Positive Life Winter 2022

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Good News Feels Better WINTER 2022/23 PRICELESS positivelife.ie ELIZABETH APRIL We Are Galactic Family Water, Dental And Menopause Solutions FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH What Your Soul Wants Live In Dublin June ‘23 LEE HARRIS SNATAM KAUR Light there is a and it never goes out

“See the light. Find the light. Embrace the light. Be the light.”

AND here we go again... This issue took some doing but here we are in your hands in this moment of now. The theme is LIGHT and when you feel into that, what do you sense? Is that where it all began, or it just always was? In higher dimensional spaces the light is tangible, it bleeds into everything, all around you and within you. It heals, it supports, it rejoices and it just is.

In 3D it’s all around you too, in different natural settings, especially at dusk and dawn when it’s more obvious. As you read this, drop into your heart and beam a filament of light to someone you know who may need it and watch what unfolds. Spread the light, spread the love. Inside these pages you will find the light reflecting back at you, like a mirror. LIGHT looking at LIGHT. Until next time, enjoy the fading light this season. It’s always there and it never goes out.


Publisher PC Media paul@positivelife.ie

Co-Editorial Alison McEvoy and Kate Stuart editor@positivelife.ie Design Conor O’Brien info@conorobrien.ie

Ad Design Caroline Hanan caroline.hanan@gmail.com Advertising Paul Congdon paul@positivelife.ie 0861579518

Margaret O’Connor margaretpositivelife@gmail.com

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Please use the information provided in this publication as a recommendation only to better mental and physical health. We strongly advise you to consult your doctor regarding health concerns that you may have. The views expressed by contributors and advisors do not necessarily represent the views of the publication’s staff.

Printed, published, packaged and distributed in Ireland. positivelife.ie

4 Winter Vibes Holistic Experiences This Season 6 Positively Newsworthy So Much Good News 10 Spirituality In The City Light Of Your Lives 12 Positive Parenting A Light Touch 14 Prof John Nolan Nutritional Mind 16 Sandy Newbigging Gaslighting 18 Amanda Sophia Embracing Sovereignty 20 Margot Tubbiolo Teen Spirit 22 Are You Grounded? Find Out 24 Dawn Cartwright Tantric Lightness 26 Barbara O’Neill Salt And Water 28 Positive Therapy Bio Energy Healing 30 Sustainability Oneness And Connection 32 Elizabeth April Galactic Vibes 34 Lee Harris New Book - The Zs 36 Anam Croí Love Central 38 Grow Your Own Foraging Free Food 40 Cornucopia Festive Marinated Tofu Fillet 43 Short And Sweet Holistic Healing 56 Menopuase Natural Solutions 58 Juidth McAdam Let It Shine 60 Positive Therapy Craniosacral 62 Positive Astrology Feel Illuminated PHOTO: EMILIA KRYSZTOFIAK RUA PHOTOGRAPHY welcome to winter ‘22/23

winter vibes gift with a difference


Firtree.ie are an Irish owned company bringing you a variety of trees, wreaths and garlands of an incredibly high standard, meticulously selected by founder Theo and his team. For many families, young and old, the event of finding the perfect tree is exceptionally important and that must not be taken lightly. FirTree.ie makes the experience so easy, shop online to be delivered right to your door. Trees are recycled. Areas covered: Dublin, Meath, Kildare and Wicklow. firtree.ie


There is a new health food store in town. Refresh Health Wicklow is a new health food shop located on Church Street, Wicklow Town. They are generously stocked with an extensive range of vitamins and supplements, as well as a wide selection of healthy, sustainable, and premium options from leading wellness and nutrition brands to suit your needs.



ITL health is a female-run business. Their Calm Natural offering is an amazing magnesium product which is fantastic for so many functions within the body – most notably as a sleep aid and for digestion. itlhealth.eu


Jan Keating is a qualified naturopath and herbalist and a registered member of the Irish Naturopaths Association and the Irish Register of Herbalists. Jan produces the most excellent herbal blends for your body, we have tried them and they have worked wonders. Herbs are probably the highest vibrational food on the planet. seapointnaturopath.com


Grounded.com was started by Dr. Stephen Sinatra and his entrepreneurial son Step Sinatra. They intended to create the premier platform for sharing research and knowledge about the amazing benefits of Grounding. Today, that intention has been solidified and now both Dr. Sinatra and Step are speaking and writing about Earthing more and more. grounded.com

winter wellbeing


Health Tip from the amazing Barbara O’Neill. Himalayan salt or Celtic salt under your tongue when you drink water is excellent for hydration. Misty Mountain Lifestyle retreat is dedicated to assisting people find the optimum life, free from sickness, through natural means. Their mantra is that the body was designed to heal itself and will do so given the right conditions.



Whether you are already a practitioner, want to become one or simply want to heal sexual trauma or any other type of healing, you are warmly invited to the upcoming TMPT – Level 1 with Nerea Carryon, supported by Rachael Nitya. She is here to guide you into deeper intimacy, more self-love, authentic connections, more vitality and an open heart. Join her for a Tantric Massage Practitioners Training – Level 1 in 2023.



Floathouse flotation tanks are in a league of their own. The benefits are endless! Floating in Epsom salts, rich in magnesium and sulphate increases blood circulation and oxygenation which is excellent for a range of physical benefits. Slí Beatha Float House opened in


November 2016 in Naas, Co. Kildare. They currently have four float tanks, making them the largest float centre in Ireland.



The Bowen Therapeutic Technique consists of gentle thumbs and fingers movements over the muscles and connective tissues that can be used both on bare skin and with clothing. Signals are sent deep into the body that trigger the memory of cells with a preferred, relaxed and harmonised state of well-being. It’s a form of therapy that acts upon the fascia and nervous system to provide relief of injuries and health problems, both acute and chronic.



We like the sound of Gar Duignam’s meditation retreats and we have had a flying visit to one, high vibes indeed. You can also catch him online for one-on-ones. Gareth first discovered meditation in 2005 - he was given a guided meditation by a friend and on his very first listen he experienced

a moment of satori. Gareth became immediately hooked wanting to return to that space he had entered at every chance he got.



Niall is a wellness expert bringing his 20 years of experience to his work. He has an amazing 10-day course which challenges you to breathe (with focus and intent) for 10 minutes every day for 10 days in a row. So, you can feel the transformative effects, the deep benefits and embed the habit in your routine.


illuminating events


Positive Nights presents: Snatam Kaur. Snatam is celebrated for her incandescent luminous voice and profound knowledge of mantra and Kundalini yoga. Accompanied by gifted, versatile musicians, her concerts are joyous, transformational experiences providing solace. Snatam will be in concert on the 8th June 2023, followed by a workshop on 10th June.



Positive Nights presents: Lorie Ladd Book Tour. The Divine Design book launch event is coming to Ireland! Lorie Ladd will be making her long awaited return to Ireland in spring 2023. We recently caught up with Lorie to chat about her new book and now we have the great opportunity to see her in discussion at The Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire on 16th March 2023. positivelife.ie

winter reads for wellbeing


In this timeless and deeply learned classic, poet and translator Robert Bly offers nothing less than a new vision of what it means to be a man. Iron John is a fantastic, must-read book about taking men back, through myth and legend – identifying the source of their masculinity, and finding a middle path between the greater awareness of the ‘sensitive new age guy’, and the power and vitality of the warrior. robertbly.com


Vistas of Infinity – How to Enjoy Life When You Are Dead. This book deals with the reality of our life after death, not spirit communication, but actual visits with all sensory perception intact using Out-ofBody travel. Jurgen Ziewe has spent over forty years refining his OBE skills via a lifelong practice of deep meditation. This is a stunning book, it will expand your mind big time – a mind-expanding xmas gift.



In a candid conversation, famed actor and director Johan Hill interviews his own therapist Phil Stutz. Stutz is a charming documentary that delves into the need for mental health maintenance. Stutz shares his techniques on the shadow, showing gratitude and sleep – that require visualising what you want to focus on – with surprising pathways to navigate sadness or anxiety.


Floathouse Jan Keating Gar Duignam

positively newsworthy


1 Super Charged Nature

Coral reefs are considered one of the richest ecosystems in the world, providing important care for the diverse life underwater. The health, abundance and diversity of the organisms that make up a coral reef is directly linked to the surrounding terrestrial and marine environments. Over the last five decades we have seen how climate change and human interference has directly affected coral reefs and has caused a decline in their survival, affecting other parts of the ecosystem. Each species in the ocean has a role to play, some a very specific and unique function, that if they were to

become extinct could herald a devolution. Electrical stimulation is the only method known to reverse the impacts of extreme stresses on corals and other marine organisms.

Developed in the 1970s, electrical technology has been successfully applied to growing limestone breakwaters to protect islands and coastal areas from erosion and rising sea levels. In nature, coral reefs grow at an extremely slow rate; however, electrically charged reefs can grow at a speed of up to 12 times higher than normal. Low voltage charges accelerate the coral’s growth phase

bringing barren areas back to life. This electric technology can be powered by the sun, using solar energy as well as wind and wave energy.

According to the Coral Reef Alliance, “The beauty of this technology is you can have reefs anywhere along the coast, even in areas without natural coral reefs.”

At a time when coral is being damaged by external forces, this technology has been seen to have immensely positive impacts on this delicate ecosystem, creating a more resilient mariculture, now and well into the future.

“The beauty of this technology is you can have reefs anywhere along the coast, even in areas without natural coral reefs.” Coral Reef Alliance

2 Plant-Based Packaging


Sustainability has become a mainstream topic of conversation in recent times with more and more people considering what products they use, how they use them and how to dispose of them ethically. It is estimated that the global cosmetics industry produces over 120 billion units of packaging every year, most of which is non-recyclable and ends up in landfill, or worse yet, the ocean.

A plant-based packaging solution has been developed by industrial design student, bio-designer and material researcher Alara Ertenü to combat the circulation of single-use plastics. Packioli uses the by-product of artichokes and peas. Artichoke leaves and peapods can be used to create a durable material that can take the place of plastic. When it comes to artichokes, more of the vegetable is discarded than consumed. In Turkey

alone, 40 tons of artichokes are produced annually; this creates a gargantuan amount of food waste. “By using artichoke leaf, it tackles the enormous artichoke waste - 80 percent of each artichoke is thrown out - especially in the west of Turkey.”

The idea is that this material could be used instead of using single-use plastics for commercial products. While this product isn’t in circulation as of yet, the idea is to spark a conversation on the possibilities that are out there. The project aims to address the pressing environmental issue of single-use plastic consumption while simultaneously reducing food waste – two main concerns within the world today.

3 ‘Project Empower’

This autumn saw Damian Browne row across the Atlantic, 3,000 nautical miles from New York to Galway, in a 6.2 metre row boat. With only the power of his arms to propel him, Damian made the journey in 112 days at sea. Damian was originally accompanied by his lifelong friend Fergus Farrell, but Fergus had to be airlifted to safety due to health problems after 13 days.

The pair created ‘Project Empower’ in advance of their journey, sharing their driving forces, their visions for what the world would take from the move and their personal ambitions to break a record that has been set for the past 125 years.

In 2018, following an accident, Fergus was told he had 5% chance of ever walking again. Just one year later he walked 206 km across Ireland for charity. These guys are not Disney characters but real flesh and blood superhumans. Super because of their constant decision to dream big and never give up. According to Damian, this is the message they wish to embody with their actions: “The hope? To give kids and adults alike a real image, a touchable action, to emulate and inspire them to dream big in whatever avenue of life they decide to pursue.”

For Fergus, “My kids are a huge driving factor. I want to show them no matter what life throws at you, you can achieve what you need to by hard work, determination and never giving up on yourself.”

If you are in need of some serious inspiration, check out the documentary ‘Waves of Change’ on these two. It is like an injection of positivity and empowerment!

By using artichoke leaf, it tackles the enormous artichoke waste - 80 percent of each artichoke is thrown out…”
“The hope? To give kids and adults alike a real image, a touchable action, to emulate and inspire them to dream big...”

positively newsworthy the little things

1 Moon Bathing


Moon bathing is a practice of soaking up and harnessing the energy of the moon. The moon brings about tides in our bodies and emotions, as well as in nature. By listening to its calling and following its cycles, we can tap into the moon’s natural power. Moonlight exposure is thought to relieve anxiety and stress and improve relaxation by prompting a natural release of melatonin. An ancient practice passed down through generations, moon bathing is a form of meditation aimed to promote positive energy and restore balance in


one’s self-awareness. By allowing the body to release excess cortisol levels that build up through the stress of our daily lives, you will be able to relax and ease tension from within yourself.

Author Deboarh Hanekamp says, “The moon is much more calming. It puts us in a receptive and open place. It helps connect us with our more spiritual side and allows us to take in the medicine of our own intuition.”

Connecting with the phases of the moon can bring awareness to other cycles

The Celtic Wheel


The concept of the Celtic Wheel made itself known to me a few years ago, through the wonderful and wise Mari Kennedy. I began her ‘Wheel of the Year’ course and, through her guidance, entered Samhain more consciously than ever before. My intention and invitation to myself to ‘let die’ what was no longer serving me, was more powerful than I imagined. I faltered, fell of the wheel and was plunged into the depths of loss of structure to my life.

Now, coming on five years later, I am ready to re-engage with the call of the seasonconceptually encompassed by the Celtic Wheel. I have printed out the wheel on a beautiful canvas and hung it above my desk. For the first time in my life I do not feel as if I need to be guided by without, to worry if I am ‘doing it right’ or ‘really getting it’. I am ready to allow my guidance from within to be ‘good enough’.

and rhythms within your own body, mind, heart and spirit. Moon bathing is based on the idea that women naturally menstruate in sync with the cycles of the moon, with menstruation occurring on the full moon. Working with the phases of the moon can have powerful effects on connecting to your own intuition. It helps create energy rhythms that gently support you through the seasonal cycles of your life! Embrace winter and seasonal changes by moon bathing.

What I have found though, is that events keep popping up to me, inviting me to engage communally with others also wanting and willing to answer the call of the season... Autumn Equinox workshops and Samhain gatherings.

When not called into community, I can sit in my own space, listen to what is coming up for me, write it down and be inspired to do this or that ritual, meditation or creative project, etc. and it is all perfect. I am in tune. I am part of the wheel, initiated by my intention and desire, guided from within. It has taken a long time for me to feel this way, so simple and so natural.

So, as I pause before Samhain, accepting the invitation to “rest and appreciate what has gone before”, I appreciate that this is a year where I acknowledge the wisdom, and rightness-for-me, of my own inner tutor/intuition.

“The moon is much more calming…it helps connect us with our more spiritual side and allows us to take in the medicine of our own intuition.”
“I am ready to allow my guidance from within to be ‘good enough’.”


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spirituality & the city


Sinéad de hÓra

There have been many moments of beautiful Light in my time. There was one turning point I remember had a greater luminosity though. ‘Twas the meeting with my first piece of Moldavite.

A 14.7 billion year old Tektite of lunar origin, that on impact with the Earth’s surface formed a glass; a glass with an understanding of both the cosmos and the earthly plane. I kept it in a box full of mossy earth on top of a wardrobe in another room and still, I found its energy too strong…

At that same time, I was fervently working through a book that spoke of ‘147 Golden Keys to Ascension in this Lifetime’. Committed from the outset and with military style precision, I embarked on each instruction.

In the early-late hours I would perch on my outer windowsill with bulbous glasses of spring water, each with a gemstone nestled at the bottom, ready to be baked or cooled by the light of the stars, Sun or Moon. Gulping each back with great delight, I set about my spiritualised path with diligent and curious determination.

This was my beginning in making gemstone elixirs.

20 years on and full of crystallised molecules, I am settled into my cosmic-Earth journey, and as more Light anchors in, the New Earth Elixirs range expands and evolves… and I find I am so very grateful for each and every Light moment…

Mark Curran

I suppose the light entered my life in a big way during the lockdowns. While the world was losing all reason on the outside, I looked inside for salvation. What unfolded in those times was beyond anyone’s control, especially my own. I had to find the peace within, I had to shut out the noise, which was not easy. There seemed to be no room for grey area in those times. You were either for or against Covid procedures, restrictions and medications. For the first time in my whole life, people were putting public and personal health first and parking the capitalist wheel. it was refreshing in a way. I felt it gave me enough of a break to really look within. I had to dig really deep to find the light. Ironically, it was a time of great darkness and uncertainty before I could find that light. I had to work harder on daily mediations and make strong efforts to stay connected to friends and family. I doubled up on Eckhart Tolle audio books and hiked every mountain Wicklow has to offer (twice). It was in this time we built Be Kind Industries, again another example of something good coming from tough times.

The Light entered my life when She walked into the room. And with the Light was the seed of the Shadow, for one is always within the other. The Shadow defines the Light, the Light casts itself upon the Shadow.

And we dance with them, every moment. They’re not separate, simply different qualities of being.

This Light, that She brought, was a laser, cutting to the quick, revealing me in my strength and power, in my fear and uncertainty, in my desire and longing.

When we allow the Light to take us beyond the veil, all that’s left is the vibrating essence of who we are.

This is the Light she brought, the light of the Goddess, the Light that calls for us to step up into the fullness of being, to meet her in the place of knowing, to dance with her anger and her love, her tears and her tenderness, her desire and passion.

This is the Light of Life, the Light of Love.

Lydia Campbell

Light has come into my life in the form of my son. I gave birth to him at home on the bedroom floor, seven years ago.

Throughout the labour I felt expansive, receptive and a longing in my body to be open. I felt like a lotus unfolding its petals, as my cervix did its holy job. I was called to surrender into the unknown, even when everything in my experience felt chaotic.

Suddenly, the air in the room drastically changed and my focus shifted, and my mind was clear. No more openness, I had to finish the mission I started. I was drawn to a spiral of light in the far corner of the ceiling. It was like it was building and gathering with each contraction. That same spiral of light flashed down and seared through my body. My beautiful son was born. Life begins in the darkness and birth begins in chaos before the light can shine through and there’s union.

Darren McKenna

Every so often I get the privilege of working on a truly inspiring project. In this case, it was to document a dance program, which facilitated anyone looking to reconnect with their body.

About halfway through the several-day program, I filmed a group freely dancing together as part of an exercise. For the first time, I noticed their movements seemed to express so much more than physical actions. They were reconnecting with a piece of themselves they’d lost - it was as if I was witnessing them becoming whole again. The whole experience only lasted a few minutes but was incredibly emotional to witness.

I later interviewed the participants and learned that it was an equally emotional part of the program for them and incredibly therapeutic and nurturing. Being able to learn how free movement could heal others so profoundly, filled me with light and gratitude to be a part of this experience.


finding your way

in the dark

Many children go through phases where they resist sleep, either in the day, at night or both. “How can I get my child to nap?”. What to do when your child refuses to take naps because they can tell it is daytime?

Here are three ideas. These ideas will work well together to support any family with children who are resisting sleep or sleeping alone.

Support Your Sleep Goals First

After a few days or nights of trying to tackle sleep issues with a child, parents are most likely tired themselves, and full of feelings about the subject. It’s best to offload those first. Find a listener who will allow you to let off steam, without judgments. (If you would like to find a Listening Partner, tune in to Hand in Hand resources at the bottom of the page). With a safe, adult listener, you can get ‘mad’ at your child. You don’t want them to hear it. You don’t want them to be a part of the Listening Partnership, but you can say in that listening partnership, “Go to sleep now or…!” and let out all that you are managing on the inside with a child who won’t sleep.

Make Space and Take Your Time

Use the time to say what you’d like to say, to think about how you feel about sleep, to cry or rant and rave. Remember, it doesn’t reflect who you are as a person, it’s more about the feelings you have and the energy behind them. Those feelings are there when we are with our children, they are behind all the things we say to our children and how we show up. When we can work on all those feelings we can show up in a different space, and we can set limits in a different way – we can set limits with support rather than setting limits with anger. There’s a huge difference in how children experience and how they can

move through what’s hard for them, when we show up with frustration and anger or tiredness, they come back with more of that challenging behaviour. It’s more of a power struggle. When we show up in warmth, they can butt up against it, but then they soften.

“Play and laughter are incredibly powerful for loosening up tense feelings, for a child and a parent.”

A Super Simple Play Idea Around Sleep

Once you have made space for your own feelings, you are ready to move onto actively helping your child. A good first move is play. Play and laughter are incredibly powerful for loosening up tense feelings, for a child and a parent. Hand in Hand call it Playlistening and with this tool you want to see what you can do to create laughter (without tickling) and follow the laughter. Start when things are calm, rather than when you want them to go to sleep. Get the giggles going by giving a child the more powerful role in play.

Try Switching Roles

A simple Playlistening idea around naps or sleep could be as easy as you laying on the floor, saying, “I just want to go to sleep, I hope nobody wakes me up.” This prompt, of course, acts as an immediate invitation to a child to wake you up! In this role reversal, it’s you trying to go to sleep and the child is going to stop you. To keep the laughter going, you try again. Try saying, “Oh! I’m so tired, I hope nobody wakes me up.” The child sits or jumps on you and wakes you up, and you roll around,

hugging and laughing.

In the midst of this physical play, you collapse, and snore, and be asleep again, inviting more laughter. Customise games to suit what appeals to your own child’s sense of humour and makes them laugh, and let them keep coming and ‘waking’ you up. Play as long as there is laughter, if you can manage it. This play can be great for breaking up the tension that both of you have about naps and falling asleep.

Recognise, Validate and Support the Fears

Sleep is similar to separation anxiety. If you think about sleep, it is a time when a child is moving into their own space all by themselves even if we are there – even if we are nearby, that can be scary. Especially at night, that’s the longest time they are separated from us.

Doing Special Time (set a timer for 5-10 minutes, bring extra warmth and delight, offer your child ‘I’ll play whatever you want to play’) has a similar effect with separation anxiety – it fills up a child’s ‘connection cup’ so that they can have an easier time going from a more awake, excited or upset state to a more relaxed state. Special Time can be so useful. Have it on a regular basis. Have it on the calendar, so they know it’s coming. Do what you can handle – if it’s once a week, that’s ok. Daily if you can handle it is better! Ask what you can reasonably do that makes sense for you and your family, where you can have one-on-one time with your child.

Know That Tears Will Help a Child Breakthrough Fear Around Sleep Lastly, after the play or Special Time move in close, anchor yourself and stay and listen to any upset your child may have that it’s over. We call this Staylistening. When it comes to sleep, Staylisten because you want the child to feel that pain they have about going to sleep at the same time they are getting support from you. (If you are new to Staylistening you might be interested to read more about it on the Hand in Hand website listed below.)

Crying Helps Them Offload Those Fears

To set it up gently, bring the limit to your child that it’s naptime or bedtime: “It’s time for a nap, sweetheart.” With a warm voice, tell your child what is going to happen. Expect a child to have a big reaction, because obviously there

is resistance there. Stay with the limit as warmly as you can. A child might say, “No! It’s still light, I’m not, I won’t.” Continue to stay warm. Stay right where you are, in the room you want sleep to happen, and invite your child to stay. Keep your child with you. Be persistent with the limit.

“It’s light, but it’s still naptime.”

You don’t have to engage in a conversation about it being light because that isn’t relevant. A child picks something like that as a pretext to stay stuck where they are. Focus on the limit, and stay warm. And as hard as it is to remember, it’s actually a good thing if your child starts to cry. You let them cry about the limit so that they can get your attention and support about the pain they have about sleep. That support helps them heal the fears they have around going to sleep.

The warm limit stays the same whether it is night or day; however, as you get used to these steps it might be easier to set during the day, before you get too tired yourself.

Use Three Gentle Tools to See Sleep Resistance Fade

These three ideas set you up in a powerful position to see your child’s attitude to sleep change:

1. Begin by working on your feelings around naps, sleep and your child’s resistance. This will help dissolve your tension.

2. When you feel more open and responsive, you come to your child with warmth and with play.

3. Finally, validate the very real fear your child has. Recognise the resistance but keep to the limit, listening and supporting any tears that arrive from it.

Use All Three Tools Together

By using all three tools in tandem, you work on your feelings and you work with your child’s feelings in partnership, moving together to work through a resistance to naps.

Anna Cole, PhD, Regional Lead, Hand in Hand Parenting, handinhandparenting.org



of thinking - including perception, knowledge, problem solving, judgement, language and memory.”

I sat down with Professor John Nolan to delve into his findings on how nutrition has such an effect on our brain health. This piece will give you an insight into Professor Nolan’s research and how supplements can improve our cognitive health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Professor John Nolan is one of the brightest minds of Ireland. After studying Science, and ultimately obtaining a PhD, at Waterford Institute of Technology (now South East Technological University), Prof. Nolan won a Fulbright Scholarship and studied in the Medical College Georgia in the US. On his return to Waterford he established the ‘Macular Pigment Research Group’ where he studied the role of nutrition in eye health. Just five years after winning the European Research Council starting grant he founded the Nutrition Research Centre of Ireland (NRCI). Currently, Prof. Nolan and his team at the NRCI are studying the role of nutrition for cognitive function and brain health. The goal is to reduce the risk and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. For the many, many Irish families touched by Alzheimer’s, this research heralds good news.

Professor Nolan of South East Technological University studies nutrition and its effects on human health. He has focused on the use of targeted nutrition for eye health and brain health for over 20 years. He is very well versed on the subject and is deeply passionate about how “you can modify the growing statistics of Alzheimer’s, doing an early intervention and changing what’s modifiable.” In 2016, he founded a group called the Nutrition Research Centre in Ireland, where they are currently studying the key nutrients for cognitive health.

To see science turned in this manner towards nutrition and food supplementation is also a huge turning point. It is recognised that pharmacological treatment often creates numerous side effects. Using nutrition as medicine means that we are harnessing the power of nature in our diets and side effects need not make an appearance.

Brain Nutrition

ReMind is a unique food supplement that reflects the very latest scientific understanding of brain nutrition and is a culmination of research into the role of nutrition in eye and brain health by the NRCI for over 20 years.

The key nutrients I discussed with Professor Nolan include omega-3 fatty acids, carotenoids and vitamin E. Omega-3 fatty acids are an antioxidant that control and resolve inflammation in the brain. They are mainly found in oily fish, but Professor Nolan informed me, “We’re not getting enough of these nutrients in our diet, we’re probably twenty times away

The brain seeks out its three main ingredients from our diet to help it function optimally. They are protective ingredients which are naturally found in the brain but which decrease in presence with age and disease. These active ingredients are 1. Carotenoids; plant pigments found in a variety of dark green, yellow, orange and red vegetables which help reduce oxidative damage 2. Omega 3’s; key components of the lipids (fats) in the brain and thus important in maintaining brain structure and function, and mitigating neuroinflammation 3. Vitamin E; an important anti-oxidant and which contributes, among other things, to the stability of the biological membranes of the brain cells.

Professor Nolan’s team specialises in carotenoids, which are plant-based pigments that give fruit and vegetables their colour. When dealing with people with Alzheimer’s, he said was shocked at the lack of carotenoids present in their bodies. Carotenoids act as an antioxidant, absorbing molecules that cause harm to the body. Professor Nolan explained the process of creating the dosage. “There are 700 carotenoids in nature and we select 50 for a typical dose, 20 in the blood system, 30 in the eye, and lutein, zeaxanthin and

people across the board.

For the patients on the active intervention, the trial demonstrated changes in quality of life, with carers reporting improvements in mood. Improved memory was also observed with patients better able to carry out day- to-day activities such as getting dressed independently or making a cup of tea.

The results of the trial, which have been published and noted as the most newsworthy paper of 2022 in The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, add to the “cumulating body of evidence that targeted nutrition can have a positive impact on symptoms and quality of life in Alzheimer’s disease”, according to Prof Ríona Mulcahy.

Never too early, never too late

It is a terrible thing to see a loved one deteriorate mentally, and also to contemplate one’s own potential deterioration. Finding a support in the area of nutrition is a huge step forward as we can begin to empower ourselves to support our brains well into old age. It is never too early or too late to start helping our brains to function better.

Gold Standard Research

The recently published clinical trial, titled re-MIND (Memory Intervention with Nutrition for Dementia), was carried out by Professor John Nolan and Dr Rebecca Power of the NRCI in collaboration with Professor Ríona Mulcahy, a consultant physician in general and geriatric medicine at University Hospital Waterford.

meso-zeaxanthin in the brain.” Lastly, vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin found in oils, nuts and leafy greens. It protects cells from oxidative stress, where your body cells and tissue can be damaged. Oxidative stress is heavily linked with Alzheimer’s disease. This is where the components of these three nutrients come in; working together they can improve memory, reduce inflammation and help

Professor Nolan was involved with the Re-MIND trial. His team was the first in the world to work with Alzheimer’s disease. This was a placebo controlled trial, involving people with early-to-moderate Alzheimer’s. ReMind™ is a unique formulation of carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E and, when given to Alzheimer’s patients, resulted in an improvement in memory and attention within 12 months. “They improved in episodic memory, which are your new memories. Things like ‘Where did I park the car?’ or ‘Where did I leave my keys?’” It increased their ability to perform and retain information. It also helped their mood and gave them a better overall quality of life. Professor Nolan was keen to highlight that, “This is not a cure for Alzheimer’s, but supports management of the condition”. I asked him if it was effective for prevention as well as management. “Absolutely, the rational is primary prevention,” he replied.

There is a wealth of information and openly available research reviews and results online about ReMind and the wonderful work of the NRCI.

A third of Alzheimer’s cases could be avoided with lifestyle changes. This is why Professor Nolan’s research is so important - these nutrients can help change a person’s future and give them a higher quality of life.

Remind.eu Profjohnnolan.com

“ReMind is a unique food supplement that reflects the very latest scientific understanding of brain nutrition”
Prof John Nolan Director NRCI and Prof Ríona Mulcahy, Consultant, WUH
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Gaslighting is a term that’s getting much more exposure recently. Let me shine some light on the subject, so that you can know if you are accidentally gaslighting others, or are ever being gaslit.

The term Gaslighting is derived from a 1944 psychological thriller called Gaslight. In the movie, a husband uses mind games and manipulations to convince his wife that she is insane, so he can gain power of attorney and steal from her.

During the film, the husband dims and brightens a gaslight, and when his wife notices, he denies the light is changing and says it is only her imagination. Hence, the term gaslighting is used when a person becomes disorientated or distressed because they are made to doubt their perceptions (generally for the gaslighter’s own benefit).

How do you know if you’ve been on the receiving end of gaslighting? Well, if you have been, then you may overly question and second-guess yourself, so even this question may cause you some confusion or even anxiety. The confusion comes from constantly being told that your thoughts, feelings, intuitions, senses or perceptions are in some way ‘wrong’.

Anxiety usually arises from a history of your reality being invalidated, making it hard to 100% trust yourself.

Gaslighting reduces our self-esteem and confidence as we are made to feel psychologically impaired or misguided, and incapable of knowing what we are truly thinking, feeling and seeing –without the gaslighter’s guidance.

Let’s say you’ve been hurt by something someone said or did. Instead of your feelings and version of reality being acknowledged, respected and responded to with an apology, you are instead shut down and accused of ‘overreacting’, ‘being too emotional’ or ‘making a mountain out of a mole hill’. Other common gaslighting phrases include:

• ‘I never said that’

‘I didn’t do that’

• ’You’re imagining things’

• ‘You’re making stuff up’

• ‘It’s no big deal’ ‘You need to just let it go’

• ‘It’s just your ego that cares’

• ‘You’re remembering it wrong’

• ‘Don’t be so dramatic’ ‘You’re too sensitive’ Always being told you are ‘too sensitive’, for example, makes you believe that you are somehow wrong to be feeling how you’re feeling. Gaslighting is harmful because we all need to be seen, heard and understood, in order to feel safe and trust ourselves and others. Gaslighting, on the

other hand, corrodes safety and trust, which is why it causes trauma, stress, confusion and limits our ability to live secure, sovereign and successful lives.

For the record, I’m not saying that all gaslighting is done with malice or negative intent. Most gaslighters have unresolved trauma, or are carrying shame, which gets triggered when others raise issues or show intense emotions, and so they unconsciously need to deny, avoid or suppress anything that appears to be ‘negative’.

Irrespective of intent, it is still vital that you are aware of when gaslighting is happening; to avoid its damaging side-effects and engage in healthier relationships.

So, what can you do if you recognise that you may be gaslighting others? Stop it! If someone comes to you with a problem, be willing to listen. Then, even if you don’t agree with them, aim to ensure they feel seen, heard and understood. Doing so will cultivate a culture of safety and trust within your relationships, will resolve any issues quicker than gaslighting ever can, and allow for closer connections and intimacy.

What if you are being gaslit? Know that your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and opinions are valid, even if someone else thinks they aren’t, or you end up being ‘wrong’. Stop using phrases like: ‘I’m probably wrong, but…’ or ‘I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way, but…’. Healing, feeling better and making life improvements all require honesty, safety, trust and the ability to talk freely about things. By pulling the plug on gaslighting, you illuminate more clarity, connection and truth within yourself, others and the world.

Visit Sandy’s website for his sessions, club and academy.


by Sandy Newbigging
“Instead of your feelings and version of reality being acknowledged, respected and responded to with an apology, you are instead shut down and accused...”

Are you getting enough phytochemicals?

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POSITIVE HOME embrace sovereignty as an expression of authenticity

“We meet our inner critic with love, not harsh judgement, while asking our higher selves for the truth.”

Beloved, to be sovereign is to be free.

Our sovereignty is sourced from within us, continually attempting to draw us toward our innate purpose, wisdom and power. Every time we choose to be ourselves, refusing to abandon our worth, we walk in sovereignty.

Let’s explore how sovereignty and authenticity are intertwined.

Honour Your Emotions

I journal when I wake up to empty myself on paper, and then I let myself feel. Allowing myself to pause first thing in the morning is the greatest gift I have given myself in my healing journey over the years. When we embrace what we need to feel, we may stand authentically in the purpose meant for us.

Silence the Inner Critic

I kept a thought journal for two years to see on paper the damage my inner critic was causing. Seeing the words in my journal allowed me to be aware of how unloving I was to myself. Then, I could release those unhelpful thoughts to the universe and begin my journey to self-love and appreciation.


Living from a place of sovereignty is not people-pleasing and doing things that do not bring you joy. Having boundaries in place allows you the energy to say yes to the things that bring you to life. Remember, boundaries are how we teach people to

treat us. Implementing boundaries isn’t easy, but it is necessary to live your life from a place of alignment and sovereignty.

Inner Work

Shadow, past life and ancestral work allow time for reflection on areas of healing and goals for the future. It is through these exercises that the head, heart and soul come into alignment. Beloved, just as in nature, we have the seasons to nurture, rest, harvest and celebrate. Give yourself grace, time and affirmations as you move toward your sovereignty.

Compassion and Kindness

Be kind to yourself. We meet our inner critic with love, not harsh judgement, while asking our higher selves for the truth. When we approach our thoughts and actions of inauthenticity with curiosity and self-love, we’re able to sift through the reasons why we have adopted peoplepleasing behaviours.

Use Your Gifts

Beloved, shining your light is a huge part of your sovereignty. Stand in the centre of your truth, and the path to your sovereignty will be fully illuminated every time. This is a deep calling to stop moulding yourself into what you think others want from you. Instead, be true to who you are and use your gifts to make this world a more inclusive and beautiful place.

Allow Yourself to be Vulnerable

When you surround yourself with those who are passionate about seeing you joyful, loved and authentically, you will stand in absolute sovereignty. I used to feel if I was vulnerable, I would drive people away. Vulnerability isn’t just allowing others to draw closer to us; it empowers us to discover and draw closer to our sovereignty.

Become Internally Motivated

We need to reassure our inner child that she is welcome, loved, safe and capable of healing. As your inner child begins to heal from her wounds, she will gain the strength to unburden herself with peoplepleasing, limiting beliefs and other painful coping mechanisms she once used to keep herself safe.

Align With Your joinamandasophia. com Community

We draw such strength from a supportive community. Others empower us to honour our sovereignty and encourage us to share our gifts. Are you looking for a community of like-minded Beloveds to encourage you in your journey? I invite you to take a look at joining the Divine Woman course, an online journey to healing, self-discovery and transformation. You can also join the Divine Women’s free monthly gatherings at joinamandasophia.com/ monthly-gatherings-divinewoman/

Amanda Sophia joinamandasophia.com divinewomanawakening.com internationalfengshuischool.com

life light of my

There are certain people that come into your life who are a light for you. Eve Riggs is one of those people. Eve is a woman who performs healing and energy readings, aided by sound therapy. She is also an automatic writer (she writes intuitively during these sessions) so you can take your experience home with you.

Eve’s sessions take place in a cabin in her back garden. The cabin is a quaint little sanctuary to switch off in for a while. Whenever I enter her space I feel safe and at peace in a way that I’ve never felt before. Eve is a family friend of mine and that’s how I got to know her at first. She worked as a beauty therapist for years and still specialises in skincare. So, this cabin of safety used to be a cabin for getting your nails done and having a chat. However, even then, without the added spiritual element, Eve’s energy always made me feel like I belonged.

I will never be able to thank Eve enough for what she’s done for me. Now, I bet you’re dying to know what my experience was! It starts with a time where I was struggling. I wasn’t seeing a therapist regularly anymore and I was a little bit lost on where to turn when things crept up on me mentally. My Mam mentioned to me that Eve was now doing a healing therapy and had evolved her brand into a holistic experience. I was not a stranger to the spiritual world, so it wasn’t a completely

new concept. However, I wasn’t familiar with how it worked so I was kind of going in blind. I’m a very open minded person and I was willing to try anything that would help me. I ended up going and it was one of the best things I have done for my mental health. In saying all this, I don’t think

She saw me and was able to unveil my spirit. She guided me in a way that was soft.”

I would have had such an amazing experience if it wasn’t for the healer I went to. Eve knew me so I wasn’t apprehensive; she was always kind to me and when I went to her for spiritual guidance, I realised how well she knew me. She saw me and was able to unveil my spirit. She guided me in a way that was soft. Not too heavy for a teenager starting out on their spiritual journey. She made me feel at ease with myself while talking me through the madness going on with my body. She helped me tap into this world, where I could feel the energy running through me, stopping at my feet and circling back around. She tells me the craziest things, analogies that make me crack up and things I have to do before I come back to her - like eat a load of oranges, flip my mattress or run laps.

However, I wouldn’t have it any other way; the madness makes me feel a little less mad.

What I wanted to share with everyone is that I’ve found a light of a person. She shouldn’t be kept a secret because people deserve to have her in their life. Eve once told me that as a child she felt like her gift was an infliction and it was something she worked hard at shutting off until Christmas 2020. Her father had passed and she was receiving messages from him saying this was her true direction. She then felt safe to explore this side of herself. I’m so glad she followed her path because every time I see her I’m lifted to a higher energy. One thing you’ll find out about her is that she cares. It’s something I’ve been in awe about since I met her. She really puts her all into healing and I believe that is because she has SO much light to give.

Eve Riggs
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earth touch the



Learning about Grounding is one of those experiences of confirming what we already know deep inside our earthly body. It is a tingling of resonance, no matter how miniscule, that tells us, YES, this is so, and so it is.

and around the house. I don’t want to give up just yet though because I know how soothing it is, and how much his nervous system needs it, after a busy day. Grounding is something I will be sure to teach him, so that he can have a lifelong connection, no matter where he is in this world, to an abundant source of that same calming and stabilising – the Earth.

Grounding, Grounding

Having been in spiritual ‘circles’ for many years, I heard the term Grounding a long time ago in my late teens. Many, many - oh so many - people told me I was ungrounded. They would describe ungroundedness to me, perhaps out of familiarity (us healing types really need grounding!), but did not have a clear definition of what grounding actually was and how it could be done.

Again, as with so many things we search so long for, the answer was literally right under my nose, my hips, my feet –the earth.

In the case of grounding, science has stepped in to help us ground the concept of Grounding. We can talk about it, find out how to do it and understand the process. Of course, we will never understand it all as the ultimate source of grounding energy is the Great Source of All.

Our Earth Mother

The earth is our mother, one who we never outgrow being held and physically supported by. My son is turning three and it is a workout to carry him up to bed

Grounding is simply letting our bare skin, any part of the body, be touched and held by the earth, and allows us to feel something akin to the soothing touch of a human mother’s skin and embrace to a child. That said, it’s also a great way to comfort and remain in touch with your inner child.

The reason for this feeling is the Direct Current of energy (DC) which is the earth’s energy frequency. All of nature, every rock, tree, plant, leaf, droplet of water, etc. runs on DC energy. So too does the human body. The human body requires contact with the earth’s DC energy in order to stay regulated. Being connected this way is a healing experience for the body.

Laura Coniver is an amazing source of information on Grounding. She speaks so eloquently, even in the language of science, about the source, effects and necessity of Grounding.

“We have to be really intentional. We have to think ‘Did I become part of Nature’s Global Electrical Circuit today? Did I plug my conductive body in to receive this source of power and healing?’

And if I haven’t, I’m living disconnected... ungrounded... If we don’t plug in, we can’t expect our bodies to work well over time.”

The Challenge

“Just because you go outside does not mean that you have synced your body up to this beautiful healing pattern...”

I have realised, prompted by Laura, that while I am out in nature very often, as

a nature lover, I do not always touch the natural world I am walking by or observing. Thus, I’m not actually grounding on these walks. I have now started to take time at the end of my walk to hold a leaf from a tree between my hands, or sit beneath a tree a while (if you are wearing synthetic clothing this doesn’t work, so reach out a palm and touch the tree trunk while you are there!).

The Carnegie Curve

This is “an electrical healing offering that allows the body to go into a healing state”, given off by nature, in a curve which peaks at 7am and is at its lowest at 7pm daily.

Touching the earth allows us to connect our energy circuit to Nature’s rhythm. This is hugely important as Nature’s rhythm includes the time of day and the season we are in. Connecting your body to the earth means your body is receiving this information daily and can tune in with it – giving you a more regular sleeping pattern and enabling you to feel the hallmark of the season (to slow down in winter, awaken in spring and feel energised in summer, etc).

“[The Carnegie Curve] informs the life growing on this planet what the healthy patterns are, what season we are in, when to rest and when to be active... It orients you and your body to a vibrant, healthy life on this earth.”

Laura and Clint Ober, a closer-tohome grounding guru, are full of ideas and products that will help you ground throughout the winter season. Laura has a great free quiz too, entitled ‘How much do you really know about Grounding.’ So, if you’re stuck for something to do on a wintry day, check it out!


“Grounding is simply letting our bare skin, any part of the body, be touched and held by the earth.”

the spark


Recent studies have shown the egg is not passive in conception. She reaches out for the one sperm that penetrates her vitelline layer.

Together, they create a bridge, cone-like in structure, a portal. This cone is called the cone of attraction, or the receptive cone.

At this moment, the egg matures. The sperm’s tail falls away. They become female and male pronuclei.

The essence of the feminine. The essence of the masculine.

Membranes dissolve, leaving no barriers between them.

A spark of light is emitted as conception occurs.

And the magic that is you begins to unfold.

Reaching out. Penetrating. Portal. Attraction. Receptive. Maturity. Falls away. Essence. Membranes dissolve. No barriers.

The Spark.

Is this the same spark we feel when the chemistry is just right? The one we feel when we first meet, the one we long to rekindle once it’s gone?

Reaching out. Penetrating. Portal. Attraction. Receptive. Maturity. Falls away. Essence. Membranes dissolve. No barriers.

In the Yoga and Tantra traditions there are sheaths that surround atman, the Self. Like the membranes surrounding the egg and the sperm, these sheaths, known as koshas, are activated as we grow and evolve, revealing the light at the centre.

The unending beginning of you.

Sex is like that. The spark is like that. Activating layers of you until the purest, most you, is revealed.

The spark isn’t something you search for. It’s something that exists, already, within.

Annamaya Kosha: Touch, Sensuality and Pleasure

The outermost sheath surrounding the Self is Annamaya Kosha, the physical sheath. The spark, embodied. Touch, sensuality and pleasure.

Ignite the Spark: Give yourself some love. First, get in the mood with a swim in the sea, singing at the top of your lungs, dancing wildly. Wake up your body, get expressive. Unleash joy and dive in for pleasure.

Touch and explore and pleasure your whole body. Stretch and curl and twist and move, expand the pleasure into every part of you. Breathe, laugh, growl. The more physical, the better.

Feel the spark take over your body.

Pranamaya Kosha: Arousal, Excitement and Orgasm

Moving toward the centre, the next sheath is Pranamaya Kosha, the energy body. The spark is energy. Arousal, excitement and orgasm.

Ignite the Spark: Get curious about the realities of your sexual arousal, breathe into the excitement, all the way to the very edges of it, what do you discover?


water & salt


There are many things we know we ‘should’ do. And by should I don’t mean things anyone is looking over our shoulder about – this isn’t a homework situation – it’s life.

As I write, I imagine I am talking to my toddler, thinking how I would express to him the importance of the ‘little’ things in life – which are in fact its foundations. ‘You should’ or ‘You have to’ only cuts it for a number of years. When we hit semi-adulthood, no one is looking over our shoulder any longer to see when we go to sleep, what we eat, how much water we are drinking and exercise we are taking... and things can go awry.

“You have to ask ‘Why?’”

We are on the topic of WATER today and the above are wise words from Barbara O’Neill of Misty Mountain Health Retreat in Australia. ‘Why’ is the key which unlocks the door to motivating our own willpower into choosing the health giving elements of life, every day.


the doctor? We are!”

Each of us being our own personal doctor, we would do well to get some knowledge or ‘qualification’. This is where people like Barbara come in - willing and able to put the simple science of our bodies into words that all of us lay men and women doctors can understand and act upon.

Here is Barbara’s crash course on WATER and its ally, SALT. Water is the second most vital element needed for life. Humans can go just a few weeks without it. At every stage, water is needed for all our bodily functions. The hormones we excrete, the stomach acid which breaks down our food, the blood in our veins which transport nutrients and oxygen all around the body, the insulin which our pancreas creates to balance our sugar levels...the list goes on. All of these very specialised liquids our body creates contain, and thus require, water. As you can see, we are talking foundations here when it comes to drinking water, especially since “we have no reserve tank...the only

water that goes in is the water we put in.”

The water we drink needs to reach our cells if it is to be absorbed into the body and be used in all these functions. If it doesn’t get absorbed into the cell, it passes out through the kidneys, in the form of urine.

This leads us to the third most vital element needed for life - Salt. Water and salt are natural allies – they come together to form the oceans and seas. Seawater has the highest amount of sodium (salt) in nature - 30% of its minerals are sodium and 50% are chloride. In order to create table salt, companies cause the sodium and chloride to crystallise by evaporating the water element away. They then mix in aluminium so that the salt does not remain crystallised but runs freely. This, says Barbara “is a dangerous salt...it contains two very harsh minerals.” Table salt (sodium + chloride + aluminium) is so harsh that it actually kills the taste buds over time. That is why people end up using more and more of it, along with other taste enhancers such as sugar, as they can no longer taste their food.

Understanding the cell

You can help your cells ‘pull in’ the water you drink by putting a crystal of Celtic Salt (or other good quality salt such as Himalayan) onto your tongue before you drink your glass of water. The magnesium in the salt is taken right to the cell membrane where it fulfils a function of ‘pulling’ the water into the cell. Cells need a constant supply of water in the fluid surrounding them (i.e. the state of being hydrated). Many conditions are contributed to as a result of not having enough water in the cell (dehydration), such as high blood pressure, allergies, asthma and diabetes. These can be read as signals that the body is crying out for more water.

Ways to drink your water

1. Sip slowly - “It’s like watering a plant. Look at how God sends the rain - little by little by little... So remember that with your body. Taking it little by little is the best way.”

2. At the right time - In between meals is best. 60 to 90 minutes after eating, so that your food has time to be digested. Also, stop drinking water 30 minutes before

your meals, so that your stomach acid is not being diluted down, making it less effective in its work of digesting your food.

3. Eight glasses a day - Spread out your glasses from morning to evening. If you perspire more, remember you will need to drink more to replace the water lost through sweat.

4. Alone - Tea, coffee and sugar all contain dehydrating agents, so adding water to these doesn’t add to your daily dose. Instead, Barbara comments that you’d need an extra few glasses of water to make up for the dehydrating effects of a cup of tea with sugar!

5. BEFORE you get thirsty - “Thirst only comes with almost a crisis of dehydration. So thirst is not a good sign.”

What water will do for you

For those who wish to go even deeper down the rabbit hole and discover the fascinating world of water in our bodies, Barbara points us in the direction of former Iranian political prisoner, Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj.

q Dr. B’s book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water reveals the depth of water’s ability to help and cure a vast range of health issues. Whilst imprisoned in Iran, the people of the prison turned to Dr. B for help. His only resource being water, he began giving patients glasses of it, little by little, and he actually found people were getting better. When he was set free, he chose to remain in the prison to conclude what had become a fascinating and mind-exploding research project. Other subtitles to his book became ‘Don’t treat thirst with medication’ and ‘He’s not sick, he’s thirsty’. There is no better place than his book to start your journey of understanding the second most vital element for human health.


can help your cells ‘pull in’ the water you drink by putting a crystal of Celtic Salt...onto your tongue before you drink your glass of water.”

the people behind bio energy


Speaking with Aga Kutajczyk-Talaj, Polish-born and living in Ireland for the past 16 years, I had that feeling of awe and wonder at the creativity at the heart of each human being’s make-up.

Aga initially spoke to me of her experiences as a child. She could see and feel energies strongly at that time. However, the adults around her insisted she was making up stories and gave her the feeling that something must be wrong with her.

With that, her energetic gifts shut down for the most part. It wasn’t until she found herself living in Ireland, getting married here and was gifted a son with autism, that her inner gift started to stir, desirous of helping her family.

“I was told my son would never talk. I went to my laptop and typed in Bio Energy. I don’t even know where I had heard that word. I found a therapist and brought my son. He started talking after three sessions... Now, he speaks two languages.”


The Bio Energy therapist which Aga found happened to run the school of Bio Energy. Aga decided to learn the technique so she could continue to help her son, and others. She graduated in 2018 and was asked to be an assistant at the school.

Four years later, Aga continues to work with Bio Energy daily. “It’s my passion and what I love to do. My child’s autism changed my life,” Aga says.

Working with Aga

When I asked what her Bio Energetic speciality was, she described a “funny experience” whereby someone might call her up with migraines, and then for the next couple of weeks she finds herself working with people carrying the same issue. Then it might shift and she gets a call from someone with back pain, digestion issues or insomnia...and the same thing happens on a loop.

In this day and age, many of the above-mentioned symptoms have the stressors of life at their root. Aga works with the body at this root level. “I am not

healing the back pain but helping people with their life and emotions. Clearing hooks and cords...”

Bio Energy works at the level of our life force energy, aka prana or chi. Imbalance in the flow of this energy contributes to disease. Bio Energy is a way to recharge this energy, helping the body to thereby heal itself and raise its vibration.

Aga works remotely and she finds people quite enjoy the comfort of their own home and the lack of stress of having to arrive on time. She runs a weekly morning meditation on Zoom at 10am on Fridays, and you can also connect with her on her YouTube channel. This is Aga’s life work, a beautiful example of a woman living her calling; she is also chairperson of the Bio Energy Association. In her own words, “I love my life, I love what I am doing.”

agabioenergy.com bio-energy.ie

“I was told my son would never talk... He started talking after three sessions.”
March to October 2023 18 & 19 February 2023 Mission is to deliver the best, the most suitable, complementary therapy techniques to promote health and wellbeing in all clients. Welcome to North Dublin Complementary Therapies Available Therapies include Neuro Linguist Programming, Regression Hypnosis, Psychodrama, Inner Child Healing, Sexual Freedom Techniques, Mind Coaching. Bio Energy Therapy Clinical Hypnotherapy Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Reiki Master /Teacher Distance Healing and online sessions available on request Phone Michael on: 0872407182 Email mbndct1@gmail.com Website: Currently under construction Reduction of stress and anxiety, Weight loss, Stop smoking, Insomnia, Phobias/ Fears of Mice, Spiders, Flying, Golf Yips and many more. Bio-Energy Therapy: B.E.T.D B.E.T.A: This beautiful noninvasive energy healing therapy allows the body to release energy blockages & rebalance the body’s energy field to restore full health. Family Constellation Facilitator: F.C.C: Ancestral Healing. This powerful & profound healing format breaks the cycle of family history ie, trauma, anxiety, stress etc, these entanglements that effect your health & wellbeing on a personal & professional level. Consciousness Medicine Practitioner: C.M.C: This natural form of healing treats issues across the entire body matrix, the Physical, Emotional, Energetic, Ancestral & Spiritual bodies. Corrective Sound Therapy H.M.D: Involves using the medium of dowsing with a pendulum to investigate the Physical, Emotional, Energetic, & Ancestral bodies, through the subconscious mind of the client, bringing any imbalances to a conscious level & correcting these imbalances through sound. Healing for Health & Wellbeing Bernadette Manning 087 746 5614 bernimanning@yahoo.com detta.manning@gmail.com

thinking deeply, living lightly

Many years ago, at a turning point in my life, I read Island, Aldous Huxley’s final and less well-known novel which was published in 1962, just a year before he died. Bringing together the insights and reflections from his life of deep thinking, the book is a positive vision of how he imagined human beings could live and flourish.

The story is set on the fictional Buddhist island of Pala, where for over a hundred years a unique experiment in civilisation had been conducted. The inhabitants have resisted capitalism and communism, and thrive together with a profound sense of oneness and interconnectedness. Myna birds have been trained by the islanders to call out a reminder to stay in the moment: “attention, attention”, “here and now”.

Island reads like a manifesto for a sustainable society and how we might live ethically and lightly. Huxley envisions a society that is informed by the best of

eastern philosophy and western science, that values self-knowledge, mutual aid and community.

Ecology is taught early in Pala: “Never give children a chance of imagining that anything exists in isolation. Make it plain from the very beginning that all living is relationship. Show them relationships in the woods, in the fields, in the ponds and streams, in the village and in the country around it. Rub it in.”

Huxley describes the island’s holistic culture of care, their enlightened use of psychedelics, cooperative enterprises and conscious parenting. It is a life lived in flow that is rich in happiness, experience and in balance with nature.

In it he also warns of the tragic consequences of the pursuit of power, militarism, industrialisation, corporatism and fundamentalist religion. His critiques of the western world’s consumption patterns and its destruction of the environment, as well as the injustices of

an emerging global economic system, are prophetic.

Reading Island was an extraordinary journey to a place I wished existed. A low-impact society organised around the principles of ecology, solidarity and mindfulness, in which participation, collaboration and creativity are valued, and where everyone’s contributions are recognised and rewarded.

This was an important book for Huxley. When a fire torched his home in 1961, he risked his life to save one thingthe manuscript for Island. His observations have become increasingly pertinent, helping us imagine a more equitable and sane future and giving us an insight of what ‘good living’ and the ‘wellbeing economy’ could be.

We are now in the midst of one of history’s great transitions and learning to live lightly has never been more urgent. Island is full of ideas and inspiration for lowering our impact, overcoming the materialistic desire to have rather than to be, and giving more time for contemplation, relationships and deeper friendships.

What gives me hope is that although the concepts brought together in the book over half a century ago were then unfamiliar, they have inspired and been further informed, developed and popularised by people everywhere. Island still has something important to tell us about navigating the converging challenges we face today.

Davie Philip is a community catalyst and facilitator at Cultivate.ie, the sustainability cooperative based in Cloughjordan Ecovillage.
“It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly, child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply.”
Aldous Huxley, Island
“Island reads like a manifesto for a sustainable society and how we might live ethically and lightly.”
BIO ENERGY HELPS WITH - Anxiety - Stress - Depression - Fatigue - Migraines - Headaches - Asthma - Menopause - Difficulty sleeping - Digestive issues - Irritability - Pain - Lack of focus And much more... BIO ENERGY HEALING Holistic and complimentary Therapy A course of 4 sessions of BIO ENERGY is recommended initially, one a week. Each BIO ENERGY sessions takes 60 mins Karen Browne (RGN) Peace view, The Demesne, Westport, Co Mayo Contact 087 6802144 Email: karen.browne35@gmail.com THE HEALING FOCUS THE HEALING FOCUS PAMELA SCULLY 085-2828984 psbioenergyhealing@gmail.com thehealingfocus.com Therapies : Bio-Energy Healing; Tera - Mai Reiki; Kundalini Reiki; Rahanni Celestial Healing; Distance Healing. Pamela is also a Shamanic Practitioner and a Shamanic Counsellor who is based in Wicklow. Bio-Energy Healing Therapy can be particularly successful in treating the following: Anxiety; Arthritis; Asthma; Back Pain; Chronic Fatigue; Circulatory Problems; Depression; Diabetes (improved blood sugar control); Digestive Disorders; Eating and Smoking Addictions; Hayfever ; Headache; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; M.E.; Migraine; Neuro-Muscular Tension; Sciatica; Sinusitus; Skin Disorders; Sleep Disorders; Stress and Tinnitus People do not have to be specifically in need of healing to benefit from Bio-Energy Therapy as it is a very relaxing modality which can boost the immune system while energising and maintaining general well-being whether it be on the physical, emotional or spiritual level or a combination of any of these levels.

32 april elizabeth

Elizabeth April is a clairvoyant, truth seeker and bestselling author who recounts her stories on humanity. She receives information on how we should move forward as a human race and how we can tap into our “own reality”. This article includes the highlights of our sit down with this eye-opening woman. In the interview we focus on Elizabeth’s thoughts on humanity and how to navigate life in the future so we can move forward with wisdom. The insights we received were both interesting and revolutionary.

Tapping into her memories

In the beginning of our interview, Elizabeth recounts how she suppressed a lot of memories up until up until the age of 24. She attended a hypnotherapy session because she couldn’t remember her childhood. At first she thought that it might be because of abuse. However, she then realised it was because she was supressing information she was being sent about the universe. As a result of the hypnotherapy session her memories started coming back to her.

Humanity in a nutshell

When asked where humanity comes from, Elizabeth gave us answers based on her knowledge from the galactic federation. “Many species that ended up coming to this planet mixed their genetic DNA with ours.” She talks about how they didn’t know they were creating a “master species” at the time.


Wake up and understand

She focuses on energy at this point and explains how she sees humans as star seeds. “There are different vibrations in humanity, but I don’t want to discredit the rest of humanity. I was once unaware, feeding into the matrix.” She loves that she is finally being taken seriously and there is a community around her that supports her. “We all have the capacity to wake up and understand” her belief and hope really shines through in these moments.

Harmony within ourselves

The dynamics between light and dark in this interview were particularly fascinating. Elizabeth had a really interesting take on where this will go in the future. “The darkness is pushing us into the light. Questioning is all you have to do to wake up to a higher vibration.”

Paul asks, “Where does the darkness go?” She explains this by breaking these energies into three categories:

1. “Serial killers, selfish, greedy people hold all of the space for the darkness”

2. “Spiritual teachers and high vibrational people are really pure light.”

3. Then there are people somewhere in the middle. She gives us an insight into how this is not always going to be split in three. We are moving into a world where we balance our own light and accept our own darkness. This brings harmony and “we are everything.”

The Galactic Federation

Elizabeth explains that she is in contact with the “Galactic federation” which is a community of celestial beings that communicate with her and give her all different types of important information.

“There are different councils, each council has a different cell frequency.” There are eight “Pleiadians” at a long oval table. They always leave a seat open for her and they discuss what is going on in the world. “They communicate telepathically,” she says.

Important dates and key information

On the 11th of every month there is a drop of information; it aligns with 11/11 every November. It blows her mind every single time as she is new to the information too. When asked about the state of the future, she explains that 2024-2028 is when new vibrations will weigh out the old vibrations. However until then, “we can’t feed into the matrix by following the news.”

Healing within

She goes into the findings about healing saying, “We have the power to heal ourselves.” She informs us that in the Galactic Federation, there are beds that scan your body and heal you. However, she makes it crystal clear that, “our body is its own planet. If we are not present we’re not working with our body.” We can heal ourselves without these gadgets. Again, she really hones in on the fact that the end goal is to be able to heal yourself independently.

In conversation with Paul Congdon Words by Margot Tubbiolo

The topic of the effects of 5G comes up. Elizabeth talks about an analogy. If you’re talking to a negative person you put a barrier up to avoid feeding into their energy. She explains that it’s the same with these technologies - you’re in full control of your reality. You have the power to put up a wall so these vibrations don’t effect the body negatively.


Speaking of a wake-up call, Elizabeth says, “Every dream that you remember is a message to you.” However, not everything needs to be read into and it’s important to figure out where you want your awareness to be. “Dreams do something for your soul.” She encourages everyone to take naps regularly during the day.

Tips for living in the matrix

You need to physically be aware of what vibration you are in.

High vibration - when you think about that person/object, you feel gratitude.

Low vibration- you avoid or don’t look forward to seeing that person.

“You have to say I am ready to be in full alignment.” It doesn’t matter what your ego wants, it might not happen in the way you think it will. We need to be in alignment with our energy and what is meant for us to break out of the matrix cycle. Make the choice to change. Cut out the things that make you unhappy and you will be well on your way.

That concludes our interview with the brilliant Elizabeth April. We are grateful for her wisdom and we are delighted to help enlighten our readers with her experience. Hopefully this will aid us all into waking up and stepping out of the matrix. elizabethapril.com

“The darkness is pushing us into the light.”

Soul Want You to Know? What Does Your


“Seeing the world through a multidimensional

Lee Harris is a globally acclaimed energy intuitive, transformational teacher and musician. In recent years, he has become well known for his popular monthly Energy Update videos, but he has been in the spiritual field for a long time. Lee first began to perform intuitive readings in his England home in 2004. From there, he gradually built his company, Lee Harris Energy (LHE), into the multi-media worldwide event company and production house it is today. Lee now lives in California and heads a 13-member international team, all of whom are passionate about grounding creative spirituality. Lee offers practical teachings that focus on helping conscious, intuitive and sensitive people to heal and thrive. He is also determined to see people experience impactful and abundant lives, while supporting each other through community. He is a musician and artist who believes deeply in the power of creativity for healing.

Lee has been receiving communication from his guides, the Z’s, for 24 years. His new book Conversations with the Z’s, Book One: The Energetics of the New Human Soul, offers a truly unique way of sharing the Z’s wisdom by channeling in conversation with psychotherapist Dianna Edwards, who describes her work as “listening to hear.”

The questions Dianna asks allow for a crystal clear exploration of Lee’s method and a beautifully contemporary way of encountering and absorbing the wisdom transmitted from the Z’s.

lens, feeling the world through the multisensory being inside you — that is the purpose of these conversations.”

Lee Harris, Conversations with the Z’s.

We hope you’ll enjoy this excerpt from the book.

What Does Your Soul Want You to Know?

An excerpt from Conversations with the Z’s, Book One by Lee Harris

Prayer can be a wonderful entry point or gateway for many. The problem is if they don’t go beyond it, and if they don’t go beyond it, for many it can get confined to their souls. In fact, it can start to erode their souls if they spend many, many, many, many years thinking that they have to keep praying outside themselves and that they don’t have their own inner connection to spirit.

The other point that you’ve made here is the widespread misconception that you could be bothering angels or energetic beings that you want to contact, or that you are taking up too much of their time. And that is, again, something that all of you are innocent of. It was simply wired into your consciousness. You were trained into that belief.

We will tell you that time does not exist for us the way it does for you. And we have said this several times through Lee over the years in various recordings, classes, workshops — you have to ask.

If you don’t ask, we often don’t have the ability to step in and help.

If you were distressed, a good friend of yours would love to hear from you and be able to help you; it is the same for us.

However, there is a limit to how much we can actively help when a human has pulled themselves away, back, or down from help. If a human is in what you would call a “contracted state,” we can certainly help energetically and do our best to help lift them or send people, events, phenomena their way that might help them remember the light. But if the human is deeply contracted, we have to wait for that contraction to minimize somewhat before we can get closer. And prayer is actually a good idea if you understand that prayer is not an act of praying to others, but instead connecting to the oneness that you are also a part of. And doing that actively.

We will say this, though: for some of you who find you are struggling to, let’s say, manifest or connect or feel like your life is going in a good way, we will tell you specifically that asking out loud, verbally, or in writing is going to be powerful for you because it is going to shift some of your human self. To hear yourself say these things out loud, to allow these words through your body, it causes a shift. To write these words down and then reflect on them by looking back at them, it causes a shift. And for those of you who are what we might call long-term struggling or suffering, then you need to change some of your patterns. You need to change some of your actual experiences on Earth, as well as to intend and pray for manifestation. So for you, this will be a part of allowing yourself to see, feel, and perceive yourself differently by allowing these words through your body.

Now, some of you will have great emotional reactions when you do this. You may ask the Universe for help. You may ask angelics for help, and it may make you cry. It may make you feel strange. It may make you feel a little light-headed. This is good, by the way. If you notice these kinds of reactions, it means you are detoxing the contracted parts of yourself and allowing parts of yourself to expand. The tears represent remembrance. And so, the more you practice this with your body, the more your body will begin to develop a new, we will call it, energetic muscle memory. You will start to become acclimatized to this way of thinking.

This is why Lee is forever recommending that you write down channeling for yourself, as those of you who have been around Lee for many years know. As he says: Just sit and write. Ask your higher self or your soul what it wants to tell you today.

You can sit with a piece of paper and write down, “What does my soul,” or, “What does my higher self,” whichever you prefer, “want to tell me today?”

And then sit and write the words that come to you. Even if you think you are making it up or it’s just your imagination, that’s OK. You do not have to be having some blinding-light, “donk on the head” experience from God. You might not perceive it that way even if you were.

Receiving channeled messages is quite normal for those who call themselves “channelers.” And the normalcy is the aspect they had to understand and come to accept. So, sit and write these words for yourself: “What does my soul want to tell me today?” or “What does my higher self want to tell me today?” As you write the words that come to you in response, which are loving, supportive, and perhaps surprising to you, emotion happens in the body, and allowing and acknowledging the emotions that come up for you is a part of the process. It is the body recognizing something that it has long been thirsty for or starved of. It may not have known it was starved of this sensation, but it feels so nourished and fed, and perhaps surprised.

This is why we encourage doing channeled writing regularly. Even if you only do it for three minutes a day, it has a profound effect on you. We would advise practicing this act at least three times a week. And the more you practice it, the more you will calibrate to love. You will have created a new energetic muscle memory that includes a loving lightness toward yourself.

Lee Harris is the author of Conversations with the Z’s, Book One and Energy Speaks.

A gifted energy intuitive and channeler, he leads a vibrant online community that reaches hundreds of thousands of people every month. His acclaimed online events, members community The Portal, and Top 50 spirituality podcast Impact the World are

adventures into the deepest aspects of living, loving and awakening. Visit him online at leeharrisenergy.com.

Excerpted from the book Conversations with the Z’s, Book One: The Energetics of the New Human Soul. Copyright ©2022 by Lee Harris. Printed with permission from New World Library — newworldlibrary.com.


quantum soul healing


We are living in the most beautiful and sacred of times on planet EARTH, as human beings reconnect to the Divine energy of nature and the Universe itself giving way to remembering that we are eternal and loving souls.

Remembering we are Holy Spirits within our blessed, sacred bodies –abundant, peaceful and powerful. Remembering why we are here – to heal ourselves and our beautiful planet, Mother Earth.

People all over Ireland and the planet are stepping into their true source divinity and tuning into the infinite abundance of Mother Earth, Father Sun and Stars, and the Holy Spirit of our glorious Universe. The science of quantum physics and epigenetics is helping us to understand the true power of healing using heart coherence and our energy fields.

People have come together and found each other via the wonders of the internet and technology. They are now again realising the importance of coming together in person and within the community. From digital and artificial intelligence to natural, organic intuitive intelligence.

One heart – One love. Intelligence by itself is useless without heartfelt feelings and transforming our collective consciousness. Higher states of consciousness of peace, love and joy that are made possible when acting with loving service towards each other while living in resourceful and productive Communities.

One such space and model that teaches and encourages living in peace, love and joy is Anam Croí House on the outskirts of Westport in the West of Ireland.

Anam Croí House and sanctuary was lovingly restored during lockdown with a vision to assist people in healing themselves from disease and trauma through multiple healing modalities, including quantum energy healing and heart-centred coherent energy meditations.

When you arrive, you are warmly invited to leave your phone in the car or turn it off at the door and to take your shoes off – barefoot grounding being vital to remain coherent. The Irish welcome is warm – both from the team and the space. Visitors feel deeply relaxed – as if they have “just arrived Home”.

There are views of spectacular Croagh Patrick or Cruachán Aigle, the Mountain of Eagles, as our Irish ancestors would have known it, and it’s close to the powerful Atlantic Ocean.

Sacred geometry and healing science went into the design and creation of this sacred sustainable space – both inside and out. There are beautiful holistic healing rooms and a sacred space for meditation, yoga, vibrational and movement medicine including dance. Outdoors, there are lovely peaceful gardens, a large wood fired sauna, outdoor spring water ice baths and showers.

Sustainability and care for the environment is embraced and the importance of eating home- grown organic food is seen in its organic vegetable polytunnels and gardens, happy chickens and healthy eggs and happy bees and healthy honey. The house is 70% selfsufficient, powered by renewable solar energy and has backup battery storage.

This healing sanctuary has facilitated recovery for the most broken of souls. Healing from all sorts of horrendous traumas by holding a safe space for their journey from shame,

“A model for individuals to heal, for teams to deepen their bonds and community members to thrive. ”

fear and anger to peace, love and joy – as well as hosting dozens of sublime healing retreats including official Dr Joe Dispenza weekends, Shamanic gatherings, breathwork workshops, ice and sound baths, personal empowerment workshops involving firewalks and other soul coaching techniques. It is a model for individuals to heal, for teams to deepen their bonds and community members to thrive. From flight or fight survival modes to productive, creative, skilled, abundant and joyous states.

are coming together

are co-creating sacred spaces where we reconnect to the frequencies of our touch, light from the Sun and sound found in glorious nature and the Universes.

hearts and our clear intentions are the key – the intention of healing the loving, living organism of humanity and planet Earth.

Anam Croí House is opening up this unique and sacred space to Healing Facilitators, Trainers and Lightworkers who would like to run their courses, workshops and events
LOMI LOMI COURSES LOUISE KLEU LEVEL 1: 17 - 19 February @Aloha House, Co Kerry LEVEL 2: 10 - 12 March @Aloha House, Co.Kerry LEVEL 3: 03 - 07 May @Inch Hideaway, Co Cork More Information? Want in? Ask Louise for all course & retreats: louise@alohahouse ie www.alohahouse.ie The Invitation Aloha House invited Kumu Paʻa Julia Nālani to teach in Ireland so Practitioners & Seekers can learn & experience Traditional Hawaiian Teachings from a recognised Cultural Lineage We warmly welcome all who are interested HAWAIIAN SPIRITUAL HEALING COURSES KUMU PAʻA JULIA NĀLANI ADAMS - 51ST GENERATION TEACHER Internationally recognised training for Practitioners & Seekers First time offered in Ireland Training from one of the oldest continuous Teaching Lineages in Hawaii Training thatʻs the "real deal", lots of 1:1 support & plenty of post- training mentorship The Path to Paʻa: Foundation Teachings for all Hawaiian Spiritual Healing 14 - 16 April. For Seekers and Practitioners Traditional Hoʻoponopono Practitioner Training: 14 - 21 April Residential
in 2023. Please email info@anamcroi.com for more information or visit anamcroi.com

forfood free


“[An edible hedge, or a fruiting hedge] provides separation, shelter from the wind and it produces a variety of fruits that can be eaten..”

A few years ago, there was a big gap in our boundary hedge that borders the small road going past our house and shelters us from the view of passers-by and the noise of rushing tractors and cars. The gap, once useful for delivery of building material, now that the house was finished, needed to be filled. We considered various options: a gate, a stone wall, filling the gap with hawthorn and willow which were already there on either side. In the end we opted for a fruiting or edible hedge - trees, bushes, shrubs and plants that would not only fulfill the function of a hedge, but also produce fruit for us and create a habitat for the various wildlife.

An edible hedge or a fruiting hedge is a useful and attractive feature in any garden. It provides separation, shelter from the wind and it produces a variety of fruits that can be eaten fresh or used to make jam and other specialities. It can also shelter your vegetable garden or become a good backdrop for other ornamental plants and flowerbeds. So, if your neighbour is agreeable, replace your fence with an edible hedge. “Hedgerows are Ireland’s rainforest” ...claims Hedgerows Ireland, an NGO campaigning for both better legal protection and financial incentivisation of hedgerows. With an estimated 689,000 km, hedgerows define the Irish landscape. They are an eco-system where native flora and fauna co-exist in harmony as they have done for centuries. And they are protected from cutting between 1st March and 31st August each year. A statement from the Government explains: “In Ireland, where there is relatively low cover of native woodland, hedges are of exceptional importance in providing food and shelter and habitats and corridors for maintaining wildlife diversity, particularly for birds, but also for other fauna and for wild plants.”

How to plant a native, edible hedge

Now, in the dormant season, is a good time to plan, research and lay the groundwork for a hedge that’s both functional and edible! Begin by clearing the ground of perennial weeds and mulch over with grass cuttings, leaves, cardboard or compost. From November to March is a good time to take action - we planted ours in early March. Create a dense hedge by planting in a zig-zag fashion about 3 feet wide. A mixed-species hedge is best with all those contrasting leaf shapes and colour from flowering favourites such as hawthorn and elderflower. Bare-rooted plants are cheaper and best planted until end of March. The more expensive plants in pots can be planted all year round, but will do best in early spring. If you choose native varieties they will establish quickly, need very little maintenance and adapt to their own light levels and soil needs.

Which trees to plant

Trees like Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Hazel, Birch, Crab Apple, Guelder Rose or Wild Cherry will grow tall and need good spacing in between. Fruit bushes can be planted at very close spacings in a hedge, but it’s still really important to avoid planting too densely as plants will struggle for light and nutrients. If in doubt, consult with your nursery or supplier and follow their recommendations for the spacing of each species. Check for moisture in the soil and, in the unlikely event of dry conditions, water regularly at the beginning. Several wild fruit trees can be trained and contained within a hedge, where they will form a dense habitat while yielding lots of small but delicious or useful fruits.

Foraging at home

Creating an edible hedge means you will be able to forage ‘at home’ and select your favourite wild food. The Elder tree will provide flowers for lemonade and berries for a cough syrup, the Hazel provides springtime catkins – so valued by early pollinators – and nuts in the autumn. The fruits of the Blackthorn are used to make

sloe gin. Dog Roses give you hips for jams and Crab Apples make an excellent jelly. Hardy Fuchsias also make good hedging plants, particularly in coastal locations, and their fruits are edible. Particularly stunning in the springtime is the Wild Cherry with its early appearance of palepink blossoms that help to attract a legion of pollinating insects, which will go on to fertilise other fruit trees.

Another plant that bears masses of flowers and fruits is the Crab Apple, which supports close to 100 species of insects. Wherever you plant it, it’s sure to bring beneficial bugs of all types to your garden. And don’t forget the Quince, whose fragrant fruits make the perfect companion to apples within a pie.

Fruit bushes suitable for inter planting are Raspberries, Bilberries and Blackberries. Other fruiting plants which are suitable, and can grow in half shade, are Alpine Strawberries, Horseradish, Wild Garlic, Nettles. If you plant Blackberry canes, perhaps use a spineless variety to save your fingers when picking and pruning!

Food for free

The gap in our hedge by the road is now closed and the trees and fruit bushes, mainly raspberries, are nearly two meters high and the ground is covered with mostly alpine strawberries. Our raspberry trial this year showed a saving of nearly €400 compared to what we would have spent at the €5-for- two deal in SuperValu. The growing space was around 3 square metres. We also had hawthorn berry chutney, elderflower rob, blackberry jam, horseradish sauce, wild garlic pesto, nettle soup, rosehip honey, quince and crab apple jelly.

Hans Wieland works and teaches at Neantog Kitchen Garden School in Cliffony, Co.Sligo.


christmas cornucopia


Our good friends over at Cornucopia have provided us with a fantastic Tofu recipe that is sure to impress guests this festive season. This is a healthy and nourishing alternative to the traditional foods we see this time of year. Enjoy!


Serves 4

For the tofu

500g block tofu cut into 4 lengths

15g miso 25ml rice vinegar

15ml tamari

10g maple, agave or golden syrup

10g toasted sesame oil

Good pinch of five spice

For the polenta

A little oil for frying

Tbsp minced ginger

2 cloves minced garlic

Shake chili flakes

1 tin coconut milk

600ml stock

170g coarse polenta 50g smooth peanut butter

Tbsp toasted sesame oil

For the onions

1 large or 2 medium onions, thinly sliced

60ml mirin

150ml water [A]

10ml rice vinegar

15ml tamari 25g miso 50ml water [B]

Tbsp corn flour

Tbsp vegan Worcestershire sauce

2 tbsp toasted milled peanuts

Scallions and/or seaweed to garnish


1 First you will need to marinade the tofu. Cut it lengthways into 4 sections, make small incisions all the way down. In a blender or with a bowl and whisk combine all the other tofu ingredients. This will be your marinade. Pour the marinade into a tight-fitting Tupperware and coat the tofu with it. Store the tofu cut-side down in the marinade and leave it for at least 6 hours to absorb and soak up the flavours.

2 For the polenta, in a medium sized saucepan, sweat off the garlic and ginger in a little oil over a medium heat. Add the stock, coconut milk and chilli and bring to a rolling simmer, then rain in the polenta while whisking vigorously. Lower the heat as the polenta begins to thicken. Add the peanut butter and sesame oil, allow the polenta to cook for another couple of minutes over a low heat while stirring. Pour the polenta into a small parchment-lined tray and leave to sit for 4 to 6 hours to firm up fully.

3 In a medium saucepan, over a high heat quickly brown the onions, lower the heat to medium and add the mirin, water A, tamari

and the vinegar. When the onions are soft, add the miso and stir to make sure it is fully dissolved. Make a slurry with the cornflour and the water B and add this to the pot, bring it to a low simmer and the sauce will thicken. You may need to add a little more water at this point to get a nice consistency. Add the Worcestershire sauce and remove the pot from the heat and set aside.

4 When the polenta is firm, tip it out and cut it into wedges. Bake in a preheated oven on a parchment-lined tray for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. On another parchment-lined tray, turn out the tofu, cut-side up to bake. Spoon any remaining marinade over the incised tops and bake alongside the polenta for about 30 minutes.

5 Reheat the sauce and divide it between 4 bowls, add the polenta and top with the tofu followed by a sprinkling of peanuts and the scallions and/or seaweed.

cornucopia.ie instagram.com/plantplaytes

“A fantastic Tofu recipe that is sure to impress guests this festive season.”

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short & sweet

Although I have been gardening for over 30 years now, in the words of Socrates, “I know that I know nothing.”

We are only starting to understand how amazing nature’s intelligence is. There is a constant exchange of energy happening and we are part of it. You might notice how different your energy feels after a walk in the woods. In co-creative gardening we use this energy exchange in a conscious way. For example, if I wanted to plant a rose in my garden, I would first connect to myself (all that I am, not just my mind) and then connect with the deva of my garden to ask, “Is this rose suitable to plant here?”

Personally, I don’t hear the answer, but I might sense it. To verify, I use kinesiology (muscle testing). Try to imagine it as an energy exchange. For a Yes, my body moves forward, using the sway technique. A No would block the flow and my body will lean

backwards. Once we have established a baseline of communication, the opportunities are endless!

It is far more than a gardening technique, more a life skill. The more we can open and sense, rather than think, the deeper the connection becomes – to ourselves and to nature. My knowledge of the structure in nature’s intelligence is based on the Perelandra Garden Workbook by Machaelle Small Wright. If you would like to experience it, join me for a workshop this January. My garden is based near Athenry, Co. Galway.

“Try to imagine it as an energy exchange.”

Target Your Health


Conor Kerley is a man who has turned his own personal adversity into a universal gain. Conor was very into sports as a child. At 15 years of age however, he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). This is quite a debilitating, generally life-long condition affecting the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system).


There are three main aims with The Spine Centre: more energy, more clarity and less stress. Sounds amazing, right? The Spine Centre is focused on connecting your nervous system so you can have the best day. The Spine Centre is run by Dr Micheal D Meyer, a trained physician and spinologist. Mike is a maintenance man, if you will, for the spine. He works closely with each patient, assessing their individual needs. Regular and specific maintenance will allow everyone to function at their peak levels.

For Conor, his core response became a goal “to simply get healthy”. In the following years he formulated and executed a plan to study nutrition and dietetics in Trinity College Dublin. Further studies involved research and Conor began to shine.

Conor then earned his clinical doctorate from the School of Medicine at UCD. He won numerous international awards for research which he personally designed, conducted and published all over the world. While working at a medical centre in the USA, Conor decided to return to Ireland to formulate his own brand of nutrition products, Phytaphix.

“Phytaphix products are all based on my own research and expertise,” he explains. “I focus first on science... As much as possible we focus on food ingredients and Irish ingredients when we can. Of course we manufacture and package in Ireland.”

‘Phyt’, meaning plants in scientific language, indicates the inspiration and source of the nutrition in Phytaphix products. This is natural, plant-based nutritional support using pure and premium food ingredients to create powerful and targeted supplements to help ‘phix’ health.

Immune Phix, a multi-award winning powder that can be added to any food or drink, “is really powerful nutrition. It’s convenient...and very fruity with elderberry, Indian gooseberry, strawberry...it’s quite sweet and pleasant, despite also containing Irish mushroom and Japanese Matcha Green Tea.”

COVMPAQ is a capsule with curcuminoids, vitamin D3, vitamin B12 from Irish mushroom, magnesium from the Irish Sea, piperine, ashwagandha and quercetin. COVMPAQ is based on over 50 clinical research studies and designed to support normal inflammation.

Almost 20 years after his diagnosis, Conor remains healthy and is on a mission to help others ‘phix’ their health.

Your body chemistry determines whether you are going to have a super sharp, laser-focused day or one of those foot-in-bucket days. Body chemistry is controlled by your nerve system and your nerve system works better without any interference. Mike clears any blocks that prevent energy from the brain travelling over the nerves which give vitality and vigour to the body. Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, spinal maintenance can help alleviate stress, which is held in the body. How well your body is working will determine, to some degree, how much adversity you can handle and how much stress you have in your life.

A note from publisher Paul Congdon: Recently I got some spinology treatments which align both your spine and neck as much as your body will naturally allow. Over time it begins to have a greater impact on one’s health as it taps into your system and the alignment turns on your neurological connections. Highly recommended, and Mike at The Spine Centre in Kilcoole is the man for the job.


“Immune Phix, a multi-award winning powder that can be added to any food or drink...”
“Regular and specific maintenance will allow everyone to function at their peak levels.”

Health – the verb

Jonathan Amm is CEO and founder of Wild Atlantic Health based near Kinsale. He and his wife Trish moved from South Africa to Ireland, the land of their ancestors, back in 2008. When Jon received a diagnosis of blood cancer their life took another significant turn, towards health.

“I believe in human agency and selfempowerment,” says Jonathan, explaining how the diagnosis helped forge his mission to increase people’s awareness about the state of their health, so they can take action and improve health, vitality and wellbeing.

“I’d always thought I was healthy, but it made me realise that half of ‘healthy people’ aren’t really healthy. It’s simply that the underlying issues haven’t risen yet to the point of being symptomatic. We founded Wild Atlantic with the belief that prevention is better than cure. Better health begins with knowing your numbers and addressing any nutrient gaps or problems in advance...”

Wild Atlantic launched with easy-touse Vitamin D and Omega 3 Home Test Kits and matching doctor-formulated Health

Real Holistic Dental

Supplements. Jon has truly done his research and quoted numerous studies to me from across Ireland which showed vast tracks of the Irish population to be deficient in Vitamin D, due to lack of sunlight.

Wild Atlantic enables each person to get a picture of their personal ‘baseline’ - their current level of Vitamin D, for example - through a home test kit. A painless pin prick is used to collect a tiny blood spot sample which is then free-posted back to their lab.

With the return of your results via an App comes a whole wealth of information which allows you to make key lifestyle and nutrition changes while tracking your improvements. After all, says Jonathan, “Health is more of a verb than a noun...it’s something we create every day.” His mission with Wild Atlantic is to empower people to put health in their own hands and live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Visit wildatlantichealth.com and use promo code PositiveLife22 for 22% off everything!

When it comes to dental products, I love the idea of taking full responsibility for my own oral health and keeping my visits to the dentist at a minimum. Recently I went on a quest to find a supreme supplier of all things holistic and dental and boy did I find one.

Trina Felber, a registered nurse, saw the importance of dental in relation to our body’s overall functioning and went on a quest after her daughter, only two at the time, developed a cavity. She decided, at such a tender age, it would be best to try and heal it naturally rather than remove the young child’s tooth. From this experience she developed the company’s formula for her Dirty Mouth Toothpowder. It’s formulated with cleansing, mineral-rich bentonite, kaolin, French green clays, and hydroxyapatite to clean, whiten and remineralise your teeth. Sounds amazing, right? I just had to try these products for myself so I received the whitening kit, which has no peroxide and also remineralises the teeth while brightening them naturally.

I was so excited to receive these products and I have to confirm that they are top of the tree when it comes to dental health. I got the toothpowder and the gum serum and it really is like having your own dental hygienist, without the sound effects. The whitening kit

is also a game changer as it comes with three different settings, all set to improve your tooth’s strength and appearance.

Free from peroxide, bleach and chemicals, the whitening gel contains:

• Hydroxyapatite, natural occurring minerals in your teeth to make your teeth stronger

• PAP, a strong stain remover that won’t damage the enamel

• Soothing, whitening and vitamin-rich olive oil

• Mineral-rich bentonite and diatomaceous earth clays that strengthen your teeth and keep your gums healthy

• Cleansing and whitening essential oils that help remove bacteria on gums and teeth, promote fresh breath and whiten teeth.

I have never seen such a complete holistic approach that works. It’s not overnight by the way, you need to wear it for 15 minutes a day for a week initially, and then whenever you need a boost after that - the combo of whitening and improving dental health at the same time is brilliant.

If you’re feeling the need to add some extra dental love into your life, then look no further..


by Paul Congdon
“Better health begins with knowing your numbers and addressing any nutrient gaps or problems in advance...”
“If you’re feeling the need to add some extra dental love into your life, then look no further.”

Your baby suffers from bed-wetting Knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle or foot problems

Respiratory problems

Recurrent urinary infection / urinary incontinence

Depression Fertility issues

I am a nurse with many years of experience, whose passion is holistic medicine. My goal is to improve your health and help you so that you can enjoy the charms of life. If you suffer from pain, stress or other ailments, contact me or book a Bowen Therapy appointment on my website: www.healthyvibes.info. I offer the therapy directly to the patient’s home, should their general health restrain them from moving. Better Body with Bowen Therapy

Contact details: www.healthyvibes.info Email: anna.kmieciak@healthyvibes.info mobile: 089-2509987

Tantric Massage Practitioners Training

I had the honour to attend Nerea Carryon’s course in Thailand, on ‘Tantra Island’ (Koh Phangan) in 2020 and then assist her last year in the hub of conscious community in the Algarve, Portugal, where she also shares heart expansion workshops, temple nights and conscious slow speed-dating!

She is a deeply heart-centred, truthpenetrating force of nature, with a sense of humour! I have never experienced someone hold space in presence like she does. I have cried, laughed, raged and orgasmed in her retreats. I lost and found myself, while also making intimate connections and furthering my knowledge. The big transmission, and what I find exhilarating, is that everything is welcome. For me this is the real Tantra. I learn to accept all of me along with everything else - my dark, light, physical, sexual, spiritual, mental and emotional energy - everything.

I have sometimes thought, “How on earth is she going to deal with these people’s triggers?”

That’s when the real teaching comes in. She slows everything down, looks at you with those big open soft eyes, invites breath, sound, movement, slowness, energy, and a touch with tenderness and precision. Barriers drop. Heart opens. Connection and healing happens. It’s wild.

Here we get to be seen and see others in their most authentic self. We get to learn how to share that in our personal and professional lives through touch and presence. It’s sacred life-changingand worldchanging work!


In serious health stores & available at www wildatlantichealth.com Use PositiveLife22 for 22% off
Did you know Bowen Therapy can help you with the following symptoms?
Lack of sleep / Insomnia Recurring headaches
Stress Neurological Disease Back Pain Sciatica
“Here we get to be seen and see others in their most authentic self.”

The Organic Trust is Ireland’s premier organic certification organisation and is an acknowledged centre of excellence due to the broad range of organic technical expertise available to their members.

They have an unrivalled reputation for standards of excellence in the provision of services; in the friendly and approachable relationship which they nurture with their members and in the rigorous application of the prevailing organic standards. Put simply, the Organic Trust upholds the integrity of organic food.

As a guide, the website is easy to navigate and gives the consumer a one-stop shop for all things organic in many of the main sectors, including health and beauty, growers, importers, distributors and many more.

The Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) provides financial assistance to Organic Farmers through the Department of Agriculture, Food and The Marine (DAFM).

Commenting on the scheme recently, The Organic Trust’s CEO, Stephen Donnelly, said: “We want people to come into organics for the right reasons of sustainability. We want them to come in because they are organically minded. But once people see the benefits…it becomes a bit of a no-brainer.”

I personally love the personal feel of attending an organic market, the hands-on feel you get of the produce, the smells and the banter at the stalls, that personal touch as you engage with the people growing food on our land and the love in their eyes for what they do.

So, over the coming winter months feel free to engage and connect with local farmers in your area and support their love of home-grown seasonal food. And if you need a guide, look no further than The Organic Trust as a resource.


SHORT AND SWEET 48 Milltown Organic Store is a health shop offering a wide range of food, health, gardening & cleaning products, and so much more. We love finding new weird and wonderful products for our customers. You can find anything from Ostrich feather dusters to keyboard brushes to cosy bamboo socks and locally made hand creams & moisturisers. Our shop looks small from outside but you’ll be amazed at the range we have. We source as much of our products as locally as possible. Castlemaine Road, Milltown, Co. Kerry, V93 AYT2 T: 066 9767869 M: 083 0948303 E: milltownorganic@gmail.com Vegan & Gluten Free Snacks & Treats Supplements Organic Compost & Tools Organic Vegetable & Flower Seeds Organic Fruit & Veg Wholefoods Local Veg, Meat & Produce Takeaway Coffee
“I personally love the personal feel of attending an organic market, the handson feel you get of the produce.”
Num 41 Largest wholesale & retail supplier of organic and conventional nuts, seeds, dried fruits, herbs, superfoods, and spices in Ireland. Holiday Season Sale! Use the coupon code below. Valid until Tue sday, 31st of January 2023 @ 23:59 Free Shipping for orders above €50 POSITIVE2023 *coupon code +353 1 612 0462 sales@nutsinbulk.ie www.nutsinbulk.ie

The Trinity Device


The Trinity device was designed to promote health and restore vitality in the body based on safe, gentle bioresonance therapy. The Trinity is a healing device which uses frequencies to realign the energy of the cells and organs for optimal health. Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy using the biophysics of the body, to assist the body to heal itself.

Ivaylo’s interest in BIOMEDIS began when he experienced the healing effect the company’s Trinity device had on his partner’s painful health condition. Ivaylo’s partner was suffering for many years with fibromyalgia; she had tried everything to relieve herself of the pain and other symptoms to no avail. Almost any condition, physical, mental or psycho-emotional will benefit from bioresonance therapy. It does not interfere with conventional treatments and is suitable for children, babies, sensitive patients and even animals.

The Trinity device measures the frequency from the body and picks up any imbalances and then omits the correct frequency for healing many particular ailments. This technology

was formed around the idea that cells and organs that are not performing optimally emit altered electromagnetic waves. Every cell, organ and tissue in the body resonates at a specific frequency, which can be measured.

The detection of these waves can be used to show where imbalances occur, and bioresonance can be used to bring balance and harmony back to the body and mind. The Trinity device comes with 210 programmes designed for the most common ailments, from headaches to anxiety and more. However, there are nearly 2,000 programmes available on the device.

BIOMEDIS Ireland also provides one-toone bioresonance scanning sessions using the most up to date technology, to create a bespoke wellness programme for you. This programme can then be added to your Trinity for your utmost wellbeing.

biomedisireland.com info@biomedisireland.com 085 7261741

“Every cell, organ and tissue in the body resonates at a specific frequency” Seeds Fertilisers Composts Crop Protection Seed Potatoes Quality Tools Supplying Organic Growers in Ireland for 30 years

Sigur Rós Review


Since breaking internationally in 1999 with their uniquely brilliant second album, Ágætis byrjun, which won them the inaugural US Shortlist Prize for Artistic Achievement in Music, Sigur Rós have been a global sensation. From their six number one albums in Iceland to platinum-selling albums and sell-out tours in all directions, it’s hard to think of another band that so creatively fuses the apparent opposing forces of majesty and intimacy.

Drawing on ambient and neoclassical strains as much as rock and shoegaze, they implement minimalist aesthetic elements, transcending a musical landscape, spearheaded by Jónsi’s haunting falsetto and reverberating guitar (often played with a cello bow). If you believe in psycho-geography, it makes sense that the

compact island that Sigur Rós calls home is a wild landscape of volcanic rock, fire and ice, with mountains, glaciers and sea in every direction.

Above is the intro and bio to what Sigur Rós are about and it definitely captures them. However, I arrived at the 3Arena in Dublin recently and I witnessed a sound laboratory and light show like no other. The music and sounds this band produce are like a higher dimensional sound bath that allows you to kick back and immerse your body in its tonal waves. The light show evokes sacred geometry vibes – translucent and beautiful.

If extraterrestrials land soon, I feel they will contact Sigur Rós to do the intro music, and they would be right. The audience was captivated and rendered

silent by such timeless sounds. I have never seen an Irish audience so quiet and respectful of a band, drinking their pints in a haze of awe. If you ever get the chance to see this band live, do it, meanwhile tap them into your playlist and start with my girlfriend’s favourite, All Alright

“The audience was captivated and rendered silent by such timeless sounds.”

Grof® Legacy


The Grof® Legacy Training is based on Dr. Stanislav Grof’s research into psychedelic therapy, holotropic breathwork, transpersonal psychology and spiritual emergencies.

I love working with and experiencing holotropic breathwork. I have been involved in it as a practice for the last 22 years and in running retreats for over 15 years. Originally a midwife and now as a practicing acupuncturist, I have always been fascinated by the idea of how our births can impact on the way we are in our lives, and how by revisiting this we may free ourselves from the fear of death and therefore the fear of transitional change. As we move through our lives, we have multiple episodes of great change which at times need guidance and care. Using such tools as acupuncture during the birthing and dying process helps to release the fear, and by re-experiencing our birth we can also experience how our dying may be. In life we have many psycho spiritual death processes, which when we work consciously can bring about a greater sense of personal power and centeredness.

Holotropic breathwork came about following an intensive period of time in

history, where medical and psychological research trials with LSD were conducted between 1950 and 1976. LSD was isolated in 1948 from ergot, found in the seeds of rye, by a scientist Albert Hoffman. Ergot is a component of ergometrine, which is administered during the birth process to prevent post-partum haemorrhage, due to its uterine contraction action. Centres of research investigated the concept of how LSD could help people in deep depressive states, post-traumatic stress disorder, OCD, addiction and fear of dying. The research repeatedly showed major changes in mood and behaviour from the participants in the trials. In 1976 the US government banned all trials, and until the early 2000s research in official medical centres was prohibited. So Dr. Stan Grof, and his wife Christina, created a system using the breath which also opened the psyche into expanded states of awareness in a profound way.

In the last 20 years there has been a huge revival and renaissance of working with psychedelics and new centres of research have been formed in various parts of the world. The main areas of research are being done using psilocybin mushrooms, (similar to LSD) and MDMA, both of which

have been proven thus far to help with depression, OCD and PTSD.

Many people are seeking faster and deeper healing to their processes which has resulted more than ever in a greater need for well-trained and experienced therapists and guides to assist in holding safe the container for such deep work. Holotropic breathwork facilitation provides a perfect setting for guiding people in their processes.

With this in mind, in 2020 Stan created Grof Legacy Training (GLT), which now has centres in several countries around the globe. He wanted training which would qualify people in holding space, also for those working with psychedelics for therapeutic purposes, to meet the demand which has arisen for safe practitioners. I have the honour of being part of a team, involved in the setting up of the Grof Legacy Training – Nordic Countries Britain & Ireland.

You can find out more about this training at gltnordic.com. To experience Holotropic breathwork you can find out about retreats held at danulodge.com in Co. Wexford.

“As we move through our lives, we have multiple episodes of great change which at times need guidance and care.”
Services and Healing modalities we provide Grof Breathwork (holotropic) workshops Holistic Massage Craniosacral Therapy Acupuncture Reflexology & Reiki Herbal medicine Shamanic healing Residential retreat space Chigong workshops Kundalini Yoga workshops For more details see www.danulodge.com Email kate@danulodge.com Mico-Vir is a food supplement with Reishi & Cordyceps extract The perfect natural synergy for comprehensive action that helps promote recovery Natural, suitable for coeliacs and lactose intolerance, vegetarians and vegans Easy-to-swallow 100% vegetable capsules 100% certified Reishi & Cordyceps Extract Keep Your Defences Up Available from Health Stores Nationwide MUSHROOM BIOSCIENCE Angel Whispers Mary Ivers Psychic Medium and Energy Healing Therapist! Psychic and Mediumship Readings Angel Card Readings Psychometry Rahanni Energy Health Reiki Energy Healing Contact Mary: 0879034462 Email: ivers.emary@gmail.com Online Zoom / WhatsApp and one-to-one Readings Gift Vouchers also available

Eye See You


Your eyes are the windows of your soul, said someone to someone once upon a time. They allow us to feast on everything around us to see it, to see each other, to take it all in. In this job I get to sample a lot of supplements and gadgets and when I find one that does what it says on the tin, I love that, because I always take the natural route, the self-responsibility route.

First things first, our eyes need rest. Palming is something Dr Sam Berne and a lot of ophthalmologists swear by; simply placing your palms over your eyes for even five minutes a day can give them some breathing space. Keep them hydrated and of course fish oils and nutrients help too. In my quest to find something for my eyes I found it right here on my doorstep courtesy of the wonderful research of

one Prof John Nolan who has established the macular pigment research group in Waterford to determine the impact and role of nutrition in eye health. Recently I had spotted some floaters in my own field of vision and upon hearing that from Prof Nolan’s research they had clinically trialled a supplement called VitroCap N which had a 67 % success rate (67% of the active group had reported a marked improvement after six months), I decided to give this product a go.

Having taken VitroCap N now for just under three months, I can say that I concur. You really notice floaters when it’s daylight and you’re in a natural setting like a beach, and the other day I had to strain to find them - they have reduced by about 70 % in terms of quantity and there is less

of a substance to them. I got to witness the effect of nutrition on eyes for myself; this supplement contains a combination of zinc, vitamin c, grape seed extract and lysine. Nutrition and eye health is a lovely partnership and I can testify it works –VitroCap N has the ingredients and the science to back it up. And I guess, with no side effects and no contraindications, just plain old nutrition is doing its job in the human body and helping your body’s natural ability to do the best it can. As soon as I finish this article I’ll log on to their website to order more. If something works, it works.

54The Organic Store


The Organic Store is situated in County Kerry. In a quaint little area called Milltown, this organic health store provides a service of individuality and personalisation. Founded by Mary O’Riordan 22 years ago, it started off as a farmers’ market and is now owned by the wonderful Dolores Prenderville. The store provides a range of products which is their unique selling point. They have an organic gardening section, which includes organic seeds, compost, flower bulbs and a small selection of organic tools. They have locally sourced fresh fruit and vegetables, alongside organic eggs and sourdough. Dolores is a Chinese medical practitioner and has been running the store for a year now. She started off working part-time in the store and when the opportunity came up to buy it, she took it. There’s a sense of community in the store; some of her customers travel an hour out of their way to shop there!

There’s a lot of diversity in the shop. Customers even comment on it to Dolores. “You’ve really done a great job, it’s nice to walk around and wonder what’s in the treasure trove today.” Since it’s located on the Ring of Kerry, it brings in loads of diverse backgrounds and cultures. Tourists have even said how it is the first health store they’ve come across which has really good healthy produce. It’s a gem amongst the beauty of Ireland!!

“There’s a sense of community in the store...”



Menstruation and menopause are like bookends to a woman’s life. These are hugely important transitions for women’s bodies and minds. Even if menopause feels a world away from you right now and you’re rocking in your body, it’s good to know what’s down the line and not be taken unawares!

Menopause – The basics

Each time the body menstruates this signifies the use of one of the eggs stored in our ovaries. The egg gets released (ovulation) into the womb in the hope of becoming a baby. When it doesn’t, menstruation involves the shedding of the lining of the womb which was created to house the burgeoning baby.

Our eggs supply is constantly diminishing in this way and when it gets close to the end of supply, perimenopause sets in. Ovulation becomes irregular and so do our periods. They might get heavier, then lighter, and in general you enter a state of flux as the hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) which regulate menstruation start to change and diminish. This is your indicator that you are nearing menopause.

When you have not menstruated for 12 months, you are then in the state of menopause – the cessation of menstruation.

Menopause – The experience & solutions

Low oestrogen levels are the main source of what women experience after menopause.

Oestrogen levels can drop up to 90 percent and this raises women’s risk for certain health problems. Information is key at this phase in life and our bodies need us to support them at this time.

Heart health – as oestrogen lowers, cholesterol starts to weigh higher. Extra care needs to be put into our diet and exercise. A Mediterranean diet has been proven to be most effective to meet women’s needs at this time of life. Think plant-based foods, whole grains, legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds and extra virgin olive oil. These foods are rich in dietary oestrogen (phyto-oestrogens).

Bone health – significant loss of bone density occurs following menopause. We can work to build up our bones through calcium and vitamin D intake, as well as weight-bearing exercise such as yoga. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, eggs, cheese and meat as these aggravate the loss of calcium from the body.

Bladder health – With the loss of tone and strength in the pelvic floor muscles a common complaint post-menopause, pelvic core strengthening exercises such as Pilates can restore loss of tone in this area.

Hot flashes – Black Cohosh is a great herbal support as well as the aforementioned Mediterranean diet. In this case it is also important to avoid foods which aggravate heat in the body such as spicy foods. Vaginal dryness – Omega supplements

are a powerful support post-menopause to reduce dryness. Pharma Nord do a specific Omega 7 vegan formulation for menopausal dryness using sea buckthorn.

Mental health – It can be harder for women to fall asleep post-menopause, and this is a time in life when meditation, yoga and daily grounding in nature to set your body’s internal day/night rhythm can be hugely beneficial. Valerian root is a wellknown sleep aid and one my own mother swears by.

All in all, menopause is an expansive topic and one that will touch every woman’s life. Taking time to understand its meaning and impact is time well spent and an enormous gesture of self-love. The websites below are some places to help you with your exploration and discovery. Good luck sisters.

jeanhailes.org.au earthmother.ie balance-menopause.com

“Low oestrogen levels are the main source of what women experience after menopause.”
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i’m going to

let it shine


When I was a little girl, I learned a song in school called ‘This Little Guiding Light of Mine’. It was strange because the words of this song actually had such a profound effect on me. Almost fifty years later, I can see how I played out that song in my own life. Often, we underestimate the power of these seemingly small things that we learn when we are young. It turned out that “see this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine” was easier to sing than actually do in real life. I mean, who lets themselves shine? I certainly didn’t for a long time. I hid in the wings, too frightened to go out onto the stage of my life. Yes, I would support others to shine, but to allow myself to “shine bright like a diamond”, well that was another story.

The next line in the song was “don’t you (pouf) my little light out.” I can just see my four-year-old self using this in her head like a mantra, getting quite indignant when anyone put her down or was belittling her. “DON’T YOU (POUF) MY LITTLE LIGHT OUT!” DON’T YOU DARE! At that tender age I actually valued my light, I knew it was there. But what

happened, when did I start to try to “dim to fit in”? Yet another line in this little song was “hide it under a bush, oh no!” Mini guru me loved shouting “OH NO” in junior infants, as we all chimed in together. That four-year-old me was all there, she valued herself; it’s just a pity that as I grew older, I not only tried to hide my own light, I actually tried very hard to pouf it out.

So mini-me started out with an open solar plexus chakra, standing in personal power and self-worth, and somewhere along the way, I managed to slam that door closed. As I grew, I lost my confidence, I began to doubt myself and I would do anything other than let myself shine. Until one day, almost 40 years after I learned that little song, the Universe forced me into a corner. I couldn’t hide anymore. I had to stop trying to be a round peg fitting into a square hole. Finally, pushed to the pin of my collar, I stripped my life bare, only to begin anew. Part of this rebuild was moving countries and cities, getting divorced and arriving back in Dublin with my three children, with no money, no job and nowhere to live. I was on my

own internal pilgrimage. I had come too far away from my light. I had been afraid to listen to and act on my own intuition. I was responsible for that and now I had to rebuild my life with one major differenceit was going to be in accordance with who I really was and not who I thought I should be, or what society dictated to me. I was going to let myself shine. The final line in that song is “take my little light ‘round the world,” and this is what I did when I wrote my first book, The Source: Connect with your Inner Power and Create Your Own Reality.

Let your own light shine, be brave, and what’s more, take every opportunity you can to encourage the children in your life to do the same.

There are some free visualisations on my website to help you. If I can do it, you can too. With love, Jx judithmcadam.com

“Let your own light shine, be brave…”

For women with Dryness and sensitive skin and membranes

• Scientifically documented

• Suited for vegetarians and vegans

• With vitamin A that supports normal skin, vision and mucous membranes

Vaginal dryness, dry eyes and dry mouth are issues women typically experience around and after menopause.

BioActive Omega 7 Pharma Nord is a formula developed to help maintain healthy and well hydrated mucosa at this stage of life.

BioActive Omega 7 Pharma Nord contains the SBA24 extract that is made from both the berries and seeds of Sea Buckthorn to ensure the widest spectrum of beneficial nutrients.

Sea Buckthorn is one of nature’s richest sources of vitamin A, a nutrient that is best known for its ability to maintain normal skin, vision, and mucous membranes.


therapy craniosacral


Eleanor Gibbons’ journey to craniosacral therapy began as a personal path towards healing from physical pain. This had such a profound effect that she left her career in law to retrain as a craniosacral therapist.

The passion in Eleanor’s voice shines through, “We have listening hands,” she says, which are used to identify blockages in a person that they may not be aware of. The power of touch and deep listening cannot be overstated. The aim with craniosacral therapy, ultimately, is to find peace and stillness within – this is body-led work, to get to the root cause of pain. The treatment is so gentle and yet it can be really powerful and suit most people.

Eleanor’s favourite part about her work is the stillness that someone can meet. The person experiencing the craniosacral therapy is “reorganising something, seeing something from a different angle, processing something” that they didn’t realise was there.

The Irish Association of Craniosacral Therapists (IACST) is a voluntary-run organisation, kept going by the will of the therapists and love for what they do. The IACST is calling for more regulations within the field to ensure an authentic experience for those seeking out this form of therapy. They have set incredibly high standards for themselves, so you know

you’re in good hands. Eleanor and the team propelled IACST to formulate their own regulations and procedures. They have cherry-picked the best elements from different modalities of therapy to create an experience of true healing.

Eleanor is based in Ashbourne and also has a clinic in Donegal. You can find out more about her and her work at @the_still_ room_

You can find out more about the Irish Association of Craniosacral Therapists at iacst.ie

“It’s so gentle and yet it can be really powerful”
45 1/8 48 1/8 Geradine Kilkelly Services offered: Cranio Sacral Therapy Biodynamic Psychotherapy Geraldine has a strong belief in the power of bodywork to change your experience of the world, living in Kilcolgan, Co. Galway, Ireland geraldinekilkelly.ie To book an appoointment, please call 085 7666160 MAEVE DALY NATURAL THERAPY CENTRE Foxford, Co Mayo Phone 087 2698665 for appointment Acupuncture, Craniosacral therapy Counselling and Psychotherapy and Reflexology

mars retrograde


This quote comes from a parable about a group of westerners hiking in the Himalayas with Sherpa guides. With a goal and schedule in mind, the westerners were perplexed when the Sherpa guides stopped in the middle of the hike and sat down in silence, as though waiting for something. When asked what they were doing, the guides said, “We’ve travelled a long way, and we’ve climbed to great heights, we cannot move further until our souls catch up with our bodies.”

Currently, we are in the middle of a Mars retrograde and a lengthy season of Mars in Gemini. Mars entered the sign of Gemini on August 20, 2022, and will leave Gemini on March 25, 2023. This is a very long time for the planet Mars to be massaging through a specific part of the sky, i.e. a specific part of your chart. The retrograde of Mars began on October 30, 2022, and will end on January 12, 2023.

As a symbol, Mars represents our drive, ambition, action, forward motion, our relationship with sex, and how we recognise and go after what we want. When Mars is retrograde, all of these

topics might come to the surface to been seen in a different light. During Mars retrograde, it’s possible to feel confused, powerless, unsure, unmotivated, or even victimised and overwhelmed by these topics.

In a culture where it’s common to blast through experiences like scrolling through Instagram reels, we often miss the opportunity to digest what has just happened.

I love the concept of taking time to “digest experiences” during Mars retrograde. This could be something simple like not scheduling things back to back; having 30-minute windows between your appointments. After meeting with a friend, don’t immediately check your phone once your visit is over. If you have a big party planned one day, schedule the next day for self care and something quiet. This task might not be easy, but Mars retrograde is inviting awareness around our actions and activity. Even if you find yourself feeling scattered, frustrated, or totally overwhelmed, it’s okay. It’s not about “doing the retrograde

well”, it’s about asking what could have been done differently to avoid the overwhelm, or how you might plan differently next time.

A big theme for this retrograde has to do with surrendering what is out of your control, having faith, and trust.

For those who are more prone to holding on to things and being in control, releasing the grip might be a big exercise during this time. For those who would consider themselves non-confrontational and able to go with the flow, the exercise might be to trust your intuition and not be so easily swayed by others’ will.

Rachelle Hicks is a Dublin-based astrologer offering one-to-one chart readings and personal astrology forecasts online through Zoom. rachellehicks.com @rachellehicksastrology
“We’ve travelled a long way and we’ve climbed to great heights, we cannot move further until our souls catch up with our bodies.”
“I love the concept of taking time to ‘digest experiences’ during Mars retrograde.”

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