STEINER SCHOOLS Let Your Child Lead The Way


STEINER SCHOOLS Let Your Child Lead The Way
“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” - Marcus Aurelius
My new buzz is not thinking - not with any great effort that is. Just a neutral, light touch. I noticed, on a recent trip to Portugal, that because I was on my holidays I had decided to just drop worrying. The relief was palpable and on my return I decided to keep it going.
I really began to notice how my thoughts were making me feel, on a daily basis. Of course, life still throws up situations, like it does for all of us, but I choose to deal with them as they arise now rather than ruminating on what may or may not happen.
To be fully aligned and in the present moment is one of the most beautiful things in life - just doing what you’re doing in the moment. Going for a swim means just going for a swim - drop the unnecessary thinking.
The space, the neutrality and the freedom to choose what to focus on is a different frequency but available to all. Tending to your nervous system will help you to slow down to make this space more available; do breath-work, swim, laugh, do yoga nidra. Inhabit ‘rest and digest’ mode as much as you can. Get to know your vagus nerve.
Our theme this summer issue is the heart so drop in there and breathe in through the nose for 4 counts, out for six counts...for one you’re home.
paul congdon, Publisher
Publisher PC Media
Co-Editorial Alison McEvoy and Persephone Kianka
Design Conor O’Brien
Ad Design Caroline Hanan
Advertising Paul Congdon 0861579518
Social media Taylor Grimes
Thanks to our advertisers, we can give Positive Life magazine to you for FREE. If you’re talking to them, let them know we sent you their way.
Please use the information provided in this publication as a recommendation only to better mental and physical health. We strongly advise you to consult your doctor regarding health concerns that you may have. The views expressed by contributors and advisors do not necessarily represent the views of the publication’s staff.
We would like to apologise for an error in our Spring issue to Gemma McDonnell from Focus health, in making an error and using the wrong surname. The corrected entry is now in our Summer vibes section.
On a biological level, our Life Force comes through a structure within our cells called mitochondria, so it’s vital we support them. Current research suggests that methylene blue, which functions as a mitochondria-specific antioxidant, can do just that. This new health technology has the potential to maximize your energy and strength, prevent disease, and treat many infections. It also combines excellently with other natural approaches to health, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, photobiomodulation or light therapy, and IV therapy.
Did you know that all plants have smells called terpenes, and science has discovered that certain terpenes elicit different effects? When combined with organic hemp-derived cannabinoids, the effect is even greater. That’s why Oleo Air adds organic hemp extracts to their terpene blends, designed to help people who may be dealing with issues such as stress, lack of sleep, and brain fog. With delicious natural flavours, their formulas make improving your well-being a fun and easy task.
Enda Donnellan
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Wild yam cream is sweeping the nation as it’s a great way for both men and women to keep their hormones ticking over nicely naturally. In women, it can help with menopausal symptoms, menstrual discomfort, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and other hormonal imbalances. In men, it can help with diminished focus, decreased energy, and lowered libido, among other uncomfortable male challenges. The wonderful Barbara O’Neill highly recommends it, and it is available here:
MyoTape For Adults is a powerful product designed to assist nasal breathing, thus transforming your sleep quality. Expertly crafted with skin-friendly adhesive and gentle cotton material, it remains comfortable and secure all night. With this simple adjustment, people have experienced numerous benefits, including reduced snoring, enhanced focus, and improved dental health. If you or someone you know is struggling with sleep apnea or mouth snoring, order a pack of Myotape and watch the transformation occur!
expand your consciousness
Inspired by the spirit of The Fae and universal spiritual truths, The Return of The Tuatha Dé Danann may help us all reconnect with our Divine potential, and the beauty and power of Nature. Written by Helen McSharry and illustrated by Patrycja Konicka, The Return of The Tuatha Dé Danann is launching at Criunniú Na NÓg on June 15th and at The Percy French Festival this July. Available to buy in selected bookshops and holistic centres across Ireland and also on:
We love the work of Catherine McMahon of Spiritual Light Academy, who has many years of experience both as a practitioner and teacher of Rahanni Celestial Healing, which is ‘healing from the heart’. She is also a Reiki practitioner and teacher dedicated to fostering self-healing and personal growth. With her lovely healing touch and kindness, Catherine helps open the hearts and minds of anyone who chooses to work with her.
Internationally acclaimed HighPerformance Coach Justin Caffrey knows all the tools for personal transformation, and vagus nerve breathing is one of the most powerful. Through 21-Day Vagus Nerve Reset, his online course, participants don’t just learn relaxation techniques but rewire their brain “for a rejuvenated, empowered and calmer self.” Blending neuroscience and psychology, Justin provides tools that promote lifelong change, making this 21-day course well worth it if you ask us.
If you need a break from the daily grind, check out Replenish Hub. Their luxurious retreats in luxurious locations give you everything you need to rebalance mentally, spiritually, and physically. Imagine doing yoga and pilates in a stunning historical venue and then coming out for a stroll through beautiful gardens. After spending time in one of these unique nourishing environments, you will no doubt come away with a renewed sense of well-being and purpose!
If you want a truly special massage that feels like customised bliss, as it says on the website, this is what you will get when you visit Andreas. As a highly skilled and knowledgeable massage and facial therapist located in Wicklow Town, he offers customised services designed to deepen your mind-body connection. “This man knows his bodies and knows how to engage in a truly special way, super experience,” says our publisher, Paul.
Do you dream of living in a tropical paradise, slowing down, living more purposefully alongside a conscious community?
Then talk to Patrice. She helps Digital Nomad Singles and Families relocate confidently to Costa Rica. Book your 60-minute Consultation today and start creating the life of your dreams.
“Yoga Fest aims to bring people from all walks of life together in a celebration of the body, the mind and living a life of true meaning.” Taking place on August 3rd and 4th in Springfield Castle, this fabulous festival welcomes people of all ages to engage in movement, breathwork, chanting, music, dance, crafts, well-being talks, and so much more. With a beautiful atmosphere of sharing and community, it is easy to connect with like-minded folks who can support you on your wellness journey!
Understanding that human struggles of all magnitudes deeply affect the body, as well as the mind, Human Garage strives to give people the tools and space to heal radically. Our own Alison Canavan attests to the power of their work, and you can experience it for yourself at their upcoming event! On June 22nd, Human Garage will be coming to Dublin to facilitate Transforming Trauma, which aims to help participants release their trapped emotions through movement in a safe and supportive space.
This summer, we will welcome awardwinning author and channel Paul Selig to Dublin to give a powerful channelled workshop on July 9th and 10th. We are also extremely pleased to have the incredible singer and musician Peia Luzzi back again for a beautiful concert on August 14th. After the summer, there is even more to look forward to, with Bruce Lipton’s seminar and workshop in September giving us insight into the mutable power of our genes and physical reality at large!
Darshan is a blessing that we can receive through profound eye contact with an enlightened spiritual master such as Paramahamsa Vishwananda, who will offer this experience in Dublin on June 26th. The beauty of Darshan is that each person receives something different. It could be a blessing, transformation or healing, but it is always exactly what the individual needs at that time.
The HOCATT is the Hyperthermic Ozone Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology. Founder and owner Gemma McDonnell of Focus Health located in the beautiful region of Tara, Ireland wants nothing more than to spread more awareness of the benefits of the HOCATT. Over the past decade, Gemma has been working extensively as a systematic kinesiologist/ energy worker. Both Gemma and her son had been diagnosed with and cleared of chronic Lymes disease. With the ordeal attached to that experience it became very apparent that in order to heal, the body must be balanced in every way. This is mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This is where the power of the HOCATT plays it’s part.
by Persephone Kianka
In April of this year, Natasha Long was alarmed to find her 11-week-old son had suddenly stopped breathing outside a Taco Bell in Pennsylvania.
Fortunately, her screaming caught the attention of manager Becky Arbaugh, who wasn’t working the lunch rush but happened to be around.
Before anyone could call 911, Arbaugh threw off her headset and raced towards the scene unfolding just outside the drive-through window. After seeing Long holding the lifeless blue body of her son Myles, she took matters into her own hands.
“The mom was panicked,” Arbaugh told Good Morning America. “I told her to give him to me and I performed CPR. I was trying to calm her down and comfort her
and reassure her that he will be fine.”
“The baby finally started to breathe. The ambulance came pretty quickly and then they took over,” she explained. “The EMT said I saved his life.”
It seems as though divine synchronicity was at play because Arbaugh, a mother of four, has already restarted the heart of her daughter a few times after medical complications.
Miles is doing well now, and Long has been communicating with Arbough ever since, sharing photos and videos of her son.
“I’m so beyond grateful for her because she did save my son’s life and honestly, she’s become like Aunt Becky to my son,” said Long.
According to GMA, Arbough is also receiving the recognition she deserves from her “Taco Bell family,” with coworkers and store members from different locations showering her with messages of appreciation.
“Fortunately, her screaming caught the attention of manager Becky Arbaugh, who wasn’t working the lunch rush but happened to be around.”
by Persephone Kianka
A recent flight from Belfast to Lanzarote set the scene for a spontaneous folk music concert when passenger Seán Magee decided to play the fiddle.
“We just decided to have a bit of a laugh on the plane and played a Donegal song ‘Hills of Donegal’ and I played a trad fiddle tune with my wife Irish dancing along with me!” he told The New York Post.
Fortunately, cameraman Danny Walters, who was also on vacation with his wife, captured the whole thing on video.
He noticed that Magee had purchased an extra seat for his fiddle so he wouldn’t have to leave it in the hold. Later in the flight, the musician asked his mate to “pass him the fiddle” before launching into the popular 90s song with fellow musicians Nathan Carter and Matthew Crampsey.
Walters’ footage shows the other passengers laughing, singing, and clapping along to the ditty as they journeyed towards the Canary Islands.
“I think it really shortened the flight for us all,” said Walters of the spontaneous concert, and the fun didn’t stop there.
The trio of musicians, currently some of the biggest names in Irish folk
“Walters’ footage shows the other passengers laughing, singing, and clapping along to the ditty as they journeyed towards the Canary Islands.”
music, had performances lined up on the island, which Walter and his wife got to see.
“While we were in Lanzarote [located in the Canary Islands], a couple of the boys from the plane got gigs, so we went down there for the craic and they were very good!” he shared.
by Persephone Kianka
Nigeria has the lowest access to electricity worldwide, putting its inhabitants, especially women and girls, at risk of energy poverty. At a young age, Yetunde Fadeyi witnessed the perils of this firsthand when her best friend died from air pollution caused by a petrol-powered generator.
More children die from air pollution, mainly inside the home, in Nigeria than in any other African country, so Fadeyi made it her mission to tackle the energy poverty causing such deaths.
Supported by a degree in chemistry and training in solar panel installation, she set up Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability (REES), a non-profit helping rural and underserved areas in Nigeria access clean energy.
Since its foundation in 2017, REES Africa has transformed the lives of around 7000 people in Lagos and Oyo states by providing solar energy to 8-century-old rural communities with no prior access to electricity.
They do this through solar microgrids, which generate energy through solar panels and store them in battery banks for distribution. These small grids can supply high-quality, cheap, constant power to 100 homes each, allowing families to use light bulbs, radios, sockets and other low-energy appliances.
In Aba-Oje, a rural village in southwest Nigeria, the community chief, Muritala Ojeleye, expressed how life has transformed since their solar grid installation in 2018.
“We had not had light here since the history of this village - not even electric poles. Life was very difficult for us,” he said.
Mary Ojo, another village resident, has given birth to her five children by the light of a kerosene lamp as the nearest hospital is over two hours away.
The ability to make this kind of difference in people’s lives, especially for women, drives Fadeyi to continue promoting environmental sustainability and inspiring millennials across Africa.
“Since its foundation in 2017, REES Africa has transformed the lives of around 7000 people in Lagos and Oyo states…”
by Persephone Kianka
In our last issue, I discussed how I had created a weekly schedule that allowed me to experience progress and happiness in all areas of my life. While this supportive structure served me at that time (and may work best for some people), I have since found a better way for me.
After a breakup, I felt too emotionally low to continue with my hourly routine, so I didn’t force it. Instead, I went to the park and took long walks while listening to music to process everything I needed to. I also started working again with Law of Assumption coach Juliet Cleary, which led me to understand the biggest secret of the Law: Follow your joy.
Since then, I’ve been practising
by Persephone Kianka
“We even playfully (yet totally seriously) discussed how I had manifested him.”
choosing what I truly wanted in every moment, saying “no” to what I used to feel obligated to say “yes” to and saying “yes” to the spontaneous joys I wasn’t allowing myself before.
In other words, I started being myself more fully than in years because following your joy = being yourself. That’s the biggest download I got during that time.
My old identity thought that if I didn’t follow the rules I’d made for myself in my work schedule and my relationships with others, I wouldn’t be safe; something would “go wrong”, yet nothing can go wrong. When unwanted comes up internally or externally, it’s still pushing us toward what we want as long as we don’t
resist it (resisting something = identifying with it).
Of course, having boundaries can be beneficial, but only if they stem from love, not fear, because being yourself = loving yourself. I have heard the spiritual concept of “we are love” many times, but I truly know what it means only now. Prioritising who and what I love every day, I feel so alive, so aligned, and in love.
“I have heard the spiritual concept of “we are love” many times, but I truly know what it means only now.”
Following my joy recently inevitably led to me listening to and playing a lot of music, which is my favourite thing. Mostly, I’ve been listening to a K-pop (Korean pop) boy group while walking, dancing, writing affirmations, and simply watching their music videos.
Listening to their music fills me with joy, energy, and passion, and because I find them attractive, it also connects me to the masculine energy I want in a partner.
From Juliet Cleary, I learned that if I want to be with that person in physical reality, I must BE that person. “The reason why that ideal relationship hasn’t shown up yet is because YOU haven’t shown up yet as the new relationship, as the new you,” she told me.
Sure enough, in continuing to listen to the boy group and do everything that makes me happy, I began to feel like I was already with my divine masculine partner. In loving, trusting and choosing myself more, I created a beautiful, harmonious relationship between my inner
masculine and feminine, maybe for the first time.
As promised, potential partners showed up in my physical reality effortlessly, with all of them mirroring different aspects of myself. The amount of signs and synchronicities has been astounding.
The person I’m most interested in happens to be Korean, and on our second date, he told me that the only Korean book he brought from his country was The Secret, which led us to discover our shared belief in the Law of Attraction.
Reading the English version together in the library later that day, I felt so much awe at how perfectly tailored this experience was for me. We even playfully (yet totally seriously) discussed how I had manifested him.
As new complexities and unexpected plot points continue to show up in my reality, I meet them with love and acceptance, knowing I will be with the best person for me because, on an energetic level, that person IS me.
Phytochemicals are naturally occurring plant compounds which research shows, can influence chemical processes inside our bodies in helpful ways. This is 21st-century medicine that is attracting serious scientific attention. Recent findings showed that 70 to 80% of people do not get enough phytochemicals, in fact half of the required amounts, despite the thought that they are “eating healthy”. Vitalkomplex has been formulated, for the first time, in a way that insures the bio activity of many of these very important phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. All from a wide range of 95 carefully selected fruits, vegetables, herbs and mushroom extracts in every serving.
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Shane Molloy
The longest journey is the shortest distance, from the head to the heart. I trusted the feeling & not my analytical left brain for the most important decision of my life. Taking years to diagnose, biopsies, blood tests, ultrasounds, medication, radioactive injections, & finally two letters in two days from the same hospital.
First: You are discharged, second: remove half your thyroid.
So, I took charge of my health. My healing journey started with animal & plant medicines. With Shamanism, Reiki & Angelic Energy healing atunements, I was spiritually opened with powerful teachers entering my life, one after the other. At first the consultant doubted my results.
Sceptical of self-healing & spirituality, she ultimately fed my own positive energy back to me when successive results proving a full recovery from Graves’ disease. Now I try to put my heart in charge of my day & practice energy healing & gratitude.
Aideen Macken
When I was 17 I made a promise to myself to always try to live true to my heart. Someday I’d like to be old and able to look back and think...well that was a life worth living. The most lost I ever felt was finishing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Cork and being unable to see a way forward for myself. It felt terrifying. So I spent a year working a secretarial job and took the pressure off and waited and listened to what my heart was telling me it would like to try next. And I ended up spending two blissful years studying complementary health therapies which took me down a path I’m still on. Now I teach pilates and I weave, and I still listen for those stirrings that tell me...this feels good, this is the way to go, follow this and see where it takes you. It always takes me somewhere interesting.
Sandra Lawes
During my time living in London, I was confronted with the life-altering diagnosis of Graves’ disease. Being told by doctors that I would need to be on medication for the rest of my life and that conceiving could result in losing the baby was a tough pill to swallow. I was newly married and longed to have a child. This new reality forced me to really take a look at how I was living.
Working long hours, drinking most nights and not getting enough sleep had taken its toll. I was trying to keep up with what my mind thought I had to do instead of ‘listening to my heart,’ as the 90’s band Roxette told us! This profound shift led me to explore meditation, Ayurveda, and yoga, which became my daily rituals, helping me navigate the uncertainty with grace.
Soon after that I returned to Dublin, seeking the support of family and friends and finding a work/life balance that suited me. This change not only helped me heal my thyroid naturally but also enriched my life with a deep sense of purpose and inner peace.
The biggest gift of all came when I was blessed with my baby boy, Max. This miracle reaffirmed the power of listening to my heart and trusting the process.
Audrey McGrath RTE Weather Presenter
Thankfully over the years, I’ve become much better at listening to the intuitive wisdom of my heart.
An initial standout moment: Back in 2007, I was approached to do a spot of travel writing from a week-long yoga detox retreat in Morocco. The thoughts came in quicker than a bolt of lightning: “Ah, I’ll never get the leave from work at such short notice. Would I be safe?! (a young woman travelling solo).
Deep into reading ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle, I abandoned the egoic mind and dropped into my heart. It lit up with a sure-fire yes! And with that, the doors flung open.
When I wasn’t in downward-facing dog, Tolle’s ‘A New Earth’ was my new reading companion as I leant into the sugar, soul and digital detox. Surrounded by a ‘sea’ of Moroccan sand, I found peace in solitude in a way that I hadn’t ever before. Spiritual guidance greeted me gently as the whisper of the wind.
Heart led, this retreat instilled in me a sense of liberation around solo travel and left an indelible mark on my soul!!
CP Van Der Linde
As the eldest child in a large family I grew up with lots of responsibility and an expectation to pitc in almost as a third parent within the household. I was acutely aware of the sacrifices that came with the drastic lifestyle shift that arrives with babies. My thoughts were full of resistance to having my own children as I feared giving up the liberties of a young married couple with absolute freedom. Yet, in my heart I knew I wanted to be a father; that it would be a transcendental experience. I wanted to quiet my mind and open my heart. My children open a path to my heart. It is easy to love them, and to go deeper into it. That’s not to say life is always easy, it’s not; but my heart and mind are aligned and I feel deep inner peace when I’m fully present.
by Anna Cole PhD
It’s the first bright days of early summer as I write. There are wild roses on their thorny branches proliferating and bumblebees quietly buzzing by. I’m reflecting on the first half of the year, running by at pace, and want to share with you something I journaled from my heart at the end of a school year gone by…
I’ve just walked my son to school for the last time.
It feels significant because he’s my second child and my youngest. His older sister made this same leap from primary to secondary school a couple of years ago and now walks in on her own to the local high school. This time around, the end of the school run is really sinking in.
Internally, I’ve railed against this walk some days: that steep, steep hill just as we leave the house and then the long sweep down New Road, where the air feels fresher, away from the busy street outside our front door.
Remembering the good, the bad and the special
My son Max has scooted, he’s occasionally skateboarded, and sometimes he’s just walked. I’ve mainly walked, sometimes biked. Oftentimes, we’ve talked. We’ve joked. Sometimes, we’ve walked in thoughtful silence, both ruminating away about our day. I’ve done unannounced ‘Special Time’ there and back sometimes, one of the five ‘listening tools’ I learnt through Hand in Hand Parenting. Special Time is a one-on-one parent/child ‘tool’, bringing delight, following their lead with extra eye contact and warmth. I’ve felt the transformation possible in being warmly delighted, present and close to his every
gesture and word.
We’ve stopped at the 20 pence box and once bought a hoodie and lego, even a game of mini-skid-ball in immaculate condition, which we brought home, played and then lost the pieces under the sofa. They are there still, waiting to be retrieved.
We’ve walked through frost, through rain, through cold, slate grey days that felt like they’d never end, and hot, warm, windy summer mornings like today.
And today, as I drop him off and say goodbye I walk home and offer myself some unannounced Special Time. I notice and appreciate my feet in their red sandals, walking the well-trodden route to and from school.
I notice my heart, full and pushing against my ribcage, throbbing with joy and sorrow at moving on and letting go.
I remember my parenting journey through the primary school years and recall learning seven years ago, as my son began his first week at school, the connecting power of starting each school day with Special Time.
Ten minutes dedicated to tuning in and bringing my warm delight helped both of us transition to a new routine.
Those Special Times brought a closeness and safety to our goodbyes that supported me, as much as him, in letting go. It felt easier to watch him looking so little in the line, waiting to enter his new classroom after we’d started the day like that.
I remember, too, Staylistening one winter’s afternoon in the deserted, misty tennis court in nearby Brockwell Park
when Max vocally and angrily expressed his dislike of the rules and constant limits at school. Staylistening is an ‘emergency listening tool’ when in the face of a big emotional upset in your child; rather than distracting or punishing, silencing or cajoling, you simply move close, stop unworkable behaviour with warm hands and heart, and listen. Listen to it all, not just the words, but the feelings, the somatic expression of the rage, loss, grief, anger - the pain of being a little (or big) human being.
I remember a lumbering ‘swear monster’ who clumsily chased the laughing boys when an infection of ‘bad words’ took over the classroom, and a whole new range of swear words was being tried out on a regular basis. I remember the other Playlistening games we played - role reversal games, where the adult takes the less powerful role, takes the challenging issue to the ‘play zone’ and follows the laughs (with no tickling). This tool can release the first layer of fear and tension through laughter that leads, when built up, to outbursts of aggression in our children. I have tried Playlistening around teasing in our bid to warm up the connection with new friends, friends who are now old friends, dear friends, best friends.
Further back, I remember Staylistening at Sports Day, and I remember Special Time and Playlistening and games of hide and seek and chasey when we moved into a new house in a new town and were still acclimatising to this new school.
I remember raging and crying myself about the school reward and punishment system at schools and being heard by my
Listening Partnerships, a peer-to-peer, equal exchange of non-judgemental ‘listening’ to the ‘all of it’. I raged and cried in my Listening Partnerships about the lack of understanding I saw out there about the reasons for children’s off-track behaviour, as well as compassionate, effective responses.
Don’t lose heart
I remember feeling like I wanted to give up, and then finding new directions to try after a number of Listening Partnerships, which led to working on a document about introducing Special Time in schools with a fellow Hand in Hand Instructor and the Learning Mentor programme that grew out of that initiative at my son’s school.
I notice how, in the times I’ve practiced the Hand in Hand tools, I took heart, I found my courage and my
connection and have somehow slowed down the river of time, or slowed myself down enough to notice it, running so constantly, so brightly and yet so silently through my life.
As I come to the end of my walk back from the school run, I pass a little boy, maybe four years old, with bright red hair. Perhaps he’ll be starting school for the first time this coming September. Right now, he is attempting to navigate his way up the path by climbing on a low handrail. His Mum is patient, but her expression suggests she needs to move faster than his explorations allow.
I empathize with her, and a part of me wants to say, if you can, savour this moment; that river of time is flowing.
If I could, I would stop and share what I know about slowing time with the Hand in Hand Parenting Listening Tools right here, but today I smile at him and at
her, and walk on.
Inside, I recommit. I recommit to keep on practicing and teaching these tools in my life and sharing them with as many parents as I can so that each of them may experience the comfort and joy they bring in the face of the many transitions that parenting brings.
As the river keeps flowing and our children keep growing.
If you’d like to try out the heart-based tools of parenting described here, check out Get in touch with Anna for individual or group support:
“I’ve felt the transformation possible in being warmly delighted, present and close to his every gesture and word.”
cultivating your relationships through inner transformation
by Judith McAdam
In the vast tapestry of life, love weaves a thread of connection that binds us to others in profound ways. Whether you seek to cultivate a new relationship or enhance the one you’re already in, the journey begins with a deep exploration of the kind of relationship you envision—a relationship rooted in empowerment, openness, trust, and compassion.
Picture a love that transcends boundaries—a love that is secure, sensual, creative, and deeply fulfilling. Imagine a relationship where personal power intertwines with compassion, where both partners are truly heard and listening to each other, while remaining aligned in their journey together. It sounds too good to be true especially if, like myself, you’ve had your fair share of ups and downs. To attract such a profound connection, you must first cultivate these qualities within yourself, as the energy you radiate internally shapes your external reality.
However, amidst the beauty of love, a shadow looms—the relentless stream of resistant thoughts that cloud our minds and hinder our ability to embrace love fully. The voices of fear, anxiety, selfdoubt, and unworthiness create barriers that keep us stuck in patterns of negativity, preventing us from experiencing the love we deserve.
To break free from the shackles of resistant thoughts, we must shift our mindset towards non-resistance—a mental landscape that fosters positivity, openness, and receptivity to love. This transformation begins with harnessing the power of our imagination, where visualisation becomes a potent tool for manifesting our deepest desires.
If you are tired of negative thought patterns holding you back in your love
life, it’s time to make a change, and it’s simpler than you think. By cultivating non-resistant thoughts and harnessing the power of your imagination, you can pave the way for a new and fulfilling chapter in your relationships. I developed this visualisation for myself to bring love into my own life, and it worked! So, let’s explore how the Bridge Visualisation technique can help you manifest your deepest desires.
1. Set Your Intention: Close your eyes and focus on your breath, listen to the ebb and flow as it guides you into a state of calm. Picture yourself in a beautiful field by a river on a gorgeous sunny day. The sun kisses your skin, birds sing, and soft and vibrant flowers line your path to a sturdy old stone bridge.
2. Crossing the Bridge: As you approach the bridge, visualize your intention on the other side, whether it’s passionate love, relationship harmony, or reconciliation. With each step onto the bridge, feel the support beneath you. Take your time, savoring each step, and trust in the process.
3. Embrace the Journey: You’re now on the bridge, moving steadily towards your desired outcome. Capture this moment in your journal, sketching the scene to reinforce your subconscious commitment to this path. Your heart’s desire beckons from the other side—stay focused and keep moving forward.
4. Manifest Your Desires: With each step, visualize your dream becoming a reality. The bridge symbolizes your journey towards love and fulfillment. By embracing this visualisation and committing it to your journal, you’re aligning your subconscious mind with your deepest desires.
It’s amazing how a simple practice like the Bridge Visualization can pave the way for a profound transformation in your approach to love. But you need to consistently embrace this technique with positivity and intention; you’re essentially rewiring your mindset to be more receptive to love in all its forms. Just think: within a mere 28-90 days, you can cultivate new habits that are rooted in love and self-empowerment. All it takes is that initial step towards change.
When I was looking to bring love into my life, I decided to embrace this journey wholeheartedly, and over time, I witnessed how my heart and soul expanded to welcome an abundance of love. It showed me how much love was already surrounding me, and it brought me into a space of greater appreciation. Remember, if I can do it, so can you. And if you need more guidance and support, don’t hesitate to explore the Bridge Visualisation and Creating a Lover Visualisation, both readily available for you on my website. Remember, love is a beautiful journey, and you’re worthy of every bit of it.
With love, Judith
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by Sandy C. Newbigging
If you had a magic wand and could have any one wish, what would you ask for?
This question can help you to get clear on what I call your ‘heart’s highest hope’. Without knowing the answer, it’s all too easy to waste vast amounts of time, money, energy and effort looking for what you ultimately want in places where it cannot be found.
Interestingly, despite the varied backgrounds of the people I’ve asked this question to, I get the same answers time and again: peace, happiness, freedom, contentment, love. Even if someone says they want ‘more money’, it’s usually so they have more peace or freedom. Meaning, these answers all have something in common –they are all inner experiences.
This is a foundational teaching imbedded in spirituality, namely; you are what you seek, You Are That, and your hearts highest hope is inside you. So, although you don’t necessarily have to fix, change or improve your external life in order to experience more inner peace etc. you do need to know where to find it and make it a priority to be it.
How much of your day is dedicated to your experiencing your hearts highest hope? Is it an afterthought, or at the top of your list of priorities? If you want to consistently experience it, then it needs to be your number one priority.
I know this may sound selfish, but everyone benefits when you are experiencing your hearts highest hope. Also, by making it super important, you stop exchanging it for ‘other stuff’. By exchange I mean if,
for example, you get annoyed at getting a parking ticket, then you are essentially making your hearts highest hope less valuable and important than whatever price you pay these days for a parking fine. The same goes for getting upset if you’re late or if someone doesn’t like you; you want to make your hearts highest hope more important. By prioritising your hearts highest hope, by even making it a half percent more important than the stuff that usually makes your upset or stressed, then it can be yours.
Once prioritised, the next ‘step’ to experiencing your hearts highest hope is to know where and when you can access it - by being completely here and now and returning to the Self that is always present. When you are fully here, you align with the inner awareness within you that is already and always at peace.
You can discover that your hearts highest hope is the natural by-product of not being somewhere else. Or not being caught up over-thinking or mental judgements, not resisting life, not being attached to different things happening, and not being in the past
or future. It is the natural by-product of not postponing your hearts highest hope until later, when your life is fixed, changed, or improved. It’s your natural Self and birth right.
Sometimes simply remembering your hearts highest hope is enough to return to it, and rest into it. There isn’t a 10-step list of a-b-c’s or hoops that you have to jump through – because it’s ultimately about ‘Being Your Self’. It’s about waking up from the illusion; the haze that we’re lost in when distracted by the antics of ‘the mind’ and instead returning and resting into present moment awareness.
To experience your hearts highest hope; rest internal, return to here, and be. Stop looking for peace, or whatever you ultimately want, outside of yourself, or anywhere outside the moment you’re in. You can find that it’s here, in the heart of the now.
To access Sandy’s online retreats or book one-to-one sessions with him, visit
“... your hearts highest hope is the natural byproduct of not being somewhere else.”
by Amanda Sophia
The heart of the Celtic Wheel of the Year continues to beat throughout each season, with the eight points on the wheel inviting us to look toward nature for guidance and support. Every twelve months is split into eight segments—seasonal festivals, two solstices, two equinoxes, and the midpoints between them. Each spoke on the wheel lasts for six weeks.
Each person experiences these points differently, but everyone gains a point of emergence, remembrance, and transformation during this cycle. This heart beats through the elements, the environments we are in, and most importantly, the rhythm of our inner worlds.
At each point of the wheel, you are invited to apply soul inquiry deeply; each festival invites you to accept with wild abandon all that is yours to claim – your birthright. Let’s look at how each point can support, heal, and hold you.
We start in the Autumn Equinox, the slow descent into the darkness that invites us to let go, reflect, pause, and hibernate. This is the time of year when you find balance, an equilibrium, both within your environment and your inner landscape.
Next, we move toward Samhain, where we can rewrite our ancestral patterns for both personal and global transformations. This is where the veils between worlds are the thinnest, and the potent energy allows us to set healthy boundaries while uncovering healing and guidance from our ancestors, healing the wounds left behind. Once we start that healing process, we
“Pulsating with life.”
enter the Winter Solstice, the darkest point of the wheel. This is the ultimate point of reflection that leads to remembrance, for us to enter the cave and sit with our shadow selves, allowing us to go inward and dream, granting our inner visionaries full access to manifest.
After the cold comes the light: Imbolc. The season of Imbolc is a deepening of healing and growth but also emergence and possibility. It is where we truly awaken for the year, setting our intentions before the cold completely evaporates.
Then the Spring Equinox starts blossoming, where we focus on rebirth and the cycles of life and death within ourselves. This is where life starts to sprout again, and as we grow, we are called to rediscover our values, a spring cleaning for the soul.
After the clearing, we enter the fire festival, Bealtaine. This point is directly opposite from Samhain, and the veils are at their thinnest. This point invites you to build confidence, inner joy, passion, and sensuality while balancing it with forgiveness and deep inner processing.
Next, the Summer Solstice is the turning point of the year, when the sun shines the brightest. This season brings energy, inspiration, outwardness, manifestation, and transformation. This is when we focus on our inner wildness, boldness, passion, and movement. Where you can awaken from the slumber entirely in your inner radiance.
Our last point on the wheel after the Solstice is Lughnasadh. This is the second harvest festival and a true celebration of everything that has ripened in our lives. Lughnasadh invites us to open ourselves up to sovereignty, sacredness, and fertility.
In this season, we know the darkness will be returning, and that is what we prepare ourselves for.
How will this support me?
Everything is connected to everything, everything is made up of energy, and we can see the interlinkage once we start observing the seasons, looking towards Mother Nature to guide us. This is the heart of the earth and us, as children of the universe. As we flow with the Wheel of the Year, we regulate our emotions, heal our wombs, cultivate our inner magic, and improve our energetic frequencies. It allows our spiritual eyes to open to the beauty in the mundane - because all of a sudden, nothing feels mundane; the world is open and beautiful.
In my program, Divine Woman Awakening, I teach women to live, follow, and be guided by these cycles to live fulfilling lives filled with promise and support. If you are ready, listen to Mother Earth and observe as everything around you changes with the seasons. As you listen to her, you will inadvertently start listening to your own heart calling for you. Your heart will heal, expand, and transform – allowing you to grow deeply from within before radiating that beauty to the world.
Amanda Sophia
by Margot Tubbiolo
I’m unsure of what controls us: the heart or the mind. Is one truly stronger, or are we just one way inclined? I don’t know which way is the right way to live, but I would say that leading with your heart is the more exciting option. My life is pretty exciting because of it.
Ever since I was young, I have been enamoured with the thought of romance and the prospect of love. I indulged in it through fiction. I believe the feeling is so strong we fight to catch a glimpse. We are destined to be around love; to witness it, even to feel its presence, is sometimes enough. It’s the greatest feeling of all. In my opinion, the reason for it being so stunning is because it has such dire consequences. The stakes are so high that it makes the feeling more vibrant.
I think a lot of us struggle with the acceptance of the intensity. Listening and moving with it. No matter what that
entails, whether that’s following the desire or standing in the uncertainty. To reveal your heart is to reveal yourself. To relish in what you truly want leaves room for pain. To give someone the knife and say, “You can hurt me if you choose” is the sacrifice we have to make to accept people into our hearts.
I choose to give someone this power, and sometimes, it’s utterly terrifying. I’ve moved across the world as a result of love. I’ve only recently discovered the psychology of that. Giving someone your heart while also moving away is two frightening things melded together. The feelings of being hurt become more intense, and everything feels more overwhelming. To rely on love becomes that bit more scary.
Doors have opened, and fate has brought me here. I never thought I’d find a person to accept me. It’s a love I never
thought I would be worthy of. In truth, sometimes I still don’t feel worthy. That feeling is obviously innately within me, and I truly have to sit with that now. The fact that I don’t believe I deserve to be loved truly does hurt me because I know in my heart everyone deserves that feeling.
Your heart doesn’t make sense, and I think that’s why you should lead with it. Make your decisions based on feeling, not because it will be easy or it’s the smart thing to do, but because you will grow and have a chance to lead a happy and fulfilling life. People will think you’re crazy; how do you think the people in my life felt when I said I was moving to Canada with my boyfriend of three months? However, I don’t think there is an explanation for what we do when we follow our hearts. Only that it feels necessary.
The stakes are so high that it makes the feeling more vibrant.
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by Gary O’Toole
“Timelines show what is coming alive from within.”
Your birth chart is a snapshot of the heavens when you were born, a map of the terrain of your life. But while you bring the blueprints with you, the landscape constantly changes as you go; your needs and desires change as you move through life. Planets’ transits are the changing astrological weather, assisting or hindering your progress, reflected in the unfolding of your birth chart, as seen in your astrology timeline.
Indian (‘Vedic’) astrology primarily uses daśs to predict life events, a Sanskrit word which means ‘circumstance’ or ‘condition’. These ‘timelines’ represent your life’s changing circumstances.
Planetary timelines represent set periods (see below), but how and when you experience them depends on your birth chart.
The nine ‘planets’ of Indian astrology are divided into an ideal lifespan of 120 years as follows:
• South Node (Ketu) (7 years)
• Venus (20 years)
• Sun (6 years)
• Moon (10 years)
• Mars (7 years)
• North Node (Rāhu) (18 years)
• Jupiter (16 years)
• Saturn (19 years)
• Mercury (17 years)
Timelines indicate the direction of your life beyond transits, which merely show the astrological weather. Timelines show what is coming alive from within.
You began your life somewhere in the sequence, based on the Moon’s position at birth.
Though we could calculate a timeline based on your ascendant or other planets, a timeline calculated from the Moon is so important: How you feel about what is happening is more important than what is happening. Also, how you feel dictates what happens, too.
Sun sign divisions of the zodiac relate to your physical environment, while the lunar divisions or ‘Moon signs’ relate to your mental-emotional environment. Lunar mansions (nakatras) show a deeper storyline contained within Sun signs. These myths tell the story of your life – in real time.
Each main period can be divided into sub-periods, which are further subdivided into smaller segments, maintaining proportional lengths, like fractals. Periods of Jupiter and Venus are often more favourable, while Saturn’s periods are usually resisted. Saturn represents a need to settle debts, which many of us face reluctantly, preferring the ease of Venus periods and the gratitude associated with Jupiter periods. Yet every period has its challenges and rewards.
Imagine your birth chart as a boat on an ocean. This is an analogy my astrology teacher Pearl Finn used. The winds are the transits, and the sea is your timeline (dasś). Your journey is influenced by both the winds (transits) and the sea (timeline), which guide you to your destination.
Awareness of the astrological weather helps you understand your current position and brings a sense of calm, even during stormy weather. Knowing when challenging periods will end can provide immense relief, allowing you to prepare and make the most of favourable winds that lead to calmer seas.
As helpful as having a timeline is, it’s important to understand that a part of you transcends time itself. This timeless essence within you remains unaffected, regardless of life’s unfolding events. From this vantage point, your astrology timeline is simply a navigational tool.
Your true orientation is your ‘timeless being’, a constant presence accessible to you in the now, serving as your ultimate guide through life’s journey.
Gary O’Toole is an accomplished author, lecturer, and consulting astrologer. He produces one of the top Vedic astrology podcasts (Timeline Astrology) and produces exclusive content for patrons at timelineastrology.
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by Dawn Cartwright
“In the heart is to feel it all.”
The human eye perceives only a tiny fraction of reality.
We see only 0.0035% of the light that lights up our world.
An intellectual revolution aimed at eradicating rampant superstitious and religious views emerged in 17th and 18th century Europe. Using the power of the press, brilliant scientists, mathematicians and philosophers challenged antiquated beliefs, introducing new ideas about science, measurement and religious tolerance throughout Europe and the Americas.
Many consider this period of time, known as the Enlightenment, to be a major turning point in Western civilization, an age of light replacing an age of darkness. A time when we began to explore the laws of the universe - a world we could not see.
Experimenting with sunlight and prisms, Sir Issac Newton demonstrated that clear white light is composed of seven colours. This led to his discovery of ultraviolet light and infrared light - light that exists beyond the visible spectrum.
John Locke, one of the fathers of the Enlightenment, introduced tabla rasa, the theory that each of us is born a blank slate - the experiences we have, the sensations we feel, and our re-flections, create the world we perceive.
René Descartes, “I think, therefore I am,” revealed the connection between the thoughts we think - and our experience through sensation and reflection.
Francis Bacon argued that exploration and interaction were key to the discovery of nature’s truths.
Emmanuel Kant spoke of two worlds - the phenomenal world; the world we can describe, and the noumenal world; the world that exists beyond our senses. Through science, measurement and reflection these Enlightenment thinkers and many others brought us closer to the world that exists beyond our senses. And while it may seem counter-intuitive,
we grew closer to reality through this empirical approach. Leaving superstition and religion behind, a relationship with the real began to solidify.
The superstar scientists and philosophers of the Enlightenment were well aware of the gap between the world we see and the world that exists.
Locke defined this distinction in his study of “primary” and “secondary” qualities of an ob-ject. Primary qualities are inherent, permanent and essential. They exist independent of an observer. Solidity and occupancy of space are two examples. Secondary qualities, on the other hand, exist in “the eye of the beholder.” Each of us perceives a slightly different sec-ondary quality in every experience. Colour is an excellent example; for some green is green, for others it is sage, chartreuse, lime or emerald. Kant spoke of this when he spoke of the phenomenal and the noumenal. Locke’s tabla rasa makes the same point. Our minds are constantly “filling in the blanks,” creating a world the mind expects, rather than seeing what’s actually here, yet there is a longing to explore the world and each other as we truly are.
Emmanuel Kant once mused, “The beauty of nature is a continual, quiet, and insistent remind-er of our common universal being.” In his own way, Kant was describing meditation, a space where beauty is immeasurable, reality is accessible and thoughts do not exist. It’s likely the intellectuals of the Enlightenment were, in their own way, aware that meditation, the space before thought, was perhaps the only way to experience reality directly.
Blessed One, as senses are absorbed in the heart, reach the center of the lotus.
Sutra 16 : Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
Tantra first appeared in the Rigveda more than 3,500 years ago, described as “the interweav-ing of traditions and teachings as threads.” This meditation, “Blessed One, as senses are ab-sorbed in the heart, reach the center of the lotus,” is a technique for accessing the true na-ture of reality through the senses.
To absorb is to sense with your whole body. In the heart is to feel it all. And the lotus, in the Hindu Tantric tradition, is the realization of your fullest potential.
Instead of experiencing life through the mind, filling in the blanks and living a tiny fraction of what is possible, over and over again, you can be free to discover what you cannot see.
Can you feel the weight of yourself sinking into the chair?
Can you feel the air against your cheek, the texture of your clothes on your skin?
Take a full, deep breath into your lungs. Feel the sensation.
Relax your jaw, exhale through your mouth, and let your tension go.
I promise all the things you have to think about will wait for you, so why not take a minute just to be here?
Johanna Putnoi, Senses Wide Open
Dawn Cartwright is a NeoTantra visionary, sacred writer, world traveler and innovator in NeoTantra-SelfActualisation fusion. Discover more about Dawn and her programs here:
by Grace-Anne Kelly
In the realm of metaphysics, the heart is often portrayed as more than just a physical organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. It is depicted as a powerful center of energy, emotion, and connection—a magnetic force capable of attracting manifestations and love into our lives.
At the core of this belief is the concept that our thoughts and emotions emit vibrational frequencies that interact with the energy of the universe. When our heart is aligned with positive intentions, desires, and emotions, it becomes a magnet for attracting the things we desire most.
Manifestation, the process of bringing our desires into reality, begins with the heart. It is not merely about wishful thinking or passive dreaming; it requires a deep connection with our innermost desires and a genuine belief in their attainment. When we engage our heart in the process of manifestation, we infuse our intentions with passion, sincerity, and authenticity—qualities that amplify the magnetic pull of our desires.
Love, in its purest form, is perhaps the most potent force in manifestation. When we approach life with an open and loving heart, we not only attract love into
our lives but also magnetize our desires towards us. Love radiates outward, touching the hearts of others and creating a ripple effect that reverberates throughout the universe.
The heart’s magnetic force is fueled by emotions such as gratitude, joy, and compassion. When we cultivate these positive emotions within ourselves, we raise our vibrational frequency, making it easier to align with the frequencies of our desires. Gratitude opens the heart to abundance, joy uplifts the spirit, and compassion fosters connection and unity —all essential ingredients for successful manifestation.
Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to activate the magnetic force of the heart. By focusing on the things we are thankful for, we shift our attention away from lack and scarcity and towards abundance and possibility. This shift in perspective not only enhances our overall well-being but also attracts more blessings into our lives.
Visualization is another technique that harnesses the power of the heart for manifestation. By vividly imagining our desires as if they have already been realized, we create a strong energetic connection between ourselves and our
goals. When we visualize with sincerity and passion, we send out a clear signal to the universe, inviting it to conspire in our favor.
However, manifestation is not solely about material gain; it is also about aligning with our soul’s purpose and highest good. When our heart’s desires are in harmony with our authentic self and serve the greater good, the universe conspires to support our journey. This alignment brings a deep sense of fulfillment and meaning to our lives, enriching our experiences beyond measure.
In essence, the heart is a magnetic force for manifestation and love, drawing towards us that which we most strongly resonate with. By nurturing our heart’s desires with positivity, gratitude, and love, we can unleash its full potential and create a life filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment. As we journey through life with open hearts and clear intentions, we become co-creators of our reality, shaping our destiny with the magnetic power of love.
Instagram: @graceannekelly
“Love radiates outward, touching the hearts of others and creating a ripple effect that reverberates throughout the universe.”
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by Alison Canavan
If your HEART is your home
And you can’t find your key
Do you run to your neighbor?
And move in for free
If Your neighbor is MIND
And It doesn’t charge rent
Do you even notice
All the energy spent
In a state of unconscious
Disconnection you see
The illusion of living
Such a poor quality
Becomes so normal
You’re estranged from your soul
Your mental health suffers
Leaves a gaping hole
You forget your true nature
Seek answers elsewhere
You ask doctors And Therapists
Feel so much despair
You are Constantly knocking
On somebody’s door
Then one day you awaken
To your HEART
But much more
Is you realize you can never
Really lose your key
Because it’s merely A symbol Of your divinity
“As we walk through this life, we are in a game of re-membrance.”
This poem was inspired by our human journey and ultimately it does not matter which path you take as they are all walking you home to your heart. As we walk through this life, we are in a game of re-membrance. The game is set up for us to seek outside initially, walk treacherous paths, learn through experience and in relationship and ultimately learn to listen to our heart.
We are living in the most incredible time as human beings, a time of heart awakening. This transition for us as individuals and as a collective is profound. As the heart awakens and we remember who we are, there is a journey inwards where we begin to make decisions from a very different place.
This requires us to recognize the programing, transcend it and learn to trust our own inner GPS system. The heart breaks, aches and feels deeply but it also gives us the potential to love unconditionally. When we are born, we come through the amniotic fluid and experience amnesia. We forget our true nature and start the journey again. Our souls are all at different stages of growth and we bring into each life all the lessons from our previous incarnations.
We awaken at different stages on our journey here and consciously begin to work with the heart when we hear her call. Living from our hearts requires vulnerability, courage and a deep inner strength to follow our own unique path and not go with the masses.
Your heart when in coherence will help your energy field expand, encourage deeper connection with others, help you to heal and it holds such a wonderful depth of wisdom you
will never be bored on the adventures it takes you on.
So how do we connect with our heart?
With intention and purpose. Sit still, allow your energy to settle and place a hand on your heart. Begin to practice heart focused breathing and on each in breath allow the light to enter and your energy to expand and relax, on each outbreath, relax, release and let go of anything that no longer serves you. Then sit in the quiet space of listening and ask your heart:
What would you like me to know? What would you love me to see about myself and my life?
What action step can I take to serve myself and this life in the best way?
You can take time to journal with your heart’s guidance and the more time you spend in this space, the deeper your connection and the greater the knowing.
The heart opens slowly and has great depth and dimension to it. It’s a sacred relationship that you build over time but it’s one partner that will never let you down, it will never abandon you and when you go back into moments of amnesia it will patiently wait for you to return home. Never judgmental, always loving and the greatest protector and teacher you will ever meet. Sometimes the medicine we seek is already within, so look there.
by Davie Philip
“We all have an innate longing for connection, purpose, and meaning.”
Brene Brown
The current state of the world is heartbreaking. The news brings relentless reports of escalating hardship, ecological devastation, war, and images of widespread suffering. A reminder that our current economy, technologies, and way of living aren’t conducive to community life or a healthy environment.
For a long time, I’ve been interested in how we might live a good life within ecological limits with a deeper sense of place. Can we imagine a future where we flourish in regenerative communities with deeper connections to ourselves, each other, and the natural world?
Tragically, the prevailing individualistic mindset, programmed to maximise self-interest and competition, along with an economy dependent on constant growth, undermines our personal, collective, and planetary health, leaving us and our communities vulnerable to extraordinary ecological and social disruptions.
At this pivotal moment in our history, we urgently require transformative strategies to shape our future development. These should enable us to thrive as an integral part of nature rather than separate from it and empower us to actively contribute to ecological restoration, climate resilience, and social well-being.
The emerging field of regenerative design holds significant promise in
nurturing thriving, resilient ecosystems and communities. It’s a holistic approach in which human systems are designed to coexist and coevolve with natural systems. This approach acknowledges the importance of interconnectedness and updates the tired sustainability mantra of “reduce, reuse, recycle” to “restore, regenerate, revitalise.”
We can also learn a lot from observing how nature’s processes work. Ecosystems are complex, diverse, interconnected, and operate with zero waste while relying solely on renewable energy. They are regenerative rather than extractive. Drawing inspiration from this, regenerative design seeks to mimic nature to create systems that are more resilient, productive, and beneficial to all life.
Regenerative design encompasses various practices such as agroecology, bioregionalism, and sustainable architecture. It places importance on enhancing soil health, biodiversity, and community well-being. In doing so, it sets the foundation for a future aligned with planetary boundaries and resilience.
At a community scale, resilience goes beyond bouncing back from adversity; it’s about our ability to come together to meet challenges. The importance of cultivating stronger connections in efforts to nurture community well-being, strengthen local economies, and restore
ecosystems cannot be overstated.
Together, collective efforts can achieve more than individual actions. By engaging in collaborative projects such as community gardens and farms, co-housing, energy cooperatives, and other community-led initiatives, we not only advance ecological sustainability but also strengthen social cohesion and enhance our resilience.
Despite their importance, community-led initiatives often remain on the margins, overshadowed by individualism and a dominant extractive economy. Yet, these initiatives hold immense potential to help restore ecosystems and foster deeper connections. They offer a glimpse into a just, resilient, and regenerative future where communities flourish in harmony with the natural world.
As we navigate today’s complexities, it becomes increasingly clear to me that cultivating strong connections and working together contribute to finding purpose and meaning and are at the heart of regenerative communities.
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“A honeymoon is a personal creation.”
In our chat with Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, he told us that 1.6 planet Earths are required to support today’s global population, evincing our disregard for the web of life. We are the web of life because we evolved from nature, yet looking at the current state of the world, it is clear we have forgotten.
As an internationally recognised leader in bridging science and spirit, Bruce expertly reminds us of who we are so that we may experience the heaven on earth that is our birthright.
Referencing the story of the Garden of Eden, Bruce acknowledges our natural state of existence is paradise.
“A garden is not a battleground. A garden by its nature is the height of cooperation, and the only things that are not cooperating in the garden we came into is us,” he explained.
All the indigenous people, from Native Americans to Druids, recognised their role as gardeners, tasked with caring for the gardens they were born into. The result was harmony and abundance, which most humans feel disconnected from today due to our scarcity mindset.
We think we’re just victims thrown into life due to our belief in competition or “survival of the fittest” instilled by Darwin.
“A garden is cooperation, not competition,” Bruce reminds us, and it’s only a false program that makes us believe otherwise.
“We have been programmed to believe we are victims of life, and as a result, we have no control over anything.”
In reality, we are powerful creators, and recognising this is crucial to our survival as a species.
“The most valid science on the planet today is called quantum physics,” Bruce says, and the life-changing knowledge it gives us is nothing new.
From 1927 to this day, the first principle has always been “consciousness is creating our life experience,” yet not everyone is ready to acknowledge this.
Whether we like it or not, our creations directly result from the programs we have downloaded into the hard drive called subconscious.
Initially, this programming takes place three months before birth until age 7, when we’re in the theta state, just below consciousness.
Nature designed it this way so we can learn what to do before going out into
the world, but unfortunately, most of the programs we receive nowadays are more harmful than helpful.
When these programs become the predominant source of our behaviour 95% of the time, it’s no wonder we’re dissatisfied with our creations.
According to science, the average person is only present 5% of their day, meaning that’s the only time they’re truly in control.
“When you’re conscious, you take over the computation”, Bruce explained, so how do we regain control?
The answer is love.
If you’ve seen The Matrix, science has recognised that falling in love is equivalent to the red pill in our world. It allows us to escape the matrix because the moment we fall in love, we stop thinking; when we stop thinking, we’re back in control.
Bruce assures us that the genre of this movie is not sci-fi but a documentary.
“Science has recognised the moment you fall in love, you stop thinking,” he told us, meaning you stay present and thus can experience heaven on earth.
Those of us who have been in love know that in that state, everything seems wonderful, even the areas of life that were troublesome or mundane before.
Contrary to what we may have thought then, this has nothing to do with the person we’re seeing and everything to do with ourselves.
When we’re in love, whether with a person, place, or activity, we stop playing the disempowering programs and return to our natural state of bliss.
We’re in creative mode and can easily manifest our wishes and desires, which we often call the “honeymoon phase” in a relationship.
The truth is the “honeymoon phase” can last forever, but most people sabotage it by returning to thinking.
The key is to recognise the disempowering programs for what they are: neutral stories that we don’t have to buy into, no matter how many generations have done so before us.
Even genes are just blueprints; they aren’t turned on and off, Bruce clarified. What’s important is the architect who’s reading the blueprint.
“The mind is the architect,” he
revealed, which has become alarmingly clear in epigenetics.
This new science exposes “how your consciousness is translated into chemistry, which is sent to your cells via the blood, and this chemistry controls your genetics.”
In other words, our belief system controls our biology, so adopting a favourable one is crucial to living the life we want.
After 40+ years of dysfunctional relationships, thanks to the program Bruce downloaded from his father, he changed the program and met his partner Margaret.
They celebrated 28 years together recently, and what’s worth celebrating even more is that they have been living every day in heaven and harmony.
“A honeymoon is a personal creation,” he assures us.
The next time you’re faced with a decision, questioning whether you should do this or that, Bruce advises you to ask your heart.
“Don’t answer the question until you do this: ask yourself how you feel about the answer or the choice. The answer now comes from your heart, not from your head, because the heart reads vibration.”
We can weigh as many pros and cons as we like, but the heart doesn’t care about the details; it cares about energy.
We can’t change our programs by talking but by feeling.
“There’s nobody in the subconscious, so talking to your subconscious is like talking to the air,” Bruce clarified.
To write a new program, all we have to do is “push the record button”, return to presence, and then we can reprogram ourselves in 15 minutes.
To grasp this life-changing knowledge even deeper, join us for our live events with Bruce this September in collaboration with
“I’m living a life I swear to god I never thought possible,” Bruce remarked, and it’s about time more of us step into our creative power to experience our versions of paradise.
To let go of old patterns Bruce recommends Psych-K. Course in Dublin coming up this October. See page 17.
By Alison McEvoy, Interviewer: Paul Congdon
Ibrahim Karim is the founder of the science of BioGeometry. Simply put, this is a supremely practical science of understanding and utilising the effect of specific, geometric patterns, or shapes, on the human energy field. It seeks to harmonize the relationship between the body’s energy field and the environment around it. For example, in a home, we might use the principles of BioGeometry in choosing an architectural design, layout, electrical wiring and decorative elements which will have a positive effect on the human energy fields living within that home.
Ibrahim is a larger than life figure in the world of Egyptian government, lecture halls and television screens. He is also sought after throughout the USA, Europe and the Middle East where he consults at governmental level on harmonizing and balancing the design of buildings, and indeed entire cities.
So, hold on to your hats readers, here comes a conceptual roller-coaster! Stop to think, pause and/or google, if you must!
There is what Ibrahim calls a “deep holistic” element to the science of biogeometry, one which we, at a subconscious or bodily level, implicitly understand. We are impacted by the shape of things, the order of things, as we are part of the universe;
“It’s how your biological functions interact with the’s part of you. So, in a way, what I’m saying is not new to you… It’s working behind all the biological functions in your body. So you should know it innately.”
You and the Universe
While it is the case that we are part and parcel of our natural world/our universe, there is a framework, which is part of our specific human biology, which formats the universe as we encounter it.
Ibrahim, along with the many ontological philosophers such as Emmanuel Kant (philosophers who studied what it means to ‘be’, to ‘exist’) throughout history, seeks to make us aware of our place within the nature of things
and he expands this thinking into new territories. He seeks to make explicit the ‘framework’ with which we view the world. This framework is created by our senses; our sight, touch, hearing, feeling and listening.
Ibrahim makes a big distinction between the senses and the subconscious.
The senses, whose powerhouse is located in the brain, give us our interpretation of our everyday life. This interpretation is held together by the movement of the sun/time; morning, noon and night - overseen in this way by ‘Linear time’. Linear time is the understanding of time as running in a line – moment to moment, hour to hour, day to day, year to year.The subconscious, according to Ibrahim, “works in the form of global, spherical, multidimensional time.”
“It’s the universe, through your body, that gives life to your senses, that creates you. So the multidimensional level is creating the sensory, perceived level – and that is you. So you are life a leaf flowing in linear time but this leaf is actually floating on the ocean of multidimensional time.”
“The moment your senses work, you are created. You start living in linear time. You become aware of your body functions, so you sort of imprint linear time on multidimensional time...your organs will
“Every information in the Universe exists within your heart.”
have one foot in multidimensional time and one foot in linear time. So they will age with you.”
There is a sense in which specific nature of our senses carve out a dimension for us to live in. The make up of our eyes, impacts the way we vision what is. The formulation of the skin covering our bones, has a creative impact on how we feel the world to be. In other words, “other species...would see different patterns and different worlds.” Indeed, another type of human, made up of a different set of senses, would experience the world utterly differently to us. This is an amazing realization and it brings alive a sense of wonder and curiosity;
“There are millions of layers of material worlds...but you only see one of them as material. Another species will see another page as material… Dogs and cats do not see all the colours we see. But they see other dimensions we don’t see. [For example] a departed person is material to them. The can touch and see the departed person….If you understand this, you understand multidimensionality.”
The Heart is the Way
We might start to question what is beyond the way we humans are made to see, feel, hear, taste and smell the vast
multidimensional universe? Can we experience the multi-dimensions? Yes we can!
“The subconscious has freedom of movement,” says Ibrahim. It can work on a multidimensional level, a collective level, an individual level. There are no constraints as there are on the physical body and the senses.
The heart is also a special organ which has access to the multi-dimensions;
“Every information in the Universe exists within your heart. The heart has multi-dimensions...You will only receive the full multidimensionality if you leave your senses and merge completely in the heart.”
In the Arabic language, explains Ibrahim, there are multiple names for the heart which acknowledge and try to capture it’s multidimensionality in words.
In the Ancient Egyptian view of the heart, it is understood as “a full ambassador of divinity on our earth… The Heart is connected to the divine centre.”
When you connect to the heart you connect with the entire universe, all dimensions. When this happens there is the opportunity to harmonize with the universe and moreover, to bring harmony into linear time - the dimension of being a biological human;
“The heart brings out the laws of the universe as values into your everyday actions. To govern your everyday actions… The heart is made to bring universal order. It does that by being infused into actions... The heart is the driver of excellence. Excellence lies within the heart.”
Ibrahim suggests that the best way to plug into the heart is through the age-old practice of ritual;
“[Rituals] enrich the connection of the the heart can re-infuse this light into action….yoga, prayers, sports, meditation...all those things enrich this.”
BioGeometry is thus, essentially, a science informed by the heart. The harmonizing principles it draws into being and uses to create our environment including homes and buildings, are “the core of the energy quality projected by the heart.”
“.We recognise you are the expert on your life and health.”
By Siobhan Guthrie
Do YOU have a persistent health issue you haven’t been able to solve, and neither have your doctors?
It’s a bit of a startling statistic, but there are more than 500,000 people in Ireland on a waiting list for care at any given time.
And we look for answers with pills, powders or potions of some sort, whether it’s to lose weight or relieve pain. In the US alone, 166 billion dollars are spent on some form of vitamin supplement, and 1.5 trillion are spent on pharmaceuticals. The stats prove we are obsessed!
And why wouldn’t we be? Ever since we were children, we have gone to the doctor’s office to get fixed, always leaving with a magic pill to make us better.
But health is declining, and chronic illness is on the rise.
We have been trained to look outside of ourselves to solve our health problems. We leave ourselves to try to figure out what’s wrong with us.
Yet it feels like the answers would be inside, and I know they are because, for almost 30 years, I’ve been a Systematic Kinesiologist. I’ve watched 1000s of people tap into themselves to heal their chronic health issues. I’m not saying they do that completely independent of pills, powders or potions because there’s a really great place for them.
But if you’re not also using your body, there will never be a complete resolution back to health.
I believe our healthcare system needs to embrace a holistic approach focused on finding the root cause, and individualised to the person. I believe this to be Systematic Kinesiology.
Systematic Kinesiology seeks to identify the root cause and help solve it so you don’t have to struggle or suffer any more. We recognise you are the expert on your life and health. And as a practitioner, I use an overall, whole-person approach to interpret the results of testing, identify blocks, and help your body’s transformative power to heal itself. Realise that you are the magic pill.
SK has an abundance of tools in the practitioner’s toolbox that work on the mind and the body.
• A tool for the structural side
• A tool for emotions
• A tool for biochemistry
• As well as your energetic side
And as a Kinesiologist, I use ALL the tools. Of course, you can go to someone that just has one or two tools. That is fine. But it is like hiring a carpenter who just knows how to use a hammer.
A Systematic Kinesiology practitioner can use the hammer, the saw, the wrench and all those other little tools in the toolbox to help get you healthy!
To reclaim your health, you have to be looking in the right place for the root cause.
Too many suffer from back pain. Did
you know a root cause or factor could be constipation or dehydration?
What about anxiety? It could really be a food sensitivity or past trauma.
Or maybe you have tight muscles that could be coming from the meridian system – not because you don’t stretch them enough!
It’s a fascinating way to work individually with a client, seeking the answers.
With health care in a crisis, it is more important than ever to learn how your body works and how to take care of it. A system such as Kinesiology helps to see health concerns from more than one perspective and is destined to become an indispensable universal tool in health care in the years to come.
There are Systematic Kinesiology practitioners dedicated to serving others throughout Ireland and you too can learn it by joining our 3-month part-time foundational programme, Balanced Health, run in nine locations around Ireland.
Download our free guide to Systematic Kinesiology here:
The Association was established in Ireland in 2000.
Members abide by a code of ethics and aim to work with clients using the whole person holistic approach.
Our Professional Practitioners undergo extensive, thorough training through the Association’s approved Systematic Kinesiology schools.
Catriona Walsh Ballyknock upper, Kilgobnet, Dungarvan, Waterford 0877743640
For more information on Systematic Kinesiology and where to find a practitioner check out our website, Facebook and Instagram page.
by Hans Wieland
In ancient Rome, wild strawberries, shaped like hearts, were seen as a symbol of Venus, the goddess of love. In the French countryside, there was once a tradition of serving newlyweds cold strawberry soup to help promote the aphrodisiac of honeymoon romance. For some, strawberries dipped in hot chocolate is the ultimate tool of seduction; for others, it is strawberries with whipped cream; for some, it is strawberries and champagne, but for us at Neantog, strawberries dipped in freshly made quark/soft cheese is simply heaven on earth. In any case, the strawberry is a delicious, nutritious and beautiful little berry that has been used as a symbol of love in cultures around the world for thousands of years.
Strawberries are always associated with love
As a member of the rose family, strawberries share many features with the rose, like the sweetness and the aroma, but mostly, it is the red colour that associates strawberries with love and romance. One theory is that red is the colour of the human blood; another is that the red colour stimulates the body and mind. We also know that strawberries are a rich source of anthocyanins, which, according to scientists, may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has also been suggested that anthocyanins could have a romantic effect on the human body by triggering the release of feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine. Anthocyanins have also been shown to increase blood flow to the area around the heart, which could explain why they’ve
been associated with romance. Or could it be that their tiny seeds containing a lot of zinc promote the desire of men and women?
For me, it’s the sweetness that counts and the flavour. Thanks to my parents, whose favourite variety was Senga Sengana, their intense, sweet aroma will stay with me forever.
The right variety for every taste
The 600 strawberry varieties found today stem from five or six original wild species and differ greatly in shape, colour and taste. Typically, the larger the berry, the more water it contains; the smaller the berry, the better the flavour.
Still, nothing comes close to the essence of wild strawberries; the inconspicuous Fragaria vesca is native to Europe. It is very small but has an intense aroma. In the garden, it spreads through its runners. The fruits form in June and July and keep going till the first frost.
The monthly strawberry comes from the wild strawberry but tastes a little less intense. It produces larger fruits “for months” - from June to December. Monthly strawberries are well suited for planting on the edges of beds, for the balcony and as pot plants. You can also cultivate them in greenhouses and harvest fresh fruits in winter.
The large-fruited garden strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) is a chance cross between two American wild strawberry varieties. These Summer-fruiting strawberry varieties can be split into those that are early-season (mid-June to early July), mid-season (late June to mid-July)
and late-season cropping (early to late July). So, choosing a selection makes it possible to enjoy strawberries for weeks on end.
• Early fruiting varieties: Christine and Honeoye
• Mid-season fruiting varieties: Cambridge Favourite, Elsanta, Mara des Boyes, Symphony
• Late season fruiting varieties: Fenella, Rhapsody
Strawberries, except for Alpine varieties, need a sunny position, and to grow the sweetest strawberries, your soil has to be fertile, well-drained, ideally slightly acidic soil. I find plants yield more and are sweeter when grown in compost-enriched soil. At least 8 hours of sunlight are essential for growing sweet strawberries. Overcrowded plants are more likely to produce small and often sour berries; that’s why I space them about 30cm apart in rows 45cm apart. I grow some red and white Alpine strawberries in the polytunnel as border plants, and most of my outdoor strawberries are in containers, which gives me more control, especially against pests like birds and slugs. I keep 3-4 runners of the best plants each year and replace any plant older than 4 years.
July and August are the time to plant and divide strawberries. To do this, remove runners from your most productive plants. They usually already have roots, so after pricking out, they continue to grow quickly in flat plant boxes or pots filled
with growing medium. Plant out at the end of July or the beginning of August if possible: the earlier the planting, the higher the yield in the first year.
Important: Don’t hurt the heart of the strawberry plant!
Mieze Schindler is the one
If you haven’t tried Mieze Schindler, you haven’t lived. Named in 1935 by breeder Otto Schindler after his wife, it is the most popular strawberry across much of Europe because the flavour is out of this world: sweet and succulent, not watery or dull. The fruits are so soft and delicate that they are unsuitable for transport, so this
variety has never even stepped foot inside a supermarket, and you have to grow it yourself to experience this unmistakable aroma!
While my Senga Sengana is still the most popular variety in German gardens, Elsanta is the favourite amongst many Irish growers. It is not only loved for its flavour but is extremely high in Vitamin C and, like all strawberries, fat-free and sweet but low in sugar and calories. How to eat a strawberry
If there ever was a reason to grow your own, it is for the sweetest, most nutritious strawberry. Once harvested, it will not
“Thanks to my parents, whose favourite variety was Senga Sengana, their intense, sweet aroma will stay with me forever.”
ripen and, after 2 days of storage, will lose a high percentage of Vitamins and polyphenol antioxidants. Strawberries should never be eaten cold! They need to be eaten when absolutely ripe because, picked too early, the sugar content has not sufficiently developed.
Hans Wieland works and teaches at Neantog Kitchen Garden School in Cliffony, Co.Sligo
by Persephone Kianka
The Dublin Mind Body Experience, Ireland’s largest holistic event, is returning to the RDS on the 21st and 22nd of September 2024. As always, it will incorporate four different aspects: the Mind Body Soul Expo, the Yoga and Meditation Festival, Live Well - Talks & Workshops and the Dublin Psychic Fair, the Dublin Mind Body Experience.
At the Mind Body Soul Expo, you will find an amazing selection of exhibitors providing holistic health products and information, including Be Kind Incense and Bare Skin Wellness, which we love. There will also be specialist books, crystals, and handcrafted jewellery on display, making this the perfect opportunity to treat yourself or buy a lovely gift for someone else.
The Yoga and Meditation Festival offers three days of Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation. All classes, sessions, and talks are free and open to everyone, making this a great opportunity to learn some new skills while meeting people with shared interests!
For even more wellness inspiration, Live Well Talks & Workshops will be offering 75 hours of free talks & workshops to “inspire, educate and entertain”. There will be a diverse range of talks and
workshops to choose from, but you can’t go wrong, as all of them aim to inspire a healthier and happier you.
If you need some personal guidance, we highly recommend checking out the Dublin Psychic Fair while you’re there. Whether it’s mediumship, angel and tarot card readings, or palmistry, you are sure to find something for you. This year, there will even be coffee reading available, courtesy of Rodolfo Flores Jimenez!
It’s crucial to care for the Self on every level, and at the Dublin Mind Body Experience, you can discover new and powerful tools to do so, such as maderotherapy. This special kind of body-sculpting massage uses anatomically designed wooden tools to naturally shape the figure, speed up the lymphatic system and circulation, and tighten the skin, thus effectively removing cellulite. You can learn more by checking out Maderotherapy Ireland at the event!
Siobhán Maguire from HealThy Self Therapy is another exhibitor we’re excited to see this year. With 22 years of experience on her healing journey and helping others, Siobhán has honed her ability to perform karmic cleansing. “Your Akashic Records hold your entire souls memories of every thought, word, action and deed that you
have ever had, right back to your soul’s very first incarnation,” she explains. If you’ve felt energetically heavy or blocked for some time, check out her work, which can assist in clearing the auric field, chakra system, DNA, RNA and your Akashic Records.
We also like the sound of Bio-well Ireland, which will also be at the Mind Body Experience this year, offering another mode of improving wellness. Using cutting edge Electro-photonic imaging, Bio-well energy scanning technology enables “realtime measurement of the human energy meridians using gas discharge electroscreening of the fingertips”. From this scan, you can get a quick overview of your physical, emotional & spiritual systems and bodily organs so you know what areas are in need of attention.
Whether you are a long-time attendee or have never been, the Dublin Mind Body Experience promises a world of new spiritual experiences and information, not to mention a beautiful opportunity to connect with like-minded people.
“It’s crucial to care for the Self on every level, and at the Dublin Mind Body Experience, you can discover new and powerful tools to do so…”
Clinically Proven Results
by Enrique Borreda
The heart, a powerhouse organ comprising muscle and tissue, orchestrates the circulatory system’s intricate dance. Its four muscular chambers temporarily cradle blood before propelling it onward through electrical impulses, guided by the brain and nervous system. Beating over 100,000 times a day, the heart fuels a network of blood vessels stretching 60,000 miles, nourishing every cell in the body save the cornea. Squeezing a tennis ball mirrors the intensity of its rhythmic pulsations which tally to about three billion beats in a lifetime.
Beyond its physiological marvels, the heart embodies symbolism – often invoked to describe the essence of individuals or
by Alison McEvoy
The EE (Energy Enhancement) system is a truly remarkable example of technology used in service of healing and regeneration. This system was developed By Dr Sandra Rose Michael, a holistic medicine teacher, researcher and inventor. She is internationally recognized and celebrated as a person who has made, and is making, an enormous contribution to human healing and well-being; having been knighted for her humanitarian service, appointed as Minister of Health for the Republic of New Lemuria, and lectured in the United Nations, the Harvard Club and MIT among many other prestigious locations.
Thanks to the dedicated work of Carmel Hogan, Crescent Moon Therapy Rooms in Waterford City is now home to one of these superb systems.
The EEsystem is backed by a plethora of research material and scientific studies. Treatment with the EE system consists of a room in which the individuals receiving treatment sit while the light therapy and scalar technology with the EEsystem are
“ The symbiotic relationship between the central nervous system and the heart exemplifies nature’s harmony.”
entities. Phrases like ‘she is the heart and soul of the company’ or ‘he represents the heart of the team’ reflect its metaphorical resonance.
In Spinology, our cornerstone, our heart and soul is a vitalistic philosophy that transcends mere diagnosis and treatment. We belong to the group of disciplines that go beyond diagnosis and treatment of diseases and ailments.
Function and performance, vitality and human potential are our rallying cries, echoing the natural rhythms of life. That´s the way we, spinologists, beat according to nature laws. The symbiotic relationship between the central nervous system and the heart exemplifies nature’s harmony,
running. These are programs which generate life-enhancing energy fields;
“The EEsystem generates multiple bio-active, life enhancing energy fields including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detox the body, elevate moods and assist in balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels” (
Carmel has seen the benefits of the EEsystem first-hand in her therapy rooms;
“When I go into the room I can feel it. It’s like it scans my whole’s going into your cells, your bones...It heals.”
Carmel has witnessed people coming from nationwide with rare forms of arthritis, inflammatory conditions, injuries from which they have not healed in decades find relief, improved quality of life and elevated mental/emotional clarity. Find out more for yourself…
showcasing their interdependence amid the myriad complexities of the living body.
While the brain governs the heart´s functions, the heart fuels this process by supplying blood and energy—a testament to the extraordinary phenomenon of life itself. The spinologists, by collaborating in the correction of vertebral misalignment, help to keep this communication system free of interference. Thus, life becomes easier.
Existence is a wondrous marvel, orchestrated by the seamless collaboration of mind, body and spirit.
“ The EEsystem generates multiple bio-active, life enhancing energy fields...”
“Oh my goodness, I was totally led to the right place at the right time; I really felt like a Rose Tea Goddess.”
by Gráinne O’Kane
“I had the best day ever,” are the exact words I texted Paul at Positive Life. Arriving at the Lilliput venue, the queues to get in were moving quickly, and positive and inspiring quotes and warm welcomes greeted you.
My plan for the day was to go to hatha and vinyasa yoga. But my heart said, “Go with the flow, Grá.” So, I found myself at an excellent motivational talk about how to manage stress—the speaker shared a true story of getting burnt out in a dream job and how she overcame it. Everyone was listening intently and taking notes.
Next was a cacao ceremony with inspirational wisdom and dance. I watched a child with her mum smiling and giggling; we all danced, eyes closed, feeling magical and Divine.
Next up, a Rose tea ceremony. Oh my goodness, I was totally led to the right place at the right time; I really felt like a Rose Tea Goddess.
Then, an inspirational talk about yoga and inclusion with YoGra.
Later, a Yin class As Gaeilge, so nourishing and peaceful with the Gaelic words lilting in every fibre of my being. The food was fantastic. Options for everyone: plant-based, gluten-free, fresh, yum.
To top the whole day off was Jack Harrison’s spiritual music. The tent was overflowing, the sun peering through— the real sunshine was in the music and in the people. The atmosphere of true love for melodies of the heart and dance was everything a person could ask for—pure Unity of Spirit.
If you want to experience this magic for yourself, the next one is this summer! @YogawithGra
by Jenny Uí Shé
Wild Yam Comfort Cream topically can help support hormonal balance by potentially aiding the body in producing or regulating hormones.”
Hi, my name is Jenny, and I am an osteopath with a keen interest in natural health. Back in 2019, my dad went to the Barbara O’Neill Misty Mountain Health retreat in Australia. When he came back, he said to me, “We will have to get her over to Ireland; she could change your life”.
So we brought Barbara over and organised a few small talks; she hadn’t gone viral yet at that stage! That was when I first heard of Wild Yam Cream, which is a herbal alternative to bio-identical progesterone creams, made down on Woodridge Farm (Pennsylvania, USA) and endorsed by Barbara herself.
I started to use it a few years back for hot flushes, and it gave me great relief, I can
honestly say.
It can potentially help women with menopausal symptoms, menstrual discomfort, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and other hormonal imbalances. It may also support reproductive health.
In men, it can help with diminished focus, decreased energy, lowered libido, development of “man boobs”, erectile dysfunction, expanding waistlines, depression and other discomforting masculine challenges.
The main ingredients are wild yam, marshmallow root and chaste berry (agnus cactus). Wild yam contains a compound called diosgenin, which is a precursor to certain hormones like progesterone.
Applying Wild Yam Comfort Cream topically can help support hormonal balance by potentially aiding the body in producing or regulating hormones.
The cream will be available at Barbara’s talk this June and can be ordered from me. I am so passionate about the cream and Barbara’s natural health message that I am launching an internet site called where her books and this wonderful cream will be for sale. I will be the official authorised Irish reseller. The email address for queries and orders will be
Website will go live soon.
You can be
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Specialising in Back and Neck pain, Sciatica and Trapped Nerves.
Amatsu is a gentle but powerful and effective non-manipulative treatment for a wide range of spinal, joint, muscle, ligament and stress related issues.
Derek has been a therapist for over 30 years helping people reclaim freedom, movement and ease naturally.
Contact Derek by calling: 087 869 1231 Website:
by Michelle Berrange
I am forever grateful that the trajectory of my healing and teaching path guided me to the mountains of India, where the authentic truth about the laws of nature are now rooted inside me.
I have been teaching Yoga & Meditation for 15 years in various countries and continents; accumulating wisdom that resonates from profound healers, conscious practices and Yoga Masters from India, the USA, South Africa and Europe.
I spent 8 years in India from 20122019 immersed in traditional alignment methods of teaching and experiential understanding of the healing modality of Yoga - how it was originally taught, practiced and perceived. Deepest gratitude to Sharat Arora, direct apprentice and student of BKS Iyengar. Sharat opened the Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Center which
can be found in South Goa and North Dharamsala, India.
I am also inspired and influenced by conscious dance, yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, sacred healing, mantra, somatic practices and healing plant medicines.
My three year old son, BodhiKai, is my greatest teacher yet. It’s a level of surrender, purity and consciousness that out does any course, training or days in silence. He is my Guru.
Spanish heaven on earth
‘Surya’ means sun and ‘Lila’ means playfulness, when translated from Sanskrit. Suryalila has a very special and unique energy and is run with love and respect. The staff, the surrounding hills of sunflowers, wild blossoms and olive groves, the tranquil sounds of nature, the gourmet vegetarian food, the accommodation and the Yoga
spaces make it such a special place to visit.
I am hosting an international retreat at Suryalila for a week in August called “ALIGNMENT & RESTORE.” The retreat is accessible to all; those new to yoga and meditation and long term practitioners and deep spiritual seekers.
Suryalila Retreat Center is hailed by Yoga Journal as Europe’s best retreat. It was voted #1 by Om Yoga Magazine readers and honored with Trip Advisor’s Travellers’ Choice Award.
“Suryalila has a very special and unique energy and is run with love and respect.”
Back in 2012, Joe was looking at a 1,000m2 house sitting on 11 acres that had been left half finished by a property developer who went bust in the crash. He was thinking, what a great therapy centre this place would make for people to come and receive treatments for various complimentary therapists; Rolfers, Craniosacral Therapists, Osteopaths, Amatsu Practitioners, Energy Healers, etc.
It had old stables what could be converted into therapy rooms, a cinema that could be used for classes, a swimming pool for therapy and relaxation and many bedrooms if people wanted to stay over.
Unfortunately, Joe’s attempts to acquire the property were unsuccessful but the idea stayed with him; he wanted to provide a place where people could come and rest easy, get away from the stress and anxiety of every day living and do some meaningful physical, emotional and spiritual work.
Roll on 11 years and Joe became a Rolfer, Craniosacral Therapist, Scar Worker, and is studying Psychotherapy. Once again, he began looking for a place to open what he now knows to be a retreat centre. Focusing his research on Wicklow, nothing suitable arose. Meanwhile, Covid and lockdowns came, during which time Joe’s good friend and colleague, Mags Fitzgerald, a gifted
Intuitive Healer, Homeopath, Craniosacral Therapist and Kriya Yoga teacher, emigrated to live on the island of the God’s, Bali, her spiritual home. In April 2023 Mags called Joe and said “you know that retreat centre you want to open in Wicklow, well maybe it’s not in Wicklow after all, maybe it’s in Bali”.
Despite the complete surprise, Joe knew instinctively that this was the right project to get involved in. A few weeks later, having finished first year in his psychotherapy masters, he flew to Bali. Since then, the project had a flow and ease that seemed incredible to understand. Starting in June 2023 and finishing in March 2024, As I Am Ubud Retreat Centre opened on March 17th, and has been over 75% occupancy since.
Built on a 1.5 acre site, As I Am Ubud Retreat Centre overlooks a small river, and is a 10 minute walk from the Ubud, the cultural capital of Bali. The land, owned by a local high priest (Pandita), was used as a rice field up to twenty years ago but been left fallow since is nestled in one of the most beautiful locations in Ubud. The energy of the place is very powerful, with many local priests and healers showing great interest in the project.
Great care was taken to honour local customs and traditions in the building process. Construction was carried out in the traditional Javanese style called
Limasan and the Balinese ornaments (Murdha) on each roof the centre is testament to the hard work and dedication of all involved.
It was exactly what Joe was looking for 12 years ago, with 9 ensuite bedrooms, a Yoga Shala to facilitate group classes and workshops, a therapy room for individual appointments, full restaurant and swimming pool, As I Am Ubud Retreat Centre functions as a hotel when retreats are not in progress.
Mags is available for in person appointments at As I Am Retreat. When Joe is not working as a therapist in Blackrock, Co Dublin he can be found giving sessions in Bali.
Whether you are looking to host or partake in a retreat, or just get away from the world for a few days, As I Am Ubud Retreat is ready to welcome you. It is a place where wisdom, love and joy reside.
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by Alison McEvoy
Health Stores Ireland is the representative for family run, independent health food stores. A blink at their lists of stores indicates Ireland is abundantly stocked. Each store-front boasts a unique colour of the rainbow and each shop window is an eclectic and enticing mix of the healing and health-full. Alan McGrath is the leader behind this informative, educational and co-operative guild of health food store enthusiasts.
We did a little run down of our special pick of stores for this season’s issue below….
‘Tir Na nOg’ Grattan Street, Co. Sligo
I spoke with the new owners of one of the oldest health food stores in the country, aptly called ‘Tir Na nOg’. Jocelyn and her husband Cathal bought the store in 2023 and have gone about re-opening it as shop “dedicated to promoting an organic lifestyle and making organic food accessible to everyone.”
This devoted couple moved their family from Cork to Sligo and have wholeheartedly endeavoured to created a hub of home-grown, organic produce;
“We are inspired by the example of the Mc Donnell family, who blessed us with Tír na nÓg ownership…Our expanded offerings now include products from local
suppliers such as the Organic Centre, Carrogarry Farm and Ballymore Organic Farm, who provide fresh produce weekly. Additionally, we offer top-class products like Organic Raw milk from Glean Bui, an organic microdairy in Co. Mayo, and Organic milk and cheeses from Mossfield Farm in Co. Offaly. We were the first in Sligo town to sell organic bread from Carraig Rua Bakery, freshly delivered from Carrick on Shannon. We have also built strong relationships with our organic egg provider, Old Yard Organics Farm in Trim, Co Meath, and we are proud to bring their fabulous eggs to our shop. We source lovely local honey from Honey of the Ancients from mellifera mellifera bees, and much more...As owners, we aim to certify to our customers that we are familiar with all the processes involved in production, so from farm to table, they can feel confident that they are getting the best quality available in the organic market. This personalized kind of service experience is what we call building a community; it’s a big network that promotes healthy living and eating.”
Licorice Health Food Stores
Portumna, Co. Galway
Lorin Taylor is the owner and founder of this amazing store. She grew up on the Cork/Kerry border “with natural medicine as the lifestyle norm in her home life growing up.” Since her start in 2012
she now has three stores open in Birr, Portumna and Tullamore. Lorin’s Licorice Health food store is one of the winners of the best of Ireland’s health food retailers 2024 awards.
Bee Healthy Monaghan Town, Co. Monaghan
Bee Health is “Monaghan town’s first independent health food store and natural health dispensary,” owned by the lovely Ingrid McCann. Janette Lambe, a master Irish herbalist, works in-store in this health hub which is deeply connected to the health of its surrounding community. Bee Healthy was shortlisted for the Naturally Good Health Retailer Award 2023.
Anam Cara Killarney, Co. Kerry
Anam Cara is a beautiful gem of a shop in one of Ireland’s most scenic locations. There are free consultations on offer in-store and the shop is a home to some beautiful Kerry-made jewellery as well as ‘Killarney Organics’, a luscious face and body range. Stop on by and give owner, Tina a visit.
88 Glaslough Street, Monaghan Town, H18 AD70
Monaghan’s only independent health food shop, with in store herbal and homeopathic dispensaries. We also stock a wide range of select supplements, skin care, health foods and local crafts.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 09.15-17.00 and Saturday 10.00-16.00
Phone: 04783634
Instagram: @beehealthy88
Facebook: Bee Healthy
by Helen McSharry
‘The gift you get from a Steiner School is to remain curious.’ Pearse O’Shiel.
More parents are looking for a more holistic education for their children. One that nurtures a child’s emotional, spiritual, physical and academic potential. We talk to Pearse O’Shiel, one of the Founding Members of The ALFA Steiner Secondary School in Clare.
Pearse, tell us about yourself.
I retrained some years ago as a Steiner teacher in the UK. Then synchronicity worked its magic, and I met some people setting up a Steiner school in Co. Clare. Who was Rudolf Steiner?
Steiner was born in Croatia, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was very spiritual. He started a philosophy called anthroposophy, which is the scientific exploration of the spiritual world. It resonated with me during my training - it was like a ‘remembering’. Steiner saw it as his life task to build a bridge between the spiritual and the practical world, to help people find solutions and meaning in their lives.
Do you feel people are yearning for more spiritual meaning in their lives right now?
There is definitely a yearning to find a sense of meaning in human experience. Steiner was a natural clairvoyant. He was asked to start a school by Emil Molt, who owned a factory in Germany after the second world war for the children of the workers of the factory. Steiner gathered together some teachers, instructed them in his philosophy and started the school. He was a catalyst.
Was he religious?
No, he was deeply spiritual; there is a deep esoteric aspect to Steiner Schools.
How do you mean?
At the core of Steiner education is the belief that children should be treated as individuals. The curriculum is designed to nurture the intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions. It is inclusive and interdenominational.
How is it different to a mainstream education?
Steiner was inspired by Goethe and his philosophy of nature. This inspired his teaching methodology. He believed there are three aspects of the human being: Thinking, Feeling and Doing. We call this ‘Head, Heart and Hands’. And through this we help young people find their purpose and direction in life, so they can thrive.
The Steiner way of teaching nurtures natural curiosity.
Explain the three main aspects?
These are thinking, feeling and doing. The common denominator being feeling. The essential element is the relationship between the teacher and the child.
In primary, the teacher stays with the same group of children over the 7 years. So you come to know the child, their capacities, talents, interests, and you know how the child is progressing. They are not measured against their peers or standardised tests.
How does nature feature in Steiner Schools?
Children spend a lot of time outside to encourage a sense of wonder. Recent research supports the therapeutic benefits of being in nature in reducing anxiety and stress. We are also careful about the use of technology and encourage children to find their answers in the real world. Steiner put it best when he said, ‘Nature is the source of wonder, and the child should be allowed to experience it without any interference.’
What is the aim of a Steiner education?
To nurture purpose and direction in life. Purpose, in that you know why you are here. And direction in having discovered what your talents are. A Steiner education teaches you how to think critically, with a sense of autonomy.
What are the three stages in Steiner?
Kindergarten - the first 7 years, focusing on the senses; ‘The Hands’.
Primary - the next 7 years, a time of feeling; ‘The Heart.’
Secondary - the next 7 years, the adolescent phase. Thinking and problem solving; ‘The Head.’
What form do lessons take in Secondary level?
We teach the Sciences, Mathematics, Languages, the Arts, Music, Drama, Physical education. But, the teaching revolves around project-based learning. Children learn by doing, i.e. active learning. The projects are 2-hour lessons in the morning, lasting 4 weeks, and integrate all skills and thought processes, applying them as a whole. It is a much more immersive, exciting way of learning. Children develop intellectually, artistically, and practically, with a focus on creativity and imagination.
How else is a Steiner education different?
The structure of the day is different. There is more emphasis on creativity. There is no uniform. The children are on a first-name basis with the teachers.
How do you gauge success?
Education should have intrinsic value in itself. Not to where it gets you. You evaluate the child in terms of their own capacity.
Tell me about the Steiner teaching methodology.
Teaching in the Steiner method is an Art in itself. It is a collegiate structure; there is no hierarchy. The teachers work together to plan and manage the school.
Are you funded by the State?
We are privately funded through parents and benefactors. We get no funding from the State. Parents are very committed as the
school is fee-paying, and they do a lot of fundraising, binding people together. There is a greater sense of community compared to a normal secondary school.
What are the core benefits of a Steiner education?
You get a more well-rounded education that fosters curiosity, encouraging a lifelong enthusiasm for learning. And compassion, collaboration, imagination, innovation. And it helps develop resilience.
Our children need to be resilient. We are living in difficult times. Curiosity, critical thought, and especially resilience are vitally important in the world in which we live.
How many Steiner secondary schools are there in Ireland?
There are two secondary schools in Ireland, the ALFA Steiner in Clare, the Kildare Steiner Secondary School, and hopefully, there will be a new Steiner Secondary School in Roscommon in Castlecoote House.
How would you sum up a Steiner education?
The gift you get from a Steiner School is to remain curious.
Pearse O’Shiel is talking at The Percy French Festival in July on Steiner Schools, ‘Educating for a Human Future.’ He is also available to give private talks to interested parents and groups.
by Gar Duignam
As I sit down to recount the recent episode that unfolded in our lives, I’m struck by the profound journey it’s taken us on—a journey of vulnerability, resilience, and the boundless power of love. This is a story I hadn’t anticipated sharing publicly, but it’s one that has reshaped my understanding of life’s challenges and the transformative nature of connection.
The day began like any other, with me engrossed in my work, conducting online sessions in the comfort of our home. The atmosphere was serene and tranquil until an unexpected cry shattered the calm. Gem’s voice, laced with fear and urgency, tore through the air, pulling me away from my tasks in an instant.
Rushing to her side, I found her gripped by distress, her eyes wide with alarm. Following her gaze, my heart plummeted as I saw Calum, our precious son, in the throes of a seizure. Time seemed to slow as we sprang into action, propelled by a surge of parental instinct and love.
Success was no longer measured in material possessions or professional accolades but in the moments of connection and love that we shared as a family.
The sight of Calum in the grip of a seizure shook me to my core. Every part of me yearned for his well-being, desperate to alleviate his distress and bring him comfort. As paramedics arrived and began administering emergency aid, I felt a profound sense of helplessness wash over me, compounded by the realisation that I couldn’t shield my son from every threat. Luke, Calum’s older brother, who witnessed the ordeal, was struck with grief at the sight of his suffering younger sibling. Together, we grappled with our deepest fears and insecurities as Calum was whisked away to the hospital, hooked up to machines and fighting for his life.
In the hours that followed, with Calum unconscious in his hospital bed, connected to a ventilator, I found myself reflecting on the nature of suffering and the transformative power of love. Despite my initial resistance, I came to realise that love, in its purest form, transcends all boundaries and guides us through even the darkest of times.
During this tumultuous period, the outpouring of love and support from our spiritual community became a lifeline, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the healing power of connection. It served as a reminder that, even in the face of adversity, love has the power to heal and transform.
As Calum slowly regained consciousness and we received his diagnosis of epilepsy, I found myself reassessing my priorities. Success was no longer measured in material possessions or professional accolades but in the moments of connection and love that we shared as a family.
As I reflect on the events of that fateful day, I am filled with gratitude for the lessons learned and the love that carried us through. It is a reminder that, even in our darkest moments, love has the power to heal, transform, and ultimately lead us home.
Gareth Duignam & Family
At Anam Ćara Healthstore,
strive to create a safe and welcoming space for everyone, offering a personal and holistic approach through a in-depth consultation. We provide the very best products including skincare, makeup, homeopathy, supplements and wholefoods for a healthy and happy life.
“Sun and Moon contacts are considered a sign of soulful connection and deep love between partners.”
by Mariana Saad
Relationship Astrology is vast, complex and very individual. There are many astrological tools to unpack relationship experiences. The birth chart, Synastry techniques and the Meeting chart, amongst others, can reveal a lot about relationship dynamics.
The birth chart. First off, you have to identify your “Love planet”. This may not necessarily be Venus. A common preconception is that everyone’s love planet is Venus, but this isn’t necessarily true. Your Love planet is your Descendant ruling planet. The Descendant is always in the 7th house of Relationships and Marriage. For example, if your Ascendant is Gemini, your Descendant is the opposite sign of Sagittarius. This makes Jupiter your Love planet as Jupiter rules Sagittarius. This can indicate an attraction to generous, adventurous and knowledgeable partners. It could also mean that your relationships lead you on a path of self-growth or wider knowledge. In this particular example, Jupiter also rules the 10th house of public reputation, career and worldly actions. You might meet a partner in a work setting.
Your love planet can be anywhere in your birth chart. If it is in the 1st house of Identity, this can be a complex
position. Relationships can be a journey of self-development.
The element of the 7th house describes the qualities of the ideal partner or relationship. Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) shows a need for emotional connection. Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) can be a sign of a meeting of the minds type partnership. With Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), there is a desire for passion, adventure and inspiration. With Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), security, stability and reliability can be the main qualities desired.
Often, Astrologers compare your chart with the chart of your partner; this is called Synastry chart reading. Sun and Moon contacts are considered a sign of soulful connection and deep love between partners. Saturn aspects grant a longlasting, grounded quality even if the start of the relationship is usually slow. Uranus aspects can create electric connections with a hint of unpredictability, independence and fun. If your Venus is aspected by your partner’s Uranus, the way you receive or give love is atypical. Neptune aspects are about romanticism and fusion with the partner’s dreams to the cost of losing yourself for the sake of the relationship.
Pluto connections are the most intense, especially Pluto-Moon ones. They call in primal desire and deep intimacy. With Pluto, there can be obsessiveness, jealousy, power and manipulation dynamics but also magnetism and a strong, raw sexual desire. Pluto contacts force us to grow throughout the relationship as if we have been reborn again.
Another technique involves looking at the Meeting chart. Some people use their wedding date to cast the chart or the time they started the relationship. A waxing Moon is an indicator of relationship growth. Signs such as Cancer and Taurus for the Moon are a good promise of support. A Leo Ascendant or the Sun on top of the chart is considered auspicious to the relationship. Venus near the Sun is also a promise of harmony.
Mariana is a Dublin-based astrologer offering one-to-one chart readings and personal astrology forecasts online through Zoom. Learn more about her at @mariana_saad_astrology
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