Idea Competition Projects

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ПРОГРАМА КОНКУРСУ/ COMPETITION BRIEF ТЕМА User-generated Kyiv / Київ, що формується користувачами TOPIC User-generated Kyiv МЕТА Генерування ідей розвитку Києва GOAL Generating ideas to improve urban planning in Kyiv ІДЕЯ Найважливіше придбання українців від Майдану: місто створюється нами громадянами. Все, що з нами відбувається, залежить від нас самих. Події, що відбуваються сьогодні в Україні, змушують кожного замислитися про нашу історію, громадянську позицію, цінності свободи, про відповідальність за прийняті рішення, за своє життя та тих, хто поруч. Ці події породили хвилю почуттів, відчуттів, роздумів, активізували такі людські чесноти, як мужність мудрість гідність чесність милосердя справедливість віра надія любов привернули нашу увагу до досвіду розвитку інших міст світу. Наш конкурс – це привід перетворити максимум енергії революційної хвилі в продуктивні Ідеї Міста (як у Булгакова про Київ: Місто з великої літери) Наш конкурс – це відповіді на запитання, які ми задаємо собі: що для мене Київ в якому я хочу жити? що робить мене щасливим у Києві? які проблеми треба вирішити? що я можу зробити, щоб місто стало кращим? 3. ІDЕA Maidan, among other things, has brought Ukrainians to the understanding that every city is being built by its citizens. We are the masters of our own destiny. Today’s events in Ukraine make us ponder on our history, public attitude, values, freedom, responsibility for our decisions, our lives and our surrounding. These events caused people to think, perceive, analyse, and awoke them to long forgotten human values, such as courage wisdom dignity honesty mercy justice faith hope love also brought their attention to the experience of urban development in other countries throughout the world. With this competition, we venture to convert maximum energy generated by revolutionary wave to Urban Ideas. This competition aims to answer the questions that we ask ourselves: what would I like to see MY Kyiv look like in future? what is Kyiv for me, as a city I wish I’d live? what is the problem we need solve? how can I contribute to improve my city? ЗАВДАННЯ Не виходячи за рамки архітектурної діяльності та архітектурних засобів виразності, запропонувати ідеї щасливого міста. Водночас зрозуміти, де саме ці рамки. від генплану – до лави від предметного дизайну – до урбанізму від методики прийняття рішень – до громадянської позиції від ідеальної моделі – до проекту, що реалізовується вже завтра Запропонувати нові функції публічного простору.

PROJECT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA appropriate combination of the known world trends in urbanism innovation simplicity productivity authenticity compliance with specific nature of Kyiv urbanism НАСЛІДКИ Окрім масштабних акцій в дні фестивалю CANactions, який традиційно проходить в один із весняних тижнів, результати Конкурсу будуть поширюватися через публікації, виставки, Четверги, plan b, протягом цілого року. Один з конкурсних проектів буде запропоновано реалізувати на громадський кошт за допомогою Big Idea. Завдання автора – бути готовим реалізувати свій проект за громадський кошт, а також інформувати людей про те, як збувається їхній задум через блог на сайті Big Idea Детальніше про правила Cпільнокошту можна прочитати тут RESULTS In addition to spectacular events held within the framework of CANactions festival organized annually in spring, the results of the competition will be spread via publications, exhibitions, Thursdays, plan b throughout the whole year. One of the competition projects will be proposed for realization by crowd funding in the frame of Big Idea. The author’s task - to be ready to realize your project with public funds, and to inform people about how their purpose is fulfilled through the blog at Big Idea B. УМОВИ / CONDITIONS 1. ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНА СТРУКТУРА / ORGANIZATION ОРГАНІЗАТОР КОНКУРСУ Організатором конкурсу є Міжнародний архітектурний фестиваль СANactions. ORGANIZER The competition will be held by of СANactions International Architectural Festival ЖУРІ Heri&Salli – архітектори Відень/ Австрія Марк Джей – архітектор, засновник архітектурного офісу WE architecture, Копенгаген/ Данія Гаріс Піплас - дослідник, викладач Urban-Think Tank ETH Zurich, Цюріх/ Швейцарія Orizzontale – архітектори – урбаністи, Рим/ Італія Богдан Черкес - доктор архітектури, професор, директор Інституту архітектури у Львові/ Україна Сергій Целовальник - головний архітектор м. Києва, начальник департаменту містобудування та архітектури, віце-президент НСАУ, Київ / Україна JURY Heri&Salli - architects, Wien/Austria Marc Jay – architect, founder of WE Architecture, Copenhagen/Denmark Haris Piplas - research and Teaching Fellow, Urban-Think Tank Brillembourg & Klumpner Chair of Architectureand Urban Design, D-ARCH, ETH Zurich, Zurich/Switzerland Orizzontale – architects, urbanists, Rome/Italy Bohdan Cherkes – Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Director of the Architectural Institute in Lviv/Ukraine. Sergey Tselovalnic - head of the Department for Urban planning and Architecture and Chief Architect of Kyiv/Ukraine РЕЄСТРАЦІЯ ТА УЧАСТЬ ПРОЦЕДУРА УЧАСТІ Конкурс проводиться в один етап. Участь у конкурсі відкрита для архітекторів, урбаністів, фахівців, в полі діяльності яких питання розвитку міста. Мультидисциплінарні команди вітаються. Необхідною є попередня реєстрація. До участі в конкурсі не допускаються члени оргкомітету СANactions 2014, члени Журі.

OBJECTIVE Suggest architectural solutions for a happy city and identify appropriate means of expression. from masterplan – to small intervention from exterior design to urbanism from decision making techniques to public opinion from utopias to project to be implemented tomorrow Suggest new functions of public space


КРИТЕРІЇ ОЦІНКИ ПРОЕКТІВ вдале впровадження існуючих світових трендів урбанізму інноваційність простота продуктивність автентичність відповідність київський специфіці

МОВА Офіційною мовою конкурсу ідей є англійська.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS The competition has one round. It is open to architects, urbanists, experts in the area of urban planning and development. Multidisciplinary teams are also welcome. Registration is required. Members of the СANactions 2014 organizing committee and the Jury may not participate in the competition.

LANGUAGE English is the official language of the competition.

ЖУРІ / JURY Сергій Целовальник, Архітектор, Україна Начальник Головного управління містобудування та архітектури м. Києва, Головний архітектор Києва. В 1975р. закінчив Київський інженернобудівельний інститут за фахом архітектура, аспірантуру при Академії Суспільних наук в Москві. Займався проектною діяльністю у Севастополі Києві, був головним художником та згодом головним архітектором м. Севастополя. З 2005 по 2010 роки очолював створену їм проектну компанію ТОВ «Целина». Практикуючий архітектор, який проектував та брав участь у проектуванні багатьох об’єктів в Україні. Sergiy Tselovalnik, Architect, Ukraine Chief of city planning and architecture of Kyiv, Chief architect of Kyiv. In 1975 has graduated from Kyiv institute of engineering and construction (architecture), postgraduate in Academy of Public sciences. He has been Chief artist and Chief architect in Sevastopol. From 2005 to 2010 – founder and chief of architectural studio “Tselina”. Sergiy took part in different projects in Ukraine

Urban-Think Tank Brillembourg&Klumpner Chair, ETH Zurich represented by Haris Piplas Urban architects Switzerland Urban-Think Tank is an interdisciplinary design practice dedicated to high-level research and design on a variety of subjects, concerned with contemporary architecture and urbanism. The philosophy of U-TT is to deliver innovative yet practical solutions through the combined skills of architects, civil engineers, environmental planners, landscape architects, and communication specialists. Urban-Think Tank Brillembourg&Klumpner Chair, ETH Zurich / Haris Piplas Архітектори-урбаністи Швейцарія Urban-Think Tank – це мультидисциплінарне проектне бюро, присвячене дослідженням високого рівня і проектуванню на різноманітні теми, пов’язані з сучасною архітектурою та урбанізмом. Філософія U-TT – впроваджувати інноваційні і водночас практичні рішення через комбіновані вміння архітекторів, інженерів, планувальників навколишнього середовища, ландшафтних архітекторів та спеціалістів з комунікацій. Богдан Черкес Професор, Доктор Наук, PhD Архітектури Україна Народився 1953 році під Львовом, в Україні. Вивчав архітектуру у Львівському Національному Політехнічному Університеті та Московському Архітектурному Інституті. Закінчив докторантуру в Москві у 1985 році,отримав звання Доктор Наук в Київському Національному Університеті Будівництва і Архітектури у 2006 році. На даний час професор та декан Архітектурного факультету у Львівському Політехнічному Університеті. Професор Віденського Університету Технологій та Харківського Університету, член Німецької Академії Містобудування, Саксонської Академії Мистецтв та Української Академії Архітектури. Bohdan Cherkes Prof., Dr.Sc., Ph.D, Arch. Ukraine Wasborn in 1953 near Lviv, Ukraine. Studies of architecture at the National University Polytechnic of Lviv and Moscow Architectural Institute. Doctorate degree in Moscow 1985, Dr.Sc. (Habilitation) degree at Kiev University for Architecture and Civil Engeneering in 2006. Currently full professor and Director of the Department of Architecture of the University Politechnic of Lviv, Professor at the Vienna University of Technology and at the Collontaj University Kraków. Member of the German Academy of City Planning, Sachsonian Academy ofFine Arts and Ukrainian Academy for Architecture.

heri&salli, Архітектори, Австрія В 2004 році Геріберт Вольфмаєр (1973) і Йозеф Саллер (1971) започаткували herri&salli, щоб працювати над просторовими проектами та відкривати архітектурні горизонти. Вони працюють з інтервенціями, які додають масштаб людини навколишньому середовищу та ландшафту. Суперечлива та покладена у взаємопов’язані зв’язки архітектурна ідея, як колекція різноманітних бар’єрів і границь, досягає своєї суті та необхідності в поєднанні з матеріалом, відкритим простором та людиною. Людство, як форма життя, завжди є причиною можливості архітектурних проектів. heri&salli, Architects, Austria Since 2004 work Heribert Wolfmayr (1973) and Josef Saller (1971) – heri&salli - out spatial drafts, architectural horizons; they work with interventions, bound with surroundings and landscapes which reach their targets in materiality compared with people. By opposites, put into interlinked connections, an architectural idea - as a collection of different substantial barriers and surfaces – reaches its concept and necessity in connection with material, open space and human being. Man as active being always is the reason for possibilities of architectural drafts. Orizzontale, Архітектори – урбаністи, Iталія Orizzontale це архітектурний колектив заснований в Римі,чий головний інтерес становлять реактивації процесів за допомогою урбаністичного контексту. Перехоплення місць, ідей і речей відхилених метрополісом, Orizzontale активізує спільні “суспільні дії” у вигляді непостійної архітектури або інсталяцій, в яких матеріальні та нематеріальні відходи взаємно відновлюють сенс один одного. Orizzontale, Urban architects, Italy Orizzontale is an architecture collective based in Roma whose primary interest are reactivation processes involving urban scrap. Intercepting places, ideas and things rejected from metropolitan (re) productive cycle, Orizzontale activates collaborative “public acts” in the form of semi-permanent architecture or installations, in which material and immaterial wastes mutually restore each other’s meaning.

WE, Архітектори, Данія Марк Джей та Джулі Шмідт-Нільсен WE - це молодий інноваційний архітектурний офіс, розташований в Копенгагені, Данія. Сфера діяльності: від архітектури, урбаністичних стратегій, реального проектування до утопічних ідей. WE створює пропозиції, що поєднуються креативним переусвідомленням всієї інформації, яка отримується через контекст, умови та програми. WE намагається проштовхнути інноваційну архітектуру вперед для покращення умов світу. Не менше. WE, Architects, Denmark Marc Jay and Julie Schmidt Nielsen WE architecture is a young innovating architecture office, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Our capability spans from architecture, urban strategies, tangible design and utopian ideas. WE create proposals, that merge through creative translation of all the information we get from contexts, conditions and programs. WE architecture strives to push innovative architecture forward to improve the condition of the world. No less.



ID: 578831 Project name: connecTABLE Project author: Anna Dobrova, Dima Isaiev, Dasha Zaichenko, Daryna Chook, Anna Kamushan Vienna / Austria Problems City is one of the most powerful lenses on reflecting the present and its transformation. Thinking of the current situation in Ukraine we can state: our cities and life environment have stuck between the soviet past and former contemporaneity of the western countries. Soviet city spaces ended up with a capitalistic makeup, which hasn’t helped the country neither rooting democracy and building civic society, nor developing businesses. Therefore, being a keeper of negative soviet holdover, ukrainian society increased its economic stratification and social alienation among people. The most losers of this situation became dormitory suburbs, the realized modernist utopia. Cities with a strong centralization of functions left suburbs aside of any cultural, economic or political life. Between the city center and sleeping areas each day emerges leisure and labor migration. Nothing is going on at the place designed to sleep, at the dormitory suburbs. The huge unhuman spaces in between housing buildings were planned as public, in reality they turned into empty spots for everyone and no one: the transit zones, fenced with barriers of different permeability, non authorized parking lots and the small kiosks places. Each year municipalities make tiny “improvements” of the courtyards: painting curbstone and reparation or substitution of the street furniture. However, this process and design it creates has nothing to do with a dweller’s opinion. The result of those improvements falls down from the top-initiative and appears in courtyards as given. This impossibility to influence, to have voice in dealing with the space in front of your door but also at your entrance hall, has created a social alienation also on physical level. Consequently, the population which lives in dormitory suburbs, which is the biggest amount of Kiev population and also other Ukrainian cities, faces an alienation towards the environment they live in and the people who they meet each day at the courtyard. The notion of a mythical ‘courtyard’, which meant a neighborhood with its dwellers and daily routine, was left at the memories as a good past. The social and mental disconnection covered the space of the courtyard with permanent grayness and distrust. The passivity of soviet times stays in our courtyards, the smallest community cell, and even if some activists appear there is no infrastructure and support to implement their ideas. Thus, the lack of communication even at this small scale, casts doubt on the ability of people to negotiate, to set up political power, even at their localities, and become agents of the future for their country. Idea We perceive our project as a social one, which in perspective will have a strong impact on the life of environment, structure of governance and state programs. Our aim is to create a platform not only for dialogue but also for a common act. Communication here is a tool for participation and action; social engagement is a base of political responsibility. Practicing different initiative scenarios at a dormitory suburb’s courtyard we will introduce the new patterns of cohabitation, based on selforganization and active participation instead of waiting for downstream benefit from the governmental organizations. To extend educational effect of our project to the physical activity level, we will use participatory method for community design. The implementation of the simplest streets design solutions would elaborate communicational and cooperational skills of courtyard dwellers, create a quick satisfactory result as an outcome and realienate dwellers to their life environment. On the whole, our methods, covering a wide range of skills for physical and social activities, would have a multi effect: educational, politi cal, entertaining. Methods Exploring the possibility of social engagement at the dormitory suburbs with a case study of city Kyiv, we were searching for mechanisms of increasing cooperation and communication abilities among the neighbors. Looking at the space of the courtyards as a spatial system, diving into existing governmental programs and structure of ownership, we come up with an idea of connecTABLE Fest as a starting point for social interconnectivity. The goal of the festival is to make neighbors meet each other and start communicating. Being located at probably the most homogeneous entourage of modernist microrayon, nevertheless our intention is to create the most comfortable environment for communication, with a flexible normativity for neighbor socializing. Thus, referring to the traditional culture of conversation, dinner time and family atmosphere, we imagine a long table appearing here. A symbolic place for communication. The table with different playful and educational activities for dwellers, will be a precedent for people’s connection. During the festival people are invited to play a game in which they could create, entertain, and learn their neighborhood by doing simple things like having dinner together, doing sports, playing with kids, improving infrastructure with their own hands or taking part in local forum. Vision In the end, what is the message we leave dwellers with? Starting with a first small step of 2-day Festival at the dormitory suburb, we appeal to self responsibility and acting versus passivity. Through communication, a catching virus among the neighbors of self organization and initiative would appear. We see politicisation of localities and cooperation of people towards the self-governing already at the smallest community cell. We see monolog of governance becomes a dialogue with citizens, due to collaboration of courtyard ‘unions’ and partnership with municipalities. Furthermore, changing the principal criteria for decision making leads to transformation of the city economy and its management. As result, all those consistent alterations lie at the base of reorganization of power and economy vertical pyramid structure into a horizontal and social one. Although, we are prisoners of existing microrayon grid, we can still change the social and cultural environment and thereby a city landscape. Therefore, the platform for communication and self organization created at the ConnecTABLE Fest will be a projection of Maidan situation into life, where mutual interest can bring immediate changes.

Long way to your work becomes shorter with fellow travelers from your hood.

Team up to create the beautiful living environment. Getting to know all the neighbours that live in your courtyard

While government linger with city design and necessary help for disabled people, community itself can pay attention to this issue and help their neighbours in daily life.

Official graffiti-areas will prevent youth to leave their tags and drawings randomly. It will sustain teenager’s culture, decrease conflict gap between ages and unite interests of different actors.

Promoting the culture of using bags for poops. A cooperative “dog lovers” can organise the playground for their pets.

Letting neighbours from rural area share their bio-products with a neighbourhood community.

Kids are the only real users of their courtyardyard. Parents can easily equip the play- ground of the dreams for their children even by themselves.

Multifunctional pop-up common space for neiborhood meetings.

Contribution through yard-flea markets is an endless resource for communication. It can be started even from a small exchanging things-box of old stuff.

Practicing parking etiquette.

Safe and convenient facilities for sport equipment.

Mutual help and support, social awareness and friendship.

Creating and improving neighborhood environment without usual expectations from the state. Creating a partnership, a community will have a possibility to legally privatise the territory of their house area and besides some commercial activity on the area, rethinking and adoption new functions can be possible.

Participate together with neighbors in some events and celebrations - create a sense of community.

First steps to build the dialog at the community: Communication board. Can share the thoughts, alerts, invitations, problems.

Common sport activities would help people to get to know their neighbours better.

User-generated Kyiv Problems Ukrainian cities have stuck between the soviet past and former contemporaneity of the western countries. Being a carrier of negative soviet holdover and due to capitalistic make-up of economy, ukrainian society has increased its economic stratification and social alienation among people. The obvious losers at this situation stay dormitory suburbs, the realized modernist utopia. Huge unhuman spaces in between housing buildings were planned as public, in reality they turned into empty spots for everyone and no one: the transit zones, fenced with barriers of different permeability, non authorized parking lots and the small kiosks places. Social and mental disconnection covered the space of the courtyard with permanent greyness and distrust. Furthermore, the lack of communication even at the smallest scale, casts doubt on the ability of people to negotiate, to set up political power, even at their localities, and become agents of the future for their country.

Idea We perceive our project as a social one, which in perspective will have a strong impact on the life of environment, structure of governance and state programs. Our aim is to create a platform not only for dialogue but also for a common act. Communication here is a tool for participation and action; social engagement is a base of political responsibility. Practicing different initiative scenarios we will introduce the new patterns of cohabitation, based on self-organization and active participation instead of waiting for downstream benefit from the governmental organizations.

Methods Exploring the possibility of social engagement at the dormitory suburbs with a case study of city Kyiv, we were searching for mechanisms of increasing cooperation and communication abilities among the neighbours. Looking at the space of the courtyards as a spatial system, diving into existing governmental programs and structure of ownership, we come up with an idea of ConnecTABLE Fest as a starting point for social interconnectivity. Communication here is a tool for participation and action; social engagement is a base of political responsibility. Being located at probably the most homogeneous entourage of modernist microrayon, nevertheless our intention is to create the most comfortable environment for communication, with a flexible normativity for neighbor socialising. Therefore, referring to the traditional culture of conversation, dinner time and family atmosphere, we imagine a long table appearing at courtyard, as a connecter of neighbors.

The main instrument of the festival is a long modular table which is composed of different activity points.

Vision Starting with a first small step of 2-day Festival at the dormitory suburb, we appeal to self responsibility and acting versus passivity. Through communication, a catching virus among the neighbors of self organization and initiative would appear. We see politicisation of localities and cooperation of people towards the self-governing already at the smallest community cell. We see monolog of governance becomes a dialogue with citizens, due to collaboration of courtyard ‘unions’ and partnership with municipalities. Furthermore, changing the principal criteria for decision making leads to transformation of the city economy and its management. As result, all those consistent alterations lie at the base of reorganisation of power and economy vertical pyramid structure into a horizontal and social one. At the end the platform for communication and self organization created at the ConnecTABLE Fest will be a projection of Maidan situation into life, where mutual interest can bring immediate changes.








monofunctional dormitory suburbs multifunctional central districts



Play Zone This parts of festival include interactive children playground, educational playground for dogs and their owners. This zone invites neighbors to share their hobbies with each other and to find their like-minded person.


Between the city center and sleeping areas each day leisure and labor migration emerges city districts with population 260 000 city districts with population 100 000 city districts with population 50 000


of Kiev population lives in dormitory. Structure of the municipal facilitation and social relation creates an alienation towards the environment people live in. Social segregation finds more and more room among the neighbours. The huge unhuman spaces in between housing buildings were planned as public , in reality they turned into empty spots for everyone and no one

Creation Zone Here neighbors can take part in various workshops and gain skills and knowledges about urban gardening, handmade furniture and garbrage separation.

Communication Zone The most important part of the connecTABLE. Common dinner, shared kitchen, flea market, discution forum will inspire the neighbors to start the conversation about their future.


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Preparation This stage includes: research on the dormitory suburbs for choosing a courtyard, communication with municipalities, development all the official papers, fundraising, design and production of the table, detailed development of the program.

Play Zone Will also include sport activities as motivating factor to know the neighbors better through healthy way of living.

The ConnecTable Festival is a two-days event.

1 DAY st

The first day is a day of people’s acquaintance and introduction of the Festival.

2nd DAY

The second day is based on community-build game. To follow the game a neighbour will use a Brochure: “The 30 Ways To Enjoy Your Neighbourhood”. The Brochure will stay with a person as a reminder and a prompting.

Promotion The promotion will be the parallel process with a production and will consist of two vectors of communicational work:

The Festival Two-days festival ConnecTable: including meeting of neighbours, common dinner, entertainment activities, communitybuild game, discussions and talks.

1. work with informational sponsors, development of media content and spreading it out (including crowd funding in the frame of ukranian platform BIGIDEA) 2. directed towards the community of the chosen courtyard: announcement of the event, preliminary communication with neighbours, common design of the Festival program.

20. Plant your favourite vegetables in your neighbor hood garden vegetabPlant your favourite garden 20.Build 21. a bird feederhood les in your neighbor

22. Organise feeder picnic vegetabin your 21. Build a bird courfavourite tyard 20. Plant your hood garden couryour neighbor inOrganise picnic in your les 22.Build 23. a bench with tyard feeder your neighbor 21. Buildsa bird with your courBuild a bench 23.Organise picnic in your 24. your 22. Cook s favourite dish neighbor share it with your neighbor and tyard s and dish favourite your your Cooka bench with 24.Build 25. Collect neighbors your bio-waste 23. for share itswith your compost in your neighbor neighbor hood for garden bio-waste dish and 25. Collect your favourite neighborshood 24. Cook your your neighbor in your compost 26. Join it with or organise share courtyard sale garden for sale 27. With your bio-waste courtyard Collect your 25. neighbor organise hoodall s clean Joininoryour neighbor the compost in your house s clean all garden With your neighbor 27.Organise 28. house sale in your pong courtyard windowsping championthe ship Join or organise 26. champion all ping pong Organise 28.With neighbors clean 29. 5your circles 27. Run around house your ship Join in your house. the windows of organise running neighbors club around your 29. Run 5 circles ping pong champion running 28. Organise Join of organise house. 30. Love your neighbor ship hood neighbors club your around 5 circles 29. Run neighborhood 30. Love yourorganise running house. Join of neighbors club 30. Love your



30 16

12 30 30 12 12 20 20 20 27

11 6 14

8 11 11 14



2 4

28 19 19 23

9 20 23 9 23 20 29 9 25 20 29 25 29 25 10 10 29 29 18 18 18

3 31 15 15

28 28 27




26 26 28

4 2 2 5

24 24

1 1 27 27

22 22


14 7 4

8 8 3 15




16 16

21 21





26 26

5 5

17 23 17 17

28 28

23 23

Summation The closing stage of the Festival will be summarizing the work done, both, of the implementation process of the idea and of the process of development courtyard community, writing of a summary report, mediation of the results, initiative for next events.

II PRIZE ID: 562074 Project name: POP-UP KIEV Project author: Polina Timofeeva, Galyna Tolkachova, Pavel Bartov Perm / Russia Highlight the space and the city will react Kevin A. Lynch, “The Image of the City” Pop-up. What does it mean? Is it a new way of temporary architecture? Or it means just a popular public space? Probably both opinions are right. But in our vision, popup space is, first of all, a contemporary method to affect and inspire people. Any pop-up intervention reacts on unutilized space. Abandoned and left-over territories in the urban context of Kyiv grow continuously nowadays and have spontaneous character. Unfortunately not always the issue of abandonment aspires to be solved. Thus, this problem must be “pop-uped” – marked on the interactive map of Kyiv and highlighted by tactical urbanism interventions. Our proposal aims to duplicate close to abandoned building its former function showing the “soul” of abandonment and create a public space that will generate people intensity. This way of popup intervention will not only draw attention of government and investors to rediscover abandoned territories but also will become a “platform” for citizen’s initiative and show a vector for future development of the spaces. The project takes a root in using one of the cheapest and easy shaping module as wooden pallet. Its flexibility and modularity allows to use it for any function of the neglected space and being generated by citizens. On a practical way we have chosen three buildings of Kyiv – the abandoned cinema named after Gagarin on Shchusieva Street, the former Institute of Food Technologies on Tarasivska Street and ex-kindergarten on Druzhbi Narodov Boulevard. We suggest people to transform the adjusted environment into new qualitative space with the same functions of building behind, taking into consideration a possibility to use this approach through all “abandoned” city of Kyiv. Within our project we cannot say we solve the problem of abandonment spaces in Kyiv or we found the way of future development of the city, but we surely can say: “Welcome to pop-up Kyiv – to the city YOU create”!



ID: 568107 Project name: Reload the symbols Project author: Kateryna Bokatova, Frederic Vincent Bordeaux / France





ri s


it e







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20 1



B r u it d u F ri g o



M a ri o

C u cin

e ll a






01 0




B r u it d u F r i g









Rau m

Revolution is not destruction. It’s better to reload the system. The power of Maïdan is based on essentials values such as sharing, innovation and support, brought to life by the public space and art. They must be reintroduced by citizens into the development of their city.

We defined three types of symbols of urban power :

> places of public decision > places of justice and authority > places of economy and knowledge What kind of functions could hijack these institutions ? > SHARE Information must be accessible. City project are explained and exposed. Exhibitions could create a link between building and public space so that it offers a free appropriation of the institution. Public is visitor and actor. > SUPPORT Courthouse and police station do not only punish. They also welcome citizens, help them in a juridical way. Such institution must offer clear information and assistance with fewer limits.

So we seek to introduce light and ephemeral structures as support of new and experimental functions. The goal is to initiate change into the content and the form of institutions but in a soft, simple, happy and beautiful way. In building terms, we chose scaffolding systems as the preferred means of intervention. Light structure and quick to assembled, it symbolises the transformation and allows an infinite possibility assemblies. Transparent and lightweight materials provide covering and insulation thanks to double skins systems or specific airlock spaces. This type of installations presents numerous variations and a great ability to adapt to the surrounding. They create a formal contrast who questions and hijacks without destroying. On the contrary, they give off a spatial and functional potential.

> INNOVATE There could be a field for creation. Ideas are developed, discussed, tested and displayed. It’s the place for young, innovative and creative companies. We seek to introduce light and ephemeral structures as support of new and experimental functions. They can change the content and the form of institutions but in a soft, simple, happy and beautiful way. In building terms, we test scaffolding systems or light structure which symbolise transformation and allow an infinite possibility assemblies. Transparent and lightweight materials provide covering and insulation thanks to double skins systems or specific airlock spaces. This type of installations presents a great ability to adapt to the surrounding. As places of all possibilities, they create a formal contrast who questions and hijacks without destroying. On the contrary, they give an impulse to the institution into their relation with citizens and public space, giving off a spatial and functional potential.






f ol

to p

M e ta







erlin 1995





C h r is



E xy zt V e n e zi a





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Ex yzt V e n e zi a

R o of











As places of all possibilities, these installations aim to give an impulse to the institution into their relation with citizens and public space, in the dynamic of the Maïdan revolution. They make a better way for imagination to hijack the symbols of an opaque and corrupted power and to allow citizens to appropriate the changes of their city. They aim to symbolise strength and hope, stemmed from an unstable balance of art and desire.

Rau m






M e ta

Some qualities are shared by the different contributions : _ transparency and availability of information _ reception and listening quality _ freedom of use and expression _ appropriate scale between institution and its neighbourhood



la b

The fundamental issues we defined earlier can be apply to these types of buildings. > SHARE Here, information must be free and accessible. City development project are explained and exposed. The way to exhibit them can create and develop a tangible link between building and public space. The institution must offer a free appropriation of space so that the public can visit and react. > SUPPORT Courthouse and police station don’t only have the mission of punishing but they also have to welcome citizens, to help them in a juridical way. Such institution must offer clear information and assistance to permit each one to have a juridical protection. We can imagine an atmosphere with fewer limits and more confidence. > INNOVATE Here, new spaces can be a field for creation. Ideas are developed, discussed, tested and can be displayed in the public space. It’s the perfect place for young, innovative, creative companies. They could be accompanied for management and accounting.

m architecture



We tried to organise these services in three types : > place of public decision (town halls, parliament, ministries, …) – transformed to valorise sharing of information, public communication. > place of justice and authority (police stations, courthouses) – transformed to support, defend the rights of citizens. > place of economy and knowledge (universities, fair expo-centre, trade-union building) – transformed to be the field of innovation and creation.


1 02 4 A rch

The revolution doesn’t mean destruction. It’s useless and vain to destroy our heritage. It is better to reload the system through its symbols. Could we imagine to hijack public buildings which symbolise authoritarianism and corruption ? The power of Maïdan is based on essentials values such as sharing, innovation and support, brought to life by the public space and art. These values must be preserved and reintroduced into the economic, societal and scientific development of the city to allow citizens to be actors in the changes of the city. Indeed, the city is structured around the places of public and economic power. The link between them is constantly changing according to various rhythms of the use of public spaces.














in a “real” world iT worKs Through Three sTicKers which are aTTached To any urban elemenTs: pole, wall or any façade surface.

ID: 562073 Project name: Augmented City Project author: Polina Timofeeva, Galyna Tolkachova, Pavel Bartov Kiev / UKRAINE In the year of 1969, the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze published The Logic of Sense – philosophical reflection devoted to the issues of non-classical logic. The object of analyses was “pure event” or in another words the world of endless formation. Interesting that Gilles Deleuze destroys classical logic of being proposing instead of the logic of infinitive change. Or as Michel Foucault said in his “Theatrum Philosophicum”: “instead of denouncing metaphysics and the neglect of being, we force it to speak of extrabeing”. According to the well-known American architect Peter Eisenman the contemporary reality becomesthe hidden and mediated text of environment: “One has to pull apart the one-to-one relationship between structure, form, meaning, content, symbolism, etc. so that it is possible to make many meanings.” That is why the original architecture has to step aside to allow for interpretation. Or as Dan Turkel in his review on Eisenman said: “Media’s depiction of reality is now what we accept as true reality. If architecture is such a direct translation of reality, it needs to reflect this media interference.”


applicaTion To see augmenTed realiTy


firsT sTicKer is qr code where possible To download an applicaTion To see augmenTed realiTy of Kyiv.

read ciTy of Kyiv explanaTion


second sTicKer is an explanaTion how ar worKs.

enjoy reflecT share Third sTicKer represenTs visualisaTion of augmenTed realiTy of cerTain place.

This micro inTervenTion is open-minded for user generaTion. Thus, on a sTicKers There is an explanaTion how To creaTe your own realiTy of Kyiv and how To share your ciTy vision wiTh everybody.

in The year of 1969, The french philosopher gilles deleuze published The logic of sense. The objecT of analyses was “pure evenT” which desTroys classical logic of being. according To peTer eisenman The conTemporary realiTy becomes The hidden and mediaTed TexT of environmenT. ThaT is why The original archiTecTure has To sTep aside To allow for inTerpreTaTion.

conTinued ciTy augmenTed realiTy elemenTs: bridges, Tunnels, sKyscrapers and oTher Typical elemenT of any mega-ciTy in a way of groTesque To increase The ciTy’s globalisaTion

AUGMENTED KyiV The aim of the project is to transform the city of Kyiv into a mediated piece of art. Thus, the city becomes an experimental field for artist, designers, urbanists and any other persons. Augmented reality system was taken as a tool for art interpretation. Since we are going to play with different variants of the city vision the augmented reality concept is ideal due to its digitality. The utility from Augmented Kyiv as from any piece of art is changing perception of an object making people to reflect. If we change the perception of the city, we change its meaning. Imaging new meaning on reality, we get new relations in the city what will encourage people to meditate. In a “real” world it works through three stickers which are attached to any urban elements: pole, wall or any façade surface. The first sticker is QR code where possible to download an application to see augmented reality of Kyiv. Second sticker is an explanation how it works and the third sticker represents visualisation of Augmented Reality of certain place. This micro intervention is open-minded for user generation. Thus, on a stickers there is an explanation how to create your own reality of Kyiv and how to share your city vision with everybody. Under the frameworks of our project the extra-perception of the city can follow in two ways. The first one is an idea of continuity - the city of Kyiv, which is under influence of globalization. From the one hand, this city is high developed, populated and linked with the world. However, from another hand the idea of continuity destroys individuality and uniqueness of the existing environment and nature. The second way of extrabeing is separation. Unlike the idea of continuity, separated object improves uniqueness of the space. Separated city is the city of traditions and eternal values. Obviously, this place is not so developed and linked with the world as continued city.

under The frameworKs of our projecT The exTra-percepTion of The ciTy can follow in Two ways. The firsT one is an idea of conTinuiTy - The ciTy of Kyiv, which is under influence of globalizaTion. from The one hand, This ciTy is high developed, populaTed and linKed wiTh The world. however, from anoTher hand The idea of conTinuiTy desTroys individualiTy and uniqueness of The exisTing environmenT and naTure.

User-generated Kyiv The aim of The projecT is To Transform The ciTy of Kyiv inTo a mediaTed piece of arT. Thus, The ciTy becomes an experimenTal field for arTisT, designers, urbanisTs and any oTher persons. augmenTed realiTy sysTem was TaKen as a Tool for arT inTerpreTaTion. since we are going To play wiTh differenT varianTs of The ciTy vision The augmenTed realiTy concepT is ideal due To iTs digiTaliTy. The uTiliTy from augmenTed Kyiv as from any piece of arT is changing percepTion of an objecT maKing people To reflecT. if we change The percepTion of The ciTy, we change iTs meaning. imaging new meaning on realiTy, we geT new relaTions in The ciTy whaT will encourage people To mediTaTe.

The second way of exTrabeing is separaTion. unliKe The idea of conTinuiTy, separaTed objecT improves uniqueness of The space. separaTed ciTy is The ciTy of TradiTions and eTernal values. obviously, This place is noT so developed and linKed wiTh The world as conTinued ciTy. obTained new relaTions This way allow us To undersTand beTTer The exisTing environmenT of The ciTy of Kyiv and To see The fuTure of The ciTy in a differenT inTerpreTaTions.

separaTed ciTy augmenTed realiTy elemenTs: unique churches, palaces and oTher idenTiTy Kyiv elemenTs in a way of groTesque To increase individualiTy of The ciTy

Obtained new relations this way allow us to understand better the existing environment of the city of Kyiv and to see the future of the city in a different interpretations. Or as French writer Jules Renard said: “the truth is not always art, and art is not always truth, but they are intersected”. Architecture, the most stable and steady thing on the surface of Earth, will be able to reflect the instability and infinite possibility of human.

“The TruTh is noT always arT, and arT is noT always TruTh, buT They are inTersecTed” jules renard, french writer

SPECIAL PRIZE ID: 578283 Project name: Revival of the Green Material and Blue Arteries Project author: Cemen Polomanyi Sergiy Golomakh Oleksiy Ljashok Ruslan Sydorenko Maryna Karpenko Vitaliy Tkach Iryna Prokopchuk Kyiv / Ukrane How to restore the natural landscapes of Kyiv, its solid green material? How to revive its blue arteries - a dense net of riversand streams? In what way the residents can make the city more healthy and green? To show a possible transformation of the city we have taken the area adjacent to the Lybid River, within the streets: Antonovicha, Malevicha (Bozhenka), Korolenkivska, Baikova and Phyzkultunyj Lane. The Lybid River, with its length of approximately 17 km, is the largest river of Kyiv, entirely located within the city and almost completely locked up in the concrete shores. Its beauty was glorified in ancient chronicles. For our example we picked out one residential area, a street and the industrial warehouse territory along the Lybid River and developed the 4 stages´ transformation scenario for a complete restoration of the green material and blue arteries. These guidelines can be used for transformation of the entire city. STAGE 1. Make little steps as a start for the great transformation: 1. do not pollute; clean; arrange regular public clean-up projects, environmental events; 2. use existing green space more effectively; 3. spread information about the river and the environmental conditions of the area; 4. begin a gradual expansion of industrial area aces, use buildings and territories for various functions and events. The presence of people would cause new green spaces and a revival of ecological resources. STAGE 2: Launch the process of the active area transformation 1. gradually increase the quality, diversity and territory of ecologically revived green area; 2. grow vegetables and fruits in order to make our city more self-sufficient; 3. create communication platforms “specialists (local) government-business-territorial communities” for considering local problems and their solutions; 4. use crowdfunding for financing our important shares and projects; 5. supervise the process of urban planning documentation development, participate in discussions about the city master plans and programs on the expansion of the areas; 6. initiate changes to the regulatory documents regarding green spaces, arrangement of streets and roads, car parks; 7. begin the process of ecological rehabilitation of coastal territories that have changed their functional purpose; 8. start an active process of improvement for pedestrians in order to unite the transformed former territory of industrial facilities with stops for public means of transport and residential neighborhoods; 9. make one good example of the territory transformation in order to make the authorities and the business communities believe that this is possible. STAGE 3: Create a self-sufficient city that would provide all necessary things itself: food, building materials for the construction of buildings of the city, professionals who would monitor the development of the city 1. form a continuous system of green and blue corridors 2. encourage the development of professional, caring and treating the inhabitants: environmentalists, architects, urbanists, biologists, biotechnologists, nanotechnologists, sociologists, etc.; promote to increase the state order for training such specialists and invest in appropriate educational and scientific spheres; 3. contribute to the development of biology, biotechnology and related sectors – science of the 21st century that are meant to restore the ecological condition of territories 4. testing of biotechnology to use it in building structures 5. distribute financing of large projects basing on the mutual funds principle among stakeholders; STAGE 4: The Green Material of the city has fused and became solid even under buildings; springs, streams and rivers are restored, rainwater sewers are completely eliminated 1. recultivate the territory by returning to the original landscape’s morphology and eliminating of the man-made soils; 2. apply biotechnologies to create biomaterials (Carbon Zero – zero emissions of CO2), which require only sun, water and air 3. restore the nature of the soil under existing buildings; new buildings would be build while preserving the natural integrity of the landscape;


5 6 3 4 5 7

The development of the master plan

ID: 563457 Project name: KievApartment Project author: Andriy Grytsay, Klotchenko Maxim, Morgunova Anna Dnepropetrovsk / Ukraine As the veritable master of the house. Let’s settle our comfort and meet guests on the highest level! The main idea of the project is the redefining one’s position as the subject in the urban space and to get the incitement to follow the idea of “social reboot». Thanks to such stimulus of human consciousness, we propose to achieve attitude towards court, park, city, country as to ones home, apartment(support the cleanliness, the order and the development of the city - should do it together). During many centuries the humanity has suffered from wars and revolutions … But the pursued aim was and remains the same - to defend, protect your home (the place where we live). Here we may found such features of character as : courage, wisdom, honor, honesty, mercy(charity, grace), justice, faith, hope, love. Only at home we remain calm, My house is mine. But, despite it all, we continue seeing dirty streets, spittings, cigarette butts on the avenues… It means that people have different understanding of the (word, notion, term) home. An ordinary person limits his space by means of front door. But the things that are left beyond those doors seem unimportant. In order to save the city we should widen the human’s borders.


Identification of the elements for the formation of the impact zones - Rooms.

Sittingroom - Station . Central square - lounge. Labeling and underlining with markers - hardscape forms that only accentuate the cause associative line in our minds to remind us that we are in the house - an apartment which belongs to each of us. We are masters in it. Lets occupy the role of the master and meet the tourists in the sittingroom (Station), will carry out in the living room (Maidan), cook tasty meal in the kitchen (Podol), go to the balcony (Embankment), take a shower in the bathroom (beaches, islands) and fall asleep in a warm bed (left bank of Kiev) ...

Formation of the zones.

Master plan



Students city Raivay station

Artema street

Lva Tolstogo pl.


Andreevsky uzviz Podil



Grushevskiy street


Lavrska street



gym Cabinet. Grushevskiy street.


Bedroom. Residential areas of the left bank


The anteroom. The railway station

The drawing room. Independence Square.

The Bathroom. Kiev Islands.

The kitchen. Podil.


Take care, watch out: the cleanliness and order, to raise the bar above his head only to be the best in everything. Both inside and outside. Be proud of yourself and for the place where you live. Understand what you have struggled. Appreciate every thing in your house! My home - my castle! Big city, many cells - apartments. Each warm coziness and order everything in the right place. We ennoble and maintain cleanliness in our apartments. We feel that comfort and awareness, the fact that it belongs to us and we protect it. This project proposes to embark on the thin side comparison of urban space with a living cell -quarters in which we live . Through this project , we will be able to find some harmony, cleanliness , comfort and style of urban space. And thanks to everyone's interest in the Kiev office will be truly a home which will be a pleasure to invite guests and show him every thing every detail of the interior . Share memories and experiences have taken place in the apartment. Interpreting urban space , a huge metropolis acts as interaction spaces - rooms. Hallway - Station . Central area - lounge. Labeling and underlining markers - small architectural forms , which only accentuate and cause associative array in our minds reminding us that we are in -house apartment which belongs to each of us. We are in it hosts. Due to a game-journey through the rooms, we will be able to tell the tourist historic cultural entertainment aspects of KIEV. Today Kyiv pretty bitty town in style. The project will give a push to streamline things elements forming urban space (cleaning of the apartment). Put the desired shelf-history books, photographs - memories of pleasant moments, award - winning achievements, flowers - a sense of love ... and so on.


City as a person. City apartment. /of master plan - the bench / on the subject of design - to urbanism/ methods of decision-making - to citizenship/ from the ideal model - to the project, implemented tomorrow/


The Society-that varied contradictoryvaried and contradictory. Everyone has their own personal values ​and beliefs. The total value for each house ..

Simultaneously in each of the rooms (spaces-quarters-districts), we are going to consider the interior details such as the icon-painting (churches, temples), sills (beds), stools (benches, railings), lighting (lights, traffic lights), wallpaper (facades ), shelves (showcase) ... Moving from room to room from subject to subject (we feel that incredible significance and meaning of the whole), we immerse in a kind of game by means of which we will be able to tell and show the historical cultural side of the city .


kitchen The house that we are always ready to protect and defend.

In order to give the fixation and to determine the direction of the area, the places of the city and at the same time serve as a kind of symbolism, we suggest architectural forms, for example: a shower, a bed, a rack, a pot of flowers ... (performance-installation) the ones that will visually articulate the part of the housing (urban environment) in which we find ourselves. And of course it will thematically structurize urban environment by producing general stylistic moments in order to put in order the urban environment. Àlso the architectural volumes will awake in people’s minds and feelings that we really are in the apartment, the place where it is cozy and warm. They will awake the people’s consciousness and push them to take a broom and dustpan, brush and paint, damp cloth and clean up the mess … It’s time to make a reconditioning in our apartment, but this time we will follow the instructions

Residential areas of the left bank


drawing room

Nobody cares about the reasons of crushing the moments, why houses, streets and areas are so stylistically different in style. Everybody pulls the blanket on his side, where the main purpose of the development of the city?! The proposed project raises and concerns spiritual and moral values of every citizen and gives answers to questions: what is Kyev for me, where i want to live? what makes me happy in Kyev?, what problems should be solved?, what can I do in order to make the city better? In our houses, apartments we don’t litter, don’t make mischief. Maintain cleanliness and order. In our apartments all have its own places. “ The house in order - order in the head.” The project proposal is to translate the reinterpretation of living space on the urban grid of Kiev. By interpreting the urban space, a huge metropolis takes a role of interaction of the spaces - “rooms of the apartment.”

Determining the significance of the impact of identified items

Society is not always safe and beneficial. house on the contrary, the center of peace and security. Comfort zone. But, so people not wanting to change the comfort of an adverse environment - comes to social isolation, leaving one's town

Realize and accept the city as their home-our way to a new society and the future. Understand and accept the city as our home-our way to a better society and future




Room All Kiev could become our apartment , house.


Where districts will become the rooms.

Each room will build and develop their own individual style.


Buildings and landscaping elements are the parts of the interior of each room. bedroom



ID: 585362 Project name: Start Project author: Olga Konovalova, Nataliia Shulga Kiev / UKRAINE The main problem to make public spaces functional in Kiev is their consolidation in the city center. Kiev is a green and a large city with a lot of possibilities. Unfortunately the municipality doesn’t maintain existing parks, stadiums and other recreational spaces. Untreated spaces attract the socially disadvantaged people, that decrease the safety of public spaces and as consequence the wish to visit this place. This cause the degradation of the outlying districts. We want to decentralize recreational spaces and turn Kiev into a vibrant city. In our project we want to show how an unmanaged space in the city can turn into a pleasant neighborhood by a different low-cost interventions, managed by the residents themselves using the collaborative planning. We think that after the series of events that happened, our society is ready to start changing its own environment without waiting that somebody will do it for them. As the base of our project we choose stadium Start in Lukianovka district. It is a large green area in the residential district, that is widely used by residents every day. It is used as the place for walking with children, running, playing football, walking the dogs, etc. Stadium is now in a suspended situation. It is in the private ownership and had to be build up with new dwellings. So se residents begin to defend the Start. The community born in such circumstances that is very strong and can be the promoter to start the transformation. It has a timeline that is more effective in analyzing, designing and in the implementation process. a long time, continuous project will create a strong community in this place that will get to know where they want to come and how to protect the environment they have created. This also gives flexibility to the project and allow to correct the process according to nascent demands. Thereby the recreational spaces becomes appropriate to place. The activation process of the space is divided in three stages. 0 stage. Preface This stage contains a number of interventions that are urgently needed to start the transformation. They are very simple and requires minimal investments and forces. They are: - clean the area /remove all rubbish, all unnecessary objects (fences, metal structures, etc.), replace trash rubbish bins with colored iron barrels), close the brick abandoned building/. - Colorize /murals, paint the structures, lampposts and trees/. - Make paths /gravel, pallets/. 1 st stage. Adaptation In this stage we recognize the main users of the space and adapt it for their needs. So we develop existing functions for children and their parents, young people, aged people and sportsmen - Replace the stands of the stadium - Playgrounds for children - Add places for seating and lying/pallets/. - Outdoor fitness equipment. - Place fot table games. - Skate park for young people. 2nd stage. Expansion Provide spaces for other activities to attract more people - organizing events and competitions for residents - space for open cinema or performances /pallets/. - place boards for posters - adapt the hills for sledging in winter - create a route throughout the area for physical exercise with describing signs - place for barbecue - adapt the smaller stadium for lawn tennis and ice skating in winter - add the swings in the covered pavillion - add structures for parkour school.


54 ×

12 ×


24 ×

+ 6×

7,5 ×

ID: 585362 Project name: Start Project author: Olga Konovalova, Nataliia Shulga Kiev / UKRAINE

7,5 ×

ID: 577912 Project name: let’s discuss it.. Project author: Vasyliev Evgeniy, Chobanyan Diana, Marchenko Anna, Listoforova Anna Dnipropetrovsk / UKRAINE

ID: 579107 Project name: A Forum Project author: Erik W Herrmann Ashley Bigham New Haven, CT, USA

three different action levels: three sizes



three different placement levels : three positions

each theme pass within the city to change its mood

1 Landscape



L three different use ways: hand-size, human-size, city-size








objects for everyday happy use

seven different categories of actions: topics to enjoy the new happy city




4 all categories merge and blend into the city to create a new HAPPY URBANITY

Culture 5

useful happy spaces for every person

Activities 6 Food



sharing happy places for the community



Stress control



s 1 Landscape KIT

1 Landscape

M s M


Landscape kit: provides tools for the increase of the green surfaces giving users the possibility to plant �lowers or take care of the existing vegetation. Vegetable garden: Small modular gardens to be put on the roof of housing blocks or on the balcony of each �lat. The gardens are for planting vegetables, �lowers and are provided with a transparent top in order to protect the plants during winter. Installation to be put in a place with a close touch with natural elements such as parks, small lakes or along the river. The installation can be made out of recycled materials and can provide lighting or can be a supporting facility for the environment.



s Tourism 2


Tourism KIT

M s M

L Environment


Tourism kit: provides basic stuff for a �irst time visitor but also objects useful to encourage sightseeing in any weather condition. Infopoint: A single module that can provide informations about the city must-see locations, restaurants, transportation and local culture. The interaction between citizens and visitors is highly forseeken: volunteers from each rajon can provide informations about their district and welcome tourists.

A repeated series of modular elements to be placed in a position which enhances the existing settlement through its recognizable shape. It can be a welcome pavillion or a temporary open air exposition.



3 3 Environment KIT

M s M

L Culture

Environment kit: Contains stuff useful for collecting different types of garbage left on city streets but also useful informations about their possible re-use. An electric or carbon free vehicle can be part of the kit. Re-charge point: the users can �ind a dispenser of free energy for the recharging their mobile devices. The energy is completely green as each module is a power station for production out of renewable sources (solar panels, wind mills, water mills etc)

The building rooftops became an extensive vegetable garden shared by all tenants or a small farm for self food production with the possibility to exchange or trade goods (M). Sometimes wind turbins can produce energy for common spaces within the building.


s 4


Culture KIT


User-generated Kyiv M s M

L Activities

Culture Kit: Contains objects useful to allow ordinary people to improve the creative mind. Culture dispenser: A container of different things such as books, MP3 �iles and CDs with local music, guides with city events, free tickets. This object is also a place where cultural activities can take place: bookcrossing, little presentation and performances. A vertical arrangement of modular elements can became the perfect support for a screen to show �ilms, everyone can bring his own chair and sit among others both in the closest neighborhood, at the park or in a city square. It can also became a stage for concerts or amateur open-air theatre.



5 Activities 5 Activities KIT






Activities Kit: Provides some objects for the most practiced activities in the spare time depending on their collocation; these objects can be either shared or disposable. Leisure kiosk: A small storage house located nearby the neighbourhood lakes or on the river shores providing a place where objects for activities such as ice-skating, �ishing or swimming can be collected by the users. It’s available for inhabitants and for visitors.

The reuse of existing barge or a �loating element that can host on its top a �lexible space that can stop at different quays along the Dnepr and became each time something different. By a park it becomes a �loating garden; by a beach becomes a springboard or a pier; by the industrial area can deliver garbage to a dump.






Food KIT


s M

L Strees control

Food Kit: Contains both informations about gastronomic routes or Ucranian typcal dishes, recipes and some food bits. Some of the goods available can come from the vegetable gardens (M) and can be sold by the ‘city-farmers’. Food point: A structure for preparation and taste of some typical Ukranian dishes: can either be a selling place or a gastronomic highlight during special events or neighborhood based exchanging facility. A market palce is the occasion for the people to meet. This market is completly user-generated as the selling goods can arrive directly from the


s Stress control

7 7 Stress control KIT


s M


Antistress kit: Provides a series of objects useful for estragement from the city crowd and includes things avoiding noise and air pollution thus granting a retreat from the stressful everyday city life. No-stress-room: A noise-free room. This small pavillion provides a place where everyone can relax in a completely isolated environment leaving city crowd behind. Relaxation while listening to music, reading or simply enjoying the silence is guaranteed. A series of recreative platforms to be located in meeting crowded places and can be used as as solitary palce or as a common playground.

XL size: interaction between the community and the city; every citizen should be able to enjoy his happy city.


XL the new HAPPY URBANITY with its S M L actions comes into the community

we create an APP to ensure that direct contact


mobile phone


ID: 584929 Project name: ConversiON Project author: Andriy Khir, Oksana Sinkevych, Svyatoslav Gotsko Lviv/Ukraine

ID: 565907 Project name: Happy New City! Project author: Valentina Mion, Claudio Carlini, Aleksa Korolija Treviso/ Italy

ID: 585562 Project name: User Activated Project author: Viktoriia Slynchuk, Serhii Rotchuk, Dmytro Litvinchuk, Anna Abduraimova, Andrii Brazhnik Kiev/ Ukraine

ID: 570371 Project name: hypercube Project author: Victor Kopeikin,Pavlo Zabotin,Olena Kobec Kiev / Ukraine

Why ?


Why not a new democratic dialog?



Why not a world cafe?

ID 582011


Why not a Hyde park - Speakers corner?




S Q U A R E O F FA M E - H O T E L ‘ S A L U T E ’




he guillotine did not mean the ending of sovereignty generally. Rather there still existed a conception of sovereignty, a place of power, but, and this is the pivotal attribute for the democracy, henceforth this is empty. [...] So this emptiness opens up what we call public space. Isolde Charim, following Claude Leforts








10 8




U S E R - G E N E R AT E D K Y I V










_ long night of museums






A analyse of existing public spaces in Kiev and their specialities allowed us to identify 7 diffrent typologies. Some of them hold a more central function and are more centralised (©), others can be found more spread over the city. Basically the Round table can work in all of them if they offer enough space.

_ various (private and public) events _ music and sports events nike / adidas / red bull _ flea market _ 15 min. teather as Spain’s microtheatres





These fussion by interacting with eachother.


_ bar / café / club


_ creatives


_ shops / craftsmen




_ language exchange PARASPORT



ities and practices




_ yoga / pilates / Zen Buddhism and alternative



yard of public housing


_ start up offices from ateliers and team work

park or natural area


_ conferences such as TEDx





DYNAMIC ACTIVITIES permanent reshaping I relocating I updating

The STRUCTURES create possibilities for public activities, it

central boulevard

space in front of public buildings

space around churches

space around monuments

addition or substraction from place to place makes them open to all posibilities.

MULTIPLICATIVE the capacity of transformation from a single activity into a social network

TEMPORARY / SEMI-PERMANENT access to vacant locations temporary activities for other users groups

The greenery in the rooftop is of main importance, in order to


promulgate the ambiance of the context, creating a kind of semi-

_ Agents crave authenticity

Round table

32 chairs

16 modules



_ It create destinations that invite to linger _ Green saves the day _ Fast and flexible wins



public PARK.



Speakers corner

Representant of authorities

Representant of authorities

1a_ Open structure

2a_ Partially open

3a_ Partially close

4a_ Partially close and open

1_ Steel frame

2_ Steel frame - vertical

3_ Steel frame vertical + horizontal

4_ Steel frame horizontal + vertical + horizontal






The AGENTS make little or not built changes. Due to their profit or non-profit ACTIVITIES within a given period

A_ Open space

E_ Intimate along with Communal

B_ Future development

F_ Temporal into Permanent (PARASITE)

‘TEMPORARY USE’. The STRUCTURES made out of steel and fabric (or wood panels) are intended to adapt to spaces of their needs, creating different TYPOLOGIES on time.

Performance stage



A_ Open space It allows vast public activities to take place. Temporary uses do not have any lasting effect on the location, but only use the vacant space for the time available.

Exhibition wall


B_ Future development Temporary use gives an impulse for the future development of the site by establishing new programs at a certain location.


C_ Temporal and Permanent Temporary use continues to exist even after establishment of a

Discuss (with experts)

formal permanent site at the location. expert


D_ Temporal into Permanent (PIONEER) The temporary use is the first use of the site, establishing a way of

C_ Temporal and Permanent

G_ Profit along with No-Profit

C_ Temporal into Permanent (PIONEER)

H_ Displacement (SUVERSION)

settlement, which might become permanent.

Open call

brave speaker

E_ Intimate along with Communal Temporary use is as privat as public, thus the structures change at will of the agents.

F_ Temporal into Permanent (PARASITE) Temporary use is developed in dependence of existing permanent

World cafe

uses and takes advantage of existing potentials and availability of space. Sources for images used as basis for fotomontages: 1 2 3

Free use

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Maidan: (accessed 23.04.2014) round table: (accessed 23.04.2014) yard: (accessed 23.04.2014) world cafe https: // (accessed 23.04.2014) Maryinsky Palace:,_residence_of_the_Ukrainian_President.JPG (accessed 23.04.2014) speakers corner: (accessed 23.04.2014) (accessed 23.04.2014) (accessed 23.04.2014) (accessed 23.04.2014) (accessed 23.04.2014),_Kyiv.jpg?uselang=de (accessed 23.04.2014),_residence_of_the_Ukrainian_President.JPG (accessed 23.04.2014) (accessed 23.04.2014) (accessed 23.04.2014) (accessed 23.04.2014) (accessed 23.04.2014)

ID: 582011 Project name: Round table Project author: Joanna Zabielska Christoph Kirchberger Joching /Austria

G_ Profit along with No-Profit Temporary use can start, develop or continue being altruist.

H_ Displacement (SUVERSION) Temporary use is interrupting an existing permanent use by squatting. This occupation is normally of a very limited time period.

ID: 579058 Project name: Stuctures for Temporary Use in Kiev Project author: Clemens Nocker, Laura Ulloa Vienna / Austria

ID: 566985 Project name: Kyiv XXI Project author: Protsenko Igor, Protsenko Pasha, Prutyan Evgeniy, Gorbatuk Dmitriy, Mikhaylenko Svetlana Kiev /Ukraine

ID: 562197 Project name: Urban furniture as a means of improving public space Project author: Pavlo Petrych, Ievgeniia Shtenovych Lviv / Ukraine




3611 6658 2249 0983 565435


.7 .8

.6 .6

.7 .8















.5 .1

« Twists and turns » reshapes the city by the landscape. The river, the slopes and the plateaus are the identity of a city that has been removed from its geography and its history.


Kiev inherits a urban planning system of broad scale where standardisation dominates. Territorial distinctiveness has been erased.


By collective and individual interventions, public or private actions, it is about providing a framework to reinvest the territory.


From the margins, “Twists and turns” builds a comfortable nature at the service of the inhabitants.

INSULAR NATURE - alluvial islands of Dnepr

CIRCULATED NATURE – main communication routes

Contours of these islands are fluctuating by essence, they must not be stabilized. On the contrary, this non-accessible archipelago of islands is brought to transform itself into a reserve of biodiversity. One must focus efforts to promote the development of wilderness and its observation in respect of fauna and flora

The city of Kiev was established where it was easy to cross the river. In Kiev, the crossing is only six hundred meters, while in the rest of the country, the river is a real natural barrier between east and west. It is therefore logical that the main roads of the country converge in Kiev. These straight roads that structure the territory can be used as support with the staging of the landscapes.

FLOODABLE NATURE - the wider riverbed

FOREST NATURE – forest hillsides / forests plateaus

These banks easily accessible for the inhabitants must become areas of daily recreation and leisure. Activities simple to implement such as walking, fishing and swimming are preferred. Light installations will organize this tropism towards the river.

Kiev city benefits from a strategic position on the river, but it is also well positioned in relation to forests. Indeed, the city is the articulation between the large forest areas in the north and the black southern lands. In the south of Kiev, the forests remain only on the slopes. These ecological corridors, straddling plain and plateau, become privileged discovery routes, exploiting a situation in balcony on the landscape.

INHABITED NATURE - council estate or dacha-scape

AGRARIAN NATURE – a fertile land suitable for agriculture

Except for the historical center of Kiev, the extension of the city is shared between districts of council estates - in which the concept of public space disappears - and districts of dacha. The reinvention of these areas requires above all the establishment of local services and the pooling of practices.

Chernozem is a particularly rich soil which allows high-yield agriculture without using inputs. Large plots of wheat and sunflower occupy a prominent place in the representation of the Ukrainian identity. Urban edges are formed to articulate the suburbs and the fields. Whereas the residential suburbs lack public spaces, these in-between spaces become essential places to community life.



.1 .8


articulation between East and West

between fields and forests

ID: 565435 Project name: Twists and turns Project author: Benoît Barnoud, Clara Loukkal Paris / France

river, city, fields : three separate entities

ID: 579063 Project name: Dialogue Project author: Aleksandra Shekutkovska, Milka Dokuzova, Elena Asprovska Skopje / Macedonia

ID: 579252 Project name: user generated kyiv Project author: Olha Kryvoruchko, Ira Kolesnytska, Vika Blyznyuk, Valentyn Sharovatov Lviv / Ukraine

ID: 585482 Project name: Architectural and planning organization of public center Nizhnya Telichka in Kyiv Project author: Beata Bordash Kyiv / Ukraine


The Wall Revised Europe


St. Petersburg

Kyiv Configuration 0

100 m


Kyiv’s scale

There will always be a center and a periphery, an inside and an outside. Today the system could not exist in another way. The Capitalism is needed in the center and a periphery. The Right side and the Left side. Both of them feeling scared of each other. But they can’t exist without each other. Both parts totalitarian. Capitalism at its supreme level, the language of power, expressed in this Wall, in this Edge of Fear, a huge monument of terror. Terror and megalomania of capitalistic building practice. There is a binary structure, there will never be a global village, but on the top of this Wall... The beautiful place for the free people, for their living, education, rest and health. And really is it matter how they get their freedom?

ID: 585470 Project name: Renovation of Independence Square and Hreshatyk Street Project author: Mariia Kolodiazhna Ahmed Eid Rihan Eslam Zaki Sabee Dessau / Germany

ID: 585581 Project name: the wall Project author: Sergey Ferley, Vadim Sidash Kyiv / Ukraine


Landscaping of Khruschevka's yard User-generated Kiev Problems


Illustrations of the decisions 14


The yard is surrounded by a fence, which impede the residents to use its territory.


The fence must be replaced with columns and then inside fenced territory will be arranged the place of leisure.



13 9


2 3 7

1 4


There are no places for rest in the yard protected from precipitations.

There are no places for sports.

There is no place for bicycles and prams in small apartments.

Cars drive on the sidewalk.

The fence prevents to leave a car.

The parked cars are in the way.

The bushes along the sidewalks evoke the feeling of a narrow corridor and hiding space.

There should be installed the arbour, equipped by sockets and Wi-Fi




A variety of sports equipment and playgrounds in the yard will help residents to keep themself in good physical form.



There should be installed covered storage for bicycles and prams in the yard.









The passage must be expanded and sidewalk must be isolated with columns.

The fence must be replaced with columns and moved at 50 cm from the kerb.

The pedestrian ways must be marked with the paving on the driveway.

The bushes must be transplanted to the center of bed. The planning will be created with plants of different heights.


ID: 577877 Project name: The city river - traffic problems or opportunities? Project author: Maria Butakova, Nadiia Nemchenko Kyiv / Ukraine

ID: 576219 Project name: Concept yard landscaping Project author: Kuzmin Yurii Kyiv / Ukraine

UNIQUE PEARL OF RUSANOVKA Renovation of residential area Rusanovka

ID: 585600 The current state of the Rusanovsky channel demands regeneration and complex cleaning, and also creation of multipurpose infrastructure for family rest. Within the concept of reconstruction of the Rusanovsky channel it was offered design offers: 1. Water purification from pollution. 2. Strengthening of coast. 3. Providing territory with due lighting. 4. Development of infrastructure of family rest. Character of a natural landscape caused a choice of methods of recreational space realization in this territory. 3 types of recreational spaces for family rest were offered. The 1st type represents an open design with access to water. The 2nd type is presented by the open space entered in a relief. The 3rd type is the entered in a relief design which protects from sunshine and a wind.

The main objectives for the solution of which aim to improve and develop cycling within a residential neighborhood Rusanivka: - Integrated circuits to streamline and improve infrastructure modifications adjacent territory to the needs of bicycle. - Complete bicycle routes to attract more people, which would in turn a healthy development of children and adults; - Create velostoyanok and veloparkovok, - Create waypoints Bicycle, fully enclosed and available services. - Provision of pedestrian accessibility to velostoyanok, points BICYCLE

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF RECONSTRUCTION 1. Open pool - it is Application in a summer period as pool - it is Application in a winter period as skating rink 2. Exploitation of roof with setting of alternative energy sources 3. Đžrangery - it is the Additional planting of greenery - it is Education of child 4. Zonal division for the groups of children different ages 5. graphic Superarts - it is Causing of bright images on a facade and building roof.

ID: 585600

Plan and specifications of footbridge on territory of array of RUSANOVKA Basic tasks that are aimed at the reconstruction of bridges and bridge crossings within the residential area Rusanivka : - Change the style of architecture ; - Reconstruction of bridges by improving bandwidth as cars and pedestrians ; - Reconstruction of existing bridges : go with the times ; application of new technologies in bridge construction; - Location near transportation and shopping places; - Improve the harmonious fusion Rusanovsky array coastal parts of Kiev ; - An increase in people's interest to walks , contributing to health and interest in the architecture of bridges.

ID: 585419 Project name: Kyiv Harbor Riverside Renovation Project author: Partner Construction Architects Kyiv / Ukraine

ID: 585600 Project name: Rusanovka reconstruction Project author: Sasha, Kopyt’ko Sasha, Burkovska Vika, Krivoruchko Sergey, Liahovich Oksana, Golovashenko Vlad Kiev / Ukraine


ReJoin Kiyv

Kyiv is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of Ukraine on the Dnieper River, and is the 8th largest city in Europe. Kiev is an important industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural centre of Eastern Europe. It is home to manyhigh-tech industries, higher education institutions and world-famous historical landmarks. The city has an extensive infrastructure and highly developed system of public transport.

St. Michael's GoldenDomed Monastery

The International Convention Center

Saint Sophia Cathedral

Maidan Square

Golden Gate of Kiev

National Art Museum of Ukraine

St. Vladimir Cathedral

Bessarabska Square

In the last years the city suffers from traffic, increased noise and exhaust gases which have been created by cars. The pavements of the city have been set as parking for cars, which make the movement of the pedestrians more difficult. There are not bicycle lanes, open spaces for human activities and the impersonal urban design cannot attract the people walking into the city. The Rejoin Kyiv project is proposed for bus- bicycle lanes to be created on the existing roads. in this way, they will join different areas of Kyiv for the cyclists and the people who use the public transportation. Also, it is suggested the paving of Khreshchatyk street with a unique design. This project is not to be created from one month to another. It may take years until it will be completed. It will need this time not only for the construction, but for the people as well to understand the new way of life in the city. From exhaust gas and the noise to green and open spaces for human activities and from the transportation by car to public transportation and bicycle.

National University of Kyiv


Taras Shevchenko Monument

Parus Business Centre

Car lane: a lane that is designated for use by a single line of vehicles, to control and guide drivers and reduce traffic conflicts. Bus lane: generally used to speed up public transport that would be otherwise held up by traffic congestion. Shared bus lane: a bus lane that allows cyclists to use it. Cycle track: an exclusive bike facility that has elements of a separated path. Cycle lane: a traffic lane marked on an existing roadway and generally restricted to cycle traffic.

Concept Idea Khreshchatyk


A cross is a geometrical figure consisting of two lines or bars perpendicular to each other, dividing one or two of the lines in half. The cross is one of the most ancient human symbols, and has been used by many religions, most notably Christianity. It may be seen as a division alternately as the union of the concepts of divinity, the vertical line, and the world, the horizontal line.

Khreshchatyk street - Top View

Pedestrian Circulation

Vehicular Circulation

Green Space

Public Space

Hydro Element

Cross mounds

Khreshchatyk street is the biggest and most famous street in Kyiv. This street is of historical significance from its beginning. Slavs named Khreshchatyk, which mean ‘Cross’ in their language. The main idea is to pedestrianize the whole street from the European Square (northeast) through the Maidan and toBessarabska Square (southwest) where the Besarabsky Market is located. (The street is already closed to road traffic and reserved for pedestrians on public holidays). The different tilling and the unique outdoor furniture design give a contemporary character to the city. Into the design has added the Cross symbol in two different ways: First, They have been Designed small mounds (Cross mounds). They have height 1,5m, and between the tiles have been added different types of cross. Second, Four different paths have been designed in a shape of a cross and their surrounding area changes when the lines (Paths) intersect.

Bench With Backrest

Bench 0.55


Street Light



Bench With Backrest












Bicycle Parking Rack 0.70





Street light




Bycicle Parking Rack


ID: 585059 Project name: Renovation of the monument to the Golden Gate and the surrounding area Project author: Slava Babjak, Kseniia Savchenko, Ivanna Deriabina, Andre Burbela, Kirill Gunchenko, Ivan Zaichenko Kiev / Ukraine


ID: 560750 Project name: Rejoin Kiev Project author: Giannis Bougias Paisley / UK

ID: 562165 Project name: Polyurbanism Project author: Manuel MĂźhlbauer Nuremberg / Germany

ID: 558184 Project name: Renovation of the elevator in a chronological center of events and figures since Ukraine’s independence Project author: Svitlana Kysil Kiev / Ukraine

ID: 585271


Nextkyiv - Crowdsourcing a City Vision Nextkyiv in 2 Minutes



Who takes part? Who is Nextkyiv? ideas visions wishes

Introducing The ‘Caterpillar’

expert checks syntesis comments

editiorial team

decision makers sponsors & supporters

design competitions


It is envisioned that The Caterpillar be located in any urban space – from disused urban spaces, distressed neighbourhoods, to tourist destinations. The Caterpillar therefore thrives on Government bureaucratic ‘red-tape' - living on the in-between time of a site.

white papers


editorial team’s projects

google plus

barometers feasibility reports

shops, experimental micro-interventions bring people together to start a constructive and transparent dialogue. All ideas are analyzed and structured in a feasible way into integral –Citizens– Vision–, showing how citizens see the future of their city. With this legitimate tool, people get a fair share in the urban development dialogue, that was closed to them before.

This is a new approach to public participation, that became possible through using crowdsourcing to enable open innovation and collective intelligence. Neutral and open, Nextkyiv inspires everyone to think outside the box and give principally new impulses to the city development of Kyiv.

cit i pro zen–s inc ject ub ato r

pe o are ple exp the ert s!

Workshop Bangalore

Session Kassel

Future Camp Hamburg

design books

final reports

special projects


cro w the dsou rc f age uture e nd a

The Caterpillar is a shelter from the chaos outside. The Caterpillar is a place of rejuvenation. The Caterpillar nurtures souls before they can fly again. The Caterpillar is in between temporary and permanent – it is 'temporal- permanent'. Its temporal-permanence allows it to grow with society; it stays at a location long enough for users to remember it, but short enough to retain dynamism.


documents partner projects

Feasibility studies

Nextkyiv calls for its best experts - – the Kyiv citizens. Through collaboration of diverse groups of people – ordinary residents, students, artists, urban planners, architects, academicians, city officials – the unique knowledge, skills and capabilities are gathered on the integral platform, neutral and open for everyone. Diverse activities, such as expert checks, work-

community projects

facebook twitter



Future Camp Hamburg

Future Camp Hamburg

Future Camp Hamburg


User-generated Kyiv

The Caterpillar seeks to compliment existing buildings and public spaces in as far as possible, a non- intrusive way. It is a ‘lite’ architecture.

What are the outputs?


working sessions


experts technical informations comments

Straight Caterpillar with solar panels installed.


How do we work?

How does the project work?

citizens’ community

A modular enclosure thats totally customizable to site-specific conditions.

Angled Caterpillar with 45 deg angle module.

ID 580303

Standard 1.2m translucent ETFE modular panel Future Camp Hamburg

1.2m opaque ETFE modular panel with advertising poster fixed inside

Collecting ideas

1.2m translucent rolling openable window Note: ETFE is the same material used in the facade of the Beijing Aquatics Centre (Water Cube).

The modular system of The Caterpillar allows it to house almost ANY small scale function imaginable - gyms, art galleries, exhibition spaces, community centres, bars etc. Straight Caterpillar outside the Kiev Conservatory

The optional solar panels allow The Caterpillar to be 100% energy self-sufficient.

Workshop Istanbul

Collecting ideas

Session Kassel

From the garden of ideas to a City Vision for Kyiv. How does your



Nextkyiv look like?






TALK ideas and wishes



classified contributions

Discuss GATHER





..suggests new solutions

... comments tasks and solutions ...suggests them ... evaluate them



Angled Caterpillar as a gym. The interior ETFE panels come in 4 colours - orange, green yellow and blue; these can be placed in any module.

...comments contributions

The community ...

...suggest new solutions


Angled Caterpillar outside St. Michael’s Golden Domed Cathedral

Make your own place - Hamburg

Nextkyiv integrates experience of Nextkassel (Germany), Nextistanbul (Turkey) and Nextbangalore (India). Successful methodology, applied in these cities, was developed in Hamburg in 2009 with the citizens– think-tank Nexthamburg, and resulted in producing the

2 –Hamburg 2030: Citizens– Vision– and projects, arosen from the Vision. In turn, Nextkyiv is the user-generated Kyiv, and it has more than enough tools, resources and potential to overcome current frustration and get a fresh look into the future.

Build your own Nextkyiv

… ... a nextkyiv is a personal collection of tasks and solutions


Follow Nextkyivs

… ...comment them and propose improvements ...share them in social networks ... let yourself be inspired

Session 1

Working on topics and ideas

Session 2

Future camp

The Ceiling ETFE panels are translucent and act as a light fixture.

...and promote your Nextkyiv

Citizens vision


Experts and editors will: ...comment Netkyivs ...evaluate them based on a certain scheme

Session 3 Projects


Most popular Nextkyiv's wil become the Citizens' Vision JAHRBUCH


Straight Caterpillar on the plaza outside Kiev Southern Railway Station.




TION! ATTEN book This

from the






The civic City Vision can be part of the political decision about Kyiv‘s development

Angled Caterpillar tasked with revitalizing a neglected area.

Your idea- be part of Nextkyiv!

It can even be a bath house/swimming pool

ID: 585271 Project name: The Caterpillar Project author: Stephen Ip Hong Kong

ID: 580303 Project name: Neytkyiv Project author: Julian Petrin, Joana Al Samarraie, Elena Mozgovaya Hamburg / Germany

ID: 585506 Project name: Stems, paws, foot, pedals, minds on the Borysthenes riverfront Project author: Mariia Otkalenko-Povalinska Kyiv/Ukraine

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