Polish Market 197/2013 Special Edition

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Polish Market  ::  197/2013 SPECIAL EDITION

No. 197 / 2013  ::  www.polishmarket.com.pl




Powerful Businesswomen Contents Magdalena Krystyna Wyrwicka, MSc. Eng., PhD, Poznań University of Technology (PUT) Engineers ask not ‘if’ but ‘how?’




Maciej Proliński; We remember about women


Areta Kempińska and Joanna Woźniakowska, owners of Bireta Professional Translations; The key is good relationship


Powerful Businesswomen Alicja Adamczak, PhD, President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland; Let’s take advantage of Poland’s innovative potential

Joanna Schmid, Vice President for Strategy and Development at Tauron Polska Energia; New strategy for Tauron



Polish Female Ambassadors in Brussels

Lidia Adamska, Member of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange; Stock exchange as part of the economy


Kalina Ben Sira, President of La Perla Sp. z o.o., High quality, reliability and integrity



Monika Smoleń, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage; Culture – the best way to build your brand!

Edyta Wojciechowska Malke Vision One – passion and professionalism!

Zofia Gołubiew, Director of the National Museum in Krakow; Museums – undertakings with long-standing traditions and a precious resource of inventiveness

Justyna Molenda; IT project under the watchful eye of women Anna Rulkiewicz; LUX MED experience matters




Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Warsaw Mayor; Warsaw: modern, fast-growing, green face

Alicja Wojciechowska, President of Alles company; Family business- great potential to survive the crisis



Teresa Kamińska, President of the Management Board of the the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone; We need to overcome our own fixed mental barriers Ewelina Janczylik- Foryś; Tiaras of Management the ranking of Outstanding Female Managers

Agnieszka Przybysz coaching pioneer; Women run the world?



Maria Czwojdrak, President of Średzka Spółdzielnia Mleczarska „Jana”; Traditions and innovations always come first



Magdalena Piasecka –Ludwin; My inspiration – Kliczków Castle


Alicja Wiecka, Managing Director of SAS Institute Poland; Proud and satisfied


Prof. Małgorzata Zalewska; Poland’s healthy banking system

Jadwiga Sójka-Ledakowicz; Development, innovations, scientific and technological progress in the textile industry


Magdalena Taczanowska Vice-President of the Management Board of Sygnity responsible for Sales; To take up the gauntlet


Polish Market :: 197/2013 SPECIAL EDITION

Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYNEK POLSKI Sp. z o.o. (RYNEK POLSKI Publishers Co. Ltd.)


President: Krystyna Woźniak - Trzosek INSIDE: DESIGN POWERFUL BUSINESSWOMEN

Vice - Presidents: Błażej Grabowski, Grażyna Jaskuła Adress: ul. Elektoralna 13, 00-137 Warszawa, Poland Phone (+48 22) 620 31 42, 652 95 77 Fax (+48 22) 620 31 37 E-mail: info@polishmarket.com.pl Editor-in-Chief: Krystyna Woźniak - Trzosek

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Ewelina Janczylik - Foryś 2  ::  polish market  ::  Special Edition  /2013 redakcja@polishmarket.com.pl BEATA MOŃKA



Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska; Women’s creativity: statistical and actual approach

No. 197 / 2013 :: www.polishmarket.com.pl


Design Design – a good investment


Maciej Proliński; Design – a catalyst for development


Writers/Editors: Maciej Proliński, Jan Sosna, Sylwia WesołowskaBetkier, Grażyna Śleszyńska, Janusz Korzeń, Jerzy Bojanowicz, Janusz Turakiewicz

Cover Page Design: Lili Projekt

Photographers: Jan Balana, Łukasz Giersz, Rafał Nowak

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In cultures originating from European roots, the issue of non-discrimination and equal opportunities for the members of the community, bearing in mind the differences in gender, race, nationality and other, not only objective, characteristics (e.g. religion), has actually been theoretically resolved so far. Theoretically, since it has actually become a norm of civilisation, an axiom which is no longer discussed and a widely-accepted standard of acceptable behaviour. Theoretically, because the reality of life does not match up to this standard, which we find out every now and then on the occasion of especially gross (and media-publicised) violations of the norm. Much less frequently, it becomes the topic of public debate resulting from reliable research and analysis into this sphere of society’s functioning, due to the fact that it can be given quiet reflection, without emotions caused by another scandalous case. It is difficult to expect of the young Polish democracy and market economy that has been in the restoration process for over 20 years that any principled rules will be implemented instantly, when others had tenfold more time. However, much has changed, especially in the field of the economic activity of women. According to data from Eurostat and the Central Statistical Office, it is not too unfavourable, although it certainly could be better. However, one needs to first know what the actual situation is. Are we becoming a society of women entrepreneurs? Nearly onethird of the self-employed are women and the percentage of women among people starting businesses is even higher. The data from Eurostat and the Central Statistical Office indicate that approximately 570,000 women manage businesses (including one-woman entities). That is more than the number of women doing jobs traditionally considered as feminine, such as nursing (185,000) and teaching (370,000). Women most frequently run businesses in the health, education, and catering sectors or some form of service. Where international standards must be adhered to the most, i.e. in the 396 Polish quoted companies, 142 women sit on the boards and 24 serve as Presidents. There are 299 women on the supervisory boards of these companies. Comparing with the neighbouring countries, there are more women employers in, say, Germany and Sweden, than in Poland, but within the “new-EU” countries we are the leader. Recently, an interesting piece of information was revealed by a Public Opinion Research Centre survey published by the Polish

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Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan. In a representative sample of 1,500 micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, “feminine” (female heads or women-owned) and “masculine” companies have been identified. Although the differences in the activities of such diverse companies are not too great, generally reaching 2-5 %, they are, however, quite clear. Therefore we can say that the companies managed by women, when compared with their “male” counterparts, are more cautious when hiring new employees, evaluate and forecast their profit increase and sales more carefully, plan investing in innovation and new technologies at lower levels, and launch fewer new products. Clearly, they use loans more cautiously and are also more careful about investing in modernisation and increasing production capacity. Business targets and corporate strategy are also defined differently. Whereas “female” companies see them more specifically and “self-centredly”, i.e. mainly as orientation towards a growth in sales and profit, “male” firms often perceive them in relation to the environment - either as an increase in market share, or as remaining on the market. Can the fact that there are more vulnerable, less dynamic and less innovative companies among the “female” enterprises be considered as a result of the management features? The authors of the study distance themselves from such claims. They emphasise that the differences between the types of companies do not only arise from differences in the women’s characters and their being less prone to risk taking. The fact is that women are more likely to commence businesses in the health, education, catering and real-estate sectors or other services, where innovation is scarcer and loans are less frequently needed. Moreover, the current economic downturn is stronger in the “male” transport and building sectors than in services, which has an impact on the strategies of the companies. As a result, it appears that although there are more endangered “female” than “male” companies, the survival rates for companies founded :: by women and men are similar. Krystyna Woźniak-Trzosek Editor-in-Chief President Rynek Polski Publishers Co. Ltd.

Powerful Businesswomen

Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  5

Powerful Businesswomen

Let’s take advantage of Poland’s innovative potential Alicja Adamczak, PhD, President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, talks to Maciej Proliński.


We are meeting just on the eve of an international conference held under the “Women’s Innovation and Creativity for Economic Growth” series – this year’s topic is “Design as an Opportunity for the SME Sector”. The Polish Patent Office is initiating and co-organising this event. Are the present times good for design? Also for those small and medium-sized enterprises which often have to struggle to survive on the market?

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Definitely. Not only do we have a need to, but also a chance to, take actions for the development and strengthening of all sectors of the economy. And for this, design might be the perfect choice, as it is related to material culture both in the public and private spheres. Hence inspiring imagination and raising awareness about design are so vital. In Poland, the importance of design and its creators as substantial factors in the creation of product and process innovations still lags behind. To participate in our conference, as yet another event on the significance of design in stimulating innovation in the economy, we have invited prominent experts from Poland and abroad - designers, representatives of universities and business organisations, and entrepreneurs who are expanding their companies by employing design-based investment strategies. The event will thus become a tool for spreading knowledge of design as an excellent way and impulse for us to improve our “dialogue” with the world and, most importantly, to foster Polish economic growth. From the pragmatic perspective, advocating design equals supporting a better future. Poland has a considerable innovative potential, so we should keep on promoting all initiatives aimed at creating an innovation-favourable climate, combined with good design models and the shaping of awareness on the importance of intellectual property.

Modern design requires smooth organisation, substantial outlays and a sort of a holistic vision of development. Have you noticed any such structural mechanisms that effectively support this sector in Poland? Being one of the elements in economic growth, conscientious design cannot be a form of activity expected exclusively from its authors – the designers. Personally, I would point to the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development as an institution which supports small and medium-sized enterprises in choosing this particular direction for development. Also significant is the cooperation of the Institute of Industrial Design and regional design centres with entrepreneurs and designers. In this way, a network between them is being created, further enhanced by design festivals across Poland, which, while fostering relations between these players, demonstrate economic benefits resulting from their partnerships and present achievements in this field. But at the same time I must say that when it comes to the design’s impact on the development of brands and companies, many initiatives have to be financed by entrepreneurs alone or by regional communities and local governments. An important direction here involves the fostering of awareness of how design is important for the building of the wealth of individual enterprises and the economy as a whole. Businesspersons who start collaboration with designers, increasingly successful for both parties, notice its profitability. This forms a huge scope for action, also in fields such as communication, advertising, marketing and branding, being added values which accompany the product’s manufacturing process. pm

Do we “speak Polish” on the global design market? How can this contemporary Polish design be described? Probably less and less nation-specific? Being a global phenomenon now, design can hardly be considered in the context of “national schools”, as was the case with the pm

Powerful Businesswomen Scandinavian or Italian schools not so long ago. Poland has a viable chance to achieve a competitive position in the world of design – Poles can be seen almost everywhere now, working for the leading brands. Our design is definitely fostered by international cooperation and exchange, often supported by Polish public institutions. More and more festivals, exhibitions and fairs are being organised. Poland actively engages in these events, where the achievements of our designers, inventors and innovators are increasingly successful. The extensive base comprising schools, students and entrepreneurs allows us, somewhat naturally, to contribute our cultural and economic efforts to the global creative phenomena. All in all, so numerous in the international structures of this sector, Poles represent its substantial driving force. Could you provide some model examples of the links between design and industry? Many designers cooperate today with the Polish furniture industry, highly acclaimed worldwide, just as with the manufacture for windows – here we have the Fakro or Nowy Styl companies, the latter, for example, enjoying a very strong position on the German market. This list is far from exhaustive. Other industries, which have been closely partnered with designers, include the household-goods sector, and the applied and art ceramics sectors. Many small and medium-sized producers of devices such as fiscal printers also use design services. Vehicle manufacturers, like for example PESA, have based their activities on constant cooperation with designers, treating this aspect as a determinant of their competitive edge. Finally we have specialist medical equipment with such players as Perfekt Sobierajski, which for 23 years has been working on implementation projects focussing e.g. on electrosurgical devices, infusion pumps and cryotherapy equipment. pm

Building and using knowledge… Probably the key areas in the mission and goals of the Patent Office. At the same time, they constitute the basic fields underlying Poland’s efforts to become a more innovative country. Sharing patent-related information, such as patent descriptions – available on paper, electronically and on-line – is just part of the Office’s mission. Scientists and entrepreneurs conducting research should refer to the list of inventions and utility models developed so far in Poland and abroad, as it is necessary for the proper orientation of research, eventually resulting in new solutions. Building on the database of registered and protected inventions, utility models and industrial designs pm

not only prevents the duplication of solutions, but also contributes to the high quality of results. In addition, the Patent Office runs extensive information activities aimed at the Polish academic staff, entrepreneurs and all other professional groups, regarding the protection of industrial property. This allows research processes to be carried out in such a way as to ensure security to the results obtained. In exerting an informational impact we are aided by our new medium, the Patent Office Quarterly, which I’d like to encourage everyone to read. Would you say ”innovation has gender”? In my view, there is no need to make divisions into what’s masculine and feminine in any area. The “innovative boss” - the creator of certain growth-stimulating attitudes and the pragmatic visionary - should be simply any person with the right knowledge, organisational skills and the qualities to be a leader. Statistically, these are probably more commonly found in men, which to some extent results from their historically- and professionally-shaped roles. Nowadays, however, even the most complex and difficult technological domains employ women who design radars or run major companies. To quote a few: Kompania Węglowa S.A., the largest mining company in Europe, Polskie Górnictwo Nafty i Gazu, and research institutes, such as the Oil and Gas Institute, and the Moratex Institute of Security Technologies in Łódź. The majority of new “female” professions are emerging in the most dynamic sectors - IT, telecommunications and chemistry. pm

For some time, the catchphrase, “Girls to Technological Universities”, has been a widely-discussed topic among the general public. Are we seeing any measurable results of this initiative yet? Besides being present in the general debate, this slogan started to bear actual fruit a few years ago, also in the minds of girls and young women, challenging the stereotype of “male-only technological universities”. The Patent Office has actively supported this initiative. As forecast by its organiser, the “Perspektywy” Educational Foundation, the number of female students at technological universities has risen by 12 thousand since 2006, when the campaign started. And it is very important that soon we will benefit from more women with technology and exact-science majors. pm


You took on the function of President of the Patent Office with a wealth of professional experience - a patent agent, an attorney and a research worker. Do you

consider yourself to be a “woman of success” and a motivator responsible for shaping the Office’s new image? I can say that every undertaking requires work, effort and consistency, and no success comes easily. The function I’m currently performing is simply a consequence of my previous career, qualifications and experience as a leader of various teams, but also working for a trade self-governing body and community organisations. With new management, every institution will change. What’s important is to notice and appreciate the potential of your colleagues, taking note of their opinions as to how a given institution should operate. Those factors combined made it possible to redefine the mission and vision of the Office’s activities, which can be regarded as a success. But these are declarations. Let’s talk facts. One of our achievements was to significantly shorten the time needed for examining applications and granting exclusive rights for industrial-property objects. Our ultimate goal, similarly to other such offices abroad, is to examine all applications in the normal course of work. With regard to inventions, this, I believe, will be possible within three years, as now we need a maximum of two years to grant protection rights for utility models, with the registration of industrial designs taking up to six months. On the other hand, however, the quality of applications needs to improve. In many cases, it is this particular aspect that causes the prolonging of procedures, especially in respect of innovations and utility models. Besides, we still are experiencing a shortage of employees specialising, in IT, electronics and mechanics. We are satisfied about the awareness of the opportunities and significance of the protection of industrial and intellectual property in the development of innovation and the competitive economy. This has been possible thanks to the numerous training sessions, conferences, symposia and workshops organised by the Office, as well as its publishing and promotional activities, which we keep on expanding and improving. I have built a team of devoted people who feel responsible for these issues, appreciating and understanding how important it is to educate in and promote the protection of industrial property, and to build a society open to innovations. We are also looking forward to the outcomes of a mandatory subject on the protection of intellectual property, introduced on our initiative to university curricula. It would be a good idea to teach some of its elements in middle and secondary schools. :: pm

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Powerful Businesswomen

Stock exchange as part of the economy Ewelina Janczylik-Foryś talks to Lidia Adamska, Member of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Value of trading in equities the WSE Main Market totalled PLN 20.9 billion in January. That was an increase of 17.6% compared to the same period last year. Would you call it a good omen for 2013? One month is too short time to call it a major breakthrough. We observed an increase in value of equities trading but we should not forget that indices have gone up too. Moreover, recent transactions in the banking sector have largely contributed to the increase in trading value so the percentage increase in the trading value was significantly influenced by these large share sales of WSE-listed banks. Analysts say that such occurrences are ‘one-off’ and should not be considered the basis for making general judgments and predictions. That’s why it is still too early to answer the recently recurring question whether the slowdown is already over. pm

WSE ranked among the five largest stock markets in Europe in terms of the value of IPOs in 2012. Given the above, is it reasonable to at all to talk of a slowdown? The stock exchange and the capital market are not isolated islands but belong to the economy. Besides, Poland is no longer a ‘green island’ among other European countries. However, with the GDP growth rate at 2% in 2012, we can say that economic situation in Poland is still relatively stable. In terms of the value of IPOs, the Warsaw Stock Exchange has for several years consistently featured high among other European markets. This is undoubtedly due to the economic situation of the country , as well as to the fact that the WSE during more than 20 years of its existence managed to develop a real and effective mechanism for the allocation of capital and created an attractive alternative for pm

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companies to raise growth capital. The WSE from the very beginning has been supporting Polish transformation, i.e. a shift from a centrally planned economy to free market. An important element of these changes was privatization which is gradually coming to an end. There are not many large companies left to be privatized. Therefore in the future WSE will increasingly become a mechanism serving the needs of private companies. pm

market and the requirement of the European Union. For the time being, the turnover is not impressive, but important legislative work is underway in order to boost gas trading, including so-called minimum gas quota. It is a step in the right direction. We had similar experience when establishing a minimum trading volume on the power market, which was dominated by bilateral transactions, and initially not many traders were willing to sell and buy energy through a regulated market. Now the situation is much better.

How do you assess the launch of the natural gas trading platform? The gas market was launched in late December 2012. This new business line of the WSE’s subsidiary - Polish Power Exchange (POLPX) which is very important for the whole the WSE Group. Gas market initiation is linked to the liberalization of the gas market in Poland that is both the need of the

The 6th International Conference “Innovation and Creativity of Women” featured/ will feature a panel discussion on innovation among listed companies. The Warsaw Stock Exchange feels strongly about such issues. It is necessary to increase innovation because of competition requirements. The innovation process always requires effective financial endorsement. I believe that WSE already is, and is likely to be to an even greater extent in the future, an efficient pipeline delivering capital to companies with innovative ideas. In my opinion, WSE allows to eliminate, or at least curb, a number of setbacks and barriers that hamper innovation. It is mainly about making it real in business practice, otherwise innovation is confined to theory and ideas. The stock exchange is a good and effective mechanism for the assessment of truly innovative ideas. It offers practical solutions to gain funds for innovative projects and initiatives, but it also makes people aware that acquiring funds also means incurring liabilities towards those, who passed them on. Anyone who comes out with the issue of shares and says ‘Buy them, because I have a good an innovative idea’ must bear in mind that after some time he will hear “I call your bet”.::

What about foreign investors? Will they uphold their interest in Poland’s stock exchange? Foreign investors, which currently account for almost 50% of stock trading on WSE’s Main Market, are mostly financial institutions. Liquidity is extremely important for them. Over 400 companies operating in Poland and abroad are listed on our regulated market, but foreign investors are mainly focused on blue chips included in the WIG20 index. Why? Because it is crucial for them to be able to invest in liquid securities that they can acquire and dispose of any time according to their needs and calculations. Their interest will, therefore, be proportional to the market quality offered to them by WSE. We are consistently working to meet the highest standards. We are going, for example, to launch a new trading system in April. pm


Powerful Businesswomen ?????????

Culture – the best way to build your brand! Monika Smoleń, PhD, – Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, talks to Maciej Proliński.

projects in the field of digitalisation. We’ve really done quite a lot already. Still, culture isn’t an “island” that’s totally remote from any economic problems. Some cultural institutions, but also local governments, have already felt this. It’s enough to look at the city and provincial budgets for culture to get a clear view of what’s going on. In 2011 the expenditure by local governments on culture was nearly PLN8.1 billion. Unfortunately, it’s lower in 2013. The signs of the crisis are also present in places where the majority of the costs of a given project were covered by private sponsors. Long-standing undertakings, with an established position, prestige, and very high artistic level, fare better – a large group of sponsors is trying to maintain their previous financial involvement there.

Photo by D. Matloch


Last year the total funds available to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage amounted to PLN3.4 billion. If we maintain the current growth rate in cultural expenditure, the planned 1% of the budget will be reached by culture as early as in 2015. Do you think this is something to be proud of? The fact that not so long ago this sector of the Polish economy received a mere 0.4% of the State budget – that’s even less than statistical error... In 2007 the budget of the Ministry of Culture was PLN1.9 billion, in 2013 it was PLN3.6 billion, that’s a huge increase. I’m not going to tell you that the amount is completely satisfactory, but we have to realise that a few years isn’t enough to erase such long-term neglect. Besides, you’re only speaking about State funds, not mentioning EU resources, and there have been over PLN5.3 billion of pm

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those for Polish culture between 2007-2013! Thanks to them, the cultural infrastructure and art schools will undergo a significant change for the better, and so will the condition of historic buildings. These are crucial investments. We must emphasise that in allocating EU funds we have arrived at a situation in which every zloty spent by the Minister must be clearly supported by other entities participating in a given project, and their own contribution is more and more often exceeding the obligatory 15%. What’s more, last year the new implementation timeline started for the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, from which PLN360 million was allocated to culture. The Council of Ministers has adopted a number of multi-year cultural development programmes, including the vital Kultura+ Multiannual Programme, which guarantee support for libraries and

My own experience tells me that one of the best vehicles for building your brand, and definitely the least expensive and the best targeted, is culture. Are we now capable of opening up Polish culture to the economy, breaking down the mental barriers which are still there? I’m glad you said it’s a vehicle that’s... the least expensive... because it’s true! PLN2 million in other departments has a completely different value from in culture! It wouldn’t be too far from the truth if you say that today one of the best Polish brands and the best instruments of public diplomacy is culture. For those who are still unconvinced, our arguments are based on the facts, on what we’ve managed to pull off in recent years – the success of the Chopin Year, the Cultural Programme of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and finally “The Cultural Seasons” in Europe and across the world, which have been excellent in building the Polish image through culture. Many of them were prepared so that they would last as long as possible, because our goal was not pm

just to promote at a given time and place, but also to build a truly strong network between artists and significant institutions in the field of international cultural exchange. We are still trying to make them stable, regular, or organic, as I’d say. Let’s return to the Polish Presidency, though. The exhibition “The Power of Fantasy. Modern and Contemporary Art from Poland” presented at Bozar – one of the most important events in the Cultural Programme of Polish Presidency in 2011 – was recognised by “Financial Times” as the “Event of the Year”. This fact alone shows how great the power of Polish art is and how strong it is in building political and economic relations. And yet isn’t the Lutosławski Year too “hermetic” an event to become another opportunity for Polish art, including music? Our Ministry has deployed PLN14.8 million for the international celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Witold Lutosławski’s birth. At the request of Minister Bogdan Zdrojewski, the celebrations have received the patronage of UNESCO. Forty cities in as many as 18 countries will hold over 100 events to commemorate this outstanding composer. The programme will feature symphonic and chamber orchestra concerts, recitals, conferences, symposia, CD’s and multimedia publications. Lutosławski’s music is definitely not as popular as Chopin’s, but it has ardent followers all over the world. Also, one of our tasks this year is to reach new followers. Let’s not forget it’s a special year for us. There are other anniversaries – Krzysztof Penderecki’s 80th birthday and the 80th anniversary of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki’s birth. The Lutosławski Year can serve as an impulse for much wider discussion about Polish music and its prominent figures. pm

In the current situation, which is not easy, neither here nor globally, what actions can Polish artists expect from the Ministry? First of all, a strong focus on promoting culture and cultural education. We’re well aware that those areas were particularly neglected over a stretch of many years. I’m glad that we’ve managed to create new tools for promotion in cooperation withAdam Mickiewicz Institute’s, and we wish to develop them. It seems to me that the promotion of Polish culture in the world was designed to satisfy pm

our aspirations in the first place. We’ve seen a revolutionary change in this respect. Our promotional projects are currently implemented based on study visits by foreign artists, curators, journalists – this is essential to promote Polish culture among contemporary Londoners, Berliners, and residents of Beijing or Tel Aviv. We want to show the world not just our masters, but also young artists. Another of our goals is to encourage Poles to more actively participate in culture. To buy and read more books, visit interesting places and attend artistic events. The Ministry is also focussing on artistic education so that outstanding Polish artists can have their successors. It’s definitely a huge challenge to provide sufficient funds for culture in the new EU 2014-2020 perspective. Few people are aware that between 2007 and 2013 we spent over PLN5.5 billion worth of EU funds on culture! This can be seen in the already-open Operas in Bydgoszcz and Kielce, the renovation of the Witkiewicz Theatre in Zakopane and the nearly-complete construction of the Raczyński Library in Poznań and the Shakespeare Theatre in Gdańsk. Over the last decade we have dedicated a lot of attention to the issue of taking advantage of women’s creative potential and their role in the economy. Is it at all useful to make such a simple distinction as to which is male or female in such areas as institution management? And the obvious question here – what did your path to the Ministry and your promotion there look like? I believe that the most important criterion should be competence, no matter whether we’re speaking about a woman or a man. It’s true that women face more difficulties in general, especially in respect of the worklife balance. I greatly value working with women – they are creative, determined, and conscientious. They shine as managers. If I were to point out three of the most important women in culture, it would be quite a task for me, as the number of women artists and managers is legion! As to my way to “the top” of the Ministry, it’s that of an expert, not a politician. I studied at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Towards the end of the 1990s I started writing my doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication. Its title was pm

Photo by D. Matloch

Powerful Businesswomen

“Cultural Industries – their Influence on Urban Development”. Today the subject is obvious to many people, but when I was writing my dissertation, it was still pioneering. For courtesy’s sake I wouldn’t say which of the professors advised me to learn how to speak Polish, because, as he said, combining culture with industry, the sacred with the profane, is drivel. I went to the Netherlands for a scholarship, in 2003 I defended my doctoral dissertation and published a book. In the same year I was approached by the Ministry of Culture to work there and build from scratch the Department of Cultural Strategy, European Affairs and European Funds. Naturally, I accepted the proposal. In 2008 Minister Bogdan Zdrojewski offered me the position of Vice-Minister. I saw it as a great honour, and at the same time a challenge. How am I do:: ing? I think that’s for others to judge.

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Museums –

undertakings with long-standing traditions and a precious resource of inventiveness... Zofia Gołubiew, Director of the National Museum in Krakow, talks to Maciej Proliński.

Cultural institutions, including museums, are nowadays considered the most attractive element in any tourist package. In your opinion, does Poland take sufficient care of this both tangible and intangible asset? Is the State an important player in this area? Today’s museums do not merely stand for research and collections, but they also represent a search for connections, which implies constructing a wide artistic environment for such facilities. On the one hand, museums were once very elitist places. On the other hand, until recently they have been associated with something conservative, even fossilised –places where old ladies, wearing slippers, would sit and drink tea... Nowadays, museums are getting into gear. They implement diversified programmes of music, theatre and film events, at the same time releasing numerous publications, which strongly complement their principal activity involving exhibitions. The largest museums worldwide pm

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are now visited by several million people every year. Our museum attendance is substantial, though it has not become so impressive yet. Last year the National Museum in Krakow was visited by 640 thousand people, which is really a lot. We can hardly overlook the fact that the State has been taking more care of institutions like museums. Our existence is automatically guaranteed by the State, and current trends are not of great essence here. Certainly undertakings with long-standing traditions, with a substantial profile and high artistic level, and having a precious resource of inventiveness, find it much easier to operate in today’s world, where also a caucus of sponsors seeks to maintain their current level of financial involvement. Each year our museum seeks to acquire new funds, getting more and more appreciation pm

A great example of this appreciation, and also an illustration of what is best about

combining the old with the new –respecting history while recognising modern needs – is served by the project entitled “The New Sukiennice,” which was finalised in the summer of 2010 and which entailed a major repair and modernisation of the Museum Branch – the Polish 19th Century Art Gallery in Sukiennice. Sukiennice has really regained its charm! For over 130 years of its history, the Gallery has been one of the most beautiful and well-recognised symbols of Krakow and Poland. The investment in question was one of the largest conservation undertakings in Europe. The overall project cost amounted to EUR 9,900,000. This venture would not be possible without the funds provided by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The museum has also benefitted from the support of the Social Committee for the Renovation of Krakow Monuments. The Gallery walls have regained their former colours, together

Zofia Gołubiew - photo: Piotr Pękala for Art&Business.

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with 196 pieces of art, including huge canvasses such as “Kościuszko in the Battle of Racławice” painted by Jan Matejko. It is worth noting that Gallery attendances taken before the repair were nearly 10 times lower than they are now. This fact seems pleasing. However, what is the most precious and the most important about this investment is “what the eye doesn’t see” – the entire modernity, like air-conditioning, hidden in the old walls. I feel that we are providing future generations with a building tailored to 21st Century expectations. pm

of communicating with art consumers – between the respected history and the multimedia. This is both an essential and fascinating thing to do. Firstly we need to ask ourselves the question about who our “customer” is and why, and only then can we “position” our actions (action tools) to target this “customer”. Seniors, the Krakow elites, children and young people – they all have different needs. Nowadays young people are undoubtedly the most “grasping” art consumers and we do much to satisfy them. This is where all the new media, such as touch screens, apps and smart phones, come into play. These are the needs of our times.

How are you planning to strike the balance between the unquestionable value related to the new means of communication with the consumers of art and the standards of this place? Our museum conducts wide-ranging humanistic education. The collections supervised by the National Museum in Krakow comprise over 800 thousand exhibits. These include items from all historical eras. Polish art – painting, sculpture, drawing and artistic craft – constitutes the core of our collections. Undoubtedly, knowledge of certain connections within the complex history of Poland is essential to comprehend the art pieces gathered in the Museum. Authentic interior decorations are another asset of the Museum. What we need to do is to reach a balance between such assets and the new means

In recent years a lot of attention has been given to the issue of exploiting the inventive potential of women, and to their role in the economy. According to the public, you enjoy the greatest respect as regards culture management. During those few years in which you have been the manager of the Museum, the potential “has been translated” into action... In my opinion, the fact that I have made it “to the top” of the Museum is a consequence of the road I have taken. I was the Deputy Director of the Museum when my boss of many years, the now late Tadeusz Chruścicki, proposed me to the Minister as his natural successor. This was in 1999, when, basically speaking, women were not appointed to such positions. Tadeusz feared that the Minister would not accept my candidacy. But he did so without argument. For me, well-educated and competent people, who easily grasp our mission, play the most important role in the entire culture-management process. The management model should also be transparent. Everybody – from the manager to the person working in the exhibition area – should consciously seek to attain the same objectives, whereas the institution should clearly specify both the objectives and the strategies to achieve them. We are the only museum in Poland that has received the status of a scientific unit, as a result of which we also receive support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. We are the leading Polish museum in terms of obtaining European funds for investments and research programmes. I need to stress, not understating my own role, that this aim would not be

The National Museum in Krakow conducts fruitful cooperation with private sponsors. What is your recipe for success in this area? The basic subsidy from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage covers only 8090% of the total maintenance costs,that is wages and salaries, derivative payments and some bills. The entire exhibition activity is financed from the resources which we manage to obtain,like for example by applying to the Ministry for specific subsidies. We have established successful cooperation with private sponsors, which we do not see as a supplementary but rather as an integral aspect of our activities. We monitor the sponsors’ expectations, treating their role very seriously. This mutual exchange of tangible and intangible assets should be based on the deep respect and trust of both parties. pm


attained but for the efficient teamwork and professional attitude of my colleagues. Referring once again to the “woman factor”, I must admit that I am mindful of my own mistakes. I cannot stop thinking about details, often very prosaic. For instance, while walking around an exhibition, I always notice when a painting is not hanging the way it should. As every woman, I’m a stickler for detail. Can you say a few words about the highlights, that is the most important exhibition events, in 2013? We are planning to organise several exhibitions in 2013. We will be celebrating two major anniversaries – the 150th anniversary of the outbreak of the January Uprising, which will be celebrated with two temporary exhibitions organised within the permanent gallery, and the 175th birth and 120th death anniversary of Jan Matejko, the famous Polish creator of historical and battle paintings. As part of the exhibitions devoted to Polish art, we are preparing a large display of works by Edward Dwurnik, one of the most popular and most renowned contemporary Polish painters, which will be opened in March. In the summer we will put together an exhibition by Roberto Matta, a Chilean surrealist painter, one of the most influential artists of the 20th Century. I would also like to draw your attention to the autumn exhibition entitled “A Boy is Growing to Be a Knight”. Its principal objective is to examine the representations of masculinity in Polish culture and art from the end of the 18th Century to the modern times. Also in autumn there will be another interesting exhibition, entitled “In the Dragon’s Space”. It will feature a Chinese collection of artworks which came to the National Museum in Krakow thanks to over 20 donors, as well as works that were acquired by the Museum itself. In addition to more than a dozen exhibitions, the major challenge in 2013 will be the re-opening of our three branches, which have been redeveloped and modernised. These include the Karol Szymanowski Museum in the Atma Villa in Zakopane (May), the European Centre of Polish Numismatics in the Emeryk Hutten-Czapski Museum (June) and the European Culture Centre Europeum in the historical granary at 6 Sikorskiego Square (September) :: pm

Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  13

Powerful Businesswomen

Warsaw: modern, fast-growing, green face Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Warsaw Mayor, talks to “Polish Market”. On March 12-15, 2013 the Capital City of Warsaw will participate in the International Real Estate Fair MIPIM in Cannes, France. This is one of the largest and most prestigious real estate shows in the world. How does Warsaw expect to take advantage of it? The presence of Warsaw at the International Real Estate Fair MIPIM in Cannes is a unique opportunity to promote the city’s investment attractiveness, to reach out to thousands of investors, developers, local governments, the economic media and many others. Warsaw will advertize itself as a modern, fast-growing city that also has its green face. Thanks to the participation in this fair Warsaw is from year to year seen as an increasingly attractive investment location, which is evidenced by establishing cooperation with many major companies. We hope to further extend our contact network this year. As shown in previous years, Warsaw enjoys increasing popularity among investors from Europe, but also around the world. The Warsaw offer, as presented at the fairs in Cannes or Munich, is reflected in the international rankings. According to Cushman & Wakefield, Warsaw is the market leader in commercial real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, having accounted for over 40% of the 2012 turnover. The value of these transactions is EUR 1.52 billion, which is more than the total sales of the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. Likewise, a CBRE report has found Warsaw to be Europe’s second, pm

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after London, most popular real estate investment location The Warsaw’s key investment project is currently the construction of the second metro line. What other project are planned in 2013? We intend to invest in 2013 more than PLN 3.3 billion out of the total spending of PLN 13.90 billion. This means that every 4 PLN from Warsaw’s budget is spent on investment. Since 2007 a total of PLN 16.6 billion has been devoted to the development of Warsaw. The largest 2013 investment is the construction of the central section of the second metro line, including the purchase of 35 modern trains. Another large-scale public transport project involves further development of Parkand-Ride strategic car park facilities (P+R). In terms of road infrastructure, major investments include the construction of Nowolazurowa street and the modernization of the intersection of the streets Marsa and Żołnierska. Equally important for Warsaw residents will be the overhaul of overpasses on the Trasa Łazienkowska expressway. Upgrading works will also be carried out Jerozolimskie Avenue on the section from Zesłańców Syberyjskich Roundabout to Łopuszańska Street and on Górczewska street on the section from Młynarska Stret to the city’s boundary. This year the Vistula Bike Trail will be constructed along the Vistula river. We will also implement a number of projects in the field of health care, social assistance, and pm

culture, including, the expansion and modernization of the Saint Family Hospital, upgrades of nurseries and the construction of the Praga Museum The new financial framework for 20142020 has been agreed upon. What financial assistance will Warsaw receive from the European Union? Warsaw will use any opportunities as long as it is able to generate its own input for the projects considered important for the city’s development. Special attention is attached to projects related to smart, sustainable and inclusive development. We will for sure apply for funding for the design and construction of the next sections of the second metro line. Other major projects are those covering road infrastructure, public transport and climate protection (lowering carbon dioxiole emissions). It is worth noting that Warsaw is working hard, both on the domestic front but also internationally, to ensure that cities and metropolitan areas are given the highest possible funds from the EU budget. In the run-up to the recent European Council summit devoted to the new financial framework the Mayor of Warsaw, acting on behalf of the European local governments as the head of Eurocities, an association gathering 135 major European cities, addressed the Brussels public on :: this very issue. pm

Powerful Businesswomen

We need to overcome our own fixed mental barriers Teresa Kamińska, President of the Management Board of the Pomeranian Special Zone, talks to “Polish Market”.

Did you get a chance to meet Saudi women managers? What are the differences between the attitudes represented by Polish and Saudi Arabian women towards management and business? A difficult question, as the visit was brief. Usually it is men who are at the forefront in Saudi Arabia and women are a bit withdrawn. This doesn’t mean, however, that they don’t have a big influence – if only for the fact that one quarter of the country’s capital is in their hands. We had a chance to talk to them informally during evening meetings. They make a great impression. These are highly-educated women, with broad horizons, and welldressed, which we obviously also noted. We saw women doing very well in such fields as the petrochemical business, marketing, and many others. These are really incredible women, although we were well aware that we were meeting with Saudi Arabia’s elite. pm

For six years now you have been in the responsible position of President of one of the Special Economic Zones. Does Poland give many opportunities to women? Yes and no. On the one hand there’s no problem when it comes to education, or the potential to act, but that’s only on paper. People still expect a company to be led by a man. Let me give you an example which I heard from my good female friend who manages one of the headhunter companies, a coach. She did a small survey for her own purposes, asking very well-educated women - who would make excellent bosses - about their dream boss. To her astonishment most of the women said that their dream was to have a good, wise boss. This means many women don’t dream, don’t even think, that it is possible for them to become President of a major company, to be its independent leader. They have a huge potential and they want to use it, but they believe they need a wise boss for this. pm

In December you had the opportunity to take part in an economic mission to Saudi Arabia, which was presided over by Undersecretary of State Beata Stelmach. What was the outcome of this visit for the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone (PSSE)? It was truly a historic visit, as it involved seventeen women at the helm of major companies and a woman was also the coordinator of this trip, which was quite a sensational event in Saudi Arabia, but very positive, as our delegation was treated very seriously. For instance, we had some earnest conversations with the representatives of various funds, because, as we all know, Saudi Arabia’s strength lies primarily in its capital, derived from crude oil production and processing. But what’s in it for us as a Zone? First of all, the conviction that our tools - technological parks and special economic zones – are valid, as Saudi Arabia is spending a great deal pm

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of money to develop them, while we already have these solutions in place. What else? We spoke to some Americans developing technological parks there. We went to a science and technology park, which has pretty much the same priorities as the one we have in Gdańsk – biotechnology, energy, and ICT. It was there that I could see in action the cooperation between the park and the largest clinical hospital in the area. It was also interesting to see the experiences in park commercialisation, which had been different from ours. I think we can learn this from them, as their parks are supervised by Americans, probably world’s best specialists in the commercialisation of scientific research. So we’d like to take advantage of this exchange of experiences. It is no secret that we also see this visit as a way to explore the opportunities to enter the Saudi Arabian market. pm


Your determination and aspirations brought you to a high position. Are you

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involved in assisting other women who are going through difficult times, such as the teething troubles of a new business? Of course I am. First of all, the work status of women is very important in the company I run. We are implementing various support programmes, not only for our employees but also for women scientists, and those who would like to be more active on the labour market. Examples? We run a company nursery school, and a pre-elementary school, and in April we are opening a crèche – but our approach is also apparent from the flexible working hours, and the availability of child care on Saturdays. We would like to assist women from their child’s birth until it is nearly six years old, so that they are not forced to choose between their personal life and professional career. And we help not only our employees but also women from other companies who cooperate with the Zone or the Park, and also women scientists. Judging from the fact that in a short period of time as many as eight children were born to the zone’s employees, we can safely assume that the company won’t fall apart when the women get pregnant. It’s simply a matter of providing the appropriate environment, of offering any help – and they will thrive both as professionals and mothers. Everywhere you look, there’s innovation. Few subjects can compete with it in terms of popularity. Where in your view is this technological progress the most needed? Should an economic zone be innovative too? For me it is not technology that is the issue here, but the true meaning of innovation. If we don’t think in innovative ways, organise our work in this way, and have an innovative attitude to the conditions in which the companies operate, we won’t make any progress in technology. We often see innovation like a cutting-edge tablet computer, smart phone, and software, something of this sort. It’s really not like that, but not everyone understands it. Not a long time ago I had some trouble explaining to one of the supervisory bodies that an educational programme for pre-school children or for children with disabilities might be innovative. We need to overcome our own fixed mental barriers – I think the important thing is to approach certain ideas in non-standard ways. pm


And where’s this technological progress most needed?

In biotechnology and medicine. I see this in a personal way after various experiences I’ve had – progress in cancer therapies is crucial – so that chemotherapy doesn’t ruin the patient’s body, so that more localised treatment is possible... An entire list of such things. Medicine today is not just medicine – it’s automation, IT, and biotechnology. The Pomeranian Special Economic Zone has recently been expanded to include several new areas. How are you going to encourage investors to appear here? We encourage people primarily by tailoring our options to companies’ needs, and we look for convenient locations for them. This was so in Włocławek for instance. There we have chemical investors who find the pm

infrastructure of the local Anwil company extremely attractive. The area features a chemical plant which uses very little of the space which is equipped with ready technical infrastructure. It’s the location for the chemical industry to be. For companies looking for wharves, who produce for the offshore industry, we have locations in Gdynia. We also own some land for logistics companies looking for places near motorways. You can say that our power is in variety, but also in the short term we need to go through all kinds of formalities. It’s just six months from the moment of the investor’s decision to the issuance of the permit to operate in the zone. That’s a very good result. ::

Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  17

Powerful Businesswomen

Tiaras of Management or the ranking of Outstanding Female Managers Female managers who hold high-profile positions are often asked: “How did you make it this far?”. Oddly enough, men who occupy similar positions are not confronted with such questions. While it is natural that a man can be a company’s chief executive, it is not so obvious in the case of women. That is why “Polish Market” has decided to carry out a ranking of Outstanding Female Managers, the women whose knowledge, education and work experience earned them their positions. They are who they are not because they are women, but because they are competent. We break the stereotypes, showing women in industries that have seemed to be dominated by men so far. The Tiaras of Management ranking features women who are successful in typically “male” sectors - construction, energy, mining, IT. There are plenty of fantastic women. “Polish Market” has chosen 40 names to be published. Ewelina Janczylik- Foryś In the Tiaras of Management ranking top places were taken by Irena Eris, Bożena Batycka, Grażyna Piotrowska-Oliwa, Beata Mońka and Alicja Wiecka. The fact is noteworthy that it is men that were asked to cite outstanding female managers. When giving their types, the gentlemen we have surveyed pointed to the women’s experience and education. Irena Eris has created a brand recognized worldwide. It is thanks to the amber element that Batycki handbags are associated with Poland all over the world. Grażyna Piotrowska-Oliwa is known for her dynamism and determination in the pursuit of goals. Beata Mońka avoids publicity, never boasts of her successes, hardly ever gives interviews. Alicja Wiecka has been admirably resolute in creating and modernizing the IT sector for the past 20 years. Irena Eris studied pharmacy at the Medical Academy in Warsaw. She earned her doctoral degree at Berlin’s Humboldt University. She is an owner of the Dr. Irena Eris Cosmetic Laboratories, where she holds the position of Development Director. Since the beginning of the company’s existence, she has been involved in the creation of new products and administered their development process. She has been the recipient of many prestigious awards. In 2008 she was awarded by “Rynki Zagraniczne”, a magazine published by the Polish Chamber of Commerce, with the title of Polish Outstanding Exporter in recognition of an effective and consistent implementation of the export policy. Also in 2008,

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Irena Eris was honored, on behalf of the President of Italy, with a medal Solidarieta Della Stella’ Italiana (the Star of Italian Solidarity). Bożena Batycka graduated from the Economics and Foreign Trade Department at the University of Gdańsk. The Batycki company was founded in 1948 by Tadeusz Batycki. She joined the company in 1989, and since 1997 has been chief designer of its leather and jewelry collection. In 2005 the first factory of Batycki leather goods Gdańsk. Grażyna Piotrowska-Oliwa, President of PGNiG, formerly Member of the Management Board of PKN ORLEN in charge of sales. She graduated from the Academy of Music in Katowice, the National School of Public Administration in Warsaw and MBA studies at INSEAD. She started her career working at the Ministry of the Treasury. Then she joined Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. In 2007 she held the position of the General Director, CEO at PTK Centertel (the Orange mobile network operator), TP S.A. Group which she left in September 2009. Beata Mońka graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Trade Warsaw School of Economic (SGH). In the 1990s, in order to go to study in Australia, she helped to create the first ever communication strategy for the Polish national air carrier PLL Lot. In Melbourne, she studied business faculty at Swinburne University of Technology. She started working in advertising with Y&R in Australia in 1993. A year later, she returned to Poland and joined WPP network. Then she worked for Omnicom Group- DDB Group, where she

was deputy managing director and a member of the Board. In 2004, she became a member of the Board and managing director for marketing and sales at the publishing house Axel Springer. Before she became president of Canal+ Cyfrowy, she had been president of the Board and general director at Young & Rubicam Brands, a member of the WPP group. At Young & Rubicam, she managed several companies, including Y&R, Wunderman and Raymond. In nc+ she is a vice-president for business affairs, communication and branding. She has a vision and passion, and is consistent. People matter to her – she attaches great importance to whom she works with. It is thanks to the professionalism and dedication of all her staff that she has achieved so many successes, of which she may continue to be proud, including those achieved at Canal+. Beata Mońka is an enthusiast of brand management. Few people know that Danio’s Little Hunger commercial, one of the best known and liked Polish commercials, was created by Y& R, a company she managed. She is a coach and lecturer at numerous conferences, a member of the European Advisers’ Council attached to Pittsburgh University, a member of the Board of the Marketing Communication Association and the Polish Business Roundtable. Beata Mońka was a finalist of the Business Woman 2009 competition run by Radio PIN and BRE Bank. The jury assessed achievements in company management, including financial indicators. Alicja Wiecka She graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and

Powerful Businesswomen Mechanics at the University of Warsaw. She went on an international internship through AIESEC’s global exchange programme, first to Canada, and then to the U.S, where in 1987 she became a software developer at Quintiles, a company focused on planning, managing and monitoring clinical research. This was where she first came across SAS software, which was used for processing and analyzing results of research on new medicine. A year later, she became a co-founder of the UK subsidiary of Quintiles company, which quickly became the European headquarters. When in 1992 she returned to Poland, she established cooperation with SAS Institute and so started her long-lasting business experience with SAS, which continues to this day. It is for 20 years that Alicja Wiecka has headed the Polish branch of SAS, a company that she created from scratch, ensuring its dynamic growth and leadership on the software suppliers’ market. Thanks to a longterm vision and a unique approach in terms of supporting change processes taking place in Polish companies and other institutions, SAS has become synonymous with modernity, designating new directions and trends.

Tiaras of Management Name







Dr Irena Eris

Member of the Board















Vice President




SAS Institute















Polish Patent Office










Grupa Mokate





Kompania Węglowa











Vice President




Fortis Nowy Stary Browar





ING Bank





EVA Minge






Member of the Board




Pomorska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna






Member of the Board









Martis Consulting





Hotel Tumski, Zamek Kliczków





Perfumerie Quality






Member of the Board









Alior Bank

President of the Supervisory Board





Vice President





Vice President






Jarosław Dąbrowski (Dąbrowski Finance)




Grupa Velux


Tadeusz Donocik (Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice)




PTE PKO Bankowy





Zamek Cieszyn





PTE Polsat





Xerox Polska










National Musem in Cracow






President of the Supervisory Board

Edward Trzosek (Bel Investment Group)



Popławska - Kostiuk



Janusz Turakiewicz (CMS Consulting InGosTur)



Ben Sira

Klinika La Prela





Lux Med


Methodology The Tiaras of Management ranking lists women who received the highest number of votes in a survey conducted among managers, business experts and analysts. Each of the voters could choose up to 10 female managers. ::

Top female managers have been chosen by: Edward Bieszczad (Suret Sp. z o.o.) Mariusz Bidziński ( Chmaj i Wspólnicy)

Błażej Grabowski (“Polish Market”) Andrzej Idziak (Polish Mobil Communication Sp. z.o.o.) Krzysztof Kalicki (Deutsche Bank Polska) Jan Mazurek (BCC ekspert) Radosław Stępień (Accountants Association in Poland/ Certification Institute of Professional Accountants)

Zdzisław Wróblewski (Polish Mining Technics Jsc)

Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  19

Powerful Businesswomen

Proud and satisfied Alicja Wiecka, Managing Director of SAS Institute Poland, talks to “Polish Market.”

For over 20 years, you have been managing the Polish subsidiary of SAS Institute, global IT company headquartered in the United States. How did you achieve such success in a typically male-dominated field? I’ve been involved in information technology since the beginning of my career in the United States, and later co-founded a subsidiary of an American consulting company in the UK. In 1992, the Management of SAS Institute entrusted me to set up and run a subsidiary in Poland, and that work turned out to be so absorbing that I have been continuing it till now. Life has given me a unique opportunity to build a new organization from the ground up, look after its development and take joy in its success. These circumstances were conducive to creating strong corporate culture based on partnership, reliability and trust. The strong system of values that we managed to build from the onset of our operation is still embraced as the foundation of our company. Since my first days at SAS, I have tried to win as much self-reliance and independence within corporation as possible in order to freely pursue my own ideas and make decisions without lengthy consultation with the Management. At the same time, freedom of action, trust and respect are the values that I empower my coworkers with. These principles have proven to be a key success factor valid for two decades now. Over the years, I have been unceasingly experimenting, looking for new ideas and opportunities. I strongly believe in talent and skills of my colleagues, I trust in teamwork, and I’m full of confidence and optimism. The effects of this approach far exceed our boldest expectations. We are the leading provider of analytics and Business Intelligence solutions on the Polish market, and we are continuously going up. pm

Alicja Wiecka Originator, founder and Managing Director at SAS Institute Poland, a provider of analytical software, since its opening in 1992. For more than 20 years she has been managing the company that has shown a strong growth in revenues and employment, being the fastest growing subsidiary of SAS Institute in Central and Eastern Europe. Since the beginning of company’s activity, she has been focused on implementing an innovative model of governance and business processes which would accelerate market expansion and increase diversification of SAS products and services. These innovative changes turned SAS Poland into the centre of competence and product development worldwide. For six times ranked as one of the 50 Most Influential Women in Poland by “Home & Market” magazine - in 2013 she was ranked 11th! She was also the finalist for Manager of the Year title awarded by the Association of Managers in Poland. In 2011, she was distinguished as one of the 50 Most Outstanding Managers in Poland in Tiaras of Managment ranking by “Polish Market”. In 2011 and 2012 she was listed among The Most Enterprising Women in Poland in The Pearls of Polish Economy ranking by Gazeta Finansowa. She graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw. She went on an international internship through AIESEC’s global exchange programme, first to Canada, and then to the United States where in 1987 she became a software developer at Quintiles, a company focused on planning, managing and monitoring of clinical research. This was where she first came across SAS software, which was used for processing and analyzing results of research on new medicine. A year later, she became a co-founder of the UK subsidiary of Quintiles company, which quickly became the European headquarters. When in 1992 she returned to Poland, she established cooperation with SAS Institute and so started her long-lasting business experience with SAS, which continues to this day.

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Since its beginning, SAS has held the leading position on the Business Intelligence market in Poland, and additionally, it has been one of the leading subsidiaries of SAS

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Institute worldwide. Where lies the secret of such great success? We started off strongly on the Polish market by designing and implementing data warehouses in Polish companies and institutions. At that time, the concept of data warehouse was only defined by the world’s leading experts, yet we immediately began to promote and implement it in Poland! We were the first subsidiary of SAS in Europe which included data warehousing in its portfolio, and the market responded with vast interest. The needs of Polish customers together with extensive experience and knowledge that we gained when working with them contributed greatly to the development of business intelligence technology in the world. Another area of innovation was developed as a result of our close cooperation with business users. We developed and implemented the pioneering range of comprehensive business solutions dedicated to specific industries and business areas. These solutions included software, data modeling and analysis, pre-defined reports, implementation services package, business and strategic consulting, transfer of knowledge to the client. Industry-specific solutions created in Poland became a smash hit among customers worldwide and sparked the development of SAS industry solutions (SAS Industry Intelligence Solutions) for different market segments. Industry-specific solutions, which have been the core of SAS products for over 10 years now, are constantly being upgraded and generate continuous customer interest, and this best testifies to the great success of our idea. Today, as we enter the era of Big Data, what we need are next generation business intelligence solutions, which give the opportunity to almost immediately respond to business questions and access complex simulations and analyses in real-time. SAS Poland, again as one of the first, provides High Performance Analytics solutions that allow users to instantly access and use business value hidden in data volumes. In addition, we offer our customers an innovative SAS® Visual Analytics tool, which provides instant access to data and analysis results, high performance and scalability, and at the same time, is extremely easy to use and offers intuitive access to reports and analyses via PC or tablet. Companies which will first equip their employees in this type of solution are sure to out distance the competitors for many years to come. pm

Which of the projects accomplished by SAS do you consider the most spectacular?

The most impressive are projects for the public sector, which help change Poland into a modern country. One of the recent examples was supporting GUS of Poland in conducting the National Census, where SAS platform was used to cleanse and integrate data from virtually all available public records for the first time in the history of the country. The use of these data in the census allowed to signifi-

Also, thanks to the cooperation with computer science departments at universities as well as our internship programme for students, the Young Talents Academy, students designate SAS Institute among the most attractive companies to work for in the IT industry. It is not easy to get into the Academy, but those who succeed, win a unique chance to develop their careers at SAS. Currently, the

cantly reduce the number of questions and amount of information required in a census application form. Consequently, the number of census officers decreased from 180 thousand in 2002 to 18 thousand, the census application form was simplified and could be rendered on electronic recorders, and not on paper. Furthermore, orderly, organized records made it possibile to obtain information unavailable in previous censuses. As a result, the total cost of the project was reduced by 40%, and in the long-term perspective, GUS gained a comprehensive analytical platform to carry out further statistical research. Thanks to SAS tools, GUS is now able to cleanse and integrate data stored in public registers and other sources, and use them for analytical purposes.

majority of managers at SAS Poland are former graduates of the Young Talents Academy.

Such remarkable success of SAS Poland would not have been possible without the right human resources. What are your methods to attract them? The backbone of our company are longterm employees, who have been with us not just because we have an attractive market offer and great ideas for business development, but primarily because they get unique opportunities for self-fulfillment, growth, autonomy in action and excellent teamwork. pm

What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? I have always dreamed of doing things that are really important and I feel I have been quite successful at that. The development of Business Intelligence in Poland, shaping new trends and applications of information technology in business and government institutions, developing a number of large-scale, strategic information systems in the country – all these achievements have given me a great sense of pride and satisfaction, and confirmed my passion for what I do. I have always believed in enormous power and potential residing in people which can be aroused when you provide them with the space for growing and developing, implementing their own concepts and realizing their ideas. These are the conditions I work in and try to guarantee to all of my co-workers. And I see it works perfectly. Trust and autonomy in action are the foundations for motivating our people. Certainly, there are concrete objectives to be achieved, but all employees are encouraged towards creativity, autonomy of thought and action and self-fulfillment. :: pm

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Powerful Businesswomen

Poland’s healthy banking system Prof. Małgorzata Zalewska

One can hardly overestimate the role of banking in today’s world – in terms of both its positive and negative effects. Among other things, banking contributes to the transformation of risk and maturities between entities having a surplus or shortage of capital. Risk is a permanent part of operating in the world of banking. Those who feel discomfort when taking a risk should not deal with banking. Moreover, as the bloodstream of the economy, banking provides it with credit, without which economic growth would not be possible. But it is also true that the activity of banks, alongside living above one’s means and short election cycles, lay at the heart of today’s crisis. As a result, one of the challenges the global banking system is now facing is to improve its image in the eyes of society. In the course of the five years since the outbreak of the financial crisis, the Polish banking sector passed the test with flying colours. The country’s financial safety net proved its worth as did the operating rules of private banks, both those Polish-owned and foreign-owned. For more than 10 years no bank operating in Poland has gone bankrupt. Additionally, none of the banks has

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used emergency state aid during the crisis. Throughout this period, the Polish banking sector has remained solvent, liquid and exceptionally profitable. In 2012, the combined profit generated by the banking sector reached PLN16.1 billion. The figure was higher than the 2011 profit of PLN15.5 billion. Last year, the sector also saw an increase in household deposits and credit, except for consumer loans. At the same time, it is natural that any economic slowdown has an impact on the condition of the banking sector. The question is when this will take place in Poland and how strong the impact will be. The first signs of this have already been reflected in a deterioration of credit portfolios of banks operating in Poland. In December 2012, the share of non-performing loans was 11.8% for businesses and 7.4% for households. The deterioration of credit portfolios has not been limited to the Polish banking sector. It has taken place in most European Union countries. In some countries, the share of non-performing loans has reached as much as 20%. The lowest percentage is in the Finnish and German banking systems. Providing finance to the real economy, especially at a time of economic slowdown, is a challenge to the Polish banking sector. Meanwhile, banks prefer to place their money in bills issued weekly by the central bank within Friday open-market operations. In January, the value of money invested in this way fluctuated in the region of PLN130 billion. This shows that banks operating in Poland have enough money to make loans and should be doing so. Of course, they should not forget to check the capacity of their prospective clients to repay the loans. Another challenge to the Polish banking sector is finding its place in a new and constantly changing external environment, including Europe’s new infrastructure associated with the process of creating a single supervisory mechanism for banks as part of the banking union. This involves, for example, the need to prevent the weakening of national decision-making centres in banks owned by

international banking groups as the world of banking is inevitably becoming increasingly complex and globalized. It is worth noting that measures taken in the Polish banking system are not limited to imitating external, including European, solutions. Additional measures are taken by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) and other organizations aimed at maintaining the stability of the banking sector and ensure its continued growth. One can mention in this context the Check Before You Sign campaign designed to improve bank clients’ awareness and knowledge, the initiative to promote noncash payments and lower interchange fees, and the plan to round off payment amounts. Meeting the growing expectations of clients, like for example enabling them to make money transfers without the need to know the bank account number or get a loan within five minutes, is an important and continuous challenge. Banks operating in Poland are trying to be innovative also in this respect. One example is a debit card equipped with an LCD display and buttons enabling communication with the bank. By means of the card one can check the account balance and generate a new PIN for every non-cash payment. Polish clients are the first in the world, apart from Singapore, to have an opportunity to use this card. The above data and examples show that the Polish banking sector is stable and open to diverse challenges. At the same time, it represents only a small fraction of the global financial system. The total assets of Poland’s whole banking system stand at EUR0.33 trillion, which is a fraction of the EUR2.19 trillion in assets held by the world’s largest bank – Deutsche Bank. And in banking, just like in other spheres, the big ones are more pow:: erful than the small.

The author is a member of the Board of the National Bank of Poland (NBP), a full professor at the Department of Banking Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) and vice-president of the Committee on Financial Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences.

Powerful Businesswomen

Women’s creativity: statistical and actual approach Afterthoughts from the conference of the Polish Patent Office titled “Innovation and Creativity of Women. Design as an Opportunity for SME”, March 21, 2013. Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska

Creativity (Latin: creatus) is, to put it simply, the ability to give rise to something new. Such a potential has magical properties. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have,” to quote Maya Angelou, American poet, memoirist and actress. Creativity is a mental process leading to new and original ideas, concepts, associations, and to innovative ways of putting them into practice. This process is difficult to define, as it does not fit with simple schemes. Therefore, there is no clear definition of creativity. Something can be created as a result of painstaking research and quite by accident, through intuitive impulses and imagination that are encouraged by knowledge and indepth reflection. To put things half jokingly, half seriously, it is about the so-called “wellinformed intuition”. Creativity involves unconventional thinking. Although it often defies the canons of rationality and, at first glance, may even have the features of absurd, it can actually lead to the discovery of something new. Albert Einstein put it bluntly: “I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking”. At the same time, this great

scientist highlighted the fundamental role of imagination in creativity and innovation: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions”. It is difficult to precisely define, identify and measure creativity as a process of giving rise to something new because the word “new” is often differently understood and perceived, and sometimes even ignored. Moreover, paraphrasing the famous book by Tomáš Seulek titled “The Economics of Good and Evil,” creativity can be considered good or bad depending on whether it is aimed at improving the quality of social and economic life, or not. Examples of bad creativity can well be multiplied. In recent years, it was spectacularly showcased by the global crisis whose underlying cause was the creation of new financial instruments, including fraudulent pyramid schemes, toxic derivatives and other innovations (or rather pseuo-innovations). Similarly, a creativity focused on the socalled antifeatures has some negative overtones too. It involves activities that are highly detrimental to consumers and to the environment (but they drive profits for producers) and that are designed to create products that are either short-lived or need additional products to be fit for use, like for example adapters that match only one type of device, such as computer, telephone, etc.. It is no coincidence that more and more researchers point to the emerging new social phenomenon which is tiredness with progress. In this context, it is worth citing the anthropological dilemma between progress and satisfaction. It further involves a visible in practice decrease in the marginal utility of progress. Difficulty in assessing and measuring creativity is also due to deficiencies in relevant statistics. On top of that, a variety of social stereotypes and misleading assessments interfere here. According to official statistics, women are much less represented in the field of creativity, innovation, invention, and scientific achievements. This is reflected by the Nobel

Prize statistics: women account for less than 5% of the overall number of Nobel Prize winners. The picture looks slightly better if you look at the number of double Nobel Prize laureates in which case the prize has been so far awarded to four researchers, including one woman - a Pole Maria Skłodowska-Curie (the first Nobel Prize in physics in 1903 for the discovery of radioactivity, and the second Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1911 for the discovery and isolation of pure radium). However, in assessing the true role of women in the field of creativity, on no account can we rely merely on figures. By way of illustration, let me quote again Albert Einstein: “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted”. Women’s resourcefulness and creativity in solving many difficult problems of everyday life is not to be overestimated. This is extremely important, but at the same time hardly, if at all, measureable because not as spectacular as for example scientific discoveries. In this sense, women are great but quiet creators. Polish proverb saying “where the devil can’t go, he’ll send a woman”, although admitting various interpretations, highlights an enormous creative potential of women. It is something not to be overestimated, especially in such areas as education, design and fashion, but also in other fields of social and economic life. Not to be neglected is also the creative role of women in fine arts, the latter being a driving force of creativity in various areas social and economic areas. The Internet and information revolution will surely help make better use of women’s creativity potential. Unleashing their potential paves the way for the implementation of “social futurism”, as suggested by Alvin Toffler, by creating in every community “imaginetic centres” aimed at an interdisciplinary “brain activation”. This can be a source of ideas that “technocrats never dreamed of”, since what may appear to be naive in the industrial era is not naive today in the era of the In:: ternet and information revolution.

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Powerful Businesswomen

To take up the gauntlet Magdalena Taczanowska Vice-President of the Management Board of Sygnity responsible for Sales talks to “Polish Market”.

You have been for years involved in the men-dominated IT industry. You are the only woman acting as a Board member. How is it like? At this stage of my career, I can already say this is just normal. I have worked in the IT industry for over 20 years and, sitting on the Boards for more than 10 years, I got used to being the sole or one of the few women in governing bodies. One exception was a short two-year period in my previous company where there was a two-person management composed of myself and my female colleague. I served as a president, and she was responsible for finance. Our cooperation was very successful, and the company, operating in a challenging market, was growing and bringing profits. With age, I came to appreciate the advantages of being a woman in a top level management. I realized that I did not have to compete with men on their terms, but I can set my own. pm

You joined Sygnity at a very difficult turning point. Do you like challenges? Unfortunately, yes. I do like challenges in every sphere of life. If I say “unfortunately”, it is because challenges are addictive, somewhat like a drug: no sooner is one addressed than another appears... On the other hand, I believe that every challenge makes my life richer, moves forward boundaries, guarantees the development, increases one’s selfawareness and abilities. pm

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That is true, Sygnity was a challenge, but above all the prestige and honor to be able to work with the market’s best team on the most important projects for Polish public administration. Sygnity is one of the icons of the Polish IT industry. For twenty years of my career I have observed Computerland/Emax, then Sygnity. In my previous jobs I used to refer to, compete and cooperate with them. Sygnity is and will always be a reference on the Polish IT market. Do women involved in IT serve as managers for special tasks? Does this sector require any specific features? It is difficult for me to answer this question, because I have experience only in the IT industry. That said, I do not think it differs that much from others. It has its own unique language, its own specific conditions, and that is definitely something that needs to be learned. Information technology is now present everywhere, changing the image of the world and social interactions. First of all, work in the IT industry is always innovative, and secondly it gives an opportunity to create some new reality, which in turn involves a great deal of responsibility. That is how I would describe the specificity of the IT industry and it seems to me that this is the only distinguishing feature of managers working in it. pm

As part of its public sector projects, Sygnity has created a new business area: Solutions for the Health Market. What is the purpose of creating this new business area? Every business decision is aimed at meeting the owners’ needs, that is to increase the value of the company. Health is one of the most promising markets for the Polish IT sector. Poland still lags behind the European average when it comes to the use of information pm

technology in the health sector. For example, less than 50% of general practitioners in Poland use computers to record patients’ data. There is no system of central databases and registers, nor sufficient access to medical information. The Act on Medical Activity, which will become effective on August 1, 2014, is going to be a major challenge for the health information technology in the coming years. This market is set to develop rapidly, and some telemedical solutions will simply enjoy a boom. Sygnity definitely wants to take advantage of the potential of this market. Sygnity has signed a contract with the Ministry of Finance for the design, implementation and maintenance of the e-tax system. What made your offer was most advantageous? First of all, we fulfilled the client’s essential requirements set out in the tender specification. Besides, we worked hard, we have a good partner-subcontractor, and a great, experienced team. Not without significance was our determination and conviction that all these years of experience on the Polish IT market predestined us to carry out this extremely important project. The e-tax system that we are implementing will serve 400 tax offices, which means that it will be used by more than 40,000 employees of tax offices and tax chambers. Its production deployment will allow to handle 25 million accounts of personal income taxpayers, as well as to process all tax revenues flowing into tax offices. The system will provide every Pole with easy, 24-hour and location-independent access to their tax information (including historical data). The only requirement will be to have access to the Internet. I am really proud that it is Sygnity that will realize this historic project for Poland. pm


Powerful Businesswomen

Engineers ask not ‘if’ but ‘how?’ contact with practical applications, and active participation in international scientific symposia on enterprise development, helped her attain another important milestone in her academic career - a post-doctoral degree in economic sciences. Ms. Wyrwicka is cooperating as an expert with the Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolskie Province, the Poznań City Hall, the Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Polish Chamber of Commerce, and TNS, always stating her opinions on the Magdalena Krystyna Wyrwicka, MSc. development of enterprises, clusters, ecoEng., PhD, is associated with the Poznań Uninomic networks, and the Wielkopolskie Provversity of Technology (PUT) where she is an ince at large. Associate Professor and Deputy Dean for AcSince 2010 she has provided the commenademic Affairs at the Faculty of Managenent tary to the ”Report on t Innovation in of the Engineering. Polish Economy” published annually by the As an MSc Eng. she was an organiser of Institute of Economics of the Polish Acadeindustry, starting off her professional camy of Sciences. reer in a plant producing bench lathes, where She is the author and co-author of over 150 she spent over three years as a technologist publications, including 19 books. Currently, and a programmer of CNC - machines. Her alongside a team of other researchers, she is PhD dissertation in technical sciences on preparing a 3-volume monograph concernthe method of the gradual, flexible impleing foresight-method deployment in various mentation of automation solutions, presenteconomic institutions. ed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering From the autumn of 2009 until the end of of the PUT, became an inspiration for further 2011 she managed the project entitled “Forestudies directed at enterprise development. sight ‘Wielkopolska Economic Networks’ – a set of scenarios for knowledge transformation Months-long training in the German REFA to foster an innovative economy”. In 2010, the Verband für Arbeitsstudien, Betriebsorganisation und Unternehmensentwicklung (the Programme Council of the Economic Forum, REFA Association for Work Studies, Business the Institute for Eastern Studies, and the edOrganisation and Business Development), itorial board of the “Polish Market” monthly, studies in human-resources management, chose this project, which was still in progress entrepreneurship and SME management at at that time, as the winner of the Business Inthe Wirtschaftsuniversität in Vienna, close novation Award. The distinction was presented to the Poznań University of TechWaldemar Pawlak and Krystyna Woźniak- Trzosek presents the nology during the Innovation Forum Business Innovation Award to Magdalena Krystyna Wyrwicka, in Rzeszów on 8 September 2010. Poznań University of Technology (PUT) The “Foresight...” project did not stop at identifying networks and innovation transfer processes in Wielkopolska – it also looked at mechanisms for the situational adaptation of knowledge among interrelated companies. Research was conducted on a variety of levels, referring to individual Wielkopolska

residents, economic entities, networks, and the economic environment. The analyses tackled the historical circumstances, the current situation, the signs of change, and the possible future trends in three systems: 1) The potential economic and socio-economic networks in the region 2) The diffusion of innovation in business networks 3) Knowledge-producing institutions driving the transformation The project employed the foresight method, which is based on engaging all the stakeholders in a public debate about the most important future needs of the Region’s economy – entrepreneurs, NGO representatives, politicians, journalists, scientists, and young people. Drawing on both SWOT and PEST, as well as the Delphi method and system analyses, the scientists sought determinants and limitations for development projects in Wielkopolska, while taking into account network relations. Not only did the Project deliver reports containing study results and scenarios showing the potential spectrum of future situations in Wielkopolska’s economy, but it also resulted in the creation of a proposed system for developmental transformation and recommendations to regional authorities . A “road map” was created, outlining the projects that could be launched to most effectively influence the pace of Wielkopolska’s socio-economic development. :: The project was co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the State Budget within the framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme. It was implemented by the Faculty of Management Engineering of the Poznań University of Technology from October 2009 to December 2011 as part of Priority Axis 1 The research and development of new technologies, Measure 1.1 Support for scientific research for the development of a knowledge-based economy, Submeasure 1.1.1 Research projects using the foresight method based on the UDAPOIG 01.01.01-30-014/09 contract. 2 Detailed information on the Project is available on www.fsgw.put.poznan.pl 1

Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  25

Powerful Businesswomen

We remember about women The Honorary Pearls of “Polish Market” are awarded to the most prominent personalities and institutions for their achievements in the economy, culture, and science, and the fostering of civic and patriotic values, and whose achievements and experience merit the title of ambassadors of the noblest Polish qualities. To date, the Pearls have been granted to nearly 60 people, who now can be regarded as institutions of civic life in Poland. In this respect, we have never forgotten about women.

Maciej Proliński

prof. Czesława Frejlich, an industrial desiner, Honorary Pearl in the category of “culture”

In 2012, our distinctions in the category of “Culture” went to Professor Czesława Frejlich, an industrial designer, and Maryla Rodo wicz, a singer. And for “fostering civic values” the laureate was Bożena Kazanowska a therapist working with blind children. Czesława Frejlich is a lecturer at the faculties of industrial design of the Academies of Fine Arts in Kraków and Warsaw. Until 2000 she was an active industrial and functional graphics designer. She also excels in ergonomic design. She has authored a number of publications on design and ergonomics. Her greatest achievement in the field recognised by our distinction is the intiative started in 2011 to open and write for “2+3D”, the best Polish design quarterly.“Today design is a branch of culture which is in close contact with the economy. When used properly, it can have a very beneficial impact on it. I hope that awarding the Pearl to a person

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From left: Artur Orzech, Bożena Kazanowska, the creator of the Polish Touch and Feel Book Library, Honorary Pearl in the category “fostering civic values”, Marek Michalak (Ombudsman for Children) and Krystyna Woźniak- Trzosek (Polish Market)

working in design will contribute to more intensive cooperation between entrepreneurs and designers,” Ms. Frejlich stressed at the awards Gala. Maryla Rodowicz is an icon of the Polish musical scene. She has about 2,000 songs and 30 albums in her catalogue. She has never stopped to catch her breath for several decades. The greatest masters of Polish song have written for her – such authors as Agnieszka Osiecka, Ernest Bryll and Jonasz Kofta – and she has worked with such prominent composers as Katarzyna Gaertner and Seweryn Krajewski. A total of 15 million Maryla Rodowicz albums have been sold to date. She has performed all over the world – in Europe, Russia, America, Australia, and Asia. Now, her plans for 2013 include new concerts and working on pulling off the “Maryla Rodowicz Anthology” – a collection of all her albums since 1970. The series is to be

released regularly until mid-2013. “I’d like to produce a musical called Maryla based on my songs, but not just those. This year should see an exhibition of my archives in the National Library. At this point, I’m trying to get them in order. I’m segregating photos, lyrics. Not thinking about a new album yet, but... I have a fat file of Andrzej Poniedzielski’s lyrics. He once gave it to me and told me to do anything I wanted with it. There’s so much beauty inside! Amusing and thought-provoking at the same time,” she told “Polish Market” early this year. Bożena Kazanowska, the creator of the Polish Touch and Feel Book Library, is a therapist for blind children. The library is available free of charge in all Poland, and its activities are based on providing exceptional touch and feel books to blind and visuallyimpaired children, and also children with palsy, those who use wheelchairs and those

Powerful Businesswomen that are unable to leave the confines of their homes. Kazanowska, with the help of a group of volunteers, has been producing those extraordinary books and sending them to children with disabilities for a few years now. On a daily basis, she works at the Special Educational and Upbringing Centre for blind and visually-impaired children in Lublin. Her work for the library has been an act of silent heroism, which to date has received little note, although she has been involved in it for a few years already. “The more people talk about this kind of work in the media, the better and more extensive the social response. Thank you for recognising me,” she said. It is also worth recalling our past winners, paragons of modern civic attitude. They include Małgorzata Żak and the Polsat Foundation, Małgorzata Walewska (mezzo-soprano), the great voice of Polish opera, Urszula Dudziak and Anna Maria Jopek, the first ladies of Polish jazz, Krystyna Janda, a prominent actress, stage director and Director of the Polonia Theatre in Warsaw, Prof. Alicja Chybicka, a Senator and Head of the Department and Clinic of Pediatric Oncology, Haematology and Bone-Marrow Transplantation in Wrocław, and Prof. Maria Siemonow, a world-famous Polish surgeon and transplant surgeon. ::

Maryla Rodowicz, polish singer, Honorary Pearl in the category of “culture” advertisement



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Powerful Businesswomen

The key is good relationship Areta Kempińska and Joanna Woźniakowska, owners of Bireta Professional Translations, talk to “Polish Market”.


You head a translation agency that specializes in highly specialized energy, gas and environmental protection sector

Areta Kempińska Partner Graduate of the University of Warsaw English Philology faculty and the American Studies Center; Polish-English translator and interpreter since 1995. Ms. Kempińska has been a partner of Bireta Translations since 2002 where she coordinates written and oral translation departments. Her specializations include building long-term client relations and service quality assurance. She is a mother of 7-year old Adam and 9-year old Pola.

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projects. Why did you decide to take on these technical industries? “Establishing a specialized translation agency was a natural consequence of our interests and cooperation. In college, we both worked as translators. I have a Master’s in English Philology and Joanna Woźniakowska has a Master’s and Engineering Degree from the Warsaw University of Technology. This proved very helpful in selecting this specialized segment,” says Areta Kempińska. There is high demand for high-quality technical translations, which results in our strong presence in this sector. Over 10 years, Bireta Translations earned the trust of a large group of clients in the energy, gas and environmental protection fields. We translated thousands of pages of tender documents, terms of reference, functional and operational programmes, environmental decisions, contracts, user manuals, catalogs, standards and many other technical texts. Our translators and proofreaders are experts in their respective fields – whether civil, control, electrical, mechanical, gas, or IT engineers. Do many companies use your services? I ask because I’m curious about the language proficiency of their employees. Currently, every college graduate must be familiar with at least two foreign languages. That’s right. We provide services to large international companies, whose employees speak foreign languages quite well. However, “familiarity” alone is not sufficient to translate extremely specialized and detailed documents. Thanks to our experience, advanced tools, our 30 employees, and over 40 pm

cooperating freelance translators we can efficiently turnaround more than 200 pages a day. Very often, we are retained to help prepare tender materials and we translate terms of reference. Can you name some of your leading clients? We are the only translation agency that is a member of the Polish Chamber of Power Industry and Environment Protection, Gas Industry Chamber of Commerce and the Polish Chamber of Renewable Energy. Our clients include Polish and international companies, e.g.: Abener, AE&E Lentjes, Alstom, Ansaldo, Astaldi, China National Electric Engineering, Daewoo International Corp., Doosan Power Systems, Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola, Elektrownia Północ (Kulczyk Holding), Energa S.A., Energomontaż Południe S.A., Energopomiar, Energoprojekt Gliwice S.A., Fortum Power and Heat Polska Sp. z o.o., Foster Wheeler Energia Polska, Fisia Babcock Environment, GDF Suez, General Electric International S.A., Hitachi, Hochtief , Iberdrola, Institute of Power Engineering, The Chamber of the Natural Gas Industry, The Polish Chamber of Power Industry and Environment Protection, Lurgi, MCE Berlin GmbH, Metso Automation Polska, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Mostostal Warszawa S.A., Nordex, PGNiG, Pol-Aqua S.A., Polimex-Mostostal S.A., Rafako S.A., Siemens., SNC-Lavalin’, Strabag, Schlumberger, Talisman, Tecnimont, Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin S.A. pm


What innovative technologies does your agency use?

Powerful Businesswomen We use specialized software for translation agencies, such as SDL Trados Studio or ApSICXbench. They allow multiple users to work on the same document, and maintain cohesion and consistency within the text. We have a special team of proofreaders who assure cohesion in texts translated by several professionals. Each project receives multi-stage quality control. The first and second verify consistency of terminology, dual style checks are performed by two proofreaders, and then ApSICXbench checks textual consistency. Finally, the documents are checked for correctness of numbers, symbols, lines, etc., and that they reflect the original layout. We often hear that the people make up the strength and power of a company. Is it worthwhile to implement incentive programmes? We believe our team is our strength and that service quality depends largely on employee satisfaction. This approach has garnered us the “Flexible Company” award in a national competition as part of the EQUAL programme. We absolutely support incentive programmes. Our tools include both financial bonuses for meeting goals, as well as various

training courses, e.g. team building for our employees. What makes women such great managers - experience, persistence, knowledge? For both women and men, all these qualities are the keys to success. A great manager is a person with inner strength, and the ability to properly combine knowledge, experience and consistency in action. The advantage of female managers includes courage in tackling challenges. Women approach changes and problems in a unique way, often as opportunities for growth. They are ready to innovate and improve the efficiency of the entire team. pm


Do you think there is a “feminine” management style? If so, how does it differ from a “masculine” style? It is important to find unique features in each management style. Precision and patience often characterize women. We easily establish professional contacts, we appreciate concrete and practical solutions. The key for us is customer satisfaction and desire for good relationships within the company. Our management style is based on clear :: communication and partnership. pm

Joanna Woźniakowska Partner Joanna Woźniakowska has worked in the translation industry for many years. In 1996-2001, she managed the Warsaw branch of the Danish company Skandinavisk Miljo Service A/S. Since 2002, she has been the co-owner of Bireta Translations. Ms. Woźniakowska is responsible for QA of technical translations, marketing and is the company CFO.

New strategy for


Joanna Schmid, Vice President for Strategy and Development at Tauron Polska Energia

I am very pleased that there are more and more women in managerial positions in Polish business. In Tauron Polska Energia I am responsible for a strategic area that defines the Group’s long-term operations and development directions. Due to the rapidly changing market conditions, this task involves not only a great deal of reponsibility, but also requires a continuous analysis of the business

environment so as to capture opportunities that would increase the value of the Group. We are about to update one of the Group’s corporate strategy which will define Tauron’s operations until 2022. Our aim is to secure access to electricity for over five million customers, as well as to build a balanced portfolio of production assets, with account taken of environmental and regulatory issues.

I am happy that there are more and more women on the management boards of energy companies, as it is a sector dominated by men. My understanding is that gender parity is in the hands of the interested party itself, and it only has significance, both in social and business terms, when resulting from its genuine commitment and success. :: Special Edition  /2013  ::  polish market  ::  29

Powerful Businesswomen

Polish Female Ambassadors in Brussels The European Parliament hosted in February a three-day exhibition “Women Entrepreneurs - Five Pillars for Growth”. Ewelina Janczylik - Foryś Every day female entrepreneurs in Europe make a positive contribution to the European economy. However, recent figures from the European Commission show that Europe still lacks female entrepreneurs. Women account for a mere 34.4% of the self-employed in the EU. Unfortunately, those of them wishing to start business are still being held back by a range of barriers. It is extremely important to take action to promote women’s entrepreneurship in the EU, and thereby to create a platform for a comprehensive debate on the existing barriers in the European market, with a particular emphasis on access to finance, support networks, education, innovation, as well as management and policies. That is why two members of European Parliament, Małgorzata Handzlik and Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg, decided to support an initiative by Seldia - European Direct Selling Association -to organize in the European Parliament an exhibition “Women Entrepreneurs - Five Pillars for Growth”. The pillars are as follows: 1. Government Policies, 2. Education, 3. Innovation, 4. Cooperation (Networks), 5. Access to Finance. The exhibition was inaugurated in the presence of the European Commission Vice President, Viviane Reding, and the Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier. Poland was represented by the Embassy of Women’s Entrepreneurship Foundation. Urszula Ciołeszyńska, the founder and president of the Foundation’s Board, said: “I would remind you that the Embassy of

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Women’s Entrepreneurship is implementing the project Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors in order to increase the number of start-ups established and run by women in Poland. The project was inspired by the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, an initiative launched by the European Commission in 2009”. The project Polish Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors was officially inaugurated on September 13, 2012 by the Embassy for Women in Business Foundation. The date was not accidental, since it was one year after the adoption by the European Parliament of the resolution on women’s entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises. Given its nationwide scope, ambitious goals and a strong institutional basis, the project received the Honorary Patronage of Polish First Lady, Anna Komorowska. “The project is organized by our Foundation, which was established to promote the idea of entrepreneurship among women. We are currently building in Poland the Female Entrepreneurs Network to bring together women who have set up and develop their own businesses and those who intend to start their working on their own. The Foundation has created a dedicated platform for cooperation - www.ambas.pl,” added Urszula Ciołeszyńska. On November 23, 2012 the Ministry of Economy announced the project called “100 New Businesses in 2013”. It is part of a public campaign Partnership for the Development of Women’s Entrepreneurship designed to contribute to building a positive image of

entrepreneurship. “100 New Businesses in 2013” is part of the objectives that the Embassy for Women in Business set itself when appointing, last September, one hundred Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors in Poland. “In cooperation with partner organizations and individual Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, we are looking for the most practical and comprehensive means of support in this regard. We have officially declared that in 2012 we would provide 100 women from across the country with such a systemic assistance”, said Urszula Ciołeszyńska. “Our intention is that, owing to the support and assistance provided by the Ambassadors, 100 new businesses run by women are set up every year in Poland. That is why we are working on a comprehensive range of support and assistance measures for women who want to become self-employed. Every year the Women’s Entrepreneurship Network will be enlarged by one hundred new Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors recruited among the most enterprising women ready to take up the challenge of supporting and inspiring other women to start their own businesses. The implementation of the project is overseen for its accordance with the principles of ethics and the provisions of the European Parliament’s resolution on women’s entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises, by the Club of Entrepreneurs and Experts operating under the National Board of the Polish Economic Society,” adds Urszula Ciołeszyńska. ::

Powerful Businesswomen

High quality, reliability and integrity Kalina Ben Sira, President of La Perla Sp. z o.o., talks to Maciej Proliński. What is the distinguishing feature of La Perla clinics on the Polish market? La Perla is a chain of clinics which have enjoyed the trust of its most demanding customers for over 11 years. It is a must-go place on the map for all people who appreciate style, quality and professionalism, a guarantee of the latest technologies and cosmetic hits. Years of experience in the beauty industry have made our resource attractive to all customers who want to take care of themselves in a way that is the most effective. From the beginning we thought of a holistic approach to beauty and people. A great product is just not enough to feel beautiful - you also need a professional high-level cosmetic and medical service. With us, every customer will benefit from the widest range in the country —from aesthetic medicine to the broadest provision of aesthetic cosmetology, plastic surgery (nearly a thousand treatments!) and spa facilities. Over the years of company building, the values of quality, reliability, integrity, respect for people, innovation and modernity in all activities have remained unchanged. pm

Do you think that Poles are cutting edge in the broadly-understood “beauty” industry? Absolutely; we are at the world-class level when it comes to what we have to offer in this respect to customers from both Poland and abroad. The spa market, for example, is developing beautifully. The standards that we maintain in Poland are often higher than those in Western Europe. For example, in Poland there are facilities far outclassing the resource of Baden-Baden, the cradle of European spas. pm

And how is it with the foreign clientele? We are very open to foreign markets, but the tourist promotion of Poland across the world really kicked off thanks to the Polish Tourist Organisation (POT) just some two years ago. Interestingly, the new concept of the organisation is to promote Poland by means of state resorts and spa facilities. However, today, when you ask me whether I have foreign customers I will tell you I don’t. Where am I supposed to get them from? In this country, nobody helps me. I operate efficiently on the Polish market in respect of investments, marketing, and PR. For now, without entering into some broader formula, for example, without the support of the Polish Tourist Organisation, we are unable to reach outside Poland with our comprehensive package. So my wish is that organisations such as the POT create a good atmosphere and friendly environment for further work. For other entrepreneurs, that would be an incentive to work. pm

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Today, we often speak of a much-needed transfer of knowledge from science to the economy. How does this combination of the two look in La Perla clinics? And how does this practice affect innovation? First of all, as a rule, La Perla clinics operate as a medical organisation, owing to the company structure. There is simply someone like a Medical Director who is responsible for every procedure. This is Elżbieta Radzikowska, MD, a general surgery and aesthetic medicine specialist. Everything is thoroughly controlled by specialists experienced in the broadly-defined market. As we have to emphasise, we do not save lives, do not cure sick people. What we do constitutes an added value, something that is not essential to our lives, but if we do make use of it, pm

then we must have a 100% guarantee that it will not be harmful to us, because it is of the highest level. What are the most important treatments in La Perla clinics’ package? What promotes and distinguishes us from the competition are certainly the novelties with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certificates, which we continually introduce. Recently, there was Liposonix, a non-invasive and safe procedure that slims without the interference of a surgeon or the need for a diet or exercises. La Perla is the first in Europe to offer it. High intensity focussed ultrasound (HIFU) permanently removes fat while leaving the skin undamaged and firmed. The technology used in this device is based on 10-year clinical studies by recognised experts in the fields of new medical technologies and ultrasound. The effect of the procedure is a 2.5 cm reduction in circumference after one treatment! pm

How did you decide on starting your own business? And just a further question - is it merely a good and profitable enterprise, especially in times of economic crisis? My answer is this - if on December 2011, surrounded by the picturesque landscape of the Tatra Mountains, we opened a spa at the Grand Nosalowy Dwór Hotel in Zakopane, in June 2012 at the Holiday Inn in Józefów and in January 2013, at the Hilton Hotel in Warsaw, I will say no more... To sum up, recent years have definitely been the time to invest, but not over-invest, as my managerial principle is simple, “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”. I believe that one should also have courage and keep an open mind. Perceptiveness and a bit of innate initiative allowed me to take the next steps forward. However, there is no substitute for hard work. When you don’t take the bull by the horns, your investment brings greater risks :: and smaller chances of success. pm

Powerful Businesswomen

Vision One – passion and professionalism ! Edyta Wojciechowska- Malke

Idea Since then its founders were inspired by the idea of creating new products and market awareness of the consumers. During years of experience the company was strong-willing in pursuing the goal – to maintain the highest quality at an affordable price. In recent years the company has been the first to offer new solutions on the Polish market, especially in the segment of sports for kids and remains a leader in the licensing sporting goods until today. Thanks to the professionalism and dynamic activity Vision One managed to attract to cooperation the most prominent figures of Polish sport – Otylia Jedrzejczak (Olimpic Games Gold Medalist in swimming), Jerzy Dudek (winner of UEFA Champions League with FC Liverpool) and Sebastian Swiderski (most famous polish volleyball player named as a best player in italian championship), who became engaged in developing and leveraging of the MOVE brand products in special series dedicated to them and related to the discipline represented by each of them. Since many years Vision One is a stable partner for the biggest companies offering licenses for children – Walt Disney Company, Mattel, Hasbro, Warner Bros and recently the UEFA.

Products Vision One is specialized in sporting goods, both for adults and children. Toghether with sport stars, the Company is making proffesional sporting lines for soccer, swimming and volleyball. For many years Vision One is a proud partner of the biggest companies in toy biznes in the world. Together with them is implementing special sports projects for children – among others ski helmets, swimming accessories, football accessories, skateboards, scooters and bicycles for children, under famous brands like: Cars, Finding Nemo, Barbie, Hot Wheels, Transformers. My little Pony and many others. For ski accessories and swimming accesories Vision One is one of the leading companies in the World. Vision One endeavors that the products presented

by the company are the highest quality and meet all safety standards. The production is carried out in the best factories in Europe and the world and the quality control is verified at its every stage. Many times Vision One is providng the service in B2B sector – making the special productions for other companies, like Ferrero Poland or Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa.


Edyta Wojciechowska- Malke CEO Vision One

The company has been awarded many times Development is our goal. Our future plans include introduction of new sports by specialized market products desirable on the market and development the range of already existing monitoring enterprises goods. We cooperate with famous Polish athletes such as Jerzy Dudek, Otylia Jędrzejczak and Sebastian Świderski, thanks to this we create and improve and is in possession of already existing products. certificates – ”Business Credibility” and ”Reliable Company”. The President of Vision One – with around 400 young soccer players. ToMrs. Edyta Wojciechowska-Malke was congether with Otylia Jedrzejczak – best swimferred the title of ”Businesswoman of the mer in history of Poland, Vision One is makYear 2010” in the main competition of this ing a lot of activities supporting the young type in Poland. The jury appreciated the insportsmen. In 2013 Vision One is preparing special games in swimming named “Team novative projects being implemented by ViOtylia Cup”. Vision One support each day sion One and high financial stability of the charity organizations like “Fundacja Herocompany. UEFA awarded Vision One for the :: si” and many others. best UEFA EURO 2012 Logo Based Design in Licensee Challenge 2011. In 2012 the Company got the special award from Forbes Magazine – Diamonds of Forbes.

CSR Vision One is always open for support the children activities. The Company is proud to organize special contest for children, where the best young players can meet the stars. Together with Jerzy Dudek, Vision One is making the special contest – Dudek Diamonds, and help the children to develop their skills. Since 2012 the Company is also a partner of Jerzy Dudek Academy – placed in Cracow,

VISION ONE Sp. z o.o. ul. Hawajska 16 lok.16, 02-776 Warszawa, Poland tel. + 48 22 2580286, email. info@visionone.pl www.visionone.pl, www.move-sport.pl www.facebook.com/VisionOneCompany, www.facebook.com/projektmove

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Powerful Businesswomen

IT project under the watchful eye of women Computernet is an IT and consulting company specialising in the implementation and development of integrated IT systems from the Comarch brand. The company’s mission is to support strategic areas of corporate operations by providing IT solutions which facilitate the harmonised implementation of business processes, and the establishment of complete control over an enterprise with its resources and potential, as well as the maintenance of Clients’ IT environments. Computernet offers comprehensive implementation of IT systems - from business analyses, to the devising of solutions, their application and continuous development. In addition to small- and medium-sized companies, our clients include major business entities from a variety of sectors. We deliver a full range of products and, most importantly, assistance from IT consultants with

over 10 years’ experience in the deployment of Comarch software. Our technical resources allow us to successfully implement any project, regardless of its complexity. www.computernet.com.pl, facebook/computernet ::

Justyna Molenda Founder and owner of Computernet Company. Graduated with an MBA strategic management, has two degrees: from Polish and English Universities. Founded Computernet, a company offering information technology services for companies, IT outsourcing, IT project implementation and comprehensive solutions for business. She is a business partner of many factories as well as small and medium-sized enterprices and institutions involved in computer hardware supply, the construction and configuration of wired and wireless networks and their administration.

LUX MED experience matters Anna Rulkiewicz President of the Management Board, LUX MED. A graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the University of Hamburg, Anna Rulkiewicz also completed postgraduate studies at the PolishFrench Insurance Institute (operating within the French Institute), and a series of training courses in the field of management, sales, communication, marketing (including 3-year managerial studies), organized under the certified insurance programme LIMRA “Marketing Strategies for Executive Advancement” (LIMRA Executive Development Group). She has also completed several other management, sales, finance, marketing and banking courses. Anna Rulkiewicz has been working in LUX MED since 2002. In the beginning she was appointed a Member of the Management Board, Sales and Marketing Director. Since 2007 she has been the President of the Management Board of LUX MED. Since the end of 2011, she has also been the Managing Director of LMG Försäkrings AB, which operates in Poland under the brand - LUX MED Insurance. She is also the President of the Association of Private Employers in the Medical Sector.

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We are the biggest medical partner in Poland providing end-to-end care including outpatient, diagnostic, rehabilitation and hospital services. LUX MED Group offers personal and company-financed medical subscriptions and health insurance as well as self-payment and National Health Fundbased services. We take care of more than 1 200 000 patients in over 100 health centres. Our team consists of 8,500 employees, including around 4,100 doctors of various specialties. LUX MED strives to maintain the position of choice the medical partner in Poland. Every action we take is guided by the thought to guarantee our patients the best possible standard of treatment. ::

Powerful Businesswomen

Family business- great potential to survive the crisis Alicja Wojciechowska, President of Alles company, talks to “Polish Market”. it. What’s the greatest asset of any family business? Family companies make up 78% of all businesses in Poland. They are responsible for the generation of nearly a half the GDP and roughly the same proportion of jobs. We are one of 1.5 million companies. Such companies have a greater potential to survive the crisis. A family business doesn’t just dismiss people and close down because times are hard. This comes from the close involvement in the activities of the business and a strong determination to go on for the sake of the next generations, paired with strong family ties and the perception of the company as a potential workplace for our children and an opportunity for us to enjoy a good retirement.

Do you think there is such a thing as a female management style? If so, in what ways does it differ from the male style? People say that women are too emotional and weak to be good managers. And yet, US data shows that 47.7% of private companies in that country are run by women, generating USD 2.5 trillion in profits. The strength of the female management style is that women are biologically more flexible and have a greater ability to act on many levels at a time and the capability to mediate in solving problems. Still, women do have their weaknesses. For women who run companies, the most difficult thing is to manage themselves, particularly their own frustration and anger. :: pm

A company’s power is constituted by its employees. Is it the same in your case? Are you introducing incentive and development schemes? Every company’s greatest capital is its employees. Training, motivating, and encouraging them to gain more knowledge is one of our organisational principles. We organise training and specialist training, financing courses and classes in schools. pm

The values represented by the Alles company are reliability, responsibility, innovation, and success. I’m really interested in innovation in your industry... My goal is to ensure that the company maintains a stable market position and stays on track for rapid development - that’s why I think it’s vital to invest in new technologies, cutting-edge organisational solutions, skills improvement, and knowledge-building. We’ve implemented two EU projects regarding human capital and the Innovative Economy. We’ve modernised our digital production set-up system with state-of-the-art electronic material-cutting technology. This has allowed us to reduce production costs and increase product quality. An important objective in the sales of products made of highlyadvanced materials is to gain the confidence of a wide group of customers. pm


The company you have founded is a family business – both your husband and your children are involved in managing

What makes women such great managers? And what features should a good manager have in your opinion? Being a woman manager is just one of many social roles. Women’s effectiveness in management turns out to be as great as that of men’s. They are breaking the stereotypes of the autocratic style, building their successes on trust, the pursuit of a common goal, teamwork and the culture of mutual respect. 21st Century women are active, creative, because “Women Are from Venus”. This brings them to cooperate with their own nature and they quickly discover their strengths, which include a conciliatory attitude, good communication skills, and openness to new experiences. pm

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Powerful Businesswomen

Women run the world? Through publications, coaching & mentoring at agnieszkaprzybysz.com. I have the pleasure to help thousands of creative women, both those working in corporations and self-employed, to build happy relationships, pursue successful career, run business with passion, feel appreciated, loved and well-off.

Agnieszka Przybysz Women are naturally predisposed to nurture interpersonal relations. Just the way they nurture their family relationships with their partners and children, they also do care about the quality of their professional relationships. Like the majority of wonderful women I have met, they want to feel good at workplace, be valued and enjoy holding managerial positions that involve a great deal of responsibility. A woman seeks by nature to build good relationships. I worked with a number of women: presidents, directors, managers, and it appears as a common feature. Often, the reason why women are dissatisfied with their careers in corporations is their relationships with superiors or colleagues, rather than remuneration or excess duties. The two latter aspects are not the primary motive for changing jobs or frustration. I found that many women often accept slightly lower earnings if they are offered working hours that allow them to manage their time and have good relationships with their superiors and colleagues. Men’s behavior is more target-oriented, while often ignoring soft aspects such as emotions in relationships and communication. What matters above all is the result. Changes that are going on in today’s world affect men and women alike, since men’s behaviour is no longer as effective as it was for the past thousands of years in a male-dominated world. The time has come to take care of interpersonal relations in business management, which brings to the forefront feminine energy, emotions and efforts to strike a balance in professional and business relationships. Women will increasingly play highprofile roles in companies and organizations not only because they are often better managers, but owing to their natural predispositions, a feminine power that, once activated, gives them the strength to reach ever higher goals, while seeking a harmonious cooperation at the same time. Women are much more willing to get involved in public awareness campaigns to make the world a better place to live in for

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their children and their immediate neighbourhood. Of course, this does not mean that men do not, yet they usually pursue other objectives. A woman needs to give in abundance, to share, to participate in other people’s lives, a feature that is increasingly apparent these days and is bound to grow ever stronger in the coming years. Women are more likely to seek mutually beneficial cooperation, and not competition that prevails in a man’s world. We face years of fruitful cooperation between women and men who acknowledge the importance of women’s role in today’s world and appreciate their qualities, such as intuition, and in particular an intuitive ability to put things into a broader perspective when making decisions, something rarely appreciated in the male-dominated world of business. So far, the men’s world has been reigned by analysis and logical thinking. The change that is set to occur challenges many men so they integrate both female and male aspects, that is intuition and responsibility. The issue has been further developed in my book “Przyciągnij Miłość”. Women often do not appreciate their unique nature, their inner beauty, and the impact that their skills, education and qualifications have on teams or organizations they lead. Sometimes women underestimate themselves, and even though would not admit it aloud, they require more from themselves than from others. It is because they strive to catch up with men. Once they realize that they can fully preserve their femininity and their feminine style, while being effective in action at the same time, it will be much easier for them to succeed in business. It often happens that embarking on a professional career is the result of a woman’s underlying need to be noticed, appreciated, loved and accepted. It is not about a new company car or a higher position, but about how a woman sees herself through the prism of what she feels: whether she feels fulfilled in her profession because she does what she likes and what is her passion; whether she is

surrounded by people who do appreciate her efforts or even admire her accomplishments. When I met Małgorzata, she worked for many years in a big corporation and dreamed of getting a promotion and managing a larger team of people. But she kept setting herself limits: she thought that her English was not good enough and needs honing, or that she has no such possibilities for promotion. The problem was in her mind, self-esteem, because she has doubts as to whether she deserves a better position and a pay rise. She underwent a transformation process, which resulted in her getting a promotion in less than 2 months after the workshop, then another promotion, a better car. She has excellent results in sales, and is the best manager in all possible company rankings. She devoted 10 years to this company, she gave her heart to it, and was extremely successful. She admitted herself that what makes her stay with the company it is precisely these emotions, the great people and her attachment to them as though she was in a family. ::

Agnieszka Przybysz coaching pioneer expert on relationships “business with passion” mentor Coaching Institute

Powerful Businesswomen

Traditions and innovations always come first Maria Czwojdrak, President of Średzka Spółdzielnia Mleczarska „Jana” talks to “Polish Market”.

We’re also glad that we’ve received the distinction of the Presidential Harvest Festival in Spała, where we presented our products at the so-called “Harvest Festival Track” and the Presidential table. The quality we deliver brings our products and our Cooperative lots of awards, both those related to company development and to its output. The awards garnered by Jana’s products each year are reflected in the number of its products present on the shelves of small local shops, supermarkets, and large chains. The Jana Dairy Cooperative has extensive experience. You’ve been on the market for over one hundred years. How has the Cooperative changed over the years? That’s true, we’ve been on the market since 1884. However, in recent years we’ve made a great deal of investments and implemented truly revolutionary changes in the production of raw milk and its processing technology. We’ve begun the process of thorough modernisation at the plant, and have started cutting-edge projects both in the Cooperative itself and at the supplier level. Since the first years of this century, we’ve revamped all our production divisions and equipped them with state-of-the-art processing lines to keep up with the most advanced milk-processing technologies. pm

Your dairy cooperative- Jana, based in the town of Środa Wielkopolska is Polish, but its domestic operations are supplemented by activities abroad. How important is the role of exports in the functioning of the cooperative? That’s true. In 2002, two years before Poland became part of the European Union, the cooperative obtained the necessary permits to export goods to EU countries. Today our products reach Czech, Slovakian, German, British, Romanian, and Irish customers. This is of crucial importance to us, as it gives us a stronger position on the market, not to mention the competitive edge involved. pm

Are your products also highly valued in Poland? I think so. Our numerous awards say so. Since 2004 we’ve been awarded the “Gold Medal” of the “Polagra” International Food Fair in Poznań. What’s more, our products have received the “Quality and Tradition” mark and have been “Q” certified. The Cooperative’s butter has also been recognised with the “Quality and Tradition” mark. pm

You mentioned technology. Do you combine tradition with advancement? As far as innovation is concerned, the Cooperative is equipped with next-generation devices and machines. I believe that using advanced technologies, upholding a thorough quality-control system for the production process, from raw milk to the final product combined with traditional recipes, all guarantee the high quality of the product. pm

What helps the Cooperative hold on to its position as one of the top producers in the milk industry? Modern marketing activities and regular participation in major fairs both in Poland and abroad are of great importance to me, as is our participation in numerous competitions and exhibitions. We reach our customers through a variety of channels. Also, as I’ve already mentioned, we’re doing our best to catch up with the latest solutions, and this enables us to provide products that are well-suited to the requirements of the current market. :: pm

Are you taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the State? We’ve benefitted from SAPARD preaccession assistance and the sectoral operational programme. Recently, we’ve also participated in the Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013. The Cooperative missed no opportunity created by the State authorities to obtain additional funds for its development and modernisation. In recent years, and particularly before EU accession, the entire plant has been literally “re-armed”. pm

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Powerful Businesswomen

My inspiration– Kliczków Castle Magdalena Piasecka -Ludwin The atmosphere of the very buildings you work in and their immediate surroundings, with their accompanying history and legends are what often fuels your creativity in interior decorating. You can also dig deeper and further for inspiration by putting together the region’s assets, its nature, landscapes and broad cultural heritage and local tradition. Sometimes this results in achieving a whole new composition, something you couldn’t see coming at first. I personally draw this magical inspiration from Kliczków Castle, with all that surrounds it, ranging from the landscape park, complex of manor farm buildings, and picturesque countryside, to the meandering Kwisa River – all this tucked in the bowels of the Lower Silesian Wilderness, a tourist region which is advancing in many ways and aspects. At first, there was the desire to bring out the atmosphere of the castle, with its sturdy furniture and draperies that lent this palace a sense of stability, serenity, of time having stopped at some point. The stately castle, with its courtyards, stable, indoor riding hall, and a plethora of awe-inspiring chambers, all this contained in a historical decoration, provided all that was needed to achieve this effect. Then the need arose to bring life to a place which already had scenery by conjuring up the stories and pictures of what once there was. Knights, ladies, squires, a headsman; tournaments and banquets, the battles of the castle. This was a huge step back to the distant past of the Middle Ages, a period of history that evokes such strong emotions in us. Visitors to Kliczków Castle, especially the children, will have a unique opportunity to experience an adventure in history, to have a taste of Mediaeval customs, and also to interact with the animations and search for

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treasures. The Convent of the Knights has already become a regular feature of the Castle. It was pure pleasure to decorate the interiors of the Castle Spa in the twists and turns of the Castle’s stone and brick underground vaults and hallways. The oozing mystery, hundreds-years-old interiors slowed down time and helped us relax to the accompanying music. The architecture - old and harsh, and yet very much inviting - with sturdy draperies and mirrors, contrasted with the modern facilities and contemporary features, is meant to help visitors take time out from the humdrum of their life and enjoy some relaxation and contemplation. Another inspiration for the idea that took root three years ago came from the everyday life in the past, which was not that distant,that is the turn of the 20th Century. At that point, together with my husband, we decided to convert the manor farm buildings neighbouring the Castle into accommodation facilities, and by doing so to increase Kliczków Castle‘s reception capacity. We have already completed the horse stables and the riding school, which are up and running, and we’re nearly finished with the conversion of two historic buildings – the manor house worker’s lodgings and a large barn. The agricultural nature of these buildings, with their beautiful half-timbered construction and old wooden shelter, with scales standing in the middle of the yard between the two structures, made me come up with the idea of using this complex for multiple tourism-related purposes. These include educational tourism designed for groups of children and young people, educational school trips, families with children, and active tourism, including walking, cycling, horse-riding, water sports and historical tourism, using

a wide network of hiking trails which cross Kliczków. This complex, called the Prince Manor Farm, is meant to serve not only as a starting point for trips, hikes and recreation in general, but also as a place where one can “touch” and have a taste of what life was like in the past. For instance, in the old laundry you can try your hand at washing linen clothes on a washboard using a washtub, or mangling with a manually-operated mangle. We collect old, historic tools and items, and then exhibit them in a way that ensures they illustrate various areas of everyday work at the turn of the century. We are planning to set up a kitchen garden, which our guests will be allowed to cultivate. In the future we will also provide a pen, an essential part of every manor farm. There will be a place for guests to peel and dry the mushrooms they have picked in the surrounding forests, a smokehouse, and also the possibility to take part in culinary workshops involving local and natural cuisine. In order to achieve this, the spaces within the complex and the interiors need proper arrangement – I am doing my best to employ all the old and historic elements, items, and architectural details. The buildings will be embellished with countryside flowers and other flora. My hope is we’ll succeed in getting the imagination of our guests going, encouraging them to actively experience life in the countryside in the atmosphere of the past. There’s much more to say about this place, which is ever-inspiring. What I’ve said, however, should give you a picture of how the interior decoration can get you on an interesting and extensive exploration trip, which will help you expand the surrounding space and time, bringing history back to life. www.kliczkow.com.pl ::

Design Powerful Businesswomen

Development, innovations, scientific and technological progress in the textile industry Jadwiga Sójka-Ledakowicz, PhD Eng, Associate Professor province 2009 – The technology of water and heat recovery from processing wastewater; “I’Ordre du Mérite de l’Innovation Eureka” – Commander’ Cross – innovation award from Brussels Eureka Commission, Brussels 2011; - Labour Safety Competition 2011, Second Grade Prize for the project: “Modern individual protection equipment against UV emitted by artificial sources”. Is there an innovative textile technology “Made in Poland” that you especially want to highlight? Textile Research Institute (IW) recently has developed many innovative technologies which soon will be commercialised and implemented in industrial practice – the in textile and chemical industry as well. New generation barrier materials protecting man against harmful impacts of the environment - technologies developed within Individual Key Project POIG.01.03.01-00006/08 acronym Envirotex - the Project is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013. Technologies offered for commercialisation: Technology of obtaining inorganic modifiers; Technology of organic UV absorbes method of obtaining UV barrier materials for elements of indywidual protection equipment (apparel, caps); Technology of obtaining UV barrier materials for special applications (e.g. book collection covers, old prints covers, etc.); Technology of barrier materials protecting against electromagnetic field (EMF) or archtectural applications. It is worth to notice that the technology of water and heat recovery from textile wastewaters, developed by IW and implemented on industrial scale some years ago, still arouses interest among companies. pm

Your research and inventions have often been recognized by key markets. You are evidence that science is not a male preserve. How do you feel about this? Yes, I am an author or co-author of 10 patented inventions - the majority of which were implemented in the textile industry. Lately, I have submitted to the Polish Patent Office six patent applications – including one within PCT and 1 within EPO. These applications concern new generation textile barrier materials protecting man against harmful impacts of the environment. These inventions have been developed within Envirotex project co-financed by EU within Operational Programme – Innovative Economy. Envirotex project is carried out by the Scientific Consortium of six partners and I am the head and chief coordinator of all tasks. My research achievements – scientific results in the period of 2007 – 2012 were awarded by seven gold medals, seven silver medals , two bronze medals, one special prize (Korea International Women’s Invention KIWIE 2011) and many diplomas and congratulation letters from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. I am especially proud of three awards: - Economic Award of the Governor of Łódzkie pm

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The Textile Research Institute collaborates extensively with academic units and R&D

facilities in Poland and abroad. Which countries are you currently working with? Today IW continues to search for new areas of research, working with many national and international research centers and universities, participating in interdisciplinary research programmes – with local partners: like for example Wroclaw University of Technology, Poznań University of Technology, Central Institute for Labour Protection National Research Centre, Nofer’s Institute of Occupational Medicine, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Central Mining Institute, Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants and the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies in Łódź. We work with foreign partners from: - Czech Republic, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Greece and Finland. Does the institute lead research work on order from commercial firm ? IW provides research and testing services for companies/enterprises representing various branches of industry. On commision IW provides research and development work, feasibility studies and implementation work within specific technological problems in the textile area but also environment protection (environmental engineering, utilisation and recycling of textile waste, pro-ecological technologies ), new materials and technologies (polymer technologies, industrial biotechnology). Chemical and instrumental analysis, physical, mechanical and physiological, ecological and electrostatic properties, flammability, toxicity of combustion products, microbial analysis of fibres, yarns and flat textile fabrics (woven, nonwoven and knitted) are performed by six Testing Laboratories. IW is the representative of Oeko-Tex Association and as the only one in Poland carries out Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification procedure. :: pm

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Design Businesswomen Powerful

Design – a good investment More and more often the decision to buy a given product is based on more than just its technical value. Ease of use, usefulness and aesthetics are becoming the present-day customer’s essential criteria of choice. If a product or service is to stand any chance of success on the market it has to be well designed. Investing in design can be seen as the key to the prosperity of many enterprises, particularly those in the SME sector, which pursue continued growth. Few entrepreneurs, however, use this key in Poland. Alicja Adamczak, PhD, The Polish Patent Office What is design? Design appeals to the human imagination, shapes taste, and fashion trends, and also creates friendlier spaces for living, contributes to environmental protection, affects public space in the broad meaning of the term, and influences our choices. In recent years, the context of the notions of “industrial design” and “design” has become much broader. Today design relates not just to products, but also to services. Not only is our behaviour being redesigned, but our entire lifestyle is being transformed and adjusted to a higher standard. This makes design an important area for start-ups and developing businesses, as, considering the pivotal role it plays in the process of creating new products and services, it has a measurable influence on the level of innovation involved. Investing in innovative design solutions frequently translates into a better market position, contributes to brand development and increases visibility over the competition. There are plenty of examples from global markets, as the strategy of development through investment in design has been adopted by many companies which have become global players. The leading design-driven companies include Apple, Electrolux and Dyson, each of which has built its image not just on innovative technological solutions but also on aesthetically-pleasing and functional forms.

Recognised potential In Poland the awareness of how important design and designers are in the process of developing innovative products and processes is still insufficient. This is reflected in the results of the study entitled Design, Creativity and Innovation: A Scoreboard Approach, which was conducted in 2009 by Pro Inno Europe, Inno Metrics, which assessed creativity and design levels on a national scale. Nevertheless, the Polish potential in the field of design is increasingly recognised in

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highly-developed countries (The United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, and others), which lead the innovation rankings – Polish designers have garnered esteem and prestige there. We have also been successful in international competitions, such as the Red Dot Award Competition, which is one of the oldest and most prestigious events of its type in the world. Polish designers who have participated since 2008 have already received 25 prizes for designs in diverse areas of life – from business visualisation systems, products and services, to furniture, and even medical equipment.

Industrial design under protection The new demand for industrial design is producing an extremely fast pace of technological progress, which challenges designers to miniaturise products while increasing their functionality and streamlining production, which might give an edge to those who come up with the changes first. Not only is a well-designed product capable of encouraging the customer to buy it, but it also reduces production costs, which significantly affects the enterprise’s profits and its competitive position on the market. In this context, there is a growing demand for the appropriate protection of intellectual property rights, both on the part of the creator and entrepreneur. The legal protection of industrial design should ensure not only legal safety, but also economic benefits, becoming an indispensable additional stimulus for business development.

The initiatives of the Polish Patent Office It is already the sixth time that the Polish Patent Office, in cooperation with the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market, and many other partner institutions, are organising an International Conference in the series

“Women’s Innovation and Creativity for Economic Growth,” this year dedicated to “Design as an Opportunity for the SMEs sector”. The respective panel discussions are to address the education of designers, the processes of design implementation in production, and also the economic benefits generated by innovative design and achieved by entrepreneurs. The conference will feature the experiences and opinions of listed companies on the significance of design in building their position on the market. The conference on the strategy for protecting design will feature a discussion of the legal and economic aspects of systems used by entrepreneurs, and also the conditions for choosing the type, forms, and scope of such protection. The conference, under the honorary patronage of the First Lady of Poland Anna Komorowska, will take place on 21-22 March 2013 at the headquarters of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. It will be attended by prominent experts from this country and abroad, designers, representatives of universities and business organisations, and also entrepreneurs who owe the development and success of their companies to investments in design. The event will be accompanied by an exhibition of Polish industrial design recognised in one of the most prestigious international contests in the world – Red Dot. Feel invited to visit the exhibition in the Kordegarda Gallery at 15 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street in Warsaw between 21 March and 2 April of this year. For more in:: formation see www.uprp.pl.

Design Powerful Businesswomen

Design – a catalyst for development When you think about design (and other elements of culture) don’t think about it only as “nice decoration”, but rather as “an event”. Conscious design is an element in the developing economy. One of the best vehicles for building a brand, and certainly the cheapest and best targeted, is culture, including material culture. Indeed, investments in these areas are evidence of the quality of society. It is a way to gain some prestige for our country and build its positive image. Despite the fact that we still have not generated efficient institutional mechanisms supporting Polish design, it is developing rapidly, and is changing the image of Poland for better every day, writes Maciej Proliński.

Design is the art of the conscious designing of things that are beautiful and useful at the same time. In its DNA, design has a product that must be sold and have value in use. Design practically constitutes the entire material culture and, at the same time, it is a catalyst for the development of the economy. “We need an experiment. In order not to reproduce the various patterns of design tools, to get away from the routine or not to be left with your project only on paper or on the computer, I encourage my students to work with the material that they use for the design, to build their thing until they finish it so it won’t just end up only on the drawing board. For me a design is completed if it can be used. From the beginning my design studio was thought of as an experimental course of alternative approaches to designing. It is because the designers put an emphasis on strengthening the relationship between the designer who brings a product into shape and the user who is the target for this product”, said Tomek Rygalik, a world-famous designer, in an interview with me a few years ago. And immediately he added: “When it comes to design, Poland is a true El Dorado now! And it is a great opportunity for Polish industry. I lived abroad for more than ten years. I came to Poland seeing attractive prospects for action, meeting open-minded people in various businesses who were gradually creating their own quality”.

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The second important issue is the answer to the question – what is the institutional power of our design? Designers, producers, academic teachers and, finally, design students, fill the space with their everyday work which can be called “Design Made in Poland”. There’s no doubt that today this group is taking part in global cultural events. Polish people are involved in this business. And it is a great driving force. But let’s keep in mind that the real design schools – Scandinavian or Japanese – were created in a very integrated way by the people who did this job but also among the people who understood the importance of this profession, for example, politicians and businessmen. One of the most important challenges in this matter is still creating institutional structures regulating industrial design in Poland. The Good Design competition, that has been held annually by the Institute of Industrial Design for almost two decades, is a strong point that stimulates development of Polish design and exhibits almost perfect relationships between certain projects and Polish industry. It is the only independent event that monitors the design market in this country. The competition is held under the Honorary Patronage of the Minister of the Economy and the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The Good Design and the Design of the Year certificates are the most important Polish design prizes. The inspiration for

Dobry Wzór 2012 – Strefa Domu - FGH-V GALERIA okno dachowe balkonowe, 2011 Producent: FAKRO Sp. z o.o.

them were the European competitions with a long tradition, like the Italian “Compasso d’Oro” or the German “red dot”. Various producers, distributors and suppliers whose products and services have been recommended by the Institute experts as good designs, are invited to the event. Other prominent points on the map of the development of Polish design are the festivals - the Łódź Design Festival and the Gdynia Design Days. Both of them have become very prestigious during the last couple of years and are now places where some great specialists and an international audience meet. The main theme of the 6th edition of the Łódź Design Festival was the concept of “Consciousness”. It can be understood on many different levels when it comes to design. In a way designing says less and less about the objects but more and more about the entire processes in which not only designers but also scientists are involved. This consciousness tells us to look back as well as look forward. After the great damage done by the communist system now we have this great need to reorder everything and make reference to the former generations of Poles and the national tradition. And design is perfect for that! ::


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