Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator
When I set out to 'deliver my someone' through magazine publication, I didn't know that we will arrive at this point in just under 5 years. Powerhouse Global Magazine is now being read in over 100 countries of the world - unbelievably beautiful... When I reflect on the journey we have made, all I see is the mighty hand of Almighty God who chose me to run this race as a global leader. I see the dedication and commitment of our design team - especially our lead person who has stayed with us since the inception of this publication. When I stop to ask myself some personal questions in times of difficulties - those times when it looks like no progress has been made. Those times when my strength feels little and doubt sets in. The answer that keeps coming up is: PASSION. Yes! My passion amongst other things has enabled me to keep serving through our global platforms - #pgmag being one of them. In all of this, we would not have gotten this far had it not been for your support. Thank you for helping us to get this far. I and my team remain committed to providing you with quality contents and design as we journey to the top. Thank you and keep winning.
Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
"Passion is one vital strength needed in the journey of becoming." – Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
PROF. OLGA MROZ Powerhouse Global Impact Leader
I remember reading her story in the 7th Powerhouse Global Book project, and she got me thinking… The sun and the unwavering and unconditional love her mother have for her. This woman is an inspiration to so many individuals around the world. She is one of the world’s finest leaders with a heart of service, great style, and taste of opulence. She is phenomenal in her field of play. Her paintings are in the hands of the rich and famous of the society. She is a global impact leader with a difference. This woman’s name is Prof. Olga Mroz. She is the director Open World and Art Business at Al-Khalifa Business School, and the Editor-In-Chief of AKBS Art Journal. She holds other titles, but she is a true leader with a heart of service. PGMAG: Prof. Olga, welcome to today’s
since childhood. It seems to me that my first
interview with Lady Anita.
acquaintance with painting happened before I was born. Mom, carrying me under her heart,
POM: Dear Lady Anita, it is my privilege and
drew children's pictures - a cheerful smiling sun
honour, and an important factor in times of
with little men dancing on it.
upheaval and change, to have a dialogue and exchange of views with you. You are a real
I organized my first exhibition of paintings in the
Leader for me, who moves forward step by step
entrance of our house when I was five years old.
and wins in the end.
They were smiling suns with freckles on their cheeks and big beams that looked like my mom's
PGMAG: You are a phenomenal woman with
curls. Mom played a big role in my life. She, like
deep sense of style. When did you realise that
a guardian angel, was there in difficult times. Her
you are going to be a successful artist?
words that she whispered to me from the day I was born “You are special, the sun loves you”
POM: I love the smell, play and movement
became the driving force throughout my life. This
of colours. The brush strokes that allow me
“feature” required discipline from me, helped me
to describe my state of mind and express my
to believe in myself. I learned to paint pictures not
feelings on canvas have been familiar to me
only with a brush, but also with my heart. JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
Yes, I have released my code. "Life Energy", this is my code, which allowed me to become successful, happy. Drawing, art has become the image and style of my life. Visiting museums, exhibitions and meeting artists inspire me to search for "My Self” on canvas. So, thanks to H.E. Zakyah Al Qaydi, The Private office of Her Highness Al Nahyan, I visited the Louvre and the Khawla Foundation for Art and Culture in Abu Dhabi, UAE. It inspired me to paint the painting "The Energy of Life", that is in the White House now. For me, art is my journey through fears, doubts, failures and disappointments. But this is the way to success, to joy and harmony in my life. The role of art in human life is invaluable. It brings people together, gives them the opportunity to communicate without words, feel each other's heartache and sympathize. I am grateful to fate, and I can
proudly say that my paintings
is not only how much we earn,
are in different parts of the
it is what kind of person we
globe. Through my paintings,
become by devoting time and a
I have the opportunity to
lifetime to our business. Having
evoke feelings, evoke positive
chosen a business to which we
emotions, bring joy to people
have a soul, and where we can
and influence the improvement
show all our talents, we open
of life on our planet.
the way to success.
PGMAG: As a leader, what
We get a sense of confidence
are the keys to building a
that our life is important and
successful business? POM:
meaningful. As for me, I have
No one is born a successful
clearly defined my purpose in
person, everyone strives for
business. I want to contribute
success, but only a few of them
to the improvement of people's
achieve it. It is important to
lives, to make the world more
define your own goals, desires
open, to bring art, knowledge
and attitudes. Turn your idea
and culture to the younger
into the goal of life and live
generation. This is a big task
this idea. Success in business
and a big responsibility. Its
solution requires great self-
which allowed me to become
the world, we celebrated
confidence and self-expression
successful, happy.
everyone's success.
satisfied with my achievements;
PGMAG: It was such a
We had a great stage to
I was flexible and open to
lovely experience to have
talk to each other of using
new ideas and challenges. An
spent quality time with you
different experiences, to act,
indestructible optimist lives in
at the recently concluded
to make decisions. This Summit
Powerhouse Global event.
gave me a new charge and
Thank you for taking time out
allowed me to look at my own
to grace the occasion.
activities from a different angle.
in specific cases. I was never
I am proud that I took part in the international project
But the main merit belongs
- BOOK "Cracking the Rich
POM: I am extremely grateful
to you - the founder and
Code". I am officially a #1
to you, dear Lady Anita, for
director Powerhouse Global,
international Best-Selling Co-
inviting me to the Powerhouse
with positive energy, vision,
Global Summit/Awards May
determination to make the
2022 in England. Those were
world a better place.
Yes, I have released my code.
incredible days. Together with
I had a special two days. I
"Life Energy", this is my code,
influential Leaders from around
received the Global Impact
get up, cry and rejoice, lose
and find. But every morning the sun's rays call us to live, and we start writing another new day of our life. Thank you, very much dearest Lady Anita_ Powerhouse Global Team and all my friends. Together, we can change the world!!! PGMAG: As a leader, what would you say has helped you to become a ‘global impact leaders? POM: If we have the right motivation in life, it will help us achieve more and more success on the world stage. A real Leader does not need external incentives, his energy is enough to motivate others. Motivation, motivation and more motivation. It makes us move forward. This is what makes our dreams come true. This encourages us to be as active as possible, new ideas are born. I'll give you an example.
Leader of the Year Award, and
the work I do. I'm full of energy
I recognised as a difference
and optimism. I can say "Yes, I
maker in the world. I am very
am successful».
happy and proud to receive this award. This is my result and my
Each of us has our “Path to
motivation for me to continue
the Sun”. We go forward, fall,
After graduating from school, with great enthusiasm, I began to get acquainted and be interested in the works of other artists. One idea after another arose in my head. I needed a large field to implement them.
Having selected a group
successful team. I have devoted
interested me and radiated
Therefore, I need success as a
myself to managing various
positive energy, I organized a
motivation for my growth as
art projects. All my projects
one-day exhibition for the sale
a person and as an outlet for
and exhibitions were aimed
of paintings on the street, since
global success.
at the development of social
I did not have the means to pay
and cultural innovations
for the premises. The paintings
PGMAG: Please tell us more
and were a great success. It
were held in the hands of the
about your business and how
also gave maximum financial
artists themselves. Although
it impacts the world.
freedom and independence.
there was not a single sale of
It is very important for me
paintings, I received a great
POM: I am the Professor,
to instill and pass on to the
boost of energy for my further
honorary Doctor of Art (DA
younger generation a love for
h.c.) and Director Open World
art, discover and support new
and Art Business Program in Al-
talents. It is great importance
Success was not long in
Khalifa Business School (AKBS)
not only for education but also
coming. I drew the attention
UK, the Editor and Chief of
for teaching young people to
of the press, and I received an
AKBS Journal. I am also a Board
form a cultural image, a new
invitation to prepare a project
Member delegate of Art and
in a business firm. Having
Culture of the Private Council
earned money, I immediately
of H.H. Prince Mahmoud Salah
As a director of Open World
bought the paintings from the
Al Din Assaf.
Program in Al-Khalifa Business
artists. That's how I got my first
School, I work under the
collection of paintings. Thanks
Al-Khalifa Business School
supervision of AKBS Chairman
to my self-confidence and
where I work, is focused on
and Founder H.E. Professor
opportunities, this exhibition
E-Learning on technology
Sir Manuel Freire- Garabal
has become the starting point
disrupting, Disruptive
y Nunez. H.E. Professor
of my long-term financial and
Innovation, supports
Sir Manuel is a lawyer and
creative success.
revolutionary changes in
journalist with an MBA and
education. The school listens to
more than 300 courses and
Success motivates me to do
the people and companies that
specialisations in different
good work. Knowing that
will hire our students, whose
areas from IVY league and Elite
my work and perseverance
success depends on our ability
Business Schools.
requires more professional
to provide innovative education
success and that my efforts are
to students.
going in the right direction, it motivates me to put in more
I have always been flexible and open to new ideas and
I am very proud, that I am a
challenges. During the acute JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
of artists whose paintings
part of the global multilingual
situation of the Pandemic,
to invest and create a Brighter
the life that inspired me.
we have developed together
Future, allow me to positively
I was lucky. My parents
with Professor Sir Manuel a
impact the global improvement
supported all my ideas since
new project "Art and positive
of life.
childhood, helped me to find
emotions - key success"
my way, my self. They had
aimed at improving the work
PGMAG: What are the top
a positive influence on the
of the team and the working
three keys to winning in life?
formation of my personality.
atmosphere in companies. This
For me, the Family plays one
helped to raise the productivity
POM: Returning home after
of the important values in my
level and efficiency of firms.
the conference, I thought about
life. My mother will soon be
However, a radical change was
what brought me to the top of
90 years old. But I still listen to
required in the management of
my victories. I'm sure it's my
her advice, her indispensable
firms and, above all, the leaders
job, but it's not just a job, it's a
experience in life. And my
themselves. We need to know
hard job that I chose myself. I
daughter is my closest friend.
that the new generation of
chose my own path, my own
This is a very important
leaders will be different. Who
business, thanks to which I am
factor for me to always be
are they, leaders of the future?
where I am now. The key to
in time and feel what the
These are young people -
victory is in each of our hands.
younger generation lives and
talented, successful, with a high
We just need to open the right
is interested in. Throughout
potential for professionalism.
door. By opening it, we get a
my career, my entire life path,
The leader of the future is
great chance to be successful
I have been accompanied by
tolerance, flexibility, and trust.
and happy in life. As a child, I
loyal and devoted friends, my
I would like to note that if we
was sure that I wanted to draw
life companions. I learned to
want to make changes, we
pictures. And these are not just
understand and appreciate the
must change ourselves. We
paintings, but my suns that will
selfless support of people close
must adapt to the progressive
give people positive energy,
to me, not to be offended by
evolution of global information
warmth, light and love.
their criticism or lack of time to
meet with me. For me, art in all its
My contributions to
manifestations has become the
I am sure that I have opened
education and social welfare,
meaning of my life. I studied
the right door to victory in life. I
and participation in major
architecture, theatre, music,
do what I love, I have a beloved
conferences such as World No.
cinema, drawing. I have worked
family and true friends. This is
1 Ritossa Global Family Office
on various projects related
my success.
Investment Conference, where
to art. And now I take all my
World Leaders and Elite Family
knowledge and experience to
PGMAG: Finally, what would
Office Investors unite together
the younger generation. I live
you say to your younger self?
10 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
POM: Looking back at the
beginning of my life, I want to say a big thank you to myself. Like everyone, I had victories and defeats. But each time, in difficult situations, I did not despair, did not give up, looking for a way out. In this case, I turned to art. I painted my picture. They were people dancing in the sun. They called me to life, to love. Yellow dominated the canvas. It is a bright, cheerful color that represents energy and movement. I felt energized and determined to move forward. I am also grateful to myself for always being a thirsty for knowledge, constantly learning, increasing the level of my knowledge. Education is the ticket to the future. Taking this opportunity, I want to appeal to young people: it is important to live in such a way as to leave a trace in life. You have the opportunity to achieve success in your life, to have a positive impact on life on our planet, to help make people happier. Do not miss your chance. Do not be afraid of mistakes and failures, defeats on the
way to success, accept sharp
in my person and the invitation.
challenges, improve knowledge. You are the pillars of the globe,
I enjoyed talking with you. It is
you are the new Leaders.
a great honour and pride for me to appear in your renowned
PGMAG: Thank you so much
for your time and we wish you success on your endeavours. POM: Dear Lady Anita, thank you very much for your interest
RAQUEL MILLER (RM) PGMAG: Raquel, welcome to today’s interview with Lady Anita. RM: Lady Anita, thank you for your interest and for providing this forum for discussion. PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. RM: My name is Raquel Miller, and in a sense, I’m another soul on my journey to self-fulfilment, a seeker, looking to understand myself and my place in the world. I’m the founder of Bunchful, a social enterprise that aims to enhance the work of the giving community and to inspire the growth of generosity as a global way of life. I’m also a Caribbean American. I was born in Jamaica, but I cut my teeth in New York, where I now reside, and have, since the 90’s, after I took my passport and left my small island home, one weekend, while my father was away. I had pooled all the money I received from my high school graduation and after ticket and other travel expenses, I landed at JFK with $75, which I thought was just glorious. PGMAG: It was a great privilege to have spent some time with you at the recently concluded Powerhouse Global Leadership Summit/ Awards event. What where some of your take from the event?
12 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
RM: Having been to many leadership conferences, I have a context, a perspective and an expectation which I bring with me, when I attend such events, but the Powerhouse Global Leadership Summit & Awards surpassed any expectations I had - for never had I been at a conference that provided both global perspectives and an opportunity for deep intimacy amongst attendees. It had a kind of rawness and vulnerability that allowed the very spirit of the human soul to shine, like beacons on a hill, each of us spreading our own light, dancing, literally and figuratively, to the beats of our favourite drums. This event was inspired and inspiring, and it was so, because of your leadership, Lady Anita. You have provided a forum for those of us who are answering the call
but as a busy executive with
others, and at the event, you
precious little time outside of
shepherded the fulfilment of
work, she realized that her way
our greatest promise for that
of giving back would need to
week. I left the Powerhouse
be within the context of her
Global Leadership Summit &
job, so she created a company
Awards with some very strong
initiative to teach women in
bonds; I found kinship and
the local area how to sew
support, and I was overjoyed to
professionally. She found a
provide the same to others. PGMAG: Would you agree that the way forward for business growth is ‘collaboration?’ RM: Yes, in fact, I was recently asked this question, and the answer I provided is that there are many ways in which collaboration and partnerships can provide support for communities, while profiting for businesses. Long term and enduring partnerships with peer organizations, where participants engage in skill sharing and other outcomes can help generate big picture ideas and innovation that a business may not have achieved in isolation. There was a time, in the not-toodistant past, when companies only responsibility was to their shareholders, and they were allowed to pillage and plunder
for profits and care nothing about the communities that supported them or their people in service. It was a time when we, in a sense, were complicit with these actions, and we would close our eyes and go to sleep at night, but we have now been called, been roused from slumber. That encroaching noise we hear in the background, those small voices that say, ‘something is not right’, can no longer be ignored, because the dawning realization is that we must work together, and together, through collaborations, we can help build businesses that earn profits for owners and grow benefits for communities. In fact, I’m thinking of a story a friend told me of a client she had who worked for (Singer) - a sewing machine company. Her client wanted to find a way to
space and outfitted it with sewing machines and invited the locals, including women who sewed piecemeal work for a living, and through the initiative, she provided the sewing classes free of cost. What resulted was that the students vastly improved the professional quality of their sewing and were able to create greater income for themselves to support their families, and because they had come to know the quality of the Singer sewing machines, they bought those machines for use and recommended them to friends. This word of mouth spread through to larger neighbourhoods and helped promote the growth of Singer worldwide, as they became a household name, which vastly added to their bottom line and reputation.
give back to the community,
of our life, a call for service to
I wouldn’t have waited, I wouldn’t have been afraid to let my voice be heard, and I certainly wouldn’t have lived a life that others wanted of me and not one I wanted for myself.
Now, more than ever, we
recovery and its partnerships
together. As the song writer,
are beginning to understand
that help address economic
Peter Schickele, wrote:
that the only way forward
and social conditions and
“No man is an island,
is together, and when a firm
crisis prevention. We have
No man stands alone,
places genuine collaboration
also seen internal shifts within
Each man's joy is joy to me,
at its root, it permeates
corporations like M&T Bank,
Each man's grief is my own.
throughout the organization,
which has grown its resource
We need one another,
and its people lead from that
groups to further a push for
So, I will defend,
source and find creative ways
diversity, equity and inclusion
Each man as my brother,
for the business to thrive, while
for its employees, an initiative
Each man as my friend.”
fulfilling its other aspirational
I learned about through its
goals. Many enterprises are
local branch in the Forest Hills
PGMAG: Please tell us more
now giving shape and meaning
neighbourhood of Queens,
about your organisation,
to initiatives that are for the
New York.
examples are Vista Equity
We are all on a continuum,
RM: Bunchful is a social
Partners’ commitment to
some ahead and some behind,
enterprise organization that is
net zero emissions by 2050,
and when we share the
all about giving. Our mandate is
across its product portfolio,
resources we have with those
to shine the spotlight on those
Amazon employees packing
behind us, and ourselves are
who give, and we’ve coined
over 200,000 hygiene kits for
helped by those ahead, we
the term “bunchful” to mean
Ukrainian refugees, Bank of
have an opportunity to realize
sharing your wealth and your
America’s focus on economic
the great promise of our lives,
abundance with others.
greater good. Just a few
14 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
Our suite of services currently
placed under redevelopment,
the Bunchful Awards and
includes the BE BUNCHFUL
adding new feature sets based
the Bunchful Summit, are
technology platform, the
on user requests and will be
focussed on delivery of the
Bunchful Awards and the
relaunching it due course. As to
UN Sustainable Development
Bunchful Summit, as well as
our organization’s main services
Goals, UNSDG’s.
the Bunchful Podcast, which
at present:
I’ll detail below. We also have a
The Bunchful Awards’ was
technology, called EnsomCity,
The BE BUNCHFUL platform
inspired by by grandmother’s
which we recently launched
was built exclusively for brands
generosity to others and
to hundreds of Amazon
to showcase their portfolio
nominations are open to the
employees for them share their
of philanthropy stories and
public and for anyone to
gifts with each other through
showcase the social good they
apply or to nominate others
a talent showcase. We were
do, all on one platform, helping
for an award. The criteria for
surprised by its impact and
to lead through philanthropy.
an award were developed by
near 100% engagement by the
Presently, a brand may apply
an independent, diverse and
participants, until we realized
for access to the Bunchul
inclusive body of persons from
how it positively impacted
Badge, by demonstrating how
around the globe.
their mental health. EnsomCity
they give back to support
is an opportunity for self-
causes in their community or
The Bunchful Summit
expression, to give to ourselves
the world at large.
accompanies the Bunchful
and let our talents shine. We’ve taken the platform and
Awards with engaging panels Our two main events,
that tackle questions around
The Bunchful Podcast invites listeners to travel across time to peek into the history, culture and future of giving with real and mythological stories about giving and its significance and impact in shaping our world.
local and international needs,
scale that smaller entities can
as well as technological
manage and consume, so that
solutions and how all of
neighbourhoods can truly
this can enable even more effective philanthropy in the future. We are proud that our organization’s charitable beneficiary for our events is the International Rescue Committee (IRC), which has boots on the ground in areas of crises around the globe. The Bunchful Podcast invites
My message to these leaders and others is that it is the culminative effect of all our actions that has led to the current crises we face, and that the resolution to a sustainable future lies in addressing root causes.
flourish. PGMAG: Please tell us more about your business and how it impacts the world. RM: At Bunchful, we believe that giving is more than just a single act of writing a check. It is the continuous action of caring and supporting those
listeners to travel across time
and others is that it is the
who need it most, and by
to peek into the history, culture
culminative effect of all our
supporting those who support
and future of giving with real
actions that has led to the
others, providing solutions to
and mythological stories about
current crises we face, and that
challenges people are facing
giving and its significance and
the resolution to a sustainable
now and into the future, we
impact in shaping our world.
future lies in addressing root
can impact and bring about
Listeners also hear from expert
causes. No issue stands alone,
the change we want to see
guests and innovators who are
and we must look to provide
in the world, such as helping
leading through philanthropy,
support and sustenance,
to bolster neighbourhoods,
tackling questions and devising
not only for ourselves, but
facilitating continued
solutions around local and
for the wellbeing of others,
education and upskilling,
international needs.
particularly those in great need,
creating opportunities
so that some of the issues that
for social mobilization,
PGMAG: What is your
contributed to the growing
championing rehabilitation and
message for world leaders?
devastation of our planet can
infrastructure. That is the mark
RM: At the recent gathering
be addressed, and people aren’t
we want to leave in the world.
of world leaders at the COP
forced to make devastatingly
This is the service we are asking
26 conference, there was
impactful decisions simply
of ourselves and others. There
much discussion and energy
to survive, that programs
is a quote from Shakespeare
around climate action, which
that are so easily available
that says: “The evil that men do
is an issue at the forefront of
to large organizations with
lives after them, and the good
the global crisis in our world.
seemingly limitless resources
is oft interred with their bones”,
My message to these leaders
are also made available at a
but I believe the opposite can
16 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
of return, but to give because
know that life’s a gift, and what
that we do can live after us and
giving is its own end, its own
a magnificent gift it is to have
not be interred with our bones.
joy and peace, the very essence
of life, and that through giving PGMAG: If you knew what
of our gifts, our talents and
PGMAG: Thank you for
you know now, what would
our resources, we are in fact
sharing your brilliance with us.
you do differently?
fulfilling our own purpose. It was this belief that drove her
RM: Thank you, Lady Anita
RM: I wouldn’t have waited, I
and so many others in our small
and the Powerhouse Global
wouldn’t have been afraid to
village community and helped
network. I see in you and
let my voice be heard, and I
us thrive together. Later, I also
your organization, a fellow
certainly wouldn’t have lived
learned this from my dad, and
leader and great philanthropist,
a life that others wanted of
though I often say that my dad
leading and empowering
me and not one I wanted for
was many things, one of those
others to do the same, so a
myself. I would have asked
things was a contagious giver,
big bunchful of thanks for this
for what I wanted, I would
who gave continuously, never
invitation to our discussion and
have lived authentically and
asking for anything in return,
for the important and impactful
let all my gifts shine through,
but in his turn, also accepted
work you are doing.
and I would, most certainly,
graciously, and so, to answer
much sooner, have forgiven
your question more fully, I, too,
PGMAG: Please share your
myself and others, forgiven
would have accepted the help
website/links with us:
the “thousand natural shocks
of others much sooner in order
that flesh is heir to”, to quote
to fulfil my greater purpose, but
RM: https://bunchful.com
Shakespeare, again.
the day is still young, and:
Social handles: @bunchful @ bebunchful @ensomcities
Most recently, upon a diagnosis
“I have promises to keep,
of cancer, when the night was
and miles to go before I sleep,
darkest, and deep stasis had
miles to go, before I sleep.”
set in, a light came shining into
- from a Robert Frost poem.
my body, flooding my very soul, rousing me to action,
PGMAG: Finally, what would
and I thought about when
you say to your younger self?
Bunchful really began, back in Jamaica, as I held onto my
RM: What I do say to myself
grandmother’s skirts and she
now and would to my younger
taught me that when we give,
self is that “I do not know if life
it is not for the expectation
is long or if life is short, but I JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
also be true and that the good
arvin Muoneké dubs himself as 'The
legendary songwriters of the Great American
Young Man with The Old Soul" and
Songbook and he is also an extremely seasoned
once you hear his voice and style,
arranger, creating arrangements of his own
you'll understand why.
songs as well as other well-known standards.
Marvin is a gifted jazz singer, songwriter, arranger and producer with a voice that Debbie
In 2017 Marvin graduated with a BA in
McGee (wife of the late, great Paul Daniels) once
Professional Music Performance and Production
referred to as rich, deep and wonderful; a voice
at Bath Spa University.
that is heavily influenced by the likes of Nat 'King' Cole, Paul Robeson, Billy Eckstine, Frank
He has performed with notable jazz ensembles
Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Mel Tormé, to name
including the Down for the Count Swing
but a few.
Orchestra and the National Youth Jazz Orchestra.
In addition to his singing, Marvin also writes his own songs in the traditional style of the
18 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
Marvin was also given the honour.
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Beginning September 2022 20 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
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Business & Leadership Column
22 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
Larisa Miller, business leader, entrepreneur, and
Miller. With herd management, veterinary care and
disruptor, may have done business around the
nutrition being the centerpoint of the Keystone
world for many years, but has found her most
model, Larisa Miller is supported on the leadership
meaningful impact on the farms in her home
team by Dr. James Holt, chief veterinarian and
state of Pennsylvania, USA. With food security
Dave Rodgers, chief herd manager. Collectively,
being our number one global crisis, recognizing
this trio of agricultural visionaries have built a
that there won’t be an investment in any
program that is being heralded as “the future
industry or sector that will make sense if we
of beef”. “Our model removes the big packer
can’t feed ourselves, Larisa is pioneering a new
margin, allowing us to offer our clients a secure,
way forward for secure beef production. As
transparent and condensed supply chain, that
president and CEO of Keystone Farm Future,
guarantees that the supermarket has high-quality
Inc, Larisa created a transformational livestock
beef on their shelves – regardless of disruptions
management model that ensures supply chain
in industry or society; that our family farms are
security for supermarkets, a fair and sustainable
given a clear, fair and economically sustainable
income for family farms, and locally grown and
way-forward raising our livestock; and that we
produced, high-quality beef for consumers.
can assist our small and medium-sized processors
Focusing on five pillars of animal health,
to gain strength and momentum, taking a portion
biosecurity, animal welfare, environmental
of the market share that would normally belong
stewardship and nutrition, the Keystone Farm
to the large multinational packers who have
Future business model de-risks the beef supply
controlled the industry for decades”, says Miller.
chain for the supermarket, ensuring they have
“We are never going back to normal, because
a surety of supply and a top product to add to
‘normal’ was the problem, and I’m so fortunate to
offer their customers.
have the shared vision, knowledge and expertise of Dr. Holt and Dave Rodgers, as we work to
“No matter how transformational an idea is,
reshape, innovate and architect a new way
an idea remains an idea without the team to
forward for one of our most critical industries.”
execute it, and I am fortunate to have a worldclass team working to not only execute this
idea, but to reshape an entire industry”, notes
Website: www.keystonefarmfuture.com JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
Keystone Farm Future leadership team: (L to R) Dave Rodgers, chief herd manager; Larisa Miller, President & CEO; and Dr. Jim Holt, chief veterinarian.
24 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
Larisa Miller, Dave Rodgers and Meghan Sinisi, Miss Pennsylvania 2021 at the Keystone Farm Future Induction Facility in Nottingham, Pennsylvania.
Dave Rodgers, chief herd manager and Larisa Miller, president and CEO of Keystone Farm Future
Keystone Farm Future cattle
Keystone Farm Future Black Angus Steer JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
26 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
ust over a month ago we had the privilege
Dr. Ritesh Aggarwal of Psynergy Mental Health
of hosting some of the finest leaders from
Ltd, Angela Karanja and Cam. Sullivan Brown
around the world at the Powerhouse
delivered great topics during the sessions. This
Global leadership summit and awards event. The
was later followed by an afternoon Champagne
2-day event was a huge success because of the
High Tea where delegates and speakers were
contribution of individuals and organisations who
able to relax and network.
believe in our global mission. The event ended with the Awards ceremony The event started with a 1-day summit where
where leaders from all spheres of influence were
various topics were treated by experts in
honoured for their services to humanity. It was
personal and professional development fields –
a very colourful evening, and this can be seen
including technology panel session which was
in the photos. We look forward hosting more
moderated by one of the leading leaders in the
leaders next year.
industry (Mark D. Demers). The theme of the event (reposition for a sustainable future) was
We thank Almighty God for the opportunity
well covered during the event.
to serve. We also want to use this opportunity thank our sponsors and team members for
This was followed by masterclasses on the
helping to bring this vision alive.
morning of day 2 of the event where leaders such as: Garry M. Gillian of Bridge Eco Village,
- Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
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36 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
www.powerhouseglobalmag.com AUGUST 2022 # ISSUE 35
POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION SUPPORTING WOMEN AND CHILDREN GLOBALLY (03RD APRIL 2021) Powerful Global Women Foundation in collaboration Royalty Kids Montessori School present A one day easter retreat for children and teenagers. Theme of the program was: The Total Child. The program includes reason for the season, cinema, POP quiz, music, baking and losts more. Mrs. Josephine, Phillip Itsuokor (Proprietress, Royalty Kids) was present as host. Over 100 children were in attendance during the program.
40 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION CHILDREN RETREAT EVENT (12TH SEPTEMBER 2020) We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission. This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor).
42 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION COVID-19 PROJECTS As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes. Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.
Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group. In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event. She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8. We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity. To support us, please visit: www.powerhouseglobalwomen.com or email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com or powerhouseglobalmag@gmail.com
44 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37
CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com
46 JUNE-JULY 2022 # ISSUE 37