Y N D A T H L U 2 0 M LY N E D D
Pa well ffordd i ddathlu pen-blwydd Gŵyl Gerdd Bangor yn ugain oed na chynnwys cyngherddau sy’n cyflwyno ei phrif egwyddorion, sef y newydd, arloesedd a’r arbrofol a’u gweu’n naturiol o amgylch y thema amserol Iechyd a Lles? O ganlyniad, gwahoddir yr ensemblau arloesol UPROAR ac Electroacwstig CYMRU, y pianydd talentog ifanc Siwan Rhys, cyn cloi gyda chynhyrchiad arbrofol Exploration in Sound mewn perfformiadau cyffrous a gafaelgar o fewn adeilad mawreddog Pontio. Dethlir cerddoriaeth newydd ymhellach gyda chomisiynau gan Juan Pablo Barrios a Tom Sissons, darnau newydd gan Jordan Hirst, Ashley John Long, Niamh O’Donnell, David Roche, Joss Smith a Jerry Zhuo fel rhan o’r project CoDI SAIN, cerddoriaeth wedi ei chyfansoddi’n arbennig ar gyfer yr organ stryd Astrid, ynghyd â llawer o ddarnau newydd gan fyfyrwyr cyfansoddi Ysgol Cerddoriaeth a’r Cyfryngau, Prifysgol Bangor. Mae cerddoriaeth ar gael i bawb yn y gymdeithas a phleser yw medru cydweithio gyda sefydliadau o’r un anian i ddarparu Camau Cerdd i’r aelodau ieuengaf, sesiynau Yoga ar gyfer pob oedran a chyfle i glywed perfformiadau Canfod y Gân.
What better way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Bangor Music Festival than to include concerts that captures its main principles, that of the new, innovation and the experimental while weaving them naturally around the timely theme of Health and Wellbeing!? Consequently, the festival will be presenting the innovative ensembles UPROAR and Electroacoustic WALES, the talented pianist Siwan Rhys, before closing with an experimental production by Exploration in Sound, all forming exciting and captivating performances within the majestic Pontio building. New music is further celebrated with the commissioning of Juan Pablo Barrios and Tom Sissons, new pieces by Jordan Hirst, Ashley John Long, Niamh O’Donnell, David Roche, Joss Smith and Jerry Zhuo as part of the CoDI SOUNDS project, music especially written for the Astrid street organ, amongst many new pieces by composition students at the School of Music and Media, Bangor University. Music is available to all members of our community and it is a pleasure to be able to collaborate with like-minded organisations to present Steps in Music to the youngest generation, Yoga sessions for all ages and the opportunity to hear performances of Discover the Song.
GŴYL GERDD BANGOR BANGOR MUSIC FESTIVAL 14 + 15 Chwefror / February 2020
Thema: Iechyd a Lles / Theme: Health and Wellbeing www.gwylgerddbangor.org.uk Tocynnau ar gael o Pontio / Tickets available from Pontio
CIPOLWG… AT A GLANCE… Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i
For further details visit
(£) = cyngerdd/digwyddiad am dâl
(£) = paid concert/event
18.00 19.30 15/02/2020 10.00, 11.00 a 12.00 10.30-12.00
12.00 12.00 13.00 14.15, 14.45 a 15.15 14.15 15.00 16.00 18.00 19.30
10.00 – 12.00 Deborah Keyser (Tŷ Cerdd) a PL2, Pontio: Sgwrs cyn y cyngerdd a Derbyniad chyfansoddwyr CoDI SAIN Bocs Gwyn, Pontio (£): CoDI SAIN Uproar ac Electroacwstig CYMRU
Lefel 0, Pontio (£): Camau Cerdd PL2, Pontio: Tŷ Cerdd – CoDI RHYNGWEITHIO PL2, Pontio: Sgwrs cyn y cyngerdd Stryd Fawr (Cloc), Bangor: Astrid yr organ stryd Stiwdio, Pontio (£): Unigrwydd Bocs Gwyn, Pontio (£): Yoga Lefel 2, Pontio: Canfod y Gân Lefel 2, Pontio: Deialog Lefel 2, Pontio: Astrid yr organ stryd PL2, Pontio: Miwsig a’r Meddwl a Derbyniad Theatr Bryn Terfel, Pontio (£): Dychwelyd
Marie-Claire Howorth a CGWM – rhaid archebu lle Y Cyfansoddwr Gwydn: methiant, adborth a gwroldeb dan arweiniad Richard Whitelaw (hyfforddwr a chwnselydd) Guto Pryderi Puw gyda Pablo Barrios a Tim Sissons David Roche a Francis Stapleton gyda Gŵyl VoG Siwan Rhys Leisa Mererid – rhaid archebu lle CGWM Ensemble Cerdd Newydd Bangor David Roche a Francis Stapleton gyda Gŵyl Bro Morganwg Astudiaethau Achos gan fyfyrwyr ôl-radd i ddilyn gyda thrafodaeth dan arweiniad Dr Gwawr Ifan Exploration in Sound
18.00 19.30 15/02/2020 10.00, 11.00 and 12.00 10.30-12.00
12.00 12.00 13.00 14.15, 14.45 and 15.15 14.15 15.00 16.00 18.00 19.30
PL2, Pontio: Pre-concert Talk Deborah Keyser (Tŷ Cerdd) with and Reception the CoDI SOUNDS composers White Box, Pontio (£): CoDI SOUNDS Uproar & Electroacoustic WALES
Level 0, Pontio (£): Steps in Music PL2, Pontio: Tŷ Cerdd – CoDI INTERACT PL2, Pontio: Pre-concert Talk High Street (Clock), Bangor: Astrid the street organ Studio, Pontio (£): Loneliness White Box, Pontio (£): Yoga Level 2, Pontio: Discover the Song Level 2, Pontio: Dialogue Level 2, Pontio: Astrid the street organ PL2, Pontio: Music and the Mind and Reception Theatr Bryn Terfel, Pontio (£): Returning
Marie-Claire Howorth and CGWM – registration needed The Resilient Composer: failure, feedback and courage led by Richard Whitelaw (coach, counsellor & trainer) Guto Pryderi Puw with Pablo Barrios and Tim Sissons David Roche and Francis Stapleton with VoG Festival Siwan Rhys Leisa Mererid – registration needed CGWM Bangor New Music Ensemble David Roche and Francis Stapleton with VoG Festival Case Studies by postgraduate students with a discussion led by Dr Gwawr Ifan Exploration in Sound