4 minute read
The Caller
Representatives o f various organizations have their own reasons for exploring the Mists and might be encountered in multiple domains. C H U RC H O F E Z R A
Pious souls in various domains pray t o Ezra, an aloof god who embodies the Mists (as detailed at the start of this chapter). With no domain-spanning organization, the church serves largely as a formalization of local superstitions, whether in modest rural temples or urban cathedrals. When many common folk give voice to their hopes or seek to ward off evil, it's to Ezra they pray. THE C I RC L E
The heroic knights o f this order quest from the Shadowlands (detailed in "Other Domains of Dread") in search of evil to vanquish. Bold and proud, many members of the Circle inadvertently race toward dramatic tragedies. The more successful knights venture back to the Shadowlands with evidence of their victories, often carrying evil back to their homeland. The knights of the Circle regularly provide bold-and ill-fated-assistance to other would-be heroes. THE KARGAT AND THE KARGATA N E
Darkon's secret police, the Kargat, is composed of vampires and others supernaturally disposed toward intrigue. Since Azalin's disappearance (see "Darkon" earlier in this chapter), the Kargat enforces the will of fractious, power-hungry leaders. The organization is in turn served by the Kargatane, a cultish lower echelon of mortals drawn to service with promises of wealth and supernatural power. Long-serving members of the Kargatane earn transformation into dhampirs (see chapter 1), the first step toward becoming a member of the Kargat and attaining immortality. Agents of both groups wander Darkon and beyond, creating shadowy conspiracies to gain magical power and control by any means possible. O R D E R OF T H E GUARDIANS
This network of scholars a n d monastic caretakers hunts down and puts an end to dangerous supernatural objects, cursed items, and stranger anomalies. I n the case of dangers they can't destroy, the Guardians hope to prevent calamities by containing them within hidden, heavily warded, vault-like monasteries. Over generations, these sites have become repositories of incredible secrets and great evil that members of the order struggle to contain. Guardian monasteries are hidden in multiple domains, with the best known being Watchers' Stronghold in Darkon. Power-hungry groups a n d unscrupulous lore seekers, such as the Kargat and the priests of Osybus, often target these ancient vaults, seeking powers few can hope to control. The Guardians might share goals with characters trying to prevent supernatural dangers, but they just as easily could consider characters threats themselves. P R I E STS OF 0 SYBUS
These cultists channel t h e might of t h e Dark Powers and steal souls to gain the ability to transcend death. With their foul immortality, they work to unshackle the first Darklord, Strahd von Zarovich, from the Domains of Dread. This inspires them to learn all they can about the nature of the Mists and its deepest mysteries. The priests spread their teachings, forming shadowy cults that draw adventurers into their schemes. These villains are further detailed in chapter 5. ULMI ST I N QU ISITION
T h e three branches of t h e Ulmist Inquisition trace their origins to Malitain, a mysterious, cult-infested city from the same world as Barovia. These inquisitors employ varied psionic powers to stamp out evil, but their zeal and willingness to peer into others' minds mean that many fear them just as much as the villains they oppose. Cells of the Ulmist Inquisition might be found within any domain and often ally with the Church of Ezra while opposing the priests of Osybus. Ulmist inquisitors might ally with characters against evil, but they are just as likely to see corruption within adventurers' souls. These inquisitors are further detailed in chapter 5. M I ST WAN D E R E R S
The individuals i n this section travel the Mists, carrying with them rumors and mysteries that can lead characters from one domain to the next. Any of these travelers might use Mist talismans or other methods to aid characters in undertaking their own journeys. ALA N I K RAY A N D ART H U R SEDGWICK
Known as the Great Detective, Alanik Ray possesses an unrivaled deductive mind. The century-old elf has a knack for seeing through falsehoods, a talent aided by decades of experience and science-driven deductive methods. As a young detective in Darkon, Alanik revealed his father's criminal empire and oversaw its destruction. His success launched his career as a private detective, embroiling him in the intrigues of Martira Bay's nobility. During this time, he met the young physician Arthur Sedgwick, who became his partner and saved Alanik's life countless times. The pair's adventures-including several deadly encoun-