16 minute read
Architects needs to predict and anticipate future developments for effective urban design and urban
planning. Gaming tools for strategic thinking and management are typically used in many simulation and
strategy games like sim City, Cities in Motion. These are rules to balance different factor or variables of
scientific disciplines such as energy, transportation, infrastructure, waste, traffic management, control of
economic growth and population, guarantee a sustainable development. Through these gaming tools is
possible to manage various categories of indicators. The strategy to follow is oriented in response of the
6. Game tools for collaboration and remote work.
Video games as social space and contested space allows for an increased level of engagement discussion
and collaboration between designers and the public. They offer a tool for social engagement that
facilitates the design phase. As part of the rules, for participant can be created a hierarchical model with
competences and behavior patterns so that each actor knows his role in the design. It is a sort of
collaboration diagram, that represents the way participants share ideas and interact with each other.
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