Polish Market No.1 (267)/2018

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PU B LISHED SIncE 199 6 No. 1 (267) /2018 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl


100th anniversary

of regaining independence of p o l a n d ...............................

„ Regaining of independence after 123 years of partitions would hardly have been possible without the huge effort by those living on Polish land and by émigrés.” StaniSław KarczewSKi, sPEAkER of ThE sEnATE of ThE REPuBlic of PolAnD


COMPREHENSIVE AND CONTINUOUS CARE diagnostics treatment rehabilitation

w w w. k l i n i k i s e r c a . p l




6. From The President’s Press Office 7. From The Government Information Centre 8. PM MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI RESHUFFLES CABINET


10. STANISŁAW KARCZEWSKI, Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland:


12. JAROSŁAW SELLIN, deputy Minister of Culture and National Heritage, government commissioner for celebrations of the Centenary of Regaining Independence by Poland: COMMEMORATING THE EFFORT MADE BY FATHERS OF INDEPENDENCE AND ORDINARY POLES



18. ANDRZEJ ADAMCZYK, Minister of Infrastructure: RAILWAY INVESTMENTS ARE ACCELERATING 19. PIOTR DARDZIŃSKI, PhD, deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education:



20. MICHAŁ PIASECKI, DSc (ENG), Head of Thermal Physics, Acoustics and Environment


21. ADRIAN FURGALSKI, Deputy President of the Board, Zespół Doradców Gospodarczych

[Economic Advisors Group] TOR Sp. z o. o.: A RACE AGAINST TIME

22. CZESŁAW SULIMA, Member of the Board, Operations Director at Koleje Mazowieckie:









34. MACIEJ BADORA, President of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “Invest-Park”:




ECONOMIC COUNCIL OF ENTERPRISING WOMEN 40. Economic Council of enterprising women



MEDICINE 46. BEATA DRZAZGA, President of the Management Board of BetaMed, winner of the Honorary Pearl of "Polish Market" 2017 in the promotion of social values category: GREAT RESULTS WITHOUT ANY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS…

48. MARKUS SIEGER, President of the Management Board of the Polpharma Group: THERE ARE REASONS TO BE PROUD OF POLISH PHARMACEUTICALS

50. ŁUKASZ MICHALECKI, MD, a physician cooperating with PZU Zdrowie SA, specialist in cancer radiotherapy, PROF. K. GIBIŃSKI Teaching Hospital of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice: CANCER DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT IN POLAND CURRENT SITUATION AND THE EXPECTATIONS OF PATIENTS





Cover: BEATA DRZAZGA, President of the Management Board of BetaMed Photos on issue: www.shutterstock.com

1(267)/2018 Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.) President: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła Address: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl

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Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President of Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

A YEAR BRIMFUL OF SYMBOLS AND HOPE WE HAVE NOT HAD A START TO THE YEAR LIKE THIS BEFORE. ALTHOUGH NOT ALL THE PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN RESOLVED, AFTER YEARS OF CRISIS AND UNCERTAINTY, THE GLOBAL ECONOMY IS ACCELERATING AGAIN. ALL FORECASTS ARE NOW REVISED UPWARDS. ONE MIGHT GET THE IMPRESSION THAT ECONOMIC ANALYSTS WERE CAUTIOUS IN THEIR LONG-TERM ASSESSMENT JUST IN CASE, AFRAID OF BEING TOO POSITIVE ABOUT CURRENT STATISTICS. And the magic of numbers can be felt with double the strength at the beginning of the year. What do Poles associate with the number “18”? As presented by economic-history specialists, the highest figures for wheat exported to Western Europe via the Gdańsk Port were recorded in 1618. It is symbolically considered the peak moment of the First Polish Republic’s economic growth. The subsequent wars, invasions and epidemics taking place until the end of the century reduced our country's population from 10 to 6 million. In consequence, over the following centuries, Poland lost its independence, which resulted in a growing gap between our country and Western Europe as far as economic development was concerned. We regained our independence in 1918, but it was impossible to make up for the destruction of World War I in a time dominated by the Great Depression of the inter-war period. The economic distance to world economies was further reinforced by 45 years of communist rule, and we began to bridge the gap only after regaining independence again at the end of the 20th century. Poles are faced with new challenges in 2018. Are we able to join the global top league? There is still a chance to reach the income levels of the “old wealthy Europe” in just one generation. What does this depend on? It is enough to increase the growth rate by 1-2% a year over an extended period of time (e.g. 25 years)? It seems that Poles only need this much, or as much as this, to break free from the middle-income trap, which means getting stuck at the world's economic hinterland. The recorded growth was at 4 - 4.5% over the last 25 years. 2017 ended with a rate of 4.6%, so we are on the verge of success. Can we really do this? Internationally renowned forecasters have confirmed our optimistic views. Moody's has been assigning the A2 rating to Poland for a long time now, which is higher than in the case of Italy, Spain or Portugal. In December, Fitch ratings agency affirmed the high A- rating, while Standard & Poor’s affirmed the BBB+/A-2 rating for long and short-term liabilities in foreign currency, and A-/A2 in local currency. The outlook for all the ratings is stable. What is more, current statistical data show that the forecasters have issued the ratings underestimating the actual growth of our economy in 2017 by 1%. This makes a huge difference. We are not surprised that this has initiated reviews of a number of other forecasts. The World Bank was the first one to correct theirs, followed by the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission. Some of the forecasts were more optimistic than the 3.8% rate anticipated in the Polish budget law, e.g. the median for prognoses of 18 largest Polish banks is 3.9%. But focusing on fractions of a percent is not the point here. In Q3 2017, the Polish economy's growth rate reached nearly 5%, making the question of whether we can play this high a real issue. Most of the analysts stress the good economic situation in Poland's business environment, especially in the European Union. Many of these countries had better results than Poland. According to last year’s calculations made by the IMF experts, after surpassing Belgium (2011) we would outreach Sweden in 2022 and become the seventh largest economy in the EU, but after summing up last year’s record-breaking results, the date has become more distant. We are starting to lag behind the fastest seven. Moreover, IMF forecasts also demonstrate that we cannot expect to be accepted to G20 in the next five years, although we will be able to outreach Taiwan in 2020. It is clear that the size of economy does not necessarily translate into the wealth of an average resident. China is the second largest economy in the world, yet the affluent Luxembourg or Switzerland are far more attractive places to live. The GDP per capita shows a closer correlation with population’s income. In this respect, Poland is ranked 25th in the EU, and it is not difficult to calculate that, if we keep our growth at the level recorded in 2017, we would have to wait 79 years to reach Germany's level. It seems a lot of time. Therefore, it is extremely vital to speed up our growth. Will we be able to take the opportunity in 2018? For the last 15 years, Poland's economy has been growing faster than its global counterpart. This means that, statistically speaking, Polish residents’ income was growing faster than the average income worldwide. The difference is not substantial, but still, this proves that Poles are up to the task.

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Poland’s President Andrzej Duda stayed in Davos from Jan. 23 to Jan. 26 to attend the World Economic Forum. He held meetings with heads of government and state, and business people. The president’s top aide Krzysztof Szczerski said the aim of the visit was to present Poland as an important link in international security, Europe’s economic development and equilibrium in Europe in terms of development. Andrzej Duda took part in the panel discussion “Governors Policy Meeting for Infrastructure and Urban Development,” where

he talked about the development of European infrastructure. The president spoke about China’s Belt and Road concept and the Three Seas initiative. The panel included a Chinese delegation. As Minister Krzysztof Szczerski said: “Poland may play a significant role in the Chinese project. I would like Poland to be a partner for China to the largest extent possible when it comes to the gateway to the European Union. We are taking measures in this respect. We plan to build a large airport.” China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a strategy to build roads linking China with other countries taking part in the project and expand port and maritime transport infrastructure. The aim of the Three Seas Initiative, started by President Duda, is to build infrastructure linking countries located on the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Seas. While in Davos, President Duda spoke with President of Guinea Alpha Condé, who is head of the African Union. “In this way, we continue the message that both Polish business and Poland as a state, in a political sense, are interested in expansion on emerging African markets,” Minister Szczerski said. President of Senegal Macky Sall paid a visit to Poland more than a year ago while in May 2017 President Duda visited Ethiopia where he spoke at an African Union summit and promoted Polish businesses. They are looking for new markets and the African continent is now considered to be one of the most promising in this respect.


President Andrzej Duda took part in a debate at the United Nations Security Council on January 18, saying any aggression should be treated as a breach of international norms, as he officially launched Poland's membership of the body for 2018-2019. The high-level open debate was the first opportunity for the Polish head of state to address the UNSC after Warsaw assumed a seat on the council for the next two years. The debate was organised by Kazakhstan, which currently presides over the UNSC. The president said that the subject of the debate - non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction - was strongly linked to the priorities of Poland’s membership of the UNSC. Afterwards, the head of state told reporters that his visit to New York was a happy moment for him and, above all, for Poland. “We have

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launched Poland's two-year presence in the UNSC, as a non-permanent member,” Andrzej Duda said. “And we owe this membership to a ballot which was very fortunate for us and demonstrated the position of our country on the international stage.” Poland received 190 votes, which was “the best and seldom recorded result,” the president added. “I expressed gratitude for the support we received then,” he said. “And I hope that in our work at the UNSC, we will not disappoint the trust which we were given.” Referring to the topic of the debate, President Duda stated it was no secret that problems connected with non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction keep coming back. “This is the problem of Iran, and today, most of all, the problem with North Korea,” he said. The president added that Pyongyang's “sort of nuclear arms race “is very dangerous for the world.” As the president said, the debate at the UNSC also comprised other issues, such as the Syrian problem, the nuclear agreement with Iran and the “the occupation of parts of the territory of Ukraine.” These are the main issues for world security today, Andrzej Duda added, and probably no one is in any doubt that they also matter for Polish security. “This is why I am pleased that for two years, thanks to our role at the UNSC, Poland will have a say in how these problems are going to be solved by the international community,” he said. “I hope that our presence and our work at the UNSC will be effective,” the president added. After taking part in the debate at the UNSC, the Polish head of state also met the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, as well as Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Prime Minister


PRIME MINISTER MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI IN DAVOS Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visited Davos, Switzerland, on January 24 and 25 to attend the World Economic Forum. The main topic of the Forum was building a common future in a divided world. The prime minister took part in debates on the future of Europe, economy, industry and cybersecurity. He also participated in a lunch given by the CEO of Google. Present at the lunch were politicians, economists and media people. The prime minister talked with his Luxembourgian counterpart, an adviser to President Donald Trump and a co-founder of Wikipedia. The Forum also provided an opportunity for the prime

minister to meet US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry. They talked about energy cooperation between Poland, Central Europe and the United States. The prime minister presented Poland’s expectations for the development of the European Union energy market, in particular the coal and gas markets. The main topic of the discussion was the role of energy sources in Europe’s security architecture and long-term strategic measures designed to diversify power resources. In this context, Mateusz Morawiecki and Rick Perry discussed LNG imports from the United States to Poland.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki met Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest on January 3. At a joint press conference, Prime Minister Morawiecki said: “At a time when there are so many various developments taking place which put the cohesion of the European Union into question, we are not putting it into question. We believe in Europe, we believe in European values, we want to build them together.” Summing up the meeting with his Hungarian counterpart, Mateusz Morawiecki said they had a very similar outlook on current problems. “We talked a lot about the Visegrad Group,” he said. “The Visegrad Group is a key part of Central Europe and the European Union. It gives the EU a solid economic growth, security, political stability and a strongly pro-European stance. I think that it is very important and valuable for the whole Community.” The two prime ministers also discussed economic topics. “We tried to reach a common position on transport, energy and individual sectors. We managed to do so in a great number of cases, which shows that our perception of economic reality is very similar, even if we look at it from different perspectives,” Prime Minister Morawiecki said.

PRIME MINISTER: BRITAIN WILL REMAIN OUR KEY ALLY under our defence and foreign policy,” the prime minister said at a joint meeting with his British counterpart Theresa May and Polish and British soldiers and generals. Mateusz Morawiecki said he talked with Theresa May about cooperation within NATO and bilateral cooperation in the defence sphere. He stressed that Poland and Britain, as well as three or four other countries, fully met all the defence spending requirements under the NATO methodology. He expressed his satisfaction that Poland was able to contribute to talks and negotiations to ensure that PESCO, that is permanent structured cooperation in the area of defence, is open to cooperation with Britain. He said there was nothing more important than security and that concrete measures were taken to ensure peace and security to Poland, Britain, Europe and the world as a whole.

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Photos: premier.gov.pl

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki met in Warsaw on December 21 with British Prime Minister Theresa May. “Britain is now in the process of Brexit, but this does not mean that it is leaving Europe. Britain is withdrawing from the European Union, but it will continue to be our key ally in NATO and structures ensuring security





A long-expected reshuffle was carried out by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at the begining of the year. On January 9 President Andrzej Duda handed over nominations to newly appointed government ministers. According to observers, worthy of note is the split of the former Ministry of Economic Development into the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology and the Ministry of Investment and Development. Both will be headed by former deputy ministers of economic development.


Since 2015 Jadwiga Emilewicz served as undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Economic Development. The aim of the new ministry will be to attract investors to Poland and to facilitate the operation of Polish companies. Before she became part of the cabinet, she had worked at the Foreign Affairs Department of the Prime Minister’s Office during the term of PM Jerzy Buzek (1997-2001.)


Since 2015 Jerzy Kwieciński served as Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development. A year before he had become a member of the National Development Council appointed by the Polish President. In Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s cabinet, he will be in charge of the Ministry of Investment and Development, which – as the Ministry of Development - was formerly headed by Mateusz Morawiecki himself.


Since 2017 he served as undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is a political scientist, an academic lecturer and civil servant. Jacek Czaputowicz is a graduate of the Main School of Planning and Statistics, which is now known as the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. In 2016 he became a professor of social sciences. In the 2008-2012 period he was the head of the Lech Kaczyński National School of Public Administration.


Joachim Brudziński is one of the leading politicians of the Law and Justice Party and the party’s deputy leader. Before taking over from former minister Mariusz Błaszczak, he had served as the head of the ruling party’s Executive Committee.

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Prime Minister


For the past six months she served as undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Finance. Until 2015 she had worked at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, where she was responsible for devising and introduction of new mechanism of assigning state grants to state-owned universities, as well as streamlining budget spending on higher education. Teresa Czerwińska holds a Ph.D. in economics. She is a University of Warsaw lecturer.


Before the reshuffle, Łukasz Szumowski was deputy Minister of Science in Prime Minister Morawiecki’s cabinet. He is a cardiologist and a professor of medical sciences. Since 2011 he was the head of a specialist life sciences unit at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He has published more than 150 studies both at home and in foreign countries.


Since 2015 Mariusz Błaszczak was the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration. In the former Law and Justice cabinet between 2005 and 2007 he was the head of the Prime Minister’s Office. In the 2010-2015 period he was deputy head of the Law and Justice party parliamentary caucus.


He has been an MP since 2005. Adamczyk is a longstanding head of the parliamentary Infrastructure Committee and a member of another committee which maintains links with Polish communities abroad. He has taken part in the work of sub-committees which deal with construction, spatial economy and housing, monitoring of the use of EU structural funding and overland transport. Until the reshuffle he was in charge of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction. He has now been appointed Minister of Infrastructure.


Between June 7 2006 and November 16 2007 he was undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and government plenipotentiary for the agricultural system. On November 16 2015 he was appointed minister without a portfolio in Prime Minister Beata Szydło's cabinet. Between September and December 2016 he served as Minister of the Treasury. In September 2016 he also became deputy head of the government Economic Commission. In Mateusz Morawiecki's cabinet he again became head of the government Standing Committee.

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Our Guest




2018 is a special year for Poland and the Polish people, as we are

about to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our country's regaining independence. I hope this will be an extraordinary time for all Poles, both here and abroad, as the regaining of independence after 123 years of occupation by foreign powers would hardly have been possible without the huge effort by those living on Polish land and by émigrés. This will provide an opportunity for joint celebrations, for the shaping of the national identity beyond political divisions, as well as for the prevailing reflection that independence is not only a source of pride, but, most of all, it obliges us to seek to maintain it, make it stronger, and build it through what we do every day. As stated by Marshal Józef Piłsudski, one of the fathers of independence: “Independence is not given to the Polish people once and for all… It is both a precious and an expensive good.” We are now preparing to celebrate this important anniversary. Parliament has adopted an Act on celebrating the 100th anniversary of Poland's regaining independence, and the National Celebrations Committee has been established, with myself as the Speaker of the Senate among its members. The Senate will actively participate in the celebrations, also seeking to engage the Polish diaspora and Poles living abroad. We should bear in mind that, under a decision made by President Andrzej Duda, the Polish diaspora's celebrations will form part of the national celebrations. The President has invited, among other people, Teresa Berezowska from the Council of World Polonia, Tadeusz Pilat from the Union of Polish Communities in Europe, and Dariusz Bonisławski, President of the Polish Community Association, to join the Committee. Furthermore, on this special occasion, the 5th World Meeting of the Polish Diaspora and Poles Living Abroad will be held in 2018 under the auspices of the Speaker of the Senate. Other events to engage the Polish community and Poles living abroad in the jubilee year will include the 1st Global Polish Community Media Forum, which will take place in Poland, and the 3rd Polish Community Forum to be held as part of the Economic Forum in Krynica. This year's celebrations of the Day of the Polish Diaspora and Poles Living Abroad, which are to be organised in Brussels, are expected to be particularly solemn. This event was first launched to express gratitude for, and to commemorate, the longstanding achievements and contribution of our fellow countrymen abroad to Poland's regaining independence. A large number of applications submitted in 2018 to the Senate, regarding the co-financing of various initiatives aimed at the Polish diaspora, focus on celebrating this round anniversary. This year Senators will also join Polish people abroad in celebrating Independence Day. I sincerely hope that this year will strengthen our compatriots' bonds with their fatherland, inspiring more Poles living abroad to visit the land of their ancestors. This will give them a chance to see for themselves that it is getting better and safer to live in Poland, and that our country offers huge opportunities, attaching much importance to family. Maybe these visits will encourage them to return to, invest money in, or at least cooperate with our country. I am delighted to see various initiatives regarding cooperation between Polish entrepreneurs operating abroad and businesses established in Poland. I am keeping my fingers crossed for such projects as the 60 Million Congress to be held in Florida, and then in Rzeszów, Poland. Apart from the idea of getting together, which will hopefully

lead to business collaboration, such events integrate the Polish diaspora and strengthen its ties with Poland. This is yet another major event to take place in the year marking the 100th anniversary of Poland's regaining independence. The Senate, which has traditionally acted as the patron of the Polish diaspora and Poles living abroad, recognises the crucial role of business as a platform which draws the Polish community abroad closer to Poland. This is one of the reasons why the Senate has organised the Polish Community Forum for two years, as part of the Economic Forum, providing a unique meeting opportunity and creating an atmosphere which fosters networking between Polish entrepreneurs and business people from the East and the West. Poles living abroad, including entrepreneurs, business people, scientists and artists, build a natural bridge towards successful cooperation with the countries of their residence. Appreciating their achievements and hoping for an opportunity to benefit from their experience, I have decided that this year the Senate will host a series of conferences entitled “Cooperation Bridges,” the first of which will be devoted to medical specialists. As regards the Krynica Forum, last year it featured several interesting panel discussions which attracted a large turnout. One of the panels dealt with developing brand Poland in the world, building on good recognisability and positive connotations. The potential of the Polish diaspora in this field can hardly be overestimated. Polish people residing abroad are naturally considered by their local communities as ambassadors of Poland and brand Poland. They are thus responsible for shaping the image of Poland outside its borders. The better they are perceived, the more favourable Poland’s image abroad. The Polish diaspora also displays a potential for lobbying towards businesses and authorities, both Polish and foreign. Therefore, support for the Polish diaspora and Poles living abroad has moral and financial dimensions. Their significance to economic cooperation, and in virtually any other area, is barely estimable.

I have invited the President of the Belarusian Senate to attend this year's Forum in Krynica. Poland's openness to a good relationship with Belarus results not only from the Giedroyc doctrine stipulating that the independence of Ukraine and Belarus is within Poland's best interests. It is also due to the fact that there are still Polish people residing in Belarus. We would like them to retain their interest in Polish culture and traditions, maintain their bonds with Poland, and freely act together in protecting their interests. Our further aim is also to ensure that Poles residing in Poland have easy access to those Belarusian regions which feature national-remembrance sites and cultural monuments, forming a major part of our national heritage. We appreciate Belarusian attempts at protecting the monuments of the former Republic of Poland, and we willingly share with Belarus our national heroes and exceptional artists which that country views as their own. Finally, we appreciate the efforts to facilitate tourist traffic between Belarus and the border countries of the European Union. I hope that Belarusians are monitoring the current situation in Ukraine with much attention and are learning their lessons. Given the circumstances outlined above, we can expect to develop a better and friendlier relationship between our countries and societies, and I am looking forward to many fruitful talks with the Head of the • Belarusian Senate in Krynica in September this year. 1/2018  polish market


COMMEMORATING THE EFFORT MADE BY FATHERS OF INDEPENDENCE AND ORDINARY POLES JAROSŁAW SELLIN, deputy Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Government Plemipotentiary for commemoration of the Centenary of Regaining Independence by Poland, talks to “Polish Market.” The year which has just started is exceptional for Poland and Polish people. We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence. The year must be very important for the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. How is the Ministry involved in the celebrations? The Multi-Annual “Niepodległa” [Independent Poland – ed.] Programme has been adopted by the government to duly commemorate one of the most important anniversaries in Poland’s history: the centenary of regaining independence. The programme is designed to contribute to building our civic community and encourage Polish people to celebrate the joint success of our ancestors joyfully and in the spirit of solidarity. The programme is guided by the values which are of special importance for the national identity of Polish people: striving for freedom, solidarity, and respect for human dignity and human rights. The Department of Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage is the coordinator of the “Niepodległa” Programme. The duties of government commissioner for celebrations of the Centenary of Regaining Independence have been entrusted to me. The “Niepodległa” Programme for the years 2017-2021 consists of events organized at national level by cultural institutions supervised by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, like for example National Museums, the National PM

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Centre for Culture and the National Heritage Board of Poland, events organized at national level by other ministries, many events at local and regional level designed to involve all Poles, and events organized outside Poland. We are open to cooperation with firms, enterprises, non-governmental organizations, cities, rural districts, counties, religious organizations, sports associations, private individuals and all those who would like to organize independence events. Under the “Niepodległa” Programme, financial support is available for non-governmental organizations and cultural institutions managed by local governments. We are also open to cooperation with every organizer who undertakes to prepare celebrations under the “Niepodległa” logo. The main condition is that the independence celebrations should be planned in such a way so as to ensure that they are joyful and unite all Poles. We always stress that every institution may join us in the effort to prepare these celebrations, some of the most important in Polish history. The only thing we want to avoid is commercializing the celebrations and organizing events which would exclude any groups of Polish people. Let it be a holiday uniting us all and organized for all. What aspects of Polish statehood do you want to emphasize during the celebrations? We are not concentrating on any specific aspects. We want to support the broadest possible range of activities relating to Polish traditions, values and our contribution to PM

the development of Europe and the world. Of course, the history of how the Polish state was being restored will play the main role in the narration of the celebrations. But we are not forgetting about the need to commemorate other dates important in the process of consolidating Polish statehood. We are trying to emphasize that regaining and consolidating our independence was a long-term process. This was a period of a hundred years of diverse experiences for individual regions of our country, a period which brings to mind the names of leaders of many different ideological traditions. They were united by the desire to regain a common independent Polish state. Today, they not only deserve to be remembered, but first of all their work and effort are an inspiration for contemporary Poles. The “Niepodległa” Programme will be carried out in the years 2017-2021 so that it may include many anniversary events associated with the rebirth of Polish statehood. A special portal, www.niepodlegla.gov.pl, has been created. One can find there information about all events designed to celebrate this special year. Is the Ministry, and the government in general, planning an event which would be the highlight of the celebrations? Can Polish people expect anything special on November 11? The website www.niepodlegla.gov.pl is the official portal of the “Niepodległa” Programme. Its main functionality is the calendar of celebrations – promotion and presentation of all anniversary initiatives, events being organized by beneficiaries of grant programmes and projects which have been submitted to prepare the celebrations and received the right to use the official logo. The “Niepodległa” Programme is also widely present in social networking media: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. We plan to inform the public about all anniversary events which will be using the “Niepodległa” logo and will be held as part of the “Niepodległa” Programme. We want the celebrations to involve all Poles. This is why local and regional activities are enormously important. Of course, the year 2018 will naturally see the climax of the celebrations and many events organized by state institutions have already been planned. We may expect many projects for events held around November 11 and organized by the Office of the “Nepodległa” Programme, National Centre for Culture and National Museums. We also work with the Office of the President of Poland on the organization of state celebrations. However, Poles also expect to have access to celebrations in their own regions. Hence our strong support for events at local and regional level. In 2017 alone, PLN4 million in funding was provided from the “Niepodległa” grant programme for 157 projects out of 886 properly submitted applications. In 2018, we plan to provide PLN13 million in funding for small and medium independence projects. By 2021 a budget of PLN50.5 million is planned for subsidies intended for regional and local programmes under the “Niepodległa” Programme. Institutions which have engaged themselves in events contributing to centenary celebrations, but have not applied for funding from the “Niepodległa” Programme, have PM


submitted more than 150 applications for the right to use the logo of the Programme. For years culture was and still is a vehicle for patriotic values and the independence spirit. How are you going to showcase the Independent Poland in 2018 and what artists have you chosen for this purpose? We do not make any distinction between artists on the basis of their art and their views. The most important things in the “Niepodległa” Programme are its goals and the narration of individual activities. What counts more here is the inclusive character of the event – an invitation to celebrate for everyone interested. Projects likely to attract the interest of all members of a local community stand more chance of receiving support than sophisticated productions for a very narrow group. A project will be interesting for us if it builds a positive image of the Independence Day, attracts the interest of Polish people and is easy to repeat in successive years so as to restore the tradition of Independence Day celebrations. PM

What is the difference between independence in 1918 and today? Independence is the same. The only difference is that we celebrate it in a different way. One hundred years ago, Polish people joined forces in their fight for an independent Poland, in their effort to restore a state which had disappeared from the maps of Europe for more than 120 years. All Poles, irrespective of their religion, views and political sympathies, stood and fought shoulder to shoulder for an independent state. All contributed to international negotiations regarding Poland’s fate. They probably appreciated the result of their own efforts differently. Today, we should also come together and commemorate the effort the fathers of independence and all Poles made to restore the state of which we are so proud. It is worth reminding our families and friends that freedom and independence are not empty words, but values important for everyone. It is necessary to remember about the people who fought for them and to celebrate together the independence we regained 100 years ago. • PM

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ALL POLES JOIN IN THE CELEBRATION The history of Polish statehood goes back more than 1,000 years. Despite repeatedly being the object of foreign aggression, and in spite of some negative national traits that have occasionally dragged the country down, the people of Poland have always had been aware of their roots. They have proved invincible, charitable, open and tolerant. In 2018 we will focus on the significance of the political breakthrough of 1918 when – after more than a century of subjugation – Poland returned to the map of Europe. On May 24 2017, the Polish government adopted a programme of action which is meant to encourage Polish people to get involved in celebrations marking the centenary of the regaining of independence. It is known as the Niepodległa Programme which will span a period of several years. In a new series, throughout the year Polish Market will be bringing you stories on the history of Polish statehood, present goings-on in Polish culture and selected events taking place as part of the Niepodległa programme. Maciej Proliński


Few nations in the world experienced so much turmoil as the people of Poland had to endure, beginning with the collapse of the Polish state soon after the adoption of the trail-blazing May 3 Constitution of 1791 – in fact the world’s second written Constitution only to that of the United States – and the fall of communism in 1989. Just how profound a change occurred in the early 20th century becomes apparent when you consider the situation Polish society found itself in 1918. The impossible thing happened: the previous order which resulted from a pact between Poland’s neighbouring countries: Russia, Prussia and Austria, had collapsed. Between 1772 and 1795 the three powers had sliced off large chunks of Polish territory, to eventually deprive the country of it statehood. This state of affairs was sanctioned by the Congress of Vienna in 1815. The re-emergence of Poland a century later was the result of war losses and revolutions in the seriously weakened three powers that occupied it. But the post-WWI map of this part of Europe was also shaped thanks to the active participation of Poles in the political, military, intellectual and artistic spheres. Culture and the arts had always been the mainstay of the national identity, fostering aspirations for the return

One of the intriguing questions about Polish history is: how was it possible for a country which cherished values that the people of Europe now hold dear, to disappear from the map of Europe at the end of the 18th century. Values like liberty, independence and observance of civic rights. It is worth noting that, at the time when Poland was no longer an independent entity, Polish songs were sung in Germany, while during French revolutions, the people of Paris chanted ‘Vive la Pologne!’. I guess most of those who did actually had no clue whether Pologne was a country or continent, and whether it lay on the Black Sea or perhaps the Red Sea. I reckon that the fact that ‘the cradle of liberty’ that was Poland, allowed the Polish nation to remain in the focus of so many Europeans for so long. It was not by accident that following the fall of the January Uprising of 1863 against Russian rule, the ladies of Berlin, London and Paris wore black ribbons in memory of the fallen Polish insurgents who fought ‘for your freedom and ours.’ The spirit of the time is perhaps best captured in the lyrics of the patriotic song, ‘The Varsovienne: ‘Fly high the Polish eagle, serve the glory of Poland and serve the world’, historian Professor Henryk Samsonowicz told Polish Market in 2014. Józef Piłsudski

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of independent statehood. Great Polish writers such as Nobel Prize winner Henryk Sienkiewicz, novelist Bolesław Prus, national poets Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Juliusz Słowacki and Adam Mickiewicz, as well as playwright Stanisław Wyspiański, raised patriotic spirits and encouraged Poles to fight for a state which would truly be their own. On the political and military scene, the figure inseparably linked with the regaining of independence was that of Poland’s first marshal Józef Piłsudski (1867-1935), who twice served as Prime Minister (1926-1928 and 1930), a soldier, politician and public activist. In his youth, he spent some time in forced exile in Siberia, which made him regard Russia as Poland’s chief enemy. On return home, he became a socialist and focused on clandestine publishing work. He believed that Poland could regain independence with the help of Austro-Hungary, which he first mentioned in 1901. In the run-up to the outbreak of WWI, he organised paramilitary units in the Austrian-ruled part of Poland, which later came to be known as the legendary Polish Legions. The core of the Legions was the First Cadre Company formed on his initiative in August 1914. It was the first regular Polish military unit since 1864, when the Russians defeated the last Polish guerrilla units. The Polish Legions attracted volunteers coming from various social groups, including peasants, workers, middle-class city-dwellers, intellectuals and artists. The units operated as part of the AustroHungarian armed forces, inflicting heavy losses on the Russian army. At the height of the campaign in the autumn of 1915, the Legions numbered over 16,000 men. In 1918 Piłsudski, known as a master strategist, proved the only one able to shoulder the burden of governing the reborn state. As Provisional Chief of State, he ruled the country for another four years building the foundations of Polish statehood. Thanks to him, major reforms were carried out. Steps were taken to ensure Poland a stable position on the international arena. Piłsudski came up with the idea of a regional confederation, a block of independent states like Ukraine that would separate Poland from Soviet Russia. The federation never materialised and Poland was invaded by the Bolsheviks

Ignacy Jan Paderewski


who sought to export their communist revolution to the west of Europe. The invasion threatened the very existence of the Polish state but Piłsudski managed to turn the tide in the historic Battle of Warsaw in 1920. Piłsudski was not the only founding father of re-born Poland. Mention must also be made of the world-acclaimed pianist-turned-statesman Ignacy Jan Paderewski, and another independence leader, the conservative Roman Dmowski. Each of them played a different role, but together their effort proved vital in making Poland free again. Just like his comCyprian Kamil Norwid patriot Polish-born Frederic Chopin, Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941) could best be described as a perfect blend of a patriot and artist. The two parts of his soul seemed to perfectly nourish each other. Paderewski first came to light as a piano virtuoso and the most highly recognised performer of works by Chopin. Because he was a household name in the West, while enjoying utmost respect back home, he was elected Poland’s first Prime Minister. He took office in early 1919. However, he resigned a year later because he felt he was misunderstood by politicians who surrounded him. He became Poland’s ambassador to the League of Nations in Geneva, finally to withdraw from politics two years later. He re-entered the political scene following Poland’s military defeat at the hands of the Nazis at the start of WWII in 1939. He became the head of the National Council in Paris, and later in London. Paderewski’s concerts were enthusiastically received and won rave reviews. He managed to instil a love of music in thousands of people all over the globe. His concert tours took him across Europe, the Americas, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. He performed in front of Queen Victoria and 1/2018  polish market


other crowned heads, as well as successive US presidents. Since 1907 he performed each year at the White House. As a politician, together with Roman Dmowski, he took part in the Paris peace conference which saw the signing of the Versailles Treaty which formally put an end to WWI. Reportedly, it was thanks to Paderewski’s influence that the issue of Polish independence found itself among the famous fourteen points submitted by US president Thomas Woodrow Wilson to the Congress in January 1918. As one of the pre-conditions for world peace, the then US president suggested that an independent Polish state be founded with free access to the Baltic Sea. Józef Piłsudski’s chief political opponent Roman Dmowski (18641939) is regarded as one of the most prominent politicians in Polish history, but he is also seen by many as a highly controversial figure. During his university studies he became involved in politics. Since 1888 he became part of the ZET patriotic youth circle, followed by his activities within the Polish League, which brought together independence activists at home and abroad. He came to be known as an ultra-conservative. Following the outbreak of WWI, Dmowski left for the West. There, as president of the National Committee, he actively campaigned for Polish independence. He contributed to the formation of the Polish Army in France, which was to become the core of reborn Poland’s future armed forces. Before WWI Dmowski advocated an alliance with Russia, which he believed could help Poland gain autonomy. He tended to avoid calls for true independence for fear of upsetting Russia. Years later he described this period of time as ‘fraternising with scum.’ In independent Poland he was elected an MP. In 1923 he briefly served as foreign minister in Wincenty Witos’ conservative-agrarian cabinet. This was the only political post he held in his career. Contrary to Józef Piłsudski, he was very cautious about Germany’s intentions toward Poland. He also feared the domination of German culture. In Dmowski’s view, the assimilation of Poland’s many ethnic minorities should be encouraged. Apart from the contribution made by the country’s founding fathers, Poland’s independence was also owed to the efforts of millions of Poles who worked together irrespective of their political views, both at the national level and at the local community level. These efforts helped in the creation of an open civil society where there was enough room for ethnic minorities such a Jews. In fact, a large proportion of Polish Jews regarded themselves as Poles of Judaic faith. I am deeply convinced that the centenary of the regaining of Polish independence is a matter close to the hearts of all Poles. I wish this jubilee to become a feast of the whole Polish community. Each of us, Polish citizens, should feel invited not only to take part in ceremonies and other anniversary events, but also to creatively join in preparations for the celebrations. As we mark this historic anniversary, we should not so much look back one hundred years but ahead to future challenges, which we can successfully tackle by building a strong and free Poland – Polish President Andrzej Duda wrote in an article marking the anniversary. According to him, the centenary will offer an excellent opportunity to highlight crucial moments in history by telling, often unknown, local stories. In mid-2017 the Polish government adopted a resolution on a longterm Niepodległa Programme to be implemented in the 2017-2021 period. Its implementation falls under the responsibility of Government Plenipotentiary for the Centenary of the Regaining of Independence by the Republic of Poland Jarosław Sellin, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Culture and the National Heritage. The Office of the Niepodległa Programme will be in charge of the co-ordination of events marking the anniversary and of some of the funding meant to involve all Polish citizens in the celebrations.

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The Niepodległa Programme lists three paramount values of Polish identity : freedom, respect for dignity and human rights and solidarity. Its goal is to strengthen the sense of community among all Poles. The programme provides for undertakings in three fields of activity. The implementation of projects marking the centenary of the regaining of independence by Poland will be the responsibility of national cultural institutions. The List of Historical Landmarks will be expanded to include one hundred sites. A gala ceremony of the EMYA 2018 European Museum Award will be held, along with numerous exhibition, film and music projects. Ordinary Polish citizens are to be involved through civic initiatives funded via two separate platforms, known as Coalitions for Independent Poland (which will offer support for grassroots initiatives) and Independence (which is addressed to local government institutions and non-governmental organisations.) Then come promotional activities in foreign countries whose aim is to boost Poland’s image abroad. These activities will be co-ordinated by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. Each month Polish Market will be bringing you previews of major events from different categories and reviews on those which have already taken place. For now we would like to invite our readers to three exhibitions at the National Museum in Warsaw entitled ‘Paderewski,’ ‘Józef Brandt’ (devoted to the acclaimed painter) and ‘Independent Poland 1918.’ The first show, which opens on February 16, will feature memorabilia, documents and art works bequeathed by Ignacy Jan Paderewski to the National Museum in Warsaw. Together with his wife Helena, he donated large sums of money to patriotic and charitable causes. On show at the National Museum will be Paderewski’s personal belongings, exhibits connected with his artistic career and precious art works from his collection, including enamelled Chinese period pieces and paintings. The exhibition will run until May 20 2018. • “This project is part of the commemoration of the centennial of the regaining of independence.”

Adam Mickiewicz


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Our Guest




fficient, safe, and attractive railway transport is one of the key elements in an effective transport system. The objective of the National Railway Programme by 2023, being implemented by PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA, under the supervision of the Minister of the Infrastructure, is to improve the condition of the railway infrastructure in our country, both on major transport routes, and those of regional or local significance. The implementation of the NRP, worth over PLN 66 billion, is a serious challenge. It is a difficult task to find a compromise between conflicting expectations and conditions, e.g. developing an appropriate work-stage schedule to maintain uninterrupted traffic flow in the railway network, at the same time taking into account the time pressures in the context of spending EU funds. However, we are determined to implement the NRP in full, and we are taking all the necessary measures to ensure the efficient completion of the projects on an ongoing basis. The year 2017 was a vital time for the successful implementation of the investment plan laid down in the NRP. It was a year marked by entering into agreements with contractors. In 2016, because of incomplete documentation which is necessary for contract-award proceedings, the value of the agreements we entered into was only PLN 2.3 billion. Thanks to the efforts and involvement of PKP PLK SA employees, the value of the agreements concluded in 2017 was over 8 times higher than in 2016, and reached PLN 18.6 billion. Such a result provides an optimistic outlook for

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the future. We are beginning 2018 by implementing contracts worth approx. PLN 23 billion, which, together with the PLN 5.46 billion spent on completed contracts and received refunds, amounts to the implementation of nearly 43 percent of the NRP. In addition to systematic conclusions of agreements with contractors, 2017 was also significant as far as project implementation was concerned. The most recent estimates show that outlays for the implementation of the NRP projects reached approx. PLN 4.96 billion, which is an increase by a third as compared to 2016. The outlays translate into actually completed and pending works. In total, over 1000 km of tracks were redeveloped as part of the NRP, including nearly 600 km in 2017 alone. The indicators include projects which were completed, such as the Kraków railway siding, opened for traffic in December 2017, and projects which are currently being implemented. The most significant tasks include the Warsaw ring railway, Warsaw-Lublin Railway No. 7, the Warsaw-Poznań railway route E20, and the Warsaw-Grodzisk Mazowiecki 447 line, which is substantial for the traffic within the agglomeration. Moreover, preparation works are being carried out on other railway routes, e.g. the E59 WarsawWrocław-Szczecin, the E30 Katowice-Kraków, and the Warszawa-Radom Line No. 8. The improvement in services provided for freight transport are a substantial part of the NRP implementation. The programme includes the planned modernisation works of railway lines to ports in Szczecin, Świnoujście, Gdynia and Gdańsk. Moreover, the lines

crucial to freight transport, such as CE59 and CE65, are being modernised on a regular basis, which is resulting in an improvement in their technical condition and parameters, including the maximum permissible axle load, and the maximum permissible length of the draft of cars. In addition to the NRP, one more programme is due to be implemented for Polish railways, i.e. the so-called maintenance programme, worth over PLN 20 billion. Thanks to this programme, we will be certain that the outcomes of completed or pending investments will be sustained, and the railway network in Poland will not deteriorate. The most important challenges are still to be met. In 2018, we are planning to double the outlays within the investment projects to over PLN 10 billion as compared to the previous year. We are taking up various measures aimed at mitigating potential problems, and will continue to do so. We will continue to publish calls for proposals, enter into further agreements, and prepare further projects. In 2018, PKP PLK SA is planning to issue invitations to submit tenders worth over PLN 10.5 billion. The value of the contracts to be concluded is estimated at approx. PLN 15 billion. We are going to face numerous challenges in respect of railway investments this year. I am convinced that the readiness and determination of the staff at the Ministry of the Infrastructure will facilitate a successful implementation of the programmes. Thanks to this, we will move closer to our destination, which is a safe, comfortable and punctual Polish railway system. •

Our Guest

CONSTITUTION FOR SCIENCE PIOTR DARDZIŃSKI, PhD, deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education


n the autumn of 2016, Jarosław Gowin, deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Higher Education, presented a strategy for the development of science and higher education. The strategy is based on three pillars: building a new education and research system, using science to build a knowledge-based economy and opening scientific institutions to social needs. Today, we can show how the guidelines of the strategy are being put into practice. A Constitution for Science bill, designed to thoroughly reform Polish higher educational institutions and research institutes, has just been submitted to the Council of Ministers. A product of joint work by the Ministry and the academic community, the bill enables us to create in Poland conditions for education and research meeting 21st-century standards. This is proven by the decision to expand the mission of higher educational institutions. Apart from excellence in research and teaching, they will now be appraised and rewarded for the effectiveness of their cooperation with the social and business environment. It is a strong incentive for scientists to carry out joint projects with entrepreneurs. An innovative idea introduced by Constitution for Science is that representatives of the social and business environment are to account for 50% of members of Councils of higher educational institutions. Constitution for Science is also a chance for the development of regional universities and colleges by offering them an opportunity to enter the Regional Excellence Initiatives competition. The strengthening of regional higher educational institutions is expected to support the local economy, which should stimulate the development of science and channel research activity towards research problems which may benefit the “little homelands.” But for science to be close to economy, one needs not only to make changes in the sphere of the research and education system but also provide support to entrepreneurs. Within two years the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development has worked out two draft laws on innovation. The first one came into force on January 1, 2017, the second has been effective since the beginning of this year. Businesses can already benefit from an unprecedented increase in tax breaks – from 30% in 2015 to 100% in 2018. Everyone who invests in research and development pays lower taxes. This is an element of the policy aimed to support innovative businesses. The two laws have not only raised the level of tax deductions, but also expanded the list of eligible costs and extended the period when one has the right to benefit from the tax break. The new solutions were worked out in close cooperation with entrepreneurs, investors and scientists. The results of our activity have been noticed and appreciated. The Employers of

Poland association called the first law on innovation the best deregulatory legislation with respect to taxes. Legislative changes are very important but it is people who are key in the development of effective cooperation between science and business. This is why we are investing in new staff. Last year, for the first time, we recruited young scientists for a programme of research and development PhD projects. Under this programme, PhD students employed by companies carry out research projects chosen by the employer and approved by their thesis supervisor, and receive an additional scholarship from the Ministry of Science equal to the salary of assistant lecturers at universities. Thanks to this additional funding, young people receive decent remuneration, businesses share costs with the state and we jointly implement ambitious research and business development programmes without the need for difficult processes in which research findings are transferred to the marketplace because the owner of the research findings is the entrepreneur. We have to admit that we have underestimated the potential of young scientists, universities and businesses. In the first year, the Ministry planned to recruit 60 PhD students. Meanwhile, we have over 380 of them, an overwhelming majority employed by small and medium-sized businesses. In the next recruitment round, we offer 500 scholarships – in response to the growth in the potential of Polish science to carry out research leading to its application in practice. All in all, around 2,000 scientists interested in developing new technologies will be able to take part in the programme. We are creating a new legal framework, supporting the development of research staff, and creating a new institutional space for cooperation. I mean the Łukasiewicz Research Network. Its establishment is a result of our Ministry’s joint work for over one year with the Ministry of Economic Development and research institutes. Thanks to the network, a single organization will bring together the potential of 38 institutes employing 6,000 people focused on implementing research projects whose end result should be the development of new products. The Łukasiewicz Research Network offers a potential for pursuing the state’s industrial and technological policy through the implementation of interdisciplinary projects whose scale is beyond the capabilities of individual institutes. The activity of the Ministry of Science means the consistent implementation of the Strategy for Responsible Development whose goal is for Poland to avoid the middle-income trap. Science has a huge role to play in this respect because in today’s world there are no modern economies not supported by modern science. We are working on exactly this model of development for our Homeland. • 1/2018  polish market



BASIC FACTORS OF THE MARKET FOR GREEN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IN POLAND MICHAŁ PIASECKI, DSc (ENG), Head of Thermal Physics, Acoustics and Environment Department, Building Research Institute (ITB)


he analysis of the existing trend for the market of eco-friendly construction materials indicates that the number of products with certain environmental characteristics on the market is evidently growing. Investors and developers are willing to buy eco-friendly construction products if they offer the same technical performance with the same price in comparison to the “standard products”. The growing eco-awareness regarding an adverse impact of buildings on the environment and human health is slowly becoming a decisive criterion in Poland in the decision-making process of market stake holders, especially large contractors and investors. Access to information concerning environmental aspects of construction products and elements is considered to be one of the driving forces of green market development in some leading EU countries (UK, Holand, France, Gemany, Sweden) and is spreading in Poland. Environmental information about construction products is delivered in the form of Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) which is a registered document issued by an approved construction Institute. EPD contains quantified and comparable information about the environmental impact of a product throughout its life cycle. International standards specify the indicators that have to be declared within EPD, i.e. CO2 emissions (carbon footprint), use of renewable fuels and water. The transparent disclosure of relevant impact categories has been appreciated in commercial building assessment schemes such as LEED and BREEAM through additional “points” for construction projects that utilize products possessing EPDs. In Europe, EPD

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Programme Operators (like ITB) collaborate within the ECO Platform association in order to eliminate inconsistencies between different assessment procedures to achieve consensus on the best way to communicate environmental information, including EU regulatory requirements. Thanks to an agreement on mutual recognition, more then 3500 EPDs issued by ECO Platform Members guarantee credibility across the European market. It is a valuable achievement at the age of dynamic development of computeraided design technologies such as Building Information Modeling – BIM. Easy access to verified environmental information placed in BIM libraries can encourage investors and designers to eco-friendly thinking at the earliest stages of designing and thus be a key factor supporting the development of green buildings. Comfort and well-being in buildings, which consists of good indoor air quality, is also an important part of building performance. Building materials play an important role in determining indoor environmental quality due to their large surface areas and permanent exposure to indoor air. Building materials release a wide variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are the main source of indoor air pollutants, worsening the air quality. Some building materials are high VOC emitters, such as solvent paints and adhesives and the coatings and coverings on walls, ceilings and floors. It is recognized that such contamination is a probable cause of acute health effects (headaches and asthmatic symptoms or eye and respiratory irritation) and discomfort among occupants, which

results in a decrease in work efficiency, longterm leaves, complaints and dissatisfaction with work conditions. Many brand -new construction products are introduced into the market hence there is a need to measure and assess the emissions of harmful substances from them as a part of product technical assessment. VOCs emissions measurements methods are defined in ISO 16000 standard series and provided by accredited laboratories. The commercial building assessment schemes have become the standard for the sustainable design and construction of office buildings in Poland. VOC-emitting source material specialization is crucial for manufacturers, contractors and building designers in order to provide a healthy design and comfortable environment for building occupants. This specialization enables selecting low-emission products for certified green buildings and giving the certificate for assessing the range of environmental impacts associated with buildings. As it is expected, the obligatory declaration of environmental performance, including emission levels for indoor construction products is going to be soon obligatory for several groups of construction products. The capacity of green market participants is growing. For example, over 500 buildings in Poland have environmental certification and more than 3500 products in Europe have environmental declaration. The various formal actions of the European Commission and the Polish government will be provided (like Green Public Procurment Law) to support the development of the market for green products. •




ADRIAN FURGALSKI, Deputy President of the Board, Zespół Doradców Gospodarczych TOR Sp. z o. o. (TOR Consultants Group)


he previous multi-annual European budget for Poland was not used in the best-possible way by PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe [PKP PLK, the operator of Polish railway lines - ed.], to say the least. Let us mention the need to ask the European Commission to divide the projects, worth a total of PLN 3.5 billion, into stages, and to postpone some stages until the current financial period. In addition, the sudden injection of cash, which had originally been intended for improving the overall condition of Polish railways, was eventually spent on the purchase of additional Intercity rolling stock, as well as on trams to operate in Kraków and Wrocław. Therefore, the serious fears regarding the implementation of the current investment programme ‒ the National Railway Programme ‒ hardly come as a surprise. They result from both the programme’s scale and the fact that the launching of railway projects has once again had a false start. Between 2007 and 2013 the sum eventually spent on various EU programmes amounted to PLN 23 billion. Now we are about to have PLN 66 billion at our disposal. The modernisation work carried out under the previous financial framework covered around 3,000 km of railway lines, whereas our current target is to triple that figure. Announced in 2015, the Great Railway Investment Offensive was, unfortunately, barely a catch-phrase and the market fell for it. Two-stage tenders for a sum of PLN 17 billion were trapped in a dead-end street, with projects lacking sufficiently thorough documentations. The contractors, seeking to prepare their bids, would ask a number of

questions which were often left unanswered due to the lack of documentation. All this created a vicious circle. Since the beginning of 2016, the new executives of PKP PLK have been racing against time, and, admittedly, they are doing increasingly well. In 2017 contracts were signed under the National Railway Programme, their value totalling PLN 18.5 billion, and estimated value exceeding PLN 23.5 billion. Huge savings prospects have emerged, which could be used for reserve-list projects, obviously provided that they are well-prepared. Contracts worth PLN 25 billion are currently under implementation, with work valued at PLN 5 billion having already been completed. The Company has certainly outperformed its 2017 plans, and this year it is planning to sign contracts worth no less than PLN 10 billion. In consequence, the railways are increasingly being transformed into a large construction site. As the construction projects are usually implemented along with maintaining regular traffic, passengers have to struggle against numerous problems which are almost unavoidable. Freight transport has also become increasingly challenging. Work is being conducted along major transport routes, including the modernisation of the Warsaw – Lublin, Warsaw – Białystok, Warsaw – Poznań, Kraków – Katowice, Wrocław – Poznań and Poznań – Piła routes, and work is in progress in the Kraków and Warsaw metropolitan areas, to give a few examples. We also hope that the construction of a tunnel connecting Łódź Fabryczna station to Łódź Kaliska and Żabieniec stations will be launched very soon.

Can we therefore breathe a sigh of relief? By no means! Now the major test we are facing involves the quality and speed of the work being carried out by contractors, and the communication between the contractors and PKP PLK. Construction projects are characterised by continually emerging problems which need to be solved promptly, ideally before the construction site is vacated. If this goes well, we will stand a chance of avoiding the situation encountered in the previous financial period, in which the completion of every railway project was delayed by nearly two years. Luckily, most of the current contractors have managed to avoid ‒ let's say ‒ structural problems, which could pose a threat of the projects' not being completed on time, or even the risk of contract termination. Nonetheless, PKP PLK is planning to organise tenders for substitute performance in case any project completion problems are encountered. These measures arouse mixed feelings in the market, being perceived as a symptom of troubles which the infrastructure manager expects to occur. It appears necessary that decisions regarding the location of new railway lines are made this year, as such projects will be envisaged in the next EU financial plan. Such decisions, once taken, will enable us to prepare the necessary documentation, thus facilitating the commencement of the contractor selection procedure immediately after 2020, and allowing us to reverse our “straggler” image regarding every aspect of the implementation of EU co-funded projects. • 1/2018 polish market



KOLEJE MAZOWIECKIE A STRONG BRANDNAME AMONG REGIONAL RAIL CARRIERS CZESŁAW SULIMA, Member of the Board, Operations Director at Koleje Mazowieckie, talks to “Polish Market.”


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The railway company Koleje Mazowieckie has reached another milestone in its development. You have recently signed a record contract for the delivery of rolling stock. Could you disclose details of the deal to our readers? Indeed, it is a record order, not only for Koleje Mazowieckie but for Polish railways in general. It is the first ever contract of this size – its value exceeds PLN2.2 billion. Our company already is the most modern regional rail carrier in Poland. But this delivery will raise even further the travel quality we offer. When planning investment in rolling stock, Koleje Mazowieckie has to take into consideration the passenger rail transport needs in Mazowieckie province, the European Union region which has developed the fastest in recent years. Moreover, in keeping with its strategy, the company is buying more new trains instead of modernizing older ones. The framework agreement was signed on January 17 while tenders for the delivery of rail vehicles were invited in the middle of last year. The contract is for the delivery of 71 electric multiple-unit trains in the years 2018-2022 complete with after-collision repair packages, training for employees in the operation of the vehicles and the delivery of a train driving simulator. Three producers of rolling stock submitted their tenders: Newag, Stadler Polska and a consortium of Pesa Bydgoszcz and ZNTK Mińsk Mazowiecki. The tenders were evaluated according to 15 criteria. In the evaluation process, 50% of the total weight was assigned to technical criteria, which was quite a new approach. Stadler Polska received the highest score – more than 99 points. PM

Koleje Mazowieckie chose Stadler Polska’s offer, but the other two manufacturers protested against the decision. Two review proceeding were held at the National Appeals Chamber. The rulings issued by the Chamber affirmed without any doubt that the choice of the supplier was valid. As a result, Koleje Mazowieckie was able to sign a contract with Stadler Polska. It should be added that the tenders submitted by Newag and Pesa were also attractive. Under the contract, the rolling stock will be delivered in six batches by the end of the second quarter of 2022. The supplier will deliver 61 electric multiple units composed of five sections and 10 units composed of two sections. Of course, the implementation of the contract largely depends on the ability to acquire funding from the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment, measure 5.1 and 5.2. And important aspect of the contract is that the new trains will be manufactured in Poland. This means a double-benefit for the inhabitants of Mazowieckie province. How important was this fact in the negotiations? The location of the manufacturing site was irrelevant in the negotiations because the partner was selected in an open tender process. However, considering the social aspect, the location of the manufacturing site in Mazowieckie province will undoubtedly stimulate employment. In connection with the contract, Stadler plans to create around 300 new jobs, first of all for the local community. I am not going to hide that the short distance from the customer ordering the rolling stock to the producer is a positive thing for technical reasons and is a sort of value added in implementing the contract. It will simply make it easier for Koleje Mazowieckie to monitor the production process. PM

So far rail operators have been buying few trains and from various manufacturers. You have shown a different model. It is very convenient when it comes to servicing, for instance, but also risky. What was your philosophy? Until recently carriers did not even plan any purchases of new vehicles for a very simple reason – lack of financial resources. Instead, they were modernizing their old rolling stock or buying short series of new vehicles. It was only funding from the European Union that made it possible to carry our more ambitious investment projects. At present, Koleje Mazowieckie has 317 vehicles, which are used to provide transport services. Since its inception in 2005 the company has invested in modern rolling stock, being one of the few and one of the first operators to do so. With the support of the marshal of Mazowieckie province and effective use of EU funding, Koleje Mazowieckie bought 119 brand-new vehicles and modernized 198 vehicles. These investments were directly translated into a steady growth of the company. Over the 13 years of its operations, the number of passengers transported annually grew by over 22 million. In 2017, we transported 62 million people. Here, we should thank our passengers for being so eager to use our services. Thanks to our successive purchases, we were able to develop our network of connections and steadily raise our service standards. Today, Koleje Mazowieckie operates an average of 800 trains a day and 15 lines in the province. Koleje Mazowieckie is a strong brandname among regional rail carriers, not only in Poland. This is an obligation to our clients. • PM

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TO MODERNISE THE SZC ZECIN GŁÓWNY R AILWAY STATION The second part of the Szczecin Główny railway station modernization works began at the end of last year. PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe is the investor responsible for the platforms, and this part of the historic railway station building is due to undergo major redevelopment. The contract in Szczecin, to be carried out by the building company PORR, and worth over PLN70 million, is yet another modernisation project, after prestigious investments in the Warszawa Centralna and Kraków Główny stations, involving renovation works of railway stations in Poland carried out by PORR.

Kraków Główny Station renovated by PORR

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he Szczecin Główny railway station, located on the left bank of the Odra river, is one of the oldest railway stations in Poland. The redevelopment works will make this over 120-year-old facility more accessible for pedestrians and more convenient for passengers. The contract performed by PORR is divided into two stages. The design for the first and the most important stage has been completed. This means that upon entering into the agreement, the contractor will be able to start works immediately. The most notable change involves the construction of roofing in platforms 1, 2 and 3. These will be fully-covered (the existing roofing covers only short sections between the footbridges). The existing historic roofing in platforms 1 and 2 is going to be retained. The second important improvement consists in the redevelopment of the old footbridge. It will be roofed and equipped with lifts which will provide access to all four platforms and to Kolumba Street. In addition, a new footbridge and roofing will be built over platform three, connecting the old footbridge with the one built during the previous modernisation works in the railway station (that is why the historic roofing will be taken down there). This investment package means putting an end to the inconvenient movement up and down the stairs of the building to reach platform 4. The old footbridge will also get a new access from Czarnieckiego Street. The works here include building a ramp which will replace the few steps that constitute a substantial barrier for persons with disabilities, for parents with children in prams, or for persons carrying heavy luggage. Moreover, the pavement in platforms 2 and 3 is due to be replaced. After the redevelopment works, the platforms will gain a new non-skid surface and tactile paving for people with visual impairment.

Also, new lighting, benches, information boards and street furniture will be added. The tasks in part “B” in the “design and build” formula include the updating and preparating of project documentation and obtaining the required administrative decisions and approvals, as well as performing all the works laid down in the contract. Works involving the extension of one of the tracks and linking it to the exit in the direction of Szczecin Port Centralny station is also part of the investment project. This stage of the works also includes the construction of part of the roofing in the section between the existing roofing and the old footbridge. “Carrying out the works in line with the defined stages and their organisation is a challenge both to us and the station’s management, as the works might disrupt the rail traffic. The passengers, their safety and convenience as well as the adjustment of the facilities to the current passengers’ and carrier’s needs are of utmost importance to us and to the investor,” stressed Siegfried Weindok, Management Board Member at PORR S.A. After the modernisation, the railway station will be fully compliant with binding legal regulations concerning the needs of persons with disabilities and other passenger groups. The study takes into consideration the requirements laid down in the TSI-PRM (Technical Specification for Interoperability relating to passengers with restricted mobility). The investment project is a part of PKP’s comprehensive modernisation programme entitled “Railway Station Investment Programme”. It is anticipated that nearly 200 railway stations are due to be modernised between 2016 and 2023 within the programme. The programme is the largest Polish railway modernisation project, in addition to the concurrent railway line modernisation programme, in which PORR is actively involved. •

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Last year Poczta Polska delivered more than 120 million packages. Thus it once again confirmed its key position in the Polish logistical services market. Poczta Polska consistently works to become the region’s largest integrator of communications, package shipment, courier and logistical services. Thanks to what is the country’s most extensive network of post offices, delivery personnel and a digital platform, it reaches as many as forty million Poles. At the same time, Poczta Polska has the ambition to become a co-ordinator of trade with foreign countries. The idea is to take advantage both of Poland’s geopolitical position and the rapid growth of internet trade.


ast year confirmed Poczta Polska’s strong position on the communications, postal, courier and logistical services markets. This was made possible through the introduction of several key solutions. All its couriers now carry electronic card payment terminals. The network of package collection points was expanded and a decision to install a new package sorting machine in the city of Zabrze was made. "We are aware that new technologies are developing at a breakneck pace. We intend to keep up with this change. We bet on advanced solutions which will make it easier for Poczta Polska to handle the package load, while increasing customer satisfaction," says Przemysław Sypniewski, President of Poczta Polska SA.

GROWING NETWORK OF PACKAGE DEPOSIT/COLLECTION POINTS One of Poczta Polska’s goals is to build the country’s largest network of package deposit and collection points. It already includes 4,300 post offices, 1,000 Orlen filling stations, 1,600 Ruch newsstands, several hundred Żabka/Freshmarket convenience stores and several dozen self-service automated lockers. This year the network will include some 11,000 points across Poland. To streamline the handling of packages, in a few months’ time Poczta Polska will launch an advanced sorting machine in Zabrze with a capacity of up to 12,000 packages an hour. The machine will cost about PLN 49 million. This investment is

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vital also in view of the emerging New Silk Road, which is expected to boost trade with China, the US and Poland’s neighbouring countries.

POCZTA POLSKA TO TAKE PART IN CONTINUED DIGITALISATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION At the same time, Poczta Polska intends to carry on its role in helping e-administration to develop. "This segment of services should not be divorced from reality. It must take account of what state structures and legal regulations are like. Postal services are one of the state’s responsibilities towards its citizens. Poczta Polska has a key role to play in this. That is why we are constantly getting ready for this revolution," Przemysław Sypniewski says. Poczta Polska operates an advanced Envelo digital platform. It is a solution designed to handle mass digital communications. Owing to the fact that Poczta Polska has the biggest number of offices across the country and is Poland’s number one employer, for years it has reached 100% of its citizens, administrative offices and businesses every working day of the week. Besides, as a company whose sole shareholder is the Treasury, it remains under government control, which ensures the stable development of e-administration. With a history which goes back almost 460 years, Poczta Polska keeps evolving and adjusting to market challenges. Once a postal operator, it is • slowly becoming a digital operator.


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common counter-argument brought up in discussions on energy-efficient buildings is their higher construction costs. However, with the modern technologies available today, it is possible to make a project both energy- and cost-efficient. The crucial step is to prepare a specification of the designed building’s energy performance. In designing an energy-efficient building, experienced architects will ensure that its shape is as compact as possible to reduce the potential occurrence of thermal bridges. It is an established practice to use good-quality building insulation, and orient the building so as to take advantage of energy from sunlight. The architect needs to be aware that during the summer the high-insulation performance of energy-efficient buildings makes them more prone to overheating in the absence of the appropriate protection measures, whereas in winter considerable energy losses can occur through thermal bridges. Modern technologies are very useful in achieving the parameters required for an energy-efficient building. These include mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, which controls the air flow within the building, and heating systems designed to reduce heating costs. Low energy demand also reduces the costs of various renewable energy sources, such as solar collectors, heat pumps and photovoltaic systems, which are growing in popularity. More and more interesting, effective and inexpensive solutions, which are ideal for implementing energy-efficient building projects, are being released onto the market. We wish to invite you to a series of 4 conferences on Energy Efficiency in Construction. Each will be held in a different city and will cover a number of concepts related to energy efficiency in construction. Additional details, conference plans and registration forms are available on https://kape.gov.pl/page/konferencje-dlabudownictwa

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The third conference in the series is due to take place on 7 March 2018 in Kraków, and the fourth on 21 March in Olsztyn. You can register by completing the registration form, which is available on the conference website. This press release was published from the funds of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW). Its content was prepared solely by Krajowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii S.A. (KAPE) •


Photo: Enea

POLISH ENERGY INDUSTRY RELIES ON COAL A 1,075 MW power unit was put into operation at Poland’s second biggest power plant, Kozienice Power Station, on December 19, 2017. Its construction had been started in 2012. The latest technological solutions have been applied, allowing carbon dioxide emissions to be cut by about 25% compared to emissions from existing coal-fired units.


Thanks to the launch of the new unit, we are a step closer toward rebuilding the country’s power generating potential", Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski said. He noted that the new unit marked another step toward a stable and modern energy industry because it maked it possible to shut down several units built in the 1960s and ‘70s.


"In line with the provisions of our climate policy, by 2050 half of electricity generated in Poland will come from coal. This will make it possible to maintain a high degree of energy independence, to achieve stable power supplies and to make the entire economy competitive", said Grzegorz Tobiszowski, secretary of state, government commissioner for the restructuring of the coal mining industry. "When it comes to energy independence, Poland is among European Union leaders. It produces 71% of the fuels it needs, compared to the EU average of 46%. Currently some 75% of power generated in Poland is produced from coal. As a European Union member country, Poland has undertaken to reduce carbon emissions and it is committed to meeting its obligations. The proportion of sustainable energy sources in power generation is growing. But modernisation and boosting the efficiency of energy units using solid fuels and the construction of new units is a priority. Unit 5 is to be put into operation at the Opole Power Station this year, followed by unit 6 next year, both with a rated power of 900 MW. The construction of a 910 MW unit at the Jaworzno plant is half way through. A 450 MW unit at the Turów power station is scheduled to come on stream in the second quarter of 2020. In November 2017 the Polish Energy Group PGE took over the Rybnik Power Station formerly owned by the French group EDF. A 900 MW unit was to be put into operation there in 2017. However, following the European Commission’s failure to grant a CO2 emission quota for it, the amendment of Poland’s sustainable energy sources legislation and due to the economic crisis, the French owners abandoned the investment project. For the time being, the new owner has declared that thermal units are to be added to two existing power units. Last December the names of bidders for the construction of a turn-key Ostrołęka C power station with a 1,000 MW coal-fired power unit were revealed. They are the China Power Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd., as well as two consortia: of GE Power Ltd. and Alstom Power Systems S.A.S., and of Polimex-Mostostal S.A. and Rafako S.A.

Jerzy Bojanowicz

The implementation of the new investment projects of key importance for the Polish energy industry will be supported by a new piece of legislation regarding the energy market. As soon as it comes into force, energy producing companies which win energy auctions, the first of which is to be held in 2018, will be paid under long-term contracts not just for the energy supplied to users but also for their capacity to produce extra amounts of electricity during peak-time.


For a number of years there has been talk about the need to build a nuclear power station in Poland. In 2009 the government decided to start work on the Polish Nuclear Energy Programme. The Ministry of the Economy presented an outline of the programme in 2010. The PGE EJ 1 Sp. z o.o. special purpose company was set up to conduct preparations for and build Poland’s first nuclear power station with a rated power of up to 3,750 MW. The company was given the task of acquiring location and environmental permits. But it was not until 2014 that the government adopted a resolution on the construction of the nuclear power station. The first power unit, whose cost was estimated at PLN 40-60 billion, was to be put on stream by end-2024. Further unit were to be built between 2025 and 2030. Another plant was also to be put into operation by 2035. A number of locations were taken into account. The current favourites are Lubiatowo-Kopalino and Żarnowiec in the Pomorskie Province. Between 1982 and 1989, work was started on a 1,600 KW nuclear power station there but the project was scrapped following the collapse of communism in the face of public protests. In December 2017 deputy Energy Minister Andrzej Piotrowski told the parliamentary group for nuclear energy: "The construction of a nuclear power plant means an important change of this country’s position on world markets. It will help to make the Polish economy more innovative and to create highly specialised jobs". The investment project could cost in the range of PLN 12-13 billion per 1 GW of energy (considering that the total rated power is to be 3 GW.) Several business plans have been drawn up at the Ministry of Energy. The first unit (or the entire power station) is to be financed out of Polish resources to prevent financial markets from dominating the project. But the timetable for the implementation of the project is • yet to be announced. 1/2018 polish market




FROM KOZIENICE TO REACH ONE IN NINE POLES A vital component was added to the Polish energy system on 19 December 2017. The new power unit at the Kozienice Power Plant, managed by the Enea Group, was put into operation. The high-efficiency unit with a capacity of 1,075 MW is a key investment for the Polish power industry. This state-of-the-art power unit is the largest investment project in the history of the Enea Group. B11, which is the abbreviated name of the power unit, holds all the Polish records as far as efficiency and capacity are concerned, and it is one of the largest units of its type in the world. water used in the closed circulation system to cool the entire installation. During the unit’s operation, mainly water vapour comes out of this gigantic construction.

Photo: Enea


A modern 1,075MW turbo-generator made in Japan is the heart of the new power unit B11.


he investment is consistent with the strategy of building highefficiency, technologically advanced, coal-fired power units. Due to the use of cutting-edge solutions and technologies for supercritical parameters, the unit achieves efficiency at the level of 45.6%, which facilitates the reducing of carbon dioxide emissions by about 25% in relation to the emissions from existing coal-fired units. The distinguishing feature of the unit is the use of the most modern, innovative and eco-friendly solutions, including those involving the boiler and the turbine design. The unit was designed in such a way as to comply with the most stringent EU

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environmental standards. B11 not only meets, but also goes beyond, the requirements laid down in the BAT directive which will come into force in 2021. This result was achieved thanks to the use of modern installations, including the catalytic denitrification of flue gases (Selective Catalytic Reduction), an electrostatic precipitator, and a flue gas desulphurisation plant (FGD), based on the wet-lime method. The high efficiency of the entire installation is also important in terms of environmental protection. The new unit of the Kozienice Power Plant also saves water – the unit runs on a so-called closed circuit. It is possible due to the 185 m high cooling tower. Its task is to reduce the temperature of the

The B11 unit is a strategic investment for Poland and the Enea Group. The new power unit has increased the generating capacity of the Kozienice Power Plant in Świerże Górne by a third, to the level of around 4,000 MW. The new unit will extend the operation of the power plant by at least 40 years. Electric energy from Kozienice will reach one in nine Poles. 13% of the energy generated in Poland will come from the Kozienice Power Plant, the biggest stone coal-fired power plant in Poland. The new unit has increased the generation capacity of the Enea Group to 6.2 GW. The construction of B11 is part of the implementation of the most important assumptions in the Enea Group’s Development Strategy. Along with the successfully completed acquisition of the Połaniec Power Plant last year, the Enea Group confirms and strengthens the position of the innovative energy and commodity group, the second-largest electricity generator in Poland, with a key impact on Poland’s energy security. Produced with the environment in mind, electricity from B11 will reach Polish homes, large and small plants, factories and enterprises, through the transmission and distribution network. The investment project is part of the policy of strengthening energy security, and fosters the country’s economic development. •


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THE DILEMMAS OF THE POLISH ENERGY SECTOR LESZEK JUCHNIEWICZ, PhD, Advisor to the President of Employers of Poland, talks to Maciej Proliński. We are meeting today at the start of 2018. What are last year’s results in the Polish energy sector? Contrary to the many announcements of the Ministry of Energy, we do not have, for example, an energy strategy, -a far-reaching solution to drive the Polish energy sector. Certainly, there are several fields which are becoming increasingly important for the Polish energy sector. This is, first and foremost, a capacity market. One month ago, the Polish Parliament passed a bill on the capacity market. The bill will be notified to the European Commission, since the capacity market is regarded, in accordance with EU regulations, as State aid, and requires the Commission’s approval. The Polish Government has pre-notified its draft and introduced to it provisions required by the EC. The capacity market bill introduces a mechanism which rewards power generators, not only for electricity generation, but also for readiness to supply it. It introduces support in the form of additional remuneration – power payments – to generation sources for their readiness, for the time specified in the contract, to have the appropriate power capacity during its shortage. This means being able to supply the needed power. With such an additional source of income, power companies will be able to finance the modernisation or construction of new units. The project assumes that the greater the investment in PM

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a generation source, the longer the power contract can be secured. Entities with low CO2 emissions, and supplying enough heat into district heating systems, will be rewarded with longer contracts. In the original version proposed by the Government, the bill mainly benefitted investments in new coal-fired units. Bids concerning the expected remuneration for power will be selected at special auctions, which will start in December 2018. The summary of the previous year in the power sector probably cannot be separated from the broader, global context – for example, the discussion about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, or the national diversification process implemented in 2017 and taking place in respect of oil and natural gas. After becoming part of the EU, we have lost much of our economic autonomy. We don’t make decisions on our own any more, and simply have to take into account the activities of the EU. This also, or even primarily, applies to energy policy. Our Government is trying to contest Nord Stream 2, but it is someone else in the EU who has all the cards. Nord Stream 2 is mainly in the interests of Germany. OK, Germany needs it, but I would also say that Poland needs the German economy. Even more so as the recent upturn in Poland’s economy is the consequence PM

of the boom in Germany. If we, therefore, contest Nord Stream 2 so strongly, we might actually lose more than gain. Surely, a new element in the Polish diversification of supply is the new player, Saudi Arabia, entering the field through the Baltic Sea. For the first time ever, PKN Orlen’s assets in Central Europe are regularly supplied with oil from Saudi Arabia, replacing Russian oil. Its volume, however, is small, and equals only 2.4 million tonnes of oil a year. By comparison, the Russian Rosneft supplies the Płock Refinery with 18 to 25.2 million tonnes in annual terms. As was the case in respect of the strategy for the diversification of oil supply sources, similar actions in the gas sector are aimed at breaking Gazprom’s monopoly in Central Europe. For example, the LNG terminal in Świnoujście, and the designed Baltic Pipe connecting the gas deposits in Norway to Poland, will be used to achieve this goal. Nowadays, those in power in Poland think that energy security must have its cost. Yet nobody is telling us how much, and why so much. Maybe we need some formal document about the power strategy, meaning the Polish energy policy? Tadeusz Syryjczyk, the Minister of Industry in the Government led by Tadeusz Mazowiecki, said in the early 1990s: “No economic policy is also an economic policy...”. PM

Energy This, unfortunately, appears to be the case in our energy sector. There is continuous growth, and our energy sector operates normally. There is, however, no foundation or long-term development framework. Such a document would make it possible for us to track whether this development is planned or spontaneous. Today, nobody is able to evaluate whether the activities in the Polish energy sector are correct, rational and economically effective. This is because we lack the “trajectory of development”. And we do not show in it the objectives to implement. What about the Strategy for Responsible Development? What I mean here is the vision of Poland’s development, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development in collaboration with other ministries and social partners, and approved in February 2017 by the Council of Ministers. There is one dilemma in the Polish energy sector which must be resolved. The national power system is centralised, based on central generation sources, and connected to transmission and distribution grids. This for years and decades has been the logic behind the development of our energy sector. A decentralised system is the future, which disregards transmission and distribution. This means a system with sources closer to energy consumption locations, be it a house or a workplace. In other words, renewable energy sources. The Strategy for Responsible Development has accurately diagnosed the problems we face in every branch of the Polish economy. This concept is based on the implementation of 173 strategic programmes, which, as regards the energy sector, defines 10 programmes. It includes all that is important for the energy sector: the capacity market, electric mobility, carbon management, transmission grids, and the gas hub. On the one hand, we have the entire field of power generation encompassed within those 10 programmes. On the other hand, the public does not receive much information about it. We do not know whether or how we are getting closer to its objectives. After all, we are not creating new renewable energy sources, and we do not know what to do with decentralised energy and what is the state of affairs as regards energy efficiency improvement. PM

co-financing the replacement of old boilers with new ones. The Minister of Energy has issued a new tariff resolution, which makes it possible to create anti-smog tariffs allowing more beneficial settlements for individuals using electricity to heat their households. Then again... the proportion of electricity used for heating is small – only 4.3% of all homes using electricity. The Government has also adopted concepts aiming at lowering fees, not only for active energy, but also for distribution services. It is a significant measure, and also important for the economy, as the anti-smog tariff is slowly preparing us for electric mobility. This could be the driving force for the Polish economy. The Government anticipates in the aforementioned Strategy for Responsible Development that by 2025 there will be approx. 1 million electric vehicles on Polish roads. One can laugh at this. But if this idea and regulation also support the development of the alternative fuels market and infrastructure, and the innovative modes of transport through increased consumer interest in electric or gas-using vehicles, and also create an entire economic environment, this can truly revitalise the Polish economy. Do you think that the new “chance for coal” is an interesting prospect for the Polish energy industry and coal sector? What I mean here is the production of gas and liquid fuels through coal processing, which is commonly referred to as gasification. First, there are no industrial-grade installations; second, it is very expensive; and third, we do not have enough coal. All entities which generate heat or electricity based on coal are obliged to hold a specific reserve in their stocks. Can you imagine that in 2017, for the first time ever, these reserve standards were not kept? We had a coal shortage. For the first time, the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) will not impose penalties for failing to maintain the coal reserves. There is an appropriate legal basis for this, since the shortages were observed as early as in 2010, but so far, the President of URE has not exercised the right to refrain from imposing the penalties. PM

It is not easy to come up with an energy-related end-ofyear conclusion. It is the most difficult thing to do. My boss, Andrzej Malinowski, PhD, President of Employers of Poland, has recently tried to draw one. In connection with Mateusz Morawiecki’s being appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, he said that he believed that the time of promises would finally end, and the time of action would come. We are tired of promises. What we are interested in is how fast they will be made a reality. The dilemmas of the Polish energy sector must be quickly resolved by the Government. We also must decide the nature of our economy. Will it be a social market economy based on private property? Or are we building a “quasi-market economy” – centralised, based on State property, where the same rules do not apply to all? In my opinion, today we are drifting towards the latter. We should remember that 2017 marked a spectacular consolidation of the manufacturing sector in the Polish power industry. State-owned corporations are taking over market shares. The history of power engineering in Poland is coming full • circle... PM

And whether it is time to focus on the atom. The atom was announced by the previous and present Governments. And then, silence. In financial terms, nobody knows the how and with whom. The amounts discussed for the first stage of developing nuclear power generation in Poland are changing like images in a kaleidoscope, 40 billion, 50 billion. Now the sums have reached PLN90 or 100 billion. There is also the question of whether the creation of two 3,600 MW nuclear units will change anything in Poland. In my opinion, not much will change, as this will be just barely 10% of the installed capacity. PM

Did Poland make in 2017 any progress towards lower emission power generation? Undoubtedly, smog has become a hotter topic than before... Indeed, it did, but the magnitude of smog emissions is so great that all these activities do not mitigate the hazards we are dealing with in this regard. Many local governments have passed resolutions banning the use of such fuels as coal sludge, which is the most emission-intensive. They are also PM

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Special Economic Zones


MACIEJ BADORA, President of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”, on the new principles of supporting investors in Poland.

According to the new formula for the functioning of special economic zones in Poland, investing anywhere in the country will entail preferential conditions of conducting business activity. Would you call these changes revolutionary? What justifies them? The proposed changes are one of the elements of building Poland’s competitive advantage and increasing the attractiveness of our country to investors. In my opinion they stem from the changing situation across Europe, both economic and social. It is evident that after two decades of functioning of special economic zones in Poland, we are in a completely new reality – and we ought to react to it appropriately. PM


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At present the territory of an economic zone is specified and consists of so-called subzones. The new formula offers many possibilities to investors. However, using this potential will largely depend on the activeness of self-governments. Are they ready for the task?

Special Economic Zones

We must remember that in the early 1990s, after the political transformation, Poland entered a new economic reality and consequently adopted a set of new rules. At that time there could be doubts whether self-governments were ready to implement and use instruments of support in the form of special economic zones. Because of these doubts, the decision was made to exercise strict supervision of the subzones. Today it seems that self-governmental structures have managed to find their place in the free-market reality and will rise to the new challenges. Just like society, which is increasingly more aware of the ongoing economic processes. These are premises for concluding that the investment climate will remain positive and Poland’s attractiveness will continue to increase. An important aspect of the changes is sustainable development of regions, intended to minimize economic disproportions. But how will the new formula encourage investors to choose less popular destinations – those that need investments the most? Sustainable development depends on a number of conditions, and not all of them can be regulated by legislators. One of the reasons for the proposed changes was the fact that some parts of the Polish territory were developing while in others the level of economic activity was insufficient. However, it does not mean that investments are needed in one place and not in another – because they are needed everywhere. Instead, the question comes down to how to manage the investment process in a way that would prevent excessive concentration of investment activity in one area. PM

One of the solutions to this problem is the new criteria for granting tax exemptions by the zones. This factor will definitely contribute to more sustainable development. Preferential conditions will be granted to investors who have managed to fulfill quantitative requirements – concerning the number of new jobs and amount of capital expenditure – and qualitative ones, pertaining to project innovativeness. Lowering quantitative criteria in areas with insufficient numbers of investment projects is intended to stimulate economic activeness there. It will translate into the possibility of carrying out relatively small investment projects with the use of tax exemptions. Qualitative criteria will be connected with attracting projects that are most desirable because they offer the greatest PM

MACIEJ BADORA, President of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” added value. These two aspects are connected and influence one another. As a result we will stimulate investment activity in places that have so far been unable to use their economic potential while increasing interest in technologically advanced ventures. Will the new formula for the functioning of the zones stimulate the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as well? The role of SMEs results from the fact that this form of organization prevails in the Polish economy and, consequently, influences its condition to a large degree. Let us bear in mind that these are often companies with Polish capital, which are about to enter a new stage of development due to the accumulation of resources. The government is aware of these trends. The proposed solutions are intended to convince these firms that it is worth investing their resources. However, the model of development based on finding new markets, developing new products or services and implementing innovative technological solutions carries substantial risks. Thus the signal sent to SMEs means that the policymakers are aware of these risks and intend not to add to them. For objective reasons, it is impossible to fully eliminate risk. The new regulations will make micro, small and medium-sized enterprises eligible for using support PM

mechanisms on equal terms. It will provide an impulse to enter the next stage of development. The labor market also influences the investment attractiveness of Poland. Looking at the employment structure in the industrial sector, an increase in the number of foreigners is noticeable. What does it mean? We are observing a dynamic increase in the number of foreign workers coming to Poland, especially from the east, but also from different countries of the European Union. Our quality of life and thinking about reality is directly determined by industrial and technical progress. Economic development as such has been significantly affected by the context of a “shrinking world.” Due to relatively low costs of travelling, especially in Europe, advancements in ICT services and digital technologies we are now able to use resources that were previously unavailable. Neither physical nor cultural distance poses a barrier. Poland and the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone have become strongly present in the thinking of big companies. Importantly, we attract not only investors, but also employees who supervise the investment process and increasingly often want to settle down here. Not so long ago it was unthinkable. Yet it has changed, which shows that Poland is attractive as a destination for investors and as a place to live. • PM

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he 26th edition of the Skill and Competence Laurels will be long remembered by the participants in the Gala, which took place on Saturday, 20 January at the Music and Dance Centre in the Southern city of Zabrze. For the first time in the history of these unique tokens of gratitude, the highest distinction, the Diamond Laurel, was given to an iconic figure in Polish business, Kazimierz Pazgan, the founder of the Konspol Group. These “Silesian Laurels” were also granted to, i.a., Dorota Simonides, Wojciech Szczurek, Stanisław Szwed and Artur Rojek. In total, 88 individuals and institutions were honoured with the distinction. “Once a year we meet people whose uniqueness lies in the fact that they achieve success, do not tolerate failure, are able to cope with any arising failures, and share their prosperity with those in need. This hall is a meeting place for fulfilled persons who have never claimed that they deserve something for nothing, but often from an early age took matters in their own hands, and with God's help, and gritting their teeth, they moved forward,” said Tadeusz Donocik, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice, and Chairman of the Laurel Chapter, composed of representatives of Chambers of Commerce in Katowice, Bielsko-Biała, Częstochowa, Rybnik and Opole, local-government officials from Silesia and Opole, and representatives of the worlds of culture, science and the mass media. The City of Zabrze was the Honorary Host of the event. The most important 2017 Diamond Skill and Competence Laurel was granted to Kazimierz Pazgan – founder of the Konspol Group, whom the Chapter decided to honour for his uncompromising stance and highest ethical standards, an invaluable contribution to the development of entrepreneurship and self-regulatory organisations, and his generosity towards those in need. “You are an outstanding personality, and a vital part of our national assets. On behalf of the members of the Chapter, the Chamber of Commerce, and business circles all over Poland, I would like to thank you for accepting this gift, the 'Silesian Laurel', with our Silesian 'God Bless You,' concluded President Tadeusz Donocik, in his speech to honour the laureate. His words were further supported by Archbishop Wiktor Skworc and Prof. Jerzy Buzek former Polish prime minister and former president of the European Parliament.


The Chapter awarded the Crystal Skill and Competence Laurels to figures who have been contributing to the development of the trade association movement: Tadeusz Wnuk – President of the Silesian

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Chamber of the Construction Industry, Prof. Jan Klimek – President of the Chamber of Crafts and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Katowice, Wiktor Pawlik, President of the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Gliwice and University of Slilesia in Katowice. The last person to receive the Crystal Laurel was Jacek Janiszewski, the Organiser of the Economic Forum in Toruń. “When I was preparing to come here, my son was taking a closer look at the first prize I received. He recalled that I had been nervous back then, and he was right. Indeed, this hall and Silesia made a huge impression on me. On behalf of all the laureates, I would like to thank the three fantastic 'musketeers', one with a master’s degree, then a doctor and a professor, without whom Silesia would not be the same place, (…) – Tadeusz Donocik, Janusz Steinhoff and Jerzy Buzek.”


The Platinum Skill and Competence Laurels were granted to, i.a., deputy Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy Stanisław Szwed, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia Andrea Bekić, worldclass architect Robert Konieczny, Herbert Leopold Gabryś, Ernest Jelito, President of the Board of Górażdże Cement SA and Zbigniew Cierniak, Head of the Stanisław Hadyna “Śląsk” Folk Song and Dance Ensemble. Minister Szwed, summarising the significance of laurels for all the prize-winners, highlighted the fact that a common characteristic of all the honoured persons is social sensitivity to everyday human problems, which is of great importance for Silesia and for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice. Ms Ambassador gave a vote of thanks for the trust placed in the laureates: “(…) It is a great honour. The Platinum Laurel is another motivation for each of us to become even more entrepreneurial and persistent. As the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, I primarily represent the interests of my own country, while trying to understand your country, your nation and its interests,” she stressed. In the “Science and Innovation” category, the prize was awarded to Prof. Paweł Buszman, Chief Executive Officer of American Heart of Poland.


The Golden Laurels were given, i.a., in the category of “Individuals and organisations supporting the development of the market economy”, to Maciej Fałkowski, Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Anna Grygierek, Mayor of Strumień. •



he American Heart of Poland (AHP) Center for Cardiovascular Research and Development (CCRD) was established on the initiative of Prof. Paweł Buszman with collaboration of young physicians and medical students as well as institutions propagating and developing new technologies. The CCRD belongs to AHP, which has created in Poland a system of modern centers of invasive cardiology, cardiac surgery and cardiovascular surgery. The AHP Group is the largest cardiovascular treatment network in Europe. Prof. Paweł Buszman, CEO and one of cofounders of AHP, was recently awarded with a Platinum Laurel of Skills and Competence in the field of science and innovation awarded by the chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice. In 2015 he was recognized as Entrepreneur of the Year 2015 by Ernst and Young. His mission is to provide full cardiac care in Poland and to reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases. The creation of CCRD was inspired by the rapid development of medical technologies, especially in the fields of interventional cardiology, requiring pre-clinical and clinical research, as well as continuous training of medical staff. Thanks to modern equipment and highly qualified staff including interventional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, vascular surgeons and biotechnologists, the Centre conducts numerous translational research projects aimed at introducing new technologies that save the lives of patients with cardiovascular diseases into everyday clinical practice. The solutions developed by the Center for Cardiovascular Research and Development have a significant impact on the development of invasive cardiology in Poland - they not only improve the safety and comfort of patients, but also improve the availability of modern technologies and significantly reduce their prices. "I am very proud of our team and their results. Especially when these results are recognized by top medical journals", says Prof. Paweł Buszman. Funds for the development of the current scientific activity conducted at AHP and for the

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Prof. Paweł Buszman, MD, PHD, AHP CEO and co-founder

creation of the Center for Cardiovascular Research and Development were obtained from the Operational Program Innovative Economy for the years 2007-2013, co-financed under the European Regional Development Fund. The CCRD consists of the following organizational units • Department of Preclinical Research where, since 2004, numerous studies have been carried out assessing the biocompatibility, safety and effectiveness of innovative therapies and medical technologies, which after this stage can usually be introduced to the clinical trial stage. For this purpose, the latest medical devices, imaging techniques, procedures and laboratory and histological methods are used. However, the most important asset of the Department of Preclinical Research is its multidisciplinary staff composed of doctors of various specialties, veterinarians, biotechnologists and pharmacists, working under the supervision of scientists who have gained their experience on long internships in reputable research centers. What is more, the same scientists and leaders of research and development are at the same time practitioners, conducting numerous

clinical tests previously tested in pre-clinical technologies and using selected therapies and devices in everyday clinical practice. Examples include innovative coronary stents that release antiproliferative drugs, cervical stents, or drug-borne intravascular balloons. Moreover, in order to enable efficient and safe use of new therapies and medical devices in practice, many lectures and practical training courses for medical staff have been organized for many years. • Clinical Trials Department, which aims to conduct research on various therapies and medical devices in accordance with the guidelines of Good Clinical Practice and after obtaining the approval of the Bioethical Commission. There are both own studies being part of translational research with the beginning reaching the preclinical phase as well as large multicenter and international clinical trials. The Clinical Trials Department also specializes in designing research, organizing all necessary approvals and permits for research as well as conducting quantitative and qualitative analyzes of selected research techniques (e.g. imaging techniques such as OCT or IVUS).

• Silesian Center for Veterinary Imaging Diagnostics, where modern diagnostics and innovative treatment of pets is conducted. For example, tests are carried out using a modern magnetic resonance apparatus and procedures such as pacemaker implantations in the event of arrhythmia or implantation of self-expanding stents in animals with life-threatening tracheal lumen are performed. All the procedures are carried out by qualified and experienced veterinary staff. • Grant and Research Department, whose task is to develop and implement new preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation methods. A project has now been launched under the name: “RESTORE: The use of modern telemedicine technologies in an innovative program of optimal cardiac rehabilitation in patients after myocardial revascularization." Cofinanced by the National Center for Research and Development under the program "prevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases" Strategmed II.” The project is carried out by a consortium comprising American Heart of Poland SA (leader), Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automation, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering in Kraków, Silvermedia Sp. z o.o., Cloud Medical Sp. z o.o., FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. and Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus in Dresden. The total budget is PLN 15.99 million (including co-financing PLN 13.50 million) The aim of the project is to introduce and evaluate a cardiac telerehabilitation system in combination with optimal treatment of coronary heart disease. In the first stage, the telerehabilitation system was designed and created. A coordination center is currently being created and technical tests will be carried out to assess its integration into the telerehabilitation system. In the third stage of the project, the entire system will be subjected to clinical evaluation on a group of patients with coronary disease undergoing complete revascularization. The final task will be to start procedures aimed at preparing the entire rehabilitation system for implementation. Currently, CCRD also implements other projects co-financed under a grant from the National Center for Research and Development and the National Science Center, ie: InFlow project: Development and implementation of the first Polish low-profile aortic valve implanted percutaneously. The total budget of the project is PLN 14.6 million (including co-financing PLN 11.5 million) Apollo project: Development and comprehensive evaluation of a biodegradable and flexible intravascular stent expanded on a balloon based on

From left: Prof. Paweł Buszman, Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof Milewski, Magdalena Michalak, MSc, Assoc. Prof. Piotr Buszman thin spans of high strength. The total budget is PLN 14.31 million (including co-financing PLN 11.43 million) BSM Stent project: Development of a method for the preparation of selfexpanding, biodegradable, polymer drug-eluting stents. Total budget is PLN 4.75 million (including co-financing PLN 3.94 million) Phoenix project: Mesenchymal stromal cells and the enriched zenfold as an alternative form of therapy for patients with heart failure. The total budget amounts to PLN 15.47 million (including co-financing PLN 14.2 million), and Project implemented from OPUS program: Innovative, intra -oral therapy of ischemic cardiomyopathy using stem cells and cytokines released from biodegradable microspheres. The total budget is PLN 1.34 million co-financed 100% from the National Science Center. • CCRD AHP is open to collaboration and conducting joint projects. http://www.ahp-ccrd.org/en/


w w w. k l i n i k i s e r c a . p l



ECONOMIC COUNCIL OF ENTERPRISING WOMEN A meeting between Polish business women and Minister of Enterprise and Technology Andżelika Możdżanowska was held at the newly established Ministry on January 23. Among the participants were the authors of the book “Business Inspirations of Polish Women in the World”: Beata Drzazga, Anna Hejka, Anna Kalata, Sylwia Mokrysz, Maria Olsson, Kamila Rejman, Agnieszka Szczęśniak, Katarzyna Trawińska and Anna Uzarska as well as 19 other women from across Poland who have received statuettes of the Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors 2017: Ilona Adamska, Emilia Bartosiewicz, Jagoda Błachaniec, Aneta Gibek-Wiśniewska, Katarzyna Gierczak Grupińska, Ewa Jakubczyk Cały, Angelika Jarosławska, Elżbieta Jeznach, Anna Kolisz, Halina Langowska, Aleksandra Łukomska Smulska, Elżbieta Marszalec, Agnieszka Partyka, Ewa Rogozińska, Sylwia Romaniuk, Ewa Sobkiewicz, Anna Somorowska, Alicja Wojciechowska and President and Editor-in-Chief of “Polish Market” Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek. The aim of the meeting was to establish relations between Polish business women and Minister Emilewicz. The meeting resulted in establishing, on the basis of the Embassy for Women Entrepreneurship foundation, a consultative and advisory group for the Ministry of Enterprise

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and Technology. The group, called the Women’s Economic Council for Enterprise and Development, will bring together female professionals in various fields and sectors - enterprising women who have achieved business success in Poland and in the international arena. The body is to advise the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology. It should be stressed that it is the first ever ministry responsible for economy to be headed by a woman: Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz. The outcome of the meeting is the establishment of the Women’s Economic Council for Enterprise and Development. The Chairwoman of the Council is Urszula Ciołeszyńska, President of the International Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors and Ambassador of the international Women’s Entrepreneurship Day in Poland. The deputy Chairwoman is Beata Drzazga, President of BetaMed. The Presidium of the Council is composed of: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek, President and Editor-in-Chief of “Polish Market,” who is responsible for cooperation with the Polish diaspora; Aneta Gibek-Wiśniewska - mediation; Elżbieta Marszalec - entrepreneurship education and innovation; Katarzyna GierczakGrupińska - family businesses; Anna Uzarska - culture and art; and Ewa Jakubczyk-Cały - business organization and finance. •





60 Million Congress / Kongres 60 Milionów 1St Edition / I Edycja 2018 Saturday Feb 10 / Sobota 10 Lutego Eden Rock Hotel Miami Beach, Florida

Networking Cruise Around Miami Networkingowy Rejs Statkiem Dookoła Miami Friday February 9 / piątek 9 lutego 7 pm / 19:00

100 LAT NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI Partnerzy Główni


Kongres 60 mln II edycja 60 Million Congress 2nd edition 30 - 31 sierpnia / August 30 - 31 G2A Arena - w Jasionce koło Rzeszowa

46Th International Polonaise Ball And Brunch February 10-11 Eden Rock Hotel Miami Beach, Florida

POLSKA MARKA Organizatorzy

TURYSTYKA MEDYCZNA Partner Organizacyjny


THE NEED TO ACTIVATE THE POLISH DIASPORA COMMUNITIES ZBIGNIEW KLONOWSKI, President, Trias SA, talks to "Polish Market". The 60 Million Congress is a two-part event. The first one will take place in Miami and the second in Rzeszów. What is the primary goal of these events? The main idea behind the 60 Million Congress is the integration of Polish communities in Poland and abroad. The name of the Congress relates to the overall number of Poles in the world. The special anniversary that will be celebrated in 2018, namely the 100th anniversary of the regaining of independence by Poland, constitutes an excellent opportunity for Polish communities worldwide to meet, especially as there is growing approval for such initiatives and willingness to participate. And, given today's globalisation and migration processes, in which borders “disappear”, we should not forget about our compatriots residing in other countries. Both Rzeszów and Miami can boast a tradition of Polish diaspora meetings, which we want to carry on in a new format. The general intention behind this event was to define the current nature of cooperation between Polish communities in Poland and abroad, as well as to assess the importance of this cooperation, including its benefits and the possible directions for its further development. The invited speakers include numerous distinguished individuals, including Anna Maria Anders, Government Commissioner for International Dialogue; Rita Cosby, renowned American TV host -daughter of Ryszard Kossobudzki, a Warsaw Rising participant- who is getting increasingly involved in the activities for the benefit of the Polish diaspora; Maciej Golubiewski, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in New York; and Sabina Klimek, Consul, Head of the Trade and Investment Section of the Polish Consulate in NYC, as well as representatives PM

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of Polish business, who have achieved considerable success in their respective fields in the USA, including Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Athletes, and representatives of culture and the arts, will also be there, as the Congress is to cover numerous subjects: we want the discussions to cover politics, business, culture, the arts and sports. During the Congress, where Poles and Polish expats will meet in the unique, anniversary-filled atmosphere, we will attempt to define the current position of Poland on the world map and our footing with regard to international relationships in the political and economic fields. What are the business results you are expecting? Can we revitalise trade between Poland and other markets in this way? One of the chief goals of the Congress is to identify the possible cooperation areas between Polish businesses based in Poland and abroad, which could be the basis for developing and strengthening the current cooperation, and to search for new areas of operation, important from the point of view of the economy and image. We would like the conclusions made during the Congress to be translated into real initiatives and actions. Of course, we also wish to promote Polish businesses abroad, and this is why we pay relatively close attention to the business-related aspect of the Congress. Our discussions will cover the role of partner cities and regions like, for example, Rezszów and Buffalo - and whether its effects can be tangibly felt in economic terms. We will discuss issues related to introducing Polish companies to foreign markets, including the American market, showing examples of Polish entrepreneurs who enjoy global success. We will also talk about PM

investment opportunities. Both aspects, that is combining the operations of Polish businesses based in Poland and abroad, and promoting Polish companies abroad, in our view, can bring measurable benefits by establishing new, or developing existing, economic relationships. As regards the specifics, I can add that during the closing panel discussion, we will discuss establishing a Polish Investment Fund, a specialised vehicle designed to make it easier for expats to invest in Poland. Is the Congress an attempt to draw attention to the Polish diaspora, called Polonia a group whose numbers run into millions, but nonetheless appears to be slightly left out, or even forgotten, in Poland? Certainly, it is a group whose potential is neither fully recognised nor truly realised. And this is true not only of relations between Poland and Polonia, but also relations among individual diaspora communities. The need to activate those communities, stimulate initiatives, and possibly reorganise some structures, is genuine. There is a need to involve people who can see this latent potential and wish to seek new forms of cooperation within this unique 60-million-strong community. The following question will be raised during the Congress: How can you build the political power of Polonia in the USA? There can hardly be a better time for such a meeting, and a debate on cooperation, than the 100th anniversary of regaining independence. As the organisers, we believe that the Congress will be a platform for international and intergenerational communication befitting this day and age, and will tangibly further the integration of Poles scattered around the world, and foster ties, but not only those of a business variety. • PM


GLOBALIZATION GRZEGORZ FRYC, co-organizer of the 60 Million Congress, talks to "Polish Market". The name of the 60 Million Congress is an allusion to the total number of Polish people - living both in Poland and scattered across the world. Is the 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining independence a good date for an attempt to unite them all? Any occasion to unite the Polish diaspora is a good one. But the one hundredth anniversary of Polish independence is a perfect opportunity not only to act on unification but also to remind ourselves why we even have such a huge diaspora in the first place. For the last two hundred years there has been a constant exodus of Polish people to many different corners of the world, a process primarily motivated by wars and other hardships that Poland had to endure. Before we even got back on to the map of Europe in 1918 there had been several waves of political emmigration that occurred after the November and January Uprisings. At the time when Poles were discriminated against and persecuted in their own homeland, Polish immigrants build 300 Polish schools including two universities in America. They were free to speak the language, to practice their traditions and to create strong organizations and social infrastructure. 30,000 Polish Americans fought with general Haller in the so called Blue Army who helped to regain Polish independence in 1918. After 1918 one million Poles came back to Poland to help rebuild the country. But the peace didn't last long and with new wars came new immigrants. After WWII a great number of Polish intelligentsia couldn't go back to their homeland in order not to be persecuted by the Soviets. Later came the PolishJewish emmigration of the 60's and then Solidarity emmigration of the 80's. It was finally followed by the wave of economic migrants in the 90's. Right now there are 20-30 million people of Polish descent living outside Poland, PM

making the Polish diaspora one of the largest in the world. The name of the congress reflects the more conservative number of 60 million Poles world wide and in Poland. The event is attempting to unite the leaders of those diasporas as they are the ones that have the most influence on their communities. What is the main purpose of the congress? Is it about developing a network thanks to which it would be easier for Poles from across the world to establish contacts with one another? In simple terms that is exactly what the congress is. It is a platform for global Diaspora leaders to meet, exchange ideas, create power networks, build meaningful relationships and engage in international projects. It is also a place to debate and to talk about the issues that are the most important and relevant to Polish communities today. There is so much talent in Polish communities all over the world - Steve Wozniak, a founder of Apple, Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of Youtube, Martha Stewart, Rob Gronkowski - we have great people in almost every field of business, culture and sport. We know they exist, we hear about them all the time and we read about their achievements on different occasions, yet there is no place for all these great people to meet and interact personally with each other. The 60 Million Congress provides that opportunity as there is now a better way to engage than personal contacts and interactions. This will be our fifth conference organized in Miami and the first one under the name of 60 Million Congress. The relationships that were established at our early days Pangea conferences still exists today and many of the participants have engaged in business ventures and continue to do so till this day. We know that those type of meetings are crucial for the strengthening of our diaspora. Being part of PM

the 60 Million Congress brings great benefits to the people and we hope that this idea will gather more and more leaders from around the world every year. For years we have lived in a world where globalization has become a natural thing. So what gave you the idea that being a member of a single ethnic group may be a sufficient incentive to become business partners? We are humans and if we like it or not there are things that we follow that unite us instinctively. Some of those things are language, culture, common values, traditions and religion. There are many studies that show that people who speak a common language, or posses some of the attributes mentioned above, are much more likely to become friends, find a common bond, establish some kind of relationship and trust each other. Ultimately, they are also much more likely to do business with each other. Working through diasporas is especially important today in the age of globalization. International relationships are key to growth, efficiency, cost reduction, sales expansion and many other factors that ultimately add up to the word success. Having a world wide network of people that you are connected to through language or culture is a huge asset. It allows you to quickly find partners that can provide you with up-to-date information on the local markets and also guide you through nuances of local culture. They can point you into the right direction and provide you with key relationships within their markets, they have the knowledge of local laws and regulations and can advise you on market opportunities or dangers that you might not be aware of. Polish people that are educated in the West can also be a great source of ideas that could be brought home and implemented in • Poland. PM

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zeszów is the biggest city in southeastern Poland. It is also the capital of the Podkarpackie Region. Access to the city is excellent, thanks to the east-west A4 motorway and the north-south S19 expressway. These roads put Rzeszów within easy reach if you are driving from western Europe and the Ukrainian and Slovak borders. A recently implemented Smart Transport System and the developed road network make driving around Rzeszów easy. The city also has an airport with international flights to a number of destinations. Rzeszów is south-eastern Poland’s economic, academic, cultural and tourist hub. It plays the role of an important centre of the aviation, IT, chemical and construction industries. It is also a major commercial and service centre. Rzeszów is a city of young people. The average age of its inhabitants is just 39. The city has become a leader of innovation and advanced solutions implemented in many areas, including technology, infrastructure, education and public life. This has been appreciated by the organisers of the prestigious Smart City Forum. Rzeszów won the Smart City 2016 award in the 100,000-500,000 inhabitants category, among others for solutions adopted in the development of its Smart

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Transport System. But being a smart city is not just about innovative traffic control and lighting systems. It is also about education and the fact that local government works closely together with local inhabitants and business, making the city a friendly place for those who live and work there. Rzeszów is home to one of the world’s most dynamically growing clusters, the wellknown Aviation Valley. It accounts for 90% of Poland’s aviation industry. Special economic zones, together with a system of tax incentives and infrastructure, attract to the city leading international corporations which deal with new technologies and the aviation industry – companies like MTU, Borg Warner and Pratt & Whitney. Local companies such as Asseco Poland, G2A and SofSystem also find Rzeszów a perfect city to grow. They are among Europe’s leading suppliers of IT solutions. The city of Rzeszów is also a venue for a number of festivals and other cultural events, including the World Festival of Polonia Folk Ensembles. Bringing together musicians and dancers from Polish expatriate communities the world over, it has been organised every three years since 1969. Foreign artists also converge on the Carpathia Festival

and the Rise of Eastern Culture-European Stadium of Culture Festival, which is held in the capital of the Podkarpacie Region each year. Among the stars who performed there in recent years were Guano Apes, White Lies and The Fratellis. The biggest crowds are attracted by gigs headlining top Polish artists who perform alongside bands from countries such as Ukraine, Belarus and Armenia. Modern architecture is another of Rzeszów’s attractions. Its Europe’s only illuminated circular footbridge features an appealing mix of finishing materials. 2015 saw the opening of what is Poland’s second tallest cable-stayed bridge. The Tadeusz Mazowiecki bridge is part of the city’s northern ring road, which – along with other solutions - was designed to free Rzeszów from congestion and make it even more friendly both for its inhabitants and tourists. A must for visitors is Rzeszów’s multimedia fountain, which is situated right next to the historic castle and Lubomirski Summer Palace. Tourists also find the restored Town Hall and Market Square very appealing. Old town streets are lined with cosy cafes and restaurants which further highlight the city’s special ambience. •

WORLD-CLASS INNOVATIVE IDEA The city of Rzeszów and the wider region of Podkarpacie (Podkarpackie province) have for years stood out from other regions in terms of the pace of development. We have presented the city as an investment location many times in “Polish Market” pages. However, it is not only infrastructure that is developing in the region, which is referred to as “Polish Bavaria” and “Polish Aviation Valley.” Soft skills are also developing rapidly. Young and educated people no longer want to leave. What is more, the region has started to attract not only large foreign corporations, but also well-qualified foreign workers.


odkarpackie province ranks second among Polish provinces in terms of pro-health activity. An unusual project, innovative by Polish and international standards, has recently come up in the region. It is in keeping with the modern attitude of Podkarpackie province and its drive for solutions which are innovative and not obvious. This project is a cluster made up of medical institutions, a hotel and an airport. The idea of the cluster is to offer a comprehensive service to local, domestic and international clients. They will be buying a package comprising a flight to the airport, transport from the airport, patient assessment and referral, medical procedure and recovery in luxurious conditions. The man behind the project is Stanisław Mazur, MD, president of Centrum Medyczne Medyk Sp. z o.o. (CM Medyk), a family company, which has provided health care services in

Podkarpackie province for 28 years. The company employs 720 people and every day is responsible for medical services for one in four families in the province. CM Medyk renders a wide range of services: from paediatric care to comprehensive services for adult patients to geriatric care. In the cluster which is being established CM Medyk will be responsible for medical consultations with highly qualified medical staff and broad pre-operative examinations. IP Cliniq Beauty Institute, which operates as part of CM Medyk, will be providing consultations for aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery and cosmetology procedures. It employs reputable specialists, like for example Piotr Drozdowski and Łukasz Drozd, doctors who are very well known to the show-business community. IP Cliniq provides such procedures as, for example, breast enlargement, implants, liposuction, ear and nose jobs, and tummy tuck surgery.

If the examinations conducted at CM Medyk are successful the patient will be referred to the Holy Family Specialist Hospital in Rudna Mała near Rzeszów. It is a modern establishment which will perform the procedure. As you can read in the hospital’s messages: “We combine family atmosphere with professional approach to health problems of our patients and the highest medical and ethical standards.” In business terms, however, the next stage in the cluster’s operating model is the most interesting. After a surgery performed at the Holy Family Specialist Hospital the patient will be transferred to Arłamów Hotel, a picturesquely located luxury hotel complex in the Bieszczady Mountains, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. There, the patient will be recovering after the procedure in perfect conditions. Arłamów Hotel has for years been highly valued not only by tourists, but also the Polish Football Association which has organized here meetings of the national team and under-21 team in the run-up to European championships. Thanks to CM Medyk's proximity to and cooperation with Rzeszów Jasionka Airport, what the cluster is going to offer is not constrained by distance. The package which we will be offering includes arranging the flight and collecting the client from the airport. The people responsible for the project say it is a world-class service. “We want to show that in Poland today you can do things which you could not even dream about until recently,” says Stanisław Mazur to sum up the cluster project. •

More informations at www.ipcliniq.com 1/2018  polish market



GREAT RESULTS WITHOUT ANY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS… BEATA DRZAZGA, President of the Management Board of BetaMed, winner of the Honorary Pearl of "Polish Market" 2017 in the promotion of social values category, talks to Maciej Proliński. In 2018, we will much more strongly highlight the significance of the 1918 breakthrough which manifested itself in Poland’s return to political maps after regaining independence. Do you think that we ourselves effectively communicate the meaning of Poland to the world? You would not think that anybody could tell the story of our country and people, our economy and culture, better than us? Telling other people about Poland is an activity which engages many entities. These include the Prime Minister, the Government, diplomatic service officers and specialised agencies. On the other hand, we all, Polish people, who live in Poland or travel to other countries, create this image. Plus, there is the 20-million-strong Polish diaspora, scattered around the entire globe, half of which live in the USA. It is our great asset. Also, the way Polish tourists behave, how they build relations with the world, shapes our image. Nowadays, all countries are making great effort to ensure their good image, by either improving or retaining it. Why is it so important? It is a topic which translates into all areas of our lives. We all should be fully aware why it is still worth investing in Poland. After all, we are a big, thriving and beautiful country. We should remember our humble beginnings in 1989, and the road we have travelled so far. First, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence is for me a natural and grateful homage to all the generations of Polish people who fought for our freedom and independence. Second, it is an excellent opportunity to engage in a discussion on the current position of Poland on the world map and our standing in international relations, with a particular focus on their economic dimension. Still, we should value ourselves in Poland higher and try to talk with one another. Indeed, Poland has many talents in every field. I wish we believed that dialogue and cooperation between entrepreneurs, politicians and individuals from cultural PM

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and scientific circles will bear beautiful fruit. This is what our ancestors fought for more than a century ago. For us to stay together! Why is it still so difficult to develop strong Polish brands? There are not many of them... Indeed, there are good Polish brands which fare well also on global markets. It is not an easy task, but it is still human capital that builds the best Polish brands worldwide. So today we are facing a great need to promote the activities of illustrious Poles, who, through their achievements and efforts, contribute to the propagation and strengthening of the positive image of Poland and Poles worldwide, and are becoming its ambassadors of sorts. My prescription for success is the same: Build your own, smaller and larger things, do not complain, try to build a normal economic situation, in order to create something with time. But do this without great announcements or lofty words… PM

We meet at the very beginning of 2018. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, among the priorities for this year highlights healthcare, which he calls a “great challenge” due to negligence in the last 25 years. According to the PM, this has led to a situation in which “young physicians are protesting in very important matters”. Your company, BetaMed, which provides care for the ill, especially the elderly, has operated for nearly two decades in the broadly understood field of healthcare and on the medical market in Poland. What are your hopes as regards these declarations? I think that Poland has impressive potential and good professionals. Our standing in many fields is very strong in Europe. All the medical staff members in Poland are extensively competent. In respect of equipment, PM

Medicine Polish healthcare is also at the global level. We can be proud of ourselves. In medicine, however, we still lack systemic solutions. I have been waiting for these for 17 years, which is from the beginning of BetaMed’s operation. The healthcare system should be observed primarily from the social and medical perspectives, as well as in terms of economic needs and challenges. Making good investments in health is the necessary element of an economic success. In the new year we will face many challenges and attempts at creating solutions to solve problems, which indeed have affected us for many years now. One of these is the issue of regulating the minimum salary of medical staff. We are dealing with health personnel shortages; in many facilities there are too few nurses. We must deal with this issue quickly. At present, it is also very important to support the ongoing long-term home care and care & nursing facilities. Surely, when discussing the healthcare reform there are other topics worth mentioning. First, the earnings of Polish people are still too low, and the retirement and disability pensions too modest for them to pay for a stay at a care & nursing facility or some other sudden need, when they come down with an illness. Second, I wish the Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund more money to make the proposed contracts high enough. I also wish us shorter queues. These are observed in every field - oncology, specialist and primary care, as well as long-term care for patients on ventilators. My plan and dream is for the Ministry and National Health Fund to have enough money for me to distribute under the Fund, to provide more people with the care they need, so that there is enough money for care & nursing facilities which can really be beautiful, modern places, and also that other people opened such facilities. Coming back to your activities, meaning BetaMed and patient care, and especially senior care, while the elderly are growing in numbers (not only in Poland), societies seem not to have noticed them, almost as if they did not want to… Year after year, there are more and more older citizens. I run only one clinic in Chorzów, but we also have about 90 BetaMed home care branches in 11 provinces. Under a contract with the National Health Fund, BetaMed provides continuous care services to about 5,000 patients. Every day our nurses visit patients requiring long-term home care. The demand is of course much greater. By establishing BetaMed, I wanted to show what caring for the ill and elderly may look like. I and all BetaMed employees have always strove to improve our standards and the quality of our services. And we are succeeding. We have aimed at PM

improving the quality of patient care in Poland, especially as regards the elderly. Four years ago, with them in mind as well, I opened the Medical Active Care clinic which puts central emphasis on the word “active!”.

is his sense of dignity to the material status. Help must be then provided extremely subtly, delicately, without any fuss about it. I and my employees help in this way, purely from the kindness of heart, we do not talk about it…

How do you manage to encourage senior citizens to be active? As a matter of fact, we are doing pretty well in this regard. We are running a BetaMed Senior Club. It is visited also by seniors from other towns and cities, and we are encouraging our residents from individual wards to participate in the meetings. So they together participate in dance parties and organise holiday meetings. Children and teenagers come to the club as well, and, what’s most important, they see another human being in each of our elderly residents… They follow our example, as they also see how to take care of people, how to value their lives and health. How to talk to them. We take care of children and teenagers on ventilators – young people who will never regain their health. But here they have a place with experienced and professional staff, and excellent, cutting-edge equipment. Whenever I recruit someone, during interviews with nurses, doctors or administrative personnel, when I see tears in their eyes, I already know they are in… I, myself, talk with my patients very often, shake their hands when walking along the corridor, say “good morning” or “what would you like to change in BetaMed?”. I hug them, congratulate them on something, start a conversation. Sometimes a small gesture or short sentence, a simple question is a prelude to making the person active… and not just the elderly.

Lately, a lot of attention has been devoted to the importance of tapping the creative potential of women and to their role in the economy and culture. Is it worthwhile to even draw such simple divisions – into what is exclusively male or female? Nowadays, women are a professionally and socially strong group in Poland, and surely have a tremendous impact on the development of our country. The way I see it, competences and skills are the most important criteria of professional evaluation. This applies to both men and women. It is, however, true that women usually have it harder, especially as regards reconciling their private and professional lives. Personally, I value working with women very much. They are creative, consistent and conscientious. They perform very well in various positions, including managerial ones. Today, there are a great many women holding managerial positions in Poland.


You have achieved financial success, but you share it with others. Last year, at the BCC Gala, you received, among other things, the Social Solidarity Medal, and during the "Polish Market Gala", the Honorary Pearl for propagating the idea of corporate social responsibility and for building social solidarity… It is giving, not receiving, that brings the greatest joy. And giving to those who are somewhat less fortunate or who experience hardships in life is our duty. Every such award is a very pleasant experience. You do not become socially involved and help other people for prizes. I just think that, if Providence gave me my financial status, which is, let’s say, above the national average, I simply must share it with others. Such awards give me and my team enormous satisfaction. It is a spur for further activity and expanding the business. Which is a very measurable matter. You must remember, though, that many things are done silently. Why? Because the poorer the man, the more inverse proportionate PM


You are also the first Business Ambassador of Nevada in Poland. Is the USA a promising direction for Polish business and vice versa? The State of Nevada is very open to cooperation with enterprises from Poland. It is oriented towards development and economic growth. It seeks cooperation and local investors in Nevada to establish start-ups in Poland. Therefore, it facilitates very favourable conditions for new initiatives and supports entrepreneurs who wish to start their work or cooperation with the State. If you have a really interesting idea, you can pursue it in Nevada. The Nevada authorities visited Poland several times during trade missions and met with many entrepreneurs and representatives of universities. Many Polish entrepreneurs have taken interest in Nevada, the way it supports businesses, and its economic offerings to further their development there. In this regard, Nevada is the best state in the USA. I opened BetaMed International in Las Vegas. I am taking my first steps there. Previously, representatives of the government of Nevada visited the BetaMed clinic in Poland. They were fascinated with the idea, quality and especially our attitude to patients, with how much heart we give them, that we call them by their first names, and treat them like members of our families. I think that Poles and Americans have several things in common – patriotism, being proud of their history and culture, openness, including to new experiences, diligence, directness and vigour. This makes our cooperation a smooth • sailing. PM

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THERE ARE REASONS TO BE PROUD OF POLISH PHARMACEUTICALS MARKUS SIEGER, President of the Management Board of the Polpharma Group, talks to "Polish Market".

How does the Polish pharmaceutical sector rank among western companies? I must admit that when I travel around the world and meet leading pharmaceutical companies, I am overcome with pride. Polish companies not only have nothing to be ashamed of, but can actually serve as role models for others. Polish producers are up to date, and they are developing cutting-edge products, investing in state-of-the-art equipment, and using new technologies for manufacturing and improving medications. Polpharma, a top Polish pharmaceutical company, is a leader in this field, a key investor in research and development, and an example of successful foreign expansion. Polpharma is continuously developing, collaborating with Polish scientists, and working on innovative technologies which bring value to patients and increase our competitiveness. We provide Polish patients with access to state-of-the-art therapies. We also provide the graduates of Polish higher education institutions with opportunities to develop their careers in their home country. We believe that our achievements have placed us in the role of a partner of the Polish Government in developing a knowledge-based economy. This is also an excellent platform for building networks, hubs, and other forms of cooperation for the development of innovative industry in Poland. PM

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Medicine You are placing great emphasis on cooperation with scientific centres and scientists, but you are also strongly supporting the local vocational school. Is this worth the effort? We do devote a lot of time to building cooperation with scientific centres and educational institutions at various levels. We operate in a sector whose development depends on innovation. Thus, it is of key importance to us to have well-educated employees equipped not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical skills required to meet the real challenges of contemporary industry. In cooperation with local partners we have placed great emphasis on dual education, which combines secondary or higher education with developing practical skills in a specific profession at the future workplace. Together with the Economic School Complex in Starogard Gdański, we have created a class preparing for the profession of technician-analyst, and in collaboration with the Medical University of Gdańsk we established a new programme “The pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry”, in which our employees are lecturers. Is all this worth the effort? Definitely. Currently there is competition for talent on the market. By investing in the secondary and higher education of students training at the outset of their professional careers we not only acquire employees who are better prepared for specific tasks, but we are also their first-choice employer. PM

Are your plans for the coming years as ambitious as before? In terms of sales, 2017 was the most successful year in the history of the Polpharma Group. However, we are not resting on our laurels, and our plans are even more ambitious than before. The basic objective of the Polpharma Group is constant development through creating a strong product portfolio, joining new therapeutic groups, creating strategic partnerships, and dynamic growth on major markets. Our strategy includes the reinvestment of profits from the sale of medications in new technologies, and the development of products which patients need. We are developing our operations in the sector of advanced generics using innovative technologies, and introducing patient-friendly forms of medications which increase treatment comfort. Biotechnology is our second priority field. Currently 7 out of 10 of the world’s best-selling medications are products of this type. Developing and producing biopharmaceuticals so far has been a challenge for Polish companies given the need to acquire personnel with suitable skills, and also due to very high investment costs. Polpharma took this PM

multidimensional challenge requiring investments in infrastructure, know-how, and technology development, which also necessitated establishing a team of top-level experts, and investing in international expansion and partnerships required for product development and marketing. The company’s investments in biotechnology include the R&D laboratory and the production area located in the Gdańsk Science and Technology Park, and the newly created plant in Duchnice near Warsaw, where commercial-scale global production facilities are based. The new plant is one of the most advanced biotechnological production plants in Europe, and the largest greenfield project in the Polish pharmaceutical industry in recent years. Investing in biotechnology is part of Polpharma's expansion strategy, as it enables the company to compete at the global level in the most innovative group of medications, and is facilitating its transition from the regional to the global scale. This is an entirely new opportunity for increasing the competitiveness of the company and, consequently, of the Polish economy, due to the project's being located in Poland. The challenges being faced by the pharmaceutical sector are even greater than in the past years. What are the trends in healthcare development? Digitalisation is a very prominent trend in the entire healthcare sector, and it is becoming a crucial element in the global business model, including in the pharmaceutical sector. The pharmaceutical industry is changing its role – it focuses not only on producing medications but also on supporting patients in caring about their health. It also actively participates in the healthcare system, which requires a higher level of cooperation and knowledge exchange between the interested parties. Therefore, the question is not whether Polpharma should follow this direction, but how it should implement digital solutions effective for the company, our customers, partners and other interested parties. We are convinced that digitalisation can contribute to streamlining business processes in the company, and to raising our competitiveness, facilitating the introduction of innovative solutions, and also accelerating communication and cooperation within the company and beyond. We have already begun our digital transformation by, among other things, developing advanced business intelligence processes, unique data analysis tools, and digital systems supporting cooperation with distributors, production processes and HR activities. We have also made revolutionary changes in our communication with patients PM



and physicians, occupying a leading position on the Polish pharmaceutical market in terms of using digital tools in marketing communication. We are continuing intensive development in the area of digitalisation, bearing in mind that people should be at the centre of all the endeavours of the pharmaceutical sector. We are also happy to join such initiatives as the Digital Poland Foundation, whose goal is to support Poland's digital transformation, and to create an ecosystem supporting innovations in this field. Can Polpharma be referred to as a Polish national champion? A national champion is an enterprise with, a strong position on the local market, and a competitive presence abroad ‒ a company which is important from the perspective of Poland's economic interests, and deserves support from public administration bodies in implementing its business goals on the domestic and foreign markets. Polpharma meets all these criteria. We are a leader on the Polish pharmaceutical market, and one of the 20 largest producers of generics in the world. We are investing considerable funds in R&D, and the commercialisation of scientific knowledge and cutting-edge technologies, contributing to Poland's innovation performance and creating attractive jobs for over 4300 people. Our R&D departments employ 466 people, who are thus discouraged from leaving the country. Our company is an example of dynamic foreign expansion, which generates 45% of our sales on international markets. We are soon going to conquer the global market, reaching the whole world with our biological products. We are convinced that Polpharma’s success is strengthening the Polish economy with its advanced technological solutions and intellectual capital, which can serve as Poland's showpiece on foreign • markets. PM

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ŁUKASZ MICHALECKI, MD, a physician cooperating with PZU Zdrowie SA, specialist in Radiation oncology, Prof. K. Gibiński Teaching Hospital of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice


he number of new cases of malignant cancer has doubled in Poland over the past three decades to reach more than 156,000 in 2013.

The most common malignant cancers in males are: lung cancer (18.7%), prostate cancer (13%), colon cancer (12%) and bladder cancer (7%). The most common malignant cancers in females include: breast cancer (more than one fifth of all cancer cases), colon cancer (10%), lung cancer (9%), endometrial cancer (7%) and ovarian cancer (5%). Over the past five decades, cancer-related mortality has multiplied almost 2.5-fold. In 2013, there were 94,000 cancer-related deaths. The number was higher than the European Union average – by nearly 20% for men and 10% for women. A worrying signal is a significant increase - more than 1.5-fold - in the past three decades of the cancer incidence rate among women aged 20-44. The increase

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for women has been almost two times higher than for men in the same age group. A positive trend is a gradual increase in five-year survival registered in the past two decades. It is the best indicator of treatment efficacy. In the first decade of the 21st century, five-year survival for all cancers combined went up from 42.5% to 45.5%. Unfortunately, five-year survival for many types of cancer is much lower than in Western European countries. Statistics for cervical cancer are particularly worrying. Mortality in this group of patients is 70% higher in Poland than the European Union average. Genetic predispositions are responsible for only 5% of cancer cases while lifestyle factors play a much bigger role. This is why raising public awareness of primary and secondary prevention is of great importance in improving the epidemiological situation. There is still much to be done when it comes to controlling exposition to risk factors (including the promotion of vaccination against HPV), attendance in prevention programmes, and healthpromoting behaviours. It is necessary to dispel the myths prevailing among patients and predominant fatalism among the public with regard to cancer. There is a sense of pointlessness when it comes to cancer prevention and insufficient knowledge about the pathogenesis of cancer and its diagnostics and treatment.

The second edition of the National Programme Against Cancer for the years 20162024 is a response of the Ministry of Health to the worrying epidemiological statistics on cancer incidence and mortality. The aim of the programme is to raise healthy lifestyle awareness, reduce the risk of cancer and encourage Polish people to take part in prevention programmes for breast, cervical and colon cancers. The main objectives of the programme include ensuring wider access to medical equipment, so as to remove disparities among individual healthcare establishments, and improving medical personnel’s knowledge and skills. A project entitled “The Development of Specialist Training for Physicians in Fields Important from the Perspective of the Country’s Epidemiological Needs” for the years 2015-2023, partially funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund, is carried out as part of the Knowledge, Education and Development Operational Programme. The goal of the project is raising the level of medical personnel’s knowledge by financing speciality courses for physicians. Additionally, recruitment for an oncology training programme for general practitioners began in December 2017. A head and neck cancer prevention programme for 2017-2023, funded from European

Medicine sources, was started last year. Around 70,000 persons from the risk group are to undergo screening tests. The programme is intended for people aged 40-65, long-term smokers, people abusing alcohol, and people at risk of infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). The analyses and projections resulting from maps of health needs in the area of cancer treatment (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hospitalization), published by the Ministry of Health, determine – alongside intervention measures in cancer prevention – the need for systemic changes in health service. They will enable reaching the goal, which is to ensure coordinated and complex care for cancer patients and an improvement in Polish patients’ access to specialist healthcare services. A regulation of the Ministry of Health introducing an “oncology package” called “Quick Cancer Treatment” has been in force since January 1, 2015. In the Polish Health Care System oncology patients have been specified. The aim is to systematize the diagnostics and treatment process by specifying how long patients may wait for individual treatment stages, removing limits for cancer diagnostics and treatment, and introducing the concept of interdisciplinary teams of specialists deciding about treatment strategy. In the last case, individualized approach to patients suffering from malignant cancers seems to be the most important guideline of the project in terms of improving the quality of cancer treatment results in Poland. In recent years, we have seen a steady improvement in access to modern cancer drugs thanks to clinical trials and so-called drug programmes, for instance. Since January 2018 cancer treatment under therapeutic programmes is provided with the use of 31 innovative active pharmaceutical medications. It involves selected diseases and strictly defined groups of patients. An especially favourable situation in terms of access to state-of-the-art drugs, comparable with the situation in Western European countries, is in the group of patients suffering from colon cancer and melanoma. However, in the face of growing needs, it is obvious that further improvement in terms of access and funding is necessary. The Science and Industry Centre, set up by the Maria SkłodowskaCurie Memorial Cancer Centre and Institute of Oncology (COI) in Warsaw in conjunction with the pharmaceutical company Roche Polska, is an example of an investment project supporting innovation. The Science and Industry Centre manages the Early-Phase Clinical Trials Ward, the first of its kind in Poland. The Early-Phase Ward opens access to modern therapies for patients and creates unique research opportunities. According to data published on the COI website, the value of clinical trials conducted within this project is estimated to reach PLN10 million annually. The Polish healthcare system is facing many ambitious and difficult challenges, given that the number of malignant cancer cases is on the rise – according to epidemiological data, it is estimated that the number of cancer patients will grow to 213,100 by 2029 - and that five-year cancer survival figures are still unsatisfactory compared to Western European countries. According to the Polish Oncology Union, strategic directions for further activity should include halting the rise in new cases of malignant cancer (including tobacco-related cancers), increasing spending on training for qualified medical staff, improving early cancer detection and diagnosis statistics, improving access to cancer diagnostics and treatment (mainly radiotherapy and combination therapy), innovative drug therapies, palliative care, symptomatic treatment in advanced stages of the disease, and developing and applying innovative molecular techniques in optimizing cancer treatment.

Julita Czyżewska,

President of PZU Zdrowie SA

The National Health Fund takes many initiatives which help to improve the situation of cancer patients in Poland. Also, there are more and more private health insurance schemes on the market. They provide financial support if the insured person is diagnosed with cancer or – as is the case with insurance coverage offered by PZU – financial support plus access to specialist healthcare. When we, at PZU, were developing the insurance product against serious diseases, called “PZU z Miłości do Zdrowia,” we paid heed to the needs of patients. We held meetings with patients and identified the problems they grappled with while fighting a serious disease. We were supported in this task by experts and practitioners of the Polish Coalition of Cancer Patients. They informed us in detail about the situation of people battling against cancer. The biggest problem is a lack of money for pharmaceutical therapies not refunded by the state and for treatment at private healthcare centres, lack of knowledge about the treatment path rules, and difficult access to some medical procedures, like for example rehabilitation, specialist diagnostic examinations and dietary advice. It is also impossible to overestimate the importance of therapeutic support. When people learn that they have cancer they feel afraid and uncertain, and often have a sense that they are becoming a burden on their family. Those who hear a diagnosis of cancer know that they have to battle against time and must not surrender. Cancer patients need psychological care for themselves and their family members, a plan for fast and effective treatment and rehabilitation, and the will to fight. Of key importance is ensuring appropriate care to every patient so that they do not feel adrift and lonely. This is why social projects are an important part of PZU’s activity. They help cancer patients in their everyday functioning and make it easier for them to access treatment. Last year, we financed PIPAC equipment and costs of PIPAC procedures, an innovative method for administering chemotherapeutic drugs in aerosol in patients with secondary malignant growths in the intraperitoneal space. The innovative PIPAC procedure is an established treatment method for patients with stomach, colon, pancreatic, ovarian and appendix cancers as well as many other cancers of the abdominal cavity with advanced metastases to the peritoneum. However, the method is completely new in Central and Eastern Europe and is only used by the Cancer Centre in By• dgoszcz, Poland.

Source: Wojciechowska Urszula, Didkowska Joanna. Zachorowania i zgony na nowotwory złośliwe w Polsce. Krajowy Rejestr Nowotworów, Centrum Onkologii - Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej - Curie. Dostępne na stronie http://onkologia.org. pl/raporty/ dostęp z dnia 28/01/2018. 1/2018  polish market


Cultural Monitor



New classic Polish films have been added to Best Film’s DVD portfolio. Late 2017 saw DVD premières of such films as “Rejs” (A Trip Down the River), a bittersweet comedy from almost three decades ago. During the almost 50 years of his career, Marek Piwowski has directed only a few feature films, but he continues to be known mainly for “Rejs”, which hit the big screen in 1970. The film was voted the Best Polish Film of All Time by the readers of the “Polityka” weekly. In 1993, the director became inspired by a front-page story. “Uprowadzenie Agaty” is a story loosely linked with the well-known escape of Maciej Malisiewicz and Monika, a daughter of Andrzej Kern, the then Deputy Speaker of the lower chamber of the Polish Parliament. As always, in addition to many professional actors, such as Jerzy Stuhr, Pola Raksa, and Cezary Pazura, the director hired amateurs, including some homeless people from the Warszawa Centralna railway station. The leading roles were taken by Sławomir Federowicz, a graduate of the Drama School in Kraków, and Karolina Rosińska, a secondary-school student from Łódź. “Stupidity is more easily explored in artistic works than correctness or norms”, Piwowarski argues. Hardly anything has changed in this respect since 1989... Even when it comes to feature films, the works of Piwowski have retained some characteristics of a documentary. The type of documentary he makes could be referred to as "observe-and-comment", as it tends to rely on the individual world view of the director to create the on-screen world. Piwowski is ironic, so he creates grotesque realities, which sometimes become absurd and bizarre. “Uprowadzenie Agaty” has all these elements of his unique style. The film was yet another opportunity for the director to stir up a real hornets' nest. He spares nothing and no one, and especially the so-called “establishment”, which is mainly politicians. And until some time into the film, there is only one leading character – laughter... By portraying the couple of young characters, also in the unusual and perverse ending, Piwowski reveals his lyrical identity, and he is clearly on their side.


Adam Strug is an outstanding artist, one of the most eminent to have appeared on our stage over the last decade. He creates his works for his dedicated fans, for discriminating audiences, who turn to music for poetry and a more profound experience, as well as to get to the roots. Love and death have probably always been his main interests. But he is able to sing about these differently from other performers, with real truth resounding through his voice. He sings with all his heart, and his voice becomes an additional instrument. And his recent, fourth, album is no different. The songs you will find there are about the antinomies of human life – love, death, hope, and disappointment. When it comes to lyrics, in addition to those written by Strug himself, you will be treated to poems by Bolesław Leśmian, Leopold Staff, Adam Asnyk, and folk poet Jan Pocek. The music, all composed by Strug, shows fascination with Polish traditional music and the melodic patterns of the Middle East.


Marcin Masecki is one of the most original young Polish pianists, who plays both jazz and the classical repertoire. Jan Emil Młynarski, a son of the Polish songwriter Wojciech Młynarski, as well as a percussionist and singer, explores multiple musical genres with ease. He has launched many musical projects, such as Warszawskie Combo Taneczne, and Młynarski plays Młynarski. This joint undertaking of the two musicians harks back to the tradition of Polish jazz ensembles from the inter-war period. The repertoire includes swing compositions, mainly unfamiliar to, or forgotten by, contemporary audiences. The whole project focuses on Adam Aston, arguably the greatest Polish singer of the pre-war period, and Henryk Wars, a leading Polish pre-war pianist and composer. For me, this album is still a 2017 revelation. These young musicians are well aware of “our” jazz canon... but also, if not primarily, they address it their own way, “on their own terms”. This mature, musically coherent, but also formally diverse, album takes your mood on a roller coaster. And each time the band is able to captivate you with their music, and to rock and improvise the hell out of their compositions. Given the ensemble’s amazing flavour, the album was able to retain a coherent form and stylistic consistency. A young but polished performance – modern retro, joy and swing at their best! And a fine example of something which has laid forgotten in musical archives, only to be discovered anew. Discover, dust off, filter through yourself, and... love it... because otherwise this music will be no more...

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Cultural Monitor

EVENTS THE 11TH WITOLD LUTOSŁAWSKI INTERNATIONAL CELLO COMPETITION WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE WARSAW PHILHARMONIC BETWEEN 30 JANUARY AND 10 FEBRUARY 2018. The Contest is the first, and so far the only, one in Poland to have in its programme all the cello compositions by Witold Lutosławski. It has been run since 1997 to provide young artists with the opportunity to perform in front of eminent Polish and international cellists and educators, and to benchmark their performance against musicians from all over the world, as well as to prepare the participants for major cello competitions worldwide, and to promote Polish music, with special focus on Witold Lutosławski. This year’s Contest puts special emphasis on the works of Polish composers – in addition to those created by Witold Lutosławski, its programme includes compositions by such composers as Krzysztof Penderecki, Witold Szalonek, Jerzy Bauer, and Paweł Szymański. The Jury is made up of eminent professors and performing cellists from all around the world – Kazimierz Michalik (Honorary Head), Andrzej Bauer, Roman Jabłoński, Kenji Nakagi, David Geringas, Antonio Meneses, Pieter Wispelwey, Louise Hopkins, Ivan Monighetti, and Marcin Zdunik. “KOBIECE SPRAWY” (WOMEN’S AFFAIRS) IS THE 7TH EDITION OF A CALENDAR PREPARED BY GEDEON RICHTER UNDER THE ARTISTIC SUPERVISION OF ANDRZEJ PĄGOWSKI. Each artist involved in this year’s calendar addressed a different female issue. Contributors include some recognised poster-designers – Bartosz Kosowski, Mirosław Adamczyk, Patryk Mogilnicki, Tomasz Bogusławski, Andrzej Pągowski, Ola Niepsuj, Ryszard Kaja, Jan Bajtlik, Dawid Ryski, Maja Wolna, Mieczysław Wasilewski and Wiktor Sadowski. As explained by Andrzej Pągowski, the Gedeon Richter Calendar is a special social medium which addresses women’s issues in today’s world. “The Calendar portrays the everyday life of contemporary women. The responsibility they take for their loved ones, their health and happiness, because women are still the ones who feel obliged to foster harmony in their families”, Pągowski says. “Our posters also illustrate the efforts made by women to preserve their sensitivity and empathy, while also emanating power and leadership, both in their professional life and at home. It is fascinating how many matters and roles contemporary women have to deal with and fulfil each and every day”, he adds. ON 21 JANUARY, TEATR WIELKI – POLISH NATIONAL OPERA WILL STAGE ITS FIRST PREMIÈRE IN 2018 – CLAUDE DEBUSSY’S “PELLÉAS AND MÉLISANDE” DIRECTED BY KATIE MITCHELL. CO-PRODUCED WITH FESTIVAL D’AIX-EN-PROVENCE. This musical drama about love inseparably linked with death, and a lyrical and symbolic work by Maurice Maeterlinck, is going to be produced to the subtle accompaniment of Debussy’s music, and in the form of a hyper-realistic dream – a theatrical production by Katie Mitchell, a leading, but also the most controversial, British opera director, who provokes extreme emotions in audiences, who either love or hate her work. She is known for using extreme naturalism and exploring feminist issues in her experimental plays. “Pelléas and Mélisande”, too, has a woman as its primary character, since the story as a whole plays out in the head of a sleeping Mélisande. Her alienation and the secret she is keeping become the core of this oneiric story...

A WEEK EARLIER, ON 14 JANUARY, THE 26TH FINALE OF THE GREAT ORCHESTRA OF CHRISTMAS CHARITY. THIS TIME, THE MONEY WILL BE USED TO ENSURE EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES IN NEONATAL CARE. “Thank you, good night,” the 26th Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity ended with these words from Jurek Owsiak and a record PLN81,423,542 raised for the Foundation. For the second time, the Finale Centre, with its fundraising facilities, concert stage, and TV studio, will be located on Defilad Square in front of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation was established in 1993, and every year ever since, on the second Sunday in January, it has organised a fundraiser known as the Finale. Each year, during the Grand Finale, 120,000 volunteers gather money into Collection Boxes in many towns and cities across Poland and abroad (for example in Europe, China, Australia, the USA, and Indonesia). The fundraiser is accompanied by a number of events and concerts. You can also support the Foundation via online donations, SMS donations, and charitable auctions. The Foundation uses the money to buy state-of-the-art medical equipment for children’s hospitals in Poland. So far, the Orchestra has collected PLN 830 million! “This one day, during the Finale, we party, but the other 364 days we work and do business. We go about our business day in day out. The idea behind this business is the same as for any other business. Not to lose. But to gain. To negotiate the best deals possible. This is an important issue. For all those years, we have consistently pursued many objectives. And no one told us how we should manage our business. This is our greatest success”, Jurek Owsiak, President of the Foundation, winner of the 2009 "Polish Market" Honorary Pearl in the “Promoting Social Values” category, told "Polish Market" a few years ago. 1/2018  polish market



MUSEUM OFFERS REMEMBRANCE AND MYSTERY A very special year has just begun for Poland and Polish people. 2018 marks the centenary of Poland’s regaining independence. Culture and national heritage have always been a bastion of Polishness, even in the period of 123 years when Poland was occupied by foreign powers. How is the National Museum in Kraków celebrating this anniversary? The National Museum is a place which does not focus exclusively on presenting artistic collections. This is, of course, our predominant activity. But I can say with full responsibility that the Museum is also a treasury of historical mementoes and items which do not necessarily have an exceptional artistic value, but have an enormous emotional charge. These are mementoes related to great developments and personalities, mementoes which constitute something more than merely artistic culture – they constitute Poland’s spiritual culture. The National Museum’s collection is a great mosaic, of which we build the picture of not only the past, but also the present day. PM

The exhibition devoted to Poland’s regaining independence is to be one of such elements. The exhibition which we are going to open on October 31, entitled “Independent Poland. Józef Piłsudski’s Thought,” is to show the roads to Poland’s independence in 1918 through the prism of Marshal Józef Piłsudski and his ideas. The exhibition will illustrate our historical tradition and uprisings by means of artistic works. Among them, will be truly unique pieces, some of them never shown to the general public before. It will not be a monographic exhibition devoted exclusively to the figure of Józef Piłsudski. It will be a story about our road to independence, a story revolving around the figure of this outstanding Pole. It will be a multifaceted exhibition composed of several hundred items because one should remember not only about Józef Piłsudski’s historical, political and military achievements, but also his spiritual background. We know that Piłsudski was fascinated with Juliusz Słowacki, a great Polish romanticist poet. It was Słowacki who inspired the way in which the marshal thought about Poland and independence. The exhibition will be a great “fresco” speaking about independence. The exhibits speaking about the past will also enable us to draw conclusions about the present day. PM

ANDRZEJ BETLEJ, Director of the National Museum in Kraków, talks to Marcin Haber about a modern vision for managing the museum, ideas for attracting a wide range of visitors and the planned exhibition “Independent Poland. Józef Piłsudski’s Thought.”

Culture This exhibition is the last part of the triptych including also two other expositions: “#heritage,” which closed in January this year, and “Wyspiański,” an exhibition devoted to the work of Stanisław Wyspiański, an outstanding Polish painter, playwright and poet. The three exhibitions have been organized as part of the “Niepodległa” Programme to celebrate Poland’s independence. You are speaking about the present day. However, museums are stereotypically associated with the distant past. Is it possible to show the present at a museum? In museums there is room for both the past and the present. A museum must not be centred on a single point of reference, it must not limit itself to a single, specific historical era or artistic sphere. Museums need to have many facets. This is the role of National Museums. Their objective is to show the past, but also to be set in the present time. PM

Museums need to have many facets. The National Museum in Kraków is a good example of that. You say openly that you want to go beyond the established patterns. Let me stress it again: a museum is a place for reflection over the past and present. Consequently, when thinking about our exhibition programme we try to carefully analyse the expectation of our visitors. Thirty monographic exhibitions can make even the most determined visitor bored. Exhibitions devoted exclusively to old or contemporary art provoke a similar response. As a result, it is necessary to diversify what the museum offers and this concerns not only exhibitions. Diversity is key because the museum attracts very diverse visitors. And one should remember that their expectations differ greatly. This year we are going to present the old art of the Jagiellonian dynasty on the one hand, and the art of comic books and design on the other. I think that every visitor to the National Museum will find here something that will attract their attention and with which they will be able to identify themselves. PM

We are touching upon the topic of diversification of what museums offer and the need to adjust to the expectations of different visitors. Until recently, young people associated museums mainly with museum lessons obligatory for primary school pupils. How to change these associations and encourage the young to visit museums? Museums offer its visitors two things: remembrance and mystery. This role is fulfilled when remembrance is exemplified through exhibitions reminding us of the most important works, the most important historical developments and the most important artists. The museum’s mission is to remind us about our heritage. But in attracting the visitor we should not think exclusively in terms of presentation. We have to “sell” something mysterious, something which the visitors can discover themselves, something which will encourage their active involvement. What is important here is not only the role of exhibitions but also educational activity in a broad sense. Referring to the comparison you have used, I do not like museum lessons to be deprecated. The National Museum in Kraków is proud of organizing a large number of such lessons, which are conducted in an exceptionally interesting way. They are interactive, which means they do not involve merely listening to the guide. Museum education is increasingly becoming part of the museum’s core activity. PM


one hand, a well-educated and mature visitor with specialist knowledge will appreciate the artistry and genius of Wyspiański’s works. On the other hand, a younger visitor may attempt to make his or her own stained-glass work by trying to imitate Wyspiański’s curving lines. You can also show such a visitor that Wyspiański was not only a pastelist and draughtsman but also an artist who “played” with words and made theatre. He was a man with great imagination. And this is exactly the museum’s role: shaping imagination. Was this varied approach to visitors and their needs the main reason behind the record number of visits – 1.2 million in total - to the Museum in 2017? I think so. One should also remember that the National Museum owes this significant increase in attendance to its conscious exhibition choices. A magnet attracting foreign tourists to our museum is beyond doubt the exposition of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Lady with an Ermine”. An important thing, however, is that many of the foreigners who come to see the painting decide to stay longer in the Museum and see the other exhibitions. Something persuades them to get familiar not only with the famous work of art known around the world but also Polish art. An exhibition entitled “The Treasures. The Princes Czartoryski Collection” played a similar role in attracting visitors to the Museum. It was the first in many years exhibition of the Czartoryski collection. It was followed by the exhibition “#heritage” dealing with the difficult problem of identity. The end of the year saw an exceptional and unexpected surge in visitor numbers – it is now clear that the exhibition devoted to Wyspiański had been awaited not only by Kraków but the whole of Poland as well. It is beyond doubt that diverse exhibition and educational proposals are the factors which attract visitors. PM

Do you expect that this trend in visitor numbers will be maintained, or was 2017 simply an exceptionally good year? It was definitely an exceptional year. But this does not mean that we will not be trying to uphold this trend. We will be trying to measure • up to the standards that we set for ourselves in 2017. PM

So as you said, the young have to be attracted with mystery. A museum has to be attractive and open.

It must be a challenge to attract so diverse visitors to the same exhibition. It is a huge challenge. Let's take as an example the exhibition devoted to Stanisław Wyspiański, which is now on at the Museum. On the PM

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• 89 rooms – Kliczków Castle • 44 rooms – Prince’s Manor Farm • Traditional Polish cuisine • Family events • Spa Centre • Wellness Zone (swimming pool, saunas, fitness gym) • Tennis courts • Volleyball courts • Prince’s Stables • Bicycle trails in Lower Silesia Forests • Kayaking trips and rafting on the Kwisa river

Kliczków Castle is a historical hotel resort, excellently adapted to tourism and recreation needs. It is picturesquely situated in Lower Silesia

Forests, at a distance of 12 kilometres from the town of Bolesławiec. The A4 and A18 motorways provide excellent access to the Castle. From Kliczków it is only around 100 kilometres to Wrocław, the capital of the region, 50 kilometres to Görlitz and less than 150 kilometres to Dresden. Kliczków Castle is located: • 130 km from Wrocław airport • 140 km from Dresden airport • 200 km from Berlin airport

KLICZKÓW CASTLE – EUROPEAN ROUTE OF CASTLES AND PALACES It is people and their work that lead us through history. The first master of Kliczków Castle was Bolko I the Strict of the Piast dynasty. Kliczków Castle was called Corona Silesiae and was a border stronghold since the 13th century. This was the beginning of the Castle’s history. It has continued uninterruptedly over centuries and individual parts of the Castle illustrate the changes which have taken place in successive eras. You can see it all, learn about the history, and move into the richness of its images and climates.

Come to Kliczków Castle – taste the magic.


The dishes served at the Castle have found appreciation from the European Union and have been added to the European Route of Culinary Heritage, which awarded us with the traditional dishes logotype. Kliczków Castle is where you can taste the exquisite saddle of deer which has graced the tables of the Castle masters for many centuries. The main goal of the Tastes of Lower Silesia Route, which includes Kliczków Castle, is to respect the tradition and local origin of the products we use, and promote regional dishes.


Time spent with your close family is invaluable. At Kliczków Castle, we know how important these moments are. This is why we try to create an excellent atmosphere for such moments. We organize family reunions, important meetings and celebrations, such as birthday and nameday parties, wedding anniversaries but, above all, we are masters in organizing real Polish wedding parties. Kliczków Castle’s menu is based on local and regional recipes, respecting the tradition of Polish dishes. At every event, we offer Polish dishes (Kliczków-style game delicacies, roast piglets and fish) and every kind of Polish appetizers (smoked meat and lard that we make ourselves, cheeses from local producers and traditional sausages).


• EASTER (APRIL 1, 2018) – a unique Easter holiday with egg painting, food blessing at a little village church and a Polish traditional Easter breakfast; • MAY HOLIDAY (MAY 1, 2018) – the biggest knight festival in Poland, a live presentation of Poland’s history in the form of re-enactment of battles fought by Polish armed forces since the 13th century to the present day; • CERAMICS FESTIVAL IN BOLESŁAWIEC (AUGUST 15-19, 2018) – a festival of hand-made dots, circles and other stamped decorations made for decades in the local ceramics plants; they are one of the best showpieces of Poland and Lower Silesia; • HUBERTUS (OCTOBER 26, 2018) – a festival of hunters, fox chasing, having fun together, historical hunting traditions, horse-riding shows; • CHRISTMAS FAIR (DECEMBER 1-2, 2018) – you will find in Kliczków home-made delicious preserves, stands with regional handicraft and the traditional Christmas accessories - such as centrepieces, Christmas-tree balls and decorations – which may bring Christmas atmosphere to every home; • CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY (DECEMBER 24-26, 2018) – in winter, Kliczków Castle resembles a land of magic, as if taken from Andersen’s fairy tales. The unique mood in the Castle interiors, wonderful family atmosphere, the scent of the Christmas tree and the glow of candles will make you remember your Christmas holiday for a long time.



A JOURNEY TO A HUMAN BEING... The opening of the exhibition entitled “Journey to Antiquity,” featuring paintings by Maria Wollenberg-Kluza, was held at the Warsaw Vitkac Likus Home Concept on 21 November 2017. It inaugurated the jubilee year celebrating fifty years of artistic work by one of the most famous and esteemed Polish Colourists. All the exhibitions and other events within the jubilee year will be held under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, at the request of the European Society of Culture. Maciej Proliński


aria Wollenberg-Kluza was born in Puławy in 1945. Her father was also a painter and graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. Between 1967 and 1973, she studied at the Faculty of Painting at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. In 1973, she graduated from the Academy with distinction at the atelier of one of the greatest Polish 20th century artists Tadeusz Dominik. The first solo exhibition of her works took place in 1967. She has had over 130 solo exhibitions in Poland and abroad so far, and she is still active in her creative work. She has taken part in over 200 joint exhibitions, including international ones and in presentations of Polish art abroad (including in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden and the USA). The artist is the precursor of reflective painting, originating from Pre-Romanticism, Symbolism and Polish Colourist painting. In their expressive layers, the works refer to such artists as Stanisław Wyspiański, Jacek Malczewski, and Jan Cybis. In her works, the artist makes references to literature, philosophy and psychology. The subject matter of Maria Wollenberg-Kluza’s reflective painting is passion, emotions and experience. She

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addresses universal and existential issues, and introduces a metaphysical element. Her works are directed by impressions and use foreshortening in a symbolic manner. She is also interested in religious subject matter. She has painted the image of Our Lady at the Sanctuary in the Warsaw district of Siekierki, and two paintings referring to the subject matter and symbols related to revelations which had taken place in Siekierki between 1943 and 1949. She painted a portrait of Rev. Jerzy Popiełuszko for the Committee for the Remembrance of Rev. Jerzy Popiełuszko. The portrait was later given to the Museum of John Paul II Collection at the Porczyński Gallery in Warsaw. She painted the “Fatima Triptych” as a tribute to John Paul II. Her oeuvre includes over one thousand paintings made after her graduation. In addition to the title, each painting is given an individual number, but rarely a date, as the artist occasionally returns to some of her older works. She herself speaks of her works in a very beautiful way: “I believe that my art is mostly about human beings, but it is not a report. It is about showing human experience, emotions, moving moments, sadness and joy, and it is also a kind of diary. (...) I am keen on using light in painting, as to me it means

hope.” Piotr Kuncewicz writes about the artist’s works on her website (http://wollenberg.pl): “Save for her dignified teachers, she seems to be the most renowned Polish Colourist painter. She is a student of the famous Tadeusz Dominik, and he in turn was learning from Kapists, whose Colourist painting has its roots in Impressionism. Kluza is the inheritor of one of the most important trends in painting in the last one and a half centuries, and has earned her position within the trend. But she is constantly searching within the boundaries of Colourist painting. Moreover, her favourite colour tones are changing. (...) But it is not the whole truth about her painting, as it is not only about recording colours on canvas or inventing them. The works of Maria WollenbergKluza have serious references to the emotional, intellectual and moral spheres. Her series of works usually focus on problems which go beyond the expressive capabilities of colour patches or lines. It is possible to trace the artist’s peculiar “spiritual outlook on life” (not only on art). Her paintings are full of human silhouettes, faces and human (are they only human?) gazes. Are we able to see each other in her world? Where is our anticipation and our attention turning to, what are we looking out for so solemnly?” •


A 100-YEAR-OLD TABLE SERVICE BELONGING TO THE DRUCKI-LUBECKI FAMILY HAS JUST RETURNED TO ĆMIELÓW FROM MOSCOW A real collectors' bargain – the unique table service design ordered by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia for prima ballerina Matylda Krzesińska, is to be recreated by Fabryka Porcelany AS Ćmielów Adam Spała.


he entire history of the table service, its return to Ćmielów, and its mysterious fate throughout the turbulent history of the Russian Empire, have brought out strong emotions. The table service, currently referred to as “Matylda” (its original manufacturing name being unknown), was manufactured to the special order of Tsar Nicholas II Alexandrovich Romanov, for Maria Matylda Krzesińska, a Polish dancer and prima ballerina at the Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg, commonly known as Matylda or Mali. The Polish owner of the service inherited it from her Moscow family. As a child, she would often visit Moscow, which was where she saw the extraordinary porcelain cups proudly displayed in a cupboard. She was not allowed to touch them, as they were considered “extremely precious”, and were never used for serving coffee or tea. All pieces were gold-plated, and bore hand-written golden monograms with ornamental letters. The aunt living in Russia was a well-educated person, working as a doctor, and taking part in “scientific expeditions” (the details of which she was never willing to reveal). The young Pole's interest in the table service increased with every visit to the Russian house, but her repeated questions regarding its origin were left unanswered. The Russian relative, however, apparently insisted on the service's return to Poland. Unfortunately, no information is available as to what was happening to the unique porcelain set for nearly one hundred years, which saw the Revolution and

the two World Wars. Its modern history has only been known since its return to Poland. The factory became aware of the table service's existence on receiving an invitation to participate in a tender procedure, with similar invitations being sent to auction houses, museums, other factories, and individuals. Obviously, this provided an excellent opportunity not only to purchase the unique porcelain, but also to bring to Ćmielów the Drucki-Lubecki service which had been originally made there. The tender rules stipulated that the service would be sold to the tendering party offering the highest price. Luckily, Fabryka Porcelany AS Ćmielów managed to acquire the service, thus becoming its subsequent owner. The service not only enchants with its beauty and exceptional form, but is also unique on the global scale. It is made of 100 pieces with characteristic square-shaped feet, each being connected to the cup with a round tube. The tubes were specially calibrated using diamond drills, following which individual elements were connected to one another and kilned at high temperatures. The porcelain service comprises teapots, coffee and tea cups with saucers, tureens, sauce-boats, mustard pots, salt-shakers, and pepper pots, as well as round and oval plates. The service is decorated with cobalt and 24-carat gold (the dinner set), or with delicate golden stripes (the coffee set), bearing Matylda's monogram. “I have never seen such a beautiful service before, despite my keen interest in porcelain, and despite studying innumerable

publications and catalogues, and visiting many porcelain factories around the world,” said President Adam Spała. “I experienced the uncertainty and emotions connected with the service’s purchase for the entire six-monthlong tender procedures. I also feared that this purchase would be blocked by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, with the service’s being considered a national treasure. Had this happened, we would have lost the opportunity to recreate this extraordinary service, and porcelain collectors and enthusiasts would not have been offered a chance to purchase individual elements of the service,” added the President. The staff of the National Museum in Kraków also commented on the table service's beauty, claiming that they had never seen such an exceptional form before, and recognised the need to undertake further investigations. Certain pieces of the original service will form part of the collections of the National Museum in Kraków, which, as we have been assured, is planning to contact the relevant Russian museums and request further information on this exhibit and its mysterious history, including the transfer from Ćmielów to Saint Petersburg, and then to Moscow, which preceded its return to Ćmielów. “A service with such beautiful elements could make even King Augustus II the Strong envious,” stressed Adam Spała. “Once recreated, both the entire service and its individual pieces will be available for sale in Fabry• ka Porcelany AS Ćmielów.” 1/2018  polish market


Food Industry

COLIAN PRODUCTS loved and recognized by consumers worldwide JAN KOLAŃSKI, Colian Management Board President, talks to “Polish Market.” Recently, you have received the prestigious European Candy Kettle Award in recognition of innovativeness and quality of the product, development of production, research and technology, performance in marketing and sales. So far, this award has been received by world leaders in the confectionery industry, such as Ferrero, Cadbury, Nestle and Storck. How does it feel to be among them? For years, Colian has been developing and setting trends. And – once again – we have been rewarded. The European Candy Kettle Club association rewarded us for our innovative approach and contribution to the confectionery industry’s progress. Every year, since 1973, the Club has been rewarding one leader in the development of the European confectionery industry. Poland had to wait for its winner to last year. We are proud that we were the first in Poland to receive the prestigious European Candy Kettle Award. The competition is strong and there are a lot of companies in Europe wanting to become the leader. It is an important award that proves our significant position on the confectionery market. This award is especially valuable as we have been distinguished by the representatives of the most important suppliers of raw materials and equipment for confectionery industry, as well as industry media, that know the market well and are experts in the industry standing. Regular investments in the development and high quality of products result in the increase of market share of our brands and multiple acknowledgements PM

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of recognition shared by our customers and business environment. You are the owner of the popular and well-known brands on the Polish market such as Goplana, Grześki and Solidarność. What about the brand awareness abroad? What markets were you able to successfully penetrate? Colian’s exports are diversified. We cooperate with customers in Member States of the European Union and in other European countries, in Asia, Africa and the Arab world, North and South America and in the Near East. Of course, the longest cooperation is the one with Europe and North America. Our sales to markets in the Far East, South Korea and Mongolia are also dynamically developing. We have also been intensifying our sales to South America (Brazil, Chile, Mexico). Colian products are loved and recognized by consumers worldwide. A popular export product are the Family wafers (in Poland the popular Familijne wafers). Their major buyers is Great Britain, but this product is also very popular in the Czech Republic and even in Korea. Jeżyki cookies and products under Goplana brand are becoming more and more popular in North and South America. Śliwka Nałęczowska – the chocolate-coated plums so loved in Poland – has its fans all around the world, for example it is a best-seller in Japan. In Saudi Arabia, the customers are in love with our Krówki candies, while in Israel Mella jellies and Alibi bars are the most popular. We also export PM

Food Industry


a significant amount of Jolly baby jellies and Toffino sweets. Our Oranżada Hellena soft drink enjoys growing popularity among foreign consumers. It is really popular in the United States, for example.

equivalents under global brands as well as dedicated products adjusted to the preferences of customers of a given market. An example of how we adjust to the habits of foreign customers are our chocolate boxes sold in Brazil or Mexico.

What markets do you consider your future targets? Export sales is an important distribution channel and our products are present on all continents. We sell products of our three divisions: confectionery, spices and beverages. They are enjoyed by the inhabitants of more than 70 countries. We will be actively operating on the current markets, but we also aim to subsequently win new markets. We want to intensify our activities on the foreign markets, that is on mature and competitive developed markets as well as on markets of third countries, Near and Far East countries, African and South American countries.

Recently you have started a very interesting initiative. Something which, on the one hand, seems natural and, on the other hand, is not that obvious for such a major manufacturer on the food market. In December, you launched an on-line store with your products. Where did this idea come from? Is it a natural development stage, stage of following the trends, or is there something more to it? We wanted to give our consumers the possibility to buy selected sweets from the rich Colian portfolio in one place, without the need to leave their homes. The idea behind the Polish Sweets on-line shop is not only to make the shopping experience easy and quick for our customers, but also to promote Polish products paying particular attention to the region of their origin. This idea matches well the trend for traditional and regional products. www.islodycze.pl shop is the answer to different needs and preferences of the consumers. It matches the most popular market tendencies such as the growing popularity of on-line shopping and the development of the e-commerce market. Launching the on-line shop is the manifestation of our philosophy and approach to customers, which can be expressed in one sentence: Everything we do, we do with • you in mind!


Is there any difference between the products intended for export, for example to Asia, and the products available in Poland? Do you adjust them to the taste of customers of other countries or are you led by the belief that what is enjoyed in Poland will also be popular abroad? Each market has its own character. People have different tastes, they buy different products. Not all products popular in Poland will meet the demands and requirements of customers from Asia or the Arab world. Customers’ taste to some extent differs, depending on the location. The product line intended for foreign markets covers our flagship products of the main company brands, their foreign PM


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Food Industry

THE JASIOŁKA MEAT PROCESSING PLANT IN THE BIOSTRATEG RESEARCH PROGRAMME - TRADITION COMBINED WITH MODERNITY AND SCIENCE The excellent cured meats made by Jasiołka have won recognition from the Gault & Millau Yellow Guide experts, joining the elite group of the best regional products in Poland. It is also a clear recommendation for gourmets around the world.


hat is special about the Jasiołka meat processing plant? “Our family-tradition company has been created out of passion, and old-Polish recipes are our greatest treasure,” says Paweł Krajmas, the owner of the famous meat processing plant located in the small town of Dukla in southeastern Poland. “We produce cured meats using high-quality organic meat and condiments. In our products you will not find colouring dyes, stabilisers, protein fillers, or phosphates. We apply traditional smoking methods with beech or alder wood”. “We use a number of old recipes found in the Dukla area, coming from the neighbouring villages and old-time manor houses, or even those dating back to the cooking traditions of the Austro-Hungarian Army. Our ripening raw sausage, which is perfect for long-term storage in a pantry, has a long tradition in Poland. The first mentions of Polish sausage appear in sources as early as in the 17th century. For example, our unique organic specialty 'Kiełbasa Pradziada (great-grandfather's sausage)' is a combination of ham and liver prepared strictly according to the recipe of the elite butcher’s school in Lviv.” Jasiołka follows the principle “strategy is the key to success”, especially when based on innovative and well-founded solutions. “In seeking new solutions to improve our technology, and to discover new flavours, we joined the Biostrateg research programme co-funded by the National Centre for Research and Development,” says Paweł Krajmas. "The Biostrateg project is entitled 'The natural environment, agriculture and forestry' and marks out 'Directions for the use and protection of the genetic resources of farm animals under sustainable development conditions', being implemented by a consortium of the National Research Institute of Animal Production, the University of Agriculture in Kraków, the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, the Stud Farm in Michałów, the Stud Farm

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in Janów Podlaski, Małopolska Hodowla Roślin Sp. z o.o. in Kraków, and JK Sp. z o.o. – the Jasiołka meat processing plant". "Participation in the Biostrateg programme, which is a link between the worlds of science and business, gives us an opportunity to implement on an industrial scale new regional products based on meat from local cattle, and pig breeds kept in low-input farms which apply traditional production systems. The programme's implementation will result in developing new recipes for high-quality products, introducing them into industrial production, and, at the same time, increasing their availability on the market for niche food products with superior health and nutritional values. This can constitute an important source of income for Polish farmers tending Polish farm animal breeds, and, in consequence, is an argument for rearing such breeds on farms. Another crucial outcome will be obtaining reliable results for the promotion of Brand Poland food products in Poland and on international markets", says Paweł Krajmas. Within the Biostrateg project we have built a new industrial seasoning chamber for rawripening products. This is our proprietary project. The chamber’s interior is made of

sandstone, which ensures the optimum ripening conditions for cured meat. We are testing an innovative ripening technology, with lactic acid bacteria obtained from whey, called Carpathian bacteria, responsible for meat ripening. We do not use any additives in the ripening process – only natural condiments, salt and pepper. I should also mention that the traditional wood-heated smokehouse, built according to our concept, was used to develop traditional methods of extending the shelf life of cured meat. In order to meet the strict norms related to benzopyrenes, our proprietary solutions were implemented to ensure compliance with these norms,” Paweł Krajmas adds. As can easily be observed, for Jasiołka, standing still is a step backwards, so the company is constantly developing. Within the Biostrateg project, together with the Polish Ecology Association, it is an active participant in the promotion of products made of meat from local animal breeds. It has also contributed to promoting beef in the “Chwyć byka za rogi" (Take the bull by the horns) project, and has prepared a rich selection of beef delicacies during numerous events. Thanks to these delicious products, customers’ appetites are growing. •


Food Industry

UP WITH THE HEALTHY RHYTHM OF…. FROZEN FOOD Experts say that the frozenfood sector has been keeping up with the fitness trend of eating healthy. According to them, the organic-food market in Poland has been growing rapidly at 10-20% annually. In 2017 its total estimated value hit PLN 1 billion.


he average Pole eats about 280 g of fruit and vegetables a day, while the daily serving recommended by Prof. Krystyna Gutkowska, Dean of the Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, is 400 g. “It’s true that we’re successfully keeping up with the healthy consumer trends. We might be even staying ahead of it,” said Artur Tymiński, co-owner of Bio Berry, which is a member of the Polish Ecology Association. “We can proudly say that when drinking smoothie cocktails was about to become fashionable, we saw it coming. We had ready preparations – of BIO quality at that! – before the whole thing took off. We are the only company in Poland producing organic frozen fruit and fruit/vegetable mixes for making smoothie cocktails. Just put it in your blender, add the right amount of organic juice or water, blend for about 30 seconds, and that’s it - you can enjoy a healthy BIO cocktail. The colour, however, is also important, so we’ve decided that our BIO smoothies will be available in three colours: green - “Mr Popeye”, a fruit/vegetable mix for connoisseurs of healthy eating; red - “Plum in the Game”, an all-fruit mix; and yellow - Smoothie Oro”, brimming with exotic fruit.” The frozen-food industry cares about what consumers think are the advantages of freezing food. Admittedly, not everyone knows that frozen fruit is actually fresher than fruit which, after being picked, is sent through the supply chain to arrive at the retail environment. Here’s what Brian Young from the British Frozen Food Federation has to say on this: “In terms of nutritional content, freezing doesn’t damage food — it preserves vitamins and minerals. Within three days of vegetables’ being pulled from the ground, 80% of vitamin C is naturally lost from them, and most ‘fresh’ food has a useful nutritional lifespan of up to five days.” That’s pretty convincing. “Freezing fruit and vegetables prevents them from losing vitamins and minerals”, explains Artur Tymiński. “High-quality freezing

equipment is a major factor. These machines make the product freeze exceptionally quickly, helping to preserve its nutritional values. There are Sheffield Hallam University studies showing that frozen fruit and vegetables are often much healthier than fresh ones. The reason is that the processes involving the former are better organised, and swifter, while the latter have to go a long way from storage facilities to wholesalers, to retailers, before reaching consumers. At Bio Berry we freeze our fruit and vegetables no more than 12 hours after they’re picked – this way we make sure that our strawberries, raspberries, cranberries and blueberries, as well as carrots, beans and spinach, retain their nutritional values and vitamins to the maximum.” Another healthy advantage is the BIO quality. This, too, has a strong scientific backing. Dominika Średnicka-Tober, PhD, SGGW, was a member of a Newcastle University research team which demonstrated the difference between organic and conventional food. Their study showed that organically farmed fruit and vegetables contained 60% more bioactive compounds, including strong anti-oxidants, which have an anti-cancer effect. The bad news was for conventional products, as 40% of vegetables, and 75% of fruit, were found to contain pesticide residues. In other words, three out of four fruits contained chemical residues. The quality of BIO fruit and vegetables from Bio Berry has been appreciated by customers from more than a dozen countries in Europe, the US, and Asia. Quality control, which ensures the overseeing of the entire growing process up to when the final product is ready for consumption, has given us a major advantage. We also run an archive in which the results of laboratory fruit and vegetable tests are kept for up to several years, which is a very important and rare measure. Once frozen, the taste of summer which consumers value so much makes it much easier to adhere to the recommendation of 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. • Enjoy and stay healthy! 1/2018  polish market



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For Health


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