Marcom events manager

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Events Manager An event manager deals with all aspects of physical and direct marketing for AIESEC Ottawa through effective promotional events. The role is an opportunity for students to truly enhance their ability to market and directly pitch to individuals about our products. This requires the drive and passion to market AIESEC Ottawa and create these effective promotional events such as classroom presentations, our annual Global Village, and networking events to outreach and market the organization.

Role Overview We work in our event management team and develop physical marketing campaigns to outreach to university students at University of Ottawa to promote AIESEC Ottawa.

Main Responsibilities -

Responsible for coordinating and developing promotional on-campus events to promote AIESEC Ottawa Responsible for direct marketing to gage in on any individuals who will be interested in the organization, either as a potential member, or as an Exchange Participant

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) -

Meeting all deadlines for projects assigned The amount of leads generated for each event held The number of events participated in [ex. Number of classroom presentations done]

Team Minimums -

Attend 90% of General Assemblies and team meetings Participate in trainings Communicate, answers texts, emails, etc. within 24 hours Attend at least 2 socials Meet deadlines and follow timelines

Accountable To VP Marketing & Communication (Marcom)- Polly Leung

Benefits & Skills Gained -

High potential for improvement of public speaking and communication skills Develop time-management and organization skills Learn to effectively work together on a team Develop a strong ability to pitch and build on sales skills

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