3 minute read
PGMAG: Dr. Jacqueline, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita.
DJK: It is my pleasure!
PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
DJK: I am Dr. Jacqueline King, the CEO and Founder of Black Women Empowered, a global Ministry/Network that empowers mostly women from all over the world for the last ten years. It is my passion and purpose to encourage people.
PGMAG: As a leader, what are some of the keys to leading a successful team?
DJK: The key to leading a successful team is listening and teaching. Leading by example is very crucial. Not just giving orders but helping people grow into their purpose is the sign of a great leader, in my opinion.
PGMAG: It’s ‘black history’ month here in the UK. As a strong advocate for the black community in the USA and around the world, what needs to be done in order to create a harmonious environment for all – especially for the ethnic minorities?
DJK: The most important thing that we can do is work together. So many people want to work alone, that has prov en not to be an effective way to get things done and we really need each other to be successful.
PGMAG: What is your message for world leaders?
DJK: My message is to write the vision, make it plain and stay committed to the vision. The reason most leaders fail, or I call them visionaries, is because they give up when they don’t see instant results.
PGMAG: Please tell us more about your business.
DJK: We have several businesses, the main one is the Ministry on Social Media with over four million followers (Black Women Empowered Incorporated) on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter and TikTok. we also have a Media Production company, I am in Partnership with Annette Groves and we have produced several documentaries and many encouraging contributors and interviews. Our newest business is our Sisterhood Membership blackwomenempowered. net where women can join and share their businesses, ministries, social media and just connect with other Queens from all over the world.
PGMAG: In the wake of covid-19, the world was turned upside down within a few months before our eyes. As a global voice, what can be done to mitigate the damages caused by the pandemic?
DJK: All we can do at this point in my opinion is get the vaccination and be a voice to those who have not gotten it yet. We have lost so many people because of fear of the vaccination and misinformation. Now that we are getting to somewhat of a normal life, we must pick up the pieces and start over, if necessary, if not we must rebuild. This means thinking outside of the box, using our creative minds to come up with new and innovative ways of doing things.
PGMAG: What are the top three books that changed your life?
DJK: Of course, the Bible is number one. I loved Michelle Obamas book “Becoming” and the last one is Vindication of Broken Women who Possess Deep Wells by Dr. Oscar Underwood.
PGMAG: Women are powerful forces and the world need more women to lead. As a woman who is in a position of authority, how can more women be supported to take on leadership roles?
DJK: Women should be looking and learning from those women who are already leading. This are the role models. If you can find a woman who is willing to mentor, that’s even better. I have always studied those who are successful in every position I have held.
PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
DJK: I would say that you should have listened to the wise counsel of my Mother, it would have limited many mistakes that I made in life. However, I did learn from many of them regardless.
PGMAG: Thank you so very much for your time.
DJK: I’m so pleased to share my experience. Thank you too.
PGMAG: Please share your link with us.
DJK: https://www.blackwomenempowered.org/ You can reach all of our sites on that page. Thank you for your time.