Exclusive Interview with
P U B L I S H E R ' S N OT E Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator
“What we sometimes fear are mostly shadows of distractions. But when we push through those fear, we realise our full potential.” – Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
2022 is set to see another quality publications from us as we launch our life and business corners in our monthly editions – exciting times ahead. This mission will see the contributions of experts from around the world We have come to the end of 2021 publication who will be focusing on specific topics affecting – what a year! Through our challenges we have today’s world – watch out for those. grown to become better than we were yesterday. As this is a special season (Christmas), I urge us Covid-19 tried to stop us from achieving our set to take time out to reconnect with our higher goals, but our resilient and determined attitude self, and to focus on what is most important to helped us to overcome the setbacks. us – avoiding all forms of distractions. 2021 has seen pgmag deliver 12 quality It a special time to forgive oneself and others editions plus a few from her sister publication – heal the unseen wounds of the heart – very (Powerhouse Global Stars). This year has been a important. Above, ask for God’s mercy and grace learning curve for us as individuals, as well as an to conquer fears in the weeks and months ahead organisation. We have learned to keep serving – fear kills dreams. I thank you for believing in even when the funds are low. It taught us to me and my team to deliver your expectations – I never give up on our mission to serve humanity, am grateful. and it taught us to keep our eyes on our garden. On this note, I want to wish you the best of this Amongst other achievements this year were Christmas and a very happy and prosperous the celebration of global leaders (men and 2022. women) who are change makers in their various fields of service – such a joy to have made this Until soon! happen. Pgmag is currently being read in our 100 countries of the world. This was made possible Thank you. because of your support – thank you.
Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
Powerhouse Global Magazine
CINDY O. CHARLES (CC) PGMAG: Cindy, so good to have you on today’s
of the attitudes inherent in the family. Maybe
interview with Lady Anita.
the home environment is not conducive or reinforcing toward reading. The family may
CC: My pleasure and thank you for having me.
not be able to afford reading materials or may not perceive value in reading, and as a result,
PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our
cannot encourage it. Another challenge is the
lack of interesting and meaningful reading matter available to students in the school. These
CC: I am Cindy O. Charles. I am the Founder &
students are bombarded by stories and textual
CEO of Kupanda Sisters, Inc. A native of Guyana
material to which they can relate very little.
South America. I currently reside in Brooklyn,
The digital divide is bound to intensify the pre-
New York. I am an advocate for literacy for all
existing learning divide between rich and poor
and an agent of social change. My goal in life
households due to closure of classroom teaching
is to provide a lasting and positive impact on
for this extended period. Children belonging
vulnerable populations.
to affluent and educated households have all the necessary support for learning, as parents
PGMAG: As an advocate of literacy, what are
themselves are capable of imparting education,
some of the challenges faced by those in the
and they can also access online teaching.
underserviced communities?
However, children of poor and uneducated parents who mostly go to government schools
CC: ̣ One of the main challenges those in
and have no digital capabilities are left in limbo.
underserved communities encounter is a lack
Technology can help mitigate the impact of
of motivation to read. This may be so because
COVID-19 on the underserved population
by implementing tools and
things such as resolutions?
resources. While many in
hatreds, resentments, grudges, and fears and renew love,
poverty may not have a
People spend time writing their
computer, despite this digital
"New Year's Resolutions" which
divide, the majority of those
may quickly be broken. Perhaps
PGMAG: Please tell us more
in underserved communities
it will be more beneficial to
about your projects including
do have a smartphone, making
renew the good and enduring
‘Kupanda Sisters’ and ‘Door
digital channels a powerful
values we know in our hearts.
means to send information to
We should seek and review
the masses.
our dreams and ideals and put
CC: History of Kupanda Sisters
into action the best that we
Kupanda Sisters, Inc. originated
PGMAG: 2022 is just around
know. Therefore, The New Year
from my childhood experiences
the corner and most people
would be a time to consider
where I grew up in the depths
spend time writing their ‘New
the wisdom of Socrates: "The
of societal illiteracy and
Year’s Resolutions – what’s
unexamined life is not worth
widespread poverty. As a child,
your take on doing these
living.” It is a time to release old
I spent many days memorizing
tolerance, and understanding.
dropout rates are high. Teen pregnancies are high. In some
We should seek and review our dreams and ideals and put into action the best that we know. Therefore, The New Year would be a time to consider the wisdom of Socrates: "The unexamined life is not worth living."
The Kupanda Sisters, Inc., was
parts of the neighborhood,
incorporated in New York as a
crime is high. Some households
non-profit organization in April
have electricity and water,
of 2019 and it was launched
but many do not have
in the Cooperative Republic
these basic services. Illegal
of Guyana, South America, on
squatter’s settlements are
May 25, 2019.
prevalent and have no basic services either. For those who
In Swahili, “Kupanda” means
are lucky enough to have
“rise.” Hence, our organization
services, they are frequently
is designed to raise and
vandalized and stolen from.
passages rather than learning
uplift women and girls in
We are determined to change
to read. My lowest point came
underserved communities by
these dynamics, beginning
when I failed the Caribbean
providing them with quality
with literacy and education.
Examination Council (CXC)
literacy resources and skills
When children can read, when
exams which caused me to feel
that would equip and empower
they feel confident in their
the burden of disappointing
them to transform their reality,
knowledge and hopeful about
my entire family, who had so
unleash their full potential,
their futures, they strive for
much hope that I would be
and become meaningful
happy, productive lives. They
the one to achieve literacy.
contributors to their
do not turn to crime for a way
I then began to take private
communities and our world.
out. That is why, we are here.
literacy lessons which marked
Kupanda Sisters Inc., began
Because we are very aware
the beginning of my literacy
providing services in early 2019
that environment begets result
renaissance. However, some
to more than 20 children at
and by changing what they are
of my contemporaries in
the Sophia Primary School in
exposed to in the environment,
the community were not
Georgetown Guyana to build
we can drastically change their
as fortunate and their lives
their literacy levels to meet
were ruthlessly affected by
academic standards under the
widespread poverty and
slogan “Together We Rise.” The
illiteracy. “Everyone has a
Sophia community is about
dream that lives deep within,
32,000, accounting for about
Our pilot program began
that they deserve to have
10 percent of Georgetown’s
in the Fall of 2019, as the
realized.” It is because of this, I
population. Unemployment is
inaugural class consisted of 10
felt I was inspired and founded
high. Poverty is high. School
academically at-risk students
Kupanda Sisters, Inc.
and 10 high achievers. Through
Guyana through wellness,
a series of workshops and
entrepreneurial workshops, and
teambuilding projects, all
awareness campaigns.
participants learn the value of teamwork, leadership,
respect, and compassion.
Our pilot program began in the Fall of 2019, as the inaugural class consisted of 10 academically at-risk students and 10 high achievers.
This curriculum we use is
Kupanda Sisters Inc. has
consistent with the Ministry
partnered with Sun Books
of Education targeted Literacy
of the World Literacy
Standards and Benchmarks
Foundation to launch a pilot
for Phonemic Awareness,
program to provide literacy
Phonics, Vocabulary,
tablets to students at Sophia
Fluency, Comprehension and
Primary School. The World
Written Expression, and it is
Literacy Foundation is a
structured into six modules.
leading international literacy
The organization also focuses
organization working in the
on empowering women in
United Kingdom, United States,
Australia, Latin America, and Africa to deliver literacy resources and skills. Through the Sun Books initiative, Kupanda Sisters will be utilizing literacy tablets to make a transformative change in off-the-grid communities with limited or no access to electricity, the internet, or educational resources.
a moment to reflect on a
any given day during normal
unprecedented moment in
much deeper global issue,
times 258 million children do
history for all of us in this
how education is not equal
not attend school daily, 617
country and around the world.
everywhere. There is a line
million cannot read or do basic
Millions of people across the
that some of you may have
math, and 770 million adults
globe are facing tremendous
heard growing up...That it
are illiterate. Even the U.N.
hardships. While this pandemic
takes a village to raise a child.
deputy chief said “There is an
is new, the underlying needs
In our technological, plugged
alarming crisis in education.”
are not, the COVID -19
in, tapped in, turned on, 5G,
Because half of students
crisis brings to the surface
bluetooth and online based
do not complete secondary
many of the issues that our
world it is easy to see our globe
education. We can change this.
children and families have
as a village. And my question
That is why we are all here, and
experienced for far too long.
continues to be “is that globe
our children need us now more
This pandemic reveals both
doing enough to raise every
than ever!
how deeply interconnected
single child in every village?
we are as humans and how
Furthermore, while this account
The Kupanda program is the
unequipped our infrastructure
of current Covid caused
beginning of my much larger
is to provide the necessary to
numbers may seem like the
mission to increase literacy
the most impacted. However,
crisis the true emergency
around the world while
this pandemic has given us
came well before. Because on
decreasing the digital divide.
Sadly, the pandemic nearly
Because our globe is a village,
Gandhi said: “Be the change
closed my organization in
and it is our responsibility as
that you wish to see in the
2020, but I searched for new
individual members of that
world.” And to have the change
ways to sustain it. I began
village to ensure that a proper
they must identify a goal and
working part- time, as a food
education is an intrinsic human
work towards accomplishing
delivery driver on the Door
right for every child in every
it. This is not a simple task,
Dash platform. Starting an
village. I ask you to carry this
but commitment is key, hence-
initiative called Dashing for
responsibility like an Olympic
they will have to surround
Dollars to raise money for my
torch that each of us holds,
themselves with positive
organization. Since then, I have
able to ignite every hall in the
people who will support them
raised $10,000 that will go to
coliseum of education.
along the journey. I will also
purchasing tablets for children
encourage them to share
in underserved communities.
Kupanda Sisters, Inc., will
their stories as this can be
There is much more
give future generations the
collaborative work that needs
hope that Reading Changes
to be done. Over the next
Lives, the tools to empower
PGMAG: What were the top
twelve months we intend to
learning, we will give children
three books that changed your
seek collaborative assistance as
the opportunity to dream, and
well reposition our organization,
the strength to say… “I can and
enhance our infrastructure,
I will.” It is my responsibility! It
CC: The three books that
refine our programs, and value
is your responsibility! It is our
changed my life are:
delivery, and pursue meaningful
responsibility to empower our
1. The Alchemist by Paulo
and sustainable private-public
future leaders! I look forward to
Coelho. This book opened
advancing the movement with
my eyes to the notion that
the Kupanda Academy which
you should always follow
will be launched in 2022.
your intuition and trust your
I believe with our passion and our commitment we GIVE to
gut on what you truly feel is
these children the SDGs that
PGMAG: What would you
right. The Alchemist taught
are specific to the literacy goal
say to those who have been
me to pay attention when my
4.1 and 4.6 is achievable. So, if
through one form of abuse or
heart and brain talk. Goals are
you see as I see and you feel
important and you need to
as I feel then get involved and
keep them in mind whenever
join me in making a difference
CC: Even though persons have
you do anything, but the
in expanding our reach and
gone through abuse, often they
journey is what matters. Most
amplifying our mission: connect
remain stuck mentally. They
importantly, The Alchemist can
with us on Facebook, visit our
yearned for change in their
teach you a great lesson about
website or contact us via email.
lives. As the great Mahatma
overcoming the fear of failure.
10 DECEMBER 2021
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”. That means you should put your fears aside and pursue your dreams. 2. 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey. It showed me that I should take ownership of what does not work in my life. It also introduced me to the fact that not all tasks are created equal, some are more important than others. “Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships. 3. “The Power Of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. I have recently read one of the most inspiring and life-changing books: “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. The book covers the topic of accessing the power of “now” — the present moment. Tolle explains that by accessing it, we acquire true peace. This book was truly revolutionizing for me.
PGMAG: What is your
of highs and lows, successes
message for world leaders?
and failures, setbacks, and comebacks. Therefore, it is
CC: Your citizens are your
imperative that you develop
greatest asset, and it is your
your resilience muscle. Do not
responsibility to ensure that
worry about getting knocked
they have access to every
down. Instead, focus on getting
service that is available. There
back up as quickly as possible.
should be no "underserved communities." At election
PGMAG: Thank you for your
time you need their votes; but
do you refer to those votes as "underserved?" Certainly,
CC: My pleasure & once again
not. Therefore, all people -
thank you this wonderful
regardless of where they live -
must be given the opportunity to make their lives better
PGMAG: Please share your
through meaningful education.
links with us.
PGMAG: Finally, what would
CC: Our website –
you say to your younger self? Face book @kupandasisters
CC: This wild ride that we
Email -
call in life is an endless string
To lead is to influence "Leadership is not telling others what to do. Leadership is inspiring others to do what needs to be done. This includes leaders of self because everyone at some point needs to influence another. Understanding people is key to this." — BY ROSS SWAN
o, what makes people choose to do
attraction only happens when trust is involved.
Leading yourself is no different, you first
Life is about making choices and
have to trust yourself and then your thought
most of these are made unconsciously. The
which comes idea from a desire to be happy,
unconsciousness has a built-in radar that seeks
consciously, or otherwise.
out some form of happiness. In essence, people want to be happy, and their subconscious radar
A great influencer always asks the question, how
is on a constant look out to find it. In whatever
does what I am asking them to do, align with
form that is.
their goals and values? Looking at it from this
To influence is to have an impact on the
perspective, it is about building everyone up.
behaviours, attitudes, opinions, and choices of
It’s the true win-win where everyone becomes
others. Influence is not to be confused with
better off than they were before. It’s taking them
power or control. So, if you are wanting to
towards their goal… happiness.
influence someone’s decision then you need to lead them towards their unconscious goal…
A great leader of self asks the same question.
happiness. Which is based on how the person
Does what I am asking myself to do, fit with my
understands happiness.
values. In other words, am I being true to my inner self? Both your heart and your head need
This is where good leadership connects with
to have the same alignment. This brings about a
influencing. Good leaders bring a sense of
sense of contentment… happiness.
purpose that people get. People are happy when the feel they have a purpose.
So, to sum up, to influence is know the person you want to influence. Understand and highlight
If you want to influence, then you need to
what they see as a benefit (happiness) and you
first attract people to you, then your idea. The
will most likely achieve what you set out to do.
12 DECEMBER 2021
oss is a perceptive and responsive
He works internationally, spanning a variety
leadership consultant, coach and
of industries around the globe with his
trainer, with broad experience in varied
projects encompassing many diverse cultural
industries worldwide, including financial services,
construction, energy, beauty products, logistics, distribution, retail, engineering, hospitality,
Throughout the years, Ross has developed a
airlines, and manufacturing.
growing desireto put an ongoing emphasis on bringing more soul into business and he believes
Ross is also a dynamic speaker and podcaster
that the most effective leaders are soul inspired.
with outstanding skills in communication, presentation, training, teambuilding, and
You can catch Ross at
interpersonal relations. DECEMBER 2021
BEN CHAI (BC) PGMAG: Ben, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita. BC: Thank you – it is truly an honour and a privilege. PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. BC: Hello readers, I hope the things shared in this interview will truly help you in your business and life journey to be even more awesome than you already are. People call me an entrepreneur, a technical specialist, a writer, an international speaker, a property guru, a social media expert, dancer, and many other labels some of which I don’t care for but are probably true. situations that will help develop and prepare you My mission has always been to be an oasis in
to deal with life’s challenges.
the storm and provide light where there may be none.
Having a personal vision and mission statement does take time. When we first start our life
PGMAG: As a global influencer, how important
journey, we create a mission statement without
is it to have a personal vision and mission
truly knowing themselves. As we develop
more self-knowledge through our betrayals and successes, the original vision and mission
BC: K ̣ nowing your values, what you stand for
statement will evolve until both the mission
and where you’re headed helps guide you in
statement and our self-knowledge are aligned.
your life journey. What you stand for and where
Once these are aligned, nothing can stop us in
you’re headed will attract the right people and
what we wish to achieve in our life journey.
14 DECEMBER 2021
PGMAG: As a successful
PGMAG: Please tell us more
entrepreneur, what are the
about your business.
keys to staying relevant in the marketplace?
BC: Over time, I’ve been fortunate to grow my own
BC: There are many keys
as well as been invited to be
to staying relevant. A few
part of many other businesses.
important ones include reading
Currently my core business is
what the media is talking about
Propertunities, a real estate
(fake or not), listening to people
company, run by my lovely
on the ground, spending time
colleagues Ky Le Vuong, Miles,
with people of all ages to
Bulloch, and Peter Ngo.
see what’s relevant to them.
However, my current focus is
With this information, you can
in the motivational industry
mold your messages to the
where we help industry
current times and have a better
experts, speakers and authors
understanding of businesses to
to have a number one
work with and invest in.
motivational talk in the Amazon
People call me an entrepreneur, a technical specialist, a writer, an international speaker, a property guru, a social media expert, dancer, and many other labels some of which I don’t care for but are probably true.
16 DECEMBER 2021
PGMAG: As a global speaker, what are some of the keys to delivering an impactful presentation? BC: Educate your audience, entertain your audience, engage with your audience, and enlighten your audience. Treat everyone in your audience as if they were a celebrity, whether you have an audience of one, or an audience of millions. PGMAG: What were the top three books that changed your life? BC: The Bible, - it is filled with so many great business and life lessons. There are so many layers within each story
The ability to hold two
PGMAG: Thank you for your
that what you think it means
opposing views in your head
on the surface might be totally
whether you agree or not will
different from what it means
help in wise decision making.
BC: Thank you for the work you do in empowering others.
when you dig deeper or as you have more life experiences.
PGMAG: Finally, what would
How to be a no Limit Person by
you say to your younger self?
PGMAG: Please share your links with us.
Wayne Dyer The Power of Positive thinking
BC: I wouldn’t say anything
by Norman Vincent Peale
apart from carry on. If I said
BC: Please watch my TEDx talk
anything to my younger self, it
on social magnetism - https://
PGMAG: What is your
would change my journey, who
message for world leaders?
I am today, and all the people
For my social media details use
helped along the way.
BC: Spend time understanding other people’s perspectives. DECEMBER 2021
The Power OF Communication Being a spiritual teacher, I have been deeply connected with the people and places. This gave me an opportunity to know, understand and communicate with them. Communication in simple words is a mutual connection between two things, to exchange, ideas, thoughts and facts. But communication in a deeper sense is an expression of your being, which gives a reason for your voice to be heard.
ommunication is a means to understand
depends upon the quality of your thoughts. So,
and reach not just to the people but to
one must meditate on the thoughts to be more
your desired goals as well. The personal
meaningful, targeted, positive and effective. As it
and professional development of a person
is rightly said, we need to think before we speak.
depends upon how effectively you are being
The choice of the word is most important for the
listened. And to be listened you need to speak
communication to be successful.
what is required at that particular moment to be accepted. If you want to improve the power of
During my counseling with my clients, I have
communication, you must also learn to be a good
discovered that in this busy and digital world, we
listener too.
are actually separated with the physical human connections. We are scattered beings. We have
Listening gives a depth to the thoughts, feelings,
no time to listen to our relationships. We have
emotions and reasoning of the speaker. Listening
no time to listen to the needs of the others. So
in turn gives confidence to the words you are
I can say is going back home listen to the needs
listening, just as the silence teaches you the
of your children, the restlessness of your wife or
value of your words. To improve the quality of
your husband, the complaints of your neighbor
your listening you must have patience, peace,
or the advices of your boss. Because if you listen
smile, acceptance and endurance. Every person
by heart; you will be listened by heart.
has a story to say so one must listen genuinely; value their needs, wants, feelings and emotions.
Effective communication means that we give
Your thoughts also have a deep impact on your
value and depth to the words and ideas of the
communication. The quality of your words
person you are talking to. It is a nice gesture
18 DECEMBER 2021
to relate oneself with the
your voice. This is a practice
their deeper subtle level of
story of that person and get
or a ritual to have true words
consciousness. Every person
the feel of the emotions,
and expressions while we are
has a different inner journey
feelings and ideas that is being
speaking. It is a wonderful
because of the different
expressed. If we know how
technique which helps to find
experiences. Meditation
to listen, we are more valued,
the clear words that you want
connects them to the inner
respected and loved. So we
to say. It gives a depth to your
realities and then it becomes an
need to focus on the others
speech to make it more wise
easy work to follow the rituals
while we are communication.
and experienced.
of healing.
misunderstandings within our
During my counseling for
Talking about the modern world
relations, our work places and
Vaak Shudhi, people ask me,
today, digitalization has made
others areas where we are
“How can I talk effective”? I
its way to reach to the people
connected. In spirituality there
teach them a meditation, a
via text, voice mails, email etc.,
is a term called Vaak Shudhi,
focus on their inner self, where
as it has increased the social
which means the purity of
they can follow my words to
distancing. Professionally, we
This will improve many
Effective communication means that we give value and depth to the words and ideas of the person you are talking to. It is a nice gesture to relate oneself with the story of that person and get the feel of the emotions, feelings and ideas that is being expressed.
try to reach our targets or goals in an easy and immediate manner, but personally we are creating a distance in our relationships. Our devices keep us busy and involved to an extent that we do not like to connect with the people physically. The disconnection actually imbalances our emotions; where we find no one to listen or share our thoughts at all. The purpose of communication is to strengthen the bonds between human beings. We all need love, care and compassion. We all need a desire to be wanted. That is the basic human requirement. How good it feels when a child comes back home from the school and the mother asks him, “How was your days in the school, my little?” or a husband can at least explain his challenges of the day he faced in the office? The right communication is an act of compassion, an art to develop a strong companionship. This connection, collaboration and communication is the new age requirement. We need to celebrate such occasions of togetherness. We can enrich 20 DECEMBER 2021
our wisdom when we share
at different times, which is not
it with the others. Emotional
good for our mental health.
intelligence is the only tool
This release of emotions helps
in this period of time, which
us to attain a balance inside.
makes us more human than
I have seen people more
a robot or a machine. Being
complaining about life, more
human beings we always
frustrated and more stressed,
need to vent out our build up
when they feel lonely as
emotions. Emotions means,
there is no one to listen and
Energy in Motion. With our
share their selves. Emotional
daily interactions, we pile up
intelligence is a great gate way
different amount of emotions
for us to develop a heart to
real Power of Communication, when we can connect with the
Nimisha’s mind, where she has a desire to thrive and thrust to Heal the World as a Yogini.
right people and spread hope
‘We all are small dots on the
She walks and she would reach
and happiness.
bigger canvas of this creation,
to teach the psychology of
doing our own part as far as
being human. For the world
Life is a wonderful experience,
possible’. This is the latest
and its beautiful people she
let us enrich this more with
realization that the time has
has a message of sisterhood
our connections and shared
put in front of us, when we are
and a deep connectivity by
facing the most challenging
aligning their body, mind and
period of our lives amidst the
soul. She suggests that there
FOR READERS: You can also
Covid 19 terror. We understand
are different culture, different
communicate with me and
that there is a strong and
people with different emotions
ask for the solution to any
powerful force behind each and
and circumstances and she
problem in your physical,
every act happening on this
would like to share the best
mental, emotional or energy
planet. We know we are limited
from her heart to bridge the
level. I do counseling and help
human beings but with a huge
gaps of what is missing in their
people step to the next level
potential and natural instincts.
in their life personally and
This is the time to follow your
professionally. Thank you.
own inner voice and seek the
For her the idea of wellness
NOTE: This article is written
right direction and guidelines,
includes to completely
by Nimisha Rattan from India.
that the nature has already
comprehend the structure of
She is a Spiritual Wellness
defined for us. Let us be agile,
body in all its dimensions and
Professional. She is the founder
structured and disciplined to
to frequently recognise the
and owner of a Wellness
follow the rhythm and order
limitations or obstructions
Academy BLISS BODY in
of nature, so that we can make
in the areas of physical,
Rishikesh India. She designs
this war going into victory.
physiological and psychological
spiritual wellness courses
systems of the body. She
for the hospitality, travel
RATTAN): With this wisdom
believes there is always a cause
companies, corporate, wellness
and sensitivity, we would like
behind certain condition of
centers etc. She is recognized
to introduce Nimisha Rattan,
the body and till we work on
as a world traveler and a key
a Wellness Professional and
that key factor, our body can
note speaker.
an experienced practitioner of
never reach to its point of
Integrated Alternate Therapies
natural balance or equilibrium.
You can reach to her via
since more than a decade
Through her consultations and
based in India. Walking Yogini
or counselling she tries to
whatsapp +91 8979688487.
is a powerful concept of
help people reach that spot DECEMBER 2021
heart connection. There lies the
of Perfect Health where she
Literature and transforms it
nectar of life. She believes that
guides people to experience
in an easy way that integrates
the softness inside a woman is
physical healing, emotional
completely with the needs of
actually the strongest element,
freedom, mental expansion and
a modern man. She provides a
that equips her to be flexible
higher state of consciousness
wide variety of programmes,
in any type of circumstances.
through her presence and
retreats and training schedules
With love, kindness, peace and
her Holistic Touch. She is a
that help to restore balance,
silence; many great battles can
great teacher, who loves to
accelerate healing, that
be won. She guides to create
conduct classes based on
encourages transformation at
a sacred space for oneself,
her own experience with
all levels of well being.
reduce toxic patterns inside
different modules of Healing
our body to reach at our
Yoga, Dynamic Meditations,
Nimisha’s sensitive edge is
highest potentials. Woman is
Ayurveda Lifestyle and Bio
reflected, where she has
the embodiment of innocence,
field or Energy Medicine. She
designed courses for the
wisdom, maturity and care.
picks the material as defined in
women, to paint them as a
She has a way of her own to
the Ancient Indian Traditional
butterfly, always seeking the
recreate the life in its best
22 DECEMBER 2021
possible manner, under any
their health and wellbeing.
Hospitals, Hospitality, Tourists,
given situation. Nimisha teaches
So, one needs to approach
Schools and Colleges etc.
them the art of Self Healing
the right kind of guidance
through Self Awareness.
of a healer, who can better
understand the psychology of As being a thought leader and
its client and work precisely on
Dynamic meditation is a
a world traveller and she has
the key Issues of the body. Her
deep concept of meditation
been recognised as a speaker
believe was affirmed by world
that works on the sub
and a valued customer by
renowned Oprah Winfrey, who
conscious level of the mind.
the Global Spa and Wellness
experienced her in “Ananda
The meditation helps to
Summit, held in India in
Spa” and appreciated her for
release the mind from its own
2013 and Cornell Hospitality
being “on the right path to
entanglement of the past
Symposium in 2015. She is
show the best path to the
experiences, mental trauma or
highly associated with Healing
emotional sufferings. These
Hotels of the World in Cologne Germany, where she is invited
are the original meditations as
by different hotels to conduct
mentioned in the Indian Yogic literature for 5000 years back.
her programmes on Wellness
Nimisha practices “Holistic
Also these meditations help
through Wellbeing. She was
Yoga”, that she believes is
one to reach from gross level to
selected as a speaker by the
a form that cultivates the
super consciousness, resulting
HHOTW in Portugal in May
different ways and levels to
ultimately in eternal bliss or
2019, where her speech and
balance the mind, body and
SAT – CHIT – ANANDA, which
her meditative techniques on
spirit. Holistic yoga assimilates
is the aim of yoga. The program
alignment of physical, mental,
the power of asanas to
includes individual or group
emotional and energy bodies
strengthen the muscles, joints
attention and teaching people
via Mind Body Medicine was
and bones, the interpretation
how to understand their mind
highly appreciated. She is a
of breath through Pranayam;
at subtle level so that one can
blog writer and writes articles
to channelise the hidden
have a better control on the
on “Self Healing Through Self
powers within, and when
situations inside and outside
Awareness”, and help people
combined with the philosophy
to learn tools and techniques
of Yoga becomes a powerful
to fix their health otherwise
tool that helps to make life an
suffering the impact of new
easy concept to follow. Based
age lifestyle. She believes that
on this, she has designed
There is an endeavour to offer
people have more expectations
programmes to handle the
whole body purifying therapies
from the wellness centres to
stress factors in Corporate,
with the combination of time
find a complete solution for 24 DECEMBER 2021
tested ancient traditional
of years old. Through the
cordial principal for the Ancient
energy massages, with the
Hindus was that the mind is the
healing hands of a holistic
body and the body is the mind.
person, one can experience
Also that the beautifying of
the hidden potential residing
mind is beautifying of body and
in human beings. Nimisha is
vice versa. Ayurveda if adopted
as a lifestyle can become a
powerful therapy to bring life
signature treatment that helps
to its natural flow with the
the people come out of their
nature. It is very important
structures or patterned lives to
to look at the relationship
explore the vast and limitless
between microcosm as human
potentials of their being and
beings and macrocosm as the
how the simple ideas at the
universe, to gain the knowledge
subtle level can cure many
about the elements and
chronic diseases.
Dynamic meditation is a deep concept of meditation that works on the sub conscious level of the mind. The meditation helps to release the mind from its own entanglement of the past experiences, mental trauma or emotional sufferings.
redesign a life full of health and happiness. Adopting the basic
You can book a session for a
and natural lifestyle helps one
“Consultation Session” with
dissolve its ego and to reach
her, and later join her online
and know the real meaning of
teachings and healings if you
living a healthy and happy life.
Thank you. Love and Light to all.
Bio field mechanics has now
Nimisha Rattan
been recognised and associated
(Holistic Wellness Professional)
parallel to the modern medicine as an alternate therapy or
Her contact detail is as follow
some time going deep into the
Energy Healer and Spiritual
realities of how a medicine
Wellness Expert
can accelerate healing affect
in our body if combined with
+91 8979688487 (whats app.
the energies. The teaching
concerning the chakras, centres of energy and awareness within a person is thousands DECEMBER 2021
discipline of Ayurveda. A
LEADERSHIP DECODED: ...…one constant – infinite variables …be a girl with a mind…. a woman with attitude…and a lady with class…says Inderjit, a career diplomat, an author, a practicing emotional intelligence and social cognition expert, who despite his intense professional obligations is constantly on the path of rediscovering himself and the myths & mysteries surrounding him….
— BY INDERJIT SINGH Everyone has a perception
week. These leaders set the bar
of what leadership is, but
high, and then they constantly
deciphering what it truly
raise it, which is inspiring and
means, is the name of the game! Creating a cohesive definition that is specific to one’s organization is a crucial
Leaders set the bar high, and then they constantly raise it.
motivating. Skillful leadership is crucial to achieving business goals.
step for managing the show
a leader is crucial to building
There is a set of leadership
and simultaneously developing
an all-inclusive business
principles that a leader
future leaders, with a strong
should follow to help them
leadership focus – an essential
maximize the potential of their
prerequisite for any leadership
In my professional ventures
employees. Some people are
until date, I personally have
natural leaders, while others
had the privilege and the
must develop the skills and
We talk about leaders and
good fortune of working with
abilities that they need to lead
leadership nearly every day
multinational - multidisciplinary
in the professional world, but
professional executives and
have we ever tried to actually
political leaders in a range of
In this maiden segment and
define leadership in its different
business sectors across-the-
in the series of articles on
manifestations? It can be much
board in several global locations
the subject matter in the
harder than we may think,
worldwide. I can vouch for
forthcoming editions of the
but taking the time to define
the fact that they live these
Powerhouse Global Magazine; I
leadership and what makes
principles every day of the
would attempt to deliberate on
26 DECEMBER 2021
appropriate to all needs. Its existence is a myth we should exorcise.
LEADERSHIP REDEFINED So, what is leadership, and who is a leader? What skills do great leaders need? A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of the expression “born leader.”
others and become one by the
The phrase implies that the
equality of their actions and the
qualities that make a good
integrity of their intent.
leader are innate - you’re either
There have been countless
born with the skills it takes
people through history that
to be a leader, or you’re not.
led people but were inhumane
True, that certain traits tend
and destructive. Does that still
to be innate-such as charisma,
make them leaders? In my mind,
humility, and a sense of humor.
a leader is someone who does
However, two research studies;
more than just lead people.
what the dominant leadership
one study with male twins
They drive them by the right
principles and the top virtues
and another with female twins
motivation and make a positive
that leaders must essentially
found that only one-third of the
impact on the people around
need to embrace to excel in
variance in leadership qualities
them – being positive, as the
this domain; more importantly
is associated with heredity. The
prime driving force.
in the present and the future
rest are cultivated.
I believe, there is no universal definition for leadership appropriate to all needs. Its existence is a myth we should exorcise.
A leader is someone who
everchanging global ecosystem. You’ve probably often heard
I believe, there is no universal
can see how things can be
definition for leadership
improved and who rallies people to move towards that better vision. Leaders can work toward making their vision a reality while putting people first. Just being able to motivate people isn’t enough — leaders need to be empathetic and connect with people to be successful. A strategy to help decide which leadership style is best suited and when, thus becomes paramount. Different situations may have different requirements, so it becomes important to know when and where a specific style might work best. There are different motivations; and so are different solutions. Who then is a Leader?
things, but a good leader is all
with independently accountable
A leader is someone who
three, put together.
in the followers.”
An effective leader has a
“A leader is someone with a
shared vision aligned with core
vision and the path to realizing
values and understands what
My strong conviction is that
it will take to reach their team
while as leadership is a given
goals. They inspire, manage,
constant; there are infinite
“A leader is someone who
and support their teams to
variables to leadership styles in
ensures their team has support
work creatively and confidently
its different manifestations.
and tools to achieve their
toward that shared vision. They
Leadership cannot be really
empower their team members
taught. It can only be learned.
to embrace their own unique
The most powerful leadership
leadership qualities and act
tool you have is your own
inspires passion and motivation
A leader may be any of these 28 DECEMBER 2021
Great leaders don’t set out to be leaders; they set out to make a difference. personal example. I tend to resonate with this quote of Peter Drucker – one of the best-known and most widely influential thinkers and writers on the subject of management theory and practice “Leadership is not magnetic personality – that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not ‘making friends and influencing people’ – that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations” If I was to sum it all, I would say “Great leaders don’t set out to be leaders; they set out to make a difference. It’s never about the role – always about the goal. Leaders don’t force people to follow, they invite them in the journey. I welcome
you all to join me in this journey
education for his contribution
in demystifying the concept of
in International Diplomacy.
He is an Aviation Consultant
Realization has dawned on
with the UN. He has served in
me that the most powerful
senior level diplomatic positions
leadership tool you have is your
in several countries of Asia,
own personal example. If your
South-East Asia, Middle-East,
actions inspire others to dream
Africa and South America. He
more, learn more, do more and
was the CEO of IGI Airport –
become more; then you are a
the 16th busiest in the world.
He is an MBA, followed by advanced management courses
at “Henley-the Management College”, Oxford shire, UK and
Inderjit has recently been
the University of California,
honored with Doctor of
Berkeley, USA. He can be
Philosophy by a renowned
reached at inderjit.singh@
Brazilian Institution of higher
he Unit Uganda a women empowerment
past several decades, the problem is particularly
organization that was founded in 2018
acute where women rates of schooling fall below
by Namusaazi Christine has greatly
the national average. Only six girls are enrolled
impacted the lives of many and it still continues
in school for every ten boys enrolled (Ref:
to empower at risk youths around Uganda,
international centre for research on women)
founded with a mission of creating financially independent women in Uganda, She Unit
The main causes of school dropout and
Uganda has provided free cosmetology trainings
teenage pregnancy are social economic status,
that is hairdressing, makeup and nails and also
reproductive ignorance, peer influence and low
free trainings in making of liquid soap, shampoo
educational expectations.
and conditioner to young women for a period of 3 years.
We therefore do believe that these girls need an opportunity to redefine their future, dropping
At risk youths refer to youths who are less likely
out of school should never hinder a girl child
to successfully transition into adulthood, success
from being successful, this makes it also a way
can mean success, job readiness as well as the
we can achieve gender equality. Women need
ability to be financially independent, there are
to participate in the economic development
so many categories of at risk youths but with
of the nation if we are to achieve equality and
our mission, we are focusing on female school
no woman should be left behind. All should be
dropouts and teenage mothers.
given opportunities and therefore as we focus on empowering women in all aspects of life.
Women who never went to school should also be considered and recognized. By providing free skills training, we want
In most places around the world, girls are now
everyone to be given an opportunity to engage
just as likely as boys to be enrolled in primary
in the economic development of the country
school, this however is not the case in many
regardless of the level of education.
countries across the sub-Saharan Africa, where girls remain behind boys, particularly at the
Also providing skills training will help extend the
secondary level, In west Nile, Uganda, a sub
time which girls get their first pregnancy because
region that has been ravaged with conflict in the
not being actively involved in education has
30 DECEMBER 2021
SHE UNIT UGANDA Reg.: NMC/CBO/336/18 Nabweru Road, Nansana. Kampala,Uganda. +256780614837,
products - something that has positively impacted not only them but their families, and the nation at large. A one Rachael, who is one of our beneficiaries, during her led to an increased number of
living, they are employed in
teenage pregnancy and early
beauty salons, doing mobile
salon well as some do work from home. Also those who
have received training in shampoo, liquid soap and
In a period of three years, we
conditioner are now engaging
have created entrepreneurs,
themselves in selling the
young women from our
products they do make to
organization have been able
salons, hospitals and other
to improve their standards of
facilities that do use the
interview with She Unit Uganda said that “ am glad that I was given this opportunity, before joining She Unit Uganda, I was unemployed and not in school, unable to provide for my needs, I was always begging for money to meet my basic needs, but now, everything changed, am employed and I no longer have to beg for money to fulfill my needs, I do earn my own
money and am now focused
development. Also using solar
train them on how they can
on my future goals”. Her dream
ovens will help in conserving of
benefit from the internet, not
is to open up her own beauty
the environment.
forgetting to talk to them about
salon and also help other
the dangers associated with it.
people in need.
Also we will be providing free
Many more deserve an
entrepreneurship conferences
We will be able to create
opportunity like that of Rachael
to these young women; we
more strong and competent
believe they do need it if
entrepreneurs and positively
they’re to compete with the
impact the lives of women
rest of the world.
By 2023, we want to be able to reach out to 500 young
We will be also focusing on
women a year and empower
bridging the digital gap divide,
Mr. Alex Chambers from
them not only in cosmetology
the world is becoming more
Colorado, USA
but also with catering trainings,
of digital than it was before, it
in this, these women will be
is more of important for us to
Ms. Tiffany Gale-Haynes from
taught how to bake cakes,
teach this to our young girls,
England, United Kingdom
doughnuts, bread, biscuits,
most of these young women
cookies among others. This will
don’t know about how best
Ms. Audra Luke from Atlanta
be done by solar ovens, this
they can use the internet to
is so because there is a great
grow their businesses, and
need of electricity in some rural
some are completely green
areas which using solar ovens
about the internet, we want to
is a great option in regard to
bring them closer to this and
32 DECEMBER 2021
SIMON ROGERS (SR) PGMAG: Simon, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita. SR: Really great to be here! PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. SR: I’m Simon Rogers, The Mind Body Coach. I believe that the greatest pain in life is not knowing yourself. I’m passion about supporting people to explore and maximise their relationship with themselves and their lives so that they can actualise their potential. I typically work with women in their 40s that are in management roles and are constantly putting everyone else first, hiding their feelings and secretly suffering. I work with them resolve their pain for good so that they are no longer be afraid of their
feelings, to have more choices
them one by one.
and create an experience of
4. Emotions aren’t stories:
life that they didn’t believe was possible where being of service doesn’t mean self-sacrifice. PGMAG: Your work speaks to me because I am one of those who always put others first before my need – not always a good thing to do. Please share some thoughts on this behaviour and give us some tips on how to create a balance in this area of leadership. SR: ̣ We as a society currently have more trust in thought and rationality than feeling and intuition. Since the pandemic, we all are more sensitive and aware of our inner world. I think it’s important to mention that we are also much more empathic than we realise, especially those that are drawn to management positions to be of service to their teams. Firstly, there’s less trust to know what feeling are actually there, next there’s more there that we had thought and lastly, we don’t have clarity on which ones are ours and which are relating to another.
34 DECEMBER 2021
emotions are sensational
I believe that the greatest pain in life is not knowing yourself. I’m passion about supporting people to explore and maximise their relationship with themselves and their lives so that they can actualise their potential. All of this make it very challenging to be open and curious to how we are feeling and what matters to us. It’s much easier to focus on another! Here are 5 insights that I share with my clients to explore and get more clarity on what is happening in their experience: 1. Emotions are embodied: go to the body to feel. 2. All emotions are important not good or bad: every emotion is there to teach us something that we have yet to fully appreciated. 3. Emotions come in clusters, we are often feeling more than we realise: focus on the primary feeling and take
expressions of energy and can be felt without narrative. 5. Stay curious to emotions rather that reacting: rather than asking ‘why am I feeling what I’m feeling?’ stay curious to the experience of the feeling. PGMAG: What is the best approach to prepare for the New Year? SR: Be curious to an everchanging world outside of ourselves and within ourselves. PGMAG: Please tell us more about your business. SR: I’ve always been fascinating with our relationship with pain and how that influences our perception of life and our relationship with it. My personal and professional experience has taught me that pain is often about our own resistance to our experience through an unwillingness to face feeling as they are rather than telling ourselves a
express and use to inspire
others. Stay curious to your feelings, they may enable you
I’ve worked with thousands of clients now over the last 15 years and behind the physical and mental symptoms there often are deeper layers of feelings that are unexplored and initially painful on the surface but bring deeper meaning and a sense selfacceptance once they are embraced. They even change
The first step is ‘Relief’ from their stress ruling their lives, then ‘Recover’ from the influence of stress and finally and most importantly ‘Create’ their unique version of freedom from stress in their life.
to be even more of service. PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self? SR: Accept yourself. Its all important and of service to you and life. PGMAG: Thank you for your
PGMAG: What was the best
SR: It’s been my pleasure!
the way be experience life and our relationship with it!
advice you were given as an I typically work with my
entrepreneur, and by whom?
PGMAG: Please share your links with us.
client for 3,6 or 12 months to support them to create a
SR: The most damaging words
lasting experience of life that
are ‘I know that’.
they didn’t think was possible.
SR: www.restoreyourbodynow.
My clients all go through a
PGMAG: What were the top
3-step system as we work
three books that changed your
in partnership to reach their
specific goals. The first step is ‘Relief’ from their stress ruling
SR: The Power of Now, Eckhart
their lives, then ‘Recover’ from
Tolle. The Alchemist, Paulo
the influence of stress and
Coelho. The Untethered Soul,
finally and most importantly
Michael A. Singer
‘Create’ their unique version of freedom from stress in their
PGMAG: What is your
life. Creating the experience
message for world leaders?
of that they want to step into ensures that they transform
SR: There is much more value
and experience a lasting
in you that you can explore,
narrative about what we are
POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION SUPPORTING WOMEN AND CHILDREN GLOBALLY (03RD APRIL 2021) Powerful Global Women Foundation in collaboration Royalty Kids Montessori School present A one day easter retreat for children and teenagers. Theme of the program was: The Total Child. The program includes reason for the season, cinema, POP quiz, music, baking and losts more. Mrs. Josephine, Phillip Itsuokor (Proprietress, Royalty Kids) was present as host. Over 100 children were in attendance during the program.
38 DECEMBER 2021
POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION CHILDREN RETREAT EVENT (12TH SEPTEMBER 2020) We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission. This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor).
40 DECEMBER 2021
POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION COVID-19 PROJECTS As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes. Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.
Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group. In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event. She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8. We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity. To support us, please visit: or email or
42 DECEMBER 2021
CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email
44 DECEMBER 2021