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Game space dimensions
A hub-and-spoke layout is based on a central space in which the player feels in a comfort zone,
and additional spaces in which he gets out to explore, which not always are accessible from the
beginning of the game.
This layout gives the player some choice about where he goes, which many players appreciate. You need
not offer the player access to all the spokes at the beginning of the level; to make sure that the player
doesn’t try the harder challenges too soon, you can lock off some areas until the player tries the easier
challenges available in other spokes. Note that if you unlock the spokes only one at a time, you
effectively change the hub-and-spoke layout into a linear layout.
Divide space models are separated spaces or replication game spaces.
Point space. Space is seldom represented in points, but Final Fantasy (Square, Nintendo, 1987-
2018 uses this arrangement.
An open model is representing the environment in which the player is free to navigate and
Figure 134 A hub-and-spoke, Network and open layout of game space (Adams, 2009, p.366; Schell ,2020)
In video game these models are part of level design.
Game space dimensions
Discrete and continuous space
Game space can also classify based on the limits of space in discrete or continuous space. In discrete
space, movement and action take place in specific positions in space and the space itself is limited while
in continuous space action is freer and occurs everywhere. Continuous space is larger and offer the
possibility for exploration.
Static and dynamic space
According to Aarseth (2003), space in video game can be classified according to the possibility of transformation to static and dynamic space. The first remains unchangeable (Ex. “Chess”) and actions
happen in one viewpoint, while the second is subject to player’s manipulation (Ex. “Minecraft”, “Sim 187