5 minute read
from Pacesetter
PGMAG: Ruth, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita.
RYL: Hello Lady Anita! It's my pleasure and privilege to be here!
PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
RYL: My name is Ruth Young-Loaeza, I am the CEO & Founder of Genius On Development. I am the inventor of NEET Sheets, I’m also a bestselling author, and International bestselling author in 1HABIT Book Series. I’m an innovator, a dreamer, a pioneer, and a woman that believes in God and in his miracles a 100%
PGMAG: As a leader, what are the three most important habits that one needs to cultivate in order to achieve one’s goals in life?
RYL: Reliance (Faith) Resilient (Strong) Reaction (Action) Practice this every day, and there is no way your life will remain the same.

PGMAG: Considering the current global challenge (Covid-19), what do you think are the role of women in shaping the future of business?
RYL: I believe that this role has been taken by women since the beginning of times, way before COVID-19 existed.
The difference is that now women can take ownership of it, these “modern times” has given women more rights and resources than ever before. Also, the current socio-political environment has allowed more backing to be available for women, and therefore we have a bit more advantages we can use to shape our businesses than ever before.
We still have a long way to go in this field, but as a business woman I can tell you that we still have to contend with diverse challenges in order to do exactly that, shape the future of business.
PGMAG: What is your message for women of the world?
But take this from someone who has gone through rape, and as a result of the rape got myself involved in a domestic violence where I nearly lose my life twice. I have been homeless after a car accident that left me unable to work, and my day job was as a housekeeper for about 23 years.
EVERY SINGLE time that the obstacles that life threw at me I had to find a way to go around, under, or over it, BUT nothing stopped me from fulfilling my destiny.
I am a grandmother now, and I just started working on my dreams during that period of homelessness, now I have two patents granted among many, many other milestones that otherwise I would have not accomplished if I had sat there and cried about the terrible situation I was living at the moment.
PGMAG: Please tell us more about NEET Sheets.
RYL: NEET Sheets is innovative bed linen that addresses the stressful and difficult task of bed-making.
As a former housekeeper, I had done the beds about twenty thousand times more or less! Through that experience, I was able to clearly identify why most of the bedsheets out there are a headache for the user.
But it was during the period of homelessness while recuperating from the accident, that I had the time to focus on those many ideas that I come out with while cleaning houses, so I created simple prototypes and drawings and NEET Sheets came to life finally.
PGMAG: what would you say to someone who is at a crossroad (point of making vital decisions)?
RYL: I always consider all of the outcomes, and I chose the one I consider the safest… then I stop to think, what will happen if I don’t do it? AND I also think what will happen if I do? There are no hard business decisions for me because one day I’m going to die, and I won’t have any regrets in this regard! But remember “consider all of the outcomes and chose the safest” (but there are no guarantees).

PGMAG: How do you create work/life balance?
RYL: I pray, pray, pray!!! Every day, all day. I stay connected with the source of energy, wisdom, knowledge, strength, power, connections, the creator of everything! It works for me. I listen to preaching, inspirational messages, I surround myself with amazing, powerful, achievers, positive, influencers, and people of vision and faith!
PGMAG: Domestic violence has hindered so many women from moving forward in life. What is your message for those going through such difficulties?
RYL: I won’t keep it to myself ever again as I used to because I was embarrassed, I was afraid of what people might think, and because I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me.
Even if you don’t have children in the relationship, YOU DO NOT DESERVE to be abuse!!! Many times, we are blinded by many reasons but in the end you won't find one good reason to justify the abuse, SO LEAVE and LIVE your life!

PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self?
RYL: YES YOU CAN! You are equipped, capable, smart, beautiful, intelligent, amazing, fun, loveable, incredible… I would spend hours, days, telling Ruth the opposite of what she heard for many years!!!
PGMAG: Finally, how would you describe yourself?
RYL: Dearing, focus, faithful, sometimes naïve, trustworthy, loving, a bit crazy, always testing my limits!
A hardworking woman that isn’t expecting anything less of a miracle for her life.
I love God, my family, my life, every single day I live, my grandchildren are what makes me melt like a popsicle under the sun!
The Business gives me the thrill and chills that I enjoy feeling every day!
PGMAG: Thank you for your time – much appreciated
RYL: Lady Anita, THANK YOU for allowing me to share a little bit about me with you and your audience! God bless you and all of your endeavours!
PGMAG: Please share your links with us.
RYL: www.makeitneet.com Linkedin: Ruth Young-Loaeza
Facebook: Ruth Young-Loaeza Instagram: neet_sheets