2 minute read
Saidra d'Honaire

Port-a-Lucine shines with the veneer of a sophisticated city. It boasts a university, an opera house, a wax museum, and an aquarium, as well as a scandalous cabaret (the Red Widow Theater) and lush gardens. The Zuvich Hospital offers the highest standards of science-based medical care, while the Great Library curates a large collection of supposedly significant but largely repetitive writings. D 'HONA I R E E STATE
Decorated with fanciful gargoyles and lurid tapestries, the lavish home of Duchess Saidra d'Honaire is the setting of the Grand Masquerade (detailed later in this domain). A small army of energetic, masked ghouls constantly prepare for the upcoming festivities. MOTHER OF TEARS C ATHEDRAL
T h e Mother of Tears Cathedral is t h e most honest place in Dementlieu. Dedicated to the god Ezra, the cathedral's teachings put greater emphasis on weeping for the horrors of the world than on taking any action to cure or combat them. The clergy resists acknowledging any kind of distinction of class or rank among the worshipers, despite the stark stratification of society outside the cathedral's walls. All people are desperate wretches in the merciful hands of Ezra, who mourns for and with them all. A magnificent alabaster statue of Ezra, her sword and shield set aside as she weeps into her hands, adorns the sanctuary. R E D Wrn ow THEATER
The Red Widow is a cabaret known for lively music, provocative dancing, and shady dealings. A gigantic statue of a spider, painted in garish crimson with a black hourglass shape on its abdomen, adorns the front roof of the building, inviting customers into its decadent web. At this shrine to decadent pleasures, attendees celebrate beauty and life in defiance of the crushing poverty and horror outside.
But the theater harbors horrors nonetheless: shape-shifters use the cabaret's intimate spaces to find prey. Though rumors persist of shape-shifting giant spiders that feast on unwitting customers, they fail to depress attendance at the theater's performances. THR E E ODD GABLES
Under t h e eaves o f t h e Tenebrarum Woods a t t h e e n d o f M i l l Street, a coven o f green hags lives in three crooked houses. These fey delight in meddling in the lives of Dementlieu's
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