Poppy and Fred search for the Hairy Scary mammoth

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Poppy and Fred

Search for the Hairy Scary Mammoth. by Bryony Richardson

Š Poppy Ltd 2014. All rights reserved.

‘‘Tonight we are going on

a search for the Big, Hairy, Scary, Mammoth,’’ said Poppy.

People say he only comes out under the light of the moon. They say... he has breath as bad as rotten eggs and a howl as loud as a wolf.

Under the light of the moon, Poppy and Fred stepped into the deep, dark forest.

‘‘We will need to be as quiet as a mouse and as brave as a bear,’’ said Poppy. It wasn’t long before Poppy could hear something rustling in front of them.

Could it be the Hairy Scary


A little scared and a tiny bit shy, Poppy said, ‘‘Hello... are you the Hairy Scary Mammoth?’’

‘‘Quuuark’’ said a

duck, stepping into the light. ‘‘Of course I’m not the Hairy Scary Mammoth, he has a howl as loud as a wolf and breath as bad as rotten eggs.’’ ‘‘If you really want to find the Hairy Scary Mammoth you will need my help. I cannot let you go alone.’’

So on they walked, Poppy,

Fred, and the duck. ‘‘We will need to walk as quietly as a mouse and be as brave as a bear,’’ said Poppy.

‘‘Shhhhh...’’ Poppy heard the most terrible snort. In front of them stood a big dark creature. Could this be the Hairy Scary Mammoth ?


‘‘ elloooo!’’ said Poppy

‘‘Oink Oink...’’ wild boar.

said a

“I’m not the Hairy Scary Mammoth, I am a wild boar. I am as brave as a bear and as fierce as a lion. If you are looking for the Hairy Scary Mammoth, you will need my help.’’

So on they walked, Poppy,

Fred, the duck and the wild boar.

‘‘Shhhhhh!’’ said Poppy This must be the Hairy Scary Mammoth thought Poppy.


are you the Hairy Scary Mammoth?’’

From out of the shadow came a Stag.

‘‘I’m not the Hairy Scary Mammoth, but I know where he lives. You will need my help if you don’t want to get lost.’’ So, quiet as a mouse and as brave a bear, Poppy, Fred, the duck, the wild boar and the deer walked on.

It wasn’t long before they heard a

‘‘YOOOWL’’ ‘‘Shhhhhh!

This must be the Hairy Scary Mammoth,’’ said Poppy


are you the Hairy Scary Mammoth?’’ asked Poppy.

‘‘No, of course I am not,’’ said a fox.

‘‘I can smell him easily with one sniff of my nose. If you really want to find the Hairy Scary Mammoth, you will need my help.’’ So Poppy, Fred, the duck, the wild boar, the deer and the fox walked on together. It wasn’t long before...


This must be the Hairy Scary Mammoth,'' said Poppy

Poppy whispered,

‘‘Hello...’’ Poppy said,


(no answer) (no answer)

Poppy shouted,


(still no answer)

Out of the shadow came a tiny little rabbit.

‘‘I AM THE HAIRY SCARY MAMMOTH,’’ said the rabbit. ‘‘You’re not very big,’’ said Poppy. ‘‘Or very scary,’’ said the duck. ‘‘And you don’t have terrible breath,’’ said the wild boar.

‘‘Well that’s what people call

me. Look, I have big ears and whiskers and when I stand in front of my house everyone is scared of me,’’ said the rabbit. When they all came closer, a little bit less scared than before, they noticed that the rabbit was right. What everyone thought had been a Hairy Scary Mammoth was only a pile of leaves and twigs covering the rabbit’s burrow.

So there was no Hairy Scary

Mammoth at all! Just a duck, a wild boar, a stag, a fox and a little rabbit.

Poppy decided that she would never be scared of such monsters again. They were all just a trick of the moon.

The End

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Here at Poppy England we draw and design our own fabrics, which are all based upon the characters you have just been reading about. With our fabrics we make new and exciting clothing and accessories, not just for children but for adults too. We always enjoy thinking of the next adventure... If you can’t wait for the next story, or you want to find out more about us, you can visit us at: www.poppyengland.com or follow us on:

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