15 minute read
from Pacesetter
PGMAG: Lisa, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita.
LV: Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you. I’m thrilled to be here. We share a mission so dear to my heart. Like you, I’m driven to support others to heal from within, find their voice, and stand in their power. It’s my greatest passion, and I’ve channeled that energy into everything I do personally and professionally. I’m grateful to you for shining a light on so many leaders who are speaking their truth and making a positive global impact.
PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
LV: I’m Lisa Vrancken, and I’m an award-winning television producer, brand strategist, marketing expert, public speaker, book author, and business consultant. I'm a leader, entrepreneur, mentor, and a lover of life.
I was raised in a sleepy, idyllic town in upstate New York. My father was a popular restaurateur, and secretly, he was a violent alcoholic. I was the baby of the family, tenderly close to my older sister and brother, and fiercely protective of my mother. It wasn’t until I turned thirteen, after my brother had married and my sister was graduating high school, that my mom finally found the courage to leave. I’m not ashamed to say it: the early years were highly dysfunctional, but these experiences made me the strong and compassionate woman I am today. I was the textbook child of an alcoholic. I became an overachiever with the “disease to please,” but I channeled it into my education. At the time, I aspired to be a champion for civil rights. I interned with the ACLU at the height of the AIDS crisis, and I had a coveted internship position with one of the largest sex discrimination firms in the country. During undergrad, I envisioned making real change on a political level. I worked on The Hill under Geraldine Ferraro, the first female VP democratic candidate in U.S. history.
My a-ha moment didn’t come until my third year of law school. After four years of undergrad and three years working towards a law degree, I had the realization that I was on the wrong path. I saw firsthand the inequalities in the judicial system, especially for lowincome women. My definition of success had changed, and I went on to pursue my own vision of my future.
My experiences gave me a profound, unshakable calling to protect women. I found my voice in the world of visuals and video. I created a minidocumentary on the tough-butimportant topic of childhood sexual abuse called Raising Humanity, and earned a Silver Telly Award as the Executive Producer.
Today, I guide entrepreneurs to make quantum leaps, have breakthroughs, and build stable, personally fulfilling businesses. I’ve received accolades for my ability to deliver powerful business narratives through video storytelling. I spearhead all aspects of creative production and project management to position companies and products for success.
I’ve produced thousands of TV segments for big and small companies alike, and I created the globally-attended quarterly event Innovator’s Think Tank, hosted by Kevin Harrington, the original Shark from the Emmy award-winning television show Shark Tank. I love to build long-lasting relationships with my clients on their journeys to success.
PGMAG: As a leader, what are some of the keys to building a sustainable business?
You are mind, body and spirit, and each element comes together to make your work-life sustainable.
I’m spiritual and businessminded, simultaneously. I believe you can’t be successful without filling your own cup first. I live close to the water in Florida, and I find restoration and healing in nature. I meditate, practice kickboxing and martial arts, and go horseback riding whenever I can. I love to cook, entertain, and spend time with my big Italian family. A healthy worklife balance takes dedication to self-care...I always come back to myself, so I can bring the best of me to my business. I’ve lived many lives, and I know from experience: there’s no reason to be afraid of the pivot. Most of us have more than one passion in life. Be willing to explore what lights your heart and soul. When you find what resonates, it will ignite the torch of promise. Be willing to reinvent yourself without caring what others think. You’re the only one who can design your own beautiful life. Nobody can do that for you; nobody is going to save you. You need to learn how to save yourself and do what’s best for you.

Today, our personal and professional lives are intertwined. So, go after your vision and the money will follow. The quote “growth and comfort cannot coexist” rings true. Strive to be the highest version of yourself. You need to be willing to take risks and take action. Don’t get discouraged if you experience some disappointments, and don’t let yourself be overcome by fear...it’s part of the territory. I like to think of every failure as one step closer to success. Take the quantum leap, when you intuitively know it's right. You can only make these kinds of sustainable decisions when you’re taking the time to take care of you.
PGMAG: What is your message for the youth?
Take the time to learn about consciousness work and the limiting beliefs that may have been programmed in your early years, from your first day in the womb to the age of eight. Be open to uncovering your blocks and gain awareness of the false narratives that play in your head. The willingness to peel back your onion skin and address what’s at the core will be highly liberating, and it will lead to a major shift in your thinking.
Do the work that’s necessary to make healthier choices by rewiring and reframing the way you think. It’s a process and it doesn’t happen overnight. However, becoming more self-aware is a necessary step to getting on the right path. Incorporate spiritual practices into your daily routine to keep centered. Be compassionate with yourself and others, remembering we’re all the same. We’re all seeking a life that fulfills us and brings us joy. Share your talents and gifts with the world and proudly BE.. uniquely you!
PGMAG: A lot of people struggle with low self-esteem and this has prevented them from living a fulfilled life. What is your message for such individuals?
LV: We all have talents and gifts, even if you can’t see them just yet. Give yourself credit for what you’re good at. Many women I’ve worked with confided in me that they don’t know what they’re good at, if anything at all. They felt lost, and we’ve all been there. I always recommend that you take time to uncover the personality traits and characteristics that make you who you are. Write in a journal all the activities you enjoy doing in your free time. Reflect on the things you were good at as a child. Ask your loved ones to give an honest opinion and help you identify your greatest strengths and skills. See if any patterns appear and take notes. Embarking on self-discovery is a real eye-opener, and many who do the work are pleasantly surprised by what they learn. Forgive yourself for the choices that didn’t serve you. Instead, see these experiences as valuable for the important life lessons you were taught. Become aware of your own internal dialogue—words matter. Learn how to reframe your thoughts and speak to yourself kindly. Challenge yourself to push through those negative beliefs and learn about fixed mindset vs. growth mindset. Once you have an understanding of how you’re engaging in self-sabotage, you can see how to change those old patterns and shed the limiting beliefs holding you back.
PGMAG: Please tell us about your new book (BE…From Passion and Purpose to Product and Prosperity).
LV: This book was written by women, for women. A collaboration with my coauthors Ashley Black and Korie Minkus, our book is the culmination of a century of experience in entrepreneurship and the dynamic world of products. BE… From Passion and Purpose to Product and Prosperity is a hybrid of personal development, selftransformation, tapping into your unlimited potential, and embracing your entrepreneurial spirit. It’s taking your ideas and turning them into action, and creating a blueprint for your beautiful life and the business of your dreams. It’s centered around finding your passion and purpose, creating a product, and seamlessly bringing it to market.
As experts in the product world, we've walked the path of entrepreneurship. Every day, we’re on the ground helping to launch products and scale businesses. We’ve worked with thousands of female entrepreneurs from every corner of the globe, from women who just have an idea to those who are already running nine-figure businesses. Now, we’re giving women the real-life tools to do the same.
The book is honest, sincere, and real. Before you can enter the product world, you need to step confidently into your power. You need to dig out your passion and align yourself with your purpose. Our book is the fuel, the impetus, the catalyst to make something click. It’s a synthesis of decades of our expertise combined with the spiritual practices to bring heart to your personal and professional endeavors.
Women make up 40 percent of all entrepreneurs worldwide— that’s 400 million gamechanging fabulous women who are either starting or running businesses around the world today. At no other point in history has there been so much opportunity for women to tap into their limitless potential. So, we created “The Writing of the Book,” a private Facebook group for women, where thousands could be vulnerable about what held them back and prevented their prosperity. We hosted Facebook Live events with an array of experts and we worked to answer the most critical questions about life and business. We created a safe space for women to be whoever they want to be.
In more than a year of writing, we heard so many different perspectives. Our book contains candid interviews from dozens of masters in their respective fields, and perspectives from well-known celebrity entrepreneurs and the everyday women making their indelible marks. Throughout the book, we honor the women who came before us and the women who are just beginning to conceptualize world-changing ideas. Our stories, and those of the women we feature in this book, embody what the courage to persist looks and feels like from a woman's perspective. We believe it’s time to highlight real-life stories of female entrepreneurship, and our book is a celebration of taking that ancient goddess vibe into the boardroom and beyond.
We share the holistic practices we know are necessary to maintain the staying power to take product ideas to market and beyond. By working together, we’ve built a movement of thousands. The BE.. Movement channels the energy of the Divine Feminine, the power of collaboration, and the support of community. We intend to continue to showcase our followers on our platforms as they launch and scale their product-based business, provide ongoing encouragement, and ultimately create a female entrepreneur culture in which all women can rise to success. There's a need for the BE… Movement to carry on, and we'll carry this torch proudly.
PGMAG: Please tell us more about your professional life and entrepreneurial endeavors.
LV: I’m a serial entrepreneur, and I’m currently working on multiple exciting projects. I also serve as the Executive VP at Fortune Media Group, where we’ve worked to break barriers and redefine the art of corporate videos. From direct and brand response commercials to viral call-toaction video entertainment, we produce standout visual media for budding startups and the world’s largest companies. Our videos help clients to increase sales, generate visibility, and promote their product by emotionally connecting with the audience. I support the client by overseeing a seamless execution of all aspects of the process, from concept to production to distribution on cable television networks and digital platforms across the country.
We hand-select each ingredient, building a catalog of global partnerships with farmers and manufacturers. Our team provides direct access to the best ingredients, and we help our clients move confidently from sourcing, formulation, and distribution to product positioning, messaging, marketing and advertising. Together, we bring more than four decades of experience in beauty, consumer goods and packaging.
Another venture I’m looking forward to sharing was born from my book, BE… From Passion and Purpose to Product and Prosperity, which will be distributed by Simon & Schuster at the end of the year. It’s currently on presale at all fine bookstores. During the writing of the book in 2020, I formed BE… PPPP, LLC with my co-authors Ashley Black and Korie Minkus to spread the philosophy of the BE… Movement. There are so many women looking for guidance, support, and someone to believe in their dreams. The BE… PPPP LLC is our community, united together to create prosperity. We’ll offer self-transformational gatherings and professional masterminds for women in entrepreneurship through retreats to Costa Rica and other exotic locations around the globe.
ovement for as long as it takes to get women to the next level in their lives and business. I’m also the Founder of BE… Creative Agency LLC, which was brought to life with my cofounder and international trade specialist Andrew Tranchina in 2021. We provide expert consulting in global branding and marketing strategies, events, and visual media. Our agency is poised to work with innovative personalities and ideas, helping you make a greater impact as you share your products and services with the world.
PGMAG: If you knew what you know now, what would you do differently?
LV: In my younger years, I would have loved and honored myself more. I mentioned earlier that I suffered from the “disease to please,” as many of us do. I didn’t always set healthy boundaries, and I had a lot of difficulty saying no. I channeled a lot of my life source energy into others, because I didn’t want to seem selfish. I’m a nurturing soul, but I didn’t realize how to turn that care inward. However, as the years passed, I learned that self-love is essential. Life is a beautiful journey of discovery, and to truly create the foundation for living a successful and fulfilling life, you need to create a positive mindset. I embarked on studying and becoming certified in a variety of modalities which helped me to shift my thinking, from biofeedback to neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy.
Simply, you need to give yourself more of your own love and energy first. It’s a force, it’s the fuel that motivates you. Direct your creative flame into yourself to make healthier choices about how you give your energy, so you can build confidence and success within yourself.
PGMAG: What is your message for world leaders?
There’s so much inequality in the world, and the power is concentrated by the few. We need to quit the divisiveness and collaborate to be stronger. We can lift each other, institute real policy changes at the UN, and stimulate action from the well-recognized institutions of power. We need to take greed and partisanship out of our decision making, and stop separating people based on color, religion, and socioeconomic class. The only way we can make real change is if we come together in the collective strength of humanity. As Nelson Mandela said, “We can change the world and make it a better place. It’s in our hands to make a difference.”
PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
LV: Know your worth! Don’t let anyone tell you that your dreams are unattainable. Be patient and persistent, and don’t let fear paralyze you. We all experience fear. I don’t think there’s anyone that’s entirely “fearless.” For the successful, there’s one major difference in how fear is approached. Some are willing to lean into their fear, push through it and get over it because they are driven by their passion. If you really want something, go for it… give it everything you’ve got and celebrate all the small wins along the way. Everything will add up, and before you realize it, you’ve had many accomplishments along the way.
Each time you reach a goal, you’ll set a new one. It’s natural, the destination shifts as we grow and our purpose evolves. So, infuse the journey with as much joy as you can every day.
PGMAG: Thank you for this opportunity to showcase your brilliance with the world.
LV: Thank you, Lady Anita, for sharing your light with so many leaders and aspiring leaders.
PGMAG: Please share your links with us.
LV: Fortune Media Group, Inc: https://fortunemediagroupinc. com/
Shark Discoveries: https:// www.khbrandresponse.tv/
The Writing of the Book: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/199541728147867