1 minute read
The God-Brain
Domain of Alien Memories Darklord: The God-Brain of Bluetspur Genre: Cosmic horror Hallmarks: Alien abductions, otherworldly landscapes, untrustworthy memories, monstrous experimentation Mist Talismans: Dream journal, metallic implant, scrap of bizarre technology Protean apocalypses scar the impossible vistas of Bluetspur, and none who witness them remember. This alien domain etches itself not upon the waking mind, but rather upon the body as inexplicable scars and on the psyche through nightmares. Not all the Domains of Dread are drawn from worlds hospitable to life. Bluetspur's scale and impossible geometry induce instinctual anxiety. Gaseous tempests whirl upon the hooked peaks of gravity-defying mountains, oily spires twist in semi-organic contortions, caustic fumaroles yawn and snap shut hungrily, and above it all hangs a dying red orb. Little can survive this wasteland, which is why Bluetspur's masters dwell underground. Beneath the alien surface, the mind flayers of Bluetspur drift through the howling darkness of their ancient metropolis-laboratory. Within this sprawling installation, the illithids' numbers are few and their tentacles twitch with undisguised urgency. They toil to prevent the unthinkable: their primordial leader, the God-Brain of Bluetspur, is dying. Through these end times, the mind flayers work desperately to reconcile their god's demented whims even as they struggle to delay its demise. To those ends, their tentacles slip through the Mists to drag unwitting souls back to Bluetspur for all manner of experiments. Many abductees are returned with only psychic scars, while others are never seen again. An unlucky few find themselves set upon strange routes leading back to the alien realm, arriving only to realize they've visited Bluetspur before. NOTEWORTHY F E ATUR E S

Those few people who glimpse Bluetspur know it only as a nameless realm from their impossible dreams. These visions share the following facts: • The land's surface is a lethal, alien place, scat• tered with the ruins of long-extinct civilizations. A mountain-massive beyond all words-looms as a constant presence and thrums with a soundless pulse that nonetheless demands attention. Mis• shapen shadows crawl among its fissures. Those who dream of events in this land often bear inexplicable scars, marks lending impossible evidence to their visions.