Polish Market No. 4 (256) /2016

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PU B LISHED SIncE 199 6 No. 4 (256) /2017 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl

Hannover Messe „sMart Means Poland” ............................... PA W E Ł B O RY S President of tHe PolisH develoPMent fund


tHe iMPact of foreign direct


“Exatel is constantly building and developing its network”



4/2017  polish market







6. From The President’s Press Office 7. From The Government Information Centre: 60 YEARS OF THE COMMUNITY



Letter of Prime Minister BEATA SZYDŁO to the participants of Hannover Messe

10. MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI, deputy Prime Minister, Minister

of Economic Development and Finance: SMART MEANS POLAND

12. JERZY KWIECIŃSKI, deputy Minister of Economic




15. STANISŁAW HEBDA, First Counsellor, Head of the Trade

and Investment Promotion Department, Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Cologne: COOPERATION WITH GERMANY IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF POLISH COMPANIES AS WELL

16. PAWEŁ BORYS, President of the Polish Development



20. TOMASZ PISULA, President of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH): POLISH FIRMS ARE READY FOR FOREIGN EXPANSION

22. NINA DOBRZYŃSKA , Deputy President of Polish Agency






PROF. RYSZARD PREGIEL, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology: HIGH-TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AS THE FUTURE OF POLISH EXPORTS




30. AGATA GIERCZAK , Department of Innovation at the Ministry of Economic Development: INDUSTRY 4.0









ALEKSANDRA JANKOWSKA, President of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone: SUPPORTING ENTERPRISES



PERSONAL. SECURE. TRANSPARENT. As the national leader in the gas and oil industry, we are aware of the important role played by innovations. Modern solutions do not only mean development of the company but also provide support to the national economy as a whole. We develop our international relations based on the highest cooperation standards and exchange of knowledge in many fields. Thanks to the PST company our relationships with Germany and Austria keep growing. An innovative industry is a guarantee for the development of the economy of the future – the future starts right now.

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48. ŚWIDNICA GOOD FOR THE YOUNG 50. JMACIEJ BADORA, President of the Management Board of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone "Invest-Park": 20 YEARS OF SUCCESS

52. EAGNIESZKA SYGITOWICZ, Vice-President of Lodz Special Economic Zone:


65. MARCIN KRAJMAS, member of the Board of the SASA Foundation: SASA MEANS “NOW”




68. BARBARA WALKIEWICZ-CYRAŃSKA, dermatologist, cosmetologist, owner

of the Viva Derm clinic, President of the Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology, President of the Foundation of Anti-Aging Medicine: THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND ANTI-AGING MEDICINE










Cover: NIKODEM BOŃCZA TOMASZEWSKI, President of Exatel SA Photos on issue: www.shutterstock.com

4/2017 Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.) President: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła Address: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl

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Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President of Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

“SMART MEANS POLAND” IS THE SLOGAN UNDER WHICH POLAND AND POLISH FIRMS ARE TAKING PART IN HANNOVER MESSE 2017 IN A SPECIAL ROLE – AS THE OFFICIAL PARTNER COUNTRY OF THIS IMPRESSIVE EVENT. HANNOVER MESSE IS THE WORLD’S BIGGEST AND MOST PRESTIGIOUS EXHIBITION OF INNOVATIVE INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES. IS POLAND ABLE TO FULFIL THIS ROLE? Let us be frank – the expectations are enormous. The past half century witnessed the globalization of economic processes and deindustrialization of the continents where production was the most intensive – Europe and North America. The relocation of industrial production to the Asia-Pacific region enabled a further reduction in production costs due to the economies of scale, on the one hand, and the use of cheaper labour. The economic power of the most developed countries was to be maintained through their domination in innovative production, innovation in contacts with customers and the development of services where labour efficiency is higher than in industry. An additional element of this doctrine was the instrumental use of climate policy in Europe and the United States. The main element of the policy is the emissions trading scheme (ETS), which not so much generates pro-environmental technological progress as pushes “dirty” production to countries outside Europe, the United States and Canada. The first phase of the global economic and financial crisis in 2008 exposed the weakness of this doctrine and its negative consequences. The collapse of Toffler’s “third wave” resulted in structural unemployment, especially among young people in southern Europe and Middle America, and - in the cultural and political sphere – in the resurgence of nationalism and populism. The ETS dogma has even been criticized by Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato si”. It comes as no surprise that after unsuccessful attempts to return onto a path of global growth by strictly financial methods and after another wave of crisis there appeared increasingly bold appeals for the reindustrialization of the major economies. In the case of Europe, one should stress the importance of Polish proposals - made in the autumn of 2014 to the European Commission and the European Council – to put in place a mechanism, worth EUR700 billion, for financing industrial and infrastructure investment projects, launching the programme of Europe’s reindustrialization. The Juncker Plan gave the proposals concrete, though more modest, form. In Poland, they are continued in the form of the Morawiecki Plan, adopted by the government as the Strategy for Responsible Development. In the United States, elements of this doctrine appeared in Donald Trump’s election platform and largely contributed to his election as president. Of course, the new economic doctrine does not promote reindustrialization as a return of the industry of the past. Its catchword is Industry 4.0, which means the fourth-generation digital industry. Under this concept, before a product is made in physical form it is first produced in a virtual world. As a result, the product can be freely configured to meet the needs of a specific customer. Industry 4.0 is to enable making products even in single copies at a profit. “If you manufacture devices at a place where you want them to be sold they do not need to be transported across half the world” is the economic motto of the concept. And it has started to come true – even clothes sellers, so “dependent on Asia,” have started to move their plants to Europe. Can Poland lead this trend? We have many sceptics who say that, even though we have not yet managed to fully automate our production processes, we are rushing to a higher level. However, there are many indications that our starting point is quite good. Deindustrialization was greatly delayed in Poland – it began after 1989. What is more, we were treated for a long time as a country where you could move production not far away and relatively cheaply. As a result, the contribution of the industrial sector to GDP is the highest in Poland among EU countries and we need a mere 2% to reach the 20% target set by the European Commission for the year 2020. Secondly, we have good experience in the super-fast absorption of new technologies. Few people remember, for instance, that in 1990 sales of digital technologies to Poland were still banned by NATO and the European Economic Community. When the embargo was lifted and Polish firms started to appear at the CeBIT exhibition in Hannover, showing their original and fully digital telecom systems, managers of Western corporations - and security services – could not believe their eyes. A dozen or so years later, the same was the case with visitors to the Grüne Woche fair in Berlin and the Anuga fair in Cologne when they saw the offerings of Poland’s modernized agricultural sector. We have many economic elements needed for the expansion of Industry 4.0. We have many producers representing world-class technological standards along the whole chain: from research and design offices to the end-product. We also have experience in skipping development stages. For example, we started to build a free-market banking sector only after 1989. In this process, we skipped many technological stages to become one of the world’s frontrunners. Today, everyone wants to cooperate with the Polish fintech sector. The Polish sector of new R&D labs and many other sectors will probably attract similar interest. Because we are becoming “smart”.

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oland’s President Andrzej Duda met in Warsaw on March 9 with Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President of the European Commission for the Euro and Social Dialogue. Andrzej Duda and Valdis Dombrovskis talked about the economic situation of Europe, the euro zone and the European Union in connection with the publication of the White Book on the future of Europe. They also discussed issues concerning the EU’s eastern neighbours.



resident Andrzej Duda met in Warsaw on March 15 with Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin. The meeting was attended by Minister Krzysztof Szczerski of the President’s Office. The talks centred on bilateral relations, especially in the context of a meeting of the Consultative Committee of the Presidents of Poland and Ukraine scheduled for April 11. Earlier, plenary talks were held in the Belweder Palace between Polish and Ukrainian delegations. They were chaired by Minister Szczerski and Minister Klimkin. The participants shared their views on the future of European integration and cooperation, discussed the security situation, including energy security, and regional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe, especially in the context of the Trimarium concept, initiated by President Andrzej Duda. A separate topic for discussion was historical issues, in particular the recent desecrations of monuments to Poles killed in Ukraine. Minister Krzysztof Szczerski thanked the Ukrainian side for their quick response, but stressed further steps were needed to find the perpetrators and protect the monuments.

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resident Andrzej Duda met in Warsaw on March 6 with Andrej Danko, Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, and a delegation of Slovak parliamentarians. The meeting was also attended by Minister Adam Kwiatkowski, head of the President’s Cabinet. They discussed bilateral relations, regional cooperation, including the Trimarium initiative for cooperation among countries located between the Baltic and the Adriatic and Black Seas, as well as European and security policy. The meeting was part of the official visit to Poland by the speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. During his visit Andrej Danko also met with the speakers of the lower and upper chamber of the Polish Parliament, held talks with the heads of the parliaments of the Visegrad Group countries and visited the Warsaw Rising Museum.



resident Andrzej Duda and Minister Paweł Mucha of the President’s Office met on March 6 with Prof. Adam Glapiński, President of the National Bank of Poland and Chairman of the Financial Stability Committee. Among the topics discussed were measures taken to ease the situation of borrowers who have difficulty servicing loans denominated in foreign currencies. The president stressed the need to intensify work on his draft law under which banks would be required to pay clients back for excessive currency spreads. The president also wanted to know the timetable of measures and detailed plan for putting into practice the initiatives defined by the Financial Stability Committee’s resolution of January 13, 2017 on recommendations concerning the restructuring of mortgage loans denominated in foreign currencies. All these measures are designed to protect the interest of the borrowers who have taken loans denominated in foreign currencies while maintaining the stability of the financial system.

Prime Minister



Photo P. Tracz / KPRM

March 25 was a very important day for Europeans. On that day, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of signing the Treaties of Rome, the agreements which initiated European integration and marked the beginning of the European Union. A summit of EU member states was held in Rome to commemorate this anniversary and talk about the Union’s future. Poland was represented by Prime Minister Beata Szydło.


he Treaties of Rome, regarded as the formal beginning of European integration, were signed on March 25, 1957. The signatories were France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. They signed two agreements: the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC Treaty) and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom Treaty). The EEC Treaty was later amended by the Treaty on European Union (Maastricht Treaty) signed in 1992. The Treaties of Rome were designed to remove barriers among European countries and consequently improve the quality of life for Europeans, and raise their affluence and sense of security. The Treaties of Rome, which came into force on January 1, 1958, brought about the creation of the European Economic Community. Its goal was the economic

development of the member countries and their closer cooperation within an economic union. Among the important decisions was establishing a customs union and allowing the free movement of goods and services. One of the ways to achieve this goal was abolishing customs duties in trade among the countries. The Euratom Treaty contributed significantly to strengthening security in Europe and tightening political cooperation among European countries. A number of solutions were worked out to control the use of atomic energy and ensuring that it is used only for peaceful purposes. The Treaties of Rome contained several other important documents. One of them was an agreement on the member states’ joint institutions and their powers. The most important institution was the European Parliamentary Assembly, which was a single assembly for three European communities:

the European Economic Community, Euratom and European Coal and Steel Community. It was a consultative and advisory body. The Council composed of ministers was the decision-making organ of the Assembly. Committees and the Court of Justice were also established. Under the Treaties, the organs had the right to issue opinions, decisions, orders and recommendations. A summit of EU member states was held in Rome on the anniversary of signing the Treaties of Rome. The EU leaders present at the summit signed the Rome Declaration, which sets out direction for the development of the Union in coming years. Prime Minister Beata Szydło, asked about the Declaration before the summit, said: “A positive aspect of our decisions is that the leaders of the countries agreed that the Rome Declaration has to be adopted by all members of the European Union. The wording will now be worked out and all the states have to approve it.” Beata Szydło stressed there were several boundaries which should not be overstepped for Poland to approve the Declaration. In this context, she mentioned a recent meeting in Warsaw of the leaders of the Visegrad Group countries, resulting in a joint declaration. “It has been sent to Brussels and we believe that the document can be a basis for the joint declaration that we will adopt in Rome,” she added. The prime minister stressed that Poland was opposed, in particular, to speaking about a Europe of multiple speeds. In her view, such concepts were tantamount to the absence of equal opportunities for all member states. “Those who are speaking today about a Europe of multiple speeds are talking about divisions. Every attempt to build elite clubs within the EU will lead to disintegration while the Union must first of all give preference to unity,” said the prime minister. •

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Our Guest

Hannover, April 24, 2017 The fact that Poland is the partner country of Hannover Messe 2017 is extremely important and symbolic for us. Around 200 Polish companies, eight regions, five Special Economic Zones and Polish institutions are presenting themselves at the world’s largest and most important industrial exhibition. Our slogan is “Smart Means Poland.” These words incorporate the idea guiding the Polish government, which sees innovation as the key to economic success. Innovation is our future and our chance. The government’s economic programme – Strategy for Responsible Development – meets these expectations halfway. Modern technologies, exploiting the potential of science, bringing the results of research and development work to the market place, and putting them to the test on the market will bring us up to a higher development level. I cordially invite you to the stands of our companies and institutions at Hannover Messe 2017. I am glad that we have an opportunity to present the achievements of Polish young innovative businesses in the start-up zone. We can say with satisfaction that Polish entrepreneurs are already designers of Industry 4.0, which is revolutionizing production processes and the way in which manufacturing plants operate. Polish products are of very high quality and Polish firms successfully operate on foreign markets and are highly valued by the most demanding customers. Stable economic growth, well-educated and competent workers, and central location on the continent are our main assets. Poland is a country making a significant contribution to the development of science and technology in the world. The impressive achievements presented at our national stand are a clear sign of this. I wish to extend my cordial greetings to all participants in Hannover Messe. I am convinced that this special event will contribute to effectively promoting the Polish economy in the international arena and building strong Polish brands in the sector of modern technologies. Prime Minister Beata Szydło

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Our Guest

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Hannover Messe



POLAND MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI, deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Finance

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annover Messe is among the world’s biggest and most important industrial fairs where new ideas and innovations are promoted. The world has no international exhibition of innovative products and services more important than the fair in Hannover. 6,500 exhibitors and more than 200,000 visitors – these numbers render the scale of the undertaking. The role of the partner country that Poland plays at this year’s fair is a great prestige, but first of all a sign of recognition for the strength and potential of our economy. It is also another step towards deeper economic relations between Poland and Germany, and a sign of commitment to the development of new technologies on the part of the Polish government. This status offers broad opportunities for us to present our industry to the whole world.

Our Guest

POLAND’S GOALS AT HANNOVER MESSE The watchword of our presence at the Hannover fair as the partner country is “Smart Means Poland.” Through our presence at Hannover Messe we want to stress the innovation and strength of the Polish economy. We will present ourselves as a country with a big potential, able to compete economically in the international arena. High-quality products offered by Polish firms are successful on foreign markets. And let me remind you that Germany is the largest market for Polish exports. As the partner country we also want to show the diversity and dynamism of the Polish economy based on innovation, and expand even further our international relations with businesses from all the countries present in Hannover. We estimate that over 200 Polish exhibitors and thousands of visitors will be present at the fair.

POLAND – IT IS WORTH INVESTING HERE The Polish economy has strong macroeconomic fundamentals. Independent Polish institutions and international organizations believe that our economy grows steadily. They estimate our potential GDP growth in 2017 at over 3%. According to the latest projections of the European Commission, we will remain one of the fastest developing EU countries in coming years. Poland’s favourable location, increasingly modern infrastructure and first of all its excellently educated specialists, experienced in working in an international environment, are only some of the factors making Poland an excellent investment location. We supplement them with government incentives tailored to the needs of investors. This has resulted in numerous investment projects carried out in Poland by foreign companies, including German ones. Germany is the second biggest foreign investor in our country after Holland. German firms have invested almost EUR30 billion in Poland in total.

POLAND’S RESPONSE TO INDUSTRY 4.0 CHALLENGES Measures taken by the Polish government are in keeping with the lead theme of the fair this year: “Integrated Industry – Creating Value.” In our Strategy for Responsible Development we have based our success on reindustrialization because a strong industrial base makes countries more immune to global changes in economic conditions. Reindustrialization means increased importance of industry in the national economy, coupled with higher resource use efficiency. We also plan to establish the Polish Industry 4.0 Platform, a coordinating institution responsible for spreading the Internet of


Things in Polish industry and supporting the integration of IT and technical infrastructure and the state’s competencies in stimulating the development of Industry 4.0. The involvement of the Polish government in such spheres as technologies related to biomass and energy generation from waste, the digitization of the energy market and the future city concept, including electric mobility and future buildings, certainly make Poland an important partner in the international discussion on ensuring global energy security. We also strongly emphasize the role of innovation in industry. Modern industry is based on innovation. It creates innovations and uses them in production processes. It is based on digitization and advanced automation, and functions in smart chains linking suppliers, producers, customers and consumers. This kind of industry is becoming more efficient, flexible and competitive. At the fair, Poland presents energy efficiency solutions. In this context, it is worth mentioning our electric mobility programme. The development of vehicles propelled by electric motors may give a strong boost to the automotive industry and many other industries working for it. It is a new and broad area of innovative activities, offering a potential for the development in Poland of state-of-the-art technologies, which may find application in other sectors of the economy as well. Polish producers of electric buses and their domestic suppliers have the knowledge, technology and experience giving them technological advantage on the market. At Hannover Messe, we show a new face of the Polish economy. Our country takes an active part in the great fourth industrial revolution. We will show our achievements at our national stand where everyone will have an opportunity to see that Smart Means Poland. • 4/2017  polish market


Our Guest

WE EXPECT POSITIVE TRENDS TO CONTINUE JERZY KWIECIŃSKI, deputy Minister of Economic Development, talks to "Polish Market". What can we expect in 2017? In the light of recent data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS), is a GDP growth of 3% realistic this year? In 2016, most countries in Europe, not just Poland, were hit by a slowdown in economic growth. Yet our economy is characterized by solid macroeconomic fundamentals. According to the latest forecasts of the European Commission, in the coming years we will remain one of the fastest developing countries in the European Union. The strengthening of GDP growth in 2017 will be driven by the high speed of private consumption growth, among others, as a result of a good situation on the labour market, the implementation of the ”Family 500+” (“Rodzina 500+)” child benefit programme and good consumer moods. A noteworthy aspect will be a higher growth in investments, especially public ones, which will also speed up private investment, supported by growing domestic and external demand. In this context, the increase in the use of EU funding will be particularly important. We have had the European funds already well working, which is a consequence of the Plan developed by the PM

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Ministry of Economic Development to increase efficiency and to accelerate the use of funds for 2014-2020. We anticipate that the impact of the EU investment on the economy will be getting clearly visible at the turn of the second and third quarters of 2017. In the light of forecasts, we are pleased with good data from the economy recorded in the first two months of this year, although they were partly a result of the positive set of working days and the base effect (weak Q1 of 2016). Industrial output growth in the period of January-February this year amounted to 5.1% year on year, and retail sales grew 7% on a constant price basis. Exports in January also increased rapidly (by 5.3% y/y). We have a good labour market situation, which is reflected in the low unemployment rate (8.5% in February). We expect that these positive trends will be continued throughout the year, so that the GDP growth target, which is determined in the Budget Act at the level of 3.6%, will be possible to achieve. It is worth noting that optimistic market forecasts put the growth rate at as much as 4%, although most forecasts are cautious and are at around 3.2%-3.4%.

Our Guest However, risks must also be taken into account, particularly in Poland's external environment, which may result in revisions of forecasts. In November, Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced the "Constitution for Business". When specifically can we expect the removal of barriers to business? The first stage of the reform of Polish economic law is a package of 100 changes designed to make it easier to conduct business activity in Poland. It responds to problems faced by Polish businesses on a daily basis, such as formal administrative proceedings lasting frequently for years, adminitrative fines not adequate to offences, time-consuming debt recovery, numerous regulations or the lack of standards allowing for uniterrupted operation of a business until its owner's death. A big part of the solutions from the package of 100 changes for businesses has already been adopted by the government. The next step is the Constitution for Business - a package of provisions that change the Polish economic reality. The most important of these is the draft law for entrepreneurs. There will be rules that all offices will have to consider when dealing with matters with the participation of businesses, including: what is not prohibited by law is permitted; the presumption of the entrepreneur's honesty; the friendly interpretation of regulations; and the principle of proportionality. The new act strengthens the guarantees of the constitutional principle of freedom of economic activity and introduces a catalogue of the fundamental principles of economic law. In a clear and pro-freedom manner it determines the conditions of taking up, performing and terminating business activity. It also contains regulations on handling with official cases concerning entrepreneurs or the control of entrepreneurs. It gives them new instruments to protect their rights and interests.



One of the elements listed in the "Constitution for Business" is EU funds. Undoubtedly, many entrepreneurs could not talk about development without taking into account EU funding. How does the implementation of operational programmess from the 2014-2020 budget look now? After a practically lost 2015, the investment of the 20142020 EU funds definitely accelerated in the consecutive year. We are already on the right track, and European money is working for our economy. We invest it in the fastest way among the EU Member States. It is the effect of the already mentioned governmental plan for increasing efficiency and accelerating the implementation of the 20142020 programmes. By the end of March 2017 over 47,500 applications were submitted for funding worth PLN286 billion, of which more than PLN179 billion is EU funding. This accounts for 58.3% of the budget for the years 2014-2020. More than 13,800 agreements were signed for EU grants worth a total of PLN85.5 billion, or around 27.8% of the money allocated to us. The value of eligible expenditures indicated in the agreements reached PLN109.2 billion. The greatest acceleration in investing EU money was recorded in the case of national PM

programmes managed by the Minister of Economic Development. The absorption of EU funding under regional programmes, for which province governments are responsible, was slower. At a conference you have presented the development of the Polish economy through the introduction of new opportunities connected with the use of European Funds. Are there new opportunities? And what changes can we expect? We presented a package of solutions that will facilitate and speed up the process of granting EU funding, and also, the subsequent absorption of projects. All those interested in carring out investment projects partially funded by the EU will benefit from the proposed measures. We want European funds to be more beneficiary-friendly. Without clear rules for applying for EU aid and a transparent system of project implementation, it is not possible to talk about the efficient investment of EU funds. We will invest EU funds even quicker, which will translate into the economic growth of Poland. It will be possible to take advantage of the assistance of the Commissioner for EU Funds in contacts with institutions involved in the absorption of EU funds. If an applicant fails to submit a competition application by the specified deadline they will be able to do so in the next round. They will also be allowed to improve the application, which means that their application will not be rejected at an early stage. They will not have to provide documents that the institution can obtain itself, or abide by, as is currently the case, to provision of around 100 documents (programme guidelines, recommendations, instructions), but only to the guidelines of the Minister of Economic Development and Finance. Appeals will be processed faster. We also abandon the principle of "two pairs of eyes" when evaluating the project, which will accelerate the resolution of competitions. Most of the solutions will be introduced by a new amendment to the act on the rules of the implementation of programmes in the field of cohesion policy financed in the 2014-2020 financial period. The new rules should come into force in the third quarter of 2017. • PM

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Hannover Messe




n 2016, Germany and Poland celebrated the 25th anniversary of the PolishGerman Treaty of Good Neighbourship and Friendly Cooperation. Over the past 25 years, Germany and Poland have developed strong relations. On the political level, we have established close cooperation in regard to both, bilateral, EU-related and international issues. I am particularly proud of the immense and fruitful exchanges of our civil societies. Economic relations between Germany and Poland are a pillar of our bilateral cooperation. Germany is Poland’s largest partner in foreign trade. Poland is Germany’s 8th largest global export destination, and Number 1 in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2016 alone, our trade in goods and services increased by 5%. Also in 2016, for the first time our bilateral trade volume exceeded EUR 100 billion. Poland’s economic achievements over the past decades have been very impressive. Progress in infrastructure, a highly educated and motivated workforce and political stability have attracted many German and foreign companies. At the same time, more and more Polish companies invest in Germany to reach new customers, explore new product fields and join global industrial and research networks. The strong cooperation of German and Polish entrepreneurs has paved the way for the transfer of new technologies to Poland. And the current technical development

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creates many new opportunities for joint action, especially in the field of digitization. This year, Poland will be the official partner country of Hannover Messe. Hannover Messe is the world's leading industrial show and an established institution in the German and global economy. Every spring, Hannover Messe offers the largest exhibition ground in the world to present innovative solutions and to project the future of industry. German and foreign exhibitors value the broad exchange of know-how and information, the possibility to meet key decision makers and the opportunity to stay at the top of progress. They value Hannover Messe for its vast opportunities to develop new partnerships and to link up with global networks. Since 2005, the Fair has offered a platform for industry to present its achievements and to establish new business contacts. Partner countries take the spotlight throughout the Fair. It is a unique opportunity for Poland to demonstrate its achievements over the last 25 years and its potential for future cooperation. Hannover Messe will enhance Poland’s visibility in advanced manufacturing, as a good place for investments and as an exporter of competitive products. Hannover Messe’s themes correspond to the strategic goals set out in the Polish government’s Plan for Responsible Development: innovation, industrial progress, new technologies, new investments and new export markets.

Moreover, Hannover Messe is an excellent occasion for the presentation of Polish regions. There are fourteen Special Economic Zones in Poland, which offer attractive conditions for investors and convenient infrastructure for business purposes. The Special Economic Zones as well as individual Polish regions have a unique chance to present their openness for cooperation and investment to a broad public of international exhibitors, trade associations and top decision-makers from various companies and continents. Polish companies have been present at former editions of Hannover Messe. They have shown prototypes und recent developments in areas such as space exploration, electrical and automation technology and robotic engineering. This year, Poland broadens its presence considerably, adding new fields such as electric mobility. Hannover Messe 2017, with Poland as the partner country, is a huge opportunity for the German and Polish economies to strengthen their industrial and scientific ties in the interest of their peoples on both sides of the Oder river. We are looking forward to the opening of Hannover Messe on 23 April by Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Beata Szydło as one of the milestones of our bilateral relations in 2017. And we hope for many new partnerships to form during the Fair. •

Hannover Messe

COOPERATION WITH GERMANY IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF POLISH COMPANIES AS WELL STANISŁAW HEBDA, First Counsellor, Head of the Trade and Investment Promotion Department, Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Cologne


ermany is one of the world’s greatest economic powers. Its GDP in 2016 amounted to almost €3.2 trillion (EU-28: nearly €14 trillion). Industry plays a special role in the German economy. Its share in GDP in 2016 was over 25.7%, which is a significant increase compared to previous years (e.g., 2014: 22.3%, EU: 15.3%). Industry employs over 6 million people. The largest expenditure on research and development in Germany is related to the industrial sector. It is also the market segment in which the most German patents and innovations are created. Enterprises from over our western border account for the largest share of total EU R&D expenditure and sales revenue. Germany is involved in many forwardlooking technologies like biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technology, biometrics and cosmology. Also, the German environmental technology industry (wind energy, solar energy and biomass) holds a strong position in global markets. Together with the USA, Germany is one of the world’s leading countries in implementing “Industrie 4.0” technology. Every fifth company in Germany applies elements of the fourth industrial revolution in practice. This is particularly evident in industries such as machine construction, automotive, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, as well as electrotechnical engineering. Research shows that 63% of German society perceives digitisation as an opportunity for the development of the German economy, whereas 33% believe it to be a threat. Much importance has been placed on how

the labour market will be impacted by the increased use of robots in production, a topic extensively discussed in Germany recently. Despite this, the vast majority of both employers and employees in Germany agree that digitisation across the economic and social sphere is necessary to maintain Germany’s competitive advantage around the world. Cooperation with Germany is an opportunity for the development of Polish companies as well. Germany has always been and will remain our most important trading partners. Mutual trading turnover from year to year has broken new records. According to statistics for 2016, 27% of Polish exports went to the German market. Polish exports to Germany have increased by more than 3%, amounting to more than €50 billion. Poland has recorded a positive trade balance of approximately €8.4 billion. The country that invests the most in the Polish market is Germany, including investments in increasingly advanced technologies and know-how. More importantly, Poland has recently advanced significantly in the group of the Germany’s most important trading partners (7th position). In this respect, we are ahead of, for example, Austria, Switzerland or the Russian Federation. Our close economic ties with Germany and the innovative potential of Polish entrepreneurs, as well as the current governmental support for the knowledge economy, create tremendous opportunities not only to deepen Polish-German economic cooperation, but also to qualitatively change it for the benefit of both parties.

In some areas, e.g., mobile services, we are already ahead as far as solutions which have been applied in Germany are concerned. The Polish banking sector is one of the most innovative and fastest growing in the world at the moment. The potential of Poland lies in its people and their creativity, as well as innovative projects that arise with passion and great ideas. Thanks to the industrious and diligent nature of Poles living or working in Germany, and the increasingly better quality of products and services exported to our western neighbour, we have succeeded in disproving numerous negative stereotypes about Poles and the Polish economy. The term “polnische Wirtschaft”, once seen in Germany as a synonym of backwardness, lack of organisation and low quality, is now becoming outdated. The Hannover Messe 2017 World Trade Fair and the participation of Poland as a partner country of the fair is a great opportunity to show the strength and vitality of the Polish economy, as well as the skills and talents of Polish entrepreneurs and inventors. It is also a chance to establish new contacts with contractors from all over the world. This year’s edition of the fair will feature 6.5 thousand exhibitors (2016: 5,200 exhibitors from 75 countries). Last year, the fair was visited by 190 thousand people, and 30% of them came from abroad. I wish all Polish entrepreneurs and exhibitors at the Hannover Messe 2017 World Trade Fair much success and many new business contacts. I invite and encourage all event participants to visit the Polish exhibitors’ stands, including the Polish national stand. • 4/2017  polish market


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PAWEŁ BORYS, President of the Polish Development Fund (PFR SA), talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś.

Hannover Messe Will participation in such fairs as Hannover Messe contribute to Poland being perceived as a truly innovative nation, with highly specialized human resources, rather than a country with low labour costs? What do we expect of these fairs? First of all, we expect that Poland and Polish businesses will be effectively promoted on foreign markets. The Polish Development Fund, which has operated for a year now, has pursued several initiatives in the area of promoting and financing exports, and promoting Poland as an investment location. PM

What have you managed to achieve so far? Firstly, we have managed to set up the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), and we are closing the Trade and Investment Promotion Sections (WPHI), which have not met the expectations of businesses. The goal is to provide high quality advisory services and support Polish entrepreneurs in their expansion on foreign markets. Secondly, we are changing the exports financing model to make access to loans and export insurance easier. We, as the Polish Development Fund Group, want to provide Polish businesses with better access to all instruments, such as promotion, advice and financing, in a one-stopshop. Pooling our competencies enables us to conduct activity on a larger scale. As a result, we can, for example, have a bigger stand at Hannover Messe and be more visible. This is very important. We would like to be partners not only for large companies, but also young innovative start-ups. We want to show Poland as an innovative economy. PM

Innovation is a key word. In building Poland’s competitive advantage on foreign markets, the Polish government wants to develop an innovative rather than imitative economy. Are Polish businesses innovative? We have innovative solutions, but our effectiveness in bringing our modern technologies to the marketplace is still poor, especially when it comes to the global market. Cooperation between business and science, and between large companies and small and medium-sized businesses flounders. We are only at the start of the road. Poland is among the countries at a medium level of technological development. If we want to be rated among the best we have to remember that economic progress is impossible without developing modern technologies. It is them that will be conquering international markets. We have a huge latent potential. As the Polish Development Fund Group, we want to create mechanisms able to help us exploit the potential of Polish business. PM

Foreign expansion is one of your watchwords. Why do you think it is so important not only for large companies, but also small and medium-sized businesses? For our economy to succeed, we have to combine innovation and foreign expansion. There is still a lot for us to learn in these two spheres. Our economy is largely made up of small and medium businesses. When entering foreign markets, they do not have the same capital strength as large companies. By means of various financial and advisory instruments, we want to help our medium-sized businesses to successfully enter foreign markets. We put great emphasis on start-ups. When developing a new product, they think about winning a position on the global market. However, their experience in terms of management and capital is in its infancy. This is the reason why Polish firms still need support from the government, a support which the Polish Development Fund Group is to provide them. PM

Speaking about start-ups, one can often hear the objection that we provide support to small businesses which after a while move to a Western market. That is true. There are even specific research studies indicating that Central Europe “gives” foreign markets its young innovative businesses. Among these markets are Britain, the United States and Scandinavian countries. This is a fact. But to change this trend, we need to change the local environment so as to retain these businesses in Poland. Friendly regulations, like the Constitution for Business and the law on innovation, are very important in this context. Equally important is sufficient financing on the local market. The Polish Development Fund is in the process of establishing the largest venture-capital company on our market. It will significantly improve access to capital at every stage of development. Until recently there were some gaps in our regulations and Polish businesses were forced, so to speak, to go out onto foreign markets because they had no access to capital at home. Additionally, we try to encourage small and large firms to cooperate, and we promote cooperation between businesses and universities. We have to develop the whole ecosystem of a modern economy. PM

The minister of science and higher education and the minister of economic development have jointly established the National Technology Institute. What is your view of this initiative? I think it is very important and needed. At present, Poland has a very modern research infrastructure, but not enough projects. Unfortunately, cooperation between business and science is insufficient. Germany has PM

a good model in the form of the Fraunhofer Society, which plays the role of coordinator of German research institutes. Fraunhofer helps businesses find out what kind of technologies are of strategic importance for their operation. Then, working with research institutes, it is able to match a suitable technology with the business. The National Technology Institute is to be the Polish version of the famous Fraunhofer Society. It is to provide the scientific research base for the Plan for Responsible Development of deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. It is to coordinate cooperation between business and science and, consequently, contribute to bringing research findings to the marketplace. The Polish Development Fund is active in many sectors of the economy: banking, the automotive industry, infrastructure and many others. How do you assess which projects are worth supporting? Do you have specific selection criteria? We do not select specific businesses or specific projects. We avoid making selective choices of ideas. We focus on systemic activity. What is important is good policy coordinated in sectoral sense. The examples are electric mobility and the Polish furniture sector. The Polish Development Fund is a platform for entrepreneurs who have an idea and only need advice and appropriate tools. Not the other way round. PM

What does it look like in practice? Let us say I am an entrepreneur and have an idea. What should I do next? In November last year, we launched a portal for entrepreneurs where everyone can learn about services offered by the Polish Development Fund Group. You may call a contact centre and the agent will guide you. PM

The members of the Polish Development Fund Group include such institutions as Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK), Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE), Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) and Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP). What is the role of the Polish Development Fund as the leader of the Group? Do you have a final say on the matters the institutions deal with? The task of the Polish Development Fund is to coordinate all these institutions. The institutions work together and exploit each other’s potential, but do not compete. Our responsibility is to ensure that centres of competence, products and services are clearly defined. We pursue a single strategy and create tools together to meet the expectations of entrepreneurs and make it easier for them to expand on for• eign markets. PM

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HAS TO BE COMPETITIVE IN THE NEAR FUTURE MICHAEL KERN, General Director of AHK Poland, talks to Błażej Grabowski. Poland is the official partner of Hannover Messe 2017. Do you think that it can be seen as a first step towards changing the perception of the Polish economy? Being the partner country of Hannover Messe is a very significant step for the Polish economy, due to the fact that HM is a leading trade fair for the industrial automation sector in the world. There are thousands of exhibitors from all over the globe, showing PM

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their products and innovations in Hannover and it is Poland who was given a unique chance to support the event. HM is not only covering the German market, but it opens the floor for entrepreneurs and inventors from each and every continent. That’s also the reason why we think it is a good sign that Poland has the status of the partner country. In my view, HM partnership is not the first step for changing the view of the Polish

economy, it is one of many we have already taken to promote Polish solutions on a greater scale. Four years ago Poland was a partner country of the CeBIT trade fair. In 2012 we were partnering the International Aviation Exhibition in Berlin. The GamesCom in Cologne is another international event Poland was very engaged in. Our presence and commitment to these events shows that Poland consistently pursues its advocacy for Polish

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technology and innovation. We are strongly convinced that it is a very good strategy to inform our partners in Europe and worldwide about the positive technological transformation on the Polish market. There are numerous examples, from the trade fairs Poland has partnered, of entrepreneurs impressed with Polish achievements, such as the very strong and still growing IT sector in Poland. The positive outcome is only encouraging us to develop further our strategy. Hannover Messe partnership is a continuation of Poland’s previous participation in the most known international trade fairs. In my opinion, HM is even more important than CeBIT. Poland can show the competitive advantages that the country has in cooperation with other countries. There is an opportunity to find business partners, also among Eastern-European companies leading in automation. If we could match such companies, we all will create a successful cooperation on the road to Industry 4.0. What is the image of the Polish economy in Germany? Do you think that after CeBIT, German companies know that in Poland there is a lot of prosperous IT companies to work with? Of course they know. Obviously, it is not in all branches of the economy, but there are companies involved in the automotive, mechanical engineering or energy sector, that are discovering that Poland is changing from a low labourcost country to a more innovative place, which is going to be more involved in the investment sector. PM

How do you, as a chamber of commerce, feel about the plans of the Polish Ministry of Economic Development, to change the course of the Polish economy towards innovations? Do you think Polish companies are ready for that? I would rather say that there is no other way than to develop the general innovation framework. As I mentioned, Poland is not a low-labour cost country anymore. Of course, the labour costs are still a bit lower than in Western Europe, but it is a challenge for Poland. Polish income and purchasing power are increasing, which is a very good sign. But this is also a challenge because one has to realize that an increase in productivity and quality can only be achieved by innovation. It was the previous Polish government that has started the programme which assumed that the second EU budget period should be devoted to the improvement of the framework for R&D in Poland. Today the government is pushing this topic even stronger. I think this is the only way out. Poland has to be competitive also in the future. PM

Germany is known as a very innovative country. In Poland we try to be innovative, we try to develop new technologies but Germany is still a few steps ahead of us. Do you think Polish companies have a chance to compete in high-tech branches of the economy? It depends on the topic. Of course, as a new competitor, it is very important to enter the area where other countries and companies have been working for the last 20, 40 or 60 years. This is also very difficult, because R&D also means a lot of investment. But on the other hand, this is PM


a big chance, R&D means also finding new areas, new technologies which will transform the market. I believe that Polish companies can be the leader here. One needs to find the areas that are not covered yet by the established companies, and I think Poland has a lot of advantages here. There are numerous small and medium-sized companies that are starting their activities in fields of R&D. We can already observe that they are more flexible than the very big multinational players. They are more keen to invest in the areas where the competition has no will to, or to support areas that will count in the future. It is very difficult to be innovative and competitive in, for example, the automotive sector. It takes a lot of time and a lot of money, because not only Germany, but also France and the USA have been working in this field foryears and have invested a lot of money there. But there are still a lot of subcontractors in this field that are very successful. Do you expect any technological breakthroughs during Hannover Messe? Do you think some major contracts between Polish and German companies will be signed? It is the nature of the trade fair that new technologies are presented there, so of course we expect some new technologies, but we do not know the details yet for obvious reasons. The important announcement of the fair will be the press conference 3-4 weeks before, when some ideas will be presented. As for contracts, the statistics show that 25% of the whole German export volume is signed at trade fairs in Germany, not only in Hannover, but also during the fairs in Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne or Dusseldorf. Due to this data, I am sure that some major contracts will be signed, • also between Poland and Germany. PM

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EXPANSION President of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency TOMASZ PISULA, talks to “Polish Market.”

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The institution you manage has recently changed its name from the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency to Polish Investment and Trade Agency and become part of the Polish Development Fund. What other changes with a significant impact on the functioning of the Agency have taken place? The new name symbolizes deeper changes at the Agency. Its operation is no longer limited to attracting foreign companies to Poland. It also promotes Poland’s foreign expansion. We have been experts in the first kind of activity for years while support for Polish exports and investment on foreign markets is a new pillar of our activity, which we are building from scratch. Poland needed an institution able to offer a comprehensive range of such services. If Polish firms are ready for foreign expansion the public administration sector has to be prepared to help them. PM

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What has changed is not only the Agency’s name and its tasks, but also the way in which it operates. We have customers, not applicants. And since the customers are businesses we operate in a business-like manner. We give preference to efficiency and will have to account for our actions in this respect. The Agency’s Trade Offices abroad will also be operating in this way. Indeed, the Agency is taking over the Trade and Investment Promotion Sections at Polish embassies. This means a huge expansion of its powers, but also responsibility. Is the move aimed at making the organizations responsible for promoting Poland abroad uniform? We are not taking over the Trade and Investment Promotion Sections. What we are doing is changing the whole system of Poland’s economic diplomacy. The Trade and Investment Promotion Sections have not met the expectations placed on them. As a result, as a systemic solution, they will be closed. The network of the diplomatic units - which have operated at Polish embassies, though these links have been purely theoretical – will be replaced with the Agency’s Trade Offices abroad. As units with a clearly defined goal, which is to support the development of Polish business on foreign markets, they will be set up where they are actually needed – in the largest business hubs of Europe, on non-European markets offering long-term growth prospects, and in places where the first Polish businesses have already appeared. Polish firms sometimes come up with initiatives themselves and tell us where we should open our offices. This has been the case with Jakarta, Mexico and Dubai, for instance. PM

So what new markets are being prepared for Polish businesses? We continue programmes supporting expansion to China and Africa called Go China and Go Africa. We are also launching more programmes: Go ASEAN, Go Iran and Go India. Asia is a huge market of consumers, but such countries as Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam are somewhat on the periphery of global exports flows. Meanwhile, after the change of the system of government, they may become a very promising marketing outlet for Polish goods. Iran, in turn, is one of the most promising partners for Polish business. The market, after many years of isolation, craves for many products of various kind. The Polish government observes the situation in the world and then chooses promising markets and works out programmes supporting the expansion of Polish business. Apart from the “Go” programmes, such support is also offered from EU funds to firms planning to establish their presence in Algeria, Mexico, the United States, United Arab Emirates and Turkey. PM

Until recently the Agency focused on attracting foreign investors to Poland. And what does the situation look like in this respect after the changes? It is still excellent. We have not stopped providing services to foreign investors and encouraging investment in Poland. This year, we have already contributed to 16 PM

WE ARE NOT CLOSING THE DOOR TO INVESTORS. JUST THE CONTRARY, THEY CAN COUNT ON SUPPORT FROM AN EXPERIENCED TEAM OF OUR MANAGERS. investment decisions, thanks to which almost 3,000 jobs will be created. At present, we are working on 191 projects with a combined value of EUR5 billion. They may generate over 55,000 jobs, much more than last year, although 2016 was a record year. We are not closing the door to investors. Just the contrary, they can count on support from an experienced team of our managers. We are on the eve of the Hannover Messe fair where Poland is the partner country. What, in your view, is the role of such exhibitions in shaping Poland’s image? Is being a partner for an exhibition focused on high technologies an attempt to do away with Poland’s reputation as an imitator? Hannover Messe is one of the most important industrial fairs in the world. The organizers estimate that the fair will be attended this year by 6,500 exhibitors from 70 countries and over 200,000 visitors. The largest country in Central and Eastern Europe and the region’s economic leader has to be present at this event. This year, our task is special. Poland has been invited to take part in the fair as its partner country. Last year, the partner country was the United States and two years ago India. This means greater responsibility for us, but also an exceptional opportunity for promoting our country. Several institutions are involved in organizing Poland’s participation in the fair on behalf of the Polish Development Fund. The Polish Investment and Trade Agency is responsible for the artistic part of the ceremony opening the fair and for opening Poland’s national stand and the start-ups’ stand. Prime Minister Beata Szydło and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are to take part in both events. Poland will present itself at the fair as a country with a big potential, diversity and a dynamic economy based on innovation. We will show our contribution to the development of science and technology in the world. In Hannover, Poland will simply show the best it has to offer when it comes to • innovation. PM

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HANNOVER MESSE- ANOTHER IMPETUS FOR THE INTENSIFICATION OF ECONOMIC COOPERATION NINA DOBRZYŃSKA , Deputy President of Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), talks to "Polish Market". Poland is the partner country of the Hannover Messe trade fair. Will the presentation of our country help us to change the image of the Polish economy from an imitative to innovative one? The Polish economy is on the right track to become an innovative economy. Polish companies have a significant potential for technological cooperation with global partners and for joining the global co - operation chain in the area of Industry 4.0. It was the thing that sealed Germany’s decision to propose Poland to participate in this year's edition of Hannover Messe as the partner country. Having such a status is prestige and a unique opportunity to create the image of Poland as a country offering the most modern solutions in the industry. It is also an enhanced opportunity to present what our business has to offer on the international forum. The theme of this year's Hannover Messe is: "Integrated Industry - Creating Value". However, the slogan of our presence in Hannover "Smart means Poland" perfectly reflects the idea of ​​our presentation at the biggest industrial fair in the world. According to the topic of the fair, we are presenting our potential in areas such as robotics, industrial computing, the digitization and automation of industrial processes. These areas of our economy are increasingly better and better perceived outside Poland. PM

In what period of time can we expect the possible benefits resulting from the fact that Poland is the partner country? Over 200 Polish companies are taking part in the Hannover Messe - primarily as exhibitors. It is the biggest representation of our country at international trade fairs. The Polish government actively supported Polish entrepreneurs in preparation for this event. Let’s recall that the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development organized a special, dedicated to Hannover PM

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Messe, grant competition for Polish micro, small and medium enterprises. 31 of them received a total grant of PLN 2.3 million from the Smart Growth Operational Programme. Polish companies during the fair will also have the opportunity to conduct many business meetings with foreign partners. PARP offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to participate in international community networking events held during the trade fair and organized by the Enterprise Europe Network, which PARP is a member of. More than 80 Polish companies registered to participate in these events. Such a large representation guarantees a significant extension of the scope of cooperation - the initiation or further development of bilateral contacts between entrepreneurs from Poland and - taking into account the international character of the fair - from all over the world. What is planned during the trade fair is signing a number of agreements – intergovernmental and regional agreements, cooperation agreements of scientific & research character, as well as agreements between companies. This will be another impetus for the intensification of economic cooperation. How will we encourage visitors to get acquainted with the economic potential of our country? I remember the CeBit 2013 trade fair during which a robot created a sensation. This year eleven Polish companies are to present their products in the exhibition space of the Polish National Stand. These will be state-of-the-art technological solutions, often being a global innovation. Among the exhibits presented at the Stand there will be electric vehicles and perovskite cells from Saule Technologies. At the stand you will also learn how to use Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies in industrial processes. • PM


WHAT IS THE AIM OF CREATING STATE EXPORT SUPPORT SYSTEMS? Export insurance provided under institutionalized, state backed export support systems, has a long-established tradition. The first such legislation appeared almost 100 years ago, in 1919, in Great Britain. Then other major European and global economies followed, such as Germany, France and the United States. Compared to these economies, the Polish export support system is quite young, as it was established in 1994 following the adoption of the legislation empowering the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE) to provide export insurance backed by the State Treasury. PIOTR STOLARCZYK, Vice-President of the Management Board at KUKE


t is worth noting that export credit agencies, such as KUKE in Poland, operate in most economies. Their task is to equalize the competitiveness of domestic companies in the global market in terms of trading conditions. This is done by securing consumer exports to countries where the political and/or economic risks are high or exports of capital goods, which due to the long implementation period or the need for financing, is not insured by commercial insurance institutions. In the private market there is no reinsurance for this type of transactions. In such cases, on the basis of relevant agreements within the OECD, the state plays the role of a reinsurer. Importantly, without such action taken by the state, it is highly probable that the vast majority of transactions would not have taken place due to the high risk and the uncertain outcome of the deal. KUKE, provides export insurance to Polish companies that have already been exporting or are planning to enter foreign markets. The range of products, covering the entire financial offering, is comparable to those available from other export credit agencies abroad. This way our entrepreneurs can get similar support as their foreign competitors. This applies both to the insurance and financing aspect of the transaction.

Thanks to a proactive attitude, advisory support at an early stage of foreign expansion, and solutions tailored to the individual requirements of Polish exporters, KUKE plays an important role in the development of Polish companies. Co-operation with partners from the Polish Development Fund Group (Polski Fundusz Rozwoju), namely Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and KUKE Finance, allows KUKE to provide attractive solutions combining insurance facilities, debt financing, factoring, guarantees and letters of credit. KUKE carries out its tasks concerning the support of entrepreneurs in international markets by providinginstruments mitigating the risk of non-payment, as well as facilitating access to financing exports of capital goods. KUKE is able to reduce the magnitude of credit exposure by raising the credibility and creditworthiness of businesses. This way it increases the propensity of financing institutions to provide credits, including the ones having longer repayment periods. In exports to still popular but risky countries, like for example Eastern Europe, it offers unique transaction expertise and, as a rule, it does not limit its involvement depending on the country of the intended or planned exports. Recently KUKE has taken decisive steps to develop cooperation with both Polish and

foreign banks with the aim to analyze banks' appetite for financing structured export transactions, and also to actively develop a project portfolio and relations with Polish exporters of capital goods. The first results are already visible in the form of bilateral financing and club deals, in which banks are selected in such a way that they are able to meet the needs of a specific export transaction and financing conditions, and are ready to participate in funding contracts with specific parameters. The change in the philosophy of KUKE’s operations, which is so essential in the field of advanced investment projects, is visible at at the early stage of negotiating terms and conditions of the transaction, followed by the development of a financing structure that is acceptable to all parties involved: the entrepreneur, the debtor, the financing institution and KUKE. Currently, KUKE is involved in 66 major projects being at different stages of development of a total value exceeding PLN 17 billion, including: • 53 at the analytical stage of a total estimated value of PLN 12.05 billion • 7 at the structuring stage of a total estimated value of PLN 4.99 billion • 6 at the advanced stage of a total val• ue of PLN 0.74 billion 4/2017  polish market


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PROF. MACIEJ CHOROWSKI, Director of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), talks to "Polish Market". In 2016, the National Centre for Research and Development allocated more than PLN 5 billion for innovative projects. What can we expect in 2017? As an executive agency of the Minister of Science and Higher Education we combine the worlds of science and business by providing support for innovative projects "from the idea to industry" in our programmes. At the same time, we focus our resources on specific objectives which result from the strategic decisions of the government - in this sense, we are one of the pillars of the Responsible Development Strategy. This year we are continuing the majority of pre-established programmes, including, the "fast track" arousing a great interest of entrepreneurs, other programmes dedicated to particular industries and programmes from the BRIdge family, based on the feedback mechanisms involving investment funds. We have also launched three new sectoral programmes – for the non-ferrous metals & wood recycling sector, pharmaceutical industry and forest-wood and furniture industry - and soon we are going to launch the Joint Ventures with the Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG), Gaz-System and PKP PLK national rail operator. This year we are announcing 17 competitions, with a total budget of all this year’s initiatives of up to PLN 5.5 billion. We do not limit ourselves, however, to the continuation and improvement of already introduced mechanisms to support the commercialization of R & D. Using the world's best experience, like American DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), we create and introduce entirely new solutions. The first programme of the completely new ones, based on an innovative approach to financing innovation, is the Zeroemission public transport programme. PM


In the speech during the Economic Opening of the Year, Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin announced that a programme

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concerning the so-called Electromobility will be inaugurated this year. I understand that this is programme called "zeroemission public transport". Please, tell us something more about this programme. We have introduced a completely new way to generate innovative solutions, in which the state acts as the orderer creating a new market for innovative products. Using the mode of innovative partnership for the first time in Poland, we will announce, in agreement with cities/towns interested in the implementation of zero-emission vehicles for public transport, a competition for designing of such vehicles in accordance with technological and economic criteria established with local governments. As a result, cities/towns gain a desired solution at an attractive price for them, and the winning company, or consortium of companies, is gaining a marketing outlet. Not without significance is the fact that by funding research and significantly extending the production series, based on the demand of several dozen cities/towns, we end up in a situation in which the bus manufacturer can go down with the price, for example by 50 %. Thanks to this, the new generation of buses will be able to compete on the price with the older generation of vehicles. In this way, we can take a technological leap forward incomparably faster, providing pioneering solutions supporting economic development, in line with the Responsible Development Strategy. From the mouth of Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin we heard the statement: "Electric vehicles designed by Polish scientists and manufactured by Polish industry will appear on the streets of Polish cities/towns." Are the Polish cities/towns eager and ready for the introduction of zero-emission public transport? We have no doubt about it. Before starting the programme, we asked local governments PM

about their needs regarding modern solutions in this area and about their willingness and ability to get involved in our innovative programme. The response was very positive. A total of 50 cities/towns and municipalities expressed their readiness to take part in the programme and jointly declared their willingness to purchase nearly 500 zero-emission vehicles. In January, at a meeting held at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education by Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin, we presented the guidelines of the programme, work schedule and rules of cooperation binding in the system of innovative partnership in public procurements. We had a very positive feedback. And the fact that a month later representatives of 41 cities/towns and municipalities signed letters of intent with the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Energy, Polish Development Fund, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) concerning cooperation for the implementation of electromobility makes us believe that Polish cities/towns are ready for the introduction of modern solutions in public transport. What can we expect from this programme? How many new vehicles? And when? We estimate that, as a result of the programme implementation, approximately 500 new buses will drive onto the streets of Polish cities/towns to the end of 2020. These estimates will be verified at the stage of signing agreements with the cities/towns, but the hitherto involvement of local governments and the promise of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in the scope of support of the implementation phase allow us to optimistically look at this number. According to our assumptions, the serial production, based on the winning prototypes, will begin in 2019. • PM

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PRODUCTS AS THE FUTURE OF POLISH EXPORTS PROF. RYSZARD PREGIEL, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology


oland’s position in the global economy ha s st reng t hened significantly in recent years. Its technological infrastructure has been considerably modernized, transport system improved, and international contacts broadened. As a result, the country’s contribution to international trade is now markedly bigger. In the last year before EU entry, the ratio of Polish goods and services exports to Poland’s GDP had stood at only 33% while in 2016 exports accounted for over 50% of the GDP. One should note, however, that this rapid exports growth was due to relatively low labour costs, especially in the manufacture of products not very advanced technologically. They still account for an overwhelming majority of Polish exports. In terms of the share of high-tech products in exports, Poland is behind not only the most developed countries, but also the remaining members of the Visegrad Group [Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic – ed.], that is countries which are at an economic development level similar to Poland’s. The percentage of high-tech exports in the overall value of exports is two times lower in Poland than the EU average and three times lower than in France, which is the European Union’s leader in this respect. There are at least several reasons behind this state of affairs. One of the most important ones is that Polish exports are concentrated on the markets of “old” EU countries, especially the German market. Almost 80% of Polish exports goes to these markets while the share of non-EU countries is small and

declining in recent years. The expansion of high-tech products on the “old” EU markets is very difficult. They are among the most technologically developed countries and specialize in the production of products with the highest value added. A new player attempting to enter the markets with hightech products encounters very high competition barriers. Another reason behind Poland’s unfavourable exports structure is the relatively low internationalization of Polish businesses. Only one in five of them has links to international markets. A small percentage of Polish firms conducts exporting activity or carry out public procurement projects on the international market. Simple forms of activity predominate: nine in 10 Polish businesses operating on international markets are involved exclusively in trade. Few Polish businesses work as subcontractors, conduct research and development work for a foreign customer or take part in joint-venture projects. A mere 0.6% of Polish businesses invest abroad. This does not measure up to the potential of the Polish economy. Radical changes are needed if we want to increase the volume of Polish exports. In the long run, the ability of Polish products to compete on foreign markets will depend not so much on their price as their technological level. Hence the need to change the structure of production intended for exports and diversify exports markets geographically. At the same time, making the exported products more innovative should result in a move towards global production sectors

with a higher value added. The above objectives have been very clearly outlined in the “Strategy for Responsible Development until 2020 with a Perspective until 2030” adopted recently by the government. The Strategy, while not diminishing the importance of traditional exporting industries, gives preference to emerging sectors with a high technological level. The Strategy sees them as a chance to promote brandname products and intermediate products (semi-products). A list of sectors with special importance for the development of Polish exports has been compiled so as to concentrate support on them. When determining the weight of individual sectors, apart from macroeconomic indicators, account was also taken of their image-building potential. It was examined whether a product made by the analysed sector is a final product sold under a Polish brand-name, or whether it is a product or a semi-product which will be sold under another country’s brand name. Among the 12 sectors recognized as especially important for the further development of production of exports is the manufacture of medical equipment and biomedical engineering products, pharmaceutical products, production machines and equipment, application software and computer games, and other technologically advanced sectors. A detailed programme of development and promotion will be worked out for each of the 12 sectors in conjunction with the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology. The programme will be carried out in two three-year stages. • 4/2017  polish market


PROTECTING CITIZENS IS THE OVERRIDING GOAL NIKODEM BOŃCZA TOMASZEWSKI, President of Exatel SA, talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś. 26  polish market

Photo: Rafał Nowak

Hannover Messe

For some time political decision-makers have seriously considered establishing a national telecom operator. Is Exatel ready to play the role of a special/national telecom operator for the public administration sector, the armed forces, uniformed services and security services? The idea of national operator has been inspired by the Finnish model. In Finland the national operator has its own fibre optic network criss-crossing the country and operational capabilities. With the help of the operator, the state carries out strategic telecom projects, like for example the fibre optic cable beneath the Baltic Sea linking Finland and Germany. The cable has increased Finland’s attractiveness as PM

Hannover Messe

a location for data centres. This model could be applied in Poland. Exatel, as a company controlled by the state, provides telecom services critical from the point of view of the country’s defence and security. The company can also be a tool in pursuing the country’s strategic interests. It is not about building a new monopoly in the telecommunications sector, but about restoring some competencies within the state, enabling it to operate independently in selected areas and to stimulate economic development in the ICT sector. But not so long ago we used to say: “The less state involvement in the economy, the better.” At the end of the 1990s, the Polish state had very broad competencies in the area of telecommunications. It owned TP SA [the only landline operator in the country – ed.] and had stakes in three emerging mobile phone networks. But in the 21st century, we went to the other extreme – a situation where the state actually lacks telecom competencies. At present, the competencies that the state still has in this respect are held mainly by Exatel, which is controlled by the state. Meanwhile, the past 20 years was a time of digital revolution. At present, telecommunications means not only voice calls and fax transmission. Telecom infrastructure is the lifeblood of the state, its economy, science, culture and the whole population. One can hardly imagine today’s world without it. I think that if the state wants to speak about its sovereignty it should also speak in terms of its cyber sovereignty, which means the capability to control its cyberspace. In order to achieve cyber sovereignty, one should think about several issues. PM

What are they? The state has to act sovereignly in several areas. It needs to have its own human resources and infrastructure, provide cybersecurity, protect data on its citizens and provide electronic public services. The domestic IT sector, able to develop innovative solutions and participate in the global market, is also very important. PM

Speaking about cyber sovereignty, you have mentioned infrastructure. What is the situation with Exatel? Do you own all the fibre optic lines that you use? Do you use someone else’s distribution infrastructure as well? Exatel manages nearly 20,000 fibre optic lines throughout the country. A part of this network is our property, another part has PM


Actually, when thinking about telecommunications we should stop thinking in terms of infrastructure. What do you mean? Since the 1990s there has been widespread conviction that the more fibre optic infrastructure we have, the better. Infrastructure has been excessively expanded, but the outcome is not satisfactory. There are still coverage gaps - places with no broadband access. Some of the infrastructure has been constructed without analysing the real needs of consumers. Thinking in terms of infrastructure has to be replaced with thinking in terms of services. It is important to meet specific and properly identified needs of consumers. If we want to provide the Internet to a household let us first check whether the people are interested in the service at all. It all seems obvious, but unfortunately works poorly in practice. PM

Can there be anyone not interested in Internet access in the 21st century when everything depends on it? This point of view is one of a big-city dweller. For many residents of rural areas, who already pay for access to a mobile network and satellite television, broadband means additional and unnecessary costs. PM

Should one oppose new technologies and digital progress? It is not about opposing progress, but about spending money on something which is not a priority for everyone. We can guarantee access to the Internet to everyone, just as we guarantee access to electricity, but we cannot force anyone to pay for the access. PM

been contributed by PSE [the operator of the Polish power grid – ed.]. We also lease some of the fibre optic lines. From the French operator Orange? Companies operating in the power sector are the key infrastructure providers for Exatel. Of course, we also work with Poland’s largest telecom companies, including Orange, Polkomtel, T-Mobile and many others, in the form of service exchange between operators. We approach everything pragmatically. Indeed, a telecom company needs to have its own network. And Exatel is constantly building and developing its network. But let us remember that the Polish telecom market is quite special. In Poland there are many telecommunications networks, including those partially funded from EU money, which are not fully used or not used at all. As a result, I think there are areas where it is worth investing and areas where it is worth exploiting the existing infrastructure. Why should we build our own fibre optic lines next to the existing ones which are not fully used? PM

What should a plan for the development of cybersecurity contain? This should be a long-term plan oriented at public security. It is necessary to build tools designed to ensure security to all residents of the country. The state must not limit itself to protecting itself. Public good should always be the overriding goal. If I can walk safely and freely the streets I should have the same comfort of security guaranteed on the net. PM


People sometimes put themselves in danger by logging onto specific websites, providing their PINs, passwords and so on. The same large corporations which interfere with our lives by selling us their products are now telling us about cybersecurity. Those who have created the danger are now expected to bring us cybersecurity. 4/2017  polish market


Hannover Messe

The IT market has its marketing buzzwords. A good example was the recent fad for “the cloud”. It has now been replaced by “cybersecurity”. For an ordinary user cybersecurity means having a secure computer and an anti-virus software. The state can hardly interfere with this sphere. But equally important is the state’s control over public data, which is another pillar of sovereignty. We can say frankly that large IT corporations know more about citizens of EU countries than individual member states. It is a significant challenge associated with the functioning of technology in the public sphere rather than cybersecurity in the strict sense. It is a topic for a broader discussion about the boundaries of privacy on the Internet. The cybersecurity that the public expects from the state is one which guarantees normal activity in daily life – securing continued and reliable operation of the financial and power sectors, state infrastructure and so on. Undoubtedly, in a broader sense, the state is also required to protect us against any kind of cyberattacks – from military ones to those connected with the operation of crime groups. And what about cybersecurity in business? In May 2018, General Data Protection Regulation, supported by the ePrivacy Directive, will come into force in the European Union. The objective is to raise cybersecurity, privacy and data protection standards. Does industry indeed lack standards and good practices? Industrial cybersecurity is a completely new sphere involving all sectors – from the defence industry to the power industry to the most simple consumer devices. The problem is that digital devices contain lots of components produced by different suppliers. We do not know exactly what there is inside and what hidden functions the device may have. A fridge, television and smartphone can do things the user is not aware of and does not wish. These are problems that individual people or even individual countries are unable to solve. Let us assume that your telephone costs PLN400. It could cost PLN4,000 with a guarantee that it has been checked and nobody can eavesdrop on you. Would you buy the latter phone? PM

I do not think so. Because it is not that much important for an individual. But let us look at it more strategically. If, for example, it turned out that PM

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2-3% of products were “infected” we would have a problem affecting the whole economy. Cybersecurity is not Exatel’s only domain. What is more, your activity is not limited to Poland. What does your operation on the international market look like? Exatel operates in three areas. The first one is the public sector where we provide services to government administration by means of state-of-the-art technologies. Our second pillar is the commercial sector in Poland. Exatel was set up as a result of a merger between Tel-Energo and Telbank, two telecom operators providing services to operators, the banking and financial sector and the power sector. These sectors are “part of the company’s DNA.” The third pillar is the international market, which you have asked me about. We are an important international operator linking the East with the West. We offer one of the fastest links between Moscow and Frankfurt am Main, offering data transfer services. We work with over 80 largest international operators. We are strengthening our presence and expanding our potential. We operate in three sectors, but our participation in the commercial market, both domestic and international, accounts for most of our revenue. PM

It is not an easy market, is it? What challenges do you have to deal with in telecommunications? Our core business, which is providing telecom services, is no longer sufficient. In order to survive on the business-to-business (B2B) market, we have to look for new areas of activity to build the company’s value added. Exatel has decided to go in two directions. The first one means building strong competencies in cybersecurity. The second one means research and development – both at the company and by building a whole ecosystem of domestic suppliers, partners and operators who would also be taking part in developing new technologies. PM

Does that mean that the Polish economy is so mature that it should offer its own products? It follows from what you have said that we have potential in terms of both economy and human resources. Poland has a culture of innovation. Polish people embrace change. This is reflected in changes in the area of digitization, for example the swift adoption of consumer digital PM

technologies. We have a huge potential. The question is why it is not translated into our contribution to new technologies of global importance. Because of a lack of money? You are right. Polish companies do not have capital so it is easier for them to conduct commercial activity or operate as integrators. In the long run, what this means for the Polish economy is that the stream of capital will be flowing to foreign suppliers. Exatel is an example of the changing approach in this sphere as well. We want to break this trend and make our contribution to the global development of technology. PM

We are trying to change Poland’s image so that it is perceived as an innovative country rather than an “assembly plant.” As the partner country of Hannover Messe, Poland is promoted under the slogan “Smart Means Poland.” Last year saw a very big change in thinking about Poland’s economic development. A symbol of this change is the policy on startups. It is supported by the minister of economic development and the president of Poland. Small firms and big ideas have become equally important for the state as big business and big money. Exatel plans to play the role of an incubator for new telecom technologies. After a year of observing small businesses and start-ups we know that it is us – the big players – that have to come up with the initiative, define needs, help in acquiring money and work out a model of cooperation beneficial to both sides. PM

We have recently received the news that Exatel will be working with the Totalizator Sportowy lottery company to develop gaming machines. Is this project in keeping with your business model? Exatel was asked by Totalizator Sportowy to take part in the project to nationalize gaming machines in Poland. Exatel will be operating in three areas. The first one is the telecom area and securing communications for the whole system. The second one is cybersecurity. And the third one is providing data processing centres for the system. It is a natural project for us, part of our company’s DNA and our mission as the national operator, which is providing telecommunications services to the state and security where it is most important. • PM

Hannover Messe

SECURE SERVICE ASSURANCE We are a unique company. We combine the highest competence, modern technology and a stable management style. This approach gives us comfort of having clear goals - flexibility in adapting to clients’ requirements and the highest quality services. RAFAŁ MAGRYŚ, Vice-President of Exatel SA


xatel SA is the only Polish telecommunications operator owned by the State Treasury. Thanks to this ownership structure, we are a predictable partner. We know that stability is crucial for responsible business. For more than 20 years we have been providing comprehensive telecommunications services in the B2B model. Our clients are telco operators, the commercial sector, especially banking, and the energy sector. An important segment of our market are services for public administration - the Police, the Armed Forces, Ministries and the Parliament. As a voice wholesale operator, we operate effectively in the global marketplace, with more than 3 billion minutes a year terminated or transferred. We manage almost 20,000 km of the fiber optic network with nodes in Frankfurt am Main and London. We also have direct contact points with over 180 national and international operators at our disposal. Thanks to this fact, we can provide the Ethernet services in Poland and abroad, enable efficient transit through Central Europe and connection to any point in the world.

BRIDGE BETWEEN EAST AND WEST We have direct connections with over 100 foreign operators and points of contact with partners from all neighbouring countries. Given the location of Poland, we are an important bridge in the transit of traffic between Eastern and Western Europe: •

We have modern infrastructure with increasing capacity, which we are constantly optimizing. Many very demanding clients, such as the financial sector, are using our low-latency services, as we guarantee high SLA parameters, including RTD for premium-class services.

• Thanks to our nodes in Frankfurt and London, we can provide a wide portfolio of services. We are also providing advanced services for operators, such as secure access to global resources (Distributed Internet Exchange Points). With the use of a transport link, on a 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps single port, we can directly connect the client to the IP global resources from many traffic exchange points, such as: AMS-IX, AMS-IX, LINX, DE-CIX, NL- IX, PL-IX, TP-IX. Thanks to direct connections between the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the Deutsche Böerse and the Moscow Stock Exchange, we offer ultra low latency connections for the needs of high frequency trading (HFT).

CONSTANT PROTECTION CYBERSECURITY 24/7/365 It is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure an adequate level of ICT security. Technologies are developing rapidly, and with them more and more advanced cyber threats occur. Regardless of the size or nature of business, every organization is vulnerable to attack, each one requires protection. Times, when a simple firewall or anti-virus program was enough to protect the resources of a company, are gone. Currently, the companies need advanced protection enabling them the continuity of operations. Exatel is able to secure business or institution of any scale, because we work with a huge, operator-class infrastructure and have extensive experience with cybersecurity. The Security Operations Center is a place, where we can provide continuous monitoring, threat detection and analysis of the IT systems security and IT infrastructure. We offer a full range of cybersecurity services: from DDoS attacks defense, antimalware tools to IT consulting and IT security audits.

We know security depends on tools availability and whether we understand the nature of threat. The teams working in the Security Operations Center (SOC) are among the world's best professionals in this field. Having such potential, we often share our achievements by publishing the results online.

PEOPLE We like to think about ourselves that we are the technology people, but with an emphasis on people. Although our domain is high technology, devices, networks, systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity - all of our successes are achieved by the people who make up our company.

LOOKING TO THE FUTURE Our services are provided only on platform of proven technologies from the best global vendors. We verify them constantly with reviews issued by independent research institutes. We carry out annual evaluations of our suppliers, so that the whole ecosystem is of the same quality as our services. It is essential to be able to compete on the difficult telecommunications market. Of course, we are not limiting ourselves to the analysis of technology, we proactively create it ourselves. We are the only Polish company participating in R&D activities of the 5G standard. Together with the colleagues from universities and technology companies from Europe and Japan, we are working on prototypes, testing new solutions to be ready for another revolution in data transfer and network availability. Thinking only about technology, and not about people’s needs and goals, is pointless. One thing is to understand this truth, the other is to translate it into business. We are fortunate to be able to combine these two elements. • 4/2017  polish market


Hannover Messe

INDUSTRY 4.0 A team for industrial transformation was set up in June 2016 by a directive of the Minister of Economic Development. The team started work on a strategy of transition to Industry 4.0 and instruments needed to implement the strategy. The work is now focused on establishing the Polish Industry 4.0 Platform, an organization integrating the market and stimulating the implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions in businesses. AGATA GIERCZAK , Department of Innovation at the Ministry of Economic Development WHY POLAND NEEDS INDUSTRY 4.0 In the eyes of the government, Industry 4.0 means not only a tool for modernizing industry and raising its productivity. Spreading widely the use of integrated technological and operational solutions - such as Big Data analytics, the Internet of Things, Machine Learning and a strong digital integration of databases of firms - may be a chance for us to avoid many development traps, especially the middleincome trap and average-product trap, and to minimize the negative consequences of the demographic trap. Industry 4.0 is perceived as a unique opportunity for “catchingup economies” to accelerate convergence, and turn to an economy based on knowledge and data understood as strategic factors of production. Jan Filip Staniłko, deputy director of the Department of Innovation at the Ministry of Economic Development, says that putting the concept of Industry 4.0 into practice is a must in Poland. “Polish industry, based mainly on small

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Hannover Messe and medium-sized enterprises whose activity depends strategically on large foreign firms, needs digitization so as not to be squeezed out of supply chains. Meanwhile, a frequent problem of Polish entrepreneurs is insufficient knowledge about trends. In order to successfully enter the fourth industrial revolution, entrepreneurs need to anticipate the future. We want to know if the firms know what step they should take next and whether we can support them, the more so as Industry 4.0 also offers an opportunity to significantly improve product quality, with small marginal costs, which makes it possible to move up the value chain,” says Jan Filip Staniłko. Industry 4.0 also responds to the problem of Poland’s shrinking labour resources. If demand for labour remains steady robots may fill the growing demand gap by taking over the most onerous and dangerous tasks. This will mean a chance to maintain stable employment. At the same time, in Industry 4.0 the share of white collar workers in the total number of employed will be growing. From this point of view, Industry 4.0 is a chance to raise the attractiveness of jobs for the most ambitious and demanding people who are now looking for professional fulfilment abroad. In this way, Industry 4.0 may stop the progressing brain drain from Poland.

THE ROLE OF THE STATE IN INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION Jan Filip Staniłko says state institutions have a significant role to play in developing Industry 4.0. He stresses that, although a strategy for transition to Industry 4.0 will appear in Poland later than in other European countries, including countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the instruments proposed in the Polish strategy will be better thoughtout and comprehensive. “We believe that the government should act as an entrepreneurial state, which – in keeping with the concept of Prof. Mariana Mazzucato – creates longterm development strategies and helps businesses enhance their competitiveness. This is why we are responding to the changing determinants of factors of production and want to offer new infrastructure for this change,” he says.

READINESS OF THE POLISH ECONOMY FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 Industry 4.0 requires digitizing cooperation networks, leading to better work organization. In Poland this may be a serious barrier in implementing integrated digital solutions. “Industry 4.0 requires a cooperation framework, with which we often have a problem in Poland,” says Jan Filip Staniłko. “Sometimes the reason is a business model – if you manufacture simple products there is no need to enter complex cooperation networks. Another reason is the generally low level of social trust in Poland, one of the lowest in Europe. Meanwhile, Industry 4.0 requires management based on cooperation. We believe that in the absence of trust, which in a natural way improves cooperation, there must be something which reduces information asymmetry and eliminates the imperfections of

coordination – there must be an organization channelling the implementation of solutions which increase both confidence in new technologies and trust in each other.” In response to these challenges, the Polish government has announced the establishment of a new organization designed to accelerate the modernization of Polish industry towards transition to Industry 4.0. “We are working to build the Polish Industry 4.0 Platform as an institution integrating various stakeholders to identify the Industry 4.0 priorities on which private and public investment will be centred.”

POLISH INDUSTRY 4.0 PLATFORM The Polish Industry 4.0 Platform will operate on the basis of a foundation financed from public and private sources. Its activity will be focused on three goals: reducing information asymmetry, supporting the diffusion of knowledge in the economy, eliminating imperfections of the market and improving the legal framework. To counteract information asymmetry, the Polish Industry 4.0 Platform will be carrying out information and education projects aimed at disseminating knowledge about technological and organizational solutions and potential benefits for Polish businesses. Although small and medium-sized enterprises will be the target clients of the Platform, its members will be a broad group of stakeholders to whom the Platform will provide a forum for sharing knowledge, creating new projects and building mutual trust. The Platform will also be conducting training courses and providing advisory services, making up for market imperfections and indicating the development direction for private undertakings. Ultimately, the Platform will also be giving its opinions on planned legal changes and proposing optimal legislative solutions in the area of its activity. It will also be initiating standardization measures necessary for the development of Industry 4.0. Entrepreneurs and people representing institutions operating in the business environment, trade associations, scientific institutes and regional development agencies will play the key role in defining priorities for the Platform’s activity. “The Platform is to be a statutory coordinator in attempts to achieve great flexibility of public funding. The main areas of the Platform’s activity are materialized in specific services within these areas. We want the services to be contracted rather than rendered independently. However, the main centre of competence should be operated by the Platform’s own organization so as to build its own experience and know-how,” says Jan Filip Staniłko. The Polish Industry 4.0 Platform is part of a dynamic European trend towards developing similar initiatives. At the latest European Union summit in Rome on March 23, Poland signed an EU declaration on the development of modern forms of production, establishing what is called the platform of platforms – an organization bringing together national initiatives. “To be able to successfully compete on international markets it is necessary to join in close cooperation, especially in the area of regulation and funding. The Platform will be an indispensable communications tool in this respect,” says Jan Filip Staniłko. • 4/2017  polish market


Hannover Messe

THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Full raport available at: www.inwestycjezagraniczne.com.



5.3% Countries outside of Europe:

10.9% USA










1% 3.1%







Country’s share in the value of FDI in Poland

Countries engaged in the transit of capital to Poland

20% 16% 12% 8%

Structure according to parent-company headquarters









The Netherlands


Scandinavian countries*


The UK






Structure according to the country of the direct investor *Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden

10 Polityka Insight   The impact of Foreign Direct Investment

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he influx of foreign direct investment (FDI) is one of the most important triggers that boost economy – it accelerates consumption and investment demand, enhances productivity of companies and their employees as well as raises remunerations and decreases unemployment. Furthermore, FDI is the most effective conveyor of new, more effective technologies and innovations in corporate culture as well as the fastest way to engage national companies into the globalised economy. The overall value of FDI in Poland exceeds PLN 712 billion. Over the past 25 years, Poland has attracted an average of PLN 26 billion per year. Capital inflows accelerated at two points: shortly after the fall of the communist regime, when Western companies sought to satisfy consumer demand and help Poles in the privatisation of state-owned enterprises – industry attracted most of the foreign investments. In turn, after Poland’s accession to the EU, foreign companies began to invest capital to a much greater extent in the services sector. In 2016 the influx of FDI to Poland accelerated again. The value of finished investment projects supported by PAIiIZ increased from EUR 800 million in 2015 to 1.7 billion in 2016. 60% of that investments were conducted by the companies already operating in Poland. According to estimations, in 2016 the influx of FDI to Poland exceeded PLN 50 billion. The greatest share of the new investments flowed to Poland from the USA, France and Germany. Thanks to them there will be 16,000 new job openings. Foreign companies reinvested more of the profits they made in Poland (PLN 30.4 billion in 2015) than distributed them as dividends (PLN 28.9 billion). The greatest profits were reinvested by companies from Germany (PLN 6.2 billion), the Netherlands (PLN 5.7 billion) and France (PLN 2.5 billion). Among others thanks to that reinvestments, companies with foreign capital are usually several times bigger than the ones based solely on Polish capital – they employ one-third of all workers in the national economy, produce two-fifths of the output and export two-thirds of all goods sold abroad.

stor’s headquarters rather than the country Companies operating in industry or of origin of the capital. Many companies, the financial sector are financed with especially venture capital funds from out- debt instruments to a very small extent side Europe, invest in EU countries through – in 2015, foreign companies invested inflow of foreign capital has multiplied by several special purposeThe vehicles based in countries 92 per cent of their capital in stocks and times the productivity of Polish firms. Companies which with friendly tax systems and regulations, shares. Debt instruments play a much bigpassed into the hands of foreign owners increased their such as the Netherlands, Luxembourg or Ire- ger role in trading companies which are value added at a rate of 2.2 percentage points a year faster land. As a result, the leader in terms of direct often financed with loans from the parent than the rest. The inflow of FDI also benefitted other busiinvestors’ headquarters is the Nether- company. nesses in the sector as well as business partners, customlands. As much as PLN 129.3 billion or ers and suppliers. Firms providing services and industrial 18.2 per cent of FDI (2015 data) can be companies that allocated a significant their reveHowpart did of FDI grow in Poland attributed nues to companies registered thefor innovation benefitted the most. re. The next host-countries are Germany Since its economic transformation in 1989, Without the inflow of FDI into Poland, Polish firms (16.4 per cent), Luxembourg (11.5 per cent) soPoland been avaluevery attractive country would not have moved forward rapidlyhas in global and Franceadded (10.7 per cent)According (see CHART 3). OECD for foreign direct investors. Over the past chains. to the during the 20 years 25 years ormoved so, PLN since the collapse of communism Poland has up666 in billion has been investedthe in the country the league table of the countries engaged most in the – PLN 27.7 billion What do foreign a year on average. After the correction by global intra-industry commerce by 15 positions to 32nd companies invest in the What changes of prices, the inflow was even place, between Germany and Japan. is more, compared totend its neighbours in the Visegrad Group, FDI782.7 inflow Foreign companies to invest especialgreater – PLN billion (in constant to Poland wasand evenly distributed sectors. Asiiia. As re-a result, the value ly in industrial, financial trading firms between prices from 2010) sult, the Polish economy is more resilient to shocks in Poland. In 2015, almost a third of the FDI of FDI capital in affectPoland increased pracing particular improved Potically non-stop and only saw a drop of went to industry (more thansectors. PLN 229Foreign billion) investments land's economic growth. The increase of demand which is – the majority into automotive and food pro- 4.6 per cent in 2015 (according to prelimiassociated growth reached of 3% of GDP cessing companies (PLNwith 44 billion each) – fol-an average nary data). This was per probably the result of year. Theofeffects associated with increasing thethe productivlowed by producers machinery and other a slump on Warsaw Stock Exchange ity of employees had a more sustainable impact on the ecometal products and the petrochemical industry (share prices dropped by about 20 per cent), nomic situation. Average annual productivity in the Polish (PLN 41 billion each). which led to the reduction of the valuation economy per employer grew by 0.2% thanks to increased Foreign investors were less involved of the biggest companies with foreign capital capital and adoption of new technologies. in the financial sector, where they invested (see CHART 5). The inflow of FDI grew the economic potential by an avPLN 134 billion, and the commerce sector In the past quarter of a century, foreign erage of 0.7% annually. As a result, GDP was 15.6% high(PLN 108 billion). It is commerce, on the other investment in Poland accelerated twice: er in 2015 due to the investment of capital in Poland and hand, that has the biggest number of entities with in 1995-2000 and in 2004-2007. Immediathe activity of international corporations than it otherforeign capital, which is thehave result of the sector’s tely after the collapse of communism, comwise would been. considerable fragmentation and the existence panies from Europe and the US The inflow of FDI also had a positive effectWestern on the laof numerousbour subsidiaries only selling goods prostarted investing in the market: it has contributed 8.9% to increases in wages, country, mainly duced by foreign companies (they are–then cateintention of satisfying consumer 8.5% to employment at the samewith timethe reducing income gorised as trading companies) (see CHART demand at a time when entry barriers inequality by about 5%. Due4). to the investments, tax revenue increased by an average of 2.7% per year, and the tax base increased over the quarter-century by 10-12%. Multinational corporations also invest in human capital, developing the professional skills of their Polish managers workers. • CHART 2 and ASSETS IN POLISH FIRMS HELD BY FOREIGN

cause Poland had tations in capital consumer demand . As a result, it was ding and food indugoods industry that stment boom only anges at the beginart of the offshon moving east from when the highest ed in Poland (up to rices from 2010). down the influx y for a short time. t saw another wave greenfield investn investors started rvices sector, espeanies and producers s used by business. hed as the financial nd, but throughout n investments into ent in 2008, while nt that FDI in Euroome close to over 007. For the sake



Hannover Messe


Luxembourg 392.9% Ireland 193.2% Switzerland 109% The Netherlands 96.5% Belgium 94% Chile 85.2% Hungary 69.4% Czech Republic 62% Slovakia 55.6% Sweden 54.9% Latvia 54.1% The UK 51.3% Portugal 51.2% Canada 47.9% Iceland 46.7% Austria 45.6% Spain 42.4% Australia 42.1% Poland 39.6%

Source: NBP

New Zealand 39.2%


Norway 36.4%

Source: NBP

Israel 36.4% Production of energy carriers Others

3,3% 3.8%

% 75%5.64.9 % Construction

Information and telecomunication services



Industrial output


Professional, scientific and technical services

Denmark 33.8% Mexico 33.4% United States 31%

Support the Capital andofretained profits real estates' market

Finland 35.2%




Credit instruments

Slovenia 29.5%


Financial sector

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The impact of Foreign Direct Investment   Polityka Insight 9 800 mln euro in 2015 to 1.7 billion in 2016.


Hannover Messe


ENTREPRENEURS RECOMMEND GERMANY AS A LOCATION FOR EXPANSION • An overwhelming majority (96%) of Polish businesses conducting operations in Germany would choose the country again as an investment location. • Seeking access to new markets and clients is the main reason behind the expansion of Polish businesses in Germany. • Polish businesses present in Germany value the country’s infrastructure, payment discipline in business, and the predictability of German economic policy. Polish entrepreneurs recommend Germany as a location for expansion – this is the conclusion of research conducted by the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Polska) and published in conjunction with PKO Bank Polski and the CMS law firm in the report “Polish Firms on the German Market – Challenges, Chances, Opportunities.” An opportunity to gain access to a new market and new clients is the main reason for Polish businesses to expand beyond Poland’s western border. Polish businesses value the German market in particular for the quality of its infrastructure, payment discipline and predictability of economic policy. WHY GERMANY? “Gaining access to new markets and clients is the most popular motivation for expansion onto the German market,” says Michael Kern, General Director of the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Polska). Almost 79% of those surveyed have indicated this reason. “Nearly one third of the respondents have cited the need to increase the scale of their operations and more than 20% indicated acquiring new competence. According to various sources, there are already 1,500-1,700 Polish-owned firms operating in Germany. This is the reason why we have decided this year [2016 – ed.] to conduct for the first time a survey on the activity of Polish business in Germany. We want to continue it in coming years,” adds Michael Kern.

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Over 17% of the surveyed businesses expanding internationally pointed to a development barrier they reached on the Polish market while 33% pointed to such issues as the credibility and reliability of the German market, which provided stability to their business. “It is increasingly clear that the Polish market is too small for many Polish firms. To continue developing they need to go abroad with their products, services and investment. The German market is one closest geographically to them and at the same time very attractive. It is worth stressing that the business expansion of Polish firms in this direction is beneficial to both Poland and Germany, making the economic growth of the two countries more dynamic,” says Magdalena Rokosz, director of the International and Transactional Banking Department at PKO Bank Polski.

Hannover Messe

Owing to the dynamic expansion of Polish business in Germany, PKO Bank Polski opened its first foreign corporate branch in Frankfurt am Main in December 2015. “It is worth stressing that an overwhelming majority (96%) of the entrepreneurs would choose Germany again as a location for their investment. This means that most Polish firms in Germany are convinced that the decision they once made was right and they will certainly develop their operations on the German market,” says Michael Kern.

WHAT IS CONDUCIVE TO DOING BUSINESS IN GERMANY? Those surveyed assessed the market of Poland’s western neighbour according to 11 attractiveness factors. They praised the most the quality of transport, communications, IT and energy infrastructure (93% of satisfied or very satisfied firms); business partners’ payment discipline (64% of satisfied or very satisfied firms); and predictability of economic policy (59% of satisfied or very satisfied firms). Polish entrepreneurs were less satisfied with the amount of tax burdens (69%); transparency of the public procurement system (61%); attitude of public administration, including tax authorities (57%); and conditions for R&D activity (53%). Labour costs received the highest percentage of critical responses (27% of unsatisfied and very unsatisfied firms).

HOW TO BEGIN? “Small businesses usually begin with looking for business partners, expanding their distribution networks and finally opening their subsidiaries in Germany. Larger businesses take over German firms which seek successors. It follows from research conducted by the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce that this concerns around 40% of the SME sector in Germany,” says Michael Kern. “In expert hands, M&A deals are an excellent expansion instrument. One can see growing interest on the German market in acquisitions of medium-sized or even small local enterprises, which may be one of the most effective methods of entering new markets for Polish companies as well,” says Igor Stenzel, a lawyer at the CMS law firm. “We have recently observed a growing problem in Germany of local family firms suffering from a lack of successors. Businesses, many of them set up in the period of post-unification boom, are now increasingly contending with the absence of a successor who would like to continue their business activity. For the owners of such firms handing over the family business to large anonymous investors is often a solution they would like to avoid. In contrast, they look more favourably at other family businesses, which are likely to continue the original activity in keeping with the existing model.” The ability to exploit the existing potential and reputation of a foreign business and its customer base is an advantage when entering a new market through M&A. Another advantage is a shorter time needed to start activity

on the foreign market thanks to avoiding a number of formalities associated with obtaining permits and licences. “Another possibility, which is an attractive way of developing one’s operations abroad, is taking over a business subject to insolvency proceedings. This method is practiced widely in Germany,” adds Igor Stenzel. He also stresses the importance of the human factor for the success of expansion. “It is worth encouraging the employees of an acquired company not only to stay, but also to actively cooperate in the new situation. The management - reliable, trusted and well-motivated by such incentives as the ability to receive stakes in the company - may determine a market success.”

CONDITION OF FIRMS ASSESSED AS GOOD Asked about the situation of their businesses in Germany, most of the Polish entrepreneurs assessed it as good or very good (around 61.4%). Almost half of those surveyed expected an increase in sales in 2016 compared to 2015. Around 25% planned to raise employment.

WHAT SHOULD BE IMPROVED? Among the most urgent challenges that have to be dealt with in Germany’s economic policy to make running a business in the country easier, the surveyed entrepreneurs indicated first of all the need to lower taxes (15.7%), and labour costs (10%). The need to cut red tape, increase access to well-qualified human resources and simplify the tax system was indicated by a smaller number of those surveyed: 8.6%. 8.6% and 7.1% respectively.

INFORMATION ABOUT THE SURVEY AND REPORT The survey of Polish businesses in Germany - “Germany in the Eyes of Polish Firms Present at the Other Side of the Oder” – was conducted in January 2016 for the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Polska). The objective of the survey was to assess Germany’s economic situation and conditions for Polish firms to do business in that country. Under the project, 70 interviews were conducted with Polish businesses operating on the German market. Most of the businesses were active in the services and manufacturing sectors. The key findings of the survey were published in the report “Polish Firms on the German Market – Challenges, Chances, Opportunities” compiled by PKO Bank Polski and the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce. •

For more information contact: Katarzyna Soszka-Ogrodnik, press spokesperson for AHK Polska

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Hannover Messe

POLAND FALLS TO SECOND PLACE. SURVEY OF GERMAN INVESTORS IN CEE COUNTRIES After three years of topping a league table of Central and Eastern European countries in terms of their attractiveness, Poland fell to second place in 2016 while the Czech Republic returned to the top position. The league table was compiled on the basis of a survey among German-owned companies operating in the region. Poland scored 4 out of 6 points and the Czech Republic scored 4.11 points. The two countries were followed by Slovakia (3.94 points), Estonia (3.93 pints) and Slovenia (3.84 points).

STAFF AND SUBCONTRACTORS ARE A STRONG ADVANTAGE OF POLAND In a European survey, Poland maintained its leading position in 2013-2015. The league table of countries is based on the average score they have obtained for 21 factors of investment attractiveness. In the opinion of investors in the CEE region, Poland outperformed its competitors in terms of the highest ranking factors in the European league table, among others: the qualifications and productivity of staff and the availability and quality of local subcontractors. In recent years, the predominance of Poland in the quality of transport, IT and energy infrastructure has been increasingly recognized. However, what weakened the position of Poland in the 2016 league table was that it decreased its score for two factors: political & social stability and predictability of economic policy. Regarding the whole CEE region, the factors lowest scored by German investors were the transparency of the public procurement system, the effectiveness of countries in combating corruption and crime, the predictability of economic policies and the efficiency of the public administration.

1/3 OF THE COMPANIES ASSESS PROSPECTS FOR CEE ECONOMIES AS BETTER THAN IN THE PREVIOUS YEAR 31% of the 1,508 companies interviewed in the 2016 survey believed that prospects for CEE economies were better

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than in 2015. More than half (54%) estimated them as the same and 15% of the investors said the prospect were worse. 40% of companies in CEE were planning to increase employment (for investors operating in Poland - 43%). Similarly, 40% wanted to invest more in their foreign locations (in the case of Poland - 36%). In terms of the current condition of the economy, Poland ranked third among Central European competitors behind the Czech Republic and Lithuania. 42% of the respondents assessed the economic situation of Poland as good, 52% as satisfactory and only 6% as bad. The average ratings for the economies of the CEE region were respectively: 22% - good, 47% - satisfactory, 30% - bad. The 11th edition of the survey was conducted in February and in early March 2016, by 16 bilateral German chambers of industry and commerce among 1,508 companies, predominantly with German capital, which have invested in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. •

More information about the report on the AHK Poland website: http://ahk.pl/pl/media/informacje-prasowe-ahk-polska/ Press service of the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Polska) Katarzyna Soszka-Ogrodnik / Press spokesperson


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Smart City


Technological development is inevitable. Every day we witness progress which we are no longer able to stop. Are we not able to stop or do we not want to do this? Actually, both the first and the second is true - as follows from the TMT Predictions report. The Deloitte professional services company published its 16th TMT Predictions report, which outlines major forecasts in the field of sectors such as technology, media and telecommunications in the world. As reported by the report's authors, the verifiability of their predictions is at a very high level of 85%. If we believe in these assurances, we are in for the telecommunications revolution, with the implementation of the 5G mobile network and biometric technologies in the banking sector.

DIGITAL REVOLUTION Until recently we had been learning 3G network applications (the development of traditional mobile telephony functions such as voice calls, SMS and broadband Internet access, and mobile applications), when the nextgeneration mobile technologies such as 4G and 5G were launched. According to the report's authors, the next revolution in telecommunications will be, among others, the fifth generation (5G) network, beacons and biometric technologies.

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In these technologies, Poland, as it turns out, does not give way to the world markets. According to the ”Deloitte Global Mobile Consumer Survey 2016” 57% of the adult mobile phone users in Poland have already been using 4G/LTE, and 31% of those who do not have such a service want to use it within the next twelve months. Unlimited Internet access is currently one of the most popular packages in Poland, and 26% of the respondents would like to add an unlimited data transfer service. Services that require high-speed Internet access like live TV, watching news and games are very popular. So it is no surprise that access to 4G/LTE networks in 23% of cases influences the decision to change the operator. For potential customers, even the availability of prepaid telephones is not so important. Of course, the tariff price is at the forefront (32% of the respondents). However, it is access to high-speed mobile internet that is at the podium of factors influencing the change of decision. "The quality of mobile Internet access and unlimited access is increasingly important for users - the largest number (26%) among adult mobile phone users surveyed in Poland would like to add an unlimited data transfer service to their subscription. This shows a significant direction for the development

of mobile networks and services”, says Jakub Wróbel, Senior Manager in the Consulting Department, TMT Expert, Deloitte.

5G - 5TH LEVEL OF INITIATION In 2017 significant strides towards the launch of the fifth generation mobile network are expected to be made. The pace of 5G technology popularization will be closely linked to the development of new services and applications that will certainly be offered to users by operators. According to Deloitte, this year more than 200 mobile networks in the world will include elements of the 5G network architecture. ”LTE-Advanced implementations, then LTEAdvanced Pro, will bring us closer to the full implementation of 5G, offering us, among others, an increase in data transfer speeds and lower latency levels, which should drive the development of new products and services, including the popularization of The Internet of Things," says Jakub Wróbel. According to the Deloitte's forecasts, full 5G deployments can be expected around 2020. What in practice does launching a 5G network mean for users? It is predicted that, for example, cars communicating with the network, wearables, and even home appliances (washing machines,

Smart City refrigerators or cookers) will significantly increase the demand for cellular data, and many of these devices will become able to be controlled in real time with the help of smartphones and voice commands.

DIGITAL BUILDINGS Deloitte predicts that by 2022 at least 25% of the use of precision navigation will be inside buildings. The vertical markets (meeting the needs at one level) will benefit most from the growing use of precision navigation inside buildings. However, its impact will be felt by the whole economy - governmental institutions, businesses and consumers all over the world. Polish companies are very well acquainted with this market, especially they are active in the market of beacons, i.e. small transmitters that constantly signal their presence and communicate with smartphones and other devices. Companies like Estimote, Infinity, Linteri and kontakt. io provide their services to huge foreign clients such as: FC Barcelona, an airport in Qa​​ tar, McDonald's or IBM. What is more, beacons are also used today, among others, by shopping networks, which thanks to them can know what shelves and products their customers were passing.

IT-AS-A-SERVICE Deloitte predicts that expenses connected with information technology service in the IT-as-a-Service model (designated for data centres, software and other services) will reach USD 550 billion by 2018 compared to USD 361 billion by 2016. The whole global IT market will grow by 5% compared to 2016. Flexible business models based on the "As-aService" model will result in more than onethird of all IT spending (35%) in 2018, whereas investments in them can exceed a total of USD 0.5 billion and will grow rapidly. IT-as-a-service may be a great opportunity for Polish companies. As Jan Michalski, Deloitte Digital Partner explains: ”For many Polish companies, both small and large ones, services in the IT-as-a-Service model are attractive for several reasons. They allow for avoiding large investment expenditures and at the same time they provide services to customers no matter where in the world they operate. Polish technology companies are increasingly successful internationally, and therefore will need new staff to be trained at Polish universities. In order to fully benefit from this emerging trend, the development of education in Poland should, to a greater extent than before, evolve in the field of computer science and technology.” Why IT-as-a-service is a chance for Polish companies? Because it allows for the provision of its services globally, showing the Polish

technological potential. More and more often Polish start-ups show their products in the form of services in the international arena. Moreover, this is an opportunity to increase the competitiveness of Polish companies in Poland and abroad. The advantage of such a solution compared to the traditional model is finances. The traditional model requires a large expenditure on IT infrastructure, implementation and maintenance in companies. Delivering IT services frequently drags on over time and lasts a quarter, two quarters, maybe even a year. Living in constant rush we need many solutions right away, delivered to us almost immediately. This is followed by rapid growth of companies, globalization and the market itself. IT as an external service allows us to deliver faster and more flexible IT solutions that are at the same time very flexible and tailored to our needs.

BIOMETRICS Lastly, the most controversial issue that could trigger discussion among users is biometrics. Until recently, we associated biometric records with an American action film in which secret data were protected with the use of them. A sercet service employee often had to scan the fingerprint, retina, or entire face to get access to them. Now, as it turns out, it is not a film, but it is our reality. According to the Deloitte estimates, in 2020, the average user will have around 200 online accounts, and, due to this fact, they will need a simplified verification not requiring remembering passwords. Already, with an average of 30 accounts (social media, bank accounts, loyalty programmes, telemedicine), it is hard for us to remember passwords, which should be changed monthly for our best security. How easy will it be to sign in to your bank account with just a finger? How brilliant and very likely it is that the ordinary man in the street will get it! In 2013, the first mobile phone equipped with a fingerprint reader was launched, and in 2017 already 40% of smartphones in developed countries will implement this solution. More than 90% of active devices equipped with a fingerprint reader will be smartphones and tablets. According to the Deloitte's forecasts, in early 2017 the number of active devices equipped with fingerprint readers will probably exceed USD 1 billion. Each of these sensors will be used on average 30 times a day, which together will translate into more than 10 billion touches worldwide in a year. "Together with the increase in the omnipresence and versatility of fingerprint readers, we expect that the portfolio of applications and solutions supporting biometric technology will be growing rapidly. An additional

impetus for the development of this technology will, in our opinion, be the entry into force of the PSD2 Directive and the emergence of new players in the financial services market due to it. Polish banking is today one of the world's pioneers in the field of using biometrics to validate identity and transaction authorization,” says Tomasz Grabowski, Partner at Deloitte Digital, the TMT sector Leader. The Goode Intelligence company expects the biometrics market to reach USD 11 billion by 2020. In five years, more than 620 million mobile devices and 160 million worn as an item of clothing technology (wearables) will be credited for transactions worth USD 5.6 billion. In Poland, as in other countries, biometrics is used primarily in banking, but in the future it will also be used in governmental institutions, media companies or commerce. Polish banking is today one of the world's pioneers in the use of biometrics for identity verification and transaction authorization. Interestingly, in Poland, the first biometric cash machine was presented in May 2010, and launched in March 2010 by Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości. It is worth emphasizing that it was also the first cash machine of this kind in Europe. The second biometric cash machine was launched by Podkarpacki Bank Spółdzielczy. Why is this topic controversial? After all, technology can only make our lives easier! At first glance, transactions authorized by biometric data are the most secure. Because how to fake fingerprints, an iris or a voice. Controversies are of legal and ethical nature. The latest example of one of the supermarket chains in Poland shows that such data can be downloaded without our consent. At the cash desks, shoppers were simultaneously having their faces scanned. The chain explained that contrary to the speculations that appear when it comes to this photograph, the solution used does not identify individual customers in any way. The system does not save the image from the camera, nor does it use data from other sources (e.g. payment terminals) nor interact with them. The only function is to determine the approximate age and gender of the customers without associating these data with individuals. As a result, the data is stored only in the form of cumulative statistics, and as such, they provide knowledge of the profiles of groups of shoppers at specific times of the day. Nevertheless, it is the collection of data about customers without their consent. Another issue is the lack of legal regulations on biometric securities. Everything points to the fact that feature films from a few years ago were ahead of reality. However, there is no doubt that we live in the times of modern technology. We will not be able to escape the digital revolution. • 3/2016  4/2017  polish market


Hannover Messe




he two names given in the title have been used for justifiable reasons. The double name briefly captures the history of this discipline within the university structure in Germany. Set up in Berlin in the mid-19th century as the Department of Slavic Literature and Languages, it was supposed to centre research and teaching work around these matters. In practice, there were two factors that defined its character and direction of development: political preferences of the State of Prussia and personal interests of the Professor. Slavic studies became a major part of Russian studies, while all the remaining languages (cultures) were given little attention. In fact, this model of Slavic studies in Germany existed until the end of the 20th century. Only the grand changes in Europe: the unification of Germany, especially the enlargement of the European Union in the eastern direction, and the inclusion of many higher-education systems into one common model called the Bologna Process, led to a different approach and the necessity to introduce changes in Slavic Studies. Leaving the (debatable) division into the two degrees (bachelor’s and master’s), the Europeanisation of the university studies forced their new organization. The hitherto neglected remaining philology of other Slavic nations demanded greater independence (including Polish studies, Czech studies, Croatian studies and Bulgarian studies). But as the process of changes continued, more and more questions were arising. Should the philology go for complete emancipation by establishing specialized institutes? Or, should they be replaced by introducing a new type of studies such as Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa (Eastern & Central Slavic Regional Studies)? As commonly known, the direction and size of changes are determined by the dynamics of broader political,

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social and economic processes. As for the discussed subject, after the period of some stagnation, the current Polish-German relationships have created a growing interest in Poland among the Germans. The reason for this revival is that new generations of German people, who have no burden of the tough past, see their chance for the future in the eastern partner. In the university practice, this means that academics and students of other fields include matters related to Poland in their university curricula or in their scientific work. This interest is observed not only among linguists or historians, but also among sociologists, ecologists, political scientists and, finally, by economists. More often, studying Polish is combined with a prospect of finding an interesting job as part of bilateral economic initiatives, along with the new possibility to get a double degree. Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) is becoming a magnet for German students. Among the major institutions undertaking the activity of studying a variety of matters related to Poland are: the Collegium Polonicum of Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies at European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder, and the newly-established Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish Studies at the universities in Halle-Wittenberg and Jena. In total, about 20 different academic centres offer programmes related to studies concerning the Polish language, literature and culture. The matter of teaching Polish at schools is to be addressed urgently. Research projects aimed to get to know Poland are supported by a number of political and business institutions. This is the best investment in developing good neighbour• ly relations between Poland and Germany.

Hannover Messe



entre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of Warsaw University of Technology (CZIiTT PW) is the centre in Mazowieckie province supporting technology transfer and innovation management. It also conducts innovative research projects in these areas. These activities are possible using the potential of Warsaw University of Technology.


research unit; technology transfer unit; entrepreneurship support unit; project preparation and implementation unit; unit for support of education, teaching, trainings, information and promotion.


"The key advantage of the Centre is that it facilitates access to the substantive, intellectual and infrastructural resources of Warsaw University of Technology. It allows for implementing projects which have an impact on solving technological problems faced by business and administrative units in Poland" – Anna Rogowska, Acting Director of CZIiTT PW. The Centre manages the modern infrastructure which includes: laboratories for R&D work with the use of IT tools, creative rooms, modern conference and exhibition rooms, as well as social and networking space. CZIiTT PW uses space in coorganising conferences, fairs, and seminars which are thematically connected with the activities of CZIiTT PW.

Research and Analysis Department specialises in initiating and implementing scientific and research projects of interdisciplinary nature. Commercialisation and Technology Transfer Department’s task is to commercialise modern solutions developed at Warsaw University of Technology. Projects Support Department supports faculties and units of Warsaw University of Technology, its employees and students in the process of acquiring funding from Structural Funds of the European Union. Department of Young Researchers' Innovation Development has created conditions for the most active and dynamic young scientists interested in the development of innovations. The department guarantees conditions that stimulate creativity, entrepreneurship and building of networking. Innovation Incubator aims at stimulating innovative entrepreneurship by three programmes of support for entrepreneurs and start-ups. Education Support Department helps in development of education in the scope of academic entrepreneurship, innovation, technology transfer and commercialisation.

ANNA ROGOWSKA, Acting Director of CZIiTT PW •

Organisational Department supports all organisational units of CZIiTT PW. Its activities cover the current functioning of the Centre and its continuous development.

The Centre's characteristics are defined mainly by the personnel – the experts in the areas of, for example, consolidating University's activities for effective commercialisation, transferring knowledge and technology, conducting research and analyses, obtaining and implementing projects, developing scientists, as well as in the area of incubation. Establishing co-operation with the Centre allows for taking advantage of the knowledge and experience of leading experts from Warsaw University of Technology. That is whywhat CZIiTT PW offers is always perfectly matched to the individual needs of our part• ner.

www.cziitt.pw.edu.pl 4/2017  polish market


Hannover Messe


LUBUSKIE PROVINCE ELŻBIETA ANNA POLAK, Marshal of Lubuskie province, talks to “Polish Market.”

Lubuskie province is excellently located and has high accessibility. More and more investors choose it as a location for their business. What are your advantages? Our geographic location certainly is in our favour, but it does not guarantee economic development. We are a “window onto the West.” Our slogan is “Lubuskie Worth Your While.” Our region is the most open one and tolerant in Poland. In Lubuskie, foreign investors feel they are in Europe. Predictability and a good climate for business are conducive to the development of enterprise. The economic promotion of the region, and the professional and friendly services we provide to businesses pay off quickly. For several years now the number of new businesses set up in our region has been on the rise, which in turn has been translated into the growth of GDP and our share in CIT and PIT. According to data for 2016, there are over 111,000 businesses in our region, which means that one in nine residents of Lubuskie operates successfully on a free market. Simply, the residents of Lubuskie are enterprising people. For several years our economic development has been supported by EU funding. This capital is well invested, economic indicators are skyrocketing, and our research confirms the results. PM


The government of Lubuskie province supports exporters and carries out a programme of trade missions to all continents. What is the purpose of the programme?

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At the end of 2016, Lubuskie launched a new economic promotion programme. In the next two years, we are going to significantly strengthen international economic ties of our businesses and promote the region abroad. As part of the programme, we plan to partially finance the participation of existing and prospective small and medium exporters from Lubuskie in trade missions to high-opportunity markets. The entrepreneurs can count on refunds for as much as 85% of the costs of participation in a mission. By the end of 2018 we are going to organize 13 trade missions. We have already been to Belarus, Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy. We also plan missions to Scandinavia, the two Americas and Asia. We have come to Hannover Messe with young innovative firms from our region. They operate in the following sectors: IT, power engineering, the production of graphene and thermal technology equipment. Apart from taking part in the fair, the entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to establish contacts with the German Chamber of Commerce and will be attending business matching meetings and B2B meetings. PM

Entrepreneurs also benefit from EU money available under the regional programme. How large are these funds? How much money from the EU does Lubuskie have in the current EU financial period? What will the money be spent on?

On the basis of the Territorial Contract, which is an agreement between the central government and the province government, we estimate that we will receive PLN12 billion in total and EUR906 million under the Regional Operational Programme alone. We have defined our fields of smart specialization and priorities. It is impossible to finance everything. We are interested in bioeconomy, the transfer of environmental technologies to business, investment in health and the quality of life, and the development of traditional, but innovative, industries. There is money for environmental protection, social infrastructure, labour market and vocational training. Will Lubuskie become by 2020 a region faring well without injections of money from the European Union and developing by the strength of its own economy alone? We must not waste this historic chance. We have clearly defined priorities, we have money and we know how to do it. But we have to be flexible and swiftly respond to change. Not everything depends on us. We need to carefully observe changes in macroeconomic and global potentials, and respond. Investment in human capital, vocational training and regional smart specialization is now most important for the economy of Lubuskie province. This investment is indispensable for Lubuskie to become a “green land of modern technologies” • after 2020. PM


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Hannover Messe


ALEKSANDRA JANKOWSKA, President of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone tells "Polish Market" about chances and opportunities that follow from participation in the Hannover Messe Trade Fair. The Pomeranian Special Economic Zone has joined an elite group of strategic partners of this year's event. What are your expectations? Over 200 enterprises representing Polish industry and new technologies under one slogan "Smart means Poland" is a perfect opportunity to show our potential and ideas internationally. It is a chance to gain new investors and partners for our projects. PM

So, please tell us what the Pomeranian SEZ offers its potential business partners? We are a center with both investment and innovation potential. Our location on the New Silk Road, which reaches as far as the Baltic Sea, creates many opportunities, mainly in terms of exports, which is also important in relation to the Strategy for Responsible Development that is being implemented by Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki as far as foreign expansion of Polish companies is concerned. We combine the directions of the development of the Polish economy that are strategic from a geo-political perspective. Our contacts range from Asian to European markets. We build long-lasting business relationships which then, in turn, are used by our investors. Owing to the inclusion of the Lublin province in the Pomeranian SEZ, we are developing Eastern Poland. We have our own project aimed at creating an intermodal logistics center in Biała Podlaska, which, when PM

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launched, will change Poland's position on the economic map of the world, by opening this region to European and Asian trade routes for movement of goods, and by using our country's transit location to the full extent. We are a company, which, apart from a comprehensive implementation of the investment process, also undertakes actions that optimize the development of the modern maritime economy. The entities that make up the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, that is the Baltic Port of New Technologies and the Center of Maritime Technologies Foundation, actively support research and development activities related to innovative maritime technologies, including off-shore structures, vessels and logistics based on sea and inland waterway transport. The maritime economy seems to be a natural choice for the Zone located close to ports. Is there any other branch of science that the Pomeranian SEZ finds important? We also "reach the stars" because it is in space technologies that we see a chance for innovative solutions for Polish industry. We are the organizer of the next edition of the Space3ac Intermodal Transportation, an acceleration programme that uses satellite technologies for intermodal needs of the transport industry. This project achieved the highest score and the largest financing under the pilot programme Scale UP- Start in Poland. As PM

part of the activities of our Gdańsk Science and Technology Park, we support small and medium-sized enterprises by setting up incubators and accelerators in the areas that are of key importance for Smart Specialties of the Pomerania province, such as Life Sciences, ICT/IOT (robotics and automation), energy, space and maritime projects. The range of development options is really impressive. What else can a potential business partner and an investor expect with the help of the Pomeranian SEZ? I would like to emphasize, in particular, that we are open to every idea. Our activities include advisory services, such as legal, accounting and finance consultations and support in filing applications with the European Union as well. The Gdańsk Science and Technology Park supports start-ups by offering rent at preferential rates as de minimis aid and creating cooperation chains – investments through funds, subsidies and combining small, innovative companies with large ones with higher financial potential. PM

In other words, the Pomeranian SEZ is a place where both a large investor and a small start-up will find something for themselves? Yes. It is a place where everyone will find a suitable partner, funds and a place for cooperation. • PM








I N V E S T M E N T !

SĹ UPSK SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE has the richest offer of investment areas in the NORTH OF POLAND - OVER 900 HECTARES. The entrepreneurs can run their business in the Zone on preferential conditions, using public aid in the form of income tax exemptions (35-55% of eligible investment costs) and also access to several other incentives (e.g. property tax exemption). We offer attractive lands equipped with the infrastructure for: industrial and services purposes and also for large-format stores, passenger service, including petrol station. The lands are located near national roads and seaports. SĹ‚upsk SEZ is a place for strategic investments and also for smaller projects - you can find areas from 1 ha up to 180 HA IN ONE PIECE. The investor can count on our support during the realization of investment project, in finding skilled workforce and to start cooperation with technical schools and universities.

We administer a modern facility of the Slupsk Technology Incubator located in the Zone, which supports, Startups and innovative entrepreneurs. Our Incubator offers: * services of training at specialized AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND VISION SYSTEMS LABORATORY and Renewable Energy Sources Laboratory (accredited by Technical Inspection Authority as training center for photovoltaic systems), scanning of 3D objects; * other practical trainings, courses, workshops for Engineers, Accountants, Representatives of local government, Students and Pupils; * office and production space rental * TRAINING AND CONFERENCE CENTER with professional infrastructure, including conference rooms and auditorium for 295 people with possibility to run simultaneous translations.


T: (+48) 59 840 11 73 E: invest@parr.slupsk.pl


Hannover Messe



Western Pomerania (Zachodniopomorskie province) greeted me with spring vegetation and the smell of chocolate. Is it only a momentary illusion or perhaps a permanent asset of the place where Poles replenish their energy to work during the rest of the year? OLGIERD GEBLEWICZ, Marshal of Zachodniopomorskie province, talks about it with Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś. I smell chocolate. Is this the true smell of Western Pomerania? This smell comes from the Gryf company, one of the largest producers of couverture chocolate. However, at the seaside we would also be able to smell the breeze, iodine and vacation. In the Drawsko Lake District, you will feel the magic of the lakes and the abundance of the forests.

Our region is also characterized by a strong chemical industry and – which I personally find most important – human creativity in the development of unique products. What specifically do you have in mind? Few people know that Western Pomerania is where the world’s most advanced simulators – both military (for example, tank simulators) and civilian (bus and train simulators) – are produced. Our companies create computer special effects and construct decorations for Hollywood blockbusters (for example Ridley Scott's “The Martian”). The pitches created by our company from Szczecinek are used by the players of Real Madrid. Our IT specialists develop software for the bestknown car makes. Western Pomerania is the place where parts of the world's largest construction crane were built. PM


For Poles, Western Pomerania is the favorite vacation spot. Is this positive energy also characteristic of the people that live and work in Western Pomerania? The companies in Western Pomerania are characterized by the joy of creation, a specif-ic type of creativity owing to their intimate contact with nature. Our region has the best conditions for the wind energy sector but, apart from wind farms, we also have compa-nies that produce wind turbine blades, elec-tronic devices or nacelle components. Living this close to nature, we are a bit Scandinavian. Companies are willing to open their estab-lishments in our region because it is a great place for business and a fine opportunity to spend your free time in nature: at the seaside, at the lake or in beautiful forests, whichev-er you prefer.

If you were an investor, would you establish your company in Szczecin, the capital of the province, instead of Warsaw? We are more likely to hear the needs of our investors because our region is home to one of the largest producers of hearing aids (laughter). We really want everyone to have a chance to be this special, unique company to which the people are going to tie their future, not just another statistical number in the register of business entities. The quality of life in Western Pomerania is really high. It is a place where specialists want to develop. In the latest survey of regional investment attractiveness, we ranked fourth. We are one of the most attractive provinces to technologically advanced businesses. Companies from around the globe carry on their business here, and Szczecin is barely 15 km away from Germany. Not only would I establish a company here, but I would also gladly invite all creative people to come here and share their energy with us! PM


The region has been associated with the proximity of the Baltic Sea and the related production of ships, boats and fish processing. The maritime sector is the driving force behind our exports. Every year, it exports


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I still have to ask you about this photo. Can you really weld? To be perfectly honest, I am a complete amateur in this matter. This was a considerable challenge but, at the same time, a pleasant moment I have enjoyed with one of our investors. On this day, we signed – or, rather, welded – a “pact” on the standards of the services provided for investors. As you can clearly see, this is something we really care • about. PM

products and services worth over PLN 3 billion. The vessels are usually sent to Norway, but the sea-going yachts and boats can be found anywhere from Miami to Hong Kong. The maritime sector is closely followed by the furniture industry, where investments have been made by giants such as IKEA. Fish, however, is still our number one food product.

Ever wondered how to make Your investments more effective ? Come to us! The zone is located in the south-western south-western partpart of Poland of Poland within within the the boundaries boundaries of Dolnośląskie of Dolnośląskie and Wielkopolskie Province Provincesand andconsists consistsofof374 374ha. ha.The TheZone Zoneisislocated locatedvery veryclose closetotoour our national borders with Germany and the Czech Republic in the vicinity of the A-4 motorway. We ooer 157 ha attractive of attractive andand available available investment investment area. area.

Developed areas: Exceptionally favourable location – short distance from the Polish-Czech and Polish-German borders Well-developed transport communication network network Preference and exemption system Qualiied workforce Developed education system

www.ssemp.pl www.ssemp.pl Special Economic Zone for Medium Business S.A. Papieża 11a Papieża JanaJana Pawła Pawła II St.II 11a St. 58-400 Kamienna Góra e-mail: strefa@ssemp.pl tel. +48 75 645 20 30

Smart City


GOOD FOR THE YOUNG The answer to the question of how to make your first million is not easy. In contrast to the question of where it is worth making it. The answer is: in Świdnica. This is where the programme “Stay with us” has been conducted for half a year. It encourages young people to see their future in the dynamically developing city.


widnica has created its own programme of cooperation between the local government and entrepreneurs. It is targeted mainly at young people: from pupils starting their education to university and college graduates. The organizers of the programme – the local government and entrepreneurs – want to show the young people various career paths and give them support at successive stages of their development: from better education at schools to employersponsored classes at vocational schools to matching the students with a specific employer.


What does the programme “Stay with us” look like in practice? Special economic workshops, career advice, visits to companies and contests with valuable prizes are the main elements of the programme run for several months by the municipal authorities of Świdnica in conjunction with the Association of Świdnica Entrepreneurs and Traders, Civil Development Forum, County Employment Agency and Świdnica County. “Our main goal is to provide practical assistance to young people at the start of their path in life, in particular their career path. Reality shows us that the school education system does not teach students enterprise or skills useful on the labour market to a sufficient extent,” says Mayor of Świdnica Beata Moskal-Słaniewska. “This is the reason why we have created the programme which provides knowledge and skills, and helps plan education and career paths. At the same time, it shows what an attractive place for working and living Świdnica and its surroundings are.”


The programme is mainly targeted at people aged from 14 to 30, especially junior high school students. The first of the several competitions planned, entitled “My first million,” is intended for these students. In the future, the programme will also be intended for primary school students. From September 2016 to April 2017 one hundred and forty six third-form students of junior high schools in Świdnica took

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The letter of intent officially inaugurating joint activities for the programme “Stay with us – Świdnica City and County” was signed at the Świdnica Enterprise Gala on October 21, 2016. The organizer of the programme is Świdnica Municipality together with the Association of Świdnica Entrepreneurs and Traders, Civil Development Forum, Świdnica County and County Employment Agency. In the picture, the letter of intent is signed by Mayor of Świdnica Beata Moskal-Słaniewska and Świdnica County Administrator Piotr Fedorowicz. Standing in the centre is deputy County Administrator Zygmunt Worsa.

part in workshops, an economic game and in designing and presenting posters under the slogan “Your Idea for a Business in Świdnica.” They collected points for their activities. Students with the highest score will receive money prizes. Interest in the competition among students was big since the beginning and the organizers plan to expand its range and carry out further activities, including career advice classes.


The programme “Stay with us” enjoys popularity not only among its participants, but also local business partners. Since the beginning, they have offered young people numerous cooperation proposals, like for example visits to their plants. The first companies have already signed agreements on cooperation with specific secondary schools. “The initiative is very valuable for all participants in the local labour market,” says Andrzej Panas, president of the Association of Świdnica Entrepreneurs and Traders. “For young people it is a chance

to plan their career properly and learn about the opportunities available for them. In turn, the entrepreneurs have an opportunity to take part in educating the specialists whose services they will be using in several years’ time.” Before the children and their parents start thinking about higher education in, say, Wrocław or abroad it would be good for them to check carefully what their city has to offer. “One should first get to know the local labour market, its developing and modern firms, and remember about the most important assets of Świdnica – a medium-sized city where life is often more comfortable and cheaper than in a big urban centre, without traffic jams and closer to nature,” sums up Deputy Mayor of Świdnica Szymon Chojnowski, coordinator of the programme “Stay with us” on behalf of the municipal authorities. Reports from the programme “Stay with us” are published on a current basis on the website www.zostancieznami.pl, created for this purpose, and on Facebook: facebook.com/zostancieznami. •

Hannover Messe

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Hannover Messe


OF SUCCESS MACIEJ BADORA, President of the Management Board of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone "INVEST-PARK"

The results of 2016 confirm that Poland is one of the most willingly selected destinations for investors in Europe. What certainly contributes to this success is the Special Economic Zones, which have been enjoying a favourable economic climate for over 20 years. Entrepreneurs are not only tempted by the attractive offer of land and investment incentives, but also by the comprehensive support.


he Wałbrzych zone ended 2016 with nearly 40 new investment projects, which according to entrepreneurs' declarations, are to reach PLN 3 billion of capital expenditure. This is a measurable effect of the new government's economic policy carried out by Prime Minister Beata Szydlo and Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki based on the Responsible Development Strategy. For the two decades of its operation, the WSEZ has helped in the implementation of projects for two hundred investors. They include brands such as MercedesBenz, Mondelez, Volkswagen, Toyota, 3M, BSH, Electrolux, Colgate-Palmolive, Mahle, IBM, SCA Hygiene Products, Bama, General Electric, Bosch, Bridgestone, Polaris and Great Maple Company. The effectiveness of support is influenced by our experienced team of experts, contacts with self-government units and utility providers and also knowledge of the local and national market of services. The company managing the WSEZ also carries out works related to the creation of entire investment complexes called Economic Activity Zones. One of them is situated in the municipality of Września, where the Volkswagen factory operates. The second is located in the communes of Jawor and Męcinka in Lower Silesia [Dolny Śląsk], where the construction of a Mercedes-Benz engine factory is being commenced. There are still several hundred hectares of areas avialable to investors in the economic activity zones, remaining under the management of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone. The investment offer of the WSEZ, one of the 14 Special

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Economic Zones in Poland, is much broader. The WSEZ comprises 53 subzones in Poland. Each investor is treated individually. We listen closely to their needs and carefully prepare an attractive offer. Importantly, the help of the zone does not end at the construction of the plant. The company offers entrepreneurs a full range of post-investment support. We organize trainings, conferences and trade fairs and we affiliate companies in clusters and bulk-purchase groups that reduce utility costs. We strive to create conditions characterized by the availability of skilled workers. We also engage in the search for reliable business partners. We make effort to keep up with the needs of investors and to neutralize any barriers that they face. My personal experience confirms that foreign entrepreneurs appreciate the high culture of work, commitment and education of Polish employees, which translates into the realization of an increasing number of research and development projects. Innovation is also becoming one of our priorities. We implement it by building an ecosystem that surrounds the area - by developing links between social, business and scientific entities. Implementation of these assumptions is an additional advantage of the zone and affects the investment attractiveness of Poland. We are open to new ideas from entrepreneurs who are already active in our zone as well as future investors in Poland. Our commitment allows entrepreneurs to carry out their activity in the territory of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone with complete success. All I can say • at this point is: visit us in Wałbrzych.

LEGNICA SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE ENTAILS: • 21 subzones in South West Poland • public aid for investor • 20 years of experience • convenient transportation network • central location in Europe • qualified staff • 14 thousand of new jobs • more than 1,300 hectares of investment areas • PLN 7,8 bn of capital expenditure

EXEMPTION FROM income tax to an amount equal to:

25% or 35% or 45%

for large, medium, small size entrepreneurs in LSEZ in Lower SIlesia

of either of the following: investment costs or 2-year labour costs of newly employed employees BIGGEST SINGLE-PIECE INVESTMENT AREA WITHIN A SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE: Środa Śląska – Miękinia Investment Area • more than 450 ha in Sroda Slaska-Miekinia, 20 km West of Wroclaw • qualified work force • leading world manufacturers in Lower Silesia Automotive Cluster • close to Wroclaw – academic and cultural centre • rail and road connections with Polish and German Baltic Sea ports

LEGNICA SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE MEANS ALSO A GREAT SUPPORT FOR BUSINESSES: • dedicated investor’s assistant • trainings, workshops for professionals • HR LSEZ Club • joint purchasing group • company-sponsored classes, access to personnel trained in 230 vocational schools, 16 universities and 32 high schools in the region • possibility of cooperation within clusters: automotive, aviation and educational

We invite you to Legnica Special Economic Zone See more: www.lsse.eu

Contact with us: +48 76 727 74 70 sekretariat@lsse.eu

Hannover Messe


A PLACE FOR ENTREPRENEURS AGNIESZKA SYGITOWICZ, Vice-President of Lodz Special Economic Zone, talks to “Polish Market.” What is changing in the plans and operation of the Lodz Special Economic Zone (Lodz SEZ) in connection with the government’s new strategy - the Morawiecki Plan? Special economic zones are one of the most effective tools for attracting foreign direct investments available currently in Poland. Those investments have significantly influenced the economic development of our country for the last 25 years, and, hopefully, they will still be flowing into Poland. It has been foreign capital that has given a boost our economy, positively impacted its innovation performance and thanks to cooperation with local companies supported their development and boosted productivity. Nevertheless, one should keep in mind that special economic zones are not meant only for foreign giants, but also small entrepreneurs, for whom the zones are a chance to compete with global players. Our zone constantly expands its services, so that it is fully adjusted to the market needs. Based on the new strategy of Lodz SEZ and taking into consideration small and medium companies, we have decided to build a warehousing and manufacturing facility for rent. Lodz SEZ has also engaged in completely new activities, such as supporting micro and innovative companies. Bearing in mind startups we have been carrying out a programme called #StartupSpark, which combines creativity and potential of young entrepreneurs with resources, infrastructure and experience of large companies, that is Partners of the project. Among them there are three Lodz SEZ investors: Procter&Gamble, Wielton, Albea and two stateowned enterprises: PGE (Polish Energy Group) i Radio Łódź. PM

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Considering strategic directions of the Polish Goverment, a huge emphasis is put on cooperation with China. Our activities, among others, focus on the development of a railway connection between Lodz and Chengdu. We hope that it will contribute to attracting Chinese investments to our country, as well as to the expansion of Polish companies and their products on the Chinese market. In 2017, the Lodz Special Economic Zone will start implementing its own strategic investment project – the construction of a manufacturing and warehousing building to be rented out to investors operating in the Zone. It is probably the first time the Zone has decided to carry out its own project. Tell us more about it. Lodz SEZ already has some experience in this kind of investment projects. In 2013 we accomplished revitalisation of Grohman’s Factory, where our head office and office spaces for rent are located. In the light of global trends and entrepreneurs’ expectations, a lack of ready-made warehousing and manufacturing facilities constitutes a huge deficiency in our portfolio. We have decided to meet the expectations and prepare an offer for those who appreciate flexibility and possibility of making quick adjustments to the needs of fluctuating market. The facility we are going to construct soon is meant for large companies looking for well-adjusted large buildings but also for SMEs which due to limited resources are not able or willing to take up a construction process • on their own. PM


Hannover Messe

ADAM JARUBAS, Marshal of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship I am very happy that the Business Promotion Programme implemented by Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship allows for a genuine support for regional entrepreneurs. Ten innovative and thriving companies from this region that operate in the metal and energy industries will participate in this year's Hannover Messe Trade Fair. They include: • • • • • • • •

PTH Pneumatic Complex Osojca J i P Sp. Jawna AMPS Sp. z o. o. Odlewnia Żeliwa Fansuld J. Postuła, R. Rudziński, P. Postuła Sp.j Biko- Serwis Sp. z o.o. Spółka komandytowa Enerko Energy Sp. z o.o. Iskra Zakład Maszyn i Łożysk Specjalnych Sp. z o.o. Bio- Med. Sp. z o. o. PIKO Przemysłowe Instalacje Kwasoodporne Zenon Łagan i Władysław Słota s.c;

• Magdalena Dziwosz FPHU • Transition Technologies PSC Sp. z o. o. Hannover Messe 2017 is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs operating in our province to present what they can offer to prospective business partners, to make new valuable business contacts and to maintain and tighten the existing ones. Moreover, the trade fair will see the promotion of investment areas located in the communes of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, including Special Economic Zones. An off-site business mission is organized by the Investor and Entrepreneurship Service Center as part of a business promotion project for Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship: "Świętokrzyskie – hard to pronounce, easy to do business in", Measure 2.4 – “Economic promotion of key sectors of the regional economy” Regional Operational Programme for Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship 2014-2020. •

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Hannover Messe

ELECTRIC AND GAS MOBILITY A FUTURE OF MUNICIPAL TRANSPORT The 5th Smart City Forum was held in Warsaw’s Westin Hotel on March 8 and 9. For many years the Forum has provided a platform for the exchange of opinions among local authorities, businesses and scientists. The leading topic of the 5th Forum was electric mobility and the efficient use of energy.


he first day of the Smart City Forum centred on discussions about the direction in which Polish smart cities were moving. There were also discussions about Poland’s position among other European countries and prospects for change. The participants had an opportunity to listen to panellists talking about smart lighting infrastructure and urban mobility. The first day of the Forum ended with a thematic section on electric and gas mobility. Among the topics discussed were cities’ plans associated with the use of electric and gas vehicles, and the Government Strategy for Responsible Development. This topic is important because the Polish government has strongly backed the From left: Krzysztof Biernat, Robert Zasina, Henryk Mucha, Bogusław Stasiak, Andrzej Kowol, development of this sector as a factor behind our Maria Wasiak, Marek Ustrobiński, Paweł Borys, Wojciech Jakóbik economic growth. On the other hand, there is a clear trend for automotive corporations to the cost of diesel oil. Considering that there are Deputy Mayor of Bydgoszcz Maria Wasiak, design hybrid and electric vehicles. The panel former minister of infrastructure and developseven gas mines in the vicinity of Rzeszów and ment, said that in Bydgoszcz “we get involved that we managed to reach an agreement with who discussed the application of electric and in almost every initiative connected with electhe PGNiG company, which built CNG refuelgas mobility in Poland was made up of Paweł Borys, President of the Polish Development tric mobility. However, we are more at the stage ling stations using its own resources, the project Fund (PFR); Marek Ustrobiński, deputy Mayor of testing and initial work on the project. We was very beneficial for us not only in environof Rzeszów; Maria Wasiak, deputy Mayor of mental, but also economic terms. In the EU’s fiare interested in every initiative conducive to Bydgoszcz; Andrzej Kowol, President of environmental-friendly approach to transport. nancial period 2007-2013, we enlarged our fleet PKM Tychy; Bogusław Stasiak, President of We carefully observe matters concerning the to 70 buses. At present, the problem is that the PKM Gdynia; Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof Biernat, use of gas and designing infrastructure for elecprice of gas has gone up. Today, we still use this Coordinator of the Polish Technology Platform tric vehicles. (…) We, as cities, need the central type of transport only because we want to keep for Biofuels and Biocomponents, Head of the government to clearly define stages in the imharmful emissions at a reduced level. Prices of plementation of plans for electric mobility. We CNG and diesel oil have become equal while Fuels and Bioeconomy Department at PIMOT; Henryk Mucha, President of PGNiG Obrót would like the stages to have the expected outa gas-fuelled bus is more expensive to buy. I am Detaliczny; and Robert Zasina, President of saying so to show that we lack a general policomes clearly defined. The government’s genTauron Dystrybucja. cy which would indicate in what direction we eral plan is still not detailed enough for such should go. Cost and expenditure planning is “At present, our activity is focused mainly organizations as cities. If we, as cities, had it on electric mobility. Under the sectoral prostated clearly that the finished product will be a fundamental issue for cities.” gramme Manager, we design financial instrudeveloped in Poland in two or three years we City officials clearly point out that a coherments provided by relevant institutions. If, for ent policy is needed when it comes to using enwould be able right now to start preparations example, we have to do with new technolovironment-friendly means of public transport. for putting it into use.” gies applied by fleet producers or suppliers of Deputy Mayor of Rzeszów Marek A good sign is the draft law on electric mobilvehicle charging infrastructure, the money for Ustrobiński spoke about the second type of ity on which the Ministry of Economic Develthe research and development work is providenvironment-friendly urban transport – veopment is working and the establishment of ed by NCBiR [National Centre for Research and hicles fuelled by compressed natural gas (CNG). Electromobility Poland. This indicates that the Development] or PARP [Polish Agency for En- “In 2010, we bought 40 CNG buses using fundgovernment treats seriously its promise made in the Plan for Responsible Development to terprise Development],” said President of PFR ing from the Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. At that time, natdevelop electric mobility. Let us hope that the Paweł Borys. “We work in such a way so as to ural gas was a very cheap fuel. The cost of CNG Ministry will respond to the city officials’ apaddress all needs and popularize this kind of per kilometre travelled was 50% lower than • peal. transport in cities,” he added.

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Photo: Łukasz Jóźwiak/GDDKiA

KRZYSZTOF KONDRACIUK, General Director of National Roads and Motorways, talks to Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś.

Hannover Messe The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) ended the year 2016 with around 125 kilometres of newly built roads opened to traffic and with contracts signed for the construction of more than 1,300 kilometres of new roads. What are your plans for coming years? At present, we are finalizing the process of updating the Programme for the Construction of National Roads. The programme for the years 2014-2023, defining the directions of activities and investment priorities in the development of national roads, has been in force since 2015. However, the amount of money allocated for its implementation only slightly exceeds half of the estimated costs of the programme. PLN107 billion has been set aside for the investment projects planned under the programme, but we already know that there is a funding gap of over PLN90 billion. This means that some reassessment and change in priorities is needed. Generally, we do not question the validity of all the tasks specified by the programme, but the financial reality is implacable and hence our attempt to re-examine the issue. Some investment projects will have to be delayed, mainly because of a lack of money secured for their implementation, or because of formal considerations. Importantly, I think that in the review process we should first of all take into consideration traffic conditions, that is the intensity of existing and projected traffic along specific transport routes. At present, the highest traffic intensity is on the Turuń Expressway in Warsaw – around 180,000 vehicles daily. An alternative road to the north of Warsaw – which may be called Warsaw’s outer ring road - will be needed to remove transit traffic from the city. In the south of Warsaw, the construction of the southern ring road should be at full pace this year. The first works have already started in the Ursynów district to reinforce the subway tunnel, which will intersect with the ring road. PM

road [linking the Szczecin and Świnoujście port complex with Poland’s southern border – ed.] and the A1 motorway between Łódź and Częstochowa. Other projects are being prepared to be put to tender. However, a priority for us is taking final decisions concerning the Programme for the Construction of National Roads. GDDKiA is the largest beneficiary of EU funding in Poland under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020. Nearly EUR10 billion has been allocated for GDDKiA projects under this programme. How much of the money has already been spent? I do not want to give any statistics. Indeed, we are one of the largest beneficiaries, making the best use of EU funding. We operate very effectively and the European Commission has noticed that. Some examples of this are agreements for funding the S5 road in Wielkopolskie province, the S8 road in Mazowieckie province and two long-awaited bypass roads in Pomerania. The total value of the six agreements is PLN4.92 billion. PM

What is your view of the tendering processes carried out under the amended law on public procurement where the price is not the main criterion? We will open tendering processes under the new law in April. We will be able then to assess the impact of the amendment – whether something should be modified or improved, whether the prices will indeed go up or will be lower than we estimate. Non-price criteria, aimed at optimizing costs, account for 40% under the new regulations. Contractors are generally satisfied with the changes resulting from dialogue in the Council of Experts at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction. The most important thing is that a joint position was agreed on, which was not that easy. PM

The amendment was also designed to open the market for Polish contractors and encourage them to tender for contracts. Under existing law, we must not give preference to any company, although sometimes some expect us to do so. Both Polish and foreign companies have the right to submit their tenders. In fact, we will be trying to create conditions for Polish-owned firms to be able to take part in tendering processes. It is about making the market more open and competitive. PM

How many tendering processes have you already managed to open? How many contracts will be signed by the end of the year? What will be their value? Some contracts are awarded in tendering processes started before the public procurement law was amended. In the coming several weeks we are going to open new tendering processes. We have already invited tenders under the amended law for sections of the S61 road, called Via Baltica, from Szczuczyn in the direction of Łomża. In March, we are going to invite tenders for another two sections of the road, forming the ring road of Łomża, in the direction of Ostrów Mazowiecka. This year, we plan to start projects to complete the S3 PM

What are these conditions? We can, for example, divide a road into smaller sections so that Polish companies are able to gather enough capital to carry out PM

the project. We will be demanding references from a longer period of a company’s operation, we have lowered the value of projects a contractor is required to have carried out to be eligible to tender and lowered security for performance of contracts. Some criteria will be eased to enable Polish companies to tender and to make their tenders competitive. The same criteria will apply to Polish and foreign companies. We are not allowed to treat them differently and will not do so. You said that updating the Programme for the Construction of National Roads was now the most important task. GDDKiA has initiated a series of meetings on this issue. What is the topic of the discussions? What are the ideas? The main objective of the meetings is to coordinate the implementation of the Programme for the Construction of National Roads on a current basis. We talk about challenges we face when preparing an investment project, its further implementation and the impact of the solutions used on the maintenance of the road. We talk about new tendering standards and about increasing traffic safety. At one of the meetings, we raised the question of passages for animals in the context of their purposefulness, number and size, which generates significant construction and maintenance costs. To make it clear, we are not opposed to building the passages and do not question their purposefulness. However, some solutions imposed by environmental protection authorities are unacceptable, especially as they require spending public money. Footage from surveillance cameras proves that some of the passages are not used by animals at all or used quite rarely. This is the case with passages for bats, for instance. In recent years, the overall costs of such environmental protection facilities have been in the order of PLN5-6 billion. And the costs multiply if we add the additional spending associated with the modified vertical alignment necessary to build the passages. I think we should work out solutions to effectively protect the natural environment while at the same time keeping road-building costs in check. PM

Each passage is different. Perhaps it is worth standardizing regulations and guidelines in this respect. I hope to work out joint solutions with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of the Environment so that the passages are more uniform, have the right sizes and are built in places where they are really needed. Believe me, animals will use a passage whether it is 100 metres wide or 40 metres wide. You only should not disturb them. We indeed lack PM

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Hannover Messe uniform guidelines also in the area of environmental protection. I would like them to be optimized to the benefit of both the environment and our budget because in the end we all bear the costs. Is it due to the absence of uniform guidelines that we have sound barriers stretching for miles along expressways? Several months ago an idea emerged to change the appearance of the sound barriers. This could be done by applying to the barriers special screens featuring images typical of the area – like for example a church, castle or another building – so that the drivers know more about the place. Given today’s monotony, this could be a real change. At present, there is no company in Poland able to carry out the project. But the idea has attracted interest and we will continue to work on it. We will also be trying to promote untypical sound barriers in the form of earth banks, trees and structures filled with greenery. We give preference to alternative solutions. The fact that sound barriers stretch for miles along roads is a result of our legislation - several important laws. Let me give you an example. A small house is located on a large plot at a considerable distance from a road. The permissible noise levels for the house are not exceeded. But under existing regulations, the whole plot has to be protected. This is absurd and goes beyond all reason. This is why we would like several laws to be amended, like for example the code of administrative proceedings and the law on spatial planning, on condition that the amendments are in conformity with the EU legal framework. Additionally, one should add that developers are also responsible for sound barriers being constructed. They locate their buildings on plots in close proximity to a road, in places where permissible noise levels are considerably exceeded. The developer and the clients are fully aware of that, but the project is in full swing. After the buildings are constructed their occupants complain of the traffic and demand that sound barriers be built because the noise levels are exceeded. If we change relevant regulations and make developers responsible for building the sound barriers in such cases I think they will stop constructing buildings in close proximity to roads. PM


We have been paying more and more attention recently to environmental pollution. The word “smog” is very popular now and motor vehicles are among the factors which contribute to smog. The public campaign “Trucks onto Tracks” was once much talked about. Its organizers cited data that children living by busy roads, especially transit ones, are

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six times more likely to develop cancer. What do you think about it? You can imagine thousands of TIR lorries disappearing from roads. Exhaust emissions go down and there are generally less vehicles on roads, especially less of the heavy lorries which, unfortunately, are sometimes overloaded and damage roads. Road safety increases, there is less noise and road surface damage, roads become more durable and police road checks are less frequent. Violations of road traffic regulations by lorries are nonexistent, the drivers’ work time is not monitored, tachometers become unnecessary, at least during the transport of the lorries by rail, the vehicles are weighed at the ramp and the drivers travel comfortably in a saloon carriage. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? You can even add another nice element to this story. I mean renewable energy sources - solar energy from photovoltaic cells and energy from wind farms supplied to existing traction networks. This solution would result in reduced environmental pollution because we would be fighting its root causes instead of its effects. Dreams come true sometimes. I would be happy to see the dreams I have spoken about come true. Today, most of the spending goes to new road-building projects, but road maintenance is an equally important matter. It is the railways that are suitable for transporting heavy loads. The roads are not. The axle load limit for lorries is 11.5 tonnes. Can you imagine there are lorries on Polish roads with much heavier loads? The highest axle load I have heard about was around 60 tonnes. If we shift some investment spending to the railways, which are not fully exploited now, we will not have to bear road and environmental damage costs and will improve the safety of other road users. This requires

coordination and cooperation among the ministries of infrastructure, energy, the environment, economic development, finance and probably other ministries as well. Are the railways ready for that? The railways are developing. At first, one could think about investment in a specific route, for example from the north to the south, or from the east to the west, and adapt the infrastructure and logistics along the route. Centres stimulating the activity of local communities would be developed at reloading places and would contribute to the economic development of the area. I think it is worth investing in fighting the causes rather than effects of environmental pollution. A comprehensive approach would be much more effective. There is probably no place in Europe where such an approach is present so it would be a chance for Poland to be a pioneer. PM

But does this make economic sense? It depends on the comparative methodology you adopt. If we take into account all the money spent, including spending scattered across different ministries, I think that the return on investment should be positive after a few years. In the long run, the investment should produce marked benefits. Actually, not everything and not always has to be profitable in economic sense. We have the duty to invest in fighting environmental pollution so perhaps it is better to spend the money in this way. PM

Many investment projects will be carried out in Poland from the EU budget for the years 2014-2020. And what next? The pace of investment will slow and this may be quite noticeable. But we know about it and are already getting ready to the inevitable change and the need to redirect our attention to maintaining and operating the roads we have built. After a road or another structure is constructed it has to be overseen. Its operation and maintenance has to continue all the time. We are waiting for the selection of a winning tender for the New Toll Collection System, which should be launched in November 2018. It will be one of the sources of funding for road-building in Poland. The road traffic information system (KPD) is to be launched in Poland before the end of the year. Importantly, it will provide information about all roads in the country, not only national roads. It is an innovative solution and one of the many projects in the field of ITS [Intelligent Transport Systems] carried out as part of the National Traffic Management System. It is a very broad and interesting subject – perhaps a topic for our next conversation. • PM

Hannover Messe


INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT The International Fair of Road Construction Industry Autostrada Polska has been held at the Targi Kielce exhibition centre for 23 years. It is Central and Eastern Europe's most important discussion platform for the whole industry. Kielce has been a meeting place for the best global brands and industry specialists. This year's event is held from 9 to 11 May 2017. We look forward to seeing you in Targi Kielce.


his year's show promises to be really interesting. The Old Continent's largest producers and distributors of machines and equipment have already confirmed their participation in the trade show. The event's agenda abounds with meetings - debates, seminars and conferences organized by Poland's main industry institutions. The list of accompanying events includes the "White

Paper - A Year-After Prespective" debate the continuation of last year's meeting of specialists. The Road Industry White Paper is the road construction milieus’ common stand-point, which includes recommendations regarding the most desired changes in Poland's road-transport industry and business sector. This year's trade-show brings together representatives of the key institutions and bodies instrumental in Poland's roads and

road-system development. They will discuss the changes which have taken place since the White Paper publication last year. Conclusions from this debate as well as from other meetings organized within the expo framework will contribute to the sector’s development. The exhibitions related to construction machines, commercial vehicles as well as parking infrastructure and technologies are held parallel to the Autostrada - Polska expo. •

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Cultural Monitor

CM – April 2017





Club concerts in the Blue Note and Piano Bar, gala recitals in prestigious halls and occasional publications and special projects, the annual award of the Era of Jazz – these are the most important proposals for the spring Aquanet Jazz Festival (5th-9th April 2017). The Era of Jazz conducts its own projects in Poznań, creating an exclusive brand on the cultural map of the city and the region", says Dionizy Piątkowski, Head of the Era of Jazz. The spring edition of the festival will present in Poznań, among others, a quartet of outstanding guitarist John Scofield, a special project of legendary French violinist Jean-Luc Ponty, the premiere trio from Chicago of extremely popular in Poznań and charismatic pianist and vocalist Patricia Barber, Kiss The Sky – the new formation of Jean-Paul Bourelly, an afrojazz project of American jazz icon Leni Stern. Special projects are being prepared by Poznań Jazz Philharmonic Orchestra and the winner of The Era of Jazz in 2017.


On 22nd April, the Chamber Concert Hall of the National Philharmonic in Warsaw will host the 9th Krzysztof Komeda Film Music Festival. The festival is a place to confront the works of the "Chopin of Polish jazz" and a meeting place for Polish and European artists from a variety of disciplines, who are inspired by his work. It is always an attractive programme – recognized artists and musical discoveries. In this year's programme, among others, there are: Koncert Nadzwyczajny (Extraordinary Concert) Janusz Olejniczak & Atom String Quartet - "Komeda – klasycznie i jazzowo” (Komeda – in a classical and jazz way), Koncert (the Concert of) Oleś Brothers & Christopher Dell - Komeda Ahead. Janusz Olejniczak is to present his own vision of the music of Krzysztof Komeda. It is the unprecedented event both in the world of classical music and jazz. The piano master, known as an outstanding interpreter of the music of Chopin, has got impressed by the compositions of Komeda and developed them in an conventional way, like the works of the greatest Romanticist masters. The project of the Oleś’ brothers - Komeda Ahead, performed together with one of the greatest vibraphonists of the Old Continent - Christopher Dell, was commissioned by the Berliner Jazzfest. The artists from Poland and Germany are to interpret here the (arranged for vibraphone and rhythm section) music of the Polish jazz legend, based on both the tradition of jazz and contemporary music achievements.

FESTIVAL THAT IS A LEGEND A tribute to John Coltrane, outstanding jazzmen in special projects, the album premieres and performances of the winners of the prestigious jazz competitions, and the International Polish Jazz Day – these are the determinants of the programme of the 53rd edition of the Wroclaw Jazz on the Oder Festival, which will be held from 26th – 30th April. Among the most interesting concerts of this year's edition there is Coltrane's Sound – a project being a tribute to John Coltrane – one of the most important musicians in jazz history, who died 50 years ago. Ravi Coltrane, a son of the artist, is to play with the jazz ambassador of Wroclaw in Los Angeles, Darek Oleszkiewicz. The programme has also its women's representation. In the jazz trio, saxophonist and flautist Tia Fuller, known, among others, for her cooperation with a big r'n'b star, Beyonce, will appear. On the stage of Impart, prominent jazz improviser Jeff "Tain" Watts, one of the most respected and recognizable drummers in the world, is to play. The icing on the cake in the jazz menu is a show of a rising star, American drummer Kendrick Scott. In the chamber concert hall, the eight contest bands will compete for the Grand Prix 2017, and at night, the winners of the leading Polish jazz competitions: Mateusz Smoczyński (Seifert’s Competition), Tomasz Chyła Quintet (Jazz Juniors), Thomas Wendt (Jazz on the Oder) and in premiere projects: Atom String Quartet and Paweł Kaczmarczyk Audiofeeling Trio will perform. The last day of April was declared the International Jazz Day by UNESCO. Wrocław will celebrate it accenting Polish contribution to the development of this music. From the early afternoon untill ate night, on the four stages of Impart and the outdoor stage, a dozen outstanding Polish bands are to perform. Among them, Zbigniew Namysłowski Quartet and Piotr Wojtasik from the Tribute to Aquarium.

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M CDs:

Cultural Monitor


Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937) is one of the most important Polish composers. He developed his own, very lyrical style of music based on innovative orchestration. What he also introduced to his music are Polish folklore motifs, including the Podhale-related ones, under the influence of his frequent stays in Zakopane. Szymanowski’s relations with the culture of Podhale were long and varied, and most of all, they had a major impact on both his life, and on his compositions. However, not only the famous "Harnasie" ballet represents the highland stream in Szymanowski’s works. These works have a much broader scope. They consist also of 2 operas, 4 symphonies, 2 violin concertos, oratorios and cantata, chamber music pieces - a total of several dozen works, many of which are in the repertoire of world-renowned musicians. The monographic album with Szymanowski's compositions includes vocal & instrumental works, composed in 1914-1933: the Litany to the Virgin Mary, Op. 59 for solo soprano, female choir and orchestra, Stabat Mater, Op. 53 for solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra and Symphony No. 3 ”Song of the Night”, Op. 27 for solo tenor, mixed choir and orchestra. The National Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Jacek Kaspszyk, together with the Choir prepared by Henryk Wojnarowski, accompanies here the most outstanding Polish singers: Aleksandra Kurzak, Agnieszka Rehlis and Artur Ruciński. In the Symphony No. 3, the interpretation of difficult parts was taken by an outstanding Russian tenor - Dmitry Korchak. A person who beautifully wrote about Szymanowski is evermemorable musicologist Andrzej Chłopecki, who wrote that this music is like a "north-south wind" ... Yes, that’s right. It is "not pigeonholed", it is in ”impressionistic & expressionistic" character. It is clean, vivid. And it is worth getting to know it, recognizing it, listening to it, especially in such interpretation!


Wacław Zimpel (Poznańer born in 1983) is a classically educated clarinetist, however, exceeding musical boundaries - both figuratively and li erally. This year he received the prestigious ”Paszport” (Passport) of the ”Polityka” weekly "for breaking boundaries in music and combining different traditions and search in them for what is common and universal". He plays jazz and improvised music in international compositions, Jewish music in the Ircha quartet, records albums and tours with musicians from India. Most recently, what absorbs him are relations between the spirituality of the music of the East and the western concepts of "minimal-music". These interests can be heard very well on the second album of the Indian Saagara group, whose leader is Zimpel. "I wanted to create a material in which the Hindu sound is subordinated to the logic of western forms. I have come to terms with the fact that I will not become a Hindu classical musician and I have decided to pull the musicians from Saagara to the western side. I wanted to find our original sound outside the world music box. The musicians of Saagara take a creative approach to the processing of my ideas and they put enormous energy charge in the recorded tracks. We create a kind of symbiosis", says the leader. However, whether Zimpel is watching the minimalists, is getting lost in free jazz improvisations, or whether he is sinking in the eastern tradition, he has managed to develop an original and recognizable style, which his recordings are soaked with, at the first listening. The beautiful recordings. And again – "beyond time and beyond all musical pigeonholes".


After travelling into the depth of the music of the music of the world and exploring it (albums: "Haiku", "Sobremesa"), one of the most important Polish jazz vocalists sings to the accompaniment of the Cuban trio of one of the greatest improvising pianists of our time - phenomenal Gonzlo Rubalcaba! Of the hundreds of old tangos and boleros, the artists chose the ones that inspire them most (among others "Ta ostatnia niedziela” (This last Sunday), "Rebeka", "Twe usta kłamią” (Your lips lie) and that could become a bridge between what is past, i.e. the world of the 30s of the twentieth century, and contemporary vocal music. The bridge between cultures – Polish, Cuban, Jewish, Argentinian and American. If one appreciates performance maestry, one will appreciate the restrained vocal of the artist, one will be delighted with how the Cuban trio, backed by the tradition of free jazz, does not play de fato all these tunes, but it "outplays" them, freeing them from their formal notches. One will appreciate how all these elements are nobly woven and being slowly built up. It is rare to listen to the material of such beauty, saturated with both melancholy and mystery. And with great music humilty. All the stops on this album are finetuned and delivered with the great musical culture. If the works of almost already 100-year history of the Polish song are reminded in such a manner, then the role, in terms of both education and culture, is fullfilled to its fullest!

VOO VOO – "7” – ART2 MUSIC/AGORA – CD A key to the 36th album of the Voo Voo band is time and its constant passage. And there are only seven, hovewer, long pieces, and each of them is entitled after the consecutive days of the week. What we can hear on "7" is yet again different (in terms of the overall concept of the album and its style) from the hitherto meetings with this band. But, at the same time, it seems to me as a complementary continuation of the manner of thinking about music, which, in fact, from the first album release, has been exceeding the boundaries of both rock and song conventions. It is worth paying attention to a narrative character of this music. Literarily, the morning clashes here interestingly at every turn with the dusk. And the leader tries to turn the words sung by him into both lyricism and at the same time into the most everyday prose of his unchanging feelings. Musically, the album has a cozy, intimate and quite minimalist character. However, many aspects of the music are emerging with playing it again and again. And then other sound plans, revealing previously undetected concepts or arrangement measures, are becoming audible. It is worth listening to these songs without haste. They require mindfulness. While listening to this music, what is well heard is the precision of musical structures and textures, and also restraint. This is another strong album, which is ”timeless and beyond any musical pigeonholes", today.

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BEETHOVEN AND OTHER GREATNESS... Beethoven and Fine Arts is the slogan of the 21st edition of the Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival, which will be held from 2nd to 14th April 2017, mainly in Warsaw. The festival will feature big stars of Polish and world classical music. During the 13 days of the festival 15 symphony concerts and 2 chamber concerts are planned. President of Poland Andrzej Duda has assumed the role of the honorary patron of the festival. The events are co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the City of Warsaw.

Maciej Proliński


he festival, which first debuted in 1997, quickly became a regular and important part of the cultural life of Poland and Europe. The programme of each edition is different. Showing the achievements of European music in an interesting and diverse way, it lets us see where the composer of the Ninth Symphony drew his inspiration, what impact his music had on artists of other eras, and what place his work takes in the world of contemporary European art. "Our festival provides music lovers with the opportunity to listen to great concerts performed by renowned artists from around the world. From year to year we gain still new listeners who share the time between Lucerne and Salzburg, where two festivals of similar Easter character are held. Our festival is this healthily understood cultural snobbery. This year, during a musical celebration in Warsaw, pieces written under the influence of great paintings are to be played", announces Elżbieta Penderecka, president of the Board of The Ludwig van Beethoven Association - organizer of the festival. "It will be both The Isle of the Dead by Rachmaninoff, as well as the works of Max Reger and Les Fresques de Piero della Francesca by Bohuslav Martinu, inspired by the frescoes, which he saw in Arezzo, Italy, in the 50s", she adds.

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This year's festival will be inaugurated by the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern orchestra under the direction of Maestro Josep Pons, who will lead ”The Isle of the Dead", Op. 29 by Rachmaninoff and the Seventh Symphony and Piano Concerto No.5 of the patron of the festival. The soloist of the concert will be famous Spanish pianist of the younger generation, Javier Perianes. "This is the orchestra connected late Stanisław Skrowaczewski, a great Polish conductor. For over 40 years he would travel to this orchestra, he was its honorary conductor. We want to dedicate this concert to our great artist", emphasizes Elżbieta Penderecka. We will not run out of great music events in the following days. Alexander Liebreich with the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice will present a concert performance of Stravinsky's opera "The Rake’s Progress", inspired by the painting of William Hogarth. The solo parts will be performed by: Andrew Strooper, Louise Alder, Krzysztof Szumański and Anna Lubańska. Wiener Akademie Orchestra under the baton of its founder and music director - Martin Haselböck will perform the works by Beethoven, among others the Music to the "Egmont" tragedy by Goethe starring soprano Marie Arnet and John Malkovich (as a narrator)! Conductor Massimiliano Caldi is to lead

little-known symphonic works by Puccini and excerpts from his opera "The Swallow” and ”La Boheme". The soloists of the concert will be soprano Ewa Vesin and tenors: Edgaras Montvidas and Leopoldo Lo Sciuto. What is to be performed as part of the "Unknown opera" series, which has been performed since 2008, is the Polish premiere of "Djamileh" by Bizet, preceded by rarely performed youthful symphony of the composer. Łukasz Borowicz is to conduct the concert, and Jennifer Feinstein, George Mosley and Eric Barry are to perform the soloists’ parts. In the final concert we will listen to "Ein deutsches Requiem" by Brahms under the baton of Leopold Hager, with excellent soloists: soprano Marlis Petersen and baritone Thomas Bauer. Particularly anticipated concerts include this year's performances of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta under the direction of conductor Yip Wing-sie and the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia conducted by Sergey Smbatyan. According to tradition, the concert mainstream is complemented by cyclic accompanying events: The Exhibition of Musical Manuscripts in the Jagiellonian Library and the International Scholarly Symposium, following the slogan of the 21st Festival as well as a master piano course of Professor Arie Vardi. This year's Easter Festival is announced by a poster by Ewa Juszkiewicz. •



The Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum is among 10 institutions which are to receive significant funding from the EU. An agreement on this matter was signed on March 6, 2017 in Warsaw. Funding agreements concerning 10 projects selected in the competition for Mazovia (Mazowieckie province) within the framework of the Priority Axis VIII of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme: "Protection of Cultural Heritage and Development of Cultural Resources" were signed at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Maciej Proliński

This is money designated for important, well prepared and interesting projects that will expand the cultural offering in Warsaw and in Mazovia. Public goods will certainly benefit from it", said Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Gliński during the ceremony. In his view, we must remember that these European funds are a kind of support for Poland, but it is the support that builds the potential of our infrastructure, our culture, the potential which will repay us in some sense - not only our country, but the whole Europe. "This is a good example of international cooperation, but this activity, this format, this procedure will not be exhausted today at the moment of signing. The continuation of this is a matter of investment, good spending of this money, compliant with the projects. However, the majority of you has got the appropriate experience, so here should not be any problems”, said Deputy Prime Minister Gliński. One of the beneficiaries of the projects, which will receive the funding, is the Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum. The funds are to be designated for the implementation of the project entitled "Reconstruction of Lower Gardens of the Royal Castle in Warsaw", whose aim is to restore the old gardens’ great look. Its total cost exceeds PLN 23 million, of which the

funding will amount to PLN 15 million. This is the Castle's biggest investment this year. It is to be the restitution of the Castle garden from the pre-war period designed by Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz in the spirit of baroque mansion gardens. The completion of work in the Lower Garden is planned for 2018. In 2015 the Upper Garden was completed, so green areas in the vicinity of the Castle will soon get bigger. Moreover, the funding will go to: the Capital City of Warsaw, Warsaw Public Library the Central Library of Mazowieckie province, the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, the Royal Baths Museum in Warsaw, the National Museum in Warsaw, the Museum of Independence in Warsaw, the National Library, the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and the Frederyk Chopin University of Music. Priority Axis VIII: "Protection of Cultural Heritage and Development of Cultural Resources" of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme for 2014-2020 is a programme focused on heritage preservation. It applies to maintenance works and the renovation of historic facilities and the protection and preservation of historic parks and gardens. In the scope of the development of cultural resources, ventures focused on expanding, rebuilding and renovating cultural

infrastructure of non-historical nature and artistic education could also apply for funding. Projects for the modernization of permanent exhibitions and the protection of facilities against damage and equipment purchase were also eligible. Also financed is the purchase of specialized equipment for the purposes of activity connected with the protection and preservation of cultural heritage and the development of cultural resources. Taking into account the objectives of Priority Axis VIII, projects concerning: sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List or recognized by the President of the Republic of Poland as the Monuments of History and facilities located in areas covered by the entry on the UNESCO World Heritage List and located in areas considered to be the Monuments of the President of the Republic of Poland. Moreover, the projects recognized as key ones are investments in historical wooden buildings and objects, the development of readership and contemporary and/or modern art in province capitals, as well as investments related to technological heritage and projects resulting from the Territorial Contracts that could receive support with keeping the principles of intervention defined in the Operational Infrastructure and Environment Programme for 2014-2020. • 4/2017  polish market


























KRE CJE Culture

1 1 - 1 2 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 7 J U R K O W S K A K O N C E W O J O Z E R I W A L A S I K T U Ż N I K A L B E R T I C H R Ó Ś C I E L E W S K I D R A B I K




CHOREOGRAPHERS That's the 9th time that the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw will present choreographic works by several dancers of the Polish National Ballet. The first performance of “Creations 9” will be held on March 11 and 12 in the Chamber Music Hall.

Maciej Proliński


his performance is prepared entirely by the Polish National Opera dancers. They have to prove themselves to be producers, choreographers, set designers, PR specialists and, obviously, dancers... Such workshops are held regularly by the Amsterdam's team of Dutch National Ballet. Krzysztof Pastor, the director of the Polish National Ballet, was the first to have introduced such workshops to the Warsaw Opera in 2010. The first "Creations" already turned out to be a serious challenge for the Polish company, but they ended in success. Two of the five choreographers that participated in those workshops, Jacek Tyski and Robert Bondara, were given an opportunity to create new works to the repertoire of the Polish National Ballet. But this is not all. In the following years, Robert Bondara created choreographies for, among others, the Wrocław Opera Ballet, the Opera Nova Ballet, the Ballet in Vilnius and the Kennedy Centre, while Jacek Tyski for such companies as, for instance, the Kielce Dance Theater, the Opera at the Castle Ballet and the Ballet on Gran Canaria. Anna Hop's choreographies could be seen in the Opera at the Castle and in Oslo. The idea of the project is to give dancers an opportunity for choreographic debut, but also to encourage creative and organizational

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initiative of the Warsaw ballet artists, who are given a free hand to decide on the concept, preparation and organization of that evening by themselves, with an option to use costumes and any necessary organizational and technical support from the theater. Rehearsals for the workshops take place in the company's free time, the artists participate without remuneration and only their participation in public presentation of the choreographic works prepared is paid. There are definitely several functions that the workshops fulfill: firstly, they constitute an opportunity to learn about the latest works by talented choreographers; secondly, they shed light on young dancers who are not known yet and whom such original projects give a chance to show their greatest assets. The next choreographic workshop led by Krzysztof Pastor is exactly the effect of such approach to the future of the Polish ballet and opera theater. "Choreographic workshops should constitute an integral element of the life of a ballet company with ambitions for shaping its own artistic image. Without searching for new ways, means of expression and even a new language, the ballet would be a vaguely interesting art, devoid of surprises or challenges for the audiences, maybe even a dead art. Hence, a major ballet company, apart from presenting the grand, already well-known repertoire, should

be creative, should be in search for its own artistic solutions, should offer ballets by new choreographers, preferably from the company. However, in order for choreographic talents to have a chance to be revealed and to develop, appropriate conditions must be created. This is why one of my first initiatives, when I took up the position of the director of the Polish National Ballet, was to create annual choreographic workshops", says Krzysztof Pastor. And there's something else yet... Krzysztof Pastor claims that such periodical workshops are the best way to spot choreographic talents, but they are also a method to help dancers to find their place in the profession once they have finished working on stage. "At the age of 40 people are faced with the most significant professional challenge, and this is when dancers finish their careers. We want them to be able to try their hand at other tasks even during their professional careers in a theater. This idea will make it easier for them to find a new way of life", he adds. This year the choreographers who confronted the challenge of creating choreographic miniatures are: Lorenzo Alberti, Michał Chróścielewski, Joanna Drabik, Dan Ozeri, Łukasz Tużnik, Stella Walasik, Bartosz Zyśk and, for the first time, a choreographic duo formed by Paulina Jurkowska and Paweł Koncewoj. •


SASA MEANS “NOW” The volunteers and activists of the SASA Foundation are young, energetic and enthusiastic. The Foundation has operated for less than two years, but has already managed to help many people. International exchanges, gynaecology workshops and White Sundays are only some of the projects carried out by the young physicians.

MARCIN KRAJMAS, member of the Board of the SASA Foundation SASA means “now” in the Swahili language. The Foundation has been set up by students of medicine who are not indifferent to any patient. Their main goal is to deliver basic medical equipment to all places where access to it is limited. In many countries, syringes, needles, gauze, and even such basic devices as stethoscopes, are luxuries to which physicians and patients have no access. As a result, basic healthcare in these countries is significantly impaired.

MONEY IS ALMOST EVERYTHING The Foundation’s volunteers fight for money for the purchase of basic medical equipment themselves. A large part of the money raised by the Foundation is the result of the volunteers’ effort. Funds are raised spontaneously or at various events, like for example last year’s Santa Claus event where the Foundation managed to raise almost PLN2,000. The young physicians count very much on support from business. It is a key element in developing the Foundation and pursuing its goals. Apart from raising money needed to buy medical equipment, the SASA Foundation trains future physicians at the workshops it organizes to deal with individual medical problems. “By taking part in the training courses that we organize we not only take care of our own development, but also the future of

our patients,” says Marcin Krajmas, member of the Board of the SASA Foundation. “What we do is not limited to activity abroad. In Poland we also try to come with help where it is most needed.”

WHITE SUNDAYS Among the projects carried out by the Foundation are White Sundays. They are inspired by doctors’ visits to remote places in the times of People’s Poland. By going to places where there are no outpatient clinics or hospitals, young physicians have an opportunity to provide preventive health checks to all the people interested in the service. Under the watchful eye of older colleagues, we have managed to examine as many as 100 persons during one of such visits. “We have examined a group of around 100 people in Jedwabne,” says Agata Chylińska, a volunteer of the SASA Foundation. “We gave the residents access to examinations for which one often has to wait or go to a larger town or city. We were surprised very positively with the enormous interest and positive reception from people coming to us.” The SASA Foundation is made up mainly of young physicians and medicine students – people who want to change something in our reality. It is important to remember that it is these people that will be treating us in the future. • 4/2017  polish market



DESIGN GOOD FORM Alicja Adamczak, President of the Polish Patent Office


his year’s conference was focused on benefits resulting from the use of industrial design for products and services in the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector. Apart from such benefits as raising the quality of life of the population and improving the daily functioning of people with various dysfunctions, attention was also drawn to significant economic benefits, contributing to the development of individual businesses and raising the innovation performance of the country’s economy. Opening the conference, Prof. Małgorzata Zaleska, president of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), said: “The Warsaw Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in Central and Eastern Europe and the largest one in Europe for small and medium companies. The Warsaw exchange is where real capital is acquired. In 2016, WSE was in third place in terms of the number of new IPOs. The year 2016 was really good for the exchange and its final months were very special because a bull run began on the floor. The WIG index gained 25% over the year while the WSE stock gained 40%. The gains resulted from WSE’s responding to the on-going ‘good change’ [promoted by the government –ed.], including the Plan for Responsible Development. One of the main objectives of the plan is Poland’s economic growth driven, among others, by innovation and creativity in the economy, something which the stock exchange is also trying to support.” Then, the floor was taken by President of the Polish Patent Office Alicja Adamczak. She said that Poland was in a very high – sixth - place in Europe among exporters of cosmetics and that Polish pharmaceutical companies accounted for half of the businesses reporting innovation activity in Poland. “These numbers indicate that we are predisposed to building the strength of our innovative economy based on design and

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The 10th international conference Innovation and Creativity in the Economy was held in the building of the Warsaw Stock Exchange on March 13 and 14 under the slogan “We Design Good Form.” designing good forms for the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. We pin our great hopes on the pharmaceutical sector where innovation is particularly noticeable. The strength of innovation results not only from inventions, but also from industrial design.” Alicja Adamczak also spoke about previous conferences devoted to women’s involvement in creating an innovative economy. She cited the following figures: women account for 53% of Poland’s population, 58% of Polish people in tertiary education and 52% of doctoral degree holders in Poland. However, women account for only around 40% of research workers in Poland and a mere 15% of independent research workers. Referring to the main topic of the conference, she said: “Around 20-22% of industrial designers are women and most of them run their own businesses. The Polish Patent Office is very much interested in promoting the idea of industrial design. We should be raising public awareness about the importance of industrial design for the development of an innovative economy as well as forms and rules of industrial design protection. Competitive advantage on other markets often depends on this protection. We want to draw on other countries’ experience. Germany, Spain, Finland and Sweden should be regarded as our role models.” Considering the rapid growth of the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, participants in the conference raised issues related to user-oriented design, and the use of design-thinking concept in developing innovative products and brand image building. These topics were supplemented by discussion on problems associated with packaging design and the application of innovative technological solutions in the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector. The influence of design on a company’s position on the market and stock

exchange as well as strategies for the protection of industrial design constituted an equally important part of the debates. Main topics raised at the conference: • •

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empathy in designing, or how design thinking may raise the quality of life, identifying and understanding social needs, as the starting point for a designer in the health and beauty sector, visual identification of products - asking whether packaging still influences us, branding of pharmaceutical and cosmetics products and services, what is special about designing innovative solutions in the health and beauty sector, design in the development of start-ups, role of designers in the R&D units of large companies operating in the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector, protection of innovation – invention, utility model, industrial design or knowhow of a firm?

A very important thing about the conference is that it brought together many different communities, including international guests. It provided a platform where designers and businesses had an opportunity to meet and start working together. The conference was accompanied by networking meetings dedicated for start-ups operating in the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector. The organizers wanted the exchange of experience and good practices to include issues associated with the importance of industrial design for the development of new firms. The networking meetings for start-ups, oriented at quick results, should make it possible for young creative entrepreneurs to promote their products and services, and help them expand their contact base and • build a network of valuable relations.



The 5th Congress of Agricultural and Food Exporters, organized by the Association of Polish Exporters, was held at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Warsaw on March 13, 2017. Minister of Agriculture Krzysztof Jurgiel and the marshals of Polish provinces were the honorary patrons of the event. The congress was chaired by President of the Association Mieczysław Twaróg. Maciej Proliński


ast year, Poland exported EUR24.1 billion worth of food, which represented a year-on-year increase of 1.2% - according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture. Most of the exports – as much as 81.3% went to the European Union. Their value amounted to EUR19.6 billion. In 2016, as usual, Germany was the biggest market for Polish agri-food exports. Poland sold EUR5.4 billion worth of agricultural and food products on the German market, 1.7% more than in the previous year. Exports to Germany accounted for 22.6% of the overall value of Polish agrifood exports. Germany imported from Poland mainly smoked fish, poultry, bakery and confectionery products. Britain was the second largest importer of Polish food, with EUR2.1 billion worth of goods sold to that market – 5.6% more than a year earlier. Participants in the congress were agreed that food exports were the driving force behind the development the Polish agri-food industry. Poland has very good organic products and a big potential to increase these exports. Lower labour costs and the consistently high quality of the final products are our competitive advantage. Regardless of the importance of EU states in Polish trade, today it is necessary to strengthen activity in prospective markets - Asian and African ones. They often report much higher GDP growth rates and trade (including imports) turnover than the EU markets and have an undeveloped internal demand potential. Dr. Ryszard Zarudzki, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, said that among the 170 strategic projects already included in the Strategy for Responsible

Development, 16 are coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture. A resolution on the adoption of the "Strategy for Responsible Development until 2020 (with a view to 2030)" was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 14 February 2017. This is, according to the government, the most important document that sets out the targets by of 2020 and 2030, identifying how they will be achieved and identifying the most important projects. The main goal of the projected development activities under the Strategy is to create conditions for increasing incomes of the inhabitants of Poland, while increasing cohesion in the social, economic, environmental and territorial dimension. According to the Strategy, in the longer term, the ability for Polish goods to compete in foreign markets will depend not only on their prices. Increasing the innovation of Polish goods should at the same time translate into the shift of producers to more valuable (i.e. more profitable) links within the global production chains. During the session, the need to implement the strategy of foreign expansion of business entities was underlined. The prospect of this expansion is determined by three factors: potential, demand and supply. We have it all at our disposal! – was repeated many times. In order to meet the growing competition we still have to take advantage of prices and, increasingly, of innovation and product quality. However, we need more incentives, for example by strengthening economic diplomacy, or making more efficient use of the EU money. In 2017, in the field of promotion of Polish agri-food products on foreign markets, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the Agricultural Market

Agency (ARR), is to support the development of trade cooperation between the Polish agrifood sector and foreign sectors (according to the statutory tasks) and implement the trade programme of promotion of Polish food specialties (based on the agreement between the ARR and the Ministry of Economic Development). In 2017, the ARR is planning to focus its efforts on enabling entrepreneurs to have greater presence in markets with high import potential, where Polish food is still absent or is present to a limited extent. This relates to primarily Asian countries such as India, Vietnam, Japan, Iran and Taiwan. The promotional support is also planned for the markets of South Africa and the US. At the same time, the ARR is going to continue its operatations in markets which are already well known to Polish exporters but these markets still need promotional support to build a positive image of Polish food. The countries which are taken into consideraton are: China with Hong Kong, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, Germany, and Belarus. The ARR plan of promotional activities on foreign markets in 2017 also takes into account the implementation of the provisions of the agreement between the ARR and the Ministry of Economic Development on partnership in the joint implementation of the project "Promotion of the economy based on Polish product brands – The Polish Economy Brand" as well as promotion and information activities within the framework of the new trade programme of promotion of Polish food specialties. The brand promotion programme will be implemented in 5 non-European countries (China, India, Vietnam, the Republic of South Africa and the United Arab Emirates) and the 2 EU countries (France and Germany). • 4/2017  polish market



THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND ANTI-AGING MEDICINE BARBARA WALKIEWICZ-CYRAŃSKA, dermatologist, cosmetologist, owner of the Viva Derm clinic, President of the Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology, President of the Foundation of Anti-Aging Medicine


he Polish medical services market is one of the fastest growing in the European Union. This also applies to aesthetic treatments, the constant growth of which is at the level of 15-20% annually. This rapid growth is connected

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with society getting richer, a decrease in the prices of treatments, the development of new technologies and the great number of welltrained specialists. The high level of medical aesthetics in Poland is a fact that we had the opportunity to observe during the 3-day and

largest in this field of medicine International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology and AntiAging Medicine, which in 2017 took place in Warsaw, from March 10 to 12. The carefully prepared congress programme, taking into account the latest medical reports and speakers, including the names of the world's leading authorities, ensures the success of this event, which has its place in the calendar of meetings of all physicians involved in this field of medicine. During the 3-day Congress, in addition to numerous scientific lectures and satellite sessions, participants can get acquainted with a wide range of companies that are active in the Polish aesthetics market: new brands, new products and specialized devices using the latest technologies. This year's Congress gathered nearly 1,200 physicians and 80 exhibitors. The Congress is also about social gatherings, the largest of which is the Pearl Gala and handing in statuettes for the best and safest products and devices used in aesthetic dermatology. The 12th edition of the Competition of the Pearls of Aesthetic Dermatology has selected 15 products that meet the high requirements of physicians in terms of quality and effectiveness. In 2018 the Congress organized by the Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology will take place from March 9 to 11, also in Warsaw. •



POLISH SUPERFOOD People living in southern Europe are well aware of the pro-health properties of red wine. It has been known and used for years as a natural way of preventing circulatory diseases. However, red wine now has a strong rival, which is much more beneficial to healt. Just several grams of a chokeberry extract has the same effect as a glass of wine.


he aronia berry, also known as the chokeberry, has revolutionized our approach to hearth diseases and their treatment. Scientists of the Medical University of Warsaw have conducted clinical trials during which patients after severe heart attacks were given statins and tablets containing a chokeberry extract. The findings left no doubt: the extract increased the powers of statins and made the treatment more effective.

EPIDEMIC OF LIFESTYLE DISEASES This is excellent news because circulatory diseases take a heavy toll. The aronia berry can change that. This fruit, inconspicuous and unfortunately quite tart to the taste, has a unique chemical composition, with the highest content of anthocyanins and catechins of all known fruit. This means that the berry is a strong antioxidant. And we need antioxidants to stop the degenerative processes triggered by free radicals, which damage DNA, proteins, lipids and sugars. Free radicals contribute to the development of many lifestyle diseases and aging because genetic mutations accumulate as the person ages.

A REAL SUPERFOOD Scientists of the Medical University of Łódź have proven that the aronia berry can regulate blood pressure and lipid levels. The berry lowers blood pressure and should be a regular component of the diet of people who have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. But apart from preventing circulatory diseases, the aronia berry also offers other health benefits. Its extracts have been shown to be effective in improving learning processes and memory. They are good for people working for hours at a computer or those working behind a wheel because they improve their sight. It is worth using them to prevent neurodegenerative diseases, like

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Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. People who abuse alcohol can also benefit from the extracts. The aronia berry has yet another surprising effect – it can be used to treat radiation sickness. In the initial phase of radiation sickness, radiation damage leads to a cascade of free radicals, which damage cells. Research conducted by scientists of the Military Medical University (now Medical University of Łódź) on animals subjected to radiation has shown that the anthocyanins in the aronia berry have increased the animals’ survival rates.

POLISH ARONIA BERRY CONQUERS THE WORLD The aronia berry is a plant native to North America. In Poland, it was first planted in 1978 and since that time has been gaining in popularity among growers and scientists. At present, Poland is the world’s largest exporter of the berry, accounting for 90% of its global production. Pharmovit, a Polish producer of dietary supplements, has found out how popular the aronia berry produced in Poland is becoming in Asia. “In South Korea, the aronia berry is virtually equated with Poland,” says Marcin Kaźmierczak, manager for exports at Pharmovit, who values highly his cooperation with South Korean partners. “We sent organic aronia dietary fibre regularly to South Korea. The other aronia products we offer - dried chokeberries, and chokeberry concentrates and extracts – also enjoy great interest. We have specialized in dried organic aronia products and the response on foreign markets is very positive. Organic aronia products and powdered aronia products are easy and relatively cheap to transport, which is of no small importance for our foreign partners.” Pharmovit specializes in the production of organic aronia products. They have become a great hit among Polish exports. Pharmovit's president says the firm is expanding very rapidly and is soon going to enter other foreign market with its aronia • products.

Food Industry

13TH -15TH OCTOBER 2017




Expo-Lodz Hall, located in the centre of beautiful city of Lodz, is going to held 10th International Trade Fair for Organic and Natural Food NATURA FOOD & 6th Ecological Lifestyle Fair beECO on 13-15 of October 2017. Fairs are hailed as the most important industry event of organic products in Poland, as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. Last edition proved to be a record-breaking in the number of exhibitors - almost 370 companies presented their offer. Among the exhibitors there were present well-recognized companies for bio-products in the Polish market. The others were entrepreneurs, who were debuting with their offer, presenting new products and innovative solutions. NATURA FOOD and beECO Fairs gave an unique opportunity to explore a wide range of high quality products manufactured by Polish and foreign producers in one place. The program of accompanying events is full of many interesting meetings, prepared especially for representatives of industry and eco-conscious. For example: Biokurier Academy, BIObusiness Forum, Polish Organic Sector Forum, Allergy Forum and Meeting of Polish Culinary Bloggers. Exhibition, will be accompanied by a competition for the best products presented during the event. The winners will receive the Gold Medal NATURE FOOD 2017. •

For more information do not hesitate to contact us. Project Manager Agata Szczepaniak email: a.szczepaniak@targi.lodz.pl tel. +48 603 172 934 4/2017  polish market


Smart City

5-6 kwietnia 2017 r. Hotel Westin, Warszawa





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tel. +48 22 379 29 11




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