Polish Market No.7-8 (260)/2017

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P U B L I S H E D S I n c E 1 9 9 6 No. 6 (273) /2018 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl



must get out of museums and reach the people “

28th Economic Forum in Krynica

........................ modErnization oF thE yEar

........................ Poland’s indEPEndEncE cEntEnary yEar

........................ Miami

jerzy Kędziora An Artist defying grAvity

sculpture - lourdes, France / For more see page 14

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Open to the future! www.port.gdynia.pl


6. From The President’s Press Office 7. From The Government Information Centre POLAND’S INDEPENDENCE CENTENARY YEAR



ROMAN PIKUŁA, President of the Association for the Protection of National Material Heritage, supervisor of the “Modernisation of the Year” nationwide competition: MODERNISATION OF THE YEAR







20. TADEUSZ KOŚCIŃSKI, Undersecretary of State, Ministry

37. TADEUSZ CHOŁKO, Head of the Suwałki Commune:



of Entrepreneurship and Technology: WE NEED BALANCED DEVELOPMENT







ADAM PÓŁGRABIA, President of the Board, CEO, Global Control 5, and JAKUB ĆWIEK, Sales Manager: WHO STANDS BEHIND BMS?








46. DR BARBARA JERSCHINA, an expert in aesthetic and anti-ageing medicine: OUT OF LOVE FOR PEOPLE




63. SMAK GÓRNO - a taste of tradition 64. EAT MORE FISH – SUPPORT FISH BREEDERS!





Cover: sculpture - Lourdes, France, author: JERZY KĘDZIORA, Photo: BARTEK KĘDZIORA Photos on issue: www.shutterstock.com

6(273)/2018 Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.) President: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła Address: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl

Writers/Editors: Maciej Proliński, Jan Sosna, Janusz Korzeń, Jerzy Bojanowicz, Andrzej Kazimierski, Janusz Turakiewicz Translation: Sylwia Wesołowska-Betkier, Agit, Rafał Kiepuszewski Contributors: Agnieszka Turakiewicz Graphic design: Godai Studio Agnieszka Charuba, Joanna Wiktoria Grabowska

Editor-in-Chief: Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek

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Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President of Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

SEVERAL MONTHS AGO WARNINGS OF IMMINENT TIGHTENING OF ECONOMIC POLICIES AND A CHANGE IN THE ALIGNMENT OF FORCES IN WORLD MARKETS MAY HAVE ONLY SOUNDED LIKE PART OF ELECTION CAMPAIGNS WITHOUT A MAJOR BEARING ON ACTUAL POLICIES. BUT NOW THAT THESE STRATEGIES ARE BEGINNING TO MATERIALISE, IT LOOKS LIKE NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS LIKELY TO FACE CONTINUED BRIGHT ECONOMIC PROSPECTS. That’s the main message of the latest World Bank Global Economic Prospects forecast for the next three-year period. According to it, the global GDP growth rate, now at 3.1 percent, can be expected to decline by 0.1 percent a year, which means a fairly soft landing. But this world average is a sum of an expected 4.7% growth of developing and emerging markets (and an even higher growth of raw materials exporters) and a below 2 percent expected growth of the developed economies and countries that are catching up with them. Top of the list of potential threats according to World Bank experts are the likelihood of turbulence on financial markets, growing protectionism (especially the US trade wars with China, Mexico, Canada and the European Union) and a significant increase in corporate debt. In different ways the diagnosis is echoed by the IMF, WHO and even the Vatican. Following a G7 meeting in Canada, IMF head Christine Lagarde warned against risks for the world economy caused by mounting tension in trade relations. Even though current IMF forecasts provide for a global economy growth at a rate of 3.9 percent this year, in the following years things may not turn out just as rosy. This will be due in part to China’s economic slowdown and the end to central banks’ policies geared toward stimulating the economy. WTO Chief Roberto Azevedo has also warned that growing trade disagreements are undermining the period of solid, balanced growth which has followed the financial crunch. This chorus has also been joined by Pope Francis. The document “Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones,” signed by the prefects of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, contains the first comprehensive critical analysis of the present world economic and financial order since John Paul II’s “Centesimus annus” encyclical. But whatever analysts and ecclesiastical sources have to say, the fact remains that the world today seems to be just one step away from a global trade war. The US has slammed heavy protectionist tariffs on the imports of high-tech products from China, steel and aluminium from Mexico, Canada and the EU. It has also broken off its agreement with Iran. You did not need to wait long for an answer. The EU, China, Mexico and Canada have imposed retaliatory tariffs which will hit US agriculture and its manufacturing sector. To get an idea what kind of money we are talking about, suffice it to say that last year US trade with the EU amounted to USD 718 million, with China to USD 636 million, Canada USD 585 million and Mexico USD 557 million. So what are the results? In the short term, Donald Trump’s policies, including lower taxes, have breathed life into the US economy, unemployment has fallen, but the trade deficit and interest rates have gone up. For the rest of the world, this means that the investment climate has worsened, exports have declined (as has production), and money supply has been affected. Although European Commission head Jean Claude Juncker keeps praising the shape of the EU economy – unemployment is at its lowest since the financial crisis got underway, the budget deficit and public sector debt have been slashed, employment levels have increased and hundreds of billions of euro have been generated for investment purposes. But on the flip side, orders are declining and the mood among entrepreneurs (especially in Germany) is the gloomiest in six years. Given all that, can the present Polish economic boom be sustained? Rating agencies such as Fitch and banks (for instance Credit Agricole) keep raising Poland’s ratings. Successive forecasts of Polish GDP growth expected to hover around 5 percent per annum keep surprising analysts. But the question remains for how much longer Poland will be able to resist unfavourable external pressures. Take the Trump administration’s decision to cancel the Iran deal. Should Warsaw follow the lead of its ally and major economic partner, or should it side with other EU member states? The stake is a market where Polish exports have increased five-fold within just a year. It will be interesting to see how the rising dollar will affect Poland’s borrowing capability and debt servicing, to what extent it will cause FDIs to decline and whether falling demand on the German market can be made up for elsewhere. These problems are posed by the global economy, and Poland must face them head on. So far it has been coping pretty well. So why should things be any different in the near future?

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EASTERN FLANK STATE LEADERS MEET IN WARSAW The summit of the countries making up NATO's eastern flank, the so-called Bucharest Nine, was held in Warsaw on June 8, with participants welcomed by Polish and Romanian Presidents, Andrzej Duda and Klaus Iohannis, respectively. The joint declaration for the Brussels NATO summit was adopted during the first part of the meeting. This was the second meeting of the Bucharest Nine, after a gettogether in the Romanian capital in 2015. Hosted by Andrzej Duda and Klaus Iohannis, was attended by the heads of state of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia and Bulgaria, as well as the speaker of the Czech parliament. This time attending the Warsaw meeting were the Presidents of Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia and Bulgaria, as well as the head of the Czech parliament.

• JOINT DECLARATION OF THE HEADS OF STATE BUCHAREST 9 MEETING "The declaration is concerned with the armed conflict in Ukraine, which remains permanently unresolved, it also considers the situation in the Middle East, this is why it is not only an expression of our responsibility and a serious approach to security matters and the functioning of the Alliance, but also for the time being, another demonstration of solidarity within the North Atlantic Alliance(...)," President Duda said during the press conference.

GERMAN PRESIDENT VISITS POLAND German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and First Lady Elke Buedenbender started a two-day visit to Poland on June 5. After a welcoming ceremony in the courtyard of the Presidential Palace, the Polish and German heads of state held a face-to-face meeting. The talks focused on bilateral issues as well as European and transatlantic relations. It was followed by plenary talks by two delegations. In the afternoon, the Polish and German

presidential couples attended a „Poland and Germany in Europe“ conference in Warsaw's Royal Castle. The conference was held to mark Poland's independence centenary which falls this year. At a press conference with Steinmeier, President Andrzej Duda thanked the German President for his visit and observed that Steinmeier was the first head of state to visit Poland in connection with the country's 100th independence anniversary, and compared it to earlier visits by German Chancellor Willy Brandt and German President Roman Herzog. - You, Mr. President, are the first leader to come to this country to join us in our celebration of this very important anniversary. Mr. President, for this I thank you very much. Today I have taken the liberty of comparing the historical importance of your visit to the visit decades ago by Chancellor Willy Brandt, who laid a wreath at the Warsaw Ghetto Heroes memorial, and the later visit by President Roman Herzog, who bowed down before the Warsaw Uprising Memorial. The fact that you, Mr. President, a representative of our great neighbour Germany, are with us today, in the centenary year of regaining independence by Poland, is an act of immense importance to us, for which I once again thank you – Andrzej Duda told Steinmeier.

Photos: president.pl

PRESIDENT AFTER MEETING WITH NATO CHIEF: NO DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN US We agree as to the main aims that the North Atlantic Alliance should work towards in the coming years, Polish President Andrzej Duda said on May 28 after a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. The President received Jens Stoltenberg at Warsaw's Belweder Palace. The NATO chief was in Warsaw for the Spring Session of the Alliance's Parliamentary Assembly. President Duda added that their meeting focused on "very important matters, or even the most significant ones" from the point of view of NATO actions planned for the near future, as well as a meeting of the Bucharest Nine and a NATO summit in Brussels. "There is no discrepancy between us; we agree with the secretary general as to all the main aims that the Alliance should work

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towards in the coming years. Towards a certain profile that has been accepted," the President stressed, noting among other things the mutual satisfaction with the rapid implementation of decisions taken in Wales and Warsaw. Andrzej Duda noted at the same time that in the context of the forthcoming Brussels NATO summit it is necessary to think "about further decisions that will be taken there in terms of the Alliance's efficient functioning, so-called reactions, which will be followed at that time when it comes to a possible engagement of military forces of the advanced presence, in order for those forces to be reinforced with others." He added that a decision on that subject should be taken at the Brussels summit.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister pointed out that the talks had focused on key issues such as, e.g., migration. We are trying to find a consensus here, he stressed. The Chancellor expressed her appreciation of the fact that Poland was admitting many refugees, inter alia, from behind its eastern border, she added. As Merkel explained, the issue of migration would be discussed at the forthcoming European Council meeting. It is clear that we will try to give ourselves more time to work out some mechanisms, in particular – what Poland has been emphasising for years – a need to strengthen external borders and to help refugees on the spot – e.g. in Libya and Syria, through various funds in which we participate. I hope that most EU countries will think similarly in this area, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. • NORD STREAM 2 The Head of the Government, during the talks with Angela Merkel, highlighted the importance of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. We are constantly trying to remind you that this is a risk to Ukraine and, therefore, to entire Europe, stressed the Prime

Minister. Nord Stream 2 is a further monopolisation of gas supplies, not diversification, he added. As stated by the Head of the Government, the Chancellor of Germany under Polish influence, at least since April, had changed her rhetoric and entered into an intense dialogue with Ukraine. Previously, the provision of some part of the gas transfer through the Ukrainian gas pipelines was out of the question, noted the Prime Minister. We will see where this will take us, he added. • POLAND AS AN INTERMEDIARY BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE USA Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stressed that Poland wanted to reduce tension and act as an intermediary between Europe and the United States. The transatlantic ties are absolutely fundamental to maintaining peace in the world and sustaining democracy, pointed out the Prime Minister. For Europe and for Poland, the United States is the major partner in terms of security, so there is no need to escalate tension, we must reach a common denominator, a reconciliation, he stated.

PRIME MINISTER MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI: THE CORNERSTONE OF OUR CLIMATE POLICY IS RESPONSIBILITY Poland seeks to achieve the sustainable development in economic, social and climate terms. Our goal is to find a “golden mean” – care for the environment cannot inhibit our economic and social development, stressed the Prime Minister during the session of the 9th session of the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin. The Petersberg Climate Dialogue is a conference held annually to serve as a stimulus before the UN climate summits. This year’s climate summit (COP24) will be held in Katowice in December. There will be no prosperity for all without a responsible climate policy, emphasised the Head of Government. As he added, Poland for the third time would preside over the COP climate summit to be held in Katowice this year. We cannot afford to disregard climate change, said the Prime Minister. Polish green realism means innovation and social and economic responsibility – this will be our proposal for Europe and for the world, explained Mateusz Morawiecki. The Prime Minister mentioned that Poland was implementing an ambitious clean air policy. We allocate PLN 130 billion, or about USD 25-30 billion for thermal efficiency improvement of 4-5 million Polish houses. We want to reduce emissions and increase the energy efficiency, which will be beneficial to climate, stressed the Head of Government. As he added, electromobility and renewable energy are some of the relevant development directions of Poland. The Head of Government stressed that this country had significantly exceeded its emissions reduction level, reaching the reduction level of 30% instead of 6%. We are meeting as partners to reflect on a common future. Like Chancellor Angela Merkel, we believe that the climate challenges facing the world are very important. We must also remember that every country starts from a different position, highlighted the Head of Government. As he explained, Poland after the Second World War could not, for example, develop atomic energy.

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Photos: Krystian Maj KPRM



CHAMPIONS TO CELEBRATE INDEPENDENCE DAY The Centennial of Polish independence is a time we look back on the events and people that brought us freedom. There is no shortage of occasions reminding us of the major political leaders and military commanders of the time. We also celebrate the period’s outstanding artists. After all, culture has always safeguarded independent thinking, sensibility, national autonomy and identity and has been the essential factor in preserving the existence of the state. However, we should also cherish the memory of the athletes who contributed to the regaining of Poland's independence. In this special year for Poland, we can reflect on their stories by reading the book “Sportowcy dla Niepodległej” (“Athletes for Independence”) by Magdalena Stokłosa and Aleksandra Wójcik, published by the Łukasiewicz Institute. Its publication was co-funded by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism. The Polish Post is a partner of the project. Copies of the book have been distributed among secondary sports school students across the country. The book will also reach the participants of youth tournaments and state institutions responsible for the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Polish independence. Maciej Proliński

You have played an essential role in building a strong Polish state throughout the last 100 years. How many times have they played our national anthem at various sports events across all continents? You are the bearers of a great legacy and your contributions have been immense. This cannot be overstated,“ President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda said in early 2018 at a special meeting with sportspeople held as part of the Centennial celebrations. Also during a meeting promoting the book “Athletes for Independence”, which took place on May 21, at the Press Centre of the Polish Press Agency, Undersecretary of State Wojciech Kolarski stressed that this publication fits in well with the President’s vision of the celebrations of regaining independence. “This project is an example of how we cooperate to celebrate this great anniversary. The success of the centennial celebrations largely depends on the dedication of Poles working for various institutions, Poles who will gather and cooperate of their own accord as citizens to honour this momentous occasion,” Mr Kolarski said. “The emotions that we felt together with the athletes, the matches,

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the results and the records are part of the great history of the last century. All the more so that for a long time sport used to play a quasi-political role. When we were not free to express our emotions, sport gave us that freedom and that is what we should keep in mind this year,” he emphasised. Patriotism certainly is an indispensable element of the sporting spirit. As far back as the period of foreign rule, sport, fostered by such organisations as the “Falcon” Polish Gymnastic Society, prepared young people to fight for the independent Polish state. After we regained our independence, in the interwar Period, our athletes gave us countless moments of pride and happiness, representing a young state which, despite struggling with numerous problems, had huge ambitions and a will to succeed. The regained independence was a stimulus for the development of sports. Sports associations and clubs started to spring up or were reactivated. Their task was to prepare athletes to compete at the international level. Poles were pioneers in archery and achieved success in horse riding and fencing, which were described by sport historians as Polish specialties. At the Olympic Games, the

largest number of Polish contestants took part in athletics, rowing, ice hockey, skiing, fencing, cycling and horse riding events. Poles also championed a number of non-Olympic disciplines – aviation, gliding and ballooning. They were also internationally competitive in football, tennis, boxing and chess. In 1921 the Central Military School of Gymnastics and Sports was established in Poznań, training gymnastics, boxing, fencing and athletics coaches. It was later merged with the National Institute of Physical Education, to form the Central Institute of Physical Education, which has been known since 1938 as the Academy of Physical Education. But that was also a time when pursuing results and records gave way to the ultimate goal that was the protection of Polish independence. In 1920 and later in 1939 many Polish athletes changed their sports kits to army uniforms and went to clandestine gatherings instead of training sessions. Many of them also died during the 1939 Campaign, in Katyn, in the Battle of Monte Cassino, in the Warsaw Uprising, and in German prisons and concentration camps. The book also recounts those tragic stories. “The heroes of this book have one thing in common – although sport was their life, Poland remained their ultimate value. At the moment of trial, they did not hesitate to sacrifice everything for our homeland,” Maciej Zdziarski, President of the Łukasiewicz Institute, wrote in the introduction. The athletes featured in the book include such giants as Janusz Kusociński, Halina Konopacka, Stanisław Marusarz, Bronisław Czech and Wacław Kuchar. Janusz Kusociński (1907-1940) was a soldier of the Polish campaign in 1939 and member of the underground from the beginning of the Nazi occupation. He was executed by a German firing squad in Palmiry near Warsaw. He was also the best Polish athlete of the inter-war period and the first Pole to win the men's Olympic gold medal among men. He broke the world record twice: in a 3000 metres event (in Antwerp on 19 June 1932) and in a 4 mile event (in Poznań on 30 June 1932). He represented Poland in international competitions sixteen times, taking part in 31 events and winning 25 times. Halina Konopacka (1900-1989) was the first Polish woman to win an Olympic gold medal, a 7-time world-record holder in three events – discus throw, two-handed discus throw and shot put. She broke the Polish record a whopping 56 times! The great careers of ski jumpers Wojciech Fortuna, Adam Małysz or Kamil Stoch would not be possible without Stanisław Marusarz (1930-1993) – our phenomenal ski jumper, who competed in four Olympic Games and seven World Ski Championships. He was also a wartime courier in the Tatra Mountains, a coach and a sports advocate. He was the one who blazed the trail for all future Polish ski jumpers who have enjoyed so much success ever since. He was known as the “Tatra Eagle”, “King of Skis”, “King of the Hill” or simply the “Grandpa”. Bronisław Czech (1908-1944) was the most versatile Polish skier of the inter-war period who participated in three Olympic Games. He was a mountaineer and rescuer in the Tatra Mountains, skiing instructor, and a glider pilot and instructor. Czech made history by winning 24

skiing competitions and making numerous appearances in the World Ski Championships. His greatest achievements were in Nordic combined events. Even today, Wacław Kuchar (1897-1981) remains the brightest star in the history of Polish sports. “He wore the national colours in as many as four different sports: ice hockey, athletics, speed skating and – most of all – his beloved football” – Jacek Bryl wrote in Wacław Kuchar’s biography. Wacław also served his homeland. One of the chapters of the book was also dedicated to people who worked in the post office between the two world wars. Postal service employees worked on their fitness during military training activities and also had their own sports clubs. Military training, which was mostly based on physical education, was organised to prepare men for compulsory military service and women to provide aid in the event of a war. These skills were put to use when World War II broke out. On September 1, the Nazis, in addition to opening fire on Westerplatte, attacked the Hevelius Square in the Free City of Gdańsk, where the Polish Post Office was located. The Post Club took part in the defence of the building. The post office employees who survived the assault were sentenced to death for illegal sabotage activities and executed by a firing squad in the Zaspa District on October 5. A noteworthy feature of the book and another of its assets (which include its educational value) is the presence of historical photographs beautifully colourised by Anna Marjańska. The publishers employed this method to bring • the protagonists of the book closer to the readers. 6/2018  polish market


POLSKA MUSIC The musical programme of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute for 2018 features several-dozen events: concert cycles, composing commissions, ballet and opera-productions and interactive projects. The projects are being implemented as part of the POLSKA 100 international cultural programme, under the NIEPODLEGŁA (Independent Poland) Multiannual Programme for 2017–2021.


he oldest British ballet company, the Rambert Dance Company, and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, are introducing music by Witold Lutosławski, one of the most renowned Polish composers, into the major theatre stages in Europe. May 23, saw the premiere of a dance performance entitled Life is a Dream at Sadler's Wells Theatre, London, with its choreography directed by Kim Brandstrup. The work is based on the famous play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca, and accompanied by music composed of symphonic, chamber and popular pieces by Witold Lutosławski. Shortly after its premiere, on June 6, the performance was presented at a prestigious Norwegian festival in Bergen, and, starting from February 2019, it will be staged more than 30 times in eight cities in the United Kingdom. After the favourable reception of the St Luke Passion by Krzysztof Penderecki, presented in 2017 by the London Philharmonic Orchestra at Royal Festival Hall, this masterpiece of contemporary church music will be performed at more major European stages. On July 20, the Passion will open the 98th edition of Salzburger Festspiele, which is regarded as the biggest summer festival of music and theatre in Europe. The Penderecki work will be presented by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, conducted by maestro Kent Nagano, and accompanied by the Choir of the Karol Szymanowski Philharmonic in Kraków, and the Warsaw Boys’ Choir of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music. Solos will be performed

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by Sarah Wegener (soprano), Lucas Meachem (baritone), and Matthew Rose (bass). Bridging Europe is an initiative started by Ivan Fischer, an illustrious Hungarian conductor, and Head of the Budapest Festival Orchestra. The festival serves as a prelude to another artistic season, and every year it is devoted to the culture of a different European country. As 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the independence of Poland, as well as of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, the festival’s programme will revolve around the culture of these countries. The festival will be inaugurated on September 16, by a concert by Sinfonia Varsovia, conducted by Andrzej Boreyko, with Piotr Anderszewski, a great pianist of Polish and Hungarian descent, also participating. The programme of the inaugural concert will combine the musical culture of Poland and the Baltic States, with pieces by Arvo Pärt and Pēteris Vasks being performed. Poland will be represented by symphonic masterpieces, including Symphonie concertante for piano and orchestra op. 60 by Szymanowski. This year, which is so special for Poland, will also feature the awaited premieres of composing commissions. The world premiere of Fireworks, a new composition by Agata Zubel, will resound in August in three prestigious concert halls in Berlin, Warsaw and London. Fireworks was commissioned by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) within a programme of celebrating the anniversary of Poland’s regaining of its independence. It will be presented for the first time on August 13,

in Warsaw, as part of the International Music Festival ‘Chopin and his Europe’. On August 14, EUYO musicians will stage Fireworks in Konzerthaus in Berlin, and on August 19, in the Royal Albert Hall in London under BBC Proms. On September 29, at Konzerthaus in Vienna, its audience will have an opportunity to listen to the world premiere of Bildbeschreibung, composed by Agata Zubel, with text by the prominent German playwright, Heiner Müller, performed by Klangforum Wien. Two days before that, the play will be presented at the Warsaw Autumn Festival. Another world premiere will be held on November 2, at the Barbican Centre in London. The BBC Symphony Orchestra will present a programme entitled A Centenary of Polish Independence. The evening will find its culmination in the world premiere of a new piece by Paweł Szymański remisant the famous Fourteen Points, and especially number thirteen. In 2018, the image of Polish contemporary music will be enriched by the Map of Polish Composers, a digital multimedia tool presenting the phenomenon of Polish music in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Its users will find information on more than 200 artists. The tool will showcase, in a comprehensive way, composer profiles, high-quality audio materials, and a map of relationships, presenting Polish artists in the context of international and Polish music trends and culture. The Map of Polish Composers was unveiled in May at the Classical:NEXT fair in Rotterdam, at which the first stage of work on the Map was presented. The next stage will be presented in late 2018. •


As part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining of its independence, the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra, one of the greatest orchestras in Poland, the Honorary Pearl of Polish Market 2014 in the culture category, on the initiative of Ewa Malinowska-Grupińska, Chair of the Warsaw City Council, in September 2017 announced an open composing competition. The subject of this competition was to compose a ceremonial Warsaw Polonaise for the Independent, which would enrich the Polish symphonic repertoire, and thereby highlight the importance of the national celebration. In June 2018, the Jury, presided over by Krzysztof Penderecki, selected and announced the competition winners from among 106 submitted works. Maciej Proliński


olish composers of all ages, including those without formal musical education, were invited to participate in the competition. The artists could include in their work the entire spectrum of a symphonic orchestra, but its length could not exceed 10 minutes. In line with the idea proposed by competition organisers, the pieces were to refer to the best traditions of the genre, while preserving its practical nature, allowing its performance with some choreography. The deadline for submitting the Polonaises was March 1, 2018. The prizes were awarded by the Jury, which was presided over by Krzysztof Penderecki, a world-famous composer and conductor. It also included other illustrious Polish composers: Agata Zubel, Paweł Mykietyn, Paweł Szymański, Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil, Tadeusz Strugała, a conductor, and Janusz Marynowski, the Director of the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra. The competition was won by Emil Wojtacki (born in 1981), a composer, educator and music journalist, a graduate of the Academy of Music in Kraków (in a class under Prof. Józef Rychilk). In 2013, he obtained a PhD degree in Composition there. Paweł Siek (Lublin) came second, and Ireneusz Boczek (also from Kraków)

placed third. The Jury also decided to present an out-of-competition award for the youngest competitor, which went to 12-year-old Adam Józef Falenty. Tadeusz Strugała highlighted that, despite the predefined form of the Polonaise, each of the composers who submitted their work had their own vision. “All composers have their own style and way of looking at their own works and pieces by other composers. Each of them is a personality,” he stated. “I am glad that this competition has been a success. It let the imagination and technique of dozens of Polish composers run wild. The role of the exponents of Polish art, played by the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra, is very important to us. We cannot wait to see the world premiere, and we are counting on the winning Polonaises being often featured in concert halls in Poland and abroad,” said Janusz Marynowski. Marynowski also underlined that Emil Wojtacki submitted a spectacular score, standing out among the 106 pieces. “One can see that he is a mature composer, and that he knows how to use contemporary composing techniques with reference to the historical Polonaise,” he added. The awards were funded by the City of Warsaw – PLN 50,000 (1st place), PLN 30,000 (2nd place) and PLN 20,000 (3rd place).

The three winning compositions will be recorded by the Sinfonia Varsowia in August 2018, at the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio, which will be conducted by young Polish conductor, Paweł Kapuła. CDs of the recording will be sent to Warsaw-based secondary and music schools, libraries, musicology departments and universities of music in Poland. The world premiere of the winning Polonaises will take place on September 29, at the 9th edition of the La Folle Journée Festival in the Teatr Wielki—National Opera. The concert will be special also because of its finale - the audience will leave the Moniuszko Auditorium to the rhythm of the winning Polonaises, to join the Warsaw Polonaise Parade. On that day, Varsovians will have an opportunity to recall the basic moves of this national dance during sessions overseen by instructors from the “Promni” Folk Ensemble. After a short workshop, all participants will go dancing to the rhythm of the winning Polonaise in a parade, which will pass along Senatorska – Krakowskie Przedmieście – Karaszewicza – Tokarzewskie Streets to Piłsudskiego Square – Focha – Moliera Street, and return to Teatralny Square, where the “Promni” will ceremonially dance the winning Polonaise. • 6/2018  polish market



A PORCELAIN RARITY A great treat for collectors – the AS Ćmielów Porcelain Factory has recreated the 19th-century “Matylda” dinner set. It was created at the request of Tzar Nicholas II for prima ballerina Matylda Krzesińska. In 2017 the service was repurchased by the factory in Ćmielów, which made the first set. This is a unique set, because only one was made, and the tableware is ornamented with gold.


he set, currently called “Matylda” (the name under which it was initially produced is not known), was made at the special request of Tzar Nicholas II Alexandrovich Romanov for ballet dancer Maria Matylda Krzesińska, a Polish dancer and prima ballerina of the Imperial Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg. The Tzarevitch, for years faithful to his young love for the Hessian Princess Alix, which, however, was not approved of by Tzar Alexander III, met Matylda via his father, and fell in love with her. His passion consumed his heart and led to a major social scandal at the Saint Petersburg court just before Nicholas II was to take over the throne. Let us recall that this story inspired the creators of last year’s beautiful performance of "Swan Lake" in the Warsaw Opera (by Krzysztof Pastor, Director of the Polish National Ballet and librettist Paweł Chynowski, who decided to once again take the challenge of presenting the story in a different setting, i.e. in the Tzar’s court in the last years of Tchaikovsky’s life). But let us come back to the tableware set... Its history is connected with the cousin of the Drucki-Lubecki family, who inherited it from her family from Russia. As a child she would visit Moscow, where she saw these unique porcelain cups for the first time. The Russian

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relative was very determined to help the tableware set find its way back to Poland. Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the set during the revolution, and both world wars, are unknown. We know its history from the moment it reached Poland. In 2017 it was put up for auction and repurchased by the factory in Ćmielów. Within six months of 2017 a replica of the set was made. The whole coffee set and a substantial part of the dinner set was recreated. The original set consists of as many as 100 pieces! It consists of kettles, coffee and tea cups with saucers, a tureen, sauce boats, mustard pots, saltshakers, peppershakers, and round and oval plates. The dinnerware part of the set is decorated with cobalt and 24-carat gold, and the coffee part is ornamented with delicate gold strips (with Matylda’s monogram). “I had not seen such a beautiful set before, despite my interest in porcelain, studying innumerable publications and catalogues, and visiting many porcelain factories around the world,” said President Adam Spała. “I experienced uncertainty and the gamut of emotions associated with the purchase for 6 months, which was the duration of the procurement procedures. I was also afraid that the purchase might be claimed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, and the set would be considered a national treasure. In such case

we would lose the opportunity to recreate this extraordinary porcelain set and porcelain collectors and enthusiasts would not be able to purchase it. A set consisting of such beautiful elements could be envied by Augustus II the Strong,” Adam Spała added. The whole recreated set, as well as its individual elements, will soon be available at the AS Ćmielów Porcelain Factory. Adam Spała, the owner and President of the AS Ćmielów Porcelain factory, which has produced hand-made porcelain for more than 200 years, received the 2012 Honorary Pearl of the "Polish Market" in the category “Promoting Applied Arts”. The factory in Ćmielów is one of the oldest porcelain factories in Poland, which perpetuates the values and achievements of generations of porcelain-makers. His factory recreates not only designs, but also traditions and values. Adam Spała purchased the factory in 1996; it features the Live Porcelain Museum, created in 2005, on the 500th anniversary of Ćmielów’s being granted an urban charter. The museum presents step by step the whole process of transforming porcelain mass ingredients through firing into a unique product, which for many is a masterpiece. In the specially arranged room it is also possible to see and buy a whole collection of sculptures designed in the 1950s and 1960s. This is a place where visitors can count on unforgettable experiences. •


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JERZY “JOTKA” KĘDZIORA (b. 1947, Częstochowa) – sculptor, painter, designer, teacher, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. Participant in around 500 exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Author of monuments and sculptural accents for public spaces (including monuments to John Paul II, Louis Armstrong, Jan Długosz, Idący przez Rzekę – Walking Through the River, Zmartwychwstały – The Resurrected), a winner of numerous awards, and multiple holder of scholarships of the Ministry of Culture and Art. Since the beginning of his artistic journey Kędziora has shown an interest in kinetic arts and sculpting experiments. The volatility of time, choices, and existence in contemporary times has become the basis of his artistic explorations, which have led him to start working on balancing sculptures, thanks to which he has become recognised around the world.

Photo: Bartek Kędziora


Culture In 2015, for his artistic achievements, he received the Honorary Citizenship of Miami, and 27 February was proclaimed Jerzy Kędziora Day. He talks to Ewa Nowak.

In Abu Dhabi and Miami, Berlin and Dubai, Madrid, Lourdes and London, your works are very popular among exhibitors in various countries, often with very different cultures. What is so universal about them that they appeal to so many diverse audiences? Perhaps we should look for the reason in other aspects than the universality of the message? It seems that for people in most parts of the world my art is fresh and intriguing. It draws people’s attention with a new form of presentation and attracts popular interest. Very often exhibited in open public spaces, it makes busy passers-by stop on their way. For those who are more attentive and prone to reflection it presents important topics in a novel, modern, way. In my opinion, which I hope is shared by my audience, it is honest, and does not serve as a camouflage for pseudophilosophical manifestations. It shows the true artistic craft, the creative work, which is increasingly rare in contemporary presentations. PM

It is also extremely spectacular. Your balancing sculptures, seemingly heavy and static, become ephemeral depictions hanging between the earth and sky. “A hero who has moved sculptures up from the earth and from his shadow”, “an artist who has marked the sky with a palpable cultural trace of human genius”, “he has added a fourth dimension to three-dimensional works”. These are just a few comments made by art critics and historians on your works. Even though this is just journalistic rhetoric, from the perspective of artistic achievements I find it mostly true (laughs) and acceptable. In fact, the sculptures of balancing figures are the only such works in the world; I place them loosely between one or two points of support, for instance on ropes, and must maintain balance, apparently defying the laws of gravity, as confirmed by many physicists, for instance. Placed between the earth and sky, they direct the viewer’s sight and imagination to the higher strata of the surrounding spaces and real dreams. It seems that everyone, regardless of the place of their origin, sometimes wants to look higher… PM




at the renowned masters and their great pieces. So there should be more focus on the emotional, aesthetic and ideological value of artistic works, while in the awareness of many art enthusiasts the commercial aspects more often come to the surface. The world is constantly announcing another work of art sold for millions, breaking another record waiting to be beaten. The commercial value of art interpreted in such a way is nothing unusual; it has always been like this. However, the factor linking art and business is its marketing potential. Can a sculpture be used as a selling tool? Definitely! A sculpture, and in general all other works of art, whether material or nonmaterial, as well as artists themselves, often become artistic patrons of their promoters. A sculpture becomes a major attraction, a landmark of a place, a secondary logo of an event. Barclay’s Wealth or Deutsche Bank in Dubai, which were among the first of my major sponsors, noticed new, fresh, emotional values in my balancing figures, arising from important trends in our culture, and figured out that in the Middle-Eastern market (Dubai, Abu Dhabi) they can become an added value to their business package and expand the narrow perspective of their image. They decided to allocate considerable amounts for exhibitions, catalogues, events and creative workshops, to create associations between them and these works. More and more often developers and large office centres need original symbols, signature elements, raising the prestige of the place, and giving them new and extraordinary images. We usually want to live surrounded by art and stay close to it, or at least to come into contact with it, because this makes us feel better. And this is commendable. Fortunately, not only art promoters but also investors are more and more often realising this. PM

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

What is the alluring element in the case of your works? Everyone will find here something diffrent, something special, which corresponds to their point of view or ideals. Entrepreneurs and investors treat sculptures as purely aesthetic creations, serious artistic objects, but for their promotion-related goals they additionally emphasise qualities related to their other values – social, ecological, theatrical, ethical or even ecumenical. This makes them a symbolic medium. Some time ago the operators of the medical-rescue system in Berlin, together with the heads of several major clinics, concluded that my sculptures had an integrative or even therapeutic value. In many PM

Miami, USA Is modern art more about romanticism or business? Art and works of art remain romantic in their nature, and retain their unique character, which often defines the artist's position in respect of something. A work of art can be a voice in public debate, but the sense of PM

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freedom and autonomy which characterises artists often makes them outsiders, with apparently no contact with the surrounding reality. Their creation, the products of their imagination and sensitivity, are always of value which is often difficult to define and, even more often, changes with time, when we look


EVERYONE WILL FIND HERE SOMETHING DIFFERENT, SOMETHING SPECIAL, WHICH CORRESPONDS TO THEIR POINT OF VIEW OR ideals. Dubai DIFC ( Dubai International Financial Center) regions the world is perceiving the great culture-creation and also the business potential of art. Unfortunately, in Poland the process is still slow. Art must get out of museums and reach the people. What are the conditions artists and their works need to meet to become brands in themselves, or the brand of an entity promoted as, for instance, brand Poland? I think that some artistic attitudes and original creative ideas could become brand Poland. They only need some support from the state and/or corporations. Serious, sensible, or even persistent, promotion of such works of art and their creators. Here's an example. In the USA, during several art shows, the first question was where the sculptures were from. When the Mayor of Miami saw them in several exhibitions and found out about their origin, and that the works presented the image of Poles in the period of the system transformation, he decided that their creator should be recognised and that the exhibitions needed promotion. So he proclaimed 27 February Jerzy Kędziora Day in Miami. Another example is Igor Mitoraj, whose works, if it weren't for support PM

from foreign art merchants, would probably have been made obscure by those from Poland. However, this was not the case and the Polish accent, although not always welcome by foreign patrons, is strongly manifested in many of the world's collections, building brand Poland and the supporter's prestige. People should be aware that through a small balancing sculpture a large urban or architectural facility becomes individualised and stands out among a multitude of other objects. However, this is a good question in the context of this conversation. We lose a lot by not trying to create such brands. We seek other forms of promotion, which are often artificial and unoriginal. See how Van Gogh attracts people to Amsterdam, Gaudi to Barcelona and Picasso or the Impressionists to Paris. These artists are extremely prominent. There are many facilities, institutions or cities which promote themselves through works of art and sculptures. They are recognised based on these works. There are exhibitions and shows, but what about trading works of art? This is a problematic issue. There are basically no galleries which would be able to PM

exhibit these sculptures, and other market forms are still in the development phase and are not efficient. Even art fairs have limited possibilities. It is not customary to ask about purchasing during art exhibitions. However, there are private investors and collectors who invite my sculptures to their private spaces, salons and gardens, for the pure pleasure of being around art, original and unique. What are your plans for the nearest future? Several exhibitions are coming up – "Charlie Chaplin and his friends" in Switzerland and "The Polish Cultural Path" in Singapore. It is my dream to create a great project which I will call the Bridges of Art, simultaneously combining the exhibition on the Kładka Bernatka Bridge in Kraków with other similar objects in many places of the world, such as Rome, Tbilisi, Toronto and Edinburgh. This is a beautiful and expressive idea connecting countries and people. However, this idea needs support. I would like to exhibit more of my works in Poland, but here projects tend to fall off, they lack resonance. I dream of creating a theatre of sculptures. But, as I said, we sometimes need to look higher and fur• ther… PM

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Our Guest

THE POLISH ECONOMY IS MODERNISED THROUGH COOPERATION WITH START-UPS In the following statement delivered at the Impact 2018 Forum in Krakow June 13-14, Polish Prime Minister MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI argues that partnerships involving start-ups make a meaningful contribution to the modernisation of the Polish economy. 18  polish market

Our Guest


olish entrepreneurs, start-ups and scientists are looking forward to great times ahead. During previous industrial revolutions, for instance in the past century, the cream of Polish inventors was forced to emigrate. Take Mieczysław Bekker who designed the lunar rover used by NASA in the Apollo 15, 16 and 17 missions. This Polish scientist left for the US after WWII. Another example was Jacek Tramiel, one of the founders of the Silicon Valley, and the man who gave the world the Commodore computer. Polish genius, which could once only bloom outside Poland, can now develop at home in cooperation with designers and start-ups all over the world. I am glad that better and better conditions are being created for that to happen. I am happy that the Polish Development Fund has set up PFR Ventures, a fund which very successfully develops cooperation with other funds and start-ups in the development of the latest technologies. We would like to invite all start-ups and all innovators to join us in Poland. There are plenty of opportunities to develop your technologies through our partnership programmes geared toward the needs of major companies. In particular, I would like to single out one programme which we inaugurated several days ago. It is called GovTech. The world’s most technologically agile governments, of which we intend to be one, make room for the development of services for all their citizens through the creation of innovative platforms. These platforms are meant to bring about change in the health service, public finances, education, defence and many other areas. The first foundations for GovTech have already been laid. Polish public administration is one of the first in the world to become involved in a debate and practical undertakings with groups of developers and software engineers in the field of public administration. Before I took the office of Prime Minister, as a Minister of Finance I had had the great pleasure to follow the development of various technological solutions in the broadly conceived areas of BigData, machine learning and the first steps being made in the development of artificial intelligence. Ground-breaking changes are now taking place within Polish public administration. Two and a half years ago, as a newly sworn in Minister of Economic Development, I was getting ready for my first foreign trip. I got a call from the BA to walk two floors up to receive a cash advance in the relevant currency. I guess this procedure had not changed for thirty years. Now in many government offices things are very different. The Ministry of Digital Affairs and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education keep integrating various digital functions at a rapid pace. You could say that Europe used to get integrated faster than its IT systems. Now, unfortunately – because I would love Europe to be a strongly integrated community of individual homelands – IT systems are being integrated much faster than member states are. We need a new way of thinking about platforms and network systems which will support the development of new solutions. I am grateful to start-ups and innovators.


Thanks to them, in the first year of this form of partnership alone, we managed to tighten the inland revenue system, thus saving a sum of about USD 500 million. It is a huge amount of money which can be channelled into the development of education. The scale of this injection of funding demonstrates how important cooperation between those involved in high tech and public administration is. Thanks to Big Data and data analysis solutions, among other things, it proved possible to clamp down on large-scale tax evaders, something which contributed to the small economic miracle which we are witnessing today. We are very grateful to all start-ups which became involved in this form of cooperation. We are aware that everyone has their development plans, but the world has gathered pace to such an extent that – to quote Mike Tyson - “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” The agility of an efficient, strong and flexible public administration which I want to build together with entrepreneurs, consists in the ability to adapt, to get up after you get punched, to change course and to build the most advanced solutions. To achieve it, more and more public procurement contracts are now awarded to SMEs. We trust that these solutions are going to modernise the Polish economy. • 6/2018 polish market


Our Guest

TADEUSZ KOŚCIŃSKI, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology in conversation with Polish Market’s Marcin Haber.

WE NEED BALANCED DEVELOPMENT You have introduced a Single Investment Area. In colloquial terms, does it mean that all of Poland has become a giant Special Economic Zone? Investment incentives will become available all over Poland wherever economic activities are pursued. That’s the main change under the law on support for fresh investment. So far, 0.08 percent of Poland’s territory has been covered by such incentives. The new regulation has been expected by many entrepreneurs who suggested that support mechanisms should be changed. They underscored that the new system should take into account local operating conditions, the potential and size of businesses, to enable them to carry on in their natural environment without having to switch their operations to a particular special economic zone. The newly introduced changes have been designed with entrepreneurs in mind, and with their participation, because Poland’s business environment is being transformed to accommodate their needs. The changes are ground-breaking and will significantly change the country’s economic landscape. Equally importantly, as the government strategy itself indicates, what we are aiming at is balanced development. This will also be possible to achieve through diversified terms under which entrepreneurs will be PM

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eligible for support. The decision whether to support an investment project will be based on several criteria meant to ascertain whether it will contribute to the economic and social development of the country and region. Particular support will be extended to investment projects in mid-sized towns which are in economic and social decline. Preferential treatment will also be given to regions with high unemployment – the higher the unemployment rate within a given district, the lower local investment outlay will be required. From the point of view of Poland’s development policies, it is equally important that the new rules governing public aid will significantly improve the chances that micro, small and mid-sized companies will obtain public aid. They will be required to come up with own funding to the extent their capabilities allow. What has prompted these changes? Have existing Special Economic Zones run out of steam or have they just run out of room? The existing investment support system has exhausted its potential of stimulating the development of regions. Instruments applied there were suited to the political and economic realities of the early 1990s. The focus PM

Our Guest

at the time was to cut unemployment and to make use of idle manufacturing potential. In the new piece of legislation we have adjusted the system of public aid in the SEZ format to the changing needs and challenges facing the Polish economy. Above all, we have expanded the scope of possible support. We place emphasis on the quality of individual projects to promote investment projects which involve knowledge transfer, R&D activities and the emergence of clusters. Tax incentives will also depend on the quality of jobs created as part of the project. A government ministry to oversee economic development, what is known as the Constitution for Business and the idea of the Single Investment Area, these are all part of a package of moves meant to improve Poland’s business environment. How are investors reacting to legislative changes in this field? Both the Constitution for Business and the SEZ law are flagship projects of the Strategy of Responsible Development which is being consistently implemented by the government. It is a confidence-building factor which definitely boosts Poland’s position on the international scene. The Constitution for Business is a comprehensive reform of the system of economic law which – next to practical solutions like cutting red tape and boosting confidence in the law by making it transparent – also introduces a catalogue of Polish business values. It is very important, because it builds a culture open to entrepreneurship. Among the principles contained in the Constitution for Business is the presumption of honesty on the part of the entrepreneur, the rule according to which which whatever is not punishable by law should be allowed, and the rule that regulations should be interpreted in favour of entrepreneurs. The new law on SEZs is a solution meant to adjust the system adopted in the early stages of Poland’s market economy to fresh challenges of building an innovative economy. The aim of the two reforms is to make them rooted in the postulates of business representatives from the micro scale to big players as the state consistently implements its balanced development policies. The result will be an environment favourable for all entrepreneurs and innovation irrespective of the scale of business activities. PM

The Polish economy is looking for fresh markets. The need to pursue foreign expansion has long been talked about. What markets are the most promising? Although Poland is strengthening its position on international markets and the share of and value of Polish exports in world trade grows, as much as 80 percent of Polish exports is bound for the EU market. We intend to change it to encourage Polish entrepreneurs to diversify their export markets. We also need to encourage companies to increase the share of technologically advanced commodities among their exports. One major challenge for Polish exports is to increase the involvement of firms from the SME sector, which is dominant in Poland. However, let us bear it in mind that to define how attractive a market is for a given firm depends on the sector, product, ease of operation and the nature of the firm itself. Some markets are attractive for entrepreneurs from the IT/ICT sector, others for the suppliers of medical equipment, mining equipment and food products. PM

At the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology we build a new integrated promotion system of the expansion of Polish companies abroad. It is called “Exports are in.” The programme operates on three platforms. One concerns measures undertaken at home to improve Polish companies’ development potential and their ability to venture into foreign markets. Another platform concerns undertakings pursued abroad, i.e. support offered to firms ready to enter definite foreign markets and the promotion of Polish products. The final pillar of the programme is all about co-ordination, information and advice offered through a dedicated portal and contact point for entrepreneurs. The foreign expansion of Polish companies is assisted by the activities of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency S.A. which operates a network of Foreign Trade Offices. Ultimately, the network is to include some seventy offices in countries with the highest development potential. About thirty of them have already been set up, among others in San Francisco, Mexico City, Toronto, Tehran, Dubai, Nairobi, Shanghai, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Bogota, Astana, Tel Aviv, Buenos Aires, Washington and Los Angeles. What are bilateral relations with the Gulf region countries like? When it comes to the Gulf region, pride of place goes to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries which include Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Poland’s economic and trade relations with the GCC countries are pursued in line with the Cooperation Agreement between the EU and GCC signed in 1989. It is one of what are known as new generation agreements because it is not limited to economic cooperation but – in the long term – it provides for the possibility of establishing a free trade zone between the parties. The idea behind the EU – GCC Agreement is to facilitate the development of trade relations and opening up of commodity markets. In spite of growing interest in bilateral cooperation, Poland’s economic relations with GCC countries do not reflect our capabilities and aspirations. Admittedly, last year saw a record-high level of two-way trade which for the first time crossed the USD 3.1 billion mark, 16 percent up on 2016 levels. Statistics for Q1 2018 indicate that this upward trend in Poland’s trade with GCC countries has been maintained (up 28 percent on the corresponding period of last year.) A good opportunity to present Poland to the region as an attractive economic partner with a rich export offer, technologically advanced products and highly innovative solutions, will be EXPO 2020 Dubai. PM

Are North Africa and the Middle East promising markets for Polish companies? Which sectors of the Polish economy can seek markets there? The countries of North Africa and the Middle East, that is the southern Mediterranean basin, is one of our priorities. This is due to historical, political and economic reasons. It is a promising market for Polish exporters of consumer goods and investment projects. Opportunities for trade and economic cooperation exist practically everywhere in most areas. • PM

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he more-than-stable financial situation of the Port of Gdynia, and a significant increase in its trans-shipments, as well as its ongoing strategic projects, such as the construction of a new public ferry terminal and new turning basins, along with the redevelopment of wharves and the dredging of the port basins, all position the Port favourably for its development over the next decade or two. This is why the Management Board of the Port of Gdynia S.A. is developing a design for the construction of a new Outer Port. Because of its sheer innovativeness and size, the project is comparable with the construction of the Port in Gdynia back in the 1920s. First of all, the design of the Outer Port overcomes all the barriers which are currently hampering the continued development of the Port of Gdynia, and affords a wealth of opportunities for the efficient and effective functioning of the port’s ecosystem over the next five decades. Currently two designs are at an advanced stage of development. One is for a multi-branch Outer Port to be located at the extension of the Coal Pier, from Tadeusz Wenda Wharf to the Main Breakwater and beyond, towards the Bay. A few design options have been prepared and are being worked on. The other design is for access roads to the Outer Port, which are also crucial for the project as a whole. At the moment, three basic options are being considered for the road

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connection between the Outer Port and the planned Red Access Road, and ultimately the Tri-City Ring Road. The scope of this design covers alternative uses of existing streets Nowa Węglowa St., and Polska St. with another carriageway along rail tracks and an area known as Międzytorze. Each option is to develop the Ofiar Grudnia Junction leading towards Janka Wiśniewskiego St. But the construction of the Outer Port is not only about the port itself and its links to central Poland. It primarily involves the evaluation of the environmental conditions in the basin where the Outer Port is to be located. Such environmental monitoring will take a whole year to complete. It is also necessary to conduct, inter alia, sonar surveys, geotechnical investigation and testing, ferromagnetic survey, and wave and navigation analyses in the basin. Only after looking at all these studies and information, will the Management Board of the Port of Gdynia S.A. be able to make informed decisions about the project and its scope. The Outer Port is to be a public-private partnership project. The Port authorities need to select a private partner in a transparent tender procedure. Therefore, on its website, the Board has published an invitation to technical dialogue with potential partners so that the Board can learn about their immediate needs and expectations. This dialogue will help select the best design for the future Outer Port. •




erries are a familiar feature of the port of Gdynia and of the city. Conditions created for the development of the ferry traffic in the port of Gdynia by the Port of Gdynia Authority will surely contribute to the further growth of turnover to the satisfaction of all the partners operating in the difficult ferry business. That is why 18 years ago the Port of Gdynia Authority became aware of the urgent need to modernise the ferry terminal. The project was launched in 2000 when the terminal was adapted to accommodate at least two passenger ferries at a time. The number of control points for motor vehicles was increased as was parking space in front of the terminal itself. In 2003 the second stage of modernisation got underway. A decision was taken to expand the terminal building. In fact, a new passenger terminal was built in line with EU requirements. A bridge was built through which passengers board the ferry. At the same time it was assumed that the passenger terminal would be located adjoining Basin 8 for the next six years. That is why at end-2015 work was started on designing a new ferry terminal in the Port of Gdynia as part of the SEBTrans-Link project. Out of three options, one was selected providing for the construction of a new ferry terminal where two ferries could be moored at one time. The plans of thirteen years ago were shelved due to the 2007-2009 financial crunch. It is only now possible to come back to the idea, which is so vital for the Port of Gdynia, and which is now one of the port’s priority investment projects. It envisages the construction of a modern public ferry terminal in the central point of the eastern part of the port. It will be built at the point where the main thoroughfares, Polska and Chrzanowskiego streets, meet at the Karlskrona roundabout. Thanks to this location, the terminal and the ferry servicing facilities will be situated right next to the outer fairway to the port basins, next to the main turning circle No. 2 at the longest Poland wharf. The new terminal, whose construction, which got underway in late December 2017, will enable the port to serve much bigger 245+ metre long ferries which are entering the shipping market. The existing terminal only serves ferries up to 175 metres in length. As part of the project, a two-level ramp will be

built which will be adjustable to the height of the ferry. Efficient passenger handling will be ensured by a passenger gallery with a bridge which will be mechanically shifted to accommodate differently situated boarding points on different ferries. The construction of the new public ferry terminal is a vital investment project in the development of the Gdynia-Karlskrona Motorway of the Sea link. Over 75% of the capacity of the existing ferry terminal, which is situated deep within the harbour at Hel Wharf over an area of two hectares, is already used up. By contrast, the new terminal is to be laid out over an area of 7 hectares, with additional facilities situated over an area of over 9 hectares. The area adjoining Hel Wharf 2 will now be used for container handling. Within the entire investment project, a part of the Poland wharf and Finland wharf will be redeveloped. A modern passenger terminal will be built, complete with office infrastructure, warehouse, a vehicle manoeuvre area, road and rail access. The terminal will be situated right next to an intermodal railway terminal which will make it possible to ship more cargo by rail in line with Polish and EU policies meant to support environment-friendly modes of transport. The road network leading up to the new terminal site

has already been developed. Polska and Janka Wiśniewskiego streets have been widened. A sum of some PLN 117 million of EU funding has been made available for the project from the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment. The Authority’s investment will amount to almost PLN 222 million. The construction of the new ferry terminal is scheduled to be completed in 2021. “The construction of a major public ferry terminal is a very necessary investment project for the Port of Gdynia,” says Adam Meller, Port of Gdynia Authority CEO. “Each year more and more passengers and lorries bearing different loads cross the Baltic Sea from the Port of Gdynia to Scandinavia. That’s why by building the new ferry terminal, we take a giant step in the development of the ferry market, where there will be room for several ferry operators.” Once commissioned, the new ferry terminal will be administered directly by the Port of Gdynia Authority. It will have infrastructure which can be used by all interested carriers. The new ferry terminal will have offices and ticket sales points two operators can use in parallel, which will make it possible to develop ferry links to different Baltic • destinations. 6/2018  polish market




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hen Poland established Special Economic Zones in 1994, their underlying objective was to make use of vacant brownfield sites. These zones would offer tax exemptions to attract investment from regions with high unemployment rates. Over time, however, they were also provided with quality infrastructure and certain forms of support, such as clusters and development centres. The Industrial Development Agency (ARP) was the first organisation to have established a special economic zone – EUROPARK MIELEC SEZ. Its aim was to support the economic development of the Mielec region. Today, the SEZs under ARP’s management – EURO-PARK MIELEC SEZ and EUROPARK WISŁOSAN SEZ in Tarnobrzeg – offer more than just lower taxes. In addition, they streamline red tape, provide investment areas with good transport links and robust utility infrastructure, as well as access to wellqualified staff and a network of suppliers and sub-contractors from a range of industries. From the inception of SEZs, ARP S.A. issued over 800 SEZ permits, translating into PLN 20 billion worth of invested capital and more than 65,000 new jobs. Currently, SEZ investment areas under ARP’s management spread over a total area of 3,592 ha in 55 subzones across nine provinces. Almost three quarters of the permits were issued to Polish investors. ARP’s record year in this respect was 2017, when it issued 71 permits, totalling more than PLN 5 billion in investment commitments and 3,500 new jobs. The distinctive features of the Special Economic Zones under ARP’s management include investment areas located near the borders with Slovakia, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany and the Czech Republic. Also, a broadgauge steelworks railway line runs near the EURO-PARK WISŁOSAN SEZ in Tarnobrzeg,

enabling businesses operating in the SEZ to use railway terminals and transloading stations. The broad-gauge steelworks railway line facilitates affordable and fast transport of bulk and break-bulk cargo to and from markets in Russia and Far East. The areas of the EURO-PARK MIELEC SEZ are located near motorways, expressways and national roads, as well as rail infrastructure and airports in Rzeszów, Lublin, Szczecin and Mielec. For investors willing to venture into a SEZ, it is important to be able to complete the formalities fast. And these two zones make it possible. All requests for proposals are replied within up to 48 hours, and business permits are issued within no more than six weeks from the “Investor Submission” date. Moreover, both EURO-PARK MIELEC SEZ and EURO-PARK WISŁOSAN SEZ are pro-actively cooperating with local and regional governments, ensuring that the “green light” is given fast, and that the procedures relating to the SEZ projects are fast-tracked as much as possible. The Industrial Development Agency is a member of the Aviation Valley (Dolina Lotnicza) and Eastern Automotive Alliance (Wschodni Sojusz Motoryzacyjny) clusters. This provides the SEZ businesses extensive cooperation opportunities. The EURO-PARK WISŁOSAN SEZ has also established the Professional Education Cluster to support the SEZ businesses in recruiting well-qualified employees. This includes, among other efforts, cooperation in establishing new programmes of secondary vocational education. About 75 percent of the permits issued in the SEZs under ARP’s management were issued to companies with Polish capital. More than 70 percent of these permits were granted to SMEs. So, contrary to popular belief, it is the Polish SMEs that have been the main beneficiaries of SEZs under ARP’s management, • not major foreign corporations.

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s a result of the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy, the European economy should become knowledge-based, competitive and environmentally friendly, using resources effectively and ensuring a high level of employment. For Poland, this means that special focus and effort will be required to increase research and development funding, reduce emissions, increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix and significantly reduce energy consumption. The success of the implementation of the strategy's goals on national level depends on the actual activities undertaken in the area of the ​​ construction market, due to the significant beneficial potential of relevant technologies and innovations, the development of the existing and future employee competences, and also due to the sector’s significant share in the consumption of natural resources, energy and emissions to the environment. The general framework should focus on three priorities: development of a knowledge-based economy and innovation, support of a more efficient, environmentally friendly and competitive economy, support of a high-employment economy that ensures social and territorial cohesion. The most frequently discussed thematic areas that require our attention are: reducing the cost of new energy-efficient buildings and technologies, reducing the cost of renovations targeting improved energy efficiency, achieving Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) performance with economic efficiency (return time<10 years), removing market and trade barriers between EU markets, stimulating the market with energyefficient and sustainable products, enabling consensus and harmonisation in calculating the energy performance and certification of buildings, having a qualified building workforce, sustainable education and professional training programmes (including BIM), encouraging citizen engagement in the process, the digitisation of the construction process, working towards the interoperability and interaction between the energy grids of buildings and their energy management

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NEW CHALLENGES FOR AN ENERGY-EFFICIENT AND SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION MARKET MICHAŁ PIASECKI, PhD (Eng.), Head of Thermal Physics, Acoustics and Environment Department, Building Research Institute (ITB) systems, and supporting the activities of the contractual Public-Private Partnership. Investments in energy efficiency and sustainability may stimulate the national economy. In particular, the construction industry in Poland entered its peak period according to the new EU perspective and generates almost 7% of the nation's GDP. The implementation of public tenders (also green ones) on a large scale will create a larger share of sub-contracting construction companies thanks to these investments. The current unemployment rate among construction workers is practically zero, and average salaries have increased by 12.5%. The challenge is how to find additional qualified construction workers. Improving energy efficiency in the national construction sector can generate economic, social and environmental benefits. Better performing buildings should provide higher levels of comfort and wellbeing for their occupants, and improve health by reducing illnesses caused by a poor indoor climate. Improvement of the energy performance of the housing stock and the energy savings it brings would enable many households to escape energy poverty. The 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive (EPBD) are the EU's main legislative instruments promoting the improvement of the energy performance of buildings within the EU and providing a stable environment for investment decisions. Following the introduction of energy efficiency requirements in national building codes (Warunki Techniczne) in line with the Directive, new buildings currently consume only half as much as typical buildings from the 1980s. According to the EPBD, all new construction and existing buildings undergoing major renovation will have to meet Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) standards by 2018, and all new buildings must be nearly zero-energy buildings by 31 December 2020 (public buildings by 31 December 2018). The European Parliament (on 17 April 2018) and the Council of the European Union (on 14 May 2018) formally endorsed the political agreement on the proposed revision of the EPBD. This revision introduces

targeted amendments to the current Directive aimed at accelerating the cost-effective renovation of existing buildings, with the vision of a decarbonised building stock by 2050 and the mobilisation of investments. The revision also supports the deployment of electromobility infrastructure in building car parks and introduces new provisions to enhance smart technologies and technical building systems, including automation. Once this revision enters into force, the Member States have 20 months to transpose its provisions into national law. For many stakeholders, like national municipalities, the transition to NZEB may be a great challenge. Most lack knowhow, experience and funding. The EPBD also indicates a shortage of qualified employees in the construction sector. The preface indicates that ‘effective implementation of the directive depends on the representatives of the installation and construction sector.’ Therefore, the representatives of this sector should, through training and other activities, have an appropriate level of expertise in the installation and integration of the required energyefficient and renewable energy technologies. Under the new EPBD, Poland will have to establish stronger long-term renovation strategies (e.g. Wielka Płyta), aiming at decarbonising the national building stock by 2050, with a solid financial component. A common scheme for rating the smart readiness of buildings will soon be introduced. Smart technologies will be further promoted, for instance through requirements on the installation of building automation and control systems, and on devices that regulate temperature at room level. E-mobility will be supported by introducing minimum requirements for car parks over a certain size and other minimum infrastructure for smaller buildings. Poland will have to express its national energy performance requirements in ways that allow crossnational comparisons. The health and wellbeing of building users will be promoted, for instance through an increased consideration of air quality and ventilation and also by IEQ rating systems. •


WHO STANDS BEHIND BMS? ADAM PÓŁGRABIA, President of the Board, CEO, Global Control 5, and JAKUB ĆWIEK, Sales Manager,

talk to “Polish Market” about contemporary building management systems. Let’s begin with the basic question: what is a BMS? AP: A building management system (BMS) is an automatic control system installed in a building. Such buildings are called smart, intelligent. The task of the BMS is to integrate all of the building’s systems into a single whole, which makes it possible to efficiently manage the building from one place. The system controls the parameters of individual pieces of equipment and reports about any problems or failures. In particular, it integrates all the systems which control the building’s technical functions. Its basic task is managing ventilation systems, maintaining thermal comfort in individual rooms, and controlling lighting systems, shutters and even room access. Contemporary building management systems have powerful integration capabilities. Building automation systems are designed in the first place for public buildings, like hospitals and airports, and for commercial buildings: office buildings, hotels, shopping centres and so on. PM


This means that a building management system analyses the changing conditions outside the building and responds to them dynamically. And a person staying inside is virtually unaware that the system oversees everything.

AP: The system operates in such a way that some values are measured so as to automatically adjust conditions inside the building by means of controllers depending on temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide levels and light intensity. The system activates devices which ensure comfort inside the building. They may, for example, increase the amount of light somewhere, cool something, heat something, open or close something. The system has a layered architecture, just like our nervous system. At the highest level, there is the supervisory station – software which collects any sort of data concerning the building. It analyses the data, processes them and present them in a graphical form understandable to the operator. However, the most important function of the supervisory station is the autonomous global control of devices responsible for the parameters of operation of individual subsystems. In most cases, these are network controllers – industrial computers which divide the building’s communications system into smaller fragments to streamline the flow of data and counteract the consequences of a loss of communication. At this level, modern building management systems enable user access and allow users to manage their space, for example an open space, in a more advanced and efficient manner. At a lower level, there are application controllers or less powerful programmable logic

controllers managing a smaller number of actuators or collecting data from a smaller number of sensors. Then, we have Input/Output (I/O) modules, sensors and other peripheral devices. Global Control 5 delivers all these elements, which means we offer end-to-end solutions – from the management layer to peripheral devices. JĆ: The task of a BMS is to create a common environment for user's comfort and savings. Every building manager wants comfort to come at the lowest possible price. Our system has been well-thought-out in every detail and our latest iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller is well in keeping with our approach. Every building management system includes many controllers, each responsible for a specific part of the building. It can be a single floor, or a subsystem, like for example an air handling unit. Until recently investors often focused on how much they will have to pay for the controllers and the construction of the system. At present, they think more about maintenance costs throughout the building’s lifecycle. Unfortunately, we have to do with a deluge of cheap equipment, which means that purchase costs are low but then problems arise. We have designed our iSMA system so that, apart from having a competitive price, it can also provide long-term savings. And this is what our customers appreciate. Thanks to this, we develop ties between us and our partners or distributors

Construction and they transfer this idea further to their customers. When you buy other controllers everything starts to break after 10 or 15 years of operation or an upgrade is needed, which means you have to replace the controllers. Every controller is a combination of hardware and software. Producing them involves costs and contributes to the final price of the device. In the case of the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller, the software is portable and stored on an SD card. As a result, it can be transferred to another piece of hardware. Even if the hardware gets damaged, for example as a result of overvoltage, the cost of its recovery will only amount to one third of the initial cost while in the case of devices offered by other producers the replacement cost is 100%. In this respect, we markedly reduce maintenance costs. As a result, our system and iSMA products are making inroads into Western markets because very much attention is paid on these markets to maintenance costs. Does the notion of smart, or intelligent, building really function in practice? AP: It is about providing comfort in buildings in a controllable manner. Our solutions enable smart building management. Hence the name iSMA – Intelligent Solution Managing Automation. Additionally, our devices differ from others in that they are engineer-friendly, they give installers great ease of operation and are intuitive. Consequently, the time of installation and start-up is much shorter. We collect installers’ opinions for this purpose. In England, for instance, the time of installation with the use of iSMA products has been shortened by up to three times. This generates substantial savings in the investment process, especially in developed countries where labour costs are very high. JĆ: It is worth stressing that we are not afraid of “old fashioned” solutions which are welltested and worth using. Investors sometimes have to do with poorly qualified construction workers. This is why such solutions as mechanical switches for device programming are still valued. Innovation is not about following the herd instincts and constantly developing new applications and tools. It is about being able to PM

stop and notice where innovation is of no use for the customer. An engineer will not be satisfied if they always have to switch on a notebook to configure devices even in the case of very basic settings. A better solution for them is, for example, the use of mechanical switches that we offer. We give the installer a choice, depending on the situation. Our products can be configured remotely. However, if we have 100 air-conditioning controllers to be installed it is easier to set the switches and give them to workers to be mounted in the right place rather than hire an engineer who will have to connect with each device and activate it. And it costs less. This is what our partners value about us. Is this the key to success? Your products operate on all continents. What are you proud of the most? AP: I think our success is a combination of several very important components. Although we are a relatively young company and have been expanding organically and very rapidly, our biggest asset is the know-how and intellectual property contained in our iSMA products. We try to set aside as much money as possible for this purpose. Around 40% of our company’s resources are now employed in our R&D department, which enables us to launch several new products and upgrades for existing devices every year. The development work spans product development in terms of functionality, the hardware and software design phase and the phase of testing and preparing technical documentation which is submitted to the production department. To illustrate our success in numbers: we started off in 2015 from scratch and have expanded by 100% every year since. The number of our employees is on the rise, we generate a profit and our profitability in percentage is a two-digit figure. The number of our devices operating across the world has already reached near 100,000. We have customers in more than 50 countries. We have achieved this step by step starting with Europe and then expanding onto the Middle Eastern, South African, Australian and PM

New Zealand markets. Our most recent success is the entrance onto the North American market. We have signed distribution agreements in Canada in April this year and in the United States at the end of May. These are major distributors who serve hundreds of customers in Canada and the United States. Does the American market really differ that much from other markets? Did you have to meet any specific conditions when entering the North American market? AP: Generally, entrance onto individual international markets involves the need to overcome certification barriers. In the United States and Canada, it is UL and CSA standards. They differ little from European standards, but have some special features, including inspections at a manufacturing site to assure quality. On many markets we had to obtain sectoral certification for compliance with a specific standard, like for example the communications protocol BACnet. Additionally, the American market is quite special because of its different economic conditions, logistics and people’s mind-set. We are still learning to operate on this market, but have already scored some successes. The calibre of our partners proves this. Among them are WestExcel (a Canadian company) and Controlco (a US company) being the members of the prestigious organisation Control Group of North America (CGNA). PM

PM The United Arab Emirates is potentially one of the most attractive markets for you. The market is particularly demanding in terms of security, comfort and modern solutions. JĆ: We already have sales experience in this region. We have three partners on this market. At present, contracts worth several hundred thousand dollars come into play, but of course the market is much broader. In the near future, we will be signing two new contracts. One is already being finalised, the other is to be concluded in this quarter. Having got a better insight into this market at Dubai’s IOTx fair, in which we have taken part, we have decided to diversify our sales channels. We will have

RADU PETRESCU, MANAGING DIRECTOR, INNON ENERGY LTD, UK What is the interest in the Global Control 5 offer in your market and how are the sales developing? Every successful partnership has the foundation on trust and shared values. GC5 is more than a supplier to Innon, we developed a deep partnership. We are together on the same journey, all the staff here at Innon and our colleagues at GC5 share the same drive and ambition to do things better, in every aspect of our job. What collectively gives us strength and purpose is not the search of perfection, but the joy of constantly learning and improving. GC5 have a core belief that BMS controls can be done better. What sets GC5 apart is their definition of better. For GC5 was not enough to have clever product design, was not enough to manufacture super high quality products at affordable pricing, it goes way beyond that. GC5's desire to make a difference in the BMS market extends to its relationship and care for its distributors. This is why we are proudly representing GC5 in the UK, Ireland and Romania our relationship goes much further than promoting BMS equipment, we are on a journey together. This special relationship with GC5 enables us to double our sales every year, now shipping thousands of GC5 products per month to over 200 BMS companies in the UK. We are enabling our clients to do the most innovative BMS projects, on average we help our clients deliver in excess of 100 different projects per month in a variety of polish market market sectors. 6/2018  We are both proud and thankful to GC5 for their continued partnership and we are very excited about the road ahead. Thank you GC5!


Construction a direct distributor in the Emirates, but we will also be working with an office of a global IT corporation, one of the world’s top five blue chips, which is now at the beginning of its road towards the Internet of Things. The corporation wants to adapt our solutions for this purpose. This channel will enable our cooperation with around 600 vendors in the Gulf region, Iran, Iraq and North Africa. We will have a sales machine where new products will account for 4050% of the total sales. The United Arab Emirates is the best market for this kind of solutions because it is high-budget, receptive and is an outlet for top quality products. Speaking figuratively, of a skyscraper is built there it has to be the highest and the technologies applied there need to be the best and most innovative. Does Global Control 5 already have to its credit a project equally impressive as the highest buildings in Dubai? AP: A good example is the use of our devices in a distribution chain of one of the largest American conventional and online retailers: in Manchester, Luxembourg and two sites in Italy. Unfortunately, because of our distributors and the secrecy agreements we have signed, we PM

are unable to disclose the name of the company. But believe me, everyone knows it. All of the sales is through local distributors and their partners who have proven that our devices are of high quality and that using them on these sites makes sense. Of course, given a globally operating company, we had to meet extra requirements in terms of device specification and openness as well as device lifespan and maintenance costs. We are very glad to have an opportunity to boast about it, although it may sound too mysteriously, perhaps. Interestingly, in the past, when building its distribution centres, including the ones in Poland, the company relied on devices which turned out not to be optimal in operation. The company drew conclusions from this, used our Polish open-architecture products and applied this concept in its distribution centres in England and other countries. Another very prestigious example is Porsche. iSMA products operate in their showrooms throughout Switzerland. Porsche, Switzerland – no need to say more. PM

What are the challenges facing the market for building management systems?

JĆ: Over the past 20 years building automation lagged behind. However, due to the very rapid development of technology, microprocessors, computers and so on, building automation has started to embrace all of a building’s systems. It increasingly determines whether a building is modern and is becoming a leading part of the construction sector. This is why such giants as Huawei and Intel are beginning to take an interest in building automation. They have realised that building management means not only controlling a building’s ventilation system, but also gaining access to information about its occupants’ habits. Information management is profitable, as Google’s example shows. A building management system makes it possible to send data to the cloud and manage them. This enables providing the content that the users are interested in and external services. Global Control 5 is among the leaders of this new wave, one of the companies which build the BMS in the way it has been designed for – to pick the best solutions from the market and combine them into an optimal system which best meets the customer’s needs. •

MAURIZIO ROSSI, SALES MANAGER, QUICKLINK SOLUTIONS, ITALY What is the interest in the Global Control 5 offer in your market and how are the sales developing? Italy is a growing market and is very receptive to the solutions proposed by Global Control 5. There are many System Integrators and our Partners who mainly choose iSMA products for their building automation projects. This is clearly shown by the turnover data, with an impressive growth of more than 240% (first half 2017 vs first half 2018). The most requested products are the I/O modules iSMA-B-MIX38, especially appreciated for their installation versatility. What are some of the more spectacular projects you are currently involved in? You are currently working with a very large US company, what services do you provide it on behalf of Global Control 5? One of the most important project is our presence in the management of some buildings, located in Italy, of BRT S.p.A, an important Italian company of logistics and freight transport. An innovative project, in collaboration with WedgePower, is the Smart City Project for the city of Cuneo, where an electrical energy production plant was set up to supply a glass production plant with the possibility of recovering and reusing the heat for the district heating of the city. In each sub-central (about 500, growing number) a management kit is provided, including a I/O module iSMA-B-MIX18-IP. Together with Engie Italia, very popular energy company, GC5 products are integral part of installations for the management and energy efficiency of schools, municipalities and public buildings. Among the projects, in collaboration with Honeywell HBS, a quick mention goes to very big US company, where the GC5 products are committed for the automation of some sites of the e-commerce giant.

TEDDY CARONI, MARKETING DIRECTOR, BTIB, FRANCE What is the interest in the Global Control 5 offer in your market and how are the sales developing? Our interest is to be able to give access to our partners to a global product range that can easily integrate with the tools they are used to. As Niagara System Integrator the way they program the GC5 controllers is very similar so it make them do a better job in less time than with other technologies. BTIB is an independent distributors for BMS, this is why it is very important for us to propose open products to our partners network and to the market. GC5 has built a real partnership with their distributor that allow each other to improve and develop business as an eco-system network. What are some of the more spectacular projects you are currently involved in? You are currently working with a very large US company, what services do you provide it on behalf of Global Control 5? Our System integrators network is using GC5 products in large multi-site applications to collect data in order to improve building management. They are also using products on classic office buildings which are more and more furnished with smart system and sensors. Lastly, we have been selected to realize the integration of European head quarter of a very large US company. We are working closely with their team to build a fully open system, remotely connected to their operation center. Today, the challenge is to be able to plug many services on any kind of buildings: Energy Efficiency, Analytics, Space optimization, Remote maintenance, etc. The products we are using, Niagara from Tridium and iSMA products line are completely oriented this way and 30  polish market  will be part of the future for our market.

Modernization of the Year


& INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CONTEST "EUROPEAN AWARD" ROMAN PIKUŁA, President of the Association for the Protection of National Material Heritage, Supervisor of the Modernisation of the Year Nationwide Competition.


wo years have passed since the first edition of the competition. Over these years, the Modernisation of the Year has become a solid brand. The statuettes and distinctions for best-modernised structures do matter. The competition gives awards for quality. What is the strength of this competition? In addition to more than 22 years of tradition and prestige resulting from hard work, extraordinary diversity is also among its present strengths. This is what enabled small and local projects to participate in the competition. It is diversity and the possibility of presenting not only the great and spectacular projects, but also the smaller and equally needed ones, that resulted in a surge of new applications. Finally, it made the people carrying out local modernisation projects realise that it is worth putting actual effort, fighting and focusing on quality. And, indeed, it is worth it. Not for splendour, but because every small investment successively improves the appeal of even small towns. And small projects, as we know, necessitate every subsequent one to be bigger and more important. Just like money makes money, the same is true for construction. One house is built next to another. This is the objective of this competition. It is not only a track to race on. It is a stimulus for action, showing that not only grand projects are presented during the competition. It stimulates the small to do great things on their scale and in their reality. Thanks to this more and more playgrounds, cycling paths, street lighting, catering places, etc. are appearing in small towns. Some examples include the new roundabout in Płock, submitted for this year’s competition, which has improved the comfort and safety of drivers, the redevelopment of the “Niespodzianka” historic villa in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, which will now serve as a place for wedding ceremonies, and developing recreational grounds on the Mrożyczka Artificial Lake in Głowno. If you think that these projects are of small significance, you are wrong. These projects directly improve the quality of lives of local communities. Thus, they are of colossal significance. This is how you build a country. The finalists of this year’s edition of the competition are aware of this fact. They understand their roles. And we are overjoyed that they are with us. Now and in the future. •

ROBERT PLEWIŃSKI, Director of the International


Construction Contest "European Award"

n 2017 prizes were given for the first time under the International Construction Contest Modernisation of the Year – European Award. It is a competition which promotes projects from all over Europe. It is based on the Modernisation of the Year Nationwide Competition, first organised in 1996. The 2nd edition of the European Award features participants mainly from Central and Eastern Europe, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland. The European Award as well as Modernisation of the Year promote the investor, contractor, designer and their joint work. Companies and institutions register structures for the European Award not only to conquer foreign markets, but mainly to boast of their participation or European Award in their home country. What conditions the strength of the competition (also of the European one) is not only the achievements of large companies and institutions, but also of small and medium-sized enterprises operating on local markets and building for their communities. What they make is worth showing to the whole of Europe, so that other small homelands could copy their models and people living in small towns of the Czech Republic, Ukraine or Poland could learn how it’s done by others. On the other hand, the award makes you feel proud of your achievements and edify the quality of local communities throughout Europe. In the age of the Internet, the world is becoming a global village, but it is not the Internet which constructs our houses, streets or stations, it is people who do, and nothing will replace direct contact and eye-to-eye conversations. The International Construction Contest Modernisation of the Year creates such opportunities and platforms for understanding. The European Award contest is organised by the Association and is a grassroots initiative which unites people who build the new world, while respecting the accomplishments of previous generations. We invite all people from all over Europe to submit their applications. More details on www.europeanaward.eu. • 6/2018 polish market






aving gained experience related to the revitalisation of the Łochów Palace (finalist of the 22nd edition of the 2017 Modernisation of the Year Nationwide Competition), learned from my mistakes, and taken pleasure in its conversion, I decided to look for another task. My choice was Łódź, partly because of my sentimental attachment to the city (I studied at the Łódź Film School) and partly because of my interest in industrial architecture and its new functions. And then an official receiver published an invitation to tender for a Cigarette Factory. We submitted our tender and won. This was in late 2006. Not much was being constructed in Łódź at the time, and those rare construction projects were mainly outside the city centre. It was a challenge – a dozen or so buildings in very diverse condition, some entered in the register of historical building, some under the charge of a conservator, some added to the complex after the Second World War and completely worthless, fit only for demolition. The biggest and most beautiful building was largely destroyed by fire. We have created a part of the city with various functions: residential, hotel, service,

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office, with the entire infrastructure, inner streets, green areas, Doświadczenia Square. The revitalisation of this residential estate gave us a lot of joy and showed the need for more such holistic projects. The estate is visited by tours and groups of Łódź residents. A publication on its history and revitalisation is being prepared. Several dozen lofts were created. Tabaco Hotel received several prestigious awards, including Property Awards 2014, Top Design Award 2015, Poland’s LeadingBoutique Hotel 2016, and the Modernisation of the Year 2016 title in the accommodation facilities category. We give old buildings a new life, new functions. Their value, contrary to that of most newly erected buildings, will increase. We have made our contribution to the positive image of Łódź. When developing Tobaco Park we also converted Bishops’ Palace in Janów Podlaski (which was awarded the 2015 Modernisation of the Year title). In 2017, we finished the modernisation of barracks in Góra Kalwaria, transforming it into a hotel and flats for repatriates from Kazakhstan. In April 2017, we started construction works on our largest project, the Żnin Sugar Factory Industrial Park, near Bydgoszcz. Sugar plants are enormous and their potential is

nothing short of it. Modern hotel, recreational and rehabilitation functions, and a museum of sugar production, to name a few, will be implanted into the existing structures and industrial interiors. We are preparing two new large projects which will house hotel and residential facilities. These include Uphagen's Manor House in the Lower Town district of Gdańsk and a monastery in Wrocław. We feel the need to converted more historic buildings. Unfortunately, many of these were irretrievably destroyed under the previous political system as well as in recent years. The subsequent fires and demolitions have taken their toll, and so the buildings must be crossed out from the registers of historical buildings. Somehow, nobody is to blame. This is why the difficulties we face during conversion projects are even more vexing. Arranging building permits can take several years, and the real property tax usually still has to be paid. The cost of reconstructing such buildings is, on average, 150% of the cost of building new ones. Luckily, our awareness is changing and I hope that regulations and cooperation with organisations, with which we meet in the process of revitalising historical buildings, will become better. •



n January 10, 2017 the Grodzisk Mazowiecki commune signed a contract for the restoration of the historic Villa Niespodzianka (Surprise.) This old building is very precious for Polish national heritage and the Grodzisk Mazowiecki commune. The investment project encompassed maintenance, modernisation and adaptation of the historic building and its surroundings. As part of the work, the villa was refurbished. The garden that surrounds it was also given a makeover with new plants and granite walkways. Plants were selected with environmental concerns in mind. The Villa Niespodzianka was built in the art nouveau style in 1903. It is a period suburban house with clearly marked art nouveau features which make it stand out among other buildings from the same period. It looks like a cross between a traditional Italian villa and a romantic palace with a turret featuring stylish, twisting art nouveau balcony balustrades. The villa was built as a summer house surrounded by a decorated fence with gates. Part of the house is a single-story building, the rest is a twofloor structure with a round turret topped with a helmet resting on corbels. The turret used to contain a water tank, thanks to which running water was available in the house. The fence features a neo-gothic gate.

Modernization of the Year

The cultural value of the building lies in the fact that it was designed by its owner, acclaimed architect Józef Moszyński, who gave the villa its name Niespodzianka. After WWII the building was commandeered by the state for council housing. It was entered in the national heritage register in 2010 to protect its form and architectural values. Before the restoration, the building had been so run down that those who lived in it had to be evacuated. Now the villa will house the Grodzisk Visual Arts Education Centre. It will serve as an art gallery and a creative arts educational centre, where special attention will be paid to graphic arts, multimedia and interdisciplinary undertakings. The gallery will feature an exhibition devoted to the life and work of Tadeusz Łapiński and his wife Maria Aust Łapińska. One room will be equipped with multimedia kiosks where the story of the life and work will be told of conceptual artist Ewa Partum who was born at Villa Niespodzianka. It will be complete with a specialist library devoted to design, architecture and art history. Wedding ceremonies will also be held in the historic building. The commune entered the restored building for the Mod• ernisation of the Year 2017 competition. 6/2018 polish market





he idea to create a library at the Wrocław Główny railway station first emerged 13 years ago. It was then that the Wrocław City Council adopted a resolution on the modernisation of the network of libraries in Wrocław. Its main purpose was to identify those areas in Wrocław, in which libraries of a new type, namely library & information centres, were to be established. These were to be situated in the largest housing estates and major transport hubs, so in locations with substantial traffic. The Wrocław Główny railway station, which is visited ever day by several thousand people, appeared as the perfect spot for a library branch. In the meantime, the station underwent comprehensive upgrading, and Wrocław being selected the European Capital of Culture only sped up the decision process. This, of course, required bilateral arrangements between the City and Polish State Railways which were successfully made and resulted in the creation of two culture-oriented spaces at the station: a library and an exhibition gallery. In 2017, the

opening ceremony was attended by Donna Scheeder, President of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). Several months later, more than 3,200 librarians from largest libraries around the world came to Wrocław to participate in the 83rd IFLA World Library and Information Congress. The Station Library is a place which offers library resources, including books, magazines and multimedia such as films and educational programs, and provides access to a dozen or so thousand e-books, which can be downloaded to mobile devices. In 2017, over seven months, the library was used by more than 3000 returning readers, who borrowed nearly 30,000 various items. The age structure of readers is very diverse. Last year, those aged 20-24 comprised the largest group, followed by individuals aged 4560. Obviously, users of all ages benefit from the library’s services. While items are borrowed mainly by Wrocław residents, the e-book offering is also attractive among tourists. The

library has been visited by more than 20,000 people. In Q1 of this year alone, it was visited by as many as 11,000 individuals. The Municipal Public Library in Wrocław is participating, for the second time now, in the Modernisation of the Year nationwide competition. In 2005, it was awarded a distinction in the “Most interesting interior modernisation and conversion of 2004” category for its project, Building Modernisation into the “Mediateka” Multimedia Library. Our participation in this year’s competition, therefore, stems from previous decisions. In my opinion, the Modernisation of the Year is a very prestigious event, which for many years has been organised under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Poland. I am sure that presenting interesting venues also serves an educational function. Demonstrating best practices can inspire others to take on difficult challenges, and the library must keep up with the changing needs of its users, in terms of its offering and attractive space. •



nother site on the map of proenvironmental modernisation projects is the Conference and Exhibition Centre at the Forest Research Institute in Sękocin Stary. The Experimental Production Station (EPS) building was built in the 1960s as a production hall. Forestry machines were designed, constructed and tested in the building. It was also the place in Poland to carry out stress tests of safety cages for forestry tractors. After changes in the political system, this activity was discontinued. For

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a couple of years, the building served as a film studio for the "Na dobre i na złe" series. Over the last years, it has been used by the Institute as a warehouse and a temporary garage. Taking into account the Institute’s needs and the possibility of using a large and modern conference centre for commercial purposes, a decision was made to modernise the EPS hall. The modernised facility, renamed the Conference and Exhibition Centre (CEC) in Sękocin Stary was commissioned in October 2017. •


Modernization of the Year

A short talk with GRZEGORZ JANKOWSKI, Strzelce Krajeńskie Forest Inspectorate, on the modernisation of the Forest Inspectorate Office and the employed solutions.

What was the reason behind the need to implement this project? The previous Strzelce Krajeńskie Forest Inspectorate Office required us to incur costs of repairs to ensure an appropriate working standard for our employees, and adapt the building to comply with the legal regulations and use standards in force. PM

What are the advantages of the implemented project? The advantages of our new office include the new, functional office building with a conference section and a garage/warehouse building which meets the Forest Inspectorate’s needs. The building makes use of environmentally friendly technologies, such as heating using heat pumps and energy-saving lighting. • PM

MODERNISING THE POZNAŃ ZOO EWA ZGRABCZYŃSKA, Director of the Poznań Zoo, talks to "Polish Market" about the reasons for and effects of the conducted modernisation, and the plans for future projects. What was the reason behind the need to implement this project? For many years, the area covered by the project required a comprehensive overhaul due to the environmental protection regulations and the guidelines of the EAZA (the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria), as well as for reasons related to the improvement in animal welfare standards. This place, which is located in a woodland, fitted perfectly in the modernisation project of a series of aviaries for the most endangered predatory mammals. At the same time, we have succeeded in improving the land infrastructure, providing our visitors with a more interesting experience. Animal welfare improved, as did the spatial PM

layout around runs, which makes it possible for the visitors to watch animals without disturbing them. Bud Wid was among the contractors responsible for modernising the Poznań Zoo. The company redeveloped aviaries and runs for predatory mammals. Dawid Umiński, Bud Wid’s CEO, describes the company and the conducted works: "We are a small, but rapidly developing company. We build houses and modernise buildings. This gives us stability. Working for the Zoo makes it possible for us to do what we are passionate about. Our main areas of operation include stonework, paving work and woodwork. Our work improved the living conditions of

wildcats and jaguarundis. According to the management of the New Zoo, the project has greatly improved the everyday lives of endangered species as well as increasing the number of people visiting our Zoo. In addition, it has made the area more attractive. The Poznań Zoo covers approximately 120 hectares. It is located in a forest, which makes it more attractive. It is worth highlighting that in the Zoo there are more than 300 animal species, including several dozen endangered ones. The facility also participates in a dozen or so research and scientific programmes. Moreover, in the Poznań Zoo there are many young animals, and the place is visited by many visitors who care a lot about the facility. " • 6/2018 polish market


"MADE IN POLAND" EQUALS GOOD QUALITY! On 18 June 2018 the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw housed the 28th Teraz Polska Gala, during which the Teraz Polska Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation presented awards for the best Polish companies, services, innovations and local government bodies. The slogan, emblem and the award continue to be widely recognised in Poland and abroad. The competition is considered one of the most prestigious quality awards. This year the Jury of the Competition honoured with awards 12 products, 10 services, 2 innovative projects and 2 municipalities. It was also for the 9th time that the Outstanding Pole title was awarded. The fabulous Młynarski-Masecki Jazz Band added splendour to the evening, playing Polish songs of the inter-war period in modern arrangements. Maciej Proliński


Almost 30 years have passed since Polish entrepreneurs received top awards in the Teraz Polska competition for the first time. The competition, which since its very beginning has promoted strong Polish brands, has in itself become a brand with traditions, and Poles no longer need to be convinced that Polish brands can be trusted. To join the ranks of those select few, winners of the Teraz Polska competition, means to assume the role of an ambassador of brand Poland and Polish quality. The Teraz Polska emblem enjoys trust, social recognition and public acclaim. It is a guarantee of top quality that consumers receive when they buy a given product or service. Poles trust the Teraz Polska emblem. For the winners of the competition using the white and red symbol is a great distinction and at the same time a huge responsibility, because they cannot betray the trust reposed in them," said Krzysztof Przybył, President of the Teraz Polska Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation. The list of companies whose products received awards this year included Comp, Fibar Group, Polpharma, Zakłady Przemysłu Sklejek Biaform (Plywood Manufacturing Company Biaform), Ambra, Okręgowa Spółdzielnia Mleczarska w Kole (the Regional Dairy Cooperative in Koło), SM Mlekovita, Wipasz, POLOmarket, Podlaska Chata, Kurtiak i Ley Wydawnictwo Artystyczne (Kurtiak & Ley Artistic Publishing House) and uAvionics Technologies. Among the companies which received awards for their services were PKN Orlen, Korporacja Radex, Szczecińska Energetyka Cieplna, Ecco Wood, Good Food Concept, Nowa Itaka, Grupa Lux Med, Wychowański, Premium Mobile and AED Polska. For the 11th time the Jury of the Competition granted awards for the best innovative projects. This year these were undertakings implemented by the Medincus Centre of Hearing and Speech (developing a Polymodal Sensory Perception

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Stimulator for therapy using Skarżyński's method) and Creotech Instruments and CloudFerro (EO Cloud, a service enabling access to and processing of satellite data through cloud computing). Ostrów Wielkopolski and Suwałki were the winners in the Municipality category. The goal of the Competition in this category is to select the best municipalities in Poland in terms of cost-effectiveness and attractiveness for residents and entrepreneurs. "This is not a mass-scale award. This year it was granted only to 2 municipalities. This way only the best get awards," emphasised Michał Lipiński, Director of the Teraz Polska Competition. “This year's winners demonstrate that sound management and adopting a suitable development strategy provide good conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and for residents,” he added. There is still an essential need to promote the activities of exceptional individuals, whose achievements and commitment contribute to

advocating and strengthening a positive image of Poland and Poles in the world and who in a way become ambassadors of brand Poland. Therefore, the Outstanding Pole titles were awarded for the 9th time to those whose activities and numerous successes promote the image of Poland and Poles abroad. The individuals who received the title were Kamil Stoch – the Polish ski jumper who has won the most awards, three times Olympic champion (individual), winner of the Olympic bronze medal (team competition), world champion in individual and group competitions, two-time winner of the World Cup trophy, winner of the 65th and 66th Four Hills Tournament; Jerzy Skolimowski – a director, script writer and film actor, painter and poet, who has received numerous awards at film festivals, including in Berlin, Cannes, Venice and Tokyo; and Rev. Professor Michał Heller – cosmologist, philosopher and theologist, the first Pole to receive the Templeton Prize for bridging the gap between science • and religion.

THE QUALITY OF LIFE AND LIVING STANDARDS ARE THE PRIORITY TADEUSZ CHOŁKO, Head of the Suwałki Commune, talks to „Polish Market.” The Suwałki Commune is the winner of the Teraz Polska Promotional Emblem award. What does the prize mean to you? The fact that the Suwałki Commune has received the Teraz Polska Emblem is a great significance to us because it shows that the involvement of local government in the shaping of the commune’s social and economic development is appreciated. The award is prestigious, and this is one of the main reasons why we decided to enter the competition. The ability to use the Teraz Polska Emblem is a guarantee that local government carries out its responsibilities and provides services in an optimum way. I would like to stress that only two local government bodies in Poland have received the award, one on the town level and one on the village level. We are proud that the Suwałki Commune is the only rural commune to become the laureate of the Teraz Polska Emblem. PM

You have received the prize, among other things, for the implementation of your investment policies. What investment projects does the commune focus on and what kind of support do they receive from EU funding? With an eye to improving the living standards and quality of life of the inhabitants of the Suwałki Commune, I have always aimed toward the implementation of investment projects which give local inhabitants better access to well-developed infrastructure and satisfy their needs by providing favourable living conditions. Over my nearly four terms in office, water supply and drainage pipes have been laid practically all over the commune, which was a particularly difficult task given that settlements are scattered over a wide area. I would like to stress that the Suwałki Commune is a forerunner in terms of building modern concrete roads. Six concrete roads have been built in the Suwałki Commune so PM

far. In June 2018 the Commune won the title of Leader of Cross-Border Polish-Lithuanian Cooperation in the field of transport infrastructure. We also invest in the development of sports facilities. Right now the commune has three full-sized sports halls. By end-September we are planning to commission two multipurpose sports grounds with a polyurethane surface. The commune’s high level of economic development is highlighted by the number of new businesses which are set up locally each year. There are also outside investment projects such as a wind farm built in 2009, which consists of 21 2.3MW turbines, and projects implemented by firms operating within the Suwałki Special Economic Zone, which also covers the area of the Suwałki Commune. Proof of the commune’s investment attractiveness is the fact that for the fifth time it has won the Fair Play Commune Certified Investment Location title and golden statuette. It has been possible to implement the numerous investment projects primarily thanks to the commune’s favourable financial situation and to outside financing, including EU funding. Between 2004 and 2017, the Suwałki Commune obtained a sum of over PLN 30 million from EU funds and the state budget for undertakings in the sphere of infrastructure, culture, education and renewable energy sources. Your commune has won the Teraz Polska award also for the implementation of social policy goals, including access to public infrastructure and the implementation of social policies. What goals lie ahead of you in this respect? As of 2018 the Suwałki Commune has introduced its own Big Family Card under which users are given swimming pool discounts. So far some 100 such cards have been issued. Besides, these families are entitled to PM

use the national Big Family Card, thanks to which they enjoy a series of additional discounts. The commune has five full-scale nurseries and three nursery points in the villages of Płociczno-Tartak, Przebród and Stary Folwark which provide care for over 150 children. Moreover, the Suwałki commune covers the cost of education for some 400 children and adults who use educational facilities in a neighbouring commune, the town of Suwałki. We also place special emphasis on meeting local inhabitants’ cultural needs. On 1 January 2015 the Commune Cultural Centre was set up in the village of Krzywe. It currently operates the main facility in Krzywe as well as five other community centres. Before the end of the year yet another community centre will be commissioned in the village of Turówka Nowa. Thanks to stable and pragmatic management in the sphere of social policies covering education, culture and health, the commune’s local government intends to invest in the development of existing infrastructure with the aim of improving the living conditions of local inhabitants. As part of these undertakings two beaches will be developed, complete with accompanying infrastructure including a playground and pavilions. In addition to that, more outdoor workout facilities will be installed in the near future. In all our undertakings we cater for the needs of the disabled. In this respect we are involved in wide-ranging collaboration with the Suwałki chapter of the Polish Association For Persons with Intellectual Disability, for which the commune has made two buildings available to set up a physiotherapy and educational centre, which was established in 2009, and a community social services centre for persons with mental problems and the intellectually challenged, which was opened in 2013. This collaboration scheme is pursued for the benefit of both sides. • 6/2018  polish market


TODAY’S MARKET REQUIRES GREAT FLEXIBILITY ANNA SOBIERAJ-ŻERDZICKA, Vice-President of Korporacja Radex SA, talks to “Polish Market.” Your activity spans a wide range of different fields - from coordinating large investment projects to managing and leasing commercial space to building a large business organisation. Does the business market in Poland require this kind of versatility or is it a feature that sets you apart from other companies? Every company, at a certain stage of its development, has to answer this fundamental question: “How can I reduce the risk of my activity and ensure security to myself in the changing business environment in terms of liquidity?” Today’s market requires great flexibility on the part of businesses and their departure not only from standard planning methods but also from relying on a single type of activity. This is why our crucial business decisions have included an attempt to diversify our fields of activity. As a result, we try to base our operations on the potential we have while at the same time diversifying to a maximum extent the sectors in which our activity develops. It should be stressed that this is not a requirement of the market but our logical effort towards stability and security, which may guarantee a secure existence for the company for many years to come. This versatility, which can be called our distinguishing quality, requires constant activity from us in the form of adjusting to change, change management and seeking new development opportunities. At present, one of our three basic pillars of activity is the management of investment processes. It is based not only on our experience of many years and knowledge, but also on the management model we have developed. It guarantees maximum efficiency in the complex implementation of construction projects and flexibility needed to acquire new knowledge and new skills. It is worth stressing that this management model is now taught at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Warsaw University of Technology. PM

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A stable pillar of our activity and a base on which the company may rely for many years of predictable operations is facility management and comprehensive services for the Korporacja Radex Business Park, which we own in Warsaw. The Central Industrial District (COP) Cluster, our third pillar, has only operated for five years but its activity has already contributed to creating business projects in more than 10 sectors, developing a network of representatives in 12 countries and participating in many serious and bold undertakings in Poland and abroad. You are a winner of the Teraz Polska Polish Promotional Emblem. What has earned you this distinction? It is worth noting that we have been nominated for the Emblem twice in the past. And this year we received the Polish Promotional Emblem in two categories: for investment process management and the best product and services offered to our tenants in the Korporacja Radex Business Park at 34 Marywilska Street in Warsaw. PM

What are your plans for the near future? In the near future we plan to focus on the basic pillar of our activity: managing and developing the Korporacja Radex Business Park, our business centre at 34 Marywilska Street in Warsaw, which means building the company’s stability. Our long-term plans include further investment on the site and expanding our leasable area by more than 10,000 sq m. Of course, we will continue to develop in the area of investment process management because we are now preparing to become the coordinator of a project for a large international investor. The project involves the construction of logistics centres in the Baltic-Adriatic economic corridor. Apart from the two development directions I have just mention, we also focus on the dynamic development of the COP Cluster. Its efforts are now centred on organising specific business projects in several European and African countries. It relies on the potential of Polish companies which want to significantly accelerate their development. • PM

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Chemical Industry


Wojciech Wardacki, President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A recieves an award from Tomasz Zieliński, President of the Board of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry


he most important event of the chemical industry in Poland is over. More than 400 guests participated in this year’s, fifth edition of the “Polish Chemistry” Congress, which took place on 13-14 June in Wieliczka. Representatives of the entire chemical sector, CEOs of the largest companies, representatives of the Government, MPs and experts, all engaged in two-day discussions on the current situation of the Polish chemical industry, the challenges to be faced by the entire sector, and the major global trends that have an increasing impact on the future of the sector at large. The Congress can be summed up using the words of the President of the Board of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, Mr Tomasz Zieliński, Eng. PhD, “Polish Chemistry is a strategic branch of Poland’s economy. It is a branch without which most sectors would not exist. We take pride in this, but also have a great sense of responsibility for the entire economy, jobs and the natural environment. We are following global trends, developing and investing. We don’t need aid, what we need on a daily basis is support and partners who understand our significance and who will join us in searching for solutions

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which will benefit not only Polish Chemistry, but the country as a whole.” This year’s title of the “Ambassador of Polish Chemistry” was awarded to Grupa Azoty S.A. as part of the “Polish Chemistry” campaign. For three years now, the title has been awarded to enterprises, individuals, institutions and organisations that promote Polish Chemistry and actively engage in the development of this sector. The event was inaugurated by Tomasz Zieliński, President of the Board of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, who reminded the attendees about the significance of the “Polish Chemistry” Congress for the chemical sector as a whole. Representatives of the government administration and parliament talked extensively about the significance and role of the insutry in the shaping of the country’s economy. Cezary Kochalski, PhD hab., Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland, highlighted in his speech the historical role of the chemical sector, which has been very important already since Poland regained its independence. He also reminded the attendees that it is still one of the strategic sectors of the Polish economy.

“Polish chemical companies show how you can ambitiously benefit from innovation. Today, I can say with much more confidence, that Polish Chemistry is the jewel in crown of Poland’s economy,” said Paweł Gruza, Deputy Minister of Finance, during the opening of the Congress. Minister Gruza also announced that legal regulations aimed at supporting pro-innovative activities in the industry will be presented to the public in autumn. Jerzy Meysztowicz, Chair of the Economic and Development Committee of the Sejm, promised that the Committee will soon discuss the solutions designed to support this industry. Piotr Cieśliński, Chair of the Parliamentary Team for the Chemical Industry, also declared full readiness of his team to search for legislative solutions to support the sector, in particular in the context of the challenges posed by the implementation of the EU and national laws. “Today the Congress is the heart of not only the chemical industry but of the entire Polish economy. We cooperate to make Polish Chemistry a leader at the European and global levels,” declared Senator Adam Gawęda, Deputy Chair of the National Economy and Innovation Committee. The inaugural speeches were summarised by dr Wojciech Wardacki, President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A. and President of the Board of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, who recognied the role and significance of the event. “Nowadays, our challenges are different than 30 years ago, when the Chamber was established. It recognises that dialogue is possible, but also that the problems are broader, which is why the idea to organise the ‘Polish Chemistry’ Congress emerged five years ago.” Over the two days of the 5th “Polish Chemistry” Congress, which is the most important event in the chemical industry in Poland, its participants could listen to twenty debates and presentations, establish dozens of contacts, exchange experience and learn about innovative ideas. The opportunity to hold discussions with experts and find out more about Congress partners’ businesses was a substantial value added • of the event. The next Congress will take place in June 2019


Chemical Industry

THE CEMENT INDUSTRY IN POLAND IS AMONG THE MOST ADVANCED IN THE WORLD ERNEST JELITO, CEO of Górażdże Cement SA, talks to "Polish Market". Concrete and precast concrete units are becoming increasingly popular in the infrastructure and residential sectors. Is this just a fad or a lasting trend? It is a trend I have observed in many countries, mainly in Western Europe. Concrete works like a charm for the surfacing of expressways and motorways, and also of local roads. This technology is backed by purely economic aspects. Already at the construction stage concrete roads are cheaper, and, taking into account the total cost of use over 30 years, the savings reach 50%. When coupled with the safety aspects resulting from the shorter braking distance, the absence of ruts and better visibility resulting from the lighter colour, it comes as no surprise that investors are increasingly opting for concrete surfaces. In the case of precast concrete units, the practice of using so-called prefab large panels still persists. Moreover, this technology is very popular in Western Europe, especially Scandinavia, where it is used in 65% of all projects. In Poland, we have excellent producers of such ready-made prefabricated houses, which are really technologically PM

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advanced, and their quality, precision of workmanship and ease of assembly matches those manufactured abroad. Such houses are assembled as perfectly fitting “blocks”. Construction using prefab technology allows the project to be completed more quickly, and facilitates the use of cuttingedge digital tools, which streamlines construction work. Nowadays, when limited access to qualified personnel is being experienced more than ever, such a solution will surely gain even more popularity. I am positive that the benefits stemming from the increased use of concrete in infrastructure, housebuilding and commercial construction speak for themselves, and that their popularity will grow. New technologies require more and more innovative semi-finished products. Are the producers in Poland ready for this? The cement industry in Poland is among the most advanced in the world. I have absolutely no doubt that both the product range and the level of technology available PM

Chemical Industry


to manufacturers today will meet every need in terms of quality. We also have companies which specialise in concrete surfacing, which, as regards their machinery stock, experience and technology, are equipped to complete every job. I have already mentioned the facilities producing precast units. There are no technological or competence-related barriers to the development of concrete technology in these or other segments. I am certain that this will be the case. Among your values, you pay special attention to the three main ones: economic development, caring for the environment, and social responsibility. How do you reconcile profit with caring for the environment? The values you have mentioned are also the values of the HeidelbergCement concern, of which we are an important part. Working on reducing our environmental footprint is part of our DNA. I cannot imagine our operations without taking this aspect into account. First and foremost, our entire production is based on BAT (Best Available Technology) standards. Not only do we reduce our environmental footprint, but also, as the only entity in Poland, we provide a product which purifies the air - TioCem® - a cement with titan dioxide TiO2 – a photocatalyst which actively removes the nitrogen oxides, present in polluted air. For years we have followed a course which, while promoting biodiversity in mines, inspires us to pursue projects aimed at protecting endangered animal and plant species. We maintain a transparent pro-environmental policy, cooperating with a number of universities, environmental organisations and local authorities. PM

You have received many awards for your CSR activities. In what ways are you involved in the social field? What is the source of such a strong conviction about the necessity of such activities? Being one of the largest enterprises and biggest employers in the region is a tremendous responsibility. We benefit from the resources of the region, its traditions and experience. A significant proportion of our employees come from this region. Being part of an international concern, we are, at the same time, part of this society, so how could we operate without being active advocates of its development? For us, corporate social responsibility starts with transparency, with clear rules for cooperation with customers and suppliers, with creating the conditions for the development of our employees, as well as with strict adherence to ethical rules and standards. These are the absolute basics. Participation in the life of the region by supporting endeavours which bring value to the region comes next. In order to engage in it in a transparent way, we have established the Górażdże – Aktywni w Regionie (Active in the Region) Foundation. We mobilise our employees to act through an employee voluntary service programme. Furthermore, we have been supporting cultural institutions and sports clubs for years now, as well as a number of events of special significance to the region in which we PM

operate. Every year we allocate about one million zlotys for supporting these initiatives. The recent history of the Group marks a series of bold business and investment decisions. You also serve as a positive example of privatisation. Can we expect further such bold moves in the future? As the Górażdże Group we invest approximately PLN100 million every year. We invest to maintain our production standards, as well as to develop. Over the last 10 years, we have spent around PLN150 million on environment-oriented projects. Two years ago, we finalised a large project, strengthening our position in the concrete and aggregate line, and last year we opened a new aggregate mine. And I can assure you that this is not our final word. In order to reduce the consumption of non-renewable fuels – coal in our case – we are investing in an installation which will allow us to more fully use alternative fuels in cement production.Furnaces used for the burning of clinker, which is a semi-finished product in cement production, are the best way of waste recycling for energy generation. They require no further investments, and the process generates no waste. Moreover, from the moment I took the position of CEO of the Górażdże Group, my intention has been to create a place which will not just make us one of the many production plants within the concern, but one in which we will fully tap the intellectual potential assembled within the company. We employ ten experts with PhDs, and one of the greatest authorities in the field of cement and concrete, Prof. Zbigniew Giergiczny, has been part of our team for many years. Several weeks ago, in an area adjacent to the cement plant, we started the construction of a Research & Development Centre, which will help us to launch more innovative products on the market and provide our customers with even higher product quality. I believe that investments in production and research infrastructure are of extraordinary importance. However, investing in the development of employees is even more crucial, and this is what we fo• cus on. Without them, there would be no success. PM

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MICHAŁ KALATA, lawyer specialising in personal data protection, information security and intellectual property legislation.

The principle of the transparency of personal data processing is one of the most important rules stemming from the European Parliament and Council regulation 2016/679 of April 27 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons whose personal data is being processed and the free flow of this data, as well as from the repealing of Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive.) THE CORE OF THE TRANSPARENCY PRINCIPLE

In line with GDPR, the processing of personal data is to be transparent for the person the data concerns. Although the transparency principle should be respected by a firm at every stage of handling personal data, it is particularly important at the stage of data collection. At this stage it is implemented through information clauses within which information is provided as to who the data administrator is, what purpose data processing serves and what the rights of the pertinent person are. For Polish firms, one of the novelties is the need for the administrator to provide information on how long personal data will be retained – and when this proves impossible – on the criteria used in defining the period. If the period is not defined under EU or national law which is binding for the administrator, the latter sets the period of data storage, taking into account the general rule whereby data may only be stored for as long as it takes to implement the purpose for which the data is stored. If the firm acquires data directly from the person it

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concerns, there is only one exception to the rule according to which it is obliged to provide the required information. However, it does not apply when the person the data concerns already possesses the required information.


Since most firms make data available to other parties, under the transparency rule the person the data concern has the right to know who the data are to be shared with. Consequently, the administrator is obliged to provide information on data recipients or categories of recipients, in case such parties exist. For example, personal data may be shared with other companies within one capital group, the accounting office or the firm which offers services in the maintenance of the IT system. In case the administrator intends to share personal data with an entity based in a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA), information to this effect should be provided by the processor. Transferring data outside the EEA may affect the security of the personal data handling

process, especially if the data is to be passed on to an entity based in a country where equally high personal data protection standards are not maintained. One should bear it in mind that the sharing of data should be justified and be in compliance with legal regulations. An entity which receives data from another administrator should have the valid legal right to process it. If the entity becomes an administrator of the acquired data under GDRP rules, (i.e. when it defines the purpose and manner of data processing), in line with the transparency principle, it is obliged to provide information on data acquired in ways other than directly from the person it concerns. (GDPR Article 14)


Under the transparency rule, in case important changes are planned in the way personal data is processed, the administrator is under an obligation to inform the relevant person well in advance. In particular, this concerns the intention to process data in a manner which is different from the one the data was collected for in the first place. In

this case, the firm should first establish whether it is allowed to process personal data for a different purpose. Should a firm start processing personal data without a valid legal foundation, be it a legal regulation, contract or consent of the relevant person, this will be in violation of GDPR. Apart from the need to provide required information to the relevant person regarding the data handling process during data acquisition, the person in question has the right to demand complete information from the processor regarding the handling of personal data as well as access to it. However, this right does not free the administrator from the obligation to update information provided on the data handling process in justified circumstances. To fully meet the requirements of the transparency rule, the firm should make sure that the relevant person is updated on the scope of the data handling process at all times. The process starts at the moment of data acquisition and lasts until the data is removed or irreversibly anonymised, in most cases once the purpose of data processing has been achieved. •


OVER PLN20 MILLION IN GRANTS AND PRIZES FROM THE POLPHARMA SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION Jerzy Starak, president of the Supervisory Board of the Polpharma SA pharmaceutical company, said in his address: “It is with great satisfaction and respect that I have observed the unceasing development of Polish science. And the research projects submitted for the competition of the Polpharma Scientific Foundation are evidence of this development. Polpharma is Poland’s biggest pharmaceutical company and the largest investor in the Polish pharmaceutical sector. It also has a significant influence on the development of the Polish economy, which is proven by Polpharma’s sixth place in the national champions league table compiled by Polityka Insight. Innovation in all areas of activity is an essential condition for being competitive in the pharmaceutical sector. It is of key importance in the improvement of products offered to patients.” WINNERS OF THE 16TH COMPETITION FOR THE POLPHARMA SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION GRANTS IN 2017: • Agnieszka Graczyk-Jarzynka, Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Immunology Centre of Biostructure Research, Medical University of Warsaw, for the project entitled “Development of a Platform for Chimeric Antigen Receptors under the Control of Inducible Expression Systems Activated in the Tumour Microenvironment.” Grant worth PLN555,800. • Aleksander Czogalla, PhD, DSc, Department of Cytobiochemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology University of Wrocław, for the project entitled “Designing, Producing and Checking the Efficacy of New TP53 Gene Vectors to Be Used in Anti-Cancer Therapies.” Grant worth PLN510,000. •

From left: Prof. Kazimierz Roszkowski-Śliż, MD, PhD, President of the Scientific Council of the Foundation, Jerzy Starak, President of the Supervisory Board of Polpharma SA, Jerzy Gubernator, PhD, (he collected the award on behalf of Aleksander Czogalla, PhD, DSc, who was absent from the award ceremony), Agnieszka Graczyk-Jarzynka, PhD, laureate, and Wojciech Kuźmierkiewicz, PhD, President of the Polpharma Scientific Foundation


n an official ceremony on June 14, the Polpharma Scientific Foundation awarded grants and prizes to laureates of two annual competitions. Among the winners are scientists whose projects submitted for the 16th competition for Polpharma grants had been rated the best by the reviewers and Polpharma scientific councils. Prizes were also granted to three laureates of the contest run by the Polish Pharmaceutical Society for the best master’s theses written by pharmacy students at medical universities across Poland. In keeping with its mission, since 2002 the Polpharma Scientific Foundation has supported the development of medical and pharmaceutical sciences. So far 655 projects have been submitted for its 16 competitions, in which the Foundation awarded 70 scientific grants worth more than PLN20 million in total. 58 projects financed from the Foundation’s grants have already been completed. There are now 21 scientists involved in the work of the Foundation’s scientific councils. “The Development and Optimisation of Processes in Medical Biotechnology” was the topic of the 16th competition for research funding from the resources of the Polpharma Scientific Foundation. Scientists with a doctoral or higher degree were eligible to take part.

At the end of the meeting the laureates and invited guests listened to Aleksandra Przegalińska’s lecture entitled “Artificial Intelligence as a Common Social Challenge.” Aleksandra Przegalińska is one of the best known Polish female researchers who deal with artificial intelligence and machine learning. She conducts research at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the development of new technologies, artificial intelligence, social robots and wearable technologies. During the meeting, prizes were also distributed in the contest for the best master’s theses written by pharmacy students at medical universities across Poland. The contest is run by the Polish Pharmaceutical Society. The laureates for the academic year 2016/2017 are Patryk Remiszewski, MSc, of the Medical University of Białystok, Klaudia Wojcieska, MSc, of the Medical University of Warsaw, and Anette Radziszewska, MSc, of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. Established in 2001, the Polpharma Scientific Foundation is one of the largest organisations in Poland providing funding for research projects carried out by Polish scientists. All of the money for the Foundation’s statutory activity, more than PLN20 million, has come from the pharmaceutical plants owned by the Polpharma SA company. • 6/2018  polish market



OUT OF LOVE FOR PEOPLE At 162 Jerozolimskie Avenue you can find an exceptional place, where talent, hard work and cutting-edge technologies meet. Medicine and cosmetology, including laser therapy, join forces with a single aim – developing a formula for perfect human beauty, and delivering its effects to patients. The JERSCHINA Face & Body Clinic, run by DR BARBARA JERSCHINA, an expert in aesthetic and anti-ageing medicine, as well as in dieting, cooperates with the Luxmed Group.

Lifespans in highly industrialised countries have increased significantly. Our living conditions are, of course, much better than there were, for example, before World War 2. General medicine has developed substantially, and we can observe enormous progress in many specialisations. Today we face the need for keeping our bodies in good shape practically till the end of our lives. Aesthetic medicine, owing to scientific advancement and technical and holistic approaches to the human body and its needs, today provides patients around the world with state-ofthe-art solutions which make it possible to reverse the effects of ageing, and promote healthy lifestyles. We should also remember that aesthetic medicine can also help people in many very difficult diseases which reduce the quality of everyday life, such as acne and rosacea. Anti-ageing medicine is a new branch of this field of study. It aims not only at enhancing longevity, but also at delaying the onset of diseases associated with ageing, or with genetic causes. The goal is not only to live longer, but also to remain healthy until very old age, and to enjoy a good, long life. Maintaining a good, healthy appearance, vitality, strength and a good quality of life, despite having aged, these are the objectives of anti-ageing medicine,” said Dr Barbara Jerschina. She has completed many training courses conducted by renowned Polish and foreign specialists. In 2012, she received the Luxurious Brand of the Year award in aesthetic medicine. She has run her clinic in Warsaw for years, and is also participating in

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Medicine the education of other doctors. Her approach to training is unique, and participants in her courses love her professionalism and optimism. The JERSCHINA Face & Body Clinic is among the most recognised brands when it comes to holistic, all-round, aesthetic and anti-ageing medications. It stands out among the rest owing to its extraordinary devotion to the highest standards and dynamic growth. For its patients, it is synonymous with reliable care and counselling. It provides physicians and nurses with opportunities to develop and participate in training, and to continuously improve their skills. “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. I have specialised in aesthetic and anti-ageing medicine for years. My philosophy of the ‘struggle against time’ entails first and foremost taking care of one’s health and fitness, and then performing rejuvenating procedures using cutting-edge technologies. From the very beginning of my business, I have had in mind a holistic approach to beauty and people. In order to feel beautiful, you need more than just the perfect product; what you need is also professional and high-quality cosmetic and medical services. The long-standing experience in this industry is what makes our package attractive to every customer who wants to take care of himself or herself in the most effective way. I follow innovations on worldwide markets, and select those which, based on my experience and constantly broadening awareness of the needs of my patients, will prove useful on the Polish market, and introduce a new quality into it. What I care about is not to source a new device, but to provide my patients with a new quality. A safer and more effective one. In my clinic, I also develop my own therapeutic programmes, which make it possible to achieve optimal results by using and combining the available solutions. JERSCHINA Face & Body offers an effective and proven programme of weight loss. It was created many years ago in cooperation with the LuxMed Group. We provide medical, dietary, psychological and aesthetic assistance, taking into account the complexity of each case,” declared Dr Jerschina. Recently, Poles have been more and more willing to benefit from the procedures afforded by aesthetic medicine. There has been a breakthrough in their awareness. Such procedures are no longer regarded as “whims”, but as a great way of getting rid of body defects and boosting self-acceptance. The growing acceptance of aesthetic medicine stems from the fact that a number of procedures are non-invasive, and some are performed for medical reasons. At the same time, they are safe, and leave no visible marks. Plus, the risk of side effects is much lower than in the case of plastic surgery. Year by year, patients are also probably becoming more and more educated about ageing, and how to slow it down. As the patients become more knowledgeable and

aware, they more eagerly opt for services provided by well-trained and qualified physicians, who help them to preserve the youthful appearance of their skin, acting effectively, and without the risk of side effects. Aesthetic-medicine procedures are becoming routine care, something you can have done every day, not only on a special occasion, e.g. for holidays or ceremonies. Patients are now more and more regularly visiting aesthetic-medicine clinics and What is the choice of JERSCHINA Face & Body in this regard? “We are constantly providing our patients with new devices and introducing premiere procedures. Our patients can benefit from all kinds of traditional procedures, such as mesotherapy, and our range is growing to include new lines of products, including hyaluronic acid fillers, skin peels of all kinds, and devices for epidermis exfoliation and revitalisation. Our equipment is the best there is, cutting-edge and deeply effective technology, such as LightPod Neo – a high-tech American laser which can be put to use in a number of ways, for example, to close vessels, treat hyperpigmentation and acne, as well as in laser hair removal and treating onychomycosis and psoriasis. This is the first laser to help treat psoriasis. It is highly safe, but very powerful. We also have at our disposal ultrasound technologies for lifting, and face and body toning, as well as superb compression suits for pneumatic drainage and a magnetic field. The lasers I use allow me to expand my field of operation. I just need them. On the other hand, even the most innovative laser will be worthless without a mindful, professional operator. This is why the fundamental capital of my clinic is its people – physicians and nurses. We believe in and respect people. It is them whom we really need,” assured Dr Jerschina. Maintaining a good, healthy appearance, vitality, strength, and a good quality of life, despite having aged, these are the objectives of anti-ageing medicine. This raises the question of whether we can control the process of ageing and avoid age-related ailments. “You can try to achieve this by reversing or slowing down cell ageing, effective immunological resistance mechanisms, remodelling body composition through shaving off body fat, improving memory, and retaining brain activity, as well as healthy, refreshing sleep, etc. The mode of procedure applying to anti-ageing medicine can be displayed as a pyramid. Its basis is formed by evaluating one’s health and risk of disease, with the subsequent levels’ being modifying one’s lifestyle and diet, supplementing deficient vitamins, micro-elements and hormones and, finally, using medicines – which is the last level used only when absolutely necessary. A healthy body weight, a diet limiting the intake of saturated fatty acids, early diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, increasing physical activity, quitting smoking,

IF YOU DO WHAT YOU LOVE, YOU’LL NEVER WORK A DAY IN YOUR LIFE. I HAVE SPECIALISED IN AESTHETIC AND ANTI-AGEING MEDICINE FOR YEARS. and good sleep, all contribute to longer lifespans. A healthy lifestyle is crucial when it comes to combatting the processes of ageing. Physical activity, sports, correct diet, keeping one’s weight in check – all this help us in the struggle against ageing. Staying up till late at night and not getting enough sleep in general, being overweight, or frequent and very dangerous and alarming weight fluctuations, impact on our appearances and ageing,” she added. When asked to give a short invitation to her clinic, and what to do to stand out on the more and more demanding and competitive Polish and Warsaw markets, Dr Jerschina said: “My clinic was established out of love for people, for the patient, out of the will to help people, and to address various problems faced by our patients. We invite everyone to come. We always try to find the right solution. You should remember that people who visit such clinics do so because of a specific problem which affects them. It is not our goal to sell a service or product, but to solve the problem, and fulfil the patients’ expectations. Our package is highly personalised, and human- and patient-oriented.” • Jerschina Face & Body Clinique Barbara Jerschina Aleje Jerozolimskie 162 + 48 604 129 064 www.jerschina.pl

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TO TREAT PATIENTS WITH LOVE AND EMPATHY BetaMed S.A., a company offering specialised medical services, has operated on the market for 17 years. Its clinic in Chorzów opened in 2014. BetaMed S.A. currently has 91 branches in 11 provinces, and its portfolio includes home nursing care, care for recumbent patients in its proprietary medical centres, care for seniors and many other services, continuously expanding its operations. In an interview with Polish Market, the company's President BEATA DRZAZGA emphasised that for her the human dimension of medicine is of utmost importance.

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Medicine During the Economic Forum in Krynica one of the accompanying events is the Healthcare Forum. This year it will focus on the tasks of public healthcare and funding of healthcare. Do you think that such events are an opportunity to consider the standpoints of private enterprises? Of course. They help us understand the direction of the State's policy, consider what further actions need to be taken, and whether the tasks planned by the Government correspond to the tasks of private entrepreneurs. My company operates on the basis of contracts with the National Health Fund. I have personally taken the whole burden connected with a PLN60 million loan, with the aim of building and equipping the clinic. 75% of all contracts implemented by the clinic are contracts with the National Health Fund. My role has been to reduce the State's burden at the financial level. I have also assumed full financial responsibility and my clinic offers top-quality services within the public healthcare model. I have managed to build a team of high-performance specialists who create a very friendly atmosphere at the clinic. I was looking for people showing empathy and affection towards others. I know that the State appreciates private entrepreneurs like me. In January 2018 I was awarded the 2017 Manager of the Year title by the Minister of Health, in the private business category, in recognition for the fact that, throughout my operations, as many as 90% of contracts are implemented for the National Health Fund. I am very glad that the patients who use my services do not have to pay for them, as they already make their healthcare contributions. PM

So, as a private entrepreneur, you are in fact carrying out a public mission. What kind of services does BetaMed offer? 17 years ago I submitted my first bid in a competition for home care services. Since then, in line with the requirements of the National Health Fund, experienced nurses, undergoing additional specialised training, have provided care for patients in their homes in 11 provinces. The second type of services which we have provided in accordance with the rules and requirements of the National Health Fund is caring for patients with mechanical ventilation, i.e. respirators. We are subject to ongoing inspections carried out by the National Health Fund, and I am pleased to tell you that we receive very good evaluations. Such patients benefit from services rendered by anaesthesiologists, pulmonologists, anaesthesiological nurses and physiotherapists. Also in this case, when I submit my bid in a competition, I cover the entire equipment-related costs. The third kind of services provided under the National PM

Health Fund contracts is centred on the clinic in Chorzów, which I have established. This is where patients can use the services of primary healthcare physicians, internal diseases specialists, as well as paediatricians working in the children and rehabilitation units. In addition, under the National Health Fund contracts, patients can use services provided by the care and nursing facility for seniors, where, together with my employees, I have created the best possible conditions. Whenever possible, the patients do not have to wear pyjamas, they can enjoy play and dancing, and they receive physiotherapy treatments. Basically speaking, we do everything we can to help them stay active. I called the clinic in Chorzów the Active Medical Care. Its staff, including nurses, carers and physiotherapists, use their best efforts not to make patients confined to wheelchairs. We conduct occupational therapy sessions – our patients participate in drawing and painting activities. I have even opened a small church so that they could go to Holy Masses. In other words, I would like them to feel like home, which is why I am planning to open a coffee bar club very soon. We have a beautiful garden with raspberries and blackberries, so that it would look like allotments our patients used to have. We have tables with checked tablecloths, and I have recently bought birds in cages. Our patients give us back the love they receive; they tell me that they love me and that they have excellent conditions. Caring for patients with mechanical ventilation forms another range of services provided by the care and treatment facility, operating at the clinic, under the National Health Fund contracts. We take care of adult patients and children under respirators. I am pleased to mention that Ewa Błaszczyk has contacted me to open her “Alarm clock” unit at the clinic. There is also a ward at the clinic which offers paid stay for patients waiting in long queues in establishments run by the National Health Fund. Recently BetaMed has expanded its range of services to include aesthetic medicine. Who are these services intended for? I began dealing with aesthetic medicine to demonstrate that seniors also can seek advice in this area in our clinic. There are clinics only for beautiful people who go there for care treatments, which elderly people might find intimidating. We offer our services to everybody – to beautiful people and to those who need advice in the field of aesthetic medicine in specific issues such as excessive perspiration, albinism and other skin problems. In Poland, aesthetic medicine clinics are often perceived only as places where people go to improve their looks. We also have patients PM

who come to us with problems requiring, for instance, laser therapy. For this purpose, I acquired the safest possible top-class equipment, for which, by the way, we received an award, and for 10 months I provided training courses for physicians and therapists to offer services at the highest level of quality. As a result, we are able to help many people who previously were embarrassed to seek assistance and thought that nothing could be done. In addition to that, we offer, for instance, face masks for women and men. I am glad that our mentality in this respect is changing and that men are already aware that they can turn to us when they feel some kind of discomfort or simply want to refresh their looks. We help everyone feel better, because the way others look at you and how you feel looking in the mirror are all related to health. This is where Drzazga Clinic steps in. You have established numerous business relations with the United States – you are the business ambassador of the Nevada State, you are launching your operations on the US market. Observing the developments in medicine in this country, what kind of changes are you planning on introducing in your operations? Paradoxically, this is the other way round. Many US businesspeople and representatives of the world of medicine who visited my clinic were impressed with the personal level of relations between us and our patients, that we call each other by our first names. They asked me in several clinics in the USA to show them how to extend such love to patients and to act with empathy. An investor with sufficient funds may build a modern clinic but hiring the right people is the most important. To sum up, this is me who transposes our Polish mentality and a humane attitude to people to the US reality. As a business ambassador of the Nevada State in Poland, I share my experience gathered there with Polish businesspeople, telling them about the excellent business climate and opportunities to make the right choice in life, not necessarily by emigrating but, for instance, by investing in the United States. I already have an office in Nevada and I’m investigating the needs of this market, because I intend to launch care services similar to those in Poland, hiring people from the Polish diaspora, Americans or people of other nationalities living in this state. The US market is completely different from the Polish one, patients have different expectations, and are used to paying for every service. In Europe, social services prevail, and the approach to the patients’ financial capa• bilities differs. PM

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September 4-6 are the dates marked in red in the calendars of all leading politicians, local government officials, economists and businessmen. All of them will converge on the southern spa town of Krynica for the 28th time to take part in the Economic Forum. This year’s event is held under the motto “Europe of common interests or Europe of common values?”


ecause of the high-calibre guests who attend the Forum, Krynica is again set to become Central and Eastern Europe’s most heavily guarded place. But above all, this nearly ten thousand-strong town will again become the political and economic capital of the continent. Traditionally, current and former presidents, prime ministers and other high-ranking politicians will attend the event, along with the presidents of the biggest companies listed on the stock exchange, owners of growing start-ups and managers of international corporations. This year’s motto “Europe of common interests or Europe of common values?” is to provide answers to some burning questions regarding the nearest future of the continent. Discussions on Brexit, the resurfacing migration problems and economic friction with the US will hopefully show what road Europe intends to tread in coming years. “On the one hand, there is talk about unity and solidarity of all the member states. On the other, the EU’s biggest countries are beginning to talk about a union with the Union,” says Zygmunt Berdychowski, Head of the Programme Council and originator of the Krynica Economic Forum. “The best idea would be to find a way to blend particular interests and values. But facing the present uncertain world situation, this seems very difficult to achieve. The US is keen to maintain its leading position, while it has China breathing down its neck. That is why these two countries are engaged in a trade war. Seemingly dormant, Russia is watching closely. Its ambitions as a superpower always take precedence. It would thus be logical for Europe to close

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ranks. In fact, the opposite is the case. There seem to be as many divergent interests as there are member states, and their interests are not always convergent with values,” Berdychowski adds. Each year the Forum attracts more and more guests. This year, more than four thousand are expected to take part, forty percent of them will come from outside Poland. A number of key panellists will arrive from Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus. Actually, Georgia is a place where ideas born in Krynica have been implemented. The first Economic Forum was held in the capital Tbilisi last May. It was attended, among others, by Polish President Andrzej Duda, who spoke highly about the rank of the event. “I am proud that the formula which was developed in Poland over the past twenty years has found application in Georgia, and that the Forum there is held in cooperation with the foundation which organises the Economic Forum in Krynica,” the Polish President said in Tbilisi. The programme of this year’s Forum encompasses six plenary sessions and some two hundred panel discussions devoted to several fields of interest. These include business and management, investment and development, Europe and the world, macroeconomics, the new economy, the state and reforms, society and international policy. Traditionally, Security, Innovation, Health Care, Regional and Energy Forums will be held. There will be six plenary sessions. As usual, the coveted Man of the Year award will be presented. There will be no shortage of special events marking the centenary of the regaining of independence by Poland. “The Economic Forum in Krynica has its prestige. It is a recognised brand. All those who plan well ahead to take part in it know it too well. Each year we face a major challenge to meet their expectations. The programme is very rich and varied, which allows us to invite a broad spectrum of keynote speakers and newsmakers. We attach great attention to foreign participants. We want everybody to know that the Forum is an international event. That is how we are viewed in Europe. It is a clear distinction. At the same time, we are aware how much work we must put in to remain on top,” Kinga Redłowska, the Forum’s Programme Director points out. Local government will be very much in the focus this year because Poland’s local elections are scheduled shortly after the Forum. That is why some of the topics will include the future of local government, the development of Eastern Poland and the smart city idea. The Health Care Forum also promises to be a high-profile event. It will focus on the way the health care system should be organised, the future of cardiology and access to cancer drugs. At the time of writing, finishing touches are being put to the programme of the Economic Forum, while a number of leading invited guests has already confirmed they will take part in the event. For many of them, taking part in the Krynica Forum in September is simply a must. •

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JANUSZ WŁADYCZAK, President of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE SA), talks to “Polish Market.”

PROTECTING CONTRACTS IN POLAND AND ABROAD What are insurance guarantees? Insurance guarantees are a widely used method for protecting contracts. A party ordering the delivery of goods or services may require the contractor to contribute a specific financial security before the contract is signed as protection against non-fulfilment of the contract, failure to meet its deadline or inadequate quality of goods or services delivered. But first of all it is a way of protecting domestic and export contracts, which enables contractors to avoid committing their own financial means and consequently improves their financial liquidity. Insurance guarantees also offer additional advantages. They mean the contractor does not need to use other forms of security. In many cases, they are a condition for signing the contract. The guarantees provide financial independence from banks and, in contrast to bank guarantees, do not put a burden on the company’s credit line. They require providing less by way of security than bank guarantees, they are accepted by the private and public sector, enable securing the whole investment process and ensure that if the contractor breaches the terms of the contract the customer or investor will quickly receive the amount provided as security. PM

What are the advantages of the insurance guarantees offered by KUKE SA? KUKE SA is the only insurer in Poland offering insurance guarantees backed by the state. It is very important because it makes it possible for Polish companies to take part in tenders on many markets which, for various reasons, are of high risk and thus unacceptable for other guarantee PM

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providers. Without the guarantees provided by KUKE SA, some of these contracts would stand no chance of being carried out or their fulfilment would be very difficult at best. Among these guarantees are those associated with shipbuilding. The value of a ship is substantial and the business itself is quite risky. KUKE guarantees can raise the company’s credibility in the eyes of its foreign partner, which is of no small importance as it may be the key to establishing business relations between them. Apart from the guarantees backed by the state, KUKE SA also offers ordinary contract guarantees, which are used very often by Polish companies on the domestic market. There must be a reason why companies seek to protect their contracts. What is the trade risk that the companies want to get protected against? The sale of goods or services with deferred payment, in the form of buyer’s credit, always involves the risk of default by the buyer. This directly impacts on the financial liquidity of the seller and in many cases on their further operation. The risk associated with dishonest and often intentional action to delay payment, and the poor financial situation of the buyer is present in almost every industrial sector. It is the most widespread threat to the seller’s finances. The situation on the domestic market is more predictable. But in the case of exports the number of risk factors is higher as is the risk itself. Among the threats are changes to the legal system of the importer’s country, the devaluation of its currency, and changes to its economic and political situation. Some changes may take place overnight. It is widely believed that a heightened financial risk is PM

payment within the stipulated time limit.


Finance Polish products and services are ones where the share of foreign origin of ingredients and components does not exceed the percentage threshold in the net income within the performance of a contract, specified in the Ordinance of the Minister of Economy of 19 December 2014. The percentage threshold was set depending on the payment date specified under the given contract. There are exceptions in certain sectors.

BONDS Bid bond










for transactions with a payment term of at least 2 years.


for transactions with a payment term of under 2 years.


for electronic computation devices, electrical equipment and electrical and telecom industry equipment, aircraft, sea vessels and inland waterway transport.


for construction services.

only involved in trade with partners from developing countries and that trade with buyers from industrialised countries is safe. However, the recent economic crisis and analysis of experiences and payment practices in many countries have shown clearly that the risk is present in all regions of the world and that a country’s economic development level is not necessarily a predictor of its companies’ payment regime. In this situation, trade receivables insurance provides effective protection against financial risk. What are its benefits? Trade receivables insurance makes it possible for the company to offer its partners more attractive terms of trade, including longer payment deadlines and abandoning some forms of security earlier required. This may contribute to a rise in orders and the company’s sales. Spending less on monitoring independently the credibility of its trade partners, coupled with lower costs involved in recovering its receivables, may enable the company to reduce its operating costs. Additionally, receivables insurance enhances the company’s credibility in the eyes of banks and other financial institutions, and consequently enables it to negotiate better terms and receive financing in the form of factoring, for instance. Moreover, it enables the company to avoid costs of secured forms of payment. Being sure that compensation will be paid protects the company against unplanned losses and the obligation to provision against unrecoverable receivables. Cooperation with an insurer improves the payment discipline of the company’s trade partners and reduces the risk of making a mistake in choosing them.

The bond allows entrepreneurs to participate in a number of tenders without the necessity to deploy their own funds. KUKE takes on the obligation to pay the amount indicated in the bond, in the event that the entrepreneur that has won the tender refuses to sign the contract under terms proposed.

Advance payment bond

The bond is issued at a request of the entrepreneur who, in accordance with a contract concluded with the beneficiary, has received an advance payment towards its performance. Advance payment bond obligates KUKE to pay the beneficiary the amount specified in the bond, in the event of the entrepreneur failing to perform the contract and not returning the advance payment within the stipulated time limit.

Performance bond

The bond is issued at a request of the entrepreneur who has won a tender secured with a KUKE bond, and is now obligated to present a collateral for a proper performance of the contract. The bond obligates KUKE to pay the beneficiary the amount specified in the bond in the event that the entrepreneur fails to perform the contract, or performs it improperly, and refuses to redress the damages.

Warranty bond

The bond is issued at a request of the entrepreneur and obligates KUKE to pay the beneficiary the amount specified in the bond in the event that the entrepreneur fails to perform the warranty obligations specified in the contract, or performs them improperly.

contract as agreed. By submitting the KUKE insurance guarantee, the contractor confirms that it is capable of fulfilling the contract because Polish has products and services ones where the share of foreign origin and its abilthe insurer checked the are company’s financial standing of ingredients and components does not exceed the percentage threshold ity to carry out the contract. This gives to both sides and enain the net income within the performance of comfort a contract, specified in the of the of 19 December 2014. bles them toOrdinance focus on theMinister objectofofEconomy the contract. If a problem arises and The percentage threshold was set depending on the payment date specified under the customer forced to use the guarantee money is paid immedithe givenis contract. There are exceptions in certain the sectors. ately on their request.


When is it worthwhile to use the guarantees? It may be quite a problem for a contractor if the customer expects it to financially secure the contract. Firstly, because it means that the cash the company could otherwise spend on its development or to carry out the contract would be frozen, sometimes for a very long time. Secondly, if the company has a chance to receive several orders at the same time the amount of money it will be required to provide as security may multiply. And if the company’s financial resources are limited it may be forced to give up on some orders or may be unable to carry out those already signed. An insurance guarantee is a way out of this situation. PM

Does it give both parties certainty that the contract will be carried out? The whole process of implementing a contract or investment project may be effectively secured by guarantees. In this case, the investor is sure that the guarantee will be activated if the contractor fails to carry out the PM

Do KUKE SA products help Polish companies win foreign business partners? maximum maximum maximum maximum Winning an export of contract companiesofa 90% chance to develof 60% 70% is for many of 80% op, increase their margins and expand their markets. To carry out such for transactions for transactions for electronic for construction a contract companywith needs to finance it from its own means or exterwiththe a payment a payment computation devices, services. term of at least term of under capital electrical equipment nal sources. Access to working loans depends on the economic 2 years. 2 years. and electrical and situation both in Poland and on foreign markets. telecom industry The insurance guaranequipment,loans aircraft, for financing exports tees offered on the repayment of short-term sea vessels and inland contracts make it easier for companies to access waterway transport.loans for exports production. The loans are used to finance this production through the purchase of goods and services needed to carry out the contract or to replace, expand and modernise the company’s fixed assets for the needs of the exports contract. The guarantees transfer to the insurer the risk of the loan’s repayment by the exporter. The guarantees take over the bank’s risk associated with granting short-term exports loans, that is loans with a repayment period of up to two years. Thanks to this mechanism, it is much easier for companies to establish and continue their operation on foreign markets, even those which are potentially difficult. At KUKE SA, we work to adjust our products to the needs of our clients. In complex investment processes, in particular, we are often present as an “advisor” throughout the whole process and develop tailor-made solutions. We believe it is necessary to consciously use financial instruments in order to effectively develop the Polish economy – where exports generate more than 50% of the GDP – and to give Polish companies more leverage. Financial and insurance instruments customised for specific products and services have already become a must in the case of many investment contracts. The quality of a product or service is still an important factor. But when the quality is the same it is the whole package, including financing, that can significantly increase a company’s chances of winning a contract. This is why we constantly educate the market about the instruments and forms of security available to companies because in most cases the biggest factor undermining the competitiveness of Polish firms and their fast development is a lack of knowledge about solutions • existing on the market. PM

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very year around 2 million Poles use the products of Santander Consumer Bank. By reaching such a wide group of consumers, the Bank engages in multi-directional activities in the field of corporate social responsibility. In the face of challenges associated with the ageing society, it encourages people to lead active lifestyles and promotes physical activity among the young. “Promoting healthy and active lifestyles is one of the initiatives which fit well into our corporate culture. Three years ago, by launching the Santander Consumer Bank Health Academy and by organising free Nordic Walking classes, we aimed at motivating Poles to become more active. Cooperation with parkrun Polska, the Wannado Children’s Sports Festival and initiatives promoting transplant medicine within the projects called Bieg po Nowe Życie (Run for New Life) and

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Zwykła karta – niezwykły dar (Ordinary Card – Extraordinary Gift), help us to strengthen this involvement and reach more people, who will appreciate the role of regular physical activity and taking care of one’s health. Similarly to our social partners, we want to see the number of healthy and active Poles grow,” highlighted Przemysław Kończal, President of the Management Board of Santander Consumer Bank.


The Santander Consumer Bank Health Academy is a nationwide campaign whose principal objective is to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles in society. Its ambassadors are Justyna Kowalczyk, a cross country skier, Olympic Champion and multi-medallist, and the acting couple Tamara Arciuch and Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski. The most recent edition of free and generally accessible Nordic Walking classes started on 8 May as part of the Santander Consumer Bank Health Academy. Thanks to the “Nordic Walking na Receptę” (Prescribed Nordic Walking) initiative co-financed by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, this campaign will cover more than 100 towns and cities throughout the whole of Poland. Joint classes as part of the Santander Consumer Bank Health Academy are organised cyclically, over 30 weeks, until 27 November. The correctness of exercise is supervised by professional instructors from the Polish Federation of Nordic Walking. The classes take place outdoors. Everyone can participate, regardless of their age or skill level. During the last edition of this initiative, more than 5 thousand Poles grabbed Nordic Walking poles. Together, they marched over 28,000 kilometres. The Santander Consumer Bank Health Academy finale was attended by more than 500 people.

Finance The classes organised by the Santander Consumer Bank Health Academy are the perfect opportunity to start one’s journey with the poles. During the meetings, participants are familiarised with the correct marching technique and learn how to select exercise equipment and apparel. Qualified instructors present and correct the most common mistakes. Thanks to the suitable teaching method, marching techniques can be adjusted to the coordination and fitness of participants. “I decided to popularise Nordic Walking, because it is a safe and effective form of active leisure. It is a sport which is good for everybody. It is safe for your joints and spine, and engages more muscle groups than jogging. It is also inexpensive to practice and requires no special skills. I myself walk with poles, which is why I am an enthusiast of the Santander Consumer Bank Health Academy series of events,” explained Justyna Kowalczyk, an ambassador of the campaign.


Santander Consumer Bank supports, as the main sponsor, the parkrun Polska initiative within which free running meetings are organised every Saturday in 53 locations. These enjoy the growing interest of Poles who love physical activity. The parkrun is a cyclical endeavour of timed 5-km runs, organised every Saturday at 9.00 AM. Every sport and recreation enthusiast can participate. The running experience, results and age do not matter. What matters is the joy of being active. Participation in the runs is free and based on a oneoff registration in the special parkrun system. The obtained participant code facilitates participation in any number of runs, at any parkrun location in Poland and abroad. The results are recorded in participant profiles and sent to their e-mails. Santander Consumer Bank has been the official sponsor of parkrun Polska since April 2018.


Santander Consumer Bank promotes health also as the Official Sponsor of the Wannado festival for children. The Wannado project is an international sports initiative which was established in the Czech Republic seven years ago. Its premise is to invite children of different ages and their parents and guardians to a place in which they will have an opportunity to try their hand at various sports. By visiting stands prepared jointly by the organiser and sports clubs, children can get to know a given sport and participate in simple exercises intended to encourage

them to do sports. This year’s edition visited three Polish cities: Katowice, Warsaw and Gdańsk.


Bieg po Nowe Życie (Run for New Life) is a social project aimed at raising Polish people's awareness of transplant medicine, breaking down barriers and popularising conscious organ donation in society. Przemysław Saleta, a Polish boxer, is an ambassador and cocreator of this initiative. Film and television stars, journalists and sportspeople, as well as individuals with transplanted organs who are members of the Polish Transplant Sports Association, meet two times a year, in spring in the town of Wisła and in autumn in Warsaw. “By participating in a Nordic Walking march, we want to show the importance of raising popular support for transplant medicine. This initiative promotes transplantation within families and conscious organ donation. Supporting this idea is my duty, not only because of my daughter, but also due to the thousands of people who need help,” said Przemysław Saleta, the ambassador of the initiative, who had donated his kidney to his daughter, Nicola.


Santander Consumer Bank and the organisers of the Bieg po Nowe Życie (Run for New Life) jointly encourage Poles to sign organ donation declarations. As special form with the declaration can be downloaded from the Bank’s website. It will be also available in a special zone, which will accompany several sporting events across Poland.

A total of 1668 organs were transplanted from donors in 2017 in Poland. This is still too few. Therefore, Santander Consumer Bank and the organisers of the Bieg po Nowe Życie (Run for New Life) encourage Poles to sign special declarations allowing organ donation. These can be obtained free of charge in a special zone of the Zwykła karta – niezwykły dar (Ordinary Card – Extraordinary Gift) campaign, which will be set up during a dozen or so sporting events. It will accompany • Enea IronMan: 3-5 August in Gdynia • Hubert Wagner Memorial: 24-26 August in Kraków • PZU Warsaw Marathon: 30 September in Warsaw • PKO Silesia Marathon and Half Marathon: 7 October • Independence Run: 11 November in Warsaw. If you do not want to wait, you can already sing a special declaration of will. The Bank prepared a version that you can download and print. Every adult who signs the consent to have their tissues and organs harvested for transplantation, gives proof of their will to save lives and restore the health of ill people. By signing the declaration on your own, you make it easier for your nearest and dearest and doctors to respect your will. It can also be a pretext which will encourage your family and friends to join this valuable initiative. The objective of Santander Consumer Bank and the organisers of the Ordinary Card – Extraordinary Gift campaign is to collect 100,000 dec• larations this year. 6/2018 polish market


Cultural Monitor

CM – June 2018



AN EXHIBITION ENTITLED “JÓZEF BRANDT 1841–1915” IS ON AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUM IN WARSAW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30. Brandt was one of the most prominent Polish painters of war scenes.

The show is the first such extensive retrospective of his work. It encompasses some 300 oil paintings, watercolours and drawings representative of successive stages of his development as an artist. The exhibition features a reconstruction of Brandt’s highly original studio in Munich where he collected a set of period pieces, including military paraphernalia and oriental costumes. The show is held as part of the project “Three Times Independent Poland at the National Museum in Warsaw,” organised to mark the one hundredth anniversary of Poland regaining A its independence. Brandt enjoyed acclaim across Europe. While he was resident abroad, he always took care to stress his Polishness, for example by signing his paintings Józef Brandt of Warsaw. He painted battle scenes, episodes from the history of wars fought on the country’s eastern fringes, from the war against Sweden in the 17th century and genre scenes.


cial place in Polish drama tradition. A number of prominent directors have staged it, including Jerzy Jarocki and Jerzy Grzegorzewski. The play, published in 1953, remains quite a challenge. It is in the form of a dream sequence. Polish soldier Henryk has a dream as he returns home with his mate Władzio from the battlefronts of WWII. Not a lot has changed in his absence. His family home seems like a tavern, his parents are like innkeepers and his fiancé Mania appears to be a servant. Nekrošius has taken up a work by Gombrowicz for the first time. In his production he looks for contemporary topics in his modern take on “The Marriage”. The cast includes Mateusz Rusin as Henryk, Danuta Stenka in the double parts of Mother and Mańka, and Karol Dziuba as Władzio. Jerzy Radziwiłowicz, who played Henryk in Jerzy Jarocki’s 1991 production at the Stary Theatre in Krakow, is back, this time in the part of Father.


is one of Europe’s longest jazz festivals. It lasts two months with concerts scheduled each Saturday throughout the summer. The festival features a host of Polish, European and US stars. This year’s bill includes the renowned guitarist and pioneer of flamenco nuevo Gerardo Nunez, one of the most active Polish jazz musicians Maciej Obara, who performs in many European venues, the acclaimed saxophone legend and one of the most important representatives of New Black Music David Murray. Among the star performers will also be accordion virtuoso Richard Galliano. The final concert will feature a tribute by the famous French guitarist Bireli Lagrene to the cult US musician Jaco Pastorius.

THE MUSIC GARDENS FESTIVAL, TO LAST UNTIL JULY 31, IS HELD FOR THE EIGHTEENTH TIME. It includes symphonic concerts and film screenings of well-known ballet, opera and musical productions. All the events will be held in the Royal Castle gardens. The inaugural show will see a performance by Bulgarian composer Theodosii Spassov with his quintet, the Sinfonia Iuventus orchestra composed of young musicians and the I Culture Orchestra involving artists from Poland and five contries of Eastern Europe and Asia. Scheduled to appear in the final concert is the Sinfonia Viva. Another highlight will be a recital by Ingolf Wunder, runner up in the 16th International Chopin Festival. There will be seventeen screenings of music films, documentaries and live recordings of productions staged at the Metropolitan Opera, the Bolshoy, as well as Vienna, Salzburg and Bregenz concert halls. Among documentaries on show will be one devoted to Maria Callas (by Tam Volf) and a biopic of Ohad Naharin, choreographer and founder of the Gaga movement (by Tomer Heymann).

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Cultural Monitor



“The Best” is a new film by the director of the box office hit “Gods” about the famous Polish heart surgeon Zbigniew Religa. This time Palkowski again shows a remarkable human being, drug addict-turned champion triathlete Jerzy Górski, played by the captivating Jakub Gierszał. The film had its premiere at last year’s Polish film festival in Gdynia, where it was enthusiastically received by the jury and critics. It won six prizes, including for Kamila Kamińska’s debut role and the Gold Clapper award for the longest applause. The story is very well written and keeps you on the edge of your seat. The production stars Janusz Gajos, Magdalena Cielecka, Arkadiusz Jakubik, Adam Woronowicz and Tomasz Kot. Critics have described it as a very entertaining, perfectly made real life story with a happy ending.


The director’s debut work is a mosaic of seemingly unrelated stories and characters. There is no single protagonist, and each of the central characters is embroiled in mounting problems as they gradually lose control. A long flight, a family’s wedding preparations, and an unexpected visit by a group of girlfriends all turn into a nightmare. But at the end of the day, everything works out. The film stars Dorota Segda, Grzegorz Damięcki, Magdalena Popławska, Artur Żmijewski, Aleksandra Pisula, Julia Wyszyńska and Bartłomiej Kotschedoff. There’s plenty of suspense and infectious humour. The production is slightly reminiscent of Jerzy Skolimowski’s "11 minutes." Paweł Maślona’s debut film is well worth watching.


May 22 saw the first death anniversary of Zbigniew Wodecki (1950-2017,) one of the most popular Polish singers. He was also a composer, trumpeter and violinist. An album entitled “Good You’re Here” came out on May 23. Those who compiled it have incorporated some of his ideas for an unfinished album, along with several of his greatest hits such as “Your Smile Above All” and “Let’s Learn to Live Next to Each Other.” Next to Wodecki’s inimitable voice, you can also hear songs performed by his fellow singers Kayah, Kuba Badach, Sławek Uniatowski, Andrzej Lampert, Beata Przybytek and Junior Robinson. “My father worked on an album juggling other projects, in between concerts. He didn’t manage to finish it. But he did prepare a number of arrangements with Rafał Stępień and recorded the music line for vocals in the form of a scat. He also compiled a list of twelve songs, six of them as yet unreleased,” daughter KasiaWodecka-Stubbs says. Considering that the album was not completed, there is still plenty of Wodecki left in it. Even if the song “Good Night,” performed by Junior Robinson, only features a brief but emotional vocal piece by Wodecki, or in “Seize the Day,” where he sings a moving duet with Kayah. The lyrics are by Jacek Cygan. Wodecki’s inimitable scatting brings us joy and his tunes are catchy as ever. The album is about solid artistry and there are plenty of easy-listening songs. There are hits galore, which is a reminder that pop music does not necessarily need to be plastic and faceless.


It is the latest release in the “Concerts Frozen in Time” series, which contains a recording of a concert held on August 13 2017 as part of the Chopin and his Europe project organised by the Fryderyk Chopin Festival. It is the ICO debut album. I, Culture Orchestra under Andrey Boreyko performs the “Concerto for the Orchestra” by Witold Lutosławski, “Galician Dances” by Juliusz Zarębski and the Mazurka from the opera “Halka” by Stanisław Moniuszko. Zarębski’s “Galician Dances” adapted for the symphonic orchestra by List are released on an album for the first time ever. Boreyko, who is a prominent artist with an imposing symphonic repertoire, is keen to promote lesser-known works. The maestro conducted the London Philharmonic Orchestra and the Los Angeles Philharmonic in the first performance of Górecki’s Symphony No. 4 (during the Polska Music festival) and during the inaugural concert of ICO. The Orchestra was set up by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in 2011 and is now one of the world’s most dynamically developing youth orchestras. It is clearly in touch with the spirit of leading Polish composers of different epochs. Its music is arty, passionate and full of emotion.

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For the second time in Poland on 25 April we had an opportunity to participate in a classical music concert held in the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of the Polish Radio in Warsaw during which the audience was encouraged to use their mobiles... The programme of the concert included masterpieces of symphonic music, namely Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 “Eroica”, and Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5. The Pan-European Philharmonia under American conductor Mr Peter Tiboris performed during the event. However, the star of the show, organised by the Julian Cochran Foundation (JCF), was the ONSTAGE app.

Maciej Proliński


his revolutionary app, which marked its début in the National Philharmonic in Warsaw in the autumn of 2017, is a truly unparalleled smartphone solution (designed to be used during concerts and performances). It gives the new and seasoned audience members the opportunity to observe up-close the musicians during their performances – for instance, to analyse their movements or the expressions of the conductor, or closely follow the solo performances by the virtuosos. The network of cameras mounted on stage enables the streaming of a real-time video feed to the mobiles, and gives the audience members an insight into the inner workings of the orchestra. It is a tremendous opportunity for music buffs to immerse themselves in live performances of their beloved pieces like never before, and experience them through all senses. And for “digital natives” it’s a virtual foray into very real and live music... ONSTAGE allows audiences easy access to the venues and enables them to learn more about the repertoire, exchange opinions with other audience members (via a live chat), or even message the performers. The app was presented during the world-famous SXSW South by Southwest Festival in Texas (as one of the nine Polish start-ups presented there), and in Glasgow during the General Assembly of the World Federation of International Music Competitions. In May, ONSTAGE was presented to the biggest players on the classical-music market during Classical: NEXT in Rotterdam. During the 25 April concert, the audience could use the ONSTAGE app while the Pan-European Philharmonia, under American conductor Mr Peter Tiboris, performed Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 “Eroica”, and Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5. This international orchestra was established in 2008 at the initiative of Mr Tiboris. Its performers include an array of distinguished soloists and chamber musicians from Poland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden,

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Germany, Greece and Spain. The orchestra has participated in numerous international festivals, such as the Festival of the Aegean in Greece and the Al Bustan Festival in Lebanon. The orchestra performs under other eminent conductors, including Gianluca Marciano and Guido Mancusi, and world-class soloists such as Natalia Ushakova and Anna Tifu. During the special performance in Warsaw, the orchestra proved its performative prowess, which continues to grow under the management of Mr Peter Tiboris. Their performances are becoming more expressive and effortless. The Julian Cochran Foundation (JCF) is composed a group of enthusiasts, experts and producers with vast experience in managing international cultural events. The main objective of the Foundation is changing the way classical music is perceived, by using innovative technologies, as well as by stimulating Polish businesses to join cooperation aimed at developing novel solutions dedicated to culture. Since 2014, the activities of the Foundation have included organising the International Cochran Piano Competition, which is the first and only international piano competition for adults conducted entirely online. The winner of its third edition, which was concluded in November 2017, was Japanese pianist Ms Yukiko Hinami. The members of the Foundation are also the creators of the ONSTAGE app. The statutory objectives of the Foundation also include popularising the work of Julian Cochran, a contemporary classical-music composer from Australia, whose work follows the traditions of Liszt, Balakirev, Ravel and Prokofiev, while also drawing inspiration from the folklore of Central-Eastern Europe. The technology partner of the ONSTAGE app is ALTKOM SOFTWARE & CONSULTING (ASC), a member of the Altkom Group, which has been operating for over 25 years now and specialises in providing IT and business education for enterprises as well as developing business-dedicated soft• ware.




Paweł Pawlikowski awarded the Best Director at the 71st Cannes Film Festival. “Cold War”, the latest work from the 2015 Oscarwinning director of “Ida”, will hit the cinemas in Poland on 8 June. “It is the first time in many years that a Polish film has made it to the Cannes’ Official Selection, so I wish to thank you on behalf of my whole country. We need good news very much today in Poland,” said Pawlikowski, when receiving the award onstage at the Grand Theatre Lumiere. Maciej Proliński


aweł Pawlikowski directed and wrote the screenplay for “Cold War”. He wrote the screenplay with the late Janusz Głowacki, and in cooperation with Piotr Borkowski. The film set was designed by Katarzyna Sobańska and Marcel Sławiński. Łukasz Żal was responsible for the cinematography. The film was shot between January and August 2017 at locations across Poland, France and Croatia. The film was produced by Ewa Puszczyńska from Opus Film, and its distributor is Kino Świat. “Cold War” tells the story of difficult love between two people who can’t live without one another, but at the same time can’t be together… These roles were superbly performed by Tomasz Kot (Wiktor) and Joanna Kulig (Zula), who are accompanied on-screen by such stars as Agata Kulesza and Borys Szyc. The film is set in 1949 to the 1960s. Wiktor is a musician, and has a folk band. Zula, a simple girl, participates in preliminaries to quickly become the star of “Mazurek” (an ensemble modelled after “Mazowsze”, one of the largest and most popular Polish artistic ensembles, following in the tradition of Polish folk music and dance). These two people have feelings for each other. Despite their differences, they are stuck with one another. But when Wiktor decides to go to the Western sector during “Mazurek’s” tour in Berlin, Zula does not follow. From then on, they live separately, but their lives continue to be intertwined in various, often dramatic, ways. They never forget one another… All these events are accompanied by an amazing soundtrack, which combines Polish folk music and jazz, and 20th-Century Parisian bar songs. Some people would even say that the music is one of “Cold War’s” protagonists. For me this is especially true in the spirit of a folk song Dwa serduszka, cztery oczy (Two hearts, four eyes), popularised by none other than “Mazowsze”. A simple plot, but dealing with the complicated and painful Polish history of the mid-20th century, is told here using plain language. The director proves to be (and this is not for the first time) the master of contemplative cinema – long, realistic sequences, in which only seemingly nothing much happens, and surprising cuts. Interestingly enough, those “gaps” and “cuts” do not at all interfere with the meditative character of this picture. In fact, they provide perfect spaces for artistic purposes and

individual, critical self-assessment by each of us, allowing us to address universal questions, such as “what is love?”, and is it actually “more powerful than death”? To sum up – without a doubt, Pawlikowski has directed a beautiful, moving and artistic film, with one of the most thrilling and exciting finales in the history of Polish cinematography, at least in the last three decades. He is also surely a brilliant student, though not directly of course, of several masters. It’s great that he himself gives credit to Wojciech Jerzy Has. Some critics recognise inspiration from Tarkovsky or the French Nouvelle Vague. I have noticed that too, in many situations, also outside what’s captured by the camera… But I also see inspiration from Witold Leszczyński. And, interestingly enough, many different stories told in the film by Zula leave you asking yourself ‘Is it actually so? Really?’ But this is not the case with one thing – her undying love for Wiktor… Paweł Pawlikowski was born in Warsaw in 1957. When he was 14, he left Poland for England to study literature and philosophy in London and Oxford. He became interested in film in 1987, when, as a 30-year-old, he joined the Community Programme Unit, a BBC programme for young filmmakers. His groundbreaking film “Last Resort” was internationally recognised and received many awards. In 2000, it was screened, e.g., during the Venice Film Festival. He was awarded a BAFTA for the Most Promising Newcomer in British Film and the Best New British Feature at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. He also has some award-winning documentaries to his name, including “Serbian Epics” and “Dostoevsky's Travels”. The 2015 Oscar-winning “Ida”, also produced by the Opus Film studio, was the first Polish (strictly speaking Polish and Danish) film by Pawlikowski. Moreover, “Ida” received three Polish Film Awards – Eagles, including for the Best Film, a Golden Frog at the Camerimage Festival, a Lux Prize awarded by the European Parliament, and five European Film Awards, including for the Best European Film. • 6/2018  polish market





On 13 June 2018 the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology in Warsaw hosted the 16th Programme Conference of the Association of Polish Exporters (SEP). It focused on issues related to expanding Poland’s international business presence under the Strategy for Responsible Development. During the conference 25 companies received congratulatory letters and Leader of Polish Exports trophies, and 20 companies were awarded Diplomas for the Constructors of Strong Polish Product Brands.


his regular event is directed at the development of Polish exports in a broad sense – from funding agri-food exports, the innovative development of the Polish economy, the effective use of EU funds, and defining new directions of regional policy measures, to the promotion of the domestic exports sector and its businesses. The 16th Programme Conference of SEP was attended, among others, by the Ambassador of Belarus Alexander Averyanov, the Chargé d’Affaires of the Canadian Embassy Jeremy Wallach, Counsellor – Minister of Foreign Affairs Cezariusz Kwaterski, the Deputy Chairman of the Main Council of the Association of Polish Exporters Prof. Ryszard Michalski, representatives of the diplomatic corps and the ministries of entrepreneurship and technology, finance, agriculture and foreign affairs, journalists and TV reporters. The substantive part of the 16th Conference featured speeches by Cezariusz Kwaterski, who presented economic diplomacy measures for enhancing the competitiveness of exports within the Strategy for Responsible Development, and Prof. Ryszard Michalski. “Supporting the foreign expansion of Polish companies is one of the ways to multiply domestic capital. Exports are not everything – our enterprises should also conquer foreign markets through direct investments, mergers and acquisitions. European markets remain key for Poland, but we should strengthen our activities on strategic markets, such as Asia,

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Africa and North America. The State will support our businesses, among others, through targeted financial proposals and the promotion of Polish products,” Cezariusz Kwaterski said. Professor Michalski drew attention to Brexit, which will have an impact on Polish exports to the UK. Although trade relations with the United Kingdom should not deteriorate significantly, the potential threats arising from this event should be taken into consideration. The Professor also said that in 2017 the United Kingdom was already the third major recipient of Polish products, accounting for 6.4% of overall exports. Between 2002 and 2013 it grew continuously. In 2006 goods with a value of EUR5 billion were exported from Poland to the United Kingdom, and in 2015 their value amounted to EUR12.1 billion. One of the issues highlighted during the 16th Conference was the need for further measures to streamline the international expansion of business and to upgrade systemic solutions oriented at optimum growth in exports. Reference was also made to implementing the Strategy for Responsible Development, in particular promotion, the possibility of opening up new foreign markets and intensifying exporters’ activities in this domain. In the stance adopted by the 16th Programme Conference of the Association of Polish Exporters (SEP) we read that the Association supports the activities of entrepreneurs, the Government and local governments in increasing of exports, which is the driving force of the Polish economy. These activities

are compatible with the Strategy for Responsible Development. The projected growth of Polish exports in 2020 is approx. EUR230240 billion, of which the exports of agri-food products are projected to account for around EUR32-35 billion. These export values will be reached through, among others, launching new export-supporting investments ordered by governmental bodies. Responding to the needs of the actual sector of exporters from all sectors and regions of Poland, the Association of Polish Exporters points to the need for the further enhancement of the conditions under which Polish export producers operate. In this field, a crucial role might be played by streamlining systemic solutions and increasing trust in companies in terms of export growth. In particular, the goal is to create strong product brands constituting the driving force of exports’ competitiveness, facilitating the recognisability of Polish products and the Polish Economy Brand in general. The 16th Programme Conference of the Association of Polish Exporters sees a need for further activities aimed at expanding exports within the Strategy for Responsible Development. To this end, it is necessary, among others, to strengthen economic diplomacy’s activities in the development of Polish exports, and to introduce systemic solutions aimed at the optimum use of EU funds for the development of the Polish economy, supporting exports and innovation, and close cooperation in this area with business and local-government organisations. •

Food Industry

SMAK GÓRNO a taste of tradition


The Jar Community growing stronger # kiełbasianka meat and other culinary treasures of Podkarpacie # jars forever and ever # the quick gołąbki dish for hard-working people # the colour matters

his canning jar in its “wild” version, containing wild boar meat ‒ awarded in the “Polish Food Product 2018” competition (Polagra 2018) ‒ should join the Jar Community and be admitted to the Museum of World Jars based in the Palace of Culture and Science. The jar contains a preserved taste of tradition – kiełbasianka from Górno. What makes it special? “We tend to perceive jarred food as the healthiest and the best, as it contains no chemical ingredients or preservatives,” claimed Marek Traczyk, the senior keeper and one of the founders of the Museum. The technology of food preservation through sterilisation allows producing food free from artificial preservatives which can be safely stored for no less than eighteen months (!). We only use regular salt, not the nitrite pickling salt. Although it is commonly considered safe, the more cautious associate this “convenient-touse” nitrite salt with the warning that “you suffer from what you eat.” The family of “Podkarpackie Skarby” [Treasures of Podkarpacie] ‒ preserved products made in the Smak Górno Meat Plant – is much bigger, and their range also comprises pork knuckles, bacon, traditional pâté, lard and kiełbasianka ‒ the latest sausage-based preserved product, enriched with wild garlic, naturally growing in the local forests. The plant's portfolio also includes a family of other cured-meat products, with pork tenderloins smoked over an open fire in the lead, and bay-leaf ham, considered a top-quality product by the Meat Industry Institute.

Ms Urszula Miazga, who is in charge of marketing and product development at Smak Górno, a production plant supporting the Polish Ecology Association, can provide much information on the delicious and award-winning home-made meat products. “This unique product was first made out of both necessity, which is said to be the mother of invention, and the resourcefulness of Podkarpackie housewives. Kiełbasianka is a cured-meat product which can be used for diverse culinary purposes, also serving as tasty home-made cured meat. It has always been made from top-quality pork, using the mincing technique which is employed in sausage production, enriched with fat and seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic. Once ready, the meat is carefully placed in jars, tightly sealed, and then pasteurised. This is one of the best and safest methods of storing meat products, which dates back to the times when few people, not only in rural areas, had even heard of fridges... It is worth recalling that, back in the 1950s, meat and cured-meat products were still reserved for special occasions. They were usually eaten two or three times a year ‒ during Christmas, Easter and wedding parties. In the 1950s vitrified clay and clay-pit jars replaced the so-called Weck jars (with springs), and twist-off jars (with metal lids) appeared a bit later. The latter could be used for pasteurising all kinds of preserves, which significantly extended their safe storage period. The jars contain an aromatic delicacy with a distinct sausage smell, with a small amount

of delicious jelly and a fat layer on top. Its thick texture makes it easy to cut with a knife. In 2007 this unique product, Kiełbasianka, made in the Podkarpacie Region, was entered on the List of Traditional Products kept by the Ministry of Agriculture, earning recognition among consumers from other regions of Poland. It is highly appreciated and eagerly purchased for both its taste and diverse culinary uses. In the modern cuisine, kiełbasianka is not only found in sandwiches, but it also proves itself well as an additive to numerous traditional Polish dishes. It enriches the distinctive taste of bigos (stewed sauerkraut with meat), gołąbki (cabbage stuffed with rice and meat), croquettes, łazanki (square noodles with sausage and cabbage), puff pastry wraps and cabbage pasties. It can also be an excellent ingredient of other, more modern, main courses and meat snacks. You can use kiełbasianka to prepare a delicious risotto, a filling potato casserole and an aromatic tomato lasagne. Kiełbasianka is perfect for all those who want to prepare quick, simple and tasty dishes. It can be used as part of both well-tested recipes and innovative formulas, together with your favourite ingredients.” To conclude, one should pay attention to product origin, in line with the principle that smaller butcher's shops use old-time craft and traditional formulas. They display a better quality than large food factories by not resorting to chemicals in their production technologies. Good for us they don't! • 6/2018  polish market


Food Industry



FAO and WHO experts jointly recommend that we should eat more fish, and this view is shared by scientists from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. We should double our current fish intake because, with as little as 12 kg consumed by the average Pole per year, we lag behind Europe. Unfortunately, a governmental food programme aimed at improving the state of health of Polish citizens through increased fish consumption, the greater availability of fish and improved supplies can hardly be found.


ll this reflects the lack of awareness of freshwater fish as a valuable sources of nutrients. Cardiologists and dieticians already know that, as they advise that fish contains important nutritious elements, such as well-tolerated protein with a high nutritious value, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. However, specialists also warn that, like other foodstuffs, fish can contain trace amounts of substances which are harmful to consumers due to environmental pollution. Our diet should, therefore, be diversified, and include different fish species coming from various sources ‒ mainly from traditional fish farms. Why is this type of fish safe for consumers' health? Agnieszka K. Andruszewska, Zarząd Dóbr Smolin [The Smolin Estate Managing Authority], a family-owned enterprise belonging to the Polish Ecology Association said: “Due to natural and cereal-based fodders, the meat obtained from fish bred in our ponds displays exceptional taste values, recognised by purchasers from all over the country. Our ponds are situated within the Natura 2000 area, on loamy-sandy soils, which significantly improves the taste of the fish. Our enterprise is a renowned fish farm, specialising in the production of royal carp, amur, bighead carp, silver carp, pike, European catfish, tench, pike perch and crucian carp. We are introducing new fish species, and are fathoming out their breeding secrets. We are willing to contract for certain species at our clients' special request.”

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Nonetheless, traditional fish farms are facing certain difficulties, as lower fish density as compared to intensive breeding models, more attention’s being paid to fish health, the avoidance of antibiotics, keeping water clean, the need to ensure fast transport, and regular inspections related to certification procedures, are all increasing overall production costs and, thus, the end-product prices. “It is extremely challenging to run a fish farm,” said Agnieszka K. Andruszewska. “Birds nesting near our ponds, including swans, cormorants, sea eagles and herons, to name a few, eat around 30 percent of our fish. They live at the breeder's expense, causing annual losses estimated at PLN 150,000. Let us not forget that, if they weren't caught by the birds, the fish could grow to full size, so the actual losses are greater. Moreover, there is an issue of dams destroyed by otters and beavers. Another problem is posed by theft. Our preventive measures are facilitated by mobile phones, photo-traps and the presence of watchmen. Basically speaking, we are left to ourselves when it comes to ponds; protection against poaching, since the State Fishing Guard hardly ever materialises.” It has turned out that in Smolin the undertaking of additional activities aimed at introducing innovations might bring an added value to fish breeding. Agnieszka Andruszewska: “We have already done so. Given the low profitability of fish production, breeders perceive the ability to process their own fish as a very favourable option. Establishing a small processing plant provides a chance to produce a wide array of

dishes and products, from raw fillets, smoked fish and jellied fish, to fish pâté, spreads and other delicacies. This variety of products is attractive both to stores and catering facilities, mainly on the local but also the national market. New products are environmentally friendly due to the traditional and extensive breeding styles. The good fishing practices which we employ in fish breeding, along with good agricultural practices, are also of essence. Finally, we are under constant veterinary supervision. Production-unrelated values form another important factor in our activities. Water retention in ponds provides universal benefits. The location of our farm within the Natura 2000 area, with its exceptional environment, pleases the eye and soul of every visitor.” Fish breeders' attention to aquaculture merits appreciation. Ponds contribute to water retention. The intake of water takes place when its amounts are extensive, i.e. in the spring. In the autumn, when there is a shortage of water, it is released into the fields. It should be noted that the cane growing around the ponds acts as the most efficient filter, absorbing all kinds of pollutants and heavy metals. The ponds also serve as watering holes and shelters for animals living in the surrounding forests. This is where you can encounter, elk, wild boar and foxes at any time of the day. It appears paradoxical that our fondness for fish is mainly reflected in the names of various events, e.g. the Trout Festival in the Kłodzkie County, the Bleak Festival, and the Vendace Blues, while fish consumption is still lagging very much behind. •

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