4 minute read
I n some domains, t h e residents are aware that realms exist beyond the Mists, but most have little interest in lands beyond their own. The Darklords' obsessions distract them from concerns about the nature of their domains or what lies beyond the Mists. This preoccupation, along with the lack of shared borders or reliable travel, means that mercantile ventures and military conquests between domains are essentially impossible. Rare individuals do travel between the domains, such as adventurers or roving Vistani families (detailed at the end of this chapter). Others who wish to travel from one domain to another might wander into the Mists hoping to be carried elsewhere, or they can employ Mist talismans to guide them.
Due to the danger and unreliability of traveling the Mists, those few with interests beyond their home domains make letter writing their preferred method of communication. A group called the Keepers of the Feather (detailed in the "Travelers in the M ists" section later in this chapter) oversees a private network of carrier ravens that possesses the uncanny ability to navigate the Mists. These ravens deliver envelopes and tiny parcels between private rookeries maintained by the Keepers. Individuals and businesses friendly with the Keepers-such as a village notary or inn-might surreptitiously contract their services, allowing customers to send a letter for 1 gp. These letters must include a destination where another Keeper can receive them, then either hold or deliver the correspondence-with delivery costs an additional 1 gp. Letters take at least one day to deliver. The Keepers of the Feather make no assurances about the safe delivery of letters in their charge, but their services prove relatively reliable. Rumors speak of more expensive services the Keepers provide to select clients, such as delivery to individuals whose whereabouts are unknown or verbal messages relayed by talking ravens. F E AT U R E D D OM A I N S
The following sections explore some o f the most notorious Domains of Dread. Each of these realms is a setting unto itself and might host adventures of your design. These featured domains share the following format: Overview. Each domain has a brief overview with its Darklord's name, the horror genres that inspire it (explored in chapter 2), distinctive hallmarks, and related Mist talismans. Noteworthy Features. Details about the domain known by the domain's residents and those who have traveled there appear in this section. Settlements and Sites. This section provides an overview of the domain's most infamous locations. I n many cases, these locations are represented on a map of the domain. Each map also notes additional sites waiting to be detailed in your adventures. Darklord. A description of the domain's Darklord appears here, along with details revealing the roots of their evil. Adventures. This section describes the kinds of adventures that naturally fit within the domain. Domain Focus. For most domains, this final section highlights specific story elements and provides domain-specific tools to aid you in creating adventures around the domain's Darklord and the horror of their realm. FACI N G DAR K L O R D S
Each Darklord i n this chapter has a stat block from the Monster Manual or chapter 5 that you can use or customize to suit your adventures. Though you might be tempted to make a Darklord an overwhelming threat, doing so risks distancing a rich, versatile villain from the characters. A Darklord is often far from the most physically daunting creature in their domain, but their nature as a Darklord makes permanently defeating them challenging. To defeat a Darklord, the characters should focus on undermining the Darklord's plots and striking at the core of the Darklord's torments to make them vulnerable (topics explored in "The Domain's Downfall" in chapter 2). A climatic encounter with a Darklord should happen when and how it's right for your adventures. After all, dread isn't a factor of challenge rating or character level, but of the suspense your adventures create. C HARACTERS F ROM D OM A I N S
This chapter includes sidebars designed to help create player characters who hail from particular Domains of Dread. These sidebars describe the people of a particuJar domain, the horrors they routinely face, and their naming conventions. Share these sidebars freely with your players if they create characters from these domains. The naming conventions they reference note the names of peoples featured in the "Character Names" section of Xana
thar's Guide to Everything, they do not describe a domain's broader culture. Use the questions included in each sidebar to inspire players with ideas for their characters. Players don't need to answer every question or concern themselves with accurately representing a domain. Rather, it's more important they create details that forge a strong sense of connection with their homeland.