7 minute read
Strahd von Zarovich
Domain of the First Vampire Darklord: Strahd von Zarovich Genre: Gothic horror Hallmarks: Undead despot, notorious haunted stronghold, tragic resurrection Mist Talismans: Barovian wine bottle, von Zarovich family crest, Mark of the Raven talisman In Barovia, the night is a curse. With the dying of the light, wicked souls slip from the darkened spires of Castle Ravenloft to work the will of an immortal overlord. This is the realm of the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, whose depravities have doomed h i m and countless generations to endlessly repeating cycles of obsession and despair. The howls of wolves and shrieks of raven swarms echo through the dismal valleys and oppressive forests of Barovia. In isolated communities, superstitious villagers find the brightness in their lives smothered by dread of their aloof overlord, his baleful servants, and ancient evils that fester unopposed. All the domain's residents know to fear the Mists and the long Barovian nights, as through them the Devil Strahd watches and reaches to claim whatever he desires. Yet none realize their torments have played out over and over again, all part of Strahd's plot to claim one victim who has eluded him for generations. NOT EWORTH Y FEATUR E S
Those familiar with Barovia know the following facts: • Barovia is a gloomy realm of valleys isolated by wolf-prowled forests and treacherous mountains. • Dense clouds cast the land in perpetual gloom. The land's somber, superstitious people live in small, scattered villages. These communities are each led by a burgomaster who seeks to avoid the ire of the land's aloof lord, Count Strahd von Zarovich. Strangers are widely viewed with • suspicion. Many locals believe Count von Zarovich is a vampire. He dwells in Castle Ravenloft, a citadel from which few return. • Vistani bands passing through Barovia are under the protection of the count. This protection stems from a past kindness the Vistani showed the count and from his long association with the fortune-teller Madam Eva. (See "Travelers in the Mists" at the end of this chapter for details on • the Vistani.) The stories of Barovia's people are full of hidden evils: treacherous witches, secretive cults, portentous ravens, vicious werewolves, and worse.
BA R OV I A N C H A R ACTE R S A d iverse p o p ul ace d we l l s i n B a rovia, t h e i r a n cestors d rawn fro m l a n d s l o n g ago conq uered by Count von Z a rovich. The people favor d re s s i n g i n m uted b u t funct i o n a l clothes, h ave a wide r a n ge of s k i n and h a i r col o r s , a n d often h ave n a m e s i n s p i red b y S l avic peoples. W h e n p l ayers create c h a racters from B a rovia, a s k them t h e fol lowin g q uestio n s .
What was your life like i n Barovia? Were y o u the c h i l d of a s h e p h e rd , v i n t n e r, o r b u rg o m a ster? W a s y o u r l i fe h u m bl e , o r were y o u s p a red s c a rcity o f c o i n a n d food? D i d s o m e o n e in you r l i fe van i s h , o r d i d you s u ffe r s o m e b r u s h with t h e c reatures o f t h e n ight?
What s uperstitions do you cleave to? I s there s o m e t h i n g you d o o r say every m o r n i n g o r at n ight? D o a n i m a l s- p a rti c u l a rl y bats, rave n s , o r wolves-feature in you r s u perstitio n s ? W h at s u perstitions d o you h ave regardi n g c o i n s , doorways, m e a l s , o r wou n d s ?
D o you have recurring dreams o r visions o f unfamiliar experiences or past lives? W h o were you in these d re a m s ? W h at d o they tel l you about B a rovia? Do you believe they h o l d a n y truth? Does Count Strah d von Z arovich fea t u re i n any of these v i s i o n s ?
Barovia's people are slow to trust strangers, but they eagerly share tales of the past tragedies and grim rumors that haunt every corner of their land. Ancient mysteries pervade the domain, and those who leave the relative safety of Barovia's settlements enter perilous lands where mortals aren't welcome. CASTLE RAV E NLOFT
Castle Ravenloft is Count Strahd von Zarovich's accursed sanctuary. Here Strahd committed his bloodiest crimes and began the cycle of despair in which all Barovia remains locked. Lurking Undead, tormented spirits, and Strahd's other servants haunt the vast castle, each serving the count's schemes; reflecting some aspect of his depraved past; or protecting his coffin, which lies hidden within the castle's vast catacombs. Mementos of lost times and fallen heroes lie scattered throughout the count's home. Strahd keeps these relics close, but that might hold the key to his undoing. Castle Ravenloft is detailed in the adventure Curse of Strahd. K R E Z K
Nestled on t h e edge of Barovia, Krezk i s a hardy and self-sustaining village. Burgomaster Dmitri Krezkov scours the land for wine and other small luxuries, hoping to infuse some happiness into the villagers' lives. Krezk's most prominent landmark, the Abbey of Saint Markovia, looms high on a nearby cliff. This abbey is the home of a group of strange, afflicted creatures who work for a young and striking abbot. Some believe the abbot to be Strahd in disguise, although i n truth he is a celestial being who has been corrupted by the Dark Powers.
M A P 3.1: B A R O V I A
Isolated from t h e rest of Barovia, Vallaki appears at first as an oddly mirthful place, but this seeming joy is an illusion. The burgomaster, Baron Vargas Vallakovich, is convinced happiness holds the key to Vallaki's salvation, and so he convenes festival after bizarre festival with titles such as the Festival of the Blazing Sun, the Promenade of Coffins, and the Wolf's Head Jamboree. Additionally, numerous factions are active within the town, including the Keepers of the Feather and the priests of Osybus (see "Travelers in the Mists" and "Other Groups," respectively, later i n this chapter). VILLAGE OF BAROVIA
Lying in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft, the village of Barovia is oppressed by fear. The villagers rarely venture from their homes, suspecting their neighbors of wickedness and fearing evils are taking root in the shadows. Their fears are largely justified, as ghosts and vampire spawn haunt the town, and many locals have been consumed by their own callousness or wicked temptations. A rare exception to the village's cold desperation can be found at the local tavern called the Blood of the Vine. Those few who would oppose Strahd's evil congregate hereand are in turn spied upon by the count's agents. THE AMBER TEM PLE
Once a haven of virtuous wizards, the Amber Temple was long ago corrupted by evil. It was here that Strahd made his pact with the Dark Powers to become a vampire, with the blessing of the lich Exethanter. While the lich remains, albeit as a mere shadow of its former self, the true evil within the Amber Temple lies within its collection of amber sarcophagi. These monoliths hold vestiges of dead, hateful gods-beings that aspire to re-create past depravities and manipulate mortals to fulfill unspeakable agendas. Various evil forces set their intentions upon the Amber Temple, viewing it as a nexus of secrets underpinning the nature of the Domains of Dread. The priests of Osybus (detailed in the "Other Groups" section later i n this chapter) have particular interest in this site. STR A H D VON ZAROVI C H
I n life, Count Strahd von Zarovich was a ruthlessly effective conqueror. Over decades of brutal military campaigning, he defeated his rivals and forged a nation. Retiring from war, Strahd settled in the beautiful valley where he'd won his greatest victory. There, in the way of his ancestors, he spilled his blood into the earth, sealing a pact between himself and the land. I n honor of his parents, King Barov and Queen