[PROJECTING ALBANIA] Ideas generated from research and thesis works 2017-2019 autor: POLIS UNIVERSITY copyright: POLIS UNIVERSITY printed by: POLIS UNIVERSITY layout & design: Keti Hoxha; Kristiana Meço; Steisi Vogli; Xhoana Kristo
POLIS UNIVERSITY contact: Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 5, Kashar Kodi Postar 1051, Kutia Postare 2995 Tiranë, Albania Tel:+355.(0)4.2407420 / +355.(0)4.2407421 Fax:+355. (0)4.2407422 Mob:+355 (0) 69 40 88 111 Email:contact@universitetipolis.edu.al Website:www.universitetipolis.edu.al
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ACKNOWLEGMENT POLIS University is a private university founded in 2006 as a spinoff entity of Co-PLAN / Institute for Habitat Development, a non for profit organization established since 1995. POLIS represents an experimental, avant-garde, and progressive university with main focus on raising human capacities in fields of architecture, urban planning, art design, environmental studies, energy efficiency and civil engineering. It was in 2011 that the first generation of POLIS students graduated, and most of the graduates were soon after employed at public and private administration or self-employed in their own private studios. The publication presented is a modest summary of the ideas coming from Research Thesis Works of the graduates of Bachelor Programs (3-year programs, full-time, 180 ECTS); Professional Masters Programs (2 year-programs, part-time, 90 ECTS), Master of Science Programs (2 year-programs, full time, 120 ECTS) and Integrated Master of Science Programs (5 year-programs, full-time, 300 ECTS). On the occasion of this publication POLIS University would like to acknowledge the great role of the academic staff and tutors, the hard and excellent work of students, and all passion and commitment of their families and support staff. We have joined efforts and are doing our best to build a better country and fairer society and to do this we have chosen the way of investing in human capital because we strongly believe that it is through this investment that the progress and development of this country will come.
U_PO Prof. Dr. Besnik Aliaj POLIS University Rector Doc. Dr. Sotir Dhamo POLIS University Administrator Dear friends of POLIS,
In these few lines, we would like to share
er became an institution of training and
with you some values, ideas, and efforts
a promoter of good governance, author
that led us to the establishment of POLIS
of many projects thanks to the assistance
and its further consolidation as an institu-
of international and local funding. In this
tion of education and alternative intellec-
sense, as an institution, POLIS is a reflec-
tual ideas. Together with other co-found-
tion of how we have tried to involve,
er colleagues of POLIS, members of the
work, and learn. Within its extended fam-
“generation of changes” in the ’90s, we
ily, Polis has already generated several
were all witnesses and participants of
initiatives, social movements and trends
the events that occurred in Albania be-
of different natures which aim to bring
fore and after the change. Considering
new perspectives to society.
this, POLIS aims to test the social impact
An important role here is also
of a new generation of alternatively ed-
played by the academic processes and
ucated students in the fields of architec-
scientific works, including thesis works
ture, urban and environmental planning,
from the graduation process. Although
applied design, and engineering. Thus,
this is just the beginning, through these
Polis tries to influence the entire society
tools POLIS has created discussions and
by viewing the educational process as a
debates on topics almost untouched by
form of optimism which enables conti-
Albanian society in relevant professional
nuity and growth through the transmis-
fields of design and city sciences, making
sion of knowledge and confidence to
younger generation realize that there
students. We would not consider our job
are many ways of solving concrete prob-
complete if we transmit to our students
lems. Opening the mind and a positive
expertise and passion only in these areas;
approach to problems are an important
above all, we must equip students with
part of the transmission of “secret knowl-
the ability to transform such fields in Al-
edge” and its translation into action. In
essence, we strongly believe in the real Trust in the concept of part-
nership, processes and debate, practical
possibility of positive change and growth of the Albanian society!
experience at a higher academic level,
POLIS aims to set an example
are the basis of the DNA inherited from
as an expert group bringing alternative
Co-PLAN, a community-based organiza-
ideas to development policies; we think
tion founded in the early ‘90s which lat-
that policy is not only done by the politi-
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OLIS cians but needs professional expertise. In
ademic circles and associations of higher
the Albanian context, in which scientific
education in Europe. This is also reflected
research with practical value has so far
in the recently granted “Research Uni-
been discontinued and does not corre-
versity’ status and the certification of the
spond to the international standards, for
programmatic and institutional accredi-
POLIS and the generation of researchers
and talented young people, research and
POLIS is a private institution
innovation are a way to help develop-
but it has a clear social mission deter-
ment. This is why POLIS aims to go be-
mined by its origin. The university in-
yond its academic role as an institution.
cludes many volunteering and social
To do this, beside two faculties, it has
responsibility activities, expressed in the
now established also the Research and
assistance provided for marginalized
Development Institute(RDI), as well as a
local authorities and people in need, in
experimental center for innovation (IF).
the assistance provided to local govern-
The complexity of issues of Albanian re-
ments and the governments in general,
ality is among the most challenging, and
through volunteer work and assistance
their confrontation with the expertise
which is manifested in free consultancy
and the international consultancy of ac-
projects, awareness campaigns on social
ademic institutions becomes even more
problems, etc. Similarly important to us
complex. Such exchange and confron-
is the educational and research motto ‘…
tation with international partners with
Being good professional means first of all
whom POLIS has established institutional
to know how to give love to people…’. In
partnerships, will enable us to overcome
this regard POLIS is a long term project,
the “monopoly of mind” which still “holds
in which we want to share our modest
hostage” the knowledge and information
efforts with others because we believe
in Albania and isolates it from younger
that in this way we can better achieve our
generations. Beyond that, we strongly
social mission!
believe in the ability to bring innovation
We continue to hold the convic-
to our areas of interest and to impact so-
tion that in order to change the world,
ciety. Therefore thesis research works has
one must dream. Thus, do not hesitate to
been one important instrument. All these
join us sharing our space for thought!
factors made POLIS a reference point within the country, with the respect of ac-
FAD Faculty of Architecture and Design
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ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN 1. 5-years, Integrated Master of Science, full time, 300 ECTS 2. 2-years,Professional Masters, part time 90 ETCS: - Parametric Design; - Structural Aesthetic Design; - Urban Design and Landscaping
APPLIED ART & DESIGN 1. Bachelor Studies (Full-time, 180 ECTS, 3 years) 2. Master of Science (Full or Part-time, 120 ECTS, 2 years)
U_PO Dr. Ledian Bregasi Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Engineering & Design
“Architecture as the discipline devoted to transform the reality” is our main philosophy at the Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Design at POLIS University. Teaching Architecture and Design within a specific reality like that of Albania can only be understood if one is able to think about “the crises as opportunities” in order to raise challenges of design activities and identify potential views rather than the solution. This work therefore, rather than being a catalogue, is a complete documentation of the whole Diploma Thesis in Architecture and Design, developed by several students generations graduated at POLIS since its foundation, under the auspices of a meaningful contribution to the territorial, urban, architectural and design dimensions of Albania. Having this document available, will serve as the basis to draft and guide the Faculty’s priorities over the next years and make better decision about POLIS’s vision in urban design, architecture and applied design trying to match the specific Albanian context with the broader Mediterranean and European region development. A closer look at the presented works reveals some crucial criteria that have been adopted and fully characterize POLIS University’s approach. At this point it can be regarded as a guide for the reader to go through the abundance of approaches and topics been developed by graduates as their final assignment/ task. The first thing that might impress the reader is the intense diversity of the topics. As in many other similar institutions focused on architecture, here in POLIS we believe in the necessity to face with urban realities and the demand for transformation, by involving different attitudes and points of views, even when they are contradictory. All kinds of attitudes and opinions are similarly valid since the debate on the transformation of urban reality implies all levels of governance and a great number of actors who might have different and sometimes even opposite opinions and approaches. It is only through challenging this reality that we can reach the so-called architecture or design position. Making students aware about such crucial need is what comes out from the works developed in the Diploma Studio. In any case our ambition is more about “testing the space” and the availability to work within several paradigms than assuming a specific ideological position. The complexity of the Albanian
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reality and the richness of diverse positions represent the contribution of POLIS to public debate as a way to shape the destiny of the urban and landscape transformation. Neither a guardian of the purest tradition nor an uncritical supporter of the “new architecture trends” but a an open laboratory determined to discuss, investigate and come up with proposals, that not only involve architecture as a discipline but see it as a dynamic part of the whole development , preserving its frame value and its disciplinary core. The presented works have some common traits, which can be seen as emerging POLIS methodology shaped during last years, when POLIS is gradually establishing a unique profile in education within the region. These traits basically consider architecture and design as links with a broader reality encompassing urban and landscape matter. As such, the extreme diversity in the presented works, regarding topics and quality, is based on some basic concepts which can be useful to be recalled in the pursuit of the reader’s understanding: - urban densification versus urban sprawl Most of the works stay on the belief of the necessity to rebuild the city, as the disappearing of its main core , the so called forma urbis has gradually become its predominant character. The re-design of Tirana is not a matter of setting a new make-up as in many marketing oriented urban practices. It attempts to deal with the understanding of the urban settlement and its historical character with the idea that a high quality urban level can be reached only by revitalizing and refining the existing. In this regard, we present a discrete number of topics in which, the borders of the new city (as a way to delimitate them and to prevent unnecessary expansions) and the new potential cores belonging to that so called informal city have been both investigated. - revitalization of the infrastructure and their dialectic role with the urban morphology Other emerging issues relate the extremely problematic conditions that affect the current outdated infrastructure, especially the one related to the rail transport. Although this topic would eventually affect the regional scale, some theses have considered its re-integration and the urban and architecture implications by proposing a re-visiting of the railway station typology through involv-
OLIS ing contemporary approaches in the way this urban nodes could create new polarities within the city through a re- definition of the surrounding public spaces system. The infrastructure then, becomes a new factor able to create a new urban order rather than crossing through the existing textile.
- program of activities versus typology However, the large collection of diverse topics, ranging from housing to institutions design, points out another feature of POLIS methodology , which is the preliminary exploration of the possible set of activities to be implemented within the physical project. This crucial step is regarded with a strong attention within the process, because our belief is that a good architect should be able to interpret non-material phenomenon that affects contemporary cities and be able to drive them through architecture techniques: framing the activities, containing and even mixing them in accordance with local economies and ecologies development trends.
- living nature versus generic green Because of their common root, the ecology and economy are strongly related with one another. In our way of thinking, the role of the nature in the process of urban and landscape transformation is more substantial and has more implications than what is commonly known as “green”. Therefore especially in the newest diplomas thesis a revealing tendency is the pro-active use of the whole nature. Here at POLIS the ecology is deeply involved with architecture and urban teaching, and is regarded as science of relations, rather than a mere adjunction to architecture discourse. - autonomy and revaluation of the proper value of architecture language Architecture language, that still appears to be a concrete matter of interest within the entire Balkans, in our diploma laboratory is regarded as a matter which concerns the individual student’s freedom. This balance existing between the two extremes of conservative attitudes and architecture as a fashion, allowed us to make students deeply involved with their project by getting an extremely diversified array of works, which makes us optimistic about the contribution that these young generations, will give to the Albanian development in the near future. Additionally, further interesting works,
are those conceived within an experimental framework, which found its reasons within the idea of addressing computer technologies in architecture, urban and landscape issues, as well. Also in this case, rather than following uncritically what is done abroad, we maintained the role of technology at the service of architecture, which results in works that in Albanian context can be regarded as pioneering projects. POLIS is determined to follow this attempt in the next year. Meanwhile, POLIS has started to work on restoration techniques at thesis level, an architecture discipline ignored in Albania for quite a long period.
On a similar line, also regarding the Art and Design Bachelor Thesis and in the Applied Design Master as well, the reader will find a discrete collection of cases characterized by several approaches as they have been developed from our Diploma Studio called The Albania everyday life. Within this studio run at Bachelor and Master level, students work within several branches of Contemporary Design, reaching in some cases even the level of complex prototyping, as it happened in some Masters thesis. It is again a pioneering effort in education, since the absence of design as specific discipline, for many years. Many of the proposed works started with a meaningful intention: far from being purely formal oriented the social impact of the design proposal was seriously taken into consideration. This collection will reveal POLIS’s contribution to higher education in the country with special focus on cultural renovation of Architecture and Design. We believe that our task is not limited on training professionals. Our goal is to contribute in the preparation of the young generation of local thinkers. Lastly, POLIS remains committed to address the necessity of opening the architecture discourse to public interest without any prejudice and/or preformed ideology. While contemporary Environmentalism and Information and Communication Technology are continuously emerging as contributions able to rethink the discipline of our Faculty, we still think Architecture and Design as the disciplines able to make a synthesis between art and science, and as such among the most crucial human activities. For this reason POLIS stays committed to a synthetic approach in the sense of the historical meaning of the word within architecture and design disciplines.
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Architecture & Urban Design 2017 Bora Stafa.....................................................................16 ”INTERACTIVE EDGE, A RENOVATION OF ELBASAN’S ANCESTRAC WALL”
Albano Ferraj...............................................................50 “TIRANA MEDIATHEQUE A MULTIMEDIA LIBRARY IN THE LANA RIVER DRIFT”
Devis Hoxha..................................................................18 “FLOW CHART GP EXPERIENCE THE EXTRAORDINARY,AUTO RACING CLUB AND FORMULA1 GRAND PRIX PARK” Edon Burri......................................................................20
Evina Hasimi..................................................................52 “SYNAPSES:EX-TEXTILE INDUSTRIAL SPACE REVISION AND HARDY,YARD LANDSCAPE DESIGN - KOMBISTIL” Bora Dervishi.................................................................54 “Meta4_LAB FOR COEXISTENCE AND NONVIOLENCE,BIOMIMICRY AS A SOCIOLOGICAL AND DESIGN CATALYST FOR INNOVATIVE SPACES OF CONCURRENCE” Fatos Nexhipi................................................................56
“TIRANA MULTIMODAL STATION” Egzon Gacaferi............................................................22 “DESIGN OF AN AIRPORT,GJAKOVA AIRPORT” Emiljan Çaça.................................................................24
”THE GUEST AND THE HOST,ADOPTATION AND EXTENTION OF NATIONAL LIBRARY” Efijeni Kokëdhima.........................................................58
Enton Jano.....................................................................26
Luard Halili....................................................................60
Liridona Blakaj.............................................................28
Blerim Gashi..................................................................62 “NATIONAL OLYMPIC STADIUM”
“A NEW MARKET IN THE HISTORIC CENTER OF PRISHTINA” ” Beralt Zeko...................................................................30 “SUSTAINABLE MULTIFUNCTIONAL INNOVATIVE RESIDENCE” Jurgen Pushi .................................................................32 “MUSEUM OF ART AND ARCHITECTURE ”
Nexhmi Trupja..............................................................64 “REVITALIZING THE SPA OF PESHKOPI” Enri Muço.......................................................................66 “BUS TERMINAL IN GJIROKASTER”
Zaimir Shkëmbi.............................................................34 “TO RECONSIDER SCANDERBEG SQUARE, HYBRID FUNCTIONS WITHOUT AN EMPTY SPACE”
Hueida Shimaj..............................................................68 “NDER LISA APLINE GUESTHOUSE”
Madalena Canaj.........................................................36 “RESEARCH AND CULINARY CENTER “BETWEEN SKY AND SEA””
Erind Cami....................................................................70 ““JAN KUKUZELI” ART SCHOOL IN DURRES”
Viktor Gjoni...................................................................38
Besmir Seriani...............................................................72 “MIX – USE SUSTAINABLE HOUSING”
“AIRPORT RECALIFICATION OF GJADER” Doris Shehu....................................................................40 “LANDSCAPE WATERFRONT AQUATIC CENTER” Loriçelda Ademaj.........................................................42 “HAUSING” Arnisa Lushaj.................................................................44 “HOW TO TRANSPORT A THEATER? MODULAR THEATER IN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE” Erion Duro......................................................................46 “CULTURAL STRUCTURE”
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Bora Stafa Loris Rossi
The main purpose of this project is to experiment with new experiences of the old city, considering it an urban object and above all a cultural object, not only a creation of human society, but also aesthetic, bearer of universal, inherited values and transmitted from generation to generation. More than any other isolated architectural object, the structure of urban settlements has withstood time, a structure that has accepted change, transformation and development from time to time. When we conduct studies in the field of morphology, this does not mean that we must copy from the tradition and forms of the past, but rather that we must find ways that these studies serve to distinguish principles and experiences through understanding concepts. , models and theories that analyze the human environment. This is possible by studying the environment from two perspectives: -On the one hand the city as a long creative process - On the other hand, the study of the city as a product of this disciplined process. Sticking with the idea of this study, it should be emphasized that we will focus on the analysis of the urban values of Elbasan before 1960, a time that delineates a clear boundary between the city | 14
of the past and the first interventions in the structure of the city. its urban by urban planners who tried to respond to the needs of the time. The urban structure, the protection of its identity, recognizes change, adaptation and transformation as indispensable conceptual elements of the urban form in its efforts to respond to the phenomenon of social and urban life of the city. The project addresses the two consequences of the Kala neighborhood development. First, the way the city’s legacy has remained and is being replaced by housing units. Second, the strangeness of block configurations has created a need for alternative cross-block pedestrian traffic. The intervention of the new scheme explores the possibility of creating a new circulation, focusing public movement on the perimeter of the wall and the towers. This aims to create valuable space in the neighborhood’s internal network, where gardens and residential units can even be merged. The intervention aims to create a gradient from public to private by creating a new approach to the old city, which is communal space. Since life activity often takes place outside the Kala neighborhood, on city streets, it constantly leaves cultural heritage in a state of neglect.
Devis Hoxha Ledian Bregasi
Formula1 is considered as the most prestigious and high tech car racing in the world. Governed by the Federation International de l’Automobile (FIA), based in France. The idea of creating this project was born out of the desire to have access to the international arena and to touch an area unknown in the Albanian context. Initially I wanted to work for a project with an economic and social impact. The most important finding was designing a complex to introduce Albania into the map of the FIA, which requires the design of a park that will include the race track, and the building where the activity will take place. The selected area is located in an important geographical position between Dajti Mountain and the hill of Preza hill with a special historical and cultural significance that allows visual contact with the Preza Castle and the surrounding landscape. The positioning in the area between Tirana, Durres and ‘Nënë Tereza’ Airport gives a strategic dimension as the project itself assumes a welcome visit from all over the world and this gives them the reason to consider them as tourists by providing access to Suitable for context. Being a field that is in close interaction with business as a collaborator or as a potential sponsor, the proximity of the country’s most important trading axis makes it possible to create better oppor| 16
tunities for interaction with local businesses. It is an easily accessible area with an acceptable infrastructure and public transport in development, taking into account railroad development projects as well. The area is perfectly defined by natural elements like the river of Tirana, with perennial trees that create a green crown.The area defined by the Tirana River and the Airport Road has an area of 550 000 m2 in which will be created a track. The functions were defined, making a division between the main functions, the secondary ones and the functions out of the building. The fabrication process of F1 machines is not a normal production process, but it is an out-of-the-box process that continues cyclically. This process involves eight phases of production that are placed in a circular geometric shape to identify the cycle and to be practical in the application. This circle places three main points of functions such as the Club, the Academy and the entertainment area. The entertainment area, the exhibition hall and the infinite possibilities that will provide this space for the community, to experience the experience that F1 offers through the ‘public simulator’ will be a reason for this park to have a high frequency.
Edon Burri Ledian Bregasi
The project under consideration is a study based on research, referrals and personal work. The basis of the methodology used is research questions, indicative statistics over the years in connection with the multimodal station in Albania. In my view, our country needs a functional circulation system and there are many shortages in this area. That was the reason why I wanted to choose such a topic. Albania is still in the early stages of its development and I think investment in infrastructure is one of the goals to be met. The method used in my work starts with a short history of the first stations in the world and then continues | 18
with a detailed historical detail of the railway phases in Albania and the lines it contained. We are acquainted with the purpose and objectives without leaving aside research questions. Last but not least is the description of the multimodal station designed and worked by me. I believe that if Albania passes this step successfully it will greatly help to boost its economy. It will help increase the satisfaction of locals and foreigners and will eventually create prestige at regional and international level by conveying the message that it is ready to integrate as the world’s developed countries.
Egzon Gacaferi Ledian Bregasi
Over the years life has changed in many aspects. One of the greatest advancements of the human life is the means of transportation starting from bicycle to other means that have only facilitated the movement of people. The change that derived from the advancement of means of transportation has not only affected the local scale but also the global one. One of the most advanced means of transportation is the airplane and the object itself constitutes a unique architecture both in its shape and function and ability to accumulate various functions that only help the traveling people but also those who work and care for the smooth running of the transport. Kosovo being a small country and a developing state tries to advance the livelihood of its citizens even though it has been a while since the last war, there are still some consequences that it has caused. Of the countries that came to his aid is Italy, with her forces assisting in the release of the state and taking care of the security of the Kosovars. Italian Forces to meet their own needs for a greater security built an airport sufficiently large for their requirements to land war aircraft. When their mission ended in 2013 Italian Forces passed the ownership of the airport to the local government as a legacy | 20
of the Italian state. Upon the acceptance of this airport built and maintained from the Italians the government of Kosovo transfers it as a public enterprise. Since then on the airport of Gjakova neither an investment nor an intervention has been done from government of Kosovo or from any other possible investor even though the value of the equipments left from the Italians go over 9 million euro. Mimoza Kusari Lila being the mayor of Municipality of Gjakova has tried to reactivate this enterprise but until now has resulted useless. One of the reasons why this investment is being hindered until now is the Turkish company that runs with concession the main airport of Kosovo situated in Prishtina does not pretend to develop the airport of Gjakova. From the analysis made for the municipality of Gjakova, it is said that it has a very good geographic position to operate this airport. The climate conditions are very favorable, being a place that has very few foggy days during the year while the opposite happens in thearea of Prishtina the function of this airport would enable the airplanes to land in Gjakova in the foggy days of Prishtina.
Emiljan Çaça Ledian Bregasi
The object I have studied for the degree thesis has been a health center that has been operating since 19842010 with the following functions: Doctor of Medicine, Service, Dentistry, Maternity, Pharmacy, Civil Genius. From 2010 until now This facility functions only as the center of the visit and the ward doctor. In the reconstruction of a new hospital in the Kavaja area that is remote from proximity to Synej health center, the 3 km distance from this health center in Functions, Dental, Maternity, Pharmacy is distanced. But by building a new year for Genocide Geneva, he left and worked. Seeing the third age from the opportunity to go to get services in the city of Kavaja. Seeing that this health center has lost all the functions it has seen and emigration in the part of the village of Kavaja has been massive measures emigrating 70% of younger ages and doing an analysis of ages. In the commune circle we notice | 22
that the age of three is in the mass they have remained and if we analyze these third age stand alone in the apartment tents, starting from the physical and financial aspects of tires, tire maintenance is good, as in some respects Financial, but also physical negligence. In some cases in the villages are assigned the death of three children because they only live by having family members. In the district of Synej Commune there is no center for the elderly who can gather or a health center but also a park where they can spend many hours of relaxation, mental and physical relaxation, sports activities or domino games, etc. Given that there is only one Asylum in the Kavaja district, it does not provide all the conditions and needs for the Kavaja district with all the villages and this health center located in the Synej Commune district can serve the community.
Enton Jano Ledian Bregasi
The well-known expression ‘mens sana in corpora sano’ (sanity in the healthy body) of terminal flowering advisors. The phrase comes from the Roman poet Satire X Juvenal The option in Greece was therapeutic healing in the mineral thermal waters in Rome; cures were also provided with elements of (welfare). Health care has one of the country’s motives that coexist in discovering curative thermal springs. Nowadays, Resource Services are more precisely defined for curative values and for confirmation of use-related disease research. Only in terms of cure but also in terms of relaxation.This project carries the challenges of the ministry for the concept of terminal baths in another dimension of creating a tourist resort SPA. Resort resort has been created or a high integrity with and security atmosphere for | 24
relaxation and healthy rest provided the public with food, shelter and recreational spaces against a site. of people residing in another country where they spend at least one night to spend their free time or work. In this diploma thesis the explanation of the realization of the SPA is explained, starting from its historical background, analyzes, the concept used the way of transition from concept to plans and at the end of the study a contemporary and appropriate model for the establishment of this resort is reached. This resort will play an important role in the development of a complex, on curative tourism using various functions and services for locals and visitors of high quality for the treatment and relaxation of vacationers, as well as in its competitiveness at national level even wider.
Liridona Blakaj Loris Rossi
Old Prishtina is losing its identity. During the early communism period, the urban development was established under the motto “Destroy the old, build the new’. Until the end of the World War II, Prishtina was a typical oriental city. After this period, the Ottoman Bazaar and a large part of the historic center were destroyed to be replaced with “modern” architecture. At this time, the city`s small shops, streets, religious and other public buildings were destroyed for the sake of the new. Prishtina lost an important feature of its historic and cultural heritage. Nowadays, this part of the city is overloaded and is being transformed day after day. Old Prishtina needs a revitalization immediately! This area is located in the center of Prishtina and serves as an important connection between some strategic points of the city. The Green Market1 is one of the most problematic parts in this urban chaos because it is demountable but in poor conditions for pedestrians and cars. The market needs to be relocated at the original place/ area because now it is located also in the sidewalks along the road. Being not orga| 26
nized, it is very hard to find what you are looking for. Along the Green Market and the shopping street, a few abandoned structures can be found. Many important building landmarks are also present in this part of the city, including the Bazaar Mosque, Bazaar Hammam, and Bezistan. This is one of the most frequented areas by the citizens of Prishtina. In order to pursue this study, it is necessary to understand the relationship between the built form and its users in an urban and architectural context. Efforts are concentrated on the development of activities and functions and saving the traditional architecture because this area has strong characteristics which shouldn’t be abandoned in the modern society. This historic part of the city needs to interact with the city without losing its identity. The typical and traditional architecture features will be kept and at the same time combined with new aesthetics and technologies. This project aims to use sustainability and environmental design incorporated with functions to be able to create the best solution for this area.
The Market/ Facade Facades of the market with the surrounding Scale 1:500
POLIS University International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies Academic year: 2016 - 2017 Student: Liridona Blakaj Tutor: Phd Loris Rossi
Axonometric view of the Market Functions and activities
Beralt Zeko Endrit Marku
My interest on analyzing, in a different and informative perspective this thesis topic, comes from the consciousness that there’s a huge gap between human housing, city sus- tainability, and global sustainability.The un-responsible way of city growth has brought not only the loss of their compact relationship, but they also forgot about the old, and rich industrial towns which now are turned into a dirty and lonely place: a completely out of any thinkable service buildings.Starting from this fact, channeling from this project I’m describing in this research, it’s my attempt to revitalize the old industrial town of textiles in Kombinati, by transforming her into a sustainable, social, and cultural place to live in. And nally my mission is to make this place a powerful gravitational location for our city of Tirana.A lot of analysis has been made to make this objective possible, which one of the most important ones is about the study of sus- tainability in Architecture. Case studies like, London Fields Housing Co-operative, Ga- zometer City, Caixal Forum Madrid, Fenix Lofts Rotterdam, Habiter-Ècologique, and Cascina Merlata Residential Development, has gone through a deep analytical process, joining the other analysis done about the surrounding context.These results show that this forgotten places and buildings possess a humongous pos- sibility to be | 28
transformed into sustainable multifamily-purpose house buildings adapt- able for many functionalities, may them be private or public ones, linked with the social, cultural, economical or environmental side. What these analysis also shows, is that when projects like this, with the mission of revital- izing forgotten buildings, purposefully link their habitable spaces with working spaces, there’s an unbeatable reduction in the need of using automobiles and a beautiful increase of social solidarity in these communities.To close this, I deeply believe that if I can achieve things like, transforming the exindustrial town of Kombinati from an abandoned industrial place into an innovative multifamily-purpose building space, devel- oping the existing footprint of the industrial building into an urban space, and inter- change living with social, cultural, and economical functionality, would undoubt- edly bring the identity of this place into a higher level, in a solid, compacted way. All of this would make people more aware and also care more of the place where they live, work, and raise their children.Last but not least, applying these analysis in the ex-industrial town of Kombinati, it’ll bring an extremely harmonious relationship between the habitable and sustainable side, and it will positively impact the whole sustainability in the city of Tirana.
Jurgen Pushi Dorina Papa
The museum is the place where every resident has the opportunity to learn about the history of their own country, building an identity and concept of their ancestry. A museum-like space also represents a sense of community. Often museums are also tourist attractions, thus serving to boost the country’s economy. The lack of museums indicates a cultural poverty of the country. In the case of Albania, this cultural poverty results from a series of elements intertwined together, including an unstable economic and political situation. But this cannot be used as an excuse to keep developing the culture and art and the community spirit itself. Building a museum would be a very ambitious project, which needs a lot of research and research, but at the same time | 30
it is a very necessary thing. The Berat Museum of Art and Architecture would mark an innovation for Albania and not only. The Museum of Art and Architecture for the context in which we are located is indispensable for the further development of Art not only for the city of Berat. A Contemporary Museum aimed at preserving, educating, informing, reflecting our socio-cultural and artistic values and transmitting them to posterity. This report describes the current state of cultural institutions in Berat, identifying the valuable elements they contain, as well as the problems that these institutions carry. The history of the creation as well as its components, the characteristics of a museum, and the main functions they should contain.
Zaimir Shkëmbi Loris Rossi
This research aims to improve the architectural quality of the public space of the city of Tirana. The aim is to understand the potentials and problems of the relationship between the individual and society, and public spaces.After this desire to influence the design and language of architecture these public spaces. They demand that through the power of the language of design and architecture to reconfigure, rewrite the physical space of Skanderbeg Square, considering the symbolic values that this square carries beyond the local dimension, and the national one .This paper seeks to provide a design reality that is generated by elements and social, morphological, functional and other phenomena in the context in which it is constructed. Today the changes that take place in our cities are rapid in time and occasionally accompanied by unintended effects, due to a lack of vision that has existed in the last two decades by decision-making authorities. But most | 32
of all from the lack of community culture of Tirana’s citizens to raise expectations for the quality of life in their city. The lack of a clear vision of the future of architecture in cities and the problems of everyday life do not help the inhabitants at all but merely stress and keep away from those qualities and values that everyone needs to find in their city. The interweaving of the ‘ideal’ world that is the aspirations, the desires of people with physical, physical reality are the essence of the work in which, I will try to clarify how the center of Scanderbeg Square can be transformed into value and quality for the city and its inhabitants, as interacting with the city and the citizens of Tirana, what does this space represent for the citizens and finally understand, what are the relationships that a designer, an architect can consider in designing this public space. The details of the analysis are the descriptive part of the essay which will finally be summarized with a conclusion.
Student: Supervisor:
Madalena Canaj Loris Rossi
This study aim to give a sensitive relation of architecture toward the greenery surrounding and the beautiful view of Albanian Riviera.One of the main focus is to give a good example how architecture can shape the amazing potential of the landscape and how the terrain can shape architecture in a good combination which gives priority not only to the beautiful landscape but also to the pedestrian who enjoys the most every passage with a continuous ramp.Meanwhile this project has a larger focus, not only for the education of environmental but also for the growth of the economy. Being part of the Mediterranean, Riviera is a segment of a strategic network facing the great combination between land and sea, and having a potential of the economy rising through tourism and communication within this area.This study was initially started as a mixture between the architect profession and the passion for culinary. It had the main aim to link two different fields and to show haw architecture can understand every field and make | 34
them feel more passionate for what they do and more flexible in every movement. It’s a matter of designing for human.The main aim of the research center consist in reforestation of the stripe as it has been a victim of many fires and wood cutting. It has the duty to protect the zone from massive building at least for the 10 coming years and giving the land the glory that deserves. Research center and culinary institute, both have the need to plant for their need, and live in a good symbiosis with the nature. The culinary will not only function as a cooking school but also as a training center for foreign people in order to know more about our culture, cooking and zone traditions.The land is what link all the functions, characterized by a red stripe following the terrain, linking and shaping the buildings, becoming sometimes semipublic and leading to every part, ending then with a path in the great nature in order for the pedestrian to explore the area how it deserves.
Viktor Gjoni Antonino Di Raimo
With the change of policies in Albania, from the communist to the democratic period, Albania had many consequences, turning to some infrastructure at the mercy of luck, you will also find me the military base Gjader, where it is here as a combat aircraft, of us in the 70s. The 70s have all recently been praised for communism and closed in 2000 for funding.From the analysis done for the municipality of Lezha, it has a better position to operate this airport as the climate is very favorable, making it only one vendor who can care less about it. By making this airport operational, you will make Rinas Airport more foggy in the foggy days by enabling planes to land in Ghadir Ghadir airport is one of the most facilitated military airports in the community, where MIG 19 aircraft were protected aerial | 36
information of the north of Albania.The retraining of the airport from military to civilian is of greater importance to the region and provides for the entire northern area, with both coastal and mountain tourism sectors increasing throughout the northern area.The airport will be able to fly all types of small and medium-sized aircraft, and various aerial activities will take place.At the base there is a tunnel where fighter jets were once parked and sheltered to offer more, you can use full restoration, and turn it into a museum of the Albanian Armed Forces. showing all the historical values of Albania’s military and civil aviation With the retraining of the entire Gjadri airport, the area around the airport will have an economic and industrial development throughout the area.
Student: Supervisor:
Doris Shehu Loris Rossi
The purpose of this design based thesis is to offer a possible solution to specific urban, social and political problems. Based on the past and current unrefined actions of different interest groups, cities in Albania have lost many essential pieces. Pieces that within, carry the values of memory and identity that are such an important part of our existence. Through the research done mainly in Durres, it is concluded that certain values of the city are endangered and under constant pressure from undesired intentions. Water facilities around the city have perished or totally transformed under the reign of profit and result in unsustainable land development issues. This tendency towards chaos has been and still is very present in Albania’s reality. In order to reach a harmonious state between further urban development and the preservation of values, this thesis meets both issues halfway. The design project proposes the use of architecture as a medium to ensure better means of development of areas in the city. Taking also in consideration the future projects and visions for Durres, the research results that certain areas that have the greatest potential are also the most endangered ones. This can be said for the Currilas area that is considered one of the most important zone and recreational sites of | 38
Durres but is currently under the pressure of urbanization. The waterfront facilities in the area are in a poor condition and the attitude towards this situation is not to restore the presence of sports for the community but rather alter the main purpose for the area and transform it into a mixed residential zone. Another approach for the area is to integrate other aquatic functions through the revitalization of the Currila’s waterfront. This project is similar to this design thesis project but lacks the in depth and understanding of the perseverance of memory in this location. The site have a direct connection to the natural geological formation of the hill and the sea. The natural aspect embodies the importance of coexistence with the environment and the itinerary humane aspect represents the energy that fuels the city, people. The research of the thesis creates a solid foundation for the proper usage of architecture as a means of solving the problems of the city. The project emphasizes the importance of waterfront in the communities life. It depicts how architecture can open paths for new disciplines and the development of existing ones, how architecture can be used as a catalyst for bonding of ideas in the local scale but also the global scale.
30 m2
45 m2
60 m2
75 m2
105 m2
Projekt Diplome Student : Loricelda Ademaj
Shkolla Nderkombetare e Arkitektures dhe Politikave te Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
Viti Akademik 2016-2017 Udheheqes : Ledian Bregasi
HAUSING Student: Supervisor:
Loriรงelda Ademaj Ledian Bregasi
Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and structures. A broader definition we will do more of this design to understand how much we need to do at the macro level with city planning and urban design up to the furniture level. Architectural design is usually related to the design and cost of the building, as well as to the functionality and aesthetics of the users.Architecture often deals with the processing of space, volume, shape, light, charm, and abstract elements to make an aesthetic conclusion. This distinguishes the first scientific architecture for implementation and engineering, to focus more on the functionality and realization aspects of the project than on | 40
its aesthetics.In this project you will highlight some keywords that you can find yourself functions, flexibility, communication architecture, new typology etc. The city, however, does not represent a model for the past in Albanian society, and you can make an increase in the city of Vlora but also in Albania.The target is only in a place that has no conditionality and can offer a new proposition by directing you and a style selected by him from the lifestyle you can find today in existing buildings, so you will also have a new mindset. The apartment tends to invite everyone to realize it in the surrounding area but also in the promenade it offers.
Projekt Diplome Student : Loricelda Ademaj
Shkolla Nderkombetare e Arkitektures dhe Politikave te Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
Viti Akademik 2016-2017 Udheheqes : Ledian Bregasi
Student: Supervisor:
Arnisa Lushaj Ledian Bregasi
It has been difficult for me, to choose a Diploma Thesis, regarding to a lot of problems in our country, being part of and living here every day makes me morally responsible, as an architect to be, to try finding a topic in which I can give my contribution. In the other hand, I studied in my early years of architecture in Paris, a city which besides the fact that made me fall in love with, also taught me that architecture is culture, is part of our sense, inspired by our need, but the most important is a way of living.I believe that Art and Culture is the easiest way to get connected with, is the first and immediate translation of ourselves, our senses and instincts. Being this, I also believe that a human, as a part of a community, of a country, of a race, should have the possibility to know and be in contact with his culture, communicate it and contribute in it.In Albania, the country where I was born and lived for the most time of my life, it is difficult to get in touch with your | 42
culture, to create synergy with what was left from the past. We need to believe that our culture has something worthwhile and valuable to contribute to the world. Knowing better your past, makes you responsible to create today.Reinvestigation in Albanian Culture, as a way to create and revitalize a space in the cultural aspect is the way I choose to connect Architecture and Art, a way which this days, in a life full of information, suggests everyone to be part of an open circle of Culture given in a new form in time.Revitalization was known as a concept in the 50’, it describes the change of culture themselves. A revitalization movement is a “deliberate, organized, conscious effort by members of a society to construct a more satisfying culture”.This movement in architecture could be a museum, it could be a theater, or a gallery of arts. This is my challenge.
CULTURAL STRUCTURE Student: Supervisor:
Erion Duro Endrit Marku
The Cultural Structure is an architectural project conceived on a total underground surface of 10.440m2 divided into 4 floors, multifunctional, positioned near the cultural heritage monument Old Bazaar of Korça, below the surface of its entrance square.This project is the result of several years of analysis and observation of cultural infrastructure in the city as well as road infrastructure in the area around the entrance to the Old Bazaar. The need to establish such a structure arises when public spaces for cultural activities are not available to the right extent and at the contemporary level, while cultural activities are varied and frequent. Also in analyzing the load and circulation on the axis around this area, I have conceived of a significant inter| 44
ference in road infrastructure under the entrance square of the cultural heritage monument.This project is characterized by distinctive elements due to its specific positioning near a monument and its wide dimension taking on the weight of the main cultural institution in the city and constituting the approach to maintaining cultural balance and the continuity of cultural contribution.Its multidimensionality is interfering with cultural infrastructure without damaging or affecting the monument’s importance and values but increasing exposure, cultural promotion as well as road infrastructure in function of the ‘Cultural Structure’, facilitating road traffic, parking and improving traffic around the area in relation to the functionality of the monument.
Mikel Tepelena Loris Rossi
I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library. – Jorge Luis Borges Having this in mind, it initially started the idea of making a project about a library, but not as an ordinary library (if one can be labeled as ordinary) – it needed to be something more than that, something that walks with the time and expresses our most recent developments in technology and understanding of things.Libraries are becoming increasingly involved with various information media forms. Much more has been written about the traditional print media forms, such as books and periodicals, than about the various types of nontraditional media forms that are an essential part of the services that libraries are currently expected to provide their patrons1. Greater emphasis has been placed on the nonprint media forms, those that have been used for some time in libraries, as well as the new media forms that are growing in popularity as valid library information materials. This investigation of the selection and use of the various types of nonprint media ana| 46
lyzes unique capabilities and advantages of each media form, as well as how each form may be used most effectively and efficiently, and, when applicable, the selection of ancillary equipment (hardware) to accompany a particular medium (software).This project represents a foundation in the philosophy, trends, tools, and procedures involved in selection of materials for the multimedia library. It then offers information on particular media forms. It intends into having the prerequisite knowledge to learn how to select and more intelligently use the various multimedia information forms1. Also explored are the regulating constraints involved in making information available to the public as well as the leadership role the librarian must assume in order to function successfully in the multimedia library.The thesis devotes to a discussion of intellectual freedom, with the intention of giving away a perspective on how selecting, justifying, and advocating the use of information materials in the library is indeed a serious task and must be performed with professional expertise.
Mercedes-Benz Tirana Headquarters Student: Supervisor:
Albano Ferraj Ledian Bregasi
Although Albania has undergone a major development and transformation in recent years, many people are being forced to leave this country because of the limited opportunities offered to them. The most optimal way to solve this problem is to accommodate foreign companies | 48
in Albania, creating new opportunities for development, training and employment for residents of this country. Â In this project, I propose the creation of a Balkan focal point in Tirana, one of the most prestigious automotive companies, Mercedes-Benz
Evina Hasimi Antonino Di Raimo
The present work deals with industrial area revision, hardy yard design and in particular, with its proper development of new paths with agriculture and activities, through the natural landscape as a tool for reading and studying the green ring of Tirana.Explore walking practices as a methodological tool for reading the area of the city and mapping of spaces in combination with the industrial areas. The main goal of this work is to provide proposals for the development and organization of a creative and productive landscape and art work center, which in our case is the satellite of Tirana, Kombinat.While on the next stage of the work, the architecture of the industrial areas and its evolution from the archeological industry to the modern times is studied.Then, the historical identity of the region, as well as the human relationship, will be investigated in the development of the creation of the wide area landscape. Studying the first topography through history, infrastructure and what includes the natural environment of the area, will be referenced retrospectively both socially | 50
and culturally.Subsequently we will study the local peculiarities of the landscape and based on this reading will diagnose critical / vulnerable points. The final stage of the work includes proposals to motivate but also proposals for the ecological improvement with space activities as well as social and economic development and revision of the industrial left over for cultural activities through art & work center.The creation of the above-mentioned proposals and ideas is basically the ecological design of the landscape but also the preservation and revision of the industrial left over for cultural activities through art center; the goal of yard design to create architecture for social needs, including those targeting agritourism with art work center destination and related outdoor activities.The main proposition of this study is the creation of a model of patchwork architecture and patchwork landscape design, as an architectural scheme to keep the heritage of industrial areas and create parametric roofs structure design.
Bora Dervishi Antonino Di Raimo
Meta [4] or Metaphor is a notional, in a sense somewhat promethean project that attempts to depict a chimerical scenario, in which an overlooked, decaying setting inside the city fabric is bettered, enriched and regenerated through the use of few basic, yet innovative concepts and processes. The inception of this project was the search for new and novel manners in architecture and design, thus leading to the discovery of new (yet old ) notions such as Biomimicry and Biomimetic Design. People have always ventured towards nature, for inspiration and ideas, but, even though the total approach to the topic is millennial, the particular feature in this case is that biomimicry goes further, than just to mimic natural shapes or behaviors. With the mayor help of new technologies in producing and in architectural design, to mimic nature has become more efficient, consequently yielding more proficient and intelligent buildings, by subtracting the best of nature and translating it into design. In this case, the start was to discover the problematic in a city where “leftover” and “left to be forgotten” seems normal, where dilapidated structures of any kind are visible to the | 52
naked eye everywhere, old factories and industrial buildings, houses ect. First, study the process and the causes that lead to such unsound and decaying urban environment, biologically and micro - logically in this instance, but also sociologically and historically, in the second phase of the project. The new assembly will function as a Social Shelter and Laboratory, interlinking the “Metaphor” of a new way to visualize society, community with new ecologically obliging design, and help make, as in the title of the thesis, a safe space, a space of concurrence and nonviolence. In connection to the two disciplines that will give shape and function to the setting, the new building, as in every natural organism will have its growth, peak, decrease and death phase, aiming to leave in the end only an ecological skin, that will help clean the air and habitat around. The point of the lab is to help overcome these issues, and conjoin these categories to everybody else, make these issues not so “taboo”, creating a safer space for everyone, eventually not needing anymore such a shelter and leaving, as said before, only the skin as a memory and as an anti-pollutant.
Fatos Nexhipi Loris Rossi
In his book The Architecture of the City, published in Italian in 1966 under the title “L’Architettura della Citta, Arthur Rossi states that “the city is a stage that soaks in human events and feelings, and so, with every new event contains a memory of the past and a potential memory of the future.” (Rossi 1982:7) The idea that a city’s architecture is a historic fabric that preserves human memories brings a certain level nostalgia for an older architectural form, which in itself contains the identity of said city at a specific point in history. As a result, any further changes to an object with deviate drastically from the original idea can be seen as a loss in the city’s distinct character and therefore in its identity. A historic site does not by all means explicitly disclose the truth about the city even after significant changes, but rather threatens its identity and the collective memory of its inhabitants.Taking this notion into account, the main objective of this thesis is an update of an older system of a monumental building, in this case the Palace | 54
of Culture, situated at the very heart of Tirana. During a period of privatization the Palace has lost the character of one of its wings. This thesis includes a proposal for a return to the original state of the Palace before the wing was repurposed and making an update of said state by including a library. The main goal of this return to the original form is preserving the memory and identity of the city as it was intended when the Palace was first built and by that preserving the collective memory of past inhabitants of Tirana.The proposal for the aforementioned changes is to be understood as a new way to rearrange the city center, where the Palace is situated, by using the older architectural example of the building. By taking the idea that helped build the Palace in the first place and following the chronological changes that the object has undergone over the years, the thesis should provide a solid reasoning for the return to the older form, especially when the spirit of the city and the identity of its inhabitants are taken into account.
Efijeni Kokëdhima Ledian Bregasi
Hypersensitivity is an unknown urban situation in the Albanian context. However, the concentration of the population in certain areas indicates that this trend will cause an increase in density in the coming years, as the Competition Arena is the unfolding of the ego of investment. The architect in Albania has turned from one who once designed housing to one who today has to correct the problematic situations of informal architecture generated in the last 25 years. Hypersensitivity cannot be far off. However, how can we design when we do not recognize this urban situation? Foreigners, in designing and investing, are a common occurrence in our territory. The most important center in Albania, the center of Tirana was designed by an Italian a century ago. The Chinese, the Germans, the Italians, the Austrians, the Arabs, have chosen our territory. The stranger has a stereotype of approaching a foreign terrain, and consequently will produce a particular understanding of the context, deriving in a different | 56
way. Sensitivity is highest when we face a stranger’s vision in our territory. However, a local architect who refuses to compete with a foreign design office is an architect outside this time. A localist architect does not belong to this era.Housing is a must.’Housing ‘requires architectural solutions to certain social, technological and information conditions.Theories in Housing are causally motivated. As the circumstances change, the paradigm falls.The Japanese have treated Hypersensitivity and interpreted housing in a way that has lured the worldwide community. From a solution to the problem, housing architecture has become an international style. Tokyo is described as a dynamic city, it is eclectic, progressively growing. Hypersensitivity and Housing belong to this place.What if this situation is handled by a stranger?What will motivate you? What can a stranger’s language, perception, and perspective offer? How can he identify Tokyo’s urban situation and then generate a design hypothesis (a paradigm) over it?
Luard Halili Antonino Di Raimo
Cities continue to be seen as the engines of the world economy that attract huge investments in various fields, attracting, respectively, large numbers of people to populate them. Major world centers today precede the development of cities by designing numerous policies that conduct research on different aspects of city life. The biggest problems remain the drafting of urban transport policies and the central infrastructure that is overloaded by people. The power of cities is also measured by the ability of these policies to precede problems. Large world cities such as Vienna, Paris, London which have had their nuclei unchanged for centuries, are unable to intervene inside cities, so all policies are based on outside influences. In Kosovo, delayed policies, those that are not well respected, cause numerous problems of which the biggest problem | 58
continues to be the blocking of urban centers, and the destruction of the urban context as well as architecture and the city in general. As the city’s core is “allowed” to undergo continual change, at whatever architectural and urban cost, the context is not only destroyed but cities are heading for immersion in chaos and loss of identity. In Mitrovica another problem that may be negligible is the lack of communication bridges between the two parts of the city and as a result a city divided into two parts. Creating bridges of cooperation is one of the needs of the city of Mitrovica and their development should be done in every possible way. A very concrete and potentially very effective step would be to build a multicultural center for the unification of ethnicities.
Blerim Gashi Antonino Di Raimo
Conceived as the eagle’s nest, the “National Olympic Stadium� project has the potential for the realization of an Olympic Stadium in Tirana. The main objective lies in the fact that the development of sports in Albania is possible with many Olympic games and not just one. The theoretical part analyzes the stadiums as well as the main focus in Albania. Also a historical background research is seen as important to understanding the evolution of stadiums and to understand the importance of such an architectural work. Since ancient Greece and continuing with ancient Rome, which are the first civilizations that have come to you give this type of activity to the world. The twin interest has also been shown for examples of well-established stadiums throughout the years. First of all, these are examples that have evolved from the beginning of the creation of the Stadiums | 60
to the present day.As far as the analytical part is concerned, there are a number of preliminary analyzes for understanding the current territorial situation of Tirana as well as the position of stadium placement, full-scale analysis, infrastructure analysis, population analysis.Through the analysis it was possible to justify the position of the stadium based on the above-mentioned analysisThrough this project I came to the conclusion that the level of a stadium at this level will bring about changes in the sport-cultural aspect, but also in the economic aspect and the development of the entire territory. The project itself poses important questions that focus on whether Albania needs this type of investment and at the same time will our country benefit not only from this work but also from the cultural and social aspect.
Nexhmi Trupja Endrit Marku
Many countries have increased interest in curative tourism, especially those countries that have natural resources, investing in these natural potentials. Albania is rich in mineral and thermal springs, which are of particular curative importance due to the high temperature and salt they contain. Among these springs, quite popular are the thermal healing waters, known as the “Bishops’ Wetlands�. This balancing center with its healing values, mud and thermal water pool, located near the highest mountains in Albania, Korabi, has the potential to | 62
become a modern curative and very important tourist center in Albania. This study aims to present the current situation of thermal springs in the city of Peshkopi, through this project, to provide opportunities for their utilization according to the modern philosophy of relaxation and well-being. The development of this area would bring about a large increase in the number of tourists and, together with them, the income derived from them, turning this natural wealth into an important element of economic and social development.
Enri Muço Ledian Bregasi
Growing up in a stone town, but with a history as old as its stones, Gjirokastra has always remained in my heart that it is impossible for me to remember it every day. It is a city that leaves a strong mark on its visitors and awakens the locals daily with a love for one another to mount that precious stone in the center of attention it belongs to. It’s a city that forces you to turn your head even if you can’t stop. The positioning and construction of the fortress of Argiros on a rock makes it stand out and draws you in like a magnetic rock. How can I choose another city for a gyro? The ongoing project is the Gjirokastra Bus Terminal. As quoted by folk singer Petrit Lulo’s song, “… you’re saying Gjirokastra, you’ve said it all…”, this city carries a high cultural, historical, tourist potential, being one of the most visited cities in Al| 64
bania today. . In Gjirokastra a building with such function is missing. Given the proximity to the neighboring state of Greece, the high number of immigrants living there indicates that the outbound and outbound movements are also very high. And, at the same time, the city of Gjirokastra attracts many tourists, domestic and foreign. So far, buses also pass through the old town, while the proposed terminal will make it possible to eliminate crossing between old. This will bring about a drastic reduction, damage to the cobblestones in the old town, increasing the value of cultural heritage. intercity and international buses. All of the above will be explained in detail below, to highlight the urban and architectural arguments as to why a Bus Terminal would be needed in the city of Gjirokastra.
siteti POLIS
Projekt Diplome | Titulli : Terminali Autobusave Gjirokaster |
kitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban tecture and Urban Development Policies
Student: Enri MUÇO
Viti Ak
SH 1:500
Planimetri Kati Po PERMASIMI
A 7
68 -3.74
250 250
10 68
R4 14
0 25
25 175 0
1145 1550
30 97
14 12
632 14 12
43 -3.74 X30
2 1
Hueida Shimaj Ledian Bregasi
Being one an area with an extraordinary beauty but at the same time with a strong historical background which in one of the two main reasons why it is visited. People go to Theth and Nderlysaj not only for the activities but also for the traditional houses, to explore the way the live and used to live since the whole area is considered to be still a magic getaway rather than a touristic village. Beside the activities and touristic notion it is getting and increasing day by day it is important to preserve and protect not only the nature but its traditions. One of the main objective is how the architecture will impact the area on the social aspect. The local owner who has his traditional guesthouse which he manages with his family wants to expand his business by creating a more commode environment for the visitors including all ages. Another important aspect is the hiring of people in the new guest house . Since he manages his old tradition house turned into a guesthouse his solution is to hire local habitants who know and reflect the traditions of the highlander. This is an important aspect which still is very little not to say at all practiced in the managing of he guest houses since they are runed by family member who own them. The idea is that the new building will not serve and be accessible only for the people staying | 66
in them. The common spaces such as the bar or the restaurant with traditional local food can be accessible even from the daily tourist in the area and if they want they can buy honey or or other products harvest in the backyard. The aim is that the guest house to stay open and welcome tourist during the whole year. During the winter season when all the locals will move to the city , the people who still live in Nderlysaj and Theth will be hired to maintain open the guesthouse welcoming the tourists. The idea is that the visitors who will be in the will go there not only for the nature but also for the services and conditions it offers giving life to family tourism and wellness tourism mostly related with the young and elderly ages. The pool area is a space a parallel with the natural stone pools located just meter away which will be an attraction and accessible during the whole year. So the idea is the building itself has to turn into a reference point , into a cause why the people go there . So the tourist staying is expected to increase from 3 days up to 10 days or more (usually preferred from the elderly for health reasons) . Most importantly the building itself should reflect and hold the spirit of the nature and the traditional. The merging of these two elements is very important.
Erind Cami Saimir Kristo
“Jan Kukuzeli” high school is an educational institution located in the city of Durres and it is qualified as an Art School. The school was first established in 1957 and it provides general and artistic education for undergraduate students starting from the first grade to high school. Up to 163 former students of this school graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and 38 of them studied and graduated from other prestigious Art Academies abroad.The school has a central location within the city of Durres and it has easy access to important locations such as the Port, Epidamn Boulevard and the Municipality.Despite contributing for many years to the artistic life of the city this institution finds itself today in difficult conditions. The school has lost the prestige it once had and fewer students are attending it. The building is in miserable conditions since no intervention has been | 68
made on it for many years, leaving it to the oblivion. During all my years as an architecture student and throughout my experience in this field I have always encountered peculiar similarities between architecture as a discipline and other forms of art. The relationship between music, drawing or performing arts and architecture is not an unknown one. Through the history there have been a great number of researchers that have conducted interdisciplinary studies to explore the diverse and rich attitudes, inspirations and philosophies that connect art and architecture. Tha is why in my thesis I tried to better understand the points of contact between architecture and art, by exploring the work of famous architects and theoreticians that have framed this long-standing link. What I tried to do was to implement my findings in the architectural design of an Art School.
Besmir Seriani Saimir Kristo
This diploma thesis based on mix-use developments aims at analyzing these forms of development from their beginnings to the present day. Based on the trend that this form of mix use has recently been in Albania, this diploma thesis aims to analyze this development form in the world and Albania and bring the best practices for building mix use.The mix use object to be designed on this subject is a building that will be developed in the area of the new boulevard.This area was selected because the new boulevards consists as a mixed use zone.The purpose of this master’s thesis is to design the mixuse building, which has primarily principle the comfort of people who will live, work or visit this building.To achieve this goal, four different cases in the world are | 70
being considered, such as Unite d’Habitation by Le Corbusier; Cite international Lyon; Halte Ceva, Chêne-Bourg, Geneva; City Center DC, as well as an analysis of the area in which this mix - use building will be developed.The analysis made on this subject came to the conclusion that mix-use developments are a very good model for sustainable, environmental, social and economic development and that mix-use development creates opportunities for both original and character by strengthening the sense of belonging to the community.In conclusion, mix-use development is very important where they will be implemented and maintaining balance between permanent and temporary residents.
| 72
Architecture & Urban Design 2018 Vlera Blakaj.....................................................................78 “RIQUALIFICATION OF PRISHTINA’S CENTER” Combining spatial units and creating a central square in Prishtina” Megi Bebi........................................................................80 ”CITY ZOO DESIGN” Xhoana Kristo....................................................................82 “HEALING SPACES” “Architecture Spaces as regeneration of senses” Iirisa Minaj........................................................................84 ““REVITALIZATION OF FORMER FACTORY OF STRING”” Gani Hoxha......................................................................86 “ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM” Njomza Idrizi....................................................................88 “TRANSFORMING THE INDUSTRIAL AREA IN SKOPJE - NORTH, IN ARTISTIC - CULTURAL FUNCTION” “Combining handicrafts in harmony with the requirements of contemporary architecture” Gent Shehu.......................................................................90 “THE MATAMORPHOSIS OF THE CLASSICAL LANGUAGE” “A Rhetorical Quest of Identity in the Capital of the Republic of Northern Macedonia” Ardita Sylaj.......................................................................92 “PROGERIA IN ARCHITECTURE” “Business incubator and creative center” Erazmia Gjikopulli...........................................................94 “RECALIFICATION OF A POST INDUSTRIAL AREA IN DURRES PORT” Asdren Sela......................................................................96 “THE RIPPLE EFFECT” “An Official State Residence, Retreat, and Protocol Center for the Sovereign Republic of Kosovo” Adela Shpani...................................................................98 “ULZA LAKE DEVELOPMENT” “Revitalization through agrotourism and alternative tourism” Kejsi Bregu......................................................................100 “THE MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND PLANETARIUM” Konstantinos Litska........................................................102 “THE ARCHITECTURE OF ANIMALS” “An Interactive Web Habitat for The Zoological and Botanical Gardens of the City of Tirana” Edin Durguti...................................................................104 “PRISHTINA EXHIBITION CENTER” Gligor Lushi....................................................................106 “GREEN HOUSING” Ilda Kurti.........................................................................108 “Performing & Visual Arts Center” Stivi Gjoka.....................................................................110 “SOCIAL HOUSING” Migena Paçuku.............................................................112 “COMPREHENSIVE CANCER CENTRE” “Cancer is a Word, not a Sentence”
| 74
Pllumb Sahitaj...............................................................114 “CULTURAL CENTER Laprakë” “Summer cinema” Donald Hoxha...............................................................116 “RESORT IN karpen”
“RIQUALIFICATION OF PRISHTINA’S CENTER” “Combining spatial units and creating a central square in Prishtina” Student: Supervisor:
Vlera Blakaj PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The main purpose of this study is to remind the present problems of Prishtina, with particular emphasis on the treatment of public spaces that play an important role in our formation as people, our behavior and our beliefs. Public spaces in Prishtina, especially those located in the center of the city, reflect the need for immediate intervention! Starting from “AdemJashari” square, which is divided and much neglected, continuing to “Ibrahim Rugova” square, “Skenderbeu”, “Mother Teresa”, “ZahirPajaziti” and the “Heroinat” square, by removing physical barriers near to the Assembly and Government building of the Republic of Kosova, stopping the traffic in the streets
| 76
“Garibaldi” and “Xhorxh Bush”, this project aims to create an inclusive space- the central square of Prishtina, which extends up to the cathedral “Mother Teresa” and will include eco links and interactive relations with other public spaces in the city. The goal of this study inspired by sustainable architecture and driven by the lack of a clear image of an inclusive city that offers desirable environments for all kind of people, is the creation of a healthy, attractive and adaptable space for residents, passersby and tourists. Further, the study claims to improve the well-being of citizens by minimizing air and acoustic pollutions, hence directing the city toward a smart one.
face the RIVER marge stairs AKTIVITETE SOCIALE
sheshi i ngjyrave
-470 250cm
shtigje kalldrëmi niveli 0
ndriçimi urban
gjelbërimi tilia americana, malus, fraxius exelsoir "aurea", white muberry, hyacinthus, fraxinus veltunia, robinia psudoacacia, cypressoncyparis leyladii, deutzia rosea carminea
underground garage GARAZHË PUBLIKO- PRIVATE
niveli -1
lumi "VELLUSHA" -920
Universiteti POLIS
Shkolla Ndërkombëtare sallë koncertale e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies mini OPERA HOUSE a
| Viti Akademik 2017-2018 Projekt Diplome art SË PRISHTINËS niveli -2 | RIKUALIFIKIMI I QENDRËS 3d ground art KOMBINIMI I NJËSIVESTRIPE HAPËSINORE FORMIMI I Tutor :Phd Ledian Bregasi St: Vlera Blakaj HAPËSIRA&PËR ARTIN SEZONAL NJË SHESHI QENDROR NË PRISHTINË Phd Saimir Kristo underground archeological museum
niveli -3 -320
-470 250cm
face the RIVER
S| 1
marge stairs AKTIVITETE SOCIALE sheshi i ngjyrave
unaza e qytetit SHIRITI I ÇIKLIZMIT
shtigje kalldrëmi niveli 0
ndriçimi urban
niveli -1
gjelbërimi tilia americana, malus, fraxius exelsoir "aurea", white muberry, hyacinthus, fraxinus veltunia, robinia psudoacacia, cypressoncyparis leyladii, deutzia rosea carminea 3d ground art underground garage underground archeological GARAZHË PUBLIKO- PRIVATE museum
lumi "VELLUSHA" -920
sallë koncertale mini OPERA HOUSE
niveli -2
underground archeological museum mobiliari urban RRËNOJAT E NJË XHAMISË "JONUZ EFENDI MOFLEZI" NË PRISHTINË marge stairs unaza e qytetit SHIRITI I ÇIKLIZMIT 180
fragment i lumit "VELLUSHA"
niveli -3
prerja "a-a"
3d ground art underground archeological museum perspektiva
fragment i lumit "VELLUSHA"
“CITY ZOO DESIGN” Student: Supervisor:
Megi Bebi PhD. Ledian Bregasi
The first zoos appeared with the beginnings of human civilization. For years zoos have evolved along two very different paths. Most captive animal displays were demonstrations of human power or whim. However, a few early examples from India and China were established for a different purpose: TO FOSTER A RESPECT FOR NATYRE AND A PLACE FOR LEARNING. There historic trends intersect in today’s zoos, which strive to balance public recreation with animal welfare, conservation and education. This diploma thesis aims at revitalizing an existing City Zoo where it
| 78
aims to bring people closer to nature through the education and creating more humane and natural environments. It is a necessity for the society in which we are growing to create a genuine farm zoo. I think that it’s urgent to intervene in the creation of such farms for the ed cation of younger generations, but also for general awareness on the nature and habitats of different species. It is time for our country to change our conception of the food chain. Not only that, but the most important thing is to raise children with love for the land, animals, and nature. That is and will always remain the basis of life.
A 6x(17x29)
-2 0 .0 0
- 1 9 .0 0
e n t ra n c e
e n t ra n c e
m e d ic a l g a rb a g e
g a rb a g e
+2 .2 0
e n tr a n c e
-4 .8 0
6x(17x 50)
- 3 .8 0
-1 1 .0 0 +0 .7 0
w e lc o m in g p a v il io n
-4 .8 0
e n t ra n c e
e n tr a n c e
6x(17x 50)
s h e lte r
e n t ra n c e
- 3 .8 0
a m p h ith e a tr e +0 - .0 0
e n tr a n c e
e n tra n c e
e n tra n c e
g a rb a g e
+3 .5 0
+6 .0 0
e n tr a n c e
e m e rg e n c y
te m p o r a r y li v in g h o u s e s
e n tr a n c e
+8 .0 0
9x(17x29) 10x(17x40)
e n t ra n c e
e n tr a n c e
t e m p o ra ry l iv i n g h o u s e s
-1 .4 0
+6 .0 0
d i s k u ti m e t e h a p u r a n ë n a ty r ë
p o o ls t e m p o ra ry - 1 .4 0
+7 .0 0
te m p o r a r y li v in g h o u s e s
t e m p o ra ry l iv i n g h o u s e s
- 1 .4 0
w a te r a n d p s y c h o th e r a p y
-2 .4 0
- 2 .4 0
w a te r a n d e x e r s i c e
+8 .5 0
e n tr a n c e
l iv i n g h o u s e s
+6 .5 0
e n t ra n c e
e n tr a n c e
e n t ra n c e a d m in is tra tio n d ire c to ry
+7 .0 0
e n t ra n c e
- 3 .5 0
ro o m o f c o n tro l
+6 .0 0
e n t ra n c e
s e m i - w a ll e d + la b y r i n t h 10x(17x40)
+9 .0 0
+6 .5 0
e n t ra n c e
t e m p o ra ry l iv i n g h o u s e s
e n tr a n c e
t e m p o ra ry l iv i n g h o u s e s
t e m p o ra ry l iv i n g h o u s e s
+8 .8 0
e n tr a n c e
- 2 .5 0
+ 9 .0 0
p e rso n e l d ir e c to r y
t e m p o ra ry l iv i n g h o u s e s
te m p o r a r y li v i n g h o u s e s
e n t ra n c e
-1 .0 0
c o l d w a te r p o o l
a lz e im e r g a rd e n
- 0 .5 0
e n t ra n c e
e n t ra n c e
t h e r m a l b a th q u it e r o o m h e a t t h e ra p y
e n tr a n c e
e n tr a n c e
+1 0 .5 0
+8 .5 0
e n tr a n c e
e n tr a n c e
h o t w a te r p o o l
y a rd e n tr a n c e
+1 .5 0
-0 .5 0
+7 .0 0
+7 .0 0
e n tr a n c e
x h e p a t e p u s h im it
+7 .0 0
e n tr a n c e
e n t ra n c e
+6 .0 0
6x(17x29) +3 .5 0
e n tr a n c e
d o c to rs o ffic e s +5 .0 0
+1 7 .5 0
m e d i ta ti o n & r e la x a t io n r o o m = d h o m a e n a t y rë s
c lo c k to w e r
e n tr a n c e
e n tr a n c e
m e d ic a l g a r b a g e
e n t ra n c e
e n t ra n c e
g a rd e n
+1 1 .0 0
g a rd e n e n tr a n c e l a b o r a to r y d i r e c to r y
+1 3 .5 0
+7 .5 0
+1 1 .0 0
c la s s r o o m
c o lo r e d r o o m t o i le t s
g a rd e n ( a ro m a th e ra p y , z e n g a rd e n )
PRERJE B-B SHK - 1:500
“Architecture Space as Regeneration of Senses” Student: Supervisor:
Xhoana Kristo PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The first zoos appeared with the beginnings of human civilization. For years zoos have evolved along two very different paths. Most captive animal displays were demonstrations of human power or whim. However, a few early examples from India and China were established for a different purpose: TO FOSTER A RESPECT FOR NATYRE AND A PLACE FOR LEARNING. There historic trends intersect in today’s zoos, which strive to balance public recreation with animal welfare, conservation and education. This diploma thesis aims at revitalizing an existing City Zoo where it
| 80
aims to bring people closer to nature 0 12.5 m 25 m through the education and creating more humane and natural environments. It is a necessity for the society in which we are growing to create a genuine farm zoo. I think that it’s urgent to intervene in the creation of such farms for the ed cation of younger generations, but also for general awareness on the nature and habitats of different species. It is time for our country to change our conception of the food chain. Not only that, but the most important thing is to raise children with love for the land, animals, and nature. That is and will always remain the basis of life.
50 m
Universiteti POLIS Universiteti POLIS Projekt Diplome | Titulli: “HEALING SPACES” _
Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
Student: Xhoana Kristo “Architecture as regeneration of senses” Projekt Diplome | Titulli: “HEALING SPACES” _ Student: Xhoana Kristo “Architecture as regeneration of senses” KONCEPTI - ASSEMBLAGE/AKSONOMETRI
| Viti Akademik 2017-2018 Dr.Ledian Bregasi Udhëheqës:Dr.Saimir Kristo | Viti Akademik 2017-2018 Dr.Ledian Bregasi Udhëheqës:Dr.Saimir Kristo
10 10
Irisa Minaj PhD. Ledian Bregasi
The first zoos appeared with the beginnings of human civilization. For years zoos have evolved along two very different paths. Most captive animal displays were demonstrations of human power or whim. However, a few early examples from India and China were established for a different purpose: TO FOSTER A RESPECT FOR NATYRE AND A PLACE FOR LEARNING. There historic trends intersect in today’s zoos, which strive to balance public recreation with animal welfare, conservation and education. This diploma thesis aims at revitalizing an existing City Zoo where it
| 82
aims to bring people closer to nature through the education and creating more humane and natural environments. It is a necessity for the society in which we are growing to create a genuine farm zoo. I think that it’s urgent to intervene in the creation of such farms for the ed cation of younger generations, but also for general awareness on the nature and habitats of different species. It is time for our country to change our conception of the food chain. Not only that, but the most important thing is to raise children with love for the land, animals, and nature. That is and will always remain the basis of life.
“ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM” Student: Supervisor:
Gani Hoxha PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The first zoos appeared with the beginnings of human civilization. For years zoos have evolved along two very different paths. Most captive animal displays were demonstrations of human power or whim. However, a few early examples from India and China were established for a different purpose: TO FOSTER A RESPECT FOR NATYRE AND A PLACE FOR LEARNING. There historic trends intersect in today’s zoos, which strive to balance public recreation with animal welfare, conservation and education. This diploma thesis aims at revitalizing an existing City Zoo where it
| 84
aims to bring people closer to nature through the education and creating more humane and natural environments. It is a necessity for the society in which we are growing to create a genuine farm zoo. I think that it’s urgent to intervene in the creation of such farms for the ed cation of younger generations, but also for general awareness on the nature and habitats of different species. It is time for our country to change our conception of the food chain. Not only that, but the most important thing is to raise children with love for the land, animals, and nature. That is and will always remain the basis of life.
“TRANSFORMING THE INDUSTRIAL AREA IN SKOPJE - NORTH, IN ARTISTIC - CULTURAL FUNCTION” “Combining handicrafts in harmony with the requirements of contemporary architecture” Student: Supervisor:
Njomza Idrizi PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The main purpose of this study is to remind the present problems of Prishtina, with particular emphasis on the treatment of public spaces that play an important role in our formation as people, our behavior and our beliefs. Public spaces in Prishtina, especially those located in the center of the city, reflect the need for immediate intervention! Starting from “AdemJashari” square, which is divided and much neglected, continuing to “Ibrahim Rugova” square, “Skenderbeu”, “Mother Teresa”, “ZahirPajaziti” and the “Heroinat” square, by removing physical barriers near to the Assembly and Government building of the Republic of Kosova, stopping the traffic in the streets
| 86
“Garibaldi” and “Xhorxh Bush”, this project aims to create an inclusive space- the central square of Prishtina, which extends up to the cathedral “Mother Teresa” and will include eco links and interactive relations with other public spaces in the city. The goal of this study inspired by sustainable architecture and driven by the lack of a clear image of an inclusive city that offers desirable environments for all kind of people, is the creation of a healthy, attractive and adaptable space for residents, passersby and tourists. Further, the study claims to improve the well-being of citizens by minimizing air and acoustic pollutions, hence directing the city toward a smart one.
A Rhetorical Quest of Identity in the Capital of the Republic of Northern Macedonia
Pl. 8 a
The North-East facade faces in the direction of one of the few historical buidlings in the city center that werent covered by the masqurading of “skopje 2014”. The project being a direct derivative from the mathematics of the context, situates well inbetween the most important roads which lead to the city center.
North - East Facade sc. 1:200
Note: The wall which faces the underground is hidden for graphical reasons
+ 15.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
- 4.0
- 7.5
- 7.5 - 7.5
- 7.5
- 15.0 - 15.0
- 19.5
North - West Facade
The North-West facade was completely built during the project “skopje 2014”. This facade covered the most important brutalist period buildings of Skopje, built by Kenzo Tange. The new facade rebuilds the Army Dorm (on the right), which was built during the Serbian occupation but was completely destroyed from an earthquacke in 1555.
sc. 1:200
Note: The wall which faces the underground is hidden for graphical reasons
“A Rhetorical Quest of Identity in the Capital of the Republic of Northern Macedonia” + 0.0
Student: Supervisor:
+ 0.0
Gent Shehu PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
- 4.0
- 7.5
- 15.0
- 15.0
The main purpose of this study “Garibaldi” and “Xhorxh Bush”, this projis to remind the present problems of Pr- ect aims to create an inclusive space- the ishtina, with particular emphasis on the central square of Prishtina, which extends treatment of public spaces that play an up to the cathedral “Mother Teresa” and will include eco links and interactive relaUniversiteti Polis, important role in our formation as peoManaging Editor (Tutors): Phd. Arch. Ledian Bregasi Editor in Chief (Student): Gent Shehu Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës tions with other public spaces in the city. Phd. Arch. Saimir Kristo dhe Politikave tëple, Zhvillimitour behavior and our beliefs. Public spaces in Prishtina, especially those lo- The goal of this study inspired by sustaincated in the center of the city, reflect the able architecture and driven by the lack need for immediate intervention! Starting of a clear image of an inclusive city that from “AdemJashari” square, which is di- offers desirable environments for all kind vided and much neglected, continuing to of people, is the creation of a healthy, “Ibrahim Rugova” square, “Skenderbeu”, attractive and adaptable space for resi“Mother Teresa”, “ZahirPajaziti” and the dents, passersby and tourists. Further, the “Heroinat” square, by removing phys- study claims to improve the well-being of ical barriers near to the Assembly and citizens by minimizing air and acoustic Government building of the Republic of pollutions, hence directing the city toward Kosova, stopping the traffic in the streets a smart one.
| 88
Series of Sections Axonometric
F’ E’ D’
4 - 4’
The 2nd Series ends with the observatory deck leading towards the entry - exit.
The first series starts with the representation of rhythm inside the house of books
C - C’
An axo view of the Assembly and the house of books and house of culture
The Metamorphoses of the Classical Language 2017-2018
A glimpse of the cutting of the assembly alongside the house of documents and administration
A Rhetorical Quest of Identity in the Capital of the Republic of Northern Macedonia
D - D’
2 - 2’
Pl. 10 a
The Eclipse of Madness “Yet there are better reasons that that of rhetorical vainglory that have induced poet after poet to choose ambiguity and paradox rather than plain discursive simplicity. It is not enough for the poet to analyze his experience as the scientist does, breaking it up into parts. His task is finally to unify experience. He must return to us the unity of the experience itself as man knows it in his own experience…if the poet…must perforce dramatize the oneness of the experience, even though paying its diversity, The tribute Rotatingto stairs then his use of paradox and ambiguity is seen as necessary. He is not give character around the space ofrhetoric simply trying to spice up, with a superficially exciting or mystifying the toilet. the old stale stockpot…he is rather giving us an insight which preserves the unity of experience and which, at its higher and more serious levels, triumph over the apparently contradictory and conflicting elements of experience by unifying them into a new patter.” - Cleanth Brooks
1 - 1’
The Entry point and the observatory start a new horizontal rhythm on the project
E - E’
First Series starts with the cutting of the Kahn inspired circle openings
The Arcaide becomes part of the overall rhythmic approach to the project.
F - F’
C’est Skopje
1 4’ The state of oblivion in Skopje – marked a justification to whatever madness build…the paranormal critical activity thus was multiplied…for no one intended to take in consideration the genius loci in Skopje…the Project “Skopje 2014” became a frontier for psychopaths…an entry for illusionary architecture…the ground zero of social experiment. The eclipse of madness encloses this circle…stating an end to the madness…a state3’of madness…a state purified by the oblivion…a new revival…the darkness diminished. ‘We have to enclose that platform Rene replied. You see the platform has created an illusionary place…where people enter and are unsettled from its dualities…their insanity can be triggered through this…the virus might spread…the enclosure is necessary…an eclipse of madness is imminent’ 2’ 1’
Universiteti Polis, Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit
Editor in Chief (Student): Gent Shehu
Managing Editor (Tutors): Phd. Arch. Ledian Bregasi Phd. Arch. Saimir Kristo
“PROGERIA IN ARCHITECTURE” “Business incubator and creative center” Student: Supervisor:
Ardita Sylaj PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The main purpose of this study is to remind the present problems of Prishtina, with particular emphasis on the treatment of public spaces that play an important role in our formation as people, our behavior and our beliefs. Public spaces in Prishtina, especially those located in the center of the city, reflect the need for immediate intervention! Starting from “AdemJashari” square, which is divided and much neglected, continuing to “Ibrahim Rugova” square, “Skenderbeu”, “Mother Teresa”, “ZahirPajaziti” and the “Heroinat” square, by removing physical barriers near to the Assembly and Government building of the Republic of Kosova, stopping the traffic in the streets
| 90
“Garibaldi” and “Xhorxh Bush”, this project aims to create an inclusive space- the central square of Prishtina, which extends up to the cathedral “Mother Teresa” and will include eco links and interactive relations with other public spaces in the city. The goal of this study inspired by sustainable architecture and driven by the lack of a clear image of an inclusive city that offers desirable environments for all kind of people, is the creation of a healthy, attractive and adaptable space for residents, passersby and tourists. Further, the study claims to improve the well-being of citizens by minimizing air and acoustic pollutions, hence directing the city toward a smart one.
Erazmia Gjikopulli PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The main purpose of this study is to remind the present problems of Prishtina, with particular emphasis on the treatment of public spaces that play an important role in our formation as people, our behavior and our beliefs. Public spaces in Prishtina, especially those located in the center of the city, reflect the need for immediate intervention! Starting from “AdemJashari” square, which is divided and much neglected, continuing to “Ibrahim Rugova” square, “Skenderbeu”, “Mother Teresa”, “ZahirPajaziti” and the “Heroinat” square, by removing physical barriers near to the Assembly and Government building of the Republic of Kosova, stopping the traffic in the streets
| 92
“Garibaldi” and “Xhorxh Bush”, this project aims to create an inclusive space- the central square of Prishtina, which extends up to the cathedral “Mother Teresa” and will include eco links and interactive relations with other public spaces in the city. The goal of this study inspired by sustainable architecture and driven by the lack of a clear image of an inclusive city that offers desirable environments for all kind of people, is the creation of a healthy, attractive and adaptable space for residents, passersby and tourists. Further, the study claims to improve the well-being of citizens by minimizing air and acoustic pollutions, hence directing the city toward a smart one.
Universiteti POLIS
Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
Projekt Diplome | Titulli: Rikualifikim i një zone post industriale në Portin e Durrësit | Viti Akademik 2017-2018 Studente: Erazmia Gjikopulli
Udhëheqës: Ledian Bregasi Saimir Kristo
“An Official State Residence, Retreat, and Protocol Center for the Sovereign Republic of Kosovo” Student: Supervisor:
Asdren Sela PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The identity of Kosovo in public administrative, or even representative manners hampers just as bad, given the non-recognition of its independence by Serbia and a number of other countries, partially within the EU. With this unresolved burden and lack of political, economic and social progress to present, the global discourse on the topic of Kosovo is mainly reduced to its wartime history, and with current global challenges (climate change, immigration, nationalism) marginalized further off the public awareness. Since the early 2000s, Kosovo’s Government has been trying to establish an administrative protocol center, ...Hosting international delegations and establishing a representative space to perform protocol procedures has been the main | 94
reasoning behind these efforts. For a place such as Kosovo, so dependent on international support and recognition, the establishment of a protocol center can be considered an imperative issue. I attempt to come up with my own answer for the design of An Official State Residence, Retreat, and Protocol Center for the Sovereign Republic of Kosovo. The challenge ahead of me is a difficult one to undertake, but with thorough reasoning, I believe that my design will be a great combination of topics such as political history, protocol centers, theories on facades, works by Frank Lloyd Wright and Paolo Soleri, and case-studies such as that of Camp David, transformed into one design for a specific and unique location, that of being in Batllava Lake.
“Revitalization through agrotourism and alternative tourism” Student: Supervisor:
Adela Shpani PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The identity of Kosovo in public administrative, or even representative manners hampers just as bad, given the non-recognition of its independence by Serbia and a number of other countries, partially within the EU. With this unresolved burden and lack of political, economic and social progress to present, the global discourse on the topic of Kosovo is mainly reduced to its wartime history, and with current global challenges (climate change, immigration, nationalism) marginalized further off the public awareness. Since the early 2000s, Kosovo’s Government has been trying to establish an administrative protocol center, ...Hosting international delegations and establishing a representative space to perform protocol procedures has been the main | 96
reasoning behind these efforts. For a place such as Kosovo, so dependent on international support and recognition, the establishment of a protocol center can be considered an imperative issue. I attempt to come up with my own answer for the design of An Official State Residence, Retreat, and Protocol Center for the Sovereign Republic of Kosovo. The challenge ahead of me is a difficult one to undertake, but with thorough reasoning, I believe that my design will be a great combination of topics such as political history, protocol centers, theories on facades, works by Frank Lloyd Wright and Paolo Soleri, and case-studies such as that of Camp David, transformed into one design for a specific and unique location, that of being in Batllava Lake.
Student: Supervisor:
Kejsi Bregu PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The identity of Kosovo in public administrative, or even representative manners hampers just as bad, given the non-recognition of its independence by Serbia and a number of other countries, partially within the EU. With this unresolved burden and lack of political, economic and social progress to present, the global discourse on the topic of Kosovo is mainly reduced to its wartime history, and with current global challenges (climate change, immigration, nationalism) marginalized further off the public awareness. Since the early 2000s, Kosovo’s Government has been trying to establish an administrative protocol center, ...Hosting international delegations and establishing a representative space to perform protocol procedures has been the main | 98
reasoning behind these efforts. For a place such as Kosovo, so dependent on international support and recognition, the establishment of a protocol center can be considered an imperative issue. I attempt to come up with my own answer for the design of An Official State Residence, Retreat, and Protocol Center for the Sovereign Republic of Kosovo. The challenge ahead of me is a difficult one to undertake, but with thorough reasoning, I believe that my design will be a great combination of topics such as political history, protocol centers, theories on facades, works by Frank Lloyd Wright and Paolo Soleri, and case-studies such as that of Camp David, transformed into one design for a specific and unique location, that of being in Batllava Lake.
“An Interactive Web Habitat for The Zoological and Botanical Gardens of the City of Tirana” Student: Supervisor:
Konstantinos Litska PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
The city of Tirana has been missing proper infrastructure for its natural resources and animals since the beginning of its transitory democratic era. This thesis will provide a proper biopark for Tirana and its citizens to inspire the authoritative figures, the municipality, and its citizens into loving and taking care of their green spaces and their zoo. The park draws inspiration from the way animals build their nests and homes, and after careful consideration, it imitates the way spiders build their webs to develop an interactive structure. The chosen zone for project implementation is that of the botanical gar-
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den and the zoological park of Tirana. This project brings the parks together and turns them into a multi-purpose biopark, with open animal spaces, a lounge area, a food court, a training space, a pet store, and an animal shelter. A pedestrian pathway is also included in the project, which connects all parts of the park and also serves leisurely purposes. This pathway is inspired by the spider’s web and is conceived to have as little impact on the environment as possible. The project hopes to inspire future animal and environmental loving ideas and bring Tirana closer to innovation and harmony
Student: Supervisor:
Edin Durguti PhD. Ledian Bregasi
The city of Tirana has been missing proper infrastructure for its natural resources and animals since the beginning of its transitory democratic era. This thesis will provide a proper biopark for Tirana and its citizens to inspire the authoritative figures, the municipality, and its citizens into loving and taking care of their green spaces and their zoo. The park draws inspiration from the way animals build their nests and homes, and after careful consideration, it imitates the way spiders build their webs to develop an interactive structure. The chosen zone for project implementation is that of the botanical gar-
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den and the zoological park of Tirana. This project brings the parks together and turns them into a multi-purpose biopark, with open animal spaces, a lounge area, a food court, a training space, a pet store, and an animal shelter. A pedestrian pathway is also included in the project, which connects all parts of the park and also serves leisurely purposes. This pathway is inspired by the spider’s web and is conceived to have as little impact on the environment as possible. The project hopes to inspire future animal and environmental loving ideas and bring Tirana closer to innovation and harmony
Prishtina Exhibition CENTER
Prof. Ledian Bregasi/ Student Edin Durguti
FASADA Lindore 1:200
Planimetri dhe Prerje
Prishtina Exhibition CENTER Prof. Ledian Bregasi/ Student Edin Durguti
FASADA Perendimore 1:200
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Student: Supervisor:
Gligor Lushi PhD. Endrit Marku
The city of Tirana has been missing proper infrastructure for its natural resources and animals since the beginning of its transitory democratic era. This thesis will provide a proper biopark for Tirana and its citizens to inspire the authoritative figures, the municipality, and its citizens into loving and taking care of their green spaces and their zoo. The park draws inspiration from the way animals build their nests and homes, and after careful consideration, it imitates the way spiders build their webs to develop an interactive structure. The chosen zone for project implementation is that of the botanical gar-
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den and the zoological park of Tirana. This project brings the parks together and turns them into a multi-purpose biopark, with open animal spaces, a lounge area, a food court, a training space, a pet store, and an animal shelter. A pedestrian pathway is also included in the project, which connects all parts of the park and also serves leisurely purposes. This pathway is inspired by the spider’s web and is conceived to have as little impact on the environment as possible. The project hopes to inspire future animal and environmental loving ideas and bring Tirana closer to innovation and harmony
Pro Stu
Student: Supervisor:
Ilda Kurti PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
This thesis focuses on providing a new space suitable for both the tourists and the locals that can be used throughout the year, to host activates present in the city but also add new ones. The concept for this thesis is based on the visual and cultural connections coming to the site by the Old Town, from the beaches surrounding the place, to maximize the openness of the area, so that the building can be seen from all points, but also to preserve the unrestricted view from Ratislava Cape. The views are translated into lines that intersect in the cape. An added layer to the form finding process is the intersection of the buildable area with the “view lines”. From this last action the surfaces created are then divided, using also the relationship between the view | 106
line, the site area and the terrain lines. The complex is comprised of six buildings: Main Concert Hall, two Cinemas, one Flexible Hall, and two supporting structures. The Main Concert Hall can host up to 1500 people, and it follows the standards for such major performing spaces. The Cinemas are an important for the visual arts taking place in Ulcinj, but can also be used as theater spaces. The Flexible Hall has sitting arrangement that can be changed easily so that the space can be used for other purposes like conferences and meetings. The two supporting structures serve also as exhibition spaces and have necessary facilities. An important aspect of the space is the interaction and the merging of the building with the landscape.
Universiteti POLIS
Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urba International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
ojekt Diplome | Performing & Visual Arts Center udent: Ilda Kurti
Universiteti POLIS
| Viti Akademik 2013-2014 Udhëheqës: Ledian Brega
Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
Projekt Diplome | Performing & Visual Arts Center Student: Ilda Kurti
| Viti Akademik 2013-2014 Udhëheqës: Ledian Bregasi
Student: Supervisor:
Stivi Gjoka PhD. Ledian Bregasi
This thesis focuses on providing a new space suitable for both the tourists and the locals that can be used throughout the year, to host activates present in the city but also add new ones. The concept for this thesis is based on the visual and cultural connections coming to the site by the Old Town, from the beaches surrounding the place, to maximize the openness of the area, so that the building can be seen from all points, but also to preserve the unrestricted view from Ratislava Cape. The views are translated into lines that intersect in the cape. An added layer to the form finding process is the intersection of the buildable area with the “view lines”. From this last action the surfaces created are then divided, using also the relationship between the view | 108
line, the site area and the terrain lines. The complex is comprised of six buildings: Main Concert Hall, two Cinemas, one Flexible Hall, and two supporting structures. The Main Concert Hall can host up to 1500 people, and it follows the standards for such major performing spaces. The Cinemas are an important for the visual arts taking place in Ulcinj, but can also be used as theater spaces. The Flexible Hall has sitting arrangement that can be changed easily so that the space can be used for other purposes like conferences and meetings. The two supporting structures serve also as exhibition spaces and have necessary facilities. An important aspect of the space is the interaction and the merging of the building with the landscape.
“COMPREHENSIVE CANCER CENTRE” “Cancer is a Word, not a Sentence” Student: Supervisor:
Migena Paçuku PhD. Ledian Bregasi; PhD. Saimir Kristo
This thesis focuses on providing a new space suitable for both the tourists and the locals that can be used throughout the year, to host activates present in the city but also add new ones. The concept for this thesis is based on the visual and cultural connections coming to the site by the Old Town, from the beaches surrounding the place, to maximize the openness of the area, so that the building can be seen from all points, but also to preserve the unrestricted view from Ratislava Cape. The views are translated into lines that intersect in the cape. An added layer to the form finding process is the intersection of the buildable area with the “view lines”. From this last action the surfaces created are then divided, using also the relationship between the view | 110
line, the site area and the terrain lines. The complex is comprised of six buildings: Main Concert Hall, two Cinemas, one Flexible Hall, and two supporting structures. The Main Concert Hall can host up to 1500 people, and it follows the standards for such major performing spaces. The Cinemas are an important for the visual arts taking place in Ulcinj, but can also be used as theater spaces. The Flexible Hall has sitting arrangement that can be changed easily so that the space can be used for other purposes like conferences and meetings. The two supporting structures serve also as exhibition spaces and have necessary facilities. An important aspect of the space is the interaction and the merging of the building with the landscape.
“CULTURAL CENTER LAPRAKË” “Summer cinema” Student: Supervisor:
Pllumb Sahitaj PhD. Ledian Bregasi
This thesis focuses on providing a new space suitable for both the tourists and the locals that can be used throughout the year, to host activates present in the city but also add new ones. The concept for this thesis is based on the visual and cultural connections coming to the site by the Old Town, from the beaches surrounding the place, to maximize the openness of the area, so that the building can be seen from all points, but also to preserve the unrestricted view from Ratislava Cape. The views are translated into lines that intersect in the cape. An added layer to the form finding process is the intersection of the buildable area with the “view lines”. From this last action the surfaces created are then divided, using also the relationship between the view | 112
line, the site area and the terrain lines. The complex is comprised of six buildings: Main Concert Hall, two Cinemas, one Flexible Hall, and two supporting structures. The Main Concert Hall can host up to 1500 people, and it follows the standards for such major performing spaces. The Cinemas are an important for the visual arts taking place in Ulcinj, but can also be used as theater spaces. The Flexible Hall has sitting arrangement that can be changed easily so that the space can be used for other purposes like conferences and meetings. The two supporting structures serve also as exhibition spaces and have necessary facilities. An important aspect of the space is the interaction and the merging of the building with the landscape.
/ Projekt Diploma :Qender Kulturore Laprake -Kinema verore
/ Student : Pllumb Sahitaj
/ Udheheqes : Ledian Bregasi
Pikat e forta te sheshit ekzistues 1- Zona e tregut 2- Kinemaja 3 -Akses kalimi
Krijimi i Linjave te reja kalimi. Bashkimi i elementeve te sheshit ne nje pike qendrore.Sheshit i shtohet mundesia per funksione te reja.
Fasha kalimi ne te gjitha anet e sheshit. Hyrje dhe dalje te reja duke e bere zones te aksesueshme dhe fleksibel.Qendra e sheshit,pika ku takohe te gjitha funksionet e propozuara.
Student: Supervisor:
Donald Hoxha PhD. Ledian Bregasi
This thesis focuses on providing a new space suitable for both the tourists and the locals that can be used throughout the year, to host activates present in the city but also add new ones. The concept for this thesis is based on the visual and cultural connections coming to the site by the Old Town, from the beaches surrounding the place, to maximize the openness of the area, so that the building can be seen from all points, but also to preserve the unrestricted view from Ratislava Cape. The views are translated into lines that intersect in the cape. An added layer to the form finding process is the intersection of the buildable area with the “view lines”. From this last action the surfaces created are then divided, using also the relationship between the view | 114
line, the site area and the terrain lines. The complex is comprised of six buildings: Main Concert Hall, two Cinemas, one Flexible Hall, and two supporting structures. The Main Concert Hall can host up to 1500 people, and it follows the standards for such major performing spaces. The Cinemas are an important for the visual arts taking place in Ulcinj, but can also be used as theater spaces. The Flexible Hall has sitting arrangement that can be changed easily so that the space can be used for other purposes like conferences and meetings. The two supporting structures serve also as exhibition spaces and have necessary facilities. An important aspect of the space is the interaction and the merging of the building with the landscape.
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Architecture & Urban Design 2019
Vasiliqi Çamati...................................................120 ”MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTER”
Sara Laloshi........................................................140 “Wellnes center ad SPA”
Steisi Vogli...........................................................122 “Design the Limit”-Agro Food Park”
Real Juka............................................................142 “Cultural modular center”
Kristiana Meço....................................................124 “EcoMuse-Museum of Time and Space”
Marsed Llukaj.....................................................144 “Aquarium”
Filip Çeçi...............................................................126 “Archaeological Museum and Reorganizationof the Finiq Archaeological Park”
Anes Kurti............................................................146 ... “Multifuncional building in Ulcinj”
Klejdi Hoxha........................................................128 “BUSINESS INCUBATOR”
Marigona Nila...................................................148 “Flagship Store”
Fisnik Abrashi.......................................................130 “Regeneration of Mitrovica Industrial Park Trepça Crystal Museum” Jonida Hyka.........................................................132 “The integrity of Çajë’s area”
Atdhe Grainca.....................................................134 “Shopping and transport Hub in Prishtina”
Pamela Bregu......................................................136 “Multifuncional hight rise building”
Endrit Serhati.......................................................138 “University campus in Gjakova”
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Vasiliqi Çamati Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
Doing architecture means designing. Architecture itself has existed and been born since the earliest times of humanity, but as a terminology and profession it was known very late. It is further enriched with the first constructions of shelters on land, palfits along watersheds and adaptation on mountain slopes. The theme ‘multifunctional center’, focuses precisely on an architecture with the primary goal being the utilitarian and nurturing purpose of a better life. basic and vital in our daily lives in a single object. Functions such as housing, shops, offices, hotels and other social activities have been adapted and coordinated together in a complex making it as successful and useful as possible for the people who will live there, as well as the visitors. or even banners around. This creates a point of attraction throughout the area, with new social spaces being created and serviced. | 120
Other elements such as atriums, facades and elevation bridges create not only visual but also utilitarian architecture. The methodology will be based on analysis to understand similar examples, existing multifunctional built objects. They will analyze how these functions relate to each other and create an ideal living space. The results are expected to show that once such an object is realized with several functions within it, it becomes a habitation, employment and entertainment environment desired by all. It is important to link some of the vital functions to the public space by making it part of the project, a detail that will be visible at the end of it.
Steisi Vogli Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
The project deals with the design of the axis between the two forms of terrain, field and hill.This axis will be the basis of the design of the limit and will contain two poles which are in natural and industrial context and Small Path to bring about a new concept of space sharing. The purpose of this design is to bring about a new concept of partitioning or development of a road axis, where development models are adapted to reflect the past and show the possibilities of the country’s future. More specifically, strategies to regenerate urban space with agriculture and the recovery of some industrial areas that have already lost their manufacturing destination will be addressed.The initial hypothesis aims to combine the urban and agricultural models by treating them as united sectors. Thus bringing a new model to Albania, in which agricultural values and traditions are promoted.The methodology followed to confirm this hypothesis will be based on the importance of agricultural land deriving from it intrusive instruments which will then be applied to the project.This re| 122
search is divided into two parts: the first consists of exploring how agriculture has influenced social, economic development and the values it has added to society. Where case studies are the reclamation of the former industrial area ,how to unify urban space with agriculture and revitalize the factory in China on an ideal platform for people to meet, socialize, host activities and share innovative ideas. The second focuses on the implementation of these instruments and strategies in Tragjas in the Vlora region, southwest of Albania. The importance of this research lies in trying to provide solutions to those rural areas that have potential, but due to multiple migration are losing their functionality and have become less useful areas. By creating a new space focusing on the importance of agriculture, food traditions and exploring the variety of products that are protagonists. The results are expected to show that this new model of space with agriculture creates economic value and becomes a constant source of innovation leading to economic and ecological development.
EcoMuse “MUSEUM OF TIME AND SPACE” Student: Supervisor:
Kristiana Meço Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
This article is part of the research on Ecomuses as a museum of time and space. An ecomuseum is a museum focused on the identity of a place, largely based on local participation and with the aim of enhancing the well-being and development of local communities. The objective is how Ecomuseu can preserve and manage a country’s cultural heritage, but by adding new interpretations The purpose of an Ecomuseu is to promote the entirety of a culture and heritage associated with a geographical territory in this case in ancient Tragjas, as a place of historical value. This inheritance can be material or immaterial. The initial hypothesis relates to Ecomuse and Museums, the relationship between the two, the commonalities and features of each. | 124
The methodology will be based on the analysis of Ecomuseum’s as a Western world innovation in the 19th century by more clearly defining what an Ecomuseum is, then the relationship between an Ecomuseu and a Museum, the role that landscape plays in the creation of an Ecomuseu, the role that have people in an Ecomuse and the treatment of the term ‘Eco’ in the ecomuseum refers mainly to the community because they preserve natural habitats. The results are expected to show that Ecomuseu is considered a tool for the socio-cultural development of a country.
Filip Çeçi Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
The Albanian coast is part of the Mediterranean with a coastline of about 140 km which is represented by two types of coasts, the one with high active intensity in the Adriatic and the southern coast of the Ionian Sea presented as rocky, very beautiful, rugged, harmonized: sea-forests-mountains-waters to give a special pleasure, which develops more restrained, more harmonious. The Albanian coast in its entirety is the most valuable national asset in terms of economy, but not only: it is a priority and provides guarantees for the country’s future development. Interest in the Albanian coast is on the rise, especially for the south coast in terms of tourism as a destination that best meets the ever-increasing demands of both domestic and foreign tourists. Apart from coastal tourism, there is a special interest in cultural tourism in this region due to the presence of many cultural and historical monuments located there. The area chosen for the study is the southernmost Albanian region: the city of Saranda and the archaeological park of Finiq located 20 km away. The ever-increasing dynamics of domestic and for| 126
eign visitors to Saranda, Finiq and the surrounding area, visits by a relatively high number of high-value archaeological assets located in the Saranda-Ksamil-Finiq area which will be discussed below are the reasons that led me to undertake a feasible study for the construction of the “Archaeological Museum” at the Finiq Archaeological Park, to make a modest contribution to the development of the Finiqi municipality area and beyond. The “Ionian” coastal area, Saranda Ksamil - Finiq, is increasingly convincing as an attractive area for the tourist opportunities and resources it offers. It is considered as the most elite tourist area and the most worthy representative of national cultural and historical heritage. Harnessing these potentials is an important resource of particular interest for the rapid and sustainable development of the tourism industry. It is regarded as the most vital approach in generating new jobs and social welfare. The topic of this study is oriented and is part of the research on urban and architectural instruments.
“BUSINESS INCUBATOR” Student: Supervisor:
Klejdi Hoxha Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
This article is oriented and is part of the research on urban and architectural instruments. More specifically, this article will address urban regeneration strategies. The goal is to list a set of instruments, principles or strategies that have been successful that can function as generators of housing quality improvement and can also target ways of intervening in problematic spaces that seek to improve their quality. The hypothesis raised in this text is that the application of a physical unit creates an echo throughout the settlement by raising it to a higher level through improved image and spatial quality. If the border points need to be revitalized for the development of these areas. The methodology followed to confirm | 128
this hypothesis will be based on the case study of “Revitalization of Urban Areas” extracting from them intervening instruments which will then be applied to the project. This research is divided into two parts: the first consists of research what is the current state of this settlement “Stebleva commune of Elbasan” in Albania and the ways that have been followed for its revitalization and aggregation internationally. The second part will focus on the implementation of these instruments and strategies in a highly functional non-territorial spac
“Regeneration of Mitrovica Industrial Park Trepça Crystal Museum” Student: Supervisor:
Fisnik Abrashi Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
Former industrial zones in Kosovo, in particular the Trepca industrial complex in Mitrovica, neglecting these areas and considering possible alternatives for revitalization and redevelopment, are the backbone of this study. The area under analysis and review is foreseen to have some long-term and long-term impact interventions according to the respective interventions. Specifically, based on the analysis, some hypotheses are derived for the type and nature of the interventions as follows: The hypothesis of the reuse of the Trepca factories, exploiting the existing potential that these factories may have in that area and not considering them as objects to be demolished but as industrial heritage; The hypothesis of interfering with new objects and functions in the area, taking into account the harmony and symbiosis between existing and proposed objects. | 130
Creating a museum is considered a must for the context in which we are; The contamination hypothesis of contaminated parts of the area; The methodology used to derive these hypotheses and conclusions is structured on the basis of field analyzes, the study of similar success cases in treatment and concept, and the analysis of theoretical concepts related to the topic. The results of these interventions are expected to have an impact on area residents who can use the spaces, impact on local history and collective memory, impact on the local economy as a result of businesses that may arise in the area and local and local visitors. foreign, impact on air and environment quality due to contamination of the area, and the possibility of development and expansion of the city on its eastern side.
“The integrity of Caje’s area”
Student: Supervisor:
Jonida Hyka Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
The mountains are calling and I must go. – John Muir1 Having this in mind, it initially started my trip to the deepest area of Çaje, an mountain area,far from technology ,that has been untouched in centuries, saving a medieval taste of an Alpine’s stone village.The idea of making a project about the integrity of the Çaje’s area through the promotion of craftsmanship and the re-establishment of morphology & historical typologies,has come naturally by exploring the zone and the need of the habitants for some basic facilities. Mountains can help in tourism and bring in money for the people who live there.Many mountain towns around the world depend on tourists to support them. People in the town/ villages offer food and lodging for tourists who come to enjoy the nearby mountains.Mountains can be places for many leisure activities and lifestyle.This project aims to revitalize tourism in rural areas of the country, improving the economy of the inhabitants of the deep mountain’s areas,who,now will have a different alternative for living from emigration or limited seasonal farming. Developing sustainable mountain tourism by utilizing the natural and cultural assets of the areas where it will develop, diversifying the tourist offer through various forms of tourism such as agrotourism, ecotourism, cultural tourism, mountain tourism and the involvement of local habitants in these activities.Through this project, it is intended that the characteristic houses of existing areas, which are suitable for accommodating tourists, can create op| 132
portunities through financial and technical assistance that provide all the necessary services (sleeping conditions, hygiene conditions, household appliances etc.) and appropriate activities for a rural tourism. Urban development in cities has resulted in a backwardness and neglect of rural areas. In order to provide support and encouragement to development in these areas, the project also aims to increase capacities, create opportunities for small business and entrepreneurship, infrastructure’s construction and resource utilization. In the mountain’s area, it’s developed the work of handicraft art, especially the processing of wool, livestock, wood processing and stone work. This part will be dealt more extensive in the thesis work.Developing mountainous areas is considered one of the tough challenges but not impossible for the development of Albanian society and its integration into the European development flow. By collaborating with the residents of the Çaje’s Area, the application of a concrete pilot project gives the opportunity to create a more attractive infrastructure, transforming traditional towers and houses into guest houses and ateliers.The unrepeatable breaks of the mountainous terrain, the “natural monuments” of virgin nature, are entirely synchronized with the hospitality of the inhabitants, with the traditional way of accommodation, food, history of the area etc. as development potential.
Atdhe Grainca Endrit Marku
Bus transport has seen increase in number of tours and destinations in the last ten years, but the actual central station in Pristina is not able to keep up with the rapid development of economy and transport. The Municipality of Pristina published a competition to build a new central station in the existing site. The brief explained that it needed to have the capacity of twenty million passengers per year. This number led to the thinking how to bring that much people at one place. In the evolution of humanity, mobility has played a crucial role in accelerating the process. From primitive modes of transportation to the latest innovation in aviation, trains and cars, human behavior has changed dramatically. The dy| 134
namic quality of transport has made possible rapid urban development and has had a great impact on urbanity and urbanization of cities. Kosovo is a new country in the world, has seen relatively slow development since gaining independence from Serbia. Nevertheless, road transport was the main area where the government has invested, building highways to connect with Europe and making it a important node in the Balkans.
Pamela Bregu Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
Tirana is one of those places where the traditional is closely intertwined with the modern. This is true both in architecture where the new is intertwined with the old, in culture, and even in the way of life. As we try to keep up with history, the news is getting more and more prevalent. People from different cities gathered in this place to exchange goods and food. Over the years, with the construction of some important buildings this place began to take the shape of a city. But the roads created remain the same and determine the way of urban development of this city. The theme I have chosen consists of building a multifunctional building on the newest segment of Tirana Boulevard, promoting the development of Albanian architecture into a state-of-the-art architecture today. Taking advantage of what the city of Tirana seeks and provides in its capacity, and being part of a regulatory project on the informal state of the city, this facility offers the development of various functions such as offices, hotel, shopping center, library, cinema as and other recre| 136
ational facilities. The area of the square where the building will be developed is about 5580 m². The object is composed in its entirety by 3 volumetric units: Horizontal platform-shaped base, following the entire footprint of the square. Close to the main and secondary roads, this part of the facility functions as a Multifunctional Center, with commercial and recreational functions. The first tower has an administrative function, with office facilities and meeting or conference rooms. From an architectural point of view, it brings green spaces to the height to make nature part of the building. To show the variation of functions even in volumetric treatment, the façade is presented as a set of volumes shifted towards one another. The second tower has a catering function, which takes place on the ground floor of the building, closing with a usable terrace with recreational functions. It is on this terrace that we bring the green spaces, and nature as part of the building. Unlike the first tower, the façade is treated here uniformly, as is the function given to it throughout its volume.
Endrit Serhati Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of a university campus in Gjakova. The desire to research and design educational spaces, was born as an opportunity to experiment on the way campus spaces are handled. Multiple interlacing of spaces and functions makes a campus as complex as it is interesting. The idea for a university campus was born as a result of the city’s recognition, and the potential that the city of Gjakova will be an educational center of the region where it lies. And also the desire to be you deepening in the field of education, namely educational spaces, as an opportunity to explore different design modes, contextual approaches and ideas of continuity. a how problems within a city can turn in favor and developer space. The project attempts to recall elements from history and context, treating the city and the space as a continuous whole, where despite the | 138
effect of time, the added parts are integrated and become part of what exists. Added pieces are a new spatial value, which dialogue with the natural and artificial elements of a city. The diploma project is divided into two parts: the research part which consists of analyzing over the topic of university campuses, the history and functions of a campus, and the second part which is a description of the project implemented. The methodology used as part of this research and design is “Research by design”.
Wellness Center & SPA in the village of Elbasan as well revitalization of the village center “WELLNESS CENTER & SPA” Student: Supervisor:
Sara Laloshi Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
Nowadays everyone attaches great importance to human, body and spirituality. To be a happy person everyone must find inner peace by combining it with perfect physical health. The purpose for which I chose this topic is to discover the creation of a center that will combine these two services. Health tourism is one of the many forms and potentials of tourism. Where one of their types that we can mention are the most special area that Albania has, curative tourism or as known , thermal waters. Thermal centers or otherwise known as health centers have received a great deal of national and global attention. | 140
Albania is precisely one of these rare places that grants the opportunity for locals and tourists to relax and at the same time they can be cured of various diseases. The topic I am going to focus on is: rec-reating a center where we can benefit from this tourism in one of the sites of these resources, in the Llixhat e Elbasanit. The purpose of this project is “Designing a Wellness & SPA center” which will in-crease the potential for curative tourism in the area.
“CULTURAL MODULAR CENTER” Student: Supervisor:
Real Juka Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
During the read of the following text it would be required to have a flexible way of understanding the form of this type of architecture. It starts by taking you to another dimension, to dream a dream in architecture, which makes you think of a form not practiced in architecture. This text tries to intrigue you and make you doubt if the way our material world is really that efficient to our lifestyle. Do we have that freedom man seeks? Or are we limited to a lifestyle dictated by a logical grouping of people made by some people who seek the best economical advantage. Does the planning of our habitat even consider the lifestyle of its inhabitants, or are we just a piece of an overall income, like a mechanism? Even though we referred to the word ‘mechanism’ above with a negative meaning, it is exactly a mechanism that is going to make possible the idea of what we can get from architecture, futuristic rather than utopic, of how we can have a more active lifestyle with the change of design of the architecture that surrounds us. What we will achieve from this project is | 142
a call rather than a monument, or the start of a utopia. This project tends to re-give the social space to the inhabitants, with the main focus of the project being each individuals lifestyle and ambition. The transition from the routine of everyday life as a part of a mechanism to freedom. For the making of this project, the project itself is going to “learn” from some other ideological projects, which have been studied in a logical order: from the less applicable, to the realization of an avant-garde project, which in fact it’s avant-garde idea was the clients desire to have something unique, symbolic and monumental for his city (Georges Pompidou Center, Paris). Moving from the architecture in a virtual space, to an architecture helped by the virtual, to e mechanical city, to a life machine and so on to a cultural center will be the steps which we will overtake to think of a project like this, where each step has had its own impact on the time it was delivered.
Aquarium in Lezha City “AQUARIUM” Student: Supervisor:
Marsed Lukaj Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
The city of Lezha is known for its historical values and natural resources, which both marine and aquatic have an important role in the social and economic life of the city. The port of Shengjin, beyond its small physical size, is a history, a reality and it will undoubtedly continue to be an important actor in the life of not only the city of Lezha but of the whole country and region. Always has been important as a strategic point on Albania’s north-east coast, mainly for freight and fishing. This is also evident in the foreign investment in the city of Lezha in terms of fishing, with the opening of the fish processing factory. Also worth noting are other values for the city which are economic and social generators in terms of natural resources such as the Drini river, the Tyrbes mountain which is an archaeological site (Akrolisi) and the Castle of Lis. Another very important natural element is the Vain Lagoon, which is | 144
a National Park and protected area rich on flora and fauna. The area selected in the town of Lezha is near the former freight train station and the former paper factory area, closely located by the river Drin. The purpose of this study is to regenerate former industrial or unused areas with economic and cultural potential. Another aspect is the species richness and how valuable it is for the creation of an aquarium or laboratory for the study of the flora and fauna of the water, based not only the city but also the entire region. It also has to do with urban regeneration and the connection to the city’s historic center and the other administrative areas. Also with the proposal of a special facility it will be the only one in Albania that could be a tourist attraction. Case studies and study of areas that can provide even more value such as recreation or sports facilities should not be ruled out.
Anes Kurti Ledian Bregasi, Laura Pedata
Located in the economic strip of the city of Ulcinj, Nexus Center is a mixed used building that responds to the requirements of the client and solves some of the urban issues of the site where it is located. The program consists of: furniture showroom, offices, parking, restaurant and rooms for rent for tourists. These functions are separated by floors, but are in the same building. Even though there are some restriction in the site by a road passing through it, the ground floor opens up at the intersection with the road, by opening the passage and at the same time opening the façade to the road. All the functions are inside one building, but they are physically separated by each other because they are in different levels. This is done also to keep the fluxes more separated, given that the rooms for rent need more privacy then the offices and showroom. Below follows a more detailed explanation of each floor and the functions it houses.It should be noted that the main street that the building has | 146
in front, is a very chaotic road. It has a lot of traffic and many buildings. Even though they are low rise, they are very diverse from each other, and every one of them is very loud visually. In response to this situation in the urban area, the design of the façade of Nexus Center will be very calm and smooth. The corners of the building have all been curved out to add to the idea of a smooth façade with no harsh corners. In addition, the materials are kept simple and in tune with the functions of the building. Since our Client deals with mostly wooden furniture that are locally made, wood is a good material to also have on the façade. Furthermore, this material with its warmth gives a feeling of hospitality to the part of the building that deals with tourists. Also to emphasize the commercial identity of the building and the area around, the concrete is left exposed in some parts of the façade.
Marigona Nila Ledian Bregasi
The aim of this project is to define the flagship store, and placing it in the context of experiential marketing, assess its role in retail branding. The concept of the flagship store has been extensively discussed in the mass media, and from various perspectives in cultural, social and design studies.Although such stores are clearly visible and create a powerful image with consumers, their role within retailing is less well understood. Flagship stores receive considerable financial investment; they can be significant design statements. The Hershey store in New York, the Louis Vuitton store in Tokyo, the Prada stores in both cities and Niketown stores in general, provide instances of flagship stores that have become a monument more to their architects than their merchandise .The flagship concept has been applied widely to different locations and service encounters. Airport terminal buildings continue to be seen by airlines as opportunities for positioning and branding,. Cultural industries are used in regeneration projects as flagships of change in post-industrial areas .Re-usage of sites can provide interesting new opportunities to exploit the sense of place as Timberland demonstrated with its conversion of | 148
an old banana warehouse as its new flagship store (Design Week 2005). Flagships can be understood as specific regeneration icons in different ways. Theme Parks can be considered as flagships in a context of tourism development .Even whole cities, as in the case of cities of culture and branded art facilities are potential flagships for nations, in part defined by the branding techniques developed through retail and “star” architecture strategies.Flagships have a wide range of associations as prestigious, or more recently, iconic places. Department and fashion stores have traditionally numbered flagships as their most important sites, identified by size and product diversity. They can be characterised as supporting the brand’s reputation. Seeing flagships as part of marketing communications for the whole chain or company explains the high levels of investment dedicated to their creation and running as a means of creating awareness and interest. The link between the location and the store’s brand can intentionally serve a regenerational purpose.
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Art & Design 2017
Ani Doraku..................................................................154 ”THERMO-INSULATING COATING” Anxhela Muço............................................................156 “POPPINS BAG”
Remona Salianj..........................................................176 “ICE CREAM PACKING”
Sara Trebicka.............................................................178 “DESIGNING A CHAIR FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN”
Anxhela Peko.............................................................158 “THE GAME OF THE LETTERS RE-DESIGNING A BOOK WITH A PRESCHOOL GAME”
Vjola Ziu.....................................................................180
Eda Qokaj...................................................................160
Xheni Sauli..................................................................182
Flavia Hasanramaj....................................................162
Xhozef Kaçulini.........................................................184
Kejsi Caushi.................................................................164 “DOUBLE DROP KEEPING TWO LIQUIDS AT THE SAME TIME IN A SINGLE BOTTLE ” Kevina Sejati..............................................................166 “ACCESSIBILITY OF MAKEUP PRODUCTS ON A DAILY BASIS” Kristi Janku..................................................................168 “DEVELOPMENT OF TRADITIONAL ALBANIAN FOOD” Kristiana Bella............................................................170 “A” Matias Musha.............................................................172 “DESIGN A LAPTOP HOLDER”
Prishila Gjeçi..............................................................174 “ERGONOMIC BAGS”
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1 6 2
4 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Kapuci Shpina Beli Mbulesa kofshëve Krahet Rripat Përforcues/Sinjalistik Fosforeshente
Ani Doraku Sonia Jojiç
The purpose of this project was to help people in extreme needs such as: street orphaned children, refugees who emigrate for political asylum, persons who do not have a flat and the minimum living conditions. Often hearing news and updates, homeless people who wander the streets of cities all over the world, including misfortunes and deaths. It was thought to create a coherent product and suitable for them. This product will not differ in age or gender. It is foreseen to be offered as a massive project to the state or municipality concerned to enable it to be free of charge.A simplified and easy-to-use product was created, quite comfortable, efficient and resistant to climatic conditions. The ability of materials is quite conducive to several kinds of environment. Designed to withstand any temperature reduction with a thermal insulation material, the coating will emit 70% body coverage including the head from a hood .The size of the product will vary from XLarge, Large, Medium and Small to fit any type of body. Fortified to turn into a bracket or a large hand bag, | 154
with enough space for stuff. Equipped with phosphorescent signs that are the product holder column for its second function. The reason why it is because we’ve heard a lot of persons wandering on the roads, who become victims of various accidents, by not observing drivers of various vehicles. With the closure of the chain immediately the garment becomes easy to carryable. This is due to the fact that because of this level of inability, they are inclined to be in constant movement, taking with them everything gained by various charities, with this product they will have the ability to carry wherever their personal belongings go . Polyester outer material can withstand strong ground when used as bedding. The product is not predicted to last longer, but sufficiently resistant to the full use of it. The product’s success and its coming out in the market would have a massive impact on the population. Such innovation would guarantee the lifespan of the persons concerned and would change many innocent lives that unfortunately are part of this witty reality.
“POPPINS BAG” Student: Supervisor:
Anxhela Muço Sonia Jojiç
Nowadays, technology has become the best friend of man. In this case, “laptop”, we use it everywhere, at work, at home, in cars, etc .... The laptop word comes from english, lap + top meaning, over lap. Thus, the fact that it is a portable object, easily transported, and performs the same functions as a personal computer makes the laptop one of the most enjoyable objects for the market. In the meantime, often we have to work, write or just stand in front of the laptop screen for a long time,that’s why most of the time we try to find a more comfortable place (over bed, sofa, armchair etc.). Despite this, the process remains annoying, weary and often associated with thorax or cervix. Why? The fact that we have to work for a long time while we are crushed and at the same time we have a weight to carry on our knees, it makes the work appear even longer. What was thought of, was a morning table, but the fact that we often need to take long trips, or just move from one place to another, the chance to have a breakfast table with | 156
us while we travel doesn’t exist. So it was proposed a laptop bag that would have inside a portable desk. The inspiration for this bag came from the character, Mary Poppins. First of all, one of the main principles was that the table would be part of the bag and not just an accessorie, but on the other hand, if we wanted to divide the object to become overwhelmed. So by means of two sheets that cover the entire table structure and a zipper that connects the latter with the bag, this principle is possible. The weight of the entire bag is only 600gr, due to the plastic materials used for the table. Thanks to the flexibility, it became possible for the desk to be portable meanwhile through the holes on it became possiblefor the air flow to the laptop.In conclusion, the “Poppins Bag” is a bag that helps anyone who has problems staying for a long time in front of the laptop screen. A bag which is not only functional for carrying a laptop and the belongings, but also makes the working hours more fun and relaxing.
Kafshë e preferuar Fillon me A Është e memorizueshme
Fruti i pëlqyer Fillon me B Është e memorizueshme
Tingull i dëgjuar Fillom me C është e memorizueshme
Anxhela Petko Sonia Jojiç
The primary goal of our native language in first grade of primary school is to make the students like, know and want the reading and writing process. Knowing to read does not mean, knowing to read means reading and understanding a letter, a document, an album, a newspaper, a book etc. Knowing to write does not mean knowing to write the letters, knowing to write means being able to express a thought, an experience, a feeling or something else.Abetare or the ABC book is considered one of the most important books not in Albania, but every countries of the world. The goal is to understand not only the letters, but also the illustrations and the outer cover of the book. Beginning with the letters, the style that will represent the letters will be understandable and appealing to the children. I asked the parents for an opinion about Abetare and they asked that the ABC book has to be more interesting. The next step is to make the graphic illustrations and it will be included a detailed study of the alphabet books that have been published so far and a special graphic language will be made. The same path will be followed for the front cover of the book. There will also be an interview with a graphic designer and a psychologist to make a full and successful study.The book is a combination of the | 158
text with illustration, where the illustrations have the greater importance both graphically and the in the purpose of the book and is also closer to the interest of the children’ s imagination. The book will also include a game where I will make the child to develop his or her imagination through the game. In addition, the game is to set a balance between adults and children, a key link in child’s educational process, as almost adults are considered children.Psychology showed me that how a child’s mind works and the psychologist used a metaphor that says ...” the baby’s brain is like a sponge that sucks information from the mother’s womb”... and the book understand a prerequisite for preschool children and gives a pleasing result that besides the book is also the game. The book is the one that gives the first steps of recognition and the game is what reinforces more and gives to the child more imagination and makes the child to start the first grade with pleasure.Graphic Design interviews were conducted to a graphic design studio where they helped me to make the book with the first free letters of Abetare. The help I received was the size of the book and the colors that makes it more appealing to the children’ s eyes. They also helped to fix the details on the cap, the size, the points and the Pop Up figures.
Eda Qokaj Sonia Jojiç
The first idea was to recreate the play card’s graphic, but after the studies we saw that such papers did not have a major problem, so we focused on a target group, who are individuals with disabilities at sight.To make such letters should be crossed in three stages: the Braille history, the instinct of individuals with disabilities at sight, and various cases that may exist. Braille writing was born by a French soldier Charls Barbier De La Serre Who invented the first basics of writing in relief, enabling the realization of braille writing with the 12-point cell. But this cell was hard to read. One of the students of the blind institution discovered the potential of the basic idea to break the 12-point cell into six points. During the discussion with the INNSH Institution regarding the illustration of the papers, the principles we should bear in mind are: Graphic illustration should be minimalist that individuals do not be difficult to distinguish them. Graphic Contrast, to differentiate the picture - background. Braille writing is read faster than geometric figures. Three cases have been found for this process, where we note the desire of individuals with disabilities to have such letters. In the three cases, what dominates is writing in relief. After this study, various tests with papers and tests with | 160
individuals have been made. In the first Braille writing test, the numbers are realized with dots and place two symbols for the colors, the square indicates the red, the triangular black. Dimensions are like normal letters. In the second test braille writing is reduced and placed in the vertically direction with other symbols. In the third test, the number, the symbols are merged into Braille Vertically. The paper sizes are enlarged to 7 by 10 cm, this is due to half-visually impaired individuals. The colors that were placed by geometric figures were replaced by the = red and + black color mark. The creation of cover graphics has been done in such a way as to symbolize the entire process of conducting letters such as: Graphic contrast, symbols and Braille writing.In conclusion, the letters consist of a combination of letters, numbers, and Braille scripts, as individuals with disabilities are of two types: with zero sight and partial eyesight. But this does not exclude individuals who have no viewing problems. On the contrary, this package Paper combines all three typologies into a single game. But this does not mean that this project is the kind of braille paper. It is accomplished through individual testing, meaning that other types of paper can be made based on the testing that can be done.
64 3
Flavia Hasanramaj Sonia Jojiç
This project investigates the types of intravenous stands currently used in hospitals. Through interviews with patients and nurses, we identified the strengths and weaknesses of existing designs. Based on the desires of the hospitals, an original IV stand design was created which will accommodate patients while in and while out of bed. The purpose of this project is to design an improved system of supporting intravenous solution containers. Despite the prominence of intravenous usage worldwide, the IV stand has commanded very little interest for improvement over the past several decades. In general, the solution container must be held approximately one meter above the point of injection. Beyond this function, any other feature of an IV stand simply contributes to comfort and convenience for the patient and hospital. In order to improve upon current IV stand designs, the benefits and drawbacks of currently used stands must be determined. We intend to create a new IV stand design to accommodate patients while in and while out of bed.Stability, it takes 30 % of the product analysis, is the most important feature because it is directly related to safety.It will also interrupt the flow of the IV solution and be upsetting to the patients.Maneuverability is 20% refers to the ability of a patient on intravenous to move or bemoved easily and comfortably. This feature is important to both the patients and the nurses. The patients desire the ability to move on their own. Simply using the bathroom is a major chore | 162
for patients without mobile IV stands. One would also assume it would be nice to be able to get out of bed and simply walk around for a short time, after lying in bed all day.Ergonomics is 20% refers to the comfort of the interaction between the user and them product.Not only will proper ergonomics result in patient comfort and satisfaction, it will also benefit the nurses. Ease of use of all the features will reduce the required effort, thus saving the nurses time and energy. Happier patients and more productive nurses is the overall result of good ergonomics.The most common type of IV stand found in hospitals is the free-standing mobile pole. All designs of this type are very similar. The primary difference is found in the design of the base, although the hangers and accessories may also vary slightly.They each have two circular hangers, which ensure the IV container will not fall off. They are also height adjustable from 43”-81” by loosening the adjustment screw and sliding the upper tube up or down. Stands of this design are usually on casters which make them very easy to move, by either the patient or a nurse. This gives the patient the opportunity to get out of bed and comfortably move around on his own. The primary disadvantage of this design is that it is prone to falling over. This type of IV stand also takes up floor space in the hospital room, and can be a hazard to the patient or visitors, although most American hospital rooms are large enough to accommodate the stand.
International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
2 lëngje
ndërthurja e 2 lengjeve
forma bazë
forma përfundimtare
mbajtja e shishes
bazë e qëndrueshme
Kejsi Caushi Sonia Jojiç
Double Drop is a new bottle design for children in kindergarten, respectively aged 3 to 5 years. A large number of children nowadays attend both the state and the private kindergartens.Some of these children for various reasons are forced to consume lunch at the kindergarten. Fortunately, most of the kindergartens offer food, but unfortunately not every food that children consume is controlled. There are also parents who try to be safe for their children and provide homemade food and drinks.But how many place do you have in a small children’s bag where they take: notebooks, colored pencils, any clothing, food, water bottle, fruit juice bottle, etc.?Small children are not very careful, they almost every day lose their bottles or break them down, making parents every day put a new bottle in their bags.But which can be a better choice for both parents and children? Creating a new product, which will take | 164
less place in the kid’s bag, but will also be more secure for them.Double Drop is a bottle, which unlike other bottles in the market can hold two different liquids or a liquid but in the largest quantity. Children are now able to take the juice and water in a single bottle, which is less dangerous, but is fun for them as well. The bottle consists of a material which is not dangerous to breakage, such as polycarbonate. The design of the bottle is such that the bottle is easy to keep in hand but is not slippery. The narrowing between the bottle and the silicone straps make it a safe bottle. Another very important element is color. The colors of Double Drop are yellow and red, because they are the colors that attract more children but also make them hungry. While the bottle itself is transparent so that children have the opportunity to differentiate the juices in the interior. Double Drop is a functional, safe but also fun bottle for kids!
vendi i pirjes
silikoni ndaresja e shishes
Polikarbonati është plastikë, por ka ngjashmëri me qelqin. Shumë fleksibël. Punohet lehtë. Polikarbonat
I fortë dhe rezistent. Transparencë e shkëlqyer. Gjendet kudo. I riciklueshëm.
Kosto – 4.5$/kg
e lehte material i shendetshem dy lengje te ndryshme silikoni nuk lejon rreshkitjen nuk eshte i rrezikshem ne thyerje
Kevina Sejati Sonia Jojiç
As a representative of femininity and sensuality for a woman, facial make-up contributes on increased self-confidence. The time spent doing her makeup and the way each woman creates her identity in treating her outward appearance plays a key role in defining the standard of beauty in society. Every woman throughout her life time has been in difficulties while trying to do her facial makeup in the morning, as she is late for work, school or when she runs on the subway, train, plane to catch the next meeting. Since a woman’s daily is filled with activities that require time and devotion, which we often have to sacrifice it from the time we devote to ourselves, I had the urge to create a compact ‘’Makeup Travel Kit’’. Creating this clean, well-lit and regular makeup travel kit I want to help all women who prefer to do makeup regardless the lack of time.‘’Makeup Travel Kit’’ is small and designed in a rectangular shape of 3.4 cm wide, consisting on a thin and smooth black material, aimed at avoiding limitations such as : weight, space and amount. The rectangular shape makes it easy to use as it is not more than the average size of a female hand of 17 | 166
cm. In order that these 6 cosmetic products such as (foundation, mascara, concealer, lipstick, eyebrow pencil and lip pencil) not to be placed in a messy way into a makeup handbag, this case comes with six straight rectangular drawers where with a single print on their outer side, make it pops out of the makeup kit. With this mechanism, the speed of action is greater.The make up travel kit is accompanied by a mirror that offers plenty of lighting regardless of the environment where we are, in order to achieve a better application of make up. Also, this product can be purchased even from the average class of society.Certainly, for every product created, people are a bit disbeliever and criticistic until they are fully convinced of its real values. Starting from my personal experience or my friends’ experiences, I am fully convinced that this make up travel kit eases and satisfies our needs as woman, including a target group aged 25-40. During the realization of this product I found difficulties in finding the right form, a good material and adapting this makeup travel kit with the tastes of consumers.
Kristi Janku Sonia Jojiç
“Street Food” is one of the world`s most widespread businesses. This term describes a wide variety of food and beverages, ready to be consumed, often prepared in public spaces. Street food is based on the local traditional menu, it has a variety of choices and the marketing is done through “word of mouth”. This food typology is efficient because: it has a reasonable price, diversity in choice, accessibility, easy consumption, boost of local economy (small scale), opportunity to turn into a promotor of local culture. In Albania, it was first presented around 1900s, in the form of the ambulant sellers. The first products on sale were: toffee apples, 5 leks gurabije and lemonades. Later on the sale of byrek was introduced, followed by petulla-s (the only ones characterized as “street food”). Valuating the need for street food in Albania, the food taken under study in this project is a traditional food from Gjirokastra, qifqi. The qifqi was born as a consequence of poverty and the good will for not wasting food.Being presented as a street food, this dish undergoes some changes, like: the diameter goes from 6.5 cm to 3 cm, as well being served with a sauce. Street food packaging is easy to handle, light and most importantly, cheap. It helps the food served and it is designed varying from its shape. In Alba| 168
nia we face a shortcoming in this sector, as there is a lack of treating packaging, especially the one for street food. Therefore, this project aims not only to bring a product in the form of street food and create a new packaging for it, but also to contribute in the wide topic of design evolution in this sector. The packaging of the qifqi-s is thought to be a variation of the pan`s shape, which characterizes in the best way this product. In difference from the pan, the packaging is designed to have only one hole in the middle, for the sauce to be placed in, meanwhile the 6 qifqis composing the serving are placed in the space around the hole in the half spherical shape. The packaging stands at 12 cm wide and 3.5 cm high, enabling a good hold on every hand despite age. The material used is polystyrene, which is cheap (an important factor when dealing with street food), easy to process, sustainable, high resistant, easy to find and widely used in cooking utensils. This project aims – through the chosen product and packaging – to brand street food, and consequently brand the city. A whole cycle, which not only reintroduces traditional food in our everyday life, but also includes a whole comprehensive network, as it is branding the city though food.
“ONE TIME SUNGLASSES” Student: Supervisor:
Kristiana Bella Sonia Jojiç
Sunglasses are a form of protective accessories, specially designed to prevent direct contact with the bright and bright sunlight and to damage them by ultra violet radiation and blue light. Sunglasses offer protection against excessive exposure to light, including its visible and invisible components. They are composed of two colored lenses, polarized or dark colored. Aside from the health side, sunglasses have been used since 1940 by people known as a means of identity and as a very modern accessory especially on the beach. Celluloid mass-produced sunglasses were first produced by Sam Foster in 1929 who found a ready market on the beaches of Atlantic City, New Jersey, where he began selling sunglasses under the name Foster Grant. In 1936, polarized glass glasses came on the market when Edwin H. Land began experimenting with obtaining lenses with his unused Polaroid filter. Currently, China is the world’s largest manufacturer of sunglasses, with its port exporting up to | 170
120 million copies of glasses every year. Ky objekt kaq i përdorur dhe i prodhuar në masë është kaq i rëndësishëm sa nuk mungon kurrë në çantat tona në periudha të ndryshme të vitit e sidomos gjatë stinës së verës. Duke marrë shkasë nga përdorimi i shumtë i syzeve të diellit gjatë verës, e lidh ngusht me përdorimin e tyre në plazh. Gjatë sezonit të pushimeve, gjithkujt u duhet të marrë një sërë sendesh me vete ndër to dhe syzet e diellit që janë një kusht i rëndësishem. Si aksesorë shumë modern, prodhimi i tyre është shumë i lartë gjë që tregon që dhe numri i shitjeve është po aq i lartë. Blihen shumë syze dielli të markave të ndryshme gjatë një viti pasi besohet se janë më cilësoret, me lente të testuara mirë për mos dëmtimin e syve. Kostot për blerjen e tyre varjojnë nga më të lirat që nuk janë aspak cilësore deri në ato shumë të shtrenjta ku cdo detaj ka peshën e vet të rëndësishme si pjesë e aksesorit.
“DESIGN A LAPTOP HOLDER” Student: Supervisor:
Matias Musha Sonia Jojiç
The theme of the chosen diploma project is “Designing a Laptop Holder”. The reason why it was chosen to design a Laptop holder was because of previous experiences with the carriers that are in the market they are not good, they usually consist of inexhaustible and quickly breakable materials such as plastic, or in some other cases those Are too big and not practical to keep in the purse.The concept of this project has been the design of a laptop holder that can fit in two positions, the standard position which is the position we hold on the laptop while sitting on the work desk, and the second position where the laptop can be held at the opening Its maximum, making it more comfortable to hold on to the lap when sitting in the armchair or lying on the bed, the main goal is always to keep the laptop airflow off as it is a reason why laptops can To break up, also designing a small space-saving holder would make it and much easier to carry with them in a purse giving the users the ability to use it, not only at home but | 172
also outside the home.The objectives of this project were that the Laptop holder consisted of light and strong material, so that the holder would not obstruct the air circulation or prevent it from overflowing the laptop, and lastly it was the design of a carrier that was Easy and practical to keep in bags. To design the laptop holder were taken three commonly found case study cases and the positive and negative points of these holders were pulled out.To find the shape of the holder was thought to be based on the triangle base as it is one of the most durable geometric forms, the hidden structure of the holder consists of two triangles a circle and a rectangle. The object will consist of four parts, two bases and two holders which will be linked in a puzzled form with each other. The material that has been chosen to be used in this holder is cherry wood, as it is one of the strongest and lightest wood, also cherry wood is worked lightly and takes shape very fast.
“ERGONOMIC BAGS” Student: Supervisor:
Prishila Gjeçi Sonia Jojiç
A large number of elementary school children carry in their bags an amount of books and notebooks that often exceed the limit of normal weights that a child needs to maintain. This phenomenon has become a troublesome problem. Books and all tools should always be with in class, but on the other hand the complaints of children and their parents are also right.This kind of pain in the student’s bags brings more serious consequence, as the backbone begins to suffer deformation . It is not just an aesthetic problem, but it adversely affects health with the time. Nowadays, Design has facilitated and helped society solve many of the problems of everyday life in the service of man. Hence exploring and developing a new concept in this field can bring good results in improving this issue. The intervention consists in studying the most appropriate structures and forms of some case studies in order to build a mechanism. Such as to withstand different weights by adapting to the shape of the | 174
spine without distorting it. The best case of the ergonomic design would be that of Shubhankit Raina, who with his bag model brings a lot of ease. Regarding the simplicity of its shape and purity, the most appropriate case was Benjamin Smon for the Quechua brand. While the internal organizational structure is taken as an example from the design of the IVAR bag, which distributes the weight equally by a system that sets the objects and rearranges them.Based on these criterias, it was possible for the bags to take shape and this form would be able to fulfill the functions according to the needs of the children. The added values of the bag are not only the elements that were taken from the case studies but also the pocket of the food, the raincoat or the pockets on the belt of the mid-belt. What remains one of the most important elements, is the memory foam material placed in the ergonomic structure so that the backbone feels comfort when the bag is in contact with the body.
“ICE CREAM PACKING” Student: Supervisor:
Remona Salianj Sonia Jojiç
Ice cream is a dessert that is served to keep it handy as a food, fast, so there was the need to produce a practical and edible cabbage, without the need of a spoon or bowl. The first cauliflower was produced around 1825, in France, then in 1888, in England and ending with the creation of the elephant classic, what we see nowadays, in Italy around the 1900s. Albania lacks such wrapping-packaging, making two possible problems: 1. The dirt of our hands, extremely dangerous in eating corn. 2. Evidence of getting dirty by thawing ice cream The solution of these two problems leads to the main objective. Referring to the ice cream packing market outside Albania and within Albania, it is necessary to create a new packaging given all the above-mentioned cause-and-effect references. Creating “capsules” around wrapping of honey packaging to “keep” the melted | 176
ice cream from draining into your hand. To make it possible to eat corn and to avoid it at the same time make a mess with the remaining melted ice cream and identify of the direct contact of the (unclean) hands with it, some “belts” preferably separated with one another, to be separated step by step while eating.
65 cm 42 cm
45 cm 75 cm
30 cm
Sara Trebicka Sonia Jojiç
The purpose of the project consist in the designing of a chair for autic children that will be used in therapic sessions. This idea came from as a need because of the actual desing of the chairs. In base of the consultions with teachers( my mother is also part of these teachers who take care of these children) ,the psychologists, the literature and the researchings in internet for these children, I took the right knowledge about their individual therapy, their difficult staying in a extended time because of the teaching and the change and need that reflect in every child. During the therapy sessions these children stay about an hour sitting in the chair, because of the teaching and this is a bit difficult depending in every child. Everyone is different and the scale of difficultiness depends from one to another and the key element is therapeutic sessions is the chair. If I have to analise the actual chairs that those children sit, I will propably start not from the estetical part wich doesnt existsestethic .Estethic wich brings ergonomic and materials problems.During an analysis of the actual type of chairs for autistic childrens in market its noticed that they pay attention to the material, wich is an important element during the section.Soft or elastic elements wich allow movement but also safety,comod ergonomy for the children | 178
an element wich is missing in the actual design caracterized from iron and wood materials. The firsts schetch and the concept started in base of the objectives based on the desiging of the chair wich are softness,egronomy and flexibility.The idea for the first scetches started from the necesity that those children have for privacy.A chair wich provides you safety when you most need it.The firsst scetches are the curved one , so the chair leaves behind the angels and the wood materials.The new design after a few tentativves was an ergonomic form ,half curved , when all the structure is made of three sponge squers coverd in fabric and four wooden legs 30 cm hight. Finding the proper sponge wasnt by acident , it offers softness but also in moments of tension the child can hold the chair withot any problem releasing like this the anxity ,becouse its essentional for them.Primarely it was designed to stay on the floor but taking in consideration that during therapy are taken the firsts bases of learning and its important to be on the table hight.The chair includes like target group the children from 6-12 years old.The chair colors are the shades of violet , this color is made from the union betwen blu and red and its also the color of transformation, passing from a stad to another becouse for those kids this change is essential.
Vjola Ziu Sonia Jojiç
For a lot of people the concept of riding a bicycle is very simple, but are the persons who cycle that knows the difficulties in it. There is not a specific time when you should cycle, because you are free to do it wherever you want to, but you must to apply some “laws”. Riding a bicycle not only means to finish some town works, but it is a sport itself. The purpose of the project is to considerate the cycling as a passion and as a sport in the same time, considering a specific group of people and their problems. In this group are included the women between 18-30 years old, who have problems with the size( size xs or s). We see this problem mostly in cycling jackets, because they are necessary in cycling in a cold weather. The project will give the solution to this problem creating a multifunctional jacket for the cyclers. The name “multifunctional” means that the jacket is composed by different components. This is the result of | 180
an analysis what are actually selling the markets and what is missing. It will have several pockets inside- out to put minimal stuff there and this makes it more practical . The multifunctional jacket will have a protectinal function, protecting the shoulders, the elbows and the hands from a possible accident. This will be able by pieces of filter in the upper places. In the top the jacket will have a hood in case of rainfall and in front a piece of material who protects the middle of the face from the wind and the sun. The material of the jacket will be termic, waterproof( like nylon or polyester), absorbing the sweat and drying fast and making the jacket lighter and comod. Another detail is the color of the material, that should be bright to be perceived in the darkness and during the cycling avoiding the accidents. The purpose of this clothing is to be a facilitation for the cyclers and making the round comfortable.
“CAMPING STOVE” Student: Supervisor:
Xheni Sauli Sonia Jojiç
Camping is an activity that involves staying and sheltering in a shelter or special cars at night. This activity allows people to find themselves closer to nature. The stay can last one or more nights. Camping is part of the camping too where cooking in fire, cooking with gas or cooking in barbecue are distinguished. During these cooking methods some problems arise, such as gas limitation, non-management of heat, riskiness, tarnishing of the pots etc.From these issues and at the same time the need to have a practical and multifunctional facility, it was thought to create a camping stove, which has two cooking modes. Besides gas cooking, this stove will also work with coal. In both cases, cookware will be placed on top of it. Using it, it can be cooked anytime and eliminates the mess. To evolve with this concept, were taken into account several principles that consisted in functionality (work on gas or coal), aesthetics (the most liked by the Internet), material (to be heat resistant), space (to get a little space) and cost (to have a low cost).The camping stove will have a semi-circular base which will be | 182
supported on three feet. The legs will be short to eliminate the space. The semi-circular will hold the gas system which will extend to the diameter of the object. It will be covered with a flat cap where the hob will be attached. There will be a few holes in the cap to make gas fire extinguishing. Also the cap will have handles to separate it from the half. Will be added three braces that are two cm high above the level of the cap that will serve to hold the pot over the gas fire.Based on the gas limitation, the object will have as an added value the displacement of the gas system with charcoal. The coal will be placed in a semi-circle where it would be gas. So that it works, the holders will be caught with butterfly screw to be movable and the gas system will be disassembled. The material will be either steel that the cost is lower or ceramics for more variance in color.So the camping stove will be functional for people who loves camping, aesthetic and low cost. It’s an object that will be easily taken with you because of the size and can always be cooked with it.
Xhozef Kaçulini Sonia Jojiç
The initiative was conceived as a project that will serve local or foreign visitors during their visit to the city of Durres. This arose out of the need for an illustrated alternative guide to be different from the traditional one. Current maps or guides are not at the right level and do not serve visitors properly. This map is intended to serve tourists best with its graphic simplicity and illustrations. Also being concise and quick as a guide it helps them to visit the points of interest in a day. Many visitors are in Durres on one-day tours, so they need this guide. This illustrative tourist guide will have to express Durres through a clear, attractive | 184
and contemporary graphic at the level of other cities around the world. Through this one-day guide, the visitor must clearly and quickly express what he or she can see in a day in Durres. This serves to better promote our tourism potential, intellectual potential and our national identity. Promoting the best of today is one of the most powerful tools and innovative ways to market a destination, it must bring greater development for the country and the population. Graphic design also plays an important role as a stand-alone art that best serves this promotion, radically changing the image of the city of Durres.
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Master of Science in “Applied Design 2017 Arbri Xhani...........................................................190 ”Mapping for the Blind”
Eva Alimehmeti.....................................................192 “Flower Bag Origami Inspiration”
Merlin Tota............................................................194 “Greetings from Albani”
Ani Jasa.................................................................196 “Kekos”
Shildi Kuvarati......................................................198 “FOLGS”
Durim Hoti.............................................................200 “Branding Prishtina”
Joan Ikonomi.........................................................202 “TV Commercial Concept and Production Structure” Renis Batalli..........................................................204 “SOCIAL CONDENSER AS A DESIGN TOOL ” “The influence of design elements in social behavior and mass collector spaces”
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Arbri Xhani Gerdi Papa
“Public space is the most democratic element of the city, used by the residents of the slums, to the most wealthy. “(Richard Rogers) The same needs for public space include persons with disabilities. It is important to give importance to their specific needs. Inadequacy of public spaces is an essential problem for achieving equality. We are facing a situation where people with disabilities do not have the same access to other taxpayers in the city. Inexperienced public spaces for people with disabilities, as a consequence of the lack of adequate design of the facilities that would make it easier for these people. To concretize more than what this project will contain, it is related to the fact that no matter how large the need is for these public spaces to be affected, in this task will be designed urban elements that help the movement of people with disabilities, for example “wayfinding” thanks to the texture.
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Eva Alimehmeti Sonia Jojic
Creating packets gives it a special importance, and today people have come to that culture where they can appreciate it. The initiative to create this owerbag started by ambulators selling on the street from the need that they do not have a bunch of bunches. Creating a packaging helps and pushes people to buy owers constantly without having to go boutiques because the cost is lower than in ower bouquets. This is a push that makes the creation of this bag necessary.Creating this bag consists in transporting and facilitating an individual who will buy owers.The bag will have as the technical basis origami (art of folding)this technique is chosen for practicality, convenience and something new. Using origami as a concept makes it possible to facilitate the folding of cantes and above all the space it occupies. Considering that this song can be taken with you anywhere without having a problem with the space it can handle in the bag. The product becomes more valuable and practical. This bag will be divided into three phases: 1. A purse where will be a 1 day consumable material where the person selling the owers is replaced by normal bags (paperboard or recycled paper) 2. The other item will have the same requirement but the material it will contain will be more resistant and with a considerable lifespan at slightly higher cost. 3. This purse will also be translated as a decorative element for the en| 192
vironment where a herb will serve as a vase and also as a sculpture. The material will be a cardboard with a considerable thickness to have a plinth. To sum up, the creation of this cushion also helps the outpatients selling on the street, but also for the individual who buys in order to have as much parachuting, ease of transport and at a cheaper cost. GOALS Researching a creation of ower bags with origami technique. Creation of a threestage bag 1.In cardboard (recyclable paper). 2.Incorporate material with a considerable life span. 3.Repair of bag in decorative element (vase, sculpture).
“GREETINGS FROM ALBANIA” Student: Supervisor:
Merilin Tota Agron Mesi
The subject matter of the postmark and postcards design is a previously unresolved topic in Albania, unless some of the domestic designers in the mailbox field have tried to deal with these selected items. But I can not question the wish of many of them to undertake such an initiative, despite being part of the competition between world designers is by no means easy. However, there is a growing awareness of a target population group, their designers and their creative work. Some of the world’s most popular graphic design trends have came to Albania, according to the growing demand of customers for their quality products, but also unique. I have mentioned this just to show that the impact that has caused the opening of borders with Europe, the loose movement around the world, the evolution of the internet and the spread of social networks have made the design and graphic illustration in our country supported and appreciated, as an inseparable part, which, besides offering pleasure, lead to the creation of an individual style. The initial idea of this project was to create a bundle of postcards and postcards in order to promote the NorthWest part of Albania, namely the Alps and the surrounding areas of Shkodra. As the time was limited, some of the most characteristic features were selected, which remind us of those areas. Normally not all are included, but some of | 194
them are selected for this degree phase. What remains to be mentioned is the fact that there is not yet a serious industry in Albania that deals with the production of postcards and postmarks at high levels, and where these products should really be. The existence of a genuinely graphic design as these products should have, remains a test to prove.
Ani JASA Joana Dhiamandi
The main starting point that pushed me to choose this theme was pretty random and far from tech. As I walked along one of Tirana’s oldest and busiest streets, New Bazaar Street, in a showcase of artisanal shops, my attention went to a glass bottle of yogurt, a bottle that was too familiar to me. Used during the communist era, this bottle was found in every family. Confronting this object made me as nostalgic as to reflect on the lack of a complete product both visually and in content. The desire to recall something from that period, such as home-made yogurt, led me to the idea of a product where the main ingredient is milk, as the most important ingredient in the yogurt picking process along with the amount of yogurt needed. Cataloging the 100 most relevant products helped to define the families between them, and to create a clearer picture of current trends in the international market. The result was an innovative product, and to some extent educational for younger generations.n
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Shildi Kuvarati Dorina Arapi
This project first started from a casual inspiration at a shoe store, where the shoe exposure resembled as piece of heel. In fact, the geometrical shapes that attracted me so much as a element of design, were not at all part of it, but the desire to see the realization of the modern combination with the traditional was a thought that did not leave me alone. With this idea in mind began the first researches for best known designer and also the study of their collections. The ethnographic study was the main focus. Searching for geometric shapes in folk costumes, mainly in the district of Elbasan, Labinot-Fushë, as a desire to reinterpret and recapture them in a contemporary design. The purpose of the project consisted in producing a quality, local and handmade product that would at the same time meet the requirements of an international market. The selected materials are of the highest quality that the local industry provides and the collaboration has been with an old craftsman. The final product clearly reflects my inspirations and intentions as well as craft skills..
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“BRANDIND PRISHTINA” Student: Supervisor:
Durim Hoti Gëzim Qëndro
The topic to be addressed is the marketing of a city. The town chosen is Pristina which is the capital of Kosovo. Since it is one of the main cities in Kosovo, culturally and economically, it lacks the elements that help its marketing, which was the most appropriate thing to take it into consideration. The first and most difficult part of the project is the creation of the Pristina city logo. Also giving different features to the logo such as: memorable, aesthetic, reflection of city profile, cultural and religious diversity are some of the difficulties of creating a logo. This great care about creating the logo is because the Logo will be present on it all parts forming the system of identification of the city. Creation of other elements of identity such as: brochures, business cards, letterheads, postcards, will have a very important role important in creating the image of the city of consumers.
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Joan Ikonomi Saimir Kristo
There is no doubt that making a great television commercial is an art in itself. Twenty years ago, there was no official available information about the steps to follow to prepare a TV commercial throughout all phases. The main reason for that knowledge gap is that the old method used was based on multiple agencies and vendors working on the same campaign, so the single groups do not have to know everything; they just needed to understand their own role and responsibility. In the last years, video production and post-production industries are changing very fast. Digital retooling is taking place, causing dramatic industry restructuring. The old player’s large post-production facilities using dedicated, proprietary equipment are being replaced by new players, small production companies, using personal computers to produce a different type of production media with the same professional result, at a lower cost. Nowadays, the significant reduction of video production costs, the more and more disappearing barriers to access video, as well as brands looking to spend less and get more, has forced many advertisers to renounce to big agencies. Actually, with the new technology decreasing the cost of cameras and computers is possible to produce a TV commercial in all its phases (starting from concept, writing, production, and post-production (including animation and compositing) to final video), | 202
with a small group of professionals. The onestop-shop is becoming a growing business model. Many creative artist and directors from big agencies have resigned to establish their own production companies, and groups of talented young people are constantly gathering from all over the world. This study will help to understand the structure and workflow of producing a TV commercial, starting from the copywriting stage until the final product, and passing through the classical production steps of cinematography and motion pictures, such as pre-production, production and post-production, understanding and analyzing every significant step of structure until the initial written concept will become a motion image. In order to reach the objective of this study, I read and reviewed several books and web materials on different topics about stages of the production, planning, budgeting, shooting and editing, equipment and techniques, communication and documentation. In addition, I use knowledge from my own experience of more than 70 TV commercials which I had produced and directed, and also studies and practical tasks at Multimedia Production and 3d Animation, Bachelor degree program at Middlesex University.
Renis Batalli Antonino Di Raimo
During the years many have tried to make social experiments to control the lifestyle of people and design the space in such a way that it would affect their behavior. Starting from the ancient times with the creation of gathering points (Forums - Typology) to the Russian Constructivism theories that architecture was a tool to direct the everyday life the inhabitants of the building (Narkomfin - Project), ending with more extreme solutions that produce fear and paranoia to maximize surveillance (The Panocticon - Paradigm) All of these examples show a direct link with design and social behavior. The role of space in human psychology has been studied for a long time and as it can be seen in the mentioned examples, it can really affect the life and change the character of human beings. Also social experiments come as a requirement of the system to create a new type of space that will be used according to a plan. Not all of the experiments have been successful, so failure is part of the process. Being in the 21st century, the so called Technological Era, human behavior is heavily influenced by the new technology in mater of communication, information, connection etc. Social network has become a parallel life for many people, that also created discussions of how people live in reality and cybernetics, and the line between the two that is getting thinner everyday. In addition to that, avant-garde spatial ideas and projects concerning flexibility, metabolism and megastructures will be analysed and | 204
parallelised with hypothesis of nonfixed function and programatic layering The aim of this thesis is to use Social Condenser design as a tool to create a new type of space is for the masses and is coherent with the new online lifestyle. The analysis of and final product are not meant to focus on technological solutions, but more in understanding their structural diagram, the basics of the functional aspect, and translating it into something physic to be part of a certain space and create a new way of passing time.
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Art & Design 2018 Aldo Hako..................................................................210 “FUEGO” Anxhelan Çilotaj........................................................212 “FOOD DESIGN”
Eni Çabej....................................................................242 “THE POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTION OF DESIGN TO IMPROVE THE HEALTH OF A SICK CHILD” Food Design & Tableware Ledjon Feto.................................................................244 “HIELO” Food Design & Tableware
Debora Nexhaj........................................................214 “TOUCH!” Designing a taliere and glass for children with visual impairment Eni Zala......................................................................216 “FOOD PACKING SERVICE” All in Paper Recycling
Orest Karriqi..............................................................246 “COOKWARE DESIGN FOR BACKPACKERS” Food Design & Tableware
Evis Çupi.....................................................................218 “HEALTH REMINDER”
Vanesa Ajdini.............................................................250 “OUTLANDER” Food Design & Tableware
Elektra Jolle................................................................220 “MAGDO - Colors of taste” Food Design and Tableware
Vashila Loka...............................................................252 “NIDO - APPETIZER SET DESIGNED FOR UKA FARM” Food Design & Tableware Xhesika Loka..............................................................254 “MUMU” Food Design & Tableware
Joan Leka.................................................................222 “OLD IS NEW” Food Design and Tableware
Stela Çerenishti.........................................................248 “REVITALIZATION OF DYBEK” Food Design & Tableware
Kejsi Katiaj.................................................................224 “PRODUCT DESIGN FO STUDENTS”
Albi Garori.................................................................256 “SIT N’LUNCH” Food Design & Tableware
Ron Resuli...................................................................226 “CUPHEAD”
Bekim Biçaku...............................................................258 “LEMON JUICER” Food Design & Tableware
Xhoel Leka..................................................................228 “0.10” SET Food Design and Tableware
Egnis Shehaj................................................................260 “PRODUCT DESIGN FOR HONEY CONSUME” Food Design & Tableware
Xhulia Niço.................................................................230 “HEAT PROTECTOR”
Enajd Nelaj................................................................262 “COOKING PAN” Food Design & Tableware
Xhulio Joka.................................................................232 “BYREK PACK”
Renisa Fejzulla...........................................................264 “DOGO BOTTLE” Food Design & Tableware
Zekri Picari.................................................................234 “PUZZLE FOOD BOX” Anamaria Thoma.......................................................236 “FIND THE TREASURE” Food Design & Tableware Deila Tota...................................................................238 “SENTIO” Food Design & Tableware Ambra Ymeraj............................................................240 “KWITCHEN” EATING PROBLEMS IN YOUNG CHILDREN Food Design & Tableware
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“FUEGO” Student: Supervisor:
Aldo Hako PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
‘FUEGO’ is an idea focused on the problem associated with the prejudice of the market of salamis and the way salami products are served. From the perspective of the consumer, this project demonstrates how current conditions leave this product ‘under a shadow’ by looking at it as complementary. Salami is a product used in a variety of recipes and of great importance in the food industry. The prejudice towards this product also brings the lack of ‘design products’ where it can be served and reinforces the consumer’s idea of unfounded theories related to the hygiene and quality of salami and sausage production. The transformation of this concept on salami products is a transformation that is expected to happen by changing the conditions in which it is marketed. Old adver| 210
tising forms have fallen into the spectrum of consumers drawn from this product, so innovation aims to create a loyal customer market that has information on the importance of the sausage product rather than seeing it as a secondary product. Managing the solution of this problem is the product ‘FUEGO’, this product arises from the design itself. ‘FUEGO’ or Spanish-language fire is a product created to serve the sausage products. To make the design more specific, HAKO’s product ‘Kremviçe e Tymosur’ is used in the project. This product is an object to be placed in socialization environments, as well as the form it will take is geometrically simple and functional for various ways costumers may sit on the table.
“FOOD DESIGN” Student: Supervisor:
Anxhelan Çilotaj PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
The importance of hydration for good health and for the body’s system to function properly can not be underestimated. By temperatures increased and outdoor activities, special attention should be paid to proper hydration and prevention of heat diseases for everyone, but especially for children. Because the body can not store water, we must continually provide and supply it with water to keep our body’s functional system functional. H20 contains 0 calories and is considered a nutrient, which contains 5570% of our body composition. I looked for ways in which the children would have this part easier. After searching, I came to the conclusion that these objects, apart from having an attractive design, do not have any special or attractive function for chil| 212
dren. These were due to the economy, personal taste of the designer as well as consumer demands. After testing for a more functional object I came to the conclusion that what these 6-10 year old children need is an object that meets the nutrition, hydration and entertainment needs simultaneously. I created a bottle that completes the needs of children to feed and hydrate while they are without parents or on trips. Since it is designed for children, this bottle has the shape of a penguin. It is made of a material in which you can write and draw. The bottle has a set of pencils with the respective wipes, and one of them is set on the bottle with a ribbon. At the food space, it has a spoon and a small fork located inside the lid. The bottle has a long ribbon to make it easier for the children to keep it.
15 cm 25 cm
kapaku qe ben mbylljen hermetike i cili ka te vendosur nje pipez
shishja e perdorur per uje ose lengje. termus
ne pjesen e poshtme te shishes se ujit,ose kapakut te te ushqimeve, ndodhet vendi per te vendosur pirunin dhe lugen
shirit qe perdoret per te mbajtur lapsat
krahe silikon
Ilustrime te produktit dhe ndarja ku tregohet funksioni i cdo pjese. Skicat e pinguinit ne forme te thjeshtesuar. Luga piruni dhe lapsi Pipza
pjesa e perdorur per ushqime e cila ka veti qe ta ruaj temperaturen.
shiriti mbajtes
Designing a taliere and glass for children with visual impairment Student: Supervisor:
Debora Nexha PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
After some interviews and longtime observations at the “Ramazan Kabashi” Institute or the conversation with teachers, parents and students, it is possible to come to clear conclusions about the deficiencies of this target group when it comes to nutrition along with the idea, design and production of some suitable means not only to awake interest to the aforementioned group but also in one way or another to give due importance to the details and specifications that make them the tools needed for the market and serving a wide community where the deficiency is easily identified. The attached work presents the benefits that come from these products whose impact is crucial and permanent in the adult life of these children by integrating them more easily into society | 214
through a process not only individual but also collective such as nutrition, where it can serve as a bridge to eradicate differences between communities and stabilize the inclusion of the latter in society, regardless of the particular abilities everyone has. The importance that the material below presents in presenting a general picture of the current state of affairs, the issues encountered or case studies, product materials and their benefits, its implementation can be presented as a necessary solution in every context by presenting the importance of education as a problem not only Albanian but also beyond and creating in this way a prevailing and unmatched stream among communities.
Universiteti POLIS Projekt Diplome | Titulli: Touch Student: Debora Nexha
Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
| Viti Akademik 2015-2018 Udhëheqës: Joana Dhiamanti Dorina Arapi
Objekte të renderizuara
Ceo and director Phone number Email - As good As what’s inside -
- As good As what’s inside -
- As good As what’s inside -
- As good As what’s inside -
Good + The Inside
Good + The Inside
- As go
“FOOD PACKAGING SERVICE” “All in Paper Recycling” Student: Supervisor:
Eni Zala PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
The food processing and packaging industry is becoming a multi-trillion-dollar global business. The reason is that the recent increase in incomes in traditionally less economically developed countries has led to a rise in standards of living that includes a significantly higher consumption of packaged foods. As a result, food safety guidelines have been more stringent than ever. The existing solid waste infrastructure does not promote the recovery of packaging waste generated in the fast food industry. The theoretical recovery rate of the packaging waste is high, 93 %, while the actual recovery rate is only 29 % consisting of secondary packaging manufactured from cardboard. Packaging has been on the environmental agenda for decades. It has been discussed and debated with|216
in the society mainly as an environmental problem. Production, distribution and consumption of food and drinks contribute significant to the environmental impact. However, consumers in the EU waste about 20% of the food they buy. The function of packaging in reducing the amount of food losses is an important but often neglected environmental issue. This thesis focuses on the functions of packaging that can be used to preserve resources efficiently and reduce the environmental impact of the food-packaging system. The result showed that there are potentials to both increase consumer satisfaction and decrease the environmental impact of the food-packaging system, when new packaging design reduces food losses. Remember: the most environmentally friendly packaging is no packaging…
As g
As w
Ceo and director Phone number Email - As good As what’s inside -
- As good As what’s inside -
ood As what’s inside -
- As good As what’s inside -
- As good As what’s inside -
- As good As what’s inside -
-As good As what’s inside-
“HEALTH REMINDER” Student: Supervisor:
Evis Çupi PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
Design can be the key to improving the day-to-day routine, and it can also be a regulator of our life, performing seemingly simple functions but of great importance. This study aims to help a very delicate and loving target group for us, the elderly. The reason for selecting this target group is because this age group faces different problems during the day and needs continuous help. Target group includes 60-89 year-old age groups, as the age group showed more concern during daily routine. A problem that is encountered by almost every elderly person is that they need daily medication-taking according to the diagnosis they may have. With age, both general degenerative changes and the frequency of certain diseases are added, so an elderly pa| 218
tient can suffer from many problems and not from a single disorder. Chronic illnesses are key health problems for older people, where about 80 percent of all elderly people (over 65 years old) have one or more chronic illnesses. The phenomenon that occurs very often with people who receive treatment consistently, that is, having chronic illness, is forgetting to take their medications in a regular manner. That’s why I’m thinking of designing something as practical and simple as effective that I think will be a great help in the memory of taking medications.The best way to remember the use or importance of something is to have it in front of your eyes and not be able to neglect it.
CARING Tapa dhe Gota e shishes
Gota e shishes
Produkti me te gjithe elementet perberes
Produkti me te gjithe elementet perberes
“MAGDO - COLORS OF TASTE” “Food Design and Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Elektra Jolle PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
To conclude in the best possible way my Bachelor Studies I decided after a very detailed analysis to be focused in a product that can be part of a glass of wine. I love wine, as my favorite drink and I wanted to stay on this topic. I created this product design to bring innovation in the form of service. It connects to a wooden platform, designed in that way to create the possibility of a new cozy service, like it is the one with finger food and a glass of wine in formal meetings. When people can share discussions, professional or not. This creates the possibility that the glass of wine and food at the same time to be easy to use for those people who like to make this choice.
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The concept was creating a Food and Wine Glass holder, for people who will stand on their feet while talking, laughing, sharing food, gaze etc, on a cocktail banquet. So they doesn’t need to feel forcet sitting on a table to eat and drink at the same time, or feel uncorfortable and can’t decide which thing to keep first, the glass of wine or the plate and a fork, to eat and drink. Inspired for the coloure palette, as a shape i created MAGDO to create simplicity .MAGDO, is not just a accessorie, is more than this. MAGDO is nostalgy, is emotion , love between people, is passion. The slogan ‘Colours of Taste’ it came so naturaly, because I wanted to connect colours with spirit.
Design & Tableware | MAGDO | Viti Akadem Colours of taste Udhëheqës: Dr.Joana Dhiman Dr.Dorina Arapi
Joan Leka PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
Through this paper as a diploma thesis, I wanted to reach a study on form and aesthetics inspired by everyday life. As a source of inspiration I started from post stamps, especially those of Albania during the communist regime. Post stamps were treated as an object hat encompasses everyday life, just like the set of cups and mugs that I created, but also as an aesthetic object based on their composition, the way the colors are placed, the picture reports with the background, and the adaptation of these elements in ergonomic manner, in the well-functioning of the final object.
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Pullat janë parë si një objekt përditshmërie, të cilat u munduan të zhvishen jo vetëm në formë. Nga pullat janë marrë forma, si kompozimi i tyre, g jë që u përdor në krijimin e formave të setit të filxhanëve, duke i lënë hapësirë dhe ekzag jërimit.
Student: Supervisor:
Fillimi i stilizimit të formës
Hapësira minimale Përhap, shumëfishim Ikonografinë relig joze Ikonografia politike Anti-intelektualizmit
Filatelia Shqiptare
Krijimi i një seti të plotë të filxhanëve të tre llojeve të ndryshëm Një set filxhanësh estetik-funksinonal i absktraguar. Frymëzimi i formave vjen nga pullat e postës, të cilat janë parë si objekte të jetës së përditshme. Pullat janë g jendur ne arkivë e filatelisë shqipëtare, g jatë periudhës së realizmit socialist.
Koncepti dhe metodolog jia
“OLD IS NEW” Food Design and Tableware
The main idea was that the creation of this set, was for a general use, but after the consultations, we decided to pass into the form of a high-class product treated like that not only by modern, minimalist and exaggerated forms but also of the materials used. The cup part is a game between porcelain and pottery (clay), while the plate is always kept in marble, as an aesthetic but very clean for the eye, which was well connected to the original concept of the object. I tried to translate the visual language, from lines, shapes, and colors, same and in the materials used.
Multifunctional Elements Removable Handles
The Partition
Cutting Board/ Cutlery holder
Strainer/Holder/ Closing part
Kejsi Katiaj PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
This product is has its focus on elements such as pot and pan, plate, cutsimplicity, regarding to products which ting board, and a bowl. It is important, are used for cooking in a student’s life that all these products have the ability to who lives away from his family in a for- fit perfectly together into one, so students eign country, in a dormitory or small could save some more space in their small apartment, who does not have a very living area. Elements such as the removcomfortable living and space, including able handles, which could be removed here his personal or shared room, and in from the pan into the pot and vice-versa, most of cases, the shared kitchen which to give them a second function. We also does not provide the best space for have the partition that goes on the frying Strainer & Cutallows Boardthe cooking pan, which of up&toOther Plate cooking and arranging Pan the tableware Holder and cookware products. Main idea of the three food products at the same time. The design is based on a student’s budget, cutting board, is the one for cutting food, his cooking skills, his experience and the and on the other side you can find space influence of his everyday life, mention- for the cutlery and a mug. The strainer, ing here his daily, weekly and monthly has also the purpose of strain made posroutine, so to be able to create a prod- sible by the holes found in the bottom of uct including the basic and the essen- it, but also as a bowl to hold fruits and tial elements for a good managment of vegetables (not liquid food). health and eating. Product has 5 basic | 224
Work by : Keisi Katiaj
“CUPHEAD� Student: Supervisor:
Ron Resuli PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
Cuphead is a product designed to attract tourists as well as potential wine customers. Its appeal stands in not only its aesthetic values that set it appart from the competition, but also from its economic point of view. Usually a wine bottle worth its name is expensive and that might impede more casual customers from purchasing
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them. By turning the expensive bottles into a more beer-like product, we get rid of all the problems normal wine bottles have while simultaneously preserving the quality and feel of the wine itself. The research, interviews and all Data used in this project was gathered from the sites mentioned below as well as the Ministry of Tourism of Albania.
render 0.10 metodologjia 0.10
“0.10” SET
“Food Design and Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Xhoel Leka PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
Through this study, we aimed to explore one of the most distinctive movements in the history of art, suprematism, and transforming its concepts into a tea set, with all the accessories that it contains. To accomplish this, we have studied the concepts of this movement, the philosophy behind it, not only visually but also conceptually, to strip suprematism into its basic principles and build upon them an aesthetic and functional set.
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We have reviewed Malevich’s publications where he tries to explain to the public in the 1920s the reasons why suprematism was born and world’s need for it, but we also compared it with other artistic movements or schools that have influenced the design world such as “School of Design Ulm” in Germany, Bauhaus in Weimar etc, to see how they transform their concepts and apply them to the products they create.
Intuitive construction Intuitive construction Intuitive of form.construction of form. of form. Forms thatForms correspond thatForms correspond to modern that correspond to life. modern to life. modern life. Don’t pushDon’t art further pushDon’t art andfurther further push art and back. further furtherand back. further back.
#ForTheLookOfTheFuture #ForTheLookOfTheFuture #ForTheLookOfTheFuture #ForTheLookOfTheFuture #ForTheLookOfTheFuture #ForTheLookOfTheFuture #ForTheLookOfTheFuture #ForTheLookOfTheFuture #ForTheLookOfTheFuture
Produkti Final Pamje 2D
Produkti Final Pamje 3D
Pamje të ndryshm
“HEAT PROTECTOR” Student: Supervisor:
Xhulia Niço PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
The purpose of this product is to solve a major problem, such as kitchen burns. It has happened at least once in our lives to be burned by splashing hot oils, while for those who cook in daily basic, they have to face this problem more often. Based on different interviews, it came to the conclusion that most of us get burned when using frying pans. To protect themselves, the interviewers, used long cooking pots, protective gloves or towels. Based on our research, it was found that there are some products designed to address this concern. We can mention silicone gloves, high shelter protectors, set of long wooden spoons, shoulder strap etc. These can be good options, but the solution we want to bring is more efficient and comfortable to use. | 230
Our product is called “Heat Protector” and consists of a set of 5 objects, mainly spoons and spatulas. What makes it special is the protective part, which is designed in such a way to keep the hand protected from heat and splashing hot oils. The shape consists of a half circle, closed by a light curved shape. The design has been conceived to look elegant, consisting the shape of the logo in the protective part of the product, which includes a thin line along with the silhouette of a ribbon. The product will be made out of silicone, a material who faces heat up to 300 degrees Celsius and is very easy to clean. “Heat Protector” can be described as easy, efficient, economical and aaesthetic product.
“BYREK PACK” Student: Supervisor:
Xhulio Joka PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
“ByrekPack” is a project proposal that seeks to create a genuine distribution and marketing format of one of the most traditional Albanian products that fully meets the requirements of a fast food / takeaway product. This product is part of the daily life for some types of customers but has remained in the shade as a not preferred food without much quality and extremely cheap. By taking in consideration other countries that their traditional foods have turned into commercial products and often in tourist
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attractions, the idea was to create a proposal for this product which differs by the quality from other fast foods borrowed from different countries as long as the food bases still preserves the tradition, taste and quality of the past experience. Based on a society that is attracted to take part in “tribal societies”, there was a need for a new image to represent its distinctiveness from the rest of the market through visual presentation and packa ing upgrades.
33 cm 15
0.5 1
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1 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 2 27.6 cm 3
0.8 0.5
HAPËSIRA E FACOLETAVE Do të jetë hapësira e re që do jetë në një trup me produktin dhe do jetë në versionin e mësipërm me “çelës” dhe versioni me ngjitje ku do të ketë facoleta të lagura.
LINJAT E SHKËPUTËSHME Paketimi i ri është pothuajse tërësisht i mbuluar nga linja të shkëputëshme për të mundësuar hapje të ndryshme ose ndarjen e produktit nga facoletat.
I ngjashëm me TetraPak por më i hollë dhe me një kosto jo aq të lartë sa kohë nuk kemi të bëjmë me likuide. I riciklueshëm.
Për të bërë një shpërndarje sa më të mirë të përmbajtjes dhe për ta bërë një ushqim fast food më të menaxhueshëm teksa konsumohet.
“PUZZLE FOOD BOX” Student: Supervisor:
Zekri Picari PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
Our target group are children with autism aged 3 to 11, judging from the problems they have with feeding themselves. Children with autism have several health problems. One of them is maltrunition. We need a solution to help them improve their eating habits. I have conceived and designed a product that will turn their lunch time into a game time by shaping the product in a playful way, so their attention will be focused on that and not the healthy food they are having. The product will be called the “Puzzle Food Box”. From the very term “Puzzle” this product will function as a game of different shapes that will have different foods in any form. Children with autism are attracted to different shapes and colors, which means they will be intrigued on catching them, but before they | 234
do that, they first need the key to open it from the box. Product has shapes that can be placed in the basic box to form the entire food product within any form. Shapes are the most basic ones, square, rectangle, circle etc. Parents have no difficulties to use, as the product will be very easy to clean, and after each meal, parents will have the opportunity to put other shapes and different food every time they like. Format will be closed and only after opening the keypad, will be able to choose the first key that has a special shape to open one of the specific forms that has food inside. Kids will have to take another key with another shape to open a box of different color that as well contains food. This whole process will make him feel as he is actually playing and not eating
“FIND THE TREASURE” “Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Anamaria Thoma PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
Aim of “Discover the Treasure” of the following essential elements: Flat is to bring an innovative solution to the Plate, Deep Plate, Glass, Spoon, which children’s feeding process. According to will help the children to consume their research I have identified that ages from food easier, safer, avoiding various ac3 to 6 y.o are the most important and cidents such as food spillage or overturnMATERIALITETI fragile ages in the feeding process and ing of pots and at the same time giving are when many children have problems them attractiv ness, delight and curiosity consuming their meals. During this pro- at finding out what is hidden inside the Materiali i Produktit Real plastike e plote. cess they become nervous, unreachable, dish.eshte In terms of functionality and safety, ndaj goditjeve. unintentional etc. TheyRezistente create a tense sit- dishes with their sloped sides will keep Pastrohet lehte ne pjatalarese. uation for their parents, people around the children in the right attitude while them and the consequences are that they eating the meal while avoiding the bendremain not being fed. The first idea that ing or stretching and creating a curiosity PALETA came into my mind for this project wasEtoNGJYRAVE to see what the dish contains. The cup will create a set of plates for children with the be constructed with 2 wings that will give following features: Functional, Attractive, the child the safety to drink different juicand Safe., The combination of these fea- es. The spoon is designed based on chiltures contributes to the bottom line goal dren’s actions while consuming a liquid of constructing a set of dishes that consist food. | 236
170 mm
150 mm
350 mm
100 mm
75 mm
75 mm 150 mm
220 mm
150 mm
550 mm 170 mm 20 mm
120 mm
45 mm
25 mm
MATERIALS mapple wood rubber
“Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Deila Tota PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
For the accomplishment of this diploma, with the theme “Food Design and Tableware”, I chose to create a specific set for people with visual impairment, partially or fully blind. These people may have many more convenience in their feeding process, with the new set designed specifically for them. Dining is something we usually take for granted. However, for persons with visual impairments, partially or completely blind, simple rituals such as eating and filling liquids, by themselves, can be extremely challenging. As there are currently no products, sets, and other accessories specifically designed for this category of people, they are fed in or-
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dinary containers that are incompatible with them. For this reason, designing a dining set for this category of people is essential. This project was conceived to enable self-encouragement of people with visual problems. The main purpose of the project is to design a set of dishes, suitable for this category of people, which will make the ritual of dining easier for them. This dining set will them make it possible to feed themselves, to have an easier meal process, with no more everyday obstacles that made their everyday dining beyond difficult and always, no more needing the help of a the second person.
Witchery In The Kitchen
Spell Book Produktet e setit Kwitchen vijnë bashkë me nje libër- manual i cili pershkruan mënyrën se si funksionojnë produktet magjike dhe gjithashtu përmban disa receta supash të sistemuara në mënyrë që të ngjanë me receta përgatitjesh porcionesh magjike.
“KWITCHEN” EATING PROBLEMS IN YOUNG CHILDREN “Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Ambra Ymeraj PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
Research has shown that children at young age face difficulties in their eating habits. It is a common phenomenon that most parents and their kids struggle with during their first few years of parenthood and childhood. This may occur as a result of a few psychological factors. The main factors, which indicate in the rise of this problem, are the way that food is presented to kids and also served and exposure to certain food. Looking at the methods that could be used for the treatment of this problem, a creative, educative and entertaining solution was thought to be right in order to engage children in cooking and expose them to food they don’t prefer. This causes them to well adapt to newly presented food. Bottom line is to mix kid’s favorite things, | 240
games, with kid’s most hated food. The final project consists in kitchen set named Kwitchen which brings the art of magic potion making closer to soup making process. The set includes a moon spoon shape with a round bowl and deeper craving on it’s tip for functional purpose so that the children doen’t lift the handle up to when testing food to avoid the risk of spilling. The knife is made of a circular spine and a straight linear handle. The half moon spine not only serves the visual purpose but also a functional one, which is to avoid the risk of accident when using the knife. It’s used by moving the handle up and down, which causes a circular move of the spine to cut down the veggies.
Witchery In The Kitchen
Witchcraft and wizardry. Multiple superpowers are just a potion away.
Eni Çabej PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
In the majority of the diseases, despite of the age of the sick person, the most common and most frequent symptoms or signs are being tired and the lack of appetite. Despite of the attempts to cure the disease through medications and medical treatments, the improvement of appetite and a better nutriment of the sick person, especially when it is a child, gradually help for a rapid improvement and healing. While surveying a patient, a child of 5-6 years old sick with a rare disease known as ‘Wilms tumor’, one of the most apparent and notable imposts, among other symptoms, is the lack of appetite. During the childhood years, even for healthy children, nutriment and appetite of the children are a problem for parents and the employees of the kinder| 242
gartens. The kids can present problems in the appetite, can be selective of food or even worst be finicky and refuse food. This phenomenon gets worst if a person is sick and it becomes a problem difficult to find a solution. Based on internet research, the information I received in the pediatric hospital from the nurses, the medical file of a sick child suspected to have ‘Wilms tumor’ and the conversation with an experienced doctor, I noted that the lack of appetite, the difficulty of nutriment for these children patients was a problem and how necessary was to find a solution and opportunities to contribute in this nutriment problem which can have a positive effect in the health of the children.
ALIEN Kjo lojë zhvilllohet përgjatë 8 (9) planeteve të sistemi planetar. Udhëtim nuk është i gjatë, por rrugës hasen pak ndalesa deri në stacionit e fundit hapësinor.
Qëndroni në Tokë dhe mësoni emrat e planeteve nëpërmjet 3 fjalëve MAT; MAJUSA; URNEP (Mërkurë, Afërditë, Tokë), (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn), (Uran, Neptun, Pluton).
Tek figura është e paraqitur gota. Pini gjysmën që ka ngelur të lëngun. Shkoni tek 20.
Është Jupiteri. Planeti më i madh i sistemit tonë diellor. Mban emrin e perëndisë romake të qiellit. Para ndalesës së fundit gjendet një planet, Plutoni. Është hequr nga lista e planeteve pasi është shumë i vogël.
Tasi që po merrni është Saturni. Është i vogël dhe rreth tij vërtiten unaza. Hani pak nga tasi.
Toka është e rrumbullakët dhe jo e sheshtë. Është planeti i sistemit tonë diellor. Është 4.57 miliardë vjet. Është i vetmi planet ku është zhvilluar jeta.
Shkoni tek nr.3 dhe hani dy kafshata
3 Planeti i kuq . Nuk ka as dete, as liqene, as lumenj. Pjesën më të madhe e zënë shkretëtirat.
Këtu është ndalesa e parë në planetin Mërkur. Është planeti më afër Diellit. Nuk ka jetë. Njera faqe e globit është natë e përjetshme, ndërsa tjetra është ditë e përjetshm.
Qëndroni pa lëvizur tek nr.9, Pini nga gota pak lëng frutash. Ky planet ku po pushoni quhet Mars.
Qëndroni pa lëvizur për të vazhduar tek 13. Afërdita, ylli i mbrëmjes dhe i mëngjesit, është shumë i shëndritshëm. Njerëzit e lashtë e konsideronin atë perëndeshën e bukurisë. Në të vërtet Ylli i mëngjesit është një mbretëri errësire.
10 Lëvizeni pjatën tek 10 e përfunduar atë. Këtu gjendet një planet i zbuluar nga William Herschel. Është i shëndritshëm dhe quhet Uran.
6 Çojeni pjatën tek figura që ngjason me të. Shkoni tek 6, duke ngrënë 5 kafshata të tjera.
Vazhdoni rrugën për te planeti dhe stacioni i fundit, Neptuni. Ky planet u zbulua 1846 nga francezi Ljoveric dhe anglezi Adams. Është yll i vogël dhe i dobët.
Final Model
“Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Ledjon Feto PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
This project aims to establish a common plan for serving food design, art and innovation combined with culinary trends and efficiency in the use of existing technologies and materials. The origin of this work comes as a result and as a perception of the interplay between taste and aesthetics. Standing at this altitude, according to a wise Italian word, ‘Happiness comes from the stomach’. Food design in our day is constantly evolving and has become almost a separate genre that is positioned on several planes. Marketing is defined as a trend aimed at discovering and using emotions and aesthetics as a feature of choice. In the culinary, the aim is to renew traditional tastes with modern and alternative elements, while in art and architecture it is intended that nutrition and | 244
taste can be expressed through different trends and currents of aesthetic thought and contemporary artistic creativity. The work accomplished consists in creating a personalized and original dish for serving the ice cream. This project is characterized by several multi-element elements. It starts as a concept that originates in minimalist and modern design and in the use of intertwining of various geometric figures and shapes. This combination creates a linearity and a tune also by connecting to the choice of materials and the final function, serving the ice cream: the material that created the dish is the country’s marble, carefully crafted and stylish. These original aspects are added to liquid nitrogen, a very widely used element in high quality kitchens.
Culture brings knowledge Knowledge open the consciousness.
Creativity is poetry.
“COOKWARE DESIGN FOR BACKPACKERS” “Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Orest Karriqi PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
This study explores the basics of backpacking, which is a low-cost from city to city or even country to country. There are a few “gernes” of backpacking, unltalight backpacking, which focuses on packing light, hiking and exploring. Flashpacking, which is a more expensive and “flashy” way to backpack, usually focusing on traveling to popular locations and partying, staying in hotels and traveling with rented cars and lastly RTW backpacking, a more hardcore way to backpack, more a way of life rather than a simple trip, these backpackers travel for longer periods of time through many countries and their aim is to explore and discover the culture of the countries they visit. Second is the anatomy of a backpack, a look into some pointers on how to pack in the most efficient way possi| 246
ble before a trip. There are three zones to focus on. The bottom, where all the bulky items go that aren’t needed until camp. Middle where the heaviest items are placed to create a good core of gravity and stay balanced; here goes the food, cooking gear, stove and water reservoir. Lastly the top, where all the bulky essentials are packed such as first aid kit, water filter, camera and snacks to have during the day. Next is food, it goes without saying, but food and water are essential in a backpacking trip. Cooking is not a priority, at most backpackers will boil water an add it to ramen noodles or freeze dried meals and have some tea, but many still like to cook at camp when they can and that in and of itself comes with its own challenges along the way.
Vizatime teknike
“REVITALIZATION OF DYBEK” “Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Stela Çerenishti PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
In this paper will be considered the issue of increasing consumption of food products that have in their composition Palm Oil which is replacing the butter. This work on its structure will be divided into two sections. The first section will address the issues that this product causes in the human body. In the first part will be shown the issue of how today’s butter has been replaced with palm oil in several food products, by causing obesity and severe diseases such as heartattack and cholesterol. Also it will be shown that how is it turned into a strong competitive because of the cheap price it offers to the market. In the second section, we will discuss how to replace this product with the Bio butter in a short time and with a quality product, bringing back the way of traditional | 248
Albanian Dibek. In this part will be addressed the Target Group’s issue of who the customers are who can use this food product. The concept and idea that this product will work with attached sketches. Modern Desolation of Traditional Century Dybek. They will be presented in 3D graphics the realization of product to show its function and its use.
“Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Vanesa Ajdini PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
In this paper will be considered the issue of increasing consumption of food products that have in their composition Palm Oil which is replacing the butter. This work on its structure will be divided into two sections. The first section will address the issues that this product causes in the human body. In the first part will be shown the issue of how today’s butter has been replaced with palm oil in several food products, by causing obesity and severe diseases such as heartattack and cholesterol. Also it will be shown that how is it turned into a strong competitive because
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of the cheap price it offers to the market. In the second section, we will discuss how to replace this product with the Bio butter in a short time and with a quality product, bringing back the way of traditional Albanian Dibek. In this part will be addressed the Target Group’s issue of who the customers are who can use this food product. The concept and idea that this product will work with attached sketches. Modern Desolation of Traditional Century Dybek. They will be presented in 3D graphics the realization of product to show its function and its use.
“NIDO - APPETIZER SET DESIGNED FOR UKA FARM” “Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Vashila Loka PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
In this project I have designed with a main theme “Food design and tableware” a set for appetizers, for “Uka Farm”. This farm beside the panorama which is characterized by greenery, silence and the details that make you feel like you are in countryside, away from city noises, it offers for clients also a restaurant with integral, fresh organic products made there. The name of the set is “Nido” and it comes from Italian and it means “Nest”. The reason why I named this is because for its design I was inspired by nature: the nest as an object has an organic form and has a carrying function in the concept of the nest as a “shelter” for birds, and in the concept of appetizer set it’s a carrier for tableware. The purpose of this set is to or| 252
ganize the plates that hold the appetizers. So the clients won’t have a messy table in the moment when they consume the products. Since the appetizers must have a variety of foods and product, in small portions, but even beautifully set for the eye of the consummator, I designed a set based on appetizers that “Uka Farm” offers. I have used shallow and deep bowls, a oil and vinegar holder, a mechanism that enables warming of a certain product during the consuming time (for example of melted cheese or different kinds of sauces). The tray is designed to hold even other food products that consist on dried products. Special on this set is the giving in another aspect of consuming: I have thought that bacon or meat products will be served hanged to give the concept of a service based on nature.
“Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Xhesika Loka PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
For the realization of this project with the main theme “Food design and tableware” I have created a feeding set, which is specifically for serving breakfast meal for kids. Kids that will use this practice set for food consummation are kids from 3 to 6 years old. The reason why I have chosen breakfast is that this meal is the most important for people, especially for kids, so they can have energy, eat in a healthier way during the day and be more productive. The target group is 3-6 years old because of the fact that in the age of three starts the kindergarten time and the collective life. From this age until six, the kids body needs enough food and energy to have daily activities in kindergarten, school and at fun activities of this | 254
The set is designed based on the concept of panorama and it is similar to a farm: products are in the form of clouds, cows, wind mills etc. The set has seven products, in which the most important is the tray which is in a sloping shape to give the idea of a panorama. On its surface are six other products that are: the plate, which is created in that way that can also be used as deep and not deep, the glass, which is in a cow form, the ears of which are used as a holder for kids. The egg holder is in the form of a simple chicken that carries on its backpack an egg. Two dishes in the forms of clouds are created to hold honey, jam, cereals etc. The last product is in the form of a wind milling and it is to keep biscuits and bread.
“Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Albi Garori PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi 3.
The project is a lunchbox that holds a full 4-parts to contain the meal plus a service set. The lunchbox will be projected to be ergonomic with the lap. It can also stand on the desk. The box will have curved shapes that enables the support and the suitability of the lap shape so that the person consumes the meal in different places anywhere the person sits. The concept is based on examining the problematic cases of other simple lunchboxes. In both sides will be covers with magnet closure. The covers will be thin and will have magnets installed in 3 parts of the covers. Magnets will also be placed on the side of the food holders that will bring the magnet lids. The covers will be nearly attached to the food storage so the food will not be mixed with the other foods in the box. On both side | 256
of the cover there is a small hole and a small piece of plastic where you can pick up the cover from there and move it. In the left side there are projected 2 separations for the set of service. (spoon, fork, knife). One separate part holds the spoon and the other the fork and the knife together. In the middle there are 3 separations for spices suck salt, oregano and pepper. There is a section for napkins. Divisions can be used from the person’s likes of whom has the same lunchbox. In the upper part of the lunchbox there are 2 rubber straps that will be used to hold the product as a purse (optional). At the bottom there are 2 slots that enable the lunchbox opening and closing movement. On the side of the box there is a grip that allows the lunchbox to remain open and not close at the time of the meal.
sit n’ lunch It’s lunchtime anywhere THE BEST ERGONOMIC LUNCHBOX EVER CREATED
“Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Bekim Biçaku PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
Every day and more people’s attention is shifting from vital issues to those that just give a momentary pleasure. Bad nutrition has become one of the biggest problems of humanity, making them consume nutrients without nutritional value and neglecting what is needed to have a healthier organization. The body needs a variety of vitamins to function properly, one of these vitamins is vitamin C. It can be easily found in citrus fruit, lemon is one of the typical examples where it can be found without having to deal with various medications. Apart from C vitamins, lemons have many other features that treat different diseases such as: flu, high blood pressure, throat infections, respiratory disturbances, etc. Looking at the importance of lime to have a healthier body, which applies to all ages of society, I de| 258
cided to create an object for the litter’s squeeze to be as simple as it is in use and as attractive as aesthetically for users. Seeing all the other objects that have the same function in the international market I noticed that there is most of the classic shape of the squeegee, with no appealing appearance and difficulty in use. After discussions and experimentation with various structures and objects, I arrived in a final form which was inspired by the structure of a lily. Lemon has a feature that after all its fluid is shifted from the outer part to the central part of the lemon. This makes this form very favorable. The long pipe that is supposed to be the lily bouquet is placed in the center of the lime without even trying to cut it or to exert force and all the juice comes out of the leaf.
LEMON Juicer
“PRODUCT DESIGN FOR HONEY CONSUME” “Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Egnis Shehaj PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
The product I want to design I want to solve these problems. This product can be used in the home kitchens but also in restaurants or coffee bars. Can be used easily and stay on your table when you eat breakfast or when you drink a hot tea. Honey is a delicate product but at the same time it can never spoil. Usually to store the honey we use glass jar, but I think it’s not the best choice because when we try to consume it , we insert bacteria in it and in general most people use sprouts that do not know the material and simple they dump them
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through jars without getting disturbed of his damage. The product I have chosen to design is a honey servicer or similar product witch are caramel or melted chocolate. Its use to be simple, practical, functional and aesthetically pleasing. To solve the probletatics that emerge at the beginning which were the material to help preserve the temperature without damaging it, to be hygienic so as not to allow bacterial entry to be airtight, to be easily purified, to maintain a quantity considerably the product, to preserve its natural shade and its lifespan.
Projekt Diplome
PRODUKTI , ELEMENTET E TIJ TE SPECIFIKUARA 1.Kapaku i konceptuar ne formen e nje kurore me 5 kupola ( material druri) 2.Luga e mjatit bashkengjitur me kapakun. 3.Doreze qelqi e konceptuar si krahet e bletes. 4.Mbajtesi i mjaltit i konceptuar si hojezat qe krijon bleta. 5.Fundi i enes i konceptuar si bishti i bletes.
STUDENT: EGNIS SHEHAJ 8cm 4cm 15cm 2cm 8cm
“COOKING iganit eshte dizenjuar nePAN” te tille qe “Food ti pershtatet Design & Tableware” se dores gjate gatimit. Student: Enajd Nelaj Forma perfundimtare e produktit Supervisor: PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi How do we help people who have no experience in cooking? The problems people encounter during cooking are many, but one of the most important is the food in the frying pan and the risk of combustion that may come from the oil. The problems we face are the following: frying pan, tempering, lubrication, heating, use of metal tools, gizzards, burns, food ingestion. Products: People who do not have experience in cooking. - For all households, many cooking facilities are created -For all the people who are having trouble getting food and cleaning them - For that group of people, who have had bad experiences with burning oil and as | 262
a consequence, have abandoned cooking. -Master cookers can have more chances to experiment with the practicality, design and some additional elements that make the product that I have designed. The product that I want to design will have a variety of functions. We have to use some types of roast, one for egg rushing and another for roasting meat and fish when there is only one. The food in the frying pan is a stress with and to ease this pain I have thought of a structure in the shape of the hairs which will prevent this phenomenon. Why should you spend for an aspirator or air purifier to remove bad wicks when this pan also enables this type function.
“Food Design & Tableware” Student: Supervisor:
Renisa Fejzulla PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
In this diploma project I have decided to create a water/snack bottle for dogs. Dogs are a very important part of their owners life and they rely on them to provide for everything they need. Things like water and food are the essential necessities for a healthy pet. A well fed and hydrated dog is less likely to become ill, so that is why water but also food should be provided at all times and especially during walks, when the activity increases. The inspiration behind this bottle came from my personal experience with my dog. During the time that she has been part of my life I have carefully noticed that keeping her hydrated during our walks is one of our biggest issues. Other dog owners and I usually find ourselves with many bottles used for carrying pet supplies, which makes the walks uncom| 264
fortable. Others are simply forgetful and they just don’t bring any water with them. But even after studying different water bottles that are available in the market, it still isn’t easy to find the one that works for us. Most commonly dogs end up drinking water from ash trays or plastic cups. Specifically designed water bottles for dogs are the best way to transport water for the pets while talking them on a walk. The purpose of this bottle is to satisfy the dogs need for water and food during a walk, but also, to be convenient for the owner. The product achieves that by being the only bottle you would need with all the designated spaces for water, snacks and waste bags. So basically all the necessities that are needed for a dog walk are all in one place. The bottle is easy to carry and avoids any leaks.
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Applied Art & Design 2018
Neritan Kananaj...................................................270 “REORGANIZING RESIDENTIAL SPACE FOR A PERSON WITH DAMAGED VISION”
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Neritan Kananaj PhD. Joana Dhiamanti; Dr. Dorina Arapi
This thesis focuses on providing a new space suitable for both the tourists and the locals that can be used throughout the year, to host activates present in the city but also add new ones. The concept for this thesis is based on the visual and cultural connections coming to the site by the Old Town, from the beaches surrounding the place, to maximize the openness of the area, so that the building can be seen from all points, but also to preserve the unrestricted view from Ratislava Cape. The views are translated into lines that intersect in the cape. An added layer to the form finding process is the intersection of the buildable area with the “view lines�. From this last action the surfaces created are then divided, using also the relationship between the view | 270
line, the site area and the terrain lines. The complex is comprised of six buildings: Main Concert Hall, two Cinemas, one Flexible Hall, and two supporting structures. The Main Concert Hall can host up to 1500 people, and it follows the standards for such major performing spaces. The Cinemas are an important for the visual arts taking place in Ulcinj, but can also be used as theater spaces. The Flexible Hall has sitting arrangement that can be changed easily so that the space can be used for other purposes like conferences and meetings. The two supporting structures serve also as exhibition spaces and have necessary facilities. An important aspect of the space is the interaction and the merging of the building with the landscape.
ngjyra guzhina
mit për një person me dëmtim të shikimit” Viti Akademik 2017-2018
heqës: Joana Dhiamanti_ Dorina Arapi
mit për një person me dëmtim të shikimit” Viti Akademik 2017-2018
ëheqës: Joana Dhiamanti_ Dorina Arapi
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Bachelor in “Art & Design” 2019
Oligerta Doga....................................................276 ”Long Distance Relatioship”
Teuta Nexhipi....................................................296 “Buddy”
Simena Mali........................................................278 “Stress and Meditation+”
Xhulio Kola.........................................................298 “Colore Fest Shkodra”
Sara Kapo............................................................280 “Handy”
Klaudia Dema....................................................300
Kristi Braimllari....................................................282 “NOI’S Thermos”
Erminio Kalaj......................................................302 “Umbrella”
Xhesika Pjepniku..................................................284 “LGBT and Androgen as Part of Society”
Iris Shala.............................................................304 “Portable Ramps for People with Disabilities”
Dorotea Bregu.....................................................286 “Multifuncional Beach Chair”
Greis Guxho.........................................................288 “Make up for the Visually Impared”
Besara Martinaj...................................................290 “Diaper Bag”
Gizem Maçi..........................................................292 “Shinm Shinrin Medical Chair”
Rexhina Miri.......................................................294 “Abstraction”
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“Baby Carrier “Seed”
Megi Kadiu.........................................................306 “My baby and Me”
Oligerta Doga Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Distance is a numerical measurement of how far objects are. In physics or everyday use, distance may refer to a physical length or an estimate based on other criteria. In most cases, “distance from A to B” is interchangeable with “distance from B to A”. In mathematics, a distance or metric function is a generalization of the concept of physical distance. A metric is a function that behaves according to a given set of rules and is a way of describing what it means for the elements of a space to be “near” or “far” from one another. between two persons, physical and spiritual distance. The object that I decided to create based on the concept of distance and the lack of close persons is addictive. Although at first glance it gives the impression of a simple object, the particular one in this object lies in its use. be equipped with the app so that two persons that are remotely connected will have the opportunity to communicate. Based on the research done and the interviewees, there are two key points that lead me to this conclusion. Communication and personal facilities were two of the best ways to reduce the level of absenteeism. Many people prefer to donate a personal object to personify them, implying that some of them are with the other person. Also, virtual communication has helped a lot | 276
to ‘soften’ the distance between persons. coping with relationships remotely. Thus, by combining personal objects and communications, the product gave the form of dependence. An object that can be used by both sexes and different ages designated by the target group. An easily accessible product, where and during busy daylight hours or workplaces where cellphone use is not permitted, the touch hinged touch can convey certain messages to the other person. Also the form of this product relates to the concept of distance and scarcity. The form of dependence relates to Plato’s concept. This concept speaks to the man who was created with four hands, four legs, four eyes. Man being such a perfect man was coming to compete with the gods. So Zeus decided to split the man in two. Despite the human form which seems complete, people spend their entire lives searching for the other half, as they are incomplete in themselves. Thus my product has the form of a rhombus divided into two parts where each partner will hold the part its, once people get half of it, this product on the neck will look full and beautiful, but in fact the other half will be where the heart is.
Student: Supervisor:
Simena Mali Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Stress is a condition that affects us all and there is no cure but one of the ways to reduce it that and to calm our minds is meditation. The product that I have chosen to do is a multifunctional meditation pad Meditations are abundant worldwide and everyone has approved that its application helps in mental and physical calm. The products offered are varied from the lowest prices to the highest quality materials and to the highest quality ones. One practice is enough to practice meditation carpet or pillow, but customers want a product that offers both, a product you can use inside and out, a quality and multifunctional product. The product I designed is a multifunctional meditation pad called EUNOIA translated into Greek relaxed. The product measures 60 cm by 40cm and height 20 cm, the perfect and best measure than those standard meditation pillows already on the market. This product 20 cm high divided into 4 parts, 5 cm high, each part opened and closed by stitches offering from a new position of meditation. The first position is the pillow when the product is hooked closed by grasping the top and bottom by means of a glue. The second position is the carpet where all parts open and reach a length of 180 cm, and 5 cm high, except for meditation | 278
The carpet is also used for yoga and fitness exercises making us realize the key quality of product, multifunctionality. It is thought 5 cm thick to give it the opportunity users get the product everywhere including natural surfaces. Third position is a carpet plus pillow for the head where the pillow is 60cm by 20cm and offers fragrance because one of the highlights of the day-to-day and that clients seek for their peace of mind is the flavor.Another major part is the product material. The coke nut is selected processed bamboo as two very resistant material and much stronger than cotton e other coatings made to these products. The materials provide softness and flexibility for this is the reason for the final closure of the product to transport, to carry with it everywhere is rounding it in pipe form. Customer requires quality products with prices considerable. Generally the products on offer have low and high prices, a pillow meditation ranges from $ 20- $ 50 and carpets from $ 9- $ 60. Studying the market, the multifunctional product EUNOIA will offer $ 50- $ 60. The product is quality, multifunctional, practical and at a good cost. Enough of an EUNOIA to combat stress, to have it a mind in peace.
“HANDY” Student: Supervisor:
Sara Kapo Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
In parallel with the development of industry came the development of technology in this field, but also in other areas. Technological innovations have greatly influenced the way we listen to music. from On the technical side, many devices have helped many artists produce their own music easier, more accurate and faster. Also with the advent of the internet artists have more opportunities to get to know the public and get to know other artists. Concerts are also more frequent and more easily attendable. The advent of “Online” also made the singers’ success a success measured by the currencies the internet itself has set: views, streams, subscriptions ... Music is the universal language of the world. It is what has led to the sound of voice, speech and voice a great weight when it comes to culture and traditions. It doesn’t matter where you are, what age or nationality, sounds are perceived by many in the same way because it is a language communication that is perceived and not spoken. Beyond the clichés, one interesting fact is that the curtains of guitars have the same distance proportional to the distance of the planets from each other. A very popular technology product is known as the Smartphone. Everyone has a “phone.” smart ”and in addition to popularity is an item that has become very important to us. there inside there is personal, professional in| 280
formation and beyond there is information about our character, our fears and our likes. Losing such an object is never easy For nobody. More than the facility itself, we feel threatened if anyone manages to access it one of the most personal accessories for us. Because it’s so important, its safe The object is primary for us whenever we are not in a safe environment. We have changed physically only by him and psychologically we are not quiet in public places because we worry about his well-being. In addition to security, smartphones also require maintenance. Charging is a point which almost all smarthphones have stunned consumers. When the battery drops we have no options use it either for emergencies or for pleasure. This concern has also had a profound effect on the way we enjoy a concert. People can’t be freer at a concert, and they don’t it’s about documenting being there, but precisely the fear of being stolen or broken. Music lovers they are no longer 100% present at a live music event, and they can no longer dance freely. So my personal need arose and then a pretty broad target group for an accessory which can hold your smartphone, money or home switches and provide charging without the need for electricity.
“NOI’S THERMOS” Student: Supervisor:
Kristi Braimllari Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Which would give us a lot of facilities in our lives. The container is standard and can hold 473 ml of liquid inside. It is 20 cm high and with a diameter of 8.3 cm. It has a double layer inside it and between the walls there is a “glass wool” layer which enables the heat not to touch the outer walls of the thermos. So he won’t burn the customer when the thermos is hot inside him. The material is premium, an expensive material that makes the thermos very special. Noi’s Thermos is a thermal thermos, which is mainly used to carry coffee, but is also used for other liquids such as: orange juice, general fruit juices but also water. It emerged as a major market demand for an “intelligent” terminal but at the same time easily portable and compact. After extensive research and a questionnaire that included eight general questions about coffee that answered the eight questions of more than 1000 people, I came to the conclusion that there was a need to have the standard thermal coffee bean or liquid market. others, but in a more advanced way. Looking at the standard coffee bean or other liquids, it was found that he actually kept the coffee warm, but not for a very long time. From the questionnaire I realized that the vast majority of people who | 282
responded to the questionnaire wanted warm coffee almost in it all the time they would consume it. For this reason, the term “Noi’s” was added with an intelligent resistor which made it possible to heat the coffee to a standard temperature of 120 degrees Celsius. It is re-chargeable and with a manual ignition which has a button that enables it to be switched on when the person wants his coffee to warm up. Resistance will only take a little over 3 minutes to warm up all the fluid that is inside the thermos. This increases the time for keeping the liquid warm for up to 10 hours. Unlike standard thermos that hold fluid for up to 5 hours. Another very important requirement of the questionnaire was the requirement to have a powerbank, which would make it possible to charge consumer smartphones up to 5 times up to 100%. Taking advantage of the case that “Noi’s Thermos” would have a resistor that would allow the liquid to heat up, in this case there was a need to have a battery in the thermos. I took the opportunity and adapted the charging of smartphones in the thermos. In the end I came up with the result of an intelligent thermos, which makes it possible to heat the liquid at the necessary times and charge the smartphones.
Xhesika Pjepniku Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Gender is seen as an institution that creates patterns of expectations for individuals, regulates the social processes of daily life, is located in the main social organizations of society, such as economics, ideology, family and politics, and is also an entity in itself. LGBT history dates from the first examples of same-sex love and sexuality of ancient civilizations, including the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and cultures around the world. What survives after many centuries of persecution, resulting in shame, oppression and secrecy has only been pursued in recent decades and intertwined in more common historical narratives. On the other hand people report that the term “androgynous” makes them think that someone resembles both sexes so much that they resemble neither. Given this fact and the desire to relate to other people in our day-to-day life, without the problems of instant judgment based on gender or sexual orientation. The final product consists of an androgynous chair, a public space installation that treats the human body with the utmost simplicity, and often this simplicity creates confusion. This confusion comes from the inability to put | 284
something in a name (male or female). This chair is a faith-based structure, held entirely on the one hand by an imitation of the human body, and on the other the person who chooses to sit will rest on the back of a “man” who arouses curiosity and, on the other, confusion.We can say that some of the highlights that contain the essence of expressing the message that is intended to be achieved are precisely the placement of persons behind their backs, a ´no gender´ statue and the compact connection of the two structures to each other. It is important for individuals at an early age to understand the importance of persons based on the values that characterize them and not only, the contribution they make to society, and to invest in creating a relationship that is not often influenced by factors that are often secondary and not essential in the development of an individual.
Dorotea Bregu Sonia Jojic
From the questions asked but also from personal experience I came to realize that if there was a product that would perform many functions needed at the same time for vacationers would be a great relief. After thinking about what this product might be that would improve the quality of the beach but also make it easier for the vacationer, I decided to create a beach chair. The special thing about this chair is that it will be equipped with various equipments and tools that perform certain functions. The chair is thought to have special seats to create plenty of amenities for the vacationers. Some of the chair options are: locker drawer set up valuables, a portable table for drinks and snacks, a place to hang wet towels, a place to charge phones and also a charger to keep drinks and snacks fresh. The drawer is supposed to be at the bottom of the chair. It comes with two options. The first is and the least expensive is the key lock and the second is the lock by the code. The desk will be portable and will be placed on one of the chairs on the chair to be opened by the customer as desired. The chair will be equipped with a solar panel, which will enable the power supply for the charging option and the thermistor. The materials he will use to build the chair | 286
will be some. First and foremost will be the wood with which the structure will be built Many parts of the chair will be removable one of these will also be the mattress that will be upstairs. Depending on the functions will be the price of the product. The target group I will be selling for the product are different starting from new seaside resorts, private beach owners, vacationers living in the coastal area etc. . everyone chooses to buy the product with as many features as they think are needed for its requirements. he topic that I have decided to elaborate on and conduct my research relates to the beach, its problems and what I can do to bring innovation and improvement to it. My goal was to finally, after analyzing the current situation on the beaches, familiarize myself with the needs and problems of the consumer, to create a product that would meet those needs.
Greis Guxho Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Nowadays makeup has become a routine. The makeup companies have become stronger and continue to rise every day due to the widespread use of this product. Over the years the production of makeup and its types have changed a lot. Day by day companies strive to increase all inclusion by coming up with products for different skin types as well as color and shades of the most diverse. But anyway one group still feels excluded. This group consists of the blind and legally blind. Because it may seem easy to understand such companies have not paid much attention to the inclusion of this group. This is because it is thought that such persons are assisted by others in the application of this product. After some research I realized that not a lot of blind people prefer to apply their makeup on a daily basis. They strive to do so with the minimum of opportunities by finding different features of products that can create ease of use. From these data I got the opportunity to modify an existing product for its maximum comprehensiveness. At first I chose the company (Too Faced) because of the wide range of products that had these features. Then I specifically chose those products that had the greatest ease of use. With the | 288
selected products I studied each formed and their dimension to find the most efficient way to set up Braille script and for their use I created a Guide Book which is also written with Braille explaining how each product is used in detail .
“DIAPER BAG” Student: Supervisor:
Besara Martinaj Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
For 4 years I work as a child photographer in a photography studio. During this time I have noticed that the biggest concern of young moms is that they have too many loads on their hands. They have to carry a bag for their child, which does not carry anything inside, they have to push the cart, they have to carry a bag for their personal belongings. So whenever they come to realize the photo set they have more stress. So as a result I thought to help these moms with a product that is well organized and multifunctional. The bag will be of normal size to be held back, in hand or in a wheelchair. It will be divided into 3 layers which will be well organized. The first part of the bag will carry indoors, Mom’s personal belongings, any baby clothes, a toy and quick things needed and will have the look of a typical bag that moms need to go out in the afternoon to drink something. The second part will keep pacifier, milk, food inside. This compartment will be in such material as to keep the foods fresh. The third compartment will hold inside the pampers, damp paper, a cream and baby changing bedding. The divisions will be chained to each other by means of chains. The bag will also have the version of | 290
the backpack. The straps will be such that they can be detached and you can take them only when you need the whole bag. The moment you only need part of it you don’t have to take the whole bag. The bag will have such material that is easily cleaned even with damp paper. Its design will come in a variety. There will be many color versions. They will also be suitable for all mum styles whether modern or sporty.
Gizem Maçi Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
SHinM is an aesthetic-medical chair used to support persons who have undergone or are undergoing post-operative procedures. Other functions include supporting individuals who have problems with the spine posture thereby helping to optimize posture. However, the use of this product has no limitations. It can be used by any person who wishes for aesthetic comfort. The materials for this product are eco-friendy thus reducing the toxic footprint on the planet. The percentage of plastic used is very small compared to other natural products. The Cedar Wood which will be the main material helps in the longevity of the product as well. eliminates the problems that may be caused by allergies. Cedar aroma also stimulates the senses and helps relieve stress. In addition to healing properties helps to keep insects away. The ratios and dimensions of this chair have a standard size which was set after considering standards across the globe. All areas where body contact will be personalized to each individual as needed. The structure is made up of 28 parts wood where 4 of them are part of the frame and the other 24 are standard size but the profile is personalized. The entire chair structure will be produced by | 292
laser cutting while the D3O plastic layer and memory foam have a standard cut. The fluid form of this object itself, although large, enables any person to combine it more easily in any interior space. The external appearance is one of the most important factors behind the medicinal one as the object itself is supposed to camouflage its primary function. The object itself came from the Japanese philosophy of “Shinrin Yoku” which translates to “Shrimp from the Forest”, a philosophy which has been studied by several professors and has been scientifically proven to be effective. The marketing and marketing campaign will target every person that wants to have such a product and that it can afford.
“ABSTRACTION” Student: Supervisor:
Rexhina Miri Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
The idea is of creating a chair that would not have the standard chair visual lines , but coming from the influence of abstract art in contemporary art today. Abstract art patterns can be found everywhere, fashion, furniture, architecture, advertising and almost every other contemporary design product. Whether it’s a Pop Art inspired shoe line, a dress inspired by a painting of Piet Mondrian, or architectural objects like those of Zaha Hadid that found inspiration from Kazimir Malevich’s suprematist work, is simply the latest manifestation of an ancient trend: art-influenced designers. Every element of the chair is based on motifs seen in Kandinsky’s 20th-century expressionist works and especially on Composition VIII, which features multi-colored graphic forms. The goal is to bring this abstract approach to traditional furniture design, using standard materials to produce a chair that puts shape before function. Instead of aiming for the functional goal of the chair I want to emphasize the emotion and its meaning, just as Kandinsky rejected the realistic form and expressed | 294
the color and form derived from his emotions. Inspired by expressive motives of the painting I selected the most prominent geometric elements in Composition VIII, putting them together and thus creating a new, three-dimensional, single-function composition.
“BUDDY” Student: Supervisor:
Teuta Nexhip Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Today, the internet inspires us every day and ‘infects’ us with new information that takes us one step ahead of everything, but until we arrive and realize we are around the four limited walls that lead us everywhere, it the screen in front of you, which gives you all the hopes and courage to realize your dreams and desires with the information it contains while sitting and simply watching but without taking any steps. everything has a limit, which we have in hand and we must give it the right direction. Social networks, the biggest impact of the internet, where we all spend our time, how productive and unproductive, where communication between people is made quick and easy no matter where they are, crosses boundaries and becomes uncontrolled, until we realize the loss of excessive time or neglect of basic tasks. Nowadays, this carelessness grows more and more and creates an unhealthy life, where a large percentage of studies show that aggression, loneliness and depression increase Addiction is the first word I describe in this whole situation today. First seen and analyzed, I came to want to incorporate it into my project, asking myself, “What can change and | 296
do little to change the growth of life and removed this addiction we created? ‘’ Also, seeing how the younger generation evolves, based on their inactivity, the suppression of the desire to get out of the virtual world, the lack of communication with their friends, and many other factors that result from the neglect of necessary education . Education delivers the values and qualities it describes us as individuals. To maintain and add value and quality has to be dedicated from an early age. Life is fast today, parents’ excessive engagement does not allow them to have control over their children’s lives and the right time to deal with them. to surround a real and normal life. And that this unintentional circumvention has had consequences for raising children by spending too much time online. I chose to be a robot that would be more appealing and accepted by the target group, because you like a toy that can talk and fit their character that reflects a modern toy..
“COLORE FEST SHKODRA” Student: Supervisor:
Xhulio Kola Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
The products that I have chosen for my diploma thesis are products that belong to the brand of Color Fest Shkodra and are 4: masks, T-shirts, bags and pins, each of which has a distinctive and authentic design which is repeated with some changes in each of the products, These products serve as kits taken before you become part of the Color Fest Shkodra Festival, The products are characterized by the many colors and design inspired by Picasso’s cubist style, the masks being the main product related to the most important part of the design. , bicycles, snow flowers, tempering, Where each of these elements is encountered in the daily life of the city as a very important part of it, we can say a part of its identity and history. Color Fest Shkodra and the products of this festival aim to bring people together regardless of age, class, race or gender, where everyone feels equal under the festival’s melody of colors.
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“BABY CARRIER “SEED” Student: Supervisor:
Klaudia Dema Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
TMother-infant bonding is a complex rapprochement process between mother and baby. This connection is attributed to affection, companionship, caring, and as a result, love, trust, a sense of protection and a very solid mother-baby relationship are formed. The bond that forms after birth directly affects both the mother and the baby physiologically, psychologically and emotionally. The behaviors that precede the creation of mother-infant bonding are touch, breastfeeding, eye contact and voice timbrel. Touching involves skinto-skin contact (the naked baby resting on the exposed breast of the mother), caressing the baby’s head, kissing the cheek or head, holding hands, and so on. The skin-to-skin contact is also known as kangaroo-style holding. This way of holding the baby gives her comfort, security and attaches her more to her mother. According to research done, the kangaroo style holder is the product that covers most of the needs of babies but also facilitates the experience of their youngest mothers. During an interview with young mothers about using this product and their variations, it was found that this product was really needed for them for several reasons. They said that first of all, this hold helped their baby to relax and feel more secure near their mother’s body. In this way, their | 300
little one feels closer to the scent of the mother’s body as well as her sweet voice, which are very important for creating the much-talked about bond between mother and baby. But depending on the positioning the holder has, another need that the baby has and that involves increasing the “bonding” between the mother and the baby is eye contact, which can only be achieved if the baby is face to face or when the baby is looking. fed with breast milk. The product was thought to be divided into two parts, the structure the parent would wear and the structure the baby would wear. These two structures were thought to be separated so that the baby’s structure had more flexibility to move and change positions without the need for the parent to remove the entire holder. It needed a mechanism that was both strong and supportive but also loose to move the baby. The mechanism was thought to be a mechanism which included support belts which were elongated and tightened as needed and a fixing mechanism resembling a chain door locking mechanism.
“UMBRELLA” Student: Supervisor:
Erminio Kalaj Sonia Jojic, Joana Dhiamandi
The word ‘’ cader ‘’ comes from the Latin ‘’ umbra ‘’ which means shade. The traditional umbrella was invented by the Chinese over 4000 years ago. And nowadays it is one of the products that is probably used in everyday life without losing its importance. The purpose of this paper is to provide an alternative how people today can be protected from natural factors such as rain or the sun with their hands free. Weather forecasts are the most reliable tool we have for forecasting weather, but not always accurate results. For some, the uncertainty about the weather can be summed up with one question: Do I have to carry a umbrella with me? Traditional umbrellas can be a great accessory, especially if the weather forecast turns out to be inaccurate. The research question of this paper is: What if the umbrella were the weather forecaster for your day? This idea was inspired by animals such as snails and turtles that nature has provided with protection for the conditions they face every day by not taking care of the way the dog is kept, the way it is used and the care to be careful in the event loss. The methodology used is the experimental design of a product that does not currently exist in the market but, based on the mechanism and method of construction, can easily replace the um| 302
brella and assist a specific target group whose job position does not allow them to use umbrella as street policemen, photographers, climbers, cyclists. During the development of this product we will conclude that if this product is launched it will be more resistant than the traditional umbrella for not too complicated mechanism, it protects about 90% of the body, it is not obstructive in use and less likely to lose as it can be held at all times in the form of a backpack
Iris Shala Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
People with paraplegic disabilities are lower body paralysis. It can be caused by damage or diseases of the marrow, peripheral nerves, or by disorders of the brain such as cerebral palsy. In our society we are surrounded by many people with disabilities. They are very much present in our day-to-day lives, involving both our families and the society around us. Some of the problems in our country are recreational areas, parks, accessibility, slopes through shopping centers as well as hospital service centers, residential complexes and so on. This kind of aspect of people with disabilities prevents them from providing basic living services, as well as their isolation. It forbids them to be independent people and with equal social rights. They must necessarily be associated with a second person to help them in their daily lives, but this kind of aspect takes time and second person from his life. Accessibility of people with disabilities remains a major challenge for Albania. Based on all the above mentioned problems my idea for the product is a portable ramp. The realization of this product helps these people to be more active, social and feel somewhat equal to society. This portable ramp | 304
will be easily usable. It will help them overcome obstacles easily without the need for a second person. This ramp will be well-suited to suit all types of terrain. The ramp is made of lightweight metallic materials such as carbon fiber, aluminum and stainless steel. It is also thoughtfully designed to automatically open and adjust through the barrier that the user poses. The product in question is equipped with rechargeable batteries which brings ease of use. The ramp is meant to be positioned beneath the wheelchair, which does not impede even free movement on flat terrain for users. This ramp is intended to be automatic so as not to make it difficult for users to open or close it. The ramp is intended for a standard type of wheelchair and is also easily mounted with the assistance of a second person. The realization will be at a cost that is affordable to all those who are affected by such problems. We hope that this product will be as valuable as possible and a key solution for the mobility and accessibility of people with disabilities (paraplegics)
“MULTIFUNCTIONAL CHAIR” Student: Supervisor:
Megi Kadiu Sonia Jojic
This project started from the constant need of practical, lightweight dhe functional products. Everyday mess, limited amount of time, physical and mental tiredness are some of the problems that I intended to minimize through my project. I tried to create something that would make everyday life less tedious. For this I choose a group of people that I though where more affected to these problems. Through a study of the people that were most affected by tiredness and depressed of everyday routine I came to the conclusion that the ones that complained the most were parents, especially those with younger children.
| 306
“INCLUSIVE UNO” Student: Supervisor:
Aristea Pacani Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
What does it mean to be blind or have low visual ability? Individuals who have visual impairment may have obtained vision loss from birth or develop a visual impairment later in life as a result of an accident or eye disease. Understanding the word “blind” is an expanded concept. 1. adjective - Unable to see due to an accident or illness you have been through. - lack of perception, awareness or judgment. 2. verb -Causes someone to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily. - deprive (someone) of understanding, judgment or perception. 3. name -green windows - something created to hide one’s true intentions. 4. adverbs -not to be able to see clearly. Why is playing important? When you are a child you do not have much responsibility. If you think about it, a child’s job is to play so that they can learn and develop through play. Play time allows a child to learn and acquire | 308
many skills such as motor skills, memory skills, problem solving skills, vocabulary development, concept development, social skills and self-confidence. My personal opinion The reason why I chose this theme for my degree is because Uno is one of my favorite games and studying people who are blind is a broad and beautiful subject, which I personally had to get into psychology and the world of these people. Being blind is not a disaster, blind are people who can see beyond and cannot see even what is going on around you. The blind are not the ones who were born that way. I chose this theme precisely because I wanted blind people to feel equal to us not being blind, as this was one of their wishes from the studies I did, so the Uno game will be played by both sides and this kind of Uno -it will enable people who are blind and those who are not blind to play and have fun with each other without differentiation. In this way between the two sides there can be a sincere society, as Albert Schweitzer has said, “Continuous goodness can achieve much. As the sun melts the ice, goodness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility. to evaporate ”.
“INNOVATIVE VASE” Student: Supervisor:
Bleona Kaçorri Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
We all know that plants affect one’s life, they help both his physical and psychological health. They affect mood swings by bringing a warm wave of happiness and satisfaction. They increase creativity and make you as productive as possible. They help you sleep, while most plants produce oxygen during the day through photosynthesis, others at night through a process called “crassulacean acid metabolism”. Plants clean the air, allow you to ‘breathe easily’ by increasing the amount of oxygen in the air through photosynthesis as well as purifying the air by removing toxins such as gasoline, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. For the above listed reasons, keeping a plant indoors, helps and offers us to get even closer to nature. Natlight which is a vase designed for indoor plants helps us to get a little closer to nature. An artificial light is installed in the upper part of it. For the plant to grow healthy it needs to get the right amount of water, sunlight and daily care. That is, the plant is like a baby that requires maximum attention. It requires space and convenience. Natlight aims to create these conditions | 310
for plants as well as for people who are passionate about keeping plants in their living environments.
Brisilda Ymeraj Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Playing with autistic children is important, precisely because it is the first step to start socializing with other friends, so an improvement in their behavior will immediately be noticed. On the contrary, if the child fails to agree to share the moment of entertainment, he will risk his own isolation and slow the deterioration of his situation. In fact, cases of overly psychologically aggravated children have been reported. Through the game, not only that the child will be happier, but he will also be able to connect with strangers, which for them is a great achievement. The game is the moment when a child is truly a child, free from school rules, adaptation to others, is the moment when he can be completely himself. This is also important for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, as it is the right time to abandon their rigid rules and begin assessing the interests of other peers so they can build very important social relationships. for their cognitive development. It is clear that a child suffering from autism spectrum disorder will have behaviors that are somewhat specific and not always understandable by other children, but it is fair that they are not discriminated against for this reason and that they may | 312
play and learn like everyone else. Autistic children prefer those games that can stimulate the senses, which have a series of repetitive and continuous movements. Their vision of the game must have a purpose, a cause and an effect, that is, they must foresee the almost repetitive actions. An autistic child does not tolerate sudden program changes, but with these games, he may already know what will happen. What the game wants to accomplish is to give the kids a sense of achievement so they can find their success in different challenges. This builds their confidence, motivating them to open up more to the outside world. Creating Omni, a simple modular game is based on “game, socialization, education”, three keywords that can accurately describe the goals of the game. Omni is born out of the study of change, but is crafted with the concepts of equality and integrity.
䄀欀猀漀渀漀洀攀琀爀椀愀 ㌀䐀
匀欀攀洀愀 䤀渀猀琀愀氀椀洀椀 攀氀攀欀琀爀椀欀 䰀䔀䜀䔀一䐀䄀 䰀椀搀栀樀愀 昀椀樀攀猀 渀攀 猀攀爀椀
䰀椀搀栀樀愀 昀椀樀攀猀 䠀漀爀椀稀漀渀琀愀氀攀
䰀椀搀栀樀愀 昀椀樀攀猀 嘀攀爀琀椀欀愀氀攀
倀椀欀愀琀 䈀愀猀栀欀甀攀猀攀
“OLEDLIGHT FLOOR LIGHT” Student: Supervisor:
Elio Kasa Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Natural and artificial lighting helps to illuminate the space. If the room does not have enough lighting, it will feel weak. Corner lamps, wall lights and ceiling hanging lights help brighten a room if natural lighting is unavailable and help create greater visual space. Natural lighting is preferable to man-made lighting because it displays better colors and adds to the visual space of a room by jumping from reflective surfaces. Lighting in a home changes the mood of a room as perceived size. Placement and type are important aspects of interior design and work together with color selection, room size, natural light availability and furniture selection. The elements that come together when proper lighting is achieved transform a room into a perfect combination of functionality and style.
| 314
䄀䌀 䐀䌀 伀䰀䔀䐀 倀伀圀䔀刀 匀唀倀倀䰀夀
匀欀攀洀愀 䤀渀猀琀愀氀椀洀椀 攀氀攀欀琀爀椀欀 䰀䔀䜀䔀一䐀䄀 䰀椀搀栀樀愀 昀椀樀攀猀 渀攀 猀攀爀椀
䰀椀搀栀樀愀 昀椀樀攀猀 䠀漀爀椀稀漀渀琀愀氀攀
䰀椀搀栀樀愀 昀椀樀攀猀 嘀攀爀琀椀欀愀氀攀
倀椀欀愀琀 䈀愀猀栀欀甀攀猀攀
唀一䤀嘀䔀刀匀䤀吀䔀吀䤀 倀伀䰀䤀匀
匀栀欀漀氀氀愀 一搀欀漀洀戀琀愀爀攀 攀 䄀爀欀椀琀攀欀琀甀爀猀 搀栀攀 倀漀氀椀椀欀愀瘀攀 琀 娀栀瘀椀氀氀椀洀椀琀 唀爀戀愀渀 䤀渀琀攀爀渀愀愀漀渀愀氀 匀挀栀漀漀氀 漀昀 䄀爀挀栀椀琀攀挀琀甀爀攀 愀渀搀 唀爀戀愀渀 䐀攀瘀攀氀漀瀀洀攀渀琀 倀漀氀椀挀椀攀猀
倀爀漀樀攀欀琀 䐀椀瀀氀氀漀洀攀簀 䬀爀椀樀椀洀椀 搀栀攀 䐀椀稀愀樀渀椀 椀 渀樀 渀搀爀椀甀攀猀椀 琀漀欀攀 洀攀 瀀愀渀攀氀攀 攀洀椀猀椀瘀攀 伀䰀䔀䐀簀 嘀椀椀 䄀欀愀搀攀洀椀欀 ㈀ 㠀ⴀ㈀ 㤀 匀琀甀搀攀渀琀 㨀 䔀氀椀漀 䬀愀猀愀
唀搀栀栀攀焀猀 㨀 䐀爀⸀ 匀漀渀椀愀 䨀漀樀椀挀 Ⰰ 刀攀渀椀猀 䈀愀琀愀氀氀椀
“TIMEPACK� Student: Supervisor:
Endrit Hyseni Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Society has changed drastically throughout the years because of the constant developement of the technology. Through it they have obtained new opportunities. Technology connects us with the cities, countries and continents. But this is not enough. People need to be connected physically. The product is the result of the analysis of a specific target group: university students, which are always on the move and have time management issues. The product is a bag inspired by three other neccessary objects for a student to fullfill his needs: lagguage, hand bag and bicycle. The product has the ability to connect to every type of bicycle through the aluminum structure in the bag. This is appropriate for people with back pain problems and those incapable to hold heavy weights. The modular bag can be separated in other parts in order to ease its transportation and according to the amount of material transported. So it has the abbility to turn into a mini lagguage. The internal part of the bag is organized in pockets and practical for laptop, camera and mobile phones. The material used is polipropilan, which is light, resistant and protects the materials not to be damaged from various factors. | 316
#Art UP
#Cook UP
UP #Garden
Ina Shkëmbi Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Based on the ICF statement “The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health” which states that the transition from an individual and medical perspective to a structural and social perspective has been described as the transition from a “medical model” to a “social model”. in which people are viewed as socially incapable rather than their own bodies, the purpose of this diploma thesis is to focus on the inclusion of these people, specifically with SD (Down Syndrome) at an early age as a result of maximizing their potential at that stage of development), in society based on improving physical conditions to give way to social and inclusion. To achieve this objective, the methodology of testing and observing some children from 5 to 8 years of age at the | 318
developmental center for persons with “SD” (Down Syndrome): “JONATHAN”, Tirana (Albania) was followed, to create some adapters of certain tools used separately according to a class education organization: Arts & Crafts, Cooking and Kindergarten. These classes are meant to be held in a shared environment with typical children led by two leaders, one specialist for Down Syndrome and one for the typical educational development of children. In this way the product of this diploma topic aspires to complement both the physical and the social aspect.
Studim ergonomik i mirë
Arts & Crafts Shtresë Gel Anti-Stres dhe Anti-shok
synon të zhvillojë aspektin kreativ tek ta dhe t'i çlirojë nga emocione apo ndjenja të padëshirueshme, argëtim
Proçesi 1.5 cm
2.5 cm 5 cm 2 cm
1.5 cm
0.7 cm 0.9 cm 1 cm
0.15 cm
1 cm
3 cm
Hydrophilic-Latex-Fre e-Polyurethane-Foam
Mundëson mbështetje te pëllëmba
-Anti-alergjik -Fleksibël -I butë -I riciklueshëm
Physical signs (irritated eyes, screwing up their eyes, and frequent blinking) along with behaviours (poor concentration, distractibility, clumsiness) are indicators of possible visual problems. Colour Awareness Proçesi This is the ability to discriminate between colours.
Gatim synon që përveç argëtimit, t’i drejtojë dhe edukojë fëmijët mbi pavarësinë vetjake dhe përgjegjësitë që duhet të ndërmarri vetë për të plotësuar nevojat e tij
Studim ergonomik i mirë
Redukton sforcimin e gishtave me suportin e poshtëm
3.5 6
Children with Down's syndrome are no more likely than typical children to have colour defects. However, 8% of all boys have a colour defect (and only 0.2% of girls). Children with Down's syndrome will find discriminating subtle shades of colour more difficult, because of poor contrast sensitivity. 110°
3 6.5
Heat Resistant Premium Silicone Grip:
- jo i ngjitshëm - rezistent deri në 248.889°C - i lehtë për t’u pastruar -I riciklueshëm
Possible remediations: Be aware that the child may not see coloured print in textbooks as easily as typical children Ensure that colour coding involves bright colours https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/downs-syndrome-vision-research-unit/getEksperiment advice/for-teachers?fbclid=IwAR3QWNfsdmtXrBdph2o98T27uClpAi3 80oJU_6gz9N-Q7GvK_KeeoxYr3DE Eksperimenti ne oxford per memorien vizuale ku tregohet se femijet dhe adoleshentet i njohin mire ngjyrat, sidomos ato focale, primare: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1469-7610.00026 Kopshtari
Heat Resistant Premium Silicone Grip:
Redukton përkuljen e kyçit
kjo klasë do t'i mundësojë fëmijëve me SD dhe atyre tipikë, një komunikim më të ngushtë me natyrën dhe mjedisin që i rreton duke i ndërgjegjësuar ata për të ardhmen.
Studim ergonomik i mirë
12 0.7
Universiteti POLIS
- jo i ngjitshëm - rezistent deri në 248.889°C - i lehtë për t’u pastruar -I riciklueshëm
Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies 1.5
Projekt Diplome: “Përshtatës për mbështetjen e motorikës fine të fëmijëve me Sindromën Down” Student: Ina Shkëmbi
Viti Akademik 2018-2019 Udhëheqës: Dr. Sonia Jojiç Msc. Renis Batalli
UP KONCEPTI Nisur nga formacioni gjenetik i individëve me Sindromën Down të cilët kanë 3 kopje të kromozomit 21, është marrë negativi i hapësirës midis kromosomeve për të mbëritur kështu në një formë të ngjashme me flatrat e fluturës e cila në kontrast me emrin e sindromës shkon “UP” (sipër) duke dhënë kështu një ndjesi optimiste dhe pozitive e shoqëruar nga ngjyra e ngrohtë e lejlasë.
Projekt Diplome | Dizajni nÍ funksion tÍ ideimit tÍ produkteve qÍ zgjidhin nevojat e pÍrditshmÍrisÍ. | Viti Akademik 2018-2019 Student: Kejsi Turku UdhÍheqÍs: Dr. Sonia Jojiç Msc. Renis Batalli
Kejsi Turku Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
In this topic will be discussed the conception and design of a product that helps the students of Elbasan state high schools as a target group of choice, for the problem that they consider to be the main one, caused by the poor public school infrastructure. : the heat. From the target group in question, which includes a 14-19 year age group, a sample of them has been subjected to a questionnaire that aims to find out what the conditions in public schools are, the problems they are experiencing daily from these conditions and which is the problem they consider to be the main one. In conclusion, it was concluded that not less than 90% of them consider heating as the main problem. For this reason, there is a need to design a product that can provide the absent heat to these students during the period they spend in school. Designed as a portable, personal, portable, easyto-carry heater wherever economical it goes, it will be called Heatpro. Heatpro is a layer-based heat treatment, made with an anti-bacterial cloth. Anti-bacterial fabric maximizes hygiene, and enjoys the ability to eliminate the bacteria that come in contact with it making this heater very safe to use in public places where | 320
many microbes circulate, as well as creating the possibility of warming the part of the foot, as it can be placed in contact with the top of the shoe without worrying about hygiene. Also this heater will have the structure of an envelope, with two layers of chargeable heaters positioned on both sides, which allows for the creation of a complete separate pocket for hands, also coated internally with anti-bacterial cotton . The use of anti-bacterial fabric as well as pocket structure give this product some qualities that make it the ideal product to use in a school-like environment, protecting against bacteria, providing better body heat, and being very easy to take with you.
1 Dy xhepa me zinxhirĂŤ lart dhe
poshtĂŤ pĂŤr vendosjen e shtresave Universiteti POLIS ngrohĂŤse
Shirit Urban ngjitÍs velcro pÍr ta bÍrÍ Shkolla NdÍrkombÍtare e ArkitekturÍs dhe Politikave tÍ Zhvillimit Hapje nÍ mbulesÍn e brendshme pÍr Development Policies International School of Architecture and Urban produk�n mÍ ergonomik
ďŹ shat e karikimit, qĂŤ tĂŤ dy shtresat tĂŤ karikohen me njĂŤ power bank Projekt Diplome | Dizajni nĂŤ funksion tĂŤ ideimit tĂŤ produkteve qĂŤ zgjidhin nevojat e pĂŤrditshmĂŤrisĂŤ. | Viti Akademik 2018-2019 Student: Kejsi Turku UdhĂŤheqĂŤs: Dr. Sonia Jojiç Msc. Renis Batalli
- eliminon bakteret qÍ bien nÍ kontakt me tÍ brenda njÍ harku kohor tÍ caktuar -ÍshtÍ totalisht e sigurt pÍr pÍrdorim nÍ ambjente publike -shumÍllojshmÍri pÍrbÍrjesh (pambuk, poliestÍr, akrilik etj) -rezistente ndaj ujit, duron nxehtÍsinÍ, nuk tkurret -I shton produk�t mundÍsinÍ pÍr te ngrohur kÍmbÍt duke e shtruar mbi kÍpuce -pÍrdorur mÍ parÍ nÍ - SKINNERS, kÍpucÍ-corape an� -bakteriale
35 cm heaTpro
38 cm Materiali: poliester dhe akrilik Avantazhe: kundĂŤr ujit, nuk griset, nuk tkurret
- I karikueshĂŤm - personal
ShtresĂŤ ngrohĂŤse e karikueshme
- I lehtĂŤ (peshon rreth 250 gr)
- ekonomik (2000 lekĂŤ tĂŤ reja) - higjenik
Materiali: 100% pambuk Avantazhe: kundĂŤr ujit, duron nxehtĂŤsinĂŤ
- adaptohet me cdo pjesÍ tÍ trupit - prak�k nÍ mÍnyrÍn e karikimit
Shirit ngjitĂŤs velcro
“NIGHT-LIFE� Student: Supervisor:
Melisa Murataj Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
The designer’s job begins with human needs and the desire to get closer to perfection. One of the things people always look for is to improve and develop what exists. As a result, I choose to create based on the desires, needs, gestures, behaviors, movements, or demands that I never realize they have. Inspired by the social circle, so by the age group of 2030 I decided to base myself on the fun activities of nightlife. During this time, people are focused on entertaining, flirting, relaxing and enjoying the moment. While observing how they behaved, reacting to each other and the products that surround them, I thought of creating a product to create maximum comfort. Certainly behaviors like: body movement (dancing), talking to friends, consuming alcoholic beverages more than usual, minor incidents between things present, etc. would lead me to a deeper study of what people might be looking for besides to those who are an observer. After a questionnaire created by me regarding each moment of the evening each received very close answers to each other which helped me a lot in focus. I chose to do the study of the country we live in as I have noticed that our (Albanians) behavior in such activities is a little different based on the mentality and beliefs or culture of | 322
our people. Given that we are a small country, almost everyone knows each other and respects the spaces of each social group, another characteristic is that they prefer separate tables for their group and as a consequence no empty runways are seen in the Albanian clubs. However Albanians are people who love entertainment and comfort which will lead us to produce a product that will help maximize entertainment and freedom for the audience. Some of the problems most commonly expressed were: movement space (when jumping); lack of seats in relation to the number of people; lack of safe space for personal belongings etc. The first thing that came to my mind was the facility that was closer to the customer all the time and the way we could accommodate as many attendees as possible, was the desk in the club or lounge. I studied the tables their functions and in particular the high tables of the clubs and bars. The main function of the desk is to hold things, in this case (in the pub) is to hold drinks and one of the main reasons why they are higher than other desks is the way of standing (walking / jumping) during the activity, ie be more practical for the user.
Mikela Dhima Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
One of the aspects of being free is also feeling free about the space where you stand. The concept of living only within the framework of society is a limitation of both physical and mental space. The maximum physical space we know and feel in the everyday may include a workplace, a home or a city. Many have opted to break free from these limitations to get to know and interact to the maximum with the spaces available. These individuals choose to live in the open air, to be constantly in movement. They travel and carry everything they need. They abandon comfort and make a choice to live as a nomad. A Nomad is a person without a specific location who is always moving from place to place, alone or in a group. Nomads have traditionally traveled with animals, caravans, canoes or on foot. They also use cars or motor vehicles today. Nomads live in tents or other mobile housing. Today a nomad is also a traveler, an explorer or more commonly known as a “backpacker”. The name itself tells us that this person travels carrying everything he has in a backpack. They are mostly driven by a sense of adventure and are always on the lookout for new and unique cultures and experiences, but not in the way a tourist would ask for. They travel | 324
as cheaply as they can to extend their travel time by accepting minimal accommodation or alternative accommodation such as tents. Some of the most popular nomadic problems are comfortable mobility, decent and intimate housing and also obstacles to relationships with others. These should be addressed at the lowest possible budget. The purpose of a product that would solve the problems outlined above would be to function as a backpack divided into sections designed to hold the categories: electronics and documentation, personal and clothing items, food and beverages, cooking utensils. The accommodation category will include a tent and a sleeping mattress. One of the most important aspects of a backpack that is dictated by the name itself is the backpack, the ergonomics of the product against the backpack of the human being. serve as the backpack of the bag.This way the mattress does not take up too much space in organizing the bag and creates comfort for the backpacker all the time.
1. Ecja
2. Ngritja e peshave
1. Treadmill (Pista e vrapit)
3. Vrapimi
4. Noti
2. Makineritë e forcës
1. Ajrimi, muzika (lloji, akustika), higjena e pajisjeve 1. Pastërtia, njerëzit, ajrimi 1. Menaxhimi i kohës, ruajtja e dietës, 1. Cilat janë problemet/pakënaqesitë që has në rutinën 2. 30 min para jo cigare, shkon e veshur vec atlete 2. Haja një orë para, canta e madhe me gjithë aksesorët stërvitore, spoter tënde ? ndërron problem të mbash mend radhën e ushtrimeve, nuk mbasdite, lahem në palestër, ha në shtëpi pasi kthehem, 2. Ha gjithmonë 2 orë para dhe shkoj 2. Si e organizon kohën ? lahem atje situata në dhomën e zhveshjes, vakti pas gjumi dhe punët e tjera më pas gatuaj për më shumë se 2 vakte. 3. Si e sheh rolin e dietës ushqimore dhe si është ajo për palestrës 3. Dieta shumë strikte, gatuan vetë për rreth 30 min 3. Rol kryesor në përmbushjen e qëlli ty ? 3. Nuk gatuaj sepse përtoj, është vështir të gjej ushqim të 4. Për tu dobësuar, arrita të bie 15 kilogram vetë kur kam kohë ose ha në mensë 4. Kush ka qenë qëllimi që ia ke nisur dhe sa ia ke arritur shëndetshmëm, me pëlqejnë protein shakes por janë të 5. Telefoni, kufjet, uji, peshqiri, llastikë 4. Për të shtuar masë muskulare ta realizosh ? shtrenjta 6. Asistencë në stervitje, dhe si te bejmë ushtrimet 5. Telefon, kufje, celsin e dollapit, ujin 5. Cfarë aksesorësh përdor dhe sa komod ndihesh ? 4. Për tu dukur mirë fizikisht, dhe për tu ndier mirë 7. Punët e tjera, koha 6. Asistencë në gjetjen e programit, r 6. Cfarë mendon se ka nevojë të përmirsohet në kushtet që 5. Kufje, telefon, ndoshta aksesor për të mbajtur telefonin 8. Veshje të rehatshme, me krahë të gjata për tu në ushtrime të ofrohen? 6. Hapësirat që zihen nga veglat që nuk punojnë, oraret e dobësuar 7. Koha, shkolla Oliver Tushi 7. Në qoftë se po, cfarëStudent: të ka penguar për të qenë i/e klasave hapësira e ngushtë 9. Streching, hedhja në litar, vrapi, frymëmarrja 8. Me rroba të rehatshme, të shkurtr qëndrueshme në rutinënSupervisor: tënde ? Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli 7. Puna, motivimi, koha 10. Pompat, hedhja në litar penguar lëvizjet 8. Si parapëlqen të vishesh ? 8. Rroba të lirshme, tuta 11. Vetëm 9. Ruajtja e dietës, menaxhimi i kohës 9. Kush mendon se është pika/at jote e dobët ? 9. Krahët, ushqyerja stërvitjes 10. Cfarë ushtrimesh i sheh të pamundura për ti ushtruar 10. Ushtrimet mecompoterheqje, shtanga, squatiinpa sfungjer ? physical activity. Practicing inside 10.11.aV- etëm Physical activity is an important 11. Vetëm! me kufje pa më shqetësuar njeri 11. Të pëlqen të ushtrohesh vetëm apo me një partner ? nent of human life, having genesis with building has brought its own problems to
man himself where in primitive times people had to exercise physical activity with movements such as running, climbing, jumping, etc., to make a living. As the times have changed, the way and purpose of performing activities where one has had to practice going to war, working the land or keeping the body beautiful and shaped as part of the philosophical belief of a culture has changed. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed in the expression “sanity in a healthy body”, since ancient times the idea that physical activity in addition to physical health aids and stimulates good psychological health. In the modern times we live in today, humans lead a very sedentary life thanks to the technological facilities offered to them while minimizing the level of physical activity, which has its negative consequences. Lack of physical activity, according to studies, ranks as the fourth leading cause of death, which becomes one more reason why people should exercise. One of the most popular ways of exercising is fitness, which is practiced in the gym facilities we know today. But not everyone has the desire or opportunity to always go to the same place to engage | 326
people, which are related to the unpleasant atmosphere that can be created, the presence of other individuals, the same routine, lack of air or the lack of space. All of these elements, along with many others, sometimes become an obstacle for people to continue their exercise routine, sometimes giving up and failing to accomplish their goals. Given these problems, there is a need to practice in different places, to make the routine more interesting, perhaps away from other people’s presence, or in an open environment as the ancient Greeks did. Then why not take the gym in the bag to practice wherever we want? This is exactly what Archer offers. An easily transportable device, which allows practicing a wide range of exercises to give the body a complete and efficient workout anywhere, spending less and getting more.
Universiteti POLIS
Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
Projekt Diplome: Aktiviteti fizik dhe mënyrat e të ushtruarit Student: Oliver Tushi
Viti Akademik 2018-2019 Udhëheqës: Dr. Sonia Jojiç Msc. Renis Batalli
Sindi Çollaku Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
Each of us, to this day, has undoubtedly experienced many different experiences and situations, starting in childhood, adolescence, school, work and environments where we have known and established relationships with many people. These experiences have been both positive and negative, where we have learned and experienced many things. But something that is noticeable is our tendency to remember those negatives more, those moments and moments that have made us feel bad, disappointed and say “I will not believe it anymore. “ In our daily lives we listen to music of different currents, watch and watch films and shows of different genres, visit galleries and exhibitions, all of which, from time to time, deal with a very controversial topic, faith. Faith is one of those instincts that accompanies us in the minor, following us at every subsequent stage and stage, leaving its consequences on our many experiences, where it often happens that this belief is broken. It is precisely this theme that many artists have chosen to address in their works. Being inspired by these artists, I chose to tackle the issue of faith as well, spe | 328
Based on a re-search on the meanings of colors, I eventually chose to use black as a color that conveys the idea of strength, character and security, and green details that symbolize new beginnings. A unique and predominant element in any outfit is a spun thread that creates a repetitive line that will tie in the gowns, symbolizing that thread of faith that should not be lost on anything. These dresses will require courage, strength and security to wear, but above all, confidence that not only will the dress stay properly, but everything will go well in the end.
“HOME INSIDE HOME” Student: Supervisor:
Sindi Musaj Sonia Jojic, Renis Batalli
The reason why we often find dogs sitting down at the table or sleeping in the laundry bin is because they often need the primitive find of a space that is comfortable enough to hold their body temperature but large enough that they can be infiltrated and returned freely within it.
Pets Master (thepetsmaster.com) on perfect animal spaces, I found that the ideal height of the interior should be 1.2 times the height of the dog. While the ideal length and width would be 1.25 times the length of your dog’s nose to tail.
A dog’s home has the same needs as a human’s when it comes to used materials. For years houses or otherwise called ‘dog shelters’ have been built with wood materials. Wood offers an infinite number of design options and a wood house would be a perfect temperature insulator. This way the puppy will stay warm in winter and cooler in summer. Another plus of this material is the fact that it is completely cheaper than others and looks more natural. However, for outdoor use, plain timber does not constitute a sufficient barrier against external parasites. In such cases, cedar wood which is known to be more resistant to external factors is suggested. A dog’s home should have enough space for them to move freely on their feet, and have simplicity in a 360o rotation. The dog should also be given the opportunity to stretch and open limbs comfortably. According to a research done by The
The floor of your puppy’s house should be raised a few inches from the floor of your home. This helps keep the interior dry and clean by not attracting parasites. Also this height helps to balance the temperature.
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Applied Art & Design 2019
Xhuljana Mjekra..................................................336 ”RECONCEPTION OF USLUGA COMPANY’S LOGO” Kevina Sejati........................................................338 “N’TRADIT,RITUAL AND INSPIRATION FOOD FROM SOFRA AND CULTURE ALBANIA” Anxhela Petko......................................................340 “BABY BOO, REDESIGN AND BEDDING FOR INFANTS 0-6 MONTHS” Remona Salianj.....................................................342 “VITWO,CREATING A DEDICATED VINYL SEAT”
Eda Qokaj.............................................................344 “SI N’SHPI,DESIGN HOSTEL”
Dina Hajrullahu.....................................................346 “VATRA IN MODERN HOME”
Kejsi Ferhati..........................................................348 “COMFICE, CONCEPTUALIZING A SEAT FOR THE ELDERLY” Endi Balza.............................................................350 “OPEN BOX, MODULAR BOX TO DESIGN”
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Xhuljana Mjekra Agron Mesi
Usluga Company was founded in 1993 and only in 2006 had its rst logo. We are all aware that the brand or logos signi cance has only begun to feel in Albania in recent years. Most companies, shops or businesses did not have their own logo. Over the years, this changed by pushing companies or businesses to “ nd” an identity. Businesses in general, especially small ones, have considered designing their logo as an expense when actually viewed as an investment.If we talk about companies in general, if they had a professional logo, it would create stability for the company in the market, increase con dence in it, and make the company to be considered as an expert in its business sector. Although the company “USLUGA” has operated for thirteen years without logo this has not prevented it from being dominant in the Albanian market. In the | 336
following years the company “USLUGA” has changed ve logos. As the company has expanded and grown, there was a need for renewal of the Logos, endangering the company’s identity. This is done in order to make the customer realize that the working process or the structure of the company “USLUGA” has changed and it promises to be more e cient and more e ective in its outcome. It is all too common to recognize that Logo is the pride of business and creates the rst visual impact with the client.This rebranding comes as a result of errors encountered in the existing logo that the company has.If we talk about companies in general, if they had a professional logo, it would create stability for the company in the market, increase con dence in it, and make the company to be considered as an expert in its business sector.
Student: Supervisor:
Kevina Sejati Joana Dhiamandi, Dorina Arapi
The dining table is the place where the whole family gathers together. The food ritual has been part of various cultures around the world. In Albania, this ritual is seen through the object of “sofra”. Sofra is an object that has made a connection to the image that exist in the eating moment through Balkan culture. Sofra would not be what it is if it were not to be satisfied through the diversity of traditions which have proven the essential nature of our culture. The characteristics of “sofra” show that Albanian culture carries and reflects inalienable values such as hospitality and respect. Virtues that have accompanied us for generations. This project aims to create an object inspired from “Sofra”, a surface made with touch of Albanian geometric motifs taken from the carpet of the Ethnographic Museum of Kavaja. Through this object, it is the aim to promote Albanian motifs, designing an object with several functions which | 338
today’s tables do not have, creating the closeness between each other while we sit close to each other and the reflection of the Albanian culture.At the same time, this product aims to avoid the disarray in a dining table while having a meal by reducing the number of courses served to re- bring into our attention the the concept of sharing food. Creating an object that does not only have a physical trait, but as well gathers the family around the table creating a private and social moment together . The ritual of feeding, evaluation of the meal, exchange of ideas and direct contact are exactly what we are missing in a fast technological life like the present one. Based on the identity of my thesis, it is also going to address to other nutrition cultures to understand the differences and similiarities of this ritual in the countries of Eastern and Northern Europe and the impact that Western Europe has on them.
Anxhela Petko Joana Dhiamandi, Dorina Arapi
The primary goal of our native language in first grade of primary school is to make the students like, know and want the reading and writing process. Knowing to read does not mean, knowing to read means reading and understanding a letter, a document, an album, a newspaper, a book etc. Knowing to write does not mean knowing to write the letters, knowing to write means being able to express a thought, an experience, a feeling or something else.Abetare or the ABC book is considered one of the most important books not in Albania, but every countries of the world. The goal is to understand not only the letters, but also the illustrations and the outer cover of the book. Beginning with the letters, the style that will represent the letters will be understandable and appealing to the children. I asked the parents for an opinion about Abetare and they asked that the ABC book has to be more interesting. The next step is to make the graphic illustrations and it will be included a detailed study of the alphabet books that have been published so far and a special graphic language will be made. The same path will be followed for the front cover of the book. There will also be an interview with a graphic designer and a psychologist to make a full and successful study.The book is a combination of the | 340
text with illustration, where the illustrations have the greater importance both graphically and the in the purpose of the book and is also closer to the interest of the children’ s imagination. The book will also include a game where I will make the child to develop his or her imagination through the game. In addition, the game is to set a balance between adults and children, a key link in child’s educational process, as almost adults are considered children.Psychology showed me that how a child’s mind works and the psychologist used a metaphor that says ...” the baby’s brain is like a sponge that sucks information from the mother’s womb”... and the book understand a prerequisite for preschool children and gives a pleasing result that besides the book is also the game. The book is the one that gives the first steps of recognition and the game is what reinforces more and gives to the child more imagination and makes the child to start the first grade with pleasure.Graphic Design interviews were conducted to a graphic design studio where they helped me to make the book with the first free letters of Abetare. The help I received was the size of the book and the colors that makes it more appealing to the children’ s eyes. They also helped to fix the details on the cap, the size, the points and the Pop Up figures.
Remona Salianj Joana Dhiamandi, Dorina Arapi
The project has its origins from a casual emotional teasing, of jazz sounds that emerged from a vinyl exposed in the showcase of an old handicraft shop in Kruja.Was not only I involved, but also some other passers-by who seemed to share the same musical taste with me. We were only five of many, but enough to share with each other a special experience that inspired me to study and analyze the vinyl.The study began with the recognition of vinyl, research on its origins, material composition, or metamorphosis that he suffered alongside technology development. On the basis of personal experience and that of many others, at a time where technology leads the market, people still prefer to listen to music through | 342
vinyl. This is because of the sound quality of stereo sound and the feeling of a special experience (vinyl-man). These people create a relationship and a musical outlook, under the sound of jazz, blues or rock music.The purpose of this project is to create an experience, in the form of a modular personalized furniture system, ëith the function of sitting comfort, lighting, and arranging vinyl and its albums. Vinyl conveys nostalgia. The final product reflects this sensation in a harmonious relationship of materials, colors and shape, creating a retro-styled aesthetics. Selected materials are of a quality easily available from the market or industry in Albania.
“Si n’shpi”
“DESIGN HOSTEL” Student: Supervisor:
Eda Qokaj Joana Dhiamandi, Dorina Arapi
The purpose of this project is to reconceptualize a hostel based on the parameters of prefabricated dwellings in the socialist period (1945-1990) in Albania. By bringing these flats to the hostels in the form of hostels for tourists, this offers not only convenience but may also slightly affect the history of these years. To bring up a theme of giving more housing, look for more than more in the historical, political, economic, development and cultural contexts of Albania as well as in other countries that want more. The organization of space, as it relates to the use of safe living, the protection we had from the Eastern Bloc, the link to the Soviet Union, the disintegration of freedoms with, and the link to China. To understand more about the organization of easier housing for dwellings like the Soviet housing in 1920-1930 after the communist revolution they came up with the idea of transforming from individual to collective housing. Government housing meant people were asking for more to spend more on closing the house and tire housing to be minimalist enough to provide dormitory services. Implying that other processes such as: eating, working, studying, physical education, cultural life, etc. had to take place in public spaces. Children should be educated outside their homes, in schools and also giving women freedom to contribute more to society. An analysis of society in relation to time, | 344
human behavior always in motion. The re-conception of interior spaces brings: new ways of articulating, interacting with space, man’s behavior inside the apartment, how man is, defines space and how space is, defines man, brings different furniture. After we have analyzed the behavior of the individual within the space as well as the space with respect to man, we understand that the organization of space could be accomplished through the objects of the typical home past during socialism and intertwined with the elements of today. Always finding a balance between the two times that will be made possible by the furniture used.During this search there is a need to include in these dwellings the prefabrications in my case that are still present today. Using the research models in this case study, which includes a current prefabricated dwelling, in which the project in question will be proposed. This study raises the research questions about what problems there are in these dwellings and what would be one of its choices. But different Hostels in Albania will also be considered, how they thought of their environment, as well as the tourists what they think about their living rooms. This case may be representative or typical given that it is encountered in neighboring countries but also critical as it is a hypothesis that may or may not work depending on many problems.
“VATRA IN MODERN HOME� Student: Supervisor:
Diana Hajrullahu Joana Dhiamandi, Dorina Arapi
This theme is intended to handle and create a product such as a fireplace, which will be placed at home and serve as a point to bring family members together. This will be achieved by analyzing the hearth and importance of its presence in our homes. For years it has served, except for its heating and cooking functions, just like that point that has brought groups of people together. When it comes to interiors, the presence of a fireplace affects the psychology and well-being of people living inside a home, creating a sense of security and warmth. But with the invention of various devices, the use of fireplaces has dropped significantly. It is precisely the interaction with the fire that is beneficial to the human being. Seeing as a negative one effective for the development of commerce and the distancing that is most beloved arises the need to return offers objections to gaining sentimental and tangible val| 346
ue. The inspiration for this topic can be complemented by traditional chimneys of Ottoman interest in Albania, offering a sales pitch for services in services of use to Albanian families. The chimney served as a gathering point for family members and / or visits. This is where the research began to dig deeper into how the hearth was conceived in the Albanian areas, conducting analyzes in the sociological and historical contexts of that period. This is how elements from traditional fireplaces began to be drawn to see how they could be used in today’s context. The psychological benefits of staying close to the fire and comparing existing chimneys with the market have also been studied.All the information gathered from the analysis conducted resulted in the creation of a contemporary fireplace. So, rather than an object looking at certain functions, just as food can offer, you can make an object such as creating a state experience.
Kejsi Ferhati Joana Dhiamandi, Dorina Arapi
The theme we were given for this diploma is “Albanian Furniture”. The product chosen to study on this topic is the seat. For this study I was inspired by some of the problems I encountered in my family circle, especially with my grandmother. The third age is a target group that has a lot of design needs in their day-to-day life as they spend most of their time at home. A good design brings convenience to them as well as convenience. From an observation I realized that the most used object or furniture from the age of three is the seat. Seniors spend more than half a day sitting, so this project I have chosen has a great deal to do with how it is done. In order to better understand the needs of this target group and to be closer to them, I chose to do every analysis and observation with my grandmother. After a few months of daily observation and after a few conversations with my grandmother, I came to understand very well the problems she encountered in the | 348
various seats and the missing elements in these seats but necessary to make it as comfortable as possible. For a seat to be comfortable it had to have some elements such as: arm rests, head rests, the materials were soft enough for the back to stay properly and without being killed and also the seat assisted in landing and increase.Based on these needs, the design of the seat has begun. The seat is intended as a functional, comfortable, practical, comfortable and easy to carry object. The chair design is minimalist consisting of 3 continuous modules (tubes), where they form all the elements necessary to meet the user’s requirements. The materials used are; for the back is meant a 3d textile material which is known for its great elasticity where this coating can be placed and removed by following the lines of the structure and taking the shape of the human body; for the seat part, the textile-coated sponge is meant to have a cozy and soft posture.
“MODULAR BOX TO DESIGN” Student: Supervisor:
Endi Balza Joana Dhiamandi, Dorina Arapi
The initiative to direct a more relevant view of the factor that is at the home of the time when childhood in the city of Elbasan may offer some old boxes that are popular among the people are called endorsements. The geometric shapes used to give more boxes to gain more interesting, but what subsequently drew the truth from this limited object the decorations that are on it. Education as a stylist gives me a desire to combine traditional with modern and create an object to desire with these boxes so impressive to me. After reaching this conclusion, I began searching for case studies about it | 350
from world-renowned Designers. The rest of the research was based on an ethnographic study of the city of Elbasan to study the shapes, décor and functionality of the building, while evaluating offers better opportunities for contemporary design. The purpose of this project consists of another product local product, but in this way, in order to find other trade products. The main support for making this product came from artisans. Outcome I Want to Evaluate Clearly the Intentions and Inspirations for Realizing Productive Products.
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