Stamp News 2

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Stamp News New Stamps from Iceland March-May 2013

Stamp Exhibitions Postphil will participate in the 23rd International Philatelic Exhibition in Essen, Germany, May 2nd-4th 2013. NORDIA 2013, Garðabær, Iceland, 7th-9th June 2013.

NORDIA 2013. Ásgarður Sports Center, Garðabær.

Special cancellations Only ordinary items will be accepted for cancellation. Minimum postage ISK 175.

Last Day Cancellation A special cancellation on July 3rd 2013 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the final day of the volcanic eruption in the Westmann Islands. The eruption started on January 23rd 1973.

ICELAND POST - POSTPHIL Storhofdi 29 110 Reykjavik ICELAND Tlf.: +354 580 1050 • Fax: +354 580 1059 E-mail:

Front page: The Reykjavík Gay Parade


NORDIA 2013 The Icelandic Philatelic Federation will be arranging a Nordic Philatelic Exhibition between 7th and 9th May 2013. The Exhibition goes by the name of NORDIA 2013, which is in accordance with a long standing Nordic tradition. Nordia 2013 is the sixth Nordic philatelic exhibition arranged in Iceland. The IPF has participated in these internordic exhibitions more or less ever since 1978. The first Nordic exhibition arranged by the IPF was Nordia 84 (1984). Later came the Nordia 91, Nordia 96, Nordia 2003 and Nordia 2009. These exhibitions were all arranged with great success in Reykjavík. This time the exhibition will be arranged in nearby Garðabær and is expected to cover about 700 exhibition frames. The Exhibition Committee hopes the exhibition will be successful and that collectors in member clubs of the Nordic national federations as well as members of the Scandinavian Collectors‘ Club in USA will prepare their exhibits in such a way that visitors be acquainted with the diverse cultural aspects of philately. Further information can be found at the website


2 013

Icelandic Contemporary Design IV – Grap 14.03.2013 Theme: Icelandic Contemporary Design IV – Graphic Design Issue: 586A-D Design: Örn Smári Gíslason Siggi Odds (drawing) Ragnar Freyr (drawing) Rán Flygenring (drawing) Siggi Eggertsson (drawing) Printer: Joh. Enschedé Process: Offset Litho (CMYK) + 1 Pantone silver Stamp size: 28,5 x 40 mm Sheet configuration: 10 stamps Paper: Tullis Russel 110 gsm Price: 50g domestic (120 ISK) 250g domestic (155 ISK) 100g to Europe (300 ISK) 100g outside Europe (475 ISK) Total issued: 500.000 Issued pr. value: 586A: 140.000 586B: 120.000. 586C: 120.000 586D: 120.000






phic Design

The fourth stamp series on contemporary Icelandic design is dedicated to graphic design. The motifs are the work of four young graphic artists. Sigurdur Oddsson was born in 1985 and grew up mostly in Vancouver, Canada. There he became acquainted with native Indian art which influences his imagery. He graduated from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2008. He has worked for the art, fashion and music industry. Ragnar Freyr Pálsson was born in 1980. He graduated from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2005 and went to study at the Iceland University of Education. Ragnar founded his workshop in Reykjavik 2001. In his art and design Ragnar emphasizes simplicity and minimalism. Rán Flygenring was born in Oslo 1987 and grew up in Reykjavík. She graduated as a graphic designer in 2013. She was the Court Designer of the City of Reykjavík in 2011 and won the German Children Book award for the book ”Frerk, du Zwerg”. Sigurdur Eggertsson was born in Akureyri 1984. He studied graphic design at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. He studied at the Weißensee Academy of Arts in Berlin and completed his studies in Iceland. He lives in Berlin and works for clients around the world.


14.03.2013 Theme: The Automobile Age 1913-2013 Issue: H101, H02 Design: Hlynur Ólafsson Printer: Joh. Enschedé Process: Offset Litho (CMYK) + 1 Pantone colour Stamp size: 39,00 x 27,00 mm Booklet size/closed: 55 x 90 mm Booklet configuration: 4 stamps Paper: 246 gsm self-adhesive Price: B50g domestic non priority mail (103 ISK) x 4 =412 ISK 50g to Europe (175 ISK) x 4 = 700 ISK Total issued: 60.000 Issued pr. value: 30.000



The Automobile Age 1913-2013 The actual Automobile Age in Iceland began in 1913 when the first Ford T car came to Iceland. The stamps depict four old automobiles. Ford Model T lorry. Cars of the type T Ford proved that cars were the most suitable means of transport for Iceland. Ford T was a reliable, simple and relatively inexpensive car. The lorries arrived in Iceland without superstructure. The Icelandic design of the drivers’ cabins and platforms for imported lorries was unmatched anywhere in the world. The Chevrolet dual purpose vehicle like the one stamp shows seated 10 passengers. The car was built in 1942 and was new when it was imported in 1943. It was used for transporting goods and passengers in Eyjafjordur. It is now preserved in the Museum of Transport in Óslandshlíð in Skagafjordur. Mercedes Benz passenger vehicle (bus) is depicted on the stamp. The car is a 1957 model, imported in 1962 and used on the Siglufjordur route for 10 years until it was sold to the East of Iceland where it was used for a few more years. The car is now on display at the Museum of Transport. Bedford fire engine. In the mid-late 20th century 68 fire engines of the type Bedford were imported to Iceland. Up to that time only fire pumps had been used and the arrival of the Bedford fire engines was considered the greatest revolution in fire prevention in rural areas. 6

Brjóti› saman og hefti› / Fold og hæft / Fold and staple / Falten und befestigen / Pliez et agrafez

Pöntun / Bestilling / Order form / Bestellung / Commande

March-May 2013

Já takk! Ég panta hér með eftirfarandi YES, please! I would like to order the following item(s) Nr. No.

Lýsing Item

Mars / March 2013 586SET Íslensk samtímahönnun IV - Grafísk hönnun - sett Icelandic design IV - Graphic design - Set of stamps 586FDCS Fyrstadagsumslag með setti (FDCS) First Day Cover w/set (FDCS) 586FDC1 4 fyrstadagsumslög með stökum frímerkjum (FDC1) 4 First Day Covers w/single stamps (FDC1) 586FDC4 4 fyrstadagsumslög með fjórblokk (FDC4) 4 First Day Covers w/blocks of four (FDC4) 586SET4A Íslensk samtímahönnun IV - fjórblokk úr efri kanti Icelandic design IV, block of 4, upper edge 586SET4B Íslensk samtímahönnun IV - fjórblokk úr neðri kanti Icelandic design IV, block of 4, lower edge 586SORK Íslensk samtímahönnun IV - örk með 10 frímerkjum Icelandic design IV, sheet of 10 586FDCB Autt fyrstadagsumslag útgáfunnar First Day Cover of the issue - blank 101HEF4 Bílaöld-Hefti m/4 frímerkjum The Automobile Age, booklet of 4 stamps 101FDCS Fyrstadagsumslag með setti (FDCS) First Day Cover w/set (FDCS) 102HEF4 Bílaöld-Hefti m/4 frímerkjum The Automobile Age, booklet of 4 stamps 102FDCS Fyrstadagsumslag með setti (FDCS) First Day Cover w/set (FDCS) 101/102 Autt fyrstadagsumslag útgáfunnar First Day Cover of the issue - blank FDCB Maí / May 2013 587SET Bæjarhátíðir - sett Town Festivals - Set of stamps 587FDCS Fyrstadagsumslag með setti (FDCS) First Day Cover w/set (FDCS) 587FDC1 5 fyrstadagsumslög með stökum frímerkjum (FDC1) 5 First Day Covers w/single stamps (FDC1) 587FDC4 5 fyrstadagsumslög með fjórblokk (FDC4) 5 First Day Covers w/blocks of four (FDC4) 587SET4A Bæjarhátíðir - fjórblokk úr eftri kanti Town Festivals, block of 4, upper edge 587SET4B Bæjarhátíðir - fjórblokk úr neðri kanti Town Festivals, block of 4, lower edge 587SORK Bæjarhátíðir - örk með 10 frímerkjum Town Festivals, sheet of 10 587FDCB Autt fyrstadagsumslag útgáfunnar First Day Cover of the issue - blank 588SET Evrópufrímerki 2013, póstbílar - sett Europa stamps 2013, Postal Vehicles - Set of stamps 588FDCS Fyrstadagsumslag með setti (FDCS) First Day Cover w/set (FDCS) 588FDC1 2 fyrstadagsumslög með stökum frímerkjum (FDC1) 2 First Day Covers w/single stamps (FDC1) 588FDC4 2 fyrstadagsumslög með fjórblokk (FDC4) 2 First Day Covers w/blocks of four (FDC4) 588SET4A Evrópufrímerki 2013 - fjórblokk úr efri kanti Europa stamps 2013, block of 4, upper edge 588SET4B Evrópufrímerki 2013 - fjórblokk úr neðri kanti Europa stamps 2013, block of 4, lower edge 588SORK Evrópufrímerki 2013 - örk með 10 frímerkjum Europa stamps 2013, sheet of 10 588FDCB Autt fyrstadagsumslag útgáfunnar First Day Cover of the issue - blank

Óstimplað fjöldi Mint No. of items

Stimplað fjöldi Útg.d. stimplað -fjöldi Regular Day Fist Day Cancellation Cancellation No. of items No. of items

Verð Price ISK

Verð Price1 €



























































Samtals Total

Nr. No.

H103S 103HEFT H104S 104HEFT 103/104 FDCS 103/104 FDC1 589BLOK 589FDCS 589FDCB B108 K010 K011 K012

Óstimplað fjöldi Mint No. of items

Lýsing Item

Stimplað fjöldi Útg.d. stimplað -fjöldi Regular Day Fist Day Cancellation Cancellation No. of items No. of items

Evrópufrímerki 2013 - stakt frímerki úr hefti 175 Europa stamps 2013, single stamp from booklet Evrópufrímerkin 2013 - Hefti m/10 frímerkjum 1.750 Europa stamps 2013, booklet of 10 stamps Evrópufrímerki 2013 - stakt frímerki úr hefti 230 Europa stamps 2013, single stamp from booklet Evrópufrímerkin 2013 - Hefti m/10 frímerkjum 2.300 Europa stamps 2013, booklet of 10 stamps Fyrstadagsumslag með setti (FDCS) úr heftum 475 First Day Cover w/set (FDCS) from booklets Fyrstadagsumslag með stökum frím. (FDC1) úr heftum 545 First day cover w/single stamps (FDC1) from booklets Nordia 2013, Norðurljós - smáörk 700 Souvenir sheet: Nordia 2013 - Aurora Borealis Fyrstadagsumslag með setti (FDCS) First Day Cover w/souvenir sheet (FDCS) Autt fyrstadagsumslag útgáfunnar First Day Cover of the issue - blank Safnarabíll nr. 8, íslenskir póstbílar „kassabíll“ Model car no. 8. Icelandic postal vehicles, postal truck Póstkort, stakt án frímerkis Postcard without any stamps Póstkort m/setti af Evrópufrímerkjum 2013 Postcard w/set of Europa stamps 2013 2 póstkort með stökum Evrópufrímerkjum 2013 2 postcards w/single Europa stamps 2013


*According to Rate of Exchange pr. 01.02.2013 Þjónustugjald er lagt á allar pantanir, 200 kr. á fasta áskrift, 300 kr á stakar pantanir. A service fee is added to all orders - 200 ISK for subscription and 300 ISK for extra orders.

Verð Price1 €

Verð Price ISK

1,00 10,00 1,35 13,50 2,75 3,15 4,05













ISK / €

Burðargjöld vegna þyngri póstsendinga, s.s. fyrir safnarabíl nr. 8, er samkvæmt gildandi verðlista Póstsins. Postage rates for heavier packages, such as model car No. 8 will be charged according to Iceland Post valid price list.

Samtals Total

Verðskrá – Price List Bréfapóstur – Almenn bréf / Letters – Regular letters Innanlands Domestic

Til Evrópu To Europe

Þyngd Weight

A-póstur Priority

B-póstur Economy 103 ISK

A-póstur Priority

Utan Evrópu Other countries

B-póstur Economy

A-póstur Priority

B-póstur Economy 205 ISK

0-50 g

120 ISK

175 ISK

160 ISK

230 ISK

51-100 g

125 ISK

300 ISK

270 ISK

475 ISK

425 ISK

101-250 g

155 ISK

580 ISK

520 ISK

955 ISK

860 ISK

251-500 g

225 ISK

501-1000 g

480 ISK

Ekki í boði Not available

1.025 ISK

925 ISK

1.745 ISK

1.570 ISK

1.765 ISK

1.590 ISK

2.690 ISK

2.420 ISK

1001-1500 g

565 ISK

2.410 ISK

2.170 ISK

3.645 ISK

3.280 ISK

1501-2000 g

630 ISK

2.865 ISK

2.580 ISK

4.345 ISK

3.910 ISK

Verð eru án póstburðargjalda sem leggjast á þyngri vörur samkvæmt gjaldskrá Póstsins júlí 2012

Pöntun / Order form

Prices do not include postage which will be added to heavier products according to Iceland Post price list July 2012

Breyting á greiðslumáta / Change mode of payment

Kennitala/Kundenummer /Customer No./Kunden-Nr./No. de client

Íslandspóstur Frímerkjasala


Stórhöfða 29


110 Reykjavík

Póstnr./Postnr./Postal Code/PLZ/Code Postal:

Sími: 580 1050


Fax: 580 1059


Greiðslumáti / Betalingsmetoder / Mode of payment / Zahlungsart / Mode de paiement VISA MASTERCARD

American Express

Beingreiðsla (Iceland only)

Póstkrafa (Iceland only)

(500 kr. bætast við í póstkröfugjald)

Kort nr./Card no. /Karte Nr./Carte nr.: Gildir til/Gyldig/ /Gültig bis/Date d'exp.:

Undirskrift/Underskrift/ Signature/Unterschrift: Bankareikningur: 528-26-3035. Kennitala Frímerkjasölu: 701296-6139


Model car no. 8 K010 This model car, size 1:87, is a representative of the lorries that Iceland Post uses for mail transport in the Reykjavik metropolitan area, and to Suรฐurnes and Selfoss in South and South-West Iceland. It is one of 1200 numbered models issued by Postphil on May 2nd 2013. The model comes with a certificate of origin and a postcard, seen on this page, without a stamp. Price: 3750 ISK


The postcard is also available as follows: K010 K011 K012



Postcard without any stamps. ISK 150 1 postcard w/set of Europa stamps 2013. ISK 555 2 postcards w/single Europa stamps 2013. ISK 705

Town Festivals 02.05.2013 Theme: Town Festivals Issue: 587A-E Design: Linda Ólafsdóttir Printer: Joh. Enschedé Process: Offset Litho (CMYK) Stamp size: 33,35 x 28,00 mm Sheet configuration: 10 stamps Paper: 196 gsm self-adhesive Price: B50g domestic non priority mail (103 ISK) B50g domestic non priority mail (103 ISK) 50g domestic (120 ISK) 50g domestic (120 ISK) 50g domestic (120 ISK) Total issued: 600.000 Issued pr. value: 120.000



The number of town festivals held in Iceland in the summer has been increasing in recent years. They have become a valued part in the cultural life of many towns and communities in the country. The Reykjavík Gay Parade is held annually in the month of August. This festival originated in the U.S. and is now being held on most summer weekends around the world. The Gay Parade was first celebrated in Iceland in 2000. Never Been South music festival was first held in Ísafjörður in 2004. It is considered a special occasion because of its location and framework. It has had a positive impact on the local community and Ísafjörður has renewed its image as music town. 12




The Great Fish Day is a family festival which is held on the first Saturday after the bank holiday weekend. The aim of the festival is for people to gather together, have fun and enjoy eating fish. The festival offers an array of entertainments. The Smelter music festival in Borgarfjordur Eystri has over the years established itself as an important link in Iceland’s musical life. Concerts are being held in an old herring factory which the locals convert into a concert hall once a year. The Vestmannaeyjar National Holiday was first held in 1874. The islands’ Sports Association organizes the holiday which has evolved into one the country’s most ambitious music festival and has never been cancelled due to weather or natural disasters on the islands. 13

02.05.2013 Theme: Europa Stamps 2013 – Postal Vehicles – Booklets Issue: H103, H104 Design: Bergþóra Birgisdóttir Printer: Cartor Security Print Process: Offset Litho (CMYK) Stamp size: 40,00 x 25,30 mm Booklet size/closed: 95 x 145 mm Booklet configuration: 10 stamps Paper: 247 gsm self-adhesive Price: 50g to Europe (175 ISK) 50g outside Europe (230 ISK) Total issued: 26.000 Issued pr. value: 13.000



Europe Stamps 2013 – Postal Vehicles 02.05.2013 Theme: Europa Stamps 2013 – Postal Vehicles Issue: 588A-B Design: Bergþóra Birgisdóttir /Sverrir Björnsson and Arnaldur Halldórsson (photos) Printer: Cartor Security Print Process: Offset Litho (CMYK) Stamp size: 40,00 x 25,30 mm Sheet configuration: 10 stamps Paper: 247 gsm self-adhesive Price: 50g to Europe (175 ISK) 50g outside Europe (230 ISK) Total issued: 450.000 Issued pr. value: 588A: 300.000 588B: 150.000

13 20





The theme of the Europa stamps 2013 is postal vehicles in use in Iceland. The stamps also commemorate the 20 anniversary of PostEurop, the organization of postal operators in Europe. Iceland Post operates one of the country’s largest fleet of vehicles, totaling 110 cars which only handle mail transport. The total driving distance is around 3.5 million km a year, not including the rural post which is responsible for mail trans­port in rural areas. Iceland Post has adopted environmental policies and monitors carbon emissions by the vehicle fleet. About one-third of all postal cars in the metropolitan area are methane vehicles, and the aim is to increase such environ­ ment-friendly vehicles. The combustion of methane instead of gasoline or diesel fuel emits much less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Eleven years ago Iceland Post started using the first methane gas vehicle. In all automobiles GPS trackers record information on driving behavior. With them cars can be monitored in real time on a computer screen which shows the location of the cars, their speed and direction. This technology significantly improves the organization of postal services R 02. 05. around the country. The cars on stamps GU are Ford Transit 350m, model 2012 and Man TGS, model 2010.

588B 14

Nordia 2013 – Northern Lights 02.05.2013 Theme: Nordia 2013 – Northern Lights Issue: 589A Design: Hlynur Ólafsson / Olgeir Andrésson (photos) Printer: Joh. Enschedé Process: Offset Litho (CMYK) + Pantone gold Stamp size: 36,20 x 23,68 mm Sheet size: 113 x 70 mm Paper: 196 gsm self-adhesive Price: 50g to Europe (175 ISK) x 4 = 700 ISK Total issued: 80.000

589A The Nordic stamp exhibition NORDIA 2013 will take place in Ásgarður Sports Center, Garðabær on 7th-9th June 2013. This is the sixth time that the NORDIA exhibition is held in Iceland. On this occasion Iceland Post will issue a souvenir sheet as it has done in the past with the Northern Lights as its theme. The sun continually emits a so-called solar wind which is a stream of electrically charged particles. The earth‘s magnetic field repels these particles except around the geomagnetic poles where some of them get through. When they collide with the earth‘s ionosphere in an altitude of about 100-250 km molecules particles in the atmosphere become excited and emit light which we call the northern or the southern lights. The effects of solar wind are greatest at a collar round the magnetic poles, where the aurora (Northern and Southern Lights) is most prominent. Under normal circumstances Iceland is in the aurora collar during the night. The northern lights can be seen anywhere in Iceland when the so-called aurora collar is over the country on a dark cloudless night. The size and magnitude of the aurora collar is variable depending on solar activity and the solar wind. Small solar activity usually creates a small collar while greater activity results in a large and extensive collar. 15

Icelandic stamps on Facebook

In February 2012 Postphil created a group on Facebook which is dedicated to Icelandic stamps. Postphil has thus joined numerous postal administrations represented on this by far the largest social networking service in the world. They include philatelic sales departments such as the Faroe Islands, Aland, the Isle of Man, Norway, India and Austria. You will find our Facebook group under “Icelandic stamps“. There you can browse through interesting material about stamps and related products, various news, entertainment, images of Icelandic stamps and much more. By creating this Facebook group we at Postphil want to provide accessible and interesting information about our philatelic activities, giving you the opportunity to communicate directly with us. We will respond quickly to all inquiries and answer smilingly all your suggestions and comments. We are always happy to hear from our customers and all those showing interest in Icelandic stamps. Please check in at and be a part of the action. All information comes in Icelandic and English.

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