4 minute read
Geoffrey Riddle
Geoffrey Riddle (GR)
Pgmag: Geoffrey, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita.
GR: Your invitation was a pleasant surprise. I’m honored, thank you!
Pgmag: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
GR: I am a professional speaker, strategist and sales trainer for the luxury market. Currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Avid golfer, voracious reader, writer & podcaster. My passion is the dramatic impact that can be made by the power of the spoken and written word, hopefully exemplified in my book, “The Art & Science of Luxury Selling,“ available in 2022.
Pgmag: As a strategist, what are some of the keys to winning in life?
GR: First, accumulate knowledge. The internet has eradicated the excuse, “I don’t know.” Our phones have all the world’s information at our fingertips. Second, focus. There is power in doing one thing at a time until finished. Multi-tasking is a myth. Third, be prepared! When I speak, I have twenty times the information I may need on hand. Fourth, know, understand and welcome roadblocks and objections as positive life turning experiences. Fifth,TAKE ACTION! Action conquers fear. I am a ready, fire, aim person.
Pgmag: The shift the world experienced in recent time due to covid-19 changed the way people live and do business. As a leader, what would you suggest to those who oversee global affairs, to start considering in order to prevent such catastrophe from happening again?
GR: Always keep in mind the best interests of the people and the country you serve, without regard to your own career. Learn from the mistakes of other countries. Never stop asking, “what if?” Know who the bad guys are and keep an eye on them. Ignore the media, do your own homework. Do not make decisions that over-tax your country’s resources. Quoting U.S President Ronald Reagan, “Trust, but verify.”
Pgmag: What is your message for those struggling to build their brand?
Social media is not a panacea, but only one part of a bigger plan. Learn how to sell. Nothing happens unless somebody sells something. Know how accounting works and be vigilant with financing. Above all, make sure you have a compelling story and never, ever, ever give up.
Pgmag: Please tell us more about your business.
GR: The speaking part of my business is a prospecting tool. My audiences discover most of what they need to know about me, my style and how I can help them in about 30 minutes. It results in them calling me instead of me calling them. Strategy sessions with company leaders are about asking tough, provocative questions, challenging the way they think and coaching them through a process to achieve their goals. I get a daily fee but try to get them on their own as quickly as possible. Sales training is the most challenging and time consuming. So I break it into two parts. Briefly, I gather information, interview staff and sit in on presentations. I present my findings and recommendations for which I charge a fee. If they decide to use me to develop their sales process and coach their team, the discovery fee is waived and we agree on a training price. Simple and straight forward makes it easy for them to decide.
Pgmag: As a renowned speaker, what are some of the keys to delivering an impactful presentation?
GR: I like to open with a story.
Use stunning visuals but reduce words on the visuals to the bare minimum. You want the audience listening, not reading. Regardless of your subject knowledge, the audience will have trouble remembering any more then, three key points. Keep your ideas and language simple, avoid jargon. Transfer your passion to them and light up the room. Hone your skills – practice. With outstanding presentation skills you’ll be more than impactful and unforgettable, you’ll be rare.

Pgmag: What are the top three books that changed your life?
GR: “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill, “The Closers,” by Ben Gay III and “Letting Go,” by Dr. David Hawkins.
Pgmag: What is your message for the youth?
GR: Learn the art of effective communication. Be curious about everything. READ!
Pgmag: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
GR: Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re creating a fear of making mistakes and not trying anything new. The world is a fabulous place and willing to pay a king’s ransom to those who are willing to set their ego aside and go for it. Sometimes you’ll get bloodied and hurt but you’ll never regret one day regardless of how long you live.
Pgmag: Thank you so very much for your time.
GR: Always a pleasure to be a part of such a noble magazine.
Pgmag: Please share your link with us.
GR: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoffrey-riddle-%F0%9F%93%88-359284ba Website: www.geoffreydriddle.com