Polish Market No. 3 (254) /2016

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PU B LISHED SIncE 199 6 No. 3 (254) /2017 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl

P o l i s h medicine 2017 Prof. Paweł Buszman Prof. Jan LuBiński

............................... GraPhene hoLY GraiL amonG M AT E R i A l s ............................... About the Polish E d u C A T i o n system Prof. marek roCki Prof. aLoJzY nowak

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“WE LOVE our Patients.”



1-2/2017  President of the B o a r d o f B e ta M e d s . a . polish market 85

Faculty of Management


University of Warsaw

The world is changing fast We educate managers to be ready for the future We have highly praised international accreditations confirming the quality of education: CEEMAN, 5 PALMS, AMBA, AASBI We have the longest record of teaching Management in Poland We win in international rankings of business universities. The Eduniversal ranking:

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Our graduates are in a group of specialist which is most wanted by employers Our studies: BACHELOR AND MASTER (full-time, part-time) in fields of: - Management - Finance, Accounting and Insurance - International Business Program – Master’s studies in English DOCTORAL (full-time, part-time) - in management sciences - in economic sciences - in finances POSTGRADUATE (part-time) – over a dozen of courses www.wz.uw.edu.pl 3/2017  81 polish   polish market market  81 rekrutacja@wz.uw.edu.pl


diagnostyka leczenie rehabilitacja


w w w. k l i n i k i s e r c a . p l



6. From The President’s Press Office 7. From The Government Information Centre OUR GUEST


JAROSŁAW GOWIN, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education: FOCUSING ON ECONOMIC ISSUES

9. JERZY KWIECIŃSKI, Secretary of State at the Ministry of


10. PROF. MACIEJ CHOROWSKI, Director of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR): WHEN SCIENCE MEETS BUSINESS ... ON THE BOARD OF A ZERO-EMISSION BUS


12. BEATA DRZAZGA, President of BetaMed: BetaMed


16. PROF. PIOTR WĘGLEŃSKI, acting director of the Centre of

New Technologies University of Warsaw: CeNT BREEDING GROUND FOR SCIENTIFIC ELITES

17. PROF. JACEK JEMIELITY of the Division of Biophysics

University of Warsaw (UW) and the Centre of New Technologies UW: POLISH INVENTION VACCINE AGAINST CANCER


20. PROF. PAWEŁ BUSZMAN, M.D., Ph.D., cardiologist,


BARBARA WALKIEWICZ-CYRAŃSKA, dermatologist, cosmetologist, owner of the Viva Derm clinic, President of the Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology, President of the Foundation of Anti-Aging Medicine: YOUTH MEANS ENERGY, HOPE, ACTIVITY

30. ELŻBIETA RADZIKOWSKA, Ph.D., Head of the Plastic

Surgery Department, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warsaw: HELPING PEOPLE TO RETURN TO SOCIETY


MARCIN AMBROZIAK, MD, dermatologist, co-owner of Ambroziak Estederm Clinic: COMPLEMENTARY TREATMENT



35. MIRECKI CLINIC - BEAUTY, PEOPLE, TECHNOLOGY 36. PIOTR TATARA, the director of the Office of EU Projects in the POT (Polska Organizacja Turystyczna – Polish Tourist Organisation): EVERY WAY IS GOOD TO PROMOTE POLAND

37. HALINA ZUBRZYCKA, MD, owner of the Wellness Centre



President of the Management Board of American Heart of Poland S.A.: AIR POLLUTION RESULTS IN THE INCIDENCE OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES

42. TADEUSZ FERENC, Mayor of the city of Rzeszów: RZESZÓW


44. PIOTR GRZYMOWICZ, PhD, Mayor of Olsztyn: THIS IS


46. RAFAŁ WITKOWKI, PhD, President of the Board and









64. ANGELIKA JAROSŁAWSKA, Vice-President of Cluster World, Member of the

Board of the National Cluster of Innovative Enterprises, Project Coordinator of POLAND 3.0: WORLD 3.0



PROF. ALOJZY Z. NOWAK, Dean of the Faculty of Management University of Warsaw: TALENT MAY BE BORN ANYWHERE

52. JPAWEŁ NOWAK, PhD, Eng., Vice-Dean for Development, Faculty of Civil Engineering (WIL), Warsaw University of Technology (WUT): CO-OPERATION BETWEEN SCIENCE AND BUSINESS? IT IS POSSIBLE









56. ELŻBIETA MĄCZYŃSKA, Warsaw School of Economics, President of the Polish Economic Society: ECONOMY: REGULATE OR DEREGULATE?


59. JACEK JANISZEWSKI, Chairman of the Welconomy Forum Programme Council in






62. Development in the Suwałki Special Economic Zone

78. DUKLA BREWERY FOUNDED IN 2014 BY BEATA AND MAREK ZAJDEL 81. ECONOMIC MONITOR Cover: BEATA DRZAZGA, President of BetaMed Photos on issue: www.shutterstock.com

3/2017 Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.) President: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła Address: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl

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Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President of Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

TO THOSE WHO NEED SOME OPTIMISM – AND WHO DOES NOT NEED IT? – I RECOMMEND THE WORDS OF PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD BANK JIM YONG KIM: “AFTER YEARS OF DISAPPOINTING GLOBAL GROWTH, WE ARE ENCOURAGED TO SEE STRONGER ECONOMIC PROSPECTS ON THE HORIZON. NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS MOMENTUM AND INCREASE INVESTMENTS IN INFRASTRUCTURE AND PEOPLE. THIS IS VITAL TO ACCELERATING THE SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH REQUIRED TO END EXTREME POVERTY.” Will we in Poland manage to take advantage of this momentum? Are we at all going to do so? Considering that a variety of social programmes have been launched in Poland, one could shout enthusiastically “yes”. It is a great step forward in combating poverty, but Jim Yong Kim’s appeal is not only and not mainly about it. In the recent months, we have been busy reconstructing institutions and mechanisms involved in managing the economy so as to accelerate economic growth and raise living standards faster. This goal – an obvious one, it could seem - has to be remembered and talked about. Why? Just see how easily the Polish debate about the Plan for Responsible Development has drifted towards such topics as the production of electric cars, drones, passenger ferries and so on, leaving aside almost all social aspects. But isn’t the on-going process of investing PLN3 billion in the development of broadband and the removal of areas with no access to the Internet of more interest? Minister Streżyńska, who manages the project, attaches great importance to the prospect of developing a national educational network – a turning point in education, perhaps - and building a communications platform linking the citizen with the state and the citizen with local government. There is a good reason why local governments are among the communities awaiting most eagerly this instrument, which has become not so much an instrument of “work” as of “functioning”. Many of the governments see the idea of Smart City only in the technological context of managing a complex utility infrastructure. But the conviction that the quality of life will not be determined by the number of LEDs installed, but by the use, for example, of Big Data technology in building social capital is coming to the fore. Under this philosophy of economic development, we should search for solutions to our insolvable problems. In the Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI) league table for 2016 Poland ranks 31st, ahead only of Albania, Bulgaria and Romania. We will not solve this problem by turning our healthcare system back to the mode it operated in half a century ago. Today, Macedonia’s bang for the buck – a “jump from nothing to a highly transparent system of booking healthcare services” – is a sensation. Is is almost a copy of what we have failed to put into practice. Is this a reason for us to take offence at technology? According to the PwC report “10 trends in Polish healthcare 2016,” medical tourism is growing in Central and Eastern Europe at a high rate of 12-15% annually. This trend is also visible in Poland, which receives almost 400,000 foreign patients a year. They are mainly interested in services provided by dental clinics and medical spas. But plastic surgeries and aesthetics treatments also enjoy great popularity among them. Foreigners are increasingly interested in neurosurgical, orthopaedic and cancer treatments. They are attracted not only by low prices, but also by the high quality of the treatments, which are provided by highly qualified staff. The Polish Association of Medical Tourism estimates that the value of this market has reached PLN1.4 billion. Maybe it is better to follow the path of reformers of the R&D sector? Several years ago we backed up the reform to which Prof. Kleiber lent his name. Its results were not fully satisfactory, but it did breach the walls of conservatism at universities and scientific research institutions. It will now be easier to tear the walls down. It will be easier to put in place the mechanism, now missing, by means of which the business sector could “suck” innovation. “Philip of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, said: ‘Any city can fall if you have a donkey full of gold’. I hope that since January 1, 2018 businesses will be able to deduct from their taxes every zloty spent on research and development,” said deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin, the promoter of the reform. Let us hope he is right. The business community sees our potential as very high. According to PwC’s report “The Long View. How Will the Global Economic Order Change by 2050,” Poland has the biggest potential to be the fastest growing economy in the European Union in the period to 2050.

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resident Andrzej Duda met on February 7 presidential advisors on security from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden and Finland. "We should do everything possible to make the relations between Europe in general, which means the EU, as well as the NATO member states, and the United States as good as possible. This case also, at least by looking at the statement from President Trump, touches upon the issue of the defence budget," stressed the Polish President during the meeting which took place in the Belvedere palace. President Duda pointed on the necessity to develop relations between Europe and the US after Donald Trump took over power. "I do not see Mr Donald Trump as a disintegrator of the NATO, as some journalists are trying to portray him. I do not see that his statements suggest the liquidation or weakening of the NATO. I would say it is quite the opposite. I think Donald Trump has a pragmatic, a little business-like approach to this issue and his presumption is that since we have declared to perform specific actions within the Alliance, in terms of the financial area, they should be fulfilled. President Trump thinks that the one who spends the most, which means the United States, is right to demand that the Allies also fulfilled their obligations", emphasised Andrzej Duda. In his opinion, it is difficult to “object this logic and say that it is an inappropriate approach.”



resident Andrzej Duda attended the Munich Security Conference on 17-18 February. On the first day he took part in a panel discussion on the condition of the West and held bilateral talks with US Senator John McCain, President of Slovenia Borut Pahor and President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, among others. In the evening, he attended an official dinner with the conference members. During the panel with the President of Ukraine, Senator McCain, and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, among others, Andrzej Duda spoke about two conditions of the West’s power: unity and governments listening to their citizens. He argued that unity was one of the basic conditions to view the future of the West as a comeback, not a fall. "History proves that the Western World was always been strong and stable when it was united. The union is the basis for our power and security", said Andrzej Duda. Andrzej Duda said that the co-operation with the new US administration was a task that needed to be performed in a way to maintain common interests of the transatlatic community, which is security. The President, when asked about the relations of the UE countries with China, emphasised that the problem of security is related to the problem of economy. "We would like to create business links with the US, EU as its member, but also with Asia and China, but we must be very careful and look at our interests first", he said.

Photo: Krzysztof Sitkowski



resident of Poland Andrzej Duda met in the Presidental Palace on February 7 with Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel. The politicians talked about transatlantic relations, European security issues, the future of our continent and bilateral relations between Poland and Germany.

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resident Andrzej Duda welcomed representatives of the European Court of Auditors in the Presidential Palace on February 10. The meeting was attended by Klaus-Heiner Lehne, President of the Court, Janusz Wojciechowski, representing Poland in the Court, and Małgorzata Sadurska, Head of the President’s Office. At the meeting, the talks focused on the activities of the European Court of Auditors and the Polish Supreme Audit Office, which, according to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, co-operates with the Court. The European Court of Auditors started its operation in 1977. It is one of the EU institutions and its main task is to control the settlements and performance of the EU budget. Each EU member country has one representative in the European Court of Auditors.

Prime Minister



r i me M i n i ster Beata Szydło talked on February 9 with Prime Minister of Ireland Enda Kenny. Poland and Ireland agree that the voices of the national states and their parliaments should be reflected to a larger extent in the decision

process of the EU. The heads of the government of Poland and Ireland talked about the future of the European Union, Polish-Irish co-operation, security in Europe and the common market." It was a good meeting. We discussed the most important issues that are currently on the European agenda. We also talked about the issues important for our bilateral relations", said Prime Minister Beata Szydło at a press conference after the meeting with Prime Minister Enda Kenny. As she said, Ireland is a very important partner for Poland. "We are united no only by the similarity of our history, but also common interests on the EU forum and that is why we are tightening our political contacts. I believe that they will be a starting point for the development of relations in bilateral and multilateral dimensions", stressed Prime Minister Beata Szydło.



The objective of Poland and the Netherlands is protecting the internal market", emphasised Prime Minister Beata Szydło during her visit to the Netherlands on February 8. Some of the topics discussed by the heads of governments of Poland and the Netherlands were the future of the European Union, the issue of Brexit and bilateral relations. Prime Minister Beata Szydło stressed that the most important topic of the talks, were the changes in the European Union. She declared that in many issues Poland and the Netherlands hold common points of views. Prime Minister said that both the Polish as well as the Dutch government were strongly convinced that the common objective should be the protection of the internal market after the United Kingdom has left the European Union. "Poland and the Netherlands are the countries that will take a role of defending the common market", stated Prime Minister Beata Szydło. She added that Poland and the Netherlands hold a common view on the direction that the development of the common market should follow. The Prime Minister of the Netherlands expressed his understanding of the delegated employees problem. "We are going to work out a compromise", said Prime Minister Szydło and stressed that it was a topic widely discussed in the EU. The position of Poland is unambiguous. "Our Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy is very active in presenting this point of view. We have received a declaration that the Dutch will look close at the issue", said Beata Szydło.



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Photo: P. Tracz KPRM

I am convinced that a good partnership of Poland and Germany is necessary for the success of the European project", said Prime Minister Beata Szydło on February 7 during a joint press conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Warsaw. She added that our attitudes should be to develop and integrate the EU, but with respect for and strengthening of the national states. Prime Minister Beata Szydło pointed out that the visit of the German chancellor to Poland was treated as a supplement to the anniversary of the treaty on good neighbourhood celebrated last year. She emphasised that Poland and Germany were important partners. "We have a lot of bilateral relations, both economic and related to security. We have a lot of common issues that we deal with on the European platform", said Prime Minister Beata Szydło. She mentioned Polish-German joint humanitarian projects. "We are neighbours. We care about the partnership co-operation to be deeper", stressed Beata Szydło. Prime Minister Beata Szydło thanked Angela Merkel for Germany’s engagement in fulfilling the resolutions of the Warsaw NATO Summit and strengthening the Eastern flank that provides security to our region. She declared that Poland and Germany were going to co-operate closer in the area of security. "I am convinced that a good partnership of Poland and Germany is necessary for the success of the European project, stated Prime Minister Beata Szydło. Poland and Germany are two countries in the European Union that have a great role to play in changes that are happening in the EU", added Szydło. The head of the Polish government said she would continue the talks with the German chancellor on the EU reform and both countries related to the future of the EU. She admitted the talks were also held on the migration crisis, common market and defence policy.


Our Guest



n 2016, as you well know, a political decision was made that in the first year, the government would focus on the implementation of its social programmes, giving them priority while preparing economic measures. You can be sure that the next three years will be a period when we will be focusing on economic issues. I am aware of some communication chaos that crept in 2016 in our activities. An example was the single-tax concept. I know that for someone who has been running a business for 20 years, communication ambiguity and uncertainty about future economic conditions are the reason why entrepreneurs refrain from taking investment decisions. The lack of clear communication could be one of two reasons for the relatively low level of investment in the private sector. The second reason for the unsatisfactory level of investment - unsatisfactory for the entrepreneurs, and for us in the government - was the pace of absorbing EU funding. In this respect over the past few months there has been a sharp acceleration. In 2016, the contracting level, in terms of EU funding for innovation was approximately PLN 8 billion. This money will begin to "work" in 2017 in the economy having a positive impact on the pace of economic growth. In 2017, the contracting level in the field of innovation will exceed PLN 10 billion. We are reforming the activities of the National Centre for Research and Development, simplifying procedures, increasing transparency of expert evaluation. We are expanding the group of beneficiaries and at the same time we try to consistently enter research and development in the Plan for Responsible Development. A good example is a meeting

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JAROSŁAW GOWIN, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education with a group of 100 local government officials and a discussion about electromobility. We want electric vehicles produced by Polish scientists and Polish industry to appear on the streets of Polish cities. I also ask for your understanding of the measures aimed at plugging holes in the tax system. There are no plans to increase taxes and in 2017 we do not anticipate any changes in the tax system. The proposal of the single tax in the version providing on the one hand for tax cuts for small businesses, and on the other hand for tax rises for medium or larger businesses has been definitively rejected by the government. In contrast, efforts to reduce the VAT gap are not aimed at entrepreneurs, they are aimed at the criminal world. I think that limiting the scale of VAT carousels is in the interest of all of us. I am of course aware that a variety of measures to reduce this VAT gap can backfire posing a threat to businesses. For example, the Single Control File (books and accounting documents kept using computer programs - PAP) is something which will undoubtedly increase the bureaucracy. But during the transition period, we are not able to avoid such difficulties. We will try to minimize them consistently. But I stress, this is not a sign of a lack of trust of the government in the entrepreneurs. We are well aware that the Polish economy is growing thanks to the entrepreneurial acumen of private business. We have changed the pro-growth and pro-export policy. The resulting two new institutions are the Polish Development Fund and the Polish Agency for Investment and Trade. From the interviews, I know that some entrepreneurs are already beneficiaries of these institutions, but they will expand their

operations on a large scale in 2017. I do not hide the fact that I have high hopes connected with the functioning of these institutions. I think that you appreciate the government when it comes to broadening the scope of digitization. The effects of the work of the ministries, especially the Ministry of Digitization will be more visible in 2017. Undoubtedly, the first innovation act, in force since January 1, 2017, has a direct impact on the conditions of the functioning of Polish enterprises. But any day now we will announce the second innovation bill, where we provide for a number of solutions to facilitate carrying out activities at the interface between the economy and science, activities in the area of research and development. Among other things, there will be a significant, hopefully twofold, increase in tax allowances. At the moment, the relief is 50%. I hope that from January 1, 2018 every Polish zloty allocated to research and development will be tax-deductible. I am aware of all the challenges, and sometimes threats. Inflation will go up, as will the cost of money. From the point of view of the government, this is good news. From the point of view of entrepreneurs, this is an element of uncertainty. I hope that in the year 2017 the Plan for Responsible Development will create a good framework for business. If possible, we try not to interfere in the conduct of business. It is primarily thanks to Polish entrepreneurs that the Polish economy is developing so well. •

Address during the Economic Opening of the Year 2017 conference, Polish Chamber of Commerce, January 25, 2017.

Our Guest



look with optimism at this year. I think it will be good for the economy and for business. It seems to me that this sentiment was expressed very strongly by Prime Minister Beata Szydło, who said that 2017 would be a year of the economy for the government, meaning that we are going to focus our efforts on economic issues. Looking from the outside, one can see that there are a lot of challenges. In the world there is still considerable uncertainty regarding the new US administration of President Donald Trump and how it will translate into economic issues. We still do not know how the Chinese economy will behave... all indications are that the situation is stabilizing. A number of uncertainties affect us from the European Union, mainly the issue of Brexit is still the main topic. We heard that the United Kingdom would submit its notification by the end of March and request the start of the negotiations on the exit from the Community. Implications of Brexit will surely be felt in our economy. There are also other issues relating to the European Union, which are important for our economy and will be discussed by the European Commission and the European Council. The migration policy will continue to grip the minds of politicians. Equally important is an interesting new initiative on defence, from which our industry can benefit. The talks on legislative solutions regarding climate policy and energy policy are accelerating. We have to look at this, because their outcome may not be in our favour. Domestically, the legal environment and deregulation are going to be in the centre of our attention. We pay considerable attention to other legal acts drafted by the government, and whose implications could be bad for business. Therefore, our co-operation with other ministries is very active. Needless to say, most of the changes that the government introduces amount to the implementation of solutions introduced at the EU level, primarily by way of directives.

We see the business community as a partner for talks (...) and we value various pieces of advice or even alerts received from business organisations. Issues related to the legal environment will be this year's most important topic. But let me remind you that last year we managed to do a lot, for example we amended the Public Procurement Law to eliminate the lowest price as a key factor in public contracts, introduced support for businesses investing in research and development funding and support for small and medium-sized companies. Out of 100 changes for entrepreneurs, 30 laws have come into effect since the beginning of this year. We are making changes in the functioning of the EU funds by way of the implementation act. We do not deny that these changes are motivated by the simplification of the EU projects for entrepreneurs ... We are going to pay attention to making EU funding available in the country. Over 90% of the projects are carried out with the support of this funding, both in the form of grants and contracts for central and local government. Our businesses benefit from this very strongly. Last year, some slowdown in economic growth was due to a wide gap between two EU financial plans. We felt this particularly strongly in the first half of the previous year. The issue of current funding has been sorted out. The agreements cover PLN 120 billion, or a quarter of all the funding that Poland has access to. We have spent the most money from the EU. From a country lagging behind in 2015 we have now become the leader. The share in the funds is just under 23%, and our shares in payments is 34% and growing. We are glad that the regional programmes have been launched. This was already visible in the fourth quarter of last year. We are pleased that companies use this in a direct way. For instance, in the Programme PLN 7 billion has been earmarked for direct support for businesses. These are mainly funds for research and development, but not only. In the regional programmes, we have PLN 6.5 billion for supporting businesses, investments and research and

development. We have to use a lot of resources for activities related to training and increasing the qualifications, for vocational education, which is also a priority of the government. We support energy efficiency measures and introduce them within the frame work of regional infrastructure and environment programmes. In total, we have approximately EUR 15 billion for use in the next financial period. We will not be waiting with this money until the last year, we want it to be available earlier. We hope that companies will take advantage of this. But we are interested in other financial instruments, from which Poland has so far benefited less. A typical example are the measures of the Juncker Plan, the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund. We want to reach for more sophisticated instruments such as equity instruments in the field of research and development, followed by implementation. We have established the Polish Development Fund to better co-ordinate financial support for Polish companies. We have created the Polish Agency for Investment and Trade. So far the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency focused on attracting foreign direct investment to Poland. And the new Agency will have the task of helping in the expansion of exports and investments of Polish companies abroad. We are carrying out a modernization of Trade and Investment Promotion Sections making them more accessible to entrepreneurs. We are prepared to support Polish companies, especially abroad. First of all, we want to do it in the markets in which we were less interested. They have high growth potential and can be found in Africa, Asia and America. We want the development of businesses to be based on high value generated by them, which is based in turn on innovation. This is all described in the Strate• gy for Responsible Development. Address during the Economic Opening of the Year 2017 conference, Polish Chamber of Commerce, January 25, 2017.

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Our Guest


ON THE BOARD OF A ZERO-EMISSION BUS Not one revolutionary idea has ”gone with the wind”. But what happens when science goes on a date with business arranged by the governement? Prof. Maciej Chorowski reveals the secrets of fruitful innovative programmes that do carry projects ”from the idea to industry”. Say ”yes” to this ingenious concept and learn how we will all benefit from it while, for example, travelling to work one spring day.

PROF. MACIEJ CHOROWSKI, Director of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), talks to "Polish Market". In 2016, the National Centre for Research and Development allocated more than PLN 5 billion for innovative projects. What can we expect in 2017? As an executive agency of the Minister of Science and Higher Education we combine the worlds of science and business by providing support for innovative projects "from the idea to industry" in our programmes. At the same time, we focus our resources on specific objectives which result from the strategic decisions of the government - in this sense, we are one of the pillars of the Responsible Development Strategy. This year we are continuing the majority of pre-established programmes, including, the PM

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"fast track" arousing a great interest of entrepreneurs, other programmes dedicated to particular industries and programmes from the BRIdge family, based on the feedback mechanisms involving investment funds. We have also launched three new sectoral programmes – for the non-ferrous metals & wood recycling sector, pharmaceutical industry and forest-wood and furniture industry - and soon we are going to launch the Joint Ventures with the Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG), Gaz-System and PKP PLK national rail operator. This year we are announcing 17 competitions, with a total budget of all this year’s initiatives of up to PLN 5.5 billion. We do not limit

ourselves, however, to the continuation and improvement of already introduced mechanisms to support the commercialization of R & D. Using the world's best experience, like American DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), we create and introduce entirely new solutions. The first programme of the completely new ones, based on an innovative approach to financing innovation, is the Zero-emission public transport programme. PM

In the speech during the Economic Opening of the Year, Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin announced that a programme concerning the so-called Electromobility will

Our Guest be inaugurated this year. I understand that this is programme called "zero-emission public transport". Please, tell us something more about this programme. We have introduced a completely new way to generate innovative solutions, in which the state acts as the orderer creating a new market for innovative products. Using the mode of innovative partnership for the first time in Poland, we will announce, in agreement with cities/towns interested in the implementation of zero-emission vehicles for public transport, a competition for designing of such vehicles in accordance with technological and economic criteria established with local governments. As a result, cities/towns gain a desired solution at an attractive price for them, and the winning company, or consortium of companies, is gaining a marketing outlet. Not without significance is the fact that by funding research and significantly extending the production series, based on the demand of several dozen cities/ towns, we end up in a situation in which the bus manufacturer can go down with the price, for example by 50 %. Thanks to this, the new generation of buses will be able to compete on the price with the older generation of vehicles. In this way, we can take a technological leap forward incomparably faster, providing pioneering solutions supporting economic development, in line with the Responsible Development Strategy. From the mouth of Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin we heard the statement: "Electric vehicles designed by Polish scientists and manufactured by Polish industry will appear on the streets of Polish cities/ towns." Are the Polish cities/towns eager and ready for the introduction of zero-emission public transport? We have no doubt about it. Before starting the programme, we asked local governments about their needs regarding modern solutions in this area and about their willingness and ability to get involved in our innovative programme. The response was very positive. A total of 50 cities/towns and municipalities expressed their readiness to take part in the programme and jointly declared their willingness to purchase nearly 500 zero-emission vehicles. In January, at a meeting held at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education by Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin, we presented the guidelines of the programme, work schedule and rules of cooperation binding in the system of innovative partnership in public procurements. We had a very positive feedback. And the fact that a month later representatives of 41 cities/towns and municipalities signed letters of intent with the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Energy, Polish Development Fund, National Fund for Environmental Protection and PM

Water Management and National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) concerning cooperation for the implementation of electromobility makes us believe that Polish cities/towns are ready for the introduction of modern solutions in public transport. Under the guidelines of the programme that local governments have to define their needs. The initial declarations stating that they wanted to take past in the programme were submitted by 21 cities/towns and 29 municipalities. This means that interest in this subject is immense. Have the stewards of cities/towns/municipalities drafted initially their needs? When preparing the guidelines of the programme we asked cities/towns to describe their most important challenges in the field of public transport and the expected solutions. They are concentrated around the issue of ensuring pro-environment, more effective economically and user-friendly zero-emission passenger vehicles. The representatives of cities/towns also were pointing out that solutions should be tailored to such conditions as geographical location and landform features. Framed by cities/towns, technological and functional challenges are currently being the subject of work of the Experts’ Team, appointed specifically for the needs of this programme, which is preparing a preliminary specification for vehicles. It is about working out a reliable standard that will allow us to announce a competition based on the strict technological and economic criteria of the programme. In the course of this work, and during the implementation of the programme, further consultations with the cities/ towns will be carried out, because they will be the end users of new the vehicles. PM

towns will not invite tenders on their own – they will participate in the tender process as the awarding party together with NCBR that will do it on their behalf. In accordance with the current EU regulations, the competition will be open to entities companies or consortia of companies, including SMEs - from abroad. A key condition for participation in the competition- according to the innovative partnership involving the procurement of completely new and still not available on the market products and solutions- will be to carry out the research, as a result of which new generation vehicles – the prototypes of buses, whose production will be launched later in the implementation stage- will be constructed. There is no room for adaptation or tendering products already existing on the market. Are the specific requirements, which the end product will have to meet, known? Such as the number of seats, operation, charging of the vehicle, etc.? As I said, we are currently working together with the team of experts to formulate the basic functionalities of the end product. They will help us prepare the Terms of Reference. It will, however, given the objective of the programme and the innovative partnership system, be different from the "classic" specification: it will not be very detailed, especially in the field of technical parameters. We will focus on the key elements of quality, that is functionalities, such as charging time, the cost of operation, and performance, and we will indicate the expected price of a single vehicle. It is worth noting that, in the innovative partnership system, the offers are evaluated both in terms of the performance criteria and maximum cost. PM

What can we expect from this programme? How many new vehicles? And when? We estimate that, as a result of the programme implementation, approximately 500 new buses will drive onto the streets of Polish cities/towns to the end of 2020. These estimates will be verified at the stage of signing agreements with the cities/towns, but the hitherto involvement of local governments and the promise of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in the scope of support of the implementation phase allow us to optimistically look at this number. According to our assumptions, the serial production, based on the winning prototypes, will begin in 2019. PM

What will it look like in practice? Knowing the needs, will the cities/towns write tenders by themselves? And will only Polish producers be able to take part? With a ready vehicle? Due to the fact that this financing model is based on the innovative partnership mode, which has not been implemented in Poland yet, the National Centre for Research and Development will support cities/towns in the transition process from its formal side. This means that we take on the burden of preparing and carrying out the procedure for public procurement and overseeing the completion of the research part of the procurement. The division of tasks between NCBR and the cities/towns will be governed by an agreement which will determine both the general framework and the principles of financing the entire venture, as well as more specific issues, such as the preparation of tender documentation or entering into agreements with contractors. In practice, the cities/ PM

What is the budget allocated for this programme? We have allocated PLN 100 million to finance the research, but - if such a need arises - we are prepared to increase the programme's budget. • PM

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BetaMed EMPATHY AND HIGH QUALITY FOR SENIORS BEATA DRZAZGA, President of BetaMed, tells Ewelina JanczylikForyś that the greatest reward for her is to see gratitude in the eyes of BetaMed patients.

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The family and health departments are planning changes to the care system for elderly people. Is it good that the problem continues to be noticed? Of course. BetaMed has specialized in providing care to sick people, especially the elderly, for 16 years now. Our goal has been to improve the quality of patient care in Poland, including care for older people. I am very happy that society and decision-makers are aware of this problem and try to address it. The number of seniors is constantly growing. It is very important to support nursing and care facilities, and long-term care in the patient’s home. PM

A conclusion of the debate was that we should improve the financial situation of the elderly, increase the number of geriatricians and change the way in which we perceive old age. But should not we also focus on changing our mind-set? Indeed. And this is why four years ago I opened the Medical Active Care clinic, with emphasis on the word “active”. When I set up BetaMed I wanted to show what care for sick people and the elderly could be like. We attach great importance to how sick people and seniors are treated. It has always been important for us to raise standards and quality. And we have been successful in doing so. As for the mind-set, we would like to see a change in how older people are perceived by society and how they see themselves. We must not let them be confined to their home, isolated and thinking that no one needs them anymore. We must not let society ignore them. The elderly who stay at home because they do not have a centre where they could meet their peers and spent time actively and exercise develop depression and dementia earlier than others. PM

According to deputy Minister of Health Józefa Szczurek-Żelazko, the National Health Fund (NFZ) spends more and more money on geriatric care. Is that true? Have you noticed a rise in NFZ funding for the elderly? The problem of funding health-care for the elderly is a separate issue. There should be more money set aside for them. How can we take care of them if little money is available for this care? I am glad that promises of higher spending are made in public debate. Germany’s example shows that this state spends more money per elderly person. After retiring, a German pensioner receives not only his or her basic pension but also additional money to spend as they wish. If the person is sick they may use the money to finance their stay in a nursing and care home. And if they want to they may come to Poland PM



for a holiday. In Poland, the elderly first ask whether there is a place for them in a nursing and care home. The next question is: “How much does it cost?”. Funding for such places from the NFZ is very low. So sometimes I am not surprised that some homes have quite poor facilities, although they try very much to offer good standards. Patients have to wait for up to two years to get a place in a nursing and care home. A solution for the families who have sick family members in a serious condition may be private wards at nursing and care homes. In Poland, the average charge for a monthly stay at a private ward is PLN3,200-4,000. It is a huge amount for pensioners. However, considering the number of staff – nurses, physicians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and carers – in a well-equipped home, the charge should be in the order of PLN6,000-8,000. We approach every patient with equal commitment and love, irrespective of whether they are in a private or state-funded ward. A nursing and care home should meet all the requirements that have to be met to be able to take care of seniors. It should not be a sort of “checkroom” for patients. And remember that an elderly person is often a patient and may suffer from multiple diseases. Our patients stay active. We believe that even bed-ridden patients may be gently stimulated and rehabilitated. We take a very good care of the elderly, we approach them with tenderness and love. If it were possible to increase spending and contracts for services provided by nursing and care homes it would be great for those who need care and their families. You and the BetaMed workers treat an elderly person as a family member and perhaps this is what success depends on. We love our patients. Everyone should work in a job they are fit for. Me and my staff work with passion. When recruiting new staff, we pay attention to who we are talking to. It is not only the CV that matters - empathy and heart are also important. All this is then reflected in how one works. You can see that all members of my staff work with dedication and conscientiousness. I want to hire only such people. My employees are wonderful. PM

You are speaking so beautifully about it. It must be a vocation for you rather than business! Of course. There is nothing more rewarding than looking in the eyes of an elderly, sick and helpless person. In these eyes I often see PM

“the person’s soul,” gratitude and happiness. Even the children, when they visit their parents, like very much not only the building, its nice furnishings and equipment, but also the atmosphere. I would like more such nursing homes to be established. PM

The atmosphere is important, I agree. But the fact that the building is nice and well equipped also matters. The patients feels better in such a place.

Indeed. I do not want my clinic to be regarded as another hospital. When BetaMed was expanding I was unable to meet every patient and devote as much time to them as I do now. And this is what I especially wanted to do – to be close to the patient. This persuaded me to take a very serious decision and establish BetaMed Medical Active Care. I took a big loan and built the clinic. Here I have an opportunity to meet my patients every day. Although we have many patients, we know 3/2017  polish market


Medicine excellently all of them and their names. The biggest and most valuable reward for me is the gratitude I can see in the eyes of the other person. Me and my staff grow attached to these people. We are deeply affected when an elderly person passes away. For us it is not the death of a patient, but of a family member. People are often reluctant to put their parents in “an old people’s home.” The public has a negative view of such children. I think that the infamous cases of nursing homes where elderly persons were treated quite badly have contributed to these stereotyped views. When I talk to our patients’ children, they feel pricks of conscience at first. But then, they see the love we show to their family members and are even happy that they were able to secure a place for their parents in our home. It is true, however, that children of the elderly are judged by the public and neighbours. This is why we have to change the way that we perceive nursing homes. And why do such infamous instances occur? It is because people have nowhere to place their seniors. Many homes are opened whose standards leave much to be desired. Price is a big factor when looking for a nursing home. If the price is very low it should arouse our suspicion. Let me repeat, the minimum price is PLN3,2004,000. If a nursing home offers a very low price this has to come with low quality. And I do not want to sacrifice quality to price. If nursing homes are of proper standards the public will view them differently. Perhaps the public will be even satisfied that the elderly receive the best care possible.




You offer a specific rehabilitation programme to each patient. Can it be called a tailor-made service? Naturally. At my clinic I employ specialist doctors because my patients require treatment, especially those on a ventilator. We are now working on another project – a spa for the elderly living in our clinic and other persons and seniors. At BetaMed Medical Active Care, the elderly have an opportunity to attend a mass in our chapel, go dancing and take part in physiotherapy exercises. Everything we do is done with the elderly in mind. We want our seniors to be active. We adjust the exercises to their abilities. Believe me, they are so proud of themselves when they overcome their weaknesses. The latest such example that comes to my mind is a patients on a ventilator. One day I visited him, we had a conversation and he told me he was there just to die. I replied: “Absolutely not. We will soon liven you up.” Can you imagine that after two days the patient managed to get up PM

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with the help of a physiotherapist and until today has tried, if possible, to be more mobile. Bringing back joy and motivation to live to these people is an incredible success for us. Elderly people should not be isolated from social life and the family should not be ashamed of placing them in nursing and care homes. We must not keep our parents and grandparents isolated in their own homes. The brain ages first, the elderly person develops dementia, focuses too much on their diseases and pain, constantly measures their blood pressure… PM …and

takes a handful of pills… …often prescribed by a range of various specialists because the person has no contact with a geriatrician but, above all, with peers. This is why I decided to offer day-care and temporary-care services, with two-week and one-month stays, at the clinic.

Day-care service? Yes, we have opened what we call “a playgroup for the elderly.” They stay at our clinic during the day and take part in various activities, including artistic ones. I am even thinking of staging an exhibition of my patients’ art pieces. They themselves are often surprised by the potential, skills and talent that have lain dormant in them for so long. PM

But first of all we show them that in old age they may have a good time and be active. Irrespective of their age or ailments, people may be loved by everyone who takes care of them. What is more, we put our patients in contact with other seniors. They have their friends, acquaintances and do not feel isolated. We also invite schoolchildren to our clinic to give performances, sing and entertain the elderly. We unite different generations. How do you put seniors in contact with each other? We have set up the BetaMed Senior’s Club. Seniors come to BetaMed Medical Active Care and we encourage our patients from the wards to take part in these meetings. Together, they take part in dance parties and organize Christmas meetings. Our patients sometimes compare themselves with the peers. It gives them a lot of motivation if they see, for example, that while they do not want to exercise, their peer has come to our meeting by car. In Poland, there should be as many centres of this kind as possible where an elderly person, even one living in their own home, can have a good time. Young people go to fitness clubs, discos and cafés. I did it at Medical Active Care. But it would be great if there were more such centres. PM

But in many cases, it is the elderly person that prefers to stay at home and watch an episode in a film series rather than go out and meet other people. They have to be encouraged. I admit, I know it from my own experience. At the beginning, my mother also preferred to stay at home and watch another episode of her favourite series. Thinking of her and her needs helped me to some extent in designing the clinic. We have highly specialized rehabilitation devices. We have balance platforms, which patients can use to train the whole body and have fun at the same time. This is how I persuaded my mother to go out. However, some elderly people are very active - to the extent that they act for the benefit of other people of their age and even older. I meet seniors who take great care of themselves, of their appearance and condition. This is why, apart from the spa, I am going to open a hairdresser’s salon at BetaMed. Let us not delude ourselves – these services will of course be used by young people, but we will set a specific day and hours exclusively for seniors. After all, the elderly, when they pass a certain age, should not stop taking care of themselves and doing the things they enjoyed when they were young, like going to the hairdresser’s and a beauty parlour. PM


Medicine Do you plan to open another Medical Active Care clinic? The existing one is in the city of Chorzów, but there are people who need care all over Poland. I run only one clinic in Chorzów, but in 11 provinces we have 84 BetaMed branches providing home care. For the time being, we are focusing on the clinic in Chorzów. The very fact that a week after the opening of the clinic a whole ward was already filled with patients whose care was funded by the NFZ shows what a high demand there is for this kind of centres. I think many such clinics should be established throughout Poland, not necessarily built by myself, because many people need care services. PM

BetaMed is now a thriving company. And you started with providing long-term care in the patient’s home. I do not treat my activity in terms of a business whose sole purpose is to make a profit. Of course, since I employ around 3,000 people I have to manage it all properly and I am responsible for it. Since I was young I dreamt of becoming a nurse and I eventually did. It all came and still comes from the heart. Neither me nor my workers treat our activity as an excellent business or a way to make a big profit. Besides, how can one think about sick people who really suffer in terms of making money. I simply do not agree with that. PM

Of course, I understand. But you are still a very big employer. I am very pleased that I have had an opportunity to work with my employees for so many years now. Some of the nurses have worked for BetaMed since the very beginning – for 16 years. I value the nurses’ work and their conscientiousness very highly. PM

Is this care intended only for the elderly? No, persons whose Barthel index, as assessed by medical personnel, ranges from 0 to 40 may be qualified for long-term care. And just as nursing and care homes are not only for the elderly, long-term care in the patient’s home is intended for people of different ages, although indeed most of them are seniors. PM

Is long-term care in the patient’s home cheaper for the NFZ? Yes, it is cheaper for the NFZ, but first of all it the best solution for the patient because they stay in a familiar environment – at home. In many cases, the disease a patient suffers from does not require hospital treatment and all that is needed is nursing. For example, people on a ventilator may be nursed at home. Home care costs much less than care provided at an intensive care unit (ICU). And remember that there are not many ICU wards in Poland and they are needed also for emergencies. Additionally, at home the patient is not exposed to hospital bacteria. In some cases, the patient does not need to be in an intensive care unit, but neither can he or she stay at home because their condition is too serious. This is why at the BetaMed Medical Active Care clinic I also have mechanically ventilated patients. They receive specialist medical care in a home-like environment, can be visited every day by family members and, additionally, we rehabilitate them. PM

How many patients requiring mechanical ventilation are there? We have 100 beds for patients from across Poland. In our wards, we provide treatment to over 40 patients – 32 elderly persons and nine children, for whom we have a separate ward. Additionally, we take care of around 300 patients in their homes. Both ward-based and home-based care is financed under a contract with the NFZ. PM

And how many patients are in the care of a nurse providing long-term home care? A nurse working full time has only six patients in her care. As a result, the quality of the care provided is better. PM

The global population is aging. It is not only Poland’s problem, it is the world’s problem. And what is the situation like in the United States? For several years I have met Americans from Nevada, Florida, Chicago and other PM

Eighty four branches in 11 provinces – this is quite impressive. It is very nice. Every day our nurses go to patients who are under long-term home care. Under a contract with the NFZ, BetaMed takes PM

places. Nevada state officials have come to Poland several times on a trade mission and visited my clinic. They were delighted with the idea, quality and especially our attitude to patients – that we give them so much heart, call them by their first name and treat them like our own family members. I was very pleased that in July 2016 the government of Nevada organized a trade mission especially for us and introduced us for a week to various governmental institutions, companies and hospitals. A representative of the governor said he would like this kind of care, provided to the patient with love and tenderness, to be available in Las Vegas as well. Nevada is very open to cooperation with businesses from Poland. It is geared towards economic development and growth. It wants to cooperate and looks for Nevadan investors ready to develop start-ups in Poland. As a result, the state’s government offers very good conditions for new initiatives and strongly supports businesses which want to start cooperating with Nevada. As you said, Nevada is very open to cooperation with businesses from Poland. Do you recommend Polish businesses to take an interest in the United States? Nevada really is a state very open to businesses from Poland. Four years ago I met Honorary Consul of Nevada John Petkus. Then, I met Governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval and Director Chris Sanchez. These people have signed an agreement on cooperation with Poland. The governor of Nevada awarded me with the title of First Ambassador for Nevada’s Business in Poland. PM


This is because you know how difficult this profession is. Indeed. In many cases, as I opened successive branches, I managed very quickly to establish good contact and employ nurses. I work with wonderful workers, directors, managers and coordinators. I am incredibly lucky to have surrounded myself with excellent employees. This applies not only to the people in managerial positions, but also the nurses, doctors, physiotherapists and so on. The staff members are very committed, they feel appreciated and we all respect each other. I try to show that BetaMed operates thanks to our joint effort. PM

care of around 4,000 patients. Of course, demand is much higher. The number of elderly people grows every year. Lists of people waiting for such care are very long.

Ambassadors have their duties. Even without this title, I used to provide information and encourage entrepreneurs and start-ups to cooperate with Nevada. Many young entrepreneurs dream of the Silicon Valley. But why not of Nevada? If you really have an interesting idea you may find an investor in Nevada. We have to exploit the situation we have at the present time when there are so many people friendly to Poland. The Honorary Consul, whose ancestors were Polish, in particular has drawn the attention of the Nevada government to Poland. Polish entrepreneurs can find a marketing outlet in Nevada. The authorities support the entrepreneurs who begin their activity. With the ambassador’s title or without, I will continue to encourage everyone to start such cooperation. PM


You are so passionate when you speak about your work. Because everyone should do what they love doing. • PM

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PROF. PIOTR WĘGLEŃSKI, acting director of the Centre of New Technologies University of Warsaw, talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś.

When was the Centre of New Technologies established and where did this idea come from? Is the Centre a result of some initiative which expanded to such an extent, or was it set up with the goal to bring research findings to the marketplace? The Centre of New Technologies (CeNT) was established in 2011 under a resolution of the Senate of the University of Warsaw. It was the first project of its kind in Poland. We wanted it to be an institute oriented mainly at scientific work, particularly one focused on applications. Our objective was to educate leaders for science and economy, and to achieve important results in interdisciplinary scientific research combining biology, chemistry, physics and information technologies. PM

Who works at CeNT - graduates of the University of Warsaw, or graduates of other universities as well? Mainly graduates of the University of Warsaw, but among the employees are also “reclaimed” Poles. I mean Polish scientists who had spent many years abroad and then returned home because, among other reasons, CeNT was able to offer them excellent work conditions. They are excellent scientists with important scientific work to their credit. All research group leaders are employed by CeNT by open competition. One of the conditions a candidate has to meet is to have a research grant making it possible to finance work conducted by the whole group. PM


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What is the difference between CeNT and the university’s regular faculties? Research and application?

At CeNT, we do not conduct basic educational activity, which means we do not teach students who are in their first years at the university. The Centre is not divided into smaller organizational units. We only have research groups with their leaders. I am proud to tell you that we have received category A+ in the parametric appraisal of research units. It is the highest category awarded to research units. The categories are awarded on the basis of research achievements of the units and have a significant impact on the amount of funding they receive. What are the most spectacular successes of CeNT scientists? We can boast of many achievements, including ones which are of great importance for the economy, medicine and environmental protection. I can mention as an example the achievements of Prof. Krystian Jażdżewski and Prof. Jacek Jemielity, which have attracted much media attention. Prof. Jażdżewski works on a test for genetic predispositions to cancer. He has developed a test which consists of analysing over 10 genes whose mutations increase one’s chances of getting a specific type of cancer. In turn, Prof. Jemielity has developed a sensational cancer vaccine. The clinical trials were conducted in Germany and proved its great efficacy. This enabled the biotechnological company which conducted the tests to sell licences for the vaccine to two pharmaceutical corporations for USD 300 million each. A share in the profit from the sale of the vaccine once it is launched on the market is guaranteed to the Polish side. • PM




PROF. JACEK JEMIELITY of the Division of Biophysics University of Warsaw (UW) and the Centre of New Technologies UW talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś. You are responsible for inventing what is called a vaccine against cancer. Can you tell us about your success? In the most general terms, the concept is about increasing the lifespan of messenger RNA (mRNA). It is a kind of ribonucleic acid responsible for conveying genetic information from DNA. Thanks to mRNA, cells in the human body produce specific proteins. We have discovered that subtle changes to the structure of mRNA make it more stable and more productive. The result is a more efficient production of a particular protein in cells. And an antigen specific to some type of cancer may be such a protein. Cancer cells have slightly different proteins on their surface than healthy cells. In our research group – Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry – we deal with modifying nucleotides. They are small molecules, which take part in the production of nucleic acids. We have used such a nucleotide to modify mRNA, which is a “recipe” for protein. PM

Why was it so important to produce a synthesized protein with the use of a modified mRNA? The modified mRNA was more stable and more productive, which means that from the same recipe for a protein we obtain more of it. This was a solution to a major problem with mRNA, which is an unstable molecule. It is PM

quickly broken down in cells. For mRNA to be used as a therapeutic agent, it had to be stabilized. This attracted the interest of those who use mRNA in therapies. Our work with scientists from Germany turned out to be the most productive. At the same time, they were workers of a pharmaceutical company focused on immunotherapy, BioNTech, and this firm decided in 2010 to invest in our invention. It all started with scientific cooperation and then we moved on to business cooperation. In signing the contract we used services of a U.S. law firm. This enabled us to negotiate provisions, which guarantee financial benefits for the University of Warsaw at every stage of the commercialization process. After the first stage of clinical trials, the German company sold a sub-licence to Sanofi for USD300 million. In 2016, another sub-licence was sold for USD310 million to Genentech, a subsidiary of the Roche group. The licence for your invention was bought by a German company. Why not a Polish one? It would be perfect if we could share our success with Polish firms, in Poland. But at the time when we developed our invention, the main criterion in choosing collaborators was competence rather than nationality. We happened to be lucky – the partner we found was a pioneer on the market for cancer vaccines based on mRNA. PM

A foreign partner was present at every stage. Does this mean there are no people in Poland with enough expertise in bringing research findings to the marketplace? Do we have no such experience and skills, or is it due more to financial considerations? The most important thing is experience and competence. There are countries from which we should learn. We simply wanted our partner to know what they can do with our discovery. Unfortunately, in Poland there is no firm which would know how to apply our invention best. PM

What next with your discovery? Will the vaccine enable us to take preventive measures? The name is a bit misleading because we associate vaccines with disease prevention. But it is a vaccine because it serves to stimulate the immunological system. Initially, it will be used as a therapeutic agent. However, it may later be used for prevention. At first, our modified mRNA was used to make a vaccine against malignant melanoma. Now, research is underway on a vaccine against breast cancer. Under the contracts we have signed in connection with the sub-licences for the two large pharmaceutical corporations, it is possible for our invention to find application in the development of treatments against other cancers. • PM

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PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE TESTS PROF. JAN LUBIŃSKI, President of Read Gene S.A., Scientist at the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś. Recently we have heard the news that you came forward to the Ministry of Health with the idea to screen all adult Polish women for hereditary breast cancer. The statistical data show that there are about 100,000 of them in Poland. Will you manage? I have suggested examining all adult Polish women for the presence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations to the Ministry of Health. Testing for these mutation in Poland is extremely effective and several dozen times cheaper than elsewhere in the world because it assesses mutations characteristic of our population. Nonetheless, the Ministry recognized that the programme is of a scientific nature and that I should submit the project to the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). PM

Will you submit, according to the suggestion of the Ministry of Health, your idea to NCBR? I do not think that our study is scientific in its nature. Therefore, I do not see any point in coming forward with this idea to NCBR. Anyway, this is a very important piece of information which all the women and men should become aware of. Each woman should have such a test done. If she is a carrier of the BARCA1 mutation, she must have untypical, non-standard protocol of prevention and detection of cancer and its treatment. With such knowledge it would be possible to save more women. All the time we PM

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will be promoting the concept of performing tests for the presence of BARCA1 gene. The cost of performing such a BARCA1, BARCA2 gene test is about PLN 50. This is a relatively low cost. It can falls to the level of PLN 50 when we have a guarantee of, let’s call it, a test on a massive scale. Probably currently a one-time cost of such a test is about PLN 100. PM

Nonetheless, this is not an unaffordable amount. If, so far, women have not been interested in having such a test despite its small price, will they be interested in having such a test even if it is free of charge? I also think that this is within the reach of every person. I believe that these tests can be performed at their own costs, without waiting for proper encouragement of the administration. Every woman should have such tests done. PM

Especially as having such a test done is not very invasive or painful. Certainly. This is a common blood test. Additionally, such a test is done once in a lifetime. It is really worth doing it. PM


How many women check if they have a mutation of the gene, and at the same time, an increased risk of cancer?


I cannot provide you with an exact number. But unfortunately I know one thing, surely there are not enough of such women. In Poland there are about 100 thousand carriers of the gene with the BARCA1 mutation. And we have diagnosed approximately 10 thousand carriers throughout Poland, therefore there is still a big group to be tested. Professor, so far we have believed that a proper diet and an active lifestyle is important in cancer prevention. However, it appears now that genes have an impact on having cancer. This is true. The truth is that whether we have cancer or not is determined by a series of factors. We should take advantage of all such possibilities, but only on the basis of research and scientific studies. Our data explicitly show that among women in Poland about a third of the population has a too low level of selenium, another third has it at the expected level, and the last third of women has it above the standard level. Both too low and too high level of selenium might be a reason for concern because such patients have cancer three times more frequently. In order to apply microelements effectively, one should definitely check the concentration levels of these microelements in the body. Before a patient has decided to supplement the organism with selenium, they should measure its level.



By introducing proper substances we are able to stop the process of developing cancer. You have launched so called “drops for cancer”. There are, however, also critics of such an idea. Everything which is new is very often criticised. I repeat that firstly one needs to have the concentration of selenium or another microelements in the body checked and then have it introduced to the organism in the form of a diet. However, not only the cancer incidence rate itself, but also its course, is vital. The data show that there is a correlation between the risk of death of a patient with cancer within 5 years of the diagnosis and the level of selenium. Our first study concerned laryngeal cancer. The patients whose selenium level in the body was too low had from 5-to-10 times higher risk of death compared to those whose level was standard. From 5 to 10 times! This is a very strong correlation. PM

Will taking the drops reverse this situation? Well, of course, we do not know that but this is an opportunity, an additional option. We know for sure that if a patient has a too low level, their chances to live are several times weaker. And this is clear. The studies concern both laryngeal and breast cancer, and most probably lung and pancreatic cancer. Certainly, we have not tested everything yet, but when having cancer wouldn’t you try the option of levelling selenium? PM

Surely I would try. I think that in such a situation each patient will decide to apply everything that can save their lives. We do not have evidence that taking selenium by patients with cancer improves their survival chances. But we have evidence that if selenium is too low, then the risk of PM

death is very high. Hence, we encourage everyone to check their selenium level in the body. We have never said that everyone should take the drops of selenium, but we give such an option to consider to those who have this level of selenium in their organisms too low. Recently Polish scientists have become active in their work. Professor Cybulski has discovered another RECQL gene. What is your attitude to your colleagues? Do you support them? Professor Cybulski had been growing up to become a researcher since his times as a university student when he was involved in our scientific association, and currently he is a professor in our Department. We conduct research on the identification of high-risk genes. This is very hard work but its results are really necessary. This is a very important and significant progress that is also appreciated worldwide. The research, which we carry out as a whole team, consists in trying to recognize genes of high risk on the basis of genetic tests as well as other biochemical parameters. Heavy metals are not the only area of our activity, however, they are vital because a possibility of detoxification would be a significant factor in reducing cancer rates. Recently we have patented the following test results: 70% of women in Poland are poisoned with arsenic and these women have a 3-times higher risk of cancer. We can imagine that we carry out arsenic detoxification for them and a cancer risk falls 3 times. PM

How to detoxify the organism? This is the subject which we are currently examining very intensively. No one knows it thoroughly. Detoxification is not common, we cannot find a description of this type of action in scientific literature. For the time being we are testing several methods. PM

Will NCBR participate in this research? Currently we are working, jointly with researchers from the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź, on the significance of heavy metals in patients with cancers. And this project is co-financed by NCBR, however, further projects are needed. • PM

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AIR POLLUTION RESULTS IN THE INCIDENCE OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES PROF. PAWEŁ BUSZMAN, M.D., Ph.D., cardiologist, President of the Management Board of American Heart of Poland S.A., talks to Marcin Haber, about the development of Polish cardiology, an idea that was behind the creation of the American Heart of Poland S.A. clinics, and the reasons for the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. After so many years of running the business, do you feel even more a doctor, or more as an entrepreneur? I spend most of my time as an entrepreneur, but I still practice medicine all the time – I see patients and perform surgeries. I often support young doctors during surgeries with the use of technologies new to them. We also conduct scientific research together. But frankly, I do often miss it. I would be very happy to focus more on the work of a doctor and a scientist, than in these difficult times, on managing the company. PM

At the very beginning of the conversation, you mentioned new technologies. Please, say what new things you are introducing in the American Heart of Poland S.A. Cardiology is a field in which a great deal of things in this respect is going on. Currently, the main novelty is the percutaneous treatment of diseased heart valves. For this purpose we have special valves for percutaneous implantation – no open-heart surgery is needed. By puncturing a peripheral artery, using special catheters, we bring the valve to the heart and there we engraft it stitchlessly. We can also treat valvular insufficiency – for example of the mitral valve – stitching up, using special techniques, on the valve, in places where it is leaking. We also deal with engrafting devices used to occlude abnormal connections in blood vessels. There are more and more possibilities. We are entering into this very broad field, which is interventional cardiology, replacing cardiac surgeons. What is more, PM

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we conduct research and introduce new technologies into clinical practice in the field of telemonitoring of the heart. We conduct numerous own scientific studies, including the ones sponsored by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) and the National Science Centre, and also research sponsored by international consortia. This gives us access to the latest technologies.

cardiology, we used to widen coronary arteries using only the balloon catheter. It is a thin catheter with a balloon at its tip. After delivering it into the stenosis of the blood vessel, the balloon should be pumped up by means of fluid transported into the inside. Then it begins to decompress under pressure and expand the atherosclerotic plaque. It was effective in about 95% of cases.

In Poland, this development began with the introduction of stents. Many years passed, and they have not ceased to be used. The stent is still one of our main tools to widen narrowed arteries in the heart, and also peripheral – for example carotid-arteries, which supply blood to the brain, or the arteries of the lower limbs. Stents are recognized as one of the most significant medical inventions of the twentieth century. But if we want to talk about the origins of invasive cardiology, we must go back to 1978, when the first coronary angioplasty with use of a balloon catheter took place. In 1988, coronary stents were used and a bit later – directional atherectomy, and rotablation – techniques, which are designed to widen and/or open the vessel, restore the normal blood flow. In the 80s we also made all kinds of valve balloon plasties. Only recently, we have started to perform these operations in a more predictable manner, using devices for the implantation of new valves. In the 90s of the previous century the stent was a revolution. Until its introduction to

But these 5% were left... In these 5%, what could happen was sinking in of the atherosclerotic plaque and artery occlusion. Then the only salvation for the patient was engrafting platforms. Such surgeries could therefore only be carried out in places where there was a cardiac surgery ward. What changed it was introducing stents into the common use.



You are talking about the beginnings of Polish cardiology ... you come from the most well-known Polish school of cardiology from Zabrze. With such facilities, why did you decide to open your own network of cardiology clinics? What lay behind this decision? When I started opening new centres, 15 years ago, there were no centres, except for a few larger cardiology ones, that performed complex surgeries on coronary arteries. Sooner, in the 90s, together with Professor Stefan Kiesz – my friend and partner, we were able to improve the technique of stent implantation. We conducted research on the use of PM

Medicine a new generation of these implants with the pioneers of this method, doctor Julio Palmaz from Texas and Professor Ulrich Sigwart from Geneva. At last, we came to the conclusion that we could perform cardiological operations without the need for protection by cardiac surgeons. Currently, surgeries are performed through a small puncture of the peripheral artery – for example the radial artery (in the wrist). Also catheters, which we use, have become much smaller. As a result, many patients do not require hospitalization. Sometimes, after 12 hours, we can let the patient home. The speed, ease and efficiency of the implantation of stents ousted completely balloon angioplasty. We also started doing more and more complex surgeries. A multivessel coronary atherosclerosis, which was once a "forbidden territory" for cardiac surgeons, can now be treated using just several stents. On the occasion of the development of these techniques, it appeared that the needs of people outside large cities in Poland were huge, that the countryside and small towns were so neglected when it comes to cardiological problems, and that we needed to take action. So we started to organize cardiology centres in smaller towns, away from the developed metropolises. The Health Care Funds - then the equivalent of the National Health Fund (NFZ) – were very supportive, because they wanted their patients to get appropiate medical care in the area managed by them. We also enjoyed the understanding of banks and companies that helped us to build this network of invasive cardiology centres in Poland. The assumption was that the centres would be on duty 24 hours a day. In this way, we were always able to accept, a patient with, say, myocardial infarction. In the meantime, stents have become applicable in the treatment of consecutive cardiovascular disorders. So from the very beginning we started to use these stents in our clinics. This made it possible to treat many patients with diffuse atherosclerosis. Wherever we operate, the heart death rate, the amputation of limbs and the number of strokes have been significantly reduced. Cardiology was associated with a great hospital ward and space technology. From what you say it can be assumed that a good doctor and the right equipment is enough, and such surgeries can be performed almost everywhere locally. We started the network of American Heart of Poland S.A. from renting space in county hospitals. They had neither money nor ideas, neither financial nor human resources to adequately manage this space, so they were happy to make it available to us. We leased 300, sometimes 600, square metres. As for the technology, it actually is space technology, sometimes PM

even literally. A lot of solutions which we are using today come directly from the engineers of NASA. With appropriate resources we could organize very modern wards with the cardiac intensive care, up to then not available in a given location. Over time, we began to develop. We were offered the purchase or lease of plots near hospitals. As a result, the new wings and modern hospital buildings, in which we organized our cardiovascular centres, were constructed, the clinics were developing. Today there are 30 locations. We tried not to build our clinics in large cities, because there are usually university hospitals there. We did not want to compete with university hospitals and institutions. So we chose such places as Ustroń, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Polanica, Koźle, Nysa, Mielec, Starachowice or Józefów near Warsaw. Launching the network of invasive cardiology wards, working round the clock, allowed for a significant reduction in mortality from coronary atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction in Poland. Our cardiology services have been also supplemented by the services of vascular surgery and cardiac surgery, consultations at an outpatients’ clinic and early rehabilitation after myocardial infarction and major cardiac operations. In total, our investments amounted to over PLN 600 million, which is more than spending on the POLKARD governmental programme (approx. 500 million during the last 15 years). Ustroń has very positive associations when it comes to health ... This is our cradle, with which an interesting story is connected. When we decided that it was the place where we were going to set up the first clinic, we leased 300 square metres the Patient’s Club - from the President of the Ustroń spa. We built a small hospital there. After 9 years of work, we bought all this spa because it turned out that the Ministry of Treasury had put it up for sale. As a result, we gained a place for creating a centre capable of providing comprehensive care to patients after heart attacks. With infrastructure, we could provide them with adequate rehabilitation. Then, we started to pave the way for coordinated care. Currently, in Ustroń we have the largest cardiac rehabilitation centre in Poland. We have got there over 300 beds, due to which almost every patient after a cardiac operation and every second patient with acute coronary syndrome is directed to Ustroń for rehabilitation. PM

And, from the point of view of a cardiologist, what is the level of health of Poles? In Poland, cardiological problems occur as one of the two most common causes of death. Is it true? The Central Statistical Office statistics show that every other death is caused by cardiovascular diseases. Admittedly, there are reported doubts whether it really is so, but they may PM

result from the fact that every sudden death is counted as a cardiac death. This is corrrect, because there is no other cause of sudden death if no accident has occurred. If someone suddenly falls down, one can be almost 100% certain it is a cardio-vascular problem – a stroke, heart attack, cardiac arrest, ruptured aneurysm. Hence these statistics come from. These are numbers twice as high as in highly developed EU countries, such as France or the Netherlands. The big number of patients with myocardial infarction and pre-infarct states - which we have in Poland more than 150 thousand a year, and with strokes - more than 100 thousand per year - indicates that there is a huge problem with cardiovascular diseases. Even with the best treatment, some of these patients will die, and this cannot be avoided. However, as for classical risk factors of heart diseases and atherosclerosis, we are not different from our neighbours and Western European countries. Unfortunately, what distinguishes us much is air pollution. Until recently, this factor was not at all taken into account as a risk factor for atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction or a stroke. In 2010, the American Heart Association issued a publication indicating that, based on a metaanalysis of previous studies, it should be stated that air pollution, especially particulate pollution, is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and a stroke. In the world 7 million people die prematurely because of this pollution, in Poland - as many as 48 thousand people. 70% of all these deaths are deaths caused by myocardial infarction or a stroke. This can be clearly seen by comparing the map of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases with a map of air pollution. It is clear that where the air is heavily polluted, morbidity and mortality are much higher. This data overlap almost 1: 1. Research conducted by our Centre for Research & Development showed that on the days with increased air pollution, the number of admissions of patients with myocardial infarction is • higher.

PAWEŁ BUSZMAN, co-founder and the President of American Heart of Poland S.A., M.D., Ph.D., cardiologist, graduate of the Medical University of Silesia in Zabrze. He started his career at the Regional Centre of Cardiology in Zabrze where he worked with Professor Pasyk and Professor Religa. He is a co-founder of the myocardial infarction interventional treatment programme in Poland, he introduced stents to the treatment of coronary atherosclerosis and carotid artery stenosis, he is the precursor of stenting the left main coronary artery and PCI in multivessel coronary atherosclerosis. Scientific achievements: IF 1068, H-index 32. A graduate of the programme called Trium Global Executive MBA (Alumni London School of Economics, New York Stern University, Haut Ecole de Commerce). 3/2017  polish market




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very day we use many modern devices, but we are not aware that all this technology may have a very positive impact on our health and life. Technologies are to serve people and make our daily life easier. So far we have associated advanced technologies only with industry. We are unaware what influence they may have on our health or even life. We live longer and increasingly suffer from diseases of civilization. If detected early they can be cured. Many scientists devote years of work and their scientific careers to this research. But state-ofthe-art equipment is needed. This is why since 2012 the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) has selected under the Strategmed programme 44 research and development projects with the combined funding worth PLN800 million. Research is conducted into an innovative vaccine to enable a reduction in insulin doses administered to children suffering from type 1 diabetes, and an innovative technology for the manufacture of laser microprobes for cancer diagnostics. Scientists also work on a new therapy for psychotic disorders and Huntington’s disease. The third edition of the competition ended in May 2016. The NCBR’s announcement reads: “Under the strategic programme Prevention Practices and Treatment of Diseases of Civilization Strategmed, nine science and industry consortia will receive more than PLN141 million for R&D work in the area of oncology, cardiology, neurology and regenerative medicine. The use of 3D printing technology to develop a bionic pancreas, innovative methods for diagnosing and treating epilepsy and neurodevelopmental disorders in children, and new telemedicine applications in the medical care for heart-failure patients are only a few examples of the innovative technologies and therapies that Polish scientists will be working on.” “Today, the whole world is facing a common challenge, which is population aging, a rise in the incidence of cancer and chronic diseases, and growing health care costs. Investment in modern technologies and a more efficient

use of Internet solutions is necessary to meet the challenge. Thanks to the effort of Polish scientists and funding from the Strategmed programme, Poland has a chance to be not only an active participants, but also architect of global progress in medicine,” says Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin. “The implementation of the Strategmed programme has shown that innovations can have a real impact on improving the quality of life for every Pole. But innovative medical solutions developed by our scientists also offer a huge potential for commercialization on foreign markets. This is why I believe that the projects which have received funding in successive competitions will give patients access to modern diagnostics and treatment, on the one hand, and contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the Polish economy and the development of medicine in the world, on the other,” says Prof. Maciej Chorowski, director of the National Centre for Research and Development.

NoMED-AF One of the beneficiaries of the Strategmed programme is the NoMED-AF project. Under this programme, patients aged over 65 will take part in research with the aim to work out a system for the early detection of atrial fibrillation. Silent, or asymptomatic, atrial fibrillation is one of the most common types of cardiac arrhythmia and may lead to a stroke. Data to be gathered from the research will enable to determine the incidence of silent atrial fibrillation and risk factors for this arrhythmia in the population aged over 65, which is to become a basis for developing new treatment methods. An innovative device – ECG vest made of materials which do not irritate the skin – will be used in this research to record the electrical activity of the heart over a period of 30 days.


The project’s leader is Kardio-Med Silesia based in the southern city of Zabrze. The other members of the consortium are: ComArch Healthcare, Institute of Medical Technology and Equipment ITAM, Medical University of Gdańsk, Medical University of Warsaw, Cardiology Clinic of the Pomeranian Medical University and Internal Diseases and Geriatrics Clinic of the Collegium Medicum at the Jagiellonian University.

GRAPHENE One of the most spectacular discoveries made by Polish scientists in recent years is the use of graphene sheets on a copper plate. The discovery finds its application in biomedicine, and even in the defence and automotive industries. Graphene is a form of carbon. It is one of the first discovered and stable two-dimensional materials. Its structure resembles a honeycomb. We have recently learned that the graphene sheets on a copper foil made by the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME) have been offered for sale since the beginning of January by Nano Carbon. The company, as a member of the Polish arms group PGZ, is largely focused on dual use technologies, which can be used on a contemporary battlefield and on civilian markets. “The graphene production technology used by ITME requires using a substrate on which graphene can be grown. The ITME team does so on copper foil, from which graphene can be transferred onto another material. The production method is not simple because a specialist high-temperature reactor and complex technology are needed,” says Nano Carbon President Jacek Augustyn. Graphene is a biocompatible material, which is not harmful to the human organism. At the same time, many research studies show that it has bactericidal properties. The high bactericidal performance of the graphene produced by Nano Carbon has been confirmed thanks to cooperation with Biomedical Engineering Centre Military University of Technology (WAT). "We assume that if we combine graphene flakes with a hydrogel or another kind of dressing material it may be very effective in dressing wounds, working like a broad-spectrum antibiotic", says Jacek Augustyn. Scientists of the Wrocław Medical University and Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław conduct research on applying graphene in medicine. In particular, the scientists examine the use of graphene coatings in vascular stents – small tubes inserted into vessels to keep them open. Thanks to graphene coatings, medical devices, like stents, artificial heart valves, catheters and stimulating electrodes may be better tolerated by the human body.

BRASTER Nearly 1 million women examined and more than 10,000 visits by mobile mammography units is the outcome of the

Populational Programme for Early Breast Cancer Detection in 2016. The optimistic data was released by the National Health Fund (NFZ). The value of the services provided was PLN84 million. The largest numbers of patients used the opportunity to undergo mammography screening in Wielkopolskie, Śląskie and Mazowieckie provinces. Importantly, 41,000 patients were referred for further diagnostics or treatment. Cancer awareness among Polish women is growing. This is also a reason for satisfaction. Especially as, according to the Globocan 2012 report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization, an incidence of breast cancer is diagnosed every 19 seconds and one woman dies of the disease every 60 seconds. Scientists decided it was worth doing something about it. And they did something in Ożarów Mazowiecki, outside Warsaw. They developed an innovative device, called Braster, for the selfexamination of breasts at home. The device is non-invasive and makes it possible to detect even the smallest cancer lesions in breasts. And we are all aware how important it is for the patient’s treatment to detect cancer early. Thanks to its three thermographic matrices, the device detects malignant tumours because they differ in temperature from the surrounding tissue. Then, the recorded images are sent to an analytical system, which interprets them and suggests whether the lesions may be dangerous and the woman should contact a doctor. Importantly, one device may be used by several women. In order to conduct an examination you need to download Braster Care application on your smartphone. And there are now many more mobile applications of this kind which help us monitor our life functions.

ISULIN Students of the Military University of Technology (WAT) in Warsaw have developed the iSULIN system for the noninvasive measurement of blood glucose levels. The solution will certainly be of interest to people suffering from diabetes who have to regularly perform blood glucose tests every day. So far this has involved piercing the skin. But the students hit upon the idea that other methods, for example optical technology, could be used to measure blood glucose levels. Their solution is one of the world’s first systems for noninvasive blood glucose monitoring. “The user only needs to press their finger against our unique sensor - installed, for example, in a watch strap - for the result of the measurement to appear in the application window on their smartphone,” Ernest Szczepaniak, one of the members of the team, told the Polish Press Agency (PAP). “The measurement methodology is based on the LambertBeer law, which states that the amount of energy absorbed and dissipated by a given type of molecule depends directly on its concentration in the material,” reads the news item from PAP. The device has not been launched on the market yet. The research continues. Let us keep our fingers crossed. • 3/2017  polish market



HOLY GRAIL AMONG MATERIALS Technologies which can be used on a contemporary battlefield are in the centre of attention for Nano Carbon as the company is a member of the Polish arms group PGZ. But I know that graphene can also be used in medicine. Graphene produced by Nano Carbon has better properties and more applications. As a form of carbon, graphene is biocompatible, which means it is not harmful to the human body. Additionally, many research studies prove that it has bactericidal properties. The high bactericidal performance of the graphene made by Nano Carbon has been confirmed thanks to our cooperation with the Biomedical Engineering Centre Military University of Technology (WAT). PM

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JACEK AUGUSTYN, President of Nano Carbon Sp. z o.o., talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś about industrial applications of graphene.


The findings of research conducted by Dariusz Biały, PhD, of the Wrocław Medical University and Prof. Wiesław Stręk of the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław are very promising. It turns out that large-area graphene, called epitaxial graphene, when used as coating for cardiac stents, makes the devices better tolerated by the human body. And the global market for stents is huge. But in practice, there are still no graphene applications in Poland or in the world. What I mean by “application” is that you are able to buy on the market - in a shop something which contains a component relying on graphene technology. The only thing I can say now is that we are just on the eve of practical graphene applications. But to illustrate the question of graphene application we should first explain what graphene is. PM

So what is graphene? There is talk about flake graphene and large-area graphene. Does it mean there are different sorts of graphene? Graphene is simply a form of carbon, a one-atom-thick layer of carbon. Its atomic structure resembles a honeycomb. Graphene has highly desirable and unique features, including electrical conductivity, strength and hydrophobicity. It is a Holy Grail among materials. Large-area graphene is a one-atomthick monolayer. In turn, flake graphene has the form of flakes. It is a mixture of flat graphene objects in the form of flakes whose structure does not exceed eight atoms. To produce large-area graphene, one needs a hightemperature reactor. We do have one. Many institutions in the world are trying to make large-area graphene, but the one we produce is the closest to perfection. PM

Returning to the previous question, how does this translate into applications? We have a large room for manoeuvre. Large-area graphene may be applied in medicine, the defence sector and electronics. It can also be used in motor vehicles because it conducts electricity and is almost transparent. The rear windows of cars have strips to quickly heat up the glass pane. If we use graphene there will be no strips on the pane, but the window will be heated up immediately. It is only a question of time for cars with graphene to roll off assembly lines because car manufacturers are interested in this solution. Flake graphene is easier to produce and has different, more widespread, potential PM


applications. For example, flake graphene can be mixed with rubber to make it more elastic and durable. This kind of application is of interest for the mining industry, which

uses conveyor belts and they wear out. Another application in which the KGHM copper conglomerate is interested, is grease with graphene admixture. Such lubricants are much 3/2017  polish market



better at reducing friction. Graphene may also contribute to increasing the safety of soldiers on the battlefield – it may be used in bulletproof vests, combat vehicle armour, dressing materials and water filters. The market for flake graphene applications is growing very rapidly. I would say that it grows faster than the market for large-area graphene. We are in talks with the University of Bielsko-Biała, which has a flake graphene production line. It follows from the talks that it could be turned into an industrial line in a relatively short time. We would like to expand the product range by flake graphene. The talks are at a very early stage, but they are promising and I believe that Nano Carbon will have a full range of graphene products to offer. My observations show that the era of graphene as a strictly scientific interest, an invention, is coming to an end. Now, time has come for applications and for the use of graphene in industry.

scientific institutions and universities. The Institute of Electronic Materials Technology has developed the graphene production technology while Nano Carbon has a licence for the sale of products obtained using this technology. Nano Carbon owns the equipment and the Institute develops this process using our equipment. We work in symbiosis. I would like to stress that BGK supported the project with a loan, but funding is also provided by our owners: KGHM and PGZ – two large state-owned corporations.

Until recently you sold graphene as 30cm by 30cm sheets. But at the beginning of January we heard that you started to sell 50cm by 50cm sheets. I understand the difference is only in size. Indeed, there are no structural differences. In the production of the larger sheets of graphene we wanted to retain its perfection. But research work is underway at the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME), our partner, to make even larger sheets. With a view to industrial applications, increasing the size of the sheets makes sense. For example, for tank armour it is better to use sheets of 50cm by 50cm. At present, no one else in the world can offer graphene sheets of this size.

Do you work with other institutes? We work with many of them: the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME), Institute of Electron Technology (ITE), Biomedical Engineering Centre Military University of Technology and Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research Polish Academy of Sciences.


Has this already attracted the attention of the partners with whom you are holding talks? It has resulted in increased interest from international companies in China, Japan, Korea and other countries in Asia and beyond. PM

The BGK bank has financed the project whose goal was to produce the 30cm by 30cm graphene sheet. And what about financing the 50cm by 50cm sheet. Our owners understand that graphene is the future. Support, including financial one, is needed at the beginning of the road to success. Luckily, the owners understand that. We use the company’s capital. Additionally, we sell samples of our material to PM

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If Nano Carbon operates under a licence the Institute also participates in profits. Our agreement includes this solution. In turn, the Institute has given us exclusive rights. We are a producer of graphene, a material of high quality. The material can be used by every firm. We do not take nationality into consideration. We have exclusive rights to deliver graphene. But the licence is in Polish hands. PM


How do you assess your cooperation with the Institutes? So far there have been big problems with cooperation between science and business in Poland. At Nano Carbon, we work with Institutes and universities which understand our point of view and expectations: the end product, its application and, of course, profit. Different goals of the partners may pose a problem. Scientific institutes have research objectives. Industry is interested in applications. I can see that politicians try to encourage scientists and businesses to work together. I have heard from the media that the Institutes which have not only research but also applications to their credit will be rewarded. I do not want to generalize, because we have many excellent scientists, but some scientists are only interested in doing research and are not interested at all in developing an end product. I know that the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education have found a panacea for this problem and with time relations between science and business will be even better and will result in PM

many applications ready to be brought onto the marketplace. The interest in graphene from Asian firms has attracted my attention. Aren’t you afraid that Chinese companies may imitate your products? Even if someone buys the material from us they do not know the proportion of the gases used in the production process, do not know “recipes” for the end product. Efforts to break our technology down would be fruitless. We have the know-how. It is a bit like in tennis. Talent, skills, equipment and a racket may all contribute to Roger Federer’s success. The foreign firms may have the equipment and rackets, but they do not have a Federer. PM

What projects are you working on now? At present, we are finalizing cooperation on the use of graphene in lubricants and oils. Additionally, we are holding talks with a large corporation manufacturing cardiac stents. We are also talking with individual companies of the PGZ group. Can you imagine that, according to research, the addition of graphene to paint makes the painted vehicle or object show a different temperature in a thermal imaging camera? The difference is around 10 degrees Celsius. PM

When will we experience graphene in our daily life? I think products containing graphene will appear on the market at the end of this year and will be available to everyone. Among these products will be mobile phone batteries, for instance. Such goals – to transfer graphene to the marketplace – are set to Nano Carbon as well. PM

But, whether a company is state-owned or private, it has to generate profit. Just as is the case with every business-oriented company or partnership. • PM




Is it possible to design good form? It is. And you can do that by means of design supporting the Polish health-care and health-improvement industry: the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector. This sector offers a great potential for the global economy and it also is a big opportunity for Poles working in this area. We have a fantastic innovative and creative potential, but we do not always remember that we should support it through effective protection on the domestic and foreign markets. ALICJA ADAMCZAK, PhD, President of the Polish Patent Office


t gives us enormous satisfaction that debates about the place of design in an innovative economy are becoming increasingly obvious and less and less surprising. It is also important for them to be obvious for the firms which launch new products and services on the market and want to compete on the Polish and international market with domestic and foreign brands. Also, it is important that designers be aware of the economic and technological constraints which businesses face in their activity and of the market’s real needs, which make a suitably designed product marketable. And there is yet another obvious thing in this context: a strong awareness of the need to protect intellectual property rights, an awareness that becoming effectively established on the market – in a way which may have a long-term influence on brand building - means the legal protection of intellectual property. It does not matter whether it be the protection of industrial designs, trademarks or even inventions, utility models and copyrights. What is important is taking measures to counteract unfair competition and consciously choose legal protection paths for every new product or service. This is why this year’s conference “Innovation and Creativity in the Economy,” organized by the Polish Patent Office, will focus on benefits resulting from the effective use of design in designing products and services in the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector, and will be held under the

slogan “We Design Good Form.” With benefits for the public in mind, such as raising the quality of life in general and improving the daily life of people with various dysfunctions, we also want to point to significant economic benefits, contributing to the development of individual businesses and raising the innovation performance of the Polish economy. At present, Poland is in a very high, sixth, place in Europe among cosmetics exporters. And Polish pharmaceutical companies account for half of the businesses reporting innovation activity in our country. Considering the rapid growth of these industries, we would like to raise issues related to user-oriented design, and the use of design-thinking concept in developing innovative products and brand image building. These topics will be supplemented at the conference by discussion on problems associated with packaging design and the application of innovative technological solutions in the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector. The influence of design on a company’s position on the market and stock exchange as well as strategies for the protection of industrial design will constitute an equally important part of the debates. We will be speaking about empathy in designing - about how design thinking may raise the quality of life - and about identifying social needs, as the starting point for a designer in the health and beauty sector, and the visual needs of the products - asking whether packaging still influences us. It is

the starting point for product branding understood as synergy in the protection of industrial property rights, especially the protection of industrial designs, trademarks and geographical indication, but also inventions and utility models. What is special about designing innovative solutions in the health and beauty sector is a huge role of intellectual property in the development of our start-up environment. A special role is also played by designers working for professional units and research and development departments at medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics firms. The conference will be accompanied by networking meetings dedicated for start-ups operating in the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector. We would like the exchange of experience and good practices to include issues associated with the importance of industrial design for the development of new firms. Networking meetings for start-ups, oriented at quick results, should make it possible for young creative entrepreneurs to promote their products and services, and help them expand their contact base and build a network of valuable relations. We wish to invite to the conference people representing small and medium enterprises, institutions operating in the business environment and the creative industry, experts associated with the design sector, and all persons interested in problems of broadly understood design and industrial property protection, especially in the area of industrial design. • 3/2017  polish market




MEANS ENERGY, HOPE, ACTIVITY BARBARA WALKIEWICZ-CYRAŃSKA, dermatologist, cosmetologist, owner of the Viva Derm clinic, President of the Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology, President of the Foundation of Anti-Aging Medicine, talks to Marcin Haber. PM “Youth

is not a time of life, it is a state of mind” - this quote welcomes the user of the website of the Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology, of which you are president. This thesis is quite bold, even a bit controversial morally. This sentence is true. Youth is a state of mind. I have many 30-year-old female patients who, in my view, have a mind-set of a 50-year-old. I also have patients who are in their sixties, but are young. Youth means energy, hope, activity, eagerness to get to know other people and the world,

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smile, vitality and friendliness. If we feel old we do not want to do anything, we believe that nothing will go well and that all people are bad. Our physical condition has an influence on how we perceive life. However, our appearance is not the main factor determining whether or not we are young. Women who have turned 40 often come to me and say: “Doctor, I am a 40-year-old woman, but I look old. I do not accept that. Please do something about it.” When I hear a patient say something like this I know that the results of the treatment will be very good. Every visit begins


with handing a mirror to the patient. I ask her to tell me what she does not like about her reflection. The important thing is not how I perceive the patient, but how she sees herself – what she would like to improve to feel well in her own skin. And when the patient has indicated what bothers her I know what can be done to improve the imperfection. My knowledge tells me what to do and this is my role while the patient’s role is to define the problem.


Do patients always come to you with a specific problem? No, there is a group of patients, aged between 30 and 40, who say: “Nothing bothers me. I look great and I feel great. But I know that time goes by and I would like you to advise me how to ease the effects of aging.” I plan an individual skin revitalization programme for the patients and they very eagerly follow the advice. PM

Let us talk about the Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology. It brings together physicians specialized in this discipline. In Warsaw alone, there are around 1,000 clinics offering this kind of treatments. Does the society try to regulate the market? Do you supervise the operation of these clinics? We do not deal with supervision because we cannot and do not want to put ourselves in the role of an institution which knows it better. The State Sanitary Authority (Sanepid) determines the sanitary conditions that a clinic has to meet, the doctor’s professional ethics determines treatment quality and the patient makes the choice. It is bad for the patient to be guided by a low price or aggressive advertisements. At the Foundation of Anti-Aging Medicine, of which I am president, we have set up the Polish Council of Anti-Aging Medicine. Among its members are physicians with other specialities, dealing with broadly understood aesthetic and anti-aging medicine. To become a member of the Council, one needs to meet some basic criteria: have a specific speciality, number of training courses and recommending person. We have started as a group of 18 physicians, now the membership exceeds 100. However, there are people who are not doctors, but perform similar treatments. And this is a huge problem. It is about beauticians who perform aesthetic medicine treatments. For several years we have taken very active measures to have this situation legally regulated.

It is a very broad field, but you have not mentioned any aesthetic treatments in this context. Because it is not an aesthetic discipline. It involves examinations by an internist, ophthalmologist, gynaecologist, laboratory tests and genetic tests. We leave aesthetics to dermatologists and plastic surgeons. PM



specialities. It counteracts the effects of aging. In anti-aging medicine, we rely on genetic tests, laboratory tests, tests for food intolerance and susceptibility to cancer. We determine how a given patient will be aging. Every person has a genetic weak point. Joints, periodontitis, colon cancer, thromboembolism – the problems differ from patient to patient. If we know about the weak point we can tell the patient what medicines they should take, what kind of exercises they should do and that they should control their weight. When there is increased risk of colon cancer I recommend a specific diet and regular colonoscopy after 50 years of age. Hormonal balance is very important in anti-aging medicine because aging is associated with a decline in hormonal function. And here endocrinologists have a significant role to play.

You make a distinction between aesthetic medicine and anti-aging medicine. What is the difference and what does anti-aging actually mean? I myself do not even use the term aesthetic medicine. This term appeared around 20 years ago, but it has become greatly devalued because it started to be used to denote all available aesthetic treatment methods. At present, we prefer to use the term aesthetic dermatology, that is techniques which treat or counteract some changes resulting from the aging process or diseases. In the case of skin, it means counteracting the effects of aging: facial lines, discolouration, a loss of volume, skin laxity and spider veins. In dental practice, it means teeth whitening, alignment and so on. In orthopaedics, it includes injecting hyaluronic acid into knee joints. In gynaecology, there are treatments designed to counteract the aging of the private parts. As you can see, aesthetic treatment has become part of many medical specialities. There are paediatricians who have dealt with it for many years and have done so excellently. But if today a physician first becomes a paediatrician and then, after merely two courses, wants to practice aesthetic medicine, we say no. We do not want in our community people who seek an easy way to earn money and do not have appropriate qualifications. Anti-aging medicine is definitely a much broader field. It is a branch of medicine based on the knowledge and ability of many medical PM

The International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology and Anti-Aging Medicine, of which you are the organizer, will be held soon. What can we expect? For many years the congress has had a regular format. The first day – a Friday – is a commercial day, with lectures where you can mention the commercial names of products and devices. Then, on Saturday and Sunday, we talk about medical problems, applications and scientific research. We have invited Marcin Prokop, a lawyer, psychologist and coach, to take part in the business session on the first day of the congress. He will be talking about personal development, which is indispensable to build a clinic’s reputation. Saturday and Sunday, called research days, will be devoted to sessions about treatment techniques with the use of a needle, catheters, threads and the use of high-tech ultrasound and radiofrequency devices. Lectures at the plenary room will be accompanied by workshops, or practical courses in a range of treatment techniques. A grand gala at which Pearls of Aesthetic Dermatology will be awarded is scheduled for Saturday. In this competition, physicians select the best products and devices. We expect around 1,500 doctors to attend the congress and more than 100 exhibitors at the stands. The whole community is looking forward to the event. • PM

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ELŻBIETA RADZIKOWSKA, Ph.D., Head of the Plastic Surgery Department, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warsaw, talks to "Polish Market".

Medicine Plastic surgery is usually associated with the private sector while we are talking at the Plastic Surgery Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Hospital. How does work in the private sector differ from your work here? First of all, we must define the term “plastic surgery.” The average Pole associates it with beautifying activity. In reality, plastic surgery is a very wide, interdisciplinary part of surgery which treats congenital and post-traumatic defects. It also includes reconstructive surgery which involves procedures aimed at removing neoplastic lesions, especially in the face and skull area. Also, the entire hand surgery belongs to plastic surgery. The scope of our activity is very wide. We also co-operate with other departments such as laryngology, neurosurgery or orthopaedics. Sometimes we must reconstruct the entire nose using various tissues, following its removal because of cancer. As regards the differences between the private and public sector, we must remember that the former is not limited to beautifying operations. The advantage of our department is that we are located in a hospital and this is always associated with greater safety. We too perform aesthetic surgery procedures. We have a separate typically commercial ward where we carry out these operations. Its patients are often persons disqualified at private facilities for health or age reasons or because of the extent of the procedure. The main advantage of our department is that after surgery such patients remain under much greater control of various specialists. PM

You mentioned a purely commercial ward. Is this the response to the current model of hospitals? Does this ward finance the rest of your activities? This ward earns enough to cover its expenditures and brings us additional funds for development. Today, hospitals must support themselves instead of generating losses. However, I must admit that we set up this ward primarily in order to provide patients with a high level of safety. I also work at private clinics and know from experience that sometimes I am unable to perform certain procedures in view of strains, age or additional illnesses. At our ward we have the comfort of knowing that in the event of complications the patient already is in hospital and can be given immediate aid. On occasions patients also require more detailed diagnostics before the surgery which is much easier at a hospital. We must remember that aesthetic surgeries are no life-saving procedures. This is why it is necessary to remember that everything must be done so that nothing wrong happens to the patient during or after the surgery. This is important because sometimes we perform really extensive procedures, especially in patients who have managed to lose a lot of weight. PM

Which are the most frequent procedures? It is hard to say because we cannot be compared with private clinics. We are oriented towards reconstructive procedures, for example, breast reconstruction. We carry out such operations several times a week. We want to establish a closer co-operation with oncologists so that patients can have the entire process from mastectomy, through treatment and including reconstruction carried out at one place. A new radiotherapy department is being created in a neighbouring building and we would like to work closely with them as well. This is very important because breast cancer is an illness affecting ever-younger women. Such patients



must return to society and function there without problems. Our role is to ensure that patients feel as comfortable as possible after leaving the hospital. Another very popular and frequently performed procedure is liposuction. Today, it is carried out not only for aesthetic reasons but also as a method of acquiring stem cells. They are extracted from • fatty tissue and used in orthopaedics, etc. 3/2017  polish market




TREATMENT MARCIN AMBROZIAK, MD dermatologist, co-owner of Ambroziak Estederm Clinic, talks to "Polish Market".

Ambroziak Estederm Clinic is a leading clinic providing aesthetic medicine, clinical dermatology and aesthetic gynaecology treatments. The recent years have seen increased interest in aesthetic medicine. For this reason many new aesthetic medicine centres have been established, about 1000 of them in Warsaw alone. How is your clinic doing with regards to the growing competition? I am very happy that the aesthetic medicine market in Poland has been growing so rapidly. There are more and more such salons and clinics. Nevertheless, it is a phenomenon we should not worry about. What it means is that, most of all, the market needs are ever greater and more patients are using, or want to use the services offered by doctors who facilitate life quality improvement. This is what aesthetic medicine is about. New tools that are at our disposal, new areas that we are able to improve, ease of application, marginal side effects are the main factors behind the increase in popularity of these services. A successful combination of dermatology, plastic surgery and cosmetology provides an opportunity for complementary treatment. Moreover, in other areas of medicine, there is a growing need for better looks; and aesthetic gynaecology is the best example here. Our company has been in the market for 17 years. We are not only a witness, but a participant of that growth. We started almost from scratch with two doctors and one nurse. Today over 60 people work with us. Our consistent PM

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attention to the quality of the service, sustainable development and starting the business at the right time are the trivial secrets of our success. We treat our competition as a natural element of the industry's growth with all the advantages of the free market. Competition stimulates development. On the one hand, you need to search continuously for novelties, perfect the current methods, on the other hand, you need to improve patient care. Besides, we participate in training programmes for doctors, which we can say support the competition. The market is large enough for many new salons to open for many years to come. I think that aesthetic medicine doctors are mature, but also entrepreneurial, and they appreciate the advantages of constructive competition. In most cases we support one another and jointly build the market. You participate in numerous international congresses for aesthetic medicine doctors. Soon, one such congress will be taking place in Warsaw. What is your opinion on the methods applied in the Polish aesthetic medicine clinics? Where does Poland stand with regards to other countries in terms of introducing new services in aesthetic medicine salons? We have nothing to be ashamed of whatsoever! We can just look at the number of participants at the Polish congresses. There are more of them here than in most other countries in Europe and beyond. This results in a plethora of medicine stars arriving in Poland PM

from all over the world, and I think the scientific level is very high. Exhibitions of medical equipment producers are often an indicator of quality and rank of a congress. Each year we have been observing a growth of interest in our events by the industry. I can honestly say that there are no such methods, or devices, in the world that are not available in Poland. Recently medical tourism has been discussed a lot. Have you noticed this trend in your clinic? Is it clients from Poland that visit you most frequently, or perhaps, clients from other countries? What is the largest share? There are two reasons for medical tourism: price differences and differences in the quality of services offered in particular countries. Currently we are observing an interest in particular methods, mostly by patients from Scandinavia, which is due to gigantic prices in those countries. Most of all, it concerns plastic surgery, but also dermatological treatment, for example crylipolysis. We also have a large group of Polish people living in the British Isles, who do not trust the local doctors. For the same reasons patients from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia visit our clinic. PM

How can you encourage clients from Poland and oversees to use the services of your clinic? The world's best quality of medical services and patient care are the main factors that bring clients to us. • PM




Wyłączny dystrybutor w Polsce marek:



APART FROM AESTHETIC MEDICINE ONE NEEDS THE RIGHT LIFESTYLE MONIKA ZDZIARSKA-ALICKA, Owner, Essence Beauty Clinic, talks to "Polish Market". Aesthetic medicine clinics are usually set up by physicians who want to work on their own account. You have a degree in economics, so the model in your case is slightly different. Please tell us about it. I have decided to open a clinic offering a wide range of services. They are not limited to aesthetic medicine, although it constitutes the foundation. We also provide cosmetology and additional services such as hair styling, manicure and pedicure. We advertise the fact that at our clinic customers can attend to their beauty and relax from head to toe. PM

Customers come to you with the knowledge that they can get everything they need in one place… Yes, we are here to solve their problems. One must remember that the people who visit aesthetic medicine clinics come with some specified problem. We are not focused on selling a service or product, but on meeting the customer's expectations. Our services are very individualized. We can prepare a bespoke programme of repair and care for virtually every customer. For example, we have introduced a solution which we call a prescription. Every customer who uses a procedure, receives a precisely written out plan of treatments, with a home care plan. This means that our customers feel our care, not only when they come to us, but also at home. They know what to look for, how to eat. PM

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We emphasize the importance of physical activity, sleep and relaxation. We have a very skilled team that constantly improves their competences. We take a holistic approach to the customer. I have always stressed that when someone is dissatisfied with her appearance, simply coming to the clinic will not help if the treatments are not backed by an appropriate lifestyle adjusted to our biological clock. You speak of a rather novel approach to the customer, which distinguishes you from other clinics. With so much competition, it definitely works in your favour. What else do you need to do today to win customers in such a demanding market? Our clinic is in a great location, right in the centre of Warsaw. Our customers are people who live here, work or travel in the area. We also focus on a very selective approach to brands, with which we work. These are the best and very professional cosmetics, which offer not only the material used at the clinic, but also products for home care. We do not select brands that have products exclusively for clinical us. We act according to the aforementioned philosophy the customers must also be able to take care of themselves at home after the treatment. We try to convince patients that they should use the cream recommended by our cosmetologist. The approach to the customer and the atmosphere in the company is also very important. I must PM

admit that I really enjoy all the positive comments that we receive in customer satisfaction surveys. We pay great attention to making customers feel as they should feel at such a place. You also have an interesting approach to booking appointments. You use a mobile application designed for this purpose… We use the Versum system that allows us to efficiently manage the clinic. This is a very good software, which allows us to analyze various very important indicators, such as returning customers. In addition, we use the aforesaid Booksy application. I assume that at this time, the customer is very demanding and has various habits. Some customers use the application, some the Lavito Internet portal. Appointments may also be booked through our website and by phone. Lately Versum has also opened moment.pl where customers can make appointments. So everyone can find a method that is suitable for them. • PM



MIRACKI CLINIC – BEAUTY, PEOPLE, TECHNOLOGY There is a special place in Warsaw's district of Wilanów where talent, hard work, technology and continuous pursuit of perfection meet. Aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery, dermatology, aesthetic gynaecology, cosmetology, and above all laser therapy join their paths here in one goal: to establish a formula of perfect beauty and offer the results to Patients. The Miracki Clinic is 600 sq.m. of luxury, comfort and safety for the Patients.


he Miracki Clinic is one of the most recognisable brands in the full dimensional, all-purpose aesthetic medicine. It is characterised by an uncommon care about maintaining the highest standards and a dynamic pace of development. For Patients, it is a synonym of discreetness and earnest advice. For doctors, it offers a possibility of development, training and continuous improvement of skills.

BEAUTY – HOLISTICALLY TOWARDS PERFECTION Versatility and individual approach to a Patient are fundamental elements of work at the Miracki Clinic. “We prefer to draw our own ways and trends", explains Krzysztof Miracki, one of the first certified doctors of aesthetic medicine in Poland, an expert in laser therapy, who has been running the Miracki Clinic together with his wife, Karina Dudek-Miracka for eight years. He adds: “We closely follow novelties in the world market and pick those which, on the basis of our experience and extensive knowledge about the Patients’ needs, will prove successful in the Polish market and introduce new quality. We care not about getting new equipment, but giving a Patient the new quality, safer and more effective. We build our own therapeutic

programmes, which allow us to achieve optimal effects through the use and combination of all available solutions. Therefore, our service range is full of many packages that combine laser therapy with injection treatment or high technology cosmetology.”

TECHNOLOGY – KEY TO SUCCESS Aesthetic medicine is an industry which heavily exploits the development of science. There is no more effective way to build an aesthetic medicine clinic that would not include expanding services to new technology solutions. This is why we attend every important world congress, fair and conference where the most modern services and devices are presented. We verify them and chose those which provide the best chance to improve the quality of our work. As a result, we may claim that the choices we make enable us to enrich our portfolio and equipment with the real “hits.” An innovative laser PicoSure specialises in tattoo removal. Sculpsure is the first, non-invasive laser method of effective liposuction. Laser liposuction Triplex is unrivalled in its category and Vaser Lipo is an ultrasound technology allowing to eliminate large packages of fat. These are just a few, specific examples of how a wisely chosen technology creates a leading position.


However, even the most innovative laser is just an empty name if we do not add an impulse to it, which means an aware and professional person performing the procedure. Therefore, people are a fundamental asset at the Miracki Clinic. Karina Dudek-Miracka, managing director, explains: ”We remain in the process of permanent recruitment. We believe in people, appreciate people and… need people. At least a few times a year, we offer our Patients new equipment, introduce premiere treatment, hence we are hungry for professional passionate people who combine the pursuit of professional development with true, honest love for the industry. We are aware that each new doctor or cosmetologist is a new shot of knowledge to us, new approach and ideas. We appreciate the most and we always expect from our people to have passion, engagement and knowledge. Therefore, we do not hesitate if we have an opportunity to take doctors to international trainings and congresses, besides, every few months we host world famous trainers. We are constantly on the move: we hunt market news, develop doctors’ skills, search for new people with fresh, thorough approach to aesthetic medicine and its pros• pect.”

A L E J A W I L A N O W S K A 67 | 0 2 -76 5 WA R S Z A WA 6 0 5 9 0 5 6 0 8 | R E J E S T R A C J A @ K L I N I K A M I R A C K I . P L | K L I N I K A M I R A C K I . P L


EVERY WAY IS GOOD TO PROMOTE POLAND PIOTR TATARA, Director of the Office for EU Projects at the Polish Tourist Organisation (POT), about the POT position on medical tourism.


ealth motivations are becoming a more and more common objective of tourist trips worldwide. Taking into consideration the fact that in the case of medical tourism we deal with health, which is a special treasure, services in this area require special treatment. This is due to the need for extremely high confidence in the provider and the place where the service is performed. The perception of a place as a safe one is not only shouldered by medical providers, but it is a wide issue, generally associated with the image of the place. The tourist image of Poland on the map of the world is getting better and better. We are recognized as an attractive and a very safe tourist destination. The number of arrivals of foreign tourists to Poland is growing from year to year. Poland is ranked 19th most visited country in the world, in Europe we take 11th place. According to the Global Peace Index we are in 22nd position. Two years ago, brand Poland was rated among the 20 most valuable brands in the world.

IT IS WORTH BETTING ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL TOURISM Currently, foreign tourists in the field of medical services mainly take advantage of our spa, dental and beauty treatments. Patients appreciate our modern clinics and the quality of services offered at affordable prices for them. Polish potential in the development of this sector is noticed even in the latest foreign reports that mention Poland with such countries as Costa Rica, Dubai and the Philippines as prospective countries for the development of medical tourism. The development of pro-health services creates an opportunity for the development of the whole country in many ways. Not only

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does the medical industry capitalize on it, but also it influences the perception of the region as a region of health. This in turn is associated with the quality of life of its inhabitants and their satisfaction, the development of other industries, including the ones concerning tourism. The development of this industry can contribute to a decision on the temporary return of the large Polish community to the country, thereby strengthening its ties with the country. What fits into it is a well researched phenomenon that we prefer to treat ourselves in a place that is close to us culturally, where the ability to communicate in our native language is also an important factor. If Poland’s aim is to encourage compatriots to return to the country, one of the tools to achieve this objective should be facilitating their treatment in Poland.

NEED TO INTEGRATE OF THE TOURIST AND MEDICAL SECTOR The medical industry is still a dormant and untapped social and economic potential of the country. Poland has world-class specialists, equipment and clinics. Medical entities have a limited field of activity in the domestic market in terms of gaining patients. If they have empty wards, and contracts with the National Health Fund (NFZ) have already been executed, they have a diminished capacity to fill this gap in the domestic market. The natural solution to this problem is to gain foreign patients who look for such services. The problem is that most often the ones do not know anything about the others. One solution to this state of affairs is to effectivly present to prospective patients what one has to offer. Given that pro-health tourism is not only a strictly medical service, but also an ability to take advantage of other

tourist attractions available in the destination, the most predestinied entities to sell such a package are tour operators and travel agencies dealing with inbound tourism in Poland. The few available studies on medical tourism in Poland indicate that neither the tourist industry, nor the medical industry, can afford operation on their own in this area. The tourist industry excuses itself for taking too much responsibility for the health of tourists, and the medical industry – for not knowing the mechanisms of the tourist services market. Both the tourist and medical industry expect primarily support in the coordination of activities and promotion. POT recognizes the need for the promotion of Poland as a place rendering pro-health services at the highest level, and sees its success and good luck primarily in the quality of what of enterprises operating in the sector and interested in foreign promotion of their services offer. POT’s experience in the implementation of information and promotion campaigns in foreign markets, the subject of which was inter alia cultural, active and business tourism, showed the importance of marketing preparation of an offer, especially in competition with existing foreign offers on the market. Since March 2017 Polish Tourist Organization is launching the Programme for the Promotion of Pro-health Services in selected foreign markets as a partner in the Brand of the Polish Economy project funded from the EU resources and implemented by the Min• istry of Economic Development.

More about the programme: https://www.pot.gov.pl/6-4fundusze-ue/l/programpromocji-uslug-prozdrowotnych



ELEGANT AND ROMANTIC PLACE IN THE VERY HEART OF NAŁĘCZÓW HALINA ZUBRZYCKA, MD, owner of the Wellness Centre Raj Villa and Villa Aurelia Hotel & Spa


hat one can say about Nałęczów is that it is one of Poland’s most picturesque garden cities, located between the city of Lublin and Kazimierz Dolny on the Vistula river. Surrounded by two rivers, Bystra and Bochotniczanka, the spa town is famous for its unique microclimate, Spa Park, palace island and nice 18th and 19th- century architecture. Nałęczów – beautiful, quiet and atmospheric, an ideal place where one can recuperate after months of stressful life - welcomes families and individuals looking for a relaxing and calm spot. Twenty five years ago, a beauty and spa centre was set up in Raj Villa on Lipowa Street, an elegant and romantic place in the very heart of Nałęczów. People relaxing there have an opportunity to use a wide range of manual massages, cosmetic treatments, both traditional ones and those relying on state-ofthe-art devices, and the full range of aesthetic medicine therapies complemented by laser treatment. By merging the centre with the adjacent three-star Hotel & Spa Villa Aurelia, we have managed to create an excellent place for both treatment and great relaxation. The excellently equipped spa zone, with a swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, fitness room and body-building gym, provides an ideal place for relaxation, a place where one can recuperate after months of stressful work and big-city life. We have created this unique place thinking of people who want more from their lives than others, want to take care of • themselves and feel great at any age.

Phone: 508-250-242, 81 501-41-46, www.villaaurelia.pl 3/2017  polish market





ohn Paul II Health Clinic Pod Tężniami (Under the Graduation Towers) in Ciechocinek is over 35 years old. It helps minimize or eliminate ailments, and most importantly, the causes related to vertebral pain, discopathy, sciatica, cervicogenic migraines, muscle pain, joints ache, arthritis, post-injury and postorthopaedic surgery conditions, calcaneal spurs, “tennis elbow” and “golfer’s elbow”, and hypertension. “The treatment in our Clinic is comprehensive. We pay a lot of attention to diagnosis and search for the causes of ailments. When we are not certain of a diagnosis, we engage further specialists and equipment in order to learn the reason of an ailment. Only knowing the cause of an illness allows us to treat it effectively,” says Marcin Cikorski, Vice Managing Director of the John Paul II Health Clinic Pod Tężniami. The Clinic has a modern diagnostic and laboratory equipment at its disposal. Guests begin their visit at a doctor’s, then they go to the Research & Development Laboratory where we thoroughly analyse their feet and body posture. ”So far in our Research & Development Laboratory we have examined around 10 thousand people and each of them had some minor or major inaccuracies leading to potential sources of ailments. We need to remember, though, that despite the universality of such disorders, it is a doctor or therapist who has to decide if they are important in curing particular

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ailments and whether it is possible and justified to correct them. The examination in our Laboratory is just a beginning, it helps our doctors and therapists, but in order for it to be effective it has to be followed by certain proceedings such as manual therapy, exercises, or a medical consultation with a specialist and additional examination, if needed,” says Michał Dylewski, Head Specialist for Locomotor System Diagnostics. John Paul II Health Clinic Pod Tężniami Medical Service Co-operative was founded in 1979 initially as the Medical Spa Pod Tężniami with 1 building, 155 beds and 30 medical treatments. Currently it features 5 buildings accommodating 460 guests at the same time, and over 100 treatments. In 2016 our clinic served guests from 35 countries. Our Clinic hosts the Prof. Kaltenborn Manual Orthopaedic Therapy Centre. There are several Specialist Health Units in the Clinic: Rehabilitation, Rheumatology, Locomotor System Rehabilitation, Cardiology, Cardiology Rehabilitation, Laryngology, Dermatology and Diabetology. Our top specialists offer their services in a medical unit: general practitioner, rheumatologist, laryngologist, neurologist, cardiologist, urologist, dermatologist, diabetologist and dental surgeon. The Clinic’s facilities include a modern Wellness & Spa area with 4 water pools from aseptic stainless steel (recreational with hydro massage pool, saline water pool, all-season outdoor pool with heated water, child

pool), 4 saunas (dry, steam, aromatic, infrared), Cristal Salt Chamber with a mini graduation tower, Impression Shower (Arctic rain, tropical rain, sunny breeze) and Sunny Meadow for sunbathing. The Clinic offers a wide range of Cardiology Diagnostics: ECG with description, exercise stress test ECG, Echocardiogram with consulting, Holter ECG Monitoring and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring, Cardio training on a cycloergometer. Our Clinic can also help you with: hearing examination, spirometry examination, detailed blood examination (e.g. allergy, diabetes, cancer markers, anaemia, infertility, kidney diseases, thyroid, rheumatology, stomach ailment, obesity, heart, liver, hormones, food intolerance and many others), bioelectrical impedance analysis, sleep apnea examination, cartoid and vertebra ultrasound examination + Doppler, veins of the lower extremities ultrasound + Doppler, vessels of the lower extremities ultrasound + Doppler with a surgeon’s consultation, ultrasound, faeces examination, joints ultrasound with an orthopaedic’ s consultation, abdomen ultrasound, thyroid and other small organs ultrasound, urology ultrasound with an urologist’s consultation. •

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Smart City


The presence of SmartCity in the public debate no longer rises many eyebrows. This term is also increasingly mentioned in the offices of mayors of Polish cities. It is clear that the approach to the development of SmarCity has become very popular in Poland. Surveillance systems, public transport management, mobile applications are topics which have become permanent fixtures in the contemporary model of metropolitan development. Residents should rejoice and the authorities should bear in mind that urban development in line with this model brings about not only benefits, but also threats. Marcin Haber


IN THE EYE OF A CAMERA At the time of its implementation in the landscape of Polish cities urban surveillance system were controversial. Some claimed that they would allow the surveillance of the public. Today, when the systems are much more developed, these voices are no longer heard or they remain on the margins. The system has become a permanent element of our cities and few pay it any attention. Some people are not even aware of the fact that in cities there are hardly any places left which are not within the range of one or several urban surveillance cameras. Surveillance systems have helped improve security in cities, have raised the effectiveness of the work performed by the police and rescue services and have had a positive impact on the organization of traffic. One of the most obvious advantages is the ability to observe any undesirable events. Police has increased its effectiveness, this facilitating the work of the courts, which often could accurately reconstruct the course of events in question. Surveillance is not without its faults. In

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an ideal situation for the operators of such systems, the range of cameras covers 100% of the city. Apart from moral dilemmas, it is hard to find flaws in welldeveloped surveillance systems. Without a doubt, they improve safety in the cities in a meaningful way. It is hard to imagine situations in which the city would choose not to develop the systems that have become the eyes of the police and rescue services.

CITIZEN IN A SMART CITY Cities are for people. In the flood of technological innovations, improvements and quirks, one has to constantly keep in mind the basic assumptions. The city should be for the people, not the people for the city. This should be the direction of the development of Smart City, which has also been noticed by companies and local governments. After the first years of fascination with technological development and implementation of new solutions in urban organisms, attention has shifted back towards the residents. The idea of Smart City is evolving. After the initial approach oriented towards technologies, and

Smart City the second wave, which was focused on energy saving and enviromental protection, the time has come for the citizen. This is evident even in the case of mobile applications that integrate citizens and the city. In Warsaw, application 19115 called "Municipal Contact Centre" has been launched. It allows the inhabitants of Warsaw to actively participate in the life of the city, taking care of public order, report suspicious or undesirable behaviour. People now feel that they are citizens and not just inhabitants of the city. Another example, on a slightly larger scale, is the Regional Warning System. This application developed in conjuction with the Ministry of Digitisation alerts residents about violent weather phenomena, difficulties in traffic or other dangers. In practice, unfortunately, it does not always work effectively enough, but it definitely has the potential. The fact that almost every citizen has a smartphone has opened a huge door to Smart City applications. Precise location using GPS, instant access to the mobile Internet, instant access to information - these are just a few advantages of today's smartphones. Makers of applications, as well as municipal authorities are only limited by their imagination. The scale of opportunities to engage citizens in the life of cities is huge. Making appropriate use of the available technologies can improve the functioning of the city, but also increase the sense of identification with it.

SMART CITY OR CLOUD CITY? Technology development is clearly moving in the direction of cloud solutions. This applies also to the Smart City concept. It is thanks to the cloud, that it is possible to effectively link the city and the citizen. With cloud solutions, a citizen can become one of the millions of sensors in the urban body. It is through citizens with smartphones that the city can collect the necessary data and store them in the cloud. The development of telemetry, BigData and clouds opens up great opportunities for Smart City.

ELECTROMOBILITY The Polish government sees the potential of enviroment-friendly means of transport, so we can expect public support for the production of such vehicles. Ministry of Energy has adopted the Electromobility Development Plan and announced that by 2025 there should be 1 million electric vehicles driving on Polish roads, consuming some 4 TWh of electricity annually. Deputy Premier Mateusz Morawiecki, presenting this idea has not indicated clearly who is to produce electric cars. Knowing the attitude of the current government, it can be assumed that the ministry will want to find

Polish partners. One of the companies is Ursus, which recently started the production of electric buses. Karol Zarajczyk, President of the Management Board of Ursus S.A., in an interview for "Polish Market" said: “In September of this year, the Ursus Bus consortium won the tender for the supply of electric buses for Warsaw. Currently, at the Ursus plant in Lublin, we are able to make 100 buses annually. In 3-4 years we would like to manufacture a few hundred electric buses and trolleybuses annually. According to our analysis, over the next three years, in Polish cities alone tenders will be held for the purchase of 500600 new electric buses.” Electromobility is part of the Smart City concept for several reasons. One of the most important is the issue of storage of energy and its efficient use. Cities have a problem with that, mainly due to the diurnal nature of its use. For years, experts have been wondering how to bring a balance between day-time consumption, which uses a lot of it, and the night, when energy is wasted. Electric vehicles could help. By charging at night and storing energy in their batteries they would reduce the daily imbalance. The second obvious reason is environmental protection. Today cities - at least on paper - seek a maximum reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. This happens through smarter planning, zero or low energy buildings, as well as the introduction of cars and public transport powered by LNG or electricity. The authorities in Polish cities are considering, and some have already launched electric car rental schemes. They resemble the bike rental networks already in existence in cities such as Warsaw. An interesting project, showing the determination of the government on this issue, is the idea of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction, which assumes obligating developers to install chargers for electric cars in each new block of flats and in public buildings. Not long ago, electric cars were a science-fiction vision. Today, Tesla, Mercedes and Volvo already put into production cars that almost do not need a driver. Therefore, the vision of the Ministry of Economic Development is not as abstract as it may appear to be.


ARE WE FACING INFORMATION OVERLOAD? One of the retail chains has recently had to explain an unusual discovery made by its customer while paying for the shopping. It turned out that a camera was mounted on the check-out and trained at the customer making the payment. It was integrated into a program that analysed the age and gender

of the customer based on the image. At first glance - nothing disturbing. But what if the image and analysis data were combined with a shopping list, and possible data from customer payment card? The shop would then have gained detailed information - who did the shopping, at what time, on what day and what was purchased. Assuming that the customer regularly visited the shop, the owner had a very precise profile of the client, which could have been used without the customer's knowledge.

PRIVACY IN SMART CITY Mobile devices connected to a common network can create a serious threat to our privacy. Apparently, there already exist devices, allegedly used in shopping malls, by which the operators can learn about us much more than we would like - in addition - without our knowledge. They operate by recording attempts made by our phone or tablet to connect with Wi-Fi networks "saved" in the device. If our phone, after returning home or the place of work automatically connects to the Internet, the operator of the monitoring device knows our place of residence and work. Even when out of range of the network the phone checks every few seconds that it can connect to it, at the same time sending its data. The reading device captures this impulse and learns the network name, address, and even the exact moment of a successful login to it. It can thus create a chronological list of Wi-Fi networks to which we were connected. This allows a very precise determination of our location. Simply put - full surveillance. Devices at the shopping malls are used to track customer traffic through the mall, which is to assist in the distribution of stores and restaurants to make life easier for customers. However, it is very easy to imagine undesirable uses of such data. The idea of Smart City is a concept that allows making life easier for the inhabitants of the cities, to increase security, optimize road traffic and public transport. This approach can also work to protect the environment through rational energy consumption and heating. However, this is also an area that carries a lot of dangers and potential for undesirable side effects. One can easily imagine that even if at least some of the data collected on a daily basis is analyzed properly, it can provide comprehensive information about us. Starting with diet and lifestyle, through the place of residence and work, favourite places, friends and family, addictions, illness, up to the exact route travelled that day. Engaging in the development of this idea, we are faced with a philosophical question - how much freedom we sacrifice in order to live a more comfortable and safe life? • 3/2016  3/2017  polish market


Smart City


OF INNOVATION TADEUSZ FERENC, Mayor of the city of Rzeszów, talks to “Polish Market”.

You have been given a distinction in the ranking of the 50 most influential people in the Polish economy. This shows how much you have done for Rzeszów through the years of your mayoral governing. How do you see such rankings, and is this a reason to be proud of? Each ranking gives you a lot to think about. The most interesting are those in which we do not do very well. They show where we still have some catching up to do and in which areas to invest, so that the citizens could live better. Of course, these rankings in which we win give us a lot of satisfaction because they are confirmation that we do our job well. As for the latest "Gazeta Prawna’s" ranking of the 50 most influential people in the Polish economy, finding myself among them was a big surprise for me, especially when one looks at who these people are. I have to admit that I do not consider this distinction as a personal merit. This is the merit of the entire city – primarily its residents who are very involved in the matters of their city. I, as a mayor, am only their "face". We all work for the success of Rzeszów. For me, without a doubt, the greatest success is that the residents are proud that they live right here - in Rzeszów. I am happy with Rzeszów’s proactive entrepreneurs, and the concern of scientists and the students’ community about the development of Rzeszów as a vibrant academic centre. It is a process that I have been observing for years and which, I hope, will still continue. I am most proud of the fact that such wonderful people live in Rzeszów. PM

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Mayors of cities are rarely neutral persons to society. Most often they arouse easily visible emotions, you are one of the few who arouse positive ones. Is the support of citizens helpful for the Mayor of the city, or rather one can feel a higher pressure because of it? The support of residents is necessary for governing the city. I cannot imagine a different situation. I make decisions - sometimes difficult, encountering resistance. This is mainly due to the anxiety of people about new solutions. One should, however, be consistent if one is convinced of the rightness of such solutions. Of course, the support of residents also creates a greater pressure. The world is changing rapidly. The demands of citizens are growing, and we must meet them. But I am a man who works better under pressure. PM

Polish cities have embraced the idea of ​​ Smart City. And what is the situation like in Rzeszów? For years, it was a city associated with very dynamic development. Today nobody says in disbelief that the promotional slogan of the city. "Rzeszów - the Capital of Innovation" is exaggerated. Over the last few years, innovation has appeared in almost all areas of our lives. Rzeszów is an increasingly attractive place for companies in the sector of modern business services. Last year, Deloitte and PwC decided to open their headquarters in Rzeszów. Advanced technologies are guaranteed by Pratt&Whitney, MTU, Borg Warner, Hamilton Sundstrand, ML-System, D.A. Glass, Fibrain, Nestle (NQAC) and Elmak. Rzeszów is home to the Aviation Valley Cluster, Podkarpacie PM

Information Technology, Poligen Cluster of Plastics Processing, Podkarpacie Country Life Quality Cluster, Podkarpackie Renewable Energy Cluster. The city is a centre of research & development and advanced technology companies from the aviation, IT, chemical, pharmaceutical, optics and special lighting sectors. The startup business, Academic Business Incubators, Aeropolis Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park, Technology Incubator in Rzeszów. We pay a lot of attention to the introduction of new solutions in education. For several years curriculums in secondary schools have been adapted to the needs of entrepreneurs. In this way, classes educating students for professions such as avionics technician, avionics mechanics technician, mechatronics technician, and ports & terminals operation techniques technician were created at schools. As a result, entrepreneurs are provided with well-educated staff, which in turn encourages them to choose Rzeszów for the location of their manufacturing facilities. Last year we completed the first part of the project to build an integrated public transport system in the city of Rzeszów and the surrounding area. The project was worth more than PLN 400million. Within it, intersections and streets were rebuilt and Rzeszów Intelligent Transportation System was introduced. 80 modern buses powered by diesel and compressed natural gas were purchased. The camera system and data transfer allowed for the optimization of traffic management and the public transport • system throughout the city.

Smart City

3/2016  polish market


Smart City

THIS IS MORE THAN AN EVOLUTION PIOTR GRZYMOWICZ, PhD, Mayor of Olsztyn, talks to “Polish Market.” Olsztyn has joined the trend directed toward creating a smart city. We can observe that in city transport management and mobile applications for tourists. How serious are you about that direction of development and what are the results? There is no going back from the idea of a smart city. It is a necessity of our times and an effect of technological progress. Smart solutions have already entered our homes, so our municipalities cannot stay behind either. This is one of the issues that the citizens are going to hold us accountable for because the result of a “smart city” is a “friendly city” both to its citizens and the people who have decided to visit it and take advantage of it. For these reasons we are trying to introduce smart, friendly solutions in every aspect of life in Olsztyn. The full scope of them is available on our website: www.cyfrowy.olsztyn.pl. Smart solutions concern both large areas such as transport and the related ITS system of traffic management, passenger information and a city card, as well as some particular areas such as a cemetery application which allows you to identify and view a grave in the cemeteries of Olsztyn, https://msipmo.olsztyn.eu/ zck/start.html. A separate group of applications are the ones which allow us to contact digitally with the city office and to handle tax, or other official issues without leaving home or work. Our edeklaracje.olsztyn.eu and epo.olsztyn.eu applications have been highly recognised and received an “IT Wings in Administration 2016” award. Another very popular application is "Safe Olsztyn”, http://bezpieczny.olsztyn.eu/, which informs you about all the threats and difficulties, including those PM

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about the weather, and also about events. In 2016 the website had over 1.2 million visits whereas the mobile version had over 360,000. We have a Spatial Information System, https:// msipmo.olsztyn.eu/imap/, for investors, and a portal with a mobile application for tourists, http://www.visit.olsztyn.eu/. Can we talk about the mobile application for a moment? How does it work and what are the benefits for the people who use that virtual guide around the city? Olsztyn offers tourists free access to two tourist applications. The first one is Visit. Olsztyn, which is a complementary tool for the functionalities of the parallel city tourist portal, www.visit.olsztyn.eu. It is a multimedia guide around the city made with the augmented reality technology (enhanced reality). This mobile application for a smartphone allows anybody to interactively use the tourist information displayed on a telephone screen. It uses geolocation technology, which means that the user receives information about objects nearby, and the navigation helps them or her to reach the places of interest without any obstacles. How does it work? After the system is installed, an interactive map with points of interest appears on a screen. Any section of the map may be enlarged. Then the name of the chosen object appears. You can also see what point on the map you are in relation to the object. When you are at the object, you should start the augmented reality option in the application and next “catch” it in your phone camera. In spring Olsztyn launched another tourists application. Audio-Trip enables tourist to learn about the most interesting monuments

and attractions of Olsztyn through a mobile application. The tour includes 13 points and the recorded city guide is two hours long. The application is available in three language versions: Polish, English and German. The application is compatible with all mobile devices and allows everybody to learn about the most important places without a guide.


Are you making any investments in infrastructure or systems related to Smart City at the moment, or are you planning any further actions in these areas? The city is developing, so its smart solutions must follow this development. Above all, in relation to the second stage of the tram tracks construction, we are going to develop the ITS system. It is going to cover the whole scope of the new tram project as well as the investment activities executed in the centre of Olsztyn within the eco mobility project. We intend to start an open Public Tender Portal in the area of service for business, which will be a source of knowledge on all projects performed under the Act on Public Tenders that are attempted by the City Hall and its units. PM

Do you think that this model of city development is a matter of fashion, or it is rather a natural evolution that other cities will follow? Perhaps fashion was the impulse for local governments to be “smart”. Today, however, no serious city may act in this area by following fashion only. On the contrary, looking at what is happening in cities, we have to admit that it is already more than an evolution, it is a revolution. Those who oppose it, will • not survive. PM

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Smart City

DIGITAL REVOLUTION HIDDEN IN A PEN Filling in a paper and electronic document at the same moment with the help of a pen alone, the Polish from IC Solutions are revolutionising the service market by simplifying procedures of contract making, giving consent and filling in forms. Rafał Witkowki, PhD, President of the Board, and Przemysław Jesionowski, Business Development Director of IC Solutions, tell "Polish Market" about their solution. How does IC Pen work? Przemysław Jesionowski: From the point of view of a user, it does not differ from an ordinary pen. From the point of view of its design, there are a lot of differences. It includes a video camera that reads what we write on paper. After filling in a specially prepared contract form, the pen sends encrypted data to the system that we have developed. There a digital version of the document is created. It is simple, yet revolutionary. That document does not require any additional actions. Once it is filled in by hand, it is sent to the system in the digital form. What is important, a document filled in by hand as well as the digital version can be deemed originals. None of them is a copy. Rafał Witkowski: The system can also operate without access to the Internet thanks to built-in memory in the pen. It is particularly important in areas where access to the network is limited. PM

But it is not only about the pen, the form is also important… Przemysław Jesionowski: The form can be printed on a laser printer. So, there is no technological barrier. Banks, hospitals, public offices or any place where paper forms are used will not have any problems with printing the document used for IC Pen. There is one element that distinguishes the document compatible with our solutions: tiny, almost invisible dots that cover the form. They are made during printing and are unique for each document. The camera inside the pen reads the connections between the dots that are made with the ink from the pen. As a result, our system can reflect the document in a digital PM

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version. It is essential that we use the same sheets of paper and printers as in conventional documents. Besides the pen, no additional equipment is necessary. Rafał Witkowski: Paradoxically, from the user’s point of view, the less you know about our solution, the easier it is to use it. You grab the pen and fill in a form, just as it was before. A client does not even wonder if the document is a little different from the standard form, and that at the same moment a digital version of it is being made. It is related to our Invisible Computing mission, which means creating solutions that from the user’s point of view are not perceptible and they do not require any additional competence.

different countries and in order to train them to use new system, you have to pay for their arrival one or two days earlier, accommodate them and provide food. These generate huge costs, which can be avoided thanks to IC Pen. Our pen does not require any additional training. Our system also facilitates a thing that had not been possible up to now: to receive the results of the election watch right after it is finished. Before the official announcement of the elections, a report confirming its democratic nature was already ready. It is important that IC Pen can be used everywhere where there is no Internet or even computer access. And it is often the case with the OSCE observers.

How does the system identify the words written in paper? Rafał Witkowski: The system looks for a given word in all the Polish language words. If we fill in the “Name and surname” field, the search scope narrows. It is a learning system. It remembers the words that it did not have in its database earlier. Additionally, it learns a given handwriting, which helps in case you write indistinctly.

What can you tell us about data security? In case of the data of patients, bank clients, or elections, this seems to be a critical issue? Przemysław Jesionowski: We have been positively verified by a number of audits. From the point of view of the OSCE, we underwent every procedure related to data security. We gained trust of the OSCE and now we are also going to be present during the elections in Russia, Ukraine and Mongolia. We comply with the general security regulations, and also the local ones, for example the Polish Act on Personal Data Security and Data Transfer. Rafał Witkowski: The data that we collect are coded in the form of a stream of numbers, that in the pen and during transmission, are not related to the context of the document they have been written in. Decoding those streams happens only in our software. Simply put, there is no possibility for the data to be used in an undesirable way. •


Your project has been available for a relatively short period of time, yet it has already been used by the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe). Perhaps it is a sign of its quality, but for you it is a perfect reference. Owing to that co-operation, recently, we, as the only European company, took part in the elections in the USA. In the case of the OSCE, our system has some additional advantages. The OSCE observers come from many PM



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Higher Education


EDUCATES FUTURE EMPLOYERS PROF. MAREK ROCKI, Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś. What is your opinion about the consolidation of higher educational institutions? We are receiving signals that they are too dispersed in Poland. The consolidation mechanism we are just introducing – which means combining the potential of individual academic centres - is to be a remedy for this state of affairs. It is true that our higher educational institutions are dispersed. Publicly available data show that there are over 20 higher educational institutions in Poland which employ less than nine persons. It is a dramatic situation. In fact, an academic institution employing less than nine people should not be regarded as a higher educational institution. Also, there are slightly over 20 non-public institutions which employ more than 100 persons. This is equivalent to the size of an average department at a large public university. And this means that a major part of non-public higher educational institutions in Poland are micro institutions. A dramatic and shocking fact for me is that there is a higher educational institutions in Poland which employs only eight workers and has more than 1,200 students. If you want to see a positive side, this may mean that the institution is skilfully managed through outsourcing. But even if this is the case, one can hardly expect such a an institution to have any academic community. This shows that changes to the higher education system, in terms of the number and types of institutions, will be taking place. PM


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At the beginning of the year, the PWSZ college in Sandomierz was merged with the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce.

The reason was that enrolment at the PWSZ was low. And since it was a state-run higher educational institution it was incorporated into another state-run institution. Such moves will be taking place and have already been noted by the Polish Accreditation Commission. This is inseparably associated not only with the excessively large number of higher educational institutions in Poland, but also with the present demographic trend. As the number of candidates is on the decrease, so is the number of students. It is obvious that the number of higher educational institutions in Poland will inevitably change. Can you imagine the SGH taking over another educational institution? I do not rule out this. However, these additional students would have to find a place for themselves here in Warsaw in our academic centre, that is on the SGH campus, because since the early 1990s the basic rule at the SGH has been that SGH students select their lecturers and lectures themselves. Meanwhile, we have enrolled a more or less the same number of students for years because it is impossible to accommodate more of them in our buildings. Therefore, if we want to preserve our students’ right to choose lectures and lecturers freely we cannot have a larger number of students. PM

And what about departments operating outside the SGH campus in other cities? We had such a department in Rzeszów. I was among those who wanted it closed down because it did not meet conditions for the free choice of lectures and lecturers. From the PM

Higher Education point of view of economics, this could perhaps be justifiable. But from the point of view of the quality of classes and their organization, it is impossible. The SGH has a steady number of students – between 10,000 and 12,000 – which means that the population decline does not affect you much. It is true. In the enrolment process we always have considerably more candidates than the number of places we offer. Considering quality indicators, we are not going to change that. PM

employers who should appraise the graduates and the curriculum. Subjectively, we are unable to assess whether a programme of study that we offer meets the needs of the labour market. It is the employers who know what skills they expect from graduates of economics, finance and management. So we ask them what they expect. But it should also be added that a large part of our graduates set up their own businesses. We educate future employers. Have you managed to set up a course tailored to the specific needs of an employer? The number of courses should not be excessive. Curricula, particularly in our field, should not be too narrow. Experience shows us that, as graduates change jobs, they should be flexible. This means that a management graduate should be able to manage both a hospital and a sports club well. He or she has to be a good manager in the first place. PM

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education has analysed the choices of last year’s high-school leavers. As in the previous years, science and engineering courses enjoyed the biggest popularity. Did the ELA system contribute to this interest given that it enables comparing individual programmes of study in the context of the financial situation of the graduates and their success on the labour market? The ELA system has been launched only recently so I think that the choices made on its basis will be reflected in the enrolment for the academic year 2017/2018. I am very satisfied with the findings of the ELA research. One year after graduation, graduates of my course - Quantitative Methods and Information Systems – earn on average PLN6,000 a month. I am very happy about it. However, the ELA report also contains some unpleasant data. We have learnt from it that there are higher educational institutions and programmes of study where 20% of the graduates earn less than PLN800. It follows from the research I have conducted that economics graduates can be divided into two groups: those who have graduated from the SGH and other universities of economics, and those who have completed their degrees in economics at other types of higher educational institutions, like for example universities of technology, agricultural universities and schools of education. The graduates of the SGH and economics universities earn on average PLN2,500 while the other graduates earn 50% less. I think a programme of study has to be consistent with the specific type of the higher educational institution to produce good results.

In order to carry out their mission at a higher level, higher educational institutions should undergo a number of changes. Can the introduction of entrance exams raise the quality of tertiary education? Do you support the idea of entrance exams? I do. However, the required entrance exams will not solve the problem. I am afraid that, at the present time of population decline and a shortage of candidates, the exams may be trivialized. Entrance exams make sense when there is a surplus of candidates. In 1990, when I became pro-rector for teaching and computerization, candidates had to pass three entrance exams: in geography or history, mathematics and a foreign language. I introduced an exam in a second foreign language and then an exam in enterprise. I did so to improve the selection process, to select the best candidates. Having gone through such a tough selection process, we could be sure that even if we occasionally lost a “diamond”, none of the candidates would become a student by accident. It is worth adding that since the 1990s we have recruited candidates for the SGH rather than for specific faculties. In the course of their studies, students choose subjects by themselves and one can say that on this basis they design their own programme of study until the moment of writing a master’s thesis.

But perhaps the reason is that you are interested in working even closer with employers so that, among other things, it is easier for them to influence the shape of programmes of study. Of course. We have been doing so since the beginning of the 1990s. The SGH Corporate Partners Club has operated at the SGH since 1998 because we decided then it was the

But now there is no entrance exam. Indeed. This role is now played by the highschool-leaving exam of the new type, which is a central and general exam. However, I believe that the leaving exam is a good tool for comparing high schools, but not a good tool for selecting candidates. Those who have performed well at the school-leaving exam do not always make good economics students. They






are good, but they are not what I would expect. This is partly because of the absence of an obligatory mathematics exam in the past years. In the Law 2.0 contest, three proposals for the reform of the higher education sector were selected as a basis for working out a new law on higher education. Are you going to approve one of the proposals? It is too early to talk about it. I do not know what will come out of these proposals, the more so as these concepts are not coherent. I will wait to see what Minister Jarosław Gowin has decided. PM

And what is your comment on the proposal of tuition fees for some courses? This would be unconstitutional. Studies at state-run higher educational institutions are financed from the national budget, though they may collect fees for some services. Even the Constitutional Court’s ruling states that “law may allow public higher educational institutions to provide some educational services for a fee. Therefore, fees may be collected for using infrastructure, classes and computer courses, for instance, because these are additional services. But it is impossible to collect fees for one programme of study and do not collect them for another programme. This is in contradiction with the logic of the functioning of public schools. However, it is true that the national budget cannot afford financing all possible programmes. And here I want to return to your first question – of key importance for the higher education system is not so much consolidation as looking for rationality in educational programmes. Programmes of study should meet the needs of the labour market. Only then can we talk about spending pub• lic money in a reasonable way. PM

3/2017  polish market


Higher Education

TALENT MAY BE BORN ANYWHERE PROF. ALOJZY Z. NOWAK, Dean of the Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś. The year 2016 ended with a success for the Faculty of Management. In the Eduniversal business school league table the Faculty of Management University of Warsaw was ranked first in Poland and third in Eastern Europe. For the first time ever we received the highest distinction, Palm of Excellence, in the ranking of the prestigious Eduniversal agency. It is the highest category, composed of the world’s best business schools with international reach. The deans taking part in the vote assessed 1,000 business schools from 154 countries. The first place in this league table in Poland is a reason for special satisfaction to us. As regards the league table for Eastern Europe, it was not for the first time that we were ranked third and we are now on the right track to win an even higher position. It is worth adding that the best schools from across the world, such as Harvard and the London School of Economics, take part in the ranking. The ranking is divided into individual regions, which I think is right because educational standards and economic conditions differ from region to region. Of course, there are many rankings – this one is among the more important, but it does not solve all our PM

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problems. We try, for example, to do more to become better known in the world. This is why we are seeking accreditation with American and European associations. Taking part in rankings is important because the globalizing world attaches importance to data published in electronic form and in social media. Otherwise, it is difficult for a school to be noticed on the educational map of the world. Do you take into consideration the fact that rankings influence future students in their school choices. Yes, I am convinced that the rankings have an influence – not only on choices made by students, but also on decisions taken by the governments of some countries when they consider funding for students and their education abroad. PM


The Faculty of Management was ranked first in Poland, receiving the highest score in the Deans Vote, ahead of the Warsaw School of Economics and Kozminski University. Your faculty, part of the University of Warsaw, was ranked higher than these two schools, which specialize exclusively in economics.

I see it as a great distinction. Of course, we cooperate with the SGH, but at the same time it is a point of reference and a competitor for us. It is customary that universities educate students in a slightly different way than typical business schools. What way? Universities approach education in a bit more versatile manner. Our goal is not only to adapt our curricula to the requirements of the labour market, but we also want to influence the market and shape it. We are convinced that a solid education enables the graduates to quickly adapt to the requirements of the market. PM

If you want to shape the market you should work with employers to get to know their expectations. Yes, and we indeed work with them. We have formal agreements with many institutions, including international ones. Our students take part in symposia, internships, training and summer schools. There is a unit of this kind in Cyprus, for instance, where every year 10 students from our faculty take part in training courses. They are funded by PM

Higher Education international financial institutions and the lecturers are outstanding economists. In Poland, we cooperate with various companies, including PZU, an insurance company, and banks: PKO BP, BOŚ and BZ WBK. We want our students to have an opportunity to work as interns in various institutions and to learn how businesses important for the economy operate. We also want these large institutions to find out about how we educate students. We work together in a symbiosis, but there is also some interdependence between us. This interaction brings positive results. The problem of managerial education exists across the world. I am coming to this conclusion as I attend various symposia. And I can see that foreign schools are of the same opinion. Until the big crisis 10 years ago it all seemed well though-out, also at higher educational institutions. A point of reference were MBA programmes, which were modelled on courses offered at American schools, especially those from the West Coast. But many has changed since then. The crisis and its consequences have resulted in the diversification of educational models and methods, and curricula. A behavioural approach is now more important. Man matters. It is very important for the Faculty of Management University of Warsaw as well. Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska, president of the Polish Economic Society, often stresses that man, society, is important in economics. It is true. There was a time when man was a factor of production. The consumer had disappeared. Meanwhile, a different approach is desirable in management, one which takes into account the value and importance of the human factor. PM

Have the employers you cooperate with ever suggested what they would like you to focus in the education process? Of course. For example, in our cooperation with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), it is important that it may influence the way in which students are educated. It is very important, especially when it comes to post-graduate courses, in which case we have to do with graduates of some specific type and have to take into account to a greater extent the management model existing in the given company. Although, of course, it is the university that gives the student the basic resource of knowledge. Additionally, we must not fail to take into account that there are changes taking place in the surrounding environment. We have to adjust to the needs of economic practice and the changing environment. And we are doing so. PM


We are receiving signals that higher educational institutions are too dispersed in Poland. This affects the quality of education. The idea of merging higher educational institutions has appeared. What is your opinion about this consolidation? To be frank, I am not particularly interested in that. I am responsible for the Faculty of Management University of Warsaw. I would like our degrees to be recognizable in Poland and abroad. Gifted people, from both small towns and big cities, can study at our university. Small institutions will probably have to merge with other schools and I guess that no one wants that. But this is unavoidable. In my view, the problem is that very gifted students from small academic centres are unable to get financial means to make it possible for them to study at a large academic centre. As for the quality of education, I think that the level of education of our society has significantly increased. PM

It has increased? I am surprised. I thought that this dispersion has had a negative impact on the quality of education. However, it has indeed increased. Among the newly enrolled students, 7% are excellent students and I think they are now better prepared than in the times when I was a student. But we are talking not only about the 7% of outstanding students. I have recently taken part in a dozen or so meetings between our students and outstanding scientists. I was proud of them. They are always well prepared and can talk in English about details from the lecturers’ books. Polish graduates easily compete with graduates from other countries. The problem is that there is no appropriate system for identifying and promoting very gifted students. But I am optimistic. I have worked at the university since 1984 and can see how students, the research staff and education in general are changing. Poland’s opening to Europe and the world brought about changes in our country and our higher educational institutions are adjusting to the requirements of contemporary teaching standards. For example, the largest higher educational institutions have started to offer on-line lectures. Students in Poland also take part in them. PM

This is not a good solution. Contact between students and their school is important. After all, when granting a degree you have to know whether the young person really deserves it. Indeed. But how can you make young people come to lectures? You have to attract them with the quality of education and the personality of the lecturer. Prof. Kazimierz Ryć PM

says it is important not only what we teach, but also how we teach. The Americans, for example, do not learn through memorization. The student is expected to study, be open and think rather than memorize. The exams do not check what the students know, they check their ability to assimilate knowledge. I think this is a good system. At the end of last year, delegations from Brazil and Peru paid visits to the Faculty of Management. What can be expected of this cooperation with South America? As I already said, we would like our Faculty to be recognized in the world. The University of Warsaw is already known in Peru, Brazil and other South American countries. However, I think that we should exploit this fact to a greater extent. My experience from that part of the world and from Asia tells me that we should invest there, just as we did in the past. As a result, one third of the Vietnamese government can speak Polish. The worst thing is when we educate a foreigner and then do nothing. We should change our country’s policy in this respect. If we want to educate foreign students in Poland we have to attract them by financing their studies. A foreign student in Poland pays a price comparable to prices at Anglo-Saxon universities. In this situation, making the decision whether to study in Poland or in London they choose London. The only way to attract foreign students to Poland is to fund their studies. It cannot be ruled out that 10 or 20 years after graduation these people will be occupying very important posts in their countries. And then our mutual relations will have al• ready been established. PM

3/2017  polish market


Higher Education

CO-OPERATION BETWEEN SCIENCE AND BUSINESS? IT IS POSSIBLE PAWEŁ NOWAK, PhD, Eng., Vice-Dean for Development, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), talks to “Polish Market.” A lot of new ideas and trends have been developed in construction in recent years, for example low and zero-energy buildings. What is the contribution of Polish universities and the Warsaw University of Technology in creating those solutions in the Polish market? The Faculty of Civil Engineering was founded in 1915, but its tradition dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. Students are taught at the specialization of Civil Engineering (BSc, MSc and PhD studies). The Faculty also offers studies in Civil Engineering where all classes are provided in English. Moreover, we offer several postgraduate studies related to road and railway construction and maintenance, psychology of work in construction and management in Civil Engineering. The Faculty employs 146 academic teachers, including 18 professors (including 10 titular professors) and 8 associate professors. The total number of students is over 2500. In the 100-year-long tradition of the Faculty, thousands of engineers graduated from it, and they have creatively used their knowledge in engineering, as well as in research in Poland and abroad. Scientific research conducted at the Faculty concentrates on the following fields: durability of materials and buildings structures, special concrete technologies, aspects of sustainable development in civil engineering, design and implementation of modern water- and PM

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chemically-proof insulations, energy audits and certificates, design, diagnostics and reinforcement of structures. The Faculty develops modern ways of teaching, such as the MOODLE distance learning system, and introduces new teaching and research fields of knowledge, like Building Information Modelling (BIM) and low energy construction, such as Siemens installation of photo galvanic panels; project APSE - use of eco-friendly materials for a new concept of Asphalt Pavements for a Sustainable Environment; and project NGS – Concrete - New Generation Shielding Concrete against ionizing radiation. Can you tell us about co-operation between science and business? We can assume that the industry that your Faculty specialises in is a good platform for this co-operation? The Dean's Advisory Board (DAB) provides guidance, advice, and support to help the Faculty achieve its strategic objectives. Board members represent a variety of large and small, local and international companies, as well as professional bodies and governmental agencies. Nowadays, the board consists of over 50 members, each of them serves a four-year term. The members attend board meetings and other events/functions (by invitation: events such as the Faculty Day or Job Fairs at the Faculty). They are informed about the Faculty programme, its PM

students, curriculum, services/support. The members provide support and advice to study programmes, assist in the development of new programmes, and identify best practice standards to adjust Faculty programmes to the job market demand. The board members realistically assess the job market demand for programme graduates and provide advice regarding the programme to ensure it produces graduates with the skills required to meet employment needs. They share developments in the field of education in construction and serve as ambassadors and advocates for the Faculty programme providing exchange of information and ideas with practitioners in the field and other external contacts. They also assess the value of the curriculum and teaching practice and work with the Faculty’s staff to ensure that the programme delivers learning that is up-to-date, and relevant to current business, industry, job, and professional employment practices. Companies represented in the Dean's Advisory Board often delegate their staff for teaching purposes at the Faculty. The best examples of such co-operation are practical subjects offered to students such as: BIM in Practice or Construction in Practice where professionals of the industry share their state-of-theart knowledge and experience taken directly from design or consulting offices and building sites. The board members facilitate placement of the programme graduates. They, in

Higher Education general, very quickly find a job – up to 36.3% of the responses appear in less than a month, and 25.7% are employed in the current work on the initiative of the employer or recruitment companies. 16.4% of the respondents find work in 1 to 2 months. Only 4% of the respondents indicate that the time of searching for a job is more than 6 months. The Dean's Advisory Board also helps the Faculty organise obligatory, by law, practical activities for almost 400 students yearly. Co-operation on a daily basis helps also with successful application for EU-funded projects. The most recent examples are two innovative projects within the Erasmus+ scheme: CLOEMC IV, related to the creation of manuals for Construction Managers’ Library (this one organised in co-operation with AWBUD S.A.) and ARFAT, health and safety courses in the area of formworks and scaffoldings assembling (with PERI S.A.).

Members of the Smart City Student Association at a meeting Your students have won awards in international competitions, recently for a Smart City project. It proves that, despite the Faculty’s over one hundred years of tradition, you follow the current trends. My question is: Should a university adjust to the market requirements, or do you teach so universally that your students have few problems with adapting to the reality of a job market? Despite the more than a century-old tradition, the Faculty goes with the times. Our programmes are adjusted to the industry needs, with a crucial role of the Dean's Advisory Board. The students are active in many forms of professional and scientific activities. The latest example is the establishment of the Smart City Student Association (SCSA). The SCSA is an inter-faculty research group that gathers students from different fields of engineering. The association currently consists of students from five faculties: Faculty of Civil Engineering (leading Faculty), Faculty of Mechatronics, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering and Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography. The SCSA is a freshman in the league of the university's research groups. It was established in September 2016 at the initiative of three students: Katarzyna Deperas (Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering), Piotr Grudzień (Civil Engineering and Power Engineering) and Kacper Skawiński (Control Engineering and Robotics). Their mentor is Adam Dolot, PhD, Head of the Division of Architecture, Urban Planning and Drawing. Their idea was to create a place and environment where students would be able to work in interdisciplinary teams on projects improving the livability and quality of life in future cities. The members of PM

the research group focus on the development of knowledge in the following areas: interindustry co-operation in the process of urban design; sustainable buildings and innovative solutions to energy problems of cities; integrated transport systems; creating livable and environmentally friendly areas; and computerization of city management. The inner diversity of the members’ experience and knowledge allows them to create out-ofthe-box ideas and concepts. Despite its young age, the Smart City Student Association has already achieved significant successes. The cocoNET project was a finalist in the international competition Cradle to Cradle organized by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute and Autodesk which involved 98 projects from around the world. It is a design of an ecology mosquito net, which stops air pollution on its surface. The project is still developing and now its creators participate in the Imagine Cup – Smart City, a competition organized by Microsoft. The SCSA also has a second team participating in the same competition, the Smart univerCITY project. This is an application for the student community that helps you find easily and intuitively scientific events of your interest. The third project of the scientific group is called REsquare. It is a design of a city square reinvented as the Commons. Citizens can vote for its function and appearance every month and enjoy their nearby square transforming into something new. The project was submitted for the VINCI 2017 Innovation Awards. In addition the SCSA members prepare workshops for children about urban transport. Their weekly meetings are fruitful and full of ideas. They usually run them in the form of workshops,

implementing design thinking methodology, which allows to brainstorm and come up with inspiration for new projects. Occasional special guests from various fields of science, business and local government help them create • and develop the Smart City vision.


3/2017  polish market


Higher Education



elation between India and Poland is very historic and friendly based on real value of need indeed. It is well said 'a friend in need is a friend indeed’, which is very much applicable for Poland-India friendship. Evidently, India-Poland relations begun centuries ago but get recognition in 15th century. Academic relations came in existence when a Chair of Sanskrit was set up at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow in 1893. But emotionally, what brings Poles closer to Indians is World War II, when some of 6,000 Poles, mainly orphans released from Siberia, and welcomed by then Jam Sahib of Nawanagar with open hurt and extended full hospitality. Later, diplomatic missions in 1954 and Indian embassy in 1957 has been established. Today, Poland and India is known of it’s own uniqueness and bilateral trade relations between India and Poland has crossed 3 billion in 2016, and expected to reach 5 billion by 2018, on the way for 10 billion by 2022. But there is a sector which has not been considered yet as potential area of cooperation is ‘education’. In one hand, when Polish educational system is going through transition process and many universities/institutes are struggling or loosing their glimpse of higher value of long traditions (due to demographic changes), many private universities and schools are on the way to be closed (not getting enough number of qualified students to be admitted); other hand- higher education in India is undergoing considerable changes. With over 600 million people in India under 25 years old, the system is under tremendous pressure to expand. India has the largest education system in the world in terms of the number of institutions, and largest in terms of the number of

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students. According to Census figures, over 32 per cent of the 1.34 billion population is between the age group 0-14. Since these students will be seeking higher education in India over the next decade it illustrates the sheer size of the Indian education market. As per today India has 34.2 million students enrolled in territory education, by illustration, it would need another 800 universities and over 40000 colleges in the next eight years to provide the planned additional 14 million places. The indicators shows that by 2020, India needs 40 million university places (an increases of 14 million), and 500 million skilled workers. Recent data shows that Indian youth started to take interest for Polish universities. In 2014, total number of Indian students studying in Poland was 227, has been dramatically increased up to 896 in 2016 (based on only official available data but unofficial data linked with many private universities total Indian students studying in Poland is about 2500, until January 2017), and expected to cross 5000 by 2022. Thus, Poland and India must consider education as a business opportunities for both the countries and participate in two way: increasing number of well qualified students from India to Poland and Polish Investor may consider to invest in education sector in India.

POLAND GO INDIA PROJECT To facilitate Polish educational institutions and business elites Indo-European Education Foundation has launched a project called “Poland Go India” which will start with conference in March 2017, under Honorary Patronage of Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Republic of Poland, Mr. Jarosław Gowin. Project is dedicated to address all needs of Polish universities in the areas of academic, non-academic and industrial cooperation. In order

to facilitate Poland and Polish entrepreneurs as well as educational institutions for Indian market, it’s very necessary to discuss opportunities and barriers existing for India and Poland, and provide possible ways to start new cooperation. To address all these issues we are organizing following activities: • “Poland Go India - Opportunities and challenges” in March, 2017, Rzeczpospolita Office; • International Conference on “Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village” scheduled on 26th-27th April 2017 at University of Applied Sciences in Nysa; • “Doing Business in India” seminars for polish entrepreneurs; • Dedicated programme for students and scholars based on Academia-Industry Interlinked model of Business Cooperation. We are inviting you to be the part of our projects and get maximum benefits through new approach from old and known friendsIndia and Poland. •

Indo-European Education Foundation www.ieef.pl p.kumar@ieef.pl; r.zukowska@ieef.pl


ECONOMY: REGULATE OR DEREGULATE? PROF. ELŻBIETA MĄCZYŃSKA, Warsaw School of Economics, President of the Polish Economic Society


his question is still the subject of sharp controversies and disputes among economists in many countries, including Poland. Finding the golden mean between the degree of regulation and deregulation of an economy is one of the fundamental conditions for harmonious socio-economic development and of feasibility conditions for strategies assumed in this field. The importance of this issue was spectacularly highlighted as a result of the global financial crisis that began in 2007 – 2008 in the USA. Its consequences are still felt in some countries, and the applied remedial measures often prove to be insufficient - in fact, they treat the symptoms, but do not appear to be fully effective in eliminating the causes of crises. Scientific research conducted on this topic, which is aimed at finding the anti-crisis remedy, is the subject of numerous publications. A book entitled "Balancing the Banks: Global Lessons from the Financial Crisis” can be regarded as one of the most important in this field. Its translation into Polish was made available recently by the Polish Economic Society - as part of the series entitled ”Nobliści z ekonomii” (literally: Nobel Prize Winners in Economics). One of the book’s authors is French scientist Jean Tirole – laureate of The Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden) Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. He received these highest ranking scientific laurels in 2014 for his analysis of market power and regulation. These issues are also clearly marked in the book discussed here. Very inspiring reflections on the coherence and incoherence of economic theory and practice, which are presented in this publication, are undoubtedly the results of cooperation

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of the team of three authors, whose member, next to Jean Tirole, is Mathias Dewatripont, a Belgian economist, scientist and practitioner, economics professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles (the University of Brussels) and executive director of the National Bank of Belgium, and Jean-Charles Rochet, a French econometrician, professor of banking at the University of Zurich. This French-Belgian-Swiss scientific and empirical cooperation resulted in an enlightening mix of the analyses and theoretical reflections with hands-on experience. Thus, this book constitutes a very useful – both in terms of practice and theory - confrontation of theoretical achievements in economic sciences with economic reality, including lessons resulting from economic crises. Although this book mainly focuses on banking, the analyses, reflections and recommendations presented in it will certainly have a wider dimension. In fact, it is not difficult to find in them a number of direct and indirect analogies relating to the non-banking world of business, but also to the functioning of the state, globalization and free market economy models. The authors attempt to answer a series of difficult and still open questions concerning not only the banking sector. The basic of these is the question: to regulate or not to regulate? In a situation where the recent financial crisis strongly undermined confidence in the financial sector, this subject is of particular importance, especially that the authors of the book point to the possibilities of avoiding pitfalls resulting from both inadequate and excessive faith in the official precautionary regulations in the financial world. They are looking for a golden balance between such regulations and the free market. It is a challenging task, particularly in a situation of persistently continuing adverse phenomena in banking, such as, among others, the states of excess liquidity associated with the very low or even negative interest rates encountered in many countries. It is accompanied by the phenomenon of liquidity trap, that is the low level of investment despite financial resources administered

by investors, which involves relatively low demand for bank loans. At the same time, the authors observe that in the situation of economic downturn and the poor performance of businesses there is an increasing risk and a temptation to use accounting tricks, that is creative accounting. What is also growing is the risk and the temptation to use a variety of financial innovations. The authors of the book also remind us that "creative accounting" was practised during numerous crises, which at the same time was a sign of the ineffectiveness of precautionary regulations. They invoke on historical experience, which teaches us that when a crisis breaks out, it is necessary to fairly and promptly order banks' balance sheets to counteract the crisis; no accounting tricks will help then. As proof of this, they point to the highly spectacular contrast between the course of crises in the 1990s in Scandinavia and Japan. They show that Japanese "procrastination" led to long-term economic stagnation, the very slow growth of GDP, while Scandinavia "grabbed the bull by the horns" and much faster returned to a satisfactory rate of economic growth. Inter alia in such context the authors of the book justify the need for precautionary regulations and characterize their anti-crisis role, as well as the conditions that must be met for such regulations to be effective. All this shows how topical the issue of shaping proeffective regulatory changes is, not only in the banking sector, but in the whole economy. The issues which are analysed in this book also relate to this. Even though they do not cover all the recently introduced regulations, the included assessments and recommendations are fully up-to-date, very inspiring and stimulating critical and creative reflections and practical action. Therefore, I recommend this book to the attention of readers with the conviction that it is very instructive and that, in Nobel’s style, it opens up the eyes to the complex and difficult, but at the same time accompanying people in everyday life, issues of finance and economy. •

Poland-Belarus Economic Relations

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WELCONOMY FORUM IN TORUŃ- INSPIRE COMMUNITIES JACEK JANISZEWSKI, Chairman of the Welconomy Forum Programme Council in Toruń, talks to "Polish Market". I encourage you to visit the www.welconomy.pl page frequently. Who are the people interested in the Welconomy Forum, and would you like to gain (even more) attention from some people/ communities? During the two days of the Conference, Welconomy brings together representatives of various communities. Small and big business owners, politicians, scientists, social activists, students, people from the north and south, east and west. However, we regret that it is so hard to make contact with regional business, we do not know why it is so. Especially having in mind the fact that for years we have been in the top 5 multi-topic national conferences. PM

Welconomy Forum in Toruń enjoys popularity in our country - and what is the case abroad? Do the discussed topics arouse interest of foreign businessmen, politicians or scientists? With joy we are observing increasing interest in our event outside Poland. Every year the number of businessmen, politicians and foreign students visiting Toruń during Welconomy grows. This year we will be collaborating particularly closely with Mogilev Region from Belarus. PM

This year’s Welconomy will oscillate around the future of the European Union and innovation – what specific topics can we expect? In the face of turmoil in today's world, we have decided to start Welconomy with an attempt to find answers to questions about the future of the global economy in the face of changes in the EU. Brexit, the unresolved issue of immigration, and the reformation movements in the womb of the European Community itself make the vision of a united Europe as a business partner to the world powers appear today extremely foggy. This year we will also be discussing issues concerning broadly defined innovation. However, we do not focus only on economic issues, we also bring up social issues, such as the identity of the Polish man in the 21st century. PM


What, according to your conjectures, might wait for Polish entrepreneurship after the agenda for 2014-2020?

I am sure that then we will face the problem of declining economic growth and the necessity to seek incentives for development outside the EU. Therefore, what is important is for example cooperation with China and building the strong position of Poland concerning the New Silk Road project, which is to be debated during this year's Welconomy.

Are the effects of last year's Congress visible today? I mean if / how it has influenced entrepreneurs and whether it has moved the intended environment? What is special about events such as ours is their role as a catalyst of certain phenomena. We can inspire, create atmosphere, or link certain communities. Unfortunately, we have no influence on the final results of the agreements concluded during Welconomy. But we know that in the present era personal contact and frequent talks are the basis for establishing direct selling relationships, the final of which is the sale. • PM

Who are the invited speakers? Which communities do they belong to? Please specify a few important persons. Just like every year, the invited speakers represent cross-sectionally diverse communities. We host entrepreneurs, politicians, scientists and people from the world of culture. Among the well-known names one cannot forget about Minister Jarosław Gowin, former European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek and Chief Executive Officer Marek Cywiński from Kapsch Telematic. To keep up to date with our event and Welconomy programme, PM

3/2017  polish market



GREAT PROSPECTS FOR COOPERATION ARE OFFERED BY NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND MODERN SOLUTIONS ALEKSANDR AVERYANOV, Ambassador of Belarus to Poland, talks to “Polish Market.” In October 2016, deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki met in Minsk with Aleksandr Lukashenko, the Belarusian head of state. He opened the 20th PolishBelarusian Economic Forum “Good Neighbourhood 2016”. What is the outcome of the talks between representatives of the two countries? Deputy Prime Minister Morawiecki declared at the meeting that Poland wanted to cooperate with Belarus as a partner and to the benefit of both sides. The effects are obvious here. It will enable us to continue strengthening economic and investment cooperation between our countries. Belarus is interested in setting up joint companies with Poland while Polish firms, by starting up businesses in Belarus, gain not only access to our country’s market of 10 million consumers but also have an opportunity to benefit from PM

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direct access to the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union members. Can the Economic Forum be regarded as a “new opening”? Polish business people hope to carry out new projects on the Belarusian market and believe it offers great prospects. More than 270 Polish entrepreneurs came to Minsk to attend the 20th Economic Forum “Good Neighbourhood 2016” in Minsk. It was for the first time in 10 years that we recorded such a large number of business people and such great interest in the Forum. Almost all sectors of the economy were presented at the Forum, which contributed to establishing new and developing existing business contacts. We are open to more active cooperation. We offer Polish firms special conditions for the fast development of business because

Belarus is interested in stimulating the process of privatization in conjunction with large strategic investors.


Why should Polish entrepreneurs and investors choose Belarus. Why is it worth investing in Belarus? Many advantages of investing in Belarus result from the favourable geographical location of our country – at the intersection of transport routes, between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union. Social and political stability, the absence of regional and national conflicts, and low crime are also of great importance for investors. When choosing where to invest, one also takes into consideration the legal and treaty framework. From this perspective, very favourable legal conditions have been created in our country for the foreign investor. They are guaranteed PM

Economy by both international agreements and national legislation. Additionally, a system of special reliefs and preferential treatment has been created for investors in free economic zones, the high-technology park, the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park, small and mediumsized cities and in rural areas. Data from the World Bank’s annual Doing Business Report show that measures taken by Belarus to improve conditions for business activity, including conditions for prospective investors, have been effective. In the Doing Business 2017 league table, Belarus is ranked 37th among 190 countries. The report stresses that Belarus is one of the countries which have made the biggest improvement in the ranking’s individual indicators. In which spheres could our cooperation be the best? I am sure that - apart from traditional areas of cooperation – great prospects for cooperation are offered by new technologies and modern solutions in the energy sector, including the renewable energy industry, the IT sector and telecom technologies, the production of industrial goods and the automotive industry, agriculture, construction, the food industry and processing, the wood industry, the production of furniture and components, tourism and transport and logistics services. Belarusian deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Rusy said that in 2016 the value of trade between Belarus and Poland may exceed USD2.5 billion. “Our goal should be to cross the USD4 billion mark in the next two or three years,” he added. Do you think it is feasible? In the best years, the value of trade between our countries, according to Belarusian statistics, was already close to USD3 billion. I am speaking about the years 2011-2014. At present, we cooperate under conditions of the trends which dominate the global economy: the global financial crisis, constraints in trade relations with the Russian Federation and the European Union, which are still our main trading partners, and unfavourable changes in the prices of a significant part of our exports. There was no way for all this not to affect the size of our bilateral trade. I am not going to make a forecast for the future, but I can assure you that we will spare no effort for our foreign trade to measure up to our potential and to make our goods trade more balanced. PM

Speaking about our relations, we should not focus exclusively on economy. It is worth visiting Belarus as a tourist, going there for a holiday. For Polish people Belarus is the least visited and least known country among Poland’s PM

Photo: Krzysztof M. Ratschk


neighbours. It is not only because one needs a visa to enter our country. The main reason is that Polish media show our country in a rather biased and selective manner. Another one is that people are simply unaware that there is a very interesting country close by, at the other side of the Bug river and Augustów Forest and in the eastern part of Białowieża Forest – a country rich in beautiful nature and picturesque landscapes, with cultural heritage worth seeing and hospitable and friendly people whose fathers and forefathers lived with Poles in harmony for several centuries. I believe that our country truly deserves to become better known. For this to happen, our government has adopted ordinances making it possible to come to Belarus without a visa – for up to three days to visit Białowieża Forest and up to five days to visit Grodno (Hrodna) and the Augustów Canal. And on February 12, 2017, the presidential decree will come into force allowing visa-free stays in Belarus for up to five days if one travels by air. Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Rusy pointed to the intensification of Belarussian-Polish relations in 2016 and the ongoing “constructive and progressing dialogue with the Polish government.” Are you satisfied with this dialogue? We have indeed managed to improve our relations, raise the level of our bilateral contacts, and resume active exchange not only PM

at the public administration level but also at the level of businesses. We wish to thank our Polish partners for what we have already achieved and we hope for more. We have many ideas of how to make our relations even better and raise political and economic relations to a higher level. Last year in August, 25 years passed since Belarus had proclaimed its independence. And in a few months we will be celebrating a quarter-century of diplomatic relations between Warsaw and Minsk. They were established on March 2, 1992. How do you view our relations, 25 years on? I see these 25 years first of all as a difficult period of transition and uncertainty, a time of building confidence and of lost opportunities. I think, however, that we have managed, even under difficult economic conditions, not to lose trust in each other and return to a constructive dialogue, which will never be replaced again by uncertainty, disrespect and stereotypes. I am convinced that our peoples deserve to have a decent life and respect and that we should no longer choose between the West and East. Our shared history has already made this choice for us – together, we should be links between the West and East, work together in our own interest and for the good of our neighbours, ensuring peace and stability on the European continent. • PM

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pecial Economic Zones are a systemic solution to economic problems of particular regions. It is feasible through facilitating the operation of businesses. The Suwałki Special Economic Zone (SSSE) offers tax breaks (up to 70% of the incurred investment layouts or two years of labour costs), land prepared for a quick start of an investment project, professional investment advice and support in contacting local government and other institutions. Two decades of providing incentives definitely allow us to say that this solution is effective. In line with the objectives, the support for business activities has significantly influenced the economic condition of the regions, but also the enterprises in question. Today there are over one hundred active companies in the Suwałki Special Economic Zone. Companies representing a wide variety of industries successfully operate in the SSSE. We can name those that are typical of north-east Poland (wood, furniture) and those that are completely qiute new, for instance, Sido coffee roasting. The company has operated in the Zone since the very beginning and is Polishowned. The company’s history dates back to 1991. Its dynamic development resulted in the necessity to build a larger plant. Production at the new site started in the middle of 1997 and it has been successfully continued up to this day. Another family company with the origins in Poland located in north-east Poland is Port a KMI Poland. Porta is one of the largest and most famous producers of doors and door frames. The company has as many as two plants inside the SSSE area, in the Ełk Subzone and Suwałki Subzone. In the Ełk factory alone it employs about 670 people. Foreign capital is represented by a company from Germany: Pfleiderer MDF. Furniture boards, kitchen counters and MFP building boards and others are produced in the Grajewo

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Subzone. The products are delivered to Polish companies and are also shipped to the eastern, southern and Scandinavian markets. For almost a decade Rockwool Polska, part of the Danish ROCKWOOL group, has operated in the Malkinia Subzone. Over the 20 years of its operations, the company invested more than PLN 1billion, 250 million in the SSSE alone. The company is a world leader in the production of rock wool. The wood industry is represented by ZPU Prawda operating in the Olecko Subzone. The Polish company, a producer of wooden case and frame furniture, invested almost PLN 10 million in a year. Another wood industry company is Padma Art, a producer of frames and decorative cardboard boxes. It is one of the largest suppliers of these products to IKEA, a Swedish shop chain with interior furnishings. In the Suwałki Subzone Padma Art and Padma 3.0, two affiliate companies, operate with 5 concessions. The second and the following concession prove that the Zone offers really comfortable conditions for fast development. SaMASZ is a company with over a thirty year history. In 2016 the company joined the zone and started an investment project worth PLN 65 million. It plans to employ around 1000 people. The new factory will be located on a site of 26ha with the production area as large as 13ha. A research-development facility is also planned. SaMASZ is one of the top leaders among European machine producers. The Białystok Subzone was established in 2008. The first company that decided to place its plant there was Masterpress. The company is one of the largest exporters of shrink sleeve labels in Europe. A well-known furniture manufacturer, Forte also operates in the SSSE. It has been located in the Ostrów Mazowiecka Subzone since 2015. Last year the producer launched a

new investment project in the Suwałki Subzone. The company plans to invest at least PLN 334.5 million and employ 130 people. This project is the biggest investment of 2016. Multimillion investments are often a result of years of hard work. Being aware of the difficulties with starting a business operation, the SSSE has opened to young entrepreneurs who operate in start-ups. Kode, a company operating in the Science & Technology Park in Ełk, serves as a good example. Kode is a young brand of spare parts for automotive turbo chargers. These companies are good examples that investment in north-east Poland is an opportunity for dynamic development of business. •


W E I N V E ST I N I N V E ST M E N T 250 hectares of land ready for quick investment processes 12 locations in north-eastern Poland Proximity to the borders with three countries: Russia, Lithuania and Belarus Income tax exemptions for up to 70% of the investment two-y labour costs costs or two-year Availability of highly qualiďŹ ed labour Investment advice and professional services for investors Short process for granting permits and transferring land ownership rights Friendly local authorities Opportunity to establish cooperation with science par and technology parks

W W W. S S S E . CO M . P L

polish market



WORLD 3.0 ANGELIKA JAROSŁAWSKA, Vice-President of Cluster World, Member of the Board of the National Cluster of Innovative Enterprises, Project Coordinator of POLAND 3.0 jaroslawska.angelika@gmail.com , +48 698 931 000 Become a member of National Cluster of Innovative Enterprises www.klasterip.pl


ecisions on the future infrastructural and economic picture of the world are being taken right in front of our eyes. Given that Poland’s location makes it very much a transit country, it may become a key player in Europe and deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has a chance to go down in history as a second Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski, the man behind the largescale Central Industrial District (COP) project carried out in Poland before the Second World War. The development of transport corridors is influenced in a natural way by trends existing on the European transport market. They

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include the need to develop intermodal and multimodal transport, the intensive development of container transport and transport by ro-ro ships, and a rise in the number of vehicles on roads and traffic intensity. Today, the European Commission allocates funding for large infrastructure and transport projects, especially those which integrate various modes of transport. This is a great opportunity for Poland because its favourable location in Europe may enable it to become the region’s leader. The development of logistics centres has an impact not only on the transport sector alone. Industrial and business centres emerge around

large transport hubs. It is a chance for developing a new Central Industrial District of the 21th century. In Poland there is only one programme, called Poland 3.0, which may enable the country to fully exploit its potential to carry out a long-term plan for the development of a strong economy and giving it a strong boost.



Poland 3.0 is a long-term and coherent economic development policy, based on the industrial potential of the country, innovation and Poland’s competitive position in the European Union. At present, it is the only coherent economic programme for Poland and cross-border regions. It is composed of a few dozen economic projects based on ecosystemic activity and making up a coherent bottom-up programme for the Polish economy.

PROGRAMME OF INTEGRATED MEASURES AIMED AT CONNECTING POLISH RIVERS, MOTORWAYS AND RAILWAY LINES TO FORM A SINGLE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT SYSTEM, AND BUILDING EUROPE’S LARGEST SUPRANATIONAL LOGISTICS CENTRE GORZYCZKI. The main objectives of the project is to restore the navigability of Polish rivers, starting with the Odra river, build a link between the rivers Danube, Odra and Elbe, as part of the Central European Transport Corridor CETC-ROUTE 65, develop the Baltic-Adriatic Sea and Baltic-Black Sea corridor, and build the Supranational Logistics Centre Gorzyczki-Věřňovice, Europe’s only location being an intersection of a motorway (A1), a wide-gauge railway line from the Far East, a waterway with a river port, and a convenient motorway link to the cargo terminal Katowice-Pyrzowice and a nearly 500-hectare investment site in a special economic zone. Poland 3.0 is a bottom-up, apolitical, cluster-based programme. Composed of a number of projects, it makes up what can be called an ecosystem where experts working on individual parts of the programme cooperate with the best experts on EU funding and jointly work out the best solutions for the Polish economy.

INITIATIVE 3.0, AS PART OF THE POLAND 3.0 PROGRAMME, IS A PILOT PROGRAMME FOR POLISH LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF). The combined value of the programme for six local governments, including the city of Kraków, exceeds PLN45 billion. The money is designated for infrastructure, environmental protection, sports and culture. Initiative 3.0 is an open and dedicated financial offer for Polish local governments fully authorized by the IMF. The coordinator of Initiative 3.0 is Angelika Jarosławska (jaroslawska.angelika@gmail.com), vice-president of the National Cluster of Innovative Enterprises and coordinator of the Poland 3.0 programme.

TOMORROW IS TODAY - POLAND 3.0 WILL EXPLOIT THE VERY LAST OPPORTUNITY FOR POLAND TO ACQUIRE NON-REFUNDABLE EUROPEAN FINANCING FOR TRANSPORT CORRIDORS. Thanks to the Poland 3.0 programme, its teams are partners in talks with the European Commission, European Parliament, United Nations Organization and Visegrad Group. Importantly, Poland 3.0 programme is in keeping with national and European financing plans, enabling Poland to benefit from largescale, non-refundable European financing for the development of integrated transport networks. Among those interested in its individual infrastructure projects are the biggest investors in the form of Chinese state-run enterprises. Additionally, the programme perfectly fits into the Intermarium concept, under which the Baltic-Adriatic Sea- Black Sea initiative has been signed by 12 presidents. • 3/2017  polish market



ECONOMY – LET’S MOVE FORWARD Government officials answer optimistically to questions about expectations for 2017. Some economists share this optimism, but others point to inflation, which may reach as much as 3%, and a lack of investment. Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś


or the sixth time the Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG) has held a conference dubbed Economic Opening of the Year. Present at the event were government officials and business people. Jarosław Gowin, deputy prime minister and minister of science and higher education, and Jerzy Kwieciński, deputy minister of economic development, opened the conference. Jarosław Gowin said: “You can be sure that the coming three years will be a period when we will be focusing on economic issues.” He assured those gathered that all the changes that have already been introduced or will be introduced are made for entrepreneurs because they build the Polish economy. He admitted that some of the changes were unfavourable for businesses to some extent and contributed to more red tape, as was the case with VAT changes, for instance. The deputy prime minister stressed, however, that the changes were not directed against honest entrepreneurs, but against offenders. He added that all the ministries were working together to minimize the number of such cases. Deputy minister Jerzy Kwieciński also said that time had now come for the economy. He added that, despite many uncertainties in global politics – specifically the activity of the new administration of the U.S. president and results of forthcoming elections in Germany and France, which will certainly have an impact on the global economy - Poland can hope for investment based on funding from the European Union. “More than 90% of investment projects is carried out with the use of EU funding, both in the form of grants and orders for the central and local government. Our firms strongly benefit from this,” the deputy minister said. “ In total, we have access to around EUR15 billion in the coming financial period.” Andrzej Arendarski, president of the Polish Chamber of Commerce, was equally optimistic. Opening the conference, he said:

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“Unfortunately, the business environment is very volatile. We are unable to determine trends for the coming year. Generally, the economic situation is good and I am optimistic about our growth in 2017.”

CONSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS Another guest of President Arendarski was Mariusz Haładyj, deputy minister of economic development. He talked about Constitution for Business – its content and the way in which it is to be put into practice. The Constitution for Business is a package of legislation designed to benefit entrepreneurs. It is to replace the existing law on freedom of economic activity. Mariusz Haładyj said: “The Constitution is a document which shows how the administration is to operate. For the situation to be normal, a kind of revolution is needed first. The revolution is to involve a change in relations between the public administration and business, and in the perception of the administration by business. All big economies have been built thanks to partnership between business and the administration.” It is not the first government to stress the importance of such partnership. But it does not look so rosy in practice. We could often hear, even in the columns of “Polish Market,” embittered entrepreneurs complaining that they had been wronged by public officials. President Arendarski pointed to this problem as well. He suggested that, despite good intentions on the part of the legislator, the eventual results may differ from expectations. Deputy Minister Haładyj admitted that the most important part of the package would be to apply the legislation in practice. But he assured those gathered that if the Constitution comes into force it will be effective in every public office. “The solutions have to filter into the application of law. In one municipality the administration operates in a formalized

manner and in others just the contrary – it operates very effectively. We are introducing some obvious provisions to the law so that they are applied. We are introducing constitutional values into practice so that they are regularly applied by public officials. Public officials will be bound by such a charter of entrepreneurs’ rights. Entrepreneurs will be able to invoke their rights guaranteed by the law,” said the deputy minister. Additionally, deputy Minister Haładyj stressed that for the Constitution for Business to function well it was necessary to amend other laws, like for example the code of administrative proceedings. The Constitution has to be read and applied jointly with other laws. This is why inter-ministerial consultations are so important to ensure that newly adopted law is a good law. It is good that the government pays attention to this. But there is yet another important question – good intentions. No legislative framework can force anyone to act like partners. All this has to result from good will on the part of public officials and businesses.

WHAT WILL THE NEW YEAR BRING FOR THE ECONOMY? At the conference, President of the Polish Banking Association (ZBP) Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz, President of the Polish Economic Society (PTE) Elżbieta Mączyńska, Chief Economist at the Polish Business Roundtable (PRB) Janusz Jankowiak and economist Witold Orłowski presented their predictions for the key economic indicators, and the economic situation of Poland and Europe in 2017. Speaking about economy, whether from the macro or micro perspective, and economic analyses of any kind, one should take into consideration what politicians say and predict. And this means that not much can be

Economy predicted. What prospects are there for 2017 in the Polish and global context? Which is more important today? According to Prof. Witold Orłowski, developments taking place in the world are more important. He said: “We are not aware that the Polish economy has become to a large extent a part of the global economy. We still tend to think that 90% of what takes place in the Polish economy depends on decisions made by Polish politicians. Meanwhile, when it comes to such fundamental things as GDP growth and currency stability much depends on the international situation, assuming that the politicians act relatively reasonably.” And what will be going on in the world? “Politics is full of unknowns. I think nothing terrible should happen, although of course a single ill-judged decision taken by the U.S. president may cause a global crisis. Nonetheless, assuming that nothing of the kind happens, we project that Poland will record a GDP growth rate of 2-3%,” Prof. Orłowski said. To support his thesis, the economist cited the example of Hungary. Despite the change of political power and policies in the country, the Hungarian economy slowed down, but did not slide into recession. This means that the condition of an economy is not determined by the country’s internal policy alone. Prof. Mączyńska shared the relative optimism of Witold Orłowski. But she said that even the U.S. president did not have unlimited power – his decisions are also appraised by the public. Society is what all politicians and economists should take into consideration. What Prof. Mączyńska spoke about is very important. At present, we are seeing a tendency to depart from the liberal doctrine. Countries are moving towards political radicalization. And politicians are trying to capitalize on that. Prof. Mączyńska said: “Populist trends, combined with a disastrous demographic situation, mean that populism may become a dangerous phenomenon if appropriate measures are not taken to combat disparities, and the divisions of wealth and poverty in the world.” ZBP President Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz encouraged the conference participants to look several years ahead. The present environment will have its bearing not only on the year 2017, but also on the following years. “There are many changing factors. We must not approach this indifferently,” he said. “I have the impression that we are facing a possible complete overhaul of the world’s political scene. (…) We are facing a difficult situation in India, Pakistan and the United States, a difficult political situation in France and Italy. It seems to me that there will be a temptation among many politicians for the biggest countries to make deals with each other at the expense of other nations. We have to be prepared for several different scenarios. It is

important how we will arrange Poland’s relations with other countries. We need to have a common line. I believe that, in the face of a possible new configuration on the political scene, it is not only economic matters that are important, but also foreign policy.” Janusz Jankowiak joined the discussion and pointed out that the rate of economic growth had fallen below 3% last year. He agreed that the external environment would not be favourable for the Polish economy. The situation not only in the United States, but also in Europe, and the yet unknown results of elections in Germany and France increase the risk. “The external environment will not be propping us up,” he said in an ominous tone. He added that, although forecasts for the situation in the European Union were good, they might change after the elections in the two big member countries. So if the external environment cannot contribute to economic success then what can? The economist of the Polish Business Roundtable responded: “I understand success as breaking the downward trend. Investment is key. Without public investment, without success in absorbing EU funding it will be impossible to break the trend. This year, we will unexpectedly see a rise in inflation. After more than two years of deflation, inflation at the level of 1.5% in January and a peak in the summer at 3%, will come as quite a big shock to the economy. In 2016, consumption was the driver of growth. This situation will not repeat itself this year, meaning that the driving force will be weaker and has to be supplemented by investment. Private investment is strongly correlated with an increase in public investment.” Prof. Mączyńska did not agree with the prediction that inflation would reach 3%: “Forecasts made by the NBP [central bank], World Bank and International Monetary Fund are for inflation in Poland to reach no more than 2.5%. There are no conditions in the world for high inflation. We have to do with weak growth. Additionally, we have an oversupply of money. If there is an oversupply of something then the price has to fall. We will have to live for a long time in an environment of low interest rates. But low interest rates and inflation do not go hand in hand.” Witold Orłowski also thinks that inflation may surprise us in an unpleasant way. It will be an imported inflation due to a weak zloty and raw material prices. The economist again used an example: “One can say that in Poland we now have full employment because employers already have problems with finding new workers. It is an employee’s market. The employee demands a wage rise. The employer gives them the rise. The central bank has to print more money, costs go up and the spiral receives impetus. This is why this effect is called inflationary spiral. Until recently Poland was not accustomed to

this because we had high unemployment. Now, the situation is different.” Witold Orłowski added: “I am ready to admit that inflation may surprise us. Paradoxically, this may be very good news for the finance minister – it may be easier to balance the budget. We indeed do not have any special problem with the budget. It so happens that public investment is much lower. If suddenly it increased rapidly it would be a problem for the budget. The national budget is constructed in such a way that the central budget is to consume the whole deficit while local budgets have it in excess. If local budgets are spent a deficit will appear there as well. In 2017, there will be no major problems. But in the next years, we will have problems with finances. And I am not sure whether public investment, if it gathers momentum, will drive private investment.” President Pietraszkiewicz spoke about local government investment and private investment. “There are some formal constraints on the implementation of investment projects by local governments. Local governments have very highly advanced debt ratios and cannot exceed them. Intervention by the central government would be needed, but the room for manoeuvre is also limited. Local governments will have an open road. But I do not expect these investments to be very dynamic. In the banking sector, we are interested in cooperation with the government. But the relation between the government and local governments needs to be clear. The situation has to be clear to us for several years ahead. And as regards private investment, we do not feel there is an oversupply of good projects for which we could provide loans. The state of legal uncertainty, disputes and tensions does not translate into the ability to make quick investments on our market.” However, all the economists taking part in the debate agreed that in 2017 the Polish currency will still be weakening. Such predictions may make exporters happy because a weak zloty enhances our competitiveness in the international arena. But is a weak currency an advantage or risk for the Polish economy? At the conference, economists spoke about their predictions for 2017. It is not right to say that they simply engaged in crystal-ball gazing – their theses were based on expertise and many years of observation. There is one common denominator in what the politicians and economists said: the Polish economy will continue to grow. At what rate? It is difficult to predict, especially if we look at GDP growth in the third and fourth quarter of 2016. It differed from what had been expected. What will we have this year? Investment is of key importance. We have to move forward and, looking at the global economy, do our own thing. • There is no other way. 3/2017  polish market





An increase in consumption, economic growth rate at 3.1-3.2%, minimum gross wage at PLN2,000, minimum gross hourly pay rate at PLN13 and a loss of 250,000 qualified workers because of the decision to decrease the retirement age – these are the main conclusions of the economic report presented by the Polish Confederation Lewiatan on January 12, 2017. The conference was attended by Henryka Bochniarz, president of the Confederation, Małgorzata Starczewska-Krzysztoszek, PhD, chief economist at the Confederation, Grzegorz Baczewski, PhD, director of the department of labour, dialogue and social affairs at the Confederation, and Przemysław Pruszyński, a tax adviser and secretary of the Tax Council of the Lewiatan Confederation.

MACROECONOMIC FORECASTS Małgorzata Starczewska-Krzysztoszek, PhD: 2016 was a weaker year than experts had predicted. The revised projection was for a growth rate of 3.6%, but there is every indication that the figure for 2016 will be in the order of 2%. According to our estimates, it will be around 2.7-2.8%. In this context, it seems the year 2017 will be better. Investment decreased very considerably in 2016. This is the main reason why the projected growth rate was not achieved. Firstly, we failed to absorb European funding and, secondly, businesses recorded very poor growth. In the first three quarters of 2016, investment by companies employing 50 or more workers was down 9% year on year. This was a result of a completely unpredictable situation on the Polish market and instability. The entrepreneurs said they did not want to invest as they were unable to predict the real costs of investments and what taxes they would be required to pay. There appeared sectoral taxes and administrative burdens. Capacity utilization is very high now, which puts businesses in a point where they have to invest. But at the same time they fear the consequences and real costs. No responsible business will take the decision to invest if they are not sure that they will be able to maintain financial liquidity. This factor has not disappeared. Therefore, for the situation to change this year, a very strong signal is needed from the government that no new taxes for businesses are planned for 2017 and 2018. If no such signal is sent businesses will remain cautious and there will be no hope for a stronger growth in investment.

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However, it is certain that consumption will increase this year compared to the last one. Firstly, the 500+ programme will now be in place for the full calendar year, which means that PLN23 billion, instead of PLN17 billion, will be transferred to households. Fragmentary surveys indicate that in 2016 part of the households used the money from the 500+ programme to repay their debts. Consumption will be a very strong pillar of financial growth in 2017. When it comes to net exports, it is worth noting that the European economy has accelerated. This means there is a chance of an acceleration in exports growth. There is every indication that economic growth in 2017 may be based on three pillars: consumption, investment and net exports. We expect a growth rate in the order of 3.1-3.2%.

LABOUR MARKET IN 2017 Grzegorz Baczewski, PhD: We are entering the year 2017 with a very good situation on the labour market. We have a record low unemployment for this time of the year – 8.3%. The rate will probably stay at this level in the first two months of the year to decrease further in the next months. However, the decrease will be much slower this year. Employment will also be growing at a slower pace of 0.5-0.7%. We expect that at the end of 2017 unemployment will be at 7%, which will still represent more than 1 million unemployed people. The drop is a result of employers’ decision at the end of 2016 to hire more workers, despite falling investment. We are approaching a situation where, because of a labour shortage, it will be difficult to raise employment.

This will lead to wage growth, which is combined with an administrative obligation that came into force in 2017 - the minimum wage at PLN2,000. Another regulation is the minimum gross hourly pay rate at PLN13. As a result, businesses will have to rely to a large extent on a rise in productivity because it will be difficult to raise production by simply increasing employment. It will be necessary to invest in raising the competence of workers and build their loyalty. The reduction in retirement age will also be a great shock for the labour market. According to the most pessimistic scenarios, as many as 250,000 workers will disappear from the labour market because of this decision.

TAXES Przemysław Pruszyński: The taxman has not yet started to apply the general anti-avoidance rule, but businesses should remember about it. A prelude to its application is the refusal to issue individual interpretations and the removal as of January 1, 2017 of the protection resulting from interpretations if the clause is applicable to the tax benefit resulting from them. Since March the tax authority will start operating in a new structure and is to become more efficient and competent. Unfortunately, there is a great risk that its effectiveness will increase not because of the staff being more competent, but because taxpayers will lose the right to the independent control of decisions issued by tax officials. The heads of customs and tax offices will be appeal bodies for their own decisions. •


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The 7th KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress was held on January 16, 2017 in Warsaw. This year’s edition of the event attracted more than 950 managers (in person and on-line), mostly finance directors, chief accountants, heads of financial reporting and controlling in companies operating in all sectors of the economy. The participants listened to 11 presentations delivered by KPMG experts concerning important changes in the area of taxation, accounting and law which will materially affect entrepreneurs in 2017.


he KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress is the largest event of this type in Poland. It has been organised since 2011 by KPMG, a professional services firm providing audit and advisory services. The event offered opportunities for presenting issues pertaining to current changes in personal income tax, VAT, transfer pricing and the National Treasury Administration. Practical aspects of the Standard Audit File and a new R&D tax relief as well as other business challenges awaiting entrepreneurs in 2017 were also discussed. The KPMG experts also focused on the reform of personal data protection, described the benefits of attestation services, presented the new IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 and challenges associated with

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with IFRS 9. The speakers also discussed valuation of intellectual property in companies, restructuring and addressed the challenges facing accounting and business services centres in the context of robotisation. As in previous years, a survey was carried out among Congress participants. Its purpose was to garner the opinions of top managers from enterprises operating in various sectors regarding the Polish tax system. The results provided the basis for drawing up a report entitled “Polish Taxation System According to the Participants of the 7th KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress”, which was published on February 8, 2017. The 7th KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress was broadcast live on the Internet and gathered nearly 300 participants. Reports on

the event also appeared on the official Twitter account @KPMGPoland twitter.com/KPMGPoland. The audit and advisory firm KPMG in Poland organised and provided substantive patronage of the Congress. The patronage of the 7th edition was provided by: ACCA Poland, Puls Biznesu, Radio TOK FM, Miesięcznik Bank, Gazeta Finansowa, Harvard Business Review Polska, ICAN Institute, My Company Polska, Nowy Przemysł, Polish Market, Przegląd Podatkowy, Rachunkowość, WBJ Observer, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Bankier. pl, eGospodarka.pl, gf24.pl, inwestycje.pl, ISBNews, ksiegowosc.org, Newseria Biznes, PIT.pl, rachunkowosc.org, wnp.pl, Wp.pl, Money.pl and VAT.pl. •

*** ABOUT KPMG: KPMG is a global network of professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. It operates in 155 countries and has 174,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such. KPMG in Poland was established in 1990. We employ more than 1,500 people in Warsaw, Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Katowice and Łódź.


Super Gwarancja



PROGRAMMES Łączy nas poczucie bezpieczeństwa

POLISA – ŻYCIE TU SA Vienna Insurance Group has been building insurance portfolios for 22 years taking care of the quality and competitiveness of its products under the catch phrase: "Thinking of New Life Procpects”.


OLISA – ŻYCIE TU SA Vienna Insurance Group is a brand with a long tradition in the Polish market where it has been functioning since 1995. For years it has built a national sales network where it provides services to Clients. Polisa- Życie offers a range of innovative insurance programmes which correspond with the insurance market demand. It is bases on traditional universal life insurance, it specialises in services for organisations, it has a wide range of products for individual Clients. It is a friendly and trusted company. Super Gwarancja Group Life Insurance with Funds Option is one of the many group life insurance programmes. The product is offered to companies of various sizes and structure operating in all (trade, production, services) and in the sector of small and medium-size enterprises. The Programme protects against unforeseen fortuitous events not only of employees, but also the members of their families. It guarantees an opportunity to enhance the insurance coverage by purchasing additional accident and health options, like for example hospital visit, disability or serious disease of the insured and

members of their family. The programme admits a possibility to continue na individual insurance in case a job contract is terminated. The Super Gwarancja Programme significantly increases remuneration and social packages offered to employees and contributes to its higher competitiveness in the market. It is one of the most popular insurance programmes in the sector of small and medium size entrepreneurs The product was nominated in the Teraz Polska (Poland Now) contest organized by the Polish Emblem Foundation. POLISA – ŻYCIE TU SA Vienna Insurance Group was ranked among Polish companies in a league table compiled annually by the "Polish Market" Magazine and it received a Pearl of the Polish Economy title in the Pearls of the Financial Sector category for the second time. It also received the prestigious Large Pearl of the Polish Economy award. The Certificate is awarded for consequently pursuing of a company’s policy and strategy and the leading position among dynamic and efficient companies in Po• land.

Anna Arwaniti

3/2017  polish market


Cultural Monitor

THE LATEST CULTURAL MONITOR IS UNDER THE SIGN OF DIVERSITY – IN TERMS OF LISTENING TO, BUT MOST OF ALL, OF READING. MACIEJ PROLIŃSKI RECOMMENDS THE EVENTS. MASTERS WITH A SIGNIFICANT PRIZE! "Penderecki Conducts Penderecki, vol. 1" is an album that was awarded with a Grammy Award for the best choral recording (The Best Choral Performance) by The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the USA. The Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir conducted by maestro Krzysztof Penderecki himself took part in the recording. The choir was prepared by its long-time director - Henryk Wojnarowski. In addition to the choir, renowned soloists Johanna Rusanen (soprano), Agnieszka Rehlis (mezzo-soprano) and Nikolay Didenko (bass) performed. The album is the first studio recording of Krzysztof Penderecki with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir. It contains four works of the composer: "Dies Illa" for 3 soloists, chorus and orchestra - one of the newest compositions by Penderecki, the "Psalms of David" for mixed chorus and percussion in a new interpretation and two hymns for mixed chorus and orchestra - "Hymn to St. Daniil" and "Hymn to St. Adalbert". A golden gramophone will go to the Philharmonic for the second time. The previous prize was awarded in 2013 for the record also containing the recordings of works by Penderecki (”Fonogrammi”, "Koncert na róg (”Horn Concerto”), ”Partita”, ”Przebudzenie Jakuba” (”The Awakening of Jacob”), "Anaklasis", "De natura sonoris"). Krzysztof Penderecki is one of the most outstanding contemporary composers. The international career of his music began at the turn of the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. In his work interest in the new possibilities of voices and instruments and passion for great, monumental forms are noticeble. A significant role in his works has the expression of texts having religious and humanist content. Using universal themes and texts that are fundamental to European culture, Penderecki has become the creator of the synthesis of hitherto achievements in the music of the 20th century. From mediaeval chant the avant-garde.

MASTERS TO READ (and still to discover) "WOJCIECH MŁYNARSKI. OD ODDECHU DO ODDECHU" (Wojciech Młynarski. From Breath to Breath.) The work of Wojciech Młynarski (b. 1941) - a graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw, satirist, one of the greatest poets of the Polish song (the author of more than 2000 lyrics) is impossible to forge. He always described difficult, sometimes senseless Polish reality with the great charm and artistry of form. Directly and deeply. And sometimes also very movingly. At the beginning of the year Prószyński i S-ka published the most complete collection of his poems and songs. It collects everything from sharply ironic text "Ludzie to kupią” People Will Buy It), written in 1963 for the Hybridy (Hybrids) cabaret, to the newest pieces, nostalgic ones, like "Mała Ojczyzna” (Little Homeland) or "Smuteczku mój" (My Little Sadness), through brilliant singing literary columns (performed once by the master himself - for years he was called a ”singing literary columnist”, deservedly - because most of his songs are ready columns, with a plot and a message) and through numerous lyrics, written, among others, for Skaldowie, Hanna Banaszak, Kalina Jędrusik, Andrzej Zaucha, Zbigniew Wodecki, Alicja Majewska, Ewa Bem, Maryla Rodowicz, Edyta Geppert, Michał Bajor, Krystyna Prońko and Irena Santor. Entertaining and charming, melancholic and nostalgic, and sometimes bitter and ominous (when, for he talks about Polish idleness, or stupidity) Młynarski is invariably

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a bastion of good taste, intelligence and sense of humour for me. He also beautifully combines tradition with modernity, and a thought with a word. Professor Jerzy Bralczyk also writes about it in the introduction to this collection: "There are texts - a few of them, but maybe it is good - that speak to us as if we spoke to ourselves. If we could. It is enough to just hear them so that we know better what we think. Such are sometimes obvious statements and unexpected paradoxes, stories and descriptions, abstract reflections and anecdotes. Sometimes parables. It happens that in such a text there will be a special thought, giving the sum of some knowledge itself, judgment, apparently obvious, and yet poorly conceived so far. And then this thought vanishes, like any other, and we are left with what was previously. (...) Młynarski gives me a lot of joy. The joy resulting from the craftsmanship of form, from intertext and interstyle games, from showing the multifaceted unexpected language possibilities. From operating with the unexpectedly acceptable meanings of not obviously summoned words. And at the same time with an irresistible sense of freedom in all this." It is worth having it on the bookshelf and keep coming back to this word. "GRZESIUK. KRÓL ŻYCIA” (Grzesiuk. The King of Life.) Stanisław Grzesiuk (1918-1963) was a great innate talent. He used to say that he was not a writer, but he wrote three books that were read by several million Poles. He used to say that he was not a musician, but he recorded dozens of songs in which he recsued pre-war Warsaw from oblivion. He was a legendary bard of the capital city; his distinctive voice, which he sang the ballads of Warsaw suburbs with, is known to several generations of Poles. In his most famous book - "Boso, ale w ostrogach” (Barefoot, but in Spurs) – he rescued the world of pre-war Warsaw from oblivion. During his life he was a child of Warsaw loving his city, after his death he became its symbol. At the beginning of the year Prószyński i S-ka

Cultural Monitor

CM – March 2017 published the first biography of the bard of Warsaw written by Bartosz Janiszewski. When writing this biography, Janiszewski reached his family and friends, he found stories and texts unpublished anywhere before. The biographer had to also answer himself the question: How to write a biography of a man who – writing books himself - in fact, already had described his life to us? He responded successfully. And while the novels by Grzesiuk show certain clippings from what happened in his life, Janiszewski features the whole lifetime of Stanisław Grzesiuk, that is possibly everything. The author bets on the truth. He presents the life of the bard, but does not focus solely on his work. Moreover, he puts this work aside. Instead of it, the author deals with Grzesiuk’s personality, he tries to capture the uniqueness of this man. He does not fight with the legend, although he takes care of checking and verifying anecdotes. First he deals with the space in which Grzesiuk grew up - his family home, social mores. Another part of the story are the years of the war - love, scheming to survive, humour saving life and concentration camps. After the war, the time comes to portray the writer, but also here the author does not forget about his family life and an incurable disease (tuberculosis). Then comes the time for the birth of a "star" – that is the first radio broadcasts or performances on stage. The punch line of the book is contained in its title. Grzesiuk loved life. He loved his place and the people. He gathered people around him, people appreciated him, they liked his presence. What is captivating is his greed for life. For tasting what is pleasant, for realizing passion. And for work, which is his passion. For good people, music and fun. It gives food for thought. WOJCIECH WAGLEWSKI, WOJCIECH BONOWICZ. "WAGIEL. JESZCZE WSZYSTKO BĘDZIE MOŻLIWE” (Wagiel. One Day Everything Will Be Possible.) Wojciech Waglewski-one of the most remarkable Polish artists; musician of the legendary Osjan band and founder of the cult Voo Voo band, composer, guitarist and lyrics writer, husband, father, grandfather, friend, used to meet with Wojciech Bonowicz-a poet, columnist of "Tygodnik Powszechny", author, of the great biography of priest and professor Józef Tischner-for the last 10 years to talk about music, travel, childhood, family, love, turmoil and life. Those meetings contributed to the creation of a multidimensional portrait of the absent "on the walls" and gossip portals "anticelebrity", however, a very important

artist for Polish culture. As simple as that. In March this record, a like-a-river interview is to be finally published by Wydawnictwo Znak. For me the great hero of these stories is the time. By the way, this coincides nicely with the new, tasteful in terms of its form, release of Voo Voo - "7", announced on 7 March 2017. What is interesting in this whole remembrance for me is that no matter whether the Gentlemen recall something fresh, or something from 10 years ago, or 50 years ago, it lives in the Wagiel’s voice still in the same way. If this is the case then this must be caused by the truth. And only the truth is alive. And love ... Wojtek Bonowicz also proves from the very beginning that there are no "stupid questions", whereas Wojtek Waglewski that there are no "stupid answers". It is certainly good for each and every important reading. Certainly, many of these memories flicker somewhere in my head because I had been getting to know Wagiel precisely since 1988 (also from his numerous interviews given to the press, then the music press). And somehow then I got very interested in that musician, together with his parables about music and musicians. Wagiel in his interviews sometimes repeats himself, but exactly in the same way as on his records, in fact, he tells us the same story, but not in the same way... No matter what, also in this interview he shines with eloquence and comprehensive knowledge in various fields. Also with a sense of humour. He also opens up (which is absolutely unique!) privately. And this impression accompanies me continuously while reading. It is a thing one can read like a ready film script. In addition to this, with a beautiful and non-obvious dedication. "One needs to take it for granted that a person will do various - better and worse – things in his life . It is important that he knows how to distinguish which are which. And then to follow stubbornly these that he considers the better ones", adds point to it the hero of the interview. Well, it is good that "on the subject of Wojciech Waglewski" invariably I have clarity of my mind ...

MASTERS ON RECORDS - "Music for K"; "Modern Pentathlon" - Warner - CD/LP The most important Polish jazz series of all time entitled "POLISH JAZZ" is coming back on CDs and LPs. The cult series includes 76 albums issued by Polskie Nagrania within 1964-1990 on long-playing records. Polskie Nagrania, now under the wings of Warner Music Poland, continues to re-release this series in a new exclusive form. The album "Music for K" was recorded in January 1970 and released in the same year under number 22 in the ”Polish Jazz” series. This album is of Tomasz Stańko’s full authorship, free-jazz elegy on the death of his master and friend - Krzysztof Komeda (1931-1969). The first of three records of Tomasz Stańko’s Quintet, and thus his record debut as a leader. It was one of the greatest bands in the history of jazz in Poland. The Quintet, as the head of which Stańko joined the elite of European jazz avant-garde, and in the composition of which Zbigniew Seifert made his debut on the big stage, made a significant contribution to the development of modern jazz music in Europe. The one "trumpeting freedom, in spirit, thought and jazz " – once wrote about Stańko "The New York Times". So it would not be polite to add anything more. However, with such a signature one could very precisely describe the way of one of the greatest ambassadors of Polish music. A versatile composer and trumpeter of enormous sensitivity, terrific intuition and his own timbre. "Music for K" is part of that road that cannot be blot out. The album "MODERN PENTATHLON" of the Laboratorium band appeared in the "Polish Jazz" series under number 49 in 1976. At that time, the band became one of the most popular fusion groups in Poland and Europe. That first long-playing record of the band is divided into two parts. The first one is filled up with the title composition of the band - a suite, which brings, among others, daring speeding tutti of the whole band and contrasted with them ethereal, subtle pieces, exposing the saxophone (Marek Stryszowski) and the guitar (Paweł Ścierański). The second part is filled up with four shorter pieces. Band leader, pianist Janusz Grzywacz said about them in this way, "These are light, graceful and fun little works so that diverse audience can listen to them." There was no room for bigger experiments and the slow building of form. However, there was perfect groove (a phenomenal section: Krzysztof Ścierański - bass, Mieczyslaw Górka - drums), and beautiful, funky themes. "Funky dla Franki” or "ABZ" still sound melodic and fresh! 3/2017  polish market



WHERE EVERYTHING IS TURNED ON ITS HEAD Gioachino Rossini’s opera “The Turk in Italy” will have its first-night performance at the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw on March 17. The director is Christopher Alden. With the countless opera performances he has directed at the most prestigious opera stages in North America and Europe, he is one of the most outstanding contemporary directors. Creatively active for over 30 years, he combines bold staging ideas, lively imagination and humour. It is for the first time that an opera directed by Alden will be staged in Warsaw. Maciej Proliński

The Turk in Italy” is a buffo opera in two acts with a libretto written by Felice Romani. It had its first ever performance in Milan on August 14, 1814. Written for La Scala by a 22-year-old composer who, although very young, was already quite famous, the opera was given a very cold reception, despite its excellent cast. Many people left the theatre after the first act. The opera had only 12 performances in Milan. But this did not prevent it from scoring a success in Rome in the following year. The opera was regularly present on European stages until the 1840s. In Poland, it was staged for the first time in Warsaw in 1824. “The Turk in Italy” appeared on the bills again in the middle of the 20th century to regain in the 1970s its rightful place among Rossini’s comic masterpieces. Among the singers who have performed the part of Fiorilla are Maria Callas, Cecilia Bartoli and, recently, Aleksandra Kurzak at Royal Opera House. It is an operatic theatre of the absurd. The opera is set on a beach and in an inn. No one knows who is who – an Italian man is disguised as a Turk, a Turkish woman pretends to be Italian while a poet looking for ideas for his new opera hangs around them. It is carnival time when Selim, the Turk of the title, comes to Italy to have fun. With all the joyful atmosphere and excitement, it is no longer

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clear who is crazy about whom – Selim when he sees beautiful women, or the women who are looking for exotic experiences? The configurations of triangles and quadrangles get complicated because of mistakes, dressing-up and surprises. And all this is mixed with dance as befits the carnival season frenzy. Christopher Alden’s staging of the opera premiered on July 22, 2014 as a coproduction with Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, Teatro Regio di Torino and Opéra de Dijon. The stage designer is Andrew Lieberman while costumes were designed by Kaye Voyce. Anna Maria Bruzzese designed the stage movement and Adam Silverman did the lighting design. What can we expect of this operatic gem, which is constantly discovered anew? A string of musical pearls, for sure. “The Turk in Italy” is a very joyful opera, with very beautiful and witty music. Andriy Yurkevych, the music director of Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, will conduct the orchestra and choir. The charming Fiorilla’s arias will be performed in Warsaw by Edyta Piasecka. The duets by comic basses – for example Łukasz Goliński as Selim who tries to persuade Don Geronio to sell him his wife - also deserve attention. The quintet with a “Turkish” choir at the end of the second act will certainly be a colourful masterpiece. “The Turk in Italy” is a crazy work, full of movement and dance. It is set during a Venice

carnival, a time when everything is turned on its head. This, in turn, is a natural room for releasing the director’s unconstrained imagination and we can certainly expect here excellent dramatic effects, erotic tension and a comedy of errors – simply great fun. Born in New York, Christopher Alden has had a long and varied career, with many productions in North America and Europe where the director works on a regular basis with the most prestigious theatres. Among his important recent productions is “Norma” (Opera North), “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” (English National Opera and Stanislavsky Theatre, Moscow), “The Tales of Hoffmann” (Santa Fe Opera), “Aida” (Deutsche Oper Berlin) and “Partenope” (English National Opera and Opera Australia). “Partenope” received the prestigious Olivier Award for the best British opera production of the 2008/2009 season and the Helpmann Award in Australia for the best opera production of 2011. For 30 years now Christopher Alden’s productions have been very demanding for the audiences. The same may be the case in War• saw. We are waiting to see.

Foto: “The Turk in Italy,” Festival d’Aix-enProvence 2014 P. Berger/Artcomart


ROYAL CASTLE AND NEW TASKS PRZEMYSŁAW MROZOWSKI, the new director of the Royal Castle in Warsaw, held a special press conference in January to talk about the most important investment projects and interesting temporary exhibitions planned for 2017. Maciej Proliński


rzemysław Mrozowski has been director of Warsaw’s Royal Castle since Feb. 2, 2017. He was appointed for a three-year term in the post by deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture Piotr Gliński after he had served for almost a year as acting director of the institution. Przemysław Mrozowski is also the Castle’s deputy director for museum and scholarly affairs. He had already held this post at the time when the Royal Castle was managed by its previous director, Prof. Andrzej Rottermund, who retired after many years on January 1, 2016. “I have been connected with the Royal Castle for nearly 30 years, which means in fact that I have spent here my whole professional life, sharing it a bit with other institutions, like for example the University of Warsaw. However, it is the Castle and tasks associated with it that have taken the biggest amount of my time and emotion,” Przemysław Mrozowski said. “The Castle was a well-managed institution so, as its director, I do not plan any big revolutions – possibly some corrections. Among the most important plans for the coming period are, first of all, some investment activities.” The biggest investment project will be the restoration of the Lower Garden in its Baroque form designed by Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz before the Second World War. After Poland regained independence in 1918 and the Royal Castle again became the residence of the head of state, work began in the 1930s to make a garden in the area between the Castle and the Vistula river. The work was quite advanced, but could not be completed because of the war. The prewar design has been chosen as the basis for the

present landscaping concept for the Lower Garden. “It will be a regular garden in the spirit of French landscaping tradition. The central part will be occupied by a kind of depression with fountains. There will be clipped hedges forming mazes and secluded places conducive to peaceful relaxation on benches. I can assure you that it will certainly be an attractive place, not only for strolls. We have received European Union funding needed to make this dream come true and we are going to start work in the middle of the year,” the new director said. The cost of the project is estimated at PLN20 million. The completion of the work on the Lower Garden is scheduled for 2018 while the Upper Garden was completed in 2015. Another of the investment projects planned is the renovation of the Clock Tower. It does not need any major repair. It has simply lost its aesthetic appeal because the plaster is coming off its walls, showing white spots. The renovation process is to take two years. A new series of temporary exhibitions, presenting Polish royal painters of the 17th and 18th century, will begin in the Royal Castle this year. The first one will be devoted to the work of Tomasso Dolabella, an Italian Baroque painter who worked for King Zygmunt III and Władysław IV. Since 2017 is the Year of Hungarian Culture, the Royal Castle will show the exhibition “Hungarian Painting in the Years 1918-1939” from the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest and a museum in Pecs. The programme of temporary exhibitions also includes a display of ceramics from the oldest Polish manufactories in Korzec and Baranówka from the private collection of Andrzej Wasilewski. When it

comes to events abroad, the Royal Castle will be one of the organizers, together with museums in other important royal residences in Poland, of a large exhibition entitled “Jan III Sobieski. King of Poland in Vienna,” which will be shown at the Belvedere Museum in the Austrian capital from July to October 2017. Director Mrozowski also announced two important scholarly events. One of them will be devoted to Marie Louise Gonzaga, the wife of two Polish kings of the Vasa dynasty: Władysław IV and Jan Kazimierz. The queen played a very significant role in Poland’s political and social life for over two decades. “It is a spontaneous continuation of last year’s very successful session devoted, in turn, to Marie Casimire Sobieska. Then, we are going to talk about Queen Bona and other Polish queens. We want to devote the second session to Polish castles so as to put the Royal Castle in the context of the development of stately residences,” he said. Director Mrozowski added that the Castle would also continue its educational activity, which will be done in a more traditional form of museum lessons combined with theatre performances and in a slightly less typical form, like happenings and workshops. “We are also going to ‘go outside.’ Some of our objects, like for example prints, medals and coins, can be taken out of the museum. These objects may excite the imagination of young people and we would like to come up with a proposal of museum lessons held at schools with such exhibits. We are also thinking about expanding the educational format by historical lunches or perhaps dinners because the culinary art of the old Repub• lic deserves to be brought back,” he said. 3/2017  polish market


RESIDENCE HERMES KONSTANCIN CHYLICE The luxury residential building is situated in a neighbourhood bordering Konstancin’s spa district, one of the most prestigious areas in Poland. An additional great advantage of the location is its proximity to a little river with picturesque banks and beautiful natural landscape. The building has been designed on a very grand scale - on an H-plan, with a ground storey and a habitable attic. Thecore of the building and one of its wings accommodate rooms with bathrooms and indoor circulation space. The other wing is made up of a swimming pool, sauna, showers, a table tennis room, gym, garages and utility areas. The building has two staircases: the main staircase and a back staircase. The building meets all criteria for very luxurious residences, but thanks to its design, furnishings and location, it can also excellently serve other functions, like for example those of a conference centre, spa centre, clinic and luxurious guest house.

+48 532 969 555 Hermeswilla@gmail.com total area of the building:

1,251.7 sq m usable area of the building: 1,042.7 sq m plot: 11,471 sq m

Food Industry




he origins of the Brewery reach the 90s of the previous century. These were the years when, while being students, we travelled to France to work and we caught the bug of atmospheric, family vineyards run by the families from one generation to another. It was then when the idea to found our own business came to our mind, albeit, due to our admiration of beer, it was this direction that we developed our interest. This was the time when the chances to open a brewery in our country were slim, so the idea was suspended for a few years. The final decision to build the Brewery was made during our trip to Scotland in 2010 where we visited a small whisky distillery. Dukla Brewery brewed its first Warka beer in January 2015 and since that time it has offered beer in a few dozen various styles and tastes. All the beers are brewed by a traditional method with natural ingredients from the best producers and the water that springs from the Cergowa Mountain. The Brewery itself lies at the foot of the mountain.

DUKLA BREWERY JOINS TRADITION WITH MODERNITY We prefer the classic process of beer brewing and we only use proven and quality beer crafting ingredients. We exploit our experience that we have gained for years as home brewers. All the beer recipes are our own proprietary projects and were made up and perfected by years of beer brewing at home. Already in 2015, the first year of our activity, we achieved success at the Poznań Beer Fair where we received two medals for our beers: silver for the crazy alchemist (szalony alchemik), a beer of American India Pale Ale style, and bronze for the smallblack (mała czarna), a stout style beer. In 2016 we added one more SILVER medal for our dukiel oiler (nafciarz dukielski), a beer inspired by crude oil drilled for many years in the area of Dukla. This drink is of oily consistency originating from rye malts and dark brown colour

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from the chocolate and caramel whisky malts. The notes of peat and kerosene intertwine here with the noble herbiness of hops. At the moment the beer is ranked second on the Rate Beer portal in the smoked category. Besides the beer that we try to make on the highest level, our design has also received a lot of positive opinions among the trade experts. The whole idea originated in the joining of our fascination with comic books and animals living in the Lower Beskid region that we placed on the labels of our beers. We asked Krzysztof Brynecki from the nearby town of Krosno, who has been drawing comics for years, to join the project. That was how the first beer labels were made. They are adored by some, and hated by others, but one thing is certain: you cannot pass them by indifferently. The comic style of label design was so engaging that we got an idea to base all the marketing and company promotion on comics. So, we had the idea to draw a comic book which would tell the stories of our heroes from the beer labels. Until now, we have already published three parts of the comics named “The Stories Rich in Beer,” and the follow-ups are in the making. The plot, which is in a fantasy-criminal atmosphere, takes place in Dukof and the surroundings. We try to reflect the spirit of our region and tell about the present and historic events that happened in and around Dukla. Shortly, we are launching an eco-beer, which is going to be brewed from organic ingredients that have quality certificates. In 2017 we are beginning to expand our Brewery with a goal to increase production as we are unable to satisfy the demand of all our clients at the moment. We are also introducing long aging beers, which are going to be lagered in oak barrels from strong alcohols such as rum, whisky and bourbon. The beers lagered in such barrels for a couple of months gain in • aroma and taste.

We invite you to our family brewery to taste our beers. www.browardukla.pl f@browardukla


3/2017  polish market



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