Polish Market No.3 (269)/2018

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P U B L I S H E D S I n c E 1 9 9 6 No. 3 (269) /2018 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl

............................... Industry 4.0 ............................... Poland - Ukraine

c o - o p e r at i o n ............................... Modernization of the Year ...............................

hotel ArłAmów 3/2016  polish market



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6. From The President’s Press Office 7. From The Government Information Centre




12. JADWIGA EMILEWICZ, Minister of Enterprise and Technology: THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL


13. JANUSZ MICHAŁEK, DSc, President of the Katowice Special Economic Zone, Silesian Centre

of Competence for Industry 4.0: SILESIAN CENTRE OF COMPETENCE FOR INDUSTRY 4.0

14. PROF. ARKADIUSZ MĘŻYK PhD, DSc Eng., Rector of the Silesian University of Technology:


16. STEFAN ŻYCZKOWSKI, President of ASTOR: INDUSTRY 4.0 #PEOPLETHATMATTER 17. ANDRZEJ SOLDATY, Leader of the Industry of the Future Platform Project, the Ministry

of Enterprise and Technology: FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION


18. MICHAŁ KURTYKA, deputy Minister of Energy: POLAND IS A LEADER IN THE




24. MARCIN HABER: ENERGY INDEPENDENT FARM 25. PROF. KAZIMIERZ DAROWICKI, D.Sc. Eng., Head of the Department of Electrochemistry,

Corrosion and Materials Engineering of the Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology: ONE HYDROGEN REFUELLING FROM GDAŃSK TO BERLIN

26. ANDRZEJ SIKORA, M.Sc. Eng, President of the Energy Studies Institute:



28. TOMASZ PISULA, President of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency:


30. JACEK PIECHOTA, Chairman of the Board, Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce:






MODERNIZATION OF THE YEAR 40. ROMAN PIKUŁA, President of the Association for the Protection of National Material Heritage, organiser of the International Construction Competition "Modernization of the Year”: MODERNIZATION OF THE YEAR COMPETE FOR THE EUROPEAN AWARD!



51. PIOTR SALABER, a pianist, composer and laurete of the "Polish Market’s" Honorary Pearl: REACHING OUT TO ANOTHER HUMAN BEING




In Polish Market Special Edition 2/2018 (268) on page 17 we published a photograph without mentioning the photographer's name. The picture was by Piotr Dłubak. Our sincere apologies.

Cover: HOTEL ARŁAMÓW Photos on issue: www.shutterstock.com

3(269)/2018 Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.) President: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła Address: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl

Writers/Editors: Maciej Proliński, Jan Sosna, Janusz Korzeń, Jerzy Bojanowicz, Andrzej Kazimierski, Janusz Turakiewicz Translation: Sylwia Wesołowska-Betkier, Agit, Rafał Kiepuszewski Contributors: Agnieszka Turakiewicz Graphic design: Godai Studio Agnieszka Charuba, Joanna Wiktoria Grabowska

Editor-in-Chief: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

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Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President of Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

GOOD NEWS ON THE ECONOMIC FRONT THE MAGIC THRESHOLD OF 5% GDP GROWTH HAS BEEN FINALLY CROSSED. WHEN STATISTICS POLAND RELEASED ITS LATEST GDP ESTIMATE FOR THE LAST QUARTER OF 2017, ACCORDING TO WHICH THE POLISH ECONOMY GREW BY 5.1% OVER THAT PERIOD, SCEPTICS WERE PROVED WRONG. A RESULT LIKE THIS IN THIS PART OF THE WORLD MEANS THAT HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN FOR THE ECONOMY. HOPEFULLY, THE OPTIMISM WILL NO BE SHORT-LIVED. This good news from Poland stands in contrast with more and more frequent forecasts spelling the imminent end of the current world market boom. For instance, a Bank of America Merrill Lynch survey conducted among two hundred CEOs of leading hedge funds leaves very little room for optimism indeed. The respondents expect inflation to rise. They also fear monetary policy mistakes by key central banks like the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. Doom saying like that was bound to rock stock markets and consequently caused the free floating Polish currency, the zloty, to lose against leading currencies. Events like this generally raise the temperature of economic debate in Poland. Various experts point out that the Polish economy grows at a rate 2-2.5% higher than the German economy does, that it is doing fine and has just recored another record budget surplus. As more and more hard data aboout last year’s economic performance trickles in, current trends become more apparent. Domestic demand grew by over 6%, consumer household consumption by almost 5% and investment by a record 11% plus. These encouraging statistics found reflection in the European Union’s better ratings for Poland, according to which in 2018 the structure of growth is likely to remain similar to 2017 with domestic demand accounting for much of it. Individual consumption is to be backed by a more rapid wage growth and record high consumer confidence. But not everything seems as clear as that. This record quarterly investment growth does not translate into more than a 3.5% increase in two-year terms. Moreover, it mainly stems from public investment into infrastructure, which does not significantly boost the economy’s manufacturing capacity. What is needed is for companies to start investing more on their own, and things have been stagnant in this field for two years now. Thus, last year’s results do not offer much clue as to long-term prospects. Changes in the government’s social policies - whereby benefits are now available to families with more than one child - have truly revolutionised the market position of households. Coupled with the current population decline, this has caused unemployment to drop. In spite of the growing availability of foreign workers, especially from Ukraine, wages have grown significantly. This growth in domestic demand has been satisfied in part by imports, but also by Polish producers. Incidentally, the latter keep reaping the benefits of economic boom experienced by Poland’s top trade partners. The influx of fresh manpower from neighbouring countries has prevented pressure on wages from intensifying. It has salso failed to force the manufacturing sector to invest more. It seems that this has not been the Polish government’s main worry as it does not place particular trust in liberal maket economics. Regulations which have been introduced over the past two years are clearly meant to give the state more say in the country’s economic development processes, while market tools and instruments continue to be applied. There are those who wonder whether – as promised – the state is capable of both providing affordable housing for the young and building Industry 4.0 at the same time. It seems that it is time for a debate to start in Poland on the need and limits of state interventionism. Poland – and the rest of the former Soviet bloc – may have found out about interventionism the hard way. But then again, where would Europe be now had it not been for Konrad Adenauer’s and Margaret Thatcher’s firm hand?

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President Andrzej Duda said in Vilnius on 17 February, he was convinced his current visit to Lithuania brings the two countries closer to implementing good-neighbourly relations, a good atmosphere of dialogue, as seen when Lech Kaczynski had been President of Poland. President Andrzej Duda met with Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaite. The day before, he took part in the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Lithuania's independence.

"I would like once again to extend my best wishes and congratulations - to you Madame President, other authorities of the Republic of Lithuania, all Lithuanian citizens, and Lithuanians dispersed all over the world - on the occasion of this great jubilee of the reinstatement of the Lithuanian state," Andrzej Duda said after the meeting with the Lithuanian president. "Thank you for inviting us, because this was an opportunity to show that we are neighbours, friends and allies of Lithuania," he stressed. As the Polish president stated, this visit had a "symbolic meaning". "I talked with President Dalia Grybauskaite, recalling the great Polish-Lithuanian relations pursued by President Lech Kaczynski, first with President (Valdas) Adamkus, and later with Madame President until the tragic death of the president (Lech Kaczynski) on April 10 in 2010," Andrzej Duda said. As he added, on April 8 Lech Kaczynski had talked to President Grybauskaite. "And I hope, I am convinced, that thanks to today's visit we will return to that atmosphere of good dialogue between the authorities and between our countries and the actual implementation of very good neighbourly relations," Andrzej Duda stressed. The president also argued that political co-operation between Poland and Lithuania had continued to develop "above all in building security" pointing out that Poland and Lithuania were fighting for the resolutions of the NATO summit in Warsaw in 2016.


Polish President Andrzej Duda was welcomed by his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in at the Presidential Palace in Seoul on February 8. The ceremony started Andrzej Duda's several-day working visit to the Asian country. The security of the Korean Peninsula, as well as global security, and tasks connected with Poland's membership of the UN Security Council were in the focus of talks held by the Polish President in South Korea. On February 9, the President and his wife took part in the inauguration of the Winter Games in Pyeongchang, and in a meeting of the South Korean president with visiting heads of state and government.

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Prime Minister


Before the informal European Council meeting in Brussels on February 23, PM Mateusz Morawiecki took part in a coordination meeting with representatives of the V4 group. The Polish Prime Minister shared the details of the official dinner held on the initiative of the Belgian PM for selected Member States and devoted to the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework. Poland’s position at this event was consistent with what the V4 members had agreed during the 26 January summit, and included the

criteria to be met by the future budget -new challenges, including innovation and defence, should be financed by new, not reallocated, funds, rebates should be removed the British contribution after 2020 should be taken into account, and, budget quality should be prioritised over the speed of work.

Negotiations on the draft Posted Workers Directive As pointed out by PM Mateusz Morawiecki, it was crucial that support for the position regarding the negotiations on the draft Posted Workers Directive be leveraged from as many Member States as possible. The V4 Prime Ministers agreed that this initiative should be backed by other likeminded countries. The parties set a week-long deadline for any additional signatures and minor alterations to the letter's content which might be necessary to gain support.

PM MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI IN BERLIN: POLAND AND GERMANY CAN BE THE EU'S DRIVING FORCE FOR GROWTH AND POSITIVE CHANGES The head of the Polish Government talked on February 16 to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel on issues such as bilateral economic cooperation, joint defence projects, and the Single Market, and freedom to provide services in the European Union. “I am glad to see the cooperation between Poland and Germany thrive in so many areas,” said Mateusz Morawiecki. He added that the two countries were facing good economic prospects and could be a driving force for growth and positive changes for the entire European Union. The Polish Prime Minister stressed that Poland and Germany followed the same line of thought on many subjects regarding the Single European Market. “The regulations of this market have been designed primarily with SMEs in mind,” said Mr. Morawiecki. “We want to support the SME sector because we believe that this is where beneficial economic and social phenomena originate”. The Prime Minister also mentioned Polish-German cooperation in the defence industry, which includes a broadly defined defence policy, and especially the policies governing the procurement, designing and construction of military equipment. “As far as cooperation is concerned, there is much to be achieved,” said Morawiecki. The Polish Prime Minister and the German Chancellor also discussed the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. “It's beneficial to open a debate on the Nord Stream 2 at the EU level,” pointed out Mr. Morawiecki. “I would not subscribe to the idea that the Nord Stream 2 represents diversification. After all, this gas comes from the same source, but uses a new route,” argued Mr. Morawiecki, stressing how important it was to not allow any single party to monopolise the market and impose its prices on any EU Member State. The head of the Polish Government invited Angela Merkel to the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Polish independence later this year.

PM MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI ON A VISIT IN LEBANON will make it possible to set up a refugee housing estate, with accommodation for a total of 10,000 people. Plans for this year include the construction of 200 houses for around 1000 refugees. The cooperation with Lebanon confirms Poland's continued commitment to the solving of refugees’ problems in their places of origin. As part of the “Turkey-EU instrument”, Poland has earmarked PLN180 million as aid funds for Syrian refugees. An additional PLN100 million has been earmarked as voluntary support for the victims of Middle East warfare, through the efforts of both Polish (Caritas, Pomoc Kościołowi w Potrzebie) and international (Unicef, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) humanitarian organisations. The Polish Government has also extended a helping hand to Africa, including “the Horn of Africa” and Libya, by contributing over EUR8 million under the EU Emergency Trust Fund.

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Photos: premier.gov.pl

On, 12 February, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki started his two-day visit to Lebanon. He went there to confirm Poland's readiness to continue aid programmes addressed to Lebanese entities in connection with Lebanon's admission of refugees from Syria, and to take up further initiatives addressed to the refugee population from the war-afflicted regions. During his talks with the Prime Minister and President of Lebanon, Mateusz Morawiecki declared Poland’s intention to designate additional funding of USD10 million to be invested in Lebanon by the end of this year. The Polish aid


MAESTRO PADEREWSKI Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941), an outstanding Polish pianist, composer and statesman, was featured in a "Polish Market" special edition (2013/2014) and during a concert co-organised together with Teatr Wielki Polish National Opera on June 4, 2014. He was a truly multi-dimensional figure – a rare combination of an artist who inspired others with his music genius and a politician who had to tackle the harsh realities of a reborn Polish state. In this edition of "Polish Market" we focus on Paderewski’s role in the emergence of an independent Poland. We also spotlight an exhibition devoted to him at the National Museum in Warsaw. The exhibition, which is held under the honorary patronage of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, lasts until May 20. Arnold Genthe (1869–1942) Portrait of Ignacy Jan Paderewski and his wife Helena, New York, after 1911

Maciej Proliński


t the turn of the 20th century Ignacy Jan Paderewski was one of the most recognisable Polish names abroad. He was born to a fiercely patriotic family in the village of Kuryłówka in the Podolia region of the then Russian occupation zone. He became a piano virtuoso and one of the most highly recognised performers of works by Frederic Chopin. Just like Chopin, Paderewski was a perfect blend of a patriot and an artist. The soul of the former fed the genius of the latter. The artist was world-famous and he enjoyed the respect of his compatriots at home. As such, he seemed a natural choice for the Prime Minister of a reborn Polish state. He took office in early 1919. But he did not remain there for long. He resigned because he felt he was misunderstood by politicians who surrounded him. He became Poland’s ambassador to the League of Nations in Geneva, to finally withdraw from politics two years later. Following Poland’s defeat by Nazi Germany in the autumn of 1939, he became the head of the Polish National Council in Paris and then in London. As a politician, together with another statesman Roman Dmowski, he played a major role at the Paris peace conference, where the Treaty of Versailles was signed, which marked the end of WWI. It is said that it was thanks to Paderewski’s lobbying that a postulate regarding Poland’s independence found itself among President Wilson’s Fourteen Points submitted to the US Congress in January 1918. The emergence of an independent Polish state with a free access to the Baltic Sea was described there as one of the pre-conditions for world peace. Paderewski’s concerts were accessible to all, leaving audiences under his spell. His renditions of works by Chopin and other composers available on archive recordings are still

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Charles Giron (1850–1914) Portrait of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, 1907

admired. He managed to make thousands of people all over the globe fall in love with music. Those in the audience treated him as someone close and dear to them. His concert tours took him all over Europe, the Americas, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Paderewski performed in front of Queen Victoria and other crowned heads, as well as successive US presidents. Since 1907 each year he performed at the White House. The Italian writer and war correspondent Curzio Malaparte, who attended a Paderewski concert at the Royal Castle in Warsaw in 1919, wrote: “Everybody around me listened in silence with bated breath. The pure and light tones of the prelude seemed to float in the

air like propaganda leaflets scattered from an airplane. Each note had the following printed on it in red capitals: Long live Poland.” But the artist liked to point out that his career was not an instant one. He used to say that he owed one percent of his success to talent, 90 percent to hard work and the remaining nine percent to luck. It took a while for Paderewski to find the right piano teacher. He succeeded in Vienna at the age of 24. His mentor was Teodor Leszetycki, one of the most famous piano teachers of the day. For the artist, meeting Leszetycki was one of the turning points of his personal development. It also marked the first step on his road toward the world’s most famous concert halls. But this journey was filled with humble work on perfecting his piano technique, expanding his repertoire and testing his abilities during numerous concerts. Paderewski was not just a performer. He also wrote music. Some of the most famous orchestras have included his works such as the opera “Manru”, “Polish Fantasy” for the piano and orchestra and “Polonia” symphony in their repertoire. He worked on the latter piece, which is described as his lifetime achievement, between 1903 and 1907. The symphony was written to mark the fortieth anniversary of the abortive January Rising against Russia of 1863. This monumental work was first performed in Boston by the Boston Symphony Orchestra under Max Fiedler on February 12, 1909. It was then performed in London under Hans Richter and at the Paris Conservatoire under André Messager. On hearing the work, the famous French music critic Jules Combarieu wrote: “Paderewski is one of those who write because they have something to say. Their talent is an emanation of their character.”

Paderewski’s “Polonia” symphony was performed at a concert organised by "Polish Market" and Teatr Wielki Polish National Opera in Warsaw on June 4, 2014. The nearly one and a half hour long concert directed by Jerzy Maksymiuk was a reminder of how grand and elevating Paderewski’s music is. The composer’s precision and technical discipline were also clearly noticeable. In this symphony, Paderewski comes across as an artist of great temperament capable of producing genuine emotions. During the concert the spotlight was very much on Jerzy Maksymiuk, one of the most acclaimed conductors in this part of the world, who proved his amazing attention to detail by highlighting the different sounds produced by individual musical instruments. The symphony is described by music critics as an example of Paderewski’s very personal, communicative approach. As conductor Jerzy Maksymiuk pointed out that some of the work’s parts can be experienced quite visually and linked with key episodes from Poland’s turbulent history. "The 'Polonia' symphony works both on the intellectual and emotional level. Dramatic moments are interwoven with lyrical themes. I can hardly think of a work which would so simply and so obviously capture the spirit of Polish patriotism. The second movement is beautifully and elaborately constructed. It has some magnificent climactic moments. The lyrical parts of the third movement are emotionally intense. The march coming from this movement rivals Mahler’s work in its intensity. The march starts as if emerging from below the ground. Here I can find references to Poland’s tragic history, heroism and fighting spirit. There is also a veiled reference to the national hymn. It is not overt because Poland was still under foreign occupation at the time. 'Polonia' is an extremely valuable, sombre and emotional work which should be performed as often as possible,” Jerzy Maksymiuk told "Polish Market". The conductor, one of the most eminent representatives of Polish culture, is himself one of the most fervent promoters of Paderewski’s music. The artist’s personal life was marred by a series of tragedies. His first wife Antonina Korsak died shortly after childbirth. Paderewski became a widower at the age of twenty. His son, Alfred, was paralysed. Helena Górska, the wife of Władysław Górski, took care of the child. Paderewski and Górska fell in love but were only able to marry in 1899 when her first marriage was annulled. Toward the end of her life, Helena was seriously ill, which was the reason why Paderewski called off his winter tour of the US. She died on January 16 1934 in the couple’s Riond Bosson villa near Morges in Switzerland. She was buried at Montmorency

cemetery near Paris next to Paderewski’s son Alfred. Overwhelmed by her death, the artist said that he wished to be buried next to the two in the future. Ignacy Jan Paderewski died in New York on June 29,1941. He was laid to rest with the highest military honours at Arlington cemetery in Washington among US presidents, distinguished politicians and military commanders. In 1992 on the initiative of Polish President Lech Wałęsa his ashes were brought to Poland and placed in the crypt of St. John the Baptist’s Basilica in Warsaw. "I leave everything to my homeland. I consider this money to be the Nation’s property. That is why I am asking for it to be passed on to the Jagiellonian University in Krakow,” Paderewski wrote in his will. Among the beneficiaries were also Lvov and Poznań Universities, the Warsaw Music Conservatoire and the Paderewski High School in Poznań. The artist donated his collection of paintings, sculptures, medals, coins and drawings to the National Museum in Warsaw. The will, which was opened on April 1, 1949, listed a number of properties in Switzerland, Poland, the US and Brazil, which in 1930 the artist valued at CHF 2.75 million. After Paderewski’s death the estate started to dwindle, and not just as a consequence of WWII. Only a fraction of the funds and memorabilia ended up in Poland. In the mid-1960s the Riond Bosson villa, where Paderewski used to receive the world’s artistic and political elites, was pulled down during the construction of a motorway. The artist’s will was contested many times. The last case was not settled until 2002. In general, Paderewski was not always lucky to find good advisors and administrators of his estate. One of many events held to mark this year’s centenary of the regaining of independence by Poland is an exhibition devoted to Paderewski at the National Museum in Warsaw. It deals with his political and cultural activities. Items on show mostly come from his own collection which he bequeathed to the Polish nation. The exhibition lasts until May 20. On display in the six rooms taken up by the exhibition are paintings, drawings, photographs and other memorabilia which Paderewski donated to the National Museum in his will. They make up a rich collection of valuable art works which he built up over the years at his Riond Bosson villa. "We want this exhibition to present this magnificent figure as a world-renowned artist, statesman, celebrity, collector, philanthropist and private person, and above all as a patriot to whom Poland owes its independence,” Agnieszka Morawińska, director of the National Museum in Warsaw points out.

"The exhibition is meant to show the different faces of Paderewski, both as a great musician and statesman and as a private person – a man devoted to his family and a collector of the art of the Far East. Our exhibits help to portray him as an accomplished politician, famous personality, member of the world elite, traveller, as well as a little boy who spent his childhood in the Podolia region,” the exhibition’s curator Magdalena Pinker adds. At the exhibition, the story of Padarewski’s life starts with music and ends with politics. In the first room your attention is first attracted by a grand piano which was presented to Paderewski by Steinway in 1925. The next room is filled with suitcases and travel trunks which belonged to the man who spent his life on the road as he travelled from one concert hall to another. Paderewski is known to have loved travelling. In this room you can also see and hear the artist performing works by Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven as well as his own piece of music, the Menuet in G-major. A recording of the latter is shown in the film “Moonlight Sonata” of 1937. There are also captivating photographs of Ignacy Jan Paderewski together with his wife Helena posing at a picnic at their California ranch with Hollywood child prodigy Jackie Coogan, who starred in Charlie Chaplin’s classic “The Kid”. Thanks to Paderewski, Coogan generously donated money to help Polish children who suffered during WWI. In the next room there are art works presented to Paderewski by great artists of the day, including the triptych “Music” by Jacek Malczewski and drawings by Leon Wyczółkowski. The fourth part of the exhibition is devoted to Paderewski’s family life. It includes photographs showing his beloved Riond-Bosson residence and pictures of his family members, including his first wife Antonina and son Alfred, as well as his second wife Helena. Paderewski is also shown as an inveterate smoker, while his wife’s passion for raising rare poultry with amazing plumage is revealed. In the fifth room a collection of art of the Far East is on display featuring works Padarewski purchased over the years. It predominantly includes Chinese art works such as cloisonné enamelled pieces, porcelain and lacquerware. The exhibition is complete with examples of Paderewski’s patriotic and political activities. He is shown during his swearing-in ceremony as Prime Minister. Election posters are displayed on the walls along with ballot papers where you can find Paderewski’s name among the candidates. The many distinctions he received are also shown, including the Polonia Devastata and Polonia Restituta medal, the latter awarded in 1923. • 3/2018  polish market



The “Independent Poland” government programme of ceremonies marking the 100th anniversary of Poland’s independence is the widest-ranging promotion of Polish culture since the collapse of communism in 1989. Its implementation has been entrusted by the Ministry of Culture and the National Heritage to the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. Over the next four years, more than 400 cultural projects are scheduled in more than twenty countries under a joint heading “Poland 100”. Maciej Proliński


The international programme of ceremonies is primarily aimed at protecting the good name of Poland, boosting its image through the presentation of magnificent Polish culture to strengthen the conviction that Poland is a country of fine tradition. It is a country with rich and modern culture which refers to values rooted in the Polish paradigm founded on Christianity and the traditions of antiquity,” says Jarosław Sellin, Deputy Minister of Culture and the National Heritage. According to Krzysztof Olendzki, Director of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Polish culture has always played a crucial role in keeping up the national spirit. It enabled the nation to survive the time of foreign occupation by neighbouring powers in the 1795-1918 period. On the threshold of independence it was the driving force behind the construction of a modern Polish state. “In difficult post-WWII times, culture was the oasis of freedom. Now, on the one hundredth anniversary of regaining of independence by Poland, we would like to show international audiences the very best that Polish culture has produced in the past one hundred years. In 2018 the programme will encompass 200 events. Over the four years of its duration, more than four hundred various cultural undertakings will be carried out. We mostly focus on events which will be taking place in countries which lie close to Poland, and where the Adam Mickiewicz Institute has been absent until now. We are building our presence in the region on the basis of thorough studies. Thanks to their results we know that Bucharest, Riga, Vilnius and Budapest are cities where demand for Polish culture is the highest and where it enjoys the best reception. The icon of our programme is Ignacy Jan Paderewski who embodies culture, politics, national heritage and identity. He is a hero without whom Poland would not have regained independence. He is a symbol of both Polish

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culture and Poland which was reborn following years of foreign rule,” Krzysztof Olendzki notes. The independence anniversary programme encompasses events to be held in foreign countries, devoted to music, design, as well as links between art and technology. They will include concerts in the most important cultural centres of Europe and on other continents, exhibitions and installations, educational programmes involving computer games and a new digital tool: the Map of Polish Composers which will present the artists and excerpts of their music. One of the most ambitious ventures of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute is the production of a musical devoted to Ignacy Jan Paderewski which is in development. On September 17 2018 the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra will perform at one of Europe’s most famous concert halls, the Wiener Musikverein. It will be conducted by the orchestra’s artistic director Alexander Liebreich. The concert will feature works by two Polish composers Stanisław Moniuszko and Ignacy Jan Paderewski. Also in September the Bridging Europe Festival in Budapest will open with a concert by the Sinfonia Varsovia under Andrzej Boreyko starring the eminent pianist with Polish-Hungarian roots Piotr Anderszewski. The inaugural concert will symbolically link the musical culture of Poland and the Baltic states. In the Polish part, Karol Szymanowski’s piano masterpiece “Symphonie Concertante” No. 4 will be performed. To mark the centenary of the regaining of Poland’s independence, the I,CULTURE Orchestra, which involves musicians from Poland and Eastern Partnership countries, will be expanded to include musicians from Central European countries. During this year’s concert tour, which will include Brussels’ Bozar centre, Hamburg’s Elbhilharmonie and

a major Budapest venue, young Hungarian musicians will join the orchestra’s regular line-up. They will be performing ‘Polonaise,’ a new work by the acclaimed Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki commissioned to mark the independence anniversary. From May to October the Zentrum für Kunst und Medien in Karlsruhe in Germany will become a venue of pioneering Polish modernist presentations by the multimedia Polish Radio Experimental Studio. In May the Map of Polish Composers will be launched – a new digital multimedia tool showcasing 20th and 21st century Polish music. Between October and the end of the year, visitors to the Pompidou Centre in Paris will be able to admire works by constructivist sculptor Katarzyna Kobro and painter Władysław Strzemiński, a married couple who are regarded as leading avant-garde artists of the 20th century. The show will span their rich and varied work from the 1920s to the early 1950s. This exhibition is not the only project devoted to their work. Last year an exhibition entitled “Avant-garde Prototypes” was on show at the Museo Nacional Centro de ASSASrte Reina Sofia in Madrid. This spring an exhibition “Strzemiński & Kobro. Art in turbulent times” will be mounted at the Moderna Museet in Malmo in Sweden. A new film about the two artists directed by Borys Lankosz, based on a scenario by Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk, will also be shown later this year. A revealing, personal look at charismatic Strzemiński is contained in “Afterimage”, the last production by the late internationally famous Polish filmmaker Andrzej Wajda, who died on October 9 2016 shortly after the film’s world premiere. The Poland 100 programme will also feature a series of exhibitions, workshops, lectures, publications and multimedia projects using the latest technologies and devoted to Polish design in the regional Central and East European context. In April, a historical exhibition spotlighting the role of design in boosting the national identity on the example of Polish pavilions at early 20th century world exhibitions,

will be mounted at Milan’s Salone del Mobile. The show has been put together by Katarzyna Jeżowska, curator of exhibitions and author of studies on design who pursued doctoral studies at the University of Oxford. An exhibition entitled “Steps Ahead”, tracing the dynamic development of design in Poland and Hungary, will open at the FUGA Architecture Centre in Budapest in May. The reference point of the project is post-200 design. The curators of the exhibition are Michał Stefanowski, Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, head of its Design Chair and Professor Gyula Erney, a pioneer of studies on the history and theory of design in Hungary. New technologies used in “Poland 100” projects will function on two levels: as a link between tradition and modern times and as a tool of international communication, which will enable the programme to reach younger generations of audiences and museum visitors. A new version of the Culture.pl portal devoted to Polish culture has been launched this month. The Culture.pl 3.0 project put together by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute is primarily designed for mobile use. It features a series of “Stories from the Eastern West” podcasts, which already ranks within the Top 3 of most-downloaded Polish podcasts. • 3/2018  polish market


Industry 4.0



he world is going through the fourth industrial revolution. Only those countries which succeed in adapting their economies to the industry of the future will count in the current global race. Poland wants to be a leader in setting the trends in industry 4.0. It is our goal to make Polish entrepreneurs develop their companies in this direction. Our further growth depends on the successful implementation of this concept. That is why becoming part of the process of smart reindustrialisation is one of the major elements in the Responsible Development Strategy. The fourth industrial revolution is already under way. A number of EU Member States have already introduced systemic solutions aimed at adapting their economies to the new challenges as smoothly as possible. Poland, as a country in which industry holds a significant market share, must quickly become one of the players at the forefront of this transformation. This is all about ensuring the competitiveness of the Polish economy in the years to come. One action being taken by the Government to operationally implement the smart reindustrialisation concept is the Polish Industry 4.0 Platform. This undertaking is giving shape to the concept of the entrepreneurial state which mobilises and encourages active participation in the fourth industrial revolution. The Polish

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Industry 4.0 Platform is also set to meet the expectations of the domestic private sector. The Platform is intended to be a new link in the economic ecosystem, taking up an integrating and coordinating role in relation to all economic players, particularly providers and recipients of technologies, and scientific centres. This mission will be facilitated by the Platform’s hybrid nature, as it is designed to operate at the meeting point of the public and private sectors. Its objective will be to familiarise entrepreneurs with the issues and solutions related to Industry 4.0, to support technical, technological and environmental improvements in enterprises, to develop employee skills, and to create cooperation mechanisms for market operators, while taking care of the legal and regulatory environment. All this to stimulate and assist the transformation of the national industry sector. In the first phase of the Platform's operation, its tasks will be focused on providing entrepreneurs with much-needed knowledge about Industry 4.0. Economic transformation, first and foremost, requires cooperation and knowledge sharing. For this reason, it is one of the main goals of the Platform to create a networked business ecosystem on the Polish industrial market. This requires knowledge and awareness of the market. That is why the key

forthcoming challenge for the Platform will be to work with entrepreneurs and to persuade them to modernise and introduce farreaching changes. The Platform will grant Polish entrepreneurs access to personalised information on how they can benefit from participating in the industrial transformation. These include an improved competitive position, flexible management, and more informed decision-making. The Industry 4.0 concept involves not only furthering the technological advancement of enterprises, but also changing their management model. It is characterised by a flexibility which allows adaptation to the changing reality. The vision of the Future Industry Platform includes the strategic role of scientific and academic centres. It is these centres that can take advantage of their modern research infrastructure to provide meaningful support for implementing the Industry 4.0 concept at the regional level. By creating a network of regional Competence Centres operating under the Platform, it will be possible to reach primarily small and mediumsized enterprises with a package of knowledge and skills covering technical and management standards which make up the foundations of the successful transformation to • Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0

SILESIAN CENTRE OF COMPETENCE FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 JANUSZ MICHAŁEK, DSc, President of the Katowice Special Economic Zone, Silesian Centre of Competence for Industry 4.0


ebruary 21, 2018 saw the signing of an agreement between the Katowice Special Economic Zone SA and the Silesian University of Technology which provides for the establishment of the Silesian Centre of Competence for Industry 4.0. The signing ceremony was attended by Minister of Enterprise and Technology Jadwiga Emilewicz. The signing of the document marks the end of the first stage of co-operation between the two parties regarding the development and implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept in Silesia with the participation of entrepreneurs coming mainly from the Katowice Special Economic Zone. Now that the formal structure is in place, we proceed to the implementation phase to involve entrepreneurs, students and research workers of the Silesian University of Technology. Within the newly established consortium, the Silesian University of Technology is responsible for the technological and scientific side of the undertaking. The Katowice Special Economic Zone, on its part, will take care of the organisational and financial side. It will also actively encourage entrepreneurs operating within the zone to become involved in the undertaking. Entrepreneurs are well aware of the changes taking place in the market, and of the technological requirements posed by the next stage of the industrial revolution known as Industry 4.0. In my opinion, we can count on their involvement. The Silesian Centre of Competence for Industry 4.0 meets challenges posed for the Polish and European economies by technological progress in Asian countries and the United States as well as by the influence of the Internet and mobile devices on consumer behaviour. The Silesian Centre of Competence for Industry 4.0 fits in very well into European policies on the digital transformation of industry, reindustrialisation of the European economy and national smart specialisations such as “Sensors and smart sensor networks”, “Geospatial information solution grid and technologies”, “Robotic process automation”, as well as the regional specialisation of the Silesia province “Information and communications technologies.” The establishment of the Silesian Centre of Competence for Industry 4.0, for the time being in the form of a consortium, on the one hand fits into the government Programme for Silesia [part of the Strategy for Responsible Development,] and on the other, into the activities of the

Signing of an agreement between the Katowice Special Economic Zone SA and the Silesian University of Technology attended by Minister of Enterprise and Technology Jadwiga Emilewicz

Foundation Platform for Industry of the Future, which I hope will soon be set up under a new proposed piece of legislation. Both mechanisms will provide solid support for the activities of the Silesian Centre of Competence for Industry 4.0. On the one hand, they will ensure financing for all planned undertakings. On the other, they will offer institutional and organisational support. We expect that within five years’ time the Silesian Centre of Competence for Industry 4.0 will become a well-known and respected partner for small and medium-sized enterprises in Central Europe. At various stages of the digital transformation it will offer them support through training schemes, consulting and dedicated projects within which vital competences and resources will be ensured by suppliers of technologies, experts in particular sectors and business environment institutions. • 3/2018  polish market




EDUCATING COMPETENT STAFF PROF. ARKADIUSZ MĘŻYK PhD, DSc Eng., Rector of the Silesian University of Technology


he Silesian University of Technology has educated personnel for the advanced-technologies sector for many years. It is worth recalling that our University was established with this particular goal in mind – to support the development of industry on the regional and countrywide scale. Currently, we have more than 20 thousand students. The technologies which today constitute the basis of Industry 4.0 have been in development at the Silesian University of Technology for many years now. While Industry 4.0 is mainly about integrating and creating suitable platforms to merge all technologies, it also requires educating competent staff, who will be able to understand the opportunities resulting from technological integration. This is the kind of personnel we train here. Modern and labour marketoriented teaching curricula encompass, among other things, in-house training schemes hosted by our partners who include firms and public institutions. We started the training of leaders of Industry 4.0, whom you will have soon an opportunity to meet, in October 2017, selecting 14 of several dozen PhD students and young doctors applying for participation in the programme. Our leaders will start

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developing Industry 4.0 technologies in cooperation with entities operating on the only market of its kind in the country. Our University has many and varied links with the “vast laboratory,” which the leader among Polish Special Economic Zones, the Katowice Special Economic Zone is. A sum of more than PLN 30 billion has been already invested in the Zone where more than 70,000 jobs have been created. The main campus of the Silesian University of Technology is located in Gliwice, with other facilities based in Zabrze and Katowice. It is the centre of the Upper Silesia – Dąbrowa Basin Metropolis established on 1 January 2018. This unique area is today inhabited by over 2 million people. The Upper Silesian urban area encompasses 41 cities, more than 100 sites for projects, and over 2600 hectares of industrial land. The Silesian University of Technology lies within the Katowice Special Economic Zone, which is the site of the continuous development of Industry 4.0 technologies. This partnership, as well as the physical proximity, allow our students and employees to access the best-equipped industrial installations, which meet the requirements of the state-of-the-art technologies used in the high-tech industry. •

Industry 4.0





he past thirty years in the Polish economy has been a time of more or less intensive technological change thanks to which it has been possible to overcome barriers on the road to a modern industry. These changes would not have been possible to achieve if it had not been for people, for without them there is no technology. Invention is the driving force behind successive innovations. Hence, the biggest challenge for industry has always been posed by transformations occurring on a number of platforms, both the human and technological platform. Right now there is a lot of talk about key challenges facing us when it comes to Industry 4.0. As Prof. Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum said: “We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before.” As we face the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is worth asking yourself time and again exactly who will implement the Industry 4.0 concept in Poland. It follows from my personal observations over many years that we, Poles still feel like taking on a challenge. We have enough enthusiasm to share with the rest of Europe. We have the capabilities. We have the knowledge and intellectual potential. It is a major challenge to be successful, to grow affluent, and yet still be keen to try harder. We still have plenty to do. Our youthful enthusiasm gives us a competitive advantage on global markets. I have been introducing automation in Poland for the past thirty years and I can see that there is still enough work to keep me busy for another twenty years. This is what motivates me and many other Poles, and bodes very well for new innovative solutions. The Industry 4.0 concept is a perfect catalyst of development on a number of layers. It will prove possible if we are up to challenges posed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The first hurdle is the insufficient number of engineering cadres. Then comes the human fear of technology and innovation. In Poland, I also frequently encounter those who tend to buy the cheapest technologies, which does not work in the long run at all. This is mainly due to financial barriers: many Polish entrepreneurs cannot afford to invest in technologies. Meanwhile, the rapid pace of the fourth industrial revolution makes it vital to invest in robotics to be able to compete on global markets. Only a well-educated, adaptable Engineer 4.0 can make the Industry 4.0 revolution in Poland a reality. Thus, the biggest challenges for Poland in the Industry 4.0 era are education, education and education on

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three levels – the education of primary and secondary school and university students, professionals who are already active on the labour market and teachers who need to be able to pass on the latest scientific and technological achievements to their students. New areas of technology vital for Industry 4.0 require specialist cadres to acquire new skills. How to develop these skills? Experts point out that technological competence is the most important, but what are known as soft skills are also gaining importance. A study of engineers’ needs conducted by ASTOR in 2016 shows that half the companies train engineers and only a third of them builds development programmes for them. At the same time, when asked about their professional needs, engineers tend to mention development as their number one goal, stressing the need to acquire new skills, implement exciting projects and take on technological challenges. Among new areas of technology, specialists mention aspects such as the integration of cyber-physical systems, advanced production management systems, advanced robotics, advanced manufacturing data analysis systems and the application of artificial intelligence algorithms in the manufacturing environment. In fact, the list of competences a modern engineer is expected to possess is much longer. So what should effective engineering development programmes look like? We have established that, first and foremost, they should take into account the fact that recurrent mechanical actions will be increasingly performed by machines and robots. People should primarily develop their creative capabilities. The engineer of the Industry 4.0 era will need to process and analyse large amounts of data coming from various sources, to assess their significance, credibility and to draw the right conclusions. The ability to gather such data, also with the use of electronic media and BigData instruments, will prove essential. Key soft skills an engineer will be required to possess in a modern company will relate to team work and design work. Communication skills are gaining importance, too, also on the cross-cultural level and with the use of virtual tools. An engineer’s worth is still primarily measured in terms of hard knowledge of technology, but the role of modern skills is gaining more and more importance. It thus pays to support people in their development. Economic growth will be possible to achieve thanks to • them. When all’s said and done, it’s the people that matter.

www.astor.com.pl/en, www.astor.com.pl/industry4/


Industry 4.0

ANDRZEJ SOLDATY, Leader of the Industry of the Future Platform Project, the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology, talks to "Polish Market". What are the conditions for reaching the level described as Industry 4.0? These conditions should be considered from four perspectives - the ecosystem, people, technology, and the market. Each of these perspectives has been divided into individual areas. By “ecosystem”, we mean the legal and financial environment, in particular, support instruments for transformation. The “people” perspective covers such aspects as competencies, entrepreneurship, and the innovation culture, and the attitudes arising from the applicable labour law. Speaking of the “technology” perspective, we can mention the level of the technological advancement of industry, in particular the automation level, the digitisation level, the infrastructure in the context of high-speed and symmetrical access to the Internet, and the advancement of cybersecurity solutions. The last of the pillars is “the market”, which involves the supply of Industry 4.0 solutions on the domestic market, the behaviour of customers accustomed to widespread Internet access, and to the advancement of cooperation networks. Consequently, there are a number of conditions, including barriers, which hinder the reaching of the Industry 4.0 level. To overcome them, we need something more than just efforts from individual companies. For example, reaching a proper level of Internet access or educating staff are not activities which can be carried out by an individual entity. What we need are grassroots initiatives and state intervention. But these two elements must act in synergy. This is the right model for boosting the economy towards achieving the Industry 4.0 level. It is a model which has been successfully implemented in other countries. Germany is one of the leaders in implementing this model, but such a model can be observed in most industrialised countries. PM

You speak of the division into four perspectives. In which of them is Poland closest to reaching the Industry 4.0 level? Such analyses are being prepared at the national and international levels. This area is also being monitored by the European Commission, which, as part of the Digital Transformation Monitor, is analysing the advancement of the digitisation process in the Member States. Based on these analyses, it is apparent that Poland is unfortunately still below the European average in each of the four perspectives I mentioned. We are definitely not ready as far as broadband Internet, consumer behaviour, standardisation, and raising competence are concerned. The great potential of the services in the software sector provides an opportunity for us. We need to bear in mind that similar words are being spoken in most of the EU Member States which are undergoing transformation. It should be noted that currently none of the countries is fully prepared for implementing Industry 4.0 solutions. The entire European Union is faced with similar challenges. PM

You said that creating the optimum conditions for Industry 4.0 implies state intervention. Interventionism has negative connotations in Poland. How can you convince citizens and businesses that this idea is right? We need to point to positive examples of other EU Member States. In Germany, activities taken up during the first digitisation wave, in which the state was not involved, were not fully successful. The ideas presented by Mariana Mazzucato in her book “The Entrepreneurial State” are widely discussed today. The word “interventionism” can be substituted by the notion of “grassroots initiative-leveraging processes”. There are numerous grassroots initiatives in Poland which are contributing to building awareness that transformation towards Industry 4.0 is essential. Universities prepare their course programmes to educate graduates who PM

will be able to move around freely within the concept. Companies are taking steps as well to introduce solutions which will bring them closer to operating within this model. So, state interventionism involves supporting the best grassroots initiatives. Exactly. This is the objective of the Industry of the Future Platform Foundation, which will be the final outcome of initiatives being taken up both locally and by the government, aimed at boosting the domestic industry. It is part of the Industry 4.0 concept. The platform-based model consists of cooperation between suppliers and customers, but it is also to create cooperation opportunities at the supplier-supplier and customer-customer levels. In the platformbased model, we are not only generating value within the supplier-customer chain, but also in the field of building the ecosystems of suppliers and customers. Thanks to such a solution, it is, for example, possible to increase the value of a given product. Thanks to cooperation between manufacturers, it is possible to network a manufacturing company with a company which can develop the right software for a given product. And this means that we will be able to launch a more technologically advanced product and sell it at a higher profit. Finally, I would like to point to the fact that although the Foundation has not been officially established yet, the strategy I have been talking about is being actively implemented. Within the preparatory activities, we have launched five initiatives under the patronage of the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology. They were presented at the conference "Unlocking the Market Potential for Industry 4.0 in Poland" (to find out more, go to our website www.mpit.gov. pl). It is a clear sign of integrating the administration, university and business circles for the needs of Industry 4.0. I hope that as many enterprises and public entities as possible will join the movement soon. • PM

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lectromobility is a new, global and fast-developing trend which is gaining popularity and is winning growing numbers of users. The direction toward the development of electric vehicles has been embraced by all the world’s economic powers. This change entails a complete overhaul of the automotive industry as we know it. But it seems inevitable. The law on electromobility and alternative fuels drafted by the Ministry of Energy places Poland among the leaders in the development of the electromobility market. The adoption of solutions envisaged in the act contributes to increasing

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the country’s energy security, while the development of the alternative fuels market catering for the needs of transport will help to significantly improve the quality of air in Polish cities. One should bear it in mind that taking part in the technological revolution involving the development and wider use of electric vehicles, will enable Poland to create new sectors of industry, thus propelling economic growth. The law covers two key areas of activity geared toward the development of infrastructure and the electric vehicle market. The development of infrastructure is of particular interest because a shortage of battery charging points poses


one of the main hurdles in the development of the electromobility market. The law also lays legal foundations for the development of infrastructure needed to charge electric car batteries. Some 6,000 standard-power and 400 high-power charging points are to be launched in 32 urban areas and in other heavily populated regions by end-2020. Moreover, the electromobility and alternative fuels act introduces the notion of charging electric vehicle batteries as a new type of economic activity. This service does not constitute electricity sales as defined by the energy law. Hence it requires no licence. It will also enable charging services to be offered not just to electric car users but also to electric motorbike and bicycle users. The definition of a charging point provides for space to be made available for vehicles to stop over for charging, and it also contains a description of the service itself. This is meant as an incentive to companies interested in providing the service. The electromobility and alternative fuels act introduces a number of incentives for drivers, including lower taxes on the purchase of electric vehicles and a more beneficial depreciation rate. Drivers of electric vehicles will be authorised to use bus lanes and to park free of charge in designated paid parking zones. The law’s regulations are meant to promote the development of public transport based on alternative fuels. Some 3,000 electric buses are to roll down Polish roads by 2028. The law on electromobility and alternative fuels enables local government bodies to introduce clean transport zones where alternative fuel vehicles will only be allowed. This is meant as an effective way of combatting pollution largely caused by heavy car traffic. When it comes to electromobility in Poland, mention should also be made of policies geared toward the development of an alternative fuel infrastructure. A strategic document to this effect outlines the objectives and support instruments in the field of electric energy, CNG and LNG used in road transport and shipping. The principles and directions of state support have been defined as part of work on the strategy. Thanks to consultations with public partners at the drafting stage, solutions envisaged in the law meet the needs and expectations of the market and potential users of this form of transport in a comprehensive way. A major trend in the development of electromobility is what is known as car sharing, which is beneficial not just for local authorities but also for passengers and drivers. Car sharing allows free access to a pool of vehicles which can be used based on individual needs. It is an ideal solution for those who care for the environment, do not own a car but who occasionally need to use it, are keen to use modern solutions and seek ways of cutting down on the cost of transport. The energy industry appears receptive to the needs of users and is aware of the latest transport trends. One Polish energy industry firm has already launched an electric car hire service in the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Tri-city. The company’s electric cars can be charged at any of the points of a network developed in the past few years. The company has also carried out a detailed survey among electric car drivers. The launch of car sharing services marks another step which


will enable Tri-city users to test electric cars, while allowing the company to gather fresh data. The aim of car sharing is to come up with products and services tailored to the real needs of electric vehicle users. Another Polish energy company has also started tests of electric car sharing services dedicated to its workers. Electric car sharing is also likely to be launched in the cities of Rzeszów, Kraków and Łódź. Betting on electromobility now may be the source of a competitive advantage in the future. That is why it is vital to define the role of the energy industry in the process for Poland to succeed in the introduction of electromobility. The growing share of electric vehicles does not just pose a challenge of increased demand for electricity but is also bound to precipitate technological change which will affect the shape of the entire industry. The development of smart networks, energy storage and V2G Vehicle-to-Grid technology will make it easier to adjust the offer of energy companies to customer needs, which in turn will boost their competitive market advantage. Aware of the potential of the electromobility market, in October 2016 four Polish energy companies: PGE Group, Energa SA, Enea SA and Tauron Polska Energia SA, set up the ElectroMobility Poland SA firm. Its aim is to support smaller private businesses capable of building prototypes and to launch the production of a Polish electric car. Electromobility is a global trend which requires constant attention and in-depth analysis. That is why the Ministry of Energy is an initiator of a number of debates and studies on opportunities and challenges concerning the development of electric vehicles. I am very happy that our activities generate a lot of interest among local government bodies, businesses and experts because we are trying to stay ahead of technological and business trends. We follow the current debate on the development of electromobility in Poland with interest because what used to be just a concept is now becom• ing a reality. 3/2018 polish market





"Only through cooperation of three sectors: government, academia and business will it be possible to start the development of electromobility and battery production in Europe," said Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski during the ceremony of incorporating the Polish scientific consortium Pol-Stor-En by seven research units. The event, which took place at the Ministry of Energy on 21 February 2018 was also attended by Minister of Enterprise and Technology Jadwiga Emilewicz and deputy Minister of Energy Michał Kurtyka.


To enter the technological race with other countries in the area of electromobility, we must all work together - both decision-makers, scientists, and businessmen," said Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski. He added he was extremely glad that research institutions were willing to cooperate in the area of energy storage. The more so as Polish universities now conduct a number of studies concerning energy conversion and applied electrochemistry. The Minister of Energy stressed that the formation of Pol-Stor-En was in keeping with the guidelines of the Ministry's strategy, such as the Electromobility Development Plan and Development Directions for Energy Innovation. It is also complementary with EU projects. Deputy Minister Michał Kurtyka pointed out that the European Commission has recently set up the EU Battery Alliance, which aims to create a competitive value chain and support the production of battery cells in Europe. "Today's agreement is an example of the fact that Poland can take an active part in this project and is ready to cooperate on the development of energy storage technologies and building a strong industry in Europe to produce batteries for electric cars," he said. He noted that Poland also had raw materials necessary for the production of batteries and Polish entrepreneurs had the potential to engage in the development of this sector. The deputy head of the Ministry of Energy said that today in Europe we have to deal with an exceptional situation in which many institutes, research and development companies, as well as universities, conduct numerous research projects on battery components, often without consulting each other. "It is therefore necessary to join forces and develop a comprehensive product that

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can be used by the industry. The cooperation of the Pol-Stor-En research consortium with business greatly increases the probability of success. According to Minister of Enterprise and Technology Jadwiga Emilewicz, electromobility is a global trend, and Poland wants to be one of the European leaders in this industry. "That's why we create the best conditions for the development of this sector in our country. We have a huge potential and we want to make the best use of it. Today's event, which is the formation of a Polish scientific consortium that will work on creating Polish batteries for electric vehicles, brings us closer to achieving this ambitious goal. Electromobility is not only one of the cures for air pollution. It is primarily a chance for the development of Polish enterprises and our economy," the Minister pointed out.

THE SCIENTIFIC CONSORTIUM POL-STOR-EN IS MADE UP: • AGH University of Science and Technology, • Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, • Gdansk University of Technology • Poznan University of Technology • Warsaw University of Technology • Jagiellonian University • University of Warsaw

The main objective of the scientific consortium is to increase the scientific potential for the development of energy storage and cooperation with industry. The main task will be to develop new solutions in this field. •

The rectors of the universities which have signed the agreement and Ministers Tchórzewski, Emilewicz and Kurtyka.


PROF. ZBIGNIEW ŚMIESZEK, Ph.D., Managing Director of the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals



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he Polish non-ferrous metal industry is based on the country's raw material resources, including copper, zinc, lead ores and accompanying metals. The industry, which has developed since the early years after the Second World War, also covers aluminium processing, and currently constitutes a significant sector of the national economy. The Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals (IMN), based in Gliwice, which is celebrating this year the 65th anniversary of its establishment, is the major research and development centre for the industry. Set up in 1952 under a decision of the Ministry and the Mining and Metallurgical Association of Non-Ferrous Metals, both operating at that time, the Institute has continued to be an active contributor to the development of the non-ferrous metal industry. The Institute's assets include its close connections with the industry, cooperation with entrepreneurs, technological development, and the solving of ongoing industry problems. The IMN has expanded throughout its history simultaneously with the development of the non-ferrous metals industry. The industry flourished between the 1960s and the 1980s, and also in the subsequent years, with the construction of mines, ore enrichment plants, smelters, and non-ferrous metal processing plants. The emerging needs of the developing industry have resulted in a number of specialist teams’ being established within the Institute, which have given rise to the creation of scientific and technological schools demonstrating a high global level. The exceptional specialists currently employed in the Institute have continued to build on the knowledge and experience of their predecessors, within individual schools, including • The Mineral Products Enrichment School: Prof. Andrzej Wieniewski, Bożena Skorupska, PhD, and Krystian Cichy, M.Sc. Eng; • The Pyrometallurgy and Hydrometallurgy School: Prof. Andrzej Chmielarz, Prof. Ryszard Prajsnar, PhD Eng, Zdzisław Miczkowski, PhD Eng, Grzegorz Benke, PhD Eng, and Katarzyna Leszczyńska-Sejda, PhD Eng; • The Metal Processing and Material Engineering School: Prof. Roman Kolano, Prof. Aleksandra Kolano-Burian, Prof. Mieczysław Woch, Prof. Jan Wesołowski, Wojciech Głuchowski, PhD Eng, Barbara Juszczyk, PhD Eng, Adriana Wrona, PhD, and Witold Malec, M.Sc. Eng; • The Light Metals School: Prof. Andrzej Kłyszewski, Prof. Marzena Lech-Grega, Prof. Bartłomiej Płonka, and Janusz Żelechowski, PhD Eng; • The Environmental Protection School: Prof. Andrzej Chmielarz, and Jan Mrozowski, PhD Eng; • The Analytical Chemistry School: Tadeusz Gorewoda, PhD Eng, Barbara Bolibrzuch, M.Sc. Eng, and Andrzej Hryniszyn M.Sc. Eng. • The Analytical Chemistry School: Tadeusz Gorewoda, PhD Eng, Barbara Bolibrzuch, M.Sc. Eng, and Andrzej Hryniszyn M.Sc. Eng. An important role in the comprehensive activities of the Institute is played by its divisions, including the Division in

Legnica, with its exceptional managers Prof. Ryszard Chamer and Zygmunt Kurek, M.Sc. Eng, the Light Metals Division in Skawina managed by Prof. Andrzej Kłyszewski, and the Central Laboratory of Batteries and Cells in Poznań managed by Prof. Maciej Kopczyk. The Institute's structure also comprises the Innovator Company, specialising mainly in the provision of unique turnkey solutions, including solutions based on the IMN licence for the supply of flotation machines to international customer. The IMN is the largest non-ferrous metals institute Europewide, employing nearly 500 staff and generating a total revenue of more than PLN 100,000,000. The research work undertaken by the Institute is of a comprehensive nature, being conducted on the pilot, laboratory, and industrial scales, usually in cooperation with teams of engineers from various enterprises, academic research teams, other research institutes and design offices operating within consortia. A large-scale strategic project entitled “Advanced materials and manufacturing technologies”, being implemented by a consortium of 8 scientific units, including 4 universities, an Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and 3 research institutes led by the IMN, provides a good example of such cooperation. The outcomes of the Institute's cooperation with the industry include recent technological solutions, such as the second flash furnace complex ‒ a solution developed jointly by teams from the Głogów Copper Smelter (Głogów HM), Bipromet S.A., and the Institute; as well as a post-flotation waste processing installation and technology at the Bolesław Mining and Metallurgical Plant (ZGH Bolesław), developed jointly by specialists from ZGH Bolesław and the Institute; and new-generation hydro-cyclones created in cooperation with the Kęty Automation and Mechanisation Factories (ZAM Kęty). The non-ferrous metal sector needs to tackle the emerging product-related, technological and economic challenges in order to meet global competition, and it has succeeded worldwide. The Institute has had its own share in this success by implementing numerous European projects. As part of the Horizon 2020 and KIC on Raw Materials, the IMN is currently carrying out 19 projects. The leading role is being fulfilled by Prof. Andrzej Chmielarz, Metallurgy Director, and Witold Kurylak, MSc Eng., Head of the International Projects Division. Attention should also be drawn to the recent development of new research directions at the Institute, mainly in the field of material engineering regarding metal-based composite materials, nanocrystal materials, and functional materials and layers, as well as new chemical power-source materials and technologies. The achievements of the Institute, and its cooperation with the industry throughout its 65-year history, included the following scientific events organised in 2017: the Jubilee Scientific and Technological Conference (March 9-11, Wisła), the International Mineral Materials Processing Conference (September 20-23, Wisła), the International Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Conference (October 23-25, Kraków), and conferences held by individual IMN divisions: the Light Metals Division, the Central Laboratory of Batteries and Cells, and the Legnica Division, attended by cooperating enter• prises and institutions. 3/2018 polish market




INDEPENDENT FARM In early February "Polish Market" took part in the presentation of a new CNH Industrial product which is set to mark a breakthrough in agriculture. As Marcin Haber reports, the T6.180 Methane Power Tractor is the world’s first alternative fuel-driven tractor.


he Methane Power Tractor seems to be particularly suited to the needs of Polish agriculture. It perfectly fits the Polish government’s present focus on the development of electromobility and alternative fuels. According to Deputy Minister of Energy Michał Kurtyka: “When it comes to electromobility in Poland, mention should be made of policies geared toward the development of an alternative fuel infrastructure. A strategic document to this effect outlines the objectives and support instruments in the field of electric energy, CNG and LNG used in road transport and shipping.” The law on electromobility and alternative fuels provides for a number of incentives and tax reliefs for drivers who decide to invest in alternative fuel vehicles. The CNH product allows farmers to take advantage of these incentives as well. According to the manufacturer’s estimates, the use of an alternative fuel will reduce running costs by 30% compared to a twin diesel powered tractor. The T6.180 Methane Power Tractor should be viewed as more than a single project. It is part of a vision which New Holland would like to promote among farmers – a vision of sustainability which can be achieved by those who are ready to turn biomass into methane. The concept fits in very well with the company’s eco-friendly approach. The idea, which has already been tested in a series of farms in Europe, provides for an on-site refuse recycling system to produce methane gas and electricity. Using this system, the farmer will be able to secure a steady supply of biogas which can be used as fuel for farm machinery, to heat buildings and to produce electricity. An additional product will be processed biomass, which can be used as organic fertiliser. Thus a farm can become virtually energy-independent. Given the right legal regulations, the owners of big farms could also become local producers of electricity and alternative fuels. This would naturally lead to the promotion of eco-friendly postures. Mark Howell, CNH Industrial Product Manager, underscored the ecofriendly aspect of methane propulsion: “The Methane Power Tractor is

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the natural evolution of a previous concept and is a step toward the future of the alternative fuels. Methane combustion has the lowest greenhouse gas impact. Specifically, CO2 and particulate matter. Methane can be produced on the farm from renewable sources, making a perfect fit for the energy independent farm.” New Holland has been pushing the boundaries of innovation in clean energy solutions for more than a decade through its Clean Energy Leader strategy. It was the first manufacturer to offer 100% compatibility with Biodiesel back in 2006. In 2009 it developed the world’s first hydrogen tractor concept, NH2 ™ proving the feasibility of this zero-emission technology for the future. This was a key element of the brand’s Energy Independent Farm™ concept, launched at the same time. The product presentation took place at the UK factory in Basildon, Essex. The New Holland Agriculture plant produces tractors in the 120315 horse power range which are exported to over 120 countries right across the globe: the all-round T6 range from 125-175hp, the versatile T7 series from 175-270hp, and the most recent addition to the plant, the T7 Heavy Duty Range – Machine of the Year 2017, which is available in 290hp and 315hp variants. The plant also manufactures tractors for the Case IH brand, which are exported outside Europe, including to the United States and China. Today Basildon is the last remaining volume tractor manufacturer in the UK. The plant is a top 20 UK export company, exporting more than 90% of its output. These products are helping to increase agricultural productivity with the latest technology in developed markets and are helping to advance mechanised agricultural production in others. During the presentation of the methane-powered tractor, CNH also unveiled another product which embodies the company’s development strategy. Those invited to the plant were shown the prototype of an unmanned tractor capable of working in the field 24/7. The manufacturer promises that this model will become commercially available within a few years’ time. •



PROF. KAZIMIERZ DAROWICKI, D.Sc. Eng., Head of the Department of Electrochemistry, Corrosion and Materials Engineering of the Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology, talks to "Polish Market". A team of scientists under your supervision works on fuel cells. What do these studies involve? Our hydrogen fuel cells generate electric current from 150 to 250 Amp. In practice cells are stacked to achieve higher voltage and power. There are as many stacks as is needed to start the power unit of a given engine. We work on the characteristics of the entire stack and individual cells in real time. We check how operating conditions affect processes occurring within single cells and the whole stack. We detect the weakest points which suffers breakdown the most often due to design imperfections. A modern car is repaired at diagnostic stations. It is connected to a system which pinpoints which element to repair or replace. We try to develop a system to show which cell in the stack is faulty and then we check what went wrong inside it. Fuel cells are widely used in power units. PM

They will soon be used in cars driven in Poland… They already are. The only question is the availability of hydrogen filling stations. One refuelling is enough to drive from Gdańsk to Berlin with water as exhaust instead of CO2 fumes. In operating terms, the longest the car run on a single refuelling, the better. In Germany hydrogen stations are placed every 500-600 kilometres, roughly the distance between Gdańsk and Berlin. Future solutions must be even better because at the outset, hydrogen-powered cars will be more expensive than ordinary cars. The added value will be longer distances PM

between refuelling, quiet engines and no exhaust fumes. For these reasons, if you’ve once driven an electric car, you won’t want to drive a car that runs on fossil fuel. Your chemists collaborate in the field of fuel cells with German and Swedish companies… As part of the COALA project we have been invited to work together with European leaders in the development and manufacture of fuel cells. They are PowerCell Sweden AB, DLR (Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) and ZSW (Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg). Our cells are used in submarines. This form of propulsion is very safe, quiet – which is crucial in a submarine. The exhaust is fresh water, which is always in short supply in a submarine. Fuel cells can also be used in heavy vehicles, including military vehicles. The range of the cells’ uses in the military is very wide. PM

What about the Polish market? It’s up to Polish companies that produce hydrogen to take up this challenge. Hydrogen becomes the most eco-friendly fuel with excellent thermodynamic properties. Polish firms will decide how soon the network of filling stations will materialise. These companies should finance its development. The PolStorEn Consortium meets these needs. We are able to undertake all work relating to electrochemical propulsion. PM


Your department doesn’t just specialise in fuel cells…

When it comes to electro mobility we specialise in hydrogen cells. It’s our new field of interest. We believe that it will become an important sector of the economy and we need to adjust to take part in it. We study corrosion. In Poland there is a lot of talk about advanced solutions and progress, which is very important, but in my view we should also take care of what we already have – and what we can build on in the future. Corrosion studies are vital to keep existing infrastructure in good shape. At present we are one of the largest such R&D centres in Europe. Our department is equipped on a par with other European centres. We work in partnership with the biggest companies operating in the maritime and energy industries in Poland, including Orlen, Lotos, PGNiG, REMONTOWA, KGHM, TAURON and PGE, as well as with similar foreign companies. So far we have carried out some 400 R&D projects and studies. • 3/2018 polish market



THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRIFICATION The national media are publicising the innovative and ambitious plan of Mateusz Morawiecki’s Government to bring to the Polish market at least a million electric cars powered by batteries charged through the national electrical network. The programme is to be implemented by 2025. ANDRZEJ SIKORA, M.Sc. Eng, President of the Energy Studies Institute, offers comments for "Polish Market".


he first car invented by Ferdinand Porsche in 1898 was powered by electricity. The electric motor he designed – a machine in which electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy – helped him to win a Berlin race in 1899. The first car which went past the 100 km/h mark (105.88 km/h – 29 April 1899) was an electric car as well. It was a Le Jamais Contente driven by a Belgian by the name of Camille Jenatzy.

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Do you remember the law of Conservation of Energy? It states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant over time. This means that energy can undergo transformations from one form into another (e.g. kinetic energy transforming into gravitational potential energy), but the total amount of energy remains constant. In other words, in order for electricity to flow in your car, energy needs to be converted (electric current does not come from a socket or

battery, just like milk does not come from a carton and money from an ATM…). Electric current – the organised movement of electric charges – arises from energy transformation. In Poland, more than 80% of electricity generated by power plants is coal-based. In order to produce electricity, a power plant needs fuel. In this case, we are talking about hard coal or lignite, but there is a range of other sources, called “alternative fuels” in the transport industry, including petroleum,


natural gas, nuclear power, as well as wind power, solar power and hydropower. These fuels, or energy sources if you like, serve as substitutes, at least to some extent, for petroleum-based power sources in the transport industry and have the potential for increasing the carbon neutrality of the transport industry and making it more environmentally friendly. They include electricity, hydrogen, biofuels, synthetic and paraffin fuels, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). As a rule, special infrastructure is required to fill in/charge the vehicles powered by these fuels. Without the appropriate infrastructure in place, consumers will not be interested in replacing their conventionally powered vehicles (e.g. petrol, diesel fuel) with vehicles powered by alternative fuels. In Poland, energy transformation is achieved in large furnaces generating high temperatures, with hard coal being the main input. The furnace features tubes with water. High temperatures boil water into steam with a temperature of about 600 °C and under high pressure. Then, steam is fed to a condenser with a turbine which is connected by a shaft with a large electric generator. Next, the steam cools down and expands to set the turbine in motion. Consequently, the rotating turbine produces electricity in the generator. The electricity is then fed into the grid, from where it is distributed to our homes or cars. This is the “electro” part of Poland's electromobility picture now. So far, humanity has not come up with alternative ways of transforming the available energy into electricity. We are also having issues with electricity storage (power containers, batteries), which is not as effective as petroleum storage (petrol, diesel oil, LPG). In the Polish context, “electro” in electromobility involves replacing greenhouse gas emissions, mostly CO2, from exhaust pipes of our cars (transport continues to account for 20% of emissions, while the figure for the energy sector is 60%), to flue-gas stacks (it’s worth remembering that “the worst” greenhouse gas is steam – including steam used for cooling in power plants, coal-fired as well as nuclear power plants). In the current Polish circumstances, it is hard to imagine electricity for electric cars being provided by photovoltaics or hydroplants. And while driving an electric car is indeed a very comfortable experience, with low noise emission, good acceleration and no gearbox, etc., a responsible dreamer/designer must bear two things in mind – “energy and climate” (in other words – fossil fuel emissions). Not to mention the great difficulties we have with disposing scrap batteries and obtaining the rare-earth elements (they have to be mined! The problem is, they are now mined mainly in China; another potential location is Brazil) from which these batteries are mainly made. This is also to say nothing of the need for a systemic approach to altering electricity transmission and distribution networks to handle the charging infrastructure for such a large fleet of electric cars. According to the new electromobility bill, Distribution System Operators would have to develop a programme for building electric vehicle charging stations in 39 communes. This is 1.5% of all communes in Poland. The proposed legislation also imposes new requirements on distribution network operators and local authorities. Under Directive 2014/94/EU, Member States should make sure that an appropriate number of public charging stations be available by 31 December 2020 so as to enable the use of electric cars, as a minimum, in urban/suburban agglomerations and other densely populated areas. The required number of charging stations is determined based on a range of considerations, including the estimated number of electric cars which will be registered by the end of 2020, the relevant

THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY EXPECTS THE ELECTRICVEHICLE CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE TO COMPRISE MORE THAN 6,000 STATIONS IN 32 CITIES BY 2020. national policies and the best practices, and recommendations provided by the European Commission. The Ministry of Energy expects the electric-vehicle charging infrastructure to comprise more than 6,000 stations in 32 cities by 2020. Above all, however, the Energy Law allows only licensed entities to engage in the sales or distribution of electricity. It usually takes several months for a license application to be processed and licensees have a number of obligations such as the obligation to notify each change in the details of their business to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, pay license fees, redeem certificates of origin and provide reporting. This has not been an issue for businesses so far, since electric-car charging operations are non-commercial – at most stations people don’t have to pay for charging their electric cars. So, as a non-commercial operation, it doesn't require any license. Unlike Germany, France, Japan, South Korea and the US, Poland is not known for manufacturing cars. What we are known for is assembling tens or hundreds of thousands of cars made by the major companies from these countries. So, it would take a lot of determination, engineering work and, most importantly, money to shift the focus from assembly to manufacture, to come up with our own brand of electric cars. Is this a dream or a viable option? Now, you might consider this a rhethorical question, but let me address it… Consider the revolution in oil mining and processing in the late 19th and 20th centuries which brought our civilisation forward and enabled us to cover large distances between continents fairly quickly and efficiently (despite having gone to the Moon, we haven’t figured out the way to solve the energy issues involved in such missions). Note that early into the 21st century, we are in much the same place technology-wise as Ferdinand Porsche was 100 years ago. And despite all the investments and the reasonable realisation that “electricity” is the way to go (we need a new Tesla!), we’re still making little, if any, progress. Contrary to popular belief, the shale-gas revolution and the large deposits of unconventional hydrocarbons are not helping this progress to take off. According to Stephen Hawking, with this attitude, by the year 2600 humanity will have turned the Earth into a flaming ball of fire. Perhaps we can avoid it, though… Maybe we can come up with a solution to derive energy from hydrogen, which is the most abundant element in the universe; its nuclei – protons – are prime matter which was the first to form over the first millionth of a second after the Big Bang. I would wish the Powers That Be the fantasy and brilliance of Tesla, as well as the positivism and pragmatism of the ones like Porsche, Daimler and Diesel, in crafting their vision. For, as Einstein said – “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality”. • 3/2018 polish market





TOMASZ PISULA, President of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, talks to "Polish Market". The Polish Investment and Trade Agency is currently developing a network of Foreign Trade Offices. What criteria are applied in the selection of new locations? Above all, we do our best to follow current business trends. We take note of where Polish firms operate and what markets they look at. We talk to entrepreneurs about the markets they find interesting. Not so much help is needed wherever Polish firms are doing well by themselves and where they have been active for some time. But support is needed in those markets where the potential is growing and where international competition is becoming fierce. In these places either no diplomatic activity was undertaken before, or more frequently, the first attempts were made to open a government credit line or to sign international agreements. A good case in point is CETA, the free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada. We try to aggregate all these factors, and on their basis, to map new directions together with the government side. Apart from countries which have always been important economically to our companies, we mainly focus on developing countries where a demographic explosion is taking place. These are usually countries where less advanced, reasonably priced but reliable technologies are in demand. They are attractive markets for Polish companies. PM


What value do Foreign Trade Offices present to the potential foreign investor? What are their responsibilities in terms of attracting foreign capital?

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Attracting foreign capital to Poland remains part of our mission and it will be one of the responsibilities of Foreign Trade Offices, especially in countries or regions of the world whose economies are well-developed. However, the offices’ primary goal is to assist Polish investors in their foreign expansion. When we know that a Polish firm tries to set up a plant or purchase an existing company abroad, we do our best to help it in its undertakings. We provide information about good business opportunities outside Poland, we help to verify the credibility of partners, we offer advice on the choice of location. I have personally taken part in negotiations which followed business leads our Trade Offices came up with. We have extended our assistance to investment projects in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and most recently in Germany. We have provided considerable amounts of information and business analyses to companies which planned to invest in Mexico, the US and in East African markets. I would like to stress that we are talking not just about simple exports but also complex investment activities outside Poland. A Foreign Trade Office is now being set up in Kiev. What plans does the Polish Investment and Trade Agency have for co-operation with Ukraine? In the near future we will be launching an office in Kiev. We are also planning to open one in Minsk in Belarus. Many Polish companies are interested in securing manpower from Eastern Europe, building their plants there and outsourcing part of their business PM

services to optimise costs. Trading with Russia and the Far East via Ukraine and Belarus is also important. In Poland there are companies which do it very successfully. In what way is Poland’s perception abroad changing? Are we successful in persuading foreign investors that Poland is moving away from its former role as a country of cheap manpower to become a country which is open to innovation? One good example is the fact that Silicon Valley investors have started arriving in Poland. They openly say that Poland has worldclass technological talent. Add to that the fact that the time difference between Poland and the US, especially the East Coast, is very beneficial. Poland is famous for its very high work culture, which west European or US firms are unlikely to find for instance in India. Interestingly, in the Silicon Valley there are too many investors and too few projects to invest in. In Central European countries, including Poland, there are too many projects but there is too little money, especially for the middle stage of company development, what is commonly known as start-ups. There are sufficient resources to finance the first stages of a project – there is talk about an amount of USD 500 million. But problems arise during product development, scaling and market launch. It is precisely at this stage that serious US investors become partners in promising projects or base their companies in Poland. To answer the question whether Poland has technological potential, I can definitely say that it does. • PM

EASTERN TRADE FAIR For the second time, exhibitors from several European countries will come to Rzeszów for the international Eastern Trade Fair The idea of the Eastern Trade Fair, which will be held on 13-14 March 2018 for the second time in Rzeszów, refers to exhibitions of Polish and foreign industry organized in 1921-1939. Pre-war fairs promoted economic expansion and played a major role in the international trade movement. This year, dozens of European companies will be presented in Jasionka near Rzeszów. The Eastern Fair is the most important event accompanying the 11th Forum Europa - Ukraine. It will be attended by over 70 companies from Poland, Ukraine and countries of our continent. They will represent the following industries: IT and new technologies; finance; insurance; construction; automotive and aviation; FMCG; HR; as well as tourism and sport. The Polish and Ukrainian regions and institutions will also have their stands. The fair will be an opportunity not only to present the offer of companies and regions, but also to establish cooperation between them.

- The Eastern Fair will be not only the opportunity to present flagship products and regional attractions but also the unique occasion to exchange experiences” - believes Zygmunt Berdychowski, Chairman of the Economic Forum Program Council. The 2nd Eastern Fair will have an open character and therefore the entrance to the exhibitors zone for visitors will be free of charge. Traditionally, the event is going to be held at Exhibition and Congress Centre in Jasionka located near Rzeszów, Podkarpackie Voivoideship. Reminding, the first edition of Eastern Fair hosted 67 exhibitors from five European countries: Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Hungary. The organiser of the Europe-Ukraine Forum is the Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies, the co-organiser – Podkarpackie Voivoideship. The conference will take place under the honorary patronage of the Speaker of Polish Sejm Marek Kuchciński.

More information concerning the 2nd Eastern Fair and 11th Europe-Ukraine Forum you can find on the website www.forum-ekonomiczne.pl




JACEK PIECHOTA, Chairman of the Board, Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce


his year, we are celebrating 25-years of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, which is one of the oldest bilateral chambers in Poland. It connects business, entrepreneurship and finance from both countries. 25 years of experience, authority on both sides of the border, own infrastructure in Poland and in Ukraine, service proficiency and a wide net of contacts and partnerships – those are the main assets of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, corresponding to its respected place in Polish-Ukrainian economic relations. We have branches both in Poland and in Ukraine; we have offices in Warsaw and Kiev. You can find our representatives in such cities as: POLAND: Katowice, Kielce, Kraków, Lublin, Łódź, Poznań, Rzeszów, Szczecin, Tarnów and Wrocław, UKRAINE: Kharkiw, Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Lutsk, Odessa, Poltava, Sumy and Vinńytsia. We have a wide variety of services for our member companies that are under constant optimization according to the needs and expectations of our members. In addition, Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce hosts 13 commitees with different areas of expertise focusing on close cooperation in certain areas including legal and administration issues, taxation and cross-border relations, EU funded projects and regulations, FMCG, migration and employment issues as well as the development and financing ones business. The Polish-Ukrainian Academy of Municipalities project is at a steady rise – an initiative promoting and propagating Polish experience in municipal economy and aimed at consolidating of Ukrainian hromads (local governments). We are also bringing the Polish-Ukrainian Centre for Innovation project to life – an initiative focusing on providing innovation projects with funding. The Centre for Market Analysis of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce deals with identifying barriers in bilateral cooperation and supporting legal modifications to administration on different levels. Our Polish and Ukrainian Business Centers located in Warsaw and in Kiev are also steadily building their status while serving Polish and Ukrainian entrepreneurs. We have been organizing important economic events from the start. Some of our initiatives have a constant place in the calendar of Polish-Ukrainian relations:

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- Lub-Invest - Polish-Eastern Conference of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (June 14-15); symposiums concerning the role of SMEs, Polish labour market accessibility, migration between Poland and Ukraine and a number of other issues. - The Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce has been one of the organizers of the International Baltic Business Forum from 2009. This year it will take place on April 18-20 in Radisson Blu Resort***** Świnoujście, hosting over 300 experts and business executives (C-level) from countries of the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Sea basins. We would like to invite you to the jubilee 10th annual edition of the BBF. Our chamber has many different tools at its disposal helping in effective communication and media presence. We make every possible effort to be in close contact with our member companies to inform and invite them to important events concerning Polish-Ukrainian economic cooperation. Our main communication channel is the eDIALOG monthly, providing information on many different aspects of the economy, finance, culture and societies of both countries. Taking into consideration the strong interest of Ukrainian youth to study in Polish univeristies and a steadily increasing number of students in general, the Polish Ukrainian Chamber has founded the Association of Ukrainian Students in Poland (SUP). This initiative aims at integrating Ukrainian students in Poland and supporting their social, cultural, scientific and professional development. Over the 25 years we have acquired many valuable Partners, we have become a fixed member of Presidential economy summits and intergovernmental committees, we have built an organization represented in over a dozen Polish and Ukrainian regions. Thanks to constant monitoring of bilateral cooperation and active participation in its creation, we remain as leaders in this vital area of economic reality, the political and social space in both Poland and Ukraine. We have even more satisfaction due to the accelerating pace of growth in Polish-Ukrainian trade in the previous year, including a 25% increase in exports of Polish products to Ukraine. We strongly believe that progress in the development of the economy of Poland and Ukraine along with liberalization of present conditions through free trade agreements between Ukraine and Poland and the EU will support this positive tendency in bilateral economic relations. Let's be partners! •

III edition of Lub-Invest: Polish-Eastern Conference of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce will take place 14-15 JUNE 2018 in Lublin, Poland. The agenda of the conference will contain the most important aspects of international cooperation with countries of the region: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova among others. One of the vital parts of the content value of the conference will focus on presenting the r ole of self-governments a s promotors and creators o f cross-border investment policies.

Lub-Invest will also be a great opportunity to become familiar with achievements and perspectives for the development of Lubel region and Lublin itself in relation with the economy, culture, education and science of neighboring countries. The Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, City of Lublin, and Marshal of the Lubel region organize the conference. Minister of Investments and Development of Poland Mr. Jerzy Kwieciński has already confirmed his attendance. We welcome your participation!



According to Statistics Poland (GUS), in 2017 the value of Polish exports to Ukraine grew by 24.8% year-on-year, amounting to over USD 4.7 billion. In the same period imports went up by 18.5% y-o-y to reach almost USD 2.4 billion. According to Statistics Poland data, the highest turnover growth was recorded in the following groups of products and commodities: mineral products, animal oils and fats, textile materials and products, base metal products, mechanical and electrical appliances. Electrical engineering products maintained their dominant position in Polish exports in 2017. Their sales value amounted to EUR 1.4 billion. It was 24.6% up on 2016 levels, and accounted for some 32.4% of overall Polish exports to Ukraine.

The main export products were boilers, machinery, mechanical appliances and their parts, electrical appliances and machinery and their parts, vehicles, their parts and accessories. Chemical industry products ranked second among Polish exports to Ukraine, followed by food and agricultural products. When it comes to imports from Ukraine, metallurgical products topped the list in 2017, recording an 8.7% year-on-year increase to over EUR 0.5 billion. The share of these products in overall imports from Ukraine remained steady around 24.3%. Imports of food and agricultural products went up to over EUR 0.5 billion (up 16.9% y-o-y.) Significantly, in 2017 the imports of chemical industry products more than doubled to reach about EUR 0.1 billion.

Poland's trade figures: total, with CIS and with Ukraine 2017 [USD million]

2016. [USD million]

Change [%]





Balance of trade




Balance of trade











































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According to National Bank of Poland data, Polish direct investment in Ukraine amounted to EUR 13.7 million by end-2016, while Ukrainian investment in Poland was in the range of EUR 185.1 million. State Statistics Service of Ukraine data of October 2015 showed that the level of Polish FDIs in the Ukrainian economy amounted to USD 793.4 million. At 1.8% of the overall share of foreign FDIs, Poland thus ranked 11th among countries which invested the most in Ukraine. As of the beginning of 2015, Polish investment in Ukraine declined by about 4.2%. Key direct investments of Polish companies in Ukraine include: - financial sector: Kredobank (PKO BP investment), PZU Ukraina and PZU Starchuwania Zycia (PZU S. A.), - manufacturing sector: Barlinek Invest (Barlinek), Cersanit Invest (Cersanit), Can Pack Ukraina (Can Pack), Bella Center and Bella Trade (TZMO), Alupol and Aluprof (Groupa Kęty), Groclin Dolina and Groclin Karpaty (Inter-Groclin), Sanitec Ukraina (Sanitec Koło), FakroOrbita and Fakro-Lviv (Fakro).


Problems stemming from the economic situation in Ukraine: • Collapse of the hryvna (Ukrainian currency) exchange rate, hyperinflation, • Insolvency of Ukrainian partners, • Restricted access to hard currency, • Rising cost of credit experienced by Polish investors in Ukraine. Problems quoted by entrepreneurs include: • Declining orders, • Growing Ukrainian budget deficit due to the amount of VAT returned to investors in the exports of commodities. Tariff restrictions: Export duties are currently applied in the following groups of exports: • Selected groups of livestock, • Selected types of leather, • Selected oilseeds, • Selected base metals and scrap metal, • Selected types of natural gas. Under a Ukrainian government decree of December 28,2016 No.10092016-п, as of 2017 exports and imports of substances detrimental to the ozone layer and products containing these substances in line with the Montreal Protocol, as well as exports of gold, silver and precious metal scrap, were subjected to licensing. Special tariffs on elastic porous polyurethane products irrespective of the country of origin were imposed for a three-year period on June 7,2016. They amount to 13.09% in the first year, followed by 12.44% and 11.81% in the second and third year respectively. Non-tariff restrictions On July 8,2015 the Ukrainian President signed a 10-year ban on the export of wood-in-the-rough in the form of logs, including oak logs. The ban came into force on November 1, 2015. As of January 2017 exports of pine logs were also banned for a ten-year period.

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Ban on imports of pork from the Podlasie region On July 25, 2014 Ukraine introduced the requirement for imported Polish pork to be tested for African swine fever. As of March 6, 2015 the Ukrainian side dropped this requirement regarding fresh meat exported to Ukraine. However, the ban on the imports of live pigs and wild boar, meat, reproductive material and animal fodder from Poland’s Podlasie region was maintained.

MEASURES AIMED AT BOOSTING BILATERAL ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION The Ministry of Enterprise and Technology offers partial funding (de minimis) to selected promotional export-oriented activities to support the participation of Polish firms in trade fairs, exhibitions and economic missions. For more details please consult the Export Promotion Portal www.trade.gov.pl. Undertakings in support of Polish exports and investment were also organised by the Trade and Investment Promotion Section in Kiev http://www.kiev.trade.gov.pl. Under a decision by the Minister of Economic Development and Finance of August 10, 2017, the Section was closed as of January 1, 2018. Its responsibilities in terms of support to Polish companies and the promotion of the Polish economy in Ukraine have been taken over by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. Its Foreign Trade Office is to be set up in Kiev in the first quarter of this year. Additional support to entrepreneurs is also offerd by KUKE S.A. in the form of insurance and guarantees, within a system of export insurance guaranteed by the Treasury, as well as by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego as part of the government programme Financial Support for Exports. The bank offers financial instruments, including loans to Ukrainian entrepreneurs within available limits. In the face of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, KUKE S.A. has in principle maintained the possibility of insuring exports to the Ukrainian market, subject to periodic security reviews. More information is available on: www.bgk.com.pl. www.kuke.com.pl.


The following sectors appear promising for the development of activities by Polish companies in the Ukrainian market: •

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Energy industry – supplies of machinery, equipment and technologies for the modernisation of industries dealing with the mining of energy sources, electricity generation, electricity supply; supplies of energy-efficient machinery, appliances and technologies, Agriculture and food processing – supplies of machinery, technologies and know-how, Construction – supplies and/or production of machinery, appliances and finishing materials, investment in infrastructure; road building and railway construction, Consumer market – supplies and/or production of household appliances, clothing, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, Services – especially consulting in all spheres of economic life; health care services, education, tourism.

The JBS Employent Agency offers comprehensive services in securing foreign manpower for Polish employers, complete with all required documents needed to hire a foreign worker. Our data base contains a large number of offers from job seekers to suit a broad spectrum of employment needs. OUR OFFER : • recruitment for lower- and higher-level positions, • recruitment campaigns, selecting candidates, • comprehensive formal and legal services at every stage, • Recruitment and selection of seasonal workers. We work in partnership with: • The Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce • Ukrainian consulates in Poland • Polish consulates in Ukraine • The Mongolian Honorary Consulate in Krakow • Local government bodies 31-406 Kraków 94 29 Listopada Ave. www.pol-ukr-krakow.com Email: tomasz.zybula@tcfgroup.eu marek.karnecki@tcfgroup.eu daniela.riabova@tcfgroup.eu 79-005 Lwów 2 Wołoszyna Street www.jbsagency.eu Email : office@jbsagency.eu

OFFER : • Conference room • Cinema • Library • Consular counselling • Legal advice • Language courses • Snooker • Table football • Darts • PUB

TCF HUB: • Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce • Ukrcentrum • Mongolian Honoraray Consulate • Mongolian Cultural Centre 31-406 Kraków 94.29 Listopada Ave. www.tcfhu.pl Email : kontakt@tcf-hub.pl


ARŁAMÓW JOANNA DOBRZAŃSKA, Sales and Marketing Director, Hotel Arłamów S.A. Hotel Arłamów is an exceptional place. It offers luxury in the midst of unspoilt nature in the foothills of the wild Bieszczady mountain range. Is this what makes you stand out among other hotels in Poland? Clearly the hotel’s location atop a hill in the middle of a forest, far away from inhabited areas, is a great advantage. There is no other place like this in Poland. It’s a unique place offering amazing views. The landscape is truly enchanting, and that’s what our visitors appreciate the most. Many of them live their lives in the fast lane in cities. Arłamów allows them to get away from it all. They feel it’s a special place. But the location is just one of our strengths. We have a very rich offer dedicated to individual guests and business parties. We are able to meet all kinds of expectations. PM

What do you offer your individual guests? Each season we come up with fresh attractions. We follow the latest world trends, we listen to what our guests have to say and take notice of their preferences. Our general rule is to provide a varied offer suited to different age groups, interests and activities. At Hotel Arłamów everyone will find something to their liking. We have a unique spa arranged on three levels. It includes a pool zone, a Scandinavian-style sauna, a Russian banya (sauna) and a choice of sixteen wellness rooms. There is also a separate VIP SPA and a MED SPA. PM

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IS A RECOGNISED BRAND Our truly impressive Sports Centre is complete with professional infrastructure where dozens of sports can be practised. We also have a rich choice of attractions and activities for children. Hotel Arłamów is a place where you simply can’t get bored. It is designed to allow everyone to follow their passions in line with their expectations. What about business groups? Are they frequent visitors? We are a professional Conference Centre. We have the necessary infrastructure and skills to organise large business meetings such as symposia, trade fairs, conferences, presentations, gala events and team building events. Apart from infrastructure we have longstanding experience. We have organised a number of business and company events. Business guests choose Hotel Arłamów because we are fully able to meet their expectations, both in terms of business events and team building activities which sometimes accompany them. The rich offer, infrastructure, top-notch facilities, catering for our guests’ every need, plus an experienced team which includes event managers, is the basis of our activities. PM

There were a lot of media reports about Poland national football team training camps organised by Hotel Arłamów ahead of the EUFA Euro 2016 and the 2017 UEFA European Under-21 Championship. What makes the Polish Football Association pick Hotel Arłamów as a site of such events? The professional, world-class sports facilities. We have natural and artificial turf fields, a training and medical base. We are able to satisfy the requirements and expectations of coaches and the team. Beside the infrastructure and the training facilities we offer something extra: great accommodation, peace and quiet, fresh air and a dedicated team. Coach Adam Nawałka’s team will be staying at Hotel Arłamów for the second time in late May and early July. The stay of the Poland national team is a great honour for us and a source of immense satisfaction. PM

So the hotel is an important place on the map of Polish sports? Absolutely. Apart from the Poland national football team, other national teams have been training in the Hotel Arłamów grounds, including the handball and volleyball teams. Hammer thrower Anita Włodarczyk comes here for training. Our ambition is also to organise PM

training camps for top European football clubs. We do a lot to make it happen. Is Hotel Arłamów's location a bit of a problem in attracting new visitors and events? Not at all. We have made sure that the location, which is one of our strengths, does not work against us. The hotel can easily be reached by road. Much of the way you drive eastward down the A4 motorway. It just takes about an hour to reach the hotel from Rzeszów airport. Our guests can check in at Arłamów airfield and heliport for flights organised in conjunction with Rzeszów Jasionka airport. This is in response to our guests’ needs and is part of our philosophy. We do our best to offer help and assistance to our guests every step of the way, to make their travel time as short as possible. PM

You take an active part in a noteworthy venture known as the Cluster of Health and Beauty of the Human Body. As a hotel, you offer rest and recreation as well as physiotherapy for those who have undergone medical procedures at clinics which are part of the cluster… That’s right. The hotel lies in an ideal spot in terms of its natural surroundings and scenery. We are a perfect place to regain your strength and make a full recovery following medical procedures. We guarantee peace, privacy and care provided by our therapists in a friendly environment. For our partners who are members of the cluster, it is important that we can offer patients much more than a cramped room in a city hotel. They suggest Arłamów, a luxury hotel where mind and body reach perfect harmony. Medical tourism is a trend whose importance we are very well aware of. It will continue to figure prominently in our offer. PM

Would you say that Hotel Arłamów is well known in Poland and abroad? Arłamów is a recognised brand. Our team has been building it consistently. Proof of our position are the many awards, titles and distinctions we have won. But the most important reward is the satisfaction of our returning guests. We develop steadily. We keep investing. We come up with fresh offers. We invite renowned personalities. In this industry, you just can’t rest on your laurels. •


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PAWEŁ KUŁAGA, President of Greygoose Outsourcing, talks to "Polish Market".




What is the key area of your activities? We operate as a corporate group of employment agencies. We meet the needs of middle and big-sized companies in terms of supplying manpower, mostly in the manufacturing sector. Through our own network of offices abroad we recruit workers in Eastern Europe and Asia to work in major Polish plants. We select manpower, take care of workers’ contracts and manage HR processes, so our clients do not need to worry about contractual obligations. PM

Poland lies on the European Union’s eastern border, so it naturally attracts immigrants from the East who seek work here. What are the current estimates of how many workers from neighbouring countries are employed in Poland? Now that new regulations concerning foreign nationals employed in Poland were introduced in early 2018, it will be easier to assess the scale of the phenomenon after a while. It is estimated that between one and two million Ukrainian citizens have found employment in Poland. Apart from allowing Polish manufacturers to maintain their output levels, this large group of Ukrainian workers generates considerable sums of money which augment the national budget and the Polish pension system. The huge number of foreign workers has prompted banks, mobile operators and suppliers of other products and services to take notice. They are regarded as valued customers. PM

The recruitment of Ukrainian workers is a natural market mechanism and has ceased to be a taboo in Poland. Can you observe a growing interest in workers from the East on the part of Polish companies? For many companies, looking for manpower outside Poland has become a necessity. Especially northern and western Poland experience shortages of manpower for production lines. This is because large numbers of Polish citizens have emigrated to the West. In more developed countries like the U.K. and the Netherlands, the percentage of workers hired by employment agencies is several times higher than in Poland. Unfavourable demographic forecasts are prompting Poles to accept job immigration as a necessity. PM

What sectors do most requests concerning Ukrainian manpower come from? There are a dozen sectors which have suffered chronic manpower shortages. Our firm mostly caters for the needs of clients from sectors which have one thing in common: they require large numbers of workers who can be trained within a short period of time to be employed in manufacturing. This includes the automotive industry, manufacturers of household appliances and electronics, assembly plants, shipyards, textile factories, furniture makers and food processing plants. PM


In what way have your activities changed since the visafree traffic with Ukraine was introduced? Do you reckon it was a good decision?

The visa-free traffic has turned out to be beneficial for the Polish labour market, at least from our point of view. It allows us to recruit workers within a short period of time, without the need for them to wait for a visa or a work permit. Although a worker bearing a biometric passport is only allowed to spend 90 days in Poland, there are ways of extending their stay, which often meets the needs of companies which require seasonal manpower at peak production time. Predictions that Ukrainian workers would leave Poland for greener pastures in the West have not materialised. I regard the free flow of people, including workers, to be beneficial. After all, it is one of the pillars of the European economic area. Following the lifting of the visa regime, what are the biggest challenges you are facing? Right now the new regulations seem to be the biggest hurdle. On the one hand, they streamline the procedure of legalising the status of foreigners working in Poland, but on the other they often make things unnecessarily complicated. The regulations impose stricter control mechanisms, which will probably weed out dishonest employment agencies that offer foreigners entry documents at a charge, but not a job itself. Unfortunately, reputable employment agencies are faced with considerable delays while meeting the new requirements, even though their services are very much in demand. Right now entities operating in the labour market are trying to come up with a joint stance regarding the new regulations to attract the attention of public administration to these problems. They make things more difficult not just for employment agencies but also for their clients. The agencies are no longer able to provide the badly needed manpower as efficiently as before at the time when manufacturers need it the most. • PM

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COMPETE FOR THE EUROPEAN AWARD! ROMAN PIKUŁA, President of the Association for the Protection of National Material Heritage, organiser of the International Construction Competition "Modernization of the Year”, talks to "Polish Market".

You have been at the helm of the Association for more than twenty-one years, organizing a nationwide competition, promoting and rewarding the best modernized buildings and structures. It turns out that this competition effectively goes beyond the borders of Poland. This year marks 22 years since the first edition of the competition. Over that time, "Modernization of the Year" has built a solid brand. Statuettes and distinctions for the best modernized buildings and structures have been granted in appreciation of the quality of the work. In the competition, quality is rewarded above all. "Modernization of the Year" as a project fights for prestige and takes care of quality. We have never been interested in organizing competitions where awards could be bought. Time has shown that such competitions have disappeared as soon as they were launched. We have a staying power because from the very beginning we have treated our project very seriously. The competition chapter consists of jurors coming from a number of fields who assess the submitted buildings and structures on the basis of very strict criteria. During all these years, the competition has been held under the patronage of successive Polish presidents and government ministries. This support is extremely important. PM

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That is why the contest is already 22 years old. It has earned a good reputation and I reckon that news about "Modernization of the Year" has spread beyond the country’s borders. Inquiries have been made from outside Poland whether it is possible to participate in the competition. As such requests have grown in number, we have decided that this is the time for a European edition and we have invited entrants from outside Poland. Do the buildings and structures submitted from outside Poland easily fit into the competition’s convention? Naturally. The main idea of ​​the competition is to save valuable achievements of past generations. Entries are invited from the following categories: roads, facades, hotel and tourist facilities, culture, sports, health and recreation facilities, housing, bridges, environmental protection, industrial and engineering structures, religious buildings, educational facilities, green areas, public areas, interiors and new structures in urban space. PM

The second edition of the competition’s European Award will take place this year. Do you expect a growing interest? Actually, the interest is growing bigger each year. It’s been like that right from the PM

start. At the beginning, the interest was not huge, but it grew steadily. Last year, 460 entries were submitted to the first European edition. 62 have qualified for the finals. Three of them are from Central and Eastern Europe. The Golden Statuette of the European Award went to JSV Belzarubezhstroy from Minsk an investor, contractor and designer of a construction and reconstruction project for the premises of the former meat packaging plant in Krichev. Aleksandr Averyanov, Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus, was present at the award ceremony. The event was accompanied by a concert by the Song and Dance Ensemble "Śląsk". The gala ceremony traditionally took place at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. •

Information about the organizer: Association for the Protection of National Material Heritage, which is represented by Targi Pomorskie Sp. z o.o. Address: ul. Hetmańska 38, 85- 039 Bydgoszcz Phone: +48 52 323 07 16 Fax: +48 52 322 67 70 E-mail: office@europeanaward.eu website: www.europeanaward.eu

Industry 4.0




he building situated at 1 Muzealna Street in the town of Żory was erected in 1908. Its first owner Ferdynand Haering was the town’s deputy mayor. In its history the building had several owners and played various functions. It served as a guesthouse run by a health insurance company. Between 1933 and 1939 it served as quarters for commissioned army officers. In the post-war period it was commandeered for council housing. The villa is one of the best preserved examples of eclectic architecture of the highest order. It is complete with a garden and gazebo in the same style. Since 1998 the building has been owned by the Katowice Special Economic Zone. It was subjected to a thorough renovation effort and is now a shining example of what revitalisation can achieve. As part of the investment, not only was the building renovated, but a modern annex was added to it as well. It houses the Żory Town Museum. The building has considerably added to Żory’s urban space as it has become a new attraction for visitors. It has also boosted the region’s image as a place which is attractive in economic and cultural terms. The villa’s modernisation and expansion project was awarded with the Modernisation of the Year 2013 title in the Historical Landmarks category.

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For more details check out www.budimex.pl 42  polish market 





WROCŁAW CENTRAL STATION MODERNISED BY BUDIMEX The historic Wrocław Central complex revitalised by Budimex has received a number of awards and citations, including a special prize in the 2012 edition of the Beautiful Wrocław and Construction Project of the Year competition. The prize was awarded in the best modernisation project of a historical landmark category. ABOUT THE COMPANY: BUDIMEX SA is a firm with a fifty-year-old history. It plays a meaningful role in Poland’s economic development. Through our work we improve the quality of life of millions of Polish citizens. Over the fifty years of the firm’s operation we have implemented thousands of modern investment projects infrastructure, housing and industrial construction. The culture in infrastructu of innovation, keeping abreast of the latest trends and sustainable development, has enabled us to become the leader of the Polish construction market.

Modernization of the Year

NE ARLY PLN 32 BILLION FOR RE VITALISATION PROJEC TS IN POL AND Revitalisation initiatives in Polish towns and cities are carried out not only by local authorities but also by private investors, and, as a result, neglected urban spaces are beginning to thrive again. More than PLN 25 billion have been allocated from public funding for the purpose of revitalisation in the years 2014-2020. But developers also contribute to the restoration of buildings. A report prepared by the initiative Drugie Życie Budynków (The Second Life of Buildings) indicates that the projects being implemented at present by private companies are worth nearly PLN 7 billion.

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Modernization of the Year


he subject of revitalisation has many layers. On the one hand, the revitalisation programmes carried out by towns and cities under a 2015 law on revitalisation are not merely focused on the restoration of dilapidated buildings - their main goals include planning and implementing social and business activities aimed at reinvigorating neglected urban spaces. At present, the most advanced revitalisation activities are being carried out in Łódź and Warsaw. In total, PLN 25 billion have been allocated from public funding for the purpose of revitalisation in the years 2014-2020, and as much as PLN 22 billion of it will come from EU funds. The restoration of historic buildings is becoming the subject of increasing interest for both large and small developers. The lack of propitious plots and a trend for buildings with history are resulting in private companies’ being more willing to take on the restoration of historic buildings. As stated in the Revitalisation and Modernisation in Poland report, which was prepared by the initiative The Second Life of Buildings, private companies plan on investing PLN 7 billion, and that is taking into account only the 29 major revitalisation projects being carried out presently. The most spectacular projects concerning the refurbishment of buildings are being carried out in Warsaw, Łódź and Wrocław. Most of the projects involve mixed-use building complexes, in which business spaces overlap with leisuretime spaces and residential areas. Revitalisation projects are significantly more challenging when compared to erecting new buildings, mainly due to the necessity to preserve and restore the historic elements of the buildings as closely as possible to their original forms. The older the building, the harder it is to adapt it to the needs and requirements of modern times. The level of difficulty for investors in terms of revitalisation projects is well exemplified by the case of the Łódź Special Economic Zone (the Łódź SEZ). In 2011-2013, the Łódź SEZ restored to life a dilapidated 1889 Ludwik Grohman factory. 11 thousand bricks were cleaned and a further 64 thousand replaced, as they had been too damaged to be kept. Another storey was added in two parts of the complex, and a new facility was erected according to the partially implemented boiler-room construction project from 1938. The cost of the modernisation has exceeded PLN 20 million. As a result, business space for office and conference purposes with a total area of 4 thousand sq. m was created. Aside from offices, this modernised factory holds a conference hall for 250 people, where many significant business and cultural events are held. “Supporting the revitalisation of post-industrial historical facilities is part of our mission statement - no other economic zone in Poland can boast the same. When considering revitalisation, we look at the whole picture and take into account its various aspects, including social, economic and spatial ones,” said Marek Michalik, President of the Łódź SEZ. "At present, more than 200 companies operate in our SEZ. The Zone’s contribution to the economic development of the city has facilitated the reduction of the negative after-effects of the political transformation in Poland, especially in terms of unemployment, which 20 years ago affected 100 thousand people in Łódź".

There are numerous residential buildings in the centres of Polish towns and cities which can be refurbished or completely transformed. According to estimates by The Second Life of Buildings, thanks to the activities of the nine biggest entities which put up for sale buildings currently or formerly owned by the State, as many as 900 properties can be restored for use. The greatest number of such properties have been put up for sale by Nieruchomości Orange (320 properties). They constitute the premises of the former Telekomunikacjia Polska and are often located in the very hearts of cities, along the main streets frequented by residents and tourists. “The majority of buildings can be modernised and adapted for commercial purposes or sold to private buyers. The creativity displayed by the developers, as we have observed in already implemented projects and sold buildings, has yielded the most interesting results. Former telecommunication centres are being converted into lofts, student residence halls, state-of-the-art office spaces or commercial spaces,” explained Małgorzata Stochmal, Nieruchomości Orange Polska Project Manager. She stressed that the attractiveness of those buildings and building plots is so great that the necessity of temporary maintenance of Orange technical equipment in some of the buildings does not put off the investors in the slightest. No matter how many new office buildings, shopping centres or hotels will be built, in the years to come we will also see a significant number of historic buildings restored, as their refurbishment is not only necessary in terms of improving the quality of life in cities but is also becoming more profitable. The full report Revitalisation and Modernisation in Poland is available on the website https://issuu.com/ drugiezyciebudynkow/docs/report_revitalisation_ poland_short_. • Source: Drugie Życie Budynków

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Modernization of the Year


hanks to modernisation, the historic Silesian Opera house in the city of Bytom, a pearl of architecture and a cultural landmark of Upper Silesia, has regained its original splendour. Its illumination is dynamic and energy-efficient. In the design, top quality LED fittings have been installed on the building’s façade, in the ground in front of the building and on new lamp posts along the street. A set of six lighting options have been designed, which allow the Silesian Opera house to be lit in different ways depending on the time of day and occasion. The illumination highlights architectonic details and the monumental scale of the building. It was designed by the architekciPl studio in Gliwice. Installation work was carried out by Gijo, a firm based in Bytom. The illumination won a prize in the Modernisation of the Year 2016 competition organised by the Association for the Protection of the National Material Heritage. The competition jury awarded the Modernisation of the Year 2016 title in the Façade and Thermal Insulation category for “restoring the historic Silesian Opera building to its original splendour through combining a facade illumination design with a thorough renovation.” The Silesian Opera house also emerged as a winner in an online vote for Poland’s most popular modernisation project in the Cultural Facilities category. The Bytom opera house renovation project also won a citation in the Best Public Space in the Silesia Region 2017 competition. The jurors pointed out

THE ILLUMINATION WON A PRIZE IN THE MODERNISATION OF THE YEAR 2016 COMPETITION ORGANISED BY THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE NATIONAL MATERIAL HERITAGE. that “the use of the light successfully highlights the features of this building by promoting its function and significance both for the city of Bytom and the entire region.” The Silesian Opera house consists of two interlinked buildings: the Theatre and the Concert Hall (formerly known as the Concerthaus). It was built between 1899 and 1901, based on an elegant, neoclassical design by Berlin architect Aleksander Böhm. In the 1920s the building was rebuilt according to plans by the acclaimed early modernist and expressionist architect Hans Poelzig. In 2000 the Concert Hall was destroyed by fire, following which the pre-1920s look was restored. The walls were covered with stuccowork and other decorative features based on original photographs. A modern ballet room was designed above the philharmonic hall. Since its inauguration on October 1, 1901 the building has served performing arts. •

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Cultural Monitor


Thanks to the assistance of the Ministry of Cultural and National Heritage, the National Library has acquired original scores by Henryk Mikołaj Górecki (1933-2010), one of the most outstanding composers of the 20th century. The composer’s heirs -his widow, son and daughter- have handed over an almost complete collection of works (op. 1-85 with the exception of 78 and 80) to the library. They start with early works such as “Songs of Joy and Rhythm” op.7 and avant-garde works like “Scontri” op.17. Then come Górecki’s most famous Third “Symphony of Sorrowful Songs” op. 36 and the monumental psalm “Beatus Vir” op. 38. Last but not least comes the artist’s last unorchestrated “Fourth Symphony” (Tansman Episodes) op. 85. One particularly precious part of the collection consists of five excerpts of scores, diagrams and descriptions in which the composer explains the concepts of selected works. The collection is complete with over 100 letters written by the artist to another eminent Polish composer Witold Lutosławski, Yehudi Menuhin and others. Among the letters is one written by the then cardinal Karol Wojtyła in 1977 which prompted the composer to write "Beatus Vir." The National Library owns one of the world’s largest collections of scores by Frederic Chopin, as well as original scores by leading Polish composers Stanisław Moniuszko, Karol Szymanowski and Grażyna Bacewicz. The National Library collection numbers some 150,000 items, both manuscripts and prints.

FROM GÓRECKI’S ARCHIVE HENRYK MIKOŁAJ GÓRECKI - THIRD SYMFONY – PERFORMED BY: ANDRZEJ BOREYKO, EWA IŻYKOWSKA, POZNAŃ PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA – DUX – CD One of the major releases in early 2018 is a 1995 recording of Górecki’s world-famous “Third Symphony” for the solo soprano and orchestra, made at the Poznań Philharmonic Concert Hall and featuring Ewa Iżykowska and the Poznań Philharmonic Orchestra under Andrzej Boreyko. It is a wonderful artistic achievement of a conductor who - at the time of the recording - was about to hit international concert halls, and one of the most captivating and versatile Polish singers. The release proves that it is worth attracting the attention of the younger generation to the work which – recorded by Dawn Upshaw and the London Sinfonietta under David Zinman – attracted the world’s attention to Górecki’s work. The late composer’s popularity today exceeds the boundaries of classical music. Written in 1976, the “Third Symphony” consists of three expressive and contemplative movements. It is regarded as the artist’s crowning achievement. Górecki is a truly unique phenomenon in Polish music, and one of the best recognised among the minimalist composers of the 1970s. The artist was characteristically sparing when asked to comment on his works. “The listener is bright enough to make up their own mind,” he used to say. Neither does a strictly musicological analysis of his works settle all the ambiguities once and for all. But the music you find on this release is a great reminder of the magic of music and its power of emotional impact. All you need to do is listen.

INTIMATE, NOT ALWAYS JOYFUL THE LATEST BOOK BY ULA RYCIAK “NELA AND ARTHUR. THE RUBINSTEINS' INTIMATE CONCERT” WAS BROUGHT OUT BY THE AGORA PUBLISHING HOUSE IN FEBRUARY. Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982) is one of the most famous pianists born in Poland. Over the eighty years of his career he made more than six thousand appearances, enchanting his audiences with the music of his favourite composer Frederic Chopin. Winning applause in concert halls the world over, Rubinstein captured audiences with his magnetism. Throughout his life, his wife, Aniela Młynarska (1908-2001), known as Nela to her family and friends, was his constant consort. A generation younger than him, she was known for her understanding, caring nature and her ability to devise an elaborate strategy of dealing with an unpredictable genius. It did, however, come at a price. Ula Ryciak, the author of a best-selling biography of Agnieszka Osiecka (1936-1997), one of the best lyrics writers in the history of Polish pop music, this time again looks at the world from a woman’s perspective – of a famous husband’s wife. The writer perfectly captures the world and language of her protagonist, as a result of which the reader has the impression of almost being able to hear her voice. You get carried away by the unfolding story of a woman who for years basked in her husband’s fame, to become increasingly bitter toward the end of her life. It is an important and valuable book which documents the life of an extraordinary artist and human being, warts and all. There are some memorable lighter moments, too, when Nela’s amazing cooking skills are described. The book is hard to put down, also thanks to its poetic language and a whole range of colourful figures of the epoch who pass right in front of your eyes. It is intense and moving reading with a touch of class. But some of the stories told in the book show a grimmer reality.

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Cultural Monitor

IN TRIBUTE TO THE BARD IN THE JUBILEE 90TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR OF THE ATENEUM THEATRE COMPANY IN WARSAW, A WEEK-LONG “MŁYNARSKI AT THE ATENEUM – CONFRONTATIONS” FESTIVAL IS WORTH RECOMMENDING. Wojciech Młynarski (1941-2017), one of Poland’s best-loved bards, always spoke about the Ateneum theatre company with great fondness. Over three decades he wrote scripts, song lyrics, translated foreign works into Polish, directed productions, performed on stage and was regarded as a great friend by the entire troupe. The festival offers an excellent opportunity to highlight the musical and literary tradition of the Ateneum. One of its stages, the Downstairs Stage - which was inaugurated by Młynarski himself in 1986 - is now being named after him. The programme of the festival, which kicks off on March 16, is very rich. On the first day, Jazz-band Młynarski-Masecki, which stars the artist’s son Jan Emil, will be performing music in the vein of Polish pre-war jazz orchestras. On March 17 and 18, a cult production featuring Młynarski’s songs entitled “Do Your Own Thing”, directed by Wojciech Borkowski, will be shown. March 19 will see the gala concert “Młynarski at the Ateneum” featuring artists Agata Kulesza, Magda Umer, Ewa Wiśniewska, Michał Bajor, Piotr Machalica and Andrzej Poniedzielski. Besides, an archive recording of a 1985 production devoted to Jacques Brel and a 2017 documentary by Alicja Albrecht entitled “Wojciech Młynarski, Final Song” will be shown. There will also be a concert of Młynarski’s songs performed by Maciej Maleńczuk.

UNDER URBANIAK’S WINGS URBANATOR DAYS “BEATS & PIECES” – AGORA – CD Michał Urbaniak is a world-renowned Polish violinist, saxophonist and composer. His international career started in the US in 1973 with the release of his recordings by Columbia Records. In his music Urbaniak combines the latest jazz trends with his own inimitable style, as well as elements of Polish folklore. Since 2005 the artist has been organising Urbanator Days in the city of Łódź, an annual workshop for young musicians to which internationally famous jazz virtuosos are invited. The event includes concerts and jam sessions. “Beats & Pieces” is the fruit of the latest Urbanator Days. It features a fusion of jazz with hip-hop, electronic music, NuJazz and UrbJazz. The CD includes works by Urbaniak recorded with the participation of young and recognised producers, rappers, singers and musicians of the younger generation. Some striking tunes feature singer Andy Ninvalle, trumpeter Michael Patches Stewart and Urbaniak himself playing the violin and saxophone. Other invited guests include O.S.T.R., GrubSon and P. Unity. Urbaniak’s former wife, the legend of Polish jazz singing Urszula Dudziak, also appears on the album’s final track “Burning Circuits”. It is a solid dose of genuine, powerful, pulsating rap-jazz played with emotion and gusto – a recording of a fun-filled cross-cultural session which is a delight to listen to.

NEW POLISH MUSIC “FIRE HOUSE” - BARBARA WROŃSKA – KAYAX – CD Barbara Wrońska is a young Polish vocalist, composer and lyrics writer. She is also one of the pillars of the band Pustki. The artist also performs together with her sister in the Ballady i Romanse (Ballads and Romances) duo. She writes and arranges her own music. Following years of working as part of larger projects, she has decided to go it alone. The album features her own material which she has also produced. It includes ten songs performed in Polish, which is a refreshing antidote to the majority of Polish bands whose English-language lyrics are depressingly banal and whose style tends to be a pale imitation of familiar and worn-out international conventions. The lyrics are about the artist’s intimate experiences in relationships and friendships. They are mature, well developed, full of insight and personal touches. The songs are about life, time and love. The lyrics sound fresh, sometimes irreverent, and the music is appealingly varied and sensual. In the album Barbara Wrońska comes across as a woman who is full of life and sings what she feels. Each of the tracks has a different climate and dynamics, but all of them are full of emotion. Some of the tracks are catchy pop songs which could do well in the charts, while at the same time making you think about what the lyrics have to say. In a nutshell, it is Polish pop at its best: catchy, full of melancholy and thought-provoking. You can feel the artist’s passion and emotions. Three cheers to Barbara Wrońska. She is clearly one of those artists who, unlike many in the 21st century, still see the world through their hearts.

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ENDURES, AS DOES THE MEMORY OF POLISH HISTORY... PROF. WOJCIECH FAŁKOWSKI, Director of the Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum, talks to Maciej Proliński We meet here at the beginning of the year celebrating the 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining its independence, in a place of special significance to Poland, which sends a powerful and strong message to the world – the Castle – a symbol which epitomises the identity of Polish people, with its contemporary functions and unique history. It seems like there is no better place to talk about Polish history. For us, a country which lost its independence in the late 18th Century, was then occupied, and later bore the brunt of communist dominance, recalling the past is crucial. It bolsters our identity and unifies us, and was supported in our history on numerous occasions. The Castle is, of course, strongly marked by the Polish past. It might be seen as a paradox that the complete destruction of the Castle during World War II by Hitler and Nazi Germany, the struggle to have it rebuilt, and finally its reconstruction, have all strongly contributed to this place’s becoming a centre of common national thought. In the Castle’s National Hall, today referred to as the Knights’ Hall, Stanisław August Poniatowski, the last King of Poland, presented through works of art the most important events in Poland’s history, including the Union of Lublin, the victorious Battle of Vienna, and the establishment of the Jagiellonian University. At the same time, he created a pantheon of personages connected with our history. You will find there, among other things, a portrait of Copernicus. These were the models, the reference points. They are equally valid today. We should, therefore, remember that the Castle was built virtually anew, as the symbol of State sovereignty and PM

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the majesty and glory of the Republic of Poland. Indeed, it does send a positive message to the world: The Castle endures and will endure! Just as the memory of Polish history endures, the pride in Polish achievements grows. Can you today notice an increased interest in history in Poland? A natural question is thus... following one of our masters... “Why is this freedom so onerous?” First, under the communist régime, Polish history was perfidiously falsified and concealed. This is perhaps the reason for the great interest in the period of contemporary history from World War II to 1989. This entire period was impossible to credibly describe for many years. History creates the future! We are creating a future rooted in and based on not only facts, but also on values and good upbringing. The future is being sculpted in hearts and minds, and only after that, in actions... Therefore, we must have educated, open-minded and competent people. These traits are very strongly connected with decency. While the future is also being moulded in disputes, sometimes in heated arguments, this does not mean that it must bring about brutality in the place of argumentation. Everything which has a value is forged in the heat of dispute and discussion; all our crises should, therefore, be overcome in the discussion, as heated as it might be, but should always be based on arguments and reason. PM


Which of the undertakings being organised by the Castle related to the 100th anniversary of our independence will be particularly important for us?

Our plans involve not only highlighting Polish Statehood, but also the great exhibition "Signs of Freedom" (Znaki Wolności) devoted to the steadfastness of the Polish national identity between 1863 and 1989. This exhibition is intended to move you, provoke reflection, and carry a clear ideological message for all the visitors. The exhibition will be opened just before 11 November 2018 and be open to visitors until the end of March 2019. We hope that the event will move Poles emotionally and spur their interest in history. It will include items borrowed from cultural institutions from around Poland. These will include works by Artur Grottger, Jan Matejko, Władysław Hasior and Konstanty Laszczka, and, for example, photographs dating back to the times of martial law. Before that, I would like to invite all to "The Most Beautiful Portraits" exhibition of 44 paintings by Marcello Bacciarelli (1731-1818), the leading painter in the court of Stanisław August Poniatowski. This body of work will create a canon of thinking and imagination... also about the court of Stanisław August. Starting from this summer the Castle will organise an important event every quarter connected with our scientific, popular-science, exhibition and concert activities. We are also preparing for 2019, which will be the year of celebrating the 400th year of the Royal Castle in its finished state. We want to make it a yearlong celebration, concluding with an exhibition on the Vasa period (1587-1668). This will be another important reminder that the Vasa period, during which the Castle was erected, was a thoroughly European epoch. It entailed contacts as well as adaptation and exchange of patterns along the axis of Western Europe – the First Polish Republic. •



PIOTR SALABER, a pianist and one of the most captivating Polish composers of theatre and film music who was awarded the "Polish Market" Honorary Pearl in the field of culture in 2017, divides his time between a number of locations. He works for theatre companies in Poland, Russia, Hungary, Canada, and Taiwan. He has no intention of slowing down and does not let us forget about his music, which is touching and full of melancholy. Maciej Proliński


iotr Salaber has already participated in the making of 100 theatre productions in Poland and abroad. He perfected his skills as a composer during masterclasses under Karlheinz Stockhausen in Kuerten near Cologne (1998-2002), and under Elżbieta Sikora and Alain Savouret at the International Course for Composers in Gdańsk in 2000. He has been teaching film music at the Institute of Audiovisual Arts of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków since 2006. Since 2010 he has lectured at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz, and in recent years also at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Since 2013 he has been an associate professor at the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz. The latest work by Piotr Salaber is the "Non Omnis Moriar" oratory set to a poem by Father Sylwester Warzyński. The world premiere of the oratorio took place on the Młyńska Wyspa island in Bydgoszcz on September 9 2017. The soloists were: Olga Bończyk, Magdalena Wór, Maciej Miecznikowski, Kaludi Kaludov and Natalia Walewska. Excerpts from the Roman Triptych by John Paul II were read by Wiktor Zborowski. The soloists were accompanied by the Toruń Symphony Orchestra and the Schola Cantorum Gedanensis Choir. The composer directed the orchestra. "60 minutes of music, 200 pages of the score. I trust that there is a transcendental element in this music. If the people of Bydgoszcz and everyone who listened to this concert experienced a bit of emotion, if the text and the music somehow touched the essence of humanity, encouraged them to be better, more sensitive human beings, we as authors are extremely happy and do not expect anything more," Piotr Salaber says.

The well-known and respected composer, pianist and teacher presented his works at the Pomeranian Philharmonic in Bydgoszcz on January 19, 2018. The concert featured his music which had earlier been performed worldwide, including incidental music. The performers were the Pomeranian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, the Academy’s Chamber Choir, soprano Paulina Janczak, violinist Katarzyna Duda, Markus Stockhausen on the trumpet and flugelhorn, Sebastian Wielądek on ethnic instruments. The latter also did some throat singing. The symphony orchestra was again conducted by the composer himself. "It was the first such concert of my music in my home city. I tried to make it a multi-coloured performance. I managed to invite, among others, Markus Stockhausen. I studied composition under his father, that's when we made friends with Markus, together we wrote a song for the Bergischen Symphoniker, and Markus also recorded my music for productions at Warsaw’s Ateneum theatre and at the Bolshoi Drama Theatre in St. Petersburg," the composer notes. The music of Piotr Salaber, which contains many ethnic motifs, appeals mainly to our emotions. In numerous themes, such as the title theme from the movie "Women without Shame" directed by Witold Orzechowski, the charming "Postcard from Paris", filled with French ambiance, the clarity of the music line comes to the fore. It is impossible not to succumb to the soothing effect of this music. It is captivating, romantic and arranged with utmost grace. "Every work of art is an attempt to make contact, to talk to another person," emphasises the composer.

In September 2017, the musician won an Amadeus award for his debut as a composer of incidental music for the Polish Radio Theatre. In recent months, four productions featuring Salaber’s music have seen their premieres in Polish Radio drama productions. These include: "The trap" by Tadeusz Różewicz, directed by Julia Wernio, "Konopnicka - Autobiography", "Leśmian Autobiography" and "Smile of Happiness" by Joseph Conrad, directed by Janusz Kukuła. Piotr Salaber admits that writing music for radio drama gives him great pleasure. "Working in the theatre allows you to use your skills to move between various styles and epochs. The theatre, including Polish Radio Theatre, is an oasis - a place where you can really feel free," he says. He also notes that he and his fellow artists greatly appreciate the Polish Market Honorary Pearl award. "For me, the distinction awarded by "Polish Market" is really unique. When I first looked at the list of previous winners and saw the first name there, the great late composer Wojciech Kilar (and I had the great pleasure and honour to know him personally – he is really a great authority for me), not in my wildest dreams did I expect that someday I would find myself in such company. A photo of me receiving the "Polish Market" Honorary Pearl award hangs at the Pomeranian Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz. I admit that I really enjoy "Polish Market" award ceremonies, the recurring meetings with the world of business, because I can then talk about music. The fact is that when I meet with other musicians, we mainly talk about money," Salaber says tongue-in-cheek. • 3/2018  polish market




EUROPEAN UNION IS THE SECOND BIGGEST TRADE PARTNER OF BELARUS ALEKSANDR AVERYANOV, Ambassador of Belarus to Poland, talks to “Polish Market.” Belarus is a natural and strategic economic partner for Poland because of the countries’ geopolitical situation and being direct neighbours. What are our relations like at present? I could not agree more, with a slight adjustment that this thesis works both ways. I have been engaged, in various capacities, in bilateral relations between Belarus and Poland for many years. So I can tell you from first-hand experience that, despite all ups and downs, throughout the contemporary history of these relations the fundamental approach in Belarus towards Poland was based on the notion of neighbourhood. PM

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Our economic relations underwent peaks and valleys too. Our trade turnover, for instance, after gradually having climbed to its historic high of almost USD3 billion in 2008, had its plunge to under USD2 billion, then bounced back to well over this psychological point in 2011-2014 to fall back again in 2015-2016. Yearly statistics for 2017 have not been published yet, but the January-November data show that we are on an upward trend now. The value of our trade reached almost USD2.2 billion, with both Belarusian and Polish exports rising. I would also like to mention that investment from Poland in Belarus is growing. After three quarters of 2017 it was


close to USD260 million, compared with USD210 million in the full year 2016. In 2017 Poland became the fourth largest investor in Belarus. The Belarussian-Polish border coincides with the European Union’s border. What are the benefits for Belarus of being a neighbour of the Union? What role does Poland play in contacts between Belarus and the EU? Suffice it to say that the European Union is the second biggest trade partner of Belarus. The latest available data for January-November 2017 indicate that the value of Belarus-EU trade totalled USD12.8 billion. By September 2017 the total value of EU investment in Belarus has reach USD3.3 billion. We are interested in EU technology and investment. In return - and here I intentionally mention only economic factors, but the real picture is more complex - we have a good deal to offer. We are exporters of some much needed raw materials, petrochemical products and fertilizers. The industrial products and machinery we offer also have a competitive price-quality ratio. Tourism, including health and medical one, is also gaining in popularity. To further facilitate tourism we have decided to introduce visa-free regime for parts of Grodno and Brest regions, which border Poland. Finally, Belarus is a natural gateway for Western companies to a much larger market of the Eurasian Economic Union. It is true that in Belarus-EU relations there are issues with no simple resolutions. However, the present overall tendency is rather encouraging. After some time of talking “at” each other, we are moving towards a pragmatic open conversation with no taboo topics. That includes visa-free travel, human rights, international security, nuclear energy and much more. And there are tangible results. The EU has lifted quotas on Belarusian textiles. The year 2016 saw a resumption of Belarus-EU negotiations on our WTO accession. Belarus-EU Coordination Group started working in the same year. We have reached the final stage in the coordination of the partnership priorities for 2018-2020. And there is much more still to do. Consequently, the role of Poland is very essential here. Poland is a large and important European Union country that has a resolute voice and a very considerable influence on EU decisions, especially those concerning neighbour countries to the east of the EU border. Therefore, certainly, when I mention our relations with the EU, I imply relations with both the European institutions and individual member states, of which Poland in this respect is definitively one of the key actors. PM

This leads us to another question. Belarus is indeed a gateway to eastern markets for Poland. Do you feel that the Polish authorities are really interested in broader cooperation in this respect? Taking into consideration that the Belarusian market is not the biggest one to the east of Poland, trying to be a gateway for foreign companies in their effort to target the market of the Eurasian Economic Union is our natural strategy. Suffice it to say that the EAEU has more than 180 million consumers. We are certainly very well aware that it is not our wishes but pragmatic economic conditions that would encourage Polish companies to invest. This is why we are making every possible effort to provide foreign investors with what they require the most: stable macroeconomic conditions, good infrastructure, an active local business community, reasonably-priced PM

feedstock and energy, as well as qualified, disciplined and loyal workforce. Local authorities are more and more active in helping business. And there is an incentive of five-day visa-free travel through Minsk International Airport to facilitate initial contacts. In order to avoid sounding proofless, I’d adduce the World Bank’s 2018 Doing Business Index which ranks Belarus at 38th place in the world. A very competitive taxation system, with CIT at 18% and VAT at 20%, is even more liberal in our Free Economic Zones, where income tax is 0% for the first five years of operation and afterwards remains 50% lower than the general rate, and VAT is 0%. Similar, or even more favourable conditions are offered to businesses in small and medium towns, in the Hi-Tech Park, and the Great Stone Industrial Park. Any foreign investor may ask Belarusian National Agency for Investment and Privatization for assistance, and it will be granted for free. Polish business is considered, and rightly so, an expert in relations with the countries east of the river Bug. I dare say that the growing Polish investment figures in Belarus indicate a positive trend in the opinion of the Polish business community about investment climate in my country. As for official relations, I would also say that the tendency is generally positive. The number of government and parliamentary contacts, including high-level ones, is growing. Going back to the notion of neighbourhood: the two countries are very close to each other in a great number of domains, from geography to language and general mentality. So we must talk to each other and find common ground even on the most difficult issues. What prospects do you see for the development of our bilateral relations in coming years? We have lots to do. Starting with, however symbolic that may sound, bringing back our trade turnover to the USD3 billion level, to substantial growth of investment cooperation, and to coordinating infrastructural projects in the broad sense of this term, all to make our cooperation beneficial for Belarus, Poland and for the rest of Eurasia. Certainly, the work to determine the areas of concrete mutual interest and find best possible respective solutions is not the easiest task, but much promising. • PM

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MILESTONES FOR THE FUTURE For the 24th time, a Business Centre Club (BCC) gala took place at Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw on January 27 2018 during which Polish Business Leader competition prizes were awarded. Presidents of Poland’s most successful companies received Polish Business Leader Golden Statuettes. Previous years’ laureates who retained their market positions received Diamonds to be added to their statuettes. Special BCC Prizes were also awarded. These went to Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank, and Prof. Norman Davies, the acclaimed British historian who specialises in Polish history.


elcoming participants in the gala event, BCC President Marek Goliszewski said: “Last year we asked people gathered here whether the Polish revolution would turn into dust or a diamond. We have many diamonds. And a lot of dust. The diamonds are 4% economic growth. The reduction of the shadow economy by the Ministry of Finance. Tax revenue over PLN 52 billion. Also, the lowest unemployment rate in 27 years, financial support for families and the poor; and a 5-billion budget surplus by August. The dust can be seen in a significant drop in private investment and a shortage of labour. The Polish economy needs immigrants. (…) Without investment, there is no growth. This is because of uncertainty” Since 1992, the BCC has awarded Special Prizes to outstanding personalities from outside business circles for their contribution to the development of entrepreneurship and the market economy in Poland. The recipients of this award include Margaret Thatcher, José Manuel Barroso, and Tony Blair. This year, it was Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank, who received his Golden Statuette for supporting the Polish economy and entrepreneurs in 2012-2016 with more than EUR 25 billion in loans. British historian Norman Davies was honoured for “for researching Polish people’s historical successes and failures”. His most important publications include: God's Playground, and Rising ’44. Addressing the gala, Minister of Investment and Economic Development Jerzy Kwieciński said that completing crucial legal changes in the business environment was a priority for the government. The key factor in this respect is the Business Constitution. “What we have in mind is a solution which would ensure greater stability without placing any additional burden on enterpreneurs,” said Minister Kwieciński. As every year, Social Solidarity Medals were granted to those promoting the idea of corporate social responsibility, and those who build

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social solidarity. The medals went to Zygmunt Solorz, founder of POLSAT Television and the POLSAT Foundation established by it, Władysław Grochowski (Arche President) and Włodzimierz Chwalba (Metal Union President). The Business Centre Club (BCC) was established in 1991 as a multiplatform institution to support entrepreneurial Poles. It is an elite Club for business persons and an association of individual employers. •


BetaMed S.A. DCT Gdańsk S.A. Delfarma Sp. z o.o. Everest Finanse Spółka Akcyjna Fargotex Sp. z o.o. Górnośląska Agencja Przedsiębiorczości i Rozwoju Sp. z o.o. KBR Poland Sp. z o.o. Metal Union Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Inwestycyjno-Budowlane Ebejot Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek S.A. Samodzielny Publiczny Zespół Zakładów Lecznictwa Otwartego Warszawa-Żoliborz Segafredo Zanetti Poland Sp. z o.o. Weegree Sp. z o.o. spółka komandytowa

Among the winners of Diamond awards added to Golden Statuettes was ZM ROPCZYCE SA.

Food Industry

NEW TYPES OF BREAD AND ANCIENT WHEAT – CURRENT TRENDS ON THE BREAD MARKET Are we eating more or less bread than before? And what types of bread? Is it fresh or from frozen portions of dough “parbaked” (a term used in baking lingo) in supermarket-chain ovens? Does the alarming news about the condition of the industry also affect small bakeries and the availability of a regular wholewheat loaf?


ccording to a survey conducted by Kantar Millward Brown, 98% of Poles eat bread, 80% prefer traditionally made bread, and 65% – bread from local bakeries. It is hard to prepare accurate statistics which would show all the aspects of this highly fragmented market. In addition, the market picture is blurred by the growing fashion for novelties, with such additions as plums, tomatoes, cheese, and rosemary; or the rediscovered ancient types of wheat: emmer wheat (older than spelt), einkorn wheat, and kamut. Nobody knows more about discovering ancient grains than one unique team: a farmer, a processor, or even an anthropologist restoring old wheat species, working together with secondary discoverers - master bakers, consultants, and innovators – in the selection of recipes suitable for ordinary bakeries. According to Czesław Meus, in order to advise and implement a new assortment of bakery products, one needs to know the expectations and taste habits of consumers. The aforementioned duo is Mieczysław Babalski and Czesław Meus, the pillars of the Polska Ekologia (Polish Ecology) Association. Mr Mieczysław Babalski describes the advantages of organic emmer wheat, and even its health-promoting properties, in the following words: “As evidenced by research conducted by Ewa Dąbkowska from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, flour made from organic emmer wheat is even better in terms of quality than organic spelt flour. It is perfect for baking bread. I think that emmer might become even more popular than spelt in the future. This can be seen in German agriculture, in which emmer, just as spelt, is unfortunately cultivated using conventional farming techniques. Why unfortunately? Well, conventional farming does not observe the rule of not subjecting grains to genetic manipulations. Nowadays, conventional spelt and emmer have nothing in common – aside from their names – with the ancient grain species, which can retain their original properties only with organic farming. Rather than on increased yield, ecologists focus on the healthpromoting properties of these cereals".

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Nowadays, many green farmers cultivate emmer in Poland. The grain is difficult to process, but its flour has plenty of protein, calcium, phosphorus, Vitamins B1, PP and E, pantothenic acid, and beta-glucans, which reduce cholesterol and prevent diabetes. “You can make bread, pasta, cakes and pancakes from emmer,” says Czesław Meus. “When kneaded, the dough is delicate, sweetish, with a nutty aftertaste and a honey-like aroma. By eating products made from emmer, you reduce the risk of alimentary-tract cancer. Before I took an interest in emmer, my activities revolved around traditionally cultivated species of wheat, and then around spelt. My role is to devise the best baking technologies. However, it is the already-mentioned farmer, and illustrious eco leader from Pokrzydowo, Mieczysław Babalski, who has pioneered the cultivation of ancient wheats and their processing into flour, flakes, pasta and groats. He finds forgotten cereal varieties and introduces them onto the market, and also encourages farmers with eco farms to cultivate the oldest species of wheat: einkorn, emmer and spelt. This allows us to be successful together.” The application of ancient wheats is increasing, and it was Czesław Meus, after an enthusiastic reception for his eco bread at the BioFach fair in Nuremberg, who first implemented the production process for organic spelt loaves with emmer in the traditional Kraków-based Buczek bakery and confectionery chain, which has operated on the Kraków market for more than 70 years. What is more, the Buczek bakery also makes wheat-and-rye bread based on organic sourdough and 100% rye bread based on organic sourdough with honey and sunflower seeds. New retro-novelties are also being prepared. “I can use my experience gained during the implementation of the organic-bread baking process in a conventional bakery in subsequent implementations in facilities which strive to bake good, tasty, healthy and organic bread. I must note here that before that I helped the Buczek bakery obtain the BIO certificate.

Polish bread is heading the way of substitutes. This is usually industrially produced bread with the addition of artificial enzymes and other preserving additives. Another alarming development is the introduction of spelt bread, or bread made from other ancient wheats, but from grains obtained by means of conventional farming – the flour does not have the benefits provided by organic farming (e.g. a low gluten content). Yet, organic bread making was inspired by Prof. Julian Aleksandrowicz. I remember when the Professor passed on his ideas to me. This has led me up the road of true bread making. I want to make this bread real and genuine sustenance. I wish us daily, real, bread,” said Czesław Meus. But which one is real? Is the frozen and parbaked variety, also real? Hanna Stolińska-Fiedorowicz, a clinical dietician from the National Food and Nutrition Institute, reminds us that “while freezing is the best food-storage method, it is worth remembering that bread is frozen using liquid nitrogen, and then stored for up to half a year. Such bread contains many improvers, including stabilisers, colours, preservatives, calcium propionate (E-282) to prevent mould growth, and potassium sorbate (E-202), which can cause skin problems and asthma.” Our escape from pseudo bakery products is also manifested in “home services”, such as those provided by Monika Walecka, with her motto of “I can bake whatever you wish”. Abroad, she has rubbed shoulders with worldfamous bakers. In Poland, she is giving organic einkorn a go. Czesław Meus has, therefore, gained a new ally, who acts in a similar fashion, but on a smaller scale. Bravo! Home bread baking has become really popular, with the Internet swarming with recipes prepared by amateur bakers. This entirely private sector is making its first steps in selecting the best ingredients. Using guidelines offered by the masters, it will experience not only the good taste but also the health-promoting properties of good bread. •


2017 2017


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