2 minute read
Isolde and Nepenthe
Alti the Werehare. A quick-tongued rapper and dancer, Alti (wererat) is a bombastic performer who turns into a rabbit on nights of the full moon. Amelia the Vampire. Amelia (scout with a flying speed of 3 0 feet) is a cheery acrobat aided in her performances by a pair of leathery wings that allows her to fly. Before stepping on stage, she powders her face, affects a somber accent, and pretends to be undead. Charlotte the Fire Eater. This juggling daredevil (veteran) performs with a dizzying array of flaming knives and other deadly objects. She claims that her blood is flammable and that she's burned the hair off eighteen hecklers. The Organ Grinder. This somber clown grinds an ornate barrel organ (scout). An attendant group of mischievous, half-trained, not-quite-identifiable animals caper to this music. The clown never speaks but allows visitors to guess at the animals' nature for a copper piece. Silessa the Snake. A dancer and animal tamer,
Silessa (druid) performs with a collection of rare serpents. She claims she was born a snake and magically transformed into an elf. H A L L OF HORRORS
A severe, bespectacled academic, Professor Pacali runs the Carnival's Hall of Horrors. This sizable, sinister tent contains a maze of taxidermic creatures, cabinets of curiosity, peculiar specimens in jars, and the occasional true wonder. Pacali hides a personal unsettling secret. During his time as a researcher at the Brautslava I nstitute in Darkon, Pacali was cursed: his worst impulses now grow from his body as terrible creatures. He bottles these murderous homunculi and touts them as "Professor Pacali's Pickled Punks," but every now and then one "escapes." Pacali persistently criticizes Hermos and Isolde, but rarely acts against them directly. LITWICK M A RKET
The Carnival doesn't travel alone. Wherever it goes, fey creatures chase after it, appearing on the Carnival's outskirts as mysterious merchants selling dangerous enigmas and Mist talismans. They peddle lost memories or love potions for peculiar prices, such as the buyer's dreams or ability to speak vowels. Gradually, more dangerous fey arrive-creatures who delight in sabotaging performances or nearby settlements. These tricks and accidents grow increasingly dangerous, potentially culminating in disasters for which the Carnival's troupers ultimately take the blame. All these fey hold a grudge against the Carnival. They light their stalls with eerie colored lanterns and call themselves the Litwick Market.