Positive Life Spring 2017

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More Spiritual Than You


Ten Years in the Making DR RICK HANSON

The Sweet Spot for your Brain GIRLCREW’S ELVA CARRI

Building your Dream Team ALISON CANAVAN

Positively Physical

spring 2017 priceless


Beginning here now…

This is just the beginning...

““Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Equilibrium is the word springing toin mind, definition: a state ofin rest orNow. balance due “If you smile no one else around, you really mean it.” ~ Andy will Roon “Nothing haswhen happened theisits past; it happened the Nothing ev to the equal action of opposing forces. A situation arises which may appear negative/ in thebefuture; in the Now.” ~ Eckhart positivehappen on the outside, with it, it sitwill with happen it and watch where the energy flows. Tolle BRAIN. IT’Stogot me thinking. research this I discovered Allow yourself be guided by life, let goIn of our all resistance, and just issue, see where the flowTHE leads. Rick Hanson in this issue describes it as having a deep keel (in the whenPRESENT you smileMOMENT. your brainAll releases endorphins: dopamine andit.serot the spiritual teachers talk about It’s water), a foundation of balance. I remember trying to stay positive no matter what and this happens your smile is real or fake. in mentioned in our whether magazine all the time. Thich NhatENDORPHINS Hanh loves it, an happened and how exhausting it was, now I feel that whatever happens, I will be make you feel release chemicals. Feel better,isand th about it good. repeatedly onand his recent visit to Dublin. so spe with it.spoke Dear reader, thank you forSMILE being with us for this spring issue - turn the What pages, feel the vibes and have a laugh with JP Sears. He says he is the most spiritual to another about it? SMILE that releases chemicals, and on it goes. NICE SEQU being on the planet and frankly we agree.

SO smile yourabout way through newyou issue keep smiling 2012 “What the past?our What areand going to do in theinto future? paul congdon, Publisher THANKS to Patrick Bridgeman being a brilliant editor so fag my mind. “Isn’t that juicier? Come on,for man. Think, imagine, worry, welcome Actually, to our new editorI’m Katie Roche. excited.” Mind, grand. Thanks for thinking of me thoug Happiness of the our lovely reader.my KEEP This summer I’m season restingto inYOU, the NOW, navigating lifeSMILI from paul congdon, Publisher centred, balanced, spacious, aware, free of thought. In the present, a different energy flow is available to us - clearer. Try it this Summer. NOW. What? Next. paul congdon, Publisher

PHOTO: David Kenna cover photo: Brian Crawford Photography Laguna Beach, CA

Contentment 4

Spring Vibes The good, better and best this season


Positively Newsworthy There is so much good news


Spirituality & The City The law of attraction in action


Positive Parenting Tears are healing when allowed to flow


Dee Wallace Success is a state of mind


Amanda Collins Harmonising technology in your home


Meditation A brave new world beckons

Contentment Contentment 4


Earthsong 10th year of these WinterThe Vibes Eat, drinkmagical and becamps aware

Positive Personality JP Sears is more enlightened-er than you Positively Newsworthy Going green and taking strides 24 Positive Business Urban Veda: Beauty for you and the world 10 26 Tantra Spirituality and the City Tales of love How it makes you feel so good



ScienceGet of Happiness A user’s thein mind CNM fit for winter 412 28 TheSummer Vibes Out andmanual aboutfor and store.

Publisher PC Media paul@positivelife.ie Editorial Gavin Ryan editor@positivelife.ie Design Simon O’Connor simon@postivelife.ie Ad Design Caroline Hanan caroline.hanan@gmail.com Advertising Paul Congdon paul@positivelife.ie 0861579518 Social media Yahaira L. Reyes Yahaira@positivelife.ie

Publisher PC Media

Thanks to our advertisers, paul@positivelife.ie Publisher PCwe Media can give Positive Life magazine to Editorial Patrick paul@positivelife.ieBridgema you for FREE. If you’re talking to Katie Roche Editorial them, let them know wePatrick sent youBridgema their way. editor@positivelife.ie katie@positivelife.ie

32 Positively Practical Traditional crafts: the pole lathe Astrology What do the planets say? 614 Positively Newsworthy Running, feasting and camping. 34

Davie Philip What price our soil?

The Powers of Raw Spirituality and theFood City 19 38 Astrology Positive Home 12 14 Health Preview 2040 Rude The Law of Attraction 43 16 Positive Personality 23 Dee Wallace 56 19 dence 2459 Confi Ireland 2012 20 Identity Who arePack you, really? The spiritual foundations of Lomiwe’re Lomi moving 27 60 Ho’oponopono Positive Power your suitcase, 62 Astrology A star chartSzvath of the Happy Pearto twins 23 Reborn travells Costa Rica. 28 Reshape Julia Your Brain Reading this will change your life 24 Breathing SpaceEarly Making Monday mornings magic. 33 Positive Beauty to bed, early to rise... 16 10 36

Design Simon O’Connor

Please use the information simon@postivelife.ie provided in this publication as a Fall in love with juicing Turning Points. CNM A how to guide for a healthy detox recommendation only to Caroline better Ad Design Hanan mental and physical health. We Secrets ofby a feng shuiSmith. goddess Hans Wieland Connections 2: Parents & Children A New Dawn Andrew caroline.hanan@gmail.com strongly advise you to consult Paul Congdon your doctor Advertising regarding health Spring Recipes Love is in the kitchenDance at Cornucopia Hidden gems old favourites.concerns that you may have. The with the and universe paul@positivelife.ie Short & Sweet Stay up to date on holistic happenings views expressed by contributors Monk Cheongwol comes to Ireland.and advisors0861579518 The best performance of your life do not necessarily Positively Physical Alison Canavan on how to get in shape represent the views of the Know that are. publication’sThanks staff. to our advertisers, w where it’s happening Elva Carri Useful tips Be for working inyou teams

give Positive Printed, published, packagedLife andmagazine distributed in Ireland. for FREE. If you’re talking to positivelife.ie let them know we sent you

Please use the information

spring vibes “Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.” Rainer Maria Rilke

well read Keep Calm and Cure On Calm Cure is our own Sandy Newbigging’s new book on the healing powers of meditation. In it, he shares why conflict keeps us connected to what we don’t want and offers his powerful three-step technique for healing both personal and global problems. sandynewbigging.com

A Cookbook That Might Just Save Your Life Derbhla Reynolds has been leading the vanguard proclaiming the health benefits and deliciousness of fermented foods for years. Her new book, The Cultured Club: Fabulously Funky Fermentation Recipes is full of gut-friendly recipes designed to supercharge your immune system. My favourite is the vanilla kefir ice cream. theculturedclub.com

Rise and Shine Rebecca Campbell is a light worker and a bestselling author of Light Is The New Black. Rebecca has guided thousands of women to listen to the callings of their soul and create a life that is completely aligned to them. She will give a one day workshop hosted by Positive living network in Newry on April 8th.. rebeccacampbell.me

your attention and enhance your ability to be more present, self-aware, and focused. mcleanmeditation.com



What Are You Looking At?

Carpe Noctum

We all know that your energy goes wherever you put your attention. In Sarah McLean’s new book, The Power of Attention, you can discover with simple mindfulness tools and meditation techniques how to reclaim

If the holistic world had TED talks, they would look like Positive Nights. At each event we come together in love and are treated to wonderful talks, workshops and happenings that leave us wiser,

Rebecca Campbell

Sarah McLean

happier and more alive. It’s a movement that’s taking off. Look out for upcoming nights of tantra with Dawn Cartwright, meditation with Sandy Newbigging and loads more. It’s a magical mystery tour. positivelife.ie/positivenights

Wilderness Wellbeing Charles Cook famously proclaimed, “Your deepest roots are in nature, no matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of life you lead, you remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation.” Nature Benefits offers you the chance to reconnect with the earth and sky with revitalising outdoorsy events throughout the year designed to help you reclaim those deep roots and find peace.



Spring Break It’s so important to invest time in yourself to stay balanced and well. Amongst many other therapies, Mokshala offers a threeday Holistic Detox Retreat in April that is focused on cleansing and transforming at all levels. Lead by holistic healer and life coach Arina Suld, it’s a weekend that is guaranteed to recharge your batteries.

much in the headlines these days with many claims of its medicinal qualities. Also known as cannabidiol, it is the non-psychoactive compound in hemp/ cannabis that has received a tremendous amount of positive news worldwide. Full Circle Hemp provides CBD/CBDA products from their base in Wicklow.



Heroes Wanted

Home Made Goodness

Laura Lynn provide palliative care and support for children with life-limiting conditions and their families. Their holistic approach to care enables them to support the whole family, allowing parents to be ‘Mum and Dad’ rather than full-time carers. They are looking for wonderful heroes to enter the Women’s Mini Marathon to raise funds for their amazing work.

April Danann is a medical intuitive. She lives a totally natural life, making all her own products and food from scratch, from toothpaste to cleaning products and beyond. We love her range of apple cider vinegars, with some super flavours: turmeric and ginger, wild elderberry and more. Get your pH in check and alkalise that body of yours.


good stuff Period Drama The Mooncup replaces tampons in a way that’s more convenient, better for your body and makes tons more sense for the environment too. The company is employee-owned and is the first sanitary protection manufacturer with Ethical Business status. mooncup.co.uk


Autism And Broccoli Sprout Juice Vegus Juices of Co. Wexford are convinced of the health-giving properties of their broccoli sprout juice on those who are affected by autism. So much so, that they have an exclusive offer for our readers. If you or your family are affected by Autism and would like to try it, contact Mike for a free four week supply to try it out, available to first fifty applicants. vegusjuices.com vegusvegus@aol.com

helping hands

Hemp for Health

A Problem Shared

Hemp-originating treatment is very

Help is out there. Whatever life has

thrown at us, it always lightens the load when we stop trying to shoulder the whole burden by ourselves and reach out for the support that we need. The Open Minds Centre in Dun Laoghaire offers psychotherapy and clinical hypnotherapy for when the going gets tough. openmindscentre.ie

That’s a Given Human Givens therapy is sweeping the world. It holds that if a person’s organic human needs are met appropriately, it is not possible to be mentally unwell. That’s a refreshing approach. Anne-Marie Curran is a trained practitioner based in Dublin. She can help you access your inner resources and design a healthy living environment for yourself. Anne-Marie 086 600 9019

positively newsworthy good news from around the globe. positivelife.ie

6 1 What’s That, Kelsey? Bob and Kelsey have always been the best of friends, but now Bob owes Kelsey his very life. It all started when the 64-year-old Bob went out into the Wisconsin winter and sub-zero temperatures to collect firewood. Bob and Kelsey lived in a rural area and their nearest neighbour was half a kilometre away. Thinking he was only going to be out momentarily, Bob wasn’t wearing a coat or proper shoes when he slipped and broke his neck. It was -4°C outside. When Kelsey heard Bob’s screams she ran out to try to help him. Unfortunately, Kelsey couldn’t call the emergency services as she’s a Golden Retriever. Fortunately however, she is one of the smartest, most loyal and compassionate Golden Retrievers on the planet. She lay on top of him through the night and all the next day until her barks led people to the place where she and

Bob were lying and they airlifted Bob to the hospital. The doctors were amazed that Bob had survived for so long in sub-zero temperatures. Although his neck was broken and his legs were paralysed from the initial fall, he suffered no frostbite whatsoever. The doctors were convinced that this was solely thanks to the heat Kelsey provided by lying on top of him through the whole night and right up until he was discovered at 6.30pm the following day, twenty hours after Bob had his accident. Without Kelsey’s loyalty and intelligence, the doctors are convinced Bob would not have survived the night. Bob and Kelsey were reunited in the hospital and it was an emotional moment as Kelsey licked his face and Bob was moved to tears of gratitude. Bob is one man who knows for sure that his dog is truly his best friend.

2 Paying it Forward, With Pizza A fire broke out in the hills in northern Genoa. Motorists were trapped in gridlock on their way home from work as the fire services blocked the road to battle the blaze. When pizzeria owner, Simone Di Maria, heard of the traffic jam, he felt the poor motorists must be famished stuck in their cars after their long days at work and decided to be part of the solution. Di Maria handed out free pizzas to the commuters who couldn’t believe the kindness of the gesture. One grateful motorist described it as a ‘Godsend’ having spent hours waiting for the road to be reopened. The pizzeria owner was quick to point out that the firefighters were the real heroes of the hour. He explained that the flames of previous fires had come to within 100 metres of his home and would have burned his house down had the brave emergency services not done their job with such courage. The Facebook account of the pizzeria has been swamped with praise from all those who have heard of his actions. People were moved to hear that such kindness was still alive and well in 21st Century Italy. One post called on the mayor to make a special commendation of Di Maria’s actions. It just shows that in difficult times, good deeds like this have the potential to make a really big impact, not just on those who benefit directly from them, but even on those have their spirits lifted just hearing that they happened.

3 A Good Yarn Ireland has always been internationally respected for winning gold in the generosity stakes when it comes to charity work overseas. It’s a source of much pride to those of us living here. The Chernobyl disaster is one which the Irish people have consistently addressed through amazing work from a range of community organisations and NGO’s. The ‘Inis Oírr for Belarus’ project came about when the local public health nurse on the island, Bairbre Uí­Chualáin, heard tell of the work Brother Liam O’Meara was doing with the ‘Burren for Belarus’ initiative and decided that the people in her community could play their part too. When she approached the islanders to see if they would be willing to knit aran scarves, sweaters, gloves, hats, blankets and socks for the orphans in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, she was met with enthusiasm. Over 90% of the islanders took part, from the pre-schoolers in the naíonra

“Over 90% of the islanders took part” all the way up to the Comhar na nAosach (the association of seniors). Brother Liam made sure the knitted garments were delivered to the orphans for the freezing winter months where temperatures can reach -20°C. Bairbre Uí­Chualáin and the inhabitants of the tiny island off the west coast of Ireland can be proud of the warmth that they have given to the orphans who are now wearing a little piece of Inis Oírr to keep them cosy.

positively newsworthy the little things by Gavin Ryan

8 1 Everyday Heroes Herself works in a job where she ushers in lives to the world and occasionally saves them too. I am always abashed at how important her job is relative to mine. I’m pretty sure that when things get serious and lives are on the line, it is unlikely you will hear the shout, ‘somebody fetch a writer.’ I sometimes get stressed around deadlines. I can feel as if I am in a room where the walls are closing in ready to crush me when they approach. It is always useful to take this up with my better half who has often spent thirteen hours on her

“I’m pretty sure that when things get serious it is unlikely you will hear the shout, ‘somebody fetch a writer.’” feet working in situations where people are experiencing the greatest highs and lows of their lives. For those she meets, this will be one of the most emotionally charged days of their whole existence.

They will never be the same again. For her, it’s just another Monday. I think that many of us are unaware of the incredible work our health care professionals and emergency services do day in and day out. Some of us will hopefully never have the opportunity to realise how blessed we are to have these guardian angels on standby for the day we need them, but they are there. So if you know a nurse or midwife, doctor, fi refighter, coastguard or anyone involved in putting themselves on the line to help strangers, let them know you appreciate it. Because we can’t say it too much.

2 Chairoplanes We visited the township of Langa near Capetown International Airport on our honeymoon last year. Capetown is a truly spectacular city. We were staying in the salubrious area of Camps Bay surrounded by Maseratis and Porsches and incredible wealth. It seemed like we were in Hollywood. It was clear though that not all the inhabitants were living the celebrity dream. We were warned to be vigilant against crime and muggings and we could see that the economic divide was immense. We took trips out to Cape Horn and Cape Aghulas, the southernmost point of the African continent, where the Indian and the Atlantic Oceans meet. We saw

all the breathtaking wildlife from lions and elephants mere feet away on a safari, to penguins in their natural habitats on a beach in Simonstown, just west of Capetown. The scenery was breathtaking, but it was hard to ignore that apartheid had merely ended politically and not economically. A tour guide at Robben Island, where Mandela was kept prisoner, told us that things were even worse now than ever. Walking through Langa township, it seemed not too much different to parts of Dublin. Our guide told us, they called this part of the township, ‘Beverly Hills’, soon the houses gave way to lean-to shacks made from corrugated iron sheets where whole families lived on dirt floors. It was Guy Fawkes Day and the children were organising skirmishes against children from other parts of the townships. Everybody was outside in the sunshine. The kids swarmed us. I grabbed a boy of about four and swung him like a chairoplane as I would my own children. Soon I had a disorderly queue of kids wanting to be spun. I swung the kids until I got dizzy. Their parents laughed nearly as hard as the children did. I may not have been able to understand what they said to me in Xhosa, but their smiling faces said it all. I’m not sure if I will ever go back to South Africa, but I have taken a part of it with me.




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spirituality & the city Speak Your Dreams Into Existence.

Dave O’Brien

Edina Valentova

This year I want to move home to live in a part of the city where I feel I am inspired by my surroundings. The buzz of the local small businesses, cafés, restaurants, bookshops, local parks, leafy green quiet back streets and the cinema. I want to feel engaged with people in the community, chatting on the footpath with passers by, going to events and getting involved, finding new opportunities to build friendships and connections with the people living around me. When I step into my home, it will feel like a place of relaxation, freedom and creativity. When I step outside my front door, I will breathe in the excitement, delight and wonder of what each new day has to offer.

My focus is on a transition to a full-time ‘nomadic’ lifestyle. Since childhood I have very much felt that moving from one place to another is what drives and inspires me the most. Exploring, feeling the different flavours of the world, sharing passions with others, unravelling the universe... Visiting energetically highly charged places and connecting with people who lift the collective vibration in different ways is where my attention is at right now. Being fully present, appreciative, excited and playful is what keeps me going. This is how I meet others with a similar motivation to co-create and grow. The expanding network of all these incredible people is what I am grateful for as we cross-support and explore new avenues together, including a multitude of projects covering coaching, energy work and retreats, all designed for the on-the-go lifestyle. It is an enjoyable process of continuously ‘testing’ the unfolding manifestations by keeping the flow going and remaining curious.

Miller Anthony I have put together a proposal to speak at TEDx Dublin on March 31st. I know the feeling I want to build. I want to share my enthusiasm for life. I want to lift the audience out of the story of fear by connecting with each of them and by looking them in the eye and sharing my energy. They will be able to feel my conviction in what I am saying. I will also be making this feeling real for them, by getting them to do experiments. So, they will gain the experience, not just the information. I can feel the feeling of them connecting with me and their hearts lifting as they become freer, as they let go of those limiting stories. So, they can start to create a greater flow in themselves. I feel the strength of myself standing on stage, holding all the energy of the room. Allowing those limitations to evaporate and leaving everyone energised.

Carolyn Coughlan In the last twelve months, I got engaged and married to the man I love, had a wonderful honeymoon and now I’m in the final trimester of my pregnancy with my fi rst baby. I feel so blessed and my heart is so fi lled with gratitude that it’s hard to know what more to wish for. If there were no limitations, I would love to have magic powers and be able to fly through the air like a bird, or travel in time and meet my ancestors. More practically, I would love to be able to master Elimination Communication with my new born. When I explain it to my friends and family they think I’m crazy, but I think it’s possible. I hope so anyway. Mainly, I just hope to remain happy and well, enjoying whatever life has to offer.

Jennifer Haskins I’m a Matchmaker. I help others find love. Co-creating relationships brings great joy and satisfaction. How many people can say “I helped change someone’s life today?” Among my personal goals for 2017 is to attract someone special into my own life. It’s all too easy to focus on work and put your love life on the back burner, but you can’t wait for the knock on the door, you’ve got to play your part in making it happen. Spirituality and self-awareness are very important to me. I’m looking for someone who shares my values, having compromised these in the past, they are now a prerequisite for my future relationship. It would be amazing to have someone special to share in the everyday things and the amazing experiences life has to offer. The key ingredients for my new relationship: authentic, loving and nurturing, with plenty of fun, passion and adventure thrown in!

11 Tara Nixon O’Neill I have just come off a fi rst class fl ight from New York having been paid a six-figure sum of money for my creative work. I am walking on air. My daughter’s hand is in mine. We drive home through the gates to our beautiful home. The horses are in the stables. The stove is burning. The polished concrete walls and floors are full of love. The waves are crashing against the cliff upon which our house is built. After our morning ride on the beach we swim and then sauna in the garden. My tea is brought to me by the person I share a love with that I never thought possible, but so glad I dared dream it. My angel goes to school happy with sea in her hair. As I finish my morning yoga practice looking out at the ocean through our floor-to-ceiling south-facing window, I am warm, contented and grateful. I realise I am living the moment I wrote about for Positive Life. I sit at my beautiful desk stroke my stunning cat and with giddy wonder start my next project worth seven digits and remind myself to dream big baby.

PoSiTiVe PArenTing

allowing the rain

to fall STAy LiSTening THroUgH THe CHAnging TimeS.

by Anna Cole

My sister and her nine-year-old son have just been staying with us. They have left Australia to live in Sweden in order to support her brother-in-law whose wife died tragically. So while we were delighted to spend time together, in the background was this profound loss and the tensions felt by the grown-ups about how to make sense of this too-early death. On our last night of their longweekend visit with us we decided to all play ‘Beetle’. It’s a silly, no-skill, dice game, perfect we thought for all ages. As it turned out, my ten-year-old son’s luck was out. When it was his go, he rolled and rolled the dice but his numbers just wouldn’t come up. After a quite a few rounds of this losing streak my son began to moan: “How come I’m always last?” His big sister is very often leagues ahead of

message that “big boys don’t cry”, or shame the child with a careless “hey, don’t be such a sore loser”. Nor does a fl ippant ‘we win some, we lose some’ fit the bill. Instead we must really listen. It’s never the easy thing to do, but with lots of practice, it does become easier. Calmly, I acknowledged his dice hadn’t come up, that he didn’t like losing, and I listened closely and warmly while he cried. After around five minutes or so he was done, the rainstorm of tears was gone, and he was back in good spirits for the rest of the evening. Later that night at bedtime, my nephew, who had been stoical but a bit tense all weekend about the big changes in his life, got upset about having to relocate from Australia for the year and start a new life in Sweden. My sister

“After around five minutes or so he was done, the rainstorm of tears was gone, and he was back in good spirits for the rest of the evening.” him at school and in most other activities so, for him, it’s a familiar feeling. His moans turned into a bigger upset, and he eventually ran off from the game, crying. I’ve practised the Hand in Hand Listening Tools for nearly ten years, and have experienced over and again the positive effects of a compassionately listened to emotional release in children. That didn’t stop me from silently wishing, that he’d ‘keep it together’. Especially with emotions running high just under the surface for all the adults in the room. In these situations, it can be so easy to slip up and give the frankly sexist

stayed and listened, and when she needed a break, I sat close to him on the bed and acknowledged it felt hard right now, but I knew he’d get through it. My son who was sharing his bedroom with him listened too and, when his cousin had stopped crying, warmly talked with him of the snow he could look forward to in Sweden and the new friends he’d make. A couple of days after they’d left my sister rang to say her son had gone off to his new school in great shape, with a bounce in his step and an eagerness to get started. She did say he’d had another couple of upsets about it in the run-up to his first day of

a new school and that she’d listened. She said it was like: “he got it all out so he could look forward to it when it happened.” That’s what we at Hand in Hand Parenting call Staylistening. Try it yourself! Next time one of your children gets upset, move close, make warm gentle contact and listen with your heart open. You might be surprised at how your child shines afterwards. StAylIStEnInG – tHE HowS And wHyS: » During Staylistening you want to be doing at least 75% listening with just a bit of talking here and there. A child who is crying or having a tantrum is not in their ‘thinking, verbal’ pre-frontal cortex. » The basic message you offer is simply: “I care.” “You are safe.” » If your child has been scared: “I’m right here, I won’t go away.”

It’s worth remembering that the prefrontal cortex, the seat of verbal reasoning, takes around 21 to 25 years to fully develop in a human, whereas the limbic brain comes ‘on-line’ when your child is still in utero. Emotional responses reside in the limbic brain, which sits behind the pre-frontal cortex. While your child is growing and developing he or she will respond more to your non-verbal signals of warmth and care than to lectures, no matter how well thought out they may be. Open your heart and your mind to the tears as much as to the smiles and see how that warms your relationship with your child.

Anna Cole, Phd is a researcher, writer and parent educator with Hand in Hand Parenting. www.handinhandparenting.org. find her on facebook (Hand in Hand Parenting with Anna Cole) to find out about her in-person and online classes. Anna is planning a Hand in Hand Parenting workshop in ireland in the Spring.


positi v e attr action

When I go into an audition, I have to have the confidence within me that I can deliver a good read. I have to have confidence in my healing that I can make a difference in someone’s life by the information that comes through. I have to have confidence before I even sit down to write this article. The one common principle in all these adventures: I have learned to trust my channel. Always and without question. That is, of course, quite the opposite of what we have been taught. The definition of confidence is: full trust. And yet, our society has educated us in the belief that we can never trust our own judgment, and God forbid we really trust anyone outside of ourselves; and it is actually impossible to trust ALL energy. Quite a conundrum, don’t you agree? If creation takes confidence, and confidence is trust, and we are taught we can’t trust, then we can never be the confident vibration that creates. Ergo, the more you go into your mental mind to reason, figure and stay safe,

the less confidence you experience in the creation process. And then the pattern of limited creation begins again. I mean, I couldn’t walk into Mr. Speilberg’s office without any confidence and book E.T. You can’t even have successful love making without confidence. And yet, we ask the Universe to deliver to us when we aren’t confident in the trust within ourselves to create it, or to handle the creation when we do. So, the Universe, being the very wise director it is, must experience your confidence to manifest your desire. So, how does one create confidence?


‘I mean, I couldn’t walk into Mr. Speilberg’s office without any confidence and book E.T.’

three days from


L_summer_12_d1.indd 19

your Dreams Have Already Come True.

by Dee Wallace This spring is a time of total change in our attitudes towards the creation process itself. For years, our understanding has been that we are the creators of our own destiny who need to take responsibility for what we want by consciously directing energy towards our goals. That perspective has now morphed into a broader vision that will allow us to manifest the objects of our desires more quickly and simply than ever before. The basic difference is that we will not be directing energy towards what we want. Instead we will: »» Get clear about what we want and allow all possibilities and probabilities towards that end. »» Feel into the knowledge that we are already experiencing the manifestation of our desires. »» Accept the positive results of this knowing.

It’s done. Complete. And we need to hold the focus on this consistently for three days for things to miraculously turn around for us. Our brains may fight this. It is because our inner child is usually running the show, still operating from old teachings, and still feeling the need to be protected. We need to re-educate our inner child. It’s scared it will not get what it wants. To protect itself, our inner child closes its heart so it can control the hurt. We stifle and repress the joy and expectation of freedom that is needed to complete our desires. We must consciously be the parent and creator, and let our inner child know that it is safe and we are taking the reins and protecting them by giving them what they really need. When we live like this, consciously and consistently, it literally changes

meet in harmony, and create the child, a.k.a. the creation. The divine idea/ instinct/guidance must be taken out into the world with power by the masculine to our chemistry: physically, spiritually, successfully Whencosmically that happens, emotionally, create. chemically, confidence is truly in place. and dimensionally. What we thought So, ask yourself: practice do I havewas a lot was merely a spiritual of great, inspired ideas that I never do actually a way to change our chemical anything with? the answer is yes, makeup, so thatIfthe charge going outknow that you need to balance the masculine to the ionosphere to be returned to us so you more power deliver your ideas was have a chemical signalto that the universe to the world. Orto: doa you push and could respond language and work and strive doing through ANYthing, just to try communication vibration. and create, a lot ofworry success? Stop Whenwithout we move into (or our and take time to nurture your feminine. inner child does), it literally changes our Allow your channel to open and receive divine guidance, and then use the power that is in place to radiate that out. Then the creation is automatically in place, and confidence is reinforced. Confidence is not something you get. Confidence is the vibration of knowing that you are. Be the knowing of the Creative Force that is you, and confidence is a no-brainer. Literally.

“What we thought was merely a spiritual practice was actually a way to change our chemical makeup”

Dee Wallace has worked as an author, teacher, dancer andphysiology, actress in film, television chemical which alters and the the stage for over 30 years (E.T., Cujo, to Thethe communication to the ionosphere, Howling). Her book, Bright Light, that whole universe. That shifts thetells message tale and shares the spiritual lessons shetohas we send out. Most of us were taught learned fromand a life in acting. work hard worry and strive. Now we


www.iamdeewallace.com have learned that this state causes the very chemical signal we do not want. What we do want is that knowing, that complete trust and acceptance that all is well. When we choose to know, it changes us chemically toward a higher consciousness state, which allows us to move into even more knowing. It is05/06/2012 a divine circle of manifestation. Even more exciting is that when we, as a collective consciousness, live in this state consistently, we actually alter the chemistry in the mass consciousness. We can affect the world in dynamic ways never before experienced. Play with this. Revel in it. Hold it consistently. Focus your energy here for three days or until you feel the shift. Live the experience. It is a new day. A new time. A new beginning. And it’s all ours. Blessings, Dee Dee Wallace has worked as an author, teacher, dancer and actress in film, television and the stage for over 30 years (E.T., Cujo. The Howling). Her book, Bright Light, tells that tale and shares the spiritual lessons she has learned from a life of acting. iamdeewallace.com


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hertz redUCing THe effeCTS of eLeCTromAgneTiC fieLdS.

by Amanda Collins

Subtle energies constantly move in and around our bodies, whether or not we are aware of them. Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) are energy waves with frequencies below 300 hertz or cycles per second. We encounter such EMF radiation daily from everyday things such as power lines, radar and microwave towers, television and computer screens, motors, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens, mobile phones, electric blankets, household wiring and other common sources. Constant exposure and excessive EMFs can lead to a weakening of your immune and nervous systems. The first step towards minimising exposure to EMFs is to choose not purchase or rent a home close to power lines or substations. In years to come it will become harder to sell homes in these

having any electrical equipment in your bedroom, except perhaps for nightlights. Remove all other items such as electric blankets, televisions, and computers, and do not charge your portable devices in the bedroom. I like to say that bedrooms shou ld have only what you need for rest and romance. If you need an alarm clock in your bedroom, use a battery operated one rather than a plug- in. The electrical alarm clock close to your bed generates an EMF field of about 5-10 mG (milligauss), which is much higher than the safe level (max 1 mG). Make sure not to sleep with your headboard up against the home’s main electrical box. It’s even more important to follow these rules in children’s bedrooms as their bodies are growing and their brains are developing.

“What a gift to give yourself to allow your body to completely rest and rejuvenate by not having any electrical equipment in your bedroom except perhaps for nightlights.” locations. Within a safely situated home, there are many simple things that you can do to create a healthier space. Let’s start with your bedroom. What a gift to give yourself to allow your body to completely rest and rejuvenate by not

If possible, turn off your WiFi and unplug other electronics in the hours you are not using them. This also saves on your electrical bill. Charge all mobile phones and computers as far away as possible from places that you sleep. In the

16 kitchen, remove your microwave oven; it changes the molecular structure of your food and kills the riboflavins. You can heat food just as simply on top of the stove. When working on your laptop, do not place it on your lap. Use a desk or table, for the further away you are from EMFs the better. If possible, spend less time chatting on your mobile phone. Speaking on a landline is much better for your health. If you do use your mobile phone, turn on the speaker function, so as not to hold the mobile phone right against your head. You can also use an airtube headset (Google this if you don’t know what it is) when speaking on your mobile phone as this again creates distance between the source of the EMF and your skull. If possible, do not let your children use mobile phones, or limit their time with them to a minimum. Technology plays an integral part in our lives and certainly we are so grateful for all the conveniences that make it possible to communicate with loved ones from all over the world and to run our businesses virtually. Technology brings us many advantages, but if we can create balance in our homes by minimising our exposure to the harmful effects of EMFs, then we and our loved ones can live in greater harmony. InternationalfengShuiSchool.com Amandacollins.com

positi v e meditation

let your inner light

shine the future is brighter than we may think.

by Sandy Newbigging

“The world reflects the collective conflict happening within the heart of humanity.�

It is easy to look out at the world and feel powerless with regard to our ability to make any worthwhile impact. It can all seem way too big a task to undertake or appear outside our control and in the hands of others. However, if we allow ourselves to remain paralysed by our perceived powerlessness, then the world will end up being governed and shaped by the minority of people to whom we give our power. If these people aren’t consciously aware enough to bring about positive


changes based in love, freedom and the collective good, then the next generation will be left to deal with the ramifications of our reluctance to step up, wake up and bring about a better world. “I am proud to be one of the millions of human beings on planet Earth with the intention to live in peace and have a positive impact on the lives of others.” After posting this quote on Facebook, it quickly became my most shared meme of 2016. If you too want peace, then you are not alone. Despite deflating statistics such as the one proclaiming that there are currently only ten countries in the world that are not engaged in conflict, those of us who desire peace are by far the majority. However, this begs the big question: If there are more people on the planet wanting calm instead of conflict, why is there not global peace? When attempting to answer this, it would be easy to blame the politicians, religions, or bullet- and bomb-makers. Yet, although they clearly contribute to making the problems possible, they aren’t the ultimate cause. The world reflects the collective conflict happening within the heart of humanity. One truth shared by many spiritual teachers is that the ‘outer reflects the inner’ and ‘as above, so below’. The world is a reflection of the individuals who populate it. As long as there is conflict going on at an individual level, it will manifest in the external world too. Greed, unworthiness or lack within the individual will be reflected as debt and poverty in the world. The absence of unconditional love within the individual will be mirrored back by fear in the headlines. If there is division and a sense of separateness within the individual, then countries will need borders and police to patrol them. As long as humanity places God in the sky and ignores the divinity that exists within, there will be wars fought over whose God is most righteous. This long-standing spiritual truth can be linked to many problems we see on the planet. If you want to be part of the solution, we can all play our part by calming inner conflict so that a more loving and peaceful world can be reflected back. Let me be clear. It is not your fault. None of this has anything to do with blame, guilt or carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s about reclaiming your power to make a difference and, as Mahatma Gandhi once encouraged, “Be the change you want to

see in the world.” But where do you start? Have you noticed how different people have differing concerns about the world? You may be concerned by climate change, whereas animal cruelty distresses your friend, while your neighbour is angered by the cuts at the local hospital. I don’t believe this is by chance or just down to our conditioning. We are not meant to ‘heal’ the world on our own. We are in it together and make our contributions depending on what is ‘up for us’ the most. Notice what jumps out from the tapestry of world tasks requiring some love and attention and assume it is up for you because there may be some inner work you can do to help. It is an opportunity to ‘be the change you want to see’ and serve humanity. View it as a sacred invitation to do your bit, make a contribution and impact the greater good. New beginnings usually call for something to end. Getting out of debt involves new spending habits, moving to a new home involves leaving the previous place, and embodying new behaviours requires the old ways of being to be relinquished. But how do we know when it’s time to make a change? Life has a way of coming to a head so that we can see. Yes, the s**t may appear to be hitting the fan on many fronts, but it’s fanning the flames of humanity getting clear on the kind of world we want to live in. The current state of affairs is therefore the fertiliser for a fresh new world to grow out of. Very often, when things appear to hit rock bottom, they turn out to be the exact wake-up call we need to clarify what we want and step towards it. Bring to mind a difficult time in your life. Now consider what it taught you and how it shaped you into the person you are today. Wake-up calls like these are happening both personally and globally. The state of the world is changing. Every day, an ever-increasing number of people are rediscovering the inner peace of their aware self and transcending the conflicts caused by their conditioning. Together, we are waking up to a wonderful new world, where every human being is free. Sandy’s new book, Calm Cure (Hay House) is released 2nd May 2017. Check out Positive Nights for his next talk in Dublin and join his Calm Clan (www.calmclan.com) to explore his global movement of stillness. www.sandynewbigging.com

tribal magic a Conversation With Earthsong’s Founder. by Ann Hill

This year sees the tenth season of the remarkable phenomenon that is Earthsong Camps. I met founder, John Bowker, to hear about their origins and how the camps continue to grow from strength to strength.


Earthsong is one of those experiences that it is hard to do justice to in a few words. For anyone who has been there, coming home and trying to explain it to your work colleagues in a sentence or two never seems be enough. How to explain that not having electricity, not being able to use your phone or have a drink and instead cooking your meals on a fire pit with ten strangers, all make everything better and not worse? But this was the vision that John Bowker birthed into the world ten years ago and these days the tickets for the main camps sell out within hours.

When asked why he feels the camps are still successful ten years later, John Bowker can only laugh. “I would have been surprised to think we would survive after the first year we had. I think our first camp in 2007 was by far the hardest. The weather was terrible that year. Our main venues flooded and I can still remember people’s fire pits were full of water and they were watching their firewood float away. Everybody was new to it and a lot of us didn’t really know how to camp properly. I came home to a lot of hate mail after that”. However, the seed was sown and every year the camps have

“Most people describe it as a kind of magic that can’t be found easily elsewhere.”

sold out with a long waiting list of people hoping to get their hands on a ticket.

What does he think is the secret to their survival in a world where festivals and arts events often have a lifespan of a few years at most? “I think because Earthsong grew quite slowly and organically out of the Tribal Spirit movement. We had a team who knew what the ethos was and how to hold it.” Bowker credits the support of Angie Pinson, a long-term veteran of the UK camp scene, for her insight into how to recreate the events for Ireland. After twenty years as Ireland’s most beloved drum teacher, Bowker also had a tribe of loyal volunteers and helpers who were committed to making Earthsong work, simply because they believed in it so much. That belief also led Bowker to plough his own funds into the event, which only began to break even after several years.

What is it about the Earthsong experience that inspires so much loyalty from its supporters? Most people describe it as a kind of magic that can’t be found easily elsewhere. For Bowker that magic is carefully cultivated - a mixture of being in the natural world, removing distractions, openness to our shared humanity and the very deliberate use of music to create spaces for ritual or play. Although much of the drumming and ritual practices come from other indigenous traditions, Bowker feels that people have an affinity with them and that what is shared is more like a ‘world heritage’ that most people instantly feel a part of. Earthsong allows people to peel back the layers to uncover a simpler version of themselves and for many people it is the high point of their year. In the early days, however, Bowker’s

vision often took a bit of explaining on site. Many people assumed that the camp’s rule of ‘no drink, no drugs, no smoking, no phones’ was just a polite nod to clean living and were surprised to find it is strictly upheld throughout all his events. “People were shocked that we were really a no-alcohol camp. I was called all sorts of names because of that! People said I was trying to control their lives and personal choices. But I would explain that Earthsong isn’t for their whole life, it is just an event. It is like going on a longhaul flight and there are certain things that aren’t permitted to make the space safe for all the passengers. Earthsong is like that, because people are on a journey together and that kind of sensitivity keeps it safe for everyone.”

What else would Bowker suggest is the secret to Earthsong’s longevity? “It is all about the team,” he replies. The camps are run by a team of facilitators called the Core Group, some of whom have been by Bowker’s side for twenty years. “We have a rule that supporting the team comes first. Most people might think, ‘the customer comes first’ but because the weeks of the camps are so intense and demanding, what works best for us is to make sure the team is in good shape. If the team is doing well, the camp does well too.” And what advice would he give to anyone thinking of bringing a similar vision into the world? Bowker’s answer is fast and simple. “Be careful!” he says without hesitation. It’s clear that the mixture of inner work and play, unwrapped joy and deep stillness that go to make up Earthsong would be classed under very advanced magic-making. earthsong.ie

PoSiTiVe PerSonALiT y


can Western yogis do to protect yoga from these harmful eastern influences? What they can do is charge more for each class. Charging more honours the roots of yoga and protects it from these nefarious versions of it. But I also think in the true Western cultures, there needs to be more diversity in yoga. We need more white women between 25 and 40 years of age to start doing yoga.

Some people go on ten-day silent meditation retreats. Is there an easier way to be a superior meditator to others? There’s no way to avoid the difficult work, but you can squeeze more organic raw vegan juice out of the meditation by relentlessly talking about it to people when you get back from it. What’s the point of doing a silent retreat unless you come back and not shut up about it for the next six months? Does enlightenment come from meditation? No, it does not. It comes from talking about meditation. You get zero spiritual street credit for meditating, but once people know about your meditating because you’re selfless enough to be willing to talk about it, that’s where the spiritual street credit comes in.

enlightened-er ULTrA SPiriTUALiTy & THe neWer Age. By Gavin Ryan

Many of us have spent so long in the world of the new age, that we haven’t noticed it being replaced by the newer age. I spoke with spiritual thought leader and author of Ultimate Spirituality, 12 1/2 Steps to Spiritual Superiority, JP Sears, about yoga, competitive veganism and the art of Mindfullessness. There are lots of types of yoga, some of which are more spiritual

than others. What’s the best type of yoga to choose? The most spiritual type of yoga is the type you do while wearing incredibly tight pants, obviously. To me, there’s nothing more spiritual than when you’re in yoga class and the person in front of you is doing downward dog and you are greeted by a lycra encased silhouette of their genitals. That really gets to the spiritual root of yoga.

In your book, you explain how yoga, invented in the 1980s in the US, is under attack from Eastern corruptions of the practice. What

If you study the work of Confucius, she might even tell you that the tree that just became enlightened in the forest isn’t even a tree.

You mention Gandhi a lot in your book. What are the main things you think that Gandhi could have learned from you? First off, Gandhi was a vegetarian. That to me is nothing more than a deceptive meat eater. A meat eater is at least honest that they eat animals, whereas a vegetarian will still eat eggs and cheese. So they’re an animal eater hiding behind a disguise. So I would want to inflict enough motivational shame on Gandhi to convert him to full veganism. I would also want him to have more teeth. I mean at the end of his life he only had around eleven teeth. I kind of think that worked against him. I think Gandhi would also have increased his spiritual status if he had long hair. I think the Buddha look is outdated.

PHoTo: BriAn CrAWford PHoTogrAPHy LAgUnA BeACH, CA


So if a tree were to become enlightened in a forest and no one was there to see it, would it really be enlightened?

“The most spiritual type of yoga is the type you do while wearing incredibly tight pants, obviously.” But where Gandhi went wrong as a guru is that he not only refused to sleep with his wife, he also refused to sleep with any of his followers.

Do you think that was selfish of him? He was meant to be sharing wisdom but at the same time, he was withholding tantric connections from his followers.

Do you think that if Gandhi had the access to social media that you have that he could have progressed to Ultra Spirituality? It’s a good question. But I don’t think so. Gandhi functioned well in the pre-social media age, but his content focussed mainly on spinning wool into new clothes or milking a goat. Granted, that’s exciting content to see posted, but I don’t think he had much more. I mean if you’re posting goat milk pictures to Instagram everyday, people are going to catch on that this guy is pretty one-dimensional, he’s just milking goats all day. That’s not even vegan approved.

So you think he’d be found out that he didn’t have the self-promotional skills needed to be a modern spiritual guru? No question. He was way too selfless to be selfish enough to be selfless publically.

If Ultra Spirituality was an animal, which animal would it be – or should that question be open to plants as well? It would be a dolphin that’s not really a dolphin. It would be a piece of broccoli that was trapped inside a dolphin’s body. Some people wake up and think they’re a man trapped inside a woman’s body. That’s speciesest. You shouldn’t be judging me by my body. I am not just a man. I’m way more species-fluid than that. I am truly broccoli trapped inside of a dolphin’s body trapped inside of a human’s body.

You will be projecting your soul across the astral plane via Skype at this year’s Conscious Concert on March 25th in Dublin. What is your message for attendees of the event? Come with your ears open, eyes open and your third eye wide open. How To Be Ultra Spiritual: 12 ½ Steps to Spiritual Superiority can be found in all good bookshops. awakenwithjp.com consciousconcert.org

the shah of

beauty A PASSion for Skin CAre And SUSTAinABiLiTy.

by Orla Bass

24 Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of healthcare and wellbeing that emphasises the relationship between body, mind and spirit which uses the knowledge of plants and their therapeutic properties. It has its historical origins in the Indian sub-continent. Urban Veda seamlessly combines the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with 21st century skincare needs. Urban is suggestive of “the life we live in today’s world” and Veda meaning “doctor for life”. This holistic brand uses a selection

“He spoke passionately of how he spent his youth learning everything he needed to know from his father”

of natural ingredients including Ayurvedic herbs, flowers, fruits, multivitamins and antioxidants to maintain the skin’s natural balance and good health. Each Urban Veda range is specifically designed to suit the different skin types associated with Ayurveda known as the three ‘doshas’: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The doshas are associated with the elements of earth, water, fi re, air and ether. They describe our physical and emotional tendencies along with our personality traits. Ayurveda maintains that having a balanced dosha results in optimum health. tHE fAMIly SPARK I had the pleasure of speaking with Sheilesh Shah, founder of Urban Veda. Originally a native of Kenya, his family moved to London during the 1970’s when he was only six years old. I could instantly tell that the business was in his blood. He spoke passionately of how he spent his youth learning everything he needed to know

from his father, Maganlal Shah, even missing the occasional lesson in school. Maganlal, himself a natural entrepreneur, started his career with a small retail store in London living by his motto “only serve what you would yourself consume.” Discovering a limited availability of Indian foods, Maganlal installed a milling plant to provide the community with high quality fresh flour and spices. The success he achieved with his brand Fudco was never anticipated and today exports all around the world. Maganlal’s love for food, holistic living and Ayurveda principles rubbed off on Sheilesh who instinctively saw a gap in the market for natural skincare products and set off on a journey which took many years of resourcing, research and development to produce the award winning brand. BuSInESS wItH A conScIEncE Sheilesh Shah is a fi rm believer in Karma. He believes what goes around comes around and this can also be a way of looking at recycling. Urban Veda uses only sustainability-certified packaging and their bottles are made of post-consumer recycled plastic. Importantly, they are certified animal-cruelty free. Their ethos is to value life as nature intended so all their products are free from genetically modified ingredients or artificial colours. Urban Veda generously supports the charity Trees for Cities (treesforcities.org). To date, this organisation has planted almost three quarter of a million trees in sixteen different cities around the world from London to Nairobi. This literally breathes new life into neighbourhoods in the form of urban forest projects and edible playgrounds for children, which in turn teaches kids how to grow and eat healthy foods. Their aim is to have planted one million urban trees by 2020.

With skincare products that are good for your body, mind and spirit and that nurture the world from where they came, Urban Veda is a template for business redefining success as that which benefits all humanity. urbanveda.ie

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Positive tantr a

from euphoria to

devotion Putting Words on How Tantra Feels.

by Dawn Cartwright

Imagine yourself suspended in space, wrapped in a cocoon of silence. A subtle vibration exhilarates every cell in your body - and everything around you also vibrates at that same exhilarating frequency. Your senses are sharp and expanded. You feel as though you are seeing with a thousand eyes. Hearing with a thousand ears. The air you breathe feels alive, almost fluid, most certainly intelligent, creating an acoustically perfect medium so that the even faintest of sounds are clear as crystal. You are alone and a part of everything at once. You are in ecstasy. If we were to imagine how Tantra feels, this would be what we’d envision. We search for this feeling in everything we do. When we meet a lover. When we go on holiday. When we choose a home. It’s a feeling that is familiar to us, a feeling that tells us we’re in the right place, with the right person, at the right time. There is a pervasiveness to this feeling so that it fills every part of who we are, in fact, it’s much more than a feeling - it’s a state of being. The very core of who we are. The journey we take, each one of us, whether we choose to call it a spiritual one or not, is a journey toward this state of being. There are many paths and ways to find it; Tantra is one. The journey toward ecstasy often appears to have a beginning, yet rarely has an end - a prospect we may find inspiring, overwhelming, or both. Let’s look at the beginning of the journey, deep into the middle to discover how Tantra feels.

Euphoric – The First Feeling There are many ways to explore Tantra, from complex yantras, mantras and rituals to breath work, massage and intimacy practices. You may undertake these explorations solo, with a partner, or a friend, yet no matter how, when, where or with whom you take the first step, you are likely to discover that Tantra feels euphoric, alive and confident, joyful. Tantra is, in its most fundamental form, an invitation to be completely free. The yantras, mantras and rituals will ask that you sit for hours with a single focus,

unlocking hidden places in your body and psyche, places where you’ve left parts of yourself behind. The intimacy practices, the breath work and massage will teach you how to be truly intimate with another so you can finally be truly intimate with yourself. When you sit for the first time, alone or with someone else and ease yourself beyond the limitations and criticisms you’ve held for so long, you’ll discover the freedom of being yourself. An experience that is truly euphoric.

Challenging – Overcoming Barriers Soon after the euphoria, it’s not unusual to find that Tantra feels challenging. Just as the commitment to exercise and fitness quickly reminds us how much work there is to be done, the road to ecstasy is not without its challenges. You may find yourself distracted by endless random thoughts while practicing a Tantra meditation, or suddenly shy while eye-gazing with a partner during a Tantra workshop. If you remind yourself these very experiences are actually highlighting the progress you are making, they’ll come as welcome challenges, rather than barriers. To grow into a greater experience of ourselves it’s necessary to release what’s in the way. Challenge, when approached this way, begins to feel exciting.

Radiant – New Body, New Mind As challenges are met and barriers dissolve, muscular tension you didn’t realise you were carrying begins to melt away. At this stage, Tantra feels radiant. Tension held in

the body represents thoughts and beliefs that are not our own. These thoughts and beliefs are often very old, sometimes held over from childhood. As our body becomes more subtle and open, our thoughts change and vice versa. The energy and intimacy practices of Tantra support this opening, creating a new body and mind. When this occurs, life energy - Kundalini energy - begins to flow more freely. It is widely known that the yantra, mantra and ritual Tantra practices awaken Kundalini energy by removing obstacles that block the primordial energy flow in the body. The breath work, massage and intimacy practices amplify this same energy whenever we share intimate space with another. The energy present in our sexuality, when allowed to flow freely, is the source of our radiance.

Devotional – That Sense of Belonging When our energy is embraced with integrity, respect and honour, it naturally expands to fill the body, opening the heart and Tantra feels devotional. The meaning of the word devotion is “to belong”. Here, in fact, in all the stages above, we have the opportunity, if we are willing, to feel that transcendent feeling of connection that is - ecstasy - the full acceptance and celebration of who we truly are. Dawn Cartwright is a Tantric visionary, sacred writer, world traveler, and innovator in bioenergetic Tantra fusion. dawncartwright.com. Catch her at Positive Nights in April.

“Tantra is, in its most fundamental form, an invitation to be completely free.�




feelgood Where psychology, neuroscience and contemplative wisdom meet. by Gavin Ryan

Are you happy? Sometimes it can be a hard question to answer. You mightn’t know this, but the United Nations declared March 20th the International Day of Happiness in recognition of it being a universal human goal. If it’s so important, do we know how to maximise happiness in our lives? I spoke to psychologist, senior fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, and New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Rick Hanson, who has spent the past fifteen years researching the subject and teaching the world what he has discovered.

Dr. Hanson is interested in what he calls ‘the sweet spot’, where psychology, neuroscience and contemplative wisdom meet. It is here that he has discovered many practical tools for a more stable, durable wellbeing, even in the face of lots of challenges. Fundamental to his teaching is the idea that the brain is hardwired with a negativity bias. This makes sense when we think of how the brain has evolved over millennia. In the primitive world of our ancestors, failing to learn to avoid danger, such as a predator, could easily result in death. The consequences of failing to learn from positive experiences were not so dire. Therefore our brains have evolved to be much more plastic in learning from what is threatening than from that which is attractive. In everyday life, we have the full range of experiences from terrible to

wonderful. What Dr. Hanson wants to highlight is how our brains are designed to absorb negative lessons much more than positive ones. In order to overcome this negativity bias it is not enough to simply focus on the positive. Our brains are not designed to record these experiences and so they just flow past as pleasant moments without affecting our neural structures. Instead, we have to consciously make our brain record these positive experiences by using the practical techniques that he has gathered from his years of research in the field. Doing this a few times a day over time will help us to develop what he calls a ‘deep keel’. This is a sense of calm wellbeing that we can develop as a resource in order to meet the vicissitudes of life and still maintain balance. We began our interview talking

about one of history’s most famous experts on the subjects of happiness, Siddhartha Gautama.

The Buddha taught that the cause of all suffering is attachment. What do you make of that? I’m a rock climber. I get very attached to holds when I’m dangling from a sheer cliff. That’s a good thing. I think the language of Buddhism has been mistranslated in a lot of ways. The word the Buddha used in the second noble truth for ‘that which causes suffering’ is probably best translated as ‘craving’ or ‘clinging’ and the root of the word for it is ‘thirst’. It’s a state of deficit and disturbance. So the question then becomes, how do we get through the day and get stuff done without tipping into a state that has a quality of deficit and disturbance in it.

“…in our core there’s a fundamental place of wellbeing that we can take refuge in and come from as we deal with issues.”

HARD WIRING POSITIVE EXPERIENCE To understand what Dr. Hanson means when he talks about consciously hardwiring positive experiences into the brain experientially, you can try the exercise below and see if you can notice a change in yourself. 1 Bring to mind someone that you know cares about you. It could be a friend, a pet, a group of people. It doesn’t matter. What you’re trying to do is have a simple good experience. Try to make the idea or the image of the person become a feeling. 2 Once you have it moved from a concept to a feeling, stay with it for 10-30 seconds. Things have to last long enough in our experience to make it past our short-term memory buffers into our long term storage, including emotional learning. Notice the feeling is going into you. You are absorbing it. This feeling of being loved is sinking into you as you sink into it. Feel good?

But after that, there’s so much we can do. What really matters is what we do with the other two thirds of the pie chart. This is the part that we can shape. I find this really hopeful at a time when many people feel pushed around by large-scale external forces or the reactions in their minds to those forces. No one can grow for you between your ears. On the other hand, no one can stop you from learning even in the most terrible of circumstances.

How important a role does nutrition play in our happiness? Imagine we could settle a sibling quarrel, work an issue out with our partner, get up yet again to walk that crying baby all on the basis of an internal felt sense in our core of fullness and balance rather than deficit and disturbance. We can consciously develop fullness of calm strength, of feeling loved and a fundamental equilibrium. We may be rattled, but in our core there’s a fundamental place of wellbeing that we can take refuge in and come from as we deal with issues. Whether it’s about raising kids, commuting to work, dealing with your crazy boss, or the chronic pain in your back, just recognising that possibility that we can stay in the green zone in our core even when the world, or our own body, is flashing red. That’s great. I think of it as the keel for a sailboat. The keel, as it gets deeper in the water, enables us to live life in a more adventurous way, as Brene Brown would have it ‘to dare greatly’. But also that when the storms of life come, they might bang us awful hard, but we’re going to recover more rapidly. I ask myself what is going on in the mind of a great person like Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King or somebody maybe we haven’t heard of who is facing great challenges calmly.

POSITIVE TIP: Milk the good stuff as much as you can , remember it takes about 20 seconds for the brain to take it seriously and hardwire it in. So work on your gratitude lists and anything you can bring to mind that gets your feel good juices flowing, it will refocus and give you that deeper keel Rick is talking about.

This is where the intersection of psychology, neuroscience and contemplative wisdom is really helpful, because we can start to reverse engineer what’s going on in really self-actualised, or exemplary people and work backwards. What we see in these people is that they have a really deep keel in the water. They are able to deal with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune without losing their balance. Without tipping over, without also veering away from their particular north star. They’re able to keep their eyes on the prize even when the world is banging on them real hard. They maintain their integrity, they maintain their good heart, they see the good in their adversaries. I think there’s growing evidence that they’ve developed this very deep sense of fullness of balance and we can work backwards from that and develop that same sense in ourselves.

Some people seem to be born with this ‘deep keel’ you talk about, some people develop it and others never find it. Do you think in the future that is something we could gift our children? Absolutely. Studies show that roughly a third of who we are is baked into our genetics. That means the other two thirds are shaped by our experiences and are therefore amenable to our influence. These are both environmental but especially psychological factors inside our own heads that will influence who we become. Some people come out of the box very sensitive and very reactive. Like in the poem, “Wednesday’s child is full of woe.” On the other hand, some people come out of the box like Sunday’s child and are very upbeat relaxed optimistic people.

Well, I’m a software guy, not a hardware guy so I refer people to the hardware folks like physicians, nutritionists and healers. But it’s clear that there are very definite links between nutrition and a healthy brain. Such as for example essential fatty acids found in flaxseed oil or fish oil. Also, it’s important to stay away from foods that are inflammatory or that you might be sensitive to such as those containing lactose or gluten, any foods introduced to the human diet in just the last 10,000 years. Inflammation is bad for the brain.

You’re coming to Ireland this June to teach. Is there anything you’re interested in doing while you’re here? I was in Ireland for about a week as a kid. I loved the combination of the kind of grittiness of Dublin with the beautiful countryside elsewhere. I’m going to take a bit of time to go into the more Celtic-Druidic parts of the countryside. I’m quite Scottish in my blood and so I have that Celtic connection. I’m looking forward to it. The workshops themselves are very straightforward high-density immersion in positive neuroplasticity. You will learn how to help yourself maximise your gains throughout the day to grow various psychological resources. You can apply this skill to building a green zone to improve our wellbeing in general but also become more effective in dealing with the challenges of life now that we’ve got this deeper keel in the water.

Dr. Rick Hanson is coming to Ireland to give separate workshops for both the general public and professionals. June 6-11 in The Grand Hotel, Malahide RickHansoninIreland.org

Rick Hanson, PhD at the Grand Hotel in Malahide, Co Dublin, Ireland

Positive Neuroplasticity: Hardwiring Happiness Join New York Times bestselling author Rick Hanson for a deep experiential exploration of lasting positive brain change – the essence of self-reliance and lasting inner strength and peace in a topsy-turvy world.

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Positively Pr actical


traditional The Pole Lathe. by Nick Clayson

Today, I am heading out to the shed to make a wooden bowl for eating out of. I have a large beech log liberated from Coole Park after the storms last year. Lady Gregory would have approved. It has been resting and I am hoping the fungal growth on the end of the log will have left the timber spalted, i.e., marked with black flecks, but not too soft to work. The wood will still be green (unseasoned). This is essential for working with a foot-powered pole lathe. I am growing to love working in this way. What began as learning to use a traditional and ancient tool has become a small but significant journey within. I was fortunate to spend a most enjoyable two days with Sharif Adams at the Steward Wood Community project. I learned how to roughly shape a bowl using an axe and mount it on the lathe.

Then to learn the tricky bit of how to get the long hook tools to cut. Sharif is a very skilled and patient teacher. At the end of my time there, I had a grasp of the basics. However, practicing a new skill with expert guidance is very different from doing it on your own once you return home. My first bowl took me around eight hours and literally blood, sweat and tears. Think of it like learning to ride a bike, all the parts have to be there together or you have nothing. Like riding a bike, once you have it you have it and it is great, you forget about the painful phase of learning to pedal, balance, steer and look out where you’re going all at once. There is a gentle rhythm to the pole lathe, pushing the treadle up and down with one leg. The tools are long and crook under your arm. It is a soothing process


“Thin shavings of wood fly off and there is a wonderful scrunchy sound to accompany each cut.”

once you get the hang of it. Thin shavings of wood fly off and there is a wonderful scrunchy sound to accompany each cut. The lathe I have made is a combination of scrap timber and a headstock hewn from a beech log. In the workshop I don’t have room for a six-metre birch pole so I have improvised a return spring using one of the many worn out bicycle inner tubes that I own. Each bowl takes on a life of its own. Ash is fibrous and teaches you how to keep tools sharp. Birch cuts and shapes easily. The beech log I’m working with today is beautiful and, although hard work, I am enjoying every second. The air is cold and the bowl spins in clouds of steam from my breath. There is no need for cumbersome protective equipment. No ear-muffs, no gloves, no special boots, no glasses, no dust masks or any other health and safety paraphernalia to separate us from the world. I can hear birdsong and hold conversations (with myself) while working. Sights, sounds, scents, tastes, feeling it is very much a whole body practice. It makes me aware of how separate from the world our lives have become because all of these things should be very ordinary and a part of the every day, but for most of us, most of the time, they are not. Nick Clayson is an architect, craftsman and yurt maker facebook.com/bigfootyurts

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the earth beneath

good Life 2.0

our feet BeComing A STeWArd of THe SoiL.

by Davie Philip

In the ground beneath our feet, out of sight and out of mind, microscopic communities of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes are working away providing vital functions upon which our very lives depend. The health of our soil, therefore, is key to the health of our plants, our food and, as we are now discovering, exposure to it has many other benefits for our wellbeing. It is likely that our disconnection from the living world is at the root of our present mental health crisis and many of the other challenges we face today. We

soil bacterium can also be helpful in preventing or treating diseases. Our future really does depend on healthy soil. With intensive agriculture and an increasing urban population, soil degradation is a serious problem. It takes approximately 500 years to replace an inch of topsoil lost to erosion. Half of the planet’s topsoil has disappeared in the last 150 years, and 10 million hectares of productive land is lost annually, the equivalent of 30 football pitches per minute.

“There is increasing proof that contact with a specific strain of bacterium in the soil, Mycobacterium vaccae, makes us happier and smarter.”

all know that being in nature makes us feel good, and the health benefits of gardening, working or even just taking a walk on the land are becoming more apparent. Soil is alive; a teaspoon of it can contain billions of bacteria. There is increasing proof that contact with a specific strain of bacterium in the soil, Mycobacterium vaccae, makes us happier and smarter. This triggers the release of serotonin; reducing anxiety and making us feel more positive. Some


If we want to counter the damage, we must begin by fostering awareness and nurturing a reconnection to our land. To reverse further degradation of soils we need to accelerate the shift towards more sustainable, regenerative agricultural models and increase participation in the stewardship of our land. Cultivate, the civil society organisation I work with, are the Irish partners in GROW, an EU-funded project setting out to empower citizens to become active guardians of our soil. Commercial organic growers, students, community gardeners and

all sorts of growers will use sensors and other equipment to complete experiments and monitor and better understand their soil. They can then share their own data and learn from the results of the wider community. Increased availability of low-cost sensing technologies has opened up all sorts of new possibilities for collaborative data collection and sense making. GROW is a citizen observatory, where people of all ages and backgrounds can help with the monitoring of our soils at an EU-wide level, assisting organisations like the Met Office and policy makers in climate change adaptation and sustainable land use. As well as measuring soil quality, these engaged citizens will develop knowledge and practical skills to regenerate depleted soils. Do you have an allotment or own a small farm? Are you involved in a community or school garden? Do you want to develop your knowledge on soil and skills in growing food? Do you want to be part of a movement preserving soil for future generations? If the answer to any of these questions is yes then email grow@cultivate.ie to get involved.

davie Philip davie@cultivate.ie is a community catalyst at Cultivate cultivate.ie and is based in Cloughjordan ecovillage, thevillage.ie. He is curating the Convergence festival in September 2017 on the topic of Citizen engaged, Community Led Transitions. To join the conversation email convergence@cultivate.ie

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natur al medicine


cleanse the hows and whys of a healthy detox.

By Claire Clerkin

We are often inclined to do an annual ‘spring clean’ of our homes, but what about our bodies?

Spring is a time when we move out of a period of conservation and into a more active phase. It is the perfect opportunity to give our body’s detoxification systems a boost with a gentle cleanse. Just as the birds, insects and animals come out of hibernation, so too does the human system shake off the cobwebs in preparation for a busy summer period. The body has a fabulous, intelligent detoxification system already installed. The liver, kidneys and other organs of the digestive system spearhead the major detoxification processes. When working as they should, they effectively rid our bodies of poisons that could cause health problems if left unmanaged.

How does detoxification work? The liver is crucial in getting rid of toxins. First, it breaks them down and then packages them into forms that can be excreted by the digestive system or kidneys. B vitamins, zinc, sulphur, amino acids and the anti-oxidant vitamins E and C are required by the liver to do its work properly. If you don’t get enough of these nutrients, the process of detoxification will be compromised. The liver also synthesises and secretes bile which is used to carry the toxins to the intestines to be excreted. Bile is also important for emulsifying fats and fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D) and improving their absorption. The final step in detoxification is elimination. The kidneys and the bowels need plenty of water to flush toxins out of the body. In addition, adequate dietary fibre is required to excrete the products of detoxification in the faeces.

The Western diet is at odds with good detoxification Western diets are typically low in fresh organic produce, low in fibre and high in sugar and preservatives. As a result, our systems of detoxification are often short of the nutrients, water and fibre they need to operate effectively. When the detoxification system is not working adequately, toxins can accumulate and start causing health issues. Some symptoms of a sluggish system include: »» Low energy levels »» Bad breath »» Foul-smelling stools »» PMS or other issues related to hormonal imbalance »» Low immunity (more than two colds per year) »» Brain fog, or inability to think clearly »» Worsened hangovers »» Acne


Setting aside some time for a spring cleanse is a great way to support and enhance your natural detoxification systems.

A wholefood cleanse enhances detoxification There are hundreds of variations of cleanses and detoxes – some more extreme than others. Each practitioner is different and my approach focuses on enhancing the body’s natural systems of detoxification. The goals of a good spring cleanse should be to eliminate foods that increase the burden on the liver; remove or limit possible allergens; provide support for organs of detoxification; and improve digestion and bowel transit time.

A spring cleanse need not be difficult While some are as short as three days, 15-20 days is optimal, and a month is ideal. Each person should assess what is possible in their specific circumstances. A cleanse should never be stressful and can be accomplished by the following: »» Eating at least 6-8 portions of fresh organic vegetables and fruit daily, favouring vegetables. Vegetables provide the nutrients your liver needs to do its job. Vegetables from the brassica family such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale and cabbage are excellent as they stimulate the phases of liver detoxification. Smoothies are a great way to pile in plenty of nutrients while keeping in the plant fibre.


“The body has a fabulous, intelligent detoxification system already installed.” »» Focus on eating plenty of fibre-rich foods to establish good digestive elimination. Oats, lentils, chickpeas, brown rice and quinoa are excellent sources of fibre and B vitamins. Legumes are also great source of protein. »» Drink 1.5-2 litres of filtered water daily. Decaffeinated teas such as fennel, ginger, nettle, mint and liquorice count as part of this total and nourish the detoxification organs. »» Eat portions of raw food daily. These contain powerful enzymes that help you digest food more easily. »» Avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking and common food allergens such as dairy and gluten. All of these can aggravate your digestive system and increase the toxic load on your liver.

Detoxing responsibly For some people, the start of a detox can be a little uncomfortable. Withdrawal from caffeine can result in headaches and, as your body starts to release toxins, you may feel fatigued and have flu-like symptoms.




This is normal but should not last longer than 3-4 days. Ideally, start tapering off your caffeine, alcohol and sugar a few days before you begin a detox in earnest. That way there is less of a shock to the system and you will be much more likely to see the whole programme through. Adding nutritious whole foods won’t damage your health, but if you are on any medications or are pregnant, you should make your GP aware that you are changing your diet. Spring is a time of renewal, rejuvenation and activity. Make it count! Claire graduated in Nutritional Therapy from the College of Naturopathic Medicine, where students train for successful careers in Naturopathic Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, and Homeopathy. For information on CNM Diploma Courses, Postgraduate Courses and Short Courses in a range of additional therapies, visit their website. naturopathy.ie

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the wonder of

CULinAry ConneCTionS 2: PArenTS And CHiLdren

by Hans Wieland

Helping children develop a healthy attitude to food can sometimes be hard. Screaming children in the supermarket aisle and fussy eaters at the dinner table are a headache for parents. I believe that connecting children to growing food at an early age can be part of solving these problems. Our family gathering last Christmas threw up interesting observations. All of our children cooked in turns with fresh ingredients from the local farmers’ market and our garden. Our twelve year old grandson wanted a recipe journal as a present to start collecting recipes of dishes he likes to eat and wants to cook and our seven year old granddaughter helps with harvesting lettuce from the polytunnel. I think this is rooted in having a garden where they have all sown seeds at various stages of their lives or were sent to fetch vegetables for cooking dinner. Like one of my food heroes, Diana Kennedy, I believe “cooking is about understanding ingredients and respecting traditions”. If you have a garden with a vegetable and herb patch for your children you can grow and harvest many basic ingredients for dinner. If you then go shopping with your children for the ingredients you don’t have at home and involve your children in helping to prepare dinner, the chances they will eat what you have created together are quite high. It is a case of leading by example. If you can do it, your children can do it too. Culinary connections between parents and children happen while eating together, they are enhanced by cooking together, broadened by shopping together but ultimately grounded in gardening together. The innocent and simple actions of sowing seeds in soil, looking after

seedlings as they grow and harvesting vegetables to cook and eat will become skills for life and help the kids develop a natural relationship with food and where it comes from.

The Garden in a Box This is a wonderful project for getting young children into gardening. It doesn’t require space, or even a garden. It is ideal for primary school aged children. For older children, you can use several boxes to increase varieties. What you need: A wooden or plastic vegetable box (30cm x 40cm approx) from your market or shop, a sheet of plastic to line the box, compost or good weedfree soil, a few packets of seeds for fast growing vegetables or edible flowers, a children’s watering can, labels. Suitable seeds: Radishes (small bell varieties like Cherry Bell are best); perpetual spinach; lettuce (best varieties are Baby Leaf or Mixed Leaves and cress); edible flowers like nasturtiums, violas and marigold; sweet peas or mangetout (these might need to be supported with short bamboo sticks). Suitable plants: Alpine strawberries. You can start the project from March onwards.

How it works Gardening often requires the kind of patience that small children rarely possess. The great thing about the garden in a box is that growth is visible so quickly. By following these instructions, you can begin to see the results in just a couple of days. Select your seeds from a seed catalogue and order online or buy together in a garden centre. Get your children to line the box

PoSiTiVe food


the garden in a

in The Organic Centre, I hand how gardening ca regardless of age or disa We all have hear “Gardening is therapeu fundedthing Community Fo “The great coordinated from 200 about Ithe garden that with the following in a box is that starting with the CFP, growth is visible reported 67% better he so quickly.” active, 78% improved fi stressed. One of the oth that gardening togethe health gains for those w difficulties.’ (J.P. Burke with the plastic sheet and fi ll with soil or compost up toConfidence, 5cm below the edge. 2007 Evalu Sow seeds in rows about 10-20cm Researchers at Br apart. The depth of sowing depends on the size of the University seeds. Sprinkle the tiny of London co lettuce seeds on top and fi rm down with your fingers but sow radish seeds a littlethat frie which suggests deeper and so on. common Keep theare box out of the cold. in fertile so Somewhere like a shed or a windowsill cells to on produce the ben inside is ideal. Once theserotonin. fi rst seeds have It also highli germinated (i.e. begun to sprout), put of gardening organicall the box in a sheltered and sunny spot outdoors. You chemicals might cover it with a toxic spr and plastic cloche or garden fleece if it gets The CFP has also cold at night. Watch your garden grow and water the Occupational Thera a little at a time. Cress can be harvested early as microgreens are ready after just a Servi the Mental Health few days. project, as pa Watch asgardening your children proudly tend their little garden and look forward therapeutic programme to eating those greens they have waited on so patientlyhas to grow. supported a wide ra goals, e.g. relaxation, ex theorganiccentre.ie motor skills developme

no sincerer

positive food

love a romantic meal for eight!

by Tony Keogh

This is a romantic dish as befitting the arrival of spring when our love quickens and we emerge from the caverns of our winter hibernations. George Bernard Shaw, the notorious curmudgeon, once claimed that “there is no sincerer love than the love of food.” Having served the pictured dish to our love-struck diners on Valentine’s Day, I can’t help thinking that the love of food and romantic love were both very much on show on the night. The ingredients I used are reflective of the sparse produce available at that time of year. That being said, this meal can be enjoyed in any

season as most of the vegetables are interchangeable. Peppers, aubergines and courgettes can be substituted in the recipe below. The main course detailed here, pavé of late winter roots with a sour cherry, cashew and port reduction, is a real comforting treat. With it, we served two side dishes: roast cauliflower in kimchi cream and braised bay fennel with bagna cauda. Flanking the main course, we had romantic sharing platters. For the starter we had our very own cashew blue cheese, candied walnuts, raw beetroot tahini and mint soup served with basil crackers,

radish and cucumber salad with chili pea shoots and a beetroot gel. The dessert comprised of a quartet of sweet treats: a meringue with passionfruit buttercream; a date and oat slice with banana caramel; chocolate mousse; and a strawberry cheesecake. These tasting platters were very well received. Fine dining and romance have always been inseparable. On Valentine’s night in Cornucopia, love was in the air and the diners were being seduced by the variety of tastes laid out before them. This dish is sure to warm the cockles of whomever’s heart you are hoping to melt.

Pavé of late winter roots with a sour cherry, cashew and port reduction serves 8 Vegetables 6 red onions Juice of 1 lemon 850g carrot 850g swede 1300g waxy potatoes 160g green olives 3 dstspn nutritional yeast 1 tbsp brown sugar

When making a dish like this, I usually make a large batch. I find it is just as easy to make eight portions as it is four. The beauty of this is you will have leftovers, or if you are feeling sociable, you can invite over a large group of friends and all dig in. In terms of equipment, you will need a large roasting tray if you are making the full recipe, or a smaller one if you are making half. You will also need four large bowls or tubs and if you own one, a vegetable mandolin will come in very handy too. If you don’t have a mandolin, you will need a sharp knife and a steady hand. 1 Preheat the oven to 200° C. In a food processor (or using a tall jug and a stick blender), blend the binding purée ingredients together and set them aside. Thinly slice the onions into one of the

Reduction 175 cashews 150ml port 300ml stock 5 garlic cloves 100g sour cherries [use 50g dried cherries if sour cherries are not available] 15g basil

bowls and massage the lemon juice into them. The onions will take on a lovely pink colour. 2 Finely slice the carrots, swede and potatoes into a bowl each. Divide the binding liquid evenly between each bowl and gently massage it in with your hands. 3 Pulse the olives, nutritional yeast and brown sugar in a food processor or with a stick blender. Fold this into the onion mixture. 4 Take the roasting tray, line it with a sheet of parchment paper and tip in the carrots. Distribute them evenly and level the top out. Layer the swede on top and level this out too. Top this with the onion-olive mixture and finally the potatoes. Try to keep each layer distinct, make sure all the vegetables are covered by the layer above it. Cover the pavé with a layer of parchment and top this with

200ml water 100ml beetroot juice Seasoning Garnish 100g toasted pumpkin seeds 100g rocket leaves

a layer of foil (the parchment paper is to stop the potatoes sticking). Pierce a few holes in the foil to allow any steam to escape. Bake this for 75 mins. Remove the foil and parchment and set aside to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving. 5 In the meantime, you can make the reduction. Tip the first five ingredients into a medium pot and bring it to the boil. Simmer this for 15 minutes then add the sour cherries, basil, water and beetroot juice. Blend this sauce until it is velvet smooth. 6 To serve, flood each plate with the sour cherry port reduction and top it with a square of pavé. Garnish this with a handful of rocket and some toasted pumpkin seeds. cornucopia.ie

Photo: emma loughran

Binding purée 25g thyme 5 garlic cloves 150 ml white wine 2 tbsp Dijon mustard 6 pink peppercorns (or juniper berries) 200ml tamari 1 twist of black pepper


short & sweet 43 Lords of the Manor The best little festival in the world. by Homebeat & Happenings Another Love Story is a bespoke weekender of music, art, whimsy and fun, nestled in the glorious surrounds of Killyon Manor, Co. Meath. Created by and through destiny’s guiding hand – a random weekend stay in a beautiful country manor, the growth of friendships, the chasing of separate dreams while all swimming in the same sea, the deep belief in the amazing wealth of talent we are surrounded by, and the idea that there might be a kinder way to do this kind of thing. From that moment on, we have had three amazing summer editions

and we have rung in two New Years together. Surrounded by the woods, the mysterious intrigue of Killyon Manor and the overwhelming beauty of you all. The warmth of these gatherings is what brings us to Another Love Story 2017. Pitch a tent, bring your campervan, rent a luxury teepee or ensconce yourself in some cosy B&B in the village. You’re going to be part of Ireland’s favourite small festival with a big heart. The intimate gigs, the festive friendliness of the crowd and the wild generosity of the owners to let you dance your heart out inside the manor house

main room, settle down for a chat in the comfortable library or join your new friends in the cinema room for a screening, all make this a truly romantic festival. If you want some quietude, take a woodland walk and admire the wood sculptures and natural art along the trails. It’s a fin de siècle experience you wouldn’t have thought possible. Numbers are limited and tickets don’t hang around. See you there. anotherlovestory.ie

short and swee t

Be Here Now How Lomi Lomi Brought Me Home To Myself. by Jody Mountain

Healing Hemp Before you take cannibidiol, try this. by Kate Mullaney The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is responsible for regulating and restoring overall health-homeostasis. Disease is simply a result of some aspect of failure in achieving homeostasis, making the ECS a unique target to relieve suffering and enhance our good health. Nutrition is arguably the most important factor in the health of the ECS. It is therefore prudent to try the safest, least invasive, therapies first of all. Maintaining health over time benefits us more than firefighting in emergency situations. There are a number of things you need to also look at and maybe change a few things before you start using cannibidol (CBD). »» Consume more Omega 3 fatty acids. Increase consumption of fish, eggs, hemp seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and certain forms of algae. »» Eat primarily a plant-based diet. Avoid inflammatory foods like refined grains, sugar, whole-fat dairy, processed meat and hydrogenated vegetable oils. »» Do at least fifteen minutes exercise every day. »» De-stress and balance life and work. »» Take a high quality probiotic supplement or eat yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi and fermented vegetables. »» Do not excessively consume alcohol or antibiotics. »» Get some form of acupuncture or massage at least a couple of times a year. »» Reduce consumption of excessive amounts of very high-THC cannabis especially through the smoking route. »» Do at least fifteen minutes of meditation every day. »» Consume moderate amounts of CBD/CBDa. The ideal dose is highly individualised, but between 10 and 50 milligrams a day should benefit most people. healing-with-hemp.com

My teacher, a profoundly gifted Hawaiian named Kahuna Abraham Kawai’i, opened a door for me on what has become a never-ending journey. The one simple lesson was ‘be who you are here and now’. As easy as that sounded, ‘me, here, now’ revealed the complex bundle of my ‘fixed identity’ – all that I knew myself to be from my upbringing, past experiences and education. Before I could make the reconnection with the spiritual light in every cell, I first had to face everything I had rejected, or placed between myself and the pure life in each of my cells. Of course I wanted to run far and fast, but something in me recognised the fundamental truth, that no matter how far I got, I could never outrun myself. Somewhere inside, I felt a life I could barely recognise was calling, and that the only way forward was to welcome it, to move with it, not away from it, no matter how painful. I realise now that my attachment to an old, fabricated identity was the cause of the pain. I saw that who I had believed myself to be was fundamentally disconnected with who I really was. As I extended an open hand to all that had been trapped inside of me, I discovered that consciousness itself filled every cell. I was not my ‘tiny mind’ – my personality, beliefs, desires or phobias – I was life itself, pouring through absolutely every aspect of this unique form. I thank my teacher, Kahu, for bringing me to the threshold of this embodied moment, where Infinite Life lies waiting. Lineage of Light offers training retreats in Ancient Lomi Lomi and restoring our connection to the life force. lineageoflight.com

Make Change Happen TrAnSmUTe negATiVe energy inTo PoSiTiVe ACTion. by Rebecca Campbell Do not let the energy of these times cause you to flee or freeze. This is the time for action. Do not stay in the frequency of overwhelm. Use the energy. Let your mind and body be moved. If you are angry, ask yourself what you can do. Rage, frustration, disillusionment, grief, fear, despair: all of these emotions have the potential to be transmuted into something positive. Passion is so often anger turned into action. Anger transformed into something good. Rise up. Stand up. Act up. Just move your body. You don’t need to want to save the planet to transform energy into something positive. Use it whichever way you like. It is these times that the most beautiful and moving art is created. It is in these times that quantum leaps are made possible. It is in these times that we can cause a shift in the critical mass. Let the times we are living in move you into action. It does not matter which action you choose. Whether you protest, paint, love or activate. Whether you write or declutter or dance or speak. All that matters is that you do choose something. Choose to use all of this energy, this fear, this aggression, this sadness and this complacency for good. We are the creators of this new world. We are in the crucible of the fi re. We can use the heat. We can transmute it into something good. If we all do this, the shift that is possible is beyond comprehension.

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short and swee t

A Hidden Gem A little piece of Thailand in Co. Wexford. by Paul Congdon


Break those busy patterns. As the old saying goes, ‘if you are too busy to meditate, that’s when you really need to meditate’. After a rest, you return to your tasks with a clearer mind. You get a lot more done and your brain is in much better shape when it’s had a break. Nap, walk in nature, try Gravity (see this page), you name it. Busy has had its day. Rest is the new buzzword. With this in mind, I head to Creacon Lodge in Wexford, a stone’s throw from Dublin by car. It’s a holistic centre with a unique vibe, founded by Derek O’Neill. I was welcomed with a lovely raw juice, and listened to Derek tell his story of how he set up this wonderful sanctuary. It reminds me of the Tao Garden, in Thailand. A little piece of Thailand in Wexford! Go figure. There is a very pleasant sense of peace that pervades the centre from the meditation hall to its quirky library bar (no drinks, only books). Creacon Lodge has got something for everybody, from mindfulness classes, to a range of body treatments including acupuncture, deep tissue massage, there’s something here for all your needs. They’ll leave you relaxed and ready to get back in the groove. There’s a ‘heart energy’ here, plus for those who like their comforts, the rooms are really lovely. Remember to keep taking those mini-breaks. They work. And if you start here, you’re on to a winner. creaconlodgewellnesscentre.com

I was invited by the Murnaghan Clinic to try out an invention designed to unwind strain and reduce pain. Among the issues that it claims to treat are: back, hip, shoulder and neck pain; headaches; reduced mobility, stress and tension. It’s called Gravity. Naturally, I was a little skeptical about a product that claimed to do so much by simply lying on it, but I decided to reserve judgement until after I’d experienced it. The device was designed by Chinese medicine practitioner, Shane Murnaghan, after his own experience with grave spinal injury. Dissatisfied with the available treatments out there, he created Gravity, a system for rebalancing the spine. Before we began, Shane, his partner Debs and I spoke about the diverse origins of the invention. Then he brought me into his treatment room to lie on Gravity for just twenty minutes. Afterwards, I hopped off the table completely aligned. I was relieved of tension I didn’t even know I was carrying. I felt light and free. It was unbelievable. What’s more, an old ankle injury I have carried for years seems to have just disappeared. Gravity has been jumped on by the NHS, which sees it as a way of treating chronic back issues. UCD are currently doing studies on its myriad uses. It has had success with treating phantom limb pain and Shane has become the go-to clinician for the motocross community in Ireland. If you are carrying tension or pain and would like to regain ease and freedom, Gravity might just be the ticket for you. I know I’ve been converted. themurnaghanclinic.com/gravity


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short and swee t

Aloha Ireland A Centre For Light & Healing. by Louise Kleu McEvoy When I began my Lomi Lomi journey seventeen years ago in South Africa, I didn’t imagine I would go on to be a teacher and I certainly didn’t imagine it would lead me to establishing a Hawaiian massage training centre in the southwest of Ireland.

Through the twists and turns of my life, it has never ceased to amaze me how sometimes, despite all efforts, things do not turn out the way we planned; and yet at other times, we are gifted something extraordinary that we never believed we could possibly create or achieve. This is part of the magic that becomes our story. It reminds me of the Hawaiian principle Pono, that effectiveness is the measure of truth. When you are “in alignment” with your thoughts, words and deeds, then your truth can manifest in your life. Aloha House is not just a centre for Hawaiian healing - it is a space open for all lightwork, a space for classes, workshops and retreats. Aloha means “unity, harmony, togetherness, interconnectedness, the joyful sharing of life energy in the present moment.” We chose this name to represent our intention to cherish community, open-heartedness, compassion and friendship. I’m so grateful to the guardians of this land who have opened up a space for me to truly anchor myself here, to create roots for my family and share my vision of perpetuating the spirit of Aloha here in Ireland. Mahalo nui loa! Go raibh mhaith agat! louisekleu.com

Healing Touch A New Therapy With Amazing Results.


by Carol Kenny Havening Technique®, otherwise known as Delta Wave Technique, is a psychosensory treatment that uses simple touch to permanently eliminate unwanted feelings, both somatic and emotional, from distressing memories and events. In addition, this technique is useful for promoting professional and personal growth. The method is derived from, and consistent with, current neuroscience literature. It is easy to learn, can be self-applied, is rapid, gentle and essentially without side effects. I am very passionate about my work and have been on my holistic journey for over 27 years. I practice and teach many therapies: Acupuncture and T.C.M, Reflexology, Reiki, Aromatherapy Massage and more. I have worked extensively with clients suffering from anxiety, stress, grief, pain, unexpressed anger, fears and phobias. I can honestly say that halfway through the first day of training, I was blown away by the speed, gentleness and amazing results of this therapy. Now as a certified practitioner, my long term goal is to work with children and adults, eradicate their fears and phobias and build confidence, so they can be the best humans they were incarnated to be. If you’re interested in training in this wonderful therapy, check out havening.org. The next training dates are in Dublin in May. absolutehealing.ie

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SHorT And SWee T

Treating Underlying Causes A SPeedy reCoVery WiTH BiomAgneTiSm. by Karen O’Boyle

I was diagnosed with Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs), a heart condition that affected my energy levels and caused a lot of discomfort. I felt breathless at the slightest exertion, my heart skipped many beats and I felt weak and fatigued as a result. A cardiologist told me that my heart was structurally sound but that the number of PVCs I was experiencing was too high and could cause scarring to the heart tissue. I was prescribed beta blockers. Although I felt better on this medication, I still experienced the PVCs at various times and it had the effect of slowing down my heart rate. I wanted to treat the cause rather than the symptoms, but the extensive tests I had at the hospital didn’t show any known reason for the condition. Having a week off from work, I decided to come off the medication, eat nutritious food, and take plenty of gentle walks. A herbalist prescribed a natural hawthorn remedy. During this week, the PVCs increased, yet I still felt reasonably okay. But, on returning to work, my health deteriorated. I was worried about these symptoms and decided to call

Be A Change Maker geT CerTified in nUTriTion. by Richard Burton

For those who regard good health as the most precious of assets, these are really exciting times. There is now mainstream interest in whole foods, sound nutrition and lifestyle adjustments as key to boosting vitality, nurturing health and preventing obesity, diabetes and other avoidable ill-health. The Irish Institute of Nutrition & Health (IINH), Bray, Co Wicklow, has pioneered nutrition and lifestyle education in Ireland since 2002. We were the fi rst college to train Health Coaches and Nutritional Therapists, both with internationally recognised qualifications. These are part-time courses studied in class or by blended

51 the Institute of Biomagnetic Therapy for a treatment as I had success in the past with other issues with Biomagnetic Therapy. I attended three sessions of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy. My practitioner found the source of the problem, which was caused by a combination of bacteria and viruses. I also had back pain that was caused by the same pathogens. This was also resolved. I can happily say that I feel great again. I am beginning to return to my previous physical activity levels and planning to walk the Camino de Santiago in the summer. biomagnetism.ie

learning (online with optional attendance). IINH Nutritional Therapy graduates can now continue their studies by fast-tracking to a BSc (Hons) in Nutritional Science within 2 years, or an MSc in Personalised Nutrition (1-2 years). Both degree programmes are completed by online study with a prestigious UK college (CNELM.co.uk) and validated by Middlesex University. Many of our Health Coach and Nutritional Therapy graduates are working in Ireland and elsewhere in a wide range of roles, including 1-to-1 coaching and therapy, group sessions and workshops, teaching, health product and services R&D, media work (radio, TV), and writing blogs and books, among others. IINH awards are recognised by public and private sector employees, as well as for academic credits. To learn about our BTeC Advanced diploma in nutrition & Health Coaching or our diploma in nutritional Science and Therapeutics, why not join one of our open evenings. iinh.net – (01) 272 3003

SHorT And SWee T

Take Sanctuary reTreATS for Women of ALL AgeS. by Shakti Saraswati


The purpose of a retreat is to create a space where you can feel supported to withdraw and take time out, to heal, rejuvenate and replenish on all levels of your being. While this can be seen as a luxury, it’s not and we need to acknowledge this very human need. Taking time away from daily duties and responsibilities is essential for replenishing our vital source of energy. A retreat offers time for reflection and opens a pathway for intuitive guidance. We return to our lives feeling more centred and at peace with ourselves. Our lives can feel more enriched, we are re-inspired in our lives and the paths in which we walk. This year Earthwise Yoga Wexford has chosen to focus on offering a retreat to unite women of all ages and levels of fitness to join in celebrating feminine energy awakening. This will allow women to bring loving attention and light to the body, mind and spirit. Gathering together in sacred circle both nourishes and heals, while strengthening the bonds of community spirit. Dance and yoga are powerful tools to rediscover the female archetypes, acknowledging and honouring the aspects of womanhood that need room for expression. Earthwise Yoga believes in making retreats affordable so that more people can access this much needed time for rest and rejuvenation. Located in rural Wexford, we also offer yoga teacher training and regular classes in addition to yoga retreats here and abroad. earthwiseyoga.ie

The Music of the Spheres A UniQUe TALenT ComeS To dUBLin. by Jai Kartar

When you hear Simrit Kaur for the fi rst time, you sense that this is something truly unique. When speaking of her, Belinda Carlisle said, “Her sense of melody, her energy, and her musicality set her apart from the rest. Simrit, to me, is the voice of this new day and age.” Listeners describe her music as otherworldly. Simrit is also known for her profound relationship with melody and rhythm and she continues to inspire an authentic and fresh experience through her albums and her live concerts. Her music deeply weaves the listener into what many have described as an altered state of consciousness while simultaneously bringing them into the depths of their own healing and humanity. The Songs of Resilience Global Unity Tour is travelling worldwide and making a well-anticipated stop in Dublin on Saturday, May 27. She will give a sacred music concert following her Kundalini Yoga workshop. There is a discounted rate for those who choose to attend both events and book in advance. Tickets are available from kundaliniyoga.ie. It won’t take very long after the music begins for you to realise that this isn’t your average chant and world music concert. From the transporting sounds, the high-frequency vibe, the world-class musicianship, and Simrit’s mesmerising voice. Get ready for lift off. www.simritkaurmusic.com

The Truth Is Out There A SUPPorT SySTem for A neW ConSCioUSneSS. by Alcazar (Channelled by Prageet Harris) Beloved Ones we greet thee, it is Alcazar. We are overjoyed watching what is occurring here on your Earth. The old ugliness is finally revealing itself in its death throes and humanity is rebelling against it. The Stargate has been given to support the rising of your individual consciousness as this old age finally dies. It is time for a support system that allows your spirituality, your joy, your love, and your creativity to come forth with ease and grace and continued support. We wish to share with you a technique that is so beautiful, so new, that will replace the old ways of the so called new age with something that can continuously support you into a transition that is beyond your imagining. Come, taste this. You are far more than you know right now, yet you are so close to discovering it. All you need is the intention to be free. Prageet and Julieanne travel around your world introducing thousands to The Stargate Experience. Stargates are sacred-geometrical structures, which act as an anchor for higher-dimensional consciousness to be present on the earth plane.

There are hundreds of Stargates around your world connecting to create a whole grid system. This can be accessed simply and easily by anyone. They share the techniques of how to do this. It is an access point to higher-dimensional consciousness to support your transition. This is a gift from spirit to humanity. It has not been here before. You have called it forth. You can benefit from it if you choose. theStargateExperience.com

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Cell Mate The Science of Optimum Health. When was the last time that you thought about your cellular health? Did you know that we have over 37,000,000,000,000,000,000 cells? That’s a lot of zeros! They perform hundreds of millions of actions per second. All our cells ask us to do is to nourish them with everything they need. Minerals are crucial for our many body functions, such as the maintenance and repair of tissue and bone, transportation of oxygen, normalising the nervous system and stimulating growth. We feed our cells with the food that we eat. If that food is deficient in minerals, our cells cannot function at their optimum levels. This can lead to disease and an overall feeling of unwellness. Twice Nobel Prize winner, Dr Linus Pauling, stated that all disease can be explained by an imbalance of minerals and vitamins. For each and every one of us seeking optimum wellness and lifestyle, our cells require 78 minerals and trace elements to achieve this. So when you have that headache or you are feeling tired and unwell, it is important to go back to basics and address your cellular health. Always remembering that cells are the building blocks of life. Taking the appropriate vitamin and mineral supplements daily is the best way to ensure that you are getting all minerals and trace elements that your cells need, in the correct proportion, in bioavailable form so that you can live to your full potential. cellnutrition.com

55 Be Good to Yourself Getting the royal treatment. by Paul Congdon I’m not the type of chap who regularly takes trips to health spas, but when I do, I always enjoy the experience. Recently I tried the horizontal experience at the New Greenhouse Project in Dun Laoghaire. They email to tell me it’s a five-hour treatment aimed at bringing all of the senses into play. Sounds exciting. After being warmly greeted by Kathy, I’m taken to have an infrared sauna. This, Kathy tells me, has many health benefits including increasing your circulation and purifying your skin with a bit of weight loss thrown in on the side. Next, I’m treated to some citrus fruits before my personal yoga and meditation session. Enya guides me slowly and deliberately through some gentle but invigorating yoga moves. I loved the extra attention to detail you get when working one-onone with a seriously good teacher. After being given the most sumptuous cup of hot chocolate with coconut milk and allowed some chill time in their relaxation suite, my body is exfoliated with natural salt. This was a new experience for me and I loved it. It takes away all the dead skin and prepares your body for a most wonderful massage to finish which left me feeling seriously light and in love with the world. I left with a renewed understanding of how important it is to take this time out for ourselves. Treat yourself to some well-earned bliss in the heart of Dun Laoghaire. You deserve it. thegreenhouseproject.ie

Positively physical




Shake off the winter with Pilates.

by Alison Canavan

and body are supported by the bed at all times which is great for me as I have a bad back from a car accident. The Reformer gives you a full-body workout and it also helps to build a very strong core. Halfway through the session, I felt a huge smile appear on my face as I realised just how much I missed these classes. I felt grounded and really connected physically as the instructors encourage you to really use your breath with each movement. It’s a potent de-stressing exercise for many reasons. The deep breathing helps to calm your central nervous system and the movements help to really move your energy through your body. Your circulation gets a boost, your spine and muscles are stimulated and, of course, those feel good hormones wake up and start to flood your body too. Because of the strong focus on core strength, your balance and posture will also be improved. In an age of computers where we sit at desks for long periods of time, I welcome any exercise that helps with that. Your flexibility will also increase and what I like is that it

“Halfway through the session, I felt a huge smile appear on my face as I realised just how much I missed these classes.” really helps to give you a lean shape and stretches out the muscles as opposed to bulking them. Pilates Performance Ireland offers a wide range of classes suitable for all levels and abilities. You can also book personal sessions, which I would advise anyone who has injuries or back problems to do. The owner Sarah MacLachann, who is a Pilates master, is excellent and can really help you to get to the root of your problems and work slowly with you to build your strength back up. alisoncanavan.com for details on upcoming events.

Lili Forberg Photography

As we move out of the winter months we might want to put a spring in our step by upping our physical game. Even with the best of intentions, the winter simply doesn’t lend itself to a lot of physical exertion due to the dark nights and cold mornings. After winter’s gestation period, spring is an opportunity and a time for rebirth. It’s a chance to look at the world through fresh eyes and also try something new. When it comes to exercise I like to switch up my routine as we enter a new season. To be honest, I get bored and I love to challenge my body by trying new exercises. I’m a huge fan of Reformer Pilates and I can credit these classes with helping me to get back in shape, post-baby, a few years ago. It’s been quite a while though since I took a class but I decided to return to Pilates Performance Ireland in Dundrum and see if the passion was still there. The Reformer is a bed-like frame with springs and straps attached. Don’t let that frighten you because the best thing about this exercise is that your back


Join Mary Flinn in a gentle flow yoga class followed by and intro to Ayurveda. Ayurveda means the Science of Life. It is based on ancient knowledge of herbs, asanas and Yoga philosophy and other techniques that can bring health and balance into your life. All Levels are invited.


Join us in this intro to Ayurveda and a 7 day Kitchari Cleanse. Ayurveda is an ancient system of healing that incorporates herbs, oils, foods and lifestyle choices to bring your life into balance. In this workshop we will focus on releasing some of the wet and cold build up of toxins in our body from the winter months. This cleanse will bring you renewed energy and give you a sense of lightness and clarity. Learn new ways to use food and herbs to balance and heal yourself. Ayurveda systematizes food and herbs into 6 tastes. These tastes can give answers to what we may need to heal ourselves. The workshop includes Information on cleansing foods, herbs and oils. Intro to Ayurveda Understanding your Constitutions Foods for your Dosha and the season

Introduction to oil bath, neti, nasya and other Ayurvedic techniques. A description and details of the 7 day Kitchari cleanse We will sample some Kitchari and learn how to cook it

Mary Flinn (MFA, RYT E500 and Ayurveda consultant) has been teaching Yoga since 1995. She received her Ayurveda Consultant certificate from ‘The Insititute of Vedic Studies’ and continues her studies at ‘The Dixit Ayurveda Aarogya Dharma’ in Mysore India learning Pancha Karma therapy techniques. She runs workshops on yoga practice and philosophy as well as teach Ayurvedic cleanses each season. She has run several yoga centers in NYC and Philadelphia including Mount Airy Yoga in Philadelphia; The Kundalini Yoga Center of NY and Satya Yoga Center in Brooklyn NY. Her daily practice has been Ashtanga yoga since 1997 and she has been blessed by the Late Shri K. Pattabhi Jois and his Grandson Sharath Rangaswami to teach the first and second series of Ashtanga Yoga.

For further information and bookings contact Mien Rooney on +353 (0)85 1286275 - mienrooney@yahoo.com

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strengths &


geTTing By WiTH A LiTTLe HeLP from my friendS. by Elva Carri

When I started the tech company I run, I knew exactly what I needed. I needed to be organised, to sit at a computer, a logo and business cards, to choose the right clothes to give off the right impression. When I got to a point where a team was involved, I’d need to make sure everyone could work to their strengths and on things that made them happy. It was going to be perfect. It was all so simple. What I didn’t realise was that a big part of my job would actually be difficult, but incredibly rewarding, personal development efforts. Every day I discover new flaws, fears and frustrations in myself. That’s not just uncomfortable for me, if not approached correctly, it can have some pretty negative effects on your business. I felt I understood the importance of a good company culture from day one, but what I had set about trying to create was a culture that was perfect for me. Guess what? Other people are different humans to me with different needs. Shocker, right? You’d think that would have been obvious. However, two heroes arrived on the scene before I managed to make a mess of my own mind or the business. Deborah Byrne of Virago Coaching and management consultant Tom Mitchell got to know myself and my co-founders through some simple surveys (check out Forte Profi les) and some great chats. I

cannot overstate how useful it’s been to us already. While I know from my time with them that everyone takes away something different, these were the three greatest lessons for me.

1 Strengths = Weaknesses The things that are great about us, can also be the things about us that are our most challenging for others. For example, one of my strengths is that I’m creative. It sounds great, but if I’m too constricted by rules, I can’t be creative, so I shrug them off. Great for me, but imagine how difficult that could be for someone trying to manage a team’s schedule week to week? Instead of seeing them as someone try to pen me in, I need to see that their organisational skills are another strength we need.

2 We Are All Different This leads on from the previous point, but comes into how you approach company culture. How you like to be rewarded, how you like to be communicated with, when you’re most productive will not be the same for everyone. Ask people what they prefer instead of assuming everyone likes it the way you do. It doesn’t mean anyone is doing it wrong, you just need to tailor your approach to suit the individual.

“Guess what? Other people are different humans to me with different needs. Shocker, right?” 3 Watch, Ask, Listen, Talk It’s often easy to see when someone is bothered or uncomfortable, but many of us are guilty of reacting to that in one of two ways. Either we also become annoyed because they’re ‘wrong’ for being bothered, and/or we assume we know what the problem is. Ask. Ask nicely. Ask one-toone, and then properly listen. Don’t listen to argue your needs, listen for theirs. Then lay out what you need. There just might be a glaringly obvious solution once all the information is out in the light. Don’t be afraid to talk, be afraid of staying silent, because that’s a much slower way to solve a problem. It sounds so simple, but summoning the initial drop of ego and spark of courage to initiate the conversation can be tough. But you’ve got this far, so I say brave it. elva Carri is the founder of girlCrew. Girlcrew.com. twitter: @elvacarri

star cross’d


an Astrological Reading of Our Favourite Twins. by Calodagh McCumiskey The Happy Pear’s Dave and Steve Flynn are two amazing people to spend time with. Astrologically, they are particularly interesting because they are twins. Only fifteen minutes separate their births. In their Vedic birth chart, they are Libra Ascendants and Venus, the owner of their first house is in their 3rd house, the house of doing. Naturally, they just love doing and are always into something, active and on the move. Venus is the planet of enjoyment and the symbol of Libra is the scales of justice so they are highly ethical, always seeking

balance and they love doing fun things that bring joy and balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. What’s more, they inspire others to do the same. Mercury and Sun are in their second house - the house of speech, wealth and eating which makes them excellent communicators and business people, with a focus on food and in particular hot food. Sun is the most important heavenly body as the Sun gives life to all planets and to us. When they speak, they have a powerful ability to connect with whom they are talking and the Sun-Mercury combination

“The Sun-Mercury combination enables them to inspire others to act towards balance, health and wellbeing.”


enables them to inspire others to act towards balance, health and wellbeing. Sun representing the soul, means they can connect with people at a deep and fundamental level. It is Venus, in the house of writing, which gives them the powerful ability to write beautiful books. Jupiter, Mars and Rahu in their 11th house, means they know a lot of people and a lot of people know them. This is also their house of income. This is the best position for Rahu (known as the Dragon’s head), particularly for wealth. Jupiter, a planet of communications and expansion, helps them connect with their customers and followers in a powerful way. Mars helps them inspire many dynamic people to change their lives positively. Moon and Saturn in the 12th house, the house of overseas, means they will not live where they were born for long (they were born in Canada) and it also gives them the possibility to be famous around the world as Saturn represents the masses. Stress by definition is an upset in our physical or mental balance. Stress is a major epidemic in modern life. This happy pair have the ability to help and inspire people to find balance in a fun, healthy and enjoyable way which is so essential in today’s world. They are now going through the major period of Jupiter. It started for Dave on October 8 and for Steve on October 29. This is a very powerful period for them professionally. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, owns their 3rd and 6th houses which gives them strong focus and ability to succeed and expand greatly in all areas. They will inspire many more people towards a healthier and happier lifestyle. While they are very similar, they have a different rising sign in their Navamsh divisional charts, which gives insights into their personal differences. But that is a story for another day! We can expect to hear a lot more from them in Ireland and all around the world. I look forward to more shops, products, books, media, innovative strategies and significantly more influence on the younger generations. They are great role models, charismatic, fun, successful and full of heart and soul. The world is at their feet. Calodagh McCumiskey is a Vedic Astrologer. Find out what the stars have in store for you. hellenisticvedicastrology.com


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ho’oponopono THe AnCienT HAWAiiAn SySTem for LiVing in HArmony. by Jeana Iwalani Naluai

62 I am a Hawaiian-Irish-American. Like my ancestry, my approach to healing is multicultural. I am Western schooled in physical therapy, but I am also trained as a native Hawaiian medicine practitioner. Practicing traditional physical therapy for almost a decade left me feeling disconnected, treating “knees” and “lower backs” in a compartmentalised way. I wanted to work on a deeper level and treat clients more holistically. I found all this and more returning to my roots in Lomi Lomi massage and the spiritual teachings of Ho’oponopono learned from Hawaiian masters. Witnessing the loving and connected way Aunty Margaret Machado and Aunty Mahilani Poe Poe approached healing changed everything for me. Ho’oponopono is a practice of conflict resolution within oneself and

“Ho’oponopono is a practice of conflict resolution within oneself and with others”

with others, restoring alignment and making right. Pono means to be correct, in harmony, in integrity, to be balanced, encompassing all things desirable for spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Ho’o in front of pono suggests action or requiring action. When we are faced with challenges in our lives, including past traumas, disharmony between loved ones and such upheavals, we allow the emotions of the moment to dictate our thoughts and actions. In the Hawaiian philosophy of care, energies of anger, fear, blame, and judgement create separation between ourselves, others and the divine. Spirit prompts a shift firstly in our spiritual awareness. Even if ignored, the message nonetheless enters the mind. Without action, discord will manifest physically in order to grab our attention. This results in trauma, injury and pain. Combining Lomi Lomi and Ho’oponopono allows me to work with the whole person, not on them. I had a client who had been in chronic pain for twenty years. He had injured his back serving in the military, a family tradition. As a young man, he had aspirations to be a healer. He chose family obligation rather than following his heart. As his treatment began, he shared the extensive list of failed therapies endured over the years. None had offered long term relief. His main concern was the fear of being hurt.

The session began with Ho’oponopono to address his fear. Was he willing to change the conversation and open to the possibility of healing? Our Hawaiian teaching of the wisdom of the bones reveals the correlation between spiritual/emotional disharmonies and physical illness. The lower back represents the family connection and support. In his case, this support was not received. In fact, for his pain, he had blamed his father for all these years. These emotions had not only created a divide in their relationship but it had perpetuated the pain in his backbone. Using the tools of Ho’oponopono, taking responsibility for shifting the story backward and forwards, he was able to recognise the destructive emotions he was carrying, release the blame and invite healing into his spirit. After the treatment, I asked him how his back was feeling. He was surprised to find his back pain free. Lomi Lomi is a therapeutic art form addressing injury and restoring physical alignment. But the Ho’oponopono is the magic that fosters transformational outcomes. By giving people empowering tools to release the pain in the emotional and spiritual body, true transformation can take place. Body. Mind. Spirit. Jeana iwalani naluai is a Hawaiian Practitioner and master Teacher. Hawaiian Healing retreat - ireland, June 1-6, 2017, killorglan, Co. kerry. hoomanaspamaui.com

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