the face of our jazz for nearly six decades. Last year, his première original album entitled “Polish Jazz - YES” was released by Polskie Nagrania within the “Polish Jazz” series, as vol. 77. The number of the volume coincided with the musician's 77th birthday. He was born on 9 September 1939. The album was recorded in cooperation with young-generation musicians (the quintet included Jacek Namysłowski trombone, Sławek Jaskułke - piano), and demonstrates the artist’s great creativity and artistic potential. The title is a manifesto and a final declaration. Nine new pieces indirectly refer to folk sources, which create a starting point for its metrical and tonal, fully-original, arrangement. Namysłowski is a master in this field. The phenomenon of this album lies in the fact that, despite applying sophisticated measures, the music is full of flavour, characterised by a fast pace, a distinctive dance rhythm, and at times a necessary dose of humour. Listening to the music is a beautiful experience, as it is also art, which still bears its own imprint. The entire album consists of a mature, vibrant and positive message addressed both to the older, loyal enthusiasts of Polish jazz, and to those who are still learning about the multifaceted history of our jazz. And there are numerous albums in Namysłowski’s discography, recorded over

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various decades. Beautiful re-editions of some of his albums are currently available. These are, i.a., “Winobranie: (“Vintage”) (1973), “Kujaviak Goes Funky” (1975), “Air Condition” (with an extensive concert album recorded during the Jazz Jamboree’ 83 festival, and it was a special concert, as Namysłowski’s quintet performed two days before the first memorable concert by Miles Davis in Poland), and “Without a Talk” (1991). Although Namysłowski’s jazz is undergoing quite remarkable and constant stylistic transformations, his characteristic style, perfect performance, and his instantly and constantly noticeable affirmation (of music and of life) define his music in an excellent way. What should be valued in Namysłowski is his equal treatment of all jazz styles: he does not lose his identity playing hard-bop along with rhythm and blues, free jazz and third stream, along with pop music, and is at the same time fascinated with searching for new solutions. His compositions can be the topic of a separate book chapter, all the more-so that he draws from folklore, which results in creating music which Poland can export without hesitation, as the country’s contribution to world jazz. Polish jazz... “Jazz fills my life. It is everything,” admitted Namysłowski at the beginning of his career in one of interviews. In an interview enclosed with the album entitled “Polish Jazz vol. 77, Polish Jazz - YES!” Namysłowski admits that “he does not like philosophising about music”... I would like to conclude this short text on the artist with the greatest compliment a jazz

enthusiast and a culture journalist can think of: Namysłowski's music -with its distinctive tone and its affirmative nature- is music which you cannot stop listening to. And it is music • which doesn’t need words.


CULTURE IS THE CLOSEST TO MY HEART TADEUSZ DESZKIEWICZ, journalist, film producer, currently advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland, President of Polish Radio dla Ciebie (RDC SA), has been awarded the Knight's Cross of the Polonia Restituta Order and the Gold Medal Gloria Artis for Services to Culture. He received these distinctions on December 8 from deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Prof. Piotr Gliński during a benefit concert in his honour at the Agnieszka Osiecka Studio in Warsaw. This year, Tadeusz Deszkiewicz celebrates the 40th anniversary of his work. Maciej Proliński


adeusz Deszkiewicz is a graduate of Polish studies and theatre studies. In the years 1977-1996 he was a journalist of the Polish Radio and Television Music Section, and then of Polish Radio 2. In 2001, Warsaw Mayor Lech Kaczyński, appointed him as director of the city’s Promotions Office. As of 2007, he was deputy director and director of the Department of Public Communication at the National Bank of Poland (NBP). Since 2015 he has served as a member of the Programme Councils of Polish Radio SA and RDC SA. In February 2016 he became president of Polish Radio dla Ciebie (RDC SA). He has written hundreds of articles about music and culture and has produced numerous radio and TV broadcasts. From the beginning of his professional career he has also conducted public activities. He was a co-founder and president of the Foundation "Latająca Akademia", which looked after musically gifted autistic children and children with cerebral palsy. He was vicepresident of the Mieczysław Karłowicz Association in Zakopane and co-founder of the International Chamber Music Festival in Zakopane. He was also president of the Society of Moniuszko Music Lovers. In 2012, he was the originator and organiser of a campaign to save the Warsaw Chamber Opera. "I performed in theatre productions and movies as a child. I come from a family with cultural traditions. My uncle was an outstanding conductor. I wanted to be an actor, a director. I even studied at the Warsaw drama college, but then the rector, Tadeusz Łomnicki, told me looking me straight in the eye: You know, with your height ... However, my life still revolved around music and theatre. I took up Polish studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and theatre studies at the University of Warsaw. Still at

the Stefan Batory secondary school in central Warsaw, I visited nearby Myśliwiecka Street, where Polish Radio 3 and RDC studios are. My mother worked as a sound engineer there. I got hooked on radio. Years later, I met Jan Weber, a Polish Radio legend, an outstanding expert on and promoter of music, head of the Polish Radio and Television Music Section. He offered me a job, but not strictly as a broadcaster, because first I edited scripts written by other journalists that were later read in the studio. Until finally, I said it was not enough for me. I offered to combine my education with my passion. I offered to produce and host a show devoted to theatre and film music. First, only a few were commissioned. Eventually, there were hundreds of them in each series. Then, I covered opera events, including live broadcasts from the Metropolitan Opera. And so it was for two decades. In the 1976-1996 period, I was a journalist of the Polish Radio and Television Music Section, and then of Polish Radio 2. (...) Wherever I worked, I organised concerts, made friends with artists, especially from the world of music. I am glad that now I can pursue my passion at RDC. I want this radio station to promote Polish culture," Tadeusz Deszkiewicz recently told "Polish Market". During his benefit concert he added modestly: "It is my great satisfaction that Polish culture has gained such a high standing that the deputy prime minister deals with it; and culture has been the closest to my heart for 40 years." Secretary of State at the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland Krzysztof Łapiński, who was present at the ceremony, stressed that Deszkiewicz, who is also an adviser to President Duda, is someone the President relies on and expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Prof. Piotr Gliński, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture and National Heritage, and Tadeusz Deszkiewicz, President of Polish Radio dla Ciebie (RDC SA) During the benefit concert, there were plenty of reminiscences from the man of the moment, and of course there were also musical attractions. In the first part, works by the classics were performed (also from Poland, including touching songs by Moniuszko and Karłowicz). Among the performers were opera singers Justyna Reczeniedi and Adam Kruszewski, accompanied by young violinist Kamila Malik. The second, lighter part, saw an appearance by singer Stan Borys, followed by an hour-long professional musical production by artists from the Studio Buffo theatre company under Janusz Stokłosa and Janusz Józefowicz. Excerpts of their popular themed nights were performed, each devoted to a given country’s music (including Italian Night, French Night, Latino Night and Russian • Night.) 12/2017  polish market



THE FIGHT FOR POLAND’S GOOD NAME IS A STRUGGLE TO STRENGTHEN NATIONAL SECURITY MACIEJ ŚWIRSKI, Founder of the Reduta Dobrego Imienia Foundation - Polish Anti-Defamation League, talks to "Polish Market". How do you define patriotism today? Contemporary Polish patriotism means active participation in public life in order to strengthen Polish independence, building a civil society and upholding the basic Polish values: God, Honour and Homeland. This means that Christianity is the foundation of Polish identity. The love of freedom is based on being faithful to Polish identity. Protecting Poland’s independence and strengthening it is the duty of every Polish citizen. PM

What is the most harmful myth that undermines Poland's good name? Is it still the incorrect use of the term "Polish concentration camps" in some foreign countries? Today, accusations of fascism and bolshevism, which allegedly prevail in Poland, have been added to this catalogue. It happens that the opposition comes up with the suggestion that fascism is being revived in Poland, as if fascism ever was Poland’s political system, and it never was. Similarly, Jan Tomasz Gross made a suggestion to this effect in an article he wrote for "The New York Times". It is a global narrative directed against Poland and it is very unfortunate that the opposition repeats the words of Poland's worst enemies. PM

Did such notions circulating in public discourse prompt you to set up the Reduta Dobrego Imienia? I founded it because the issue of accusations of Polish complicity in the Holocaust, or now of fascism, affect not only the question PM

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of our national honour and historical truth, but above all, they affect national security. Article 5 of the NATO Treaty is strictly political. It says that in case of aggression against a member state, adequate assistance will be provided, including armed assistance. There is no automatic mechanism here, though, politicians will decide on possible help. They will want to help Poland in the event of aggression, provided that their voters feel sympathetic toward Poland. If not - no help will be offered. Consequently, presenting Poland in world media as a fascist country, or a country "where fascism is being revived", has a direct impact on Poland’s national security and its independence. So the fight for the good name of Poland is a struggle to strengthen national security. The Reduta defends the good name of Poland. What successes have you scored? The Reduta specialises in filing legal suits and protests against the use of defamatory expressions in mass media. We have an extensive IT system which enables us to detect defamation cases on the Internet. Whenever the expression "Polish concentration camp" appears on the Internet, a procedure is first launched to investigate the case, followed by a request for the removal of the content, and in the absence of a response, the Reduta sends a request to tens of thousands of its volunteers to send e-mails in protest to the editors' address. However, the greatest success of the Reduta is the fact that we have put the PM

defence of Poland’s good name on the political agenda. As I said before, it is not just about patriotism and national sentiments, but it is closely related to our national security. So what happens when your organisation receives information about potentially untrue information being disseminated about Poland? The method developed by the Reduta is very effective. The key success factor is an adequate, rapid reaction. A message is addressed to the recipient. It is formulated in a way which is meant to drive the message home. Well, the phrases "Polish concentration camp" and "Polish fascism" are part of hate speech directed against the Polish nation in order to humiliate it on the basis of racial and ethnic prejudice using the Auschwitz lie (Holocaust denial). Our formula is very effective because it is written in a language understandable to the recipient not only in the linguistic sense, but also in terms of political correctness. A recipient in Western Europe and the United States, a media journalist, a web portal editor, a newspaper editor or a blogger who reads such a message, understands what harm they have done to Polish people and slanderous content is removed. And this is our success, drafting a message which the recipient can understand. There are, of course, reluctant recipients, against whom the Reduta takes legal action. At the moment, there are over a dozen lawsuits pending. • PM


ARTISTIC VALUES MAREK BICZAK, designer of the Pearl of the Polish Economy statuette and owner of the Bimart company, talks to Maciej Proliński. We are meeting right after the annual Pearls of the Polish Economy gala ceremony. These Pearls are awarded to people who have been building Polish science, culture and economy for years. How did you become involved in the competition? And what was the inspiration for you to design a statuette in this form? The idea was born during a meeting with "Polish Market" Editor-in-Chief Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek during an art fair in Warsaw, where we exhibited our works. She simply liked our work. She asked me if I could design a statuette for the Pearls of the Polish Economy gala ceremony. In the design process, I did not limit myself to one specific goal. I did not want to focus on the present - the moment of success - but rather on the future. T he st atuette contains a pearl, which means something beautiful and noble, someth i ng which brings various associations PM

to mind - regarding both workmanship and art. The hussar and his wings are a universal symbol of being a fighter and of moving forward. This is juxtaposed with the symbol of the artistic opposite - Frederic Chopin. I tried to combine these two symbolic elements with an unambiguous part, which is a sphere representing a pearl. PM

An obvious question: do you enjoy working for a specific order? It is always a question who commissions it. Sometimes I get bizarre orders. I know right from the start that they will require a lot of time, and at the end of the day, neither side will be fully satisfied. In a nutshell, when a meeting is inspirational for both sides, I enjoy working for that particular client.

indicating its originality, and Bimart is the official importer and distributor of Veronese brand items in Poland. We are also the official distributor of the Forchino brand - satirical figures used for promotion and decoration by French artist Guillermo Forchino. We run an online store www.veronese.com.pl where we offer a wide range of applied art items, available by mail order. At present, we are expanding our product range to include silver jewellery available at the www.pelini. pl store. A completely new part of our line, in the style of the Veronese brand, is a historical collection which marks the 100th anniversary of Poland’s independence. It includes sculptures of the cavalryman, hussar, Marshal Piłsudski, Nicolas Copernicus and Frederic Chopin.

You have been running the Bimart company for almost two decades, offering a wide range of art pieces. Let's talk about the uniqueness of what you offer ... The Bimart company was established in 2000. Right from the start, we knew that we wanted to provide our clients with something rare and exclusive. What we offer is addressed to people who want beauty in their lives and who want to make the recipient happy. The things we offer include, above all, Veronese products. It is a world-renowned brand which includes variously themed bronze-coated figurines. Each item has its own signature

Do you think that Poland does a good job of promoting the values of handicrafts and the products and services of craftsmen themselves? We must constantly remind those in power that art should be appreciated more, both high culture and handicrafts. First of all, we still need to work on public perceptions in Poland. We must encourage the authorities and business circles to support the middle class. A thriving middle class means more spending power. And the money can be spent on values offered by art. Artists will be better off, too. They will create more captivating art works. •



12/2017  polish market "Piłsudski" - figurine from the Polish History collection




uniqueness, reliability, triumph! Poles are more and more often choosing luxury jewellery designed and produced in Poland. International customers, too, have realised that the quality of Polish products not only is not poorer than other brands worldwide but in many cases is actually superior to them. A perfect example of this is Natalia Gold, a Polish company with one of the most successful track records in the jewellery industry. When you look at this exquisite jewellery, bear in mind that the brand represents a robust company which has been managed for nearly four decades by Józef Czerniejewski, a master craftsman. As an artisan and an artist, he not only creates designs, but also articles of value, because this jewellery is much more than just a fine product...


atalia Gold has been on the market for almost 40 years now. Its operations fit perfectly into the commercial and economic landscape in Poland, while also providing a perfect example of what a promising modern Polish company can look like. The company’s founder and owner is Józef Czerniejewski, a master craftsman. On top of 130 previous artistic and economic achievements, in October 2017 Natalia Gold was awarded the Wiktoria Promotion Emblem in the “Personality of the 20th Anniversary of the Wiktoria Contest” category. This crowning achievement is an acknowledgement of the company’s history of participation in the contest and its impressive track record as the contest’s winner between 2002 and 2011. The laureates of this year’s Jubilee edition of the award included companies which have been performing brilliantly and contributing to the Polish economy for over 20 years, as well as taking up the top positions in the contest in their respective categories. With “We are passionate about creating beautiful designs” as its slogan, Natalia Gold offers its customers original jewellery with

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excellent artistic quality. In addition to avantgarde designs, the portfolio of its two outlets in Piaseczno near Warsaw includes some traditional and timeless products of invariably superior quality. “We offer a wide selection of jewellery products, from gold engagement rings with diamonds and natural gemstones to silver items and reasonably priced jewellery. Our portfolio is generally made up of our own, unique designs, crafted individually, or in very small batches (10 to 20 pieces) available at more-affordable prices. We cooperate with many leading companies on a barter basis, which is an excellent business solution for both parties. Our products combine original design and superb craftsmanship,” says Józef Czerniejewski. Whether you are a man or a woman, if you have a strong fashion sense, sooner or later you will certainly find your way to the Company’s outlets or website/Facebook profile: www.nataliagold.pl (now under construction) and https://www.facebook.com/ bizuteriaNataliaGold/. Many Polish jewellery makers have followed their fathers or grandfathers into

the trade. What was the case with Mr Józef Czerniejewski? What was his path to building his company’s position? “I’m from a poor, numerous family. I have four siblings. We were raised in extremely humble conditions. I’m not going to lie – it was tough. But I have never been envious of other people. It’s the worst thing you can do... Jealousy, greed, and cupidity – you can lose all these in a big family. At some point, I felt that I wanted to show people that everyone, whatever their circumstances, can be the architect of their own fortune. I have learned many tricks of the trade from the famous master Grondalski. One of the things he taught me was that every person has to be approached individually... And this helped me a lot in running my own company,” Mr Czerniejewski admit. •



ETHICAL VALUES IN SALES On 25 November, the Intercontinental Hotel in Warsaw hosted the Closing Gala of the 9th Polish National Sales Awards to celebrate Polish sales leaders. Awards were given to 13 winners in 15 categories. There was also a Supersalesperson award for impressive sales performance, a positive attitude, and exceptional commitment. The idea behind the Contest is to promote best sales practices and superior ethical standards. The event was hosted by Elżbieta Pełka, President of the Polish National Sales Awards, and Dariusz Kordek.


he Gala was attended by 200+ guests, including representatives of business organisations, companies, and sales and scientific organisations. The Polish National Sales Awards (PNSA) is the most prestigious and unique event in the sales and customer service sector in Poland. The intention behind PNSA is to promote good practices and superior ethical standards in business, and to acknowledge the best professionals in the industry. Based on a unique methodology involving a two-stage process, the Awarding Committee, which includes experienced sales practitioners, selects winners who have not only performed brilliantly but also showed superior teamwork skills, creativity, innovation and ethical conduct. “At the core of this event is our deep conviction that business is all about such values as reliability, integrity, credibility, and professionalism”, said Elżbieta Pełka, President of the Polish National Sales Awards. “This year’s winners show that ethical conduct can go hand in hand with successful sales performance. Efficient sales operations are a winwin situation. They must be based on good and consistently developed relations with customers to ultimately generate profit”, she added. This year’s awards and distinctions were given in 15 categories: Sales Director, Key Account Manager, B2B Sales Representative, Sales Coach, Bank Account Manager, Customer Service Manager, Point-of-Sale Salesperson, Sales Manager, B2B Sales Manager, Telesales, Sales Team, Bank Sales Director, Sales Innovation, Sales Representative, Bank-Sales Team Manager. Overall, the 9th edition of PNSA presented 13 awards and 22 distinctions. It also gave the ultimate credit, awarding the title of Supersalesperson and two distinctions in this category. The 9th PNSA’s Supersalesperson went to Natalia Spólnik, Orange Polska S.A. Distinctions were received by Michał Grabski, PKO

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BP, and Żaneta Łucka-Tomczyk, Orange. The PNSA Awarding Committee awards the Supersalesperson title on the basis of the candidates’ achievements and scores gained during the second stage of the contest, i.e. individual presentations given by finalists. Candidates for the Supersalesperson award are nominated by members of the Awarding Committee, who personally supervise the work of individual subcommittees and participate in the interviews. “I would like to thank my superiors for encouraging me to take part in this Contest. The Supersalesperson award is a huge surprise and a great honour for me, but it also motivates me to continue working on my performance”, said Natalia Spólnik, Orange Polska S.A., winner in the Supersalesperson category. For the second time in its history, PNSA’s President also awarded a special prize for the entirety of the achievements in sales and business. The award went to Józef Wancer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A. A tribute was delivered by Professor Alojzy Nowak, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Management, the University of Warsaw.

During the Gala, Presidents and Deputy Presidents of the companies whose candidates reached PNSA finals were presented with Certificates of Ethical Sales and Customer Service Management. Each year, the Contest generates considerable excitement among business organisations, and opinion-forming and industry media. This year, during the 9th edition of the Gala, PNSA established partnerships with such media as Poradnik Handlowca, My Company Polska, Manager Magazine, Wprost, Do Rzeczy, przedsiębiorcy@eu, Polish Market, BusinessWoman&Life, BiznesTuba, Szef Sprzedaży, and ThinkTank. “We are proud to see PNSA generate so much excitement in the industry. This confirms that ethical matters in sales are becoming the core of business growth and a top priority for many organisations. This is a very positive process”, said Elżbieta Pełka. “Each consecutive edition makes a real contribution to the development of the salesperson ethos. We have already started preparing for the 10th, Jubilee, edition. You are more than welcome to join us next year”, she added. •

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