Pricing for Marketing Managers

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Pricing for Marketing Managers Demystifying the Complexities of Pricing in Today’s Competitive Markets DOCENTE


Gavin Eccles



What is it really worth? How much will customers pay for our product/service? How can we price according to the value we deliver our customers? Key questions we must consider as we move from a cost-plus approach to pricing to one of being value-based.

By attending this seminar, participants will: • Develop effective pricing strategies – shifting from cost-plus, to a value-based rationale; • Consider approaches to setting, managing and changing prices – in order to ensure greater price profitability; • Have the ability to present and defend prices in the context of the customer’s value proposition – What are we worth to the prospect? • Understand how to maintain profitable prices even in a cost cutting environment; • Work with sales, marketing, finance and other managers to make pricing work for your product; • Deal with pricing challenges from low price competitors.

A McKinsey survey of 2500 companies calculated that a 1% increase in price improves operating profit by 11% - greatly exceeding the impact of a 1% improvement in volume or costs. Therefore, pricing is now a key topic on the boards agenda; shifting from how we have always managed price, to a new philosophy of determining what we deliver as benefits to our customers and consumers alike – and ensuring such benefits are added to the value-price we set for our products/services. Pricing decisions, right or wrong, can change buying behaviours, drive the profitability of businesses and even transform competitive landscapes. With profitability and competitive stakes high, pricing decisions are too important to leave to rules of thumb. Managers everywhere are devoting more attention to the art and science of pricing. A better, value-based pricing approach can mean an immediate and very important impact - straight to the ‘bottom line’.

DESTINATÁRIOS Personnel from marketing, finance, sales and planning, or executives of smaller companies, who analyse, recommend or approve pricing strategies. It is most beneficial to those individuals/firms who are participating in product development, at the forefront of price competition, or being attacked by low-cost operators who are commoditizing price.

Therefore, this seminar will help participants gain confidence from a deep understanding of the pricing process, solid techniques and sound theoretical principles. You will be able to analyse pricing situations from several standpoints and be able to construct and defend optimal pricing solutions. Basing prices on customer value enables the company to apply a consistent and rational methodology that will achieve superior returns and better customer relationships. It will help reinforce management’s efforts to build the business on value and will produce tangible results from doing so.

Porto Business School

Nível Recomendado Upper and middle executives; entrepreneurs

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Pricing for Marketing Mangers is a short, sharp guide to practical techniques and innovative approaches to intelligent pricing; providing participants with: • Implications for why pricing is important and the determinants for setting prices effectively; • Considerations for key price-quality relationships - selecting and applying the most appropriate pricing strategies for different situations; • An understanding of how buyers react to price changes; • Values, costs, and prices - what is value to the customer, as well as marketing implications of value analysis; • Relative perceived value - assessing the customer value of product/ service attributes; • Value-driven marketing strategies - how to segment, target and position products based on value and price equations; • The key challenges in managing a ‘premium position’ in relation to setting prices.

Gavin Eccles is a Senior Business Consultant with 15 years experience in marketing and strategic management. He is responsible for ensuring the success of marketing, communication and business planning strategies for a range of international organisations. In particular, he has extensive experience in developing effective business strategies, and works alongside Marketing and Strategy Managers to shape their corporate approach. This work has been conducted in international clients as diverse as American Airlines, Marks and Spencer, Syngenta, Shell, BBC, Guinness, Marriott Hotels, as well as a wide range of public sector organisations. He has written numerous journal articles and book chapters on the changing role of marketing and management. Educated to Master’s level, he’s on-going appointments include a Visiting Lecturer post at the University of Surrey, where he is the Marketing Tutor for their MBA. He also holds numerous Professorial positions at Universities and Business Schools in Portugal where he brings an international perspective to support individuals as well as corporate learning.





1 dia 9h00-18h00

Porto Business School

1000 euros [material de apoio às aulas, almoço e coffee-breaks incluídos] Os associados da Porto Business School e os antigos alunos beneficiam de condições especiais. Inscrições confirmadas até 17 de outubro: 600 euros

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