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The Carnival

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L E T H A L L E V E R A G E d 6 Leverage

T h e contact provides the c h a r a cters with noteworthy gea r to u se d u ri n g a req uest, t h e n c o l lects i t afterward a s e v i d e n c e . 2 T h e contact conven ie n t l y "goes o u t of town , " req uesting c h a racters report to t h e m in writin g . 3 T h e contact req u ests m a g i c a l i n s ur a n ce , s u c h as a geas s p e l l preve n t i n g m u t u a l h a r m or com m ittin g t h e c h aracters t o a m i s re p resented act. 4 The contact beco m e s the g u a rd i a n of s o m e o n e close to t h e c h aracters. 5 T h e contact h o l d s a powerful m a g i c item fo r the c h aracters "so it d oe s n ' t fal l i nto t h e wrong h a n ds . " 6 The contact h a s t h e c h a racters act a g a i n s t a m u t u a l fri e n d "for t h e i r o w n goo d . " T h e contact t h e n t h reaten s to reveal t h i s a c t t o t h e fri e n d .


C ou p D E GRACE

Once the aforementioned noble has gained leverage over the party, they might make all sorts of demands. It's then up to the characters whether they obey or find a way to escape the noble's schemes. This might even be the point where the noble reveals that they've been an agent of Ivana Boritsi or Ivan D i lisnya all along, and now the Darklord they serve has a use for the characters. IVANA'S I NT R I GU E S

Ivana Boritsi's interests lie i n manipulating sweeping aspects of Borca's society, asserting her dominance amid a n ever-shifting landscape of petty noble schemes. She isn't a spellcaster, but her insights into alchemy allow her to create chemically potent mind-altering effects. lvana's chemical arsenal includes drinks that convey illusory sensations, perfumes that charm creatures, and dramatic poisons activated by innocuous secondary triggers. Through suggestion and by subtly exposing targets to her chemicals, Ivana convinces victims she's practically omnipotent.

Use the poisons detailed in the Dungeon Master's Guide as a baseline for the effects Ivana creates and combine them with the effects of enchantment and illusion spells to design custom, nonmagical toxins for her. The following example combines an inhaled poison and the dream spell, creating a tool Ivana uses to manipulate her agents.

lvana's Whisper (Inhaled). This poison bears a distinct scent and chemical message from Ivana Boritsi. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or experience the effects of a dream spell created by Ivana the next time they sleep. This poison is nonmagical, and Ivana doesn't directly communicate with those affected during the dream. Rather, she creates the illusion of speaking with her intended target by alchemically crafting her message, predicting her target's reactions, and chemically encoding in her responses. She wears this poison as a perfume or hides it within gift bouquets, allowing it to convey her message later. IVA N 'S I NTRIGU E S

Ivan Dilisnya has a simple desire: companionship. Unfortunately, he's a selfish and controlling individual. To enable his need for attention, the Dark Powers granted him a subtle ability to have the letters he writes magically delivered. Ivan uses this simple power for amoral, cowardly ends. On rare occasions Ivan takes his clockwork coach through communities to watch for passersby worth writing to.

The Darklord's Letters. Ivan's letters are supernatural missives relayed by the Dark Powers. If Ivan writes a letter and addresses it to a creature whose name he knows and whom he's seen before, he can choose to have one such letter vanish at midnight of the following night. That letter then reappears in an unobserved but obvious space near the letter's addressee during their next long rest. The letter might appear among the recipient's mundane mail, on their bedside table, or among their gear. A letter's mysterious means of delivery is never observed. Ivan's letters can reach a target anywhere within the Domains of Dread.

The Darklord Knows. Ivan supernaturally knows the location of every letter he has magically sent within the last month, pinpointed to within 1 mile. As a result, he can tell that one of his letters is in a settlement, but not in which house. He also knows when his letters are destroyed.

The Darklord's Demands. Ivan persistently pesters people with his letters, often fixating on two or three individuals. He writes frequently, using the facade of the recipient's secret admirer, a youngster in need of help, or a distant family member, though his lies fracture over time. His salutations are off-putting or childishly insulting, like "Dear Delicious Knuckle" or "My Preening Pig-Face." His letters' contents typically focus on him rather than the recipient, obsessing over his feelings, distractions, and self-indulgent rants. I nevitably, his cowardly cruelty shows through as the letters grow increasingly possessive and insulting. He initially coaxes recipients to fetch gifts for him or to undermine his foes, but his requests culminate in insisting that the recipient joins him at Degravo, the Dilisnya estate.

Wandering Domain of Wonders Darklord: Nepenthe Genres: Body horror and dark fantasy Hallmarks: Entertainment, fey bargains, misfits, wandering exiles Mist Talismans: Carnival flier, colorful ticket, strange prize from a Carnival game Resplendent with bright banners, calliope music, and the smells of rich food, the Carnival promises visitors a surreal wonderland where any dream is possible. Garish fliers appear before the Carnival's arrival, promising marvels, terrors, and a brief escape from the gloom of daily life. But nothing in the Land of the Mists is beyond suspicion, and the wise know strangers are intrinsically dangerous. The Carnival doesn't exist to entertain its visitors. Rather, it's a traveling domain, capable of visiting other domains and lands beyond the Mists. Visibly marked as outsiders by birth, circumstance, intention, or talent, the Carnival's troupers trade their unique performances for coin and whatever else they need to survive. Although these entertainers are well intentioned, sinister forces travel in their wake. The longer the Carnival tarries in one place, the greater the threat to the performers and visitors. So the Carnival travels constantly, lest the troupers endanger the lands they visit. NOTEWORT H Y F E AT U R E S

Those familiar with the Carnival know the following facts: • Fliers advertising the Carnival's impending arrival appear mysteriously in communities before it appears. The Carnival doesn't contribute to their • production or distribution. Two silver pieces buy a ticket to the Carnival, while the Big Top's shows, the Hall of Horrors, • and sideshows have their own entry fees. The Carnival wanders endlessly, never staying anywhere for more than a few weeks. Most settlements welcome this traveling diversion, but trage• dies follow its path. Merchants unaffiliated with the Carnival follow its travels and set up shop alongside it. Known as the Litwick M a rket, this collection of tents and booths • is filled with strange vendors and stranger goods. Those seeking an escape from a place or their current lives can join the Carnival. As long as travelers are willing to work and contribute to the community, they're welcome to stay as long as they like.

C A R N I VA L C H A R ACTE R S W h e n p layers create c h a racters from t h e C a r n i v a l , con s i d e r a s k i n g t h e m t h e fol lowing q uesti o n s .

What sets you apart from your birth family? Do you h ave a u n i q u e t a l e n t o r i n bo r n a b il ity? D o you d isplay a p h y s i c a l d ifference? Do you carry a c u r s e or b l e s s i n g? How do you fee l a bout your d ifferences?

Do you perform? H ave you devised a way to profit from your c i rc u m stances? Are you proud of your perfo r m a n ces? D o you h ave a s h ow m e ntor or partner? Or d o you earn y o u r way in the Carnival a s a l aborer, a s a vendor, or in a nother rol e ?

H o w d i d you j o i n the Carnival? D i d you r u n away to j o i n ? Were you an outcast who fou n d a h o m e with the C a r n i v a l ? D i d I so l d e o r a tro u pe r s a v e you from d a n ger?


This small domain encompasses only a few hundred square yards. A handful of horses and exotic pack animals transport the Carnival's two dozen wagons from site to site. One of the Carnival's oldest performers, Hermos the Half-Giant, handles the Carnival's day-to-day operations. Hermos is a mountain of muscle half again as tall as most human adults. His deliberate manner and coolheaded demeanor earn him the respect of the Carnival's troupers. Other senior or charismatic figures hold influence over cliquish groups of performers, but few dare openly contradict Hermos since he's favored by the Carnival's leader, Isolde. The Carnival's arrangement varies depending on where it sets up, but always includes a thoroughfare of games, food, and sideshow stalls leading from the ticketing gate to the Big Top . B I G TOP

Standing at the Carnival's center is the Big Top , its largest tent. The Big Top houses spectacular shows, from acrobats and d isplays of magic to beloved plays. Three coppers buy a visitor admittance for as long as they like, with performances of varying quality running from sunrise until midnight. S I D E S HOWS

Lurid banners with exaggerated art and the calls of barkers advertise the Carnival's unusual performers. For 2 copper pieces, visitors enter a tent and watch a performer's show. The Carnival's bestknown attractions include the following troupers (along with the stat blocks they use): Tindal the Barker. Tindal, the Carnival's cynical, fast-talking lead barker (mage), tours the grounds with visitors. At their last stop, he reveals his own uniqueness as the Amazing Soul-less Man: he casts no reflection and claims to lack a soul.

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