EFTERSKOLEDIGTE The best year of my life The best year of my life I think that’s the sentence I heard most over the summer It’s gonna be the best year of your life. But what does that even mean? You see, it’s gonna take some time and a lot of work for us to get there. To where so many before us were. To where we say that was the best year of our lives. And that’s okay. What you need to understand about this type of school is that it is not all cloud-free skies There will be storms and rain. And some days you just want to give up … But that’s when you have to remember the good times, Because those make it all worth it, Those are what makes this the best year of your life, So far anyway. All through your life you will meet people you don’t get along with, and this is no different. It can be both other students and teachers, but here you can learn to handle it, To deal with the difficult. Here you are social 24/7 and as exhausting as that is, It also brings us that much closer and teaches us to tolerate those we disagree with. Now don’t get me wrong there is usually a great atmosphere for the general student body, but you can’t walk in expecting that you will be best friends with everyone and that it’s gonna be all rainbows and unicorns, Cause you are gonna get disappointed. But that just means you have to take control You have to make this the best year of your life. You can use this opportunity for personal growth. You can learn so much, both from yourself, from others, and from the school. Really this place is just a stepping stone for the future. Your Future. And it’s up to you to decide how and if you want to use it to further your skills. Of course it’s okay, more than okay, to have bad days, But ultimately, it’s up to you to decide how you use the school to propel further down the path to your future. How you are gonna get the most out of this year, whether it’s the best year of your life or not.
16 SKOLEÅRET 2019/20