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Genres of Horror

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Horror Monsters

Horror Monsters

For a specific example, consider the domain of Barovia in chapter 3 . Not one villager in Barovia thinks it's wise to live in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft, and yet the villagers don't relocate, nor can they imagine living anywhere else. Life is as it's always been and could never be better, but it's constantly threatened with becoming worse. M O N ST E R S

Ghosts, mind flayers, werewolves-every monster is a story. Consider which monsters complement or contrast a Darklord's story. In a few sentences, describe which monsters best represent the Darklord's evil and which might work against the Darklord's schemes. For example, a wicked scientist Darklord might be aided by flesh golems and crawling claws, but they are opposed by dryads and ghosts who suffer from the Darklord's experiments. For inspiration, refer to the "Darklord's Shadows" section and your answers to the questions there, as well as the Monsters tables in the "Genres of Horror" section later in this chapter. M I STY B O R D E R S


I n a few sentences, describe how the Mists of Ravenloft operate in your domain. This might largely be the same as detailed at the beginning of chapter 3, or they too might reflect the Darklord's nature. Consider the following questions: • What shapes, sounds, and smells appear within the Mists? • • Do the Mists behave in some predictable way? What stories do the domain's people ascribe to the • M ists? Do they ascribe a personality to them? Where do the Mists appear besides the domain's borders? • How does a Darklord use the Mists to close their domain's borders (detailed in chapter 3)? ADVENTURES

The story of a Darklord and their domain is one and the same. Once you know your Darklord and the general shape of their domain, consider the types of encounters and adventures that play out in this land. For inspiration, refer to the Plots tables in the "Genres of Horror" section later in this chapter, and consider the following story elements. Captive Audience. Determine some aspect o f the domain or Darklord that captures the characters' attention. How is this matter urgent and time-sensitive? What can the heroes learn that points them to larger threats or the Darklord's past? How does this threat connect to the Darklord seeking their desires? Consider who might need the characters' aid and might guide them to deeper mysteries. Detail Key Locations. Briefly describe distinct locations suitable for adventure, where the heroes confront the Darklord's threats. For inspiration, refer to the Setting and Adventure Sites tables in the "Genres of Horror" section later in this chapter or the "Supernatural Regions" section of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Supporting Cast. Consider what types of characters support the Darklord, exacerbate their threat, or oppose them. How do characters take the Darklord's situation from bad to worse, whether as fanatical supporters or tragic victims? Write down three types of characters who are aligned with the Darklord and three who aren't. Sketch out these characters broadly, perhaps noting only their professions or roles in adventures. You can expand on their details as your adventures take shape. Entangling the Heroes. The Darklord might instantly sense visitors entering their domain, while the heroes have no reliable means of identifying the Darklord. Describe why the Darklord is interested in the characters. The Darklord Connections table provides examples of such connections. Interactions with the Darklord. Imagine situations that allow the players' characters and the Darklord to socialize without the encounter immediately spiraling into violence. For inspiration, consider the circumstances on the Darklord Interactions table.

DA R K LO R D C O N N E C T I O N S d8 Connection

A n adventurer rem i n d s the D a r k l o rd of t h e i r b o n d , d e s i re, o r loved o n e . 2 An adventurer s h a res a D a r k l o rd 's flaw. 3 The D a r k lord a n d an adventure r s h a re c a maraderie over a mutual i d e a l . 4 T h e D a r k lord b e l i eves they c a n teach an a d ve n t u rer, m a k i n g t h e m t h e i r a p p rentice o r i n h eritor. 5 An adventure r is a rei n c a rnated versi o n of the

D a r k l ord's b e l oved o r t h e i r m u rd e rer. 6 T h e D a r k l o rd is conv i n ced that an adventurer is the key to fi na l ly atta i n i n g their d e s i re . 7 T h e D a rk lord i m mediately looks up to an advent u re r and seeks to e m u l ate them to g r i m extrem e s . 8 An a d ve n t u re r is a rei nc a r nated y o u n ge r versi o n of the D a r k l o rd before they became i rredee m a b l e .

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