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Audio Accuracy
the use of puzzle solving gameplay learning method. The story is set during the first world war, and is
based on one side on a high level of simplified stylized representation of environment, characters and
events, nevertheless highly accurate which makes it more attractive to young audience, and on the other
side specific menus contain historical facts and objects described with high historical accuracy. Factual
tangible and intangible historical content based on photographs and textual means of manifestation are
unlocked across gameplay, and the player can learn about them getting through the game narrative.
Each time player solves a puzzle, he is rewarded by the appearance of a fact sheet. Artifacts can be
collected along the gameplay, which hereafter display detailed image and description. All artefacts and
other contents represented in the fact sheets or displayed along the game world are real objects of that
time, (ex. cloths are detailed representations of the war period fashion or real events. In this game
history is taught based on specific facts.
In video games, absolute accuracy does not exist since it interferes with gameplay and game space
experience. In this sense accuracy is a balancing act and it can be presented in different forms and
content intertwined with gameplay and narrative.
Audio Accuracy
Audio is an important tool to add realism to video games although it does not have the same weight as
graphics. It is related to environment perception and through audio game experience can be enhanced.
It carries emotional content and can serve therefore to trigger feelings that describe game narrative in a
more realistic way. Different type of audio (noise, ambience and domestic, sounds, music, machines,
mechanical, speech, voices, human sound and sound effects upon interaction with objects, interfaces, contribute to immerse in the game word and make it closer to real world feeling. Its highly important the
accuracy of audio in game environment as it must fit game narrative.
Noise, ambience, domestic sounds, interface sound, as well as music carries an emotional aspect relate
to game story or gameplay reactions. They cover a large typology of feelings like sadness, happiness,
courage, warning, alert etc. Machines and mechanical audio effects enhance fidelity in real world objects
representation. Speeches, voices and dialogue between human-like characters in the game world used
to entertain player or to give him gameplay information contribute in real world resemblance. Moreover,
sound is related to game feedbacks.
In conclusion audio accuracy is mostly a reaction of objects, environment and story rather than provoke
interaction from player’s side. It is becoming a more and more important element in game design on
which designers are investing a high percentage of the budget.