A city is constantly looking for areas to improve to maintain a city. One of the areas that our team took on within the greater Houston area is the Golfcrest, Reville and Bellfort area abbreviated GRB. This booklet will show a detailed discription of the current conditions and a series of proposals made by our team to revitalize the community.
The Golfcrest/Reveille/Bellfort super neighborhood is located in southeast Houston, just south of the 610 loop and west of I-45. The neighborhood is adjacent to Hobby Airport, and is home to over 50,000 people, 25% of which survive on incomes below the poverty level. The community has a long history and has active community leaders that are shaping its future. The team is focusing on the strengths and opportunities in the neighborhood to develop strategies for change.
Team: Mervyn Austria, Ross Charba, Zhu Chen, Poonam Patel, Jenny Seim